Panoptic PR Final Plan

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  • 8/3/2019 Panoptic PR Final Plan


    PR Plan

    Panoptic PR Agency

  • 8/3/2019 Panoptic PR Final Plan


    Thrive Pilates 2

    Table of Contents

    Agency Philosophy.3 Executive Summary...4 Problem/Opportunity....5 Situation Analysis


    Meet Amy..16Meet Samantha...17

    Meet Nancy18

    SWOT Analysis and Strategic Decision.19Objectives..21Target Market..21

    Media/Non-Media Connectors..21Positioning Statement/Brand Message...21Recommendations....22Timeline and Budget....25Measurement and Analysis.26

    Appendices28 Works Cited. .46

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    Thrive Pilates 3

    Agency Philosophy:

    At Panoptic PR, doing exceptional work is the result of uniting diverse creative ideas

    combined with having a relaxed ambiance based on open communication, and an overall positive

    energy. Panoptic PR was created by four women, who have an extreme passion for the world of

    public relations. Panoptic means taking in all parts and aspects into one single view. Our team is

    all embracing and all inclusive when it comes to meeting our clients individual needs. Panoptic

    PR takes into consideration all of its team members backgrounds, unique thoughts and ideas to

    blend together in order to be as successful as possible. Our vision goes way beyond conservative

    public relations thinking, and helps us establish true client partnerships by seeing the big picture.

    Every idea is challenged to a new level in order to develop innovative, original, and effective

    plans and campaigns.

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    Executive Summary

    Thrive Pilates, founded by Hally Bayer, is a full service Pilates studio located in the

    Rittenhouse Square area of Philadelphia. The studio not only focuses on the physical goals and

    achievements of its clients, but also the spiritual and emotional successes as well. Pilates is a

    body conditioning routine that helps build flexibility, strength, and endurance. Thrive has the

    problem of not having private session awareness. Thrive is looking to increase its private

    sessions by 52.6% per week by the end of the year starting August 1, 2012. A private session

    includes either a 30 or 55 minute one-on-one personal instruction, along with nutritional


    The three main competitors Thrive has are Centerpoint Pilates, UrbanFront Pilates, and

    Star Pilates. These three Pilates centers are all located throughout the greater Philadelphia area,

    and have clients attending private sessions. Unlike Thrive Pilates, the three competitors do not

    offer nutritional counseling as an option for any client.

    Thrives target audience for this plan is woman between the ages of 35 and 55, that have

    disposable income who live near Rittenhouse Square. By attempting to reach this target market

    to raise awareness of private sessions and get these women to attend Thrives sessions, Panoptic

    PR has created a plan that will run throughout one year. First, the connection of social media

    discussing private sessions will be put into effect, along with creating a new blog for Hally about

    her life, how she started Thrive, and her expert nutritional advice. Panoptic PRs goal is to also

    have Hally bylined in a featured article, about how to stay in shape for the holidays. During the

    third quarter, Thrive will hold a self-produced event that will be an open-house to show potential

    new clients all about Thrive. Finally, in the last quarter, Panoptic PR will pitch letters to

    television networks to have Hally booked for an interview. Through these four quarters, success

    will be measured mainly by word-of-mouth, a clipping serviceprimarily of print and online,

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    but also a small amount of broadcastand follow-ups with the connectors to keep track of how

    progressive the plan is.

    Problem or Opportunity

    Pilates is a body conditioning routine that helps build ones flexibility, strength, and

    endurance, through coordination with the legs, arms, abdominals, and back. There are two ways

    one can take part in Pilates at a studio; one is through a class (with multiple people) and the other

    is through a private (one-on-one) session. Panoptic PR conducted research, and found that Thrive

    Pilates is extremely successful in acquiring full attendance for its regular classes, but, has the

    opportunity to increase the amount of private sessions taken at its studio. Hally, Thrives owner,

    currently has at least 50 private sessions going on at the studio per week, and she aspires to

    increase that number to roughly 95 sessions per week. The problem with private sessions, is that

    many individuals are not aware of what exactly a private session entails, and are easily deterred

    when they hear the words one-on-one.

    Situation Analysis


    Pilates is a form of exercise that belongs to one of the largest and fastest growing

    industries in America.1 According to Hoovers, the U.S fitness industry, including both profit and

    nonprofit facilities, earn combined annual revenue of about $22 billion dollars, and U.S

    consumer spending on health services increased 1.8 percent from July 2010 to July 2011.2 Due

    to the continuing problem of obesity in America health trends are on the rise, and many people

    are trying everything and anything in order to get healthy and stay fit. Within this industry there

    are roughly 24,000 businesses in the U.S alone including: nutritionists, local gyms, national

    1Article; Marketing Pilates for Long-Term Success

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    gyms, and of course the smaller niche market of yoga and Pilates studios.3 As you can see,

    Pilates studios have many competitors, and it tends to make it hard to differentiate themselves

    especially when it comes to the smaller markets. This is a result of these yoga and Pilates studios

    offering the same classes and packages, so its hard for one studio to stand out amongst the rest.

    Although the Pilates market has plenty of competition it remains currently to be the

    fastest growing exercise method in America. The method of personal training in both Pilates and

    yoga has grown by 8% within the year of 2009.4However, competition isnt the only factor

    hindering future growth of this smaller market. With the rough circumstances of current financial

    situations in todays economy, people statistically have less disposable income available, thus

    causing it to be more difficult to afford gym memberships, private classes, or make healthy food

    choices. Therefore, it is important for a studio in this industry to correctly position itself in the

    market, as well as, have appropriate and well defined target segments.


    Thrive Pilates offers a variety of fitness classes and health services in an atmosphere that

    is fun, comfortable and filled with exceptional instructors. There are five main aspects to the

    Thrive studio; Pilates, fitness, sculpt, health, and dance. The main product that will be focused

    on, are the private sessions Thrive offers that are tailored to fit your specific needs and wants.

    These sessions are offered as either private or semi-private (duets). As mentioned earlier, private

    sessions are one-on-one personal attention with the instructor; and semi-privates, also known as

    duets, are for groups of two with personal attention from the instructor. When signing up for a

    session one can choose to either sign up for a 55 or 30 minute session. During these sessions

    access is provided to state of the art equipment including the Reformer, Tower, Wunda Chair,


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    and Mat as well as a variety of small props including: weights, exercise balls, resistance bands,

    and resistance circles.

    The Reformer provides exercise resistance that allowsone to work very precisely to

    develop good alignment, core strength, and flexibility.5 The Pilates Tower is another piece of

    equipment which is commonly attached to the Pilates Reformers.6Additionally, this studio offers

    the Wunda Chair. Similarly to the Reformer, the Wunda Chairalso known as the Pilates

    Chairis another type of resistance exercise machine. The Wunda Chair is a box with one side

    that can be pressed down against the resistance of springs, like a large pedal.7 Thrive also, offers

    nutritional counseling as an optional add-on for any private session. For nutritional counseling

    there is an introductory price for $275 which includes three one hour meetings; after these initial

    sessions each additional session is priced at $90.8

    These private sessions are held in either one of the two studio spaces available at the

    Thrive Pilates facility. The room dedicated to the Reformer and other equipment is a space that

    provides an intimate, at-home and very personal feeling. The space as whole is in the style of a

    loft, and is both unique and urban. This space allows clients to feel more at peace during their

    workout, thus, allowing them to become fully balanced through the body, mind and spirit. These

    private sessions are offered conveniently all throughout the day, and can be scheduled at the ease

    of using Thrive Pilates online appointment book or through personal contact via phone or e-

    mail.9 Depending on the option chosen as well as the length of the session, the prices range

    between $35 and $90 per session.10 If one wants to take a 55 minute private session with Hally, a

    single session costs $90, a package of five costs $425 and a package of 10 costs $ 800. For a 30






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    minute session with Hally, it costs $40, and $35 for students. A 55 minute private session with

    any of the other staff members cost $80 for a single session, $375 for a five-pack and $700 for a

    pack of 10. For the 30 minute sessions with another staff member one could choose from a 10-

    pack for $365 or a five-pack for $190. The duet sessions cost $50 per session, or can be

    purchased in a five-pack for $225 and a 10-pack for $400. Also available are introductory

    package deals which include private sessions and regular classes. These come in two options;

    three private equipment sessions plus three group mat classes for the price of $225, and three

    private mat sessions plus three group mat classes for the price of $175.11According to owner,

    Hally, Thrive currently schedules an estimated 50 private sessions per week. There is ample

    space, time, for instructors to conduct at the most 15 sessions per day during the week, and 10

    sessions per day on the weekends.

    All of Thrives staffmembers are certified, and well trained in their fitness expertise,

    Hally especially. Hally has an unbelievable passion for health and wellness that began early in

    her life. Starting as a dancer, she was always interested in physical fitness. Unfortunately, when

    she was only fifteen years old, she was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Over the course of the

    next couple of years she went through a series of three operations in order to save her life. This

    experience altered Hallys life in way that has inspired her to help others. Through her passion

    for overall health and wellness, Hally became a certified Pilates instructor. She trained for over

    700 hours with Power Pilates, which is known as the Harvard of Pilates training programs12.

    From this she took her own experiences in healing through nutrition and began further training.

    While she was sick she sought out fitness, nutrition and healing coach, Catherine Carrigan. She

    studied with her in her Nutritional Mastery Course, and continues to do research with her.


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    Hallys passionate background for overall health and wellness will inspire others to achieve a

    healthy lifestyle goal of their own.

    Thrive Pilates primarily use flyers and brochures located in the lobby of its building and

    at the Saxbys Coffee located down the street to generate word-of-mouth. Thrive creates

    awareness and demands by media relations, instructor announcements, e-mail broadcasts,

    bulletins, posters, and flyers. This is important because Thrive is looking to create large local

    customer database.

    Thrive Pilates also chooses not to spend ample amounts of money for advertising. Rather,

    it promotes the company products and services mainly through local communications and social

    media such as Facebook, Twitter, and group deal sites. As of December 5, 2011, Thrive Pilates

    has 196 fans on its Facebook page. The company does not post statuses or updates daily, and it

    has no consistent pattern as to which time of day it creates posts. It seems as though it makes

    posts sporadically, whenever it has something to share. In addition, through research it is evident

    that private sessions have hardly ever been mentioned in a Facebook post. The same information

    applies to Thrive Pilates Twitter as well. Again, its Twitter has no specific pattern, and it posts

    the same information as Facebook, only shortened. Thrive Pilates has 60 followers as of

    December 5, 2011 on Twitter, and has only tweeted 218 times, never mentioning private sessions

    as well.

    When it comes to public relations, the company relies heavily on word of mouth.

    Thrives customers can spread the word by making Facebook posts to their friends about things

    they found interesting, as well as, re-tweet a Thrive Twitter posts. Thrive has a great program

    and it is very confident in its work, so its word of mouth is always positive. One could see this

    through its member return rate and new member rate, which is steadily increasing.

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    According to, a customer named Carla stated, After taking mat classes for a

    few months and bringing friends I decided to try my own private session and now I'm hooked!13

    A large part of Thrive Pilates philosophy is to provide a welcoming, inspiring atmosphere,

    superior instruction and personal support to empower customers to provide optimal health and

    fitness.Kelly, a Thrive customer said, Hally and her team at Thrive are attentive, enthusiastic

    and extremely dedicated to your individual goals.14 (For more consumer testimonials see

    Appendix A) As one can see, Thrives unique selling point is that it offers a broad range of

    services to reach healthy goals that lead to an overall healthy lifestyle, while establishing

    personal relationships.


    As for the competition, there are various locations all throughout the greater Philadelphia

    area that people could go to, to take a private session Pilates class other than Thrive. These

    places include: Centerpoint Pilates, UrbanFront Pilates, and Star Pilates. According to Yelp, out

    of all the Pilates studios in the Rittenhouse area, Thrive ranked number three. One of Thrives

    top competitors is Centerpoint Pilates, which came in at number two on the Yelp list.

    Centerpoint Pilates is a studio that is also conveniently located just out of the Rittenhouse

    area, on Chestnut Street. Centerpoint promotes that its companys provides an experience that is

    non-judgmental and nurturing, so that one can focus on created their new Pilates body.15 This

    studio bases their ideals around the concept that at this studio, one can leave their day behind and

    take some time to focus on themselves. With consistent practice, you will have more strength,



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    better posture and balance, joint flexibility, and more energy to get you through your busy


    Centerpoint offers the same exact services with the same names that Thrive does; these

    being private sessions and duets. According to its website, private sessions are offered at three

    different price options. The first option is a new client special which includes 3 private sessions

    for around $150-195. Then, one can either purchase a single session for $75, or, a package of 10

    for $700. Duets, which as previously mentioned are private sessions where two people use of all

    the equipment, have three price options as well. For these private sessions there is no new client

    special. One can either purchase a single session for $50, a package of 5 for $240, or a package

    of 10 for $450.17

    Centerpoint Pilates targets people of all ages and levels and reaches out to them through

    using both Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, Centerpoint has 428 friends, and the company,

    like Thrive, also does not post statuses daily. Also like Thrive, Centerpoint has no set time that it

    creates its posts. However, while many things remain the same, Centerpoint does post about its

    private sessions. For example, a recent Facebook post by Centerpoint Pilates on October 19th

    2011 stated Always wanted to try a private Pilates session? Now is your chance! Come in on a

    Wed or Thursday and get a $50 session. All are welcome! Call or email for more

    [email protected], (215)-568-0550.18

    As for its Twitter page, it has 230 followers and has around 197 tweets. Centerpoint posts

    to Twitter the exact messages that are on Facebook as well. There is also no specific time of day

    that it posts and it do not post consistently every day. One thing that it does differently from


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    Thrive on their social media sites is that Centerpoint Pilates is very engaging with its audience on

    Twitter. For example, Centerpoint often tweets messages that state: Happy Tuesday everyone!

    Today should be a beautiful day so try to get outside for a bit and get moving!19

    Here is what consumers have to say about Centerpoint Pilates on Yelp! Jennifer states I

    signed up for several private lessons with Margie and they have been great so far. The classes are

    very reasonably priced and the studio offers a variety of classes. I am so happy to have found a

    place that is not at all intimidating, especially since Im such a beginner with Pilates.20 Another

    consumer Wafa stated: I began with Margie back in the fall of this year, and I can honestly say

    she is amazing, patient, and effective! She makes you feel so comfortable and doesnt force or

    pressure you into anything.21After observing what consumers on Yelp are saying one can see

    why Centerpoint is one of Philadelphias top rated Pilates Studios and a strong competitor for


    Another competitor for Thrive is UrbanFront Pilates, which ranks #4 on the Yelp list of

    top Pilates studios in the Rittenhouse Area. UrbanFront Pilates is located on Sansom Street and

    offers diverse programming, as well as a flexible class schedule in order to accommodate the

    average persons busy life. Its philosophy is that it doesnt matter if youre looking to begin an

    exercise program, intensify the one you have already or become an avid Pilates student,

    UrbanFront Pilates makes a promise to meet your individual needs.22

    UrbanFront Pilates offers services similar to Thrive and with the same names as well. For

    their individualized Pilates sessions, one can choose from a private session, a duet session or a

    semi private session. A private session at UbranFront is a one-on-one session with your teacher




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    that can utilize any of the equipment ranging from the Reformer, mat, Wunda chair, wall unit,

    Cadillac and barrels. These private sessions are known to help one better understand and connect

    with the Pilates fundamentals, as well as, key in on your individual needs. There are 3 pricing

    options for private sessions; one can purchase 10 sessions for $700, a single session for $75 and

    a student session for $70.23 A duet session is identical to the private sessions; except for instead

    of one on one, two students are in a class with one teacher. There also are three pricing options

    for these; one can purchase 10 sessions for $400 per person, a single session for $45 per person

    and a student session for $40 per person.24 A semi-private session is used for those who feel

    comfortable with the Pilates language, and movement, and are able to work out with others.

    Semi-private sessions use the same equipment as the private and duet sessions, but, allows one to

    work out in an intimate group setting at your own level with 2 or 3 other students. As like the

    other sessions, the semi-private session has three pricing options as well; one can purchase 10

    sessions for $450 per person, a single session for $50 per person and a student session for $40

    per person.25

    Similar to Centerpoint Pilates, UrbanFront Pilates targets customers of all ages, and

    reaches out to them through social media. The only difference is that UrbanFront uses Facebook

    only whereas most of the competition uses both Facebook and Twitter. UrbanFront has 321

    friends on Facebook, and does not post daily or at a specific time. UrbanFront uses very

    engaging posts on its Facebook page, and also posts about their individual session classes, for

    example: New Semi-Private session added to our May schedule! On Tuesday at 1:30 with



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    Karen. Call (215)-564-4410.26 Another thing that UbranFront does that the competition does

    not, is that it hosts an annual open house and fundraiser for its studio.

    UrbanFronts customers on Yelp had nothing but great things to say about this local

    studio. Sarah stated, I will definitely be adding UrbanFront to the would totally come back

    list. Heres why: 1) Sparkling clean facility with mats so plush they could double as travel

    mattresses, 2) Varied workout incorporating just the right mix of cardio, strength and stretching

    to elave you feel refreshed and not overworked and 3) Bright, cheerful instructors who guide you

    through the whole workout.27 Another customer Allie stated: Amazing Pilates Studio-

    instructors know how to teach well, and really care about the advancement of your practice.

    Small atmosphere- so you really feel connected to your instructor.28

    Lastly, the third competitor for Thrive is Star Pilates which ranked #6 on the Yelp list for

    top Pilates studios in the Rittenhouse area. Star Pilates is located on Locust Street, and is a

    classical and private Pilates studio that offers strictly one-on-one private sessions. Star focuses

    on your bodys needs as the exercises strengthen, stretch and lengthen your body. All of the Star

    instructors are certified by Romana Kryzanowska, the protg of famous Joseph Pilates. Some of

    clients that currently attend Stars facilities are: busy center city professionals, members of the

    dance community, active retirees, college students, stay-at-home moms, and even men! Star

    believes that the Pilates Method is beneficial to just about everyone and it welcomes people of all

    skill levels and body types.29

    As previously mentioned, Starr Pilates is a studio that offers only Private one-on-one

    sessions. If one wanted to purchase a private session, the session could be purchased in single




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    session or in package form. The single sessions are priced as followed: a 55-minute private

    session is $70, a 30-minute private session is $40, and a 45-minute private (which is a lunch

    special, weekdays from 12pm to 1:30pm) is $55. If you want to purchase a package, you have

    two options: five 55-minute sessions can be purchased for $325 or ten 55-minute sessions can be

    purchased for $600.30 One of the most interesting things about Star Pilates is that they do

    something that is so unique that none of the other competitors do. Star offers a 20-minute

    complimentary session to anyone who would like to try it out.

    Star Pilates as already noted, targets people of all ages, however, it is quite new to the

    social media scene, unlike their competitors. Like UrbanFront, they dont have a Twitter, and its

    Facebook page is fairly new; it only started up in October of 2009. On Facebook, it has a page

    with roughly 127 likes and it doesnt post consistently at all. It looks as if it only posts once or

    twice a month, if that. Despite the lack of social media presence, Star is still getting great

    reviews from their clients. One woman, named Marie stated: At age 64+, I had pretty much

    given up all hope of ever having a waistline again. A friend had recently become a Pilates

    student and highly recommended that I try it. What a discovery! Not only have I redefined my

    waist I have strengthened my entire body! Finding Amy Berger and Star Pilates has truly

    changed not only how I look, but also how I feel.31


    The possible target markets for Thrive Pilates are external. Panoptic believes that there

    are three potential consumer segments that Thrive could possibly target. These target segments

    include females between the ages of 35-55 that have disposable income who live around the area

    of Rittenhouse Square; young professionals around the area of Rittenhouse Square; and college


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    students within the city of Philadelphia. To further illustrate the three possible target markets,

    Panoptic PR has assigned real life identities to each.

    Meet Amy:

    Amy represents a potential customer segment at Thrive. This segment consists of female

    college students between the ages of 18 and 23. Amy lives in the urban area, with a lower to

    middle class income. She rents an apartment and drives a Volkswagen GTI. Amys favorite store

    to shop at is Banana Republic, but enjoys shopping at other stores such as Forever-21 and Urban

    Outfitters. While attending school, she likes to stay active, playing sports, especially soccer.

    Watching young culture talk shows such as Ellen DeGeneres and Tyra are some of Amys guilty

    pleasures. She is staying in contact with friends via social media websites such as Facebook and

    Twitter. Because Amy is a college student, she has plenty of free time, but lower income. Given

    her open schedule, Amy has the time to join fitness classes/gyms, so attending private lessons at

    a Pilates/yoga studio is a potential activity for her.32

    The article Attitudes Towards Health and Fitness Clubs gives three key insights on the

    young gym members such as college students. The article shows how younger gym members

    believe that gyms are overcrowded. This shows how many young adults would prefer small,

    intimate workout classes in comparison to a jam-packed gym. Due to the overwhelming

    atmosphere of a crowded workout facility, college students enjoy the ability to register for

    private sessions that smaller studios allow. The priority of being able to register for classes and


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    reserve exercise equipment strictly for their own personal use is an encouraging factor for

    choosing private sessions over gym memberships.33

    Thrive Pilates currently has many college students participating in its classes, however,

    not as many students become regular private session clients.

    Meet Samantha:

    Samantha is a young professional who lives in the urban area. She recently graduated

    from college, and is eager to start her career. She still rents her apartment because she makes a

    moderate level income. Samantha is not married nor does she have a family yet, so she has

    plenty of time for herself. Samantha is into athletic activities, the latest technology as well, as

    nightlife and entertainment. Samantha drives a Nissan Xterra, and watches television stations

    such as MTV and E!. One can find Samantha shopping at stores like Express and Macys.34

    After interviewing eleven female young professionals, Panoptic PR came up with four

    key insights to better understand this specific target market. When surveyed whether they

    preferred to work out with instruction or without it, six out of the eleven preferred with

    instruction. Additionally, the survey revealed that the women questioned preferred smaller work

    out environments in comparison to larger facilities. Nine out of the eleven females surveyed said

    they would prefer private classes than having a gym membership. However, nine out of the

    eleven females surveyed said they would feel more motivated to work out if they had someone to

    go with them going against the whole essence of the personal and one-on-one instruction

    provided through private sessions (See Appendix A). Thrive Pilates currently has many young

    professional clients attending both classes and private sessions because they enjoy the


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    atmosphere and the one-on-one instruction. Nonetheless, due to their busy work schedules, as

    well as their desire to attend with other people, it can be difficult to plan out their private

    sessions or duets, so many just attend workout classes that fit their schedule and comfort levels.

    The article, Struggles with Exercising gives three key insights on males and females

    between the ages of 18 and 34. The survey revealed that women with gym memberships are

    more likely than men to have a difficult time getting motivated to actually go. Young female

    professionals live stressful lives which can make it hard for some to find motivation to go to

    private Pilates sessions. As the women got older in their late 20s and 30s they became more

    interested in workout classes, and more routine work outs with structure.


    Although they still

    were more likely to join an all-purpose gym they were more likely to participate mostly in

    classes at the gym that fit their time schedule.36

    Meet Nancy:

    Nancy is a stay at home mom living in the Rittenhouse Square Area. Her husband makes

    a steady, high income allowing her to use some of their familys disposable income on private

    work-out classes. She loves to shop at Banana Republic and Ann Taylor. Nancy drives her

    children to school in her Lexus IS, and because they are in school, she has a lot of free time

    during these couple of hours each weekday. 37

    After researching and interviewing women from ages 18-55, it became apparent that

    women ages 30 and older were the first age group to say that they would join a gym solely for

    classes such as yoga, Pilates, kickboxing and nutrition (See Appendix B). Women 35-55 realize

    what types of exercise they like or dislike and can easily chose which classes they would like to



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    sign up for. This age group of women will work out for themselves, and will eagerly participate

    in the classes in which they enjoy.

    Mothers are becoming more health conscious. According to the article, Moms, Food and

    Nutrition,apparently, Most moms claim to read nutrition labels, and about a third say they aredoing so more than a year ago, reflecting increasing attention to nutrition 38. This quote from the

    article explains that mothers are more concerned with healthier options. This can be a benefit for

    Thrive, because they offer nutrition classes that can help mothers learn more when they are

    cooking and providing for their family. Moms are ordering takeout or deliver foods (that are

    usually more costly and not as healthy) for meals less often than they were a year ago (Moms,

    Food and Nutrition). When a survey was conducted for 1,020 female adults ages eighteen and

    older, they were asked: out of a list of twelve factors, which they consider to be the top three

    factors that contribute to healthy living for them. Out of all of the respondents replies, the main

    two percentiles that stood out, and were much higher than any other factor52% percent

    answered, Eating a balanced diet, while forty-five percent answered, regular exercise39

    Although there were other choices, it is obvious that exercise is important to women of this age




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    SWOT Analysis and Strategic Direction

    The strategic direction that Panoptic PR has decided to take is to focus on turning a

    weakness into strength. The weakness Panoptic is choosing to focus on is gaining awareness of

    private sessions.


    Convenient location Private sessions are offered throughout

    all hours of the day

    Full attendance at classes Variety of services available Staff focuses on their customers

    individual needs

    Intimate atmosphere Superior instruction Offers a variety of services in nutrition

    counseling, stress management andhealthy lifestyles

    Uses social networking such as Twitterand Facebook


    No awareness of private sessions Hard to navigate website Expensive private sessions No word-of-mouth for private sessions


    Increase in healthy lifestyle trends


    Lower competitor prices Many local competitor studios in the


    Possibility of new entrants

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    Panoptics marketing goalfor Thrives PR plan is designed to increase the amount of

    private sessions taken by 52.6% per week within 1 year of the plan. As previously stated, Hally,

    the owner of Thrive, already obtains about 50 sessions per week, and aspires to reach 95 sessions

    a week. One other objective for this plan, from a communications perspective, is to acquire at

    least 8 media mentions by the end of the year.

    Target Market (Publics)

    Through the market research conducted it is clear that the best possible consumer

    segment to target for this plan will be women who range in age from 35-55 (Aka Nancy). These

    women, as previously stated, will be located around and within the area of the studio, near

    Rittenhouse square, as well as, have both the time and the disposable income to dedicate

    themselves to their workout.

    Media and Non-Media Connectors

    Panoptic PR wishes to gain coverage from traditional media as well as non-traditional

    media through the appropriate connectors.For the media connectors, Panoptic has chosen the

    NBC 10 Morning Show, Foxs Good Day Philadelphia Morning Show, Philadelphia Magazine,

    and the Metro Philadelphia.As for the non-media connectors, the plan will use The Publics

    Health Blog, Be Well Phillys Facebook page, With Love Philadelphias Facebook page, and

    Rittenhouse Rows Facebook page. (See Extensive List -Appendix D)

    Positioning Statement/ Brand Message

    The positioning statement for Thrive will go as follows: For women ages 35-55, Thrive

    Pilates is the one Pilates studio which provides private sessions plus nutrition counseling to

    promote an overall healthy lifestyle unlike Centerpoint Pilates which provides private sessions

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    only. Through our positioning statement we want to convey the message that the Thrive brand

    maintains an intimate atmosphere under the professional, personable, and superior instruction

    provided by all of its dedicated and highly involved staff members; and provides not only

    healthy exercise methods, but an overall healthy lifestyle.

    When consumers think of Thrive Pilates we want a few words to stand out to them:

    energizing, supportive, elite, trendy, personal, and uplifting. Some of the words we dont ever

    want Thrive to be associated with is: ordinary, overwhelming, inadequate, and boring.


    As previously stated, Thrive is focusing on turning a weakness into a strength. Through

    market research Panoptic PR has found that Thrive Pilates is the only studio in the Rittenhouse

    area that offers nutritional counseling. In order to achieve this marketing objective of increasing

    the number of private session by 52.6 % per week, Thrive will capitalize on the idea of an overall

    healthy lifestyle. The big idea of this plan will be to package private sessions with nutritional

    counseling, and position Hally as a local fitness guru. Using Hallys inspirational background,

    and expertise Panoptic wants the target audience to understand that with Thrive its not just

    about healthy exercise methods, but a healthy lifestyle. Hally can help show the way, through her

    private sessions plus nutritional counseling.

    In order to obtain our communications objective of acquiring at least 8 media mentions

    by the end of the year Panoptic proposes a series of recommendations. During the first quarter of

    the plan, Hally will start to make more posts about private sessions plus nutritional counseling.

    By using the social media platforms Thrive already uses, such as Twitter and Facebook to build

    awareness of private sessions and creating word-of-mouth (See Appendix E for Facebook

    sample). Then, Hally will start up a blog of her own, in which she can make posts about daily

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    health tips regarding an overall healthy lifestyle, but always referencing back to Thrives private

    sessions and nutrition counseling (See Appendix F for Sample Blog). As a supporting objective

    for the first quarter, Panoptic would like Hally to be featured in at least one publication in order

    to increase the traffic to her blog, website, and social media platforms by the end of the quarter.

    In doing so, a press kit will be sent to all of our connectors, along with a pitch letter to each

    editor explaining why writing an article about a hidden health and fitness guru within

    Rittenhouse Square would be beneficial for both the editor, and his or her audience (See Sample

    Pitch- Appendix G). As of now, most women are unaware of what a private session entails;

    getting this story out, will let people know what it is, where it can be taken and why its


    Once Hally gets her name out that she is the number one Pilates instructor (guru) for

    private sessions, Panoptic would like our second quarter supporting objective for acquiring at

    least 8 media mentions by the end of the year, to be, to have Hally placed in a bylined article in

    at least one publication. Similar to the first quarter, we will send out a pitch letter to all of our

    connectors, positioning Hally as an expert. We will search the connectors editorial calendars for

    holiday related health articles, such as beat the holiday bulge in which Hally can participate in.

    These types of articles would be beneficial because during the second quarter months of

    November and February because everyone is working on watching their weight for the holidays.

    In an article titled Holiday weight management Dr. Roger A. Clemens, states "We have four

    months of constant feasting. If we do feast, as many people do, without control, then we set

    ourselves up for bad patterns, ill health, and weight gain."40 Panoptic wants owner, Hally, to talk

    about how its not only important to watch their weight and make healthy choices half of the

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    year; she will give easy tips on how important it is to work to achieve a healthy life, made by

    healthy choices.

    At this time, Hally and the Thrive brand will become increasingly more popular, as more

    people realize that she really does know her stuff when it comes to private sessions. The target

    audience will also hopefully become more interactive with the brand via the social media

    platforms. For the third quarter in order to reach our communications objective, Thrive will plan

    to host its first ever self-produced event at its studio. Here at this event, Hally and her staff, will

    be conducting an open-house for anyone who wants to come down throughout the day to receive

    a personal information session, as well as tour the faculties. The purpose of this event is to create

    an intimate and inviting atmosphere in which our target audience is able to feel out their own

    thoughts on Thrive, before they commit to attending a session. For this event, all of the local

    press outlets and connectors will be alerted ahead of time via a press release, as well as contacted

    during, and after the event. Special reminder invites will also be sent to the media, the followers

    of Hallys blog andThrives Facebook and Twitterfollowers. At the event, the attendees will not

    only receive valuable information regarding the private sessions plus nutritional counseling, but

    each person will walk away with a coupon for 10% off their first private session purchase.

    The fourth quarter is the quarter in which Panoptic hopes Hally, and her company can

    reach the next level. By this time, most of the local Rittenhouse Square area will know all about

    Hally, the Thrive brand, and the importance of having healthy lifestyle patterns including both

    fitness and nutrition. In order to reach our communications objective it is important to go after a

    much larger audience, by pitching a letter with an idea for an interview to the connectors of local

    broadcast mediums. With this pitch letter, a press kit and B-roll will also be sent, so that the

    networks can have visual aids for what a private session plus nutritional counseling would look
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    like, as well as a tour of the studio. The idea behind this is to have Hally tell her story, and why

    it is important to have healthy exercise methods as well as nutritional habits, thus,

    referencing/promoting Thrives Private sessions. By the fourth quarter the summer months will

    be approaching and one topic Hally can discuss during her interview is about how everyone is

    crash dieting to try to get their beach body ready, but, if you follow these tips, you can have your

    beach body all year round. From this quarter Panoptic hopes to reach a supporting objective of

    being named Best of Philly by the end of the plan.

    At the end of this extensive plan, Panoptic wants Hally, and the Thrive brand to be well

    known for Hallys story and Thrives private sessions and nutritional counseling, Thus, reaching

    our main marketing goal of increasing the amount of private sessions by 52.6% per week within

    one year of the plan.

    Timeline and Budget (See Appendix I)

    The PR plan will begin on August 1, 2012 and end on August 1, 2013.

    In the first quarter which runs, August 1, 2012 to November 10, 2012; the goal is to get

    Hally more recognized via social media. The beginning of the plan will be concentrated on

    updating Thrives Facebook. On August 1, 2012Hally will also begin a blog about the

    importance of living a healthy life. While this renovation of the social media and blog startup

    will take place at this time, it will be a continuous effort. On August 26, 2012Panoptic PR will

    send out press kits ($500) and pitch letters to our connector list that Hally is a Hidden Fitness

    Guru. On August 1, 2012 will also begin the clipping service for print and online media

    ($3,500) each); which will be a constant effort.

    In the second quarter which runs from November 11, 2012 through February 9, 2013; the

    plan is to have Hally bylined in a feature article related to keeping fit through the holidays.
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    Panoptic PR will pitch this story, along with the press kit, to the media outlets on November 11,


    The third quarter which begins February 10, 2013 through May 11, 2013; will be focused

    around the event ($1,000), which will take place March 24, 2013. Panoptic PR will send a press

    release ($250) on February 10, 2013 to the media connectors about the event.

    The fourth quarter; May 12, 2013 through August 1, 2013, will be fixated on Hally being

    booked on a local television network. Panoptic PR will send a pitch letter press kit, and B-roll

    ($1,200) to the connectors on May 12, 2013. The week of May 19, 2013, begin utilizing the

    clipping service for broadcast media ($3,500).

    Measurement and Analysis

    Panoptic PR will measure the progress and success of the results with respect to the goals

    of the plan by using metrics such as media mentions and word-of-mouth. First, media mentions

    will be applied by keeping track of the traffic of the various social media websites that will be

    usedFacebook and the blog. In each of these cases, the amount of likes, followers, fans,

    and comments will be kept track of, in order to see the improvement of the tactics. Determining

    how many people are discussing Thrivespecifically the private sessions and nutritional

    counselingwill be important as well. This will show how well the point is getting across, and

    what the opinions are of the target audience members.

    In order to measure the success of the featured article of Hally, it will be essential to stay

    in contact with the media connectors that Panoptic PR has chosen to pitch the idea of the article

    to. This will be done through follow-ups with each contact person. Panoptic PR will need to

    gauge the depth of coverage to make sure that the article was the same or similar to what was

    pitched to each media connector, and make sure that it is a featured article, like it was intended to
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    be and not just a sentence or two. This will help determine if the coverage was favorable. Once

    an article has been written and published, it must be clipped and saved, so show that the goal was

    achieved. It will be important to use a clipping service for both print and online to check if there

    were any mentions formed from that one article. Also, in order to effectively measure the impact

    of our article, it is important to have a clipping service to keep track of the various media

    mentions because some mentions are more impactful than others.

    During quarter three, there will be an event to promote awareness on the private sessions

    along with the nutritional counseling that is available. This will explain why it is useful for

    Thrives target market to take these sessions at Thrive. The event will be measured by first

    seeing how much media comes to the event, then follow-up with each contact. It will also be

    measured by using a clipping service to see how much it is being mentioned both before and

    after the event. Because the event will have a take-away coupon for its attendees, it will be

    measured by determining how many people redeem their coupon.

    The success will be measured by seeing which local television networks Hally is featured

    in. It will be a goal to have Hally featured in one specific network, so the measurement will be to

    see which network decides to pick up the story and interview Hally. This will be a similar

    measurement to how the featured article about Hally will be measured. There will be a paid

    clipping service for broadcast used during this time to track the mentions.

    The overall measure of success will be by continuous word-of-mouth. Because a

    relatively small social media campaign will be executed, it will be easily manageable to

    personally monitor each medium. A weekly check can be done by using a paid print and online

    clipping service to evaluate the progress and updates throughout the entire plan, adding on the

    paid broadcast clipping service to the final quarter of May 2, 2013 to August 1, 2013.
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    Appendix AConsumers view/perceive Thrive Pilates as a positive energy in which they excitably

    attend and continuously return. Thrive customers have stated:

    Being new to Pilates, I was nervous about going into a class setting. Thrive Pilatesmade me feel welcome from the moment I stepped into their building. Everyone talkslike they've known you forever. The teachers remember your name and what youhave trouble with and pay special attention when you need it. The environment isfriendly and very clean, but best of all, it was fun. There are a good variety of classesoffered at Thrive Pilates which you could also sign up for online. The teachers knowhow to instruct in a way that doesn't make you feel defeated. They truly help yourform and self esteem. Everyone is welcomed into the classes no matter what levelyou're on but you also have the choice of selecting a class based on your level for

    maximum comfort. A very comfortable setting. Wow. Well what can I say...this place rocks for so many reasons: Hally Bayer is at

    the helm of Thrive Pilates, which is the Pilates "arm" of PhillyPowerYoga. She isfantastic, and her instructors are all very different but have their own unique way ofteaching pilates. The studio resides upstairs from PPY on the second floor. It'sconveniently located right off of Rittenhouse Square. I've actually taken privatelessons with Hally for some time now, so when she went to start the new program atPPY, I obviously wanted to see what it was like. The vibe at the classes is reallynice--communal. Whatever level you're at, there's a spot for you in a matclass. People are friendly, instructors are helpful. Overall a good spot to learn PowerPilates in a friendly, approachable environment. There's a lot more room in this

    studio than others I've been in, so the mat classes easily fit 12+ people at a time. PS -Get to know Hally - she is fantastic!

    As a new comer to the world of Pilates, I was happy to find a class that suits mylevel and my schedule. For 2 weeks I have attended Jay-Hoon's Saturday morningPilates mat class, and I'm hooked! I find the class challenging but easy to followthrough Jay-Hoon's instruction. He gives several options of modification for eachpose so that if you injured or want to really push it, there's a modification to suit you.The studio itself is beautiful and the price ($50 for 5 mat classes) is very reasonablefor the quality of the class. Certainly would recommend this studio to friends.

    It's been a long time since I've come across such a great Pilates studio! Thrive at firstseems very low-key and laid back. The instructors are young yet have an amazing

    wealth of knowledge of the Pilates Method and are all certified under the mostrigorous certification process. Each instructor brings a different flavor to class withbackgrounds ranging from dance to nutrition to counseling to even law! This studiois a great place to really dive into the Pilates method, no extra. Even though theatmosphere is easygoing (a welcome change from the Pilates "factories" in town andthe hustle and bustle of the gym) as soon as the class starts it is all serious anddedicated work. Every instructor is easy to approach and can answer any questions Ihave whether in class or after. There are mat classes everyday but several Private