Palestinian Circus School 1 September 2013 – 31 August 2014 Palestinian

Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,

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Page 1: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,



Circus School1 September 2013 – 31 August 2014


Page 2: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


Gaza has been under attack of operation Protective Edge between July 8 and August 26. Up to 2200 Palestinians were killed, of them 577 children, 11.000 were injured and tens of thousands of homes were destroyed leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. Not to mention the enormously heavy psychological toll the entire Gaza population is paying. A dark black summer is added to the many black pages in the Palestinian history. The cycle of violence and the never ending injustice of the occupation has again dominated our days this year.


Page 3: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


We now finally have the needed space to take our work to the next level. We hope to welcome thousands of people under the tent to share with them the magic and joy of our shows and of many other artists who want to come and perform under the tent.

One of our students was severely wounded by the IDF, and almost miraculously survived a live bullet piercing his chest on May 15, during the Nakba commemorations that took place at the Ofer military detention centre. Mohammed Azzeh is with the circus since 7 years and we can’t be more happy that he recovered from the attack and that he will soon impress us all again with his acrobatic stunts. Two peers, Nadim Nuwara, 17 years old, and Mohammed Mahmoud Odeh, 16, both shot the same day with live bullets in the chest, were killed.

Yet, we don’t surrender. Our dream for another reality in Palestine only grows bigger.

We continue to fight for a free Palestine. For a Palestine where we can embrace justice for all. We will continue making circus from Palestine for Palestine and for the world to spread the hope, to increase our voice and to demand our rights.

And for that we want to honour the continued efforts of the team, the students, the Board and General Assembly, the volunteers and all partners, friends and supporters of the Palestinian Circus School, that make it such a wonderful place. In Palestine and abroad, we witness the family of the Palestinian Circus School growing bigger and stronger. We thank you for joining us in our struggle.

This year, 174 students were following our weekly circus clubs in Birzeit, Ramallah, Jenin, Al Fara’ RC and Hebron. Also this year we produced 3 shows, and have been performing a total of 28 shows in Palestine and abroad. Next to that we shared in many events all over the country. We continued to pay attention to the capacity building of the team preparing them each year a bit more for the many challenges to develop a professional circus school in Palestine.

And last but not least, we are more than proud to draw your attention on a huge milestone in the life of the Palestinian Circus School. After years of dreaming and months of waiting, we have started training, producing and performing under our own real professional circus tent!! In May 2014, 3 days of celebration with and for the community made our students, parents, neighbours and friends all very happy and thrilled with this accomplishment.

Page 4: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,



07About us

Financial Overview 2013-2014

Educational Activities

Artistic Activities

Capacity Building


PCS in the media

In this report you can

Find information about

In this year report we present you with an overview of who we are and all the activities implemented during the year 2013-2014 (September 1-August 31), following the school calendar of our organization.

Page 5: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


About us

VISIONThe Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity, freedom of expression and diversity as the main pillars for a just and inclusive society.

MISSIONBy training Palestinian children and youth in circus arts, the Palestinian Circus School wants to develop a new art form in Palestine and strengthen the creative and physical potential of the Palestinians, seeking to engage and empower them to become constructive actors in society.

By creating and performing circus productions, we want to instill hope among the population, promote the freedom of expression and raise local and international awareness about Palestinian arts and the many challenges of the Palestinian society.

Page 6: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


The staff in 2013-2014

Board of Directors

President: Dr. Yousef Al Rimawi

Vice President: Ms. Nicole Zreineh

Treasurer: Mr. Raed Sadeq

Secretary: Ms. Elham Zeineh

Member: Dr. Shadia Makhlouf

Member: Mr. Maher Al Shawamreh

Member: Ms. Iman Nijem

Shadi Zmorrod General Director

Jessika Devlieghere Deputy General Director

Sinan Mansour Financial Officer

Rana Nasser Coordinator

Hanya Abdallah Secretary

Alaa Jayousi Technical Officer

Nayef Abdallah Educational Program Coordinator/ Head Trainer

Noor Abu AlRub Trainer/Performer

Mohammad Abu Taleb Trainer/Performer

Fadi Zmorrod Part time artist

Ashtar Muallem Part time artist

Ahmad Abu Taleb Trainer/Performer

Mohammad Abu Sakha Trainer/Performer

Stephanie Gauger Volunteer – Communication & Programming

We thank all short term international volunteers who have shared their valuable experience and time with us and for contributing to the development of the PCS:

Mandy Kemper: A graduate from l’ecole Nationale de Cirque in Montreal who spent 1 month internship as a trainer at the PCS. Rachel Rasmussen: one of our students who assisted us in some filing work. Line Mikkelsen: A Danish volunteer who joined PCS to assist in the preparation of the tour to Denmark. Amanda Wilson: A circus artist from Chile who assisted in many activities and volunteered as a trainer and performer.

We would also like to thank all local volunteers who support the school in the many events it organizes. We are extremely grateful for the time that you are all dedicating to the accomplishment of our work!

Page 7: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


As for the expenditures, the total expenses for this year were 1,441,514 NIS, including 216,315 NIS f ixed assets and 1,225,199 NIS activities and institutional expenses.

The total expenditures breakdown based on the nature of the activity as shown below:

Sinan MansourFinancial Officer


Revenues & Expenditures for the year September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014

The total revenue for this year was 3,052,941 NIS. The breakdown of revenues based on the revenue source as shown below:

*The investment cost includes part of the new circus tent cost, space preparing to install the tent, circus & office equipment and retirement of assets.

For the net assets the balance at the end of the current year was to 1,611,427 NIS of which 1,341,663 NIS is restricted net assets, and 269,764 NIS unrestricted.

Contributions From Non Governmental Organizations

Contributions From Private Sectors & Individuals

Own generated Income

Other Revenues

Educational Investement cost *

Administrative & Overhead


Institutional Development

Capacity Building

Institutional Development Building

Page 8: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,



INTROThe phrase that figures on our website summarizes to a large extent what circus is all about for us:

“By turning you upside down, we teach you to stand on your own two feet. By dropping objects we teach you to catch them. By having you walk all over someone, we teach you to take care of them. By having you clown around, we teach you to take yourself seriously.” (Bob Sugarman – circus writer)

With the strong social and pedagogical dimension of circus, PCS wants to counter the very negative psychological and social impact of the military occupation on children, youth and adults; a situation of injustice and expropriation that frustrates and infuriates. People in Palestine all experience a wide range of feelings as humiliation, frustration and rage, in many cases leading to either a very violent action or a passive behaviour, fatalism, resignation and a lack of hope and positive action. Especially children and youth are very vulnerable since this context negatively affects their physical and mental development.

Although circus is still strongly perceived as pure clowning and fooling around, the centre of the circus we practice, different from the traditional circus, has a strong pedagogical approach based on a set of values and competences that are key to success and safety in circus, and in the life outside the circus. It focuses on self-expression, self-esteem, teamwork, persistence, the right to fail and on strengthening trust and creativity. All while developing the physical and technical silks when learning different circus techniques; among others acrobatics (floor acrobatics, aerial acrobatics like tissue and trapeze, Chinese Pole and more), juggling all kinds of objects, balance and the research and interpretive skills of how to use circus to tell a story or to convey emotions.

Page 9: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


CIRCUS CLUBS 2013-2014 Since 2007, the PCS runs weekly circus clubs for male and female students between the ages of 9 and 28 years old in different cities. Classes always start in September and continue till the last week of April, counting an average of 30 classes per club per year, resulting in public showings during the Open Days. Each class lasts between 2 to 3 hours.

In Birzeit we had 4 circus clubs running this year for a total of 54 students (19 females and 35 males) all between the ages of 9 and 28 years old.

New this year is the student production group. Students of the production group work each year on creating a show to tour with during the summer. This year the student production group consisted of 11 students (3 girls and 8 boys) who worked together throughout the year on their show “My Body My Way” under the direction of the head trainer Nayef Abdallah.

PCS Outreach Program, aims at bringing circus to the entire country. Since we cannot afford to open PCS premises adapted to circus trainings in different parts of the country, we work in partnership with local institutions that offer us their premises to train children and youth from their area. Since these locations are not apt and equipped to teach circus on a more advanced level, we introduce the children and youth at the outreach locations to the basics of circus for three years.

During the summer, we offer them the chance to come train at our Birzeit premises during the summer camps. We strongly hope to see students from the outreach program integrate in our more advanced training programs in Birzeit in the near future. The students from the different regions that want to continue are all offered the possibility of taking a specialized training of trainers’ course, which will allow them to start teaching at the different locations.

This year the outreach program worked with 120 students during weekly trainings in:

• Hebron: Two circus clubs in cooperation with the Hebron Municipality Sports hall, Child Happiness and Tareq Bin Ziad Centres. A total of 11 girls and 22 boys were participating at these clubs.

• Al Fara’a Refugee Camp in cooperation with the Palestinian Theatre of Al Fara’a with 14 boys

• Jenin: Two clubs; one with 12 boys in cooperation with the Freedom Theatre and the other one with 44 girls in cooperation with the Jenin Girls Rehabilitation Centre.

• Ramallah: At St. Joseph Girls School with 17 girls.

Page 10: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


Page 11: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


Page 12: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


OPEN DAYSFor the PCS it is very important that our students get the opportunity to present their skills to their social network. A large part of classes is dedicated to the preparations of these open days’ presentations. Open days are organized in all training locations at the end of each scholar year, to celebrate the International Circus Day and to offer our students the opportunity to share the techniques and skills they have learned throughout the year with their families and friends.

At the same time, it is a moment where we can share some thoughts with their parents and with the local community about our work.

The following 5 open days were organized in the period between April 24 and May 2:

• In Jenin @ the Girls Rehabilitation Center

• In Jenin @ the Freedom Theatre

• In Hebron for the two clubs @ the Child Happiness Center

• In Al Fara’a Refugee Camp @ Al Fara’a Girls Elementary School

• In Birzeit @ PCS premises for all Birzeit and Ramallah groups. It was organized as part of the opening ceremony of our tent

SUMMER CAMPThe summer is an excellent period in the year that allows us to work on a more intensified way with our students, allowing them to increase many of their circus skills, but at the same time, a moment where we organize and promote the interaction, cooperation and friendship between our students from the different locations.

This year the summer camp brought together 23 students, counting 5 girls and 18 boys, from Ramallah, Birzeit, Hebron, Jenin and Al Fara’a Refugee Camp. It took place under the tent at our premises in Birzeit for 1 week in August. Intensive trainings were held on different circus disciplines and techniques.

Page 13: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


EXTRA CIRCUS WORKSHOPSA 3 month workshop for foreign students

A club organized for foreign students enrolled in the PAS (The Palestine & Arabic Studies Program) at Birzeit University. This weekly class was held in Arabic to allow students improve their Arabic language skills and practice what they learn at the university.

Aerial Workshop with Amanda Wilson

A specialized two week aerial workshop was organized in February with Amanda Wilson, a specialist on aerial acrobatics and German Wheel. A group of 7 people were introduced to the different aerial techniques and disciplines such as tissue, trapeze, hoola hoop in addition to stretching and physical preparation.

Page 14: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


PRODUCTIONS & PERFORMANCES:Spreading circus arts in Palestine and introducing Palestinians to a new form of performing arts, is an important quest for PCS. In order to fulfil this goal, PCS produces shows and organizes tours both locally and internationally.

B-Orders:The 5th production of the PCS finalized in March 2014, by the first two Palestinian professional circus artists: Ashtar Muallem and Fadi Zmorrod who finished their professional circus education at the CNAC (Centre National des Arts de Cirque, France) and Vertigo (Scuola di Cirko Vertigo/Italy) respectively. The show was performed this year in Belgium, France and Palestine and will hopefully tour other countries in the future.


In the wombs of our mothers we are all made up from the same elements, blood flesh and air. Arriving into our families and into our societies we start developing our character and becoming who we are. As we grow we lose our innocence and our fun to play, we become dominant and dominated. We start walking on lines drawn for us without understanding why or even questioning. If those lines no longer exist, we unconsciously return to walk on them. We are put in moulds fabricated through the accumulation of history according to our gender, religion, and nationality…

Repetition and pressure lead us to go against the “normal”, we leave our home aiming to start something new. But do we ever get rid of our memories, education and preconceived ideas?

Page 15: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


B-Orders premiered in Brussels in March 2014 for three sold out theatres at Maison des Cultures & de la Cohesion Sociale (MCCS) in Brussels during “Festival UP” organized by Espace Catastrophe. The premiere was followed by 4 performances at De Roma in Antwerp and under the circus tent of Cirque Rouages in Vandoeuvre/Nancy organised by Ale Hope, reaching almost 1440 people.

The Palestinian tour began on April 17 with a performance at the Cultural Palace in Ramallah during the Contemporary Dance Festival organized by Ramallah First Group. After which, PCS hosted 5 performances under its circus tent for audiences coming from Birzeit, Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem, Burham and Ein Senya, in addition to one performance in Jerusalem at the Palestinian National Theatre (Al Hakawati).

Mish ZabtaThe sixth production of the Palestinian Circus School was created in 2014. The show brings us a lot of laughter and joy. It tells the story of four young men filled with hope and ambitions to realize their dreams as they return from abroad carrying their university degrees. But while they are looking for a job and trying to enjoy their time, they face many challenges that turn their images and expectations upside down.

“Mish Zabta” will be performed 50 times by December 2015. It will reach schools, and less fortunate areas like villages and Bedouin communities.

B-Orders reached so far around 1000 people. However, due to the injury of one of the artists and the attack on Gaza, remaining performances of B-Orders were postponed twice, and will take place in March 2015.• Performers and directors: Ashtar Muallem and

Fadi Zmorrod • External Eye: Juliana Neves • Artistic Support: Mathieu Desseigne Ravel and

Iman Aoun• Music Montage & Composition: Rami

Washaha • Technicians: Alaa Jayousi and Ramzi Abu

Dayyeh • Costumes: Fairouze Nastas • Light: Ralf Nonn

The show is directed by Mohammad Eid and performed by Ahmad Abu Taleb, Mohammad Abu Sakha, Noor Abu AlRub and Mohammad Abu Taleb.

• Technician: Alaa Jayousi• Stage Drawing: Ala’a Albaba• Costume Production: Samar Style• Design of promotional material: Hafez Omar

Page 16: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


“My Body My Way” “My Body My Way” is the first PCS student production of the student show group. It is the outcome of 8 months of improvisations and hard work.

The show which talks about how the body creates its’ own language to communicate different ideas, feelings and stories was performed 7 times in major West Bank cities during the yearly Mobile Circus tour reaching around 1300 people.

Due to the military incursions in the West Bank in June and the attacks on Gaza in July and August, almost all shows were postponed to September and October 2014. These shows were fully devoted to Gaza. Instead of a ticket, the audience was asked to bring a school bag or to make a financial donation for two initiatives: UNRWA account through Bank of Palestine’s campaign “Palestine in our heart” and the Theatre Day Productions. We thank all supporters, partners and individuals who contributed to the success of this initiative: Qawarib Gaza, The Palestinian National Theatre (Al Hakawati), Al Hijjawi, Palestine Technical University (Al Khadouri), Al Hara Theatre, Cinema Jenin, Dar Qandeel, Al Wataniya Mobile, Zeina tech n’ design, Al Kasaba Theatre, Community Development Centre in Nablus, Al Sirk Al Saghir, Palestinian Art Court – AlHoash, Institut Francais Jerusalem, Raya FM, Nisaa FM and 24FM. By end of tour, we managed to raise total donations of 7153.5 shekels.

“My Body My Way” was directed by Nayef Abdallah and performed by Sireen Tuqan, Hamada Tuqan, Hazar Azzeh, Mohammad Azzeh, Marah Natsheh, Ibrahim Moqbil, Alaa Abu AlRub, Motasem Gheith, Izzat Wazwaz, Farah Abu Awwad and Jareer Rasras

Technician: Alaa Jayousi

Special thanks to Ahmad Abu Taleb, Mohammad Abu Taleb, Noor Abu Al Rub and Mohammad Abu Sakha for their contribution to the show.

Page 17: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


Kol Saber! “Kol Saber!” was created in 2012. After outstanding performances in Palestine and Belgium last year, this year 7 performances were staged in June 2014 in Germany, reaching a total audience of 1496 people: in Berlin (Theater Weiße Rose), Jena (Circus Momolo), Hannover (Zirkuszelt Salto), Weimar (Mon Ami) and Potsdam (Fabrik Potsdam).

“Kol Saber!” is directed by Shadi Zmorrod and Fadi Zmorrod and performed by Ahmad Abu Taleb, Mohammad Abu Taleb, Fadi Zmorrod, Mohammad Abu Sakha and Noor Abu AlRub

• Technician: Alaa Jayousi• Costume design: Fadila Aalouchi • With special thanks to Nayef Abdallah, Nada Humsi, Ivan Prado, Gianna Greunig and Laura Hagemann

for their artistic and technical assistance.

Cooperation with different Partners:Because PCS works hard to achieve its goals, it became known and acknowledged both locally and internationally. This is translated into the many invitations the PCS received throughout the year. PCS cannot meet all requests due to time constraints and the relatively limited human resources still, but many invitations were happily accepted, among which:

Page 18: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,



• UNRWA Girls schoolPCS held several trainings for 20 students from the UNRWA Girls School in Birzeit. It worked with them on a small presentation to be performed at one of the school’s occasions.

• Al Hoash Gallery Within the framework of Zalet Lisan Project organized by The Palestinian Art Court AlHoash, aiming at reclaiming the garden in East Jerusalem, PCS participated with circus workshops and a presentation at Karm Al Khalili Garden

• YANTE Different exchange workshops of dance and circus between the students

• World Dance DayOn the occasion of the World Dance Day, PCS participated in an artistic parade, gave a circus workshop and had a small performance at the premises of the First Ramallah Group.

• YPPIn November 2013, PCS hosted a group from the Young Peace Performers (YPP). The day included a circus workshop by PCS and a presentation on the BDS campaign by YPP

• Road Safety FestivalIn December 2013, PCS participated with a presentation in the first Road Safety Festival organized by Jericho Stadium

• 1 Billion Rising for Justice In cooperation with Ashtar Theatre, PCS participated in the campaign “1 Billion Rising for Justice” in support of women’s rights, in a dance and circus presentation at the Al Manara square in Ramallah

• Photo Exhibition “From Women’s Eyes”In March 2014, PCS hosted a photo exhibition “From Women’s Eyes” organized by the Ministry of Culture

• International Day of FrancophonieA circus workshop and presentation in cooperation with the Belgian Consulate at the German French Cultural Center in Ramallah in March 2013

• International Theatre DayIn cooperation with The Palestinian Theatre League, we presented a circus performance by the artist Amanda Wilson at Khalil Al Sakakini’s Centre

Page 19: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


• Palestinian Land DayIn cooperation with Birzeit University, PCS participated in the Palestinian Land Day. It had small circus presentations for prisoners’ children

• Europe DayFor the second year in a row, PCS participated in EUROPE Day organized by the European Union at Sarreyet Ramallah on May 9.

• Birzeit Women Charitable SocietyPCS trainers participated in the Egg Hunt event organized by Birzeit Women Charitable Society in April

• Birzeit 12th National ConventionPCS was present in almost all activities of the 12th National Convention of Birzeit organized by Birzeit Municipality and the Women Charitable Society

• 7th Heritage WeekIn cooperation with Al Rozana Association, PCS participated in the yearly Heritage Week of Al Rozana in June through a performance of “My Body My Way”. It also participated in the artistic parade that invaded the historic city of Birzeit during the opening ceremony of the event.

• Al Maftool FestivalPCS participated in The Maftool Festival that was also organized by Al Rozana Association in October.


EYCO Festival in Denmark: The PCS student production group participated in the Europe Youth Circus Festival 2014 organized by Cirkus Tvaers in Aarhus Denmark. The festival was held between July 8 and 15 and included many circus workshops, trainings and performances from different countries (Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy) Our student production group actively participated in all the festival’s activities and performed their production “My Body My Way” .

Page 20: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,


Training of Trainers Program

In order to spread circus arts in all cities in Palestine, more and more circus teachers are required. Therefore, PCS organizes this program once every two or three years in order to introduce interested students to the pedagogue of teaching circus arts and current trainers to new methods of teaching.

The ToT program this year included 8 students and trainers. It was held once a week at PCS premises. This program is designated for two years; one of theory and one of practice and will be finalized by May 2015.

Trampoline and Teeterboard Workshop

For the third year in a row, PCS organized a trampoline and teeterboard workshop for its core team of trainers between May 12 and 22, with trainer Arnaud Thomas (teacher at the National Center of Circus Arts CNAC – France).


Page 21: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,



• Drosos • European Union• SIDA in the framework of the PAN program• AFAQ• Poppies for Peace • A.M. Al Qattan Foundation• Goethe Institute• Operamici asbl• Palestina Solidariteit• Alle Hope – Asseoir L’Espoir Lorraine • MECA (Middle East Children Alliance)• Jena Municipality, Germany• Circus Tværs, Denmark• La Vilette, France • Momolo Circus, Jena• The many individuals and initiatives under the ‘Friends of the Palestinian Circus School’ in Belgium• Circus Behind the Wall, Holland


Page 22: Palestinian Circus5 About us VISION The Palestinian Circus School dreams of a free Palestine in which Palestinians engage in a dynamic cultural and artistic life that embraces creativity,