Page Two ( OATSKnj< MOUMTAIN Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, December 28, 1956 ^/iS£r/7f6S \ As ttio (dd year ^bows out, wo take ^^asnre in wlBhins' all our a saccessf^ New Year. NATIONpTiANK OF **¥ Member of ftaeral| /jej^t Insurance Ct^p. Deposits Insured Up $10,000 We’re chiming in to thank our kind friends and patrons and wish ttiMn every success for this New Tear and for many, many more to come. Harold B. Wright Electrical C ontracts I ' Phone 88S Fleisclunanns /I HL T . L ukow euid Fsunily M argaretville, N. Y. Fleischmanns Section Monday, Dec. 24, 1956 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor Mrs. Marion Evelyn Faulkner, Miss 1 Jefferson KeUy of Albany spent celebr&te the 40th wedding anni- Pultz and Donald Pultz Friday overnight and Saturday at versary of Mr. and Mrs. John left on Thursday to spend Christ- mas with Donald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pultz, St. Peters- burg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene visited her mother, Mrs. Jdhn Whitney, in Kingston Saturday. Miss Peggy Curtis, student at Fredonia STC, arrived honie on Thursday to spend the Christmas vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Curtis. Dr. and Mrs. William CcAen and sons, Ian, Joshua and Edward, left on Sunday to spend the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Gussie Ccrfien, in Brooklyn. . Miss Nancy Jcrfmson, student at the Rome state school, arrived on Tuesday to spend Christmas vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greene and son, Barry, of Ellenville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Lasher spent Monday and Christmas with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Feltman, in Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Fannie Bushnell of Flush- ing, L. I., is spending the Christ- mas and New Year’s holidays at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Donald Greene, and family. The regular meeting of the WSCS of the Fleischmanns Meth- odist church will be held on Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 2, at the home of Mrs. Melvin FSiller at 1:30. Come prepared to sew. the home of his brother, Sheridan Kelly, and family. WiU Make Mittens The next'meeting of the Home Demonstration unit will be held Thursday evening, Jan. 3, at the home of Mrs. Robert Todd. ’The lesson will be on making mittens, to be led by Mrs. Harold Wright. Members are requested to bring pieces of materials, yam, scissors and needle, and paper and pencil for -qopying patterns. iHr. and Mrs. Curtis Faulkner of Chenango Bridge were at the hrane of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bushnell Monday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Liddle accompanied th«n to Chenango Bridge to spend s<Mne time with her daughter, Mrs. Dor- man Bloodgood, and family. Home for Cliristmas Mr. Md Mrs. Glenn Haderup of NorthvLUe spent the weekend with his mothM*, Mrs. C. H. Haderup, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Flisser of North Miami Beach, Fla., arrived Friday to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Craft and children, Jane, Shirley, Elwln and Carl, of Highmount were Christ- mas dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hendricks, in Margaretville. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus WilliMis of Walton spent from Sunday until Tuesday at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Birdsall. Mr. and Mrs. Eacl Vredenburgh o f Winsted, Conn., and their Mrs. Gussie Aronowitz, who is Idaughter, Miss Ruth Vredenburgh spending the winter at the home of of Albany, were weekend guests her daughter, Mrs. Murray Wiz-1 at the home of his sister, Mrs. - NeUie Todd, in Clovesville. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Pultz and son, Terry, were Christmas dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Todd and children, Jane and Ward, of Shan- rinkpn were Christmas eve supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd and family. ner, and family in Hunter, was a business caller in town 'Tuesday. Mrs. Warren Moore and i)ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brezee, _ attended the funeral of Charles, Mrs. Ralph Griffm, m Ark\alle. Warren in Ulster Park Friday. Charles Barrett, who is em- Mrs. Leah Humphrey a n d , ployed in D ei^ it, spent the week- daughter, Betty, left Wednesday i ®nd and Christmas with his par- to spend Christmas and New Y ear, ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- holidays at the home of her son-.rett. a in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly and Everett Treworgy, and family in .children of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Uniondale, L. L ! h Ayr George Gougoutris, who is em-1 Mongaup \^ley ^ d Mr. and Mre. ployed in New York city, spent ! Sherman Tomkins were dimer the weekend with his family in if^ fts of P o s t^ te r and Mrs. town. Mrs. Gougoutris and son, Kejly ^on Ctostm^. Tommy, accompanied him back to the city on Sunday. They will spend the Christmas week with his father, Thomas Gougoutris, in Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sawyer and son, Paul, left on the weekend to spend the Christinas holidays with relatives and their parents in Springfield, Vt., and Benning- ton, Vt. Naval Cadet Jack Somerville, stationed at Chase Field, Beeville, Texas, arrived home Sunday to spend the Christmas and New Year’s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl SMnerville. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fuller and son, Jamie, of Stratford, Conn., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ful- ler. WiU Reopen Bestanrant Mrs. Paula Kossman of New York, owner of Paula’s restaurant, has returned to town and is pre- paring to reopen the restaurant for the skiing season. Mr. and Mrs. George Morse of Stamford and Mrs. Nelle Mayes were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cantwell on Christmas. ,Miss Audrey Kelder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kelder, celebrated her 10th birthday Sun- day, Dec. 23, with, a party for eight little friends at the fire hall on Sunday afternoon. Games and refreshments were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Newcomb of Jewett Heights visited his mother, Mrs. Lena Newcomb, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Moore en- tertained at dinner on Christmas her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brezee, aunt. Miss Esther Chase, Mrs. Lena Newcomb of this vil- lage and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meeker of North Blenheim. Theater Owners Here Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis of Miami, Fla., o\yners of Onteora theater, were visitors in town on Wednesday and Thursday. They came from Miami to attend the wedding in New York city the fore part of the week. Miss Joan Somerville, student at the Delhi Agricultural and Technical institute, arrived hrane on Friday to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Somerville. Mrs. Florence Craft and Mrs. Bessie Combs of Clovesville are spending the Oiristmas holidays with their children, Mr. and Mrs. ^ t o n Combs, and family in Woodstock. Mrs. Morris Sipser of New York dty was a caller in town over the week«id. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ai- tertained at Christmas dinner her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Streeter, and her grandmother, Mrs. Ida Mayes, of Halcott. WSCS Met Tuesday A regular meeting of the WSCS, circle 2, was held Tuesd^ evening at the parsonage. Ten \vere pres- ent. The evening was spent on readings of Christmas costumes and traditions. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Marion Mprse and Mrs. Taylor, "^ e next meeting is work meeting and will be held Jan. 2 at |he church. Fly to Texas Game Miss Betty Ann Birdsall, stu- dent at Syracuse university, ar- rived honie Friday for the holiday vacation. Miss Birdsall and a college classmate will leave by plane from LaGuardia sdrport on Sunday morning for Dallas, Texas, where they will attend the Cotton Bowl game on New Year’s. The Syracuse team plays Texas Chris- tian. Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall will drive Betty Ann to New York on Saturday. Richard Rottkov, son of Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Rottkov, is si>end- ing the week with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A Carlan, in Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Allaben visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Sheridan Kelly, and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Conwisar and daughters, Susan and Donna, of Brooklyn are spending the Christ- mas and New Year holidays at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slavin, and family in Armstrong park. Attended Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bensle and his mother, Mrs. Mary Bensle, spent a recent Saturday and Sun- day in Brooklyn, where they at- tended a 20th wedding anniver- sary party of the latter’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Bensle. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alton of Northport, L. I., spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. Jind Mrs. John Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fuller en- tertained at a pre-Christmas fam- ily dinner at their home Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fuller and son, Jamie, of Stratford, Conn., and Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller and children. Merry Lou, Cathy and Mel, of this village. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman and sons, Ralph and Steven, of Allaben were Christmas dinner guests at the hone of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. James Barton spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bartcm, in Vails Gate. Mts. Rose ’niT>ak of Margaret- ville is spending Christmas and a fev^ days of the week with her s(m-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leyden Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Faulkner and children, linda and Andrew, visited her parmts, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bud, in ]^ttsville Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker spent Christmas at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Baker, in Margaretville. Cei^rate 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Alton and son, Edward, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alton of NorthpOTt, L. I., were Mitertained at a pre-Christ- Virgillmas dinner at the hcone of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Searle in Mar- garetville Sunday. The occasion was two-fold, as it was also to Alton. A four-tier wedding cake was the center of attraction. Mrs. Robert Hck and children, Floris and Eddie, of Highmount were afternoon callers and supper guests at the Searle home. S/A Robert M<»an, stationed at Norfolk, Va., spent the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Effie Moran, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Valk and children, Steven, David and Caro- lyn, attended a family Christmas dinner at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^^^am Valk, in Kelly Comers Sunday. Twenty- one members of the Valk family, including ten grandchildren, and the children’s great-grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Stahl of Halcottville, were present. Birthday greetings to James Fuller, Donald Searle and Harold Finch, who celebrated their birth- days Dec. 23; to Eddie Tick of Highmount on his 13th birthday Dec. 26, and to Rodney Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene, on his fourth birthday Dec. 30. Mr. and IMrs. Robert Pultz and children, Sharon and Robert, spent Christmas day witl^ her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Burdett Mason, in Margaretville. Stanley Decker of Roxbury was a dinner guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Richeu'd Tait and family in Clovesville Sufiday. Staff Sgt, Charles Myers of Stewart Air Force base spent the past weekend and Christmas day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qayton Myers and family on Highmount. Mr. and Mrs. Myers entertained at dinner their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairbaim, and son, Rob- ert, of this village and Miss Lucy Benjamin of Pine Hill on Christ- mas day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend spent Christmas day at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finnerty, in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Kelly and children, Linda and Lynn, were Christmas, eve dinner guests at the home of her peirents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mech. Also present were Mr. and Mrs; Stanley KeUy' and daughter, JoAnn, of Halcott. MiSs Virginia Carpenter spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Car- penter, in Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winne spent Christmas day at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dobsa, and family in Mai^aretville. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Valk and family were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stoutenburgh and daugh- ter, Cathy, of Delhi, Arthur Close and Ralph Edwards of Margaret- ville and Richard Close of New York city. In the aftemoon the family visited Mrs. Close, who is a patient at the Margaretville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dobsa and son, Gary, of Margaretville were supper guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winne, Sunday. F/N Robert Craft, stationed at Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Craft, on Highmount. Mr. and Mrs. James Pavlos and daughters, Suzanne and Kathleen, also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pavlos of Halcott, were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Birdsall. Mrs. Nellie Todd of Clovesville entertained at dinner on Christ- mas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly and children, Gary and^Gail, of DeLancey, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kelly and daughter, Kim, of Red Kill, and Milon Schwartz of Clovesville. Mr. and Mrs. James, Fuller en- tertained at Christmsis dinner at their home her mother, Mrs. Lelia Simonson, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene entertained at dinner on Christ- mas day his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene, also Mr. Mrs. George Miller and daughters, Lori and Diane, of Allaben, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and daugh- ter, Kathy, of Woodstock and Mrs. Fannie Bushnell of Flushing, L. I. Several Have Chickoi Pox A number of young children in the community are entert the chicken pox. Miss Ann Todd of Clov AHBULANCB SBSVlCB—rUNBRAL HOKB FURHIIURS EUGENE B. GORMLEY pmVATB AMBULANCE Fimeral Home and \CbmfiA at tiw Dt^oaal of , m FASHIOMS nr FCBMITUU OaHolOTrBd BoMoe» nr. r . TeL tun APPUAMCSS GAS tB S V ie s TATFS Honjiei Appliance Center BOimMMT - BXLTDIATOR LTosra waoBEttitA WUilpMl-WMliag^aiMnqwi^^^ WaAen O tM i Owve^ TSt.% ' TaL 4M1 AUTOMOaiLB DEAUI^ GSOCBRS Van Valk^burgh’s Garage OHO S A ^ b SEBVICE Oeoecal Bapair Servlee BmOmy, N. T. TeL S4S1 HARRY ALLEN, Ik:, 'merchandise Pine Hill Phone Un AUTOUOnVB RBPAIRS JAMES S. EORD & SON AAA Towing General Repairs <« All Blakes of Cara Oaa A laectrlo Welding "Call Ua When 7oa Have Car Trouble” Shandaken Phone Phoenicia 8474 NICK SPALLONE PLASTERDfO CONCRETE BLOCK MASONRir - PATIOS CHIMNETS Blargaretville Phone 20S4 CLEANER PLUHBIHQ AKD HEATING CHAS. COFFEE DRY CLEANERS CLEANING - PRESSING - REPAQtlNO WATERPROOFINO - MOTHPROOFING 2321 Stamford, N. Y. 6141 DELCO-HEAI Hafai Street JOHN STOREY PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTOR G eiieral Motors-l^el<k> H eat - BlargaretTffle - 08S7 FARM MACHINERY DELHI FARM EQUIPMENT CO. Deere Farm EqniiMnent DeLaval M ilkm HomeUte Saws Geiil Harvesting Equipment 23 Zam Street DELHI Phone 192 A & B TIRE SERVICE, INC. Serving Delaware Coimty A ik Yonr Local Garage to Send Us Yonr Tire* VULCANIZING - RECAPPING Antherlzed B .|F. Goodrich Dealer TU. 894 Wholesale-RetaU Delhi FARM MACHINERY DELHI TRACTOR SALES 66 Main St., Delhi Phone 294 DON BRAMLEY s GENERAL TRUCKING coal - TOP SOIL - SAWDUST r CUSTOM FARM WORK Andes, N.Y> T^ Sni FARM UACHINBRT WOMEN’S APPAREL Indian. in Clovesville. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kratoch- vil and children, Esther, Kevin, Keith and Michael, of Halcott and Mrs. Nellie Smith of Clovesville were Christnms day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ] Maxim and family. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miller at- tended the wedding and recepticai of their granddaughter. Miss Sherry Miller, in Brooklyn Sun- day. Warren Moore drove Mr. day. ' The Sunday school church. All are weloane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph £ Paltz on Christmas day. RONEY EQUIPMENT CO. ALUS OHATJHKRS TRACTOB8 and POWER UNITS Sale* * Servtoe New * Used MaoUnes Andes. N. T.—Tel. 2821 EILEEN’S Style Plus Value Phoenicia Phone 7343 FUEL OIL \ WOODWORKING H. L. FRANCE & SON FUEL OIL - KEROSEBnB Far Servtoe CaU Pine Hm 2261 H. L. HENDERSON M anafactarer of BliUwork, Doors. Sash, Frames. Windows. Screens. M«dding, Trim, Special and Sto«* SnUwork, Kilndried, Matching, Etc. Margaretville Ph<mo 1861 KINGSTON OFFERS MANY SERVICES AUTO BODY REPAIR MEN’S CLOTHING Kingston Auto Top & Body Co. James Van VaUtenbarg, Prop. AUTO BODY and FENDER WORK Convertible Top«‘ - Auto Glass Installed ONTEORA TRAIL KINGSTON TEL. 8811 JACOBSON’S ^ore T WEAR jrCE 1888 89 Kingston, N. T. BBATTTY PARLOR-BARBBR 1■EN ’S WEAR MICKEY’S Seven expert besntlelans far jmop eonvenleeee. Air Condittaaed 50 N. F!r«tt St. Ktawrtea, N. Y. TeL m s FLANAGANS BCen’s and B^s* dotting and FnmlsUngs "Eveqrthing for Dad and tko Lad” Hart Sdutflaw Blarx * Ttaaley dotUng Dress Saits for Bent 881 W all St. Kingston. N. T. TeL 8M rCARPBHMO !ILIP COVERS Colonial .City C a ^ t Co., Inc. ORIENTALS. BROADLOOM, DOMESTICS OABnSTlNO OF AIX KINDS Oompleta Bog Imrtanatlsii and Repairing 184 N . Fk«n« St; Klagston, N. Y. TA 6261 For Expert Onstom Kado ^ SUP COVERS and DRAPERIES THE KINGSTON YARDSTICK Saks. Cottons. Woolens, Upholstery Fahrlos 4 S N . F r o n t S«^ Kingston, N. T. TUiCMC BLBCTRIC MOTORS ^ i IPORTIMG GOODS—TOTS P. J. GAI.I AGHER A Coovleta Stsek at ELBOBUO MOTOB8 te An Pnrpssss ____ BKIj IW fUhUtYS No fob Toe Larpe—or Too Small Comawelal-bdnstilal Demestto Motors Rcnalred Rewound 17 S P B IN O ^ ^ ^ KINGSTON 8817 ELSTON SPORT SHOP Toys - Games - Sporttng Goods Btoy«des - BaAoo EleeM cal Appilanees Victor - BECOBDS - ColomMa 260 Fair St. Kingston, N. Y. Phone 821 FURNITURE ^ rRAVEL BUREAU KA|»LAN furniture CO., INC. 66-68 NorUi Fr<»t Street Kingston, N. Y. * Brexel ' Lee’s Broadlocnn Rewe Heywood-WakefiM Bigelow-i^ord Greenwald’s Travel Service "Over 60 Years of Service” Tonrs, Cndses. Hotel ReservattoBS Steamship • Alriino Tkskets 286 Fair St. Kingston, N. Y. Phone 816

Page Two Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, December 28, …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1956-12-28/ed...spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs

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Page 1: Page Two Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, December 28, …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1956-12-28/ed...spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs

Page Two ( OATSKnj< MOUMTAIN Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, December 28, 1956

^ / iS £ r /7 f6 S

\As ttio (dd year ^bows out, w o ta k e ^ ^ a sn re in wlBhins' a ll o u r a saccessf^ New Year.


Member of ftaeral| / je j^ t Insurance Ct^p.

Deposits InsuredUp $10,000

W e’re chim ing in to th an k ou r k ind friends and p a trons and w ish ttiM n every success fo r th is New T ea r and fo r m any, m any m ore to come.

Harold B. WrightE lectrical C o n tra c ts

I ' Phone 88S Fleisclunanns


H L T . L u k o w e u i d F s u n i l y

M a rg a re tv ille , N . Y .

Fleischm anns SectionMonday, Dec. 24, 1956 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor


Evelyn Faulkner, Miss 1 Jefferson KeUy of Albany spent celebr&te the 40th wedding anni- Pultz and Donald Pultz Friday overnight and Saturday at versary of Mr. and Mrs. John

left on Thursday to spend Christ­mas with Donald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pultz, St. Peters­burg, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene visited her mother, Mrs. Jdhn Whitney, in Kingston Saturday.

Miss Peggy Curtis, student at Fredonia STC, arrived honie on Thursday to spend the Christmas vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Curtis.

Dr. and Mrs. William CcAen and sons, Ian, Joshua and Edward, left on Sunday to spend the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Gussie Ccrfien, in Brooklyn. .

Miss Nancy Jcrfmson, student at the Rome state school, arrived on Tuesday to spend Christmas vaca­tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greene and son, Barry, of Ellenville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Lasher spent Monday and Christmas with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Feltman, in Waterbury, Conn.

Mrs. Fannie Bushnell of Flush­ing, L. I., is spending the Christ­mas and New Year’s holidays at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Donald Greene, and family.

The regular meeting of the WSCS of the Fleischmanns Meth­odist church will be held on Wed­nesday afternoon, Jan. 2, at the home of Mrs. Melvin FSiller at 1:30. Come prepared to sew.

the home of his brother, Sheridan Kelly, and family.

WiU Make Mittens The next'meeting of the Home

Demonstration unit will be held Thursday evening, Jan. 3, at the home of Mrs. Robert Todd. ’The lesson will be on making mittens, to be led by Mrs. Harold Wright. Members are requested to bring pieces of materials, yam, scissors and needle, and paper and pencil for -qopying patterns.

iHr. and Mrs. Curtis Faulkner of Chenango Bridge were at the hrane of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bushnell Monday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Liddle accompanied th«n to Chenango Bridge to spend s<Mne time with her daughter, Mrs. Dor­man Bloodgood, and family.

Home fo r C liristm as Mr. Md Mrs. Glenn Haderup of

NorthvLUe spent the weekend with his mothM*, Mrs. C. H. Haderup, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Flisser of North Miami Beach, Fla., arrived Friday to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Craft and children, Jane, Shirley, Elwln and Carl, of Highmount were Christ­mas dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hendricks, in Margaretville.

Mr. and Mrs. Augustus WilliMis of Walton spent from Sunday until Tuesday at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Birdsall.

Mr. and Mrs. Eacl Vredenburgh o f Winsted, Conn., and their

Mrs. Gussie Aronowitz, who is I daughter, Miss Ruth Vredenburgh spending the winter at the home of of Albany, were weekend guests her daughter, Mrs. Murray Wiz-1 at the home of his sister, Mrs.

- ■ ” ■ NeUie Todd, in Clovesville.Mr. and Mrs. Junior Pultz and

son, Terry, were Christmas dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Todd and children, Jane and Ward, of Shan- rinkpn were Christmas eve supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd and family.

ner, and family in Hunter, was a business caller in town 'Tuesday.

Mrs. Warren Moore and i)ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brezee, _attended the funeral of Charles, Mrs. Ralph Griffm, m Ark\alle. Warren in Ulster Park Friday. Charles Barrett, who is em-

Mrs. Leah Humphrey and , ployed in D ei^it, spent the week- daughter, Betty, left Wednesday i ®nd and Christmas with his par- to spend Christmas and New Year, ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- holidays at the home of her son-.rett. ain-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly and Everett Treworgy, and family in .children of Albany, Mr. and Mrs.Uniondale, L. L ! “ h Ayr

George Gougoutris, who is em-1 Mongaup \^ley ^ d Mr. and Mre. ployed in New York city, s p e n t ! Sherman Tomkins were dimer the weekend with his family in if^ fts of P o s t^ te r and Mrs. town. Mrs. Gougoutris and son, Kejly on Ctostm^.Tommy, accompanied him back to the city on Sunday. They will spend the Christmas week with his father, Thomas Gougoutris, in Manhattan.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sawyer and son, Paul, left on the weekend to spend the Christinas holidays with relatives and their parents in Springfield, Vt., and Benning­ton, Vt.

Naval Cadet Jack Somerville, stationed at Chase Field, Beeville,Texas, arrived home Sunday to spend the Christmas and New Year’s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl SMnerville.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fuller and son, Jamie, of Stratford,Conn., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ful­ler.

WiU Reopen BestanrantMrs. Paula Kossman of New

York, owner of Paula’s restaurant, has returned to town and is pre­paring to reopen the restaurant for the skiing season.

Mr. and Mrs. George Morse of Stamford and Mrs. Nelle Mayes were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cantwell on Christmas.

,Miss Audrey Kelder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kelder, celebrated her 10th birthday Sun­day, Dec. 23, with, a party for eight little friends at the fire hall on Sunday afternoon. Games and refreshments were enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Newcomb of Jewett Heights visited his mother, Mrs. Lena Newcomb, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Moore en­tertained at dinner on Christmas her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brezee, aunt. Miss Esther Chase,Mrs. Lena Newcomb of this vil­lage and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meeker of North Blenheim.

Theater Owners Here Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis of

Miami, Fla., o\yners of Onteora theater, were visitors in town on Wednesday and Thursday. They came from Miami to attend the wedding in New York city the fore part of the week.

Miss Joan Somerville, student at the Delhi Agricultural and Technical institute, arrived hrane on Friday to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Somerville.

Mrs. Florence Craft and Mrs. Bessie Combs of Clovesville are spending the Oiristmas holidays with their children, Mr. and Mrs. ^ to n Combs, and family in Woodstock.

Mrs. Morris Sipser of New York dty was a caller in town over the week«id.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ai- tertained at Christmas dinner her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Streeter, and her grandmother, Mrs. Ida Mayes, of Halcott.

WSCS Met Tuesday A regular meeting of the WSCS,

circle 2, was held Tuesd^ evening at the parsonage. Ten \vere pres­ent. The evening was spent on readings of Christmas costumes and traditions. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Marion Mprse and Mrs.Taylor, "^ e next meeting is work meeting and will be held Jan. 2 at |he church.

Fly to Texas Game Miss Betty Ann Birdsall, stu­

dent at Syracuse university, ar­rived honie Friday for the holiday vacation. Miss Birdsall and a college classmate will leave by plane from LaGuardia sdrport on Sunday morning for Dallas, Texas, where they will attend the Cotton Bowl game on New Year’s. The Syracuse team plays Texas Chris­tian. Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall will drive Betty Ann to New York on Saturday.

Richard Rottkov, son of Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Rottkov, is si>end- ing the week with his grandpar­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A Carlan, in Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Allaben visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Sheridan Kelly, and family on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mac Conwisar and daughters, Susan and Donna, of Brooklyn are spending the Christ­mas and New Year holidays at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slavin, and family in Armstrong park.Attended Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bensle

and his mother, Mrs. Mary Bensle, spent a recent Saturday and Sun­day in Brooklyn, where they at­tended a 20th wedding anniver­sary party of the latter’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ward Bensle.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alton of Northport, L. I., spent the week­end with his parents, Mr. Jind Mrs. John Alton.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fuller en­tertained at a pre-Christmas fam­ily dinner at their home Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fuller and son, Jamie, of Stratford, Conn., and Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller and children. Merry Lou, Cathy and Mel, of this village.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman and sons, Ralph and Steven, of Allaben were Christmas dinner guests at the hone of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Kelly.

Mr. and Mrs. James Barton spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bartcm, in Vails Gate.

Mts. Rose ’niT>ak of Margaret­ville is spending Christmas and a fev^ days of the week with her s(m-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leyden Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Faulkner and children, linda and Andrew, visited her parmts, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bud, in ]^ ttsv ille Sun­day afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker spent Christmas at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Baker, in Margaretville.

Cei^rate 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Alton and

son, Edward, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alton of NorthpOTt, L. I., were Mitertained at a pre-Christ-

Virgillmas dinner at the hcone of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Searle in Mar­garetville Sunday. The occasion was two-fold, as it was also to

Alton. A four-tier wedding cake was the center of attraction. Mrs. Robert Hck and children, Floris and Eddie, of Highmount were afternoon callers and supper guests at the Searle home.

S/A Robert M<»an, stationed at Norfolk, Va., spent the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Effie Moran, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Valk and children, Steven, David and Caro­lyn, attended a family Christmas dinner at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^^^am Valk, in Kelly Comers Sunday. Twenty- one members of the Valk family, including ten grandchildren, and the children’s great-grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Stahl of Halcottville, were present.

Birthday greetings to James Fuller, Donald Searle and Harold Finch, who celebrated their birth­days Dec. 23; to Eddie Tick of Highmount on his 13th birthday Dec. 26, and to Rodney Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene, on his fourth birthday Dec. 30.

Mr. and IMrs. Robert Pultz and children, Sharon and Robert, spent Christmas day witl her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Burdett Mason, in Margaretville.

Stanley Decker of Roxbury was a dinner guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Richeu'd Tait and family in Clovesville Sufiday.

Staff Sgt, Charles Myers of Stewart Air Force base spent the past weekend and Christmas day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qayton Myers and family on Highmount. Mr. and Mrs. Myers entertained at dinner their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairbaim, and son, Rob­ert, of this village and Miss Lucy Benjamin of Pine Hill on Christ­mas day.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend spent Christmas day at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finnerty, in Kingston.

Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Kelly and children, Linda and Lynn, were Christmas, eve dinner guests at the home of her peirents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mech. Also present were Mr. and Mrs; Stanley KeUy' and daughter, JoAnn, of Halcott.

MiSs Virginia Carpenter spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Car­penter, in Vermont.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winne spent Christmas day at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dobsa, and family in Mai^aretville.

Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Valk and family were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stoutenburgh and daugh­ter, Cathy, of Delhi, Arthur Close and Ralph Edwards of Margaret­ville and Richard Close of New York city. In the aftemoon the family visited Mrs. Close, who is a patient at the Margaretville hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dobsa and son, Gary, of Margaretville were supper guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winne, Sunday.

F/N Robert Craft, stationed at Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Craft, on Highmount.

Mr. and Mrs. James Pavlos and daughters, Suzanne and Kathleen, also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pavlos of Halcott, were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Birdsall.

Mrs. Nellie Todd of Clovesville entertained at dinner on Christ­mas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly and children, Gary and^Gail, of DeLancey, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kelly and daughter, Kim, of Red Kill, and Milon Schwartz of Clovesville.

Mr. and Mrs. James, Fuller en­tertained at Christmsis dinner at their home her mother, Mrs. Lelia Simonson, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fuller.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene entertained at dinner on Christ­mas day his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene, also Mr.Mrs. George Miller and daughters, Lori and Diane, of Allaben, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and daugh­ter, Kathy, of Woodstock and Mrs. Fannie Bushnell of Flushing, L. I.

Several Have Chickoi Pox A number of young children in

the community are entert the chicken pox.

Miss Ann Todd of Clov



F im eral Hom e and \CbmfiA a t tiw D t^o aal of

, m


F C B M IT U UOaHolOTrBdBoMoe» nr. r .

TeL t u n


TATFS Honjiei Appliance CenterB O im M M T - BXLTDIATOR

LTosra waoBEttitAW UilpM l-W M liag^aiM nqw i^^^ W aAen

O tM i Owve TSt.% ' TaL 4M1


Van Valk^burgh’s GarageOHO S A ^ b SEBVICE

O eoecal B apair Servlee

BmOmy, N . T . TeL S4S1


'm e r c h a n d is e

Pine H ill Phone U n



G eneral R epairs <« A ll B lakes of Cara Oaa A la e c trlo W elding

"C all Ua W hen 7 o a H ave C ar Trouble” Shandaken Phone Phoenicia 8474



B largaretville Phone 20S4




2321 Stam ford, N . Y. 6141


Hafai S tree t


CONTRACTOR G eiieral Motors-l^el<k> H eat

- B largaretTffle - 08S7



D eLaval M ilk m HomeUte SawsGeiil H arvesting Equipm ent

23 Zam S tree t D ELH I Phone 192

A & B TIRE SERVICE, INC.Serving D elaw are Coim ty

A ik Yonr Local G arage to Send Us Yonr Tire* VULCANIZING - RECAPPING A ntherlzed B .|F . Goodrich D ealer

“ TU . 894W holesale-RetaU D elhi



66 M ain S t., D elhi

Phone 294



Andes, N.Y> T ^ S n i



in Clovesville.Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kratoch-

vil and children, Esther, Kevin, Keith and Michael, of Halcott and Mrs. Nellie Smith of Clovesville were Christnms day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ] Maxim and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miller at­tended the wedding and recepticai of their granddaughter. Miss Sherry Miller, in Brooklyn Sun­day. Warren Moore drove Mr.

day.' The Sunday school

church. All are weloane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph £

Paltz on Christmas day.


and POW ER U N ITS Sale* * Servtoe New * U sed M aoUnes

Andes. N . T .—T el. 2821

E I L E E N ’SStyle Plus Value

Phoenicia Phone 7343



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P ine H m 2261

H. L. HENDERSONM anafac tarer o f

BliUwork, Doors. Sash, F ram es. W indows. Screens. M«dding, T rim , Special and Sto«*

SnUwork, K ilndried, M atching, E tc. M argaretv ille Ph<mo 1861



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AUTO BODY and FEN D ER WORK Convertible Top«‘ - A uto G lass Installed


J A C O B S O N ’S ^ore T WEAR

jrC E 1888

89 K ingston, N . T.


M IC K E Y ’SSeven ex p ert besn tlelans fa r jmop eonvenleeee.

A ir C ondittaaed 50 N . F !r« tt S t. K taw rtea, N . Y. TeL m s

FLANAGANSBCen’s and B ^s* d o tt in g and Fnm lsU ngs

"E veqrthing fo r D ad and tko L ad”H a rt S d u tflaw B larx * Ttaaley d o tU n g

D ress S a its fo r B en t 881 W all S t. K ingston. N . T. TeL 8M



O A BnSTlN O O F A IX KINDS O om pleta B og Im rtanatlsii and R epairing

184 N . Fk«n« S t; K lagston, N . Y. T A 6261

F o r E x p ert Onstom K ado ^S U P COVERS and DRAPERIES

THE KINGSTON YARDSTICKS aks. Cottons. W oolens, U pholstery Fahrlos 4S N . F ro n t S« K ingston, N . T . TUiCMC


P. J. GAI.I AGHERA C o ov leta S tsek at ELBOBU O MOTOB8

t e A n P n rpssss ____BKIj IW fU h U tY S

N o fo b T oe L arpe—or Too Sm all C o m a w e la l-b d n stila l D em estto M otors

R cnalred Rewound 17 S P B I N O ^ ^ ^ KINGSTON 8817

ELSTON SPORT SHOPToys - Gam es - Sporttng Goods

Btoy«des - BaAoo • E leeM cal Appilanees V ictor - BECOBDS - ColomMa

260 F a ir S t. K ingston, N . Y. Phone 821


KA|»LAN fu r n itu r e CO., INC.66-68 NorUi F r< » t S tree t

K ingston, N . Y. *

B rexel ' Lee’s Broadlocnn Rewe H eyw ood-W akefiM B ig e lo w -i^ o rd

Greenwald’s Travel Service"O ver 60 Y ears of Service”

Tonrs, C ndses. H otel ReservattoBS Steam ship • A lriino Tkskets

286 F a ir S t. K ingston, N . Y. Phone 816