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fPARTMENTOFTHEARM' STAFFMESSAGECENTER MORIDociD:218371 .. i ; . ., . .! OUTGOINGCLASSIFIEDMESSAGE To:CIJICIUR ::;....,_., ,,I P.ARAPHRASBlff1rRBQDIRBDr. 'r' ., !'\... csom/..&1. Pr:-,"lb.m .., dt.d20 Sept..SOto Anv'1 Ra..,- IOIA. Df.S:RIPTIOH OFP.,fff\5 ISUBJB:T..tm/ORSOOP.iiS I Pone PaperoUpSpectaMn to .IUR1"JJWD.PorwU"d.Savact tr reportb7Dept.ot AP 1 dtd141ao.50to rurt.

whoret.dca 12Sept.50.Sul>Jeot. 1 wub7USAPSoboal.at Anat1CIIl llediop, Rudolpb .arBT-.a, while1Du.s.Subjectaa.- 1.8beingld.dedt.o :.JlQA u.t. 8S402t-7S') -- ...MORIDociD:218371 r~. . i: ',_., CR O SSR!FERENCBSHEE't tf) .L ., 8S402J-7S'7 (..... .. ' . , ., I MORIDociD:218371 ....- ---

19hM 1950 1.Rat.,.... 1a...se ... JIQAU2J t 2Apri11948, n!>Jen ......... 2.Juto PVeaaall1a..I'U ot 0.... P"'ltna-.nr:1..U, UTS.ftllSaW. ...sq an SDtl..ed 1'w .,_, IAto.,.U u11 a IMl 11- IIAttar liD&,W\laer l!l - .. tw Lsmta.lol.t.... n. . . :, : -.::::-:::. .., a. IlDia &.&.a.t.,CDC

.... ",. 8s 40 2t-760 : . . ..-....,!W_-.. -j l i . . I MORIDociD:218371 0I0IISI ItIJ\fIC E'IIIEf Fll.llOaArltiTIOOiaa.Gra / J!OlDO.J)lft Jm1 '194N)0 Mill'.1950 l . CROUUF.PILl biStRlPffOidFPA@! {jtiJtcfJJG))dlIYIIOHD ' .. ....:-:.._ . l I I I i ! 1 . . . i : ti. l( MORIDoci D;218371 .. .. I 21018llti!IICI8Biif .FIJ.IIOUJtfx BtJ!!ItftliCHWn,Joaef .1101.'71S,30 111ar.19SO I .. . CltOSS.IIF,FlL11 Repats, b!St!IPfiOJI01PWIJ .i . Jo.tr'-Jtxtract.efr.rpt.dt421Dec.49aubmittec by-.p7Wor Paperclippeci&liA PJI:BOl'IA,who: retd. to ctu-.aT eml7 Mar.SO.Subjbt ot 1.7. (Schoolf1llA\'iaUCIDM.Ucl.D9,.&n.Rahdolpb uu.a.fa ZJ11q 4?. ..;. .. ...... .

8S40 2t-7t .._ '# ..... 1 r-i .. ,_ 1 . ' MORIDociD:218371 CROSSRIFERiNCESHEET

FU.E!lOtV. !-HI QBIJD, 1aN JIQI.fiQ."DUE / I nal .,., ft4 291950I I CROSSREF.FIIBa DtScIPfloWofPAS!As. ;stJB3tcrAl@Cis\'RoHti , ....trtaU ot Pap. cUpll*t'UitUelllllo 4W29liar. w ,.,, dGA. 4\429DM.P epn1Jtn ..._ a'et, .-.sw..s. \o ...,. .. , "" so.... \bat alt.baa&tabe ,... ,..... Jab..., ..... d...S. .. 1a. INIUitu'-7 ........ -' 1111.. wa. ...... _._., s. 1a1a llltJ 11111uar.w oaatM\ ataaecatt dcUal w111.1a11J cosr ....sa...., .U.\711'I IM.. plAIIid azd .....-.til I11AMe an. NWD to --.. ._ .n \o 'belae'.w

I I I 1 l r I I I !"'Urli&'VYRepat.r1at1ona enRepat.rSat.ions MORIDociD:218371 . . -........- .. . ! ..;;.C..;;E...__..S_.H;;...;;;,B.;;;B...-! n:tBD T.irArrq IWa'UNO,n-1ed:r1chX. .J!OiMlt6.SS I -I I i . _., FIJ.IDl!Br1? Marchll950 : iiiSiliA . .:..-- f_..

l.ii 1-

li .. - '. i. ! . .lolD\llltel.Ucence ObJectlseao.r 657 MORIDociD:218371 RESJRICTEO 16larabllt2X)RU"DUIIPQR11opoapMolecS.hr,OCD,c.t.ral IntelUcDI:IACW1G71 A\t..D\loaaDIP.le ...,.,. St11JECTtO.IWUlSel..u..t. ud fM:bldat.u.. 1.w.....,. s......,. t.enaa_......_ lUl ot :aApr1.l1941, ..""' ....... 2.aute a.r.a .,dltn, ....._ MLD, 111aeal'l'bld 1a w. --'"1 bbe.-tUl rw 7'1W' s.r..-uoa ud1IMla .. ,., IIU.D,....... .DIUIJILa.ILLI:I Col--1,CBA.P RESp6CTED 8 s 4 02t -7/,7 ... ...J... .. I MORIOociD:218371 7'ebnu71950 '.:t:;'-. ...,-...,.,.. POIIlocrapblo &.PkrocD.C.\nl JM.elllc-.oe .6\waU.ill,aDr....... 1. llla"ppl7. le&at-- Sa_.. to.1101&_,........_ W) .t JAprU1948 ........ Ju:SA,.,.'a.tooJ'Uot a. .,dlhu ... -... amnd 1a tldlteoaLr7 .,.. IMl...s ....._.. ,_ ,_, s.ru.u.... ........u.. .. .... t ...... Mu ,- .. tw G&Si.... lllften ,- .. D'l"fa.Qlllar L. P!lA.MSTs Jrrinla 1:rtra Cop1ea :.1 . . .. ..., .. 'I 365 as 40 2t-767 I / J MORIDociD:218371 ( I I ,..,, .1 . ! : ...t:: ,Dlhrr.cm:.n t. c.,.u1i'.c-r.o: t. 1. le a;;\. ..: . I nt. ol..J.t: ac.:\.1i. aa.10; Jt.'Ur \ot.!: ' ":.,: . ..:1. on,;,.-eonc.tr. 'r.c,:-n.in, 3(f1e,oft!l U .:. 01Lne:. Uil.':-, - "C.,lerl1n, (Mo U.U.' ott!ce) \he DOedtra4Ci1Unr,&.l-'t.ft t. niJI"'''IW'Ocir\.'J'icJ.Dt.ellScco:. oc.:i.nJ :. r..tlan,&Ad t,;,.\a"'eftt.Dood 'or... oba:.iiJ( c!t.hr'Clq:hthe- rr e.1l.1U.. ofUu..t.o1'!1o 4.lr.; lwv.,lzlr. \.he:eDOI"CCizl ADde U.l or JoJ"'CSAaoaaflf..U1tba1 .Ulbn'-r.... \.1)''-Pf'2"C-dl.h c11't.heC.\.ral late.llJteM JctmCJ.a l.D-!or n i)J\be- ooUecUoaof biocn:.pl\1;&1.d&hcC:'-h";rroclllaUaaor c!o:i nr 0.,t.hD fCienUctlDtOOIapror-6%'OilO.f\he310/.! hh. !!11.w:.:-1:hsbeeauuilr ao ..in : TOe.-..in lonict.rc.' G of ficebat.t hework-ln.-:!.;FJc!.tJu.t.U,hu be.a aeoe11r ,,,.,t.oc.t.11ppriorlt.lu 1DKc!1c:u; .-;-., : htil\t-Cic.w o:brJ.ntlneaccietUn \qt.:.e Dnl :. Cid b7 a1lUCZ7MrTlMror .&:xrlc:.Anfbi1n cio:de :UI'O?f"".rlf.PN1 effort.t.o iDt.trrOst.\ heaU.h.:-:;M"let..nd 1DfldnuUrt.ccr.:=:.;;ub10(n;'!.1.1 &lat..be l !'"-"'ir&.ea1Rc.ne.01:doadel"r;c r :.be n oJ.,ula t hYOT:C... oul.-!belc:ma1Dcoor-t1.n. .t.1.;Jn.S.\J.t.l;e docdAir0011pU.UanDOW101Jlcaat.h ..... 'w:.t..t.re: m-.ncoto \hoUoCUDUDt.al"u.tlan,t.en .;.:Ubrui oririnill)'r lac:..t1D GUe\odyorore:Ccat:r-.1 AftWC1fol"ooOttloe(c.&IX)),1tri&b\-Pc.UenouAlr)or'Cietu1I>'WLMtt.h.:-ebat.i)NNDtDO-- adoptedffn' of lordst.raa' trcpoM.aautru.. to\ht-S&ah:'o: u : '.J"lt.y,..... aoac.rc&!t!:.ererore1t.i1requr n.d tbr\ ;-lenfortb6- re-;>ro...'Uct.1cmo!t !.-.eient.lricrvpor.. ru ci!'U.o Sal oT'Cir.t.!"ClC &(1c1!.1\1 foJa1CTot11a1nto-: .n JJ.6:llco1tlftt.1t1crepo:t.l"*f.d.80!\laint... eU:' tt.: ....o. :- .GC'I e:""nlMr.t.t.!:ro-.r' .t.hoaa:hr N\( :.&. ,t r r t ' n:1it "' tdlone!,".;:11.1 Direct.r .. . . ,l ; .,. MORIDociD:218371 ( ;l : ;~02 t-1 71 .'&!lt>ln\.In: :!l.iJ; enoc ObJo:..1u,."r.mc1 ' I MORIDociD:218371 .. 1 ... .,,. !"1)-. I... x.:r..,r..-t.l"'L...14I'lC'I1.: ll . . .:.. 1: '"'!Tt .'".n !.r t!." ;"it': \< .. :1.; ..:.t.t.Ln..Lt. !rw::..:;:r.1.. vc.on\ht- r chnt.!.!lc lc.l ftL l :.!. .,t1-..".c.D.lo"'lll.!f'C!G.:- :c.:: .''J!. ...: .:. :U. N ;"' . t. Rolin..._ IW.ra&c.!; Mn, lrt.aab ...lc!) h ci.tr a.t.r.'I; , 2.LJr.f.ci l.:.x.rt.11'oora:- i :.,..d wc.:"'\.r"CIII1n.Ciz:\..-... ..r111SJ;U;etl .o!' : P''C!..,I.1.;,r :..:- rd-.lt.iClle:-r::::.l er:;;l ,n. cUoecnolvc: t.r-r::llcnuelr 1:" 1nraltt.1Cft .Dr. ..1:rt:f.' r u,c... r n1moAJ.t"t.'>rlltt:> f o:rIIWG"d. Jru.re.-u.!r.1DP. J'lL1t.i.u ..Bebaaa1a>aabo1r0 1nt. rr,F1.1At.!'\eef!'c.O't.tof' eroGt.,;1'011.baut of f7P.... dlhll'fOtUeOOI'BNofl l..aaoec!c"a1 USAJ"el.GUOft11 lt!!'7". a.."l' l9l.S,Dr.Scbubt.rt.IUIee""eduProteaoT, NMI.r&:bUld -.d1c!Mea\the OaJ.vll\1of (io.1.1.illlt...n.U;; l'nfte'rltntt(aynecalaelul. Co.t.tillce1 GeJW-JQ'. z...-:. LabornUlS961AVel.Jt.au..-.a,lornS..... le baat.r;.Yale.d,.... t.e;.:.!Yol.)'l' .llco-.;ntr1.:, c..ab,Cienatz1 U.,.lla::a, It.,. llla,lk..:yr.r,.no DC'U!yr:Un=--+'OD1ah-.f:e1..:.1L.1:: b exoellWGt.rlt.:-.rer::-A \oan.:: a c!ro.r.in1!1 911X::abult"7hc;ulte4!1'l':\eo tv.ll"1:.DOt.e:ff!.llht.otwi\.1: pu11111:.,.,.::cr1: ;.1"' 1-e r.1.";';ok.l.J.1 -o!r,br "' S11ott.l( ;.ca,C..:u..-. ;J'l.)'h.:.i:-1 r,:-.tJn.:> rkr.. EaoapeClau.e 201GerhardSehubelrt. 401Dr.laJ'elSt.aller / MORIDociD:218371 1 Sln:ot:'l' !u:.1or.. H"C": t:k.:.. ::...lclc;,,&.nl.vor: lt.,o: .., 1r.li'. : ti.J" :I.l!1...,b..ItvUloyf:.!:oC:i:eaho)d:.Nr icnt r-Utuu .mJU: :o1CD1ta r :-r n' (i.,nv: lN.:u.;:er)t' lS;.;QQ!l P::wu(ao,.:.JtXr.t.1cr.u.llt\tlla:.N:.t.ey) J:M.pedloOtroc.CNM.oalcwakic. tor pollUatlJlehe.&ilwC'D\MWoperf'c\et \oobA.lOI\1diwlo.. b f161(! o! . 4e!boAtpe.re.r.n\of .Ju.tlceb.ube:. Uut. .... 1o.t1t.vted\o o"'nlD!.i::ta.fort-11!\l,n)=-::t.1D a.dt.ed 1DioTproJeat.Papwc.U:,,lr;t.: .o1r.\.eftr:\ofDLt.icm:.l. lt.lc&.nUelpe&t.edUl,.t.t.h.o;,be -;.ot. boOD1\.ed 5Lt:t.uIToU.eDe&.J"rut.u. o. -... - , r .. t,. ' ... ' /.(' ' 11:: Jor 1 Gr.c: tl'l'eOffloer 2 .. f ._,.,. r o.tft1 fateUl&.........-rw ~ . ' ' m,.. ..,.,_.,........., fll UOOI ~ MORIDociD:218371 -' r '/ J-.................. ,................ ... w.. IIMl t.o...a............-IllI-- 1. ~ . _ . . . .. ... 1.snJatdu,... caJ-''..-. A I ~ .UGi I' f ~, ; ' A r.. f""\ /'I, I ..ao ra ~1a-.1u.-. A6_, A._l... I tiewu,_. MORIDociD:218371 ' ~1110 , .............. ,_ ,.. .... ..u.-. .. IJC.C -.s.................. .,... .,..w.uu u .... w-. F'laIU lm.erclle IOD'tDt&LlO.OI (A.I.rtl'f l/lft 'JM.I.e 1. Du n.. .,.. ....u zu leall'- Pqp .a.. - . ~.....u .... ~ICII"lAA' ....... ~...... '18rllan.a ,_::-- , ) Jo1Dt CIIJeottAc_.y Ita& MORIDociD:218371 "!V.: "/ WW'W'B>Ult FWTZ,AJ.benF C/ltkt.j e C/A P'l'an& ... ........ .......... ..., ...... ... .. 78Q rt '' ""'. -7 JI .:,., . I .I le.ldMelli&... IIQ&306 Wli&... __, .._, 1. 1. Will ..... ,....,.... f/6I.IDOO MORIDociD:218371 ,._... ,.. ................... ................. .,..,. I...a.a IIltr NIJaiL 306 8 3 -l 02 '-11'1 I I I ! MORIDoc iD:218371 CENTRALINTELLIGNCEAGENCY WMHINGTOHJS. D. C. 12 S.pteaber1950 FOR:DS.not.or,Jo1n1.IatelligenceObJectSvuAi;enc-;,JCS AUeDtionaMajor .MuBrob.v 1Requea1.torIntonation Concemin,r Ss-cialla1. 111a110rna JlOA11980,.ubJ abowe,dt.d8qso 1.IDntpoueto U. nqu.estcoDtatz.d1A...ol"&od\111UDder ritenoca abon,abtopapMo npon oa Dr.lobuDeaSC!WIIIri,1a benw1tJl. Iaelallog.lpt.(1)


- '-:.) 4 02; -]JJ ApproYed fqr Release Oltet. IIOV!!Ill! .: ....0'. ! I l ! ! _..._ ..... __ JolatX.Wlli&u ObJeoU.,.jpq .. .I MORIDociD:218371 nt.n!CT1 torlato,...tlonCoa..mt.ncGeriiiiUSpechllo\e. l.UI.e.,.._ ._.tlaaf.uqllltar.aU JCNbH tM..tea\Ut o pn..S.M ... ,.tUbal altiU&\lOilOot .,_Ml....... e.-a .,..t&Uot.obetoU.hr.pDOJ'I _!!!!!!!!:!JDC&IW ?'' JJ...1Mo.,.,.._,oiUoellillobetbatprooeods..io !AO'tltllwdtoobtainhallqoolalSotetor plo,..a\ 1DVlo adt.d ltatoo..-r proj"t Papw-oU p.1DVIebtor..tof tlol ....nt;r.J\ a.uUotpat.ed \be7wiUbebrouchttoUtoValtod ...... s.a....... ,...... o 21-111 .. , , . MORIDoc iD:218371 - ... , __ . . .loiA\lD\eUSpaoe ObJooUYeaApnoJ ... 1.J\ 18fteiuea\ed\oM\1 w ....u. ,.. M-fo\be S.Wto sn-S... ud JAliU.al.tflUaUou of tMMI ....a a.....,..ws.\st. to,....,.....touasa....,. rm.D -, p.1.MdSaU. &1d uu...,o81l"'plaVo-..for ;rNn -UltUIIIISaO.NUT...FI"UUee,aDIS ou\e"'..tiAI1D\hb tsala. J.'I'M:Jtp.rt.e.D\ or Juat.Soeb.-a.._ IAro ....dV.\ proceedSAca -....e.- iaeU\ut..s\0ob\daUIIUaepeoWS.tatw ploJIIU\ SaV. ca.J.\adS\at.ae11DdarJII"'jact. Sa\bef.nteNe\orDA\laDal eMVSt.r.1\ s."'-'-' biiJUlt. bi'Oup\wu. *!..d fte\eSa\be ..rfut.u.n. lOA!Him,C.o\rallllt..elli&no.Actme1, Ut.oa J H.IW'pbJ. SUl\lt:Cf .ovf' 1.Th1&Ar;eney16in full:ogree.;llntwithJIQAac; \he\U'gent. Decessityorestebl1sh1nr. andfortheeffect!weduplication andt.rantmlissionto orec:1ent1t1c1ntel!Jt;OhC8WOJW&Uon Dot:heldinEUropew.ierorI:IICOCUICi:.;,., u.renae 1eneies. :i.Thisproblema couuicered11to:.;>ecit.l orthe Seion-t.1ticI ntelllt:enceCo=nitteeonl eenCO!'\Clud.eOrlt..,1-ep:.. lt ,,nt orSt::t.er:h1cnrill pro-widetorduplic:::t1onaJXitn.ns air : ionofin :uCOGe.no-.t..;te CUEtody o ) .Fon:arclet:h'res.'ith,ror yourinfor:ntion,16ncopyofe. colhet.ionby1.itieAgeo.c:rtot,;,e C."tief of C-2,on;;:..epte::.1ber1950.It.et.ate.Gtilew:..eneyortile this ;.eezq1ar..dineaat.oMrxi, .biot;raphicspeciallat.to Gen:al'\)'tor thepur, -oseof out. a.rT81l(:e;;.entsforduplication(;ndt1"11NL-daslonof in JJ:'ffq cust.ocb'.G-;(illlSnoi&aYt.repliedtothereq'.l,st.iihenuuchrep] hreceived,cu.rill advisena.tofetep.sU.inGtci:en. nel. CD .1 J:-:- ReArl ldl:'.il-...l,USN uirect.orof Centn.l.. . 8 .... s =l-\o t' -7?I l MORIDociD:218371 ---r ---------- -- INTELLIGENCEAGE':.c. ..- ------ ... - ........ - . tel.lz. Entoaio.aJfli .,..In"pl.,.refer to1" DNo.W'MLI &UO -t:- .-ntltt:T, N.W. WASHINGTON J.S,D.C. Su89 :n AH'50 DtGil1OfNlU) I (irwt!_____ 5&efdw4 ____ Nil OfNIIO w l yII DtOCiicab&o------I. .......... 111N - ........... ,._ .. lqu1 ....... :.-:.: = l ::..a::=-.:r...a. ..................... f6........jM.... -. ........ a.e=M .. 3taucut .. .....__.:tlllfl"- ... ..... AI,.,. ..........0.. _1111!,, :r..":' I:.:-l'h ..-.;a:=:.::.--=:=:!...1:.... .......... as. ... ,..9...... _... .._, . --'-' .........._....,tNwa...._1\ 1':*.:., w:.'= ::..:::::::,r :-::c:-::.::::.-:r ......M-Ill .... li ....... Ia,,_=:Q'11 ........,Of :' &w.:J!: at .. 0t... :,-;wu:a;..& iiJi:.:.= ths!L:0:.:-=-:Eil.W::::&' tL'ptj .. z:......... awau,'-laseI .. =-...,_ .... -.. ...... 2 ......di':D......11-...dltr,...atll-.. '-eta 2 .... --.aa.-crAtare- ....... LQ0\Msec'h :!' laqr a. ..,.!:::., _.,. .... au cal we aD:Ie a!!!.._... ') I' .... -!!--=-.......... waul0t, .. e) II ,, -. an., ...... Jllri.Jiizr 11 ,._.. *'..._ -..s. Crt 83402-771 Approved for .Release 2 ..Nay-I I .-!-' .... tel.Ex.euo bUIiOD'nl lreply J'efer toC P Jo.WMI.l .. -r lnREET,N.W. WAS.HINGTON 25. D. C. _,_ MORIDociD:218371 DIGill01 teD lA'..._____ "-'------"""--...., .....S.....,_______ r..tr. IJndCabio _______ ..... 6.ta te \IdaGIU..Uw lbMU.w, Id-a, ftiWICD... ....... Jta ,. ASSlft.UrCft'lCI DI88.....,_. LW'IU.DIB.._, 1911 CldAt.l.t- tl..s.t MORIDociD:218371 .( '. --,. .........,, OenacalZateUJ&e- " El:tft Co;:d 8''111ll.&l.ll .,_.., ... ..... f. I 1110 . 8 3 402) -/0/ .,. . MORIDociD:218371 ( Srn&T .:){Mit IW)Qtl&ITJ:U - l'llOPU)tC()MJC+HD IUJJ!CfaPrer. o.W'A1J)&D 1f- .loll$Cb.1or1orBt&tt .11111tIJitell lee DOeObjeoUn.&cnor 1001112'H8o,tt. P.at.acea aab.lapoA 25.J).c

. I) . . . uo .to.) 0 8 f[B1950 to aa uooQf1.._4roponreoelftd b7...'bjootlolelltln......... Pfe&J'8ODt.b8JIQ& atob Ui110.- -.rd.er..Sb.ar,..ts-. lOllDl J)ID::faMr.J.J.tUperw n.ar.... au,.,... W__. b.adot.oJlUl811Mnr.dullW) ot 2April1941. Bulo ,.,..DDela.oordaet epecl.aUna whoam.S s.a We ....v,- Sln.aber 1"1 arelnalCHtedbenwi U.tor 70'IAI 1Alor.U aDdI'KeDUOD. IDButo Roooi"C! rwoa.l Yedtor apeclaU.tlarlT. wtw.anind oat.M.,_ A....U.blobtocrapblc.ldata tw t.hb1t. to,. rdedt.o'1'fNZotnco b7.11'718 UApril )IDo"-1.IPfitor3.,ouauc a.1"' lfl'tIIIIIA,p.O. ).!PI tor 1'\JGII!I'Jlli,hUu I".R. ;c: .: :d:l.- t . ! .tt::.cl 1111 ColODil,().CjC Dlnetor /..A. Al'1"lnh-;r) 201karl T;:...;j" .. 201 HAll.l\1&5 - . , .. " .. 201HelmUtP.G.c,1t?:\)'\:l1ua... . \:2i-IIi.;' -!.-...: . f...: :. ,;.. , .. '.' . '0 ' . f r },. < I MORIDociD:218371 .folllt.llatellJ.&MI GbJ"cu. .... Acenar Cbht,lU.-.;rwpbioil> Ct'l.,ru:l ,l ' ::. : Ct1eo r,fl. . Pol ! cy:l \'.;. :.: ..r. l : Lc ! "' : 9' 3-iu 2) -!50J MORIDociD:218371 . ( , .,. ..- .. J..::;;i.l..RCL.l J I O;.HO.f!..-71:. ... lJid.41:418 Marobll tr Air ,..,.. olp.d DUa&.1a dupl bulo Corrft,4 JP-. 51fr .urPo.."""ow ,UQA. I I I I .-{ .I I I I A1rllC !U".1'1U.:= -----------------(WCLASSJJ'liD)Cueot Dr.larollf.w.D aDd lubjeotouo 1ere"hnledf eatl ur-tuollted 1JIbaa1o...ao pr.noua17P'Ur-Ulwatt.aohedb1...-. dtcl10 llaroh11tr OUill wbiobt.b8.7ate.tettaatt-he oaa.ait.rau.. Ia pane a. 6otI'OO-ID4la& gap..arabipa.ro u.U.ll alld.!'be Def'et 1rrcroe r.qu..t1\bat t.hiotter ._ P"' .on .,.uw. weataat. - -

, J MORIDociD:7U:ENO: ___________ --------------------J I OASO.6DAn ' i ! . .. CROSSRD'.!'IL!: 019OFP.&P!:RS ---anna. a. -ta ..ca or ., 10,_. UIO l:dll. ftt!'PICOC ......... ta .... d... .. Mecr:>t ,..._. aiAnl ft&U. ...liMe .u eopl.. ., ... M't&S.-1ftl,ptl't.... '-- neallel ........l.ute.,...w U..t tale.,...._. rtrpert,a& 21 ..,..Ill.-. . .-.tt.r.. te ...tala ..,_- et .U late.-'Jed llftlla\le SaU.. ..,.. etn. dtlaleU R :l-l02!- /,5'0/ _;..-,_ :."1. , MORIDociD:218371 .luthcs.UW . L__ _ uE, D.AJRc.FORCE ..U.:fT0 nA'TD AUtPOitCI: UODI-c/cc-a(201-Lob) -II, .,. IIDI)JU.JID:JMP'OBrDDIECroR..a>DITmiiUODIC'E08J!C%'UIS.IOIIICJ a:JBJICrr{'CJDelutiJ'ied) of Dr.WeW.D&toD1111ao-Tu1IDH 8Dd1rlfe,Mn. Yq J.b!DB-1.It 1.- n(Jleatedthat.Jo!JltCbiettofswtt ooufder 'the cue of Dr.YellJzaatca&11ao-f\ulcmd bU wite,Mre.WID&L1DLob, ChiD..uucaal..-.torr.co....S.UoDto\be ot Statetor m'-'71DtothetJD1tedStatu iAUaetU.t. priorlt,'c:l.ua fd qaotafte Illllpvt.et ot \be .ur ron:. oouicli.nto beal1eu wteea&liaaca 1 ...inble beeN ot certa1D.u.ttazT 1alpUcat.J.oDaattw'inc .t.beoue.Worutiootowarl U.. oue 1.8 hG'W! tb. 2.011talaot \M brfttt.tcatlCIDeGDdDotedbJtbe attica ot SpechlIDfttUptbu, Jlri1 USAF,Dr.Lcll UDOtOODI1den4 tobe. MCIIlrlt,'Uu-eatto u. 17Dite4 at.tu.Tbel"ect.nl au.. of IG...aU.CaUoDreport. h.uaot.bMDbat COJTMpCDdiDcetro. .&ot.iD&r.:-IN1ooer,r.-s.p.U.CID8D4latuNl.isatl.CIDs.ntee, at.bor-1siq Pft+'SDaUoDtor Dr. blpll tbeaiatcc. of a MCIII.r1 VnpaM. b-oa1M FBI A ebect CDinl.obJ"ftUlaDO: deropto17 W or.at.loa 1Du- tu ot t.beOtflceot Spec1al.1Dftat1-pt.1ou,Bq,osu,D4 U. l".S.ral.au-.a:aofI.anaU.,.UCD.Acbect the bu He reqm..t.ed.trc:.\beDheeto_.teot liltel.l1cmc: , hi' Jut .l.1.rPore,-.c5U. .&.S.rU.abcmott1o.erBxl& Kcag,Cb.1Da. ).It u"cptect t.bata_,.clalbe ...S. at.\beearll..t po..lbb te tobr!A&1Dtlo\be 1JD1te4St.ataaODa\lllpor&17buu. pad!Da ,......._t s-1&raUca,ID'8.Ya&LIDJ.Qb.n. Dlzeetorateof lBtell.i&ec,81, usa,ooaeicten\bet.l7 ot Mn.lobtDbeill u-ut:Scaal 1Dter.t baa ld.l1tolll7 po1Dt orn-.arrw.Lob,'*=-aNot bar 41"1mtSAllcll&Daa,ttlabject.toabcke\icmb7,IDIS forcedoooperatS.cD wttb,Cb!a ec-"'ew, bot.bot wbicb woaldoreate a 11tlaat1c:IDlDoout..\et. w1UltM ot uttCDIIJ. Dr. Wlbo!au 'Me o1aaNdtor wortCDclu.UW be&Wieletbe eec.J'it7 OGD\ro1..,_ a.ue1Nd b7tM OD1t.ed 8t.ateeldll\u71 tD.....,nseate rit.b.... Lobtober ach cl.uU1ed WomaUCDuaheII1Cbtout tor,tbcald.._ hU 1Dtothe .._. of U-&.rteiD.... .:. ' .\. 0MORIDociD:218371 APDD..C/cc.;.a Slbjectr :r-ill"&t1GOot Dr.WellJ.qtaDBat.ao-,..,..lOR mcSI'Ue,llrtl. WucLtAtoB 1&.lin. Ida, wbo8etr-a.rtetta2 w1Ube oua bu11 bJhtirlll1bad1 tM0DD10l1dat.ed11Alt..llftntt. Corp.; 11DOW11'f'1Daa\ t.befolloriD&addrN11 SIIOODd.tlaor lo.10 IIIDetwmBDa4 .,... l'cmc,Cb1Aa .&e poii..IN Purt. lo.11-.ecSbJt.beCbiANe Jat10D-al1t m. wUl appl,Ttorber'd.Mat.t.beAaaic.uCclaalat.e 1aBoaa..... 101 !Iii CIII:r t111/fJ.FFa "IDoll 1. llOC!'IPbical.data (iatrip). 2.lepart.f4Sec:ar1t.7 DrYelttpUOD. ). Ut14ant... 1&.ttr dW20J so. 11IlleS,lOJm so nc 201VelllQI\ODLobhtrlt'Copl.. ;. 2 .. JciNI .AC'JQ:JUWf. artcacS1erCeural ,USAF Cblef .CollectiooD1Y1s1on Directorateor! 71 ..,J . MORIDociD:218371 isanextractotcorrespondencetro:atheDSreetont.e otSpecialInnatigat.sons,IG,Hq,USAF,elated9June195'0,lllbjectt (UnclassJt1ed)Dr.l'iellin&t.onKISao-Tun'Loh- Contractor:laployus: 2.Tt e(1$1recordscontainnorecordortheand UtetSlu r:tID/ O&.I Slcontainnoreferencestothisindinclaal . ).TheAir Prowat Manbal..cord.aatIri.,t.-Patt.nan Air ForceBue weN!ebeckedandrenectthat onl) Septe.ber 19b8aJbject,....&rantedaSecret.Cltannceba..don\hepro-'ril1c:maofPar 6eorJJsy.,_orancll.D)80-$-10.1DHwasat. tJ\att.W.Pl07'8dbJ Aircraft.Corporation. TheiD.,.tJ&atlon waseoncl.&ctedbytheP'i.ratArwyandconsisted orcheck1nftAlr( L)referencesand1lro(2)AgencyChec:b, nuel7,C'NI,lat. tbnl Diatrict,Boston,Uassachluett-sand PoliceDepartlllent ,!loston,Jllue . ... .. .. ......... CE!riFIED 10BElT!IJElT!tlCl'COPI: .....o.ae .... -. I ... - J '.. i .. .. -' Cllt'IPIC!t'l MORIDociD:218371 1._ olleob ..... oaa.tacWC1Dlin..... LIDJDI b7tol-lwiq &.-ol. r.dlnl.,... ot !BftiUpt.lola C.tnl JDW.U..Ola-q ot u. .a.r.v,... G-2 D' ot \be v, Gil otl1oe ot IIPMiall'aftltilp\1_., ..,IW . ........ "' - .. .....:led,UCIOI"dSaato......u.au wUIIDltdlw Ct.. 011_. JII), J.\.COoper "-'>, .._ (hr an:}ad Clip\.a.. (aa VW, tw OJ.&) 1 (fta Ill"."'"-7, CD). . . . ,, L........... ... ... loSatla\&lllt'" .. "{.' r-:y J!'-UOl ChS..t,lllor,rphte'ho.:la-;er oc;; Contr. !/ . i;':llc:t)' l .. T ..: . MORIDociD:218371 Jth:oe'i\l1eta.e4ol_,.1MpropulaUDJWiiJ8dCICno1opet1aPI "-r"I.J.'11''o&100'"P thenot I,IJOCb .... p. aal\1'-1ot lv,\."h'c, h.... tor"'.. ""'"..'reM&S..a1l7,_,le'".Al'\er u..wr * aJa.IJCMprod.. MMlM....,tortilel\.lllaula .a.,.__., altai'l.r.t.1a.Cdl\Sor,O ll\: lllau aaa. la1a'- lleelp ftad ..1h -.1 1ahM.. ter...&.1ll"lllllua\lODIa 1ela.lr. 11:1) lll&:Sb;ad Wo ...ita II'Jait-lMI, _. lue.Sue .,.,...,.. ._ :ca.,..,u,;.e.:nauza.. v. oruur......,.,.... 11&,., ",_ \M'- 1a"-l1lMf, U. t.anH.. plue oJ Pll\\6rb1M,.,..te Dl\ ,........_la tlat.eDr.ICiaUaa lo uelo..._ huM4'-I laMa tu'-4\o lll'- tartl.,..n la -&MUlalt.d1\.at.et..actvProJ.t la ... , .,_,.,, at atl-..1IM\li'U1J\ Sati olpatacl\atw!ll._brCNrhtto tM WW l:.et.eolau.....,.t"w- 1lDtl ..rXKK&IBU ... . .. I ...... .... atea.GTD Coloael,OIC l>tr ..t.or .. .. MORIDociD:218371 ..._ caCllbt.Pl-'-11 ..........u., tt..s.a-. ....-...... erel ... ...,. , __ _ &....laptala Lo.ftN CftO.te.- ....I.UIItDr.au..e.r ' tw .,.,..lat'...t.t _. It -. ...., ... la r.,_.. tD..... ,....-' fer later- - ........u .....,.,...u,. ..1.,.. I.Dr...... I - ...rtW... .,.,_._At el ... 11' l'-1 CIAlie .... -- 101.11,ut'-lJ 11 ...fi...-p.roUp 101liP.0u.Dt..rl.OISD :. 1224 = .)n 21 -IS/J ( ' . \ .. MORIDociD:2l837l / --IIUIJIAiia ua.Cider.,..tal rr ..._.. .,...... Will-'ftUw &K1.&&1._'19&111-.Oft'INMe Aiel ell ...,.,......... .... l'-....eal lftiUI.II -.&t..,._ et llnal lneU.l,...............,... ..., -...,. IJwf ....... "-U., ll.S.................. wa-.. ....,..._. a.r ,._ .............u.. ,.........-.....u, IW ..1c3Ia tM WtM ltatM t..lut flltM.,._.&UeWll* Ia .........,.. cu z.r... U ..,_.. 8o.u 111101..._. a-., llll... .-... a.. ..., ..- line111rw. .._ 1 .. . r.. ! auz.u. .. IU.II eea-a...., -...... . - r' .... I MORIDociD:218371 TO a JRI DEPARTMENTOFTHEA\IY STAFFMESSAGECENTER OUTGOINGCLASSIFIEDMESSAGE OIBCEORHZIDBLBEROOIRJW'iY %.86127 P:rca02IIJ'ID8182580or2Peb. OAO/SAliCIBBitSPJCIAT, rROCBRL'l'COLBM: JOJIESCOLVBDUIUE-02/ABP12192 17 NAB51 CIA1J:ltomethat DrR1oharc1nerrer 11' ,. .... ... d toarrl'l'e 1Dl7Sem26Ma.rofi.lequiitf&Mlibi:Cion,.. ont or t7reportand&nJotherdetail e. requeattorEoJU"adZuae. Ooiltplateplo,mentaanat.1oD&l.interest caae orenorcs Khlen. .BequestKICOOaoouri t7reportud name oheditdlti forfiiiii7poupasin aooor&uloev1 thourrent prooedu:re. omm02 maD,nOA,Dvr,AP ('MU51)M'OI1700-TZabo , u -J.86127 ..:{12 I- /)2. 2. frllp 101 Dt.atQud U:UIE c201ZUII C101 ... PlONU BBtiR8COPYNO. TH.I:MAKINGOF.AHEXACTa:II'Y C6 THISMESSAGEISF'ORBIDODt 39 ;' -- I J J I MORIDociD:218371 Cblet,ll...,.pbio C.t.Nl 1MeU.l&eDeeAaet lS\he\1I. .. a.c. AT'fla.a J.J. eu..re DIU llr. Wllpenta 1Wo...W 1951 w..-- s. wna. _,I'MII lU.Jot a Aptl 1941. INle ,.........,lteoonlor lltcni)blul 111\8et.,..s.a11n. tb 111ft,...\17 urlYed1JaU\h oollftU7 an taolOMd..u.aater 7f1VlatoJMUODUll""-DU aa. lade Jlu...-1 Jteoordla DD\ aftll.a'bleoat.Mepeo:leU.t.tor o"817IICJCNphl ..lDlt.ato1'\Dd\W. a l'DDl 1. Datafor ...,htM &.I. a.111,..,.a.-. Mu 1 ,. . &er :illn .Ql Col-.1.ace

... 201BothoJ.X.IRDJ:1lA C/P.ZOlh'llaI.IUlN 0 .... .. ..\ ..i"', ,t. SICVJU'ftIIIPOIIIaft:. .,. ( ..;JIJ ..... I \ ' ; \ i lcriD'.,,101 ..,.,,.. ,ecr-':llda.lDate MORIDociD:218371 19a. ..... J95l lOa.1&ftllh'o!ll&.... Acnar.AUar J. 1.lllpan ho:!tt .leu lfho. 1. a&&&.. llba&aI&IIJILD 2...... iill':fll J.hlta .uns. fa.""'":..c;:x 201.Jot. aDBA I'USl.Dt c,1l201 ...IMM'no c!J zc::hlta am. C/2l rortoaWACU v.IIWOalioi '* Oo11Ul-Dlnn 0. ."' . .'.!J-1/.J() . : I I ,, MORIDociD:218371 JoSot.Iftl.olUnoe ObJMU.....AieDOJ - , , ,.. ;. ,.,. . . . /.. ".. ..)I _)>(.'\_..l.. !tlotirepblor.-.;cht.er,:xu C.nt.ftlA1ono7 N.8. c. TrkllflC..J .J u.,.n I DMr*'Upena . ,Jatenoooh..So \o .110.a_,rwnl!W) ot2April aft. .. l ., aaaior.nomel1\ecordol O...nepea:lalht..:r.1ll 1lbo .....U7 &n'l...SlDWoOCND\171 1olnclNodhel'ell'1\obtor 70W' I.Qfo..-UooalliS.,.\aDUoa . llnol 8i'fltor ./'cu.1rr1 fth 201S:..SDW'l1l..D . ". .. " &:R'Al'ER ColOMl,GSC Dl..J'WC\Or b/ . .r.. , r , ').,7., !-'."... .:., . ... t MORIDociD:218371 ., ..'/' h. /. . .l.!..lS Colonel,C:illY Dlr.ot.or .. _ .. -p. ;. . DociD:218371 lob\ Ja\elll0DOO c; aJeo \1 w1"'' eooy C:ent.--1lntelH,..aoe;.r,oDC;v J,J, .,.,..,..d hel'eWi \htor,ovranb!o&np.t..l da'- pertalltlD&\be peclalh\aJtaW1 'bot. 1.,..._ ICAIIOa I.Jyuu. ICJIII,LI,.(, a.Jser.ua ... I..AltNdWOf:.CU:.kUU ...;!. se. _.,..;.J_,: .'' 1 . .. .wc:&.SH. Colo.ul.03C 14JNtylllreotor 1 -1171 MORIDociD:218371 ---- .. OfficeMemorandum uNITEDsTATEsGovERNMENT TOColoDelDanielE.llUa,Joint! nt!'l.!:ir.nee \ t-!oet!.vas,\r:nc:r, 2Dt11,h nt.,eon flOWaA.H.Alex3nti er,I'S" ,c :A DATa&4 L-suaj&CT:tbplo:- lntor :.'tiJ )'0\"'Cl'you. - or2f er.ehdnrlet tf'r h c."'lDr.Frane is rar:c.&n.Ihovtno1\Jrt}: ::- !":r.:r.J:;-ge!t.io!"':Jforf'incl!n;;e.=floyaentrorc; .. J'!IIan int.t.c. Ur.! :!St: !villc&."''" ::a=OW'peoj.). 1le!'e,.,Z\I':'Ve!" ,a.ntl it idu!:u!'),Ishsllbe:.. t. yo-.;' :n01.1 ApprovediOI Release DateNQV f98-.. E!5TR181 Efr . . !1 -1/.?/ J l) s.n.ID;.. "' '.itt'--t.nnc:. ,.,.. Jl );..J C ' !IJ ' Ci : v:c... :; : .:"""":t :..irL1 MORIDociD:218371 1.1A 1L::1ara:.o\.:. ::- . .. , 1.-: 1:1'. e.:. a .. ell -..J 1."\!'::r.-.int hiocrr.:ccrar.J'lr cecr""Lir. anc:c:chr.1.!,t. !dt.l. o.!.educ:.l.l,)D;::.J.co;yof replJ Lt.t:ch:C.loil'y\:"r ln!'.lJ":Vt10D. 2.tow-1:- u1-:u.c::.;;:I.e I i I . l I ! : MORIDociD:218371 CENTRALINTI:WQEHCE AGENCY WASHINGTONU, D. C. JJ&ftUU7 19Sl Director,Jo!Dt IDtelllpDDtClbjecUwaAeiDc,,.JCS .&ttenUonaColeaelJ)uJalI. BW... aReq-u.ettor MI., trmJIOA1296s.hbJ aboft,4t.d27 Dec.50 1..&Wok ofU..tileW.. ..DOTtar i.lator.UCIDC1D &ltJ'Hc.Wnwalacl DOthi,DIvb!cll mpt. atteot b1aadaloioD tow. oo..tz7. a.It. 1aoa:r1Ditratand1Detbat u. s.cunv rtoe(st) ol tM Deput.at o6Stateru a.., c!ltokCDVD1A.&aluatot 1950vtdcll prodtalae4DOtbiDgderoptoryooDonn1qb1a. r . "''"''I .. ... . . . ..# :: .. .... .. MORIDoc iD :218371 , . C."\ftllaMlU_. ......, l)fft et CoU.U (11--'U l te,.--.se .. t.,..,....rUN -.. uu. Y..,a-. 1611); ---. 'u!..:.; ' b7law. a.- .,.1. -n,_.

... tw ..._ ,_, (t) .,. u.-. .,/w ........... u .... - D&..., ... ft. lie_, fW-1.,. ._ .,. ,......_. uatr le1at Gf\J.re ..... ,...a.Clal,. .s. c.a.-: .r.Gn'1"11lr .. ,. ............... ' ' wt,. fill ..,..,. ..WI" :, .. 1410.. ..__ ,. fill._._,.. -.ra '"G"Uo.tcllil. 101Drlfb- a.t. ax ..a (D.p.) 101art &. .,.. 101 a.ltc ......101 hr._. DIU (Z.,e) . ... - . . ... " I MORIDociD:218371 CLASSlf'IED. .ING rC . I)[I>ARlM(PflOfTH[ARMYi-Jc. ;...', STAffC0MMI)III(Al 10N!oOHIH:'' t&a. -d MESSAGE 'H .tis lJ e,l M. ........... -- . StCR[.I - ?

STArtO(Pl FRO.,. : TO NR p i-... : '....... -: ' '- LSGPACHE. SON.(A HlGRAM j -f'rcr --: t: .. '\nf..for!10467 .June23,dscussed withJIOA.Arf!', .!CS9'>184,June28,suggestCINCEUR subjectfeftelegrambetweenEUCOMandHICOG. Oepartm6ntProject63notnewpro/' ectbutcontinuation PAPERCLIP,.accelerated,withcertainodilcationssuchas paidtransportationandenniceofplor-entbetweenmilitary andprivateindustry,withprioritytoi1-ltaryneeds. urgesfullHICOGsupportandto Withspecificquestionraisedurtel: A.Ji.:.::. r ... pt':-t t.::\Jr.lpleteinformationproJect6l. coveredinJCSimplementingregulati'>ntrar.s-mittedto ionwillbehand l edoncantt' case- 3 ! engJinf' i>spprcvfo aforPAPtRCLIPIn United details Includingi nlt ! .l)! .... f'c:rsubsequentperraanentcontracts tobeatArm)'R"''"f'tl'jn,:l .... hotelcn.otownNewYork.JIOA responsibilityforandperma'neit.employaaentby industr:,tofollowln i lilllscreening-Yilltary servicesto lilltheirneeds.Mil i taryneedstohavefirstpriority. Acceptanceof contractstobevoluntary.Whilewe don6lunderstandSRO forspecificdetailseachproject i 1 Ibegladtt- requestJIO.Io ionInsupply i ngsuch infor-atlonifyoucon,iderforyourpurposes. ,B.JIOA dep&rur.tsc lent latsshoutdbe staggeredt(' void. unfavorablerutd icreact JoninGenna r. ,. ...'..... 4 ' - ___ ...__ MORIOociO:218371 ColcmlIlLLISotJ .J .o.A.lAreaudwJIW'ojMtII(11rlq Genu tor..lAu.s.,ow.)leoJCS-86114of28J\11\61. !be 16!'c-sothe ad t.,._7(Uoh&17)u4 olwled\ll&t.J (1 )There-.. DOooordhaat.dhir1D&procru oamualacmateu4 aaltipht.1441D&il pluo. (I)!Ure it alaot atbtanaU aT'&lla'bleto innNhcl J&I'UMuw\laotielcltlu4 w'bjMh'biA&wrke4e (I)Con.JJIf1el4au bolD&clra.hedoraood... riU.\M aSt&t. Dos-n-ut .u trN UCOG,et!tr'-bu Jor4nr-.Ml7W'OwU 1lie aoept&'bloto otherqmhlJDtbe.....tiM it h'beiq r_J- ,,. If:- . l._.t .:..a ... - -II t. . ... . A . ... . -- MORIDociD:218371 Rifi TRISTEB CENTRALINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTOHU ,D. C. AUG20J7or the""1.7 ort.beKolter ot hpen1.1p Spectallete.. 2.Onecop7orU. Ut 1 ab'ead,rnee1't'ed1nt.bl but wetfO-.olc!:;reat.l)'ap;:a-eeht.e 1uuee t 1nWeaac!t.hanktorcalUnt:1t toourat.tentloe. .. .' :.-... io( Re,ease Date7 _ 1!85 c:- _,'l 2t-17/ I .. . ...-. .Tl"".t..., !: ;. OL:..

Object.lne'CCICJY na MORIDociD:218371 _,"'Ull.TrJ:T 1loet.er oflrow:ttttooU. 11D1 \el2 1Dfer&heJ'r :-rc U r.l"nner 1'01Ctral latell.J.e..,-"1..-:1"-llbSaactoa2S,u.c. -'ttAa&Jr.II. KarebdlCbad..U Di.r.ctorSolUfto IDt.el.llleiiCe llocm2SOSa Blda 1. .u u. tt.orot lDt.arwt.1.DOCDlU dtb \.be.JlUA FGIJ"aDtor &I Uld f4 1net _.Cti&Aami I.D;loeedtor 7'0C'Uldret.nt.!.ou 1a ""4 .:.tJul.7 of ...;.tiootc ot apecL1lb\a\.obt..barebeoolaCJUcl!;t.t.ct.bflhitadJt.::tea,to t.bi oelate,l;ln:t; theD:!11C:J,d- -aeD:t:t.u4 U. re;,11!aaeo :.c:.a. l ull1111!baJA.tt.C1Zlll;.JJ: lit. !.)r1\ltlA.' U7fi".Jeodesir. .l.lno.l : hpcn:J.1:. ca Ju*"

i.l....l.....UJ Colollal, u::u1

. .----.tml.t'

MORIDociD:218371 :: :!:.,1....::.-:...!- !..::.' "l l!..;. !.,_ ,..,.. aw ._,., , , " Jt""I ' .. /Ia...... ,,., ..... OAIOl ,, .,... oJ'j 101,._," .!- . r-: J..--:.. ;r-...;a. :. .. --------- --- - -=====-z..tt.r AI.NWI -.;-rlllflnatl 6-gned.... a.97 ...s .11rl'ane-1 Ia...: 0z1.rtpl"tJ..ama.... .- II"DD .....wttaa -.dan ..s ......_._ n.GlMl, wata u,n,na& ...- ..._t. lnc-tllil W W.Uu _. rwtaU-. I 8021__D_o_c_I_D_:__

;:.... :f:...;. CENTRALINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTONZS.D. C .... .. 2 .. ) t ".:!\'1.0' '1:"1.,.i:,,;I ' nc .,-;, ..t: .c ll .:,:, . .. ." a !"': !- , ,t :. A,..12" o:.l :,t . ;n:'c.. rtL81-r: e!:1.o!! t . o : .z.. . .,;. .:: , JlUa,IR dottier l890501tO ,..lllt.l\u't,lt4r,oe-r..ar -lolat'orutlonava1labl TSe'Uia,&\IlVia AuetrSa llo 1D.t'OIMUODawa!labl -u 4N1r #601tl236 -110SafOI'UUODawaila'ol CJoldkrr/lobluSen,C::n&DJ 1101Dto.aw&llable ,.,..Dt.l\an,1laiD,0ena&1lyBR4o..ter f89o5029 rr.Dktunjt&alD,Qersayllo1Qfo.llt'aU.able lar teeewlD,Eut '"'"1& -Jfo!Dto.llt'ailabu 1811J&berr.,hNaelaJiotDfo . avaUable S.rUn-Cbarlot teiber,O.r.-JioSDtc.Pailable JePlln-ZenhDdorr,-lfo1Dto.P&1lable 8a'ftr1a,O.n.nyJro1Ato.ail.able nJUa,Aue\.ria Auetria ThorzaO.....a;r

Jea/lh\1 r1 Df'ID1a. miLD ..ao1Dto.aYIL1la'ble cto ..serll01ilo29 Jointo.BY.U.ble -Brief1Dfo.Pailabl -Bnet 1Dfo...,&ilebl BrtettDfo.11Y&1labl lhezaob, O.r.-aft4ote1er 16061161 J,:..Jlhaveen0 AlUa,n.a. iJ:Ito.aY&il.a!>le sdt.t.a a/4ftlle,Au.IVta -D 4o..tar #Ot:1Cn59 TS-.A.uetria 1.Dfo.aw&Slable l'ht&IMrLa. .. ..ru-. --- - - : -lo 1ato.an1.lable ItOtata..awailable MORIDociD:218371 r---- . .. ... , : ,,nrr. rr trruU.rla :,,.,. 11.-bUl ( .. tye-tore) .lh."o,"' ' "' rl ...... \ Uullo\h (_. ftDl.nl) t'IOE'f,ChrliUat.a ' "rolT.J .. ".:rt osn,una , .. , .....1) / ..c--T.lF Oertrucl!fao\lto ( .. JDa1Jl ii' PFiiT) -olr,..v ,lr- Bl.u\.-.J t.er LeoniI /J..arCFr.,C' enwr' q)a ( ,...ol\loSa) _.;,Ell c- ' : rwJa"1 - lwtt J. t...lhlcl,.tt.arlft'.ia,._....fiT -lo 1Gto.&Y&1l able 1tJo.11liltDllU-.r:ea.r.:&ar,."-"r&.:l7BRd.De11er11019819 I, .,.,.ltU 1aJeh,Buar1a.WerMnJ_.o &Yailable H. J .1altll,.,.uo-r,..pto, -R4o..1er 1.y Oeprt.er.tof t.."c&lr -:...,.,.- ft.: JnY" Uo1ntb.e''-t.. IaturnS ehod a a.llo raJ"" ! l,..1:.1 : C"ntapJa ,ateln 1nt4ret.edl nnuolearrJI;rat u.Hh .. ,.1 eaoeInr;ta,.DUo lear t l t>U""'..,.,.;,1n c:'f' IMI'Ohetr l pt-Pa\t.noa , s. rto "Ot"5ooaehi>t'a ""&:dlneaplnri.ArIM'W..t.ao-Jtor -:urta: elawat.! .,.t.loa,P\r .t\aaUHIIll'lr.rColUtW!' aa - tbodorreaearel\,&!\"' ._:i c1 ..1of wah ! t.1..,.tooul' ared ftrltyiD:- or talto II V.. \ ..,...0\1\.i l'l; :- nn.' O"! : :"'1ri.1iflb. ..,., Se -: aoa H a.sto!l\Jt.w.1oa1 ' DooaDd nr.- t.- ' "' H a ndaht.d tha.Bolra."'DYr.n'1\h'1eo..tt.Mttw1\:-.d noplanaor ZOlDt-.OIIJrnLACH .. .J2)-1911 ..MORIDociD:218371 .IJQl'J ,_ S.pu Otn\raJ-rtf:1 f)f:.:-o:lt a ' Dit,oii Ito243'It,,. laahzs " t. .rt,)'r. J.J.u.,.,, .... " - - =; 01.. tl.tar.r, I.:"Hle' OOD-elCreda..ourtt1rS*la.eoter Viofttlellr foroe Jst aooa.et' ct:'l..S V\bh r"t""' to.-,.raay,Dr.(f' LCI1\aaMt ...DeSpcNted1loIAII;Jele ..Stled ll.ttbe labon.tory '-Plo,S"' hbl ., ,. otbllotn\1ou to e.:\dtnrU.t ..uoa IW ' ,_., aaypro,jenon ;trorN1111paet udtllttti ou .,. notOOJaatdredntnolen\t cbepla.-doDU.e.J JCAUn tw tatun u01"'"'7 I .-. tt. Col.,D!ir1 tor J . .. ' . ...,. ...:,, ..._,..., \\\, :: ., ,, -/7II MORIDociD:218371 llCUJt,iN-fOIUIATIOM JolDt.lA\ell S..,.. C!bjeo\it'M ,.,., 9S.pt.cblr l9S2 Jj . OUt.nllAtallipnoe,.._.7 e;rrs.. of C.Uect.1GD..S Db-u.Uu ltl.ocr'eJhi.O 9DCalUI, litJu1ldfn& E.S\Ne\1 Ji.I' o.c. ca.au-. a. Saf..a\iOD toU. Npa\I'S.dl-o...u .,..s.aua ar. woU.-c ,.,...,..,.. s.t a Jlr. ,..>'-a .... 19S'.. wltald a\ tM....- aad ,.... llllwu, f1riS.&ta.Ia tM n.ld ......_ Mrt111Daroa.Beaft'lwdill U. t.ID1WSt&teaSSepte._ 19/tl;. IS. ....,.__. -. ...,.. ftJI"C**hKe.. ..a fa u. W.nta.- orb.le .r4l.a. Wapl=ee'Af: ,.,.,,_.. Jao.,...,...... 1a_, ..,..,...'WI ....."* .. ._ SY.... beuv1 .,_. ba balfll .... ua Jncr-. t.a-.s..mc.a. ia

-a:.. ou . u.. ftaa.....rr ..u., c. 1 UDltedtL. ... ...,._.. !.. :: =....ofU.. '" aDd4 ... c . s..\l.. ,..

.:.:. i"aor \M ftlA\leaot ..,,3 1A____. toau-..b- r --..&orJ.:c.c..,..... ..ala/c ... ) 1\'1' CUMiolJI& t 101 woltcUIIrJIDUitllOCURlIJitORIIATIOtl :. 0 aaudinc 2430 W&lba,.,_ as,D.o. ro.niiU"dddbal'ftitll tw ,aur1ntoi"'UUonandre\enUonare doadares-rt.A1Dinl\otMaa.a..t.r!AnapecSa11ate 118wctbelw. 10IAolar 1.EbnS. rriedriob .. lns& a.Jobl.ara1TD a.t.m: '.t\er J&SaB.U 4...SAMU IADaiWB& ,..lllrlCIIADI 6.Pl&Kll 7et111111rt&IA!dlSU '....,.\b SQIIA& 9 a.M1t Yl&lmtll.a.a 10.18JIL1L.. .. .... """ 1.; I.; Ur.Ht l_,t E!.pJ ,)!llehl'l :lDtba ;,.N.,oot. JOiOMrOJ .bope\I'll I llt'th el\.&t.rt ,..o a)l I)J\VIt-,r' )7Dol L' .,.1tn JII"'G... .... byJ 10A I n1r:At. on11ueel\11,:;;ploa.Mde. hltlp'I '"rayroqusre. .- en..,. 1!'1 GDlolu-.ar DIN.,_ ... , .... . , -. -17J'/ _.'. MORIDociD:218371 IJr CJA.LIITFl!LDSPONSOR biJit01'II -norct,Buao.fyp..rl\et"

Hei"'MDt.aats fypewr!ter ohaatoRepaireo.,looheehr,l'f llau AirForo: c.p.Ooer&na OpttodCo.,WTC IDDWIR,ll&rtla.&irorartIQ&SuerAt r.t'oroe Lookh..clA/c Corp. BY,'lfSlhela!ftf1UIPA!'my FJrestoaeiCo.,Atroa Co\li'I'!Jt'Br R,Jolla n.r .P..lkwo.- thologAr.y Veta.Adll.,A,...dForoeeIDa\. otWaab,D.c. CIIV,Dr.YSotorY.J.tt... robta...., cluPoDtde1-.oare teo.,Iao., pbotoprod\lcrt1Parll.D,., IPI'tZ,lehu'loh 1:. 6deelCDA.P. (paraohutee) lrnas .&.trCt.at.eCo.,Da)ftoa iotni'!ZS,Dr.lhobaelo.r. leurophJWioloa J!LIR.WUU .-rll, l)r. J:onr"acl mftiS,Dr.O.L.,Jr. A/CeDiiDMr arsnophcn...!nl')'- OIH1a Ar&Jc1&el"Tloea-:;,..dSoboo, ..... DC C..p'bell,"J'anto RAF 3 .CharlotteJ.J P.&.NZT.R,w1tP.ofWaltera.PANZER 4.SueanoeJWEISS,wifeof tterh&r d1ft: ISS

\lc lA10111111 101tlr ' I.O.t..OIIY'E'RS(Dep.) 201'-"" A.MARGORAP Date 1 nOV1985 :-201..lt.r B.PI.'IZIR(D.p.) 201mss

.... r I I - ... .::.. .........r' .... :tr!II)PIUfl(/111 CENTRALINT1..LIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTON&1,D. C. TOtJoint.Chief&orJoin\.Jn\.elli&enceAttention:Lt .Col.USAF .,l1r:aFranko. ()e_put,yl)i"ctor,PlanS MORIDociD:218371 1.Refe"nceis JUdet.oyour lett-er,JIO/.16791 o! la Decemberl 9S2,requeet.incinfo nQationconeeminct ourapecialist.s Utd/ or dependent.&. 2.A checkort.betUeott.hilofficerevealsnopert1nent. 1denUtiable.ntormat.lonpert.a1ningt.ot.hesubjectsot JOUI'in-quiry. scus-6l 9l.S IDOaalQS 2011\rtSCHJrZIDIR 201Paul1. WIBD ..... ... . . .. KurtSc:IU\e \ der.\wi f'e- ;Julia n PaulE.lteberarw1te- liert. Nd ... DociD:218371 .. .' CENTRALINTELLIGENCE GaOUI AGilf CY I U O Ca T "E'K'THW. WASHINGTON25.D.C. JIOJ.41?9 1.':'.-- I .:tetcribeatdt.&lled&I oilehaledepo.St.there. teo.Ml\7bor1.aorw.,.,.t.neN7..bat.1t.beU\1ckn.etofcb? lba\h\hecUpamltrlkeortheborhanl?OheMQU.DCI OffONat.iODIh bot.t.totop.Wb&t.hollOO!ftt.nt.1D oh ortheoUthalehorlaon.?Where,ln rel..&t.ioat.othe ot.here,11t.btdict.7on-..borhoo?hadU'!fl'enc.1a \.beappe.aranc:eof'-h11horhonaod aC'-C4.lled"lv.ten1 te oilahale1?Jlbat.1Ulecarbonccahntofthedlot7oa.M tbaletAre\hereIZpOied OfthediOt.JOft... ebaletIfao, hat.&I"Nanthey1n7 ). porC.ionort.heonehaleno:- h ocwasworicedWiderCie.-.&!l oooupaUon'f re a11\int;opttra\.lonsUldlocat.ed7 c;. wor"doneont.twanao11u.ur1n1\acontent.oftht thaletilf eo,.tu&\ t.h.leont.en\.auddeocr1.be ork.tcne. 6.What...t.hodor a1.D1.n- uedlnt.hetoilthal..7Open pit.or\ltlderiJ"CNDd1ntt?"'hat...chlrw17 eed7 7.Wu&IVWCPrlrdon.ontheretldoaleorby-prod'clct.loo.soft.he ret1n1n1pluta7Ir eo1 d11c:ribein det..1l. 6.What... the...,.,. dall;rt.ar\r.aaeorehalltainod1:area! hat... \he...ra,. ct.llJ'on ::r'1dl: et1on7 St.Ar17td.. otmat.produet.lonSovht..aret.t\.tln,now? 10.an)'lrnowledcoft.hedeerof odam1ut1ooardeh&niuUon ofRiMaoow,W\darS09SatUknmrltdKototheroUahaledepod t.tinthe r.loo and/orNtAllitACOW't.rt ..l1\.at.eofnploU.at.1on1 if eo. :'II21 . ,;. .. . MORIDociD:218371 CENTRALINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTONZS.D.C. HJf' ceotit:r1948 FOR1Jointintrllit.f'nc J obt:t: icrsot Start / . . :;t:"BJ!CT rorJnJ'orr..AtiODCone ... rninr Srchlhha FEF!P.::MW. fror, i 'xF'loito.t.it:-nOA, 1eted( 1!'18,IYbjnC''&r11LO'If1 , 1JCIA40Zt. 1.Tt.eIntelU,:tnceJ.r encyhesnore;,ortc:c! addtothatbyyourA,encyinconnection .n t),itareq'l.est concer nin(theGermaneclent1atanamedlnreferenceaba.e. ; K.A::>trco;r ExecutiveAssistantOt;' iceorCollectionDis s e.-: inat: on .:iee.11u.t4024dt.d6&.lee.1948to FIJ,. DIST: l;!A 38). 7,:.xape se ,.,1 ...-... 1.35 ..-2. '7 6.1 g, . MORIDoci D:2l8371

CENTRALINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTON C. .: ...: OiU..:;.l:.--.: '!(-!:. .. . '>'l3!o::,.; .:u .',' !:::,..-, -c:- -:. os,l'ICJI.')769. l.TheCentrallnt.el!JcenceAr.encybunorepor'-edt.o tothat.!\lrnisheiby:-"'"T i:lconnect-iontdth!t.sre q\oest.eoneerni:lc-:.he'ler:11an ur.Ou s"avezedicus .i' .;.ol !hardi',eidel :lr.Jlrieh;.est.;>hal KarlZeile 2.onrne0 :"1t.:.eotherin-:t !vi:fualslist.edin referenceaboveislit:LI t.e-:1t.ot. :1at.eont.ribut.e-.1t.ot.t-.eCent.:-&!!nt.elli -r.enceA!ency:,;:t.i.e o !' .; JCACiovernjnr:Co::\'fli ttee,and.: since! r.as C"a-:.e.:l.in;>ar :l: :-a;l:lt.t.reeof :Mur!lle::'lbers r.oul:!c:led:Nles,t.his Unot. f'on-:"orde I.

J.:.::t:i:!'!i); J.Jj)JCO':"f. Ass! stantJirect.or Ufficeof Collectionan1.:;eeJJ.UA)1b9dtd4.. ov.1948t.oCl" fiLE .B,IST: !ntelliaenceJSJ. 7l:KapeClauM .1"' ' ; ..:. ..., f(lr.Ret usef ?NOVJ!S - ... ..:: .-..' Approved fQt SSS Date1l ..... . :J(l j ! I ! MORIDociD:218371 sJ.Eft'( CENTRI\LINTLLfGNCEAGENCY WASHINGTONZS,D.C. S19l.S . . miO:encySDconneet.bn th1t sTeouest.concern 1nt: th'- wenDeDnamed1o ebove. ?/_ __ _ t VPP-t&' . IA.Det.hK.Jdiicott Aae1st.bllt.:1rector. O!ticeof Collect.ior,8.lldDissaiDc.t:.oo Tt.isanSI'fer'Jlt...:.20e.5t.Cl"frJlv., ,9June191.8 .... 2207 :-7! MORIDoc iD :218371 CENTRI\LINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTON25.D. C. M.::-iivhSon SU3J'.t.or:Requeet.f'orIn!onr.&UcmCoocenllll&;el'tlbnSpec16lht& MSDOI'IUl._!romDirector.JIRA1EllllfOR :THEJOINTCHIEFSOFSTAFF, Attention:CaptainBosquetN.Wev,DirectorJIOA SUa.Jret' : J IOA 900re:Oern1anScientist,Prof.Hartmut l .Att.achfMI1sab1op-aph1cr eportconcerningProfessorHart=t Xallmannwhichhubeenprepared1nanswerto 7ourrequestor l6 Warc:h. 2.AllreportsindicatethatJtall=ann' afirs tn-. 1aRartcaut ratherthanYartrmt. J.A memberof statt orCIAhasu J.dthatlallmann' smost recentdiscovery,a.sdescribedinattachedrept)rt,is11noteartl>- haking,butaoundandu:.ef\11." ' Wesincerel,yhoj)ethat.thisinform.etionwill provetobeof value.

ll:NNETHX.ADD I carT DeputyChief,ReferenceCenter l BiographicreportonProf. Kall.mann ......IJI CentralIntelligenceAgency c/nJR) . 7ror.Jlart.nut. 942 :lo,- I l."> ., '.!-. . 1 i MORIDoc iD:218371 JAH2 1J948 JIOA247 :4.'.10!-..!.l lllJ1tl:Directo1ofJoiut.It,tellit:encerObjectiveEJ.gency WernerOsenber.;Filt.sonGeiT.II..nScitonthta {k: 41?9) l.1 toyour1nemon ndUI:IoflieeeJo:l:.c-rll,l Y47, eubjecte.aebove. 2.a:a.de MajorJ .P..Linden,Secre-taryofJlOAforthetnnsferoftheOsenberfilestothis Agenc;t&nd theyarenowondepo1t theyill tefortbeuse of )'our c.t t.J..me.Shouldr epreeentathea.of your Agency nsh to thefiles,ernngementbf or6o. doin,bemaderlth Dr. Jt .Addicott,DeputyChief,ReferenceCenter,xecut.he6115, ;243. J.Yourcooperation in placio&thesefiluat ourisgreMtlJ'epprecieted. fOITIEOll!tTO!oecbli st.: U:'fHER, , .k_ 2.A thoroughcheekof fihs!eiledtorevealin.fol'lllation otherthanthatpreviouslySU;>;>lied yourAgencyonthe1nrl!viduals containedin request. r.ncl:(1) .. - .-lil Approvedforlilelea' 1985 Date7_NU f i i I I I I I ! I I I MORIDociD:218371 .,

.f . CENTRJ\LINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINGTON1J,D.C. , i{)R:Director,Joint.Intelllgenee'b.1 ect1vesAgency,JCS Attenti on :Aduu.nist.rat1eOf!'.icer SI18JI!l:TReq\lest.rorInfor:nat.ionConcerningr. ermMSpecialists REJl:.""U:HCtMemoJlDA,subjasabove ,dtd11AUfr1.9 1.Inresponset.otht- re'luestcontainedin meaorandumunder :referenceabove,reportsaresubadttedonthefollowingOenun apecialhts: ARHDl',\\'il.helm(Prof.Dr.Eng.) BlELIG,H11nsJoachiJII(Dr.) llJST,Paal EHZER,Hansw. FR!::nAG,Walter( Dr .) tWISEN,Horat(Dr.) K!Dm>RP,larl )k)ELSCKER,Bernhard(Dr. ) P!STEL,Edu &rd( Dr . ) SCHU B!lrT,Gerhard 2.16lchof t.heinthesereportsisfragmentaryand ineeeralcuesconsist.ssolely or datiauppliedtot.hbBr-anchby theJmA.Checkswithl ocalsourcesotherthanthe11\ill tary.' aerviceafailedt oproduceany1.h1.ngadd.it.i onal. ).TheBiographieRegisterhasno1.nfonut.1onwhateveronthe rema.iningpersonsnamedint.herequest.. lcls:(10)

HChie!,lft/ OC!> rues. Approved f' JWlf/j98s Date= , ... f ..;..- ,, . .. r J 'h 3485 . -., "''-.., ....I MORIDociD:218371 CENTRALINTELLIGENCEAGENCY WASHINCiTONZ5.D. C. 28JulJ1949 IID!ORAHDUKFO!\:Director,JointInhlligeneeObject.iveaAaencr JointCh1etaolSt.alf I BiosraphioIntor=at1onConcerniacGermans.pecial1at.a : MemotroaChiet, Diviaion,JIOA, dated12Jul719491 JIOANo.27)2. l.Forwardedherewith1nannertorourrequettoontained11'1 nterDDCaabove,1e aIUIIII1'7ot theinton.atian oatile 1nt.Ma Aaent7oothetollolliqGenaan1c1entilh 1 ia:u.LUI,JCarl_ STRuc;t;!lt,S1&tr1ed.: '---- .c Zl'PPERMATER,llal'io_-l' ..---2.A checkotthetilesrewalednointor=at.lc:aoa theotber 1ncU.viduahliated11'1JOVreqwtst. ).It ia eincerelrhopedthatthiaintonaatioa willprove1.0 beotvuue.. FilE DIST: Clause Extf'aCopies Inela.filedinind1Y1dual'ef ile. ,.:. . .. . . - ; """... ..: ... Approved DateNovf38 .. / I I I I I MORIDoc i D:218371 ... . ' ,. mORA.HDUWFORaDirector,JoiatlDt-elH,eacoObjocthu A,tacy, JolatChiefofStarr . SUBJECT RE:TEREt\CE Blo,raphi oCoactraiDGGerm&DSpeclaliete M..ofrom ExploitationD1Y1s1oa,JlOA, 6April1949,JlOAWo.1343. 1. horew1 thiaUl.lwortoyourr.qu..tooatdaedla nteroacoabo11at\&11\aryot tl\ellll'onuttonODtileiathh AgeaoyODthofollGWiQ&tcioati et a COI.Ll'I'Z,totbar orwam..llohard IIARiitiERU,Xarl ICHia!DER.CW"tOtto 2.Achoclrot thetilureYealedaollll'onuttoaoatheother bdhidualaHatedia yoW'requeat. It htiacerelyhopedthattl\hlD.t'oraat.ioawillproto beot ftlue. . : ..:J.:-. 1Sc;,..._ -,..,(' .,....t. Approvedfcx I=IWV--I CIABIOGR&PHl CRECI STER SPECIALI STS BirthdateAddrouRnlarlca /I COLLATZ,Lothar,(Dr)6Juae1910KarhrW\e-Ruppurr,ltlohtatr.l Matbeaatl clanwhoworkedlntheIoat.I 9,Ger=any.torPracticalMatbom&ttca&tt hoTech i ' ... 3Ua r18119 I Aloxauderatr121A,Stutt-gart,Germany I ul echeRocneehuh,Danutadtduriu'the war.l i GOrmanphyel ch tandmechantcalen,lo- I eer ,wr.aRectorandprofeaaorattheI Stutt&artTecholcalColle'e1o1948. 1 A.Ph.J').lonaturalaclencea,c;...,..elI waari ratlecturerlophyllca(lil6) 1 attheDan&11Technicallll&h&.lldlater atHalleUnlveralty.By1920 he proteeaorofphyet c eatt ho Techni calCollegeinStuttgart.AD honoraryDr.otEnt;llloerl ng(Zurleh Toohnl calCol l ege)andPellowofthe Inet .of Soloncoe,ho apoolall,oto thonDody-. IWIIlceaDdanalyaoaandhae 1 wrt ttent olloiDtP"D1ohydrody-1 naml acbea deaFlucea1917. , Derlreieel ,aolDeTheorteUDdeelne 1920;-oleMocbanlecben Bowl.eaeturdiehwe'uo'dar!rcle1 19221teoholeche Berlin 1939.. r" I .. . ... ... 8' () H d Name I B1rthdate r l jW.nGUERRE,Kf.r.l28Way1906 ' I 'I ! i. 'r. 'SCBWll:DER,OttoZ3Juno1906 ; I 'I . ...sKID - 2-.. Addreu ../' 7RueBauda.nt,Parh, FranceD0ot 8} . I Dt.nDatadt0

Rem.a rh A Ph.D.1D Eng1oeerlD&ronmerlywtth t heDeutaohoVerauohana t altfurLutt-ta.hrt.Be rUn,.lie rguerreworked1o 80rl1ol.nl 9t7 peclall.alD&i nt eeti o& mt.tertah.InD0c.48hereeldedlo ParlaIUld afrequentrlai tor to Wol.lamRbol.D(Fr.Zone)whorea,roup orGeraa.nacieotletleacployoclby Frenchiabilleted. Dr.SchaledorC0nnao1poclall1tlo mathematlce, and&&edyoaa-1e1,aproteaaoratthoInatltute tor Kathomatl. CIortheTeehlll acheBoch 1cbul o0Dans1tadtdurlotthear.Be 11marriedandhaa001aooaudone ., 0 0 () H 0 MORIDociD:218371 Tel .EX.Extension776 Inreplyrefer cDJfo.UIO. ) WASHINGTON 2S. D.C. POiTRIDlRr.z::TOR,J OI)If'Iffl'nLIO ' IICtOBJICTIV[AOIHCI Roc."' 674 latlonalDateuehildi.Q& 'WI.Ih.S.Act.aa2S,D.C 4lORJBCT Colleo\loalequntNo.4 780.) 1.Pwntto WorMl..S. '-' Nprneo\at.t....or U.h &c-aT c:.pt.a1Jaheqan Wn f na&,uhreq.a..wsVaa\ fel.l.OidacOwwa 1peoJ.alJ.fta 'll!aANallv ep.ratt PUiaCL111 MiaWrnpW forbt'CIJ'U"ioau 1a tM t.ul.Medl.1A.r .-ucma a.&..srik 1lab1- .,...,., s ct.lA lde1D .U llbAloat J- ...sa.,Nl..IIDS,..n.ca ........-..u . b.lrla.bS&aapwa- oUabaloapct., nDJzhwwtvof llh.o.:riScboalof ld.Aeo. 2.n ... tOJ"WU"dot U\o.. lAWrd... totbofollowiJ:l.c eddNoMk'acepeGU1cnfor.ooa1oocoJlo.la'JeO.)a CII!'IAL Utertt.looLS&1eaalr.-:b, oa> 21&)0aS\net.t 1. " ..'*'nc\CID2S,D.C .IAIIIS J.I!WDS_ . of CoU.C\1cGCJ4D1o.-1Aa\1cm :: "':-.It_.)-.)2. , I 1 -MORIDoci D:218371 December1947 J IOA 4358 JointCh1etaofStatr Objeot1venAconoy 2'0267,The Woah1nd:on,!'>.r. . !l e:o..;.rutriPetroa Oentl81:'\en: Porwn:-de:.Ylhl .;hdoe.snotnppKDrtobe a u rf1c 1 nnt lylr,t h e l"ecord.l'd tJ'c:OU workoclaoat l"U3 t eder.rplo:yo oo ft he.:; e oretI n t olll:onoe o!'lJo(;hAthansa mlltl tP-rlnCa!ro. "ae "ell tcdio:;.r."o!fi-: o,t ;l .,:nBthoda ot t eolwi 4ue.s ,o ne!outsid ,c on tacts. Theortino$ 5.n.:ld Oaoa.eoftUi:Jlcnowledce htt:Jh .'Peot :oouh no:'1lW1J YJh1 ..:ht:Oul \ still bn'lf t.int:>r :'\a ttorortdcn _... vsrtheir at:.ar.t e,.,..h.l ch - OT tedin abricklW..ldin&3ai.lesSo! RRstation.Jiedicalsupplieswerescarcetoo. (.S2J6JN-1.A No.lUfJ:rRospit.alina2-storybrickbuUdi.ncec:cOIIiilk>-d.aUng$00personsis locatedsix lllilesSot Rll.taUOD. ANo.2Ara:yJbep1tali.oa2-st4l')'brickbulld.in& datingJOOpersonsis ninemilesSSotRRstation .. 8 J i- 1/..J z SFCAIPF If'2 ..--...=-.:;,; I ' I I I MORIDociD:218371 (Cunt1d) 2.Referenceislll"iidetotheRostuwkaHcr.rpital6lllilnSl a! Biyskandlocatedin acNdebuildingacwiiWOdating 700-11000persons.TheRussiansareaaidt.obeusinc (1946)captwedJap;mue 1D&d1c'ines. J .AtRo,tovb,abo:rpitalaccO'IZIIIIodat1ng700-1,000y.rt'tents is located 1-2milesNEo!theRRstation.A GenDanPJ!he'fka.-VostochDga(So0S61N- 12829'1) 1.A POWhospital na locat.edberw(19L6).It wudescribed ua2 .... to17redbri.c.kbuUdi.Dg w1 thtacill tiestor car-.1D1tor 1400Jap.uenpatients.Thestarr cCID61atedo!20 Jbaaian doctors(one-halt nre teule),6nurses,and2 Japanesedoctors(BookHo.P!6). 2.A SoTiet&rfl1hoiJ)italcapableoraceood&Ung1,000 pereous1alocatedhere1Da2... to1'7concreto Theudical equipMntisdescribedasadequate{BookNo. 32,P ).A POWboapital,8&idtobea!onaer Soviethos!)1tal.1 1e reportedI&alles1motRRatat1oo(BookNo.32,p.b). h.A Pal hospital,usingJapanesemedicalauppliea,1are-ported1Da)-etory brickbui.l.d1Dg,6.U.s Sot lUlta.-t10D(Booklo.32,PL). s.AhospitalcoaaiatingorL bu1ld1ags!or dUterenttJ})eS otcuee {1Dternal,surge!"J',utemal andepideaie)1a locatedlt ail.. Eo!theRRnation.EachbuUdlngheld )00patients.Oneeuperrlsor(Soviet)h&dchargeorall sectionswithS otticeraassigaedtoeachaect.ioa. JapaneeeaedlcalttUpPlieswereusedtorinternalmedicine (Bookllo.28,Pll.J.. 6..1.POlhospital1aaaidto belocat.ed6m.UesSoriRata-t.Lon(Booklifo.28,P29). 1.TheNo.888An:tHospitalisreported(19h7)housed1Da 2_.tol"7'redbriokbuilding1-2 .UesNloftheRRetation. naernd far'andhadaJapliDe .. andSo'rletatat! (lookNo.LU,PT)._ JL_ 8 3 4 021 -1111 ';, MORIDociD:218371 !!!!! 2 (Ol:mt'd) 8.AP01fhospit-al'b xepn ted uloc-atwd- hlmt in a 2-ator,ybrickba:UctbJ&(120tt. xJ6tt.)and .. "1I'O'Od buUding(120tt. XJ6tt.) coouwodating100.Stl:t! consistsofJapaneseandSovietdoctors.(Thi.saaa.;rbe theNo.888(Book"Ho.411,.P7.) 9.TheNo.888Hospitalhdescribedasa2-storybrick lNild-ing(NoYeaber(BookNo.Sl,p.J). 10.AtlasSourcelist.sin Klqby.she'Yka:(a)Rail1"08dhoepital; (b)hospital;(c)No.S28Ctdl.dren:sHoepit.a.l.J(d) No.J06Hospital;(e)lfo.888Hospital;(!)udieal wvetmoeandlaborat.or7. llagadazl(S9JbH-

1.TWohospitalsarer eported(BookNo.l:W,p.128)1Dthe ea.sternpart ofto'IIJl:(a)l / 2m:ileSof citT ball,2 com: rete (lSOtt. x6oft.) w1 ttr pl:tanberatoryisloeated 150rt.So1'11o:7pital. in a1-story brick building(60 !t. x.30tt.)J('b)lt milessa o! BRetatiODaD1l/2 IZiilesot theabcrrehospital, 2oozx:retebuildings(82ft. X20ft.X5(}ft.) with8.D i.roDroo!. 2.I.DJlagf.da,nthe.ltla.sSourcelists twoho;Jpi tal.s. KZDzoTka(bh01lN - l)226B) 1.TbeVoroshllov Hospital. is reportedaslocated JIdlesSB otRRstation,has27,26Ssq.tt.,a:ndisb:rJ barbedwirefences.It issaid to beable 1;oC'snr -tor700 paUeot:s,althoughmedicalsupplie'Sandsurgicaleqaipaent; werei.DIN.ftieient(1946).Sta!tconsi:ttedot 10 Scntet reu+edoctors,20nurses,a.nd)Japanese (Boor No.P 2.TheKanzovkaHospitalis reported(1947)1Dah-st.or"7CGD-cretebullding(JJOtt. x99tt.), painted dartcred,GD"a d1rtroad2. 7ll.ilesR'lfoftheRRstation.OnlySorlet.swere hospitalizedtot.heextent.ofb&, !' 9) ).otherreport.a(BookNo.6J,PJJ)list amil1tU'7hoepital capableo! aeooamodatiDg1,000penons,SooyardsKEo!theRR ltktiOD-,.and aboepitalaccoJIIIDodat.iDg200peraona. A'dUpeu1.r7is reportedat.U:aeMon.as tr;yischeRRstat.10D. h.IntheAtlas' Sourcelists:(a)Hosplt.al;(b) a1.Utaryhospital. !!.!!!:,(SJ0S7'H- 12h0081E) Reterenc.is madeto aPOWhospitalhere(1946)(BookHo. n, PJ). - JS-s--wrat--. MORIDociD:218371 (Cont ' d) Hikolayevsk(5J0101Nlh0L2'E) 1.Forthiscitythereportscontainreferences(BookHo.31, p.1)7-1)8)toPOWtlospl. t.al.Inadd1 Uonaho.spi tal Capableof&CCCIIaiDOdat.ing220penonsislocated1na2-story building(l6ort.x60ft.)300tt. W otcitypark. Thestat! consistedor9Soviet doctorsan4JOnurses. Anotherhosp1 tal,calledthellai.nHospital,is located 1.8milesN1for Ho .2lPOWcamp1na2-etorybrick build-ing(16Srt. x66rt.).Thisbuildi.nl ,200 persons,mightbethePOWhospitalreferredtoaboYe .ID thishospit.al(inJulyabout1)2aresaidtohaY4 died.tromerupt1vatyphu:.andaalm:.trit1oo. 2.Ahospitalblocated(June1946)in thecenterortotmand is describedua2- storyconcretebllilcling.J.shortage of 11edicalsuppliesexists,butthepatientsaretreated fairlYwall(BookNo.28,P).In thecit1a is saidtobelocated110001&rds eut ortnetoraerJapanenconsulate. L.Hosp1tal3arereported(BookNo.p.10)in Pinn(2), ..ndllall-Data. (No.3099Hospital). S.In Hikolqnsk,tworeportslocateagoTerTUDent.hospital H'l'orthecity wb&r.!.Medicalsupplieswereinadequate (BookNo.P10). 6.In IUlcola.yenk,theA.Ua.sSourcelistsbrohospiu.ls. Ozernaza (Sl0$81H - 12827'!) 1.Ahospi t.a1here1s.taidto be1ocated1n2woodenbu1ld-1nga(132tt. xJJtt.)(Book!lo.51,PJ ) . 2.Fourreportsorhospit.als1nthisareaaregien(!orDiseasespreYalentherenrat.yphusanddysentot)'(BookNo. P)). PetropavloYBk(SJ000'H- 1S8Los) 1.J.GeneralHospit.lhreported1nPetropnlonk. Depart-aentsincludeachUd:ren'seonaul.tatiancllnic,ageDeral dispen3ary,:senral.children'shomesandnurseriesand agoodlabor atory.ntebo.spit.al.o.!!arsattro-1eartrain-ing!or nurses. 2.A.trainingsehoolwithaJ-1earcurriculumforfeld3bers a.sdst&nt)wureportedast.abllsbedin 19)9. Annexestot.bisho:sp1 tal arebeingeonstNeted.On.l3'Jor 1&doctorsanreported1nthet.cTcn(BookNo.67,P3). ).AUa.sSourcellet.sin Petrop&Yloslu' (')Hospital;(b) hospitalJ(c)agriculturalresearchoffice. Coal(h91&8'N- 1292S'B) l.A hoapit.l.in(J,9.48N- 129J.8z)hreported tohavahandledseverecqasror whi.cboofaciU U.ocselti:ated at thePOWcamp(BookHo.12,p.6)(l9L6) . - J6 - C......z:--T..---. _.. I MORIDociD:218371 C A!..,..., AJOf!IG--2.A POirC'Z:Iphospital withast.tr ot !&Raame1d6Japanese doctors1:Jrep1:'11"tedhBre1.n191.&6)' pon1bl:Tat.thePar abcmt?) .SUppliesweretew,andsanitation n.spoor(Book No.lJ,P5)). ).ASoviet.anr;rhospitalis reported(19b7)1.nal-S"tx:n7 woodenbuUding(100rt.x3Stt.) 6,000ft.Sl ofRR't&-tion(BookHo.32,p. 1,.A hospitalaccoliiiiiOdating300personais ' reportedin Ra:ye.h1Jdrl.n.ak1 2milesSfiorSsu-P i.ng-KeiRRstation(Book No.111 'PL6). S.A Ho.19-2POll'CampHospi-tal(No"r'e''llber1916)is repor bed 1D JapanueandSovietdoctorsW8Mton the statt.lledicinesweresaidtobeaearce(BookNo.18,p. S) . 6.A report.&rtatesthati.nthe 1t1nsam, -there Were3elrl.llmhospitals;mdaPOWJwsplt;al .'!beJfospitalwa.susedtocaretor l-'01'but3Uppliuwerein-adequate(BookNo.73,PbS). 1.AtJ.aaSourc.e1.nCoalMinel.Uts:(a)ho o1Ti.lianhaspital.s;(b) (5007N-

1.r.orete.re.ace'(l9U6,19b7)are=.aaetoaPOWhospitalhere (Bookh9,P5}. 2.J.hospitalhereisdescribedaslocatedint1r02-ato17 coacretebuUdings(99.rt.x49.5tt.). JtrasnoprakTerritmz .lrtemonk(h8.)6H- 3800E) 1.'ho"spit.altor Sovietenlisted men(19&7)1-em a2_,toJ:7brickbuildi.ng(.300tt. X70tt..X}$.t'te)witb tour6-tt. brickchimDeys,1 . 2llliluBotRRstat.ion(Book No.LB,P3). Chernogarsk(S2Sow- 9122'B) 1.A RationalHol'pital1Dtwo2- storywoodenbulldilJ8ecapabl1t orhandling 180personsislocated2i .Ues 1rorRRetation. Fewud1.cal.atppliesaa:1poorsanit.at.ionreported(Book No.JZI,PU). 2..l hospitalaecoanodating .50personsina1-st.orT wooden buildingUlocated lllilesH ot RRat.ation. - 37 -13 ;,... ()2;-Jill -MORIDoc i D:21 8371 Krunozar'!!(S607'Jf- 921,8,!) 1.A hospitalin anewS-stQry brickZldconcretebaildina, accomod.a1.1ng1,600 persons,u 6'lld...lewHZ'f1fM .station.starr eonnnedoSOSo-riwt0.tt.),aciviliansanitarium,and arest boare(!orVIP?)(BookHo.67,P2$). J.AUuSourcei.D 11.5-t.s:(a)Ci"f"ililin a:ni-t.ariUIISJ(b)military sanitarium;(c)h-eebospit.als; (d)naYal(e)printe senitarium. Oainovka(hJ057N- l.Jl0l.hE) l .Ahospitalisreported in thistown (BookNo.111p.76). Pos yet(421P'H- l30Z7B) . 1.Amilita.17hospital wasdescribed as seen2IIU.les1o Pos'78tPOl'camp(BookNo.1)1 p.29). 2.A RussianarDJ'hospitalbreportedlocated300yard.sN ofthe port {BookNo.2$,p.29). )..l hospital:1.sdescribedasl ocated7007anb .Eot the harbor1n aJ-story concretebuilding.Itsstarrprised20Bu.niandoctorsam100 Russia:nDID ses.It oouldacooiiiZIOdate11 000patients amhad( llq 191,6)one 18al'1SS\lppl7of med:ie"i.a!Js(9ookNo.28,P1.4). R.u'dolnoye(lU0J31N - l315S'f.E) .. l..ormarehospitalsarereportedinthi:lcity(Book Ho.67,P15). 2 .AtlasSoUr-ceill Ra.zdolno;rellits:{a)FiT&hospitals. SeaaenovkaCW..0o8N- l.Ahospitalin Semenovlca13described{1947)asot !in woodaDdcanvastents.St&tt ondut7wucomposed ot JapaneseandSoviat persormal(BookHo .IJJ,P9). - 41-..... ...... - - .. MORIDociD:218371 2 (Oorrt'd) 2.A hospitalma-eis reportedasnc-las1tel:T 'f'of'the un or Soviet. m1lit32"1'ardc:i"riUmpez aoael.It.is housed in a baild:inJ(250tt. x5ott.) lindI:CCOIIIIO-d.ates100penons A POifhospttalis located in atux aex Scvietamy:btstallatiemsat the11dlttwrr hospitala::mt atn:Jat 3milesSoi RRstztion.According tva d8utalPOir,it-wa adequatel;r andshuwedgradaal:tlilptottLitut;-apto JWltl 9L8.Theincl'adedSScwi.tmale11ndfemale doctors,) doctors,8-9nurses,and20POW order-lies(19b8)(BooKNo.131 p.21). ) .In SeanovJca,theAUasSourcelist.soneho3pital . So'V'ets!caz!2.!!'.!!!,(48$9'N- ll&Oot81!) 1.Atjle;yon,nearSovetska,yaGavan,Jlle(iicalfacilitiesat No.J1SPQfcampbospi talin 19116wereverypoora.ndmedi-caleuppl:ies wsre (BDokMo .lJ,P74). 2.Thestatementis made(BookKo.181 P34)ttrst i:ra19h6 t.berewasonlJ'onehospitalinGl:ftD1 aoccwao-dat.ing60openons.It liUa1-:rtoz'7 woodau bail:d:bzg-of pocrconstruction,st.a.!fed- b7bRu::rrlmr wommr ducwn,S nursea 1 1pha:nn.c:btaxl -.ediC'3."'ftSa limited8UJIPl7orthoseused beingrror:atM J&paneselll!dicalaid men.Thenursestooknointerest in thepatients. J .Areport c:oneernin8anA.n:q}bspital in G1r'ni:D (1$0lliloe?W'ortown)describnit.utin 1-nory woodand tivos:Dal. lattached buUdinga.Kedicalsupplieswere scarce(BookNo.44,p.10) b.InUlacity,theAUasSourcelist.s:(a}Navalho:spital; (b)propcr.n:dhospital. pa.SSk-0011!iz(44J71H- 1.)2481B) .. 1.At.Spa3sk-Daln1,y,it is reportedthatthemedicalnp-pl.iasused wereot Japanesemnutacture(BookNo.22, p.13) . 2 .Inthecity,theAtbsSourcelists:(a)'f'wobOS'pitals. SUchan(l&J0071N- 1J)00)'E) 1.TheNo.1J96 CentralHospital(POif),acwliitlod&tingpezsow, is2mllesW orRRstation in nine 1-stm'T wm:zew buildings.Medicalsupplies wereinsu!'fieient(19u7) ..l JapaneseandSovi"tsWt is reported(BookNo.h4,P9) .. -42-o#. ....' .: ....,: ... .:.:.. 'u..:...:.....::. " MORIDociD:218371

2.A POifaccomodatinc11000persons(1941)islo-cated 1lllil.e-3srrotRR:rtativn(BookNo.18,p .6). ).A l-$tory eol'J:Trle a rootis- r epot ted approximatel;r2milssSSYIot RR'S't:ativn .It 13repOT"ted opentothegeneralpublic.l&al:a:riais reportedtobethe mostcoanondisea.se.Also,aPO"'rhospitalis r eportedhere (BookNo.85,P7). l, AU asSourcelis tsin Suchan:(a)No.1396POIJHospital j and(b)hospital.

- 1))0201E) 1.Medicalsuppliesnre scarcein this andPO'Ir'5 reliedonmedicinesbrou\t.!romSakhalin(BookNo.1)1 P61) .Sysoyavka(440U 'N- 1))0221 B) l.nus city is brportant beeaa::sereportslocate ...ued:leal supplieswazdloa3eben in fcrarwwdtm JmilesNBofthestation.ftletwcTlzrp- iiie&!IWe JJOtt. x6ort.;thet-..osmalleronesarenid -to'be6o rt..x)0rt. .Itemsincludebandaps,ab3otbentcottlcm, plaster,vaccines,medicines 1 'f1!'tm naryite= 1 'Chl:orldeof lime,wat.e.r-purl.!')"ingequipcent,a:rti.fic:ial.an:r.r- )-a::tedJapanese 11118dicineswhichwerescarce{BookNo.12,P16) .Source reports,in amother hospitallocated -bent. 2.In thUregioDhospitals .arereported(BookJo.)1,P 8#9,10)1D- lU0h6N),R&zda.l1D018 (lJ15)E- J0JJ'H)1 Voro:JhiloY{J(1)1S6E-430),7 H),.Apolo!tolc"(Vorosh.ilov1),Nllkbodka,Obazukl(1a, Artelll(5references),Abramlctrn,K-.n R.;rbo1or('aScrrlet. ar:zr:rhospital,Ippol.itovka1 Suchan{6raterenees), V)'a:aulca,ya,andlluli-Data(L9S8N- lJ9SS!). - bL- gh=!!1-\ MORIDoci D:218371 (Cont'd) ).InVladivostok(1947)ahospital,acc:OilllllodatingSOOpersons, breported1nthree1-storybrickbuilcbngs(JJrt.x 16.S !t.) l-2milesHEotRRstation.Thest.&!!consilted ot20Soviet JJapanesedoctorsand1) Japanese medicalorderlies.Medicalsuppliesarereportbdasplenti-!'ul. L.Otherhospi t.alsarereported1n(18milesW or Izvest.kovaya);Juldur 1 whichhadal'Oifhospital.in1947, located116)0tt. W ofRRstation,andanarmyhos-pital,2milesNofRR&tat.ion;Tyuma;Ozernoye;andIman. 5.1hospitallaccommodatingJOOpersona:Js(l9Ul) in Poni(?49mHe:sSEot Pivan()0JJ'H- 137Ol'B) (BookNo.9,p.6).Anotherreportdescribesthisas locatedinfourwoodenbuildingsonaRRsixmilesE ot RRstat.ion.Stat1'consistedot 51'emaleSoviet doctors and20nursesunderamajor .ThePonJ..BranchHospital is reportedinthreewoodenbuildings,)milesEofRR. 6.Referencebalso madetotheHo.3099Hosp1 tal:1.n WullData above)(1946) ,""situated1nthreeor t ourwoodenbuild ngs 1 12 milesW ort.own(Ibid). 7.AP01rhospital1nXosgbambo(12.5 Jdl.esWllull Data) is reported(1947).Themedicalsuppliesaredescribed ascoaing!'romGemaoyandManchul"i&.Otherhosp1 t..a:ls arereferredto1nUOgokot(1.8sr ot RR 1n!kur Data(1.2milesSor RRstation),andinVa.nino (threehospitals)(BookNo.L9,p.7). 8.TheUlissHospital1nVladivostokbreportedlocated6/10 mileS8otgravelroadintersectionat.theinnel'111ostpoint oBukhtaDiomed(BookNo.51,p.)).Japanese111edicines aresaidto havebeen\1.5edatthishospitalat least upun-t11April (BookHo.191 P6). 9.I.UasSourcelist:.inVlad1Yostokr(a)Twob!)sp1ta1s; (b)ta-onual hospita1s;(c)twohospitala;( d}Ulisa Hospital. VoroshiloY(LJ0471N- 1)1)61E) l.SpecialReportinBookNo.SS,p.69namesmedicalinsti-tutions1nVoroshi.l.ov.Thes-e1nc1uder(a)Aninsane as7lWD;(b)atuberculosissanitarium;(c)ana:n:q hospitallocated5 milesSirorRRstationina2-story llhitebrickbuilding(198rt.x8Jtt..x)) rt.) 1li th ablaclcgalvanbedironroof,w1 thseveralsmall buildings; thisservicesm1llta.rypersonnel onl7;(d)aRRemployeu hospital,1mil EofRRstation,serv1eedbyS Soviet doctDNIJ(e)thelpolo1'tokHospital1na1- story wood building,1 . 8lllilesNorRRstation:- 8CCCIIIIII.od&ting1,000 perso.n.sandsta(!edb78 So'ri.et,7Japanesedoctorsand - us .. SF; Rz=r-R Q' ,- ;,_,1 ... . . . I i . : !::..., . MORIDoc i D:218371 J ... (Cont1d) 9Sovietnurses;(f)alargegovernmenthospital1nthree )-story brickbuildings,cocplete4in Marchl9L7,and ac:c0111Dodat.1ng2,000porsona.starrconsistedor 100 doct.on.MedicalsupplieswereJapanese. 2.AtluSourceliste1nVoroshilova(a)Chemicalresearch laboratory(2.LmilesN ottown);(b)ana.rrqhospital; (c)medicalsupplywarehouses. NovosibirskReg!on NovosibirskcsSOo2N- 82SSB) 1.A )-story brickhospital,aecCIDlllodaUngSOC>persons, (19!.6)is located2i miltJsSfforRRstation.Start consbt.edot 10Soviet doctorsandSOnurses(Book Ho.JL,p.10). 2.A)-atoeybrickhospital, 300penona, (1946)i .slocated2IdlesMffottown.St.a.ttconsisted or4 Sovietdoctorsand1 nurses.Treatmentwaspoor, andoupplle.s'ftHscarce. (56291H -

1.APOWhospital,capableot handling4,000{?)patients, (1946)breportedin a2-story woodenbuilding.It is describedasbetterthanaveragewithnoacute .medical suppq shortage(BookNo.Jb,p.11). RostovRegion Taganrog(l&7l31H- )8571E) 1.A.reportstatesthatat leastb hospit.a.l.sservebot.h ei.rlliansandm11.i.t.ar,ypersonnel.Thefirst is in t'II"O 1-stor:Ybruekbuildings(100tt. xJOtt.)two.lld.les SllorRRstation.Thesecondisa1-story building 11000raz-dsSEot RRstatian.'nlethird is knowaa.s theTaganrogBosp1tal a.odis in abuUding (90 !t. x30!t. J,3007ard SIJoLRRstatiOft.1ha fourth1sintwo brick(100 !t. x )0ft.)1-8/lo milesHlrorRRstation(BookNo.7u., p.1)).Otherhospit.al.sor dispensarieswb1chhandle accidentcasesorill.Dessea arereportedin eaob largefactory.(Theci t7is ahighlydeveloped1nctu3-tr1al.center.)AIIIWlicipal U7lumis located1lllileSW orRRstation,Sooyards!romthecoast. 2.A.t.l.uSourceliata1nTaganroga(a)Threehospitals; (b)municipalU7lum. -L6-s-e:;:a:::g:-r-..:.:.- .-- :.t. . .... . l i MORIDociD:218371 I. ,-

1 ... , ' .! (Contd)

- 49"0081E) 1.Inlaun,ahospitalsuspectedofbeingaprison,is describedasa) - storyU-shapedbuildingotconcrete {))0ft.x66ft.) with barreddoorsandwindows(Book No.LJ,p.S). 2.Medicalfacilities1nluan arereportedtobeadequate. Amongtheinstallationsreportedare6hospitals(includ-ingonetor ophthalmology;onewhichis usedbythemedi-cal:.choolJamaternityhospitalJasurgicalhospital; aun.1'n)rsi ty cllnic;andaninsaneasylum) 1 andamedi-calcollege(BookNo.80,,. ))). ).AtJ.uSourcelietsa(a)kcstemit;rhospital;(b) eolle&J(c)isolationhospitalJ(d)hospital;(e) insan.ea7slum;(t)aurgicalhospital;(g)district hospital;(h)ophthalmologicalhospital;(i)national hospital. Ielabuga(SS016H .- )2041E) 1.Twohospitalsarereported1nthiscitf fortheuseof Soviet.e1rtUans.Oneis located1m1l.eNEofthewhar.r in & 1-atory brickbuildingaceODDodatJ.Dg200persons; theseeoad,located1-1/2milesENBofthepier,is in awoodenbuilding(SOft. x30ft.).ThePOll'campsAand 8aresaidtohaveahospit.al andadispensary{BookHo. 80,P79). 2. Soureelists in Yelabugat(a)bo hospitals. TambovBegioa (S327'N- Ul0Sl'E) 1.Thel..argesthospitalin thecity,withareportedaccoamo-dat.iontor S00persons,is saidto belocatedin apine groveS milesBotNo.lRRstation.military residents,androwsaretreatedhere.Thestaff had7 Japanese 1 10Oermanand7Sovietdoctors,and8oSoviet nurses.Equipmentandsuppliesarereportedtohavebean inadequate(BookNo.Bo,P8).Ahospital !or oill tarT persoa.nelprimarilybuttreat.illgciv1llansaswellis re-ported2aUeaHEofNo.1llRPtaUon.Tbevenerealdisease ratewas181dto behighamongcivilian andmilitary per-scmnelandaulta.mide"wuWJedtocombatit, but.supplies wresull.KalarlaY&sprevalent 1nthisarea(N.B.,tbis ia230.Uea SEorWoscow},and"acri.chinwasWJedto combat (Ibid). - 47- .. ' ...'.. . .. ,1 ... _... ... .... . .:.. : ,, .. - .. ::-._;.- ,....., MORIDociD:218371 g, 2.AtlasSourcelistsinlilorshanek{a)Al'fA1hospital; {b)hospital. Tambov($24$1H-

1.AtaPOlcamphere,thehospital(19u/)isreportedlocated in 8 (165ft.xJJtt.) with manySoVietfemale doctors .Referenceis madetotheuseortheSoviet medicines(acrichin"formalaria1 "bacteriophage"tor dysenteryandkalcex''(kaltesks}tortheco11111oncold {Book!lo.So,P5) . 2.Ahospit.al(l9L6)islocatedmileNEorRRstation 1na)-4toryconcretebuilding(99rt.x99ft. )(Book No.h8,P)). UkraineSSR -00 Dnu:hkovka{118J51N- 37)$18) 1.AaceoiiiiDOdati.ng6oopersons,(Februaryl9u7) islocatedc,ntheoutaldrtaorthet.cnm,inthree 2-4torybrickbulldf.ngs(lSort.x75rt.) painted grey.Startoonsbt.sof6Genunand3Sovietdoctors. lledicalsupplieswereinadequate(BookNo.45,p .6). (L8ooH- J7ooE) 1.4POll'hospital(1947)is located6/10mile1rofRR station.liledicinesherewerescarce{BookNo.L8, p.J). lJzbekSSR --lndidzbaa(u0L8N- 722611) 1.4POWho:.pit.al.(1947)is reportedAmericanmedi-cines(BookNo.!,8,p.J). AngrenCoalMine(1U.00$'N- 7017'1) --1..Thisisreportedtobeamal.arialarea.Dependent-sof m1l1 tar,ypersoMelarerotatedeverysix monthsbecause oftheunbealtJJycllmate,butconnct.s,PCII''sandUzbek naUvesremaillthrougJ'Iout.theyeu.Germanatabrlnais reportedhere.'l'w'oho31>i t..alsarereported1nthe to11n(one.forthePOif1s).Anehospitalbreported underconstruction(BookNo.711 p.)) . 2.AtlasSoureeintheAngrenCoalllineDistrict llst.sa (a)POll'hospital;{b)college;(c)medicalsupply warehoustJ(d)l\lss1anprisonhosp1 tal;{e) tal. - b8- 8;.; i\.J-;15.1 . ... . ---- . MORIDociD:218371 0 Fergana 22'N- 71431E) 2 (Cont1d) l.A acc011111odaUng)00persons,(1947)1sre-ported10mll.esN'Wot RRstaUon. 2.donotreport.a schoolinthiscity although o!t1e1alSovietstaUst.ics(1939)refertoit {BookNo. 71,p.))). lagan

- 67J4'E) 1.Rete reneeis madetoahospitalforJapaneseandQer-manPOir's(July1947)l ocatedin live1-st.orystonebuild-ings(l6Srt.x66ft.) 1. 2miluSofRRstation{Book No.$4,P2) . Kokand(Ul0)21N- 70S7'E) 1.APCIIfhospitalhloc ated2-l/2milesNorRRstaUon (1947)1ntwobrickandwoodbuildingsinaSOft. squareenclosedbytll'obarbedwirefences.Accommod&-Uone""'"'lor2$0persons.ThoSovietsarer epor ted tohaYebadalmostnomedieelsupplies .andthose anil.able'Wereot Americanorigin.Japanesesurgical iDstrumentswereused(BookHo.)8,p.7). 2..&n1U'1D'7bospi tal {1947)15reportedhereandanother hospital(BookNo.48,P12)). Tashkent(U01.6'N- 691S ' E) 1.A chilian hospital(April1947)is locatedl - l/4 miles SJIofRRstationinaJ-,t.orybrick building(200ft. x90rt.) .Astarr ofSonurseswtder20yearsofage werelearning medicaltechniques.Afteroneyear's t.zoa.ining,the;rbecamedoctors.Ther ankingdoctorat theci T1llanhosp1 tal ...,24yeanold.SuppliesW'ere Yeryscarce . (BookNo.)8,p.7). 2.Aho,p1tal,accommodating$00persons,islocated(19117) l16oott. XorRRstat.1onin a2-$toT')'brickbu.1.lding (16$rt.x100ft.).It hadan.I.-Rayunit andlamp. Foodandmedicalsupplies...,..scarce(BookNo.Lo, PL-7). 3.Acivilianhospital(1947)islocated1,650ft. 11'of RJts tat.1on1naconcretebuilding(6Wft.xJJOft.} and1nsmal.J.er_buildingssurroundedbyan8.rt.concrete wall(BookNo.L8,p.)). 4.Anhospital.(l9L7:aecomoc!&Ung2,000porsoM1 1s l ocated12lllilesHEofRRsution. 1ntwenty2- story ccmcretebuildings030tt.xl6Sft.)(BookNo.L8, P)). ._.. ..._J..o:- :.. ,- _, ::.:.u . MORIDociD:218371 AHtiD0(Cont'd) --S.1hospit..l.tortheaccoDDodaUonotan,yandchilim perecnnelbreported(.lngust.191,7)(BookHo.Sl, P104) - .50-8 3-1v '}.1 -Jilt' ~ : .-- ~ - ..._., j