Pancho Villa leads Northern Mexico Junior Division Group website From: Bernardo Hernandez and Alex Trevino

Pancho Villa Leads Northern Mexico

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Page 1: Pancho Villa Leads Northern Mexico

Pancho Villa leads Northern Mexico

Junior Division

Group website

From: Bernardo Hernandez and Alex Trevino


Page 2: Pancho Villa Leads Northern Mexico

Process Paper:

How we chose our topic:       Almost from the beginning of school, our social studies teacher introduced us to the National History Day  competition. She told us that the topic of this years contest was "leadership and legacy" and showed us a list of people that could be our topic on this years contest. While we were looking at the  list of people we saw the topic, "Pancho Villa : Leads Northern Mexico", and it  caught our interest. So we thought it would be a good opportunity to learn about who was Pancho Villa, how was he a leader to Northern Mexico, and what legacy did he leave.

How we conducted our research, chose our category, and created our project:      A few days later we decided to start our research on Pancho villa. We went to Google and searched up, “ Pancho Villa”. At first we thought we wouldn't see anything about him, but luckily we did. The first website we saw was the one called “Pancho Villa - Biography - Military Leader - Biography.com” which was a really good website. The next website we went into was called, “Pancho Villa (1878 - 1923) - a Biography” which was another really good website. At first we started looking at his early life, and at the revolution he lead which was really cool. Then we learned that the U.S. was looking for Pancho Villa so we started looking about that to. Then we started looking for when and how he died. The research took days, but it was worth it. When we finished the research we started thinking how our project was going to be presented.  We chose the website category because it suited us. The Weebly website creator helped us on this project, for with the various themes we could choose a theme that suited our topic, and from there we could started putting our information down on our website.

Problems we had during the project:   During the process of the project we had some trouble finding sources.Not many libraries had books about our topic, and some website didn’t work either. Another problem we had was that sometimes the Weebly website creator lagged on s so it was kind of hard to work, but we luckily made it through.    

Page 3: Pancho Villa Leads Northern Mexico

How our topic relates to this years theme:

   Our topic, “Pancho Villa Leads Northern Mexico” goes with this years NHD topic of “Leadership and Legacy”, for Pancho Villa stud up with Emiliano Zapata and Venustiano Carranza to Lead Northern Mexico on running the tyrant Victoriano Huerta out of precedence. He lead soldiers into battle to show that he rebelled against the new president rule. Pancho Villa left a bad legacy for the United States back in those days and a good one for Northern Mexico, but he is still remembered today by many people throughout the world.