Papadopoulos, Nicolas Testing Self-Congruity Theory in the Context of Nation Brand Personality Rojas-Méndez, José I., Nicolas Papadopoulos, and Mohammed Alwan (2015), "Testing Self-Congruity Theory in the Context of Nation Brand Personality", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24(1), 18-27. Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals Area of Research: International Business Factors Affecting the International Behaviour of SMEs Papadopoulos, Nicolas, Daniel Gulanowski, and Llynne Plante (2015), "Factors Affecting the International Behaviour of SMEs", 3rd Annual Sardinia Meet: The Role of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Peripheral Area Development, Foundation for Local Development Thomas & Afrodete Papanikos (ITATHAP) (Sardinia, Greece: July 24-25) Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences Area of Research: International Business Identity, Culture Dispositions and Behavior: A Cross-National Examination of Globalization and Culture Change Cleveland, Mark, José I. Rojas-Méndez, Michel Laroche, and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2015) "Identity, Culture Dispositions and Behavior: A Cross-National Examination of Globalization and Culture Change", Journal of Business Research, 69(3), 1090-1102 Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals Area of Research: International Business Place Images and Nation Branding in the African Context: Challenges, Opportunities, and Questions for Policy and Research Papadopoulos, Nicolas and Leila Hamzaoui-Essoussi (2015), "Place Images and Nation Branding in the African Context: Challenges, Opportunities, and Questions for Policy and Research", Africa Journal of Management, 1(1), 54-77 Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals Area of Research: Information Systems Academia as Entrepreneurship Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2015), “Academia as Entrepreneurship", 66th Spring Conference, Carleton University (Kingston, ON: May 1-3, 2015) Publication Type: Invited Speakers Area of Research: International Business Attracting Investment: Location Branding and Marketing Hamzaoui-Essoussi, Leila, Nicolas Papadopoulos, and Alia El Banna (2015), “Attracting Investment: Location Branding and Marketing", Investment Policy and Promotion: Law, Economics and Policy, invited paper presented at the Joint Workshop of the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, and the World Trade Institute

Papadopoulos, Nicolas - Carleton University · The Place of ‘Place’ in International Marketing Papadopoulos, Nicolas ... Marketing International Marketing Cateora, P.R., ... Graham,

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Papadopoulos, Nicolas

Testing Self-Congruity Theory in the Context of Nation Brand Personality

Rojas-Méndez, José I., Nicolas Papadopoulos, and Mohammed Alwan (2015), "Testing Self-Congruity

Theory in the Context of Nation Brand Personality", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24(1), 18-27.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

Factors Affecting the International Behaviour of SMEs

Papadopoulos, Nicolas, Daniel Gulanowski, and Llynne Plante (2015), "Factors Affecting the International

Behaviour of SMEs", 3rd Annual Sardinia Meet: The Role of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in

Peripheral Area Development, Foundation for Local Development Thomas & Afrodete Papanikos (ITATHAP)

(Sardinia, Greece: July 24-25)

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business

Identity, Culture Dispositions and Behavior: A Cross-National Examination of Globalizationand Culture Change

Cleveland, Mark, José I. Rojas-Méndez, Michel Laroche, and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2015) "Identity, Culture

Dispositions and Behavior: A Cross-National Examination of Globalization and Culture Change", Journal of

Business Research, 69(3), 1090-1102

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

Place Images and Nation Branding in the African Context: Challenges, Opportunities, andQuestions for Policy and Research

Papadopoulos, Nicolas and Leila Hamzaoui-Essoussi (2015), "Place Images and Nation Branding in the

African Context: Challenges, Opportunities, and Questions for Policy and Research", Africa Journal of

Management, 1(1), 54-77

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: Information Systems

Academia as Entrepreneurship

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2015), “Academia as Entrepreneurship", 66th Spring Conference, Carleton

University (Kingston, ON: May 1-3, 2015)

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business

Attracting Investment: Location Branding and Marketing

Hamzaoui-Essoussi, Leila, Nicolas Papadopoulos, and Alia El Banna (2015), “Attracting Investment: Location

Branding and Marketing", Investment Policy and Promotion: Law, Economics and Policy, invited paper

presented at the Joint Workshop of the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, and the World Trade Institute

(Berne, Switzerland), (Ottawa, ON, April 29 – May 2)

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business

Measuring Event Planners’ Perceptions of Place Image Attributes: The Case of GreekConvention Destinations

Papadopoulos, Nicolas, Statia Elliot, and Leslie T. Szamosi (2014), “Measuring Event Planners’ Perceptions

of Place Image Attributes: The Case of Greek Convention Destinations", Tourism Analysis, 19(4), 505-516

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

You Are What you Speak? Globalization, Multilingualism, Consumer Dispositions, andConsumption

Cleveland, Mark, Michel Laroche, and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2014), “You Are What you Speak?

Globalization, Multilingualism, Consumer Dispositions, and Consumption”, Journal of Business Research,

68(3), 542-552

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

An Integrative, Cross-Country Study of Place Image

Elliot, Statia, and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2013), "An Integrative, Cross-Country Study of Place Image", TTRA

Canada Annual Conference (Travel and Tourism Research Association, Ottawa, ON: October 16-18)

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business

The U.S. brand personality: A sino persepective

Rojas-Méndez, José I., Steven A. Murphy, and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2013). “The U.S. Brand Personality: A

Sino Perspective”, Journal of Business Research, 66(8), 1028-1034.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

From ‘Made-in’ to ‘Product-Country Images’ and ‘PlaceBranding’

Papadopoulos, Nicolas, Statia Elliot, and Alessandro De Nisco (2013), "From 'Made-in' to 'Product-Country

Images' and 'Place Branding': A Journey Through Research Time and Space", Mercati e Competitività

(Markets and Competitiveness), 2, 37-57.

Publication Type: Articles in Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Role of Identity and Ethnicity in Nation Branding

El Banna, Alia, and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2013), "The Role of Identity and Ethnicity in Nation Branding",

Special Panel on "Nation Branding and Cultural Diplomacy: An East-West Dialogue" (Convenor: S. Hassan,

George Washington University, Washington, DC), Third Annual Conference of the Middle East and North

Africa (MENA) Chapter of the Academy of International Business (AIB) (Cairo, Egypt, January 12-14)

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business

Studying Place Image: An Interdisciplinary and Holistic Approach

Elliot, Statia, Nicolas Papadopoulos, and Leslie T. Szamosi (2013), "Studying Place Image: An

Interdisciplinary and Holistic Approach", Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality

Research, 24(1), 5-16.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Business Research in the 21st Century: Persistent Problems, PuzzlingParadoxes, and Peachy Prospects

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2013), “International Business Research in the 21st Century: Persistent Problems,

Puzzling Paradoxes, and Peachy Prospects”, Keynote Speech, Sharing Knowledge Along the Canal:

Sprott-Telfer Forum 2013 (Ottawa, ON: April 23)

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business

Measuring and positioning nation brands: A comparative brand personality approach

Rojas-Méndez, José I, Nicolas Papadopoulos, and Steven A. Murphy (2013), “Measuring and Positioning

Nation Brands: A Comparative Brand Personality Approach”, Corporate Reputation Review, 16(1), 48-65.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

‘Italy’ and ‘made-in research’: a marriage made in heaven?

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2012), "'Italy' and 'made-in research': a marriage made in heaven?", in Giuseppe

Bertoli and Riccardo Resciniti, eds., International Marketing and the Country of Origin Effect (Cheltenham,

UK: Edward Elgar Publishing), viii-xiv.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Place of ‘Place’ in International Marketing

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2012), “The Place of ‘Place’ in International Marketing", Research Colloquium, HEC

Montreal (Montréal, QC: November 5, 2012)

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business

Building a Long-Term Program of Research: The Case of Product-Place Images

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2012), “Building a Long-Term Program of Research: The Case of Product-Place

Images”, Research Colloquium, Week of Doctorates in Management in Campania, Università degli Studi di

Napoli ‘Parthenope’ (Complesso Monumentale Villa Doria D’Angri, Napoli, Italy: September 25)

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business

Italia as a brand: A source of competitive advantage?

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2012), panelist in “Italia as a brand: A source of competitive advantage?”, concluding

panel discussion of IX convegno SIM – 9th Congress of the Società Italiana di Marketing (Benevento, Italy:

September 20-21)

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business

Countries, Nations, and Other ‘Places’ in International Marketing

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2012), “Countries, Nations, and Other ‘Places’ in International Marketing”, Keynote

Speech, IX convegno SIM – 9th Congress of the Società Italiana di Marketing (Benevento, Italy: September


Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business

Argentine Consumers’ Perceptions of the U.S. Brand Personality

Rojas-Méndez, José I. and Nicolas Papadopoulos (2012), "Argentine Consumers’ Perceptions of the U.S.

Brand Personality", Latin American Business Review, 13(4), 329-345

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

Place brands and brand-place associations: The role of ‘place’ in internationalmarketing

Papadopoulos, Nicolas, Alia el Banna, Steven A. Murphy, and José I. Rojas-Méndez (2012), “Place brands

and brand-place associations: the role of ‘place’ in international marketing”, in Subhash Jain and David A.

Griffith, eds., Handbook of Research in International Marketing, 2nd ed. (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar

Publishing), Ch. 5, 88-113.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Ethnic Identity’s Relationship to Materialism and Consumer Ethnocentrism: ContrastingConsumers in Developed and Emerging Economies

Cleveland, M., Laroche, M. and N. Papadopoulos (2011), “Ethnic Identity’s Relationship to Materialism and

Consumer Ethnocentrism: Contrasting Consumers in Developed and Emerging Economies”, Journal of

Global Academy of Marketing Science, 21(2), 55-71.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Integrative Model of Place Image: Exploring Relationships Between Destination, Product,and Country Images

Elliott, S., Papadopoulos, N. and S. Seongseop Kim (2011), “An Integrative Model of Place Image: Exploring

Relationships Between Destination, Product, and Country Images”, Journal of Travel Research, 50(5),


Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Identity, Demographics, And Consumer Behaviors: International Market SegmentationAcross Product Categories

Cleveland, M., Papadopoulos, N. and M. Laroche (2011), “Identity, Demographics, And Consumer Behaviors:

International Market Segmentation Across Product Categories”, International Marketing Review, 28(3),


Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Market Selection and Segmentation: Perspectives and Challenges

Papadopoulos, N. and O. Martín Martín (2011), “International Market Selection and

Segmentation: Perspectives and Challenges”, International Marketing Review, 28(2), 132-149.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Marketing

Cateora, P.R., Papadopoulos, N., Gilly, M.C. and  J.L. Graham (2011), "International Marketing", 3rd

Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, ON.

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Of Places and Brands

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Of Places and Brands”, in Andy Pike, ed., Geographies of Brands and Branding

(Cheltenham Glos, UK: Edwar Elgar Publishing), 25-43.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Market Selection and Assessment

Papadopoulos, N., Malhotra, S. and O. Martín Martín (2011), “International Market Selection and

Assessment”, in Timothy J. Wilkinson, ed., International Business in the 21st Century, Vol. I (Westport, CT:

Praeger), Ch. 8, 153-183.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The U.S. Brand Personality Seen Through the Lens of Argentine Consumers

Rojas-Méndez, J. and N. Papadopoulos (2011), “The U.S. Brand Personality Seen Through the Lens of

Argentine Consumers”, Proceedings, Annual Conference of CLADEA – Consejo Latinoamericano de

Escuelas de Administración, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 20-23.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Consumer Animosity: A Comparative Perspective

Papadopoulos, N., Hamzaoui-Essoussi, L. and J. Rojas-Méndez (2011), “Consumer Animosity: A

Comparative Perspective”, in Developments in Marketing Science, vol. XXXIV, Coral Gables, Florida,

Academy of Marketing Science, May 24-27.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Managerial Perspective on Place Images and Place-based Branding

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “A Managerial Perspective on Place Images and Place-based Branding” (abstract),

in M.R. Czinkota and D.A. Griffith, Global Marketing Managers: Addressing Challenges Posed by the

Changing Global Economy, Proceedings, American Marketing Association, Inaugural Conference of the

Global Marketing Special Interest Group, Cancun, Mexico, January 13-16.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case: Pluto International Computers

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Pluto International Computers”, in P.R. Cateora, N. Papadopoulos, M.C. Gilly, and

J. Graham, International Marketing, 3rd Canadian Edition, 584 (Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson), revised

and updated from the previous edition.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case: Canadian Rockport Homes

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Canadian Rockport Homes”, with M. Saunders and CRH, in P.R. Cateora, N.

Papadopoulos, M.C. Gilly, and J. Graham, International Marketing, 3rd Canadian Edition, 604-607 (Whitby,

ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson), revised and updated from the previous edition.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case: Pizza, Oh!

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Pizza, Oh!”, in P.R. Cateora, N. Papadopoulos, M.C. Gilly, and J. Graham,

International Marketing, 3rd Canadian Edition, 612-613 (Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson), revised and

updated from the previous edition.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case: Johnson Equipment, Inc.

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Johnson Equipment, Inc.”, in P.R. Cateora, N. Papadopoulos, M.C. Gilly, and J.

Graham, International Marketing, 3rd Canadian Edition, 622 (Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson), revised and

updated from the previous edition.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case: Det-Tech Limited

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Det-Tech Limited”, in P.R. Cateora, N. Papadopoulos, M.C. Gilly, and J. Graham,

International Marketing, 3rd Canadian Edition, 625-628 (Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson), revised and

updated from the previous edition.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case: Ten Cases on the Macro Side of International Marketing: Challenges and Controversies

Papadopoulos, N. (2011), “Ten Cases on the Macro Side of International Marketing: Challenges and

Controversies”, with S. J. Shapiro, in P.R. Cateora, N. Papadopoulos, M.C. Gilly, and J. Graham,

International Marketing, 3rd Canadian Edition, 628-639 (Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson), revised and

updated from the previous edition.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Toward a Model of the Relationship between Internationalization and Export Performance

Papadopoulos, N. and O. Martín Martín (2010), “Toward a Model of the Relationship between

Internationalization and Export Performance”, International Business Review, 19(4), 388-406.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

Assessing the Cross-National Invariance of Formative Measures: Guidelines for InternationalBusiness Researchers

Diamantopoulos, A. and N. Papadopoulos (2010), “Assessing the Cross-National Invariance of Formative

Measures: Guidelines for International Business Researchers”, Journal of International Business Studies,

41(2), 360-370.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

Contemporary Issues in Brand Research

Christodoulides, G., Veloutsou, C., Jevons, C., de Chernatony, L. and N. Papadopoulos, eds. (2010),

"Contemporary Issues in Brand Research", 305pp, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens,


Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business

Free Zones as Locations for Investment: An Empirical Survey of Zone Tenants

Malhotra, S., Papadopoulos, N. and M. Balakrishnan (2010), “Free Zones as Locations for Investment: An

Empirical Survey of Zone Tenants” (abstract), in Manara: Reigniting Growth, Proceedings, Academy of

International Business, Inaugural Conference of the Middle East – North Africa Chapter, Dubai, UAE,

December 10-12.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

The U.S. Brand Personality: A Sino Perspective

Rojas-Méndez, J.I., Murphy, S.A. and N. Papadopoulos (2010), "The U.S. Brand Personality: A Sino

Perspective”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-12.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Globalization, identity, culture and consumer behavior: a cross-cultural study of Chilean andCanadian consumers

Cleveland, M., J. I. Rojas-Mendez, M. Laroche, and N. Papadopoulos (2010), “Globalization, identity, culture

and consumer behavior: a cross-cultural study of Chilean and Canadian consumers”, AMS Cultural

Perspectives in Marketing Conference, Lille, France, July 21 - 24.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business

The Place of ‘Place’ in (International) Buyer Behaviour

Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2010), “The Place of ‘Place’ in (International) Buyer Behaviour”, International

Marketing Theory Conference, University of Connecticut Centre for International Business Education and

Research (CIBER) (Storrs, CT, June 17-19)

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business

Cosmopolitanism, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Materialism: An Eight-Country Study ofAntecedents and Outcomes

Cleveland, M., Laroche, M. and N. Papadopoulos (2009), “Cosmopolitanism, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and

Materialism: An Eight-Country Study of Antecedents and Outcomes”, Journal of International Marketing,

17(1), 116-146.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business

Design attributions: The role of self-identity, personality and emotion

Murphy, S.A., N. Papadopoulos and A. El Banna (2009), "Design attributions: The role of self-identity,

personality and emotion". Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 3(1), 29-40.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Examining the validity of the country brand personality construct

Murphy, S.A., El-Banna. A., Rojas-Mendez, J., & Papadopoulos, N. (2009), "Examining the validity of the

country brand personality construct". Australia-New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, Melbourne,

Australia, November 30-December 2.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Investigating country branding through advertising content analysis

Rojas-Méndez, José I., S. Weaver, N. Papadopoulos and S. Murphy (2009), “Investigating country branding

through advertising content analysis”, Conference of the Latin American Council of Management Schools

(CLADEA), Guayaquil, Ecuador, November 4-7.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Consumers’ technology readiness in a developing country: the role of demographics andattitudes

Rojas-Méndez, J. I., A. Parasuraman and N. Papadopoulos (2009), “Consumers’ technology readiness in a

developing country: the role of demographics and attitudes”, World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway, July


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Investigating tourism branding through video content analysis

Rojas-Mendez, J.I., Weaver, S., Papadopoulos, N., & Murphy, S.A. (2009), "Investigating tourism branding

through video content analysis".  ASAC Conference Proceedings, Niagara Falls, ON, June 6-9.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Identity, Demographics, and Consumption: A Study of Segmentation Variables across EightCountries and Nine Product Categories

Cleveland, M., M. Laroche, N. Papadopoulos, J. Beracs, S. Elliot, A. Hallberg, J. Rojas-Mendez, R.S.

Mendes, L. Szamosi and B. Verma (2009), "Identity, Demographics, and Consumption: A Study of

Segmentation Variables across Eight Countries and Nine Product Categories". Administrative Sciences

Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 6-9.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Design attributions: The role of self-identity, personality and emotion

Murphy, S.A., Papadopoulos, N., & El-Banna, A. (2009), "Design attributions: The role of self-identity,

personality and emotion". Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Berlin,

Germany, February.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Subcultural effects of product origins: an investigation into consumer ethnicity and productnationality

Elliot, S., N. Papadopoulos, M. Laroche and J. I. Rojas- Méndez (2008), "Subcultural effects of product

origins: an investigation into consumer ethnicity and product nationality”, 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton,

United Kingdom, May 27 -30.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Free Trade Zones as Global Institutions: A Multi-country Case Study Analysis

Malhotra, S., N. Papadopoulos and M. Balakrishnan (2008), "Free Trade Zones as Global Institutions: A

Multi-country Case Study Analysis". Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, June

30 - July 3.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

A Comparative Analysis of Investment Climate at Free Trade Zones and Host CountryMainland

Malhotra, S. and N. Papadopoulos (2008), "A Comparative Analysis of Investment Climate at Free Trade

Zones and Host Country Mainland". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, International Business

Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 24-27.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Subcultural effects of product origins: an investigation into consumer ethnicity and productnationality

Elliot, S., N. Papadopoulos, M. Laroche and J.I. Rojas- Méndez (2008), "Subcultural effects of product

origins: an investigation into consumer ethnicity and product nationality". 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton,

United Kingdom, May 27-30.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

An Integrated Model of Place Image

Elliot, S., N. Papadopoulos and S.S. Kim (2008), "An Integrated Model of Place Image". Travel and Tourism

Research Association International Conference, Europe Chapter, Helsinki, Finland, April 23-24.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

An Integrated Schema of Place Image for the U.S.

Elliot, S., N. Papadopoulos and C. Chen (2008), "An Integrated Schema of Place Image for the U.S.". Travel

and Tourism Research Association International Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 15-17.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Combining qualitative and quantitative research methodologies: Lessons from thepositioning literature (Abstract).

Butt, I., N. Papadopoulos and S.A. Murphy (2008), "Combining qualitative and quantitative research

methodologies: Lessons from the positioning literature (Abstract).". The COMSTATS International

Conference on Management, Lahore, Pakistan, January.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Case: Ten Cases on the Macro Side of International Marketing: Challenges and Controversies

Papadopoulos, N. and S.J. Shapiro (2008), Case: Ten Cases on the Macro Side of International Marketing:

Challenges and Controversies. International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson .

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Case: Pluto International Computers

Papadopoulos, N. (2008), Case: Pluto International Computers. International Marketing, 2nd Canadian

Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 562-563.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Case: Pizza, Oh!

Papadopoulos, N. (2008), Case: Pizza, Oh!. International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill

Ryerson 589-590.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Case: Johnson Equipment, Inc

Papadopoulos, N. (2008), Case: Johnson Equipment, Inc. International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition,

McGraw-Hill Ryerson 599.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Case: Det-Tech Limited

Papadopoulos, N. (2008), Case: Det-Tech Limited. International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition,

McGraw-Hill Ryerson 602-605.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Case: Canadian Rockport Homes

Papadopoulos, N. (2008), Case: Canadian Rockport Homes. International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition,

McGraw-Hill Ryerson 583-587.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Marketing in Dynamic Environments: Contemporary Research Advances

Veloutsou, C., and N. Papadopoulos (2008), Marketing in Dynamic Environments: Contemporary Research

Advances. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. (Editors)

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: Marketing

International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition

Cateora, P.R., J.L. Graham and N. Papadopoulos (2008), International Marketing, 2nd Canadian Edition.

Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 636 pp.

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Ethnic Identity, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Materialism: An International Exploration ofConvergence and Divergence

Cleveland, M., N. Papadopoulos, M. Laroche, J. Berács, A. Hallberg, S. Elliott, J. I. Rojas-Mendéz, R.

Solano, L. T. Szamosi and B. Verma (2007), "Ethnic Identity, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Materialism:  An

International Exploration of Convergence and Divergence", in Irene Lu, ed., Proceedings of the Administrative

Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division (Ottawa, Canada: June 2-5)

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

The Product Content of Country Image

Papadopoulos, N. and S. Elliot (2007), "The Product Content of Country Image". 36th Annual Conference,

European Marketing Academy, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 22-25.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Country Image Effects on Consumers’ Product- and Travel-related Beliefs and Behavior

Papadopoulos, N. and S. Elliot (2007), "Country Image Effects on Consumers’ Product- and Travel-related

Beliefs and Behavior". Developments in Marketing Science, Coral Gables, Florida, May 23-26.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

What ‘Made-in’ Images Are Made of: An In-depth Examination of the Content BehindProduct-Country Evaluations

Papadopoulos, N. (2007), "What ‘Made-in’ Images Are Made of: An In-depth Examination of the Content

Behind Product-Country Evaluations". Developments in Marketing Science, Coral Gables, Florida, May


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

The role of affect in the development of positioning strategy and judgements

Murphy, S.A., I. Butt and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "The role of affect in the development of positioning

strategy and judgements". ASAC Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, Ontario, June.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

The Role of Behavioural Activation and Inhibition in Advertising Appeals

Murphy, S.A. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "The Role of Behavioural Activation and Inhibition in Advertising

Appeals". Proceedings of the Australia-New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, Dunedin, New

Zealand, December.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Special Economic Zones: Their Role in an Aggregate Marketing System and an In-DepthAnalysis of Chinese Special Economic Zones

Malhotra, S., N. Papadopoulos, and L. Huang (2007), "Special Economic Zones: Their Role in an Aggregate

Marketing System and an In-Depth Analysis of Chinese Special Economic Zones". Proceedings, 2nd IIMA

Conference on Research in Marketing, Ahmedabad, India: Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad,

January 3-5.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

International Market Selection: An Integrative Review of Empirical Studies

Malhotra, S. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "International Market Selection: An Integrative Review of Empirical

Studies". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, International Business Division, Ottawa, Ontario,

June 2-5.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Free Trade Zones: Concept and an International Business Perspective

Malhotra, S. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "Free Trade Zones: Concept and an International Business

Perspective". Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, July 2-5.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

A Model of International Destination and International Product Relationships

Elliot, S. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "A Model of International Destination and International Product

Relationships". 36th Annual Conference, European Marketing Academy, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 22-25.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Ethnic Identity, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Materialism: An International Exploration ofConvergence and Divergence

Cleveland, M., N. Papadopoulos, M. Laroche, J. Berács, A. Hallberg, S. Elliott, J.I. Rojas-Mendéz, R. Solano,

L.T. Szamosi, and B. Verma (2007), "Ethnic Identity, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Materialism: An

International Exploration of Convergence and Divergence". I. Lu (ed.), Proceedings of the Administrative

Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Ottawa, Canada, June 2-5. (Last seven authors in

alphabetical order).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Development of Positioning as a Research Stream: A Critical Assessment of Impedimentsand a Look Forward

Butt, I., N. Papadopoulos and S.A. Murphy (2007), "Development of Positioning as a Research Stream: A

Critical Assessment of Impediments and a Look Forward". Proceedings of the Australia-New Zealand

Marketing Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, December.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Methodological Developments in Positioning: A Content Analysis

Butt, I. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "Methodological Developments in Positioning: A Content Analysis".

Proceedings, AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, San Diego, CA: American Marketing

Association, February 16-19.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing

Export Processing Zones in Development and International Marketing: An Integrative Reviewand Research Agenda

Papadopoulos, N. and S. Malhotra (2007), "Export Processing Zones in Development and International

Marketing: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda". Journal of Macromarketing, 27(2), 148-161.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: Marketing

A New Spirit for the New Age

Papadopoulos, N. (2007), A New Spirit for the New Age. Marketing Strategy, Nelson Thomson . (Case

updated and substantively re-written based on their equivalents in Cases in Canadian Marketing).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Human Organ Transplants: In You to Donate?

Papadopoulos, N. (2007), Human Organ Transplants: In You to Donate?. Marketing Strategy, Nelson

Thomson . (Case updated and substantively re-written based on their equivalents in Cases in Canadian


Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing, Public Policy

AutoPlus Ltd.

Papadopoulos, N. (2007), AutoPlus Ltd.. Marketing Strategy, Nelson Thomson . (Case updated and

substantively re-written based on their equivalents in Cases in Canadian Marketing).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

The Workabout

Papadopoulos, N. (2007), The Workabout. Marketing Strategy, Nelson Thomson . (Case updated and

substantively re-written based on their equivalents in Cases in Canadian Marketing).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

A Cross-Cultural and Cross-National Perspective on Product-Country Images

Papadopoulos, N. and I. Butt (2007), "A Cross-Cultural and Cross-National Perspective on Product-Country

Images". Al-Sulaiti, K. and M.J. Baker (eds.), The Effect of Country of Origin on Consumer Behavior, Qatar:

Institute for Administrative Development, 231-278.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

The Role of National Cultural Distance on Country Image-based Product Evaluations

Nes, E.B. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "The Role of National Cultural Distance on Country Image-based

Product Evaluations". Al-Sulaiti, K. and M.J. Baker (eds.), The Effect of Country of Origin on Consumer

Behavior, Qatar: Institute for Administrative Development, 281-299.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Internationalization and Performance: Evidence From Spanish Firms

Martín, O.M. and N. Papadopoulos (2007), "Internationalization and Performance: Evidence From Spanish

Firms". Larimo, J. (ed.), Contemporary Euromarketing: Entry and Operational Decision Making, Binghampton,

NY: International Business Press, 87-103.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

The Use of Affect in Positioning: Lessons for Theory and Practice

Murphy, S.A., I. Butt, and N. Papadopoulos (2006), "The Use of Affect in Positioning: Lessons for Theory and

Practice". Proceedings, Australia-New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, Brisbane, Australia,

December, 7p.. (CD-Rom).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing, Organizational Behaviour and HRM

Toward a Comprehensive Place Brand: Expanding the Measurement of Tourism DestinationImage

Elliot, S.E., and N. Papadopoulos (2006), "Toward a Comprehensive Place Brand: Expanding the

Measurement of Tourism Destination Image". Proceedings, Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism

Research Association (Canada Chapter), Montebello, QC, October 15-17.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Other

Materialism, Consumer Ethnocentrism, And Cosmopolitanism: An Eight-CountryInvestigation

Cleveland, M., M. Laroche, and N. Papadopoulos (2006), "Materialism, Consumer Ethnocentrism, And

Cosmopolitanism: An Eight-Country Investigation". Proceedings, 2006 Cultural Perspectives on Marketing

Conference, Seoul, S. Korea: Academy of Marketing Science, July. (Abstract Only).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Role of Free Trade Zones in a Global Marketing System: A Content Analysis

Cabezas-Navas, N., S. Malhotra and N. Papadopoulos (2006), "The Role of Free Trade Zones in a Global

Marketing System: A Content Analysis". 5th International Conference: Global Arena - Challenge of the

’Morrow, Delhi, India, December 28-30.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Place Image and Place Branding: What the Data Tells Us

Papadopoulos, N. and I. Butt (2006), "Place Image and Place Branding: What the Data Tells Us". Budapest

Management Review, XXXVII(7-8), 74-87.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Internationalization and Performance: Evidence From Spanish Firms

Martin, O.M. and N. Papadopoulos (2006), "Internationalization and Performance: Evidence From Spanish

Firms". Journal of Euromarketing, 16(1/2), 87-103.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Public Policy

A Taste of Marketing in the Postmodern Era

Papadopoulos, N. and C. Veloutsou (2006), "A Taste of Marketing in the Postmodern Era". N. Papadopoulos

and C. Veloutsou (eds.), Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead, Athens, Greece:

Athens Institute for Education and Research, 1-9.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: Marketing

A Bi-directional Comparison of Consumer Views of Countries and Their Products

Papadopoulos, N. (2006), "A Bi-directional Comparison of Consumer Views of Countries and Their Products".

N. Papadopoulos and C. Veloutsou (eds.), Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead,

Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 235-248.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Promise and the Challenge of Tourism Research

Papadopoulos, N. (2006), "The Promise and the Challenge of Tourism Research". N. Papadopoulos (ed.),

Contemporary Issues in Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges, Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for

Education and Research, 1-13.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Other, Public Policy

Product-Country Image and Tourism Destination Image: An Integrative Review, Implications,and Agenda for Research

Elliot, S.E., and N. Papadopoulos (2006), "'Product-Country Image' and 'Tourism Destination Image': An

Integrative Review, Implications, and Agenda for Research". N. Papadopoulos (ed.), Contemporary Issues in

Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges, Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 63-79.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead

Papadopoulos, N. and C. Veloutsou (2006), Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead.

Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 400 pp.. (Editors).

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: Marketing

Contemporary Issues in Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges

Papadopoulos, N. (2006), Contemporary Issues in Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges. Athens, Greece:

Athens Institute for Education and Research, 230 pp. (Editor).

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Other, Public Policy

Conceptualizing a Process Model for Market Orientation: An Integrative Literature-BasedApproach

Szamosi, L., N. Papadopoulos, and A. Socic (2005), "Conceptualizing a Process Model for Market

Orientation: An Integrative Literature-Based Approach". 9th International Conference, Society of Marketing

and Development, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 8-11.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing, Organizational Behaviour and HRM

Research and Development Investment Expenditures in Canada’s Natural Resources


Persaud, A.J., U. Kumar, and V. Kumar (2005), "Research and Development Investment Expenditures in

Canada's Natural Resources Sector". Proceedings, Technology and Innovation Management Division,

Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto, May.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Innovation, Strategy and Policy, Technology

The Role of Export Processing Zones in Development and International Marketing Strategy:Review of Key Issues and Suggestions for Research

Papadopoulos, N. and S. Malhotra (2005), "The Role of Export Processing Zones in Development and

International Marketing Strategy: Review of Key Issues and Suggestions for Research". 9th International

Conference, Society of Marketing and Development, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 8-11. (Best Paper Award).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

U.S. Foreign Trade Zones in International Marketing Strategy: Review, Analysis, andSuggestions for Research

Papadopoulos, N. and S. Malhotra (2005), "U.S. Foreign Trade Zones in International Marketing Strategy:

Review, Analysis, and Suggestions for Research". Annual Conference of the European International

Business Academy, Oslo, Norway, December 10-13.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

The Use of Structural Modeling in International Marketing: A Review and Analysis

Papadopoulos, N. and I. Butt (2005), "The Use of Structural Modeling in International Marketing: A Review

and Analysis". Managing in Turbulent Times, 33rd Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences

Association of Canada, International Business Division, Toronto, ON, May 28-31.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Research Methods

International Market Selection: An Analysis of the Selection Criteria Used by Firms

Martin, O. and N. Papadopoulos (2005), "International Market Selection: An Analysis of the Selection Criteria

Used by Firms". Proceedings, 34th Annual Conference, European Marketing Academy, Milano, Italy, May


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Internationalization Process of Spanish Firms and their Performance

Martín, O. and N. Papadopoulos (2005), "The Internationalization Process of Spanish Firms and their

Performance". Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, Oslo, Norway,

December 10-13.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A comparative Analysis of Tourism Destination Image and Product-Country Image

Elliot, S.E. and N. Papadopoulos (2005), "A comparative Analysis of Tourism Destination Image and

Product-Country Image". Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (Canada

Chapter), Kelowna, B.C., November 2.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Influence of Country Image Structure on Consumer Evaluations of Foreign Products

Laroche, M., N. Papadopoulos, L.A. Heslop, and M. Mourali (2005), "The Influence of Country Image

Structure on Consumer Evaluations of Foreign Products". International Marketing Review, 22(1), 96-115.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Place Branding and International Brand Orchestration in the Age of the Brand State:Implications for Business, Government, and Research

Papadopoulos, N. (2005), "Place Branding and International Brand Orchestration in the Age of the Brand

State: Implications for Business, Government, and Research". Invited Research Seminar, SDA Bocconi,

Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May 24.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Place Image Effects A review of research and implications

Papadopoulos, N. (2005), "Place Image Effects A review of research and implications". Canadian Tourism

Commission, Montréal, April 19.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Brands, Firms, and Places in a Big Wide World: The Need ro Rethink International Businessfrom the Ground Up

Papadopoulos, N. (2005), "Brands, Firms, and Places in a Big Wide World: The Need ro Rethink International

Business from the Ground Up". Invited Research Seminar, John Molson School of Business, Concordia

University, Montréal, April 22. (Royal Bank Distinguished Visiting Speaker).

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Think Globally, Research Locally: The Case of Place Branding in International Research

Papadopoulos, N. (2005), "Think Globally, Research Locally: The Case of Place Branding in International

Research". Market Research and Intelligence Association, Ottawa Chapter, Ottawa, April 28.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Research Methods

Greece and the World: A Bi-directional Comparison of Consumer Views of Countries andTheir Products

Papadopoulos, N., G. Avlonitis, and V. Stathakopoulos (2005), "Greece and the World: A Bi-directional

Comparison of Consumer Views of Countries and Their Products". 3rd International Confernce in Business,

Management, Marketing, and Economics, Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research,

June 16-18.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Free Trade Zones and Export Processing Zones as Instruments for International Strategy:Review, Typology, and Suggestions for Research

Papadopoulos, N., and S. Malhotra (2005), "Free Trade Zones and Export Processing Zones as Instruments

for International Strategy: Review, Typology, and Suggestions for Research". Local Roots, Global Links, 2005

Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Quebec, QC, July 9-12. (poster session).

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Nation Branding: The Need for Research

Papadopoulos, N. (2005), "Nation Branding: The Need for Research". Special Panel on country branding

(Convenor: E. Jaffe, Bar-Ilan Univ., Tel Aviv, Israel), Annual Conference of the European International

Business Academy, Oslo, Norway, December 10-13.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

‘Product-Country Image’ and ‘Tourism Destination Image’: AnIntegrative Review, Implications, and Agenda for Research

Elliot, S. and N. Papadopoulos (2005), "'Product-Country Image' and 'Tourism Destination Image': An

Integrative Review, Implications, and Agenda for Research". International Conference on Tourism, Athens,

Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, July 7-9.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Rise of Country Branding: Implications for Business in Developed and DevelopingCountries

Papadopoulos, N. (2005), "The Rise of Country Branding: Implications for Business in Developed and

Developing Countries". Jozsef Beràcs, ed., New Frontiers in Marketing Strategy: Brand Value and Business

Success, Budapest, Hungary: Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, 1-5.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Place Branding and Place Equity and Marketing in a Multicultural World

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Place Branding and Place Equity and Marketing in a Multicultural World". V.

Cantu, M.K. Hsu, and M. Leach, eds., Proceedings of the 2004 Cultural Perspectives on Marketing

Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Puebla, Mexico, September 22-24, 34. (Invited keynote

presentation (listed in "Honours"), abstract only).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Wooing Partners: Who Wants to Be in an FTA Agreement?

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, J.I. Rojas-Mendez, R. Solano Mendez, and J. Baillargeon (2004), "Wooing

Partners: Who Wants to Be in an FTA Agreement?". H. Spotts (ed.), Developments in Marketing Science,

Vancouver, BC, Vol XXVII, (Academy of Marketing Science) May 26-29, 271-274.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Place Branding: Evolution, Meaning, and Implications

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Place Branding: Evolution, Meaning, and Implications". Place Branding, 1(1),

36-49. (Lead article in inaugural issue).

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Who Controls the Purse Strings: A Study of Consumers’ and Retail Buyers’Reactions in an Americas FTA Environment

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, M. Dowdles, M. Wall, and D. Compeau (2004), "Who Controls the Purse

Strings: A Study of Consumers' and Retail Buyers' Reactions in an Americas FTA Environment". Journal of

Business Research, 57(10), 1177-1188. (Online 2002).

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Branding and Product-Country Images: Reflections from a Long-term Program ofResearch

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Country Branding and Product-Country Images: Reflections from a Long-term

Program of Research". Research Seminar, University of Vienna, Department of International Marketing,

Vienna, Austria, May 4.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Research Methods

Product-Country Images, Ethnicity, Ethnocentrism, and Country Branding

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Product-Country Images, Ethnicity, Ethnocentrism, and Country Branding".

Research Seminar, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Marketing Committee, Budapest, Hungary, May 5.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Marketing: What Really Matters

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "International Marketing: What Really Matters". Indian Merchants' Chamber,

Mumbai, India, October 19.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Developing and Managing Research Projects and Long-Term Research Programs

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Developing and Managing Research Projects and Long-Term Research

Programs". Research Seminar to academics in Mumbai area, Kohinoor Business School (Sprott School

affiliate), Mumbai, India, October 18.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Research Methods

The Age of the Brand State: Implications for Business, Government, and Research

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "The Age of the Brand State: Implications for Business, Government, and

Research". Invited Research Seminar, Écoles des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Montréal, QC,

November 26.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Canada’s Branding Problematique: Opportunities and Challenges

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Canada's Branding Problematique: Opportunities and Challenges".

Federal-Provincial International Branding Working Group, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON,

November 29.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Integrated Branding for Successful Country Marketing

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Integrated Branding for Successful Country Marketing". Federal-Provincial Market

Development Council, Working Group Meeting, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Victoria, BC, January


Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Branding and Canada’s Image

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Country Branding and Canada's Image". Federal-Provincial Market Development

Council, Working Group Meeting, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Victoria, BC, January 26-27.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Advances in International Market Selection: Review and Research Agenda

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Advances in International Market Selection: Review and Research Agenda".

Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Special Panel International Market Selection and

Segmentation, Vancouver, BC, May 26-29

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Image, Country/Place Equity, and International Brand Architecture

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "Country Image, Country/Place Equity, and International Brand Architecture".

Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Special Panel Advances in Global Marketing,

Vancouver, BC, May 26-29.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Rise of Country Branding: Implications for Business in Developed and DevelopingCountries

Papadopoulos, N. (2004), "The Rise of Country Branding: Implications for Business in Developed and

Developing Countries". Brand Value and Business Success, Third New Frontiers in Marketing Strategy

Conference, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, Budapest, Hungary, May

6. (Invited lead presentation).

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Understanding Buyer Behaviour: A Benchmarking Study of Japanese Consumers

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (2004), Understanding Buyer Behaviour: A Benchmarking Study of

Japanese Consumers. International Markets Bureau, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Ottawa, ON, March,

68 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Benchmarking Study: Development, Analysis, and Strategy for CountryBranding of Canadian Agri-Food Products in Mexico

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (2004), International Benchmarking Study: Development, Analysis, and

Strategy for Country Branding of Canadian Agri-Food Products in Mexico. International Markets Bureau,

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Ottawa, ON, January, 113

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Toward a Model of Consumer Receptivity of Foreign and Domestic Products

Villanueva, L. and N. Papadopoulos (2003), "Toward a Model of Consumer Receptivity of Foreign and

Domestic Products". Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 15(3), 101-126.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Effects of Subcultural Differences on Country and Product Evaluations

Laroche, M., N. Papadopoulos, L.A. Heslop, and J. Bergeron (2003), "Effects of Subcultural Differences on

Country and Product Evaluations". Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2(3), 232-247.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Reconciling Public and Private Sector Needs in Country Branding

Papadopoulos, N. (2003), "Reconciling Public and Private Sector Needs in Country Branding". Best Practices

Seminar on Country Branding, Team Canada Inc., Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,

Ottawa, ON, December 1.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Branding Canada: An Overview

Papadopoulos, N. (2003), "Branding Canada: An Overview". Best Practices Seminar on Country Branding,

Team Canada Inc., Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa, ON, December 1.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Branding Canada’s Education

Papadopoulos, N. (2003), "Branding Canada's Education". International Education: Leading at the Pace of

Change, 7th Annual International Education Conference, Canadian Education Centre Network, Winnipeg,

MB, November 24.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

‘Made in Greece’: Greece and the Challenge of the New Global Competition

Papadopoulos, N. (2003), "'Made in Greece': Greece and the Challenge of the New Global Competition".

Invited Keynote Address, Marketing in the New Global Reality, Second Symposium of the Hellenic Academy

of Marketing, Athens, Greece, April 17-18.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Equity and the Image of Canada and Canadian Products

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (2003), Country Equity and the Image of Canada and Canadian Products.

International Markets Bureau, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Ottawa, ON, March, 198 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Understanding Buyer Behaviour: A Foundation for Benchmarking InternationalBuyers’ Response to Marketing of Canad?an Agri-Food Products

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Equity and Product-Country Images: State-of-the-Art in Research and Implications

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (2003), "Country Equity and Product-Country Images: State-of-the-Art in

Research and Implications". Subhash C. Jain, ed., Handbook of Research in International Marketing, New

York, NY: Edwar Elgar Publishing, 402-433.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Intra- and Inter-National Consumer Perceptions of Countries and Their Products: The Case ofSpain

Hernandez, M., N. Papadopoulos, and J.M. Mugica (2002), "Intra- and Inter-National Consumer Perceptions

of Countries and Their Products: The Case of Spain". Proceedings, Multicultural Marketing Conference,

Academy of Marketing Science, Valencia, Spain.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Toward a Tradeoff Model for International Market Selection

Papadopoulos, N., H. Chen, and D.R. Thomas (2002), "Toward a Tradeoff Model for International Market

Selection". International Business Review, 11(April), 165-192.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Equity and Country Branding: Problems and Prospects

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (2002), "Country Equity and Country Branding: Problems and Prospects".

Journal of Brand Management, 9(4-5), 294-314.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Researching the Japanese Consumer for the Pilot Branding Canada Program in Japan

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (2002), Researching the Japanese Consumer for the Pilot Branding

Canada Program in Japan. International Markets Bureau, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Ottawa, ON,

September, 89 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Evaluation of a Proposed Benchmarking Study for Branding Canadian Agri-food Products

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (2002), Evaluation of a Proposed Benchmarking Study for Branding

Canadian Agri-food Products. International Markets Bureau, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Ottawa, ON,

April, 52 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Place Marketing: Countries as Brands

Papadopoulos, N. (2002), "Place Marketing: Countries as Brands". M. Warner, Chief Editor, International

Encyclopedia of Business and Management, London, UK: Thomson Learning. Online,

http://www.iebm-online.com, 2nd edition.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Mexican Consumer Perceptions of NAFTA Countries and Their Products

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, R. Solano, and G. Ramirez (2001), "Mexican Consumer Perceptions of

NAFTA Countries and Their Products". 6th International Conference, Decision Sciences Institute, Chihuahua,

Mexico. (abstract only).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Modeling Consumer Views of AFTA Countries and Their Products

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, M. Wall, and M. Dowdles (2001), "Modeling Consumer Views of AFTA

Countries and Their Products". Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing

Division, London, ON.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Inventory and Taxonomy of Research on Product-Country Images: The State of the Art

Papadopoulos, N. (2001), "Inventory and Taxonomy of Research on Product-Country Images: The State of

the Art". Conference on the State of the Art of Research in International Marketing, Centre for International

Business, Education, and Research, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, October 19-21.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Review, Analysis, and Consolidation of Research on the Business Image of Canada AmongInvestors and Others Abroad

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (2001), A Review, Analysis, and Consolidation of Research on the

Business Image of Canada Among Investors and Others Abroad. Branding Secretariat, Industry Canada;

Ottawa, ON, March, 96 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Product Perceptions in a Free Trade Context: A Before-After U.S.-Canada Comparison

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, R. Schlee, and G. Hampton (2000), "Product Perceptions in a Free Trade

Context: A Before-After U.S.-Canada Comparison". Proceedings, Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing

Science, Montréal, QC, 234-244.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

‘Made in Canada, Eh?’ A Cross-National and Longitudinal Study of ConsumerViews on the Competitiveness of Canadian Products

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and IKON Research Group (2000), "'Made in Canada, Eh?' A Cross-National

and Longitudinal Study of Consumer Views on the Competitiveness of Canadian Products". R. Graves (Ed.),

Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Montréal, QC, Vol. 21,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Une étude comparative et longitudinale sur l’image des produits français en France età l’étranger

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and F. Graby (2000), "Une étude comparative et longitudinale sur l'image

des produits français en France et à l'étranger". 16e Congrès International, Association Française du

Marketing, Montréal, QC, 681-695.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Big Wide World: Positioning for More EffectiveInteractions with Investors and Buyers Abroad

Papadopoulos, N. (2000), "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Big Wide World: Positioning for More

Effective Interactions with Investors and Buyers Abroad". Y. Bakouros (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Policies in the European Periphery. A Research Agenda, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece. (abstract


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Looking ‘In’ - Looking ‘Out’: Product-Country Images In and Byan Advanced Developing Country

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, and T.S. Chan (2000), "Looking 'In' - Looking 'Out': Product-Country Images

In and By an Advanced Developing Country". Proceedings, Multicultural Marketing Conference, Academy of

Marketing Science, Hong Kong, (CD). (Best Paper Award in International Marketing).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Evidence of Home Country Bias in Evaluations of Products: A 15-Country Study

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, and IKON Research Group (2000), "Evidence of Home Country Bias in

Evaluations of Products: A 15-Country Study". Proceedings, European Marketing Academy, Rotterdam, NL,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Exploratory Study on the Role of Familiarity in Product Evaluations

Beracs, J., T. Gyulavàri, L.A. Heslop, and N. Papadopoulos (2000), "An Exploratory Study on the Role of

Familiarity in Product Evaluations". Proceedings, European Marketing Academy, Rotterdam, NL, (CD).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Cross-National and Longitudinal Study of Product-Country Images with a Focus on theU.S. and Japan

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and IKON Research Group (2000), "A Cross-National and Longitudinal Study

of Product-Country Images with a Focus on the U.S. and Japan". Marketing Science Institute Reports, no.


Publication Type: Articles in Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Countries as Brands: Canadian Products Abroad

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (2000), "Countries as Brands: Canadian Products Abroad". Ivey Business

Journal, Nov/Dec, 30-36

Publication Type: Articles in Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Comparison of Consumer and Retail Buyers Country-Product Images in an ExpandingNAFTA Setting

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, M. Dowdles, M. Wall, J.P. Liefeld, and D. Compeau (2000), "A Comparison

of Consumer and Retail Buyers Country-Product Images in an Expanding NAFTA Setting". The Third Retail

Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar, Society for Marketing Advances, Orlando, FL,

November 8-9.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Industry Development Initiatives by the Canadian and Foreign Governments for theInformation and Communication Technologies Sector

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and A. Ramirez (2000), Industry Development Initiatives by the Canadian

and Foreign Governments for the Information and Communication Technologies Sector. Information and

Communications Technologies Branch, Industry Canada; Ottawa, ON, October, 500 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Consumer Perceptions of NAFTA Countries and Their Products

Ramirez, G., R. Solano, N. Papadopoulos, and L.A. Heslop (1999), "Consumer Perceptions of NAFTA

Countries and Their Products". 5th International Conference, Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece,

Vol. I , 848-849. (abstract only).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Investing in Emerging vs. Established Economies: An International Comparative Study ofInvestor Views

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and K. Kalligatsi (1999), "Investing in Emerging vs. Established Economies:

An International Comparative Study of Investor Views". International Conference on Business & Investment in

the Balkan and Western-CIS Economies, University of London and Delta Forum, Athens, Greece, 25-26.

(abstract only).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Inventory and Analysis of Canadian Research and Scholarship in Exporting and InternationalMarketing

Papadopoulos, N. and P.J. Rosson (1999), "Inventory and Analysis of Canadian Research and Scholarship in

Exporting and International Marketing". Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 16(2), 77-94.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Developing a Program of Research: Lessons from 15 years of Product-Country ImageStudies

Papadopoulos, N. (1999), "Developing a Program of Research: Lessons from 15 years of Product-Country

Image Studies". HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales), Archimede Invited Speaker Series,

Montréal, QC, March.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Research Methods

Competitive Positions of Countries as Seen by Consumers: Research Overview andPreliminary Results from a Cross-National and Longitudinal Study

Papadopoulos, N. (1999), "Competitive Positions of Countries as Seen by Consumers: Research Overview

and Preliminary Results from a Cross-National and Longitudinal Study". Faculty of Administration, University

of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, December.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

National Stereotyping and Product Evaluations: An Empirical Investigation of Consumers ina Socialist Country

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and J. Beracs (1999), "National Stereotyping and Product Evaluations: An

Empirical Investigation of Consumers in a Socialist Country". J. Beràcs and A. Chikàn, eds., Managing

Business in Hungary: An International Perspective, 29-48. (Reprinted from International Marketing Review,

7(1), 32-47).

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Product-country Images

Papadopoulos, N. (1999), "Product-country Images". M. Baker, ed.,, The Encyclopedia of Marketing, London,

UK: International Thomson Business Press, 2nd edition, 719-731.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Canadian Consumers’ Views of NAFTA and NAFTA Wanna-Be’s

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, M. Wall, J.P. Liefeld, and M. Dowdles (1998), "Canadian Consumers' Views

of NAFTA and NAFTA Wanna-Be's". J. Madill (Ed.), Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of

Canada, Marketing Division, Saskatoon, SK, Vol. 19, 47-58.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Inter-Regional and Inter-Cultural Perspective on Subcultural Differences in ProductEvaluations

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, and M. Bourk (1998), "An Inter-Regional and Inter-Cultural Perspective on

Subcultural Differences in Product Evaluations". Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15(2),


Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Technology as a Growth Engine for Ottawa-Carleton: Issues and Prospects

Papadopoulos, N. (1998), "Technology as a Growth Engine for Ottawa-Carleton: Issues and Prospects".

'Connections' Workshop, Faculty of Public Affairs and Management and Regional Municipality of

Ottawa-Carleton, Ottawa, ON, April.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Technology

Strategic Directions for Technology Centre Development: The View of Investors

Papadopoulos, N. (1998), "Strategic Directions for Technology Centre Development: The View of Investors".

Canada's Technology, Triangle - City of Cambridge, Cambridge, ON, November.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Technology

Building a World-scale High Technology Centre: Optimizing the Potential of Ottawa-Carleton

Papadopoulos, N. (1998), "Building a World-scale High Technology Centre: Optimizing the Potential of

Ottawa-Carleton". Ontario Professional Planners Institute, Ottawa, ON, October.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Technology

Extending Product-Country Image Research Beyond the Traditional Domain: Place Images inInvestment Decisions

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (1998), "Extending Product-Country Image Research Beyond the

Traditional Domain: Place Images in Investment Decisions". Multicultural Marketing Conference, Academy of

Marketing Science, Montréal, QC, September 17-20

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Modelling Country-Product Image Interactions

Papadopoulos, N. (1998), "Modelling Country-Product Image Interactions". Summer Educators Conference,

American Marketing Association, Boston, MA, August.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Extending Product-Country Image Research: Images in Product and Investment Decisions

Papadopoulos, N. (1998), "Extending Product-Country Image Research: Images in Product and Investment

Decisions". Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Norfolk, VA, May.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Retail Buyer and Consumer Perceptions of NAFTA Countries and their Products

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, M. Wall, and J.P. Liefeld (1998), "Retail Buyer and Consumer Perceptions of

NAFTA Countries and their Products". Multicultural Marketing Conference, Academy of Marketing Science,

Montréal, QC, September 17-20.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Reality Check: Carleton’s New Competitive Position, Report on Carleton UniversityImage and Advertising Awareness Study

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (1998), Reality Check: Carleton's New Competitive Position, Report on

Carleton University Image and Advertising Awareness Study. Carleton University ; Ottawa, ON, September,

86 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Education, Marketing

Cross Cultural Comparison of Consumer Information Processing Styles

Wall, M., J.P. Liefeld, and L.A. Heslop (1997), "Cross Cultural Comparison of Consumer Information

Processing Styles". Kahle, Lynn, ed., Proceedings, 6th Symposium on Cross Cultural Consumer and

Business Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December, 316-321.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Investment Climate in Canada: Foreign Investor Experiences and Perceptions

Papadopoulos, N., V.M. Jog, L.A. Heslop, and R. D'Souza (1997), "The Investment Climate in Canada:

Foreign Investor Experiences and Perceptions". S. Preece & P. Woodcock (Eds.), Proceedings,

Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, International Business Division, St. John's, NF, Vol. 18,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Analysis of Foreign Product Evaluations in the Context of the Emerging Economies ofEastern Europe

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and L.T. Szamosi (1997), "An Analysis of Foreign Product Evaluations in the

Context of the Emerging Economies of Eastern Europe". H. MacKenzie (Ed.), Proceedings, Administrative

Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, St. John's, NF, Vol. 18, 22-32.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

‘Czech Made’ or Check Mate? An Assessment of the Competitiveness of EastEuropean Products

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and L.T. Szamosi (1997), "'Czech Made' or Check Mate? An Assessment of

the Competitiveness of East European Products". V. Wong & V. Shaw (Eds.), Marketing: Progress,

Prospects, Perspectives, European Marketing Academy, Coventry, U.K., 993-1012.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Meaning of Product-Country Images: Methodological and Applied Perspectives

Papadopoulos, N. (1997), "The Meaning of Product-Country Images: Methodological and Applied

Perspectives". Universidad Publica de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, May.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Research Methods

Research on Product-Country Images: Review and Future Directions

Papadopoulos, N. (1997), "Research on Product-Country Images: Review and Future Directions". Concordia

University, Department of Marketing, Montréal, QC, November.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing Strategy

Papadopoulos, N. (1997), "Marketing Strategy". Ottawa-Carleton Regional Police Service, Ottawa, ON, June.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Developing a Long-Term Program of Research

Papadopoulos, N. (1997), "Developing a Long-Term Program of Research". Bar-Ilan University, School of

Business Administration Speaker Series, Tel Aviv, Israel, May.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Research Methods

Competitive Profile of a World City: Ottawa-Carleton Compared to Leading TechnologyCentres in North America

Papadopoulos, N. (1997), Competitive Profile of a World City: Ottawa-Carleton Compared to Leading

Technology Centres in North America. IKON Research Group and Ottawa-Carleton Board of Trade; Ottawa,

ON, 40 pp. (Also pub. as summary report, 20 pp.).

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Imagining University: Factors and Influences in Students’ University SelectionDecisions, Report on Carleton University Image and Advertising Awareness Study

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (1997), Imagining University: Factors and Influences in Students'

University Selection Decisions, Report on Carleton University Image and Advertising Awareness Study.

Carleton University ; Ottawa, ON, July, 95 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Education, Marketing

Exploring Subcultural Influences on Product Images

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, and M. Bourk (1996), "Exploring Subcultural Influences on Product Images".

P.K. Choudhury (Ed.), Multicultural Marketing Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Virginia Beach,

VA, 190-205.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Images and Perceptions of Products ‘Made In’ Eastern Europe: theView from Australia

Mort, G., R. Ettenson, L.A. Heslop, N. Papadopoulos, and L.T. Szamosi (1996), "Country Images and

Perceptions of Products 'Made In' Eastern Europe: the View from Australia". Asian Journal of Marketing, 5(2),


Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Dutch Consumer Use of Intrinsic, Country-of-Origin, and Price Cues in Product Evaluationand Choice

Liefeld, J.P., L.A. Heslop, N. Papadopoulos, and M. Wall (1996), "Dutch Consumer Use of Intrinsic,

Country-of-Origin, and Price Cues in Product Evaluation and Choice". Journal of International Consumer

Marketing, 9(1), 57-81.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Inventory of Canadian Contributions to Exporting - Inventaire Canadien des Contributions

sur l’Exportation, 2nd Edition

Papadopoulos, N. and P.J. Rosson (1996), Inventory of Canadian Contributions to Exporting - Inventaire

Canadien des Contributions sur l'Exportation, 2nd Edition. International Business Study Group, Carleton

University; ; Occasional Paper Series No. 8-96; Ottawa, ON, September, 188 pp. (Also pub. in e-format as

ICCE v.2.0 for Windows.).

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Product-Country Images: Selected Papers from a Decade of Research collection of reprintedpapers by the authors on the title theme

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (ed.) (1996), Product-Country Images: Selected Papers from a Decade of

Research collection of reprinted papers by the authors on the title theme. International Business Study

Group, Carleton University, IBSG Occasional Paper Series 7-96; Ottawa, ON, 550 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case ‘Treats International ‘

Papadopoulos, N. (1996), Case 'Treats International '. International Marketing Seminar Manual, Industry

Canada 18 pp. (plus teaching note). (In English and French; updated and reprinted from earlier editions).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Technology

Case ‘DetTech Inc.’

Papadopoulos, N. (1996), Case 'DetTech Inc.'. International Marketing Seminar Manual, Industry Canada 7

pp. (plus teaching note). (In English and French; updated and reprinted from earlier editions).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Technology

Case ‘BryTech Inc.’

Papadopoulos, N. (1996), Case 'BryTech Inc.'. International Marketing Seminar Manual, Industry Canada 13

pp. (plus teaching note). (In English and French; updated and reprinted from earlier editions).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Technology

A Comparison of Australian and Canadian Consumer Evaluations of the Products andCountries of Eastern Europe

Szamosi, L.T., L.A. Heslop, N. Papadopoulos, G. Mort, and R. Ettenson (1995), "A Comparison of Australian

and Canadian Consumer Evaluations of the Products and Countries of Eastern Europe". P. Chandler, K.

Grant, and I. Walker (Eds.), Proceedings, Seventh Bi-Annual World Marketing Congress, Academy of

Marketing Science, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 2, 135-141.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Foreign Direct Investment in Canada: Investor Perceptions and Attitudes

Papadopoulos, N., V.M. Jog, and L.A. Heslop (1995), "Foreign Direct Investment in Canada: Investor

Perceptions and Attitudes". Investment Canada and Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada,

Ottawa, ON, January.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Australian Consumers’ Nation Images and Perceptions of ‘Made-in’Eastern European Countries

Mort, G., R. Ettenson, N. Papadopoulos, and L.A. Heslop (1995), "Australian Consumers' Nation Images and

Perceptions of 'Made-in' Eastern European Countries". Second Conference on the Cultural Dimension of

International Marketing, Odense, Denmark, May.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Report on the Study of Demand for the Carp Farmers Market

Papadopoulos, N. (1995), Report on the Study of Demand for the Carp Farmers Market. Carp Farmers

Market Board; Ottawa, ON, March, 54 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Marketing

An International Comparative Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Toward Canada and CanadianProducts

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and G. Bamossy (1994), "An International Comparative Analysis of

Consumer Attitudes Toward Canada and Canadian Products". Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,

11(3), 224-239. (Nominated for Best Paper in CJAS1994 (indicates 'best marketing paper')).

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Restructuring the Business School Innovation in Management Education: Curricula,Pedagogy, Technology, and Experience

Papadopoulos, N. (1994), "Restructuring the Business School Innovation in Management Education:

Curricula, Pedagogy, Technology, and Experience". Canadian Federation of Deans of Management and

Administrative Sciences, Halifax, NS, June.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Education

Re-Engineering Business Education for the 1990s and Beyond

Papadopoulos, N. (1994), "Re-Engineering Business Education for the 1990s and Beyond". Ontario Student

Counselors Association, Ottawa, ON, November.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Education

Case ‘Trivia en Europe’

Papadopoulos, N. (1994), Case 'Trivia en Europe'. Central de Cas, Ecole HEC, Montréal, QC 3 pp. (plus

teaching note). (In French).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Book review of ‘Global Perspectives on Advertising Self-Regulation: Principles andPractices in Thirty-eight Countries’, by J.J. Boddewyn (Westport, CT: Quorum Press,1992)

Papadopoulos, N. (1994), "Book review of 'Global Perspectives on Advertising Self-Regulation: Principles

and Practices in Thirty-eight Countries', by J.J. Boddewyn (Westport, CT: Quorum Press, 1992)". Journal of

Global Marketing, 8(1), 129-132.

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing: An Executive Primer (3rd ed.)

Papadopoulos, N. (1994), Marketing: An Executive Primer (3rd ed.). Ottawa, ON: International Business

Study Group, Carleton University, and Industry Canada, 65 pp. (Also pub. in French, Marketing: Un Guide de


Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: Marketing

National Image Correlates of Product Stereotypes: A Study of Attitudes Towards EastEuropean Countries

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and D. Bennett (1993), "National Image Correlates of Product Stereotypes: A

Study of Attitudes Towards East European Countries". F.v. Raaj & G. Bamossy (Eds.), European Advances

in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, Amsterdam, NL, 206-213.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Cultural Differences in Consumer Orientation to Made-In Labels and Perceptions of theQuality of Products Made in Different Countries

Liefeld, J.P., M. Wall, L.A. Heslop, and N. Papadopoulos (1993), "Cultural Differences in Consumer

Orientation to Made-In Labels and Perceptions of the Quality of Products Made in Different Countries".

Proceedings, Fourth Symposium on Cross Cultural Consumer and Business Studies, Society of Consumer

Psychology, Association for Consumer Research, and Academy of International Business - Pacific Basin

Region, Honolulu, Hawaii, 241-246.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country and Product Perceptions: Measurement Scales and Image Interactions

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, and G. Bamossy (1993), "Country and Product Perceptions: Measurement

Scales and Image Interactions". F.v. Raaj & G. Bamossy (Eds.), European Advances in Consumer Research,

Association for Consumer Research, Amsterdam, NL, 198-205.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Experimental Study of the Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues and ConsumerCharacteristics on Product Evaluations and Choice

Heslop, L.A., J.P. Liefeld, M. Wall, and N. Papadopoulos (1993), "An Experimental Study of the Effects of

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues and Consumer Characteristics on Product Evaluations and Choice". Proceedings,

Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Lake Louise, AB, Vol. 14, 113-122.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Canada’s High Tech Problem: Does Anyone Believe Us?

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (1993), "Canada's High Tech Problem: Does Anyone Believe Us?".

Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, International Business Division, Lake Louise,

AB, Vol. 14, 100-109.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Technology

Country and Product Images Held by U.S. Consumers Toward Russia, Poland,Czechoslovakia, and Hungary: Implications for East-West Trade

Ettenson, R., N. Papadopoulos, L.A. Heslop, and G. Mort (1993), "Country and Product Images Held by U.S.

Consumers Toward Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary: Implications for East-West Trade".

Second World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, Turku, Finland,


Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Target Countries for Export

Papadopoulos, N. and D. Jansen (1993), Target Countries for Export. Industry, Science, and Technology

Canada; Ottawa, ON, 13 pp. (Also in French, Pays Cibles pour l'Exportation; reprinted in Dimensions of

International Business, IBSG, Carleton University, 11, 31-52.).

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Country Characteristics and Attractiveness for Export: Deciding International DistributionArrangements

Papadopoulos, N. (1993), Country Characteristics and Attractiveness for Export: Deciding International

Distribution Arrangements. Industry, Science, and Technology Canada; Ottawa, ON, 89 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

What Product and Country Images Are and Are Not

Papadopoulos, N. (1993), "What Product and Country Images Are and Are Not". N. Papadopoulos and L.A.

Heslop, eds., Product-Country Images: Role and Implications for International Marketing, Binghampton, NY:

The Haworth Press, 1-38.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

But Who Knows Where or When’: Reflections on the Images of Countries and TheirProducts

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (1993), "'But Who Knows Where or When': Reflections on the Images of

Countries and Their Products". N. Papadopoulos and L.A. Heslop, eds., Product-Country Images: Role and

Implications for International Marketing, Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 39-75.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Product-Country Images: Role and Implications for International Marketing

Papadopoulos, N. and L. A. Heslop (ed.) (1993), Product-Country Images: Role and Implications for

International Marketing. Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 479 pp.

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Trade Blocs and Marketing: Antecedents, Trends, and Implications

Papadopoulos, N. (1992), "Trade Blocs and Marketing: Antecedents, Trends, and Implications". Journal of

Global Marketing, 5(3), 1-29.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Business in the Era of Trading Blocs

Papadopoulos, N. (1990), "Business in the Era of Trading Blocs". Administrative Sciences Association of

Canada, International Business Division, Whistler, BC, June.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Inventory of Canadian Contributions to Exporting - Inventaire Canadien des Contributionssur l’Exportation, 1st Edition

Papadopoulos, N. and J.E. Denis (1991), Inventory of Canadian Contributions to Exporting - Inventaire

Canadien des Contributions sur l'Exportation, 1st Edition. International Business Study Group, Carleton

University; Occasional Paper Series No. 6-91; Ottawa, ON, January, 127 pp. (Also pub. in e-format as ICCE

v.1.0 for DOS.).

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

“Domestic and International Marketing of Canadian Cultural Products: SomeQuestions and Directions for Research

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and J.J. Marshall (1990), "Domestic and International Marketing of Canadian

Cultural Products: Some Questions and Directions for Research". J. Liefeld (Ed.), Proceedings,

Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Whistler, BC, Vol. 11, 266-275.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

National Stereotyping and Product Evaluations: An Empirical Investigation of Consumers ina Socialist Country

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and J. Beracs (1990), "National Stereotyping and Product Evaluations: An

Empirical Investigation of Consumers in a Socialist Country". International Marketing Review, 7(1), 32-47.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Comparative Analysis of Domestic Versus Imported Products

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and G. Bamossy (1990), "A Comparative Analysis of Domestic Versus

Imported Products". International Journal of Research in Marketing, 7(4), 283-294.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Researching Product & Country Images: Overview of a Cross-National Study

Papadopoulos, N. (1990), "Researching Product & Country Images: Overview of a Cross-National Study".

Department of Marketing Colloquia Series, Baruch College, New York, NY, May.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Establishing a Level Playing Field: Marketing in Non-Profit Organizations

Papadopoulos, N. (1990), "Establishing a Level Playing Field: Marketing in Non-Profit Organizations". Invited

Plenary Speaker, Conference of United Way/Centraide Canada, Toronto, ON, February.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Underlying Dimensions in Consumer Attitudes Towards Foreign and Domestic Products

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (1990), "Underlying Dimensions in Consumer Attitudes Towards Foreign

and Domestic Products". Academy of International Business, Toronto, ON, October.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Preliminary Typology and Understanding of the Role of Trading Blocs in InternationalBusiness

Papadopoulos, N. (1990), "A Preliminary Typology and Understanding of the Role of Trading Blocs in

International Business". Academy of International Business, Toronto, ON, October.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Assessing Opportunities in the United States Market for Canadian Cultural Products

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and J.J. Marshall (1990), Assessing Opportunities in the United States

Market for Canadian Cultural Products. International Business Study Group, Carleton University, IBSG

Occasional Paper Series no. 5b-90; Ottawa, ON, January, 101 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Marketing in Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary

Beracs, J. and N. Papadopoulos (1990), "Marketing in Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary". V. Kirpalani,

ed., International Business Handbook, Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 267-312.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Re-solving problems of the past (on marketing education in Greece)

Papadopoulos, N. (1990), "Re-solving problems of the past (on marketing education in Greece)". Ekonomikos

Tachidromos / Financial Post, Athens, Greece, May 3, 44-45. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Education, Marketing

Implications of the Single European Act for Canadian Business

Papadopoulos, N. (1990), "Implications of the Single European Act for Canadian Business". J.G.H. Halstead,

H.J. Michelmann, and P. Soldatos, (eds.), Doing Business with Europe in a Changing World, Canadian

Council for European Affairs, Toronto, ON, 37-47.

Publication Type: Papers in Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

As Others See Us: The Image of Canadian Products Abroad

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (1989), "As Others See Us: The Image of Canadian Products Abroad".

Canadian Business Review, 16(4), 27-31.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

International Marketing Research

Papadopoulos, N. (1989), "International Marketing Research". Professional Marketing Research Society,

Ottawa Chapter, Ottawa, ON, May.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Research Methods

Marketing in the Era of Trading Blocs

Papadopoulos, N. and G. Bamossy (1989), "Marketing in the Era of Trading Blocs". Corporate Culture in

International Marketing Management, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management and

Marketing Science Institute, Brussels, Belgium, June.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Strategic Marketing Approach at Ikarus

Beracs, J., A. Gross, A. Kezdi, and N. Papadopoulos (1989), "Strategic Marketing Approach at Ikarus".

Workshop on Successful Industrial Product Marketing, International Management Centre, Budapest,

Hungary, December.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Comparative Image Analysis of Domestic Versus Imported Products

Bamossy, G. and N. Papadopoulos (1989), "A Comparative Image Analysis of Domestic Versus Imported

Products". Corporate Culture in International Marketing Management, European Institute for Advanced

Studies in Management and Marketing Science Institute, Brussels, Belgium, June.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Book review of ‘Business Strategies and Free Trade: Focus on CorporateAdjustment’, by M. Farrow and A. Rugman, eds. (Toronto, ON: C.D. Howe Institute,1988)

Papadopoulos, N. (1989), "Book review of 'Business Strategies and Free Trade: Focus on Corporate

Adjustment', by M. Farrow and A. Rugman, eds. (Toronto, ON: C.D. Howe Institute, 1988)". Canadian Public

Policy, XV (3), 349-250.

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

National Capital Chapter Builds Momentum

Papadopoulos, N. (1989), "National Capital Chapter Builds Momentum". Amalgamation, Chicago, IL:

American Marketing Association, March, 2-3.

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Marketing

A Longitudinal Perspective on Consumer Outshopping

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and G. Phillips (1988), "A Longitudinal Perspective on Consumer

Outshopping". T. Barker (Ed.), Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing

Division, Halifax, NS, Vol. 9, 58-67.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Strategic Implications of Product and Country Images: A Modelling Approach

Papadopoulos, N., J.J. Marshall, and L.A. Heslop (1988), "Strategic Implications of Product and Country

Images: A Modelling Approach". Proceedings, Marketing Productivity, 41st Research Congress, European

Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, Lisbon, Portugal, SS/69-90.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

East Meets West: A Country of Origin Analysis of Western Products by Hungarian and DutchConsumers

Bamossy, G., J. Beracs, L.A. Heslop, and N. Papadopoulos (1988), "East Meets West: A Country of Origin

Analysis of Western Products by Hungarian and Dutch Consumers". Proceedings, Second International

Marketing Development Conference, Association for Consumer Research, Budapest, Hungary, 149-152.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Inventory, Taxonomy and Assessment of Methods for International Market Selection

Papadopoulos, N. and J-E Denis (1988), "Inventory, Taxonomy and Assessment of Methods for International

Market Selection". International Marketing Review, 5(3), 38-51.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Cross-National Comparison of Consumer Attitudes About U.S. and Japanese Products

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (1988), "Cross-National Comparison of Consumer Attitudes About U.S.

and Japanese Products". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Halifax, NS,


Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Comparison of Views of the United States and Japan

Heslop, L.A. and N. Papadopoulos (1988), "A Comparison of Views of the United States and Japan".

Mini-Conference on International Marketing, Marketing Science Institute, International Advisory Group,

Cambridge, MA, January.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing in Canada

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and J.J. Marshall (1988), Marketing in Canada. British Overseas Trade

Board; Occasional Paper Series; London, U.K., 25 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Feasibility of a Monitoring System to Measure Consumer Readiness to Adopt R-2000 Homes

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, and J.J. Marshall (1988), Feasibility of a Monitoring System to Measure

Consumer Readiness to Adopt R-2000 Homes. Ottawa, ON: Department of Energy, Mines and Resources;

Ottawa, ON, 40 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Marketing, Public Policy

Case ‘Eastern Ontario Berry Growers Association’

Papadopoulos, N., and J.J. Marshall (1988), Case 'Eastern Ontario Berry Growers Association'. Cases in

Canadian Marketing, First Canadian Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 59-65.

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘Trivia Goes to Europe’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'Trivia Goes to Europe'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian

Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 195-197 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Case ‘The Workabout’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'The Workabout'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian Edition, John

Wiley and Sons Canada 71-76 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘The Spirit of the Times’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'The Spirit of the Times'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian

Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 135-141 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘The Organ Transplant Centre’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'The Organ Transplant Centre'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First

Canadian Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 203-206 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing, Public Policy

Case ‘The Canadian Human Rights Commission’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'The Canadian Human Rights Commission'. Cases in Canadian Marketing,

First Canadian Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 155-168 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘Rodolfo’s Kids West Inc’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'Rodolfo's Kids West Inc'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian

Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 53-58 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘Resort Municipality of Whistler’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'Resort Municipality of Whistler'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First

Canadian Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 7-12 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘AutoPlus Ltd.’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'AutoPlus Ltd.'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian Edition, John

Wiley and Sons Canada 85-92 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘Apple Orchards Ltd.’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'Apple Orchards Ltd.'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian Edition,

John Wiley and Sons Canada 191-194 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘Analyzing the Beer Market’

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), Case 'Analyzing the Beer Market'. Cases in Canadian Marketing, First Canadian

Edition, John Wiley and Sons Canada 67-70 (plus teaching note).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

The Marketing Era Cometh

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), "The Marketing Era Cometh". Ottawa Business News, July 1, 20, 23.

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Marketing

The Influence of Seller and Buyer Behaviour on Canada’s Foreign Trade andInvestment Flows

Papadopoulos, N. (1988), "The Influence of Seller and Buyer Behaviour on Canada's Foreign Trade and

Investment Flows". J.G.H. Halstead, H.J. Michelmann, and P. Soldatos, (eds.), Doing Business with Europe:

Canadian Trade with the European Community in a Changing World Economy, Canadian Scholars' Press,

Toronto, ON:, 73-78.

Publication Type: Papers in Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing


Papadopoulos, N., W. Zikmund, and M. D' Amico (1988), Marketing. Toronto, ON: John Wiley & Sons

Canada, 923 pp.

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: Marketing

Cases in Canadian Marketing

Papadopoulos, N. (ed.) (1988), Cases in Canadian Marketing. Toronto, ON: John Wiley & Sons Canada, 200


Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: Marketing

Made in Canada, Eh? A Cross-National View of Canadian Products

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, G. Avlonitis, G. Bamossy, J. Beracs, F. Bliemel, F. Graby, G. Hampton, and

P. Malliaris (1987), "Made in Canada, Eh? A Cross-National View of Canadian Products". R.E. Turner (Ed.),

Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Toronto, ON, Vol. 8,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Managerial Implications from the Changing Organizational Culture in Eastern SocialistCountries

Papadopoulos, N. and J. Beracs (1987), "Managerial Implications from the Changing Organizational Culture

in Eastern Socialist Countries". G. Westacott (Ed.), Managing in a Global Context, Proceedings, 2nd

International Conference, Eastern Academy of Management, Athens, Greece, 180-185.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Attitudes des Consommateurs A L’Egard de Produits D’Origines Differentes:Une Etude Transnationale

Papadopoulos, N. and F. Graby (1987), "Attitudes des Consommateurs A L'Egard de Produits D'Origines

Differentes: Une Etude Transnationale". Proceedings, Colloque de l'AFM, Association Française du

Marketing, Jouy-en-Josas, France, 21-30.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Cross-National Study of Consumer Views About Domestic vs. Imported Products

Heslop, L.A., N. Papadopoulos, G. Avlonitis, G. Bamossy, J. Beracs, F. Bliemel, F. Graby, G. Hampton, and

P. Malliaris (1987), "A Cross-National Study of Consumer Views About Domestic vs. Imported Products". P.

Leifleng & R. Heeler (Eds.), Contemporary Research in Marketing, European Marketing Academy, Toronto,

ON, K39-K58.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Assessment of Reliability for Product Evaluation Scales Used in Country of OriginResearch

Bamossy, G. and N. Papadopoulos (1987), "An Assessment of Reliability for Product Evaluation Scales Used

in Country of Origin Research". K.D. Bahn & M.J. Sirgy (Eds.), Proceedings, Third World Marketing

Congress, Academy of Marketing Science, Barcelona, Spain, 135-142.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Nationality Stereotyping and Shifting Perceptions: Methodological Issues in theMeasurement of the Country of Origin Construct

Bamossy, G. and N. Papadopoulos (1987), "Nationality Stereotyping and Shifting Perceptions:

Methodological Issues in the Measurement of the Country of Origin Construct". P. Leifleng and R. Heeler

(Eds.), Contemporary Research in Marketing, European Marketing Academy, Toronto, ON, K59-K70.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Does Country-of-Origin Matter? Some Findings from a Cross-Cultural Study of ConsumerViews About Foreign Products

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, G. Avlonitis, and F. Graby (1987), "Does Country-of-Origin Matter? Some

Findings from a Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Views About Foreign Products". Marketing Science

Institute Reports, paper no. 87-104.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Toward a Normative Model for International Market Selection by SMEs

Papadopoulos, N. (1987), "Toward a Normative Model for International Market Selection by SMEs". Gestion

2000, 6, 21-43.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Role of Free Zones in International Strategy

Papadopoulos, N. (1987), "The Role of Free Zones in International Strategy". European Management

Journal, 5(2), 112-120.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing in an International Economy

Papadopoulos, N. (1987), "Marketing in an International Economy". Commonwealth Conference for Young

Leaders, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, September.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Greece in the Global Market Environment

Papadopoulos, N. (1987), "Greece in the Global Market Environment". Parnassos Cultural Society, Ottawa,

ON, March.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

The Need for New Products

Papadopoulos, N. (1987), "The Need for New Products". Invited Keynote Speaker, Third Annual Conference

of the Hellenic Institute of Marketing, Athens, Greece, February.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Educating the Business Student: A Developmental Psychology Perspective

Weber, W. and N. Papadopoulos (1987), "Educating the Business Student: A Developmental Psychology

Perspective". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Organizational Behaviour Division, Toronto,

ON, June.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: Education, Management

The Future of Management Education: Solutions in Search of a Problem

Papadopoulos, N. and W. Weber (1987), "The Future of Management Education: Solutions in Search of a

Problem". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Organizational Behaviour Division, Toronto, ON,


Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: Education, Management

Approaches to International Market Selection for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Papadopoulos, N. (1987), "Approaches to International Market Selection for Small and Medium Sized

Enterprises". P.J. Rosson and S. Reid, eds., Managing Export Entry and Expansion: Concepts and Practice,

New York, NY: Praeger, 128-158.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Cross-National View of Consumer Predispositions Toward Products from ForeignCountries

Papadopoulos, N., L.A. Heslop, F. Graby, and G. Avlonitis (1986), "A Cross-National View of Consumer

Predispositions Toward Products from Foreign Countries". Anticipation and Decision Making: The Need for

Information, Proceedings, 39th Research Congress, European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research,

Monte Carlo, 91-117.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Travel as a Correlate of Product and Country Images

Papadopoulos, N. and L.A. Heslop (1986), "Travel as a Correlate of Product and Country Images". T. Muller

(Ed.), Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Whistler, BC, Vol. 7,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Attitudinal and Behavioural Comparison of ‘Full Service’ vs. ‘SelfService’ Consumers

Papadopoulos, N. and J.J. Marshall (1986), "An Attitudinal and Behavioural Comparison of 'Full Service' vs.

'Self Service' Consumers". T. Muller (Ed.), Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada,

Marketing Division, Whistler, BC, Vol. 7, 49-58.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Book review of ‘Just Business: New Introductory Essays in Business Ethics’,by T. Regan, ed. (New York, N.Y.: Random House, 1984)

Papadopoulos, N. (1986), "Book review of 'Just Business: New Introductory Essays in Business Ethics', by T.

Regan, ed. (New York, N.Y.: Random House, 1984)". Journal of Business Ethics, April, 118f. (7 pp.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Management, Marketing

National Performance in International Markets: Questions for Public Policy and BusinessStrategy

Papadopoulos, N. (1986), "National Performance in International Markets: Questions for Public Policy and

Business Strategy". M.F. Bradley and N. Papadopoulos, (eds.), Proceedings, Workshop on International

Marketing Strategy, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium, 1-18.

Publication Type: Papers in Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Development and Organization of a Cross-National Study: The Country-of-Origin Effect

Papadopoulos, N. (1986), "Development and Organization of a Cross-National Study: The Country-of-Origin

Effect". M.F. Bradley and N. Papadopoulos, (eds.), Proceedings, Workshop on International Marketing

Strategy, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium, 42-56.

Publication Type: Papers in Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Research Methods

Canada and the European Community: An Uncomfortable Partnership?

Papadopoulos, N. (1986), Canada and the European Community: An Uncomfortable Partnership?. Montréal,

QC: Institute for Research on Public Policy, "Essays in International Economics" series, 123 pp.

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Proceedings, Workshop on International Marketing Strategy

Bradley, M.F. and N. Papadopoulos (ed.) (1986), Proceedings, Workshop on International Marketing

Strategy. Brussels, Belgium: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, 193 pp.

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Extending the Geographic Scope of Research to Eastern European Shortage Economies

Papadopoulos, N. and J. Beracs (1985), "Extending the Geographic Scope of Research to Eastern European

Shortage Economies". Broadening the Uses of Research, Proceedings, 38th Research Congress, European

Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1-21.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

A Marketing Perspective on the Present Status and Future Role of Free Trade Zones

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), "A Marketing Perspective on the Present Status and Future Role of Free Trade

Zones". S. Shaw, L. Sparks & E. Kaynak (Eds.), Marketing in the 1990s and Beyond, Second World

Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science and Marketing Education Group, Stirling, U.K., 115-126.

(Outstanding Paper Award).

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

An Overview and Evaluation of Free Trade Zones

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), "An Overview and Evaluation of Free Trade Zones". R. Andiappan and J. Cattaneo

(Eds.), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, International Business Division, Montréal, QC, Vol. 6,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The Free Trade Zone as a Strategic Element in International Business

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), "The Free Trade Zone as a Strategic Element in International Business". Canadian

Business Review, 12(1), 51-55.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

New Product Development

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), "New Product Development". Organosi/Organization, 18, 18-22. (In Greek;

reprinted from 'New Product Development', Athens, Greece, Hellenic Organization for SMEs, 1984).

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: Marketing

Health Care Marketing in Canada

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), "Health Care Marketing in Canada". Health Management Forum, Winter, 26-39.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: Marketing

Health Care Marketing in Canada

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), "Health Care Marketing in Canada". National Conference, Canadian College of

Health Service Executives, Ottawa, ON, June.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Ottawa Airport Privatization Study

Kirk, F. (Jr.), G.H. Haines (Jr.), C. Hobbs, J. Sharp, and N. Papadopoulos (1985), Ottawa Airport Privatization

Study. Ottawa-Carleton Economic Development Corporation; Ottawa, ON, 69 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Marketing

Case ‘Triad Ltd.: A Case on Demand Forecasting’

Papadopoulos, N. (1985), Case 'Triad Ltd.: A Case on Demand Forecasting'. Marketing Management:

Analysis, Planning and Control, Scarborough, ON: Prentice-Hall Canada; 5th Canadian ed. 780-784 (plus

teaching note). (Reprinted from 4th Canadian ed., 1983, pp 712-717).

Publication Type: Teaching Aids

Area of Research: Marketing

Trade and Investment Issues Between Canada and the European Community

Papadopoulos, N. and D. Cray (1984), "Trade and Investment Issues Between Canada and the European

Community". Proceedings, European Marketing Academy, Breukelen, NL, 994-1012.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Exchange and the Marketing Concept: Conflicts and Promise

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "Exchange and the Marketing Concept: Conflicts and Promise". Proceedings,

European Marketing Academy, Breukelen, NL, 132-150.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing

Product Life Cycle & New Product Development

Papadopoulos, N. and P. Malliaris (1984), "Product Life Cycle & New Product Development". Invited Plenary

Presentation, Symposium on Design and Development of New Products for SMEs, Hellenic Organization for

SMEs, Athens, Greece, March.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

International Marketing: Developments, Problems, and Prospects

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "International Marketing: Developments, Problems, and Prospects". Colloquia

Series, Athens School of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, May.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Introductory Concepts in New Product Development

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "Introductory Concepts in New Product Development". Invited Plenary Speaker,

Symposium on Design and Development of New Products for SMEs, Hellenic Organization for SMEs,

Athens, Greece, March.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Intermarket Patronage: Issues and Problems

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "Intermarket Patronage: Issues and Problems". Workshop on Consumer

Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Amsterdam, NL, April.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: Marketing

The Evolution of the Community: Perspectives of the Member States - Comments onSouthern Europe

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "The Evolution of the Community: Perspectives of the Member States - Comments

on Southern Europe". The European Communities and Their External Environment in the Eighties, Canadian

Council for European Affairs and Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,


Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Corporate Marketing Planning

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), Corporate Marketing Planning. Hellenic Productivity Center; Athens, Greece, 41

pp. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Marketing

The Role of New Products in Economic Development

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "The Role of New Products in Economic Development". Ekonomikos Tachidromos

/ Financial Post, Athens, Greece, April 19, 73-74. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Marketing

International Marketing and Greek Exports

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "International Marketing and Greek Exports". Ekonomikos Tachidromos / Financial

Post, Athens, Greece, January 5, 73-76. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Advances in the Theory and Practice of the New Product Development Process

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "Advances in the Theory and Practice of the New Product Development Process".

Marketing Newsletter, Athens, Greece, February, 12-15. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Marketing

Introductory Concepts in New Product Development

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), "Introductory Concepts in New Product Development". Symposium on Design and

Development of New Products for SMEs, Hellenic Organization for SMEs, Athens, Greece, March, 14 pp. (In


Publication Type: Papers in Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing

New Product Development

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), New Product Development. Athens, Greece: Management Briefings Series,

Vivliothiki Galaios, 92 pp. (In Greek.)

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: Innovation, Marketing

Competitive Strategy

Papadopoulos, N. (1984), Competitive Strategy. Athens, Greece: Management Briefings Series, Vivliothiki

Galaios, 64 pp. (In Greek.)

Publication Type: Books

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Consumer Outshopping Research in Canada

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Consumer Outshopping Research in Canada". J. Forbes (Ed.), Proceedings,

Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Vancouver, BC, 288-297.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing

What Marketing Strategy for the European Community?

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "What Marketing Strategy for the European Community?". Canadian Business

Review, 10(3), 21-25.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Shortage Marketing: A Comprehensive Framework

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Shortage Marketing: A Comprehensive Framework". Journal of the Academy of

Marketing Science, 11(2), 40-59.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Problems in the Internationalization of Business

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Problems in the Internationalization of Business". International Marketing

Seminar, Hellenic Management Society, Athens, Greece, November.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing in Non-Profit Organizrtions

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Marketing in Non-Profit Organizrtions". Contemporary Management Problems in

Public Corporations, Hellenic Power Corporation, Athens, Greece, November.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Marketing Strategiai Hianyok Eseten

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Marketing Strategiai Hianyok Eseten". Magyar Kereskedelmi Kamara, Budapest,

Hungary, 60-79. (In Hungarian; translated and reprinted from 'Strategic Marketing in Times of Shortages', in

Fitting Research to Turbulent Times, 35th ESOMAR Congress, Vienna, 1982).

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Assessing New Product Opportunities in International Markets

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Assessing New Product Opportunities in International Markets". New Product

Development, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, 69-88.

Publication Type: Book Chapters

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

World Product Mandating

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "World Product Mandating". Marketing Newsletter, Athens, Greece, December,

2-3. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Branding: A Major Marketing Problem for High-Tech Manufacturers

Papadopoulos, N. (1983), "Branding: A Major Marketing Problem for High-Tech Manufacturers". Marketing

Newsletter, Athens, Greece, December, 7-8. (In Greek.).

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Marketing, Technology

The European Economic Community as a Potential Market for Canadian Goods

Papadopoulos, N. (1982), "The European Economic Community as a Potential Market for Canadian Goods".

M. Laroche (Ed.), Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, Ottawa,

ON, Vol. 3, 219-228.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Strategic Marketing in Times of Shortages

Papadopoulos, N. (1982), "Strategic Marketing in Times of Shortages". Fitting Research to Turbulent Times,

Proceedings, 35th Research Congress, European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, Vienna,

Austria, 165-185.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

The European Economic Community: One Market, Ten Markets - or Twelve?

Papadopoulos, N. (1982), "The European Economic Community: One Market, Ten Markets - or Twelve?". V.

Kothari (Ed.), Developments in Marketing Science, Academy of Marketing Science, Las Vegas, NV, Vol. 5,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Marketing in the Service Industry

Papadopoulos, N. (1982), "Marketing in the Service Industry". Canadian Food Service Executives

Association, Ottawa, ON, November.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Internationalizing Canadian Business: Problems and Opportunities in the EuropeanEconomic Community

Papadopoulos, N. (1982), Internationalizing Canadian Business: Problems and Opportunities in the European

Economic Community. The Associates' Workshop in Business Research, University of Western Ontario;

London, ON, January, 285 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Social Responsibilities of Marketing

Papadopoulos, N. (1981), "Social Responsibilities of Marketing". 11th Annual Executive Marketing Seminar,

Hellenic Productivity Centre, Athens, Greece, June.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Marketing Applications

Papadopoulos, N. (1981), "Marketing Applications". 11th Annual Executive Marketing Seminar, Hellenic

Productivity Centre, Athens, Greece, June.

Publication Type: Invited Speakers

Area of Research: Marketing

Marketing in Times of Shortages

Papadopoulos, N. (1981), "Marketing in Times of Shortages". Spring Conference, Associates' Workshop in

Business Research, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, May.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Canada and the EEC

Papadopoulos, N. (1981), "Canada and the EEC". Spring Conference, Associates' Workshop in Business

Research, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, May.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing, Public Policy

Identifying Marketing Opportunities in the EEC

Papadopoulos, N. (1981), "Identifying Marketing Opportunities in the EEC". Fall Conference, Associates'

Workshop in Business Research, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, October.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Consumer Outshopping

Papadopoulos, N. (1981), "Consumer Outshopping". Fall Conference, Associates' Workshop in Business

Research, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, October.

Publication Type: Presentations at Conferences

Area of Research: Marketing

Consumer Outshopping Research: Review and Extension

Papadopoulos, N. (1980), "Consumer Outshopping Research: Review and Extension". Journal of Retailing,

56 (Winter), 41-58.

Publication Type: Articles in Refereed Journals

Area of Research: Marketing

A Study of the Working Environment at Thunder Bay Airport

Papadopoulos, N. and R.B. Gallupe (1979), A Study of the Working Environment at Thunder Bay Airport.

Transport Canada; Monograph no. 43; Thunder Bay, ON, May, 123 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Organizational Behaviour and HRM

Consumer Product Strategy

Papadopoulos, N. (1979), Consumer Product Strategy. Hellenic Productivity Center; Athens, Greece, 34 pp.

(In Greek.).

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Marketing

University Education in the 1980s: A Marketing Framework for Analysis

Papadopoulos, N. (1978), "University Education in the 1980s: A Marketing Framework for Analysis". J.M.

Boisvert & R. Savitt (Eds.), New Trends in Canadian Marketing, Proceedings, Administrative Sciences

Association of Canada, Marketing Division, London, ON, 212-220.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Education, Marketing

Retail Leakage: A Study of Consumer Outshopping in the Canadian Context

Papadopoulos, N. and J. McCutcheon (1978), Retail Leakage: A Study of Consumer Outshopping in the

Canadian Context. Lakehead University and Ontario Ministry of Northern Affairs; Thunder Bay, ON, October,

213 pp.

Publication Type: Monographs and Reports

Area of Research: Marketing

Is ‘Marketing’ Really Marketing?

Papadopoulos, N. (1977), "Is 'Marketing' Really Marketing?". G.H.G. McDougall and R.Drolet (Eds.),

Marketing: The Canadian Perspective, Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada

(formerly CAAS), Marketing Division, Fredericton, NB, 205-212

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing

Some Determinants of Marketing Strategy in Times of Shortages

Papadopoulos, N. (1977), "Some Determinants of Marketing Strategy in Times of Shortages". G.H.G.

McDougall & R. Drolet (Eds.), Marketing: The Canadian Perspective, Proceedings, Administrative Sciences

Association of Canada (formerly CAAS), Marketing Division, Fredericton, NB, 297-306.

Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: International Business, Marketing

Is There Something Wrong Here?

Papadopoulos, N. (1977), "Is There Something Wrong Here? (on consumer outshopping)". Chamber Chat,

Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce, November, 8.

Publication Type: Other Professional Publications

Area of Research: Marketing

On the Identity of Marketing

Papadopoulos, N. (1976), "On the Identity of Marketing". J.R.B. Ritchie & P. Filiatrault (Eds.), Proceedings,

Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (formerly CAAS), Marketing Division, Québec City, QC,


Publication Type: Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Area of Research: Marketing