Independent Phono Mo. 682 Terras, $1?25 per Tea? 1 ; $1 in Atlantic County. 99 Why it pays to build of Concrete: First, it lasts'; 8econd,"itsati8fles; .Third, it is modern ; —The^other-nlnety-six: will find if you will examine a —T house of thirbindror'if you" ~ will call or^ the Hammonton Miss BERTHA TWOMEY WotaryPublic Com. of Deeds Belleyne Ave^ Hamtnonton.' .. - Business in these lines properly and promptly attended to. Paid your subscription? An International Suit IS CHEAP .-Vc^Hf PKrCB ONtY Compare tbe prices of Interna- tional Qiade-to-rueaHure suits with those jof other tai|ors. ' I will be satisfied, and yoa>wiH'be convinced'' that you- cannot get better value foryour money. -- • .• ' • ;—- Because the In ternational Tailor- ing Company do such' an enormous .business, tbey buy their cloth; and supplies in 'big quantities, thereby impoBsible for. tbe ordinary! tailor to secure. Let mdPprove it. I make no extra charge for Cnflri on sleeves." That ie"SO cT in your pocket.. Coat hangers free. HARRIS, Men's Outfitter, . Harumonton, N. J. Next to Steel's SEE WASHINGTON -The Heart of the Nation Pennsylvania Railroad ....... April 29, --;•• r : May 13,1909 Round Trip Kate from Hammonton, $9,75 or $12.25 According to hotel selected. Coven nooessary ezpenaea for three days. Tickets good returning for ten days. Detailed itineraries and full information of Ticket Agents, or J. R. WOOD, , GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Trofflo Manager. General Passenger Agent. ELVINS' STORE Cor. Main Road and Bellevuo Hammonton Purina Food Chick Scratch Hammonton Trust -Company Hammoiitnii, N. J. ' Capital, $100,000 Subscribed Surplus, $10,000 Two per cent interest paid oh chocking (tooounta avoraRloK a daily balance of $1000 or ovg|. Three'per cent, compounded somlanua- ally, paid on Savings Accounts. Sale Deposit Boxes for Rent. Trust and Real Eutate Department. Acts as Executor und Administrator Agertt for tbo Bale of Heal Kstato. Stcnmnliip Tickets sold. Does general Trust Company Business. OFVJCKKH A. J. U liter, President. JOB. K. ImhoiT, Vloo-Prosldont. Wra. Colwell, Vlce-Prealdent I)<4an 8. HmmlcU, ^ouniolor. . ' H. 31. Bottomley, Boo. & Treaa. < C. P. Campauello, UooU-kcojier. Pigeon Try it Dr. It, It. AIYJCDHK UEMTIST O'Donuoll'B DulldlnK, Hammonton. Oflloo Iliinrii: O.IX) lol'j.iuin in. :_n.m( from.i.w) infl.wi p.m.-. I'lione IW1.1 Oloiicil 'I'liiiriiluy und Krliliiy OEO. A. BLAKE Carpenter olid Builder Work ITInlthed an 'fat A Hi commit. I'lnnii, Munprlnta, and onrltnutca fuiDlnhcil, Jobbing attended to promptly. llox A.13. I.noal Phono HI 0. Ohcrrjr Htrnot, [Inmmontno. Advertising Fays If inserted in a Newspaper that everybody reads. Easter' In Our Churches. To-morrow being Easter,. especially prepared programs will be rendered in tbe various Churches. Here are a few of them : St. MARK'S OHUROff:^> Easter Day.—Holy Communion 6.30 and 7.30 a. m.; Morning Prayer 10; Holy Com muDinn and Sermon 10.30 a.' m.; Children's Service 3.00 p. m.; Evening Prayer (Choral.) and Sermon 7.'30. _BAEII8I. CHURCH ._ _— , Morning •__ Dbiology" Invocation Hymn 187 . 1 CharlesrVeriey Rotponiive reading, P«alm,145 /• .. l C. Anitin Miles Scripture reading, John 20 Pastor Prayer ,' w " Pastor Hymn 41 C. Wordnwortb Notices Offorinc Sermon, —The Redeemer's Ee»urrection Anthem, Shoot Aloud 0 Earth r and Heaven Prayer" Hymn 640 - ' Benediction ..- Evening Doxology - Prayer Anthem, Beck Not the Living Scripture, •! Matthew 23 , Solo, Tho EiecD Lord C. 8. Roberts Pastqr J. M. Neale Wr«. D. M. Chapman Pastor H.O.Stephens Pastor Adam Oeibel Antbom, 0 Tell Ds Where Ig He ' —C. Austin Miles HymnlSS- Thomas Scott Anthem, Cbriit bur Passover Adam Oeibel Hynm43 Is»»o Watts Seimon, The Resurrection's Worth Anthem, Solemn Ni^ht J. Iloward Entwlslo Prnyer _ f Panor Hymn 140 Emma Leslie Toke Benediction PRESBYTERIAN ' Appropriate Easter maiio njorning and «ve« ning, and exirclscs at the Sunday School hour. Preaching by lUy. Mr. Sharp. -DNIVEBBALIBX ~" .. ; The day will be appropriately observed. In the evening, the Sunday School will present a service of song and recitations. METHODIST Special Easter sermon by Pastor, Rev. J. E. Shaw, in the morning; also three Easier an- iheras bj Choir,- "The Old Easter Anthem," '•Magdalene," and "Saviour, When Night Involves the Skiee," Evening, program by the Sunday .School, Including a solo by Mrs. Dunn. 'A Pretty Wedding. Mr. William B. Sloan, oi Greenwich, N. J., nod Mle» Ida Maud Thomas, of UarnDiontori, wore united iu tuarringo on Wedueeday, April 7th, 1000, at tha home of tno bride's patent*. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomas. Kev. J. E. Sbnvr oUlclaled. Mrs. Lewis E. Thomaii, "of Mlllylllo, was bridesmaid, with Doyd K. Sloan aa uroomsruao. Tho homo wa« bbauttlully decorated, and a nice dinnnr follo^nd thn core- muny. The young people refcolyod many gifts, valuable and useful. licaldea the Immediate family, there were few Euoots—Mleae*. Anna and Bvk Thofnas and \V)IJIam Tlioma«< from Phlladalphla ; Mrs. Lowii B. Thomat, Mn. Edw. McGovern, Mlik Margarei McClellnn, and Mrs. John A. Holder being amopg tho qumbor. A csrrlaa" drawn by three horses i Itched abrcnsl and decorated with mils, conveyed the wedding party to tint rallroud station. Mr. and Mrs. Hloan will rcildo In tholr own lionao, at Oroeowlch. They mvn tha bust wltliuj ol many llfolong rlondiflif I ho brldn In Hnmmontoit, A Clothing Bulletin '• ' -.-."" " FROM . ,.;};..'• . ' . . . ' •' . . ' ' - ' ' ' . ' . : ' " ' . ' ' Bank Brothers' Store I I You will find the kind of Clothes you ought to wear ••. in our Clothing Department. Coprrit^l tV») t>r Hurt gclufflier & Min | Met of uiionriml-for jottori In ttio Inmmonton Post Offlrto on Wednesday. Apr. 7, inoi): Mr IB Illllln Wrlliiriina Hera Mr Henry Nroilny MrMnmnol Whr«l»i(,n» Mr* A Aninnok ' I.iilgl |ratl*|i|>orUt MrUMIohnloUlnvaiio M mill Din (llunipplim Ordnnnll* Mr (Hoy««nl (Jnllofn Mlcli*lo Hliiiior Dominic* onllla Mr KrMik Morrl. Pnrnoni oftlllDR for Any of the *bora ttort will pldkie •••la that It IIM Tiioo. O. ELTIWB, I'.M. G ETTING IN FRONT, and keeping there,— that's tlia way Marathon races are won. It's the way anything else in this world is won ; and no man who wants to win can.. afford to neglect anything, great or small, which may coir-^ tribute to his being in front. You want to win success, in your undertakings, whatever- they may be ; and oue of the things .which every man needs and ought to be sure of is good clothes ; they help your ap- , pearance, fidd to your effectiveness, and make you feel mcict- successful : and there's ,a lot in the way a man feels. who is. trying to win. HART SOHAFFNER & MARX Are in front among all the clothes makers of the worlcL They got there by making clothes right; by correct'style j by correct and perfect tailoring,' by using none but all-wool! fabrics when so many nlakers think that part cotton is good enough for you. We sell these clothes because we believe they're that kind of clothes ; because we want to keep in front. They're the. sort of clothes that are a benefit and a profit to everybody concerned,—to you who wear them most of all. < v : If you expect to "blossom oxit" in nexv clothes, Eastep seems to be the date for it. Bank Brothers' Clothing Depart^ eiXtJs.rx'ady.tQ. supply yon .with the kind of--clothes yot|. ought to wear. , Furnishing8. ,_.Scqres of_ne^^.Shirts.juat.opeucd.—Tho- ricwcst and noboiest patterns are here. Our shirt counter- was never before supplied with such a fine collection of tho famous Eclipse Shirts, and hundreds of other grades and styles,—at 48 c, 650, 750, #i, and #1.50. . A shipment of J. B. Stetson hats just opened, Gold Bond Hats at $2, with written guarantee. , Dutchcss Trousers in handsome weaves 1 —Spring styles. lank Brothers Hammonton, N. J.

PAIR OP FINE SHOES - Atlantic County Library i „ j.-j: ,4 J I V — DO YOU NOT KNOW:?., 3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very little Investigation that The Hammonton Paintl Is

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Page 1: PAIR OP FINE SHOES - Atlantic County Library i „ j.-j: ,4 J I V — DO YOU NOT KNOW:?., 3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very little Investigation that The Hammonton Paintl Is

tu i „ j.-j: ,4


V —

DO YOU NOT KNOW:?.,3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very

little Investigation that

The Hammonton PaintlIs tbeivery beat P^tnt

that was' ever used In Uammonton.

There are score* of buildinfia that youf«ee every day, painted with the

Eammonton Paint eight to twelveyears ago, and looking well

at tbe present time.Tho Hammonton .Paint is sold for loss

_ 4 a n a u y - o e r - - . _so eqaal, as it works well, covers well,

? aud wears well. Sold by ;

^fOS. I. TAYtiOB. HOUBB, Blgn and Carriage Painter,

Second and Pleasant Sts.,Hammonton, W. -T.

Only the

Bread, Cakes,

Pies, and.' * ' • '

Breakfast Rolls




, N. J.

. . . . ..-. ^ «S50,000

{Suiylus and UndividedProfits,.- ^45,000

Three per cent interest paidon time Deposits. ;

Safe Deposit Boxes for Renti ~

B. J. BYBNES, PresidentM. L. JACKSON, Vlce-Pres't

W. E. TILTON, Cashier.

DIJ1EOTORSU. J. Byrnes M. L. Joclcuon0. F. Osf-ood UenrRe Klvins

" E l a m S t o o k w e l l W m . L . Block- •Wm. .T. Brnitli J. ('. AndersonSnm'l Andorflon \V. R. TIHon.

TVfOTIOB. My vlfo, Iroim, liavlngJ_\ left my boil and bo.ird withoutduo cause or provocivtlon, I Imrnby warnall porsoiiH not to tmrltor or trust heroil my account, no 1 will pivy no billa oftier onntraotion after t.liln dr.tu.

SCOTT D.)EHU.Hamraonton, N. J.. Mar. 20, '00.

Special Master's Sale.By virtue of an oriler to 1110 illreotoil anil

jsgued out of tho Court of Ohancurr of NowJersoy, In a curtain ouuno wliornln w l n n l f r m lDiokfoM el. ul .aro norupliilniinlii anil N l n h u l i nIt. Mick ot. nl. urn ilofonilanlt , tlicro n l l l lioffold'ut public remind on

Hntimlay, April 17, 11>O!>,lit two o'clock In the a f te rnoon of imlilday, on tho ]>r<milnp«, n» .Orjiliuril Htreut noixr(Jocund H.reol, In tlin Tnwu of Hanuuouton, Intho Oiiuniy of A t l a n t i c anil ttlato of NowJernoy, »

All the fo l lowing donorllioil tract of landanil iirouiliira, B l luu to , lylnit anil liolujf. In t l igTown of Hii imii i tntoM, In tlio County o f A t l i u t ttin anil Hutu of Nun Jurioy, liounduil and do,ftrrlbod an l i i l l u w M i Hnj(lnnlnK ut it point InHID i i iut l inut ler l j r nllo of Ornlmril Htrett onpJiiitidrnil mid l u n r l u o n fmit nor t l ionvt iu ly / r u mtlio n i i r t l i M i M l i i r l y n l i ln of Hauoi id Htrmil , cn l i ljiolnl lining Iliu norlliurly nornor ul' ono Jnolt.pih'tf luml mill n i t t f i i u l InK t l iunoa llrii l , fcimiii-«BB(i>rl ,y , liy niild . l i t i ikrnn ' i i Una, n i t t y fuol inInii'il HI ono Mury .1. l lur^oin j j l i n n n n , lucnnil,•Jiyllio rnuin nnri l i«aster ly ,~nnB" | i i )nt to n <!or>Her In HuigoBn' , | l im | llmnon, llilnl, still l>y

,(o»o' l ino Jiliillim/ilodj Inrly fnnt In

4)1 liiinuril niinui f IOHIHIU, riiui| iiy inn rmo«f Oroliard h'rnnl, miulhxoktcirly, flliy-uno^•01 iniira 01 l i 'V- , lo t h e (ilnea ot lib^lniilng.


W.C.T.TT.The matter In this space la furnished by the

Ladles, und they »re reipon»lble for It,

It is easy to foresee a time when, allChurches, Bomnn Catholic and Pro-testant, will be driven to, vote againstany party that will sell out or giveaway the power of the State to preventthe sale of liquor on Sunday, to anymunicipality-BO demoralized aa towish to legalize the sale of liquor onSuilday, and thus make the fifty-two-boly-dnys-holldayfl-in-tbe-worst sense-of the word., •' For the public good, rum shops andhotel riar-sob'ins are sKui.'by law onelection.day,.,and for the public goodthey should be shut up on Sunday.If lottery and gambling were allowedon secular days .and not on Sunday,the same people who wish the sale ofrum on Sunday would be calling forthe privilege of voting on it, —


Special Town-Meeting—

Only about th'Ttty men were sufficient-ly intere8ted-in-tbe~Town'8 affairs toattend tbe special meeting called forThursday eye, in Bellevue Hall."

Mayor JackBon was chosen Chair-

The. object of the meeting being to con-sider Council's advice to transfer a sumfrom the general surplus fuad to relievethe large, amount to be raised, it wasvoted to aste that tour thousand'dollarsbe thus transferred,— $3000 for graveland new streets, and $1000 for the poor.

Five hundred dollars were voted tothe -Board of Trade, for advertisingpurposes. This is tbe first money giventhem for several years.

Elm Items.:• -Miss A. Brim Geld spent Tuesday in

-—Frerjfe— -ftp put a two-BioTyaddition to- bis.house oa Spring.Road,ami is now giving the bouse £ coat ofpaint, and doing other extensive repairsto the bouse. , „ . ••' ' , '

~^HIss iono FrJrmaBr'visited h e rbrother and family at Kicklertown, thisweek. . ,

A; Sarnese and daughter, Laura,spent Sunday and Monday visiting rela-tives in Philadelphia.

F. E. Priestley is baring a largetract ol pine timber cleared off, betweenthe pike and tho railroad, which opensup a large part of West Elm.

A. Sarnese ie filling his ice housewith Hammonton artificial ice. A. L.Patten is doing the work.

Main road from here to tbe AtlanticCounty lino is in fine condition, afterbeing seriipcd by Overseer Walker.

Miss Mary L. Jcnlson, sister-in-lawof Cnpt. John Leed, Is very much im-proved, having recovered rapidly fromher i eceul illness. w.

Base Ball Game.Dime ball fever has reached us. On

TufcBil.'iy, the Uromniur dchool defeatedIl i^h School to the tune of eleven tonlnlii. Tho players and positions worean M i n n a :

II lu l l iSchnol (Jraiumur Hcliool() A i i H I l n , c, p A Khponlto, o, pII Mii l th , c, p (;u«|ivr I'I f t , |i, I liW l i i i n t i l i i K , 11> . W 1'ornloo, I l>, I rV l'liiliiir',1! I) ' TTIiorim, n. '^l i

A llnitir«r, uttl ,H|niyca,f l fO M l l l n r , c fU lllulio, r I

A Itiililiii,:) l>V Itimiod, n nM HiiiiH'o, | f

T Kiiiiiiui, 'J, 11 fII Thlrlmi, r I

CST" Lint ol ii i i i 'ullml-for l o t t o r A l n tlioHnninxHiton 1'ost Offlco on Wrdiiondny,Mar. Ill, 1IHM): " ' '

Mr* Itoni' \\n\\e\y Mr I ' l i r i lo A in i i n tnMr.I Wl i l t l i i t f ' AuiUi l(i» Cnulli ir i le

roiuciijNNlnolBHnlil i i l l O l i i v i u i n n IllnlouI'niioiiH nul l ing for miy «( r.hn uliovo

lettorn wi l l plmiHO xl.nl.ii l.lml It bunhonii nilvurtlnnil,

TIIIIH, ('. ICl .VINs , I'.M.

YjlOlt HA 11K, Tlirtpniprrty on CIIKI n t i ln of!• llrl lnvun Avunnc, hhtwi'cn I'lT^hylcrlun

from IlKllcviin Avci inn in VliKi HII<V|.DwrllliiK, wllll lot IM x M t»«<, li><|iilr« or

.W..U.TIIIOII . . ...

DI I IHII .AHH tt.M Oxfnnln,—Hie Iliinnl cvor\iil I l iu |irln<i,j»l Mi ihfur l 'n .

W if,H()N IllanUbcrry r innln,— tt.'JH patthiiuxntnl. Unrnmii Txiniilolon,

Ainu r imiihnrryf I l luo Anolior, N. J.

gtijr Tliroa of our Normal HolioolUlrl» hnvo Iraen apendliiK a month InMouth Joroey, tonchlua, «» purl of llinlrcoursn. Mini Nnllla Tlioirma llnlnlindfour w«ebt *t Atlantlo City t MliaAnnie (Jrowoll |a thnro now ; nud MlnaLettta I/<thin«ii It at llnddonflold. Thnywil l huv'n thrlr ICnolor vncutlon near lhacloso of April.


Central Are., Hammonton, N. J.

Largo assortment of—jpalisrBnForns, Hoffi "Cut Flowers. Funeral Designs

in Presh Flowers.y^Var, or Metal.

WATKirCTlCHOLSON,Florists and Landscape Gardeners.


For the Best MealsQO TO

Cramer's RestaurantNext to Bank Bros. Building,

. Hommonton.

Meals at "All Hours.'Full Meals 25 Cents

Choice Oysters^and Olains,„,„ ——fierved-ln fllLBtylea™,4™--—

Philadelphia .Pure Ice Cretgn35 cents'a Quart.

Familiesservej'wlth OystorMind-Ioo Creamon short notice. Both Phones.



A Better. Stock than Ever.


Come m Early. If we haven't in stockwhat you want, we will get it.


JOHN A. HOYLEHammonton

Hot Water and Steam


Hot Air and Gasolene Engines

Artesian Wellsi , _ _ ' _ _

Plumbing in all Branches

Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton.BOTH PHONES

, InsuranceNotary Public/Oommissioner of Deeds,

Office, ^pear BuiWing,Hammpnton.

IndependentPhono — Mo. 682 Terras, $1?25 per Tea?1; $1 in Atlantic County.


ar Bottling Co.S. FOGLIETTA, Prop,

Ginger Ale, .Sarsapsriila-Soda, Etc.

Orders Promptly Attended To.Local Phone 642.

COAX*If you want coal that will not

but will give you a soft whilewith lots of beat, -----

•wo can supply you.


Why it pays to build of Concrete:First, it lasts'; 8econd,"itsati8fles;

.Third, it is modern ;

—The^other-nlnety-six:will find if you will examine a

—T house of thirbindror'if you" ~will call or^ the


• GET.

THE BEST ROOFand that is

Oortright's Metal Shingles^F o r wbicb w e a r e • • • • • •

Bolo Agent for Hammonton.

Miss BERTHA TWOMEYWotaryPublicCom. of Deeds

Belleyne Ave^ Hamtnonton.'. . - Business in these lines properly and

promptly attended to.

Paid your subscription?

An International SuitIS CHEAP

.-Vc^Hf PKrCB ONtY

Compare tbe prices of Interna-tional Qiade-to-rueaHure suits withthose jof other tai|ors. ' I will besatisfied, and yoa>wiH'be convinced''that you- cannot get better valueforyour money. -- • .• ' • ;— -

Because the In ternational Tailor-ing Company do such' an enormous.business, tbey buy their cloth; andsupplies in 'big quantities, thereby

impoBsible for. tbe ordinary! tailorto secure. Let mdPprove it.

I make no extra charge forCnflri on sleeves." That ie"SO cTin your pocket.. Coat hangersfree.

HARRIS, Men's Outfitter,. Harumonton, N. J.

Next to Steel's

They are Best and Cheapest

"25 N. Third St.. Hammontoti-

A- H. Phillips

Fire Insurance.—MONEY—


Mortgage Loans.Correspondence Solicited. '

Bartlott Building,

Atlantic City, N. J..

SEE WASHINGTON-The Heart of the Nation

Pennsylvania Railroad....... April 29, - - ; • •

r : May 13,1909

Round Trip Kate from Hammonton, $9,75 or $12.25According to hotel selected.

Coven nooessary ezpenaea for three days. Tickets good returningfor ten days. Detailed itineraries and full information

of Ticket Agents, orJ. R. WOOD, , GEO. W. BOYD,

Passenger Trofflo Manager. General Passenger Agent.


and Bellevuo




Kor sale by

John W.Hnllcviio Avo., Uitmmohton

DR. W.Known an Dlnmnnd '.Tuak

Wlll'OOIInillt wltlln. iy nil k



Hammonton Trust-CompanyHammoiitnii, N. J. '

Capital, $100,000Subscribed Surplus, $10,000

Two per cent interest paid oh chocking(tooounta avoraRloK a daily balance

of $1000 or ovg|.Three'per cent, compounded somlanua-

ally, paid on Savings Accounts.Sale Deposit Boxes for Rent.

Trust and Real Eutate Department.Acts as Executor und AdministratorAgertt for tbo Bale of Heal Kstato.

Stcnmnliip Tickets sold.Does general Trust Company Business.

OFVJCKKHA. J. U liter, President.

JOB. K. ImhoiT, Vloo-Prosldont.Wra. Colwell, Vlce-Prealdent

I)<4an 8. HmmlcU, ^ouniolor. . 'H. 31. Bottomley, Boo. & Treaa.

< C. P. Campauello, UooU-kcojier.

FREE O1Pat his •

- Medical Offices1 0.18 Walnut St.,

riiiliiclelphio.OfflooMlnuiH,—11.00 to 8.00 dally.

Hiinilnya—1.00 to fi.OO p. m.To avoid wnltlnsr. would utlflio

8nn<lny visitsAll I)r. I,ong'» fninona remedies IHO on

sal* at Hod Oiosa Phurnmoy


Try itS, J, B, T»UIQIC MOUTH J 26 OtB


UEMTISTO'Donuoll'B DulldlnK, Hammonton.

Oflloo Iliinrii: O.IX) lol'j.iuin in.„ :_n.m( from.i.w) in fl.wi p.m.-.

I'lione IW1.1 Oloiicil 'I'liiiriiluy und Krliliiy


Carpenter olid BuilderWork ITInlthed an 'fat A Hi commit.

I'lnnii, Munprlnta, and onrltnutcafuiDlnhcil, Jobbing attended to

promptly. llox A.13. I.noal Phono HI 0.Ohcrrjr Htrnot, [Inmmontno.

Advertising FaysIf inserted in a

Newspaper thateverybody reads.

Easter' In Our Churches.To-morrow being Easter,. especially

prepared programs will be rendered intbe various Churches. Here are a fewof them :

St. MARK'S OHUROff:^>Easter Day.—Holy Communion 6.30 and

7.30 a. m.; Morning Prayer 10; Holy CommuDinn and Sermon 10.30 a.' m.; Children'sService 3.00 p. m.; Evening Prayer (Choral.)and Sermon 7.'30.

_BAEII8I. CHURCH ._ _—, Morning •__

Dbiology"Invocation •Hymn 1 8 7 . 1 CharlesrVerieyRotponiive reading, P«alm,145

/ • .. l — C. Anitin MilesScripture reading, John 20 PastorPrayer ,' w " PastorHymn 41 C. WordnwortbNotices OfforincSermon, —The Redeemer's Ee»urrection —Anthem, Shoot Aloud 0 Earth

rand HeavenPrayer"Hymn 640 - 'Benediction

..- EveningDoxology -PrayerAnthem, Beck Not the LivingScripture, •! Matthew 23 ,Solo, Tho EiecD Lord

C. 8. RobertsPastqr

J. M. Neale

Wr«. D. M. Chapman


PastorAdam Oeibel

Antbom, 0 Tell Ds Where Ig He '—C. Austin Miles

HymnlSS- Thomas Scott

Anthem, Cbriit bur Passover Adam OeibelHynm43 Is»»o WattsSeimon, The Resurrection's WorthAnthem, Solemn Ni^ht J. Iloward EntwlsloPrnyer • _f PanorHymn 140 Emma Leslie TokeBenediction

PRESBYTERIAN 'Appropriate Easter maiio njorning and «ve«

ning, and exirclscs at the Sunday Schoolhour. Preaching by lUy. Mr. Sharp.

-DNIVEBBALIBX ~" .. ;• The day will be appropriately observed. Inthe evening, the Sunday School will present aservice of song and recitations.

METHODISTSpecial Easter sermon by Pastor, Rev. J. E.

Shaw, in the morning; also three Easier an-iheras bj Choir,- "The Old Easter Anthem,"'•Magdalene," and "Saviour, When NightInvolves the Skiee," Evening, program bythe Sunday .School, Including a solo by Mrs.Dunn.

'A Pretty Wedding.Mr. William B. Sloan, oi Greenwich,

N. J., nod Mle» Ida Maud Thomas, ofUarnDiontori, wore united iu tuarringoon Wedueeday, April 7th, 1000, at thahome of tno bride's patent*. Mr. andMrs. Robert E. Thomas. Kev. J. E.Sbnvr oUlclaled.

Mrs. Lewis E. Thomaii, "of Mlllylllo,was bridesmaid, with Doyd K. Sloan aauroomsruao.

Tho homo wa« bbauttlully decorated,and a nice dinnnr follo^nd thn core-muny. The young people refcolyodmany gifts, valuable and useful.

licaldea the Immediate family, therewere few Euoots—Mleae*. Anna and BvkThofnas and \V)IJIam Tlioma«< fromPhlladalphla ; Mrs. Lowii B. Thomat,Mn. Edw. McGovern, Mlik MargareiMcClellnn, and Mrs. John A. Holderbeing amopg tho qumbor.

A csrrlaa" drawn by three horsesi Itched abrcnsl and decorated withmils, conveyed the wedding party to

tint rallroud station.Mr. and Mrs. Hloan will rcildo In

tholr own lionao, at Oroeowlch. Theymvn tha bust wltliuj ol many llfolongrlondiflif I ho brldn In Hnmmontoit,

A Clothing Bulletin' • ' -.-."" " FROM . ,.;};..'• . ' . . . ' • '. . ' • ' - • • ' ' ' . ' . • : ' " ' . • ' • '

Bank Brothers' Store II

You will find the kind of Clothes you ought to wear••. in our Clothing Department.

Coprrit^l tV») t>r Hurt gclufflier & Min |

Met of uiionriml-for jottori In ttioInmmonton Post Offlrto on Wednesday.

Apr. 7, inoi):Mr IB I l l l l ln Wrll i ir i ina HeraMr Henry Nroilny MrMnmnol Whr«l»i(,n»Mr* A Aninnok ' I.iilgl |ratl*|i|>orUtMrUMIohnloUlnvai io

M mill Din (llunipplim Ordnnnll*Mr (Hoy««nl (Jnllofn Mlcli*lo

Hliiiior Dominic* onlllaMr KrMik Morrl.

Pnrnoni oftl l lDR for Any of the *borattort will pldkie •••la that It IIM

Tiioo. O. ELTIWB, I'.M.

GETTING IN FRONT, and keeping there,— that's tliaway Marathon races are won. It's the way anything

else in this world is won ; and no man who wants to win can..afford to neglect anything, great or small, which may coir-^tribute to his being in front.

You want to win success, in your undertakings, whatever-they may be ; and oue of the things .which every man needsand ought to be sure of is good clothes ; they help your ap- ,pearance, fidd to your effectiveness, and make you feel mcict-successful : and there's ,a lot in the way a man feels. who is.trying to win.

HART SOHAFFNER & MARXAre in front among all the clothes makers of the worlcLThey got there by making clothes right; by correct'style jby correct and perfect tailoring,' by using none but all-wool!fabrics when so many nlakers think that part cotton is goodenough for you.

We sell these clothes because we believe they're that kindof clothes ; because we want to keep in front. They're the.sort of clothes that are a benefit and a profit to everybodyconcerned,—to you who wear them most of all. < v: •

If you expect to "blossom oxit" in nexv clothes, Eastepseems to be the date for it. Bank Brothers' Clothing Depart^

eiXtJs.rx'ady.tQ. supply yon .with the kind of--clothes yot|.ought to wear. ,

Furnishing8.,_.Scqres of_ne^^.Shirts.juat.opeucd.—Tho-ricwcst and noboiest patterns are here. Our shirt counter-was never before supplied with such a fine collection of thofamous Eclipse Shirts, and hundreds of other grades andstyles,—at 48 c, 650, 750, #i, and #1.50.

. A shipment of J. B. Stetson hats just opened,Gold Bond Hats at $2, with written guarantee. ,

Dutchcss Trousers in handsome weaves1—Spring styles.

lank BrothersHammonton, N. J.

Page 2: PAIR OP FINE SHOES - Atlantic County Library i „ j.-j: ,4 J I V — DO YOU NOT KNOW:?., 3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very little Investigation that The Hammonton Paintl Is


One day through the primeval wood,A calf, •walked home as good calves

should, 'But made a trail all bent askew,' •A crooked trail as all calves do.

Since then two hundred years have• fled, ,

Arid, I Infer, the calf is dead.But still lie left behind his trail,And thereby hangs my moral tale.

The trail was taken up next dayBy a lone dog that passed that way;And-then a—wlso~bell-wcth~eT~Bheep~Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep,And drew the flock behind him too,As good bell-wethers always do.-- — - - -- ' - -_


The army of Hayti, under a "law of reorganization" passed by the National Assembly in 1878, consists nominally of 6828 men, chiefly Infantry.There Is a special "Guard of the. Government," numbering 650 men, commanded' by ten generals, wh o also act as aides-de-camp to the

President of the Republic. In that comic-opera'Island, however, nearly all the soldiers have the rank of general. The officers disdainboots; but they wear spurs of their bare feet. The army can be broken up on parade by any wag who throws a few silver'

pieces among the ranks. Officers and men scramble fiercely for the money. Haytl also possesses an • .' , . ' . • ' . absurd f l e e t o f s i x small vessels, very much o u t o f repair. . • • _ ' . .


THE recent flight of President Gas- f f . /-,-• AT-.*. A II f I TJT/X.tro, of Venezuela, and the resulting « ' l.O l.YOl f1.ll JLGHg/l rK/lC/I

bloodies^ .upsetting o f h i s government . • " ' . . . - . .- • b y Gomez was the exception rather „ R&nllhftfe" Tfltto f Tn A •»****..than the rule. Other potentates have ........ *Vtff/UI/ilCd..; M URQ. C/D-jf\,TiilS

fled, to expend their ill-gotten gold onthe gay boulevards of Paris, but it IB |seldom- that they have done so untildriven from power by force of arms,' it has been my fortune to bear a

. part in three Latin-American fevolutions; the Liberal rising in Colombiain 1898, the ' Firmin insurrection inHayti in .1900, and the Maids fevolntion in Venezuela In 1901.

It Is the fashion in the,United States.to regard these frequent wars of South"America as they would a light opera,and there is often a comic side totEem; but~iEey are. fearful'-'and 'tragicenough in all conscience.

During the ..Colombian revolution,:—when-I-was in command-of-a-detach-

——-ment uf. Llfreral~troops~at'the''town~ofCall, In the. department .of athe Cauca,

' ~ran Indian headman came to my quar-ters, and--asked for a -permit"to sellsome gold, which he had "brought intothe town.

-Plundered Dead-JVIem —I granted the permit without inquir

ing where be; had got the gold, takingit for granted that- he had washed l£from one"of the rivers: Soon .after-wards, a local merchant sent for me,and said:

"Do you.Know what this man wants• to sell?" ' •- ' - - ,

"Yes—gold.""Gold, certainly. The gold-fillings

of human teeth. He has scores ofthem—look here!"

The man had knocked the fillingsput of the teeth of bodies found on abattlefield over which we fought threeweeks before. I had him arrested, andhe was afterwards hanged, as ho wasproved to have murdered at least onewounded man for the purpose of plun-der. But I hoard of many other In-stances of this hideous traffic In jpld.

At the bnttlo of Pain Negro, nearBogota, where tho hopes of our Lib-eral niul anti-clerical revolution worequenched in awful slaughter, I wit-nessed an net of cqld-hlooded cruelty,which appalled oven tho war-hardened

shots'that they seldom did one an-other any harm In that way.. .'.'

After blazing away for hours, andwasting all their . ammunition, theywould fling their rifles awayj as" if bya common Impulse, and charge at oneanother without any orders. - Thenaked steel then decided the Issue,and tt was no unusual thing to seebodies which had been almost hackedto pieces by the heavy cutlasses theycarried. .

In Venezuela, where I served as warcorrespondent—of—a—Chicago news-paper, I was arrested by order of oneof President Castro's generals, -named

pprt-of—an-atrocions—deecl • eowuiiireitby one of his officers. -

Presidentship introduced a good dealof humor into the Government of Ven-ezuela: Until he appeared at the headof his "ever-victorious-army," he wasonly known in the capital, Caracas, asthe ignorant peasant deputy from LosAndes,1 who always took his boots Oftduring- the sittings of • Congress..

He made the barber of his nativevillage a general and Cabinet Minis-ter.- When I was in Caracas, the.ton-sorial artist, although then in the Cab-inet, still shaved Castro.

The Minister of War was an" oldhalf-Indian peasant? who had wornrough ""canvas... smocks all bis life.-When-he-flrst-appeared-in-all-tfae-glory-ot a gold-laced uniform, his faithful

in a blanket.Matos, ,bent on revenge, offered to

pay up. ''.CBstr.Q_repiled_that_h_e_waBsorry to_say thejaeedsof the country

~ ~ " " "for ..fifty thousand bolivars. Matospaid, realized all his possessions, andwent to Curacao to organize his revo-lution. - ,

When r met him at WlHemstad, heacknowledged that, If Castro had a!*lowed him timer;to dress before drag-ging him 'through the streets, Vene-zuela might have been saved two yearsof devastating civil war.

Generals were very .cheap In thethree so-called republics, In which Isaw service. But I think the limit wasreached in -Port-au-Prince.- Old Presi-dent Nord Alexis made a negro docklaborer a "general of division."

(old wife'"was so overjoyed that sheTne_man was a half-'sayage Andino died_qn_the_spot from heart disease,

from Castro's own mountain village. The Matqs revolution, which~costHe was walking through the streets several thousands of lives, and nearlyof the captured village of La Victoria,when a comrade taunted him with be-

-"I'll show you if I am,'' he retorted.

"Do you see that child?" He pointed

ruined the country, was caused byCastro's fondness for a rough practicalJoke.••••-"•••"-• — •••- •—-•---- •-••-

-All-Through a Loan.

lorm. ttte man stole a pair of gold-laced trousers from. a tailor's shop.He was caught red-handed, and, by thePresident's orders, paraded round the

And from that day o'er hill and glade .JThrough those old woods a path was

" made; ~ .'~~And many men waund in and out.And dodged and turned and bent out,, ,And uttered words of righteous wratg-Because 'twas such a crooked path. • " .*".

But still they followed—do '-'not- laughr— . . ' ,

The first migrations of that calf,And through this winding woodway

stalkedBecause he- wabbled when he walked.

This forest path became a lane,That bent, and .turned, and turned

again;This crooked lane became a road.

Where many a poor horse with his -Joad-

Toiled-'On-beneBth the Imrntng null,-••And traveled some three miles In one;And thus a century and a halfThey trod in the footsteps of that calf.

The^earrpassea~ori~ln~swlfthess fleet;The road became a Tillage street; •And this before'they were aware, :A city's crowded thoroughfare;And soon the central street was thisOf a renowned metropolisAnd men two centuries and a halfTrod In the footsteps of that calf. . . '.~ '.

They followed, in the beaten track;And in, and out, and forth, and back,And still their devious bourse pursue, ..„To keep the path that others do. ' • * • 'For men are prone to go it blindAlong the~:calf paths of the mind,And-work away from sun-to sun—To do what other men have done,


Twelve per cent..of sugar is thoavcjage yield of good beet roots.

In a favorable wind a fox can scent

;o a youngster of five years old. who1 General Matos was the richest andwas leaning but of an upstairs window'moat respected citizen of Caracas—aooklng down on the soldiers. Draw-'man of great dignity. When Castro

assumed the Presidentship, he sent toMatos for a "loon" of twenty-five thou.sand~bolivars. Matos unwisely refus-ed. Thereupon, Castro sent a file' ofsoldiers to his house, and had himdragged out of bed, and led through

ng his revolver, he deliberately aimedat the child's head, and shot It dead.He was nevei-punishedr The Andinrs:were the backbone of Castro's arm]','and. this officer happened to be one of'he most popular amongst them. —„„-_ — -- •-- » - -

Castro's success in gaining the'Jeering crowds to tho gaol, clad only

ELECTRIC MARVELS AFLOATOver 200 Miles of Wire and Cable in One Vessel f

A I/THOUGH much has, from time

Colombians with mo, half-Indianthough they wore.

Wo hold a long, Jiingle-covorod rldgoagainst a battalion of tho Governmenttroops, who had hnltod nt tho odgo ofa 'thicket. 'nearly a mllo off, bolngafraid to ndvancn up tho uncovered

of tho bi l l In fnct> of our flre.Shot Tholr Own Men.

Suddenly, about twentyout of I ho rovnr, and wcro luot

lit oncn by ii vojloy tlii.il" half °fthorn. Tliui othorii l io td t i iUid, and turn-oil to rut runt , but. l lnjni worn two orthrco puffi i (if Hinoko from tho thlckfl t .Their own nion wm-o l l r lng at thorn Inorder to, compel them to go <>n. Don-poraloly thoy advanced towards unsnln, and our nion iihnt thorn down.


th rough 1iln flulil-KlnHHOM at my iililo.Hl ioutoi l , "Thoy aro boyti—inoro chlldri ' i i! Don't llro!" '

It wiui too Into . Only nno of tho)'oiiti | ;nli>i-H oiicaiioil, Tho comaf t h n t ( )uvr i i | in i ' i i l I n i t i a t ion hail al£OOd many boyn In Iho riinliii . noiiio of

mi i w n l v u , and ovon

A J'Ymic.li nbldlor ot for tnnoAnilro. who wiui

liom ant/'n, "I'hlii wiui i i i i l l n coini iKin la tho(Colombian Armygrown mini wurcIfolh nldOH.

u| Ih i i l . l lm i i , forrunning iihort on

., Hit \vaiil(.'i| (o locale our cxaci ponl-(Ion, mil l . I h r r i ' f c i r i ' , foi'i 'i 'd I l iomi lioyii

not w i i M l o l i ln nion Tin- Iho purpomr.Thin l i r n l n l .olllcor wun a f lo rwan lniihol by nrilor of u courl inni ' l la l , notf i i r ^ l h l i i crlnio, but. fin- an act of (roach-«ry.

Flomllnh Cruelty,Tln< Colombian i iohlloni on l iolh i l l i l i ' n

from Iho p i m i i n n l r y ofilnnvnHin c n u n l r y , Tlioy hud a liu'jin n ln i lnof Ind ian lilood, mid wnrc i-n|>aliln of

hai ' i l i i l i lpn, I havoii

known Ibo in d, march th i r ty ml l im n< l , i y > l inn ' • fo i i to i l oviir i i ionnlal i in . niullMro i iK . l i t i l n u i i i l Inicldi ' i i r i j iu iKhoi , w i thi i n l l i l n j ; l» nut nnvn i\ l l l l l n piiiiiilii( numb. i i M i i w r n t i i n o d , nd(o oliooolalo),niul l ici 'p i i i l n up for wi'i 'idi -on nul.

1 Their r i i i imc iT In luipil to liiind on-.•oiuil.'ni w i t h I ho innol io to wmi In-

to time, been written about thowo leviathan Cunard Btoamero, Lu-itanla and • Maurotanla, yet compara-Ively few can grasp the Hlgnlllcnt

part which electricity plays through-out these ships. A few facts relatingto tho oloctrlc equipment ot ( thoMaurotanla may bo of Interest.

Apart from tho 70,000 hormi poworof tlio. turbine.!) which propel tho shipthrough tho wutor, tho electrical pow-or, which Is Hiippllod by four gonora-torn, roprosontu an additional 2,144horse powor..

Electricity is used not only for Il-luminating tho nhlp at night, but fora mul lUudo of other purposes, Much nooperating tho elevators, of whichthoro nro two for paHiioiiKorB' IIHO,olghl, for-bngKHKt,-iind matin, and twofor Hinul l iT OIIOH In tho pantrlon. Elec-trlcally-drlvon crnnoH nnd wlnchonaro nlno provlilod. It may bo of In,lorotit lo know that 0,1100 oloctrlcI'nmpii aro liiHlallod throughout- thoMhlp, giving tlio oiiormoiiii totiil "fovor 100,000 ciuidlt) powcir. For boatIng • t l i o flriit-i.-lniin qunrtorH nlxty oloc-trio radlatorH havo boon flttod, to naynoth ing of noiiio forty-thron hoiitnrHIn tlio Imtlr roomn for mm during th«cold woathor,

Niimciroiit i oloolrlc fanti aro unodfor ventilating Iho var|ouu .rooiiiH, anilaro no arrangoil that l imy cnn supplyolthor wnrm or cool air according tothn wont hor, wli l ln thn air In t.bo cab-Inn can bo to ta l ly clinngeil nix oreight Union In an hour, Apart fromthn nlinvo :vonttlatin>!' Tilnn," "nTxlVioii"

OIIOH, of r>0 homo powor onch,nro I l l t i - i l for > n i ipp ly l i iK forced

lo tlio twonty-llvo liollorn,i_«»HU<IIHlV«t—klll'llttllfl—Of-

Mimro lmi la e lec t r ic i ty In called uponto p iny tin Imiiorlanl rule', and It mayIntercut iioino hounowlvon to learnthat one nini;o alone linn n frontngoof about (ID foot, anil Included a ronnt-er w l l h four vert ical iipltii rotated bynn oleclrlo motor, I l ieno i ipl l i i l iolnRcapnlile nf i loal l i iK w i t h Imlf a' ton ofmeat, at n t ime, Tliln In In ail i l l t lonlo a i in in l lo r roniilor w i t h Mil no nplln,i lr lven In t h e nanio manner. In tho

quart freezers for making Ice creamfor tho passengers, to say nothing ofthe cold storage plant, and tho elec-trical printing -press which enablestho "Cunard Dally Bulletin" to bepublished on board.

Some Idea of tho size- of this vesselmay bo • obtained whon it IB mention-ed that ovor 200 miles of wire nndcables nro fitted throughout tho ohlp;those, If plue.od ond to end, wouldroach from London to Plymouth.

Tho, oloctrlc boll and .telephone In-fitallntion on the Maurotanla mir-

town 'seated upon a donkey, with his • a man one-quarter of a mile away,face towards" the tall, and the stolen - ,trousers tied around- his neck. Yet, he I The.re are 270 active volcanoes Inretained . his commission,- and -after-J the_world, .many of, them_very~smflllwards did good service for Nord |Aluxiu.



"Ilund away, or stdolon, or stdrnyed,mine largo plack horse,' about' thir-teen hands hie. Ho has four plack 'legs, two pohlnd and two pefore; ho

Of~~tne ii.tiOD.OOO married couplosIn France near]y 2.000,000 aro child-less. '

show that the longesteat the hcnrtioHt break-

Morn than, 125,000,000 'pounds ofHihbnr aro used In the world '.an-nually.

Is plack nil ovor 'his poily, put ho has j It ,s estimated'that thoro aro 8,000.-got »omo vlte spots pon his pack, 'ono telephones now In UBO in thovhorp tho -akin van irub off, but I lwor ld .greesed 'em, and do vile spots is all [pluclc again. Ho trods and ItaiiterH, At an tilovntlon of 2,000 foot thoand sometimes., ho yalks; and vhon,' Alpine nlr in Switzcrlan"dTa freo fromho vulks nil his. logs nnd feet goes on t nilcrobos.

noriln has 45.000 troon In ItsHtreetn—moro than any other city inthe world.

Four hundred t j iounand dlamnndnnro cut every your In one AniHtordnmfactory alone\

Parking la an acquired hnblt withWild, dogs novor bark; thoy

von after anodcr. Ho has two oarspon hid head, poth alike, put von IHplaclier dan the todor and a small pitlonger. Ho hns two oyos, von IB putout, and toiler, IB pon do side of binhead; and von you go todor nlda liovont BOO you.,! Ven ho oats good deal,ho has pig belly; he, has long ilnll,that hnngH pcMfcil; put I cut It Hhorttoiler day, andniow It IH not so longvat It VIIH. Ho Is iihoad all round, putbin pohlnd shoes coined off, and now ho . howl or whlnn.hns got on iiliooH only pefore. Ho

In connection with Hhlp work. Bollpimhofl aro pliicod ovor overy bod,and nl tOKOlhor I,2fl8 oloctrlc boll-pi iNhoH bavo been (Ittod In tho varlomical'iliiH, otc,, whl lHt tolophonoH, of

I veil ho poon fr lKhton

In miipluyi td < « 'inn-

hnlioryo|ionile n Inri torh ino cnpitbhi of malt ing bread for ut.lennt ,'1,000 pornuiin.

Among (ho inlneo)l i inoi)i in appuriit-nn d r iven liV I l i l n 'wnni le r fu l minuonliuwer are throe circular Icnlvmi fornl l i ' lm; ham and bacon, four potato

i'«U<l ' i t , n Wlil l i l t f i i iV miidhliin, novernlli lnten fu r

.to ho found lu iiumeroim parts of thonil Ip and In all tho host, rooniii.

Apart from tbo Marconi. wlreloHHh out f i t , which onablon I>nn-to lonrn all t h a t IH going on

In tho world Jimt ns If tboy -woro in a'flrnt-cliiHH holol In' York Inntnnd

of nillen from land, inoium linn beenprovided for coupling tho nhlp up tothe city teolphono oxc.hnngoii whon ly-ing aloiiK'ililo the landing ulngoH ntLiverpool .Or New York, thuii enablingpntiiiungorii |o cominiinlcnto withtho|r f r londH or Id truniino.t hualnonnthe inomunt I l lu .veiliiol toiuihuti thequiiy, or lo nay goniM>yo to fr lendn Ini l ln l i in t . par lH of the city up to Ihot ime the boat leaven land,

U l n c t r l c l l y alHo plnyn an Impor tan tpart -In. tlui-uufuty- duvliuHi—nn--honrdt h i n wi in i lor fu l nhlp , mi, for limtance,i ihowli iK Iho olllci'r In ohnrgo whichwnl i i r - l lKh t doom nro n i - l i in l ly elonodniul what uiivU;alli iK I n m p n nre HI, I t .

horn from tbn whool I IOI IHO, and fort l i i > nyiilmn of flt 'o nlnnnii, In cniinoc-lion wllb which thoro aro ih l r ty-olKhtalarm pnnhon In pi-oinlnnnl, partii oftho voiiiiol. • , «.,

C'oiir olcclrlc noar r l i l ln l i l i i m-o ear-rleil on hoard, nnd, In addition to thoiiniial coinpl i i i i iont of l l fn-hi ioyn whichcvi'i'y nli lp, .r.iu'rloii, two i iponl i t l hnoyriluivo tioon provided for imo at. nlitbl-Tluino,', upon roloanoil bv prenn-

a l i i i l t nn , luilouiatlrally light nMure upon nti ' l l i l i i ic tho wnler , t l inn In-illcnllni; t lml r iiiniltlon. Moid Ion "i.aluo he innilo of tho n y n l i i n i of oloctrln

wli lc l i nro placed In t l io vn-rloiui naloonii niul Iniporlaiit n l l u n -tloini throi iKhont Iho nli lp.

Tlie' ulenli 'le InHlnl l i ide i i on thi"veiiMol roproiieiitii about i |:i2ri,000 Inv n l n n , o>' t«nino t l f loen t.linen Iho routof the electric eniilpiiieiit on an nver-ni;0 Al lan l l e liner.

about, like everything In do world. Howil l r ldu mlt a riaddlo, or a chaliiu, orn karl; or ho vlll go py l i l lnxolf v l i ln i i l

In seven yonnt only one pnnnnnp;orjiunpii li"« boon Idlled on the New South

Wnloii rnllroailx.

The world'n poHtnl biiHlnoss Is in-nopody on his pack put. a PIIK, and a crenHlnn at tho rato of BOVOII parpoy.on i i lH ton of ) t . _ IloL.l«...ii<}tj<t'ry. jc'-'Htn-Dcr. .unnuin - _ >old;""niul whon ho valkH or nuiH hl» j —head KOOH l l rHt , anil b in tal l Htayn | Por ovi>ry Irec ehoppod down InpohliHl; only vhon ho K°IH mad, and Norway tlm law roquln-n threo cap-tuniH Voi ind, don him dul l conio f l r i i t . H I I K M to IKI planted, .Vooovor v l l l prlnK him pack iihall pnyIlvn ilolliim rovard; anil If ho p r tnKpuck t i f f ilnl. utolo him, ho nhal lpny twonty dollafH, and ux notloilB,"

A Klrnffo'ii toiiKuolent In

Tho Ri iHHlnn fiecret Horvlco om-ployn oviir (1,000 wonion. Homo drawn Biilnry of ^10,000 n your.

I In proportion to Hit weli;ht, tliotwo .wln« of a hlnl hi twonty tlmo» utroim-

i or tlinn tho arm of n niiin,

An Arab drinks nlno or ton cupn ofooffoo ovnry day.

KiiKivr in foiinit In tho nap of nonrly1!0() p l i in tn and troon.

Tho nolllnir of w lno ' l n flnaln on n,Hunday In prohlbltod, and Innn niniitcloiio by nildnlKl.it on Huturday.

Kuropo IOIUIH 1)00,000 imtlvoH nvory„,. ,„ . .......... ....... . 'y<.vir.Jiy_.umkrutlou.-.AvJillo-.ouly. 200.-...

•-• ihi 'nrnnrtHIHoftu rocoKnlzod «iiinl-I I Ion of iiuioriiohauni.

. _-oo» rolurn la Iho iianio'

In nov<in yoam nlnnpliiK nlcknoiiH In» , , , . . , , i HAiinlral la In tyonly-iilx HIIIOH largor uwil(\u hnn Idlloil no loim than 200,-ii,i in.. ii..in,.i, i.,i..,, |00(M)ut-of-)i-ropiiltxtloTr-of-:lO(),00(),— rt h a n tho l l r l l l nb

Nonrly ovury .lapanoiio followu th«prorniiii l i in nt hlii futhor.•

Tho flrnt H|.....r n balloon ,wan nmdo in 1'arin In 17K-I.

(Irapoii nro nqiioo/.od nix f l m e u Inthe miildni; of champiiKno,

There aro If iO flroii ton on florno ottho Jar/tor At lan t lo iitoainoni.

Aini l ra l lau Jowolnrn pintiiionl, rlilim to t lmlr cuulii inoni.

Merlin linti n club wllh JlOO mom-born, all of whom aro divorced,

iriowoi-M wro ono nnil -a hnlf doKi'oow •warmer t l i n n Hie ni innnni l l i i i ; ntr, ; I

The liiiinan i i l i ln I'ont.iilnn a,500poruptra l lon poron to oVol-y Inch.

Thoro |n inoro inonoy In clroiilatlonIn Krnnco—In proportion to tho paint-In t lon—tl inn la tiny other country,

lOlnut r l f l loiioiiiolivon' nan pull |ieav-lor I mill n nl n fantor upend tlinniilonin locoinollvoii of oqual power.

Acroi'dlnic In u (Inrinanlor, a i imoknr mmilii ln|o thn nlr aboutfour l i l l l lnu ii^rtloloii of dinit. at Qvory


At the HKO of I l i l r ly , Ihobrain l ioKlno lo lonn wolKhl , but that,of the iiiiile not u n t i l the IIRO offorty.

In .lapnii a i imn.i 'nii hlro n liorno,Vi'ep two nel 'Vii i i l i i nnd live In rtxpnl-lent, n ly le for n I l l l l o over $-0 umonth.




h f'oM- » "and feola, the power of Christ's jra.mortal maxim, "In your patience yeshall- possess, (win) your souls."

J°hn' the ttut

, .J°hn.' the ttuthor of

Z'JS%Christian life desired that bland

?!&&"* '^ UWisdom brcurlst; the man oi

The subjecjt. of the ser- Iled andmon was "The JCIngshlp of Patience," sits downand the text, Revelation' 1:9: "i, '"John, your brother and companion In


'•':du)nesBJects? _o uoi

why should he delay their execution?And right here we encounter a seem- nf

-, Ing contradiction; our text introduces hoa divine interpretation. It teaches

f - ,Bnd led wlth the


ay School Lessoni'-OR APRIL 11, 1909.

oPeter Delivered From Prison. Acts

Learn verse 7. Read Acts12; lill,12: 1-19.

,-a *'»Bdoni in which

.. ^at kingahip is hot divorced from-pa-BlEnh,3Jifl1fh?V f fe, re r> and could

tience, but bound up with it-^hat I ilfhT, ,̂ h ,^ kln<

ely courtesy' "L' the divine kingdom is Inherited ' ̂ ' y°ur brother In the--kingdom

. through patience? and that ^iritual I Xr^v^0'Je8U8MClirl8t-"sovereignty Is acquired not bs-a sin- ' noS« =S3 y ' ̂ .-.P^'ence ttius en-gle bound, but -throuBh-the-HMS-^Srfh-irf-ir--^5^^"1111*-1* lm'

' plodding piiyrimage which patience 'KHSeM"'ll™1.7 ̂ and-ablding ialone can make. This Is a truth „ SH, .'-T n ar't,|tilde?t once saidwhIcM,ermeates the entire spirit ^^^%S^^^

.pllflcation in the being and natureGod.

-of j i t . » ?ou cannot s'tand be'fore a wpj-k


GOLDEN TEXT.—The angel ofJehovah encampeth round about themthat fear Him; and dellvereth them.—Psalm 34: 7.

It Js_somewhat,-remnrkable that ~BO-little" Information Is given us in Actsabout the work of the twelve :apostlcs.What little information we get refersto the doing of Peter almost exclusive-ly, and the account of his work stopsshort perhaps a score of years pefore*iis~tienth~.i—TJlff'Im'p?IsoJifffent aha do™Iverance of which we read; in this les-

son are the last we hear of Peter, ex-cept Incidentally. From this time onthe~boolcLof Acts—Iir taken~up~ with anarrative, of the .missionary journeysof Paul1, and of his Imprisonment andourriey td'.'Rome. And Paul was notme of the Twelve.-The reason for , this apparentlystrange neglect of the original apostleson Ihe part of the Inspired historianIs, Jio doubt, to be'foun'd- In the facfthat the purpose of. the book is notwhat Its title would Imply. The titlemust have been given to it .by somecopyist because Luke himself gives usa very different -thought as to the sub-ject of his .narrative.' He begins It bysaying-^ "The^ former_treatlse 1^ made

~or~u.II "that Jesus began botii "tb'doand to teach. In the Greek. tho_ em-phaals" Is on the word "began." Lukewas not _ writing to tell

'WOK in LEAUUt.' TOPIC FOR APRIL, 11, 1009._-.

(Eaatop Sunday— Missionary Topie)Comforted by , a. Risen1 Saviour. John20: 11-31. .

Tho world at th« tlrno Jesus camfllnto'lt~wa» not In the loaHt sure about

'a life after' death. among the.Jews, one large sect, the Sadducess,believed that there was no resurrection.Now-,—tor-people-Avho—UOIIovc™gb"there ("pre

. c' art, every square inch. eVery color,Christianity Is solitary in Its rev- every shade of which has been trans-tion ot patience as a quality of f i u r e d • b . - . t l L --

elation -nce as a quality of figured •by.-.tolLand- tears, and gather- God-No pagan god was ever crowned ita wealth or meanlng~ln-a"few~ see-'

with this virtue. The coarse mind of ends. You must stand there, nitman never PV«IV»/I o n.n-n» j-n-- i -, --------- wrm». lou musi stand there, sitman never evolved a gentle deity, there, surrender yourself to theThe gods of human genius arc j great ' tuenie UDtn you fe« like the pilgrim.In impatience, force and reseritment. before Reubens' -Descent From 'theThis •conception .of Impatience as the Croa „ who forgot time and comfortprerogative of deity is not only at the and ^]ace and after standing fromroot of th^ grotesque forms of pagan- mornfng ^ntu evening and being re-Ism. but it is responsible for maqy of ) mlnded

6that the time to depart had

8 m°n' 11 V l e w 6 '° f ' -n ^ r w , '°. ' ' l r r lvea, exclaimedr-Wait a moment,God that havo found their way lnto'nntn tney got Him down!" Such isthe so-called "Chrls.tlan theoloev.",..- ---- - • - •- - - -_T. theology. ,When theologians paint pictures o f . whlch brlnes to »eht the

out n.~G'<iut-'-ln'o' cojitinuatjon ofwgrk ot Christ. la.tlie-world. He

therefore cKosej out 'of all the materialat his hand'such' facts ap would givethe:clearest Idea of the beglnning~arfd~

.grflW-th_o.f_thfi[^Christian Church and themanner in whl'^i It began to' spread it-self over the World under the Impulseand-by the guidance of thft-ftefy^Splrit,Acts Is principally ail account of workdone by Peter and Paul, but we. arenot ,glven a biography of Peter or ofPaul, .we' are told of what Jesus Hid

can be no great incentive to o rightlife in this world. They'may well sayto themselves, Let us-cut, drink, andbe merry, for to-morrow we die. (ReadLuke 12: 19 and 1 Cor. 15: 32.)

Indeed there i» no basis for any re--llglon-wprtb—the—nntne-apart—from-thq-conaclousness that this life is only thitjbeginning of an existence. The~oxpec-tation of a life after death in which woshall reap the -frul t -of—our—life heregives a meaning .to l ife-that it cnnnototherwise have. So It was essentialthat men should.be given cuuse toknow, by many Infallible proofs, thatthere 5s a resurrection. To thjs end,among others, Christ died and roseagain from the-dead.

The teaching concerning the resur-rection of Christ has permeated the/whole civilized world to such an cl-ient, and cpnvlnced the world to suchan extent, that If that belief could besuddenly shattered all belief in truthor goodness would fall, and God wouldseem-to-btm—mythr—It.-ls-lmpossiDle-thatrthe~belIef~liT~a~rcsurrection should^be lost, for there

"I wonder what that 'Chinaman Itdoing up so late?" "Shirts, I- suppose."—New Orlenns Times-Democrat.

All the world's a stage—but the ma--Jorlty-of-ufcstt-in-the-gflllery-and-throw —things nt the performers.—Kansas City ,World.

._ Ferdy—Why dld.you-stop calltni? on~7the Mainchance girl? Algy—'Why, thawhole family • seemed too glad to se» »me!~Llfe.-

Jones—See the wicked artist painting011 Sunday. Jenks—TnTmlght do worse. „Jones (scrutinizing picture)—I'm not .'so sure' of that—Judge.

Longbow—What I say Is true. B»-sides; "Seeig Is believing," youWise—Not always. Longbow—Ob. yes.Wise—No. I see you, for Instance,—Philadelphia Press..- _. 1_.

De lost, for^ there are too niany ^hris- "I don't jee why Dashup never getstlafis who"~Rho\v" ffiat Christ is rlseri 'albrigTs^a salesman. He's the l?llt>-j?y the heln He _giy.??'_.thi'm n»?f7 •*"•''-•—>^..J.-.. —*- - — • ' . - - , . . . . . . - —

through fhemIt

stamp Him with remorse-' h!d,den,things of GOQ. discloses.'the, divine intent In *' *-*-- - ••

was nt about the time of our les-son -that Paul finding the Jews atAntloch, in Pisidla, unwilling to listento..the''"" ' --

I briible

nn f h . n » hGod must be just and may be mercl- j

out thej torl ea

US t0

s_t the tioars, and_tluia._ , _ .-^nature In o sections -, It wtote spll/t .., what

. . . .—r rr—r-r—; T;'^" i becomes our greatest peril. We_ be-Betting watches upon 'the frontiers; „„„,„ i—:-*•—» .•- - -lest love should encroach [Upon truthand "mercy-supplant justice; thenthey' forget that all the great moralqualities are duly proportioned In thedivine nature; that they include eachother In a way that defies triangula-tlon; and that ~" —

T^ardtairpjTtJiejSWHeTi tho scu.,,,.„. 0 ..mun uia-

closes the angel In the. block, he le."'"not 'discouraged by hardness in the

stone nor defect In the grain. Ho IEbent on actualizing his ideal. Thegreater the difficulties, tho more hispatience is called Into play. Anddare rfe think ot God as conceiving apurpose less sharply or bringing It to.perfection with less patience?

We fall Into bitter, suspicious, mis-anthropic' frames of mind ovor thehigh-handed insolence ot domngogu-Ism, over social laxity nnd licentious-ness, over fraud and graft and god-less luxury; nnd because things arecrooked, wo would how them to thelino of Our thinking, lay tho scor-pion scourge on the 'bnc ' .c of con-servatism, condemn all who aro notwilling to march to our music; yea,

.wo nro tempted to doubt tho divineKoodnoss, bocniino Ond does not ariseIn Ills might, de3troy_Bln, and uahor

j come impatient iu awaiting results.1 It_ls the child who to-morrow digstip the seed he planted yesterday, to . m oosee -whether it is growing or not; and I suppose that he preached less force-In this respect, many of us are chll- j fu"y or perslsently, or that he did notdren of a larger growth. The effect I work as. actively as he could for Christ.

e uospel, pronounced those mem-« words- "It was necessary thatVord'of God should first have been'"von J?"H; >"' 6cei"S ye put It„• you,' afld. Judge yourselves un-ly

r?f 5.JU1 ^LH't" Hie, lo, we turn

e Gentiles." . (Arts 13: 46.) Fromtime began a-«unpalgn -jo won-1 and su ttr-renching that it over^\v? the, work -of the .original

er did not stop doing his impbrt-Vprk. We know him" too well tn

upon the earth," eter my skin, wornyet in my flesh sh19: 23-27.) But tlWho had so livelyih6re were none toaiid TMeaning of tris njiioh ns thpvvrus who know of C

' of . His resurrectio"Blessed be the

our Lord Jesus CIng to His abundar

th'olF'feHowship with Him; but just totry (o imagine the possibility is to seewhat .k tremendous thing Christ'sresurrection was for the world,L.whatcomfort.rwe"get "fr'bVn'" our knowledgeof-Chrlst's_-lriumph_oyer.:.(ieatli _

But it is not only 'the Christianworld that believes in a future life. Theheathen world 'also" believes In it, al-though even the wisest of the heathendo not know whence they received theassurance that If a man die he willlive again. - . - • • . " .

In Old Testament times 'there werea few 'who -could say with John, "Iknow that my Redeemer 11%'eth, andthat He shall stand at the latter day

"- " and tbat "though afrbody,(Job

But there were not many

.of this impatience Is disastrous n ^ u t

' nes.

, ,.In the millennium. Dut meanwhile,Qod waits. Ilo utandii In the mldfllof the piiBalnif centurion with out-stretched hands of entreaty. N<ot&er attitude would bo conaonnnwith Hla character. Solf-oxfatont aneternal, without beginning or ending,He cannot tnlco account of tlmTlmo IB an element that does noenter i.ito Ills bnlnK. Perfection Itho n lo i ld In which tho dlvlna Idoalaro cast; tho amount of tlma is noth

•st part a workIt products a distortion of vision,

substitutes a segment of llfe'e_clrclefor thei. whole, measures provldencoby a few years of happiness, andwelghc the interests of time againsteternity. "How can-these things be?"we often ask. ' What things? The. uv ,un tuKm aim. judea, exceptwoea^of broken health, the agonies by 'was hindered for n time by , ^~-whlc'i' human bodies are tortured for j tlfln. And persecution only spread thomany years, the wrongs of orphanage,! flame of Christian -zeal nnd activity.lll>Stllnnno Ofrt f ln '«-a *-'—•-- - - * ' » - -

among the Jews and had therefore nnindirect bearing jonlyl upon the greatextension of "the Cliurch which resultedfrom Paul's foreign mission work. TheTwelve were, n.o doubt, all lit work,each where the Lord went him. And theGospel ivas preached continuously In

~ and. Judea, except when Itper«ecu-

activity,were driven from


_„,„_ _. v. ̂ .-«...»n^, , ..«•••*; u* ^...uriaiiunpestilence, flre, flood, famine and j because those who were driv<earthquake. How can a merciful God i homo by It carried tho goodpermit such severities? Patience' wherever they wont. (Acts 8: 4.)come« to the rescue, and becomes tho ' But £od hud Planned for a muchInterpreter of Provldenco', explains mor? effective punching of the Gospelthat they are.parts of the "Alllhinss;; %r£

a£^0^*r}£t^.$™e Hcat'thnt. "tvnrlr fn«rt*K«^ •„-


be the God and Father of__ _ _ Jesus Christ, which accord-

ing to His abundant mercy-nath begot-ten-us again unto a lively hope by theresurrection of Jesus Christ from thedead." (Read'l Peter 3-8;) jl_Jilli_It_Ia_nQt-ciiough-4hftt--w'e--shonli}-|have this Hvely"(livirig) hope for our-selves. It were a shame, Indeed, Ifhaving It we did not do our beat toInstil It Into the minds and hearts ofthose who have it not nnd thereforelive in darkness. Easter Is n glad sea-son for us. We should not rest con-tent t i l l It Is made so to the'ends ofthe worldr- - . ~ - i; " :

brat tallcer T'ever^knew.". "Thaf's jiistIt. He's so smoofh everybody suspectshim."—Detroit Free Press.;:-"Paw, When there'sTiT big"banqnetT;why_dp_ they alvvays^ jave_ spoiledcheeselo wlnd~rt "up with ?" "Because,my son, it makes you forget the etrllercoursea"—Chicago Tribune. : • .

"Describe as ^nearly as you can," salithe judge, "'the assault the prisonermade on you." "It/wor just a com-mon ordinary brick, sor," replied thedefendant—Milwaukee Sentinel.

Miss Ascum—And" do you reallythink it Is possible for a man to love ,tw(? girls at the'same time? .Mr. Wai-ley—Sure! provided it Isn't also-at tho

'"sani'e" place^Cjtynjan— I- thlnk-yanH

would die-of ennui out here. UncleSilas Corntassel," of Oatmeaiville—-No,sir; chills an- fever seems to be theprevallln' alhnent—Phlladephla Rec-ord. , "

"Is that all the work you can,do laa day?" asked1 the discontented emplby-cr.-:;:"Wellr sub;"' answered EttstPlnkley, "I s'pose I could do mo', butI never was much of a hand foil show-In' off." — Washington Star. , -. -«!r

"I want a business suit now," fta'l'dSlopay. "I whs tldnklrig of something

hcnrf, hamincr blows to break the-p l l l n g 0 e S S O | B ,ur farewell toplll

hardened wil l , lightning flashes to thl, gr(vat npostlo who. tlmugh weak Inpur i fy the atmosphere, millstones hlniHulf . wan mnilo so Htronir n» tn h,>.grinding the hard grullk furnaces re- 1 Como aflnlng tho groua. ore, grim Bdioolnjas- 'church W«Btors teaching ua In Qoq'a great night 13-13.) Wo

H mndo HO Htrong as toRock upon

was founded.

..... ----- ....„ ». L«,,4\l ID IJUlll

Ing. It lu' not a qucntlon of calnnda)but of character, Tlio problem roduccu Itaoif to porfuctlon, That Iitho. Jnflulta_KaaI— toward— whlch-mlthings In tint unlvtimo, BOOH and unnoun, aro (illontly, nlowly, nnd patlontI/ movlnu — tho Koal of a rodnamadporfnci'od and glorified humanity.

From t h i n viewpoint, wo begin toiindorntund that thoro Is a divinephllouophy In tho oxprotislon, tho"kingdom nnd patlonco of JouuuOhrlet. " In it If) hidden tho myotoryof rodomptlou; abovo It la lifted theblood-utalnud croso; upon tho crouahnngH an lunocnnt Victim, an In-finite Sacrifice, vlcarloun and Having,

'Ood'H great lovo nrRiimout to thaworld. Tlina Provldonco and Cal-vary ura tlm lorcon that onnnnor ' thnnoiil, and theroforo (]od waltii to Klvcthorn a olianco, wnltii for nn to wnaryof our rnholllon, wnltii fo r , tho' fovorof iiln to cool, waltH for tho* bliiolcblood of ;- punnloii- <«»• r«n — out,— t««lt»with Intliiltn "liatloiioo for uu to ru-turn, domandli iK nn inoro than obixll-onco, nnd nnkl i iK only tho li<>nia«n of

.... .^.,,4 vt uuu uiierwurusBcnooi the lessons of love., O m y , only Incldontally In cpnnectlon withfriends, lot us give- those teachers the; Paul's work.

Christian Endeavor.

school tho lessons of lovo.friends, let us give thoso teat , ....»right of way. Bettor for us to askoureolvcs, What, now leauonn do woneed? than all ' this moanlngless ta lkabout accidents, nnd litiw they arobrought about.

Finally, patience niejins expectancy,and there In rent lnj*lnrt> It la thoaonse of iincortalntiflllint bOKets un-rest. Wo all fool tho power of a manwho can koop at l l l In tho storni. Hisposition Is supported by tho fnctn,and therefore hln nrgiiihont Is f ina l ,nnd ho cnn nfford to wait. Powor lo

Christ 's(Read Mntt. 10:

read of him afterwurda

. .... «..«,.*. .11 .VJW III

n thn rnptiiru of loiiu delayed rnooncll lnt lnn, ^

Htnndl i iK tliuii boforo Calvary, andzliiK Into |lm .tranaiill fnco of .Toiiun

(Jhrlut, wo Imitln to I'liiillan What Inmount by tho pntli inoo of JOHIIHChrlnt. Hlii piitlmico iiinmit Inf lnl tolymoro than thn popnlnr oonoiijitlon ofpntldiii-o; nioro tlinn tho powor ofphyulcit l imdiirnnco, moro thnn dr i f t -Inn and drenmliiK In ulliinci), Thopntloiict) of .Inniiii Chi'lnt. la a oonutriiotlvn fu r i i i i j It Innp l rnn n don-liornto, poi-NlHtont n l r i i H K l o for upli'lt-unl manhood. I t IH n pownr whlnhinnlcnu a hl i i i t ly mini nnil not 11 ntolcnlpiUrlfnol lon, linioiudhlo lo "tho nlliiKUnnd uri 'nwn.iif oiitrnKooiiu rortiino,"

Now, thnro nun ho no Id i i t fn l i l j i Intho uliuuiioo of pntlnnr";—I'rotrnntiiiTdluclpllno In tho com1' 'on of nxaltoil

In nolHo. .but rather In Blloncii.That J can n Christ, ittiunlliiK Hpoonh-

loss boforo I'llato while His ncctmiinirnvo In tho fu ry of tholr pnaalon, Intho one Biipronio picturo of powor Inall human history. Culm In tho wildoxcltomoiit of thn Int i i r lutod mob,sorono lq tho florco ovorflow of uw-llgnlty, with tho ro'poso of otornlty InIllu faco, IIIn vory ullonco wun thomost searching upooch that ovor foilupon a human uoul. It crnnhod downnto tho conaclonco ot tho hoathonudgo, rang tho alarm boll In tha

;amp ot bin fcnnj, 111 oil bin vlnton with\ thousand munacliiR torroru, nndrnnoformud him Into n cr l i iKlnKinward. Ho iiaw what nil thn ni;onI n co hhvo noon, thnt thin (inlet Man

who took up nn diifomio, who IIIUUH-irod j>|I..Uip,.wrfl 'iKViTiidoriitood t, ,ad a foundation Iiot ho ahakon. -Ho



RlBon With Clirlwt. Col. 3: 1-3(ICiiHtor mtiutlnif.)

Tho truth« sot bufnra UH In thoDlblo aro ND tramnndouH, anil HO coin-plotnly oiitHldo of our natural nnd or-

rt!iii\ry__wiiyH-ju£_tlilnkJn(ir-Uiut_lt-lB-nl— IipiiHt l ini iOHHlhlo to talui tb i i i i i Into ourmliKlM IIH roal t ru t lm— nnd that , In npl lnof the fact that them! t ru t lm l iavu boiiiihefnro our n i l i i i l N niul the rnliulH of our

Tlio Sweetest Incense."How I-wish I had built an altar

when we started our married life!a father said to his pastor recently.

Dr. Norman McLeod tells of onewho said the same thing. "I shallnever forget the Impression madeupon mo dur ing the first year of myministry by a mechanic whom I hadvisited, and on Avhom T urged thaparamount duty of family prayers.One day ho entered my study, andhurst Into tears a s , h o said, 'You re-member my girl, sir? She wns myonly child. Slid died suddenly thismorning. Sho hns gone, I hope, toGod; but If so she can toll Him whatnow breaks my henrt—thnt she neverheard n prayer In hor father's houseor fr«in hor father's lips. Qh, thntsho were with mo but for ono dayIll 'c-n!' "

Thoro Is no fragrance that sweet-ens n whole house Ilka the Incemio ofpruyor.

If wo wnnt to IK; builders of thospi r i tua l k ingdom onr npl r l t a must bopur l f lod nnd refined by tho fellowship!>t lh«-— Holi-.Ghoat,—Rev,—J.—Hr

In the way of a- small plaUK"replied the tailor, "can't help thinkingof something In the way of a smallcheck. "-r-Phllndelphla -.edger.

"Remember, the eyes of tne publicaro upon 'you." "Yes," answered Sen-ator Sorghum, "that's what wnrrleame. A man Is BO closely watched Inthese times thnt ho can't get awaywith anything." — Washington Star.

Bolllngstone Nompss — When peoplehns hydrophobia de very thought or

water mnkes 'em sick. Thirsty Tblnff-urnbob — Is dnt so? I bet I've bad Itni l me life an' didn't know what wan.do matter wld me. — Philadelphia tloc-ord. '

Hjonea — Wliy the grouch? Prtmlth —My wife cnjleo" me a fool Bjoncs —Clieor up, It nmy not be true. Psmlth

•Hut It Is. .Shpj/roved it Went anddug; up n bunch of my old lovo letters,and rend 'em to mo. — Cleveland Lend-or. '

"I can marry a rich filr) whom 1 do> ,not love, or n piMinllcas girl whom I

J«wott. M. A.

havofor ninny Koiii 'rutlonn

to u largo nxtont ut

nlinrnotoi-. It In I I :lilnu1,'. 1C f r u m liio w

it l man wlmi. , l l | V f lU ' l - 'H l (if

il thnt could|filka ono in

lltlmi—flur«iroiiildod by Immortnlr nnd Inv ln lb loHorvantu, OIIH who know that nilpowor wan Klvon unto Him, thnt Honoodnd only to uponlc nnd that nil tliofoicou of tho univorno would mull toHlii (InfinibK. Thin iiHiirnnco mndoHim oivliu and crowinul Hint no thoono mil i tary KliiK ot l'nt(unco for alltho IIKI 'M,

Oil, lot un KUKO nnnw upon thntnllot i t , noronn, nxpiiott int funn; culnhunco inoro tho Iniiplrntlon of I l lu i>n-uiuit IITo. ami no forth uurouo In tho

aimiirniiRii of f u l t h " niul conlldontnnd iilrniiK In tho oxnoctnncy of Jiuiuii( l l ir lnt , tho dawn of whom) minimi,Klorloim nnmliiK, alrondy thrown II nKlonili of promlun nnroun tho world'uhorizon.

accoplod In a tlioomtlciil way; HO Unitthoy havn bccomo In Homiv miuiHiiro apart nf our own ordnmry thtnldiiK.

Wo bollitve, for liiHtiuicn, In In l ln l tyand in uti trnlty, thoorut lcul ly , nn<l m>our fnthi<rn ami thyl r futlnn-H; but.wbnt proKi'i'iiii bavo we miido townrd nroiiipnihi'iiHliiii or rciillxiillon of tlmIdea r«|ir«Hiinti)d by cltl icir of tlu-tinwurdM?

Thnn thorn In thn Idi-n of Ooil—tlmcrKiilor, pn>«orvor nnd Kiivrrmir nf tlinl inlvomn—Who . Miti 'n P V i ' r y t h l l l K , l i iKHVM•ivrrythl i iK, uml contrnln c v c i y l l i l i i K ;who dl ru i - lH riiiiii t l i ' t in n n i K H l M f i ' i i l H I I M MIn tluilr ninj i int lo n rb l tn thru i iKl i HI I -

.mlluhlu - upiicii, --uiul -,v«t - wutt1!^)!! <wurtbn mlcriinciiplc orgiuilMiaii wlilcli nrono ml i i i i lu t hn t l l i i i i i iuuulM may n x l u t IIu drop of wnti 'r , urtnttnir-Tni^TIiiir'Ui w^ „,.,„„,..:„all Dm jiiuil nnd nil tho f u t u r e m-i> nl

"Scrln'» Ilrllevln'."

Senator Iliilh-y WHH once staying forn abort tlmo at n country plnco,

I M I I I M H I O I I H I I K I I . Ipri-ni'iii; W||(, ,.,,,, comply,,

HiiriiThou, w l i i t n wn i i ' i i i i ' inbcr Hint th l<

find In n lmnluto ly lioly uni t l in l iu i n lnw i t h an a w f u l ha l rn i l , un i t Hint I Inknown nil tho r i l i i f t i ln t - tm, t l io v a n i t y an i lthn fnol lMlinnHi it l i a l iloVnni

our hnar l i i

When n doff meoti A lady of his Ulna,over notlei> lunv ha trlco to look ami

hln hentT

i'(i do, how can wn hi ' l lnvi i H i n t II"IIH with ' nn i i i i i i t t n i - M b l i i lovn, n

tnudnr, nrfni.-t loliatn, i iUMii lop nf d r n l r oIn win our lovn, mid to nmltn nn I I Ifor ronipai i loi inl i lp w i t h lllimiiill",' t'ui'ii-ly 'no oho hut Unit r i i l l ld Imvr cullcnlvod nf i i i inl i n <lod. 'I 'linri'Mro Ihor i ivn ln t lon \vl i lcl i l ln ban K!V<-I I UK ofI l l l l i n n l f i i iui i l havn cnuin ( l l run l lv froml l l i nnn l f ,

ho received n telegram urging bin Im-medlnto appenrnnco ln,Wn«hlnKton. Thoplace wns about two mile* from tbnrnllrond vtntlon, nnd an the achodul*li/id been rocently chnnged, and hl« hostdid not know tho new hour for thetrnln—thero wns hut ono n day—-« ne-gro wnn hnutl ly nviit to Inqulra of thoHtl l t lOII HKI'llt.

It wnn porhnpn throo hours lat<;rwhen the ucKro iinibli'd Into tho ynrd.

"Whoro hnvo you bci-n, you rninrnl?DOOM It tnlif thri'O hourn to noli when n,tmln IN diif?" tho f)o»nMr'« host d«-uiandrd nngrlly.

' Tli<<"oVnVMMxiV n'nil ninpromi of Japanwhim nx-olvliitf n vlnltor whom thi'j

not iiiut boforo, uonornlly con-no In


tontod, "y..1 know hit don't tnk« no thr,hour, ter nx whon m- t rn ln Kw|llp ,,„„„Hut, M.«r» JI-CIMH, dm dtn t lon mini ,„„•ich or liar jd' onn't tnl(e b|n wor(, f)ir

niimn', mi' Ah Ht«yisl ter MHO for man-•«'f. An' for OIIOP In bin |ff f t |le ,0|. (,0truf iilie Mm did p,,B., dn r dr.-.w|,m, ,,„•ny nlio would!". Ainor lcnn Hpix-tntor

HiM-iilioliii, nn Inliiiid of tlin I ln l l lc(iwl, nlnuty mllim i-nnl of /.onlnnil \n

foriuoil of iiinKnutlo nx'Ufi. Thoy m >iifTis-t tho »-ouipiiiw thnt nnvlKiilorH,whon In thn l r v ic ini ty , hnvo «, p,,),,'<m. . .»l«U(>li«ty.. ohjccta ...fop.Kl|l(li<«. Our auhnierKcil rocUI'hnrgnd wl t l> liinKiK'llnin thn't tl'uiVIIHM 0*1 a voiimil pnnnliiK oVor It



low your henrt, man, nnd he Imppy.Marry the poor one. And, «ny—er—.ivould you mind Introducing.mo to thoother?"—Ohtvelnnd lyonder.

Hoy (nf tor wntcJiIng old fiportamanmlsa n couplo of rockotors)—Have youshot often, undo? Uncle—Yefl, myboy, n gi-cnt denl. At ono .tlmo. In Af-rlcn, I iinwl to llvo by my join. Hoy(thoi.nditfully)—Dirt you? And Is thatwhy you'ro BO thin?—Punch.

"John," Hiihl Mru. Worthlngton attho HiipiMtr table tho other evening, "lromi In the pnpor to-dny of n rannwho hnil ono wlfo too ninny; tho restof tho article wim niliwilng. HO\V mnnrwIvi-H do. yon MuppoHo tno man h«d7""One. probably,"-Milwaukee Sentinel.

M|HH Duhley Hho waa bruggln' abouthow mir<i-H.ifiil hor dinner pnrty wnn.aiiit-.«tnld—It—-wound— up '"ffltti^"gn>'rtt—in-lnw." Wlint 'H "e«li\w," unywayfMinn .Miiglpy Why, I KUOH.I tlmt Wftntho dvHMprt. Didn't you novur out nclionilntn wlnwV -Philadelphia I>rcn<i.

"Our llcnry'd doln1 ronl wclli lutown," mild Mm. Wwhnok, proudly."||I-'H Tuimlii ' n liotol imw nn' |f» ahilt one." "Umd'ii HH|(OH|"Mm. Kiirntii]i . "Yen. <J«t arrom him th in iimrnln', nn' lu. HOE;n lui toi riimiMi.- u»\v, nn' It 'n n ronjnwi'll plac'.' "••



Hiii lo,;Sonu. |Hh, I MM> you've-w r l l t o n n m>w h o n t l m o i i t n l ; .ROUJ;.,:'.'A|y.-..Hwi'tiibi'iiVrii nii 'iii ' liinl Hair," hurt If/ *

Hof l l o lnh H - l - r ! I 'd hitvn J0il nnilor-ntiiiiil H in t Hie ( I l l u of my HOII« IH "MvHwodthonrl 'n Hnliy Hlni;o." (,||||,, ,m,,inJoiiriinl. '

Page 3: PAIR OP FINE SHOES - Atlantic County Library i „ j.-j: ,4 J I V — DO YOU NOT KNOW:?., 3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very little Investigation that The Hammonton Paintl Is

- . . . - • , - . - . . - • - • • '• - , - . • • • • • . • .;• ' . • ; " . ' :"' . . . . ' . ' .


THE PKITDENTIALMade the Greatest Gain

in_Insurance in^ force in

1908, of Any Life Insurance

Company'in the World!





SSy Arbutus and early fruit trees arein bloom. , . . ' ' . ' ' • ' _ ~ ,

ligy- if e w Easter hats may get wet,; to-morrow.—rr'A'MBdNE'8r™MeCSll1'rfor April libir " ~ ". /j ready.

Fill up all your water palls thismorning. ..... - .

JOT The fountain is -miulBtering tothejhirsty.

Full line of new Qlncbams.'

closed Thursday, to. re-open on Tuesday. *

j(©^MUa_Ellzabetb ..Cunningham 1».visitor.

Eyes Examined— Glasses

214 Railroad Avenue1048'

iE'or Sixty-Two TearsTHE

_€ amber land_MutiMBias insured the property of its members,

paid all losaes-promptly, »nc! mved(the assured from 25 to 60 per cent, of the

cost-, in a stock company.For particulars se«

Wayland DePviy, Agt.,Corner Btfcond and Cherry atreeta,

Hainmoriton, N. .7.



Is furnishing its patrons withtoilk produced nnder the mostsanitary conditions. Everypreoautioi is taken to Inouro

cleanliness.Enspeotcd by ('linrlos E. Mtiftill. V M. D.

• ' • ' • ' of Hariclonfiold, March 6th, 1909.


Dully open lor inspection,

UseBaoltary Milk , and know youAre getting the bout.

Bell PUoiio 7-1.

All Good Dressers\Tf y i 'U want your n'-xt flnlt of OlOtbea

to lit you pel I'.iotly, andtbo latttst woolen blo:li, RO to

tbe TAILOR.Stylo nnd I'rlcnn to milt nvorybody,

'•Salts made to Order, $15 up' TroUH<irH a Hpuolulty.

$;i.50 and up.

1 ranho Ladles' Hiilln to order.Dyeing, Boom-ing, Cleaning, Pienolng,

Hcpuirlnn and Altorlnp;nt reanoiiublo j<rlcon.

Funeral Directorand Embalmor

'/.'w^llto St., between rallroadi.I Local Phono 001. .HolH7-r>

t;i.iunmonton. N. J. .

Issued .eseryJSaturday morning...-._.._[Entired as second olaai matter. ]


What it Cost*

Those wbo feared that our TownCouncil would weaken on their anti-treating resolution, may ceasa theirworrying. Laat Saturday evening, bya unanimous vote, they clinched tbematter by making this provision a part

H) bear upuictteify their previous action.- As we anticipated, the receipts overthe bars have been materially reduced,and proprietors feel it in their sensitivepockets.

Perhaps our readers do not realize

in Hammontoo. One dealer stated thathis receipts were more than twenty dol-lars ptr day. Asaomlbg that the othersix bars do equally well, it wonld mean8140 per day, $840 par week, $43,680per year,-paid out^for intoiicaots in atown which we once delighted to enrollamong no-license communities.

This sum would supply every man,woman and child in town,with bread,and leave enough to buy an occasionalbit of meat to season it.

We opposed license, shall always doso, and welcome any measure that willturn a portion of that 843,000 intobetter channels.

W. 0. T. U.

Tim mntler In ibltipacela rurnlibed by theLutllea, mid they are reipuudbla for It.

Tlie Saloon an Unmitigated Curse.There IB tho sober, Industrious, hard

working man. Purhapa ho takes adrink occasionally, but ho known ho 'IH playing with fire. Ho knows he IsIndu lg ing In u dangerous luxury, tic

Fire District Ordinance.1 Jnt'roduood February 6,

An Ordinance creating a Fire District In thoTown of Hammonton, and .regulating th: con-itruotlon and alteration of buildings 'vithin«ald district. .

Section 1. Be It ordained by the TownCoanoil in Council assembled that the follow-.ing described portion of the Town of Ham-monton shall constitute, a fin District,namely, . ' • . " •

Beginning at the North corner of Egg Har-bor Koid and Vint Street and extending -(I)along Vine Street Xorthcagt to the West cor-ner: of Third and Vine Streets; theneo (2)along Third. Street Northwest to the Southcorner of Orchard and Third Streets j thence(3) along Orchard Street Southwest to theeast comer of Railroad Arenae and Orcha'dStreet; them-i. (4) alnt.g£ouU>c«tt->o-Ege-n_>bor-jitpBj, andalong .aid Egg Hoi.bor Road to Vine Streetai,d place of beginning. •

Section 2. And lie it farther ordained thatfrom and after th* passage of this Ordinanceno building or other structure shall be erected,enlarged, altered or repaired within the BallFire Diitricl, unless the same shall conform tothe following requirements : ' /

alletory room a tnchod, in»y anpl/ for a permitto place another ftory, Ihereon. . . ,

Secondj That Unroofs must b» coreredwith'tlther tin, slaii'. ilagTot 'tile roofing, ex-cept in case of p.ichiujj a ihlnglg . roof,iblngies may be mod.

Third, All otlitr buildings or structures tobe erected upon Iho ground surf«oo,must booonstraoted of brick, atuue or concrete.• Sec. 8. And be it further ordained that fromand after the passage or this or Jinan oo It shallbe unlawful for -uy person or persona, corpor-ation or corporations to proceed with the erec-tion, enlargement, alteration or r*pair o f »nybuilding or part thereof, within the districtmentioned In the flrsl section of this ordinancewithout Qr»t securing f.om Town Council apermit therefor. Application for this permitshall be made In writing to the Town Councilaccompanied with tho plani and apeolflcatlonifor «noh erection, enlargement, alUrallon orrepair.

8eo.4. And be It further ordained that fromand after the pairagt »f this orJitianoe It shallbe unlawful to erect, construct, .enlarge, alteror repair any building or other structure with-in said district, for which a permit has beengranted M »fon>uid,- e*c.pt It be In eonform-Ity filth the application for laid permit andth* piaas and ipeclBeatloni on which the saidpermit Is based. If In the progress of any

lovo thy neighbor us lliyHelf." Mind-ful of tho uungcni of liquor and ofdrink, hu auya to himself, I will donytho plooauro, I will deny tho grutifl-cutlon, I will kuttp It out altogether,forthottuko not- only of myaulf, butfor tho mlio of othcra.

Tho next fou of tho Hnloon IB tho sa-loonkccpur hlniHolf. Tlioro ore manyinon to-duy In tho miloon Ininlnesu whouro nmiHcuted with llio uvll they arodoing, Thoy uro hound liuiul andfoot, They <tun not lncixU nwuy froiuIt. Tlii'y K* no other mcanet of galn-Ing a livelihood. Thuy would glvo allthey own to got an hoiiOHt living.

Then thunt In tho Coo of tho miloon,lliti drunkard. Ho knows tnuevl l l tlinn brought h l f n , — tho inlm-ry, do-liiinohiiry brought Into hl» own IiOHOinit nil mo lioHom of )I|H lainlly. A IK! hoU I I O U H tho Hitloon IH A ttiinpta^lun, —Hint ho cuii do nothing whllo It aturcHhint lu Hut fliou uit ht> uovu Imok and

lulni l ho will put Hiuvay.Jiaut of all In ihu niout poworful fou

of nulooiiu that wo liuvn, — tho homo,l l i f i family, thuiihlld.

Wo doelro to oxpru>n our appre-ciation of tho many kind luvoro ahownto our (Icpnrtvd lorud ouu, Mr«. Jloaalolleuth, rrhloh brlKhteucd hur hint Imliro.Wu donply '".ul the eiium, nnd uxtuudour limn bo. HUIIBUT UKATH. >

MHO. ( OKA H A Y ,Mil. and Alim. W. U. Mimruy.

_ - - - _ _ ^ . i e c o atloni become necessary, application may bemade to Town Council for snch chaiigo.

See. 8. And be it further ordained that uponthe granting of any permit provided for In>hls ordinance there shall be p»ld br the parlyobtaining the same, for the u<o of the Town ofHammonton, tho sum of Tno Dollars (tj.00)for a ground structure, and One Dollar (f 1.00)for repairs or alterations.

person or persons, corporation or corporationswho shall vloUt* any of tha provisions of thisordinance shall on oo'nrlotlon thereof pay afloe of Ten Dollars, or be Imprisoned In theCounty jail for* period, not . exootdlun tendays.'Bt the discretion of the presiding magis-trate, for each and every offenoe.

fltc, 1. And be It further ordained, that aUerdlnancos or purls of ordluanoea inconsistentwith the provjsloni of this ordinance be andthe same are hereby repealed.

Unllnvuo Hall, ITammonton. '

CASINO PLAYERS'STOCK CO.Every Bat unlay Night, ,

comnionolng Apvi l 17thOpening produotlun, the most

riiaTit^ro'nrOTuiMrrtiio'MB"TI1K IIBVBLATION."

A snipnrb nnat, inoludlug(Jrftlfl Myorv, Into of H»ri'l«'

;, Htronj(liiart Oo.Ohaa. Konnody, Uto of i'ald lu Kill I Oo.Mlsa Anah I. Miller, l»to of

Ohloauo Htook On.Marie Hobbott, lute of 1

•-„ , 'Y.mki'o Oonmil Co.Attractive ViuuloTlllo batwonu Autu.

Mroure'your Heata now,

-SteelWatchmaker and Optician

i Btrawborry nncj Chocolate lea. cream to-dny at Candy Kitchen.

'BQh A common scene on Bellevue,—dodging aotomobllea. , .

SSf- Mra. Laura Jonsa returned fromNewark on Wednesday. .THOR HHlor-tblckoti fertilizer.' Address .

-X1 "Farmer," Haraiooiiton PpstOBice.

.. B®* Mrs. Grace Thujer Bunnett vis-ited frienda her^ this week.

Kff" The local Telephorm Companyissued new call carda ibis w e e k . ,

G OOD Work Homo for«slo,cheap.' RuuelLJuhntoivBoiedale.

00" Mrs. Ralph L. Moftoo visited inHarrjBQonton this week. ' ,-

1ST The "L1 Aurora" made Its Oralappearance this week. It is a neat 8-page sheet, printed mostly la Italian.rtOBUWOOD For Sale. Abbot 243 corda ofVv oak, oat In 4 foot lengths, for sale ooground, Otb Street, Hnmmoulon. Apply„. — — — --— J.x.O'Dndq'eIi;HAnJiliont«nr "

Wescoat sent a bundleof California papers, which gave friendshere a good idea of that land ot flowers.T>ANK-.Bros.-TolIorlDiir/DepartmeDt;l«-ln

Harry Letz&od family startedidlev. California.

Don't use Lake or—Pond-Ice.-

charge of a tailor \rlih twenty yean, ofexperience. We guarantee »l I work. _ __^

SST Music, recitations, and fairies atthe (Jniversalist Church, April 22nd.Refreshments -will be served. Admis-sion, 20 cents. T " ;

M. P. FISHER, Scientific Optician. <X>n-KUlLation free. I'o«JJil card trill call. me. .

to your Home. - P. ». Dux (125. Hammonlou.- Residence, urcuard & Grand Btreeli.

Put in a supply of water thisas the mains will be shut off

fruin 1.30 to 3.30 p. m., to ruu a line tothe now shoe factory.

MUSIC. Mrs. J. B, DuBols, Toscher ofTlolln, piano, and organ ; voice culture,

«lxhl reading ; piano tuner. Prices.ou appli-cation. Uammouton address. O'Douuellfinlldlng. .

t&" John Boemer's place, on Central

Insist upon Having our Ice,\- made from Hammontori*B pure artesian well water.

Hammonton Ice Manufacturing Co.ICE SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY.


Photographing in all its


Opposite Hammonton Post Office.



Hotel Hammonton•Opposite Penna..Depot •

next, 3 o'clock, at Mrs. C. A. Smith's.;l^AMBONE'8,—10-Inch unbleaebjdjmujlln^

Igy'Lafcehnrat Dairy" is the inscrip-tion on Mrs. Richards' new milk waeon.

SSF Eaeter to-morrow,—the gladdest• day of the year in every ChristianChurch. • ;TTiLOUR Barrels for sale, by

JQT Read that Fire District ordinanceand tell'your Connciiuibn ..what you

-think of it. '

THE Finest Display of pure wool fabric-",you can see at Guber's, the Tailor.

dine ao additioohouet | and .

to the. rear of the

HAVE You Lilted your "For Bale" prop-erty with Hummouum Trust Company 1

asule IB made. • "

We have interestinc; letters fromRev, H. N. Arner,1 Rev. H.'P. Loomis,

Two of a Kind.Hammontoa was treated too view of

two samples of the drunk-makers' pro-ducts, this wtok. .Happily, both werenon-re»idonte,—one hailing from Now-tooville, the other -evidently from mostanywhere. .

The Drat was placed la the cooler onMonday forenoon. At twelve o'clockbe bad quieted down somewhat. Aotour later, .when the Town Clerk en-tered the building, he found it full ofstroke,- and~ oor investigating saw ifathe cell corridor a bundle .of blankets,etc., which the prisoner bad forcedthrough the door and set on Ore withthe same match-that lighted bis pipe.The flames had just ' broken oat in thebeapi and ID a few moments thebuilding'would have been, the scene of abattle by"ouT firemen. The fellow wassent to the County jail.^The other man was* an exceedinglytou^b customer, evidently lost -to allsouse of decency, and made noise for acrowd. He was laid by in the lock up,OD Tuesday, and taken to May's Land-ing on Thursday. We understand thatbe is wanted elsewhere, on a charge ofdese r t i on . - -

So far as we know, Hammonton does,not own any of this grade of drinkers,though we could point out • soma whoAre too rapidly npprnftnhing f,hnt fttflgfj

After April 1st

S. every EveningA full line of

Easter Noveltiesv_Now on exhibition.

Also a large assortment of

Cards and Postals to select from.

—Grocery Specials^5 Mackerel for 25 cents

i qt can fine Green String Beans, 12 c.4 pounds PruneS^jJ5""cts..^~^_ljj

Good Lemons, 12^ c. doz.Bananas, 15 c. dozen.

^A._, fiue

and Mrr. Samuel Anderson,'from whichwe may publish extracts, later.




day by locul trftliJni-»—**n ip^^b0^^April 22od.TjiNGKJAVER. MlM Elizabeth Cunningham

' ~JPj nnnonucegtbaiahels prepared to do allJtlnds of Jewelry engravluB at her borne,

• during tier slay here.

t&~ Horace Gentel has returned from•the South, and is employed in Bank-


ANTON riKX, Proprietor, ;,B,_N..J._-. __• i!.

Local Phono 877


i Harness, Blankets,Robes, WJiips,

Trunki, etc.

At L. W. OO&LEY'S.



Jrothers' store. •Y. IT7 AM HONE'S." 'notion poneee In Ian and

.fjl rory.IfiP1 Little Ha-Ha Council, D. of P.,

'Will ulvc' a dime sociable to-night, infiremen's Hall

B WX Yimr Eiwlo^eatnbles,—bread, cnttes,•nd pies—»t the Iloine Buktrj.

S82~ Are you all ready to contributetoward tbe running expenses of theatreet oprlnkler ? , •

IP You Wanln suit of clothes to be m«do•peclal ror you, piuoe yourordorwltu

Uubor, the Tailor.t&T Tbe Civic Club la preparing for

a Hue niippor in about leu days or so.Watch lor notices."V 7 HUM On Hie Kuter Question of .what

VV tu w«ir,—«eo Monfori's larce ll»e ofludlen' mid ucuu' slmes. ' .

t&" Percy Wbiffen and family have•moved into Mrs. Luura Jones' house,

• on Twelfth rilreet. -

S KK Citndjr Kliehan Window to-<lny, forhu.u cubus ordered fur Uastor. Wedding

• cukes niado toordor,

WE Invite All wbo have any Banking orTrust bnalneas to transact, to call and

Investigate our terms and facilities. OpenSaturday evenings, fiammouton Trust


X®* The JLeclure Course Coa>mitteuOD Wednesday even's sigoed a contract.lor next eeaaou's attruuliooa,— of wdicbmore will -ba-»atd4aUjr, - - — — -, — .......

Hr«« I. hargitln-. m.nttpstore. Dulug big

Belling ueouuae ul III health. £a>y terms.J. w.t*orter. 6103 Market St.. fblladelphla.

William Vernier homestead,on Ceotral Avenue, ia recovering fromllie bffects of tbe' fire, at tbe bands or1

carpeutera, painters. paper-haoKura ftpd

Last, Saturday evening, about sixo'clock, Robert MacDongall, of Water-ford, employed iu Philadelphia, thoaghtbe was late for his train homeward, and


with a friend, attempted to board amoving train which they supposed wastheirs. In aome way, -Bob missed hisbold or foot toe, was thrown betweenplatform and cars, and terribly mangledby.the wheels-probably Killed Instantly.

Mr. MacDougall waa. very widelyknown all over this section, add in tbecUy..;-...He nrag a^briliianLman^ionfjin.

nm).iat. a jully, happy fellow, alwaU(uiues». ] Nearly every man you meet baa some-

thing pltasaoi to say of himThe funeral, oo Wednesday, waa very

largely attended, the floral 'offerings-being remarkably numerous and beauti-ful. A widow and three aons, aJatbet*-


WINStOW Cannery foi Rent. Fullyequipped. Apply Wlnalovr dtore, or

.Tbe I'cn no,. Co., 617 Chestnut, 81.. Phlladn

Mra. Snigyles, with her cbnrtn-itiK and accomplished datiKhlera, areexpected in town very soon. Tbe localGrange and~ita Irieuda will be invited tomeet them. L.

JWK.RENT.FM_ _ _ _.rent op Hie oornor of Couiuy

Homo »d ground are for. J oonior of Couiuy llond

and Maple Hlreet. Addresn, Miss M. A.Tlllory.fe3N.S3rdHt.. Phllttdelptilu ; or Wm.H. IlerDStioust. Aeent.

Office and Residence, 216 Bellev tie Ave.

Local Phone No. 842 : Bell, 46-A

Wax Flowers, Figures, etc., for funerals and

aemorial services, furuiuhedon-ehort notice.

Ji'a., Is apeadlod sumoUlster, Mrs. B. F. Pry.

tlmo with Ills

G iltl/H lllojclo wanted, sirmll, In cooiloniidlllon, and clieap. Call at this orlloe.

ttir Arthur Woodward Is spending alow weeks with relatives and frlenda Innorthern Pennsylvania.


carefully Compounded


A Hull oi Olotliui for II. Kor fnrtlior Infor-mation call ou Oulicr, the Tailor.

tegr Euueuo'Smixllwood hua lufl hla]K)aliton at Chestnut Hill Academy,Pa.*ud I* now In Atlantic City.

T1CLI.Y UuMor ICBK», 10 o. In. Cocoanulnrrnni <IKU» Ironi lu, U) VAo. euuli, our own

'xnuko, ' Candy .Kltnhen.

gt£r Plaoldo Klgarro and Jonnna 811-•vestur, ol Hod IJuuk. were married onWaroli Dint, by Justice Mtrouso.T1ANK Ilros. Tiillnrlng Oept. Mon'e andJt* UdlKH' null" inude tu order,—style anil nt

ttmr Fluwur lovurs wore treated to •liaudsomo illfplay ol nzitleus, oic., last

tt Winkle & Nicholson's.In to liuy it pnlr,—(JrosieltMrjV ^lioo Htore,

Nest week, Dacknell Uolyereltybase-ball team will play tb« Navy, atAnnapolis. Chnrlle Loveland la out forshort-stop on the 'Varsity, which posi-tion he played last year.

Pan SALE. While Wyandotte and Peklnduck osu» fur iiniiliiit ; nleo a lot of ulao

youna pig* ; al><> crapn poles,O. p. Damlnger.

I6SrThe O. J. E. Orcbeslra werehighly congratulated on their selectionsat the rrooptlon to Pnstor Shaw. They

aladlyaneiist tho Cliurches araluitouuly.

DOUGLAHH liM Oxfords,— the niient everia me prior, at. Moiiforl's.

lerThat High (School Park proposi-tion suotus to tUttut with popular appro-val. We are told that Wm. F. llunnott

u lot of trees lor It," and Wo overheardu say that he would plant thorn.

rii(> I,(i(iu «i iiiomJL U*Innl«, ul MDI

Electric FlaiTlrohs!The Diipilal Ludfen* Aid Moolflty

30 Days Free Trial.Save your Complexion.Suvp your ClothesSave your TemperSave your HealthSave your MonoySave your Time

Uniform ItiinperatureNo DirtIH noTor too Cold 'IH novor too HotIH alwnyn RondyNeeds no Kohenting.

•oclals In Flronioti's Hall, April-Ord.r/AMHONIO'H. A flue Una of WhilefJ WnUtlim.

ttay Mike M u u l t m - a n d Win. Lccotapaid thrvo dollar* «uoh, line and oostn,tor refusing to eund children to school.

J OWNIiiY'H Kuimy ICintor lloxremul u <.I|Ij v«rlcly n ln i i r iiwn uutkii--|i|iokeil ILV..II

lor Ui'iluy'n umlu. cainly Kltolinu,

tKHr MIM Maud Leonard reluruad tothu titty on Thursday, altar npondlng a,mouth vary plensantly with her parents.

Hammonton Electric Light Go. In.tuo wllh tho A. II. Phillip* Oo.,, JJwllott JJulldlu«, AtUutlo CJtv.

IJKIICON Manure anil Toh.ooo Htcma forfrrlllncr, for naln, Win, Hnemer

Middle Uonil.

KsBT Mra. Ilhoda Fnrrnnr died Wed-nesday, April 7th, uircd 04 vnnrx. at thorimldimco of MrH. Pimhleg, Ilnniinnnloti.Mrs. Fnrm,i<r bun ri<ald(id hnro elncn1M1, «u(l wai wi-ll known. Funeralsorvtdno at thn hounu nl two o'clock thliafternoon. '

brothers, and eisters, are- amoncmourners.

Mr. E.. LeKoy Jacksont one ofHammonton's popular young men, andMiss Clara Anne Ltmebnrnor wero mar-ried on Wedoesday.vApril 7tb, at thehome ot the bride's parents, In Phila-delphia, by Rev. Bickley Burns... Aftera tour, the young couple will reside In'Hammonton, where they will receivehearty good-wishes of Iriends.

t@T Conrad Waldvocle, formerly amember of our Grand Ariny Post, anda Justice of tbo Peace at Aocora. wasthrown from hla wagon on Thursday oflast week, while driving from Hammon-too, fracturing hie sk,ull and breakinghla back. He died on Mpnday, 6th, inCooper Hospital, and wus burled inOakdole Co'metbry on Wednesday.

tST An .effort la being made to estab-lish a free rural mall delivery route from-lUmmontoij-Pos^Ofllcer-The-proposedroute la up Bulluvne to Main Road, tothe Lake, to Nesco, Pleasant Mills,Un loo ; thonce Io El wood, up CountyRoud to Wejmouth Uoad, to tiocondand Chew Roada, to Twelllh Street, totho ofllco. Details aro not arranged,but ample notice will bo given.

Pgn'tL forget; ,we^ are Jbeadquarters-for any-thing you want in seeds ; also, everything

in the "way "of "Garden Tools. \ . __and Farm Implements.

Cold Weatherthink of


You will find a good assortment here,both for heating and cooking.

Everything in Hardware

R nnit NK\V IDKA, both one, In Ailant lo Oounry.r. fur

Frlorxln of II, H, Garrison wil lto Icurn that bo Ims resigned, to

RO to Ktiyport, to enter tho employ oftha Jnrnny Onnlrnl Traction Co, As

be has done Rood work, and la popular.Ha leaves In two weeks.

STICI'IIKN'N l.ftle Hlrnwhdrrr plmln formile. II, .1. Moiiforl, Mlildlo lumil.

MST Tho Ilonrd ofTrndp will hold «nunutunl moetliiR next Tuuoday ovon'u,at H o'clock, In Itcllovtio Hall, wlinti nnnddrunn will Im publicly nlvnn by Hon.(Jixiryn It, lleaord, of Jnrsoy City. Tbomombnrt >ue nquustod to noilly tluilr(rl«ndi, and luuuro a Umo nttondaiioo.Look out lor ihu HooiuUiy'o notice o(IQeollog, '

011 HAI.10. Good six room home.— aboutihren Hares of land.— }< inlln from rullriwil

tton. rrloeflKH), UonU Kliiuto,— veryoliuup,VVni. II. ll«rn«liouse.

tor A larcn number of fr l fnt ln ofMiss Nellie Layer, liiclud|n(j Uiipllstoliolrand membera of.hor Stiiiiliiy8elioolulann, took her completely by surprise,Wu'inasduy ovoiiliiR, ul tha honiu of Mr.nnd Mrs. Nathan Adams. Thuy liro'luooil tbliiKd to cat, and aoverul busliclnol kltuli'eii utmislla. They liud a r igh tSOIK! 1 1 MHI, and ut leaving (ixprunnedhriu wlHhus, with r(i«rots tbiil ihuy wil lsoon lose so popular A muinbur.

Kir Mrs. Itohort Ihialb died onTuosday lust, at Ibo hornu of bur urmul-lalhur, Mr. Win. 1). M u t p l i y , nuoillvfcnty-el«bt years. An a child and

favorite with ull who knew bar ; and oaa wife, and mother of two lovely Illtlnchildren, sho kept the rouard of nil , andsoemed likely to llvn » IOIIH and happylife. A pulnful dlsnasa, which pucaladand batlldd physlclani nnd surKOOim atluime and In tha oily, oatiaud liar terribleaullarliiK lor many weeks, until deathrolimrcd hor. Wo nii^irn with tlmufntfltml fitiully. ITuuoral oorvlflo no»hold on Friday nlteruodii, oouduuted byItcv. W. 11, Htouo ; Intefmuul utUroanmount,

Paints, BrueheB,

and everything for the builder.


Home-made( . . , .t-, ,,. t '

cooked Corned Beef

L. Jackson & Son

Page 4: PAIR OP FINE SHOES - Atlantic County Library i „ j.-j: ,4 J I V — DO YOU NOT KNOW:?., 3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very little Investigation that The Hammonton Paintl Is


The Work of a Butterfly.In our growing apprehensions of the

linked life of the universe the flight ofthe butterfly baa gained a •slgulUcmictiand Interest fur beyond the casual ap-preciation of Its radiance und grace,It Is no longer us the frivolous mum-terer.-who through the sunny days Uut-tcrs his life away- amoug perfuuii;d

An Interesting sight Is to bo Been In a lpetiils, tbut he Ugures. The beauty .lj Bondon zoo, where three lion cubs,

about a month old, are being suckledand brought up by nn Irish terrier, who

• la no proud of her foster children as Ifthey were her own puppies. All fouroccupy a nearly square box, lined to

" Jccep the cuba warm. Nothing, It Is said,con exceed the affectldu of the dog fortie cubs, and the pride she shows when

— they are admlred~fs quite ~ touching.'The two lionesses act like kittens andore OB harmless.

A. French geologist, M. Tournouer,baa reported the existence of a strangeanimal, new to science, In Patagonia.Bie "hymchy," as the native* <iall It,

_ :to fear and awa'of It8_w.onderful pjjw-^en, la as big as a puma, with fur of .1deep brown color, and It seems to hauntthe .rivers. M. Tournouer fired at onuas it swam, but It sunk and did not rlsrajruln. Ho Is disposed to regard -It asa living representative of the "neomy.lodon," whose remains, found recently

———In ca.ves-o£—Patagonia, have eidted, much Interest In scientific-circles.

There Is some talk of a project f ojorganizing a hunt for a specimen ofthe Australian bunylp, an animal that

lt« fuiictloua, and subserves a vital pur-pose In the economy, of mil lire. Likethe bee, the butterfly Is a workman InGod's garden, aud kls mlsslou to carrypollen from, blossom to blossom, thusfertilizing and cross-fertilizing ibeseeds. Without-these wluged tueaneu-gers of the air more than half the (low-ers In the world would be extermin-ated. Not only do they add to the color'and loveliness of summer's pageantry,but assist In Its creation. Dnpg.i t- nnrlpon the Interest of the spectacle torealize that the swarm of opalescetitinsects .one sees In the meadows, eddy-^Ing in the golden sunlight, rising andfulling In lazy abandon, swayingdrowsily bn~the"clover bIossoms~6r~baF•anclng on the petals of the new-openedviolets, In on existence apparently fet-terless and fancy free, are really seri-ously at work' performing the functionof their being?—Everybody's Maga-zine,

-maay-betleYe-to-CTlBt-ouly lu thti lUJUg-


THEtion"ot'nervTmnnraveH-an-duor thosewhite residents who are In the habit oicarrying colonial rum home with them.

'."' Tnere^are" many,: howeverr who know;

Ing the Australian bush well, believe- ._ . . . tbflt-this-curlous-ereature-mny yet be

found, and not so far away In the In-., torlor—elther. Lake George, In the

coast district of New South Wales,*1 Is•old by some to be a home of the bun-ylp, and a search In that quarter maybe undertaken..

Ho Was Busy.It Is scarcely credible that BO faith-

ful a servant and so good a courtier aaJohn.Brown, of -Balmoral, could ever


Z/ftiilon Doctor Hnyrn the DlntanO 1*Primarily'Derived from Cattle.

A.London phj-slclnn, Dr. W. PicketTurner,, who has made n first-handstudy of the disease for many, years,advances the theory., that .the medicalworld Is attacking the problem of con-sumption by nn utterly false route.

His view, briefly stated, Is tlmf tub-erculosis Is an nnlmal disease-primar-ily derived, In all cases, from cattle.It belongs, he says; to the .'mycoticgroup of diseases, "diseases In whichthe original source of Infection Is aplant- Bovine cuttle derive tubercu-losis from timothy arid other alliedgrasses by natural affinity.

-Man acquires the disease by Iggos-tlon' or Inoculntlnn, . naver—by—Inhnhrrtlon. It Is not hereditary; neither Isthere any predisposition to It In theIndividual. The bacillus In a state ofnature Is saprophyte, 'feeding on decayof the vegetable'world. But .the bacll-lus~becoines pathogenic—capable ofcausing disease—In cattle when theyare deprived of actinism or the prop-erty of the chemical rays In sunlight

It would, If all this be true, becomereasonable to assume that by restoringactinism to cattle the bacillus wouldagaln~becoriie~ aTTsaprobpyte, In whichcase consumption would be extirpated.—Current Literature.

•deliberately buVe kept, his sovereign

Little Elsie'H v.ommeut.A 6-year-old member of a Harlem

family of live girls has been the Inno-coot cause of much surprise and aniuse-

- lately by '


many droll remarks.A fonr-dnyg ngn n rolnflro nn n plslt



: to the family, told of the progress hisson was making in his tirst year ut

. p u b l i c school Thelittle girl had seem-ingly been Interested In a doll on thefloor, near her father's knee, but uo

: .-sooner bad-the—talk-t'eaKed-ttrnu^sht'looked up at.-tbe visitor. a,nd said:

"Have you a little boy.-Unele-WIll?"-"Yes, Elsie. And why do you ask?"

' Arlooi: of happlness-Hpread-DTerBl-•Ie'8 face, and brushing back a goldencurl with her band, she said very de-liberately:

"Well, Indeed, you're a lucky man.Uncle Will, for there's n ca-lam'lty orgirls la our house."—-New York Times.




'. Boll-Tin apaxvaly Populated.In number of Inhabitants to the

•qoflro uille, Bolivia, the hermit re-publle, ranks tie lowest of all the na-t*on» of the world, havlhg at the laateenaos only nlnoty-ntno one-hundredttinat A perton to every mile, w|i|le Tripoli.!whloh comes next. In this respect, ban.«O0 full Inhabitant , to tho mile.

• "Darling," said the bride, "I hart aterrible feeling of sadness come overmo this afternoon— a sort of foolingthat you were. doing something ' that

PFPnk my heart If I know of Itpwe0tL ffhat were you doing," ~

\vailltigv but thu 'L<uud(JU Tatler relatesnn anecdote which shows that be hud avery human side,

— Brown -was very fond of fishing;-andone day, when be bad a tine salmon ouhlfi-4jook,—there-caule a -message frpmthe castle on Deeside. desiring his pres-ence at once. Queen Victoria was go-lug fpr her afternoon drive, and It wasBrown's duty to attend her, as he al-ways did, sitting In the rumble of thecarriage.

"Tell her majesty that I'll be quick-ly," he said. , ; '

But the salmon was strong and couldnot be landed/at once. Another andmore urgent message reached him.

••T<-11 her innJpKry thnt. 1


Sf rn T Awpfl...ljy.^ - Uliinity

-mon onrbut'1'll-tjButes.

tin* fevT

--Still the salmon held out, and a thirdand Imperative command arrived.

"Tell .her. majesty," shouted Browu,"that It's not possible for me to leavewithout the salmon!" ' —--•

.J_NfirJU .dJit__HiiijEh'etbertheQueenknew enough of fishing'and fishermentolannrcclata the circumstances Is nottold.

now, this nffcrnpon" f»t~ f o'clock?""DtmrpHt,"' repIM thp huabani) tender-ly nud roiiHmirlngly, "nt that hour I<wao licking fltiimpn and posting themen envelopes,"— Ladles' Homo Journal.

tnoroaao In ItuaaUn Kxpondlturco... During tho lust forty ycura the ye>r-

-enormously. Thirty years ago Itabudget wan less than 600,000,000 ruble)<*>!60.000,000); tNyenty years ago It was000,000.000 (J-inO.OOO.oMi; len yJnrsback It amounted to l.ooo.ooo.ooour.ou,000.000), and at preavnt It hits reacncilnearly 2.000,000,000 <»I,OOO,OOO,000).^ ;1 Monument to'l/onveuworth.1 General llr.ury Ix)«venworll»'» re-Maalna, which arc ut prrtieut burled atJDolhl, N. y., will bo removed to lyeav-

i', Knn., on the Koventy-Ufth miof thn foiiudliiK °f "lu "«"»•>

at Fort Ix'nvonwortli. It lu aliato orcct an Impoatnc inotin

cnont to hla memory nt the fort he i-n-thrcn-<iuartem of a vratnry

,Tlio t olu I hu l l loMHi'M for I I INI 'year on

tho I 'Mii l l lv riuiMt nloiiu i i i i ioni i lc i l K.nearly »-I.(KIO,IM«), w h l l v lo,iH,.H of vmi•cU mid t-ni-KUcH fixi i up i i l M i n i ji(i.(MH),OOO. Tllla liiriTiiHcd IDMH liui, u ln -ndvbail llaclU'cl on I I I M I - I I I C i i i H i i i i u u i - riiuxi

IrOlllllHl'X Dllllor OlIlllllMIK.

X motor i i n i i i l l i i i i i limy now ho HCOIIpljl"K In liomloii Mtrccii i . '1'lic vfthlcli*In riln UN H l > nxpn l i n n i i l liy (lie KinulOar C<iiii|>iin.v brl \ \c-cn l l n i i i m o r n i i i K l i

unit ( i x f o n l clrciui,

WJiero England Buys and Sells WheatThe s,x inarkets at which most, Eng-

lish wheat is sold are Norwich, MurkLane, Peterborough, Lincoln; Hull, uudIpswich, In the order named. . Peter-borough has taken the place once occu-pied by Lynn Tho markets for for-eign wheat which occupy the flrst sixplaces are Liverpool, Murk Lane, Bris-tol, Manchester, Bull, and Ulruilugbum: The London market remains tlimoat .important of English' corn exchanges, for It Is a good aecou'd (o.ooth Horts of whi'ht, whereas Norwichwhich slightly uurpuvsus It for Uug.Hull, sells very little foreign.'and l.ltr«rpool. which Is the prenilem markplor foreign, regards an English (ampleag quite 'a curloilty.—J,,ondon Graphic.

of the Supreme Court.The Supreme Court Is a censclcss

.5QMfte_o.f._Ln.tere5.t_.tp_..jthe.__8tr_4uger,lD^,Washington. Even when tlie court ls<

jiot-ln-sesslon-the-chauiber-lu wlilelHtsits Is viewed by n constant stream ofvisitors, who erjter It -with.quietonce. Ordinarily It is tlie dullest place.where men assemble' to do business.'The. decorum is'painful, but this doesnot deter the American who comes toinspect the seat of government fromlingering.fondly about the place. Whenthe" famous Keutnckj'ease was arguednot-only was the chamber lilled. hut along line of visitors waited in the hall.says the Washington Post. . , .--..

"Give -m* the lunch-basket,'•' wlfey.Don't you see we are rare to lose eachJther In this crowd?"—Sketch. ,

Huaband—My dear JBmifyi "why Is'it(.am always in the wrong? Wife—Be-MUSO I am always in the rlght-r-Qulpa.

Elderly Coquette—I don't like thistaynlture. :it Isn't suitable for my

something antique? — Life,What ore you In such a groat hurry

;tor?" "i am;..gplng, toAthd^uncral of; . . ,^ chief!, ttnd-itberie;t8 nothing.h'e nates" :ilke"unp:unctiuiiry !"— Ply

A race of men who had navar be-fore seen a white man have been dls-»vered-ln the arctic region. They willIve to regret tho Incident. — MexicanHerald.

"But, captain, the moat happy a or-loges are often made between people

who are quite opposltcs." "That Is thereason why I am .looking out for :l rjchwife!"— pallas, Post

Tim Rtrcnnnua T.lft»

ong~bfld Washington been dead when

shrine of the law does not Indicate iinyl.uu tlnr-|»M't-of-t4>«^)lftjn--cleFli,— ̂ ^hatfs-flrst olaco mftluss uf

people for tills august body. The twoplaces In' Washington where 'he vnn-dnl stands In awe are the SupremeCourt and the White. House-, and .the

'Jatter has not been affordod-luvnrliible-protectlon. In all other 'places may befound the dlrt-y linger, prints—oj thevatidHl.~The. monument"-1'—chipped,statues are marred, fragments are cutfrom the hangings 'of the .Senate nndHouse of Representatives, names l inve .been scratched Into the marble.and onthe bronze doors, hut something holdsthe most ruthless In check when liecomes to the Supreme Court.

There Is no talking among the spci'tntors when the court Is In session, nndeven when the bench Is vacant nnO

—I dunno, but it 'hasn't been vorydead since Teddy has. been' th'ere!

•"Do-you-lntend -to •- Inaugurate any,ffeat reforms_thls_year,_Senator?—risk-ed the beautiful girl. ""No," replied thestatesman. '"My prefeent term. >vl!I notexpire until 1000."—Chicago Record-Herald.

"And shall you carry out your planof visiting Blue-Grotto at Capri-thisyear, Frau Lammer?" "Alan, no,Frau Spits; we are In mourning thissummer, so we are going to the BiackForest"—Figaro.

"How much' postage will this re-.quire?" aaked the young author. "It Is


On exhibition at tho American' Mn-. scum of Natural History wll! Boon.beseen tho largest section of a tree everbrought from a forest, which Is coneld-.cred the finest specimen of Its klnd"ln>the"world, says .the Baltimore Ameri-can; • " • • ' •; ' ' ' • . . ' " . '

The fast passing away of the giant;redwood...frees—due .to: the ax of. the-.commercial lumbermen—those majes-tic relied of the forest primeval and thq-great.lce age, Is rapidly going ou, and-...-.It wlllonly be a question of rime whenall save those standlngTn Oie govern-ment and State reservation groves will:be destroyed. '

This huge bjack of redwood, now-


•Capt. B. H. Barton, a Texan, Claims. • . He Fired It.

"I alone, sire, am the rear.guard, ofthe grand ariny!" exclaimed MarshalNey. ns he fired the last shot at the_ Cossacks on tlie

banks of the Ber-Islno, .In the re-treat of Napoleonfrom ills' disas-trous campaign luRussia.

When a line of

blcrtreo exhibit, whose like ca'nnot b*seen outside of a visit to southern Call-fornla. An Idea of Its gigantic propor--



re Irlng from the

^^le^riaBrazos Suntl-'IK° lu T c x«'s. •

One Hundred Miles on Suowahoea In oZero Temperature.

One hundred miles on snowshoes. Ina temperature dancing nround zero,sleeping'beneath a Hi' tree n't nights,cooking under difficulties, and at lastarriving In Vancouver'hale and henr'ty,Such Is the rccbjrd of.Mr., and Mrs. O.P. Held, of Telegraph Creek.

Mr. Held conducts a hotel at Tele-i graph Creek nnd some time ago decided| tq make the Journey to Vancouver fol: the purpose of purchasing goods, andthought also of paying a .visit to hlaold home In .Smith/Avails, pnt Thaillstnuce botw&cn the_creek and_

Held Intende.l to make the journeynlone. However, his wife


s.̂ — "Two-ccntaan ounce," answered the post office

Bora*The comic papers frequently . poka

fun at tha long words of the Germanlaiiyuasa, rot the Engllah language canfdrnlah aoDM pretty lo"njjf~wora«7 "too;H<-r« are w>me of tha lonftost Englishwords: Sabcooatltutlonallat, Incorapre-bnnelbillty, honorldolbllltudlnlty (It~

b« thflt contatnt(even To), antliropopbaconartao, dla-proportlonablanoM, veloplpcdefltrlnnlattcal, tranB9ub<itantlntloiinblcn«M, proan-tltransmihataiitlatloDlBtlcal — ThU- luntword la no doubt the longont In 'lie Kn-jltBh laujruage; It eontulna thirty-three"

IS.--.Ollvo Oil In AuiliiliMla.

<,||v«- oil |M-ocii.,ri .,f ii,,, y,,Anrtnlllpilli l l l iKHIIi ln lo nlioni H,ri()l) ,(MMI

" Get Aw*y With (loA Alone.Man la no batter than a leaf drlv

en by tho wind until ho baa conqueredliln louoly dut I oa. Thin makoo a man—tlio habit of confronting jjrnatt l i lnRa In oolltiido, nnd chiefly thouublt of. cnnvornlDK with (loci alone,ind of lllllng tha ooul with Hlaitroiiftth. For, remember, thu manwho la a. airaiignr to tl'i'oo lialiltn ofsolitude J» iiolthar hlu own munlnrnor tha poonounor of hlu own lioune.Uo ovvnn a ureat liouun, i»nrt an etnr-nal houBa, but It In uhut up undlonknd. and he, llvun oiitnlclo, "uiit.II Inhla Bolltudo hn join Uod unto hlm-lolf."—J. Puluford,

' jl Tho Mshf' of" Tho n f f i i r t to do right doon not

niir .enunrlly load to the happy, spon-li inmiuu nud lovliif; praatlcn of K»OI|-ncnn, Thin In to bo found not In thaInw, but In tho lioiipnl; not In thonlr.l i t of duty , but in thn ul«lit otlove, U lu (iffootlonntn, f l l lu l «rnll-t i i i ln for unboi inht , unnamed inorcy.It IH DID profit lovn of h im who l innneon fnrKlvixi iniich,-—Janma Kruu-inuii Clurko.

No HtmnMlnfr.No ninn -vnr «tuiuhlnu ov«r bin

ncl ' - l i l ior \vhou ho la walking with'luil.

*)» iniicli, carrleaiiiieuu, acting bun! My,• ind Inek of Hri"ir,

strauBcrs are viewing thechamber. they -uniformly HpvnU In willspera. The old white-bennlcd coloredman who' alts nt tlie door IH the pomml,tlcntlon of Hllcnce and dignity, nnd theBlglit of, him IH enough to unikc ll ifmoHt frivolous grow grave and wiilk ontheir tiptoes. He silently opi-im HIPdoor for each coiner and nol«elo«nlycloses It. If ' the chamber la ful l liestands with bis back to the door, nnd.without uttering a word, keeps otliornfrom attempting to enter.

The other day two lawyers met Infront Of the courtroom doom, one attiredln..aJlglit_fluit^«!RLt!H>._other_ln

thank you!"—Judge.•American Tourist (suspiciously) —

Say, guide, haven't we seen this roombefore? Gjilde—-Oh, no, 'Monsifrur.

rTourlst—Well, see here. . W e want~to-see everything, but we donjt want toeeo anything twice!—London Punch.

tlons • IftrSyldly -shown In -the lllustra- -'_tlon--by the-slxr-foot~mnn"standlng^aithe base, whose'figure reaches only athird of its height The diameter Israore-tban-18-feet-nnd-the^:lrcninfer*—ence Is 50, and It Is surrounded by afringe of cinnamon colored bark a footdeep In some places.

The tree.began to grow 550 A. p., and.wns 13 feet In' diameter when Colum-bus reached' our shores, and when cutdown It was 1,340 years old. Some orthe .trees In the same vicinity nre saidto be from 5,000 to 8,000 years old.


Bnlna Uneni thed-iu 'Rutna uf* Luutf*'Burled City. -. • i

Apropos of recent discoveries at Pom-peii, the noted archaeologist, KodolfaLanclanl, writing to the : Athenaeum,,

-says:—_ , --.--

clothes. The 0110 In a light suit remindedtbo other that tie had on dark clollien,but n.purple necktie. The colored t lodldnot bar him. But the lawyer In (he lightstilt could not venture Into tlio. clinnvht'r. Though they were merely Hpecla


tpr_Hj the£ riuist wear dark clothes Ifthey would appear within. Jlio bur oftliq"court;—Whnj "ftJVlflJ "in'njr wouldhappen If one should nppenr before Ihnbar of U)o fiuprmno Court In n lightBilft Is" not known, for'no one has everhad tho temerity to try It

ninillarlty of 'VVrlllnv.

"Proin my pllo of nntogrnphn I tnluono of n ntittexinnn well' known nnd In}It nldo by nldo with tho ntitogrnphn oln great iiuthor nnd n groat eoclcohmtic," wrltcn n l lr l t lnh puhllclnt. "Allthree uro vury Binii l l , oxiiujnltnly nont,very llttln nluntud, nbnoltitaly legible,Well IIB I know tho tliruo vvrltom, 1doubt If I coulil toll which wrote which.Thny worn Cnrdlnal Mminliig, Mr,

nnd Ixird Itonnhery. ,WII I tb«expcrtn toll nn> If In this cnno Blinl lnr l l jof writing bodl«<t- forth Hlinl lnr l ty ol

fl or qimllteHV"

World'd I/«r(ro»t> TojrIt la mild t lmt Amerlcanu npiuid more

iionoy In provlillnn miiiiHDiiit t iU forluilr chllilmn t l inn any othnr Imt lo i i

Tli» Inrgent toy factory In thn worlilIH In Now York, It nmki'n \.(M1 i l lx-(net vurletleii of loyii. Thu blilldlii|(H II vii nlorleii l i lK'i , mill bun im minimiiiitput of over 11 hundred mil l ion pliiy-lilii|(n. I/ imt yeiir neiirly tlirno lul l -Inn .(In wlilHtlcii wero uiixle, Mini l i n tIn iiiililloni I'i'Hclii'il thuf nix inlllloiin.

norinoilH l u l u )

Wrlnhlrn tell -tho lutorjr. of u«uIIIIKI who lire nli lo lo reurt l i e twei n I


In .Tuly,"1890, certain desultory exca-vations were undertaken on the farm

. — .,-, r, „-. ot Slgnor Matrone, between the UlTCtAn Authorlty.-Doclor f^T™ Sarno and the Stablan gate of 1

wlf», after examining Pat, who had'been run down by an auto)—Madam,I fear your husband IB dead. Pat (fee-bly)—No, I ain't dead yet Pat's Wlfo•—Hush, Pat the gentleman knows bet-ter than you.' Dangers of Speech.—Young Bostou-

Inn, who has married- a country wife:My dear, I am going down to M. Ar»btsqiie's tonsorlal parlors^ for a fewminutes. Bhc—Oh, Charlie dear! thuroImi't anything tlio matter with yourtonsils. Is there?

The food-Inspector's wife was 'ook-Ing over her hilsbnnd'B nqtelwok,'George," she said, "how do you pro-

nounce tho last syllable of this word"The..iaflt Byllnblo," tlie

Inspector nnswereit, "Is always silent"—St Louis Xilobe-Dcmocrat, "Did ye get dnmogen fer being Inthnt railway accident, BUI?" "Sure;fifty rtollnrn for ino and fifty for tho'lalnsu*." "Tbo mlasui? I didn't hear•ho won hurt," "Slio wnwi't; but Ihad tho presence o' mind to fetch horone on tho head with mo foot"—-Hur-per'a Weekly.

"Mamma, what's tho uae of yuttlnfill thoae thlnca for tho baby lu thatiterlllzln* machine?" "Why, Willie, BOthat no bad germs wHI enter hla nya-{pm," "Thnt'9 what I thought. But Iknow an easier way," "What's that?""Why, "whllo you wero wit I HtenlUudthe baby I'—Ufo.

First Clerk—Say, Bella, do you ro-mcmtxir the nwell fellow who uaeil toflorae In every day Innt year, give, 111 a

jolly, and buy candy for hlifrrnndmptbar? Booond Clork—You; hodixxn't como any more. Is hla rrnnd-mother dead? First Olork—No; lio'»married to her—Harper*! Weekly.

"I aeut you tha pinna for tho portscochera and grand entrance,". ,>aaanUv> architect who was building Nilrl/ch'i pnlntlal innrmloii. "Yen," IntAr-niptod Niirltch, "nnd what do youmoan by piittlu* 'Halvo1 over tho door?Don't you try to run In no pntnnt med-icine ndn on. mo l"-^Phlladelphl«. 1'roiu.

Automohlllut (to another, who Imilirokoif flown)—•:O««' I'll"' «f itn'y"aiiMlnt-

to yoaT The Afrtlctod Onn (undertlio machine)—Yen, ulr. Tlmt lady y<.ilIHXI la my wife.. I'll be obllgnd If youwill lilndly niiBwnr her ijiienllonn andkeop her BinuiMd whllo I'm fixing th inInfoninl mnnhlno. — Wonian'n II«iii«Compniilon.

"Marl*," aalil Mr, (Jlllgloy, onterlnuhla homo In uomo oxultoment, "I .Wantyou to promlno inn not to look1 nt tlio)nr«rn for tho next thron inonllinl"'\Vlmt for?" wondiirliiRly nnkotl Mrn.

Qnll.'loy. "I linve Jinit Ix'en riomltiiitotlfor n public onioc," ho' fultomd, "iinilI ilon't wont you to flni] out wlnit kindof A man'I reully nni,1'----0lilcii(t<>"TrUi-win. ,

near the MoIIno Klenzo, not for anyiirchacloglcal or scientific purpose, butIn quest of valuable and marketableobjects. The remains brought to lightinclude a net of shops, built In the rotlc-ulated style, opening on to a porch orveranda which runs parallel' with th«high road. One of the shops, ailedWith earthen ampohorac,. belonged toa wine seller, a second to n carpenter,a third to a dealer In fishing Imple-ments. A large court opens behind'the shops, with nn'oven In the center;tlie place, In short, shows the charac-teristics uf a country. Inn located onthe yia Htablna near the mouth of theKuril o,-on-.tlio_nia|n,_Jlne -Of _Mtr.cat_at_the panlc-Btrickcn Pompellnus.enty or, eighty fugitives havefound, apparently smothered wb|l»neeklnc shelter under the roof of the-Inn, almost In view of the fleet whichhad sailed from Mlscno to their rescuef.The grcjxtCHt number fell at the eastend of the porch towards tho river,whore Pliny's Llburna was probablyanchored—a poor and wretched lot offuffltlrea, carrying away In their nightonly a few.coppers. Six of seven skel-etons wore found lying In the courtnr-ar tho oven, nlso with no objects ofvalue; but a party of twenty men,women and children o f , mucti higherrank wero overtaken by dentil In tha-middle soctlou of the veranda. ThtlrBold necklaces wero Mill fastento"round their necks, bracelets nt l l l encir-cled their wrists, precloua tings stillfitted their lingers. Among this group. 'of well-to-do fugitives, ono seemed to-otcupy the place, of honor, a personwhoae skull betrays a iupcrlor Intelll-

and of ft noble demeanor, Hewore a chain of sixty-four gold ringswound thrlco round the nock, two ar-inlllue ou thu right arm, a heavy signetring, and a Angger on the loft side, Th«i

has a blad6 Of nteol, a handlecarved In Ivory, and a icahbard orna-ntrntod wltli glided nhello. Tills persoa ,was suffocated by tho deadly fumes otho volcmno whllo Hitting agnlnnt th»

wnll, pr«h«hly on a sedan chair or n,Icctlcii,"tlio~l)rasn omnniunts of whiabliaye been found In situ,

I''lr«t duller.In BcolUnd theru la a curloim auper-

•tltuiloa to tbo ulTi-ot t lmt HOCK) or bu4foi'tuiu) l a , brought to ilia lioiiav |>ythu emirnclcr i f tliu (li>t culler ou NewYeur'a day. In the el«Iitocn|li ceuturytill* wni atippoNi'il to luUo nffect ufterVI o'clock, and NO devoted lovrra wouldptHl ln i i thnniaclveu outnli le vf n,u (Ivor*of thu iMiuava \rlieru their NWertheurt*ilwuli *o ilMil thoy could enter at one*upon the otr lUIng of ll<o hour, fromniUlnluht .till morning \\\a\ utrects oflOdlnliiirdh vrora crowded with .yoimginuu, all mnUIng niorry In one way oranother, ludo«d. It (f tlit nio«t Im-poi ' tunt ctiUibrutlon of tliu jvut to tu»

, , . . o e v e r , s wfe pleaded withwhere the blue and. gray .had; met In him to allow her to nccomp my hto J£deadly euoounter for the last, t i e .

Mr. Mlllnls tells how rabbits swim—when conipelled to: 'They swim withthe head held as high as possible, vvbilatho bocks of the hjhd'legs' appear abovothe elemeht at each stroke." The'^houl-'flcrs and front purt of the body arcb'urled beneath the'water, while the.pimp and tall are high and-dry."


I Dalit B*or -One P<uieng'«r Onlr»1 • ' ' ' • • Steer. With III* Foe*.

The Illustration below nhows n newtype of motor car that should In thonear' future have many supporters, ttIs a foreign Invention, nnd on accountof Its peculiar construction attracts nt'"•""t>h lnjniediatel.v. In size It



. . . . • — - .-I u"" iu iiiiuw.uer to nccoinnanv him u)m; -deadly euoounter for the last, time, a jhe ing firm lu her belief t^ttbetr/n^... soldier turned in hl^saddle. nnd after was uono too Ionc forto ,rt±£amP

:T-T-»v.v»4y* Lui*JC" Hi -'la^Dnuun:, IlIIU UriOr

repeating the words of the great Frenchiviia uono too IonB for to twidertake.

" 1 'r°r several weeks previous "tn thnI hetbrewhl8 gun to bWshoul- commencement of the Journfey Mrearad. It proved to be the last Hold took lonK tramps ]n°

Ur"°y Mrs>

-shot of the last battle, and It was 'cer- i for the pne-hurrilrbd •'"tainlv the last shot of fho l^,, „,-.. „.!,._ iu.\,' ., - u r r etalnly the last shot of the long war. ! when thet lma arr.red h e r n d h eThe man who describes this event and luisband to sthrt she w-SS-ln «wh^clulms be Is. entitled to the d.s: form for the tryVnj QraLTauction-contained in being-its- central ,~5Ir5TR "


4,rure to 8. H. Barton, of De. R.o. I n ' , Une. owestern Texas, where he owns a nno -distance was covered in flve dnvs Atranch He was a captain In tho Con- the end of the first day Mrs Reid "fe^

many times after the smoke of battle ing

.^_ —^ ..uiiuxj wuriuare sometimes-found'living together,In»xtradrdlnary communities. The same.;writer, quotes this experience of an ob-server: "On one occasion when ferret-Ing I bolted a'for, a cat, a stoat and, _ k, u ob4SUL UUII

Bereral rabbits, and rnta out of thesame earth. The fb* bolted first, aftergiving the ferret a nip across the back,from the effects of which It died anhour later.- Next came the stoatr andthen the cat, both of which I shot. Then j^alkrrvcd_ thejabbits and-rats-promia-Hraonsly. It waa a large burrow on |the bank of a deep dry watercourse,•nrt «/j— »--'•• a for wheo '1 ferreted

ua tha TelaTIv^ •OTB-p«scngcr.

. were talking of his dauntless-courage, but he preferred to serve with-the comrades of his boyhood.

TbVstory-of that-last battle, which•was fought on the 13th of

-;After the war was ended and peace de--clored, has escaped tbe_attentlon thatJt merits, for it was an affair of no lit-Ho Importance. Sen. Egbert Brown,who recently died at West Plains^ Mo.,was In command of the Federal troops'In southern .Texas, and_he was doubt-'

, -*-• •<-* »c*i uetierIn her life and would think nothing ofmaking the trip again. ..

When Mr. and Mrs. Reid arrived atgrange! theyTook passage on one'ofJie Coasting steamers for Vancouver —Vancouver World. -

.well Informed^_. .«u^E.u._iB


..... • -»-"—> vu uia leiaiiva """ 4r»"=<--"is>--i. ,j.uere m also a totalipnty of bares and rabbits are given absence of complicated steering UD.

|i^a--reTOnt-volume-by 7r-OrMlilair Par«W*";T^TVHen running at ease," he. says, "th« Jmmedlftfely In front of the rider OneK»Stfc of the hare's stride Is .'about 'ever Is sutflcicut to regulate the spe«drour feet;', but under-conditions of fear and^I« placed in close prciltriity toIteleaps-extend-to ten-anT"twelve~feet," the seat; .Probably the most pecullnwane some authors claim toat It can te*t»n Is the method of steering. Thlijtamp tea ditches twenty to twenty-flve is done fty means of • the feet, verywet In width. Perpendicularly n hare ""̂ h IUc« a youne boy would steer htiC&n mmn nn *« « n *_-o. ' .. . AV^-VA.. ~- ^ >r*> . . .

, Safetyand Surety

there being

€>_>• of The-a. :

-Slaughter, who commanded the Con-redaret troops encamped, at BraEO.

.tlie stirjrender of the armies commanded .by

Lee, Johnson and other generals, bultic hntl received no ofllclal notice of•these facts from tho_Wjatv_Department_•GV-n. "Browii; under n flag of truce, In'formed the Confederates of tho stall

•of affairs about Washington and Rich-mom!, atjthe snine_tJnie.Jny_It!nK_thenito come In and lay down their arms, as.the war was certainly, over.

A foreign' tourist who had receivedpermission to. visit one of the largeusyltin-s for the Insane In this countrywas surprised at the neatness;

tho walla of the Institution. He askedIf It was always like that and thepolite attendant who Vas showing himthrough the buildings said It was.

"We have what w-» call our violentwards, of course, but I presume you

.would not-'care~to~see" "

to be nonplused by one of about *lme« ^oe, the rider being able to en-sir feet Tnejtrlde of the rabbit, la *°* a emoke with pleasure. Oth«nbout two.feet; when necessary It can B"""™ features^are^ the sU» of tb,note leaps of six or seven fet horl- wbeels and the height of th» tanas»nt»41y. About three feet IB the high- nbove ™*«ct th*t a rabbit can attain to evenwhca helped by the asperities of aItww trail."



Is told of, a lank, dlsconso-

-"I think not,""Jt Is just as well, perhaps.. They

Uncle Job'n L.o»ot>."las sub," began Uncle Job, survey

'Ing bis henrere with an expression t>l• rirruous sadness, "yas, sub, I sholy gU

•dat trifling Ab'ahani a lesson he novelfohgot!" Then, seeing an Inquiring loo.

,.ln .the eyes of some of his hearers, an.hearing a question from the llpa of oni

•of thi-'ui, he decided to go rnoro Into d»' -.tails iilxmt the nature, of tho lesson hi

are rather noisy, although, of course,wo"ejcerclae~the"same care in providingfor the .welfare of.tbo Inmates that yonsee In this part of the Instltutlou. Wealso have a section where wtf keep theIncurables.'"

"These Inmates, then, are considered]curable."

Tholr cases are at least hopeful.""I am greatly Interested," said the

rlBttor, "but I will not take up anymoro of your time. You have other , «.u«v i-clm/ waa in ecstasies ovdiitle* to attend to, have you not?" I young ledy her nephew, Ike, was

"Ves sir. Thi

g tb« piognat of u political meetingIn Cooper Institute stood on-the stepa-with th'« air of one who hajLheen sur-frttedjwlth^_feast of uoine sort. •--—-~~"Doryoa know who's talking In' there,DOW?" demanded a stranger briskly,paufring for a moment beside the dls-consojate farnier,_''or are you Just go-••^TlnT* ''"" ,

"No, air, I've Just came out." saidthe farmer decidedly. "Mr. Evartu Istalking In there."

."What about?" asked the stranger."Well, he didn't say," the farmer an-

swered, passing a knotted bond acnoeflbis forehead.

Sentenced to Taka Batlu....

Judge ^Fledler-ln a" Cleveland policeco'nrt has sontenced^_a_mau_to_«_yeai:Bnd-a^-ha-f '6f"cie.m1liicag. John Aril,arrested for neglecting his foiir smalljehlldren. hasn't 'taben a bath


was In ecstasies over tba

"Yes, sir. This la merely one of myrecreations. In ono of tho rooms Intbn main building I am engaged, duringhod-Imparted. . j ""'.."*."•" ''"'»"»« '

"W'nfd 1 do tub him? I'e gwlno tub m(Mi ot tlle tlnic' ln"»'u™;tell you-«lls. Ab'rnham fair drnwed At I bo_™llod .!"y llfc:vvork-"llghtnli iK ou himself , w'cn • h b bed d»'dnclty tnh ' r i to-mo tub ho housu tub

•cat eh tuhkey dinner."Tntfltey," repeat^l tJni.'lo Job, after

:a tolling piuiHi1, "w'en dut llveninlioiu

what may

neveli rnlsod tiny tuhkey In hoHi1!' 'rept ufiVn Nome w'ltu man's roont.

"Hit Kho WIIH er f ine tuhkey, hut Inbowivl d u t .Vh'ahiun dat stolon goixli.protlleth l i t t l e . Hut luhkey wns er hisgohlfli . nn ' deru WIIH nohoily hut niv uu ' ,Ali ' i ihiiin dero; an' 1 nenHoned dat b l r i t |wl f i i d i i i on l t l o i iH tnh hi> poixl an' wntui i onli.

'Your life-work? May I ask whatthat IB?" - -

"Hadn't you hoard?" Bald tho attend^nnt, In a tone of Mitonlahment •"! ainiwnplllng an Index to Wohater-B Die;tlonary."

f'oni ite tvni tb to i'Onn>." l i l t M h n l y would li«v tnnted good of

'hit hed'nt lie'n xtnle. Hut tie niiiuv o'hn deed well i l l i l nn' n slji in-li rchuUi- i l n|-

ninde h i t rellxh, an'," roin'lnded

h i t( i lnux H i i l l s f n i ' l l i > n .

IH or lmh<l pull , I ' H h.iuiidto imy I hold out to ill* end an' tin lulleddut tuhkey, npl tn oh Ab'n Im 111,1 h l n t H itiil'lie Hpoctod hi t tnh IMH' him or week,"


.Htnry uf an Anirrl i ' i in J\I i ir l<«iui i iWhonn Aim \Viih I'roiiliotlu,

In view of the pi irehii i i i ) of HID InlJuidH, imi'don me fur I ' cc i i l l l i iK an Inddent of twen ty odd yearn ago t l m t iK' i i rJy ciuiNi'd Nerlonn l i i l i ' i ' M i i l l o i i i i l rompllr i i t l n i iH , An Ainer l i ' i in n i n r U i n i i i i i i , |iny-

• INI; II vbilt to Ohil l ' lol le A n i i i l l i i , i i l i u i H e i lthe K'lvrnior by nn e x h i b i t i o n of n ld l l,wUh Ilio r l l lp , • Ht t t i i l i t nil t l i i i verniidi iof the government I I H I I N O , lie mild t l m lhe L-uiilil ml wl l l l n l iu l le t t he nl^nii l

, l i i i l y i l i ' i l n on I l in ( l i i K u l n l V uf the fort M M . Il i iwe r t h e D i i l i ' h n l i i i u l i l r i l t o l l i u-.;rni|inl, AH t h e l inen »'ei'u n l i imi i l l n v l « -Ible In I l i o i l ln ta i i i ' e , . Iho governor W I I Hw l l l l i i K lo bi'l ( l i n t he eonlil not ilo ll ;Tin' ,H|KI| nuiK mil an i l iho lln« fel l .

I'l'r.'O'iilly |i l ioriieniiin diinhed up. Info i ' i n l f iK I l i e Kovenior t h u t Home one hudIlivil mi t h e ling. Tlii\ro WIIH Krei i l e»n l l e i i i i ' l i l , Tlir K"Vi'nii>i ' , n i i i i i i too P I I J I I II I IP , r l i l n i ' i l !I|H t io l l l l e i i l f i l l u r e by n4i n l l l l i i K ( h u t ' l l u ' i i lTn l r W I I H a Juk.\ nwhh.'li" he I 'onnlvVil. Heimrt lu ' ln j r HI-.-<;.; C(il' ' ,Milmii'i 'ii, h l t th ly eolori'il,. irfeiiiil'iie, by I h n l y i i n i i i i i n i l nn t , hl 'i exeellei.cy Wits I 'niuovjeil , Now Vork I'nwo,

"Grtmt BcottI wliiit do you call those,II*lau?"..iHk(Hl Dan BVms. He wan gas-li iK rurlounly at 1111 elnborntoly gitr-nlHhrd pluttur, which held two tiny

"You wanted smoltn. [ didn't knowIK.W big thi-y were; I never beard ofHineltu In the West. You know 1 gottwo nmi-kerel liuit week, and they inniloa nleo l l t t l i , meal. HO I 'thought two-aiiDlln would be enough, o,.r n/,),mnn'w ln>oii no Hiiren«tle iilnco thai Ony1 'phimcd for a hal ibut and ho ea-

two poi>|ile~-lt (Hvnfilon'iiljy|ioiiiKli«. To-day lie

too Inrgi. forplnlnv.d u hu l lhu t' welahod 100

|0 ho fiinnynbni i t tint two niiMilt.t . I K,,t fmuilngly<ll|{iillleil mid lmi) K i,,, tb,, rwvlvor. Tbohc.y hud KIIIIU Leforo 1 look,.,! at HHMIII knew r lKht nwny , I> an, I hm| ,„„,,,;n mlHernlil . . b lunder ; only I boiled UKKII,yon BOO, (n iniikn out 11 ineiil.

"Al l rlcbt, l l t t l o vvoiniin."IMii.. "They're n „!.•,. iipp,,!!^,-, Onlynext (In i,, onler twenty n n y w n y ; |)f.'


,.., w, ., H» |^\/«IIU

to marry.. "I never saw her Mil lastweak," sbo said, ''but I fell In love-with'har at first sight myself. She's-good,nvout, nmlable and us pretty as a pic-ture." i

"Wbat'a hor name?"- asked the listen-era.

"Maria." ,"Maria what?"Aunt Hcpsy wrinkled hor forehead,

[tuned up her llp», looked ut the coil-lng,uud gave It up.

"I (U'cluro, I can't think of her otliurname."

The ffanoral laugh that followed thinconfutation nettled Auiit IIojiHy, ' *''*•

"What's the difference about her lastnnnm nnywny?" sho snld cxplHiilvoly.''It's only temporary. She'H going to

It I"—Youth's Companion.

years, Humane Officer- Pool«~told theJudge.'- *"•'

"I have arrested him on almost everylno!- charge," said the officer, "and

"havo fried for ten years to make htmkeep clean." "

"Unwashed for ten years, eh?" com-mented tba court. "I'll ns htm eo h«iron't be dirty for a long time. I shallsend you to' the' workhouse with In-structions to tbe superintendent /tskeep you there eighteen months -andput yon to light labor and have youscrubbed twice a day during yont In-carceration." '",

_.ROAD- BED isiessen-Hal.


Hot Po*tta."Hands up I" Bald the footpad."And If I refuse?" queried the be-

lated pedestrian."Well, In thnt case," resumed the

footpad, "I con only soy that you don'tknow the rules of the game. I decllnuto negotiate with one so grojaly Ignor-_.,. <».- j -• • • r

Good night, slr."_philadelphln

Tfc T»OTi_rti..

"\Vhat would bo your Hrst thought Ifyou wore to ulrlke oil or In some otherway become Biiddenly wealthy?"

"Well, I mimmsc!, Illie ni l tho rest of'cm. my, firm though.: would b« cou-cvrnln1 the Hhorti.it and quickest wayto New York.'—OhlofKo Record-Ho...


•HoinepeopliMirl t i n . lniK n|| I h e l r l l v u .ami tllen don't «et i i iuvh

Mlarnry Ail. li, 1()1O."Thin power fu l novel contain twelveTom In Kl ' i i n i i nn r ; anil I'lieh render of

I l l n > book In I n v l l c i l to H i i l i i n l l n ,||N| uftlniHi-, I m l l e i i l l i i K HID order In w h i r l ) hi>H i l i i l i H llii'.v r ank im to t h e i r I ' l i i i r i n l l y .

"Till" pi'(lion W l n i M o ||H| ronn-H l l r l U ' r ^ t

t l ie t'holee ni' I bn n i i i j i i i ' l l . v of U I I I N C m i l ll i i l l l l i i i t l l M t n \ y l l l lie awin-Jcil n pvlnti of«-,r>,lXH) In .Kold .

"(Jlie:iHlin; coupon mul fqll Inioi'iuntlon In eiicli lionk, l,lfe.

lou« fttury ol nn yonnit .retrloxsr, gentla

well bred, Immlnome," unyr. u writer"Hor lilndly' dl8|K)nltlon kiid won heimuch popularity mid sliu I" lovVd lijtli« family cat I'"1 given Amuiuin purrot and tho vlllngn children. A feudays HRI) some poor l l t t ln BiiperniiomAbcrdoon jnipi>le« liiul to bo dixiwne'lllut when thu iimu went to get thu l l t l l <Inxllia to glvo thoin a «V<-eiit bur ia ltwo h*d myitorlouuly viuilNhed 1'i-ontha pull In which they liml foiuul » wnt«ry gruvo,

"Ifor n long tlmo w« iwnrchiHt In vain,piiizlei^ut thu uniiceoiintnblii illwuppenranco,. until n Kcrvnnl volulittuvd t)m Informiitlon that 'Mnuule lind two .IIJIl i

_d<nfa In hor b^d,' • ^ntV'Iio^ vr« fopithau'l, two l l t t t u i-orpuvs, llckrd eleannd dry and gently lulil nljlo liy iililr o<tho nli-nvr t<hn (mil tinlu-A tlieni out o

Threo Gernmmi wero sttlng at lunch-eon reccntlly und were overheard dls-

tb» seriind ninrrlngo of u mu-tuiil friend when ono of themjmrked:

"I'll It'll you vlmt. A man vhut marrleti <Je HIM-OIII| t l in i> don't dettervo tohave lout hlr t llr.it vhlfe."—I.lfo,

. . .Underwood• . - 7 . • - . -

Carriage/rides securelyand smoothly day byday and year by^yearT

No Spreading of RailsNo Hot Boxes

No Flat Wheelsand


wins semi-annually,the Speed Champion-ship at The NationalBusiness Show.

Underwood TypewriterCompany (Inc.)

725 Chestnut Street,PHILADELPHIA.

ioin otha pnll, rnrrliMl thoni themi, nnil, uppnrontly dona nil nlio co»lil to revlvotliiiin. Hlio linn nnror had any puppleof her oivn, mi thin IKMIIIH alitunco of nnitoriiAl Inntlnct."

n curlouB in

.(I,,, ,,MM|) ()f

,: a l i i i i i i |(

A phyiili'lan mm' I I M U U I l l l I ' I M l M l l l >

I l l y M l l l i j e i ' t l i y w l i l i

din e m . - \ v l l l l r In' 'le|it, i l l n l II ' In u |'n'.'. i i l l lnr dir| U n i t I M ' I - M I I I M who t n i k In;l i«lr nlei 'p wi l l lYei | i ioii l ly amiwiirjue i i t lo l iM If npul'^ii to rmri l .v ,

»•«« Him Ono W«y.A. Mark Twain ,,,ul „ rrlend ,«..

Chnttlng «t tliu mninner |,0,no ,,f thumorlnt, Qnnrry Vnnu, n e n r l O l n U n ,N, X., tho ronvurnni l iHi turiuil („ M . 'wonlth-nf John |>, H«ekofn||,,,.

".Inat t h i n k of it. n,,,,,,.. Ml)(, (| |M

oue.nt, "h..him niorti il»lliirH t l m u thi-ninno hulr. In tlmt vl|f,.n.nn old thn i rh Of

"My son tell.i uui you've dbrlu'.rKtNllil in," nill i l Ihn oflli'e IIKJ-'H nin(ln ' r , "anilI t l i l i lk thn t '» rttrmiico; yon mlvrrl lwilfor n utroiitf buy, anil lio'n cu r t i i l n ly -—"

"lle'n too nlroi iK, iniKlain," In te r rupt -ril thu employer. "In t i n t u l i i f j l i . day |)nwon burn ho luxilcc n i l the nil.'ti of th inofllei) nnd uonie of thn f i i rn l ture ."—Tlie Ciithollc Standard, and Tlmea.


Doctora treating a girl for tonsllltlacut out hor appendix. Such Is theforce of ,habit ,.,,

"And now Hobson Is threatened withdefeat for nmlclug a, spopch In Con-gross. In that cuso lio must provokea war within two years or retire toprivate life.

A stenographer In Michigan bollovoothat Bho 1-3 holross to $8,000,000. How-over, many .stenographers , net IIBthough something of this kind had .hnpponod to thorn.

In rooponlng two navy yards In thoSouth which woro closed by RooaovoltPrusldunt TafL ban at luaut.,Dh'owii adlspoultion to llvo up to tho prhiclpluuof that poiiHum (lliuior.

Nino Ntndonti i liuvo beon expelled•from Cornoll for nogloct of ,


"Hull him out I" ojnrulnteil Colonnlrr[i|i<.r, who had henrd the remark In-i l ln t t i ic t ly , "(Jooil ni'iii'liHi», la IK thatfllllT"--

((*»«•«,"«o your lumlmnil k*t hlB moi>ej onnlc» lionn?" ,"No." «,mw,M>(l y,,LK Mm T

»« lost It on „„ Bi,niB, ,,. n-"-•< n rum linrw.." \Vnnlil I m ton

HowMn K ln l r i i t« You

Imulmml . . . .!>lK, HlroiiK woii ini i mul lio'n „ivreclr.

<>onnrr«<1|ihilii Hint yoilr

\Vby.' yii,,'ru M

"I'lmfu nothing," ,, ,„ „ . . ,..... "I My,' m,,,,, *,„„„ „,„„•„„ , "I M''«. Mnrphy

. In* hlB,lion'd.»-B,i,yc,« M,..,!, '. ' lo " 0"'."miner, but

ntlirui'k me !•-.-( ' levelnnil l.ei'uter.

- v/ r>.w*.t. \»i ^jiuiiliniillllwork, npiuit t lng tlio theory that thinhi tho only work ' t i tndmi tH nro cortulu10 glvn proper a t t en t i on to.

Tho ciirlonii chap w)io pnt a duck(>i;g In hlii mou th and neodod holp InK o l l l i i K I t ' m i l i iKi i ln , Hhnn ld . liavo Iciipt11 thonr u n l l l it had halohod. Ily t)iutIl ino ho would linvo beiin wlnor. . ,

Homo of Iho "oxportii" on llronrmu( I ' M l l f y l n / ; at thn Coopor Ir lnl nhowMuch Ignnranci) of tho mibjoot thatovon tho (itiipld Jurors, chutiun for thinpi-rddiii lnutliu; i iunl l ly , ((light to -JOoIt, • ' _ _.. „._...,..,

Chlnf Muoro, o f ' I ho Wo'iithiu' nu-nian, IIMII!| | ;OM f rom tho gloom of hluI 'huinbor to annoniii 'o t h a t , tby i'«cullt\vonthor .lnm IH.TII i innclontl t lc . It. Inru r ln ln that tho predlctloiui huva buouno.

A yoiuiK mnn who In liolr to ft mi l -lion i iny i i ho In i;oliiK to "blow ll Inr l l th t off." 11 Iti liiirdly niu;oii:iary tonay Unit ho UVI.-H on llroudway nidiHint hn will , "iicH'i'dil i julokly wi thout ,h n l f trying.

Thn M r l l l x l l roinnilH'llon Dint linn dc.'<!l»ri'i( opium ."rompnnitlvoly hiirin-li ' i in" mny Inivn coiii|iiu'i'il (tti unVctn .wl lh Unit of u iinului blln. Olhorwliiot l l O l l ' H l l l r l l Ill0lnl)ll| . |l W i l l 1)0 M H M I H M - I - 'ni of huylni; hli tho ptpo thi ' ini inlvoii .

Thnt niiin out lu Iiullunii wlio ro- •nlf ,n<) i l a f l i t Kniltiriil olHon H«t « pruco-i l i in l . t h n t doomi'l ' i D O i n ' t o ho followintw i t h much av id i t y , Yot. thorn nrvl i lnn ty of Knod mon waiting. No olllcntiol i fur hi lui l lHpumial i l i i oxcopt to him- •'""If. ,/ .

Page 5: PAIR OP FINE SHOES - Atlantic County Library i „ j.-j: ,4 J I V — DO YOU NOT KNOW:?., 3f you do not, you can Qnd out by ft very little Investigation that The Hammonton Paintl Is

DO YOU NOT KNOTOJf you do not, you can find gat by a very

little investigation that

The Hammontou PaintlIB the very best pntnt

that was ever used' in Hammonton.

There are scores of buildings that yon.*eee every day, painted With the •

Bammo'nton Faint eight to twelve_ . years ago, and looking well

at the present time.*~ThVHaniraont6nrPalBriB~BOia foir less-

than any other first-class Paint. It hasDO equal, as it works well, covers well,

— ---— and wears -well. ' — SoULby.—;'

JOS.-I.House, Sign and Carriage Painter;

Second and Pleasant 8ts,, _______Bammonton, N. .T.

• ' : v

Only thevery Best!

PieS. and

Breakfast Bolls


The PeoplesOF

: " " • " " " • " - " " ~S29110~Highways

E Q BernBhonse, Overseer 59 75Harry Emery, labor .'. 1 60B Vacaco....« .!....».«.-.•.«» 4 50W U Burgees,repairs. _„„-....... 8 fi8Oeo Elvlna, repalm _ S 20

("TrCrescenZb.. •. ...r.i^^r.—S 00-.1 a Imhoff, teams .... .................. 88 00AngeloTuono ~ I.....'—.' 3 00

•C L Woodward, printing .._ 3 15

„ : ' ' . • ' $12468FlreDept -..

W H Beroshouse, teaming 8 00P T Ranere. engine to fires ™ 4 00WmOlberaon, '"" '" ......—;-.. 300.. atflr-Dflptrrent.J—„„„.—~—..125.

A Cotosnrdo, haullnc ........ _.. 2 00' H Mel) LltttBrBnpptfe8..;..--~.—..mm—8-15-

Telepbono Co., ularms.............._„...... 14 76

Hammonton, N. J.

Capital, v. . r: .... . 8550,000burplus and Undivided

Profits,. $45,000

Three per cent interest paid•:on time .Deposits.

Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent

B. 3. BYENES, PresidentM. Ii. JACKSON. Vice-Pres'fc

W. B. TILTON, Cashier.

. DIRECTORSn. J. Byrnes M. L. Jackson<J, F. Oggood Oeorpe El vinoElam Stookwell Wro. L. BlackVfta. J. Smith J. 0. AndersonSum'l Anderson W. R. Tllton


WHITE LEGHORN EGGSFor Hatching. The big kind—

a laying strain.Pine Belt Ejrp: Farm, '','

TUos. Creamer, Jfalrvlnw Ave.,

;_(;,I i'l.

Special Master's Sale.By virtue of nn order to mo ilirootod and

lliacd out of tho Court of Chancery of Now.Ter«oy, In a certain OUUBO wherein Wlnnll'rodBlokfurJ «t. nl.nra oompltlnunti •>"'! NlohoUsU. JUIok et.'al. urn ilvfonilunti, tliuro wil l bo•old at publlo vonduo on

Huturday. April 17, 11>0»,•( Iwu o'olook in Ilio tflernoon of eilild»y, on tho pn>ml»>, on Orolmrd Htrcol nearSecond Blrcol, In the Town of jliiiuiuonton. Intho County of Allaullo «nil Btnto of NewJ«r«ey,

All tho following donnrllxKl trnct of land•ncl premium, tltuplo, lying and liolntf In thoTowu of lUiuiuonton, In tho County of Allun-tlo and Htutoof Now Jormy, bbiinilod and do.•crlbod an fo l lown; l]ej(lnntn^ ut a pnlnt In(ho ai)uth«ail«rly «Ue of Orqhanl Htreot onohundred and fourteen feol nortl i«n«iorly fromthe nurlhtiitorly >lilo uf Hououtl Htreot, millpoint being [ha nortlitrlj ournor of uno Jnak<•on'i Inini Mild ojUcndliK tuo:ioo Bret, n>u!h~

-*»«Urljr, ky.(ild,Ji>(ik*<iii » llp«, «txly-f««l b>land oi ono Mury J. llur|t<l> \ Ihnnno, looond,l>y tl io Pfiinu i inr i l iu i i i tmly , ono ''oot to H oor-n«r In HurifMi-' HM« I Ilinucp. Ihlrd, (till byt)jrgo,o' l ino i»Mll in i i i i tor ly l i>r l jr foot to

..land., of. Kiin..'fnm'Jil|.lK9, lli«n?n, fourth, byTn>whi|ili;i)'« lino, nnnliiiniliirly, Hfly fiat,n^oro or leti, to Tronlirldifo'n oornrr { Ibonov,Jlft l i , Mil l by Trowbrl'lKo'* Mil",, IKirllKB'tirly•ml |nir>IM w i t b Ilorlun Hlr««l ono hundredfeit In H uumor |> rl In I he •oii lheuVlaily ildiof Oi'ilmrd H t r r v i j i|i«nno, R l f t t l t , by (ha «lde«f Orahiird H rooi, i i i i ithwotiiirly. fllty«ono

' ;f»at luoro 01 lot-. In (li« |iliioa uf ho^lnnlng.hnlil H"cI al luiul M i l l bu i>iihl f[«o «nd

rltar ol t l i« a*Into and Inlarn^l in duw«r off l , i | .hU M i c k , Ummit Mick « n < l M M I I d a Mloh,<t,. win' rr>|>roi ivoly nr Nb'holui It, Mlok,

i A . Wl . ih «n-l J..lm 'Allrxl Mink, to-r wi l t i>l l and uli^nUr lb« hcredll*ra<nti

•ud H|>putUnann*p |Q (tin N^|< | promUoc b«*loniflnx or In «nyi>l i io i i | i |> i<rl i i l i i luK'

HiM'l. 1C, 1'ntiKT.J. , i m 11. Miil(.»a H^ot.l MaiUr.

fcollcllui (or Oom|>l«lnant. ,

Town Council Meeting. -Regular convocation last Saturday

evening, April 3rd. All members worepresent.

Highways Committee reported Mr.Middletbn at work surveying tbo streetsfor arade.

License Committee reported no pro-tests acainst renewal of licenses to Jas.Pinto and Frank Jacobs, and later bothpetitions-Were granted. . • . '_,,,Law and^Order Cominittee_report(Bd aletter from Superintendent of A. C. R.B., eayiDB that ho "will try to see youabout better location of loading placefor .berries." , . . .:•

Bills ordered paid : -i-.Poor *'und ,'.

Wm L Block, goods .........;.... 23 00F O Qlacomo, goods G 00E Btoot^ell.'jjooda ...,......̂ ... 28 W.

-Harry Wells, goods _-..—..........~ 8 001'ele Ranere, Koods „ 750

' Goo Eivinn, sqods '. 55 JO

'f 8182 GOTown ParpoRCs . „ ' .

BFHenshaw, Janitor , .-. 1250V- GeaBarnjbonse, Overseer .— IS 00—

Tom Tell, killing does ' .I — 5 50 '"J W Myers, Night Police 27 60W B Heely, salary 25 00Water Dflpt, rent 800U MOD Little, supplies «... 6 00

—Telepbone Co, rent ,...:-.............'. -200E L Jacteon, lump for vault - 210A B Davis, 3 mos. salary 125.00

_ _ _ _ _ _TBDelker. advertising 80A L Jackson, ball rent — 5 00

Street Lights...Electricity .......—Gas -.—...........

$217 32

Board of Health.........Dr J O Bltler. reporting case* L' t " -vital statistics...Totn Tell, surbato...-™.............B V Honihaw, Janitor 1.


.. 318„. 2370.. 4375. . -250

- - . ' - - - —- : - . ' • . . . . . . . J7385

Fire Chief reported twpcbimne;:fires.Clerk lepurted 813.06 received for

street dirt, and J54.60 for licenses. ^Peiitlons were received for graveHne

Second Street—French to FalrviowHorton Street — Bollevuo to FleusantWalnut Street—Tbird to .Fourth 8l,Referred.

Ordinance establishing Fire Districttaken up and debated, but laid over amonth, the ordinance to be publishedfor general Information.

Bids for reshingling Town Hall, andotbar repairs, received. Henry Nlcolaibid J75.50 ; Georue A; Blabe, 878.50.Contract given to Kicolal.

After some diacuealou, it was votedunanimously that tba words ."and reso-lution^' bo losertad In every licensehereafter granted. Thla means that theprohibition of treating U now a part oftlio contract, and Ha violation will besufficient cnuno for roaclndltiK license.

A proposition was made tliat Uouocllconvoy to tlio County oil roads whichtho Freeholders have built la Town.Refer tod to Finance Committee.

Tim following was adopted :Whereat, The attention of members

of Council has boon called to tho oxlst-encn ol'«piink-oiisie» wl ihl i r town limits,and Council having lallcd lo ecouro ovl-dunce against snmo ; thernforo,

"llouolvod, That tlio nurn of flltyilnlliirs wi l l bo puiil to tho person orpcrnoriD causing i h u < urrent and cnnvlo-lion of nt iynnu lllat(nlly.«clllni; liiloxl-citllng liqitorn wi l l i lu tlio Turro-olllnmmoiitoii."

Voted, that iifllilnvltn tntiKt nccoiupa-ny nil bill* proauuteil to Council lorpayment, Including thoso from thu FireWardeiiR.

, tlmt ull moiubnrs wi l l unite,Monday, Apri l 12(1), In nu Inspection ol

irftra Vnl "(luponlta.'tiid, to lenno lo ono llrllnn five

acres of liinil. ov«r gravol pits, 'for liveyearn ul ail nnnuitl ronlal of lour ilollxropur uuro. If hu docs not uoccpl, Mr.Wolbort to Imvo tlin en Urn twulva nilrailor iwuiily-four dollars a year, ptid Inadvance.

CapU Wn>. J. Morton sent it state-ment ihut KUtiert on i'loe Ilond nrobeing filled with rudlilsh ; ulso tlmt Kmti|i|inr end of Bald road la lielng culllva-toil. Holurrcd lo tho Law «nil OlderOoramtttoe.

Adjourned. , ,


jf-Central Ave., Hammonton, N. J.

_.,-—-Largeassortmenti of-—— --Palms.IFcrns, House Plants, •,

Cut Flowers. Funeral pesljrnsjn JTresb Flowers, Wax, or Metal.

FloristB and Landscape Gardeners.Phone 1-W ' . ' ; ;>»- . : •

For theJBest Meals. GO TO

Cramer's RestaurantNext to Bank Bros. Building,,. . Hammonton.

Meals at All Hours.Full Steals 35 Cents

Choice Oysters-ancLOlami-L" "Served in airBfyleS. —r—~-—

Philadelphia Pure Ice Cream•. - , . .36 cents a Quart. |

Families served with Oystora and Ico Creamon short notloo. BatU Fbodeo.

•-. • > ^ : - o : ^ Y • • • • • ' . - . - . . ^

AN EASTER OUTFITis not complete

withoutTa- v — '


A Better Stock than Ever.


Up-to-date Shoes!

Come in Early. If we haven't in stockwhat you want, we will get it.


JOHN A. HOYLEHammonton

Hot Water and Steam


• ' , ^^ ' "VJT

Hot Air and Gasolene Engincjs

Artesian Wells

Plumbing in all Branchesj ' '

Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton.BOTH PHONES

..,.._ „_—„_,.- —,...,... _— -- • - . - " ._..-... — i

Ordered Berry TfokotsP 1

Insurance Agent*••* . • ' . • ' . • .

Notary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, Spear Buildihg,Hammonton.

—7:— "==*nzao •2-pTT <? , >$

Independrat 'Phone — ̂ o. 632 Terms, $1.25per Year| $lln AtlanticCotraty.

' Hammonton

Siar Bottling Co,B. POOLIETTA, Prop.

Ginger Ale, SarsaparilliuSoda, Etc.

Orders-Promptly Attended To..• Local Phone 542


COAL,If yon want coal that will cot cHul rr,

bat will give you a soft wbiiu n»h,.with lots of hea.t,"' '

we can supply you.


THE BEST ROOFand that is

Cortright's Metal ShinglesFor which wo are

Solo Agent for Hammonton.

They are Best and Cheapest

Wm. -RAK-EIR,26 N. Tbird Ft.. • Hammontou

99Reasons \

Why it pays to build of Concrete:First, it lasts; Second, it satisfies;

. Third, it is modern ;

The other ninety-six reasons you .will find if you will examine a

_of this kind, or if youwill call on the



of DeedsBelleyne Ave4 Hammonton.

Bntinesa in these lines properly andpromptly attended to.

Paid your subscription?

An International SuitIS CHEAPix P«ICE

Compare tbe prices of Interna-tional made-to-tueaaure suits withthose of other tailors. I will besatisfied, and you will be convincedthat you cannot get better valuefor your money.

Because tbe International Tailor-'an enormous

business, they buy their cloth andsupplies in big quantities, therebyse,c«ring_them-at_prlcea-that-lt-iBimpossible for the ordinary tailorto secure. Let me prove it '

I make no extra charge forCuffs on sleeves. That is 5O c.ln'"y<mr pocket. Coat Iianeersfree.

HARRIS, Hen's Outfitter,Hammonton, N. J.

-Next to Steel's "

From California.BKMKT, Lewli Valley, California,

. . April 2nd, 1909.• I received two late copies of my bornepaper tbi* morning, and they were likeseeing old friends

This is a beautiful spot, named lormy fatter, who was tbe first to take upa claim here. (We'are seventeen milesfrom Hemet, where we eel our mall. Itis between two mountains, one beingcovered with enow all the year,, andvisible from bur windows, This is inthe "gem belt,"— Jro opals, formaline,

JBaixk Mro tliers StoreJ

The Time

The Place

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire Insurance.—-MONEY-

FOB •Mortgage Loans. ....

Correspondoncw Solicited.Bartlett Building,

Atlantic City, N. J.


SEE WASHINGTON-Heart-of the Nation

Pennsylvania E^ilrpad. ;.: ZlA.priL29, —

May 13^1909

Round Trip Batei from Hammonton, $9.75 or $12,25Aooordlng to hotel selected*

Covers necessary expenses for three days. Tickets good returning. for ten days. Detailed itineraries and full information

of Ticket Agents, or-J. B. WOOD, OEO. W. BOYD,

Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent.

I garnet, hyacinth beryl and moon atone!In the other rango are cold, silver, andmica, as well. as aabestos. Mountains

:Bmt~valliaye "havs~ln1sT~nib8t" "beantifoTflowers and ferns, which are free to ailwho will pick them.

In this valley they grow grain, horsesand cattle, and sll Iiave apiarys, withhundreds of swarms of bees. And sncbhoney I never ate. They have tbe mostluxuriant clover pastures, and-producerichest milk, from which they make Onebutter^ richly colored. My sister doesnot use a churn,— lust stirs tbe creamwith a spoon, three minutes, to makerolls of lovely yellow bntter. They donot feed their cows Brain, but turn theminto the pasture, where there is a goodstream of water. __T^: All they do to plan t things is scratchthe soil with a barrow, and sow. The


' STOEECor. Main Koad

and Bellevuo


Hammonton Trust^Company

For Hiilo by '

John W. Roller,llollovuo Avo., Hnmmonton

DR. W. H, LONGKnown on Diamond .Tnok

will oonnult yrltli,i:.y nick IIOI-HUII


Medical Offices918 Walnut St.,


Offloe Iloiirfl,—11.no to 2.00 dMIy.Uiindnyi— 1.0<i to 6,00 p. ru.

To avoid waiting, would advlso




Hammontou, N. J.

Capital, $100,000Subscribed Surplus, $10,000

Two per cent Interest paid on checkingaccounts averaging a daily balance

of $1000 or ovor.Three per cent, compounded semlanim-

ally, paid on Savings Accounts.Bate Deposit Boxes for Rent.

Trust and Real Batata Department.Acts as Executor and AdministratorAgent for tbe Bale of Heal Bstato."

Steamship Tickets sold.Does general Trust Company Business.

garden is in iis:prime,»upplyioe-pea5f

|jwdiehBS,_cncna»bewr4omatoe«-i—sweetpotatoes are doing well, too. They tellme this a backward eeaion, being onemonth- late ;—hot to me it seems twomonths early,—coming, as I did, fromwinter into summer. It seems to melike June, it u so bot In the sun : butnights are ceol and lovely. v

Tbe cow herders please .me, ridingbareback or with eaddle, throwing thelariat so dextronaly aa to citcb any-thing from a dog lo a eteer. When theywant meat they'kilt a calf or steer, gointo the woods aod shoot a deer, rabbit,quail or squire), they.being abundant.Geraniums which are in pots at home,are hedges here, uud they nail roses totbe wall (not climbers), bend them atthe roof, completely covering them.Houses are all one story. Arbutus they

The Clothes.

We place on sale two lots of ,

Men's and Young Men's Suits• at a saving of two fifty and five dollars' the suit

Men's and Young Men's Suits at $7.50, worth $io,-j-jnade of neat fancy dark mixed goods j 'also/sergei_i_

"TTTZ'^— --,—-1 "V","."H-"-^llUl—_—.:! -—. __l-l-l^ir^ ~ —! -TfT - •' ' * . i • '


. - ~ ' . — :.:_~." -~—i?

grow OD a screen on the shady side oftbe bouse, some roachiae the eaves. lufuct.nll kinds of flowers grow wild here.Culla lilies look Ilka Holds of snow, at adistance, Oraoget, srape fruit , lumonsolives, grapes, apples, all kinds of fruitsand nuts are at their best in this perpetual summer,

There Is uo llcenie In this county, thopeople having seen the folly ol it.

Birds are nesting on every hand, andsuch beautiful plumage, and so tamothey build ou the porches, liking humancompany.


^black and blue,-—air master tailored,'. -j . - ' • • • — - . - ' . . \

of honest fabrics, and at a saving" of\ <

Boys' Suits, with two pairs knee pants at $1.95 and $2.50

Bank Brothers' • i - • • •Hammonton, N. J.

" . - - • • . \' ':. ...

Order Berry Ticfcets Now

From An ExrPaator.



OFFICEU8A. J. Rldor, President. f

Jos. U. Imhoff, Vloo-Prosldont.Wm. Colwell, Vloe-Preeldent

Dean B. Reuwick, Connielor.II. M. Dottoroley, Beo. & Treoo.

C. P. Oampknella, Book-keeper.



All Dr. I.OUK'« famous rcmedlon are on -mil* at Jicil Crow 1'liarmnoy

S. J. B. im"*K MONrUB 26 Ote.

Try it!


UEMTISTO'Donnoll'a Building, Hnmraonton.

Ufllaa Hour* t O.OOIolit.iilin.m.'_ BUI! frimi-lJX) tn 6.001>, in,—

rtiona A5S OloiiMl Tlmrxlny »nO Krldny

QEO. A. BI^AKECarpenter aud Builder

Work KluUhed nn |ior Apieement.riant), bluo printa, nndetllinatea

furulibed. Jobbing nttcurted toy. Do* MS. t,nou\ I'houo HCO.

Cherry Htrent>, Ilnmninntno.

Advertifiing: FaysIf inserted in a

Newspaper tba teverybody reads.

(liLliAN*, W, V.A.. Apri l fl, 10(10.DBAR BnoTiir.it; Your card, giving

the picture ol the new (liaptlst) Churchwas received and stonily Appreciated.Several persons Imvo written, ielltnn ofthe flno bolldlng ; but the picture reallypresents a building that must bo tbepride of every member. I would likevery much to attend service there now,and somo of theio bright days I aball.Mrs. Loomls and I often hint to eachother that wo may spund our last daysIn Hamtnoulon, when wa get richenough loroilro.

I -am • nowr-ftirmiir,' rnerchi>hl"f)b»f-asMir und rallroart'miout, and suiiie-

.limes marry people or prenc.li at theirfunerals. I Imvo a One Ijlllo bueliiessin'my »Jtore, arid It' lms~doui)ie~il »ince Itook 11. I am doing noraa farming ortrucking,— puttluit out qulto a fewberries, a^pnmuua, ond nil kinds ofgarden stuff. I ahull keep a wagon onllio itreat In Klklim, tolling mjr prixluioCa,-wlutL I mine niul wlml 1 take In trade.

My health Is grimily Imprnvnd. Iliavn guln«<l uboui thirty pounds, amifoe) much boiler ; hut I mm afraid loenter lha ministry >ot, and can make no|>Uu» as lo tlml.

Vralornslly yours.II. V. JLOOUIO.

' v\lvvays • So\vMICH ELl^S Evergreen 'Grass SEED

RELIABLE SEEDSOur new additional store at J51S

MARKET ST. '3 conveniently located.1.It will pay you. to call and see the best!equipped seed establishment in Philadelphia.

(C*(*Jo4ao Free)


Eitabiiahed 1&/3

Camden Safe Deposit & Trust224 Federal Street, Catnden, N. J.

' $100,00000$951,530,53

Capital ..... - •Surplus and Undivided ProfitsAssets - $7,333,82,6:13 /

_ _ r._ __...T.ruijt.rfiindflnot inchiclccl in

Acts us Uxocmor, Trustee, 'diardiuii, etc.J Send for bookletrelative to wills ami l;inilr<'d subjects. I I I

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Safe Deposit Boxea—Yearly rontal $2^ andAIEXANDEHC. \^OOD. P«.M.,,«

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WllltAiM TOMUN30N. A«Jit«mTiu.l Of(k~


VVIIIIiii i R. Scull]lrn|*mln t.1. ItccvoAlc<i>iul«r «.. WoodWlllUni S. 1'ilco

lrorvc HrynoliU

.eKilnum.l I!. Uc..l, Jr.(.corgo W. Jc»i|t>


iie I)e|)oalti.'Itlulraw.
