Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)

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  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)


  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)


  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)


  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)


  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)


  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)


  • 8/8/2019 Paper1 (Precautionary Savings)



    The volatility of income in exhaustible resource countries has been 2-3 times higher than

    in other economies (see panel a in Figure 1 ). This finding remains valid in sample sub-periods

    (see panel a in Figure 2) . Although income volatility has decreased in recent decades,

    exhaustible resource countries continue to stand out. As of 2007, the 10-year rolling income

    volatility in exhaustible resource countries was more than twice the volatility in other economies

    and substantially larger than in major non-fuel commodity exporting countries.

    The finding of high income volatility in exhaustible resource countries is consistent with

    other results in the literature. Easterly et al. (1993) and Broda (2004) among others report a

    significant correlation between output volatility and terms of trade volatility, while Baxter andKouparitsas (2006) find that terms of trade volatility is the highest in fuel-exporting countries.

    Heightened income volatility in exhaustible resource countries stems from a combination of

    more volatile exhaustible resource prices, even when compared to other commodities, and a

    larger share of the volatile oil and gas component in total income. It should also be noted that

    exhaustible resource prices exhibit considerably larger variation than extraction quantities. At an

    annual frequency, prices over the most recent oil price cycle, i.e., 1980-2007, were 2-3 time

    more volatile than country-level extraction quantities. 2

    In contrast to income volatility, differences in the volatility of consumption for

    exhaustible resource countries are less pronounced. Panels a-b in Figure 1 show that over the

    last half-century, the difference in the volatility of income of exporters of exhaustible resources

    and other countries has been larger than the difference in the volatility of consumption.

    Moreover, the difference in the volatility of consumption has altogether disappeared from 1990s

    2 If one excluded the two Gulf Wars, prices are 4 times more volatile than extraction quantities (British Petroleum,2008).

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    onwards (see panel b in Figure 2 ), as the volatility of consumption in exhaustible resource

    countries decreased to levels comparable to the other economies. Panels c in Figures 1 and 2

    present further quantitative evidence for the gap between income and consumption volatilities in

    exhaustible resource countries. This group of countries has exhibited historical ratios of

    consumption volatility to income volatility in the range of 0.5-0.7. In other economies the same

    ratios have been close to 1. Finally, panel d in Figure 1 reports the correlation between income

    and consumption. Again, exhaustible resource countries exhibit lower income-consumption

    correlations than other economies. These empirical results indicate that countries with

    exhaustible resources have been able to smooth consumption in face of large income shocks. Next we investigate the channels through which volatility of consumption is mitigated. In

    theory, a country could insure against exhaustible resource income volatility by locking in future

    sales prices or by altogether selling the remaining stock of the resource. But usage of such tools

    remains very limited. Contrary to the prescriptions of economic theory, domestic ownership of

    exhaustible resources in major oil producing countries has been on the rise in recent decades and

    markets for hedging resource price fluctuations remain very small. As of April 2009, the total

    open interest in exchanges and over-the-counter markets for hedging resource price fluctuations

    was estimated at only 4 weeks of world oil consumption and 0.18 percent of proven oil reserves

    (see Borensztein et al., 2009). Daniel (2001) argues that political constraints have held back

    governments from using explicit insurance.

    Another approach would be to vary resource extraction quantities in a manner that offsets

    the effect of price changes on exhaustible resource revenues or reduces the dependence on such

    resources. An extensive literature has studied the supply-side of exhaustible resources under

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    different market structures, but has not reached any consensus. 3 For the purpose of this paper, we

    note that price variation accounts for 85-90 percent of the 1-year changes in exhaustible resource

    revenues. 4 Longer horizons exhibit higher cross-country variation for contributions of prices and

    quantities, but average contributions for the sample of oil countries remain unchanged price

    changes account for 80-95 percent of the variation in revenues for horizons of up to 10 years.

    To further assess the relationship between the exhaustible resource price and extraction

    quantities, we consider the response of extraction quantities to the oil price boom of 1999-2008,

    which was not expected prior to 1999. EIA (1998) forecasted that the real price of oil in 2005

    would remain broadly unchanged at 24 USD/barrel (in 2005 prices), while the actual price in2005 was 56 USD/barrel (in 2005 prices). Despite the surge in the price, EIA (1998) projections

    for total extraction of oil in the sample countries were only 1% below the observed extraction

    quantities for 2005. Over that 7-year horizon, oil production exhibited very limited response to

    the changes in the price. A similar comparison of forecasts and realizations for the period from

    1998 to 2008 would suggest an even smaller price elasticity of supply.

    A possible explanation for the lack of response in extraction quantities consistent with

    the model of this paper is that changes in extraction capacity are very costly and their

    implementation requires large time lags. This property of resource extraction, when combined

    with the observation that historically exhaustible resource price follows a persistent trendless

    process, implies that extraction quantities cannot diversify exhaustible resource risk either at

    3 See, e.g., Griffin (1985) and Ramcharran (2002). A survey of the literature on the structure of the oil market byCremer and Salehi-Isfahani (1992) concludes that the level of disagreement is unsettling.4 Computed for country i and year t as .

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    short or long horizons. Such a diversification strategy is prohibitively expensive in the short run,

    while the nature of the resource price limits its benefits in the long run.

    An alternative to explicit insurance and adjustments in extraction quantities is income

    diversification, with an aim to counter income fluctuations over the oil price cycle and reduce

    exposure to the volatile exhaustible resource revenues over longer horizons. One potential

    channel for such diversification is external savings, whereby conversion of exhaustible resource

    revenues into foreign assets smoothes consumption and gradually increases the share of income

    from foreign sources. The presence of this diversification channel would be consistent with

    exhaustible resource countries on average running current account surpluses, with larger surpluses when exhaustible resource prices are high.

    In the absence of reliable data on the evolution of net foreign asset positions, we examine

    this channel using current account balances, depicted in Figure 3 . Exhaustible resource countries

    have been running sizable current account surpluses in periods with high exhaustible resource

    prices and less-than-offsetting deficits when prices are low. In particular, an average current

    account deficit of 1.2 percent of GDP during the 90s was followed by an average surplus of 13.7

    percent of GDP during 2000-2007. Foreign asset accumulation during the price boom of 1974-

    1981 was similar in magnitude, with an average surplus of 15.4 percent of GDP.

    Another potential diversification channel operates through the conventional domestic

    economic activity that is not directly related to the extraction of exhaustible resources. Expansion

    of conventional economic activity lowers the share of volatile exhaustible resources in total

    income and may provide additional diversification, depending on the correlation of conventional

    income with the price of exhaustible resources.

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    As shown in Figure 4 , with the exception of Venezuela and Libya, exhaustible resource

    countries have experienced significant growth in conventional economic activity over the most

    recent oil price peak-to-peak cycle, i.e., 1980-2007. Panel b in Figure 4 reports a decomposition

    of the growth rate into contributions of labor input and labor productivity. All exhaustible

    resource countries in our sample have experienced a sizable increase in labor force, which

    accounts for the bulk of observed output growth. At the same time, there is no systematic

    positive contribution from labor productivity to output growth for this group of countries. The

    latter result is in line with the findings of the 'resource curse' literature (see e.g. Sachs and

    Warner, 2002), recaptured in Figure 5 . Over the most recent oil price cycle, per capita income inexhaustible resource countries on average grew at a slower pace then in other economies.

    Furthermore, for the group of countries heavily dependent on exhaustible resources, the average

    growth in per capita income was close to zero. We also find that annual growth rates in the

    conventional sector exhibit a small positive correlation with growth rates in the exhaustible

    resource sector (see panel c in Figure 4 ). The average correlation in the sample of twelve

    exhaustible resource countries is 0.19. Thus, the conventional sector does not contribute to the

    diversification of income over the oil-price cycle.

    Overall, empirical evidence indicates that income diversification in exhaustible resource

    countries takes place through two main channels. First, exhaustible resource countries

    accumulate foreign assets. By doing so they smooth consumption relative to income and reduce

    the share of volatile exhaustible resources in aggregate income. Second, domestic conventional

    economic activity in countries with exhaustible resources is increasing in tandem with the

    expanding labor force, reducing the share of volatile exhaustible resources in aggregate income.

    In our study of precautionary savings, we include both of these channels.

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    To gauge the importance of precautionary savings, while controlling for the other

    important drivers of savings behavior the desire to smooth consumption of the temporary

    exhaustible income over time regardless of uncertainty we need a model. The construction and

    application of such a model is the central task of the rest of the paper.


    This section presents a model that captures the savings decision facing producers of exhaustible

    resources with volatile prices.

    A. Small Open Endowment Economy

    Consider a small open economy with two sectors: one is conventional and the other is an

    exhaustible resource extracting sector. The aggregate production technology for the conventional

    sector is:

    t t ALY , (1)

    where Y t is output, A is a measure of productivity and Lt is labor input, which grows at a constant


    1 (1 )t t L n L , (2)

    and is the only source of growth in the conventional sector. In the baseline model the

    conventional sector facilitates income diversification only through the exogenous growth in the

    labor force. The model abstracts from domestic investment/savings decision and the only

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    endogenous channel of diversification is the external sector. 5 The effect of time-varying

    productivity is examined in a subsequent section on sensitivity analysis.

    In the exhaustible resource sector, the extraction technology requires no factor inputs and

    output follows an exogenously specified sequence:

    0 for

    0 for t t T

    Z t T

    , (3)

    where Z t is the quantity extracted. Future extraction quantities, 0 0T

    t t Z , are known at time t

    and such resources are exhausted in period T . The model does not address the question of

    optimal extraction quantities and instead takes the available projections for future extraction as

    given. The focus is on the uncertainty surrounding the prices of the exhaustible resource instead

    of its extraction quantities, which historically have exhibited a considerably smaller variation.

    The aggregate per-period resource constraint of the economy is:

    t t p

    t t t Y Z e Br BC t )1(1 . (4)

    In (4) C t represents aggregate consumption. The difference between aggregate production and

    absorption is the trade balance, Bt+ 1 - (1 +r ) Bt , where Bt stands for the stock of net foreign assets

    as of the end of period t -1 and r is the risk-free rate of return. We assume, in line with the

    empirical evidence, that the economy cannot lock in future prices of the exhaustible resource in

    insurance markets and the ownership of the stock of the exhaustible resource is non-transferable.

    Hence, in each period the extracted amount, t p t e Z , is the only source of exhaustible resource

    related revenue.

    5 In a more general model with endogenous capital, investment would provide an alternative diversification channelonly when the domestic return on capital exceeds the return on foreign assets. This could be the case if, for example,the economy is credit constrained or experiences a positive productivity shock. Exhaustible resource revenues canthen be used to exploit the temporarily higher domestic returns. However, on the balanced growth path, the return ondomestic capital has to equal the world interest rate, limiting the long-run impact of this diversification channel.

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    The log of the relative price of the exhaustible resource which is determined outside

    this economy follows a covariance-stationary AR (1) process:

    11 1 t t t p p p , (5)

    where p0 is given and p is the unconditional mean of p. In line with empirical findings (e.g.,

    Krautkraemer, 1998, Lin and Wagner, 2007, and references therein), the relative price of the

    exhaustible resource in the model is assumed to be trendless in the long run.

    The economy is inhabited by a representative household with the following CRRA



    t t t t


    LC U L , (6)


    1for )(log

    1or 10for 1)/(



    /LC LC U

    t t

    t t

    t t . (7)

    In (6), is a subjective discount factor, determines the degree of risk aversion and

    intertemporal elasticity of substitution and Lt is the number of members in the representative


    B. Optimal Solution

    To solve the model, it is instructive to recast all quantities in terms of ratios to the non-

    exhaustible resource sector output, where variables expressed in terms of effective units of labor

    are denoted by lowercase letters, e.g.t


    L AY

    t y . Then the maximization problem can be

    formulated as:

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    0},{ 1t



    bccU E

    t t

    , (8)

    subject to:


    1 1

    (1 ) (1 ) ,

    (1 ) ,

    1lim 0,


    t pt t t t t

    t t t


    S S

    c n b r b e z y p p p




    where )1(~

    n and 0b , 0 p are given6.

    It is further assumed that 1 / 1r , which puts the model solution on a balanced

    growth path after exhaustible resources run out. The balanced growth path is characterized by a

    common constant growth rate, n, for consumption, output and the net foreign asset position,

    which allows output shares, ct / yt and bt /yt, to remain constant over time.

    Deterministic case

    In the deterministic case, the expression for optimal consumption is:

    t pt


    z er n

    r nr

    bnr yc t 11

    1 00 . (10)

    Per-period consumption equals the sum of conventional output, the annuity value from the initial

    net foreign assets and the annuity value from the discounted steam of future exhaustible resource

    revenues. For a given income stream, the consumption-output ratio is therefore set at a constant

    optimal level and the external balance is used to smooth out any variation in income over time.With the expression for consumption-output ratio in hand, it is straightforward to derive the

    optimal solution for all the other variables of interest.

    6 The problem in (8)-(9) has a solution if the growth rate of the non-exhaustible resource sector is less than the realinterest rate: n < r.

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    Stochastic case

    In addition to considerations covered by the deterministic case, the risk-averse representative

    household now faces uncertainty about the future price of the exhaustible resource and wants to

    insure against variation in future income. In the absence of explicit insurance, the household

    solves a simple self-insurance problem. Holdings of net foreign assets are used to lower the

    exposure to the uncertain income from exhaustible resources.

    In the model, precautionary savings are defined as the change in net foreign assets due to

    this self-insurance motive and for any given period they can be calculated as the difference innet foreign asset positions between the deterministic and stochastic versions of the model. 7

    The exhaustible nature of the resource plays a crucial role in models solution. It makes

    the model deterministic from period T onwards and ensures a finite optimal value for expected

    consumption at the infinite horizon. To accommodate the precautionary savings motive, the

    optimal consumption in the stochastic model is upward tilting (until resources are exhausted and

    uncertainty is resolved) and accompanied by gradual accumulation of a buffer stock of net

    foreign assets. In initial periods, consumption is lower than in the deterministic case, but as

    savings accumulate and the interest income from foreign assets grows, it eventually exceeds the

    consumption path from the deterministic case. The stochastic version of the model does not have

    a closed form solution, but it can be solved numerically. Details of the solution method are

    presented in Appendix A .

    7 This definition of precautionary savings differs from the one used by studies of precautionary savings in modelswith idiosyncratic shocks, as in e.g. Carroll (2001), where precautionary savings are usually defined as change in thedistribution of savings in a stationary steady state.

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    This section applies the model to selected exporters of exhaustible resources. The gist of the

    exercise is to set model parameters and initial values and then solve for the optimal behavior in

    the model from the perspective of year 2007. The results reported in this section focus on the

    quantitative estimates of the size of precautionary savings for parameterized model economies.

    The section also compares the outcomes of the model with actual data.

    A. Model Parameterization

    The model is applied to thirteen exhaustible resource economies Algeria, Iran, Kazakhstan,

    Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and

    Venezuela. Model economies differ in terms of their labor growth rate, stock of initial net

    foreign assets, share of exhaustible resource revenues in total output and projected future

    exhaustible resource extraction path.

    To parameterize the model, one period is taken as one year in the data. For all sample

    economies the subjective discount rate is assumed to take a value of )04.1/(1 and the

    curvature in CRRA utility is set to 2 . Both values are in the range of what is considered

    standard in the literature.

    The parameterization of the price process for exhaustible resources in (5) is based on our

    estimates of the annual price process for the price of oil with annual data for the period 1970-

    2007. The choice of the AR(1) specification was based on the Akaike Information Criterion. The

    relevant parameter values are 0.89 [S.E. = 0.10] and 0.30 [S.E. = 0.02]. The initial

    value for the price process is set equal to the 2007 average price in US dollars, exp( p2007 ) =

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    69.04, which is above the unconditional mean of 37.59 (expressed in 2007 prices) implied by the

    AR(1) process. All countries in the sample face the same price process.

    The remaining country-specific model inputs are either data for 2007 or projections going

    forward. Growth in labor force, n , is set at each countrys average projected growth rate in

    working age population from the United Nations (2008) population projections over 2010-2050.

    The initial net foreign asset stock, b2007 , is calculated as the end-of-2006 share of net foreign

    assets over total output and obtained from the most recent update of the External Wealth of

    Nations data set (Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007)). The initial size of the exhaustible resource




    e z , is obtained from the trade balance for oil and gas, as a share of GDP in 2007.

    Projections for the path of extraction of exhaustible resources for the next 30 years are taken

    from the reports on oil and gas extraction quantity projections for 2010, 2015,...,2030 from the

    EIA (2008). To project beyond the initial 30-year span of that report, we assume that resource

    extraction proceeds at a constant level until reserves of oil and gas, as estimated by the US

    Geological Survey (2000), are exhausted. 8

    In summary, each sample country is parameterized using standard values in the

    neoclassical growth literature with one add-on: in addition to the conventional output, the model

    economy has access to revenue from the exhaustible resource sector which amounts to a

    substantial share of total output and will be exhausted at some point in the future. Country-

    specific model inputs, summarized in Table 1 , exhibit considerable variation across the 13

    sample countries. For example, with an initial exhaustible resource output share of 0.19, Russia

    8 The model parameterization in this paper contains three significant differences from an earlier working paper Bems and de Carvalho Filho (2009). First, the assumed curvature in the utility function is lowered from =6 to =2to reflect the standard choice in the RBC literature. Second, the amount of remaining reserves is now based onestimates from the US Geological Survey (2000) rather than British Petroleum (2008). We judge the former sourcesdefinition of reserves as more appropriate for the purpose of this paper. Third, results are updated from 2006 to 2007and the sample is extended to include Oman and Russia. These changes did not alter papers main findings.

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    in 2007 is the least dependent on exhaustible resource revenues. At the other end of the

    spectrum, Libyas exhaustible resource output share exceeds that of the conventional sector. In

    terms of the exhaustible resource lifespan, Oman is assessed to be the first to run out of

    exhaustible resources, by 2057. On the other end of the spectrum, in Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia

    and Venezuela, extraction is projected to continue beyond 2150. Similarly, there is significant

    variation in the extraction time profiles, as depicted in Table 2 . By 2030 extraction quantities in

    Norway are projected to decrease by 20 percent relative to the 2007 levels, while in Kazakhstan

    extraction quantities are projected to more than double.

    B. Baseline Model Results

    To convey the intuition behind the papers results, this section first presents a detailed optimal

    model solution for one of the countries in the sample Oman. Since Oman is a very small and

    heavily oil and gas dependent economy that is expected to exhaust its resources over a relatively

    short horizon, its economy fits quite well the assumptions of the modeling framework. Next,

    relevant results for the rest of the sample countries are summarized. Finally, the model outcomes

    are compared with data.

    The Case of Oman

    The models solution in the case of Oman is summarized in Figure 6 . Panels (a) and (b) show

    the parameterized process for the price of the exhaustible resources and the projected future

    extraction quantities, both of which were discussed above. Panel (c) shows the resulting revenues

    from exhaustible resources as a share of conventional output. Note that Y t on y-axis is

    conventional output , which equals total output only after exhaustible resources are depleted.

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    Solid lines in panels (d), (e) and (f) present the optimal solution to the deterministic

    version of the model. In this case, per capita consumption is smoothed perfectly over time, as

    derived in equation (10). To support this constant level of consumption, the representative

    household accumulates wealth in periods with exhaustible resource revenues, and consumes

    interest income from the accumulated assets once exhaustible resource revenues run out. The

    ratio of foreign assets-to-output increases during the period of asset build-up and stays constant

    thereafter. To achieve this when labor force is growing over time, Oman must run current

    account surpluses on its balanced growth path. Since constant per capita consumption is

    achieved, the curvature in the utility function does not play any role in this deterministic case.How does the optimal solution change when uncertainty about the exhaustible resource

    price is added to the model? Combined with the CRRA utility, price uncertainty introduces an

    additional consideration -- the precautionary savings motive -- to the model. The representative

    consumer will now save more resources to insure against the proverbial rainy day in the future.

    To accommodate additional savings, the path of expected consumption initially slopes upwards

    and then converges to a constant expected level (see panel d). In panels (e) and (f) precautionary

    savings lead to a higher level of net foreign assets, Bt , and a more positive current account

    position. The difference in the level of net foreign assets and the current account between the two

    model solutions, i.e., the size of precautionary savings, is displayed separately in panels (g) and

    (h). To maintain the higher net-foreign-asset-to-output ratio on the balances growth path, the

    model with uncertainty requires slightly higher current account surpluses.

    Quantitatively, in the model economy parameterized for Oman, the precautionary savings

    motive induces an additional current account surplus of about 2 percent of conventional output in

    the initial year, with surpluses gradually decreasing thereafter. The expected accumulated

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    savings due to the precautionary motive on the balanced growth path amount to around 30

    percent of output, as reported in panel (g).

    Other exporters of exhaustible resources

    The optimal size of precautionary savings in other sample model economies is driven by the

    same considerations the uncertainty about future income induces the build-up of a buffer stock

    of savings and leads to an upward tilting consumption path. At the same time, the dynamics of

    the current account and foreign asset accumulation depend crucially on the exhaustible resource

    extraction profile and can therefore differ substantially across sample countries. In Norway,where extraction quantities are decreasing over time (see Table 2 ), consumption smoothing

    requires larger current account surpluses during the initial periods, while in Kazakhstan, where

    extraction quantities are projected to more than double, consumption smoothing dictates lower

    current account surpluses or even deficits in the initial years. Although uncertainty increases the

    size of the current account balances (relative to the deterministic case) in all sample countries,

    the sign and time profile of aggregate external savings is determined foremost by the resource

    extraction profile and consumption smoothing considerations.

    The model derived optimal 2007 current accounts for sample countries are presented in

    Table 3 . The first column reports the optimal current account balance for year 2007 from the

    baseline model parameterization. To understand the driving forces behind the reported balances,

    it is instructive to decompose them into two additive components presented in the second and

    third columns. The consumption smoothing component of the current account is the optimal

    current account from the deterministic model, while the precautionary savings component is

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    calculated as the difference between optimal external savings in stochastic and deterministic

    versions of the model.

    For a given time profile of the exhaustible resource income, values for the consumption

    smoothing component of the 2007 current account can be derived analytically using equation

    (10) and depend crucially on the shape of the assumed profile. To see this, consider the following

    two scenarios that increase total exhaustible resources by the same amount. In the first scenario,

    all additional resources are added to the 2007 income. The larger the exhaustible resource

    income in 2007, ceteris paribus , the greater the 2007 value of the consumption smoothing

    component of the current account. This is the case, since out of the additional current periodrevenues, only its annuity value should be consumed, with the remainder saved (see equation

    (10)). In the second scenario, all additional resources are used to extend the lifespan of

    exhaustible resources. In this case, the longer the lifetime of exhaustible resources, c eteris

    paribus , the smaller the consumption smoothing component. At the extreme, if exhaustible

    resource income is permanent (and constant over time), its entire value is consumed in each

    period and consumption smoothing component of the current account is zero. In these two cases,

    the same increase in the exhaustible resource wealth generates opposite effects on optimal

    external savings in 2007.

    To help evaluate the contributions of the different aspects of the time profile, Figure 7

    shows the current and future exhaustible resource weights in output for each of the sample

    countries. The sizable differences in the 2007 consumption smoothing component of the current

    account across sample countries is a result of the large cross-country variation in these weights.

    Precautionary savings in the model cannot be derived analytically, but are largely also

    driven by the current and future exhaustible resource shares in output, as reported in Figure 7 . In

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    this case, both larger output shares and longer lifespan of exhaustible resources increase the

    share of households total wealth that is exposed to the uncertain exhaustible resource income.

    Consequently, precautionary savings increase in both factors - the output share and the lifespan

    of the exhaustible resources. Applying these criteria to Figure 7 explains why among the thirteen

    sample countries, precautionary savings as a share of output are the largest in Qatar and the

    smallest in Norway and Nigeria.

    Quantitatively, for the baseline parametrization, precautionary savings add anywhere

    between 0.3 to 3.9 percent of total output to the optimal 2007 current account balance. The

    median size of precautionary savings in the sample is 1.1 percent of GDP and the mean is 1.2 percent of GDP. When aggregated over the thirteen sample countries, savings induced by the

    precautionary motive in 2007 add up to 26 billion dollars, which amounts to 0.8 percent of the

    total GDP of the countries in the sample.

    How do optimal current account balances for 2007 in the model compare with the actual

    outcomes? Figure 8 presents the answer to this question for the sample countries: its x-axis

    depicts actual 2007 current account balances and its y-axis represents model outcomes, with and

    without uncertainty. For the full-fledged precautionary savings model, correlation between actual

    and model outcomes is 0.73, while for the deterministic model the correlation is 0.70.

    Overall, results from the baseline model offer several findings. First, the main

    determinant of the optimal external sector balances for exhaustible resource countries is the

    consumption smoothing motive. Second, despite its more marginal role, optimal outcomes from

    the parameterized model prescribe economically significant precautionary savings for exporters

    of exhaustible resources. Third, optimal model outcomes for external sector savings are broadly

    in line with data, as indicated by the positive correlation of 0.73 between the two variables.

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    Adding precautionary savings motive to the deterministic model increases this correlation and

    reduces mean square error for the fit between current accounts in the model and data.


    The modeling framework of this paper is a relatively simple one. The price of this simplicity

    comes in the form of several exogenous sequences (i.e., labor force, exhaustible resource

    quantities) and an exogenous stochastic process for the price of exhaustible resources, all of

    which can significantly affect model results. Another important parameter with scarce empirical

    motivation is the curvature in the CRRA utility, which governs the size of precautionary savings.

    In view of such concerns, our approach in baseline parameterization has been to lean on the

    available data as much as possible.

    This section, in turn, presents extensive sensitivity analysis of the baseline model results.

    The examination covers four areas: (i) consumer preference parameters, (ii) the source and the

    size of growth in the non-exhaustible resource sector, (iii) exhaustible resource extraction

    quantities and (iv) parameters of the exhaustible resource price process. The results of sensitivity

    tests are summarized in Table 4 . The first column in this table numbers the sensitivity test. The

    second column describes the type of deviation from the baseline that a particular sensitivity test

    considers. For example, row 2 looks at the case when risk-aversion parameter in higher than in

    the baseline while all other parameters and initial values are kept unchanged. The remaining

    columns report the size of consumption smoothing and precautionary savings components of the

    current account for each sensitivity test. Results are compared with the baseline case, reported in

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    row 1. To conserve space, for each test only mean and median values for sample countries are

    reported. 9

    A. Preference Parameters

    The size of precautionary savings depends crucially on the value of the coefficient of relative

    risk aversion in the utility function, . To see this, note that if 0 , utility is linear and the

    optimal model solution exhibits no precautionary savings. In order to assess the sensitivity of

    baseline results to this curvature parameter, the model is solved for cases of 6 and 1 . As

    expected, changes in precautionary savings are substantial. The lower curvature parameter

    decreases the size of mean and median precautionary savings for sample countries from 1.2 and

    1.1 percent of GDP to 0.8 and 0.7 percent of GDP respectively. The higher curvature parameter

    increases the same statistics to 2.6 and 2.3 percent of GDP respectively (see rows 1, 2 and 3 in

    Table 4 ). Since curvature of the utility function does not affect the optimal solution in the

    deterministic case, the consumption smoothing component of the current account is unalteredand any change in total 2007 current account is entirely due to changes in precautionary savings.

    Next, consider the effect of a change in the subjective discount factor, , reported in rows

    4 and 5 of Table 4 . Heavier discounting lowers the net present value of exhaustible resource

    wealth, but at the same time increases the risk-free interest rate that puts the economy on a stable

    growth path. The net effect for model economies is an increase in the annuity value of

    exhaustible resource wealth, which increases consumption and lowers savings, as captured by the

    lower consumption smoothing component of the current account (see row 5 in Table 4 ). Higher

    9 More detailed tables with country-by-country results for each sensitivity test are available from the authors uponrequest.

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    levels of consumption and lower savings imply that a larger share of total income is derived from

    the uncertain exhaustible resources (instead of the risk free foreign asset). In response to this

    increased uncertainty about future income, the optimal level of precautionary savings rises.

    Within the range of considered values of the discount factor, sensitivity tests show

    relatively minor changes in the consumption smoothing and precautionary savings components

    of the current account. Furthermore, since the effect on the two current account components

    comes with the opposite sign, the overall impact on the current account balance is muted.

    B. Growth in Conventional Output

    In the model of Section 3, labor is the only source of growth in the conventional sector. The

    effect of changes in the growth rate of the labor force on the two current account components is

    similar to that of the subjective discount factor (see rows 6-7 in Table 4 ). In the deterministic

    model, lower labor force growth rate increases the per worker return on exhaustible resource

    wealth, thus rising the level of consumption and lowering the consumption smoothing

    component of the current account. At the same time, it increases the share of future income from

    the uncertain exhaustible resources, which leads to larger precautionary savings. The opposite

    forces are at work when the labor force growth rate is reduced.

    How accurate is the models assumption of zero productivity growth in the non-

    exhaustible resource sector? During 1970-2006, the average growth rate for real output per

    worker in Norway was close to 2 percent, suggesting that this assumption is not completely


    To address such concerns, row 8 in Table 4 presents results for the case when time-

    varying productivity is added to the modeling framework of Section 3. This is done by

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    substituting A with At in (1) and assuming that At +1 = (1+ g ) At , where g = 0.02 is the productivity

    growth rate. With this specification, the interest rate on the stable growth path needs to satisfy R

    = (1+ g ) / , which for baseline parameter values implies an 8 percent risk free annual return.

    Although productivity growth affects external savings though several channels, quantitatively,

    for this specification, the higher output growth rate on the stable growth path induces additional

    savings so as to sustain a constant consumption-output ratio. As a result, the consumption

    smoothing component of the current account increases. In contrast, the precautionary savings

    component decreases because of the reduced weight for exhaustible resources in future income.

    As it is hard empirically to justify an 8 percent risk-free interest rate, an alternativespecification is also considered. Assume that instead of the utility specified in (6), the household

    maximizes consumption per effective unit of labor, U( C t /Y t ). Under this specification, the interest

    rate on the stable growth path satisfies R=(1+ g )/ , which with baseline parameters amounts to 6


    Results for this sensitivity test are presented in row 9. In this case, the lower interest rate

    further increases the amount of additional savings that are required to attain a constant

    consumption-output ration on the balanced growth path. As a result, we see a further increase in

    the 2007 consumption smoothing component and a further decrease in the 2007 precautionary

    savings component of the current account (see row 9 in Table 4 ).

    Both productivity growth scenarios show that, although levels of precautionary savings

    can be significantly altered, the main finding from the baseline model economically non-

    negligible levels of precautionary savings survives introduction of productivity growth into the


    Furthermore, Norway has outperformed the rest of the sample in terms of labor

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    productivity growth. For the sample as a whole, in line with the findings of the literature on the

    resource curse (see e.g. Sachs and Warner (2001) and Figure 5 ), the average labor productivity

    growth rate over the most recent oil price cycle is close to zero and, thus, more in line with the

    baseline parameterization.

    C. Path and Lifespan of Exhaustible Resource Extraction

    The exhaustible resource extraction path in the model is obtained by combining estimates from

    the 2000 US Geological Survey for oil and gas reserves and EIAs projected future extraction

    quantities until 2030. These underlying estimates and projections are subjected to significant

    uncertainty, primarily with regards to reservoir characteristics, future extraction technologies and

    costs, but also related to limitations in the coverage of available exhaustible resource reserve


    The sensitivity analysis with respect to exhaustible resource quantities covers two

    scenarios. In the first one, the size of the exhaustible resource reserves are changed by varying

    the weight of exhaustible resource income in total output in all periods, keeping the lifespan of

    resources fixed. In the second scenario, the size of the exhaustible resource reserves is changed

    by varying the lifespan of reserves, while keeping the exhaustible resource share in output

    constant. In both cases we consider a 10 percent increase/decrease in total reserves of exhaustible


    Results for the two scenarios are reported in rows 10-13 of Table 4 . As already conveyed

    in the discussion of the results in the baseline model, an increase in per-period quantities of

    exhaustible resources should increase precautionary savings as well as the consumption

    smoothing component of the current account. In contrast, an increase in the lifespan of

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    exhaustible resources should increase precautionary savings, but decrease the consumption

    smoothing component. Overall, a 10 percent change in total exhaustible resource reserves leads

    to relatively minor deviations from the baseline results. Notice that a change in reserves has a

    smaller effect when introduced by varying the lifespan of exhaustible resource, because

    intertemporal discounting substantially lowers the net present value of additional revenues to be

    extracted from period T onwards.

    D. Process for Exhaustible Resource Prices

    The parameterized process for the exhaustible resource price is another crucial input in the

    baseline model. Taking as given the appropriateness of the AR(1) process for our exercise, rows

    14-17 in Table 4 report sensitivity results with respect to two key inputs the persistence of the

    AR(1) process and its expected mean value.

    A higher expected mean value of the price process decreases the 2007 consumption

    smoothing component of the current account, but increases precautionary savings. The

    consumption smoothing component decreases because higher expected mean price implicitly

    lowers the size of the initial positive 2007 price shock, or could even reverse its sign. With a

    smaller positive shock it is optimal to consume more of the current periods exhaustible resource

    income. In contrast, the precautionary savings component increases, as a higher expected mean

    price raises the weight of exhaustible resources in total output and thus increases uncertainty

    about the future wealth.

    This result offers an interesting insight into the optimal behavior for exhaustible resource

    exporters. The recent increase in the price of the exhaustible resource has motivated many

    exporting countries (correctly or incorrectly) to increase the expected long-run price of the

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    resource, which in turn justifies higher current consumption levels. However, it should be borne

    in mind that the higher consumption levels need to be adjusted downwards to account for the

    implicitly assumed increase in the long run weight of the more volatile exhaustible resource

    revenues in total income, brought about by the assumed increase in the long run price of the


    A more persistent price process also increases the expected long run price of the resource

    and, in addition, makes the reversion to the mean following the initial positive price shock more

    gradual. As a result, the 2007 consumption smoothing component of the current account

    decreases and precautionary savings increase. The quantitative effects from altering the persistence of the price process can be substantial. For example, an increase in the persistence

    parameter from =0.89 to =0.94 more than triples the mean and median sizes of precautionary

    savings in the sample, while a reduction to =0.84 cuts precautionary savings by a half.

    We also examine if the model results under various sensitivity tests preserve the

    correlation with data observed in Figure 8 . In this regard two results are noteworthy. First, for all

    sixteen sensitivity tests the correlation between the current account in the model and data

    remains above 0.68 and in the case of the added productivity growth (rows 8 and 9), the

    correlation increases to 0.82. Second, in all sixteen cases the stochastic model exhibits higher

    correlation and lower mean square error between current accounts in the model and data than the

    deterministic model. This finding indicates that, although consumption smoothing is the main

    driving force behind the current account levels in exhaustible resource countries, the

    precautionary motive is a valid additional determinant with a non-negligible economic


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    Each year can potentially bring a new exhaustible resource price shock. In response, the

    representative household should re-solve the infinite horizon optimization problem, taking into

    account the latest information. The baseline exercises focus on a single year with a particular

    exhaustible resource price shock leaves several important questions unanswered: (i) how well

    can our model replicate external sector behavior for years other than 2007? (ii) how does the size

    of precautionary savings in 2007 compare to other years? (iii) how large are precautionary

    savings when accumulated over extended periods? To answer these questions, this section

    extends the baseline exercise to incorporate multiple historical price shocks. The model is

    applied to a sequence of 1996-2008 price shocks for the above considered oil exporting countries

    and the outcomes of the model are compared with data.

    A. Setup and Parameterization

    To implement the time-series exercise we use all inputs from the parameterization of the baseline

    exercise for 2007 and, where time sequences of values are involved, extend the series to cover

    the added 1996-2006 period. In particular, using the estimated exhaustible resource price

    process, we interpret historical prices as representing positive or negative annual price shocks.

    Figure 9 shows the actual exhaustible resource price for years on which our AR(1) estimates are

    based. When the actual price is above (below) its mean in the parameterized AR(1) process, it

    represents a positive (negative) shock to the exhaustible resource price.

    Also, to solve the model from the perspective of years 1996, 1997, , 2006, we extend

    the series for exhaustible resource extraction quantities using oil and gas extraction rates for

    1996-2006, as reported in British Petroleum (2009). Similarly, labor force series are extended to

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    the 1996-2006 period using the average labor force growth rate for 1996-2006, as reported in

    WEO 2009. Finally, we set end-of-1995 NFA as the initial 1996 NFA position for each country.

    Details of these extended series are reported in Table 5 .

    To obtain the optimal model outcomes, the infinite horizon problem is solved from the

    perspective of each year from 1996 till 2008. Optimizations for adjacent years are connected

    though the choice of net foreign assets, b t+1 . In particular, the optimal choice of bt +1 from the

    perspective of year t is taken as the initial value, bt , for the subsequent years problem. To

    estimate the size of precautionary savings, both deterministic and stochastic versions of the

    model are solved. Note that the setup of the time-series exercise implies that, consistent with themodel of Section 3, we are sequentially solving an entirely deterministic model with the

    exception of the price of exhaustible resource, which is shocked each period. An implication is

    that the model solution for 2007 should be the same as in the baseline case, except for the

    difference in initial NFA, which now is taken from the model rather than data.

    B. Results

    We start by comparing the share of exhaustible resources in total output in the model and data,

    reported in Figure 10 . In data this share is estimated using net exports of oil and gas, as a share

    of GDP. 10 By construction, the two shares are identical in 2007. For other years they can deviate

    to the extent that changes in the price of the exhaustible resource, extraction quantities and labor

    input in the model do not capture all the variation in economic activity in data. For the majority

    of sample countries, the results show that the model can capture the trends in the data. This

    10 Results are very similar if data on economic activity in the mining sector is used instead.

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    finding confirms our earlier empirical results that changes in the labor force and oil and gas

    revenues capture the bulk of growth in countries with exhaustible resources.

    Model assumptions are more restrictive for Norway and Russia, which have experienced

    significant growth in labor productivity, not captured by the baseline model. These two

    economies are also the least dependent on exhaustible resources, further limiting the applicability

    of the model. Other major discrepancies between model outcomes and data in Figure 10 , i.e.,

    Qatar, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Oman, are driven by differences in exhaustible resource

    revenues as measured by the oil price and extraction quantities in the model and net exports of

    oil and gas in aggregate data.11

    The model results for these countries should be interpreted withcaution.

    Next, we examine per capita growth rates for output and consumption, summarized in

    Figure 11. In the baseline model per capital output growth in the conventional sector is by

    assumption zero, therefore any variation is aggregate output is driven entirely by changes in per

    capita revenues in the exhaustible resource sector. As expected, aggregate volatility increases

    with the share of exhaustible resources in economic activity.

    The optimal consumption choice smoothes the deterministic change in per capita

    extraction quantities, so that the remaining variation in consumption is due to the effect of

    resource price shocks on the discounted future income. With the assumed price process for

    exhaustible resources, such variation is a fraction of the current period variation in the price of

    the exhaustible resource. Allowing for uncertainty in the resource price adds precautionary

    11 One approach to reconcile the two exhaustible resource revenue series would be to use a country specificexhaustible resource price, as implied by data on extraction quantities and export revenues. We do not follow thisapproach, since it effectively introduced another country-specific sequence of parameters in the model, limiting themodel-imposed discipline for our exercise.

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    savings considerations to the deterministic model, which lowers the level of per capita

    consumption, but does not have a quantitatively significant effect on consumption growth rates.

    Cross-country differences in consumption growth rates are driven by several factors, including

    the share of the exhaustible resource sector in GDP and the time-profile of exhaustible resource

    extraction quantities. Hence, in line with our earlier discussion of baseline results for 2007,

    countries with equal current share of exhaustible resources in GDP can exhibit different

    consumption growth rates in response to the same price shock. For example, given a price shock

    and an equal current share of exhaustible resources in GDP, consumption will respond more in a

    country that expects to exhaust the resource sooner because of a larger effect of the price shock on discounted future wealth.

    Table 6 reports standard deviations for output and consumption growth rates as well as

    the correlation between the two. As expected, the variation in the model for both consumption

    and output is a fraction of what can be observed in data. Consumption variation in the model is

    in the range of 20-50% of the variation in output, with a median of 29%. In data the median

    value for the same ratio is 50%. At the same time correlation in the model (in 0.69-0.97 range,

    with a median value of 0.89) is somewhat higher than in data (0-0.75, 0.38).

    Finally, we turn to the model results for the external sector. Figure 12 compares CA

    balances in the model and data. The results are mixed. Changes in current account balances in

    the model correlate positively with data, more so for countries for which the model can capture

    the share of exhaustible resources in GDP. 12 Furthermore, in the post-2000 period the model

    captures a significant share of the observed CA surpluses in data. For Norway and Russia the

    models fit with data is more problematic, but even for these countries a nontrivial share of post- 12 Correlations are in the 0.6-0.9 range, with exception of Russia (0.3) and Qatar (0.4).

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    2000 surpluses is replicated by the model.

    To quantify the role of precautionary savings and consumption smoothing in model

    outcomes, panel A in Table 7 presents a decomposed cumulative current account data for the

    2004-2008 period, during which sample countries contributed to the global imbalances by

    accumulating a total of 2.2 trillion USD in current account surpluses. For the sample as a whole

    the model can generate 85 percent of the external savings in data, although there is significant

    variation in the models explanatory power across the individual economies, especially the ones

    that were indentified in the discussion of Figure 10 as more problematic. During the period 6

    percent (or 111 billion USD) of the external savings in the model are due to the precautionarymotive, while the remaining are induced by consumption smoothing considerations. Panel B in

    Table 7 reports comparable results for a period that extends back to 1996. In this case,

    accumulated external savings in the data increase further to 2.9 trillion USD. In contrast, total

    savings in the model decrease from 1.9 to 1.8 trillion, with the model now generating 63 percent

    of savings in data. Savings in the model are de-cumulated, because oil prices during 1996-2003

    were below the estimated average price. Note, however, that the size of precautionary savings in

    the model is always positive. As a result, over more extended periods that include both high and

    low oil prices the relative role of precautionary savings increases. Comparison of the two panels

    in Table 7 shows a doubling of the share of savings that can be attributed to the precautionary

    motive to 10 percent of total.

    To further link the results of this section with the discussion of the baseline results for

    year 2007, Figure 13 shows cross sections of current accounts for each sample years, directly

    comparable to Figure 8 . In support of baseline results, the correlation between model current

    accounts and data is positive for all years, with higher correlations observed during 2005-2008.

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    This paper introduces the precautionary savings motive into the framework of a

    deterministic small open economy model to study the optimal consumption-savings choices in

    economies with exhaustible resources. The model fares moderately well at capturing

    savings/current account behavior in exhaustible resource countries in both cross-section and

    time-series data. The cross-section correlation between current accounts in the model and data

    during years 1996 to 2008 is in the 0.1-0.8 range, while correlation of changes in the current

    account for each of the thirteen sample countries is in 0.3-0.9 range. When aggregated over the

    sample countries and the 1996-2008 period, the model generates 63 percent of external savings

    observed in data. According to the model, the sizable contribution of the exhaustible resource

    countries to global imbalances over the last decade is justified given the exhaustible nature of the

    resource, historically high exhaustible resource prices and uncertainty about future prices. 13

    The model results show that, while the desire to smooth consumption is the main

    determinant of external sector dynamics, allowing for uncertainty in the price of exhaustible

    resources can generate sizable external savings, more so for countries where exhaustible

    resources dominate economic activity. Under the baseline parameterization for year 2007 the

    median size of precautionary savings in the sample is 1.1 percent of GDP. When aggregated over

    all sample countries, precautionary savings in 2007 add up to 26 billion dollars, which amounts

    to 0.8 percent of the samples GDP. The size of precautionary savings for other years between

    1996-2008 is similar in magnitude. We also find that the introduction of the precautionary

    13 This benign view of current account surpluses in oil exporting countries is also espoused by Blanchard andMilesi-Ferretti (2009).

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    motive allows the model to more closely match the external sector savings in the data. An

    extensive sensitivity analysis shows that the main finding from the model economically non-

    negligible levels of precautionary savings is not driven by the parameterization of the baseline


    There are several important issues that are left for future research. First, the small open

    economy assumption is employed throughout the paper. When taken separately, each of the

    exhaustible resource economies is likely too small to affect outcomes in the rest of the world.

    However, when taken as a group, it is possible that the savings behavior of exhaustible resource

    countries affects the world interest rate.Second, we have abstracted from investment requirements for the extraction of

    exhaustible resources. For economies in the process of expanding their exhaustible resource

    output, e.g., Kazakhstan, this assumption might be problematic, since expansion of the resource

    extraction capacity requires large upfront investments. In such instances, current account deficits

    might be driven not only by the consumption smoothing and precautionary savings motives, but

    also by the required investment in the exhaustible resource sector.

    Finally, several aspects of the papers exercise suggest that the estimated precautionary

    savings represent a lower bound. There might be more uncertainty about the price of the

    exhaustible resource at distant horizons than the assumption of stationary implies. There is also

    considerable uncertainty about the remaining stock of exhaustible resources, which we do not

    model. As rows 14-17 in Table 4 show, added uncertainty can significantly increase the size of

    precautionary savings.

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    The problem we want to solve is:


    0 0


    . .

    (1 )

    is a random sequence

    t t


    t t C t t


    t t t t

    not t t


    Max E U C

    s t B B

    B B r Y C

    Y Y Z P


    This problem does not have a steady-state solution, so one needs a shortcut to solve it.

    The shortcut we use is to assume that there is no randomness beyond the exhaustible resource

    depletion date ( T-1 ). Then we can solve it recursively. In the first period after depletion, the

    consumption-savings decision going forward is:


    1. . (1 ) 1

    t T

    t T t t C

    t T

    t t t


    V B Max E U C

    s t B B r C

    Y Y

    This problem has a closed-form solution:


    1 1

    N T


    Y rBV B

    For each possible value in a grid for BT (it can be a large positive or negative number), we

    can calculate the value of the program going forward. Then we can solve it recursively back to

    the initial period. For T -1, the last period with positive output in the exhaustible resource sector,

    the problem to be solved numerically over a grid on 1 1,T T B P with a finite number of nodes:

    11 1 1 11 1 1 1

    , ( )

    . . (1 ) 1T T T T T T T C

    T T T T T

    V B P Max U C V B

    s t B B r Z P C

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    For all periods up to T-2 , the decision problem incorporates the uncertainty over prices

    going forward:

    1 1 11

    , ( , )

    . . (1 ) 1t t t t t t t t t C

    t t t t t

    V B P Max U C E V B P

    s t B B r Z P C


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    Table 1: Country-Specific Model Parameters and Initial Values

    Labor forcegrowth rate, %

    Initial NFA position, % of


    Initial Exhaustibleresource revenues,

    % of GDP

    Exhaustibleresource reserves,

    bn brls oilequivalent

    Lifetime of exhaustibleresources

    Algeria 0.7 64 44 86 2077Iran 0.3 37 27 411 2150Kazakhstan 0.2 -36 24 87 2105Kuwait 1.0 206 54 104 2129Libya 0.9 263 58 64 2117

    Nigeria 2.0 26 32 118 2 Norway 0.3 62 24 98 2091Oman 1.3 31 46 25 2057Qatar 0.7 165 56 142 2148Russia -0.9 -4 19 942 2150Saudi Arabia 1.4 97 54 664 2150United Arab Emirates 1.2 156 41 139 2095

    Venezuela 0.9 27 27 134 2150 Sources: IMF World Economic Outlook, British Petroleum (2009), US Geological Survey (2000), EnergyInformation Administrations (2008), United Nations (2008), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007).

    Note: Parameters and initial values not reported in the table are identical for all sample countries.

    Table 2: Projected Production of Liquids (oil and gas, billion barrels oil equivalent per year)

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2050

    Algeria 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.2 0.8Iran, I.R. of 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.2Kazakhstan 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.7Kuwait 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3Libya 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

    Nigeria 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 Norway 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2Oman 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.3Qatar 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.8Russia 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.9 8.2 8.4 8.8 8.9Saudi Arabia 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.5 5.8 6.1 6.1United Arab Emirates 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7

    Venezuela, Rep. Bol.0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2

    Source: Data for 2007, 2010, 2015,,2030 from Energy Information Administration (2008). Quantities for other years between 2007-2030 extrapolated using a linear trend. After 2030 production quantities kept constant untilreserves, as reported in column 4 of Table 1, are exhausted.

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    Table 3: Optimal 2007 Current Accounts in the Baseline Model

    of which:Consumption



    savings(1) (2) (3)

    Algeria 19.7 18.2 1.4Iran, I.R. of 8.3 7.6 0.7Kazakhstan 1.8 0.6 1.2Kuwait 27.9 26.3 1.7Libya 33.0 31.4 1.5

    Nigeria 20.0 Norway 11.9 11.6 0.3Oman 25.9 24.8 1.1Qatar 15.6 11.7 3.9Russia 2.9 2.3 0.6

    Saudi Arabia 29.6 28.2 1.4United Arab Emirates 23.0 22.3 0.8Venezuela, Rep. Bol. 13.8 13.5 0.4

    Sample mean 18.0 16.8 1.2Sample median 19.7 18.2 1.1

    CA in 2007, % of GDP

    Source: Authors calculations

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    Table 4: Summary of Sensitivity Analysis for Current Account Components



    Deviation from


    Consumptionsmoothing, % of GDP

    Precautionarysavings, % of GDP

    Mean Median Mean Median(1) (2) (3) (4)

    1 Baseline 16.8 18.2 1.2 1.1

    2 ' 4 16.8 18.2 2.6 2.33 ' 1 16.8 18.2 0.8 0.74 ' 0.005 18.7 20.7 1.0 0.85 ' 0.005 15.4 16.4 1.3 1.3

    6 ' 0.005i in n i 21.0 22.6 0.8 0.7

    7 ' 0.005i in n i 12.8 14.1 1.6 1.5

    8 / 0.02 (Case 1)1 A A t t t 20.2 19.8 1.0 0.9

    9 / 0.02 (Case 2)1 A A t t t 24.9 25.7 0.6 0.6

    10 ' 1.1 z z t t t 18.5 20.1 1.4 1.3

    11 ' 0.9 z z t t t 15.3 16.6 1.0 0.9

    12 ' 1.1i iT T i 16.5 17.4 1.2 1.1

    13 ' 0.9i iT T i 17.4 19.5 1.1 1.0

    14 ' 0.25 p p 12.5 13.6 1.6 1.5

    15' 0.25 p p

    20.6 21.8 0.8 0.716 ' 0.05 11.1 11.6 3.7 3.417 ' 0.05 19.0 20.9 0.6 0.6

    Source: Authors calculations Note: In the column reporting the type of deviation from baseline primed parameters represent the deviation andsubscript i indexes sample countries. For definitions of Case 1 and Case 2 in rows 8-9 see Section V.B.

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    Table 5: Additional model inputs for the 1996-2006 time-series exercise

    1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Algeria 4.2 -71 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3Iran, I.R. of 3.4 -9 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2Kazakhstan 0.8 -16 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7Kuwait 6.0 181 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1Libya 2.5 50 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8

    Nigeria 2.8 -105 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 Norway 1.4 4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6Oman 4.6 -6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4Qatar 6.5 985 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7Russia 0.5 -3 5.7 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.9 6.2 6.6 7.0 7.1 7.3Saudi Arabia 0.6 40 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.5 3.8 3.7 3.6 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.4United Arab Emirates 8.1 277 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4Venezuela, Rep. Bol. 3.5 -1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2

    Labor forcegrowth rate,


    Production of liquids, billion barrels oil equivalent per yearInitial NFAposition, %

    of GDP

    Sources: IMF World Economic Outlook, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007), British Petroleum (2009).

    Table 6: Comparison of per capita output and consumption growth series for 1997-2008

    std(Y) std(C) corr(Y,C) std(Y) std(C) corr(Y,C)Algeria 0.08 0.02 0.12 0.07 0.02 0.89Iran, I.R. of 0.06 0.03 0.38 0.04 0.01 0.95Kazakhstan 0.07 0.09 0.61 0.03 0.01 0.90

    Kuwait 0.14 0.05 0.23 0.10 0.03 0.79Libya 0.15 .. .. 0.10 0.02 0.97

    Nigeria 0.12 .. .. 0.04 0.01 0.96 Norway 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.94Oman 0.10 0.05 -0.01 0.09 0.04 0.69Qatar 0.13 0.08 0.28 0.10 0.04 0.85Russia 0.09 0.09 0.76 0.02 0.01 0.94Saudi Arabia 0.09 0.05 0.73 0.08 0.02 0.77United Arab Emirates 0.10 0.04 0.63 0.08 0.02 0.88Venezuela, Rep. Bol. 0.12 0.09 0.82 0.05 0.01 0.79

    Data Model

    Sources: WB World Development Indicators and authors calculations.

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    Table 7: Accumulated external savings in the model and data, billion USD




    smoothing(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

    Algeria 129 9 108 0.91 0.07Iran, I.R. of 95 8 86 0.99 0.08Kazakhstan -4 5 5 -2.33 0.50Kuwait 224 7 149 0.70 0.05Libya 115 5 85 0.78 0.06

    Nigeria 124 2 122 1.00 0.02 Norway 290 3 177 0.62 0.02Oman 21 4 54 2.78 0.06Qatar 88 9 57 0.75 0.14Russia 418 21 158 0.43 0.11Saudi Arabia 469 28 444 1.01 0.06United Arab Emirates 141 7 206 1.51 0.03Venezuela, Rep. Bol. 127 4 147 1.18 0.02Total 2236 111 1797 0.85 0.06

    Total (subs ample)1 1300 68 1225 0.99 0.05

    Algeria 162 17 95 0.69 0.15Iran, I.R. of 129 13 35 0.37 0.27Kazakhstan -9 6 -21 1.71 -0.44Kuwait 283 13 174 0.66 0.07Libya 152 12 71 0.55 0.14

    Nigeria 118 4 115 1.01 0.03 Norway 424 7 177 0.43 0.04Oman 24 8 66 3.07 0.11Qatar 102 14 57 0.70 0.19Russia 599 29 27 0.09 0.52Saudi Arabia 521 57 334 0.75 0.15United Arab Emirates 183 14 274 1.58 0.05Venezuela, Rep. Bol. 171 7 195 1.18 0.03Total 2859 200 1600 0.63 0.11

    Total (subs ample)1 1601 132 1179 0.82 0.10

    PANEL A: 2004-2008

    PANEL B: 1996-2008


    savings in


    (2+3)/(1) (2)/(2+3)

    Accumulated model savingsdue to:

    Sources: IMF World Economic Outlook and authors calculations.

    Notes:1 The subsample excludes Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Qatar and Russia. For these countries themodel exhibits more limited explanatory power.2 Calculated as the sum of current account balances over the relevant period.

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    Figure 1: Historical income and consumption volatility in exhaustible resource countries, 1964-2008

    -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 600






































































    (a)Income volatility

    S t . d e v .

    o f p e r c a p

    i t a

    G D P / C P I g r o w

    t h

    Mean oil&gas balance, percent of GDP-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 600









































































    (b)Consumption volatility

    S t . d e v .

    o f p e r c a p

    i t a c o n s u m p

    t i o n

    / C P I g r o w

    t h

    Mean oil&gas balance, percent of GDP

    -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 600
































































    (c)Ratio of consumption to income volatility

    Mean oil&gas balance, percent of GDP-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 600










































































    (d)Correlation of income and consumption

    Mean oil&gas balance, percent of GDP

    Sources: WB World Development Indicators.

    Notes: Sample restricted to countries with at least 25 annual observations and a population of at least 1 million,which limits the sample to 90 countries.

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    Figure 2: Output volatility by decade

    1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 20050





    0.25 (a)Income volatility

    1 0

    - y e a r r o

    l l i n g s

    t . d e v .

    o f p e r c a p

    i t a

    G D P / C P I g r o w

    1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 20050





    0.25 (b)Consumption volatility

    1 0 - y e a r r o

    l l i n g s

    t . d e v .

    o f p e r c a p

    i t a

    C / C P I g r o w

    t h

    1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 20050



    1.5(c)Ratio of consumption to income volatility

    Exhaustible resource exportersOther commodity exportersAll other countries

    Sources: WB World Development Indicators. Notes: Exhaustible resource exporters are defined as economies, where median trade surplus for oil and gas during1964-2007 was at least 10 percent of GDP. This procedure identifies 11 exhaustible resource exporters - Algeria,Gabon, Iran, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Trinidad andTobago. Yemen and Norway are excluded from the group, since in both economies sizable oil and gas exportsstarted only during the 1990s. Due to the lack of data prior to 1990, CIS countries (e.g., Russia, Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan) are also excluded from the sample. Other commodity exporters include Iceland, New Zealand, Chile,Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Malaysia, Ghana, Cte d'Ivoire.

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    Figure 3: The c urrent account balance and the oil price

    1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005-40









    P e r c e n

    t o

    f G D P


    Oil price (right scale)

    Current account20





    $ 2 0 0 7

    , l o g s c a

    l e

    Sources: IMF World Economic Outlook and British Petroleum (2008).

    Notes: Current account defined as the sum of CA balances in exhaustible resource countries, normalized by thesample countries GDP, all in current prices. For the definition of exhaustible resource countries see notes to Figure2.

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    Figure 4: Growth in conventional output, contributing factors and correlation with exhaustibleresources (1980-2007)

    -10 -5 0 5 10













    (a) Growth in conventional output

    Average annual growth rate, percent-10 -5 0 5 10













    (b) Contributions of labor and productivity

    Average annual growth rate, percent

    Productivity Labor

    -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1













    (c) Correlation with growth in exhaustible resource sector


    Sources: WB World Development Indicators, IMF World Economic Outlook and United Nations (2008).

    Notes: Due to lack of sectoral data on economic activity Conventional output defined as GDP less exports of oiland gas. Growth in labor is defined as growth in population of age 15-64 from UN data.

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    Figure 5: Per capita real GDP growth rates, 1980-2007

    -10 0 10 20 30 40 50-4












































































    Median oil&gas balance, percent of GDP

    A v e r a g e p e r c a p

    i t a r e a

    l G D P g r o w

    t h

    y = - 0.052 * x + 2.1(0.027) (0.4)

    Sources: WB World Development Indicators and IMF World Economic Outlook.

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    Figure 6: Optimal Model Solution for Oman, t 0=2007

    2010 2020 2030 2040 20500




    (a)Price of exhaustible resources, P t

    i n d e x ,

    P 2 0 0 6

    = 6 5

    E(P)90% confidence

    2010 2020 2030 2040 20500