SOIL AND ROCK AMERICA 2003 12th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 12° Conferencia Panamericana de Mecanica de Suelos e Ingenieria Geotecnica \th 39 U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium June 22 26, 2003 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Proceedings Volume 1 Edited by: Patricia J. Culligan Herbert H. Einstein Andrew J. Whittle Massachusetts Institute of Technology VERLAG GLUCKAUF GMBH ESSEN (GERMANY) 2003 UB/TIB Hannover 89 124 977 375

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12th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics

and Geotechnical Engineering

12° Conferencia Panamericana de Mecanica de Suelos

e Ingenieria Geotecnica

\th39 U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium

June 22 - 26, 2003

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Proceedings Volume 1

Edited by:

Patricia J. CulliganHerbert H. Einstein

Andrew J. Whittle

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


UB/TIB Hannover 89

124 977 375

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Table of Contents

Tabla de Contenido

Arthur Casagrande Lecture l

RecommendedPractice for Soft Ground Characterization 3

C. C. Ladd, D. J. Degroot

THEME 1: Ground Characterization and Exploration 59

Session 1.1: Spatial Characterization59

Geoestatistical Characterization ofthe Lacustrine Subsoil ofMexico Valley 61

G. Auvinet, M. Juarez Camarena

Site Characterization byArtificial Neural Networks67

C.H. Juang, T. Jiang, H. Yuan, R.A. Christopher

Potentialities of a Geotechnical Database in a GIS Environment

ofthe Northern Part ofRio GrandeDo Sul State-Brazil 73

R. R. Higashi, R. D. Dias

GIS Modeling ofthe Subsurface Stratigraphy81

C.L. Ho, J.O. Skeels

Structural Rock Mass Parameters Recorded by a ComputerVision System 87

A. Gaich, A. Fasching, R. Fuchs

Rock Mass Characterization Using Image Analysis95

F. JLemy, J. Hadjigeorgiou

TheAssessment ofDiscontinuity Spacing and VolumetricFracture Countsin Large Excavations:

The Katse Arch Dam Experience101

P. Schlotfeldt

ModelValidation: Predicting Fracture Properties in Weathered Granite Using Remote Sensing 109

J. Ehlen

The UseofDigital Imaging and Laser Scanning Technologies

for Field Rock Fracture Characterization117

J. Kemeny, E. Mofya, J. Handy

Measuring Fracture Intensity inTunnels Using Cycloidal Scanlines 123

M. Mauldon, X. Wang

Rock Mass Characterization for the Manhattan East SideAccess Project 129

C. Snee, S. Sarkar, A. Benslimane, C. Stewart, C. Osborne

Evaluating Discontinuity Network Geometrical Characterization Tools

through Mining Case Studies137

M. Grenon, J. Hadjigeorgiou


Page 3: Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and …

Borehole CameraTechnology for Major Constructions 143

C. Y Wang, K. T. Law, X. T. Feng

Detection of Soil Layering Using a Miniature Piezoprobe 151

J. T. DeJong, D, J. Degroot, N.J. Yafrate, J. Jakubowski

Inverting Surface Wave Data from a Site Containing Cemented Inclusions 157

B. A. Luke, C. Caldewn-Macias, M. Huynh

Resistivity Survey in a Shallow Depth Marine Environment 163

V.A. Rinaidi, C.A. Rinaldi, V.H. Ferrero, C.H. Serrano, N. Ponti

Session 1.2: Scale Effects in Geo-Material Behavior 169

3-D Seismic Tomography for Investigating Karst 171

M. J. Byle, CM. Benedict, A. G. Mouradian, M. A. Berry, T.A. Ross

Characteristic of an Expansive Soil under Climatic Effect 179

J.M. Justino da Silva, F.A.M. Marinho

Digital Imaging for Rock Slope Movement Detection 185

R. Corthesy, M. H. Leite

Rockfall Management System and Spatial Analysis ofRock Cuts 193

B. Rose, M. Mauldon, V. Bateman, E. C. Drumm, W. M. Dunne

New Model for Slope Stability Analysis in Highways Based on Geographic Information Systems 199

B. Caicedo

Use of Reflectorless Laser Measurements in Investigating and Monitoring Rock Slopes:an Example from Thailand 205

V. Vitsupakorn

Using GIS to Map Liquefaction Hazards in Boston, Massachusetts '. 213

R.B. Higgins, L. G. Baise, C. M. Brankman

The Expected Effect of Local Surficial Geology on the Ground Motions

of Future Earthquakes in Boston, Massachusetts . 221

/. E. Ebel, A. Urzua, J. Britton

Evaluation and Measurements of Seismic Amplification on Saturated Soil Deposit 229

R. Verdugo, C. Vergara

Assessment on Liquefaction Potential of the Mid-West Alluvial Plain Duringthe 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan 237

Muhsiung Chang, Ron-Eeh Hsu, Shih-Hui Shau, Tzong-fu Wu, Chih-ping Kuo

Lessons Learned from the Post Chi Chi EarthquakeGeotechnical Explorations in Central Western Taiwan 245

A.B. Huang, C.P. Lin, D.H. Lee, J.S. Tsai, J.W. Chen, Y.J. Liou, P.S. Lin, Y.Y. Chi,

C.S. Ku, C.H. Juang

Liquefaction Evaluation ofVincent Thomas Bridge Sites

via Crosshole Seismic Shear Wave Measurements 253

D. R. Hiltunen, L. M. Griffin, R. D. Woods


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ModelingBorehole DipoleAntenna Patterns for Cross-Well Radar DNAPLImaging 261

M. Farid, A. N., Alshawabkeh, C. Rappaport

DirectPushElectrical Conductivity Detection ofGroundwater Contamination from Deicing Agents 269

T.J. Mitchell, D.J. Degroot, A.J. Lutenegger, D.W. Ostendorf

Session 1.3: In Situ Measurement of Properties 275

Nondestructive In Situ and Online Measurement of Soil Physical Parameters 277

R. Becker, A. Bieberstein, C. Hiibner, R. NUesch, W. Schadel, A. Scheuermann,

S. Schlaeger, R. Schuhmann

Water-Content Measurementin Sub-Surfacewith a Distributed Brillouin Scattering Fiber-Optic Sensor 287

S. Texier, S. Pamukcu

High Resolution Site Characterization by VisCPTwith Application to Hydrogeology 293

R. D. Hryciw, S. Shin, A.M. Ghalib

Comparison ofVs Profiles from Three Seismic Methods atYucca Mountain 299

K. H. Stokoe, IT, B. L. Rosenblad, J. A. Bay, B. Redpath, J. G. Diehl, R.A. Steller,

I.G. Wong, P.A. Thomas, M. Luebbers

Field Characterization of Small- to High-Strain Behavior of Clays 307

P. W. Mayne, A.M. Puzrin, A.F. Elhakim

In Situ Measurement oftheRelationship Between ShearModulus vs. Shear Strain 315

B. Caicedo, R. Velasquez

Deriving Stiffness Parameters from "Simple" In Situ Tests and Relatingthem with Reference Values on Saprolitic Soils from Granite 321

A. Viana da Fonseca, C. Ferreira, J. Vieira de Sousa

Evaluation of Compaction Grouting Effectiveness by Pressuremeter 329

T. Matsui, A. M. El-Kelesh

In Situ Stress Measurements at the Stillwater Mine, Nye, Montana 337

/. Johnson, T. Brady, M. MacLaughlin, R. Langston, H. Kirsten

RockStress Evaluation in Underground and Open Pit Quarry Excavations

by Means ofHydraulic Fracturing 345

M. Cravero, G. labichino, D. Valentino

Stress Measurements and Siting of an Underground Storage Facility: ACase History 351

B. Haimson

Geomechanics Parameters for Design of the Olivenhain Dam Foundation,

San Diego County, California 357

J. R. Keaton, D.L. Perry, G.E. ReedITT

Investigations of Rock Foundation and Cyclopean Concrete at Gilboa Dam 363

C. W. Cox, A. B. Bjarngard, W. H. Hover

An Economical Approach to Supplement Investigations of Soil Relative Density

in ForestEngineering Geology 369

W.C. Adams, R.W. Preltwitz, T.E. Koler


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Rock-Mass Deformation Modulus Testing of Lithophysal StratigraphicUnits

at the Yucca Mountain Project375

C.L. Howard, M.D. Schuhen, J.T. George, M.Y. Lee, R.S. Taylor, D.R. Bronowski,

SPT-T and CPTTests to Predict Bearing Capacity of Piles in Brazilian Practice 381

A. S. P. Peixoto, D. de Carvalho, H. L. Giacheti

Estimativa de Capacidad de Carga de Pilotes Hincados a Partir de Ensayos

Presiome'tricos Realizados en Suelos Tropicales Brasilenos 387

E. Beira Fontaine, D. de Carvalho

Preliminary Laboratory Calibration ofCone Penetration in Unsaturated Soil 391

N. K. Tan, G.A. Miller, K. K. Muraleetharan

Cone Penetration Testing on Brazilian Tropical Soils 397

H. L. Giacheti, M. E. M. Marques, A. S. P. Peixoto

Caracterizaciony Correlaciones Geomecanicas del Suelo a Travel delEnsayo de Molinete 403

L. Fernando Amdbile

Estimativa de Pardmetros de Suelos Tropicales a Partir de Ensayos de CPT 409

E. Beira Fontaine, D. de Carvalho

StatisticalApproach for HigherTechnical Objectivity Concerning the Ideal Number

of SPT Probing for Optimization of Foundation Projects 415

R.C. Ribeiro Nogueira, P.J. Rocha de Albuquerque, D. de Carvalho, G. Fdvaro

Recent Experience on SPT Instrumentation in Brazil 423

E. Hildrio Cavalcante, R. Leidimar Bezerra, F. A. Brasil Danziger, B. Ragoni Danziger

Evaluation del Cono Liviano de Penetraci6n Dinamica (DCP)

para Aplicaciones Geotecnicas 429

M, Stanichevsky, D. Denis, A. Caballero

THEME 2: Geo-Materials and Mechanics 435

Session 2.1: Engineering Properties of Geo-Materials 435

Dilatancy and Post-Yielding Behaviorin Porous Sandstones: ANewLoadingPath 437

W. Zhu, P. Baud, Teng-fong Wong

Mechanical Behavior of Some Clays andShales From 200 mto 3800 m Depth 445

R. T. Ewy, R. J. Stankovich, C. A. Bovberg

Deformation Mechanisms andFailureModes in Solnhofen Limestone 453

XiaohuiXiao, Wenlu Zhu, B. Evans

SomeObservations on theLong-Term Strength and Deformability ofWeak Molassic Marl 459

K.J.L. Stone, T. Watson, A.J. Proughten

Stress Paths and Stress-Strain for Decomposed Granite Soil by Numerical Approach 465

S. A. Mofiz, M.R. Taha, M.A. Alim

Comparative Mechanical Characterization ofMarble by Means ofLaboratory Testing 473

M. Cravero, D. Gulll, G. Iabichino


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Bond Degradation and Irreversible Strains in Soft Argillaceous Rock 479

J. Vaunat, A. Gens

Residual Strength of Coluvial and Residual Soils 485W. Alvarenga Lacerda, A. Paula Fonseca

Some Interesting Mechanical Characteristics of a Sandstone Residual Soil 489

F. B. Martins, A. V.D. Bica, LA. Bressani, J.A. A. Flores

Caracterizaci6n de un Macizo Rocoso Utilizando Ensayos de Carga Puntual y Triaxiales 495

C. Hidalgo, A.P. Assis, E.L. Pastore

Experimental Studies on the Mechanical Behavior ofVolcanoclastic Material 501

M. Migliazza, A. Segalini, P. Tommasi

Geotechnical Properties ofClay Soils Causing Creeping Landslides in Shikoku, Japan 507

N.P. Bhandary, R. Yatabe, K. Yokota

Comportamiento de Los Suelos Sedimentarios enTrabajos deIngenieria 515

J. Rivera

Experience with Downhole Block Sampling in Clays Using Conventional Drilling Equipment 521

D. J. DeGroot, T. Lunne, T. C. Sheahan, R.M. Ryan

Prediction ofMechanical Behaviour of Mexico City Clay;

Normally Consolidated Undrained Case 527

R. Rivera-Constantino, E. Judrez-Badillo, H. Nava-Muguiro, R. Villa-Escobar,

F. Jeronimo-Rodriguez

Geotechnical Properties ofVarved Clay in Newark, New Jersey 535

M. Zhiqiang Yang, M. Zia Islam

Efecto del Hundimiento Regional en las Dinamicas del Suelo 543

H.R. Aguilar, M. Galicia, L.E. Perez-Rocha, J. Aviles, L. Vieitez, M. Salazar

Compressibility Relationships for Soils in Puerto Rico 551

A. R. Crumley, A. L. Fernandez, C. A. Regalado

Influence of Wetting-Drying Cycle on Subsequent Loading Behavior

ofan Unsaturated Expansive Clay 557

R. S. Sharma

Heave Prediction Using Indices Obtained from Oedometer Tests 563

M. S. Abshire

One-Dimensional Compression Properties of Bonded Granular Geomaterials

Including Physical Property of Sand Particle 571

D. Katsuki, Y. Nakata, M. Hyodo, N. Yoshimoto, H. Murata

Undrained Shear and Particle Crushing of Sand Under Low and High Confining Stresses 577

M. Hyodo, N. Yoshimoto, Y. Nakata, K. Kuwajima

Strain Path Influence on the Behaviour of Sand with Fines 583

D.C. Bobei, S-C.R. Lo

Anisotropic and Isotropic Yielding Behavior ofClay 589

F. Fukuda, T. Mitachi, S. Shibuya


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Efecto de la Temperatura en las Caracterfsticas de Compresibilidad y Consolidacidn de Suelos 597

C. Rabe, A.S.F.J. Sayao, A.L.L.S. Nuhes

Shear-Volume Coupling of Sands Under Rotation of Principal Stresses 603D. Wijewickreme

Nonlinear Elastic Behavior for Soil Reinforced with Fiber and Lime 611/. Li, L.J. Zhang

Session 2.2: Scale Effects in Geo-Material Behavior 619

Scale, Power Laws and Geo-Characterization 621

M. L. Rucker

Aplicaciones de la Geometria Fractal en el Analysis de Presas 627

R. Magaha, A. Hermosillo, M. Romo, M. Pirez,

Friction in Soils: Micro and Macroscale Observations 633

J.C. Santamarina, J.A. Diaz-Rodriguez

Mechanical Behavior of Rock Joints under Stress at Various Scales 639

A. Marache, J. Riss, S. Gentler, D.L, Hopkins

The Effect ofSample Size on the Peak Shear Strength of Rock Joints 645T. T. Papaliangas, V.I. Armaanidis, S. Manolopoulou

Shear Strength and Creep of Ice-Filled Indented Rock Joints 651B. Ladanyi, G. Archambault

Bearing Strength of Jointed and Layered Rock Foundation:

-A Physical Simulation Approach 657

D. Kumar, S. Kumar Das

Experimental and Theoretical Study on Bearing Capacity of Rock Mass 667

R. H.C. Wong, W.L. Cheng, W.L. Yiu

A New RockMass Strength Criterion for Biaxial Loading Conditions 675B. Malama, P.H.S.W. Kulatilake, J. Park

Characterization ofJointed Rock Masses Using the GSI System 683

M. Cai, P. Kaiser, H. Uno, Y. Tasaka, M. Minami

Metodologia de Evaluacidn de Parametros de Resistencia al Cortede Suelos Granulares Gruesos 691R. Verdugo, R. Gesche, K. de la Hoz

SelfWeight Consolidation in a Centrifuge of a Clay Mass ContainingSimulated Large Particles 697

B. Caicedo, A. Lizcano, C. Jaime, L. Vallejo

Self-Weight Consolidation of Large Laboratory Deposits of Clay 703

R. E. Olson, A. F. Rauch, E. C. Mecham, A. M. Luke

Prediction of State of Sedimented and Consolidated FlyAsh Deposits 709M.R. Madhav, M. R. Sekhar


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Rock Joint Size Distribution by Probabilistic Methods

C. A. Lauro, A. P. Assis


Geomechanical Properties of the Braden Breccias at El Teniente Mine, Chile 723

J. Pereira, A. Russo,A. Karzulovic

Estimation of Rock Mass Strength and Deformability in 3-D fora 30 m Cube at a Depth of 485 m 729

P.H.S.W. Kulatllake, J. Park, Jeong-Gi Urn

Deep Cracking in "SabanaDe Bogota" Clay 737

L. Vesga, B. Caicedo, L. Meza

Fuzzy Sets: ATool to Enhance Movement Prediction of Rockfill Dams 743

W. Dias Pinto, F. Saboya Jr., C. E. Novo Gatts

Measurement of Full-Field Displacements and Shear Banding in Sands 751

A. Rechenmacher

Session 2.3: Physico-Chemical Properties 757

Impact of Pyrite on Properties and Behavior of Soil and Rock 759

L. Bryant, M. Mauldon, J. K. Mitchell

Clay Membrane Behavior for Geoenvironmental Containment 767

C. D. Shackelford, M. A. Malusis, H.W. Olsen

Some Physical and Chemical Properties ofSome PiedmontResidual Soils 775

A. J. Lutenegger, A. B. Cerato, N. Harrington

Site Characteristics of a Highly Weathered Old Alluvium in San Juan, Puerto Rico 783

G. Zhang, J. T. Germaine, A. J. Whittle

Evaluaci6n Experimental de laAlteration deEscolleras 789

P. C. A. Maia, A.S.F.J. Sayao, A.L.L.S. Nunes

EffectofOrganic Salts in the Physico-ChemicalProperties of Shales 795

C. Rabe, S. A. Barreto da Fontoura

Pruebas Fisicoqufmicas para EvaluarlaDispersion en una Zona Intertropical y Volcanica 801

G. Silva, O. Callejas

La Capacidad de Intercambio Cationico:

UnEstimadorCuantitativodelaActividaddelSuela 809

F. Hoyos Patino

Experimental Insights on the CharacteristicsofRock Slaking with Particular Reference

to die Sedimentary Argillaceous Rocks815

/. A. Sadisun, H. Shimada, M. Ichinose, K. Matsui

Methodological Proposal of Geotechnical Approach to the Study of Erodibility

ofResidual Soils821

C. A. BurkertBastos, W. Gehling, J. Milititsky

Procesos Erosivos en la Desembocadura de la Laguna de Guarairas- Brasil 827

O. F. Santos Jr., A.C. Scudelari, R.F. Amaral


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Studies to Understand Soil Compositional and Environmental Variables Effects

on Sulfate Heave Problems 833

A. J. Puppala, E. Wattanasanticharoen, N. Intharasombat, L. R. Hoyos

A Study of Stress-Dependent Acoustic Properties of Granular Media with Particle Modeling 841

L. Li, R. M. Holt

Ultrasonic Propagation Testing for Kaolin Clay 847

D. Penumadu, T. Min

The Elastic Moduli of Dry and Unsaturated Sand-Clay Mixtures 853

L. E. Vallejo, S. Lobo-Guerrero

Measurement of Soil Stiffness Using Wave Velocity Technique 859

X. Zeng, J. Wolfe, L. Fu

Session 2.4: Fractures and Localization 865

Investigation of Cavitation Suppression by a Diffuse Double Layer for Cracks

ofVarious Geometries 867

B. Ewers, D. W. Smith

The Use ofBoundary Elements to Solve Biot's Equations for the Consolidation

of Saturated Poro-Elastic Medium 873

M.C. Cavalcanti, J.C.F. Telles

A Transient Boundary Element Method for Poro-Thermoelasticitywith Rock Mechanics Applications 881

A. Ghassemi, Q. Zhang

Correlations between Fracture Size, Transmissivity, andAperture 887

W. S. Dershowitz, T. W. Doe, M. Uchida, J. Hermanson

Three-Dimensional Analysis of Fracturing Limits Induced by Large Scale

Underground Mining at el Teniente Mine 893

P. Cavieres, S. Gaete, L. Lorig, P. Gomez,

Growth and Coalescence of Three Dimensional Cracks under Uniaxial Compression 901

R.H.C. Wong, W.H. Kung, M.K. Chong

Shear Origin ofTension in Excavation-Induced Fractures 909

B.C. White, S. Iverson, M. Larson

Features ofTensile Failure in Sandstone 917

L. Biolzi, J. F. Labuz

Inversion of the Kinematics of a Simulated Crack Inside an Artificial Rock 923

A. C. To, S. D. Glaser

Numerical Modeling of Stress Distribution and Crack Trajectory near a Fault

or a Natural Fracture 931

V. Koshelev, A. Ghassemi

Micro-Fractographic Characterization ofTensile and Shear Cracks 937

M. Sagong, A. Bobet


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Investigation ofTwo-Dimensional Crack Growth in Compression 945

A.P. Bunger, S.L. Crouch

Session 2.5: Liquefaction and Granular Flows 953

Analysis ofa Void Redistribution Mechanism in Liquefied Soil 955

E. J. Malvick, R. Kulasingam, R. W. Boulanger, B. L. Kutter

Influence of Vertical Acceleration on Soil Liquefaction: New Findings and Implications 963

J. Yang, S. Savidis, T. Sato, X.S. Li

A Model for the Evaluation of Liquefaction Susceptibilityin Layered Soils Due to Earthquakes 969

R. O. Cudmani, V.A. Osinov, M. M. Biihler, G. Gudehus

Application of aDirectly Coupled Numerical Model of Fluid-Solid Mechanics 977

D.F. Boutt, B.K. Cook, B.J.O.L. McPherson, J.R. Williams

Acoustic Velocity of Saturated Sands: Application to ShallowWater Flows and Sanding 985

T.E. Scott, Y. Abousleiman

Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Sand Production 991

B. Wu, C. P. Tan

ComputationalModeling oftheInteractionBetween Weak SupportSystems

and Reservoir Sandstones 999

S.M. Willson, H.H. Vaziri, A.J.L. Crook

IntergrainFriction, Contact Density and Cyclic Resistance of Silty Sands 1007

S. Thevanayagam, T. Kanagalingam, T. Shenthan

Shallow WaterFlows into Subsea Oil Wells 1013

T. Kayes, A. Palmer, C. Williamson, R. Wood

SeismicLoadingTests on a Sandy Soil: Application ofRing Shear Test Results

to Slope Stability Analysis During Earthquakes 1019

G. Wang, K. Sassa, H. Fukuoka

PreshearingEffecton theWave-Induced Liquefaction inSand Beds 1025

J. Miyamoto, S. Sassa, H. Sekiguchi

Strength Ratio-Based LiquefactionAnalysis of Sloping Ground 1033

S. M. Olson

Large Scale Two-Dimensional Shaking Test on Saturated Sand 1039

Tzou-Shin Ueng, Chia-Han Chen, Li-Hsien Peng

Post-Liquefaction Shear Mechanism in Layered Sand by Torsional Shear Tests 1045

T. Kokusho, T. Yoshikawa, K. Suzuki, T. Kishimoto

Analysis ofDensification During Composite Stone Column Installation in Silty Soils 1051

T. Shenthan, S. Thevanayagam, G.R. Martin

Phenomenological Model for the Colombian Volcanic Ashes under Cyclical Loads 1059

B. Caicedo, A. Lizcano, R. Velasquez


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Embankment Failure From Liquefaction and other Damage in the 20 April 2002

Au Sable Forks, NY Earthquake 1065

J.R. Gingery

Liquefaction Evaluation for Rio Blanco Offstream Dam,

Comparison between Existing Methodologies 1073

A. L. Fernandez, A. R. Crumley

Liquefaction Evaluation for Design of Rio Blanco Dam 1079

K. H. Esin, R. I. Ospina, W. R. Sullivan

Risks ofLiquefaction in the Greater Beirut Area 1085

J. Harb

Session 2.6: Stress Analyses in Geomechanics 1091

Physical Modeling and Three-Dimensional Discontinuous DeformationAnalysisof Wedge Failure 1093

M.R. Yeung, N. Sun, Q.H. Jiang

Analisis de Estabilidad de Bloques Discretos viaAnaJisis Limile Numerica (ALN) 1099

A. Durand Farfdn, E. do Amaral Vargas Jr., L. Eloy Vaz

Modeling for Energy Dissipation in Free Fall Tests of Spherical Stone

with Discontinuous Analysis 1105

T. Ishikawa, Y. Ohnishi, J. H. Wu, S. Nishiyama

Development of the Three Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA)

and its Applications to Rock Fall Problems 1111

J.H. Wu, Y. Ohnishi, S. Nishiyama

Developing State-of-the-Art Displacement Discontinuity Codes 1117

S. Vijayakumar, J.H. Curran, R.E. Hammah

Centrifuge Model Study of Deep Gravity Caisson 1125

X.Y. Zhang, C.F. Leung, F.H. Lee

Stability of a Large Sheet Pile Cellular Cofferdam in Boston 1131

G.J. Buechel, K.J. Wissmann, A. Papadopoulos

Analysis of Geo-Stress and its Influences on Foundation Stability in a Hydropower Project 1139

G. G. Li, L. Qi

Laboratory Tests and Numerical Simulations to Determine the Load Bearing Capacity ofPillars 1145

H. Blaha, H. Hasewend, M. Siefert, H. Wagner

Developing of a Methodology for the Determining Pillar Conditions 1151

M. Siefert, H. Wagner

Interaction between Backfill and Rockmass in Narrow Stopes 1157

M. Aubertin, L. Li, S. Arnoldi, R. Simon, T. Belem, B. Bussiere, M. Benzaazoua

Estimation ofEarth Pressure and Ground Settlement During aTunnel Excavation

using Trapdoor Experiments and a Numerical Analysis 1165

T. Adachi, M. Kimura, K. Kishida, M. Kikumoto


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Visualization and Measurements of StressesAround a Trap Door 1171

S. G. Paikowsky, L. E. Rolwes, H.S. Tien

Modeling with Transparent Soils 1179

M. Iskander, J. Liu, S. Sadek

Thermoporoelastic Effect on Shale Stability 1187

G. Chen, R. T. Ewy

Comparison between Cam-Clay and Tij-Clay Elastoplastic Models for the Simulation

of the Mechanical Behavior of Clays 1193

D. M. Pedroso, M. M. de Farias

Elasto-Plastic Hujeux Modeling of Medium Dense Granular Soils Experimental Behavior 1199

M. E. Rahhal, G. Lefebvre

A Bounding Surface Model for Interface Behavior 1205

E. Evgin

Porothermoelastic Analyses ofAnisotropic Hollow Cylinders 1211

M.Y. Kqnj, Y. Abousleiman

Dynamics and Failure ofSoils-Beyond Rheology 1219

P. Van, E. Imre

THEME 3: Fluids in the Subsurface Environment 1225

Session 3.1: Groundwater Seepage Problems 1225

Internal Erosion at "el Batln" Dam, Mexico 1227

M. Ramirez-Reynaga

Rehabilitation of "elBatan" Dam, Mexico 1235

M. Ramirez-Reynaga, J. M. Schmitter, R. M. Mendez

Behavior of a Dam on a Pervious Foundation withoutImpermeableElements 1243

M. Regina Moretti, I. BarbaPacheco, M. Vargas

Parametric Study ofConfined Flow under an Impervious Concrete Dam 1251

A. K. Petro-Roy, A. Urziia, J. T. Christian

Sealing ofEmbankment Cofferdams Constructed under Water 1257

A. S. Lucks, J. T. Christian, C. A. Foster

SeepageAnalysis of an Earth Dam Considering Three-Dimensional Effects

of Valley Shape andMaterial Inhomogeneities 1265

F. Jafarzadeh, R. Shaflpour

Seepage through Tailings Dams-a Parametric Study 1271

W. Hachich, G.S. Abrao

Evaluating Groundwater Behavior in Jointed Rock Subject to Dewatering 1277

M. A. McCaffrey, A. M, Adinolfi