! Saturday, Dacember 20, 1941. PERSONAL; I MENTION» / el / ; : > >< < »»»»»»»»» ' V- *e Mrs. Alma McCoHough, Miss CI Ldvena Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. >. James McCollough and children K motored to Denmark, S. C., Sun- V1 day to vist relutives. n' ai M M s. E. Wutts, of Brooklyn, N. ci V., formerly of Columbia, was A hue last week visiting relatives und friends. She reported a pleas hi antatay.. 7 * T) makkiace announcement f ( Mrs. Vanilla R. Clark announces the marriage of her daughter Alia Othel.a to Mr. John Leon £ High, October 11, 1941. At~ home ^ 1312 Lyon stret after December 23rdr * e marriage announcement * Columbia, S. C..Of wide in. terpqt tn mowtf frion^o wilt tKn mmmmm rna J VI,V F announcement^ut^the marriage of Mrs. Rosa L. Myers, 2016 Taylor g street," Columbia, to Dr. G. W. tGoode, pastor of Calvary Baptist 25 The nuptials took place Friday, 0 November 21, 1941, at Camden, S. C.? the Rev.-J. W.-Boykin was the 'officiating pastor. a Mrs. Rosa Myers.Goode leav_ ^ es December 24x to join her hus T bend in Danyitte: 11 £?i?E ,^\N >?DUNCElf8 H'~^ ^ .. . - 4w Mrs. Maggie R. -Bethea of Lat- °* ta, South Carolina announces the $ engagement of her daughter, Hat- ct tie Robert, to Fayette Marcheft" Vanderford, son of Mrs. Adra J" Vanderford Turner, of Corinth, » Miss. p Miss Bethea is a graduate of Hampton institute, clasR of '32 ai and is now a member of the Ag- ** ricultural Extension Staff of the " * University of Kentucky with head quarters at Hickman, Kentucky. ln Mr. Vanderford is an Alumnus of Rust college and a graduate of Gupton-Jones Embalming school, ,n class of '32. He is now a licensed mortician for Mississippi and ^ Tennessee with Funeral Home at Fulton, Kentucky. V The coupl5"Wtll be married 8:00" a.m. December 28, at the home of ?! nnd Mrs. A. Z; Tuckr»-, 222 . ._ Laki» street-extension^-Eultom, 5! Miss Sawyer to Wed Announcement has been made I* of the engirvemftnt nf Mini Hne_ riett EUm Sawyer to Mr. Elbert Eugene Rogers and Columbia so- f* ricty is alive with events honoring the bride-elect. 1 , At an elaborately appointed Bridge party Miss L. M. Cofield ' entertained a host of friends, Saturday evening, the thirteenth, * honoring Miss Sawyer in a hand- u kerchief shower. Stressing a !' theme of stars gazing ;from blue skies, as the invitations suggest- V td, decorations in the home were c stars twinkling from the ceiling of starlit rooms. a The bride-elect wore a lovely 'l white satin_crene cown rh» nv n quisiteness of a French court Mown, her wrap of gorgeous black ^ Vf Ivet, lined with white satin . Opening of the boxes of handkerchiefs and the reacjing of unique and clever sayings o f_ Tr ends was the gayest climax of 'a the party, of Favors were especially original s* and i nique. Each guest was giv na miniature box on which was vv fou d a small photpgraph of the star of the evening and initialed w H. E. S. Artful jugs, accompany ing_the box^ which^contained fruit -SJ cake, were of various shades and ef contained tokay or port. v< The event was one of the most "f colorful yet devised this season. u* .ai PHI BETA SIGH A w Orangeburg, S. C,.The Omicron and Eta Alph chapters of the Phi c0 Bet? Siama Fraternity of Claflin t(, rnd South Carolina State Colleges te respectively, held a joint meeting f0 at South Carolina State Collegf w 1 ~ Tuesday, December 16. The pur- kj pose of the meeting was to forfn plana relative to the annual con Uf elrve which goes to Philadelphia, p Penn. the last of December. Na. fe tional Defense and the National a( Emergency."Their bearing on the N'gro." was also discussed. ^ Prominent Sigm. men through re out the state were present. je After the meeting, all present were then entertrined at the home _ o' Soror Madge Cleo Perry, grand d°nn«v of the Zeta Beta Sorority t' Sooth Carolina State College. H( A delicious course of chicken 2! alad and cocoa was served amidst vj tho h«rutiful decoration of the a voletide season. Out of town cj were Dr. S, D. Chandler. pr Kingstree. s. C.: and Mr. McCollom from the same city. n( _ F THE Y. P. S. T. CLUB *- y\ The Y. P. S, T. club met at the P1 home of Mrs, Jonnie Sims. Tbc n< meet'tie1 wa« called to order by the sc president. Son?, then prayer by the chanlnin. Son?, the scripture ti wr«s read. The minutes were read* «r pnrf r^>ll spiled, each member ans w<"'ne The next meeting will be v< at the home of Mrs. Butler, 1616 d( Gref?? St. D«r1d Otiten, reporter I . THE BETHUNE DEFENSE i ..CLUB he Bethune Club met at the home < Mrs. Blanch Barner entertained { Mrs. Bertha Chirp. Mrs. Lola Cheeks who was the E easurer- of the club, presented a tch lady, an envelope containing ( ?r savir.g^Tor the year. d The club plans to dcr more de 1 nse work next year since the isis is now on. , t Officers elected for 1942 are: esident, Mrs. Ella Mae Owens; ce president, Mrs. Blanch Barer; secretary, Mrs. Martha Rich rdson; assistant secretary, Mrs. [r.ry Phelps; treasurer, Mrs. Pre_ ilia Guest, chaplain, Mrs. M. dams. The annual reception will be eld at the home of the president, ecember 30. TY-WTDK BEAUTICIANS LI B MEETS The City- Wide Beauticians' lub met at the home of Mrs. laudia Toliver at the usual hour, /e had a very successful meeting rith near all members being pres nt. We were able to' complete 11 arrangements for our holiday i Club members may secure invi- J utions for the ball from Mrs. I iliza Robinson at Elsieleen Beau- t y shop, 2029 Taylor St., and Mrs t llise Martin at Elise Beauty e hap 1107 Washington Str I ~We were delighted to have as- J ur guest Mr. Hinton who made very inspiring talk to the club. ' Our next meeting will be held f t Obbie's Beauty shop 1119% J Washington street. Mrs. Obbie ^ rap, hostess. < * r __ F HE BLUE STAR SOCIAL CLUB t \ y ibe uUTE Star Social ftub ffSTcT ~ s .regular meeting o*n Monday ight, December 15. a^ .the home J ' Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Brooks. . 10 Walnut St. The house was illed to order by the president. he.first.neloetion..^4.tdutll. i moved,"-was led by the chrp 1 in, Mrs. Hest r Mae. Wise. « rayer was repeated; the minutes ' the last meeting -were omitted ? id the roll was called. Each mem. ir responded with . Bible verse len the president briefly discuss ' 1 the unfinished and hew.bus. * ess. We had a nice talk from ' ich member which evervotv en r ryed. The meeting was crrried ou' the usual manner. New officers will b<> elected, i onday night. December 22. The _\ osing sone, "Send me. send ord," was led bv Mr. Jns<'nh .Tnr xn. Benediction bv~MTr7~WMtp,-Wr- 1 Ijourned to meet at the home of v T.and Mrs. Jule White, 2321 enate St. f DEBORAH SOCIAL CLUB The Deborah Social club held its J ist meeting at the home of Mrs. orden Monday night. Decemher ^ 5. The club was called to order y the president at the usual our. Song, My Country 'Tis of f hee; prayer was led by Mr. Outn, the vice president; scripture j >sson by Mrs. Sumter.. Minutes ( ere read, received and adopted. ( he roll was called by the Secre- , xry Mr. Pettigrew the members pcited Bible, verses. The presi- ( ent handed each member. his ear s savings in a sealed enve- ( >pe. After the disbursement re reshments were sei*ved. All had good time. The club will have i Christmas Supper Saturday ite. Hoping nil a Happy Christlas and a very Prosperous New , ear. *. IV AVER LEY SILVER STARS CLUB n We h; Id our regular meeting on st Tuesdav evening at the home ' Mrs. Lillian Smith, 1215 Lyon E reet. , n The house was called to order a ith Mrs. Hawkins leading "My v .ith look,, up to Thee." Prayer y as offered by Miss Hart and the s cond song was led by Mrs. Mag e io Johrson. Devotion^ ended with jt ich member reciting a Bible ;rse. The meeting was then turn, v i over to the president. The min_ v ;es of the last meeting were read, s id the roll wes called. The house w as opened for a very brief dis h ission. Plans for the turkey raf. b e tct be given on the 15th were impleted. We are also plunning o give some kind of social en. t rtainmeiTt during the holidays S ir the benefit of our deer co orkers who have helped u so * ndly this year. S We were delighted to have with £ i the president c/f the Waverley riendly Few Social club. After « w remarks from Mr. Goyngs we Ijourned to meet at the home of vc. i ut' nusitrsq serveu a utfilClOUS ° :past of hot dogs, hot tea, cook h a and chewing gum. C CLL'B ESQUIRE On Wednesday nig'ht, Decern. ^ ?r 10, a group of young men met f t the home of Mr. Willie Miller, >50 Gervais, to plan some acti- ^ tleR for the coming holidays. As . result a young men's social ! ub was formed, and called "Club f squire" -j* The following' officers were elect 1: William Counts, president; e d Jackson, vice president; Willie p iller. treasurer; Willie Wallace, j, jblicity man; George White, busi pss manager and James Douglas f, icretary. g So until the "gentlemen of dig- g notion" meet again, and your f wlal "tattler" finds something f write. Yuletide Greetings to A ">u from "Club Esquire, and we V ) paean you. « 0 Socially youm, James Douglass. p Sbs Itongaree Medical Society Meets The regular monthly meeting of he Congree medical Society met t the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. D. "happelle, 1301 Pine St., Wednes. lay evening, December 10th, DrT B. Johnson, presiding. A resume of the work done by he "society for the past year as jiven by the secretary. D*. H. D. Monteith, refle4ted much (c^edft ipon the society- The report show.. ;d this toTiP.ve been one of the >est years during "the history of ;he organization. At each regular neeting, a scientific paper o** in. eresting case history is presented, f'anel discussions, round ^lbte7 ase presentaticms make up the arogrrm for the vear. Dr. H. D. Monteith presented i ery interesting case history, after vhieh the high spots were discuss. kd 1>y the members present. Dr. E. C. Spurlock, USO direc or, brought greetings tG the so. rietv and was extended the privi. eges of the society while stationed lere. After reports by the officers, he following were elected to serve or the year 1942: president, A. B. fohnson, M. D.; vice president. Javid l...Chi»holm, M. D.; secre ary, H. D. Monteith, M. D.; treas. irer, H. G. Harper, D. D. S.; ex. :cutive board, F. B. Johnson, M. >r,. chairmen r Durham.Gounts, 3K n . r « r* o t »*' W1 "Ol The Woman's Auxiliary, meet, ng i»t the same time, elected the ollowing to serve for the ensuing 'ear:. president, Mrs.- Daisys founts, vice president, Mrs. Ma ion Thompson; secretary, Mrs. Elise F. Jenkins; assistant secre ' ary, Mrs. Ada* Cooper; treasurer, drs. Evelyn Collins. tf 4 fTT^n I tf *¥* A V .\ V tvtvttri I I "HR1STMAS PROGRAM Prof. P#tts Wins Honors The p;t rents and teachers ot Vnvevley «chnni were entertained vith a. delightful Christmas pro. rram on December 11. The many tones and poems about the holilay season helped much to kindle he spirit of Christmas among the isteners. The P. T. A. is helping o sponsor the annual Christmas linner for the free lunch children it the school. Prof. C. A. Johnson brought reetines to the group and spoke n glowing terms of the splendid york Prof. Potts is doing at Wav rley. He commended him par cularly fo-- the studv, "Home In'uencp ~In School Work'' which vas published in "The Nation", >ne _of -our leading magazines, md for which Prof. Potts has >een receiving numerous congratilatory letters. This study re eals many pertinent facts about he Waverlev school community, ind should be read bv eve-v pnTbn. Prof. Potts mentioned the fact here were sevevnl cases of Diphheria in Columbia now,- and adised the parents to take advan age of the free inoculotions at ""olumbia hospital. He also urg>d parents to check up on their hildren .when they failed to get a'isfactory grades in subjects on uibits and to encourage them to >ut forth greater effort, so thnt ho entire standard ,of he school nieh be raised. The banner* for having the arcrest number of parents preset was awarded Miss Gibson. After a few expressions on the >art of parents, the meeting adourned to meet the secoml Thurs lay in January. "HE MEN'STLl'B OF ST Dl'KF The Men's Club of St. Luke's P. ). church will sponsor the Christ, nas basket fund again this year nd is asking that you give voir fhole hearted cooperation in this /orthv cause. Last year the club porsored the fund rnd wa< able tr 'ive out 50 baskets with 12 food terns in them If you are in accord with this rorthy cause please let us hav« onr contribution as early a, pcrs. Die as we J re again working ith the welfrre society and will ave to let them know how many askets to expect of us. You may mail cheek or monev rder to I. Harry Goodwin", secre ary and treasurer, 701 Richland 't., or give monev t0 any of the committemen. Thev are Palmer f. Wilson, Cornell Robinson, A. W. dmpkins, George Gary end I. I-»rrv Goodwin. Signed, Palmer H. Wilson. President I. Harrv Goodwin, Secretary and Treasurer CHOFIEI.D CLAIMS STATE UGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL HAMPIONSH1P Aiken. S. C..Based on th" plendid record of the team during he naet aoi«A»< ° ~ ^ J--- *' . Uv«avn, .iiu uur u> me ret that there is no undefeated iprh school team in the State. I'hofield's record, both offensive. v and dcfensievlv is the heat in he State. Schofield met and de rated moat of the biggest.high chools in tbe State, including Co. imhia and Charleston. The co»ch. s, Bradby and Dnrkins feel very roud of the team's success dur ig the season. The record of the year is as allows: Schofield 24, Bettia 0: Ichofield 24, Clinton High 7; chofield 45, Burke High 0; Scho. ield 58, Brewer 0; Schofield 30. [aines 0; Schofield 8, Mather .eademy 13; Schofield 24, Booker Washington 7; Schofield 20, Bettis Total: SchrfieU, 240; OpL onenta 0, _ THE PALMETTO L RICHLAND COUNTY i TEACHERS MEET v f The Richland County Teachers' association held its regular month ly meeting Saturday, December 13, 1941, at the Booker Washington l\ieh school auditoriirm A ~short devotional rperioct was tech by the President, Rev. W. G. Owens, followed by the minutea of the last meeting. Interesting reports were given by the delegates to the Second Congressional District meeting of teachers, which convened at Morris college in Sumter Saturday^ December 6. The speaker for the occasion, Dr. Hope, Superintendent of Education, was then introduced by The,; pEAStdenTT Di . 'Tfo"pe~guve a very. intereHtlng "laTR on the School.Program..He PeTcI partu cular emphasis on The Nutrition program, which is being stressed in the schools throughout the country today. The Program committee, with Principal John F. Potts as chairman, has outlined a most interest ing program for the remainder of the school year with "How Can We As Teachers Improve Health Conditions of Our Children ancT the Community in Which They Live" as the general theme. Y. >V. U \. - The LL S. O. Variety Club held proud of being in our beautiful new nome. we were indeed glad to dittve our president in our midst Everyone seems t0 be interested in the project which they are working on. Mrs. Edmund our supervisor in knitting, while Tiiss Law^- is busy helping the dramac!" workers..We were real "glad to "kmrw that the under privileged children were made hp ppv -lost Sunday at the party given for them ab the old Howard center. The voung ladies who attended Hie soldnrs' dan re at t.h«> FVvt [TeaTTy enjoyed Oie affair. Quite !a few attended the dance given for the soldiers at the auditorium on Monday night. We^are planning to make the boys "happy at the Christ ma's tree that's goirg to he pre sented on Christmas Eve at th< Fort. We were indeed glad to have one of the city's leading pastors Rev. J. P. Reeder. drop in on us The impressive remarks made by him really were encouraging and [gave us « much stronger determi I nation. We also appreciate his do, n«ti' p to tne cluh. We are alwrv -" ad.to have mrr worthy teade ! in our midst. We hive open house every day 1 and night through the week and I would love for all the members! to call around during their leisure I hours. So good.bve until next Monday evening when we will meet you between six and eight. Xliss Annie Mae Firms, reporter nnn/'scoFT troop u The meeting of Girl Scout Troop 14 on December 15 was onened w>»h the singing or "Silent N'ight" after which the Girl Scout Promise and Scout lrws were repeated Plans were completed for a bird Christmas tree on Mondav. Decern b«*r 22. on the grounds of the Good Samaritan Waverley Hospital at 4 o'clock. All members are asked to be present. At the next meeting the Inter, mediate Patrol will practice first aid <>n th? Junior Patrol. We had as a visitors, Mrs. Pau. line Reese. .-The.turkey raffle which was sponsored by the mothers of Girl Scout Troop 14. was ., success. Thirteen members were present. The meeting was closed with the singirg of "taps." Lillian Brown, reporter NKWBKRRY NEWS Hi Jive Swing Cluh The cluh_ -held its regular meet. ing on Friday evening. December 5, at the home of Mr. Ovid Counts. The mating opened with the ] singing of "The.Old Rugged " [Cross," which was led by Frances Harp; prayer was offered by Ovid Counts. Ti e minute,, of the last meeting were read, received and adopted land theroll was called. Each mem. ber responded with a Bible verse and fee. Miss Sarah Suber sug gested that we meet every second and fourth Friday, which was ,fgreed to by the members. since 11 . nernng the enrt of the year. the president, Msis Bluford discussed the big Christmas party he club is planning to give on De xwhtm 8<i at thehiim> of flaywh Sober. The Hi Jivers rendered an in teresting progrpan at the silver tea Sunday at the hcmie of Mr. and Mrs. M oses Kenner. Miss Lizzie Hawkins of Tryon, NL 0. ». spending the week end with her friends Sara Suber and other numbers of the Hi Jive club Christina Golden, reporter I F.F-SVII I F HF.R \ 1 n . We are glad to see some of our sick folk able to be out again but sorry to say that we still have « few on the sick list. The C. M. K. Annual conference is over and the Riev. McAdams is back here for another conference vear. We hope for him a sue. cessful year's work 'here. Mrs. Jessie Norris was a visitor Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Drafts. Mrs. Rufus Drafts was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bryant on j Sunday. EADER CENTER RABUN"CHl'RCH The Supt. and teachers wrc at their posts of duty. Th*- lesson whs beautifully reviewed _by our.jras. tor. Thi. being our last preaching Sunday for this1 year, our pastor J. Bartonr \v:is ut his It st, -HtsT text was taken fnun John 14:1. The collect ion wa> $44..r>0. Misses Cr.rrie Humbert and Lillie Mae Kilgo attended the teachers' meeting- at Clinton Sat urdav. l-i. Mr. Earl Hood from a camp in !Mississippi, i . visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sin-mate spent last tyeek with their nephew. Mr. H. B. Hood. Miss Aljee S"llivn" "pnnfa-riw. week end_ with Miss Corrie Hum bert. Mrs, Ada Honrv snent the week en(| with Miss Sallie Sullivan. Rev-. W. D. Coker has accepted the pastorate of till- f dor f; rove Baptist church. Mrs. Cr rrie Dial snent the week end with Mrs. Elizabeth Coker. A number of homes. irv-.thr*--eorH munitv are getting re;ulv to li<»ht candl o to welcome their children and friends back home from various placcv: to onTov a "merry Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Stoho Choice Wtoo called to Greenville S; tnrdav to 'he be<Dide of Mrs. Choice s-rno A.1 W ~ cner. airs. P.nen isardevs wh<, very sick at the home of Rev. anil^ Mrs. T. L.. "rKafnnfl'n. REED STREET HIGH X HOOl. -NEWS In spite oi'- the gallant, efforts of everyone U take the war situu. tic/n lightly, we iind ourselves nervous and alert. Tliirgs that use to appear ordinary are preg, nnnt wiln meaning new,.an air plane d'one.s over liead: :t lm-, > whistle blowing in the right: the tadio voice "Special Culletm." ah ntr.ke us listen expectantly. We see the change in gay i'.k.s all around us, serioas, puzzled, a id grim. Yt',, the ehlhdVh t.J it to.,. WAR, cruel, ruthless and wirked There is a dampness over the gay spirit of Christmas. r>< : chaotic ruin of a world of meit. gone mad,, come.v a still siv' voiee, "Peace on Earth, G«»< d Wl1' to All Men." The special eme-tr. vcv p 1 Cross committee has ch< sen Prin. cipaj Pcrrv to head the schools of the city. Rev. Campbell, Mrs. An. derson, Mr. Gresham, and M'-. Burris were chosen t-> heed t"> schools and churches of the "orn* The Red Cross is a W"»thv or»e nizfftion that render-- .-..- lesc of race, color c*r creed. We are prmd t » rem »*t tl> * frier.d and physician. TV \V 1' Younpr is.progressing' nicH' nf»--v an appendectomy in Nashville. Tenn. The Anderson county eachers reported ir*» lovcVv meeting ' with Rrot. and Mr* C- Hi"-'-* of Ridpewav. F f, where the (its 'net meeting was held. Thanks Mr. I.n«sit«'»- and Petulle ton for '-our welt wishes, Allow me to thank voir" and ell the other schools for vour snlendid support m all eoe * W«- le ,k f'ii'Wiif' to the hnskethrll s A VFPRV ruRTQTViO ivri \ HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. ME'ITIS TROl'NCES HAINES 19.8 Trenton. S. C..The jupenirig basketball uante between ih'ines Institute of Augusta._Cla., Saturday. December 1 .'1, in the Bettis />-lt "* *' ... college gv+n-na-stnm proved tn.rre verv thrilling, exciting and en joyable. Coach Ttitt had all faith that his girls and boys would take the "ba con" back to the lnn-i of Georgia, but Coaches Lula Will;i Nicholson and Melvin S. Bowmen said it couldn't be done. The trirls' game was too much for the Haines girls and they had to give in, ending the scores 19.8 for Bettis girls. The.boys' game started ^ im_ the girls' game. The Haines Tigers tried all kinds of plays ard stunts but none would work as the quick Red Devils of Bettis kept the Ti ferg well under control and lead 14.12 up to one-half minute to play, but somehow a Tiger o f Haines brought the scores to a tie when he made a point by throwing the ball backward -over his herd ending the scores 14 14. Coach Dawkirs of Schofield was thy..maja_a/ficiAl, J Member of the Faculty 111 Miss Clyde R. Singleton a member of the Bettis Academy faculty, has been confined t<> her room for several days because of illness. We are glad to report that she is im |1 HIVIJig nicely. Poro Beauty School l.ocated at 2481 Millwood Ave BEAUTY CULTURE IN AM. ITS BRANCHES Shampooing, Pressing, Marcelling Croquinolling, Finger Waving. Hair Dyeing, Bleaching, Man Miring, Massaging, Hand Molding; Anatomy and Electricity. PHONE 5687 tnnie M. Pope, 1. Vlalone. Pre* Wilhelmina C. Pope. Instructor M.a T --1~ n 1 * I'll n, liUld UlH)UWin S PLACE 922 Harden Street Home Cooked Food Phone 3484 H » 1.- ^ . I OO.O.OOOOOOOO^OOOOOO-OO.OjCtOO.O OPEN g EVENING* , _|_ _ _ I BIG Jt I FRUIT CAI | WITH PURCHASE Ol i free" WITH PURCHASE Ol £ we've r.r\T TUC runii v *- > ww i iik \«ni\u I GIFTS WITH PURCHASES g URGE YOU TO SEE KIMB g CHRISTMAS GIFT FURNIT § Open Evenings T 1 KITCHEN CABINETS if 34" j |j "95c Cash, }1 Week © GHS1 i fL I |^ I # I X ^ ll: ( 7 WAY PLOC § . r-:a I K t;t5 . ***^- .Or votr rnrr if tt §Coal or Wood r* A kipn^v ki £ M IVI C K VJ (N I RAE«Gr; | 549^ 5 W itii Yullt Oi.i j| $1.00 i/c ckiy ho,: ' < KIMBRI ,3 Open Evening* Ti hLuH0 3 Kiain Sr. <WH^OOX>i>DO.CH>0^0000<>SCK>000OC Page Seven M .o.o.o.o o c»o<> oooo o o ooo c>oo ^ i 1 KE FREE! I F ~£25 OR MORF »fl GIFT! I F $10 OR MORE iTM AS SPIRIT. PRE! \ AT KIMBRELL'S. RELL'S DISPLAYS OF UREfc il Christmas { tT'-J III POSTER BEDS j $9 95 ! J 7.00 1Yfkly Pay* .J j 8TMA8 SPECIAL! I \ I r,' »\i ** c iB Crmi - Ce« z fl ^ 'T jllL f ".z! o i I c u"r;'j 4% j| ROCivku ill ?t r ft;all's 5i Wtvfcfy Pay» 1!' jfl 111 Strong Sturdy BREAKFAST I SUITES ifl " U-..,V.j» / Vs eakiy ELL'S I 11 C hi iJtmJi Phont 24004 j ""'urnn Tinr n iumiliumJB sa - f

Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-12-20 [p Page Seven].€¦ · e marriage announcement * Columbia, S. C..Of wide in. terpqt tn mowtf frion^o wilt tKn announcement^ut^themmmmmrnaJ

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-12-20 [p Page Seven].€¦ · e marriage announcement * Columbia, S. C..Of wide in. terpqt tn mowtf frion^o wilt tKn announcement^ut^themmmmmrnaJ

! Saturday, Dacember 20, 1941.


/ ;: > >< <»»»»»»»»»'

V- *eMrs. Alma McCoHough, Miss CI

Ldvena Hicks, Mr. and Mrs.>. James McCollough and children K

motored to Denmark, S. C., Sun- V1

day to vist relutives. n'aiM

M s. E. Wutts, of Brooklyn, N. ciV., formerly of Columbia, was Ahue last week visiting relativesund friends. She reported a pleas hiantatay.. 7 * T)

makkiace announcement f(

Mrs. Vanilla R. Clark announcesthe marriage of her daughterAlia Othel.a to Mr. John Leon £High, October 11, 1941. At~ home ^1312 Lyon stret after December23rdr *


marriage announcement *

Columbia, S. C..Of wide in.terpqt tn mowtf frion^o wilt tKn

mmmmm rnaJ VI,V Fannouncement^ut^the marriage ofMrs. Rosa L. Myers, 2016 Taylor gstreet," Columbia, to Dr. G. W.tGoode,pastor of Calvary Baptist 25The nuptials took place Friday, 0

November 21, 1941, at Camden, S.C.? the Rev.-J. W.-Boykin was the'officiating pastor. a

Mrs. Rosa Myers.Goode leav_ ^es December 24x to join her hus Tbend in Danyitte:

11£?i?E,^\N>?DUNCElf8 H'~^^

.. . - 4wMrs. Maggie R. -Bethea of Lat- °*

ta, South Carolina announces the $engagement of her daughter, Hat- cttie Robert, to Fayette Marcheft"Vanderford, son of Mrs. Adra J"Vanderford Turner, of Corinth, »

Miss. pMiss Bethea is a graduate of

Hampton institute, clasR of '32 ai

and is now a member of the Ag- **ricultural Extension Staff of the "

* University of Kentucky with headquarters at Hickman, Kentucky. ln

Mr. Vanderford is an Alumnusof Rust college and a graduate ofGupton-Jones Embalming school, ,nclass of '32. He is now a licensedmortician for Mississippi and ^Tennessee with Funeral Home atFulton, Kentucky. VThe coupl5"Wtll be married 8:00"a.m. December 28, at the home of ?!

nnd Mrs. A. Z; Tuckr»-, 222. ._ Laki» street-extension^-Eultom, 5!

Miss Sawyer to WedAnnouncement has been made I*

of the engirvemftnt nf Mini Hne_riett EUm Sawyer to Mr. ElbertEugene Rogers and Columbia so- f*ricty is alive with events honoringthe bride-elect. 1

,At an elaborately appointedBridge party Miss L. M. Cofield '

entertained a host of friends,Saturday evening, the thirteenth, *

honoring Miss Sawyer in a hand- ukerchief shower. Stressing a !'theme of stars gazing ;from blueskies, as the invitations suggest- Vtd, decorations in the home were c

stars twinkling from the ceilingof starlit rooms. a

The bride-elect wore a lovely 'l

white satin_crene cown rh» nv n

quisiteness of a French courtMown, her wrap of gorgeous black ^Vf Ivet, lined with white satin .

Opening of the boxes of handkerchiefsand the reacjing ofunique and clever sayings o f_Tr ends was the gayest climax of 'athe party, of

Favors were especially original s*and i nique. Each guest was givn a miniature box on which was vvfou d a small photpgraph of thestar of the evening and initialed wH. E. S. Artful jugs, accompanying_the box^ which^contained fruit -SJcake, were of various shades and efcontained tokay or port. v<The event was one of the most "f

colorful yet devised this season. u*.ai


Orangeburg, S. C,.The Omicronand Eta Alph chapters of the Phi c0Bet? Siama Fraternity of Claflin t(,rnd South Carolina State Colleges terespectively, held a joint meeting f0at South Carolina State Collegf w


Tuesday, December 16. The pur- kjpose of the meeting was to forfnplana relative to the annual con Ufelrve which goes to Philadelphia, pPenn. the last of December. Na. fetional Defense and the National a(Emergency."Their bearing on theN'gro." was also discussed. ^

Prominent Sigm. men through reout the state were present. je

After the meeting, all presentwere then entertrined at the home

_o' Soror Madge Cleo Perry, grandd°nn«v of the Zeta Beta Sororityt' Sooth Carolina State College. H(

A delicious course of chicken 2!alad and cocoa was served amidst vj

tho h«rutiful decoration of the avoletide season. Out of town cj

were Dr. S, D. Chandler. prKingstree. s. C.: and Mr. McCollomfrom the same city. n(

_ FTHE Y. P. S. T. CLUB *- y\

The Y. P. S, T. club met at the P1home of Mrs, Jonnie Sims. Tbc n<meet'tie1 wa« called to order by the scpresident. Son?, then prayer bythe chanlnin. Son?, the scripture tiwr«s read. The minutes were read* «rpnrf r^>ll spiled, each member answ<"'ne The next meeting will be v<at the home of Mrs. Butler, 1616 d(Gref?? St.

D«r1d Otiten, reporter

I .


he Bethune Club met at the home <Mrs. Blanch Barner entertained

{ Mrs. Bertha Chirp.Mrs. Lola Cheeks who was the Eeasurer- of the club, presented a

tch lady, an envelope containing (?r savir.g^Tor the year. dThe club plans to dcr more de 1nse work next year since theisis is now on. , tOfficers elected for 1942 are:esident, Mrs. Ella Mae Owens;ce president, Mrs. Blanch Barer;secretary, Mrs. Martha Richrdson; assistant secretary, Mrs.[r.ry Phelps; treasurer, Mrs. Pre_ilia Guest, chaplain, Mrs. M.dams.The annual reception will beeld at the home of the president,ecember 30.TY-WTDK BEAUTICIANSLI B MEETSThe City- Wide Beauticians'

lub met at the home of Mrs.laudia Toliver at the usual hour,/e had a very successful meetingrith near all members being presnt. We were able to' complete11 arrangements for our holiday

iClub members may secure invi- J

utions for the ball from Mrs. Iiliza Robinson at Elsieleen Beau- ty shop, 2029 Taylor St., and Mrs t

llise Martin at Elise Beauty e

hap 1107 Washington Str I~We were delighted to have as- Jur guest Mr. Hinton who madevery inspiring talk to the club. '

Our next meeting will be held ft Obbie's Beauty shop 1119% JWashington street. Mrs. Obbie ^rap, hostess. < *r


\ yibe uUTE Star Social ftub ffSTcT ~

s .regular meeting o*n Mondayight, December 15. a^ .the home J' Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Brooks. .

10 Walnut St. The house wasilled to order by the president.he.first.neloetion..^4.tdutll.i moved,"-was led by the chrp 1in, Mrs. Hest r Mae. Wise. «

rayer was repeated; the minutes' the last meeting -were omitted ?

id the roll was called. Each mem.ir responded with . Bible verselen the president briefly discuss '1 the unfinished and hew.bus. *

ess. We had a nice talk from '

ich member which evervotv en r

ryed. The meeting was crrried ou'the usual manner.New officers will b<> elected, ionday night. December 22. The _\osing sone, "Send me. send m°

ord," was led bv Mr. Jns<'nh .Tnrxn. Benediction bv~MTr7~WMtp,-Wr- 1

Ijourned to meet at the home of v

T.and Mrs. Jule White, 2321enate St. f

DEBORAH SOCIAL CLUBThe Deborah Social club held its J

ist meeting at the home of Mrs.ordenMonday night. Decemher ^

5. The club was called to ordery the president at the usualour. Song, My Country 'Tis of fhee; prayer was led by Mr. Outn,the vice president; scripture j>sson by Mrs. Sumter.. Minutes (ere read, received and adopted. (he roll was called by the Secre-


xry Mr. Pettigrew the memberspcited Bible, verses. The presi- (ent handed each member. hisear s savings in a sealed enve- (>pe. After the disbursement rereshments were sei*ved. All hadgood time. The club will have i

Christmas Supper Saturdayite. Hoping nil a Happy Christlasand a very Prosperous New ,ear. *.


We h; Id our regular meeting onst Tuesdav evening at the home

' Mrs. Lillian Smith, 1215 Lyon Ereet.

,nThe house was called to order aith Mrs. Hawkins leading "My v.ith look,, up to Thee." Prayer yas offered by Miss Hart and the scond song was led by Mrs. Mag e

io Johrson. Devotion^ ended with jtich member reciting a Bible;rse. The meeting was then turn, vi over to the president. The min_ v;es of the last meeting were read, sid the roll wes called. The house was opened for a very brief dis hission. Plans for the turkey raf. be tct be given on the 15th wereimpleted. We are also plunning o

give some kind of social en. trtainmeiTt during the holidays Sir the benefit of our deer coorkers who have helped u so *

ndly this year. SWe were delighted to have with £

i the president c/f the Waverleyriendly Few Social club. After «w remarks from Mr. Goyngs we

Ijourned to meet at the home of

vc. i ut' nusitrsq serveu a utfilClOUS °

:past of hot dogs, hot tea, cook ha and chewing gum. C

CLL'B ESQUIREOn Wednesday nig'ht, Decern. ^?r 10, a group of young men met

ft the home of Mr. Willie Miller,>50 Gervais, to plan some acti- ^tleR for the coming holidays. As .

result a young men's social !ub was formed, and called "Club fsquire" -j*The following' officers were elect

1: William Counts, president; ed Jackson, vice president; Willie piller. treasurer; Willie Wallace, j,jblicity man; George White, busipss manager and James Douglas f,icretary. gSo until the "gentlemen of dig- gnotion" meet again, and your fwlal "tattler" finds something fwrite. Yuletide Greetings to A

">u from "Club Esquire, and we V) paean you. « 0Socially youm,

James Douglass. p


Itongaree MedicalSociety MeetsThe regular monthly meeting of

he Congree medical Society mett the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. D."happelle, 1301 Pine St., Wednes.lay evening, December 10th, DrT

B. Johnson, presiding.A resume of the work done by

he "society for the past year as

jiven by the secretary. D*. H. D.Monteith, refle4ted much (c^edftipon the society- The report show..;d this toTiP.ve been one of the>est years during "the history of;he organization. At each regularneeting, a scientific paper o** in.eresting case history is presented,f'anel discussions, round ^lbte7ase presentaticms make up thearogrrm for the vear.Dr. H. D. Monteith presented i

ery interesting case history, aftervhieh the high spots were discuss.kd 1>y the members present.Dr. E. C. Spurlock, USO direc

or, brought greetings tG the so.rietv and was extended the privi.eges of the society while stationedlere.After reports by the officers,

he following were elected to serveor the year 1942: president, A. B.fohnson, M. D.; vice president.Javid l...Chi»holm, M. D.; secreary, H. D. Monteith, M. D.; treas.irer, H. G. Harper, D. D. S.; ex.:cutive board, F. B. Johnson, M.>r,. chairmen r Durham.Gounts,3K n . r « r» r* o

t »*' W1 "Ol

The Woman's Auxiliary, meet,ng i»t the same time, elected theollowing to serve for the ensuing'ear:. president, Mrs.- Daisysfounts, vice president, Mrs. Maion Thompson; secretary, Mrs.Elise F. Jenkins; assistant secre '

ary, Mrs. Ada* Cooper; treasurer,drs. Evelyn Collins.tf 4 fTT^n I tf *¥* A V.\ V tvtvttri I I A«"HR1STMAS PROGRAM

Prof. P#tts Wins Honors

The p;t rents and teachers otVnvevley «chnni were entertainedvith a. delightful Christmas pro.rram on December 11. The manytones and poems about the holilayseason helped much to kindlehe spirit of Christmas among theisteners. The P. T. A. is helpingo sponsor the annual Christmaslinner for the free lunch childrenit the school.Prof. C. A. Johnson broughtreetines to the group and spoke

n glowing terms of the splendidyork Prof. Potts is doing at Wav

rley.He commended him parcularly fo-- the studv, "Home In'uencp~In School Work'' whichvas published in "The Nation",>ne _of -our leading magazines,md for which Prof. Potts has>een receiving numerous congratilatoryletters. This study re

ealsmany pertinent facts abouthe Waverlev school community,ind should be read bv eve-v pnTbn.Prof. Potts mentioned the fact

here were sevevnl cases of Diphheriain Columbia now,- and adisedthe parents to take advanage of the free inoculotions at""olumbia hospital. He also urg>dparents to check up on theirhildren .when they failed to geta'isfactory grades in subjects onuibits and to encourage them to>ut forth greater effort, so thntho entire standard ,of he schoolnieh be raised.

The banner* for having thearcrest number of parents presetwas awarded Miss Gibson.After a few expressions on the

>art of parents, the meeting adournedto meet the secoml Thurslay in January."HE MEN'STLl'B OF ST Dl'KFThe Men's Club of St. Luke's P.). church will sponsor the Christ,

nas basket fund again this yearnd is asking that you give voirfhole hearted cooperation in this/orthv cause. Last year the clubporsored the fund rnd wa< able tr'ive out 50 baskets with 12 foodterns in themIf you are in accord with thisrorthy cause please let us hav«onr contribution as early a, pcrs.Die as we J re again workingith the welfrre society and willave to let them know how manyaskets to expect of us.You may mail cheek or monevrder to I. Harry Goodwin", secreary and treasurer, 701 Richland't., or give monev t0 any of thecommittemen. Thev are Palmerf. Wilson, Cornell Robinson, A. W.dmpkins, George Gary end I.I-»rrv Goodwin.Signed,Palmer H. Wilson. PresidentI. Harrv Goodwin, Secretaryand Treasurer

CHOFIEI.D CLAIMS STATEUGH SCHOOL FOOTBALLHAMPIONSH1PAiken. S. C..Based on th"plendid record of the team duringhe naet aoi«A»< ° ~ ^ J--- *'. Uv«avn, .iiu uur u> me

ret that there is no undefeatediprh school team in the State.I'hofield's record, both offensive.v and dcfensievlv is the heat inhe State. Schofield met and derated moat of the biggest.highchools in tbe State, including Co.imhia and Charleston. The co»ch.s, Bradby and Dnrkins feel veryroud of the team's success durig the season.The record of the year is as

allows: Schofield 24, Bettia 0:Ichofield 24, Clinton High 7;chofield 45, Burke High 0; Scho.ield 58, Brewer 0; Schofield 30.[aines 0; Schofield 8, Mather.eademy 13; Schofield 24, BookerWashington 7; Schofield 20, Bettis

Total: SchrfieU, 240; OpLonenta 0,


RICHLAND COUNTY iTEACHERS MEET v fThe Richland County Teachers'

association held its regular monthly meeting Saturday, December13, 1941, at the Booker Washingtonl\ieh school auditoriirm A~short devotional rperioct was techby the President, Rev. W. G.Owens, followed by the minuteaof the last meeting. Interestingreports were given by the delegatesto the Second CongressionalDistrict meeting of teachers,which convened at Morris collegein Sumter Saturday^ December 6.The speaker for the occasion,Dr. Hope, Superintendent of Education,was then introduced by

The,; pEAStdenTT Di . 'Tfo"pe~guve avery. intereHtlng "laTR on theSchool.Program..He PeTcI partucular emphasis on The Nutritionprogram, which is being stressedin the schools throughout thecountry today.The Program committee, with

Principal John F. Potts as chairman,has outlined a most interesting program for the remainder ofthe school year with "How CanWe As Teachers Improve HealthConditions of Our Children ancTthe Community in Which TheyLive" as the general theme.

Y. >V. U \.- The LL S. O. Variety Club held

proud of being in our beautifulnew nome. we were indeed gladto dittve our president in our midstEveryone seems t0 be interestedin the project which they areworking on. Mrs. Edmund i« oursupervisor in knitting, while TiissLaw^- is busy helping the dramac!"workers..We were real "glad to"kmrw that the under privilegedchildren were made hp ppv -lostSunday at the party given forthem ab the old Howard center.The voung ladies who attended

Hie soldnrs' danre at t.h«> FVvt[TeaTTy enjoyed Oie affair. Quite!a few attended the dance given forthe soldiers at the auditorium onMonday night. We^are planning tomake the boys "happy at the Christma's tree that's goirg to he presented on Christmas Eve at th<Fort.We were indeed glad to have

one of the city's leading pastorsRev. J. P. Reeder. drop in on usThe impressive remarks made byhim really were encouraging and[gave us « much stronger determi Ination. We also appreciate his do,n«ti' p to tne cluh. We are alwrv-" ad.to have mrr worthy teade !

in our midst.We hive open house every day 1

and night through the week and Iwould love for all the members!to call around during their leisure Ihours. So good.bve until nextMonday evening when we willmeet you between six and eight.

Xliss Annie Mae Firms, reporter

nnn/'scoFT troop u

The meeting of Girl Scout Troop14 on December 15 was onenedw>»h the singing or "Silent N'ight"after which the Girl Scout Promiseand Scout lrws were repeated

Plans were completed for a birdChristmas tree on Mondav. Decernb«*r 22. on the grounds of the GoodSamaritan Waverley Hospital at4 o'clock. All members are askedto be present.

At the next meeting the Inter,mediate Patrol will practice firstaid <>n th? Junior Patrol.We had as a visitors, Mrs. Pau.

line Reese..-The.turkey raffle which wassponsored by the mothers of GirlScout Troop 14. was ., success.

Thirteen members were present.The meeting was closed with thesingirg of "taps."

Lillian Brown, reporter


Hi Jive Swing Cluh

The cluh_ -held its regular meet.ingon Friday evening. December

5, at the home of Mr. Ovid Counts.The mating opened with the ]singing of "The.Old Rugged "

[Cross," which was led by FrancesHarp; prayer was offered by OvidCounts.Ti e minute,, of the last meeting

were read, received and adoptedland theroll was called. Each mem.ber responded with a Bible verseand fee. Miss Sarah Suber suggested that we meet every secondand fourth Friday, which was,fgreed to by the members.

since 11 . nernng the enrt of theyear. the president, Msis Bluforddiscussed the big Christmas partyhe club is planning to give on Dexwhtm 8<i at thehiim> of flaywhSober.The Hi Jivers rendered an in

teresting progrpan at the silvertea Sunday at the hcmie of Mr. andMrs. Moses Kenner.Miss Lizzie Hawkins of Tryon,

NL 0. ». spending the week endwith her friends Sara Suber andother numbers of the Hi Jive club

Christina Golden, reporter

I F.F-SVII I F HF.R \ 1 n.

We are glad to see some of oursick folk able to be out again butsorry to say that we still have «

few on the sick list.The C. M. K. Annual conference

is over and the Riev. McAdams isback here for another conferencevear. We hope for him a sue.cessful year's work 'here.

Mrs. Jessie Norris was a visitorSunday at the home of Mr.and Mrs. T. F. Drafts.

Mrs. Rufus Drafts was a visitorof Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bryant on jSunday.


CENTER RABUN"CHl'RCHThe Supt. and teachers wrc at

their posts of duty. Th*- lesson whs

beautifully reviewed _by our.jras.tor. Thi. being our last preachingSunday for this1 year, our pastorJ. Bartonr \v:is ut his It st,-HtsT text was taken fnun John 14:1.

The collect ion wa> $44..r>0.Misses Cr.rrie Humbert andLillie Mae Kilgo attended the

teachers' meeting- at Clinton Saturdav.

l-i. Mr. Earl Hood from a camp in!Mississippi, i . visiting his parentsMr. and Mrs. Henry Sin-matespent last tyeek with their nephew.Mr. H. B. Hood.

Miss Aljee S"llivn" "pnnfa-riw.week end_ with Miss Corrie Humbert.

Mrs, Ada Honrv snent the weeken(| with Miss Sallie Sullivan.

Rev-. W. D. Coker has acceptedthe pastorate of till- f dor f; roveBaptist church.Mrs. Cr rrie Dial snent the week

end with Mrs. Elizabeth Coker.A number of homes. irv-.thr*--eorH

munitvare getting re;ulv to li<»htcandl o to welcome their childrenand friends back home from variousplaccv: to onTov a "merryChristmas.Mr. and Mrs. Stoho Choice Wtoo

called to Greenville S; tnrdav to'he be<Dide of Mrs. Choice s-rnoA.1 W~cner. airs. P.nen isardevs wh<,very sick at the home of Rev. anil^Mrs. T. L.. "rKafnnfl'n.


In spite oi'- the gallant, effortsof everyone U take the war situu.tic/n lightly, we iind ourselvesnervous and alert. Tliirgs thatuse to appear ordinary are preg,nnnt wiln meaning new,.an airplane d'one.s over liead: :t lm-, >

whistle blowing in the right: thetadio voice "Special Culletm." ahntr.ke us listen expectantly. Wesee the change in gay i'.k.sall around us, serioas, puzzled, a idgrim. Yt',, the ehlhdVh t.J it to.,.WAR, cruel, ruthless and wirkedThere is a dampness over the gayspirit of Christmas. r>< :chaotic ruin of a world of meit.gone mad,, come.v a still siv'voiee, "Peace on Earth, G«»< d Wl1'to All Men."The special eme-tr. vcv p 1

Cross committee has ch< sen Prin.cipaj Pcrrv to head the schools ofthe city. Rev. Campbell, Mrs. An.derson, Mr. Gresham, and M'-.Burris were chosen t-> heed t">schools and churches of the "orn*The Red Cross is a W"»thv or»enizfftion that render-- .-..-

lesc of race, color c*r creed.We are prmd t » rem »*t tl> *

frier.d and physician. TV \V 1'

Younpr is.progressing' nicH' nf»--van appendectomy in Nashville.Tenn.

The Anderson county eachersreported ir*» lovcVv meeting ' withRrot. and Mr* C- Hi"-'-*of Ridpewav. F f, where the (its'net meeting was held.Thanks Mr. I.n«sit«'»- and Petulle

ton for '-our welt wishes, Allow meto thank voir" and ell the otherschools for vour snlendid supportm all eoe * W«- le ,k f'ii'Wiif'to the hnskethrll s



Trenton. S. C..The jupenirigbasketball uante between ih'inesInstitute of Augusta._Cla., Saturday.December 1 .'1, in the Bettis/>-lt "* *' ...

college gv+n-na-stnm proved tn.rreverv thrilling, exciting and enjoyable.Coach Ttitt had all faith that his

girls and boys would take the "bacon" back to the lnn-i of Georgia,but Coaches Lula Will;i Nicholsonand Melvin S. Bowmen said itcouldn't be done. The trirls' gamewas too much for the Haines girlsand they had to give in, endingthe scores 19.8 for Bettis girls.The.boys' game started



the girls' game. The Haines Tigerstried all kinds of plays ard stuntsbut none would work as the quickRed Devils of Bettis kept the Tiferg well under control and lead14.12 up to one-half minute toplay, but somehow a Tiger o fHaines brought the scores to a tiewhen he made a point by throwingthe ball backward -over his herdending the scores 14 14.Coach Dawkirs of Schofield was

thy..maja_a/ficiAl, JMember of the Faculty 111Miss Clyde R. Singleton a memberof the Bettis Academy faculty,

has been confined t<> her room forseveral days because of illness. Weare glad to report that she is im|1 HIVIJig nicely.

Poro Beauty Schooll.ocated at 2481 Millwood AveBEAUTY CULTURE IN AM.

ITS BRANCHESShampooing, Pressing, MarcellingCroquinolling, Finger Waving.Hair Dyeing, Bleaching, Man

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