Page two €3 ;3.i yUiS.t.a CATSKDLL MOTOiTAIN KBmiA »;UM fam '" Cv^ MargaretvUle, N. Y., Friday, September 25, 1959 ANTI FREEZE SPECIAL PRESTONE . ZEREX $2.39 a gal. CASH and CARRY Hoses Theimostats GET FALL SERVICE NOW ! Davidsons Phone 1191 Service MargaretviUe DESIGNED FOR ACTION CAT. No. 955 TRAXCAYATOR FAST VERSATIIE DEPENDABLE Traxcavatori hav* a wide repufahon for ouhtanding performane# and low operating cost. The advanced de- sign of the No. 955 Traxeavator assures you of speed, versatility and dependability. _ Rugged construction, ease of operation, and low-cost main* tenance, make Traxcavator your best bet for increased production . . . greater orofif. For Full Information Call or Write Your Albany CATERPILLAR Dealer MENANDS, NEW YORK ALBANY. NEWYORK TELEPHONE 5-5255 Cof. ColwpillofO ld TnuoM lOfor. >agiilin<f Iciid«iM rfa .1Ik. C«t»plllai Irodot C« l . GALLI-CURCI THEAtRE Phone 2231—MargaretviUe Evening ^dw s Continuous From 7 P. M. Matinee Saturdays at 2 P. M. Regular Admission: Adults 75c, Children 35c Friday-Saturday Sept. 25-26 JOSEPH E.UVINE •^STEVE REEVES SV tVA KOSCINA Q IAN^UMARIA CANALE Fabriso M ioni•Ivo Garraoi• Arturo Dominia Mnnmo Palmara* Lidia A lfcJnsi •Glia Rovera 1 MBn>trPIETR0FRANCISCI-aiCAitniH .<M>Te*.nsTnuTninWarnerBrDS.|9 EASTMAN COLOR by Path e and in DYALISCOPE! Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Sept. 27-28-29 BOBHOPE RHONDA flU aS rstitaM. UESSE tXAMDES SiliteA iiil - WENDELL m M irIfD e lus • Mm ri •« Bwa nrnn CLOSED WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Friday-Saturday Oct. 2-3 NO NAME ON THE BULLET zm a « VIIIGINM niEir-WMREH SIHENS•R .G .ARMSIRONS , AUldVERStt-INIKNATIONALPICME —and— Fleischmanns Section Monday, Sept. 21,1959 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor Mrs. Diana Mathes and chil- dren, Evelyn and Alan, who have returned to their home in Kew Gardens, L. I., for the winter, spent the weekend at their home in town. They came to close their home and beauty salon for the winter. Wtaat Paint Can Do Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner have painted the exterior of their home in a shade of coral. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoeko are painting the exterior of their home in a pink color. Harold Townsend and Richard Baker are painting the Hoeko home. The pastel colors have greatly improved the appear- ance of both homes. Mr. and Mrs. William Cohen and sons attended the Bar-Mitzvah of their nephew, Michael David Cohen, in Mineola, L. I., Saturday. Tour Nova Scotia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd left Saturday to spend a three-week vacation in Nova Scotia. Their daughter, Susan, will live at the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell during their ab- sence. Mrs. Crawford Lasher has re- turned to her home in Waterbury, Conn., after spending a couple of weeks in town and with her daughter and family in Ludlow- ville. Mrs. Ivan Humphrey and daughter, Betty, took Mrs. Lasher to Kingston Thursday. There she was met by her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Felt- ma9 , for the trip home. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Klein closed their home and store and left Tuesday for their home in New York city. Mrs. Gladys O’Brien of Pitts- field, Mass., and Mrs. Ernest Roy of Aubumdale, Mass., are spend- ing a few days this week with Mrs. Victor Mayes. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Sternberg of Femdale and Mr. and Mrs. W ^rd' Martin of Hobart were Thursday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Baker. Miss Shaver Teaching Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaver spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cheetham in Whitesboro. They also visited their daughter, Miss Naomi Sha- ver, a faculty member at the Parkway school in Wlutesboro. She is teaching social studies and English. Mrs. Arie Stofle of Utica, mother of Mrs. Cheetham, accran- panied Mr. and Mrs. Shaver home Sunday for a week’s visit. Miss Jane Hastings is spending the week at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hastings, im Bovina Center. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Blish en- tertained her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman, of Egg Harbor, N. J., over the weekend. Mrs. James Davis and infant son, James Donald, returned home from MargaretviUe hospital Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lipton and family have moved to Kerhonkson for the winter. He will assist his brother, Harold, in the grocery business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Singer, par- ents of Mrs. Sam Davis, left Fri- day for their home in Miami. They spent the summer with their daughter and family in town. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pultz and son, Dickie, will leave Monday to spend the winter in St. Peters- burg, Fla. The Dry Brook board of educa- tion of the Methodist Sunday school and a planning committee will meet at the Fleischmanns par- sonage on Friday evening, Sept. 15, at 8 o’clock for the purpose of planning a Simday school at Dry Brook. Rev. William Campbell spent Thursday and Friday in Madison, N. J., to register for the fall se- mester at Drew university. Regu- lar sessions will begin on Monday, Sept. 28. Mr. and Mrs. SoUie Darling and son, James, left Saturday to spend a week’s vacation at Cape Cod., Mass. Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller and children, Merry Lou, Kathy and Mel, and the Misses Kaye and Suzanne Greene visited Mre. Ful- ler’s brother, Charles Greene, in Rifton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pulcrano, their daughter, Eleanor, and grandson, Allen, spent the week- end at their home in Lakewood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Todd and Miss Jane Hastings spent Friday over- night at the home of the latter’s niece, Mrs. George Booth, in Saranac Lake. On Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Todd visited at Lake Placid and made a trip to White- face Mt. On Sunday they all went to Massena, where th^y visited the St. Lawrence Seaway, returning home on Tuesday. Mrs. George Gougoutris and son, Tommy, her father, Tony Cirami, and her sister, Renee Cirami, at- tended the Great Barrington fair on Saturday. James Davis left Monday to be- gin his senior year at Ithaca col- lege. Milton Hirsh spent Svmday at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robe'rt Sturtz, and family in Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Furch re- turned home Wednesday after spending a few days at Black Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martin of Rensselaer spent the weekend at the Anderson home on Greene Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haimowitz have closed their store and home, and left Friday for their home in the Bronx. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and sons, Ronald and Danny, of Yon- kers spent the weekend at their home in town. Mrs. Frank Greene attended an executive meeting of licensed prac- tical nurses at the court house in Kingston on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Maxim, who will celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary on Oct. 1; to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mayes on their 44th wedding an- niversary Oct. 4; to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright on their 18th wed- ding anniversary Oct. 7, and to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Todd on their 51st wedding anniversary Oct. 7. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Mel- vin Mayes Sept. 28; to Mrs. Hil- ton Kelly Sept. 30; to Sharon Pultz on her 14th birthday Oct. 4; to Mrs. Sydney Silberstein on Oct. 6;. to Vicki Lynn Faulkner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner, on her fifth birthday Oct. 8; to Mrs. Luman Searle on Oct. 10, and to Mr. amd Mrs. Louis Denis, whose birthdays fall on the same date, Oct. 12. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Insler and family have returned to their home in MargaretviUe after spending the summer at the family home in town. Mrs. Evelyn Reynolds of New Brunswick, N. J., with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, of Jamaica, L. I., and Mrs. Harry StiUweU of New York city spent Sunday and Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Archibald. They came to attend the funercil of Arthur Gorsch on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mildred Tubbs, a former resident, spent the last week at the home of Mrs. Arthur Avery. She left Tuesday to visit r^tives fii Franklin. Kelly Comers Twins Are Identical Mrs. Raymond KratochvU and twin sons, Chris and Ray, re- turned home from MargaretviUe hospital Tuesday. The twins are identical, with Chris weighing five pounds 14 ounces and Ray five pounds 10 ounCfes a t bijrth. Mrs. Gertrude KratochvU, who has been assisting at her daughter-in- law’s home during her confine- ment, has returned to her home in Halcott Center. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruchman have closed their home in town and returned to their home in Kingston. Their son, Martin, has resigned his position as assistant manager at the local A&P store and left Tuesday to enter the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he wiU study industrial photography. Mrs. Martin Samuels and son, Donald, of Brooklyn spent Sun- day with Miss Rose Samuels. Mar- tin Samuels returned home with his famUy after spending three weeks with his sister. Miss Sam- uels. Marion Morse and Edward Al- ton spent the weekend at Maple- crest, attending an assembly of Methodist men. They were ac- companied by Herman Wickham of MargaretviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Baker and chUdren, Jimmy and Diana, of MargaretviUe were Sunday din- ner guests of his pjirents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Baker, to cele- brate Richard’s birthday. Mrs. Clifford Greene and grand- son, Ricky Faulkner, visited her mother, Mrs. Susan Lodovice, in Walton Sunday afternoon. J. K. Haynes motored to New York Thursday to meet his daugh- ter, Mrs. Reynoso, and four chU- dren from Mexico City. They wiU spend a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haynes. Recent guests at the Haynes home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul RUey and famUy of Hart- ford, Conn., and Daniel O’Meara of Staten Island. Mr. RUey and Mr. O’Meara are former residents of Highmount. NeU Jocelyn, who is, employed in New York city, visited his par- ents at Highmoimt the last week- end. Seth Jr. and NeU celebrated their birthdays. Mr, and Mrs. T. Cinque and^son, Anthony, of Astoria, L. I., were guests at the Kralik home a few days the past week. They en- joyed the views of Highmount, in- the BeUeayre Mt. and chair lift. KeUy Comers, Sept. 22 Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm Wright of Rumney Depot, N. H., and his mother, Mrs. Luella Wright, of Andes were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard LaAvrence. Mrs. George Clum spent Friday visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Lawyer, at Ashland. Keators Have Son Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Keator on the birth of a son, Stephen Ward, Saturday morning, Sept. 19, at Margaret- viUe hospital. Mrs. Robert Hoy, Mrs. W. Grant KeUy euid ' Mrs. William Valk attended a Home Demon- stration meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ivan MiUer in Mar- garetviUe. Mrs. C. Wood and son, Bruce, of South Oremge, N. J., <»Ued on Mrs. W. Grant KeUy. 4 George MiUer is a patient at Albany Veterans hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hsury Eckert Jr. and son, Carl, of Roscoe spent Simday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Valk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Valk of Easton, Pa., were Sunday guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. WUliam VaUc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and daughters, Patsy and SaUy, spent Sunday with his father, WUson Hoy, and famUy at DownsviUe. Mrs. W. Grant KeUy and Miss Lena McCsinn were Monday "caU- ers of Mrs. Henry Buck at West DeUii. Mr. and Mrs. George Clum visited his brother, Frank Clum, in a nursing home in Unadilla, and his brother, Preston Qum, in Sid- ney, also his niece, Mrs. Warren W. CrandaU, in Sidney. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence spent Saturday and Sunday with iheir daughter, Mrs. Clayton Rob- erts, and famUy at Ithaca. Mrs. John Alton spent the week- end at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Day- ton Searle, in MargaretviUe. Attorney Eugene Joyce of Oak Ridge, Tenn., and his mother, Mrs. James Joyce, of CatskiU visited friends in town on Monday. At- torney Joyce, with his wife and two chUdren are visiting his moth- er in CatskiU. This was his first trip back to Fleischmanns since the family moved away 15 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelder and famUy have moved from the up- stairs apartment in the RusseU Kelder home to their new home in the miUyard. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond KratochvU and family moved from their apartment to the ap£u:tment vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Kelder. Mr. and Mrs. James Barton left Thursday to spend a week’s vaca- tion with his brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bar - ton, in NashviUe, Tenn. Mrs. Berdine Streeter spent the weekend with her son-in-leiw and daughter, Mr< and Mrs. Eldon Kittle, in BedeU. A pot-luck supper was enjoyed by the young people of the MYF of the Methodist church at their regular meeting Sunday evening. Crawford Greene, a surgery pa- tient at the Kingston hospital, is gaining. Mrs. Greene is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Smith, in Woodstock to be near her husband. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fuller and son, Jamie, of Stratford, Conn., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ful- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and daughters, Judith Ann and Mari- anne, of NiverviUe were Silnday guests at the home of his unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, and famUy. Have New Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor be- came the ^ e n ts of a daughter, bom on Friday, Sept. 18, at Mar- garetviUe hospital. The new ar- rival weighed six poimds 4% ounces and has been named Debra Jesm. Mrs. Taylw: and daughter returned home Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudolf and chUdren of West isUp, L. I., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ward Reynolds. Mrs. Rudolf and chUdren remained for a few weeks. The first meeting of the Gu:l Scout and Brownie troops wiU be held on Monday, Sept. 28, after school at the Fleischnumns fire haU. Shandaken Shandaken, Sept. 22 Rudy Frank Jr. left by plane for Urbana, Dl., Sept. 8 to enter the student rehabUitation center of the University of Illinois. Rudy has chosen the Uberal arts course and wiU major in EngUsh and jomnaUsm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kalous of Long Island City were guests of Mrs. LuciUe Hogstrom the past week. Mrs. Edward Briggs of Traro, Mass., was a weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. F. S. Osterhoudt. On Friday they caUed on Mrs. Mabel Hudler in Mt. Tremper. ChEurles W hite of West Park visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy White, early this week. Postmaster and Mrs. Frank Platz have returned from a vaca- tion spent on Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Harold BeU and sons of Lake Katrine were week- end guests of Mrs. BeU’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward HummeU. Mrs. Percy White spent the weekend with relatives at the Lester Rosa camp in Dry Brook. Mrs. J. Johnson of Walton was a guest of Mrs. F. P. Cary several days this week. On Wednesday Mrs. Cary, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. G. M. Beekman enjoyed a picnic at West Branch camp. Mr. emd Mrs. Dick Heinlein and son, Richard, of the Bronx were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buckman. The roast beef supper given by the lOOF lodge at the Glenbrook hotel Saturday brought approxi- mately $430. Mrs. F. S. Osterhoudt and Mrs. Edward Briggs were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cleaveland Saturday evening. W rite Letters In O ctober’s 1st W eek The 22d annual letter writing week wiU be celebrated in Mar- garetvUle during the week of Oct 4 to 10, says Postmaster Gavette. Posters, depicting a mailman in a new postal vehicle called the mailster, wUl be displayed in post offices throughout the country. Colorful streamers, proclaiming that “Letters are fun to send and exciting to receive,” wiU be dis- played on postal veWcles. "I^e special week should serve as a reminder to write long- overdue ■‘lettCTS . : servicemen, hospitalized patiente, foreign ac- quaintances, faraway friends and relatives, and others. Furniture Auction Ora Baker, having sold his home in the village of Roxbury, N. Y., on Locust street, will sell on Friday, Sept. 25 At 12:30 P. M. The furniture consisting of refrigerator, combination coal and gas range, water heater, table and chairs, buffet, beds, dressers, wash stands, safe, 2 birdseye maple dressers, davenport, odd chairs, single bed, chest of drawers, rug, cots, tinware, dishes, quantity of small and garden tools, etc. Also a load of furniture from an area home will b6 sold. Terms Cash Auctioneer: A. J. AIKENS For Auction Service of Any Type . . . Call Aikens’ Auction Service Delhi 7-2371 FURNITURE AUCnON At Aikens’ Auction Bam DELANCEY, N. Y. Saturday, Sept. 26 At 10:30 A.M. We Will Sell the Furniture of Orley Wormsley Jr. From Unadilla OUwon refrigerator, lHagic Chef gas range, dinette set, davenport and chairs, heating stove, 2 metal cabinets, Blayta^ washer, bunk beds, medicine cabinet, Hollywood bed and mat- tress (new), table and chairs, dresser and mirror, 5-drawer cbest, radio, lamps, stands, extension table and chairs, buffet, record player, trunk, toys, dishes and drapes. There is a quantity of garden toids, crocks, wheelbarrow, motor and grinder, jig saw, 28-ft. extension ladder, cultivator, table saw, etc. ANTIQUES Pine chest, chest of drawers, 4 clocks, lamps, Bose in Snow water pitcher, glassware, dishes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. * Terms: Cash Limch Available Auctioneer; A. J. AIKENS AIKEP^’ AUCTION SERVICE DAancey, N. Y.—Ph<me Delhi 7-2371 Mt. Tremper By Mrs. lllathilde Smith Mt. Tremper, Sept. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. WUbur and daughter, Ruth, attended a reunion in the Reformed church at Shokan last Sunday. -- Gave Stork Shower A stork shower was given by Mrs. Francis Phillips at her home Friday for Mrs. Arthur Smith. About 20 guests were present. Mr. emd Mrs. ComeUus V, SeweU of Woodstock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emest Gardner Simday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeGraff of West Hurley visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis Phillips on Sunday. Weatherproof Plastic Impregnated POSTED SIGNS Have Met With Wide Public Acceptance A new type of plastic impregnated weatherproof sig^ for posting land introduced by the CatskiU Mountain News a few years ago has won wide acceptance among landowners. The signs are low in cost and stand long hard use. They are easy to put up and are readable for a long time. Standard Sgn With Blank !^>ace for Owner’s Name . each CSieaper in Quantities Over 100 10c On Mail Orders Please Include 43c for Postage ALSO AVAILABLE WITH OWNER’S NAME PRINTED ON SIGN AT SMALL ADDITIONAL CHARGE A free copy of the Conservation Law Relating to the posting of land with each order. The CatsldD Mountain News Phone 2231 MargaretviUe, N. Y.

Page two KBm iA Fleischmanns Sectionnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1959-09-25/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Fabriso Mioni • Ivo Garraoi • Arturo Dominia Mnnmo Palmara* Lidia AlfcJnsi

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Page two€ 3 ;3 .i y U i S . t . a

CATSKDLL MOTOiTAIN K B m iA »;UM fa m '" Cv^ MargaretvUle, N. Y., Friday, September 25, 1959


$2.39 a gal.CASH and CARRY

Hoses TheimostatsGET FALL SERVICE NOW !

DavidsonsPhone 1191






Traxcavatori hav* a wide repufahon for ouhtanding performane# and low

operating cost. The advanced de­sign of the No. 955 Traxeavator assures you of speed, versatility and dependability. _

Rugged construction, ease of operation, and low-cost main*

tenance, make Traxcavator your best bet for increased production . . . greater orofif.

For Full Information Call or Write Your Albany CATERPILLAR Dealer


ALBANY. NEW YORK TELEPHONE 5-5255Cof. Colwpillof Old TnuoMlOf or. >agiilin<f Iciid«iMrfa .1 Ik. C«t»plllai Irodot C«l.

GALLI-CURCI THEAtREPhone 2231—MargaretviUe

Evening ^dws Continuous From 7 P. M. Matinee Saturdays at 2 P. M.

Regular Admission: Adults 75c, Children 35c

Friday-Saturday Sept. 25-26JOSEPH E.UVINE





Fabriso Mioni • Ivo Garraoi • Arturo DominiaMnnmo Palmara* Lidia AlfcJnsi • Glia Rovera

1 MBn>trPIETR0FRANCISCI-aiCAitniH.<M>Te*.nsTnuTninWarnerBrDS.|9EASTMAN COLOR by Path e and in DYALISCOPE!

Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Sept. 27-28-29


UESSE tXAMDES SiliteAiiil- WENDELL mMir If De lus • Mmri •« B wa nrnn


Friday-Saturday Oct. 2-3





— a n d —

F le isch m an n s SectionMonday, Sept. 21,1959 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor

Mrs. D iana M athes and chil­dren, Evelyn and Alan, who have returned to the ir home in Kew Gardens, L. I., for the winter, spent the weekend a t th e ir home in town. They came to close their home and beauty salon for the w inter.

W taat P a in t Can DoMr. and Mrs. Jam es Faulkner

have painted the exterior of their home in a shade of coral. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoeko are painting the exterior of the ir home in a pink color. H arold Townsend and Richard B aker are painting the Hoeko home. The pastel colors have greatly improved the appear­ance of both homes.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Cohen and sons attended the Bar-M itzvah of their nephew, Michael David Cohen, in Mineola, L. I., Saturday.

T our N ova S co tia M r. and Mrs. R obert Todd left

Saturday to spend a three-w eek vacation in Nova Scotia. Their daughter, Susan, will live a t the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell during their ab­sence.

Mrs. Crawford Lasher has re ­turned to her home in W aterbury, Conn., a fte r spending a couple of weeks in town and w ith her daughter and fam ily in Ludlow- ville. Mrs. Ivan Hum phrey and daughter, B etty, took M rs. Lasher to K ingston Thursday. There she was m et by her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M ilton F elt- ma9 , for the trip home.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Klein closed the ir home and store and left Tuesday fo r the ir home in New York city.

M rs. Gladys O’Brien of P itts ­field, Mass., and Mrs. E rnest Roy of Aubumdale, Mass., are spend­ing a few days this week w ith Mrs. V ictor Mayes.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon S ternberg of Fem dale and Mr. and Mrs. W ^rd ' M artin of H obart were Thursday afternoon guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. R ichard W. Baker.

Miss Shaver Teaching Mr. and Mrs. S tanley Shaver

spent the weekend a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cheetham in W hitesboro. They also visited the ir daughter, Miss Naomi Sha­ver, a faculty m em ber a t the Parkw ay school in W lutesboro. She is teaching social studies and English. Mrs. Arie Stofle of Utica, m other of Mrs. Cheetham, accran- panied M r. and Mrs. Shaver home Sunday for a week’s visit.

Miss Jane H astings is spending the w eek a t the home of her b ro ther and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. M ilton H astings, im Bovina Center.

Mr. and Mrs. M arion Blish en­tertained her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman, of Egg H arbor, N. J., over the weekend.

Mrs. Jam es Davis and infant son, Jam es Donald, re turned home from M argaretviUe hospital Wed­nesday.

M r. and Mrs. Alvin Lipton and fam ily have moved to Kerhonkson for the w inter. He w ill assist his brother, Harold, in the grocery business.

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Singer, par­ents of Mrs. Sam Davis, le ft F ri­day for the ir home in Miami. They spent the summer w ith their daughter and fam ily in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pultz and son, Dickie, will leave M onday to spend the w inter in S t. Peters­burg, Fla.

The D ry Brook board of educa­tion of the M ethodist Sunday school and a planning com m ittee will m eet a t the Fleischm anns par­sonage on Friday evening, Sept. 15, a t 8 o’clock for the purpose of planning a Sim day school a t Dry Brook.

Rev. W illiam Campbell spent Thursday and Friday in Madison, N. J., to reg ister for the fall se­m ester a t Drew university. Regu­la r sessions will begin on Monday, Sept. 28.

M r. and Mrs. SoUie D arling and son, Jam es, le ft Saturday to spend a week’s vacation a t Cape Cod., Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Fuller and children, M erry Lou, K athy and Mel, and the Misses Kaye and Suzanne Greene visited Mre. Ful­le r’s brother, Charles Greene, in R ifton Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pulcrano, their daughter, Eleanor, and grandson, Allen, spent the week­end a t th e ir home in Lakewood, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. O tis Todd and Miss Jane H astings spent F riday over­n ight a t the home of the la tte r’s niece, Mrs. George Booth, in Saranac Lake. On S aturday Mr, and Mrs. Todd visited a t Lake Placid and made a trip to W hite- face Mt. On Sunday they all went to Massena, where th^y visited the S t. Lawrence Seaway, return ing home on Tuesday.

Mrs. George Gougoutris and son, Tommy, h er father, Tony Cirami, and her sister, Renee Cirami, a t­tended the G reat B arrington fa ir on Saturday.

Jam es Davis le ft Monday to be­gin his senior year a t Ithaca col­lege.

M ilton H irsh spent Svmday a t the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robe'rt S turtz, and fam ily in H unter.

M r. and Mrs. Leon Furch re ­turned home W ednesday after spending a few days a t Black Lake.

M r. and Mrs. Ralph M artin of Rensselaer spent the weekend a t the Anderson home on Greene Hill.

M r. and Mrs. Jack Haimowitz have closed their store and home, and left F riday for the ir home in the Bronx.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack F isher and sons, Ronald and Danny, of Yon­kers spent the weekend a t the ir home in town.

M rs. F rank Greene attended an executive m eeting of licensed prac­tical nurses a t the court house in Kingston on Thursday.

C ongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H iram Maxim, who w ill celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary on Oct. 1; to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mayes on th e ir 44th wedding an­niversary Oct. 4; to Mr. and Mrs. H arold W right on the ir 18th wed­ding anniversary Oct. 7, and to Mr. and Mrs. O tis Todd on their 51st wedding anniversary Oct. 7.

B irthday greetings to Mrs. Mel­vin Mayes Sept. 28; to Mrs. H il­ton K elly Sept. 30; to Sharon Pultz on her 14th birthday Oct. 4; to Mrs. Sydney Silberstein on Oct. 6;. to Vicki Lynn Faulkner, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Jam es Faulkner, on her fifth birthday Oct. 8; to Mrs. Luman Searle on Oct. 10, and to Mr. amd Mrs. Louis Denis, whose birthdays fall on the sam e date, Oct. 12.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Insler and fam ily have returned to the ir home in M argaretviUe a fte r spending the sum m er a t the fam ily home in town.

Mrs. Evelyn Reynolds of New Brunswick, N. J., w ith her son and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. R obert Reynolds, of Jam aica, L. I., and Mrs. H arry StiUweU of New York city spent Sunday and Mon­day w ith Mr. and Mrs. F rank Archibald. They came to attend the funercil of A rthur Gorsch on Monday afternoon.

M rs. M ildred Tubbs, a form er resident, spent the las t w eek a t the home of Mrs. A rthur Avery. She le ft Tuesday to v isit r ^ t i v e s fii F ranklin.

Kelly Comers

T w ins A re Id e n tic a lM rs. Raymond KratochvU and

tw in sons, Chris and Ray, re ­turned home from M argaretviUe hospital Tuesday. The tw ins are identical, w ith Chris weighing five pounds 14 ounces and Ray five pounds 10 ounCfes a t bijrth. Mrs. G ertrude KratochvU, who has been assisting a t her daughter-in- law ’s home during her confine­m ent, has returned to her home in H alcott Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruchman have closed their home in town and returned to the ir home in Kingston. Their son, M artin, has resigned his position as assistant m anager a t the local A&P store and left Tuesday to en ter the Rochester In stitu te of Technology, where he wiU study industrial photography.

Mrs. M artin Samuels and son, Donald, of Brooklyn spent Sun­day w ith Miss Rose Samuels. M ar­tin Samuels returned home w ith his famUy a fte r spending th ree weeks w ith his sister. Miss Sam­uels.

M arion M orse and Edw ard Al­ton spent the weekend a t Maple- crest, attending an assembly of M ethodist men. They were ac­companied by H erm an W ickham of M argaretviUe.

Mr. and Mrs. R ichard G. B aker and chUdren, Jim m y and Diana, of M argaretviUe w ere Sunday din­n er guests of his pjirents, M r. and Mrs. R ichard W. B aker, to cele­b ra te Richard’s birthday.

Mrs. Clifford Greene and grand­son, Ricky Faulkner, visited her m other, Mrs. Susan Lodovice, in W alton Sunday afternoon.

J . K. Haynes m otored to New York Thursday to m eet his daugh­ter, Mrs. Reynoso, and four chU­dren from Mexico City. They wiU spend a few weeks a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haynes. Recent guests a t the Haynes home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul RUey and famUy of H art­ford, Conn., and Daniel O’M eara of S taten Island. M r. RUey and Mr. O’M eara are form er residents of Highmount.

NeU Jocelyn, who i s , employed in New York city, visited his p ar­ents a t Highmoimt the las t week­end. Seth J r . and NeU celebrated their birthdays.

M r, and Mrs. T. Cinque and^son, Anthony, of Astoria, L. I., were guests a t the K ralik home a few days the past week. They en­joyed th e views of Highmount, in-

the BeUeayre M t. and chair lift.

KeUy Com ers, Sept. 22Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm W right

of Rumney Depot, N . H., and his m other, Mrs. Luella W right, of Andes were Friday guests of M r. and Mrs. Howard LaAvrence.

Mrs. George Clum spent F riday visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Lawyer, a t Ashland.

K eato rs H ave SonCongratulations to Mr. and

Mrs. W ard K eator on the b irth of a son, Stephen W ard, Saturday morning, Sept. 19, a t M argaret­viUe hospital.

Mrs. R obert Hoy, Mrs. W. G rant KeUy euid ' Mrs. William Valk attended a Home Demon­stration m eeting Thursday a t the home of Mrs. Ivan MiUer in M ar­garetviUe.

M rs. C. Wood and son, Bruce, of South Oremge, N. J., <»Ued on Mrs. W. G rant KeUy.

4George MiUer is a patien t a t

Albany V eterans hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. H sury E ckert Jr . and son, Carl, of Roscoe spent Simday w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Valk.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Valk of Easton, Pa., were Sunday guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. WUliam VaUc.

Mr. and Mrs. R obert Hoy and daughters, P atsy and SaUy, spent Sunday w ith his father, WUson Hoy, and famUy a t DownsviUe.

Mrs. W. G rant KeUy and Miss Lena McCsinn were Monday "caU- ers of Mrs. H enry Buck a t W est DeUii.

Mr. and Mrs. George Clum visited his brother, F rank Clum, in a nursing home in Unadilla, and his brother, P reston Q um , in Sid­ney, also his niece, Mrs. W arren W. CrandaU, in Sidney.

M r. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence spent Saturday and Sunday w ith ih e ir daughter, Mrs. Clayton Rob­erts, and famUy a t Ithaca.

Mrs. John Alton spent the week­end a t the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Day­ton Searle, in MargaretviUe.

A ttorney Eugene Joyce of Oak Ridge, Tenn., and his m other, Mrs. Jam es Joyce, of CatskiU visited friends in town on Monday. A t­torney Joyce, w ith his wife and two chUdren are visiting his m oth­er in CatskiU. This was his firs t tr ip back to Fleischm anns since the fam ily moved away 15 years ago.

M r. and Mrs. Don Kelder and famUy have moved from the up­sta irs apartm ent in the RusseU Kelder home to the ir new home in the miUyard. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond KratochvU and family moved from their apartm ent to the ap£u:tment vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Kelder.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es B arton left Thursday to spend a week’s vaca­tion w ith his b ro ther and sister- in-law, M r. and Mrs. Edw ard B ar­ton, in NashviUe, Tenn.

Mrs. Berdine S tree te r spent the weekend w ith her son-in-leiw and daughter, Mr< and Mrs. Eldon K ittle, in BedeU.

A pot-luck supper was enjoyed by the young people of the MYF of the M ethodist church a t their regular m eeting Sunday evening.

Crawford Greene, a surgery pa­tien t a t the Kingston hospital, is gaining. Mrs. Greene is staying a t th e home of her daughter, Mrs. R obert Smith, in Woodstock to be near her husband.

M r. and Mrs. John E. Fuller and son, Jam ie, of S tratford, Conn., spent the weekend w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ful­ler.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and daughters, Judith Ann and M ari­anne, of NiverviUe were Silnday guests a t the home of his u nde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, and famUy.

H ave N ew D au g h terMr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor be­

came the ^ e n t s of a daughter, bom on Friday, Sept. 18, a t M ar­garetviUe hospital. The new a r­rival weighed six poimds 4% ounces and has been named Debra Jesm. Mrs. Taylw: and daughter returned home Monday,

Mr. and Mrs. R obert Rudolf and chUdren of W est isUp, L. I., spent th e weekend w ith her m other, Mrs. W ard Reynolds. Mrs. Rudolf and chUdren rem ained for a few weeks.

The firs t m eeting of th e Gu:l Scout and Brownie troops wiU be held on Monday, Sept. 28, afte r school a t th e Fleischnumns fire haU.

ShandakenShandaken, Sept. 22

Rudy F rank Jr. le ft by plane for Urbana, Dl., Sept. 8 to en ter the student rehabU itation center of the University of Illinois. Rudy has chosen the Uberal a rts course and wiU m ajor in EngUsh and jomnaUsm.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kalous of Long Island C ity w ere guests of Mrs. LuciUe H ogstrom the past week.

Mrs. Edw ard Briggs of Traro, Mass., was a weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. F . S. Osterhoudt. On Friday they caUed on Mrs. Mabel Hudler in Mt. Trem per.

ChEurles W hite of W est P ark visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy W hite, early this week.

Postm aster and Mrs. F rank P latz have returned from a vaca­tion spent on Cape Cod.

Mr. and Mrs. H arold BeU and sons of Lake K atrine w ere week­end guests of Mrs. BeU’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ard HummeU.

Mrs. Percy W hite spent the weekend w ith relatives a t the L ester Rosa camp in D ry Brook.

Mrs. J. Johnson of W alton was a guest of Mrs. F . P . Cary several days th is week. On W ednesday Mrs. Cary, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. G. M. Beekman enjoyed a picnic a t W est B ranch camp.

Mr. emd Mrs. Dick Heinlein and son, Richard, of the Bronx were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H arry Buckman.

The ro ast beef supper given by the lOOF lodge a t the Glenbrook hotel Saturday brought approxi­m ately $430.

Mrs. F. S. O sterhoudt and Mrs. Edward Briggs were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cleaveland Saturday evening.

W r i t e L e t t e r s I n

O c t o b e r ’s 1 s t W e e k

The 22d annual le tte r w riting week wiU be celebrated in M ar­garetvUle during the week of Oct 4 to 10, says P ostm aster Gavette.

Posters, depicting a m ailm an in a new postal vehicle called the m ailster, wUl be displayed in post offices throughout the country. Colorful stream ers, proclaiming th a t “L etters are fun to send and exciting to receive,” wiU be dis­played on postal veWcles.

"I^e special w eek should serve as a rem inder to w rite long- overdue ■‘lettCTS . : servicemen, hospitalized patiente, foreign ac­quaintances, faraw ay friends and relatives, and others.

Furniture AuctionOra Baker, having sold his home in the village

of Roxbury, N. Y., on Locust street, will sell on

Friday, Sept. 25At 12:30 P. M.

The furniture consisting of refrigerator, combination coal and gas range, water heater, table and chairs, buffet, beds, dressers, wash stands, safe, 2 birdseye maple dressers, davenport, odd chairs, single bed, chest of drawers, rug, cots, tinware, dishes, quantity of small and garden tools, etc.

Also a load of furniture from an area home will b6 sold.

Terms Cash Auctioneer: A. J. AIKENS

For Auction Service of Any Type . . . CallAikens’ Auction Service

Delhi 7-2371

FURNITURE AUCnONAt Aikens’ Auction Bam


Saturday, Sept. 26At 10:30 A.M.

We Will Sell the Furniture of Orley Wormsley Jr. From Unadilla

OUwon re fr ig e ra to r, lH agic C hef g as ran g e , d in e tte se t, d av en p o rt an d ch a irs, h e a tin g stove, 2 m e ta l cab in ets, B lay ta^ w asher, b u n k beds, m edicine cab in et, H ollyw ood bed an d m a t­tre s s (new ), ta b le an d ch a irs, d re sse r an d m irro r, 5 -d raw er cbest, rad io , lam ps, s tan d s, ex tension ta b le and ch airs, b u ffe t, reco rd p lay er, tru n k , to y s, d ishes an d d rapes.

T h ere is a q u a n tity o f g a rd en to id s, crocks, w heelbarrow , m o to r an d g rin d er, jig saw , 28-ft. ex tension lad d er, cu ltiv a to r, ta b le saw , e tc .

ANTIQUESP in e ch est, c h e s t o f d raw ers, 4 clocks, lam ps, B ose in Snow

w a te r p itch e r, g lassw are, dishes, an d m any o th e r a rtic le s to o n um erous to m ention . *

Terms: Cash Limch Available

Auctioneer; A. J. AIKENS

AIKEP^’ AUCTION SERVICEDAancey, N. Y.—Ph<me Delhi 7-2371

Mt. TremperBy M rs. llla th ild e S m ith

M t. Trem per, Sept. 21Mr. and Mrs. Norm an D. WUbur

and daughter, Ruth, attended a reunion in the Reformed church a t Shokan las t Sunday. --

G ave S to rk Show erA sto rk shower was given by

Mrs. F rancis Phillips a t her home F riday for Mrs. A rthur Smith. About 20 guests w ere present.

Mr. emd Mrs. ComeUus V, SeweU of Woodstock w ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. E m est G ardner Simday.

Mr. and M rs. F rank DeG raff of W est H urley visited M r. and Mrs. F rancis Phillips on Sunday.

Weatherproof Plastic Impregnated

POSTED SIGNSHave Met With Wide Public Acceptance

A new type of plastic impregnated weatherproof sig ̂for posting land introduced by the CatskiU Mountain News a few years ago has won wide acceptance among landowners. The signs are low in cost and stand long hard use. They are easy to put up and are readable for a long time.

Standard Sgn With Blank !̂ >ace for Owner’s Name . each

CSieaper in Quantities Over 100


On Mail Orders Please Include 43c for Postage


A free copy of the Conservation Law Relating to the posting of landwith each order.

The CatsldD Mountain NewsPhone 2231 MargaretviUe, N. Y.