PARISH WEEKDAY MASSES & RECONCILIATION *HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: 9am Mondays & Fridays, *ST IGNATIUS Toowong: 5.30pm Tuesdays & Wednesdays and 9.15am Thursdays. SUNDAY MASS TIMES:- *ST IGNATIUS Toowong 6.00pm (Vigil); 7.00am & 5.00pm. from 5.15pm, or by appointment. *HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: 8.30am. We respectfully acknowledge the Turrbal people, as the traditional owners and caretakers of the land which is the Toowong Catholic Parish. We acknowledge the Elders, past and present. May we, too, be good stewards of this land. Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering The restrictions due to the corona virus prevent us from assembling for Passion Sunday. Yet, we can still remember what Passion Sunday signifies to us. One of the Gospels from the weekday Masses of the Fifth Week of Lent caught my attention. It contained Jesus’ proclamation that when He is lifted up He would draw all people to Himself. By dying on the cross, Jesus re-established mankind’s ability to be united to God. Jesus’ death gives all people spiritual life. This is what we mean when we use the term: redemptive suffering. In the mystery of the Redemptive Suffering of the Lord, we participate in the cross of Christ. St. Paul put it this way in his Letter to the Colossians: “in my body I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of His Body, which is the Church.” We all are making up for what is lacking. But how can there be a deficiency in Christ’s sacrifice? The answer is this: we are entrusted with the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The only way we can do this is by living the Life of Christ. We make Christ real in the world. Our living His Life includes our embracing His Sacrifice. We unite our pains and sorrows to the Lord as our part in making the presence of the Suffering Saviour real in the world. I wish I could tell you that pain does not exist and that you can make it go away with your mind. The pandemic that is the corona virus has certainly reminded us of our human condition. Suffering is part of our lives. One of the great beauties of our faith is that there is value in every aspect of the Christian’s life, even those aspects of life that are full of pain. Therefore, we give it all to the Lord. We give Him our joy and our pain. If our health is poor or failing, if our lives are not going as we hoped, whatever pain we have, we give it to Him. We unite everything to the cross so others can experience the Sacrificial Love of Jesus in our lives. Let me ask you this, “Have you ever met a truly holy person?” If you have, and I am sure we all have, we cannot help but realize that for that person pain is secondary. The only thing that matters for him or her is Christ. Moreover, his or her very suffering provides us with the experience of Christ’s Redemptive Presence. He or she is making up for what is lacking in the Cross of Christ: the participation of His people. We focus on the cross today, and throughout this Holy Week. We unite our pains to Jesus’ pains. We receive His healing through His Cross. We bring His healing to others by allowing them to experience the Power of the Cross at work in our lives. We are called to participate in Redemptive Suffering. adapted from Msgr. Joseph A. Pellegrino's homily. Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong Palm Sunday 5th April 2020 Year A All Masses, including Reconciliation, are suspended until further notice. Parish WEBSITE: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Facebook: St-Ignatius-Parish-Toowong Instagram: st.iggysyouth

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering · Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence. RECENTLY Virginia

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Page 1: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering · Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence. RECENTLY Virginia


*HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: 9am Mondays & Fridays, *ST IGNATIUS Toowong: 5.30pm Tuesdays & Wednesdays and 9.15am Thursdays.

SUNDAY MASS TIMES:- *ST IGNATIUS Toowong 6.00pm (Vigil); 7.00am & 5.00pm. from 5.15pm, or by appointment.

*HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: 8.30am.

We respectfully acknowledge the

Turrbal people, as the traditional owners

and caretakers of the land which is the

Toowong Catholic Parish.

We acknowledge the Elders, past and

present. May we, too, be good stewards of

this land.

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering

The restrictions due to the corona virus prevent us from assembling for Passion Sunday. Yet, we can still remember what Passion Sunday signifies to us.

One of the Gospels from the weekday Masses of the Fifth Week of Lent caught my attention. It contained Jesus’ proclamation that when He is lifted up He would draw all people to Himself. By dying on the cross, Jesus re-established mankind’s ability to be united to God. Jesus’ death gives all people spiritual life. This is what we mean when we use the term: redemptive suffering.

In the mystery of the Redemptive Suffering of the Lord, we participate in the cross of Christ. St. Paul put it this way in his Letter to the Colossians: “in my body I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of His Body, which is the Church.” We all are making up for what is lacking.

But how can there be a deficiency in Christ’s sacrifice? The answer is this: we are entrusted with the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The only way we can do this is by living the Life of Christ. We make Christ real in the world. Our living His Life includes our embracing His Sacrifice. We unite our pains and sorrows to the Lord as our part in making the presence of the Suffering Saviour real in the world.

I wish I could tell you that pain does not exist and that you can make it go away with your mind. The pandemic that is the corona virus has certainly reminded us of our human condition. Suffering is part of our lives. One of the great beauties of our faith is that there is value in every aspect of the Christian’s life, even those aspects of life that are full of pain. Therefore, we give it all to the Lord. We give Him our joy and our pain. If our health is poor or failing, if our lives are not going as we hoped, whatever pain we have, we give it to Him. We unite everything to the cross so others can experience the Sacrificial Love of Jesus in our lives.

Let me ask you this, “Have you ever met a truly holy person?” If you have, and I am sure we all have, we cannot help but realize that for that person pain is secondary. The only thing that matters for him or her is Christ. Moreover, his or her very suffering provides us with the experience of Christ’s Redemptive Presence. He or she is making up for what is lacking in the Cross of Christ: the participation of His people.

We focus on the cross today, and throughout this Holy Week. We unite our pains to Jesus’ pains. We receive His healing through His Cross. We bring His healing to others by allowing them to experience the Power of the Cross at work in our lives. We are called to participate in Redemptive Suffering.

adapted from Msgr. Joseph A. Pellegrino's homily.

Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower

St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong

Palm Sunday 5th April 2020

Year A

All Masses, including Reconciliation, are suspended until further notice.

Parish WEBSITE: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au

Facebook: St-Ignatius-Parish-Toowong

Instagram: st.iggysyouth

Page 2: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering · Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence. RECENTLY Virginia

Readings: Palm Sunday: Isaiah 50:4-7. Philippians 2:6-11. Ma�hew 26:14-27:66.

Next Sunday: Sunday of the Resurrec%on: Acts 10:34, 37-43. Colossians 3:1-4. 1 Corinthians 5:7-8.

Entrance An�phon:

Spoken Response: My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

Gospel Acclama�on:

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! Christ became obedient for us even to death,

dying on the cross Therefore God raised him on high and gave him a name above all other names.

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!

Six days before the Passover, when the Lord came into the city of Jerusalem, the children ran to

meet him; in their hands they carried palm branches and with a loud voice cried out:

Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!

Vinnies QLD. With great sadness, all Vinnies shops will be temporarily closed as of Monday 30 March for four weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, Vinnies Shop donation bins are also closed to receiving donations as we have stopped taking material donations, such as clothing, toys and homewares to help manage the spread of the Coronavirus. When the health crisis has passed, we will happily resume taking donations again. P'()*( +,-(, Vinnies continues to support Queenslanders in any way we can and those in need can call the Vinnies Helpline on 1800VINNIES.

Archdiocese of Brisbane website and mobile app will keep you connected. Stay in touch, wherever you roam. Download app from Apple App store or Google Play (Android): Search ‘brisbanecatholic.org.au’ | www.brisbanecatholic.org.au

The Catholic Leader has gone digital and you'll love the layout! Reads just like the paper version- now accessible on all devices, anywhere! Read the entire digital newspaper for free here: https://bit.ly/39e5JtD. Nb. Once in full screen mode, above the newspaper, you will find options to zoom, print or download the flipbook.




Since we won’t be able to gather to celebrate Easter this year, I thought we might use the Bells to call us to prayer and into the mood of the Feast.

On Palm Sunday, we will ring the bells at 8.30am (so as not to disturb the neighbours). They will start off vigorous to signal Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem,

But, after a minute or so, they will slow to a more sombre beat to represent the reading of the Passion.

On Holy Thursday, it will be 6.00pm when we will ring the bell. They will reflect the sombre beat of Palm Sunday, recognizing that Christ’s final hour is approaching.

You might like to break bread together at this time to join in Christ’s Last Supper.

Good Friday, the Bells will remain silent until 3.00pm, the hour of Christ’s death. Then, they will ring like a funeral dirge, with some 5-10 seconds between each peal.

You might like to pause and remember not just Christ’s death, but also your loved ones who have gone before us.

Then, on Easter Saturday night, the Bells will ring on dusk, to celebrate the Resurrection. They will be vigorous and full of joy, calling us to hope and new life.

This is a time to celebrate, no matter what is happening around us at that time! Let’s build up each others’ hope, courage and determination as we work together to support each other at this difficult time.

Remember! It took a lot longer than 3 days for the disciples to come to terms with the Resurrection.

There are resources provided by Liturgy Brisbane to help us celebrate Holy Week at home. You can access them on their Website or pick up a hard copy from the Verandas of our Churches

But, apart from that, if you are in earshot, listen for the Bells, And join with your fellow parishioners in keeping Holy Week in the Spirit it is meant to be kept.

And, remember the Bells will continue to ring at Midday every day, except Good Friday and Holy Saturday.


O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to

you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of Your People, know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to

feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father

and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy

of the resurrection. Amen.

Happy 100th birthday

to Stuartholme School.

The school was established in March 1920 with 5 pupils.

Page 3: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering · Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence. RECENTLY Virginia

Please note: Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of Parish Secretary & received, by email or note, at Parish Office no later than 12noon Thursdays. Thank you.


Your Prayers Are Requested For

SICK Judy Galarza, Cirino Quagliata, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Cathy Mamata, Val Tancred, Isla Duns, Tandina Gabriel, Beth Albury, Margaret Twomey, Fr Guy Carlson sj, John McKenzie, Oscar Louie, Michael O’Brien, Rieka O’Sullivan, Maddie Bateman Duffy, Yvonne and Frank Cassidy, Jocelyn Rabaa, Carmen Luisa Maria, Mark Knight, Joanne Edwards, Thomas Agoni, Yvonne Rademaker, Betty Andrews, Sebastian Agoni, Carolyn Doyle, Maria Duque, Marianne Andrews, Susi Rieder, Damien McMeniman, Pat Clohessy, Adrian Carroll, Peter Lawson, Louis & Joan Nunan, Ricardo Pacheco, Noreen Rawlings, Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence.

RECENTLY DECEASED: Virginia de Barros, Adrian Carroll, Patty Quin (sister of Fr Peter), Hugh Joseph Ahern.

ANNIVERSARIES: Liz Faulkner, Auguste Cavalerie, Patricia Murray, Michael Crawley, Margaret Khoo.


1st Reading Gospel

Mon: Isaiah 42:1-7. John 12:1-11. Tues: Isaiah 49:1-6. John 13:21-33, 36-38. Wed: Isaiah 50:4-9. Matthew 26:14-25. Thu: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14. John 13:1-15. Fri: Isaiah 52:13 –53:12. John 18:1—19:42.. Sat: Genesis 1:1-2:2. Matthew 28:1-10.

APRIL 2 7.30pm PPC meeting

5 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

9 Thursday of the Lord’s Supper.

10 Friday of the Passion of the Lord.

12 Sunday of the Resurrection

3.30pm The Colour Club (online)

PARISH WEBSITE—“STAY CONNECTED” is a new feature on parish website homepage ( top left-hand side), simply click on the image to be taken to a new page containing links to online resources to help during isolation:- *WATCH MASS LIVE (from St Stephan’s Cathe-dral) at 8am Weekdays, 8am and 10am Sundays; *View ‘TWO MINUTE HOMILIES’ for each Sunday’s Gospel (featuring priests from parishes around the Archdiocese of Brisbane), *Read most recent edition of the online ‘CATHOLIC LEADER’ (free of charge), *Access to the HOLY WEEK AT HOME resources provided by Liturgy Brisbane. Please keep checking back to this page from time to time as new resources will be added regularly.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL, TOOWONG CONFERENCE will continue to provide support to those in need during these most difficult times. If any parishioners are in urgent need of support please phone 1800 846 643, or please pass on this phone number to anyone in need. ~ To make a monetary donation to the Toowong Conference please contact the parish office for more details. Donations are tax deductible.

THE COLOUR CLUB. Last Sunday ten of our young parishioners connected online. Through Prayer, Scripture and social interaction in a virtual space, the children continued working on their visual diaries for Lent, drawing a Lenten Cross whilst following a youtube tutorial. God's shining light is among us in ways we did not expect or anticipate.

The Colour Club will meet again this Sunday for Palm Sunday at 3.30pm. If your child/ren would like to join in, please contact Allison King, Parish Pastoral Associate, via email [email protected]

PARISH RECORDS. Parishioners / Volunteers / TG Contributors are requested to please keep your contact information up—to—date on the Parish (confidential) records. ie. Do you have a new address, email or phone number, renewed your ‘Blue Card’ or changed your credit card / bank account details? If yes, please contact Monica Florence, with your new details via E: [email protected] or P: 3870 7818. Thank you.


*YOUNG AT HEART (MOVIES), *COFFEE AND CHAT, *CWL TOOWONG and *ST IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP will not meet in person until further notice. *‘HOLY HOUR’ EUCHARIST ADORATION & *‘EXPECT-A-CUPPA’ (St Ignatius Church) and *CHILDREN’S LITURGY (Holy Spirit) will not be held until weekend Masses resume.

H��� L�� C�""#$$�%#�& ~ G�� F%# �� C���*+&#�� 2020

Franciscan Friars look to postpone crucial ‘Good Friday’ collections that ordinarily went towards the upkeep of

Holy Land sites amid uncertainty.

UPDATE FROM THE TASK FORCE AND PPC. We are committed to serving the parish communities by encouraging contact between parishioners and those in our neighbourhood. In the coming weeks we will be prepared to connect people directly who require assistance with day to day household functions such as collecting pharmaceutical items, shopping, phone checks, assistance with electronic communications, financial support etc. We will ask those who can assist to let us know their availability and what they can offer. We will also be working closely with our St Vincent de Paul conference to support them in their work as they receive requests from people in the area who require financial assistance. If you know of someone who might need help, please contact the Parish Office on 3870 7818. The office may not be open, but the phone is being monitored. In the meantime, please be encouraged to pick up the phone and call the person you usually sit near at church and see how they are coping with the “stay at home” arrangements. You might also like to print off a copy of the newsletter and Enews to put in someone’s letterbox or forward them onto anyone who might be interested.

We would love to receive a photo of your door decorated with palms this Sunday and to

read your story of how you have connected with someone in the parish in the past week.

Page 4: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Redemptive Suffering · Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence. RECENTLY Virginia

www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Current Newsletter now on our website!

Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme and by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818 during office hours.

Mobile: 0402 049 017

Parish Office Staff

Monica Florence (Tues-Fri) - (including Newsletter)

Allison King (Mon-Thurs.)

- .

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Kaylene Perissinotto -

Mobile: 0401 101 186. Email: lsr.toowong@bne. catholic.net.au or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Liturgical Ministry:-

Holy Spirit Church

*Rosters: Pat Lye 3300 1432 *Children’s Liturgy Roster: Amanda Lim

St Ignatius Church: * Ministry Roster: Liz Alvey & James Donaldson E: [email protected]

*Altar Server Convenor: Tony Castel 0438 192 298

Parish Pastoral Council

Louise Wellington—Chair Finance & Development

David Slater—Chair Musical Director

Anthony Young


Principal— Duncan Maitland

APRE— Rachelle Gibson

46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066 .

Phone: 3371 1094 www.stignatiustoowong.


* OSHC— 3870 3270

PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone: 3870 7818. Fax: 3870 7857. Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10am—3pm.

Email: [email protected] Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066.

Website: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Facebook: St-Ignatius-Parish-Toowong Instagram: st.iggysyouth We are part of the Brisbane West Deanery ~ website: www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au ~ email: [email protected]

Emergency Contact If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish priest on 0402 049 017.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children, young people and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity

of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.

They are to treasured, nurtured and safeguarded by all.

Archdiocese of Brisbane’s Office for Safeguarding - https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/support/safeguard/

Privacy Policy - https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/privacy-policy

STOPline Service. STOPline is an external service provided for the Archdiocese to receive confidential disclosures. Disclosures can be made anonymously. Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: [email protected]

Please be aware we have cancelled all our scheduled retreats until further notice. Spiritual Direction is still very much available by phone, skype, facetime etc. Please contact : [email protected] or

P: 3368 2450 if you would like to speak with one of our spiritual directors about your spiritual journey in this time of uncertainty and change. Be sure to visit our website regularly, www.faberspirituality.org.au, as we will maintain contact with you through our blog,

online retreats, prayers and links to other resources you can enjoy at home.


Sixth Sunday of Lent 5th April 2020

Dominic, 47, is a father of six from Papua New Guinea. In 2016, he became involved with Caritas Australia’s partner, Centre of Hope who runs a safe house and family anonymous programs and turned a difficult life and an unhappy relationship around.

Please donate to Project Compassion 2020 to help support the Safe House project and help bring greater harmony to families in Papua New Guinea.

Let’s Go Further, Together. You can donate by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413.

** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ** RE: IONA PASSION PLAY 2020. It is with a heavy heart that the Iona Passion Play announces that this year, for the first time in our 62-year history that public performances of the Play will not be held. Visit our website: www.passionplay.org.au for further details. We hope to see you next year when the Play will be back bigger and better than ever. Yours Faithfully, Donna Longland - IPP Secretary.