PAPER ENGLISH LESSON ING FORM CONSTRUCTION Created By : Name : Aulia Rachmawati Febrianingtyas NIM : 1201148 Petroleum Engineering Department

PAPER ENGLISH LESSON Aulia Rachmawati Febrianingtyas

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Page 1: PAPER ENGLISH LESSON Aulia Rachmawati Febrianingtyas



Created By :

Name : Aulia Rachmawati Febrianingtyas

NIM : 1201148

Petroleum Engineering Department



Page 2: PAPER ENGLISH LESSON Aulia Rachmawati Febrianingtyas



General description of Ing Construction

The '-ing' form of the verb may be a present participle or a gerund. The form

is identical, the difference is in the function, or the job the word does in the sentence.

1. Present Participle

Present participles have an –ing ending.

2. Gerunds

Gerunds are verbals that function as nouns and have an –ing ending. Since

gerunds are derived from verbs and have an –ing ending, they do express action.

However, because gerunds function as nouns, they occupy slots traditionally held

by nouns in sentences such as subjects, direct objects and objects of prepositions.

Gerunds may occur as one word, or they may be part of a gerund phrase.



Translating Present ParticipleA participle is usually formed by adding –ing to a verb.

a) Time Temporal (when, while)

- Cooking a rice, I get a message from my boyfriend.

(Ketika saya memasak nasi, saya mendapat pesan dari pacar saya.)

- Studying english, my lecturer sneeze.

(Ketika saya belajar bahasa inggris, dosen saya bersin.)

- Cleaning class, I find a notebook.

(Ketika saya membersihkan kelas, saya menemukan notebook.)

- Eating pizza, my mom met my father having a love affair.

(Saat makan pizza ibu saya melihat ayah saya berselingkuh.)

- Washing my motorcycle, he lost his helmet.

(Ketika mencuci motor saya, dia kehilangan helm nya.)

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b) Contessive (although, even though, despite, instead of)

- He hate me not knowing my character.

(Dia membenci saya walaupun tidak mengetahui sifat saya.)

- My sister taking my doll that my favorite thing.

(Kakak saya mengambil boneka saya walaupun boneka itu adalah benda

kesayangan saya.)

- My boyfriend is going out with Sera, even though she’s my bff.

(Pacar saya berkencan dengan sera walaupun dia adalah sahabat saya.)

- It was raining, he walked to the station.

(Meskipun hujan, dia berjalan ke stasiun).

- He went on working despite feeling unwell.

(Dia pergi bekerja meskipun sedang tidak enak badan).

c) Cause and effect

- The cause of global warming is pollution. (Penyebab pemanasan global

adalah polusi).

- He’s riding too fast so he got an accident. (Dia berkendara terlalu laju

sehingga dia mengalami kecelakaan).

- He was sleeping in the class so he gets punished. (Dia tidur dikelas sehingga

dia dihukum).

- Patricia loves studying so she’s brilliant. (Patricia sangat suka belajar jadi dia

sangat pintar).

- We were talking to her to explain what really happened so she won’t get mad.

(Kami berbicara kepadanya untuk menjelaskan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi

agar dia tidak marah).

d) Conditional

- Being busy, I ignored him.

(Menjadi sibuk, aku mengabaikannya).

- Eating a lot of hamburgers, can make you fat.

(Memakan banyak hamburger, bisa membuatmu gemuk.)

- Watching news channel, gives me the latest information.

(Menonton saluran berita, memberiku informasi terbaru).

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- The breaking dishes made a mess in the kitchen.

(Piring yang pecah di dapur membuat dapur berantakan).

- Taking too many aspirins is dangerous.

(Meminum terlalu banyak aspirin berbahaya).

Gerunds Translation

The gerunds in English has the form of the present participle in –ing. It is the most

common form of the verb used as a noun, and can be the subject, or the object of a

sentence, or follow prepositions.

The Simple Gerund

The gerund is the –ing form of the verb used as a noun. Notice that the gerund has

the same form as the present participle. However, it functions differently in the

sentences. It is always a noun and can function in any noun position.

The Gerund Phrase

While a gerund functions as a noun, it also retains some of the characteristics

of a verb. Although it may have adjective modifiers like a noun (usually before it), it

may also have adverbial modifiers like a verb (usually after it). If a noun or pronoun

precedes a gerund, it must be in the possessive, or adjectival, form. In this section

and the next, the gerund phrase is italicized.

The verb in a gerund phrase is reduced to participial form. All participial forms may

function as gerunds except the –ed past participle : the most common form,

however, is the –ing present participle.

The “subject” of a gerund may be found in another part of the sentences or it

may be understood. A “subject” that is contained within the gerund phrase takes

inflected possessive form, prepositional form, or unchanged form. The “object” of a

gerund is unchanged or is contained within an of phrase. By means of such changes

in the nominal elements of a simple sentence, these elements may be strung along

after the verb as prepositional phrases.

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a) Time temporal

- Three passengers are waiting for the flight.

(Tiga penumpang sedang menunggu penerbangan).

- Andrew was struck by a car when crossing the street.

(Andrew ditabrak mobil saat menyebrangi jalan).

- We finished eating around six.

(Kami selesai makan sekitar jam enam).

- I enjoy myself at the time of playing.

(Saya menikmati pada waktu bermain).

- Visiting my uncle was my decision.

(Mengunjungi pamanku adalah keputusanku).

b) Contessive

- Although hiking is difficult but I like it.

(Meskipun berjalan kaki sulit tapi aku menyukainya).

- Even though he knew that smoking is not good for health but he still do it.

(Meskipun dia mengetahui bahwa merokok itu tidak baik untuk kesehatan dia

tetap saja melakukannya).

- Instead of cooking noodles, we ordered a pizza.

(Daripada memasak mie, kami memesan pizza).

- I do not deny his speaking well although I hate him.

(Saya tidak menyangkal pembicaraannya baik walaupun saya membencinya).

- Although swimming is very good for the body I don’t like it.

(Meskipun berenang sangat bagus untuk tubuh aku tidak menyukainya).

c) Cause and effect

- Listening to my voice will make your eyelids feel heavy.

(Mendengarkan suaraku akan membuat kelopak matamu terasa berat).

- Lying on that cozy bed makes me fall asleep.

(Berbaring di tempat tidur yang nyaman itu membuatku tertidur).

- You will get good grades by studying.

(Kamu akan mendapat nilai baik dengan belajar).

- The baby is crying because she’s hungry.

(Bayi masih menangis karena dia lapar).

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- Because of an exploding gas pippe several homes burned down. (Karena

ledakan pipa gas beberapa rumah terbakar).

d) Conditional

- If the sun were shining, I would go to the beach.

(Jika matahari bersinar, aku akan pergi ke pantai).

- We would be able to go sailing if the wind were blowing.

(Kita akan bisa berlayar jika ada angin bertiup).

- He would probably be sitting in front of his computer by now.

(Dia mungkin sedang duduk didepan komputernya sekarang).

- If I were waiting there next week when he gets off the plane, he would be

totally surprised.

(Jika saya menunggu dia disana minggu depan saat dia turun dari pesawat,

dia akan sangat terkejut).

- If I were in Hawaii, I would be lying on the beach.

(Jika saya di Hawaii, saya akan berbaring di pantai).



After learn the ing form construction above, so we can get conclusion about there are

two kinds of the ing form construction are Gerunds and Present Participle.

Gerunds are verbs that act or function as nouns. In other words, they are ‘noun-like

verbs’. In English, these are some of the examples of words and phrases that are usually

followed by gerunds: go, love, mind, enjoy, avoid, suggest, discuss, mention, complain about,

dream about, think about, talk about, (be) worried about, (be) excited about, apologize for,

(be) responsible for, believe in, succeed in, (be) interested in, look forward to, (be) capable

of, instead of, take advantage of, take care of, insist on, in addition to, (be) committed to,

object to, (be) used to, (be) opposed to, (be) accustomed to, prevent from, prohibit from, stop


In Gerunds there are two discussion are the simple gerund and the gerund phrase. In the

simple gerund and the gerund phrase it function as a subject (Noun), direct object and object

of preposition.

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And then Present Participle is one of the two types of participle in English (forms such

as writing, singing and raising; these same forms also serve as gerunds and verbal nouns).

The present participle is used as an adjective when the noun it modifiers performs or is

responsible for an action.