v- '.' . ' .... Papers of MORRIS L. COOKE 1910 - 1959 Accession Numbers 54-10, 55-5, 57-5, 60-11, 71-12, 73-2, 83-14 The papers were donated to the Library by Morris L. Cooke. The material is subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the U. "S. Code. Quantity: 124 feet Restrictions: None Related Materials: President's Official, Personal, and Secretary's Files, President's Committee on Portal to Portal Travel Time, and Morris Cooke correspondence received from Jean Christie, Edwin Layton, and Charles.D. Wrege. . .'-;' , .

Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

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Page 1: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


'.' . ' ....

Papers of


1910 - 1959

Accession Numbers

54-10, 55-5, 57-5, 60-11, 71-12, 73-2, 83-14

The papers were donated to the Library by Morris L. Cooke. The material is subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the U. "S. Code.

Quantity: 124 feet

Restrictions: None

Related Materials: President's Official, Personal, and Secretary's Files, President's Committee on Portal to Portal Travel Time, and Morris Cooke correspondence received from Jean Christie, Edwin Layton, and Charles.D. Wrege.

~.: .


, ~ .

Page 2: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

'-.' .

The Papers of Marri s L. Cooke 1914 - 1953

A Shelf List and Index

Preps.red at the F'ranldin Hyde Park, H. Y.'

D. Roosevelt Li braTY August, 1956


J. V. Deyo

, .

This fInding aid supersedes all others previously prepared.


Page 3: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

General Services Administration National Archives and Records Service

F'ranklin D. Roosevelt Library



Description of Haterial: This Group ( 12h feet) contains the manuscript

and other materials assembled by Norris Llewellyn Cooke, consulting engineer

in management, ~Iho climaxed a life of public service by his work under

Presidents Roosevelt and Truman as Hural Electrification Administrator and

as Chairman of the Water Resources Policy Commission. These papers, which

outline the public and private life of Nr. Cooke from the early 1900's to

195h, include materials on his professional engineering ~Iork; the rate

case against the Philadelphia l!.lectric Company, 1911,.-15; correspondence as

Director of Public Norks for Philadelphia, 1911-15; papers as Director of

the Giant Power Survey in Pennsylvania, 1923; correspondence as Trustee of

the POl-ler Authority of the State of New York, 1928-33; papers as a member

of the President's Committee on the Costs of Hedical Care, 1930; papers as

Chairman of the NissiBsippi Valley Committee of the Public ,vorks Adminis-

tration, 1933; papers as Director, Water Itesources Section, National Re-

sources Board, 1934; papers as first Administra.tor of the liural h'lectrifi-

cation Administration, 1935-37; papers as organizer of the Third liorld I'ovler

Conference in Washington,1936; correspondence as Chairman of the Great Plains

Connnittee, 1936-37; papers as head of the U.S. Technical Nission to Brazil,

1942; papers as a member of the Committee to Survey the Patent System, 1946-41;

papers as Chairman of the President's liater Hesources Policy COmmission,


,', ~i -'.


Page 4: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


Cooke ,

1950-51; materials on the innumerable writings of Cooke in the form of

pamphlets, magazine articles and books; and general correspondence and

related printed materials for the period 1910-51~.

m boxes, 1 volWlles, 1 wooden box.

A. General Correspondence, Numerical File, Hed, 19~~.

In this correspondence file rela.ting to engineering matters, business

problems, personnel matters, officia.l and personal problems, the papers


ar arraneed into nw~bered, subject files, arranged alphabetically. There

are present incoming and outgoing letters on public hee.ring<l pertaining to

electrification and power, comparative data onelectric rates and conswnp-

tion, engineering management problems, solutions for unemployment, inter-

national barter, the use of ultra-violet light to treat milk, union-

management cooperation in the railNay industry, science in industry and

use of scientific management, cost systems for public utilities, policies

and pra.ctices of professional engin8ering associations, the shift of in-

dustry to the 8-hour da.y and the 3-shift system, and other engineering

and industrial problems. Included in the file is correspondence with the

American Society of Mechanical Engineers on matters of policy; the Public

Service Conunission of Pennsylvania on public utilities; representatives of

the coal industry to promote labor peace; n~nufacturers and union officials

regarding his work as Chairman of the Board of Heferees of the Ladies

Garment Industry; EeJ.\.Iard W. Bemis, consulting engineer of Chicago, on

utility rates; Justice Louis D. Brandeis on unemployment and wage scales;

Newton D. Baker on various legal matters; E. Ii. Clark, Trel1.surer of the

Taylor Society regarding Society policy; Frank B. Copley concerning a

biography of Frederick \1inslow Taylor; Judson Dickerman of the Public

• ,: > ••

Page 5: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

.. Cooke • :3

Service Commission of Pennsylvania on gas and electric rates; H. W. Dodds,

editor of the National Municipal Review, on utilities; Joseph B. Eastman

on problems of the Interstate Commerce Commission; Felix Frankfurter,

Harvard Law School, on utilities; Sidney Hillman, President of the Amalgam­

ated Clothing Workers of America, on labor problems; Henry P. Kendall of

Kendall Mills on management problems; Nilo R. Maltbie, public utility

consultant, concerning utility cases involving rates, dividends, and

stocks; Heorge vI. Norris, Governor of the Federal lteserve Bank of Philadel-

phial Senator George W. Pepper discussing opposition to the appointment of

Pierce Butler to the U.S. Supreme Court; Calvin W. Rice, Secretary, American

Society of Mechanical Engineers, on policies and procedures of the Society;

Ida M. Tarbell, writer; directors of the Germantown (Pa.) Hospital regarding

hospital costs and expansion; Bruce Bliven, George SOUle, editors of the

New Republic on publication of articles; American Institute of Architects,

American Society of Electrical Engineers, and the Federated American En­

gineering Societies on policies and procedures; F. A. Gaby, Chief Engineer,

Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Canada, on Canadian developments; or

Gifford Pinchot, GoverllAof Pennsylvania, regarding the Giant Power Survey,

utilities, and polter commissions; Prof. Charles E. Merriam, Univ. of Chiclgo,

on public regulation of utilities; Judson King, Director, National Popular

Government League, on municipal electric rates and Congressional legislation;

Mrs. F. C. Bursch, League of Women Voters, on increased consumption of

electricity in the home; and Harry A. Slattery, Director, National Boulder

Dam Association, on urging construction of the dam. There is additional

correspondence containing revisions of proposed speeches and articles for

-_1 "

Page 6: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


publication; Cook's solicitation of work as consulting engineer; assis-

tance to friends and associates to improve their business connections; and

personal correspondence of Cooke relating to his home, insurance and other

private matters. Copies of hearings and rulings made by the Impartial

Chairman of the Garment Industry in Cleveland, 1921-26, are among the

papers. 21 boxes.

B. General Correspondence, Numerical File, Black, mQ-J122..

This correspondence file is arranged in the same manner as the "Red" file

preceding it and appears to be a chronological continuation of it. The

engineering, business, professional, official, and personal matters

treated are similar. Among the files is found correspondence with the

American Society of Mechanical Engineers regarding meetings and presen-

tation of papers; Franklin D. Roosevelt, Louis McHenry Howe, Stephen Early,

and other White House personalities on the subjects of utilities and

electric power; Robert W. Bruere of the J. C. Penny Foundation concerning

grants of money. David Lilienthal, TVA Director, on TVA plans for expansion , and development and the selection of socially-minded engineers for TVA;

Donald Richberg, General Counsel, NRA, regarding an electrical code;

Justice Louis D. Brandeis on business ethics and railroad rates; Harold W.

Dodds)National Municipal Review~ submitting articles and suggestions for

topics; Joseph B. Eastman, Federal Coordinator of Transportation; Felix

Frankfurter, Harvard Law School, on TVA and giant pOl'ier; Nilo R. Maltbie,

Chairman, New York Public Service Commission concerning electric rates

charged by companies in New York state; Senator Joseph F. Guffey on appoint-

ments in Pennsylvania; Lewis N. Clark, Director, The Germantown Hospital,

regarding management of the hospital (Cooke was on the Board of Managers);


Page 7: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke 5

Frank Aydelotte, President, Swarthmore College, on an unemployment

study undertaken by the college and run by Paul H. Douglas; Florence C.

Thorne, EOCecutive Council, A.F. of L., regarding scientific management

in union activities; Herbert Hoover, as Secretary of Commerce and as

President; Gifford Pinchot on utilities and other public matters; Henry L.

Stimson on appointments in the government; Senator George W. Norris on

public ownership of utilities; Senator James Couzens, chairman of the

Committee on Interstate Commerce, concerning the power and regulation of

utilities; Besse Howard, Director, Pennsylvania Branch, League of Nations

Association (Cooke was President of this Branch in 1935); and with Basil

Manly, Vice Chairman, Federal Power Commission, on the technical problens

of computing electrical costs. In this file is correspondence with

officials of the State Planning Co~nission of the Council of People's

Commissars of the U.S.S.R. r"'garding economic cooperation in the period

following the recognition of Russia. Cooke's visit to the Soviet Union

in 1929 is recalled in correspondence relating to it. There is correspon-

dence relating to Gifford Pihchot's campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania

in 1930, when Cooke served as Chairman of the Citizens Committee - Pinchot

for Governor. Also, available is the correspondence of Cooke, Jacob H.

Hollander, and John R. McLane who served as the Board of Referees of the

Ladies Garment Industry of Cleveland, 1926-31. A business venture is

reflected in the correspondence with Irving Bonbright concerning their

investment in the Hugh Archbald process of treating coal and coke. Bis

professional interests are shown in his correspondence with officials of

the Taylor Society regarding policies, programs, and possible mergers

with other engineering societies. Other papers concern business accounts

and personal matters.

.' "i

ZL boxeB'.

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Page 8: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke 6

C. General Correspondence, Special Alphabetical File, ~-122Q.

These papers constitute a file of general correspondence with various

individuals on professional, business, and personal matters. The

folders, one to an individual, are arranged alphabetically. During

these years, Cooke corresponded with Frank Aydelotte, President of Swarth­

more College; A. Lincoln Acker, Collector of Customs, Philadelphia; Beulah

Amidon, Associate Editor, The Survey; H. H. Broach, President, International

Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; Francis Biddle, Chairman, Foreign Policy

Association; Bernard M. Baruch, advisor to Presidents; Congressman J. D.

Beck of v1isconsin; Prof. Edward Bennett, Department of Electrica,l l!ngi ...

neering, University of Wisconsin; Robert P. Bass, Governor of New Hamp­

shire; General Smedley D. Butler; Senator James Couzens; Dale Carnegie,

writer; Paul S. Clapp, Managing Director, National Electric Light 1\ssoci-

ation; Stuart Chase, writer; Paul H. Douglas, School of Commerce, Univ.

of Chicago; Dr. Glenn Frank, President, Univ. of Wisconsin; A. Gnstew,

Director of the Central Institute of Work, Moscow, Russia; Hamilton Holt,

President, Rollins College, Florida; Ira N. Hollis, President, Worcester

Polytechnic Institute; Charles E. Hughes, Secretary of State; Joseph S.

Ames, President, John Hopkins Univ.; Morris Sigman, President, Intern.

Ladies Garment vlorkers Union; Senator Hiram Johnson; L. H. Kinnard,

President, Bell Telephone Co. of Pemlsylvania; Judson King, Director,

National Popular Government League; Senator Robert M. LaFollette; Henry R • •

Mussey, Managing Editor, The Nation; Robert Hoses, New York State Council

of Parks; Leifur Nagnusson, Director, Washington Branch, International

Labor Office; Senator W. Norris; James P. Noonan, International President,

International Brotherhood of Electrical \'/orkers; C. Russ Richards,


Page 9: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

IjOOKe 7

President, Lehigh University; Prof. Joseph W. Roe, Dept. of Industrial

Engineering, N.Y.U.; Donald Richberg, Chicago attorney; Franklin D. Roose­

velt, Governor of New York; Prof. S. Parker Smith, l~yal Technical College,

Glasgow, Scotland; Ellery Sedgwick, Editor, Atlantic Monthly; George Soule,

Editor, New Republic; J. David Stern, publisher, Camden (N.J.) Evening

Courier; J. M. Thomas, President, Pennsylvania State College; Senator Thomas

J. Walsh; William H. Williams, Chairman of the Board, Missouri Pacific

Railroad; and Dr. Ing. E. Zimmler, President, Masaryk Academy, Prague,


D. General Correspondence, 1930-~. This is a file of general

correspondence in alphabetically-arranged folders of the same type of

correspondence as that prededlng it. Matters under discussion include

arrangements for scientific meetings, pUblications of engineering com-

panies, discussion of the relative merits of private and public ownership

of electric utilities, comparison of power rates in different cities,

correspondence with congressmen regarding abuses in utility rates, drafting

of legislation, publication of scientific books, intervention or mediation

in industrial disputes, analyses of products rated by Consumers Research

organization, and plans for meetings and work of the Taylor Society. The

more personal correspondence includes requests for charitable contributions,

interviews, dinner invitations, organizational invitations, personal recom-

mendations, family problems, vacations, and illnesses. Among the corres-

pondents are Senator Robert LaFollette, Harold J. Laski, Frances Perkins,

Hobert Moses, Senator George Norris, Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt,

Senator David Reed, and Thorstein Veblen. 2. boxes.

E. General Correspondence, ~-!22l. This file is of the same type

.. ~~ ....

Page 10: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke B

e and is arranged the same way as the preceding one. Among Cook's corres­


pondents are H. P. Charlesworth, President, American Institute of Electrical

Engineers; Robert C. Clothier, President, Rutgers Univ.; Senator Edward P.

Costigan; Stuart Chase; Prof. Paul H. Douglas; Sidney Hillman; Harold L.

Ickes; General Hugh Johnson; Walter Lippman; Frank R. McNinch, Federal

Power Commissioner; John G. Winant, Governor of New Hampshire; and Owen D.

Young of the General Electric Company.

F. General Correspondence, Special Alphabetical File, 12ll-12l2.

These papers are general correspondence similar to the preceding files

containing business and personal letters intermingled. Some of the

~orrespondents are Francis Biddle, National Laboll Relations Boa.rd; Charles

"-A. Beard, historian; Henry Bruere, President, Bowery Savings Bank; James

C. Bohbright, fellow member of the Power Authority of the State of New York;

Jonathan Daniels, editor, Raleigh (N.C.) News anq Observer; Josephus Daniels,

Ambassador to Mexico; Harold E,,, D6dds, President, Princeton Univ.; George

H. Dern, Secretary of War; Thomas S. Gates, President, Univ. of Pennsylvania;

C. E. Groesbeck, Chairman, Electric Bond and Share CO.; Col. Louis McHenry

Howe, White House advisor; Sidney Hillman, labor leader; Harold L. Ickes,

Secretary of Interior; Stanley King, President, Amherst College; Herbert

H. Lehman, Governor of New York; Leland Olds, Secretary, Power Authority,

State of New York; Sam Rayburn, Speaker, House of Representatives; Robert

I. Randolph, President, The Mississippi Valley Association; William C.

Bull1tt, Department of State; "enator Henrik Ship stead; Rexford G. Tugwell,

Asst. Secretary of Agriculture; and Frank p. Walsh, Chairman, PO>ler

Authority, Sta.te of New York. §. boxes.

Page 11: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke 9

G. General Correspondence, 122£-~. This is another general

correspondence file arranged alphabetically under topics and persons.

Among the subjects on which files are maintained are: air cargo, forestry,

"Friends of the Land", municipal problems, adult education, soil conser-

vation, national planning, broadening the education of en[:ineers, group

health plans, and stream pollution. Correspondents include Ray Stannani

Baker, writer; Bernard M. Baruch; Otto S. Beyer, National }lediation

Board; Hugh S. BennetG, Soil Conservation Service; Francis Biddle, ....

Solicitor General; Justice Louis D. Brandeis; Robert W. Bruere, Chainnan,

}laritime Labor Board; John Carmody, Rural Electrification Administrator;

Harold Dodds, President, Princeton Univ.; Robert E. Doherty, President,

Carnegie Institute; Sidney Hillman, Office of Production Management;

Harry Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce; Isador Lubin, Labor Department;

Sumner T. Pike, COlmnissioner, Securities and EOCchange Commission; Justice

Owen J. Roberts; Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt; President Franklin D. Roose­I

velt; Samuel I. Rosenman, advisor to F.D.R.; Henry A. Walace, Secretary

of Agriculture; and ~aude R. Wickard, liural Electrification Administrator.

!!t boxes.

H. General Correspondence, 1221-~. This is the most recent

of Cooke's general correspondence and is arranged alphabetically by

subject folders. Some of the topics with which Cooke was concerned were

conservation problems; educational programs; the "off-shore" oil issue;

a national water resources policy; gifts to the President and other public

Officials; the "Point Four" program; Delaware River watershed project;

the Tennessee River and Collnnbia River power and irrigation problems;

and other policies of President Eisenhower's administration. There is

. ' . :.: . .,

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Page 12: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


present technical and professional correspondence with old associates,

correspondence with the American Civil Liberties Union (Cooke was on

the National Committee), and correspondence with the Public Affairs

Institute of which he was a sponsor. His correspondents include James


C. Bonbright; Louis Bromfield, writer; Bruce Bliven, editor, New Republic;

Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture; George S. Counts, educator;

Thomas G. Corcoran, lawyer and economist; Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the

Interior; Jonathan Daniels; Leland Olds; Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney;

Elmo Roper, public opinion expert; Beardsley Rum1, economist; Drew Pear­

son, columnist; Walter P. Reuther, President, C.I.O.; and President

Harry S. Truman. 1 boxes.

I. Special File, 1910-~. This is a file of more specialized

correspondence, covering the years 1910-1924 in general but including

occasional items as early as 1904 and as late as 1940. In this file is

correspondence with Rudolph Blankenburg, Mayor of Philadelphia, when

Cooke was the Director of the Department of Public Works, 1911-15; cor­

respondence with members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers;

correspondence relating to Prof. George F. Swain and his valuation work

for several railroads, 1910-18, correspondence regarding the Philadelphia

Transit Advisory Board on which Cooke served in 1923; materials in con­

nection with the Pennsylvania State Board for Registration of Engineers;

general matters of the Philadelphia Department of Public Works; discus­

sion of the Horace B.Druay report on the Steel Strike of 1920; corres-

pondence on the 3-shift system for industry as discussed in a joint

meeting of the Taylor Society, A.S.H.E., and A.I.E.E.; copies of publi-

cations of M. Le Chatelier, in French, on the subject of Taylorism; and

,; < . " '>s~F .<.)iY :

Page 13: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

, ..

Cooke II

correspondence with Calvin Rice, Secretary, A.S.H.E., aboul; the World

Power Conference in London, 1924. Also present are letters from such

prominent persons as Herbert Hoover, Josephus Daniels, and Franklin D.

Roosevelt and many letters dealing with Cookb's personal affairs.

HI boxes.

J. Cooke, et al .!!!.. Philadelphia Electric Co., 19l4-!2!.2..

This file consists of the bound volumes of testimony in the rate case

which Cooke contested against the Philadelphia Electric Company. There

are 8,260 pages of testimony. ~ boxes.

K. Giant P01~er Survey Papers, ~-22.. This file contains the

correspondence carried on by Cooke during the years in which he gathered .

material on the feasibility of giant power in Pennsylvania. In this I. r .r

file are found correspondence with I'IN. D.B. Ainy, Chairman, Public Service

Commission of Pennsylvania, concerning replies by utility companies to a

questionaire sent out by the P.S.C.; technical material relating to

industrial processes for producing power using coal and by-products)

correspondence with Judson C. Dickerman, Assistant Director of the survey,

on developments, experiments, tests, and data) correspondence with tech-

nical experts, college teachers, scientists, public servants, and company

officials on values and needs of giant power; folders of material on

power, coal, power development, farm electrification, electrical engineers,

Federal Water P01~er Commission, Hoover Super Power Commission, Giant Power

maps, giant power publicity, power rates, power transmission, and other

matters; and proposed legislation on giant power. In addition, there is ,

correspondence with Robert Ii. Bruere about {,t, (>".

an article on pi ant lower

in ~ Survey; correspondence with the Farm Journal to get publicity

, !.


Page 14: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

.. •

Cooke 12

for the program of eleotrioity on the farm; efforts to obtain a referenoe

library for the giant power survey; oopies of the report of the Giant

Power Survey Board; a draft of the message of Governor Pinchot trans-

mitting the report to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania; requests for

oopies of the report by publio and private groups; mailing lists for oopies

of the report; oontributions to the giant power issue of the Annals of the

American Academy of Political and Social Science (Narch 1925); copies of

anti-giant power literature; literature on the ar.plication of electricity

to agriculture; literature on state compaots to control electrio power;

a bibliography on giant power; and news clippings about the giant power

report. Among the correspondents are Ray Stannard Baker, Felix Frankfurter,

Frederick A. Gaby, Arthur E. Horgan, Hilo R. Haltbie, George Iv. Norris,

Otto H. Rau"and Henry L. Stimson. 26 boxes.

L. Special File, ~-~. This is another file of more specialized

oorrespondence, one in continuation of the 1910-24 file. It includes SODle

material as early as 1918 and as late as 1935 under its topical folders.

In it are materials relating to Cooke's oorrespondenoe as Chairman of the

Practice Committee of the Amerioan Association of Engineers, inoluding

some case histories; materials on the Cleveland Clothing Workers Investi-

gation, 1931: materials on meetings held to attempt stabilization of the

coal industry; oorrespondence and offioe accounts of the Hason Alfalfa

Process Company in whioh Cooke was on the Board of Direotors and one of

the prinoipal stockholders, 1928-35; material on legislation relating to

munioipal power plants; oorrespondenoe on rate-making in the electrical

industry; materials on the cost of installation of rural electrification;

correspondenoe relating to the promotion of low rural power rates in New

Page 15: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

• , ' , :-

Jersey; material on "lxatered" stock; materials on street improvements

Bubmitted by various municipalities; correspondence on the proposed

development of St. Lawrence water power by New York Sta.te; correspon-

dence with Governor Gifford Pinchot (Pa.) on the subjects of electric

rates, giant power, and the Public Service Commission; copies of Cooke's

article, "Can We Hove It?" (1918); an article for Consumers Research,

Inc., on the cost of electricity (1932); and numerous nffi'TSpaper clippings.

Among the personal papers are accounts relating to his home, vacation

materials, and Christmas cards. ~ boxes.

M. Papers Relating to the President's Committee £g Costs of Medical

Care, 1930. This file contains material collected from several group

medical plans and the fina.l report of the Committee on Costs of Medical

Care. .1 box.

N. New York State Power Authority Papers, lli!-ml. This material

is arranged alphabetically under subject and name folders. Included in

this material is correspondence with utility companies on distribution of

electricity costs; copies of federal and state legisla.tion on water power;

materials on anti-social policies practiced by privat~ly -owned utilities;

miscellaneous reports on various utility companies in the United States;

engineering memoranda by Judson Dickerman, Otto M. Rau, and Clayton W.

Pike; and news clippings about the PO~Ter Authority. Frank P. Walsh served

as Chairman of the Authority - Delos M. Cosgrove as Vice-Chairman and

James C. Bonbright a.s Secretary. Cooke's correspondence includes letters

exchanged with Walsh; correspondence with Bonbright regarding the personnel

of the Federal Power Commission; correspondence with Cosgrove concerning

the effect on New York ports of the st. Lawrence Waterway; minutes of


,.' ,'. ' , ';.


Page 16: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

.-, .

vooKe 14

meetings of the Power Authority, 1931, 1933; copies of the First and

Second Annual !leports of the Authority for the years ending December 31,

1931 and 1932; materials and correspondence relating to a conference on

utility regulation held in New York, April 1932; and correspondence and

other materials on a meeting of the Institute of Public Engineering on

the subject of "Electrical Distribution Costs" held in Ne1' York,

January 30, 1933. There are present several articles by Cooke: "Quaint

Electric nates," in National Municipal Revie~l, Vol. XIX, No. 11, November

1930; "Planning for PO~Ter," in The Nation, Vol. 134, No. 3491, June 1, 1932;

"paying Too Much for Eilectricity," in New Republic, December 21, 1932;

"Light and Power - Planning the Electrical Future," (place and date of

publication unknown); and two pamphlets, "What Price Electricity For Our

Homes," and "On the Cost of Distribution of Electricity to Domestic

Consumers. If 16 boxes.

O. Mississippi Valley ComJJrl.t~~El. Papers,_ J:2?J.-122l!:. The purpose of

the Mississippi Valley COmmittee, of which Coolee served as Chairman in

1933, was to review projects f"r the Public vlorles Administration coming

within the drainage area of the Mississippi River and to report a plan for

the future development of this region. These papers include discussions

of agriculture in the Mississippi Valley; literature on soil erosion;

material on the Tennessee Valley Authority; material on a federal power

study; and various memoranda from Cooke to the Committee. Among the

correspondents are Najor Carey H. Brown, Secretary, M. V. C.; Professor

Harlan H. Barrows, Univ. of Chicago; Donald L. Bower, Asst. Secretary, N.V.C.;

H. H. Bennett, Director, Soil Conservation Service; Thomas S. Baker, Presi-

dent, Carnegie Institute of Technology; Glenn Frank, President, Univ. of

.. " " '. <,'

Page 17: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke l5

Wiscqnsin; Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of Interior; and Henry A. Wallace,

Secretary of Agriculture. 6 boxes. ----P. Water Resources Section, National Resources Board Papers, ~.

Cooke served as Director of the Water Resources Section in 1934. These

papers are concerned with plans of the Mississippi ~alley Authority (pro-

posed) and the T.V.A.; correspondence on the use of water resources, ir-

rigation, flood control and related matters; correspondence with engineering

professors about technical papers and meetings; correspondence with other

government officials on rural electrification; and correspondence with

President !~osevelt on the subjects of holding companies and rural electri­

fication. Other correspondents were H. H. Bennett, Director, Soil lJonser­

vation Service; David E. Lilienthal, Director, T.V.A.; Josephus Daniels,

Ambassador to Nexico; J. David Stern, publisher, Philadelphia Hecord,

Camden ~venil!& Courier, and New York~; and Frank P. Walsh, Chairman,

Power Authority of New York. The segment of papers dealing with inland

waterways contains reports on suggested changes in inland waterways; drafts

of the Mississippi Valley Committee report and memoranda used in its compo­

sition; copies of the M.V.C. report on a National Inland Waterway Policy

and comnlents thereon by various experts, articles and reports on the Miss-

ouri and Ohio valleys; and technical reports on evaporation, ground water,

erosion, and rainfall. §. boxes.

Q. Washington Special File,!.2.22. This is a topical file, alpha­

betically arranged, which was compiled by Cooke in Washington. It Contains

Bureau of Reclamation material on dams; correspondence of Cooke as Chairman,

Water Planning Committee, N.R.B.; newspaper Clippings on the M.V.C. project

and report; press releases on the T.V.A.; U.S. geological Survey maps of the

Page 18: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke 4


Tennessee valley states; correspondence with Joel D. ~Iolfsohn, Ellcecutive

Secretary, National Power Policy Committee, on which committee Cooke served,

as Vice Chairman, along with Harold Ickes, David Lilienthal, General Ed

Markham, Frank McNinch, and others; and a copy of Cooke's speech, "On \'later

Planning For the Nation," before the 55th annual convention of the American

Water Works Association, May 7, 1935.

R. Third World Power Conference ~apers, 1936. The Third World Power

Conference, a meeting of scientists and industrialists drom allover the

world, met in Washington, September 7-11, 1936. Cooke helped organize and

further the conference in addition to serving as Chairman of the Ex:ecutive

Committee of the American National Committee of the Conference. The papers

contain Cooke's correspondence ,·lith U.S. and foreign scientists and indus-

trialists regarding participation and arrangements; schedules of publicity

on the radio and in the press for months preceding the conference; lists

of speakers and topics for the conferences; proposed manuscripts and dis-

cussions of revisions; materials on a transcontinental inspection trip

undertaken by the delegates; arrangements for the group to visit Mount

Vernon; and arrangements to visit industrial plants for demonstrations.

Cooke's correspondents thi8 year included Charles Appleton, Vice-President,

General Electric Company; Floyd Carlisle, Chairman of the Board, Consoli­

dated Edison Company; Stuart Chase; Frederic A. Delano, National Hesources

Board; Judson Dickerman, Federal Trade Commission; Howard Ehrlich, United

Press; McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; Felix Frankfurter, Harvard Law School;

Harold Ickes, Chairman, American National Committee, 3rd World Power Confer­

ence; David E. Lilienthal, Director, T. V.A.; .. Iilliam McClellan, President,

Potomac Electric Power Company; and Lewis Humford, writer. ~ boxes.

Page 19: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

, '

VooKe ...


S. Papers ~ Chief of the United States Technical lUssion to Brazil,

~. Cooke went to Brazil with a group of Americans in the hope of im­

proving Brazilian industrial techniques and adding to Brazil's war potential.

This file contains correspondence on Cooke's book on Brazil entitled,

"Brazil On the March," published by HcGraw-Hill, 1944.

T. Patent Survey Committee Papers, ~~. This file contains

correspondence relating to the work of the Patent Survey Committee on which

Cooke served and of which William H. Davis was chairman, during the years

1947 to 1951. Some of the papers relate to a proposed National Science

Foundation, 1946, and others to the American Bar Association Committee on

Patent Office Affairs. There are present reports numbered 1 through 4 and

a supplementary report of W. Houston Kenyon, Jr., Counsel to the Committee,

1946-47, as well as Economic Reports Numbers 1 and 2 of Victor Abramson

for the Committee, 1947.

U. Papers Relating to Social Education for Engineers, ~!221.

In this file is ~ound literature on the role of the scientist in public

life such as Cooke's article, "The Habit of Community Service," in Nechan­

ical Engineering, December 1947, and "'rhe Role of the Engineer in Connnunity

Affairs," a speech by Cooke before the 58th annual meeting of the American

Society for Engineering Education, at Seattle, June 21, 1950. Other material

contains the correspondence of Cooke with college administrators and faculty

regarding the student's role in community service, 1949; correspondence

with publishers regarding proposed publication in a periodical of Cooke's

article, "Do Engineering and Science Lack Social Understanding?"; and

reactions of COllege teachers and administrators to Cooke'S papers, "It's

Time to Bridge the Technology-Political Chasm," and "The Role of the Engi-

neer in Connnunity Affairs," 1950-51. 2 boxes.

,', ,

Page 20: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


V. President's lVater Resources Poli.sY: Gonunission Papers '. ~-1.'l.2.

Cooke served alJ Chairman of the P."I.R.P.C., an agency esta.blished

Janua.ry ), 1950 to organize over-all federal water policy. Associated

with Cooke were Gilbert F. White, Paul S. Burgess, Lewis W. Jones, Samuel

B. Horris, Leland Olds, and Roland R. Renne. The Conmdssion reported

its findings to President Truman on December 15, 1950. This file in-

cludes material on soil erosion and rainfall effects on soil; correspondence

with federal agencies regarding water erosion practices in other parts

of the world; correspondence with the T.V.A. about their experiments with

crops and grass silage; material bearing on the controversy over the 160-

acre limitation on irrigation projects; correspondence with President

Truman and the Bureau of the Budget concerning release of the W. R. P. G.

report and differences between it and the President's proposed legisla.tion;

a copy of the draft bill ''Water Resources Act of 1951" which was desigll9 d

to carry out some recommendations of the W.R.P.C.; drafts of legislation

for a "Water Resources Policy Act of 1952"; independent opinions and

other scientific papers by former members of the W.R.P.C., 1951J and

reactions of federal agencies to the Conunission's report and to its

legislative recommendations. Other material includes the articles

"Protecting the Land Against the Raindrop's Blast" in Scientific Nonthly,

Vol. LXVIII, No.4, April 1949; a copy of ''Water Pollution in the United

Sta.tes," a publication of the Public Health Service, F.S.A., 1951J the

New York Times Magazine article, "Kansas Can't Forget 'The Flood''',

September 2, 1951; and Cooke's paper, "Some Implications of Multiple

Purpose River Planning and Development, " given before the annual meeting

of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Philadelphia,

December 27, 1951, as well as corollary material from the Department of

. ;", !"

< •.

" " ',' .

.' .',~'

Page 21: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke 19

Agriculture, the T.V.A., Corps of Engineers, and Federal Security

Agency. ~ boxes.

w. Speeches and Writings, 19l0-!22!. This file contains seven

bound volumes, holding a collection of the speeches, articles, and books

by Morris L. Cooke. All but the first volttme contain a table of contents

arranged under such topical headings as engineering, conservation, indus-

try and labor, science, ethics, and rural electrification. Volume I

contains items during the years 1913 to 1918 beginning with the article,

"The Spirit and Social Significance of Scientific Management," in The

Journal of Political EconoII\Y. Vol. 21, No.6, June 1913. Vol. II covers

the years 1918-29; Vol. 111,1915-35; Vol.IV, 1910-37; Vol. V, 1924-40;

Vol. VI, 1922-44; and Vol. VII, 1918-51. There are nine boxes of materials

containing printed speeches of Cooke, reading copies, drafts, articles

for publication, correspondence regarding articles or speeches, and

several undated items, all arranged chronologically, 1914-40. Another

five boxes have materials relating to the book Organized Labor and Produc-

tion by Morris L. Cooke and Philip Hurray, published by Harpers in 1940.

Included are drafts of chapters, correspondence concerning drafts and

suggestions and correspondence about promoting the book. At the time,

Hurray was Chairman of the Steel Workers Organizing Conmtittee and Vice

President of the United Mine Workers of America. 14 boxes, 1 volumes •.

X. Other materials include three bc),es containing receipted bills,

1934-40; four boxes containing miscellaneous printed items, 1929-53; and

a wooden box containing a card index file. This file appears to index

items not in this collection. It contains a subscription list for an

unnamed publication, 1917-18; two indexes to a library on technical

: '

Page 22: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke 20

matters (about 250 cards each); two address files; and an index to

topics and persons involved in testimony regarding electric service in

the Philadelphia area, probably in the 1920's.

wooden box.

Y. (Note: The following pUblished materials, products of Norris

Cooke or closely related to his work, have been removed from his papers

and are nOlf considered to be part of Group 1. Scientific Management,

Addresses and Discussions at the Conference ~ Scientific Management

Held October 12, 1.2., Jl!:, 1911, Dartmouth College, 1912; 1-laste in Industry,

~ the COl1unittee ~ the Elimination of ~Iaste in Industry of the Federated

American Engineering Societies, 1920; The Twelve-Hour Shift in Industry,

BY the Committee ~ Work-Periods in Continuous-Industry of the Federated

American Engineering Societies, 1922; Giant Power, The Heport of the

Giant Power Survey Board ... , BY J.!orris !!. Cooke, Director, February

1925; The Future of the Great Plains, Heport of the Great Plains Com-

mittee, December 1936. The Future of the Great Plains, !! Message From

the President of the United States Transmitting the Heport of the Great

Plains Committee, 75th Cong., 1st sess., February 1937; Management ~

Defense, Proceedings of the National Defense Management Conference,

Washington, Q • .£., November 1940; ! Water Policy for the American People

! Report of the President's Water Hesources Policy Commission, Vol.I,

1950; Morris Cooke, Our Cities Awake, 1918; Cooke and Philip Murray,

Organized Labor and Production, 1940,1946; Cooke, Brazil Qg the ~,

1944; The Utilities Magazine, Vol. I,No. 3, January 1916; The AnnJals sf I

the American Academy of Political Science (Cooke as Editor), Vol. XC,,

September 1920 (2 copies); American F'ederationist, Vol. 34, No.6,

, " .".

Page 23: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

liOOKe 21

June 1927; Current Biography, Vol. 11, No.5, May 1950; Frederick Vlinslow Taylor, The Principles Qf Scientific Hanagement, 1911; Taylor, Shop Nan!!.@­~, 1911; Harlow S. Person, Little Haters (a report prepared for R. G. Tugwe]~, Administrator, Resettlement Administration, H. H. Bennett, Chief, Soil Conservation Service, and M. L. Cooke, Administrator, Rural ~lectrifi-catton Administration), December 1935; Missouri Land and Water (a report of the Hissouri Basin °urvey COmmission), 1953. There are, in addition, other periodicals, pamphlets, and books collected by Cooke which were transferred to Group 1.)

Accession NOI Hs. 54-10

Restrictions 2a~: None.


Page 24: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37
Page 25: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

, \

Papers of Numerical Box No.

. Box 1.

Box 2.

Box 3.

Box 4.

Box 5.

Box 6.

:. '", ~ . ; .

Morris Llewellyn Cooke Files: Red Series [1910 - 1929 J File Number Nama

And~rson, Georce W. Ackerson, J. L.

1 4 5 8

Ajney, Vlin. D. B. (Public Senja Com., Harrisburg) Ames, E. E.

9 10 11 12

1:5 lA 15, Ballard, 16,

17 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51


Barth, Garl G. Boer, G. [<'rank Beyer, otto S. Bell, GeorGe L.

Buttonheim, Harcl d S. Brue re, Rohe rt W. (The Survey)

F'redo ri ck Wo.yne Bartol', Arthur E.

Bemi s, EdvJard W. Bruco, John M. Burks, tJesse D. Bull oek, Wi 11 iam E. Bancroft, Wilford Bowman, John G. Banles, F. B. Brinley, Charles E. Ball, William H. Barrovm" Y'f. P. Barber, John B. Bl aleey, Prof. Hoy G.

Brciwer, Fred Brandeis, Louis D. &. Mrs. Balee r, Ncvrton D •. Blanehard, J. Cliff Cooke, Thomas Turne r Cooke, Persifore M. Connell, William H. Cla!'I" Edward Vi. Crawford, C. H. Crozjer, Gen. William

Cleveland, 1'. A. Cooke, Hedley V. Cosn1oG Cl ub Col umbus Handl e and Took Co. Coonley, Howard Copley, }l"rank B. Coburn, F. G. Cohen, J. E. American Associqtion of Engineers de Freminville, Charles

Dicleennan, Judson C.

, ' ,


Page 26: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 7.

Pox 8.

Box 9.

Box 10.

Box 11.

53 54 55 56 58 59

60 61 62. 6.5 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 62 84 86 87 89 9UU

91 92 93 94 95 97

98 10l. 102. 103. 104 106 107 108 109

Drury, !lorace B. Day, Charles Day, n. Kent Dodds, H. W. (National Municipal Lcar;ue) Deland, Thonldj ke Enr:l.ght, Pernard

Eagan, John J. E0.si-.man, Joseph B. rnmquist, Charles E. Fi r, he r, Poyd Franch, Lester 6. (ASMP:) F'8isD, Hchard A. FrlUsmnn, Ward B. Froemon, John R. Foer<lorcr, Perei val E. Fr~.nl:furt8r, Felix Vi1ene, Po. Lincoln

Fa!11 j,am, DwiGht T. F'urness, Fairmon Rogers Fl inn, Po I'llard VI. I'i tzpatrl.cJr, Edward A. Falconer, A1exD.nder Fej ss, George J. F'els, Samuel S. Gilbertsoll, H. S. GroGr" Cecil D. Gi tcltell, I). H. Grronmes, H. A. Godfrey, H611 is Hopkins, Ernest 1ft. mllman, Sidney Hall, Fanny Keppele and Col. Keppelo

Hathaway, Col. H. K. IIatton, A. R. Hec]anan, J. C.


Hodges, JTenry lQ:nI G. (Heading Investment Co,) Hunt, F:dward leyre Inslee, Charl.es L.

Innes, W. T., Printers Josoph, fErncst A. Jones, S. P. King, Clyde L. Kenney, Louis H. Koiner, C. Wellington Key, J. L. Kentl all, Henry P. Lewis, William praper

, " :., ",

;'': ,

Page 27: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 12.

Box 13.

Box 14.

Box 15.

Box 16.

Box 17.

III 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

124 126 128 129 130

131 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 143

144 146 147 148 149 151 152

164 155 156 157 158 160 162 163 164 166 166

167 168 169 171

Lane, Franklin X. Lowrie, S. Gale Lyall, Willi am L, LewiS, William Dodge leChateli.er, Henri Lord, Frank B. Law, F. R. (Powor Maga~ine) McCord, Col, James B. McJohnston, H. MacFarland, Grenville S, McGohan, James MaJ.lery, Otto Todd Marot, Helen

Mi tchell , Thomas W. Miller, Fred J. Mal tbie, Miro R. Marburg, L. C. Mitten, Thomas E.

Morse, George H. Noyes, Henry T. ' \ Norris, George W. (/) :1/; (! ~';, . ,) /' '~< .. ' j

Otterson, J. E. Pike, Clayton W. Plumb, Glenn E. Prouty, Charles A. Pepper, George W. Preston, James H.

Rice, Calvin W. (ASME) Rowe, Leo S. (Am. Academy of Political &: Social Science Ray, Martin H. Reed, James Randolph, Isham Shelton, Henry W. Sonneborn, Henry &: Co.

Stuart, F'rancis Lee Stowe, j'yman Beecher Scudder, Winthrop Sanville, Florence Swe any, lIar ry p. Thompson, {'ltpl 1l. Sa,,~~d Thelen, Max Towne, Henry R. Tator, Samuel W. YanKkeeck, Mary (Russell Sage Foundation) Tupper, James W.

Tuttle, M. S. Tarbell, Ida M. Tead, Ordway Wilcox, Delos F.

,', ,;

:/'.;,; ",;".

, . '~J_''-: 1.;;"

Page 28: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 17 (Cont'd.)

Box 18.

Box 19.

Box 20.

Box 21.

172 Wool) ey, Robert W.

173 Williams, John H.

175, Willett, George F.

178 179 l79-A 180 181

182", 183 185 181;-' . 187, 188 189 190 191 192

194 194-A 195 196 197 198 199 201 202 203 205

206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213

214 215 216 219 218 219, Ogburn,

220 221 222 223 224 225

Wall in, Y. A. Watson, Bruce l.I. Reed., Hudson W. White, Thomas Raeburn Woodruff, Clinton Rogers

Wolf, Robert B. Willcox, Orlando B. Whitaker, S. Edgar Heilman, Ralph E. Davis, Henry P. Rhinelander, PhilUp M. Hurley, Edward H. Taylor, Mrs. Frederick W.

Wl11iams, Whiting Howard, Earl Dean

Dickenson, Robert L. Clark, Lewis N. Schneider, Dr. H. Vleh1e, Louis B.

- F'rederick W.

Unit Constnlcti on Co. (Willard Boyd)

American Railway Express Co. Hayes, Halph Blar,kenhorn, Heber Porter, Henriette Newell, F. H. Reber, Louis E.

Jenkins, Charles F. G1ann, John M. Brooks, Robert C. BrOUGham, H. B. American Federation of Labor

Jacobstein, Meyer Blauvel t, Warren S. Connni Hoe of One Hundred (NYCi)

Felss, Paul L. Plumb Plan League Howe, Frederick C. Panunzio, C. In. Phillips, John S.


Babcock, George D. Meeker, Royal Ziegler, J. VI. Davis, Henry L., Jr.

Moses, Jacob M.

DaviS, Carleton E.

Page 29: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 22.

Box 22-A

Box 23

Box 24.

226 227 228 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240

241 242 243


246 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263

265 266 268 272 273 275 276 278 279 281

Durfee, Charles H. Mattenis, John V. New Saranac Inn Moore United Republican Campaign Connn. (J. Hampton Furusei;h, Andrew (International Seamen's) Moore) National Industrial Conference Board Martin, Darwin D. (Larkin Co.) Keller, Edwin R. Kelsey, Carl (AAPSS) Christie, Prof. A. G. (ASME) Toltx, Max Street '" Jo'inney, Inc. Dickson, William B. "Unemployment Scores" and "Unernploymen't WIthin

Fknployment" [1919-1921] by MLC. Connnents on Leeds, Morris E. Po rter, IT. J. F. Brand, E. A.

Archbald, Hugh

Walsh, Capt. D.y,Jr. Penrose, Boi se Hart, Prof. Al bert Bushnell Hunter, George Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Bodine, Alex N. Public Ledger, Philadelphia Lelserson, Prof. W. M. Brooks, Lawrence G. Gray, qohn H. Industl'ial Inf'onnation Service (n. L. Stoddard) White, Luther C. Ritchie, Maj. J. M. Eleventh Annual Eisteddfod (Howell Jones) Kenerson J Dean W. H. Hagedorn, Joseph H. Marx, Guido H. (The New School for Social Research)

Webster, George S. Watson, Frank D. Underwood, Charles N. Porter, Goerge S. Armstrong, F. WalliS, Co. Husselman, Roy Robinson, Henry M. International Association of Clothing Designers Moore, J. Hampton War Finance Corporation

Page 30: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 25.

Box 26.

Box 27.

282 283 285 286 288 289 291 292 293 297 298 299

300 301 305 306 308 309 310 311

..-'i:7 315

316 317 318 321 322 323

324 325 326 327 328 329

Box 28. 330 Corres. 331

Box 29.


332 333 334 335 336

348 350 351

Communi ty Service of Philadel phia (Henry Chlllunere) Baldwin, Ernest E. Stern, Alfred W. (B. Kuppenheimer &: Co.) BrookWood, Inc. (A. J. Muste) Baker, Ray Stannard Rau, Otto M. Weill, Samuel (The Stein - Ploch Co.) King, Stanley (VI. H. McElwain Co.) Channing, J. Parke The President's Industrial Cont!;erence (1920) A.3.M.E. Executive (Jomlllittee (John P. Mudd) Webb, Kendall and Bruce

Baldensperger, H. L. McBee, Jones &: Co. Holl!J.nder, Jacob H. Civil Service Commission of Philadelphia Record, Gel rge L. Cooke, Edward M. Bureau of' Municipal Research (Phila.) Rochester (N.Y.) Chamber of Commerce (Eliott Frost) Technical ProductIon Conference of the Clothing Industry - 1920 Sugar Hill Cottage, New Hampshire UniverSity Club of Philadelphia Klyce, Scudder Okeson, Walter R. A.S.M.E. Meeting; St. Louis, Mo. [May, 1920] The New Republio (George Soule)

Survey Assoicates ,;mme t, Boris (Sehl ass Bros. &: Co.) Goodell, FrAncis von Haan, Hugo Rike, F'. II. Federated Americ8.n Engineering Societies (L. W .Wallace)

re Creer by Eduuard He rri ot Uni on Photo Co. Engineers 01 ub of Philadelphia Speath, Reynold A. Adam, W. J. Fisher, Prof. Irving Williams, A. H.

Herriot, Edouard (re his article"Labor and Science") Responces to Ads placed by !ALe for Men Wanted Dennison, Henry S. Van Deventer, John H. Boone, C. L. MoCarthy, Charles Grady, James T. Younger, John Greenwood, E:rtlest (11..0, Washington, D. C.) RobInson, A. T. (M.1. T.) Poliakoff, R.

." :

Page 31: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 30.

Box 31.

Rox 32.

Box 33.

Box 34.

Box 35.

Box 36.

Box 37.

Box 38.

Box 39.

352 353 354

355 356

357 358 359 360 361 362


364 365 366 367 368 371 372 373 3'74 375 376 377 378

379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387(1),3nfl) 388

Priestman, Al bert Boyd, D. Knickerbocker American Institute of Architects (Wm. B. 1 toner)

Special ConnnHtee on Survey Institute Methods Crowther, Samuel Reilly, Phillip J.

Davies, C. E. And<!'ews, John B. (Iimerican Ass'n. for Labor Le~isl"t'n. Boyle, James M. Bassett, W. R. Barnum, C. ,L. (1923-29) Cornick, R. L.

American Institute of Architects (E. C. Kemper)

Carman, Edwin S. Greul, W. Hennan Cheesman, W. E. (Enterprise Publishing Co.) Carlin, Joseph A. Whitaker, C. H. , AlA Thomas, Miss M. Carey (Pres., Byrn Mawr College) Wisler, Willis Wage Del;ermination Material West, Roswell B. Phila. Sesqui-Centennial Exjlibi -!;ion Ass 'n. BOl1brigh~, Irving W. Starkwoal;h'3r, William G. Welfare Federation of Phila. (J. Will is Martin)

Fox, Samuel IA. Kelley, Florence (Nat'l. Consumers' League) CaboG, Phi lip Howe, H. E. (NaVl. Research Council) Palmquist, Dr. E. A. E. Short, William H. Greolle, Henry Copley Cooley, 1.\. E. (Univ. of Michigan) Bottomley, William Lawrence National Electric Light Association (NELA)

389 Ontario Ilydro-;"lectric Power Conunisslon 391 (/) Pinchot, Holl. Gifford

391 (:lJ(3) (<i)(5J Pinohot, Han. Gifford (Cont' d.)

392 Kimball, Dex'!;er S. ( Cornell Uni v.) 393 Knoeppel, c. E. 394 Stoughton, lJradley (Lohi gh Unvi.) 395 Morg',n, Arthur E. 396 Wells, Philip P.

396 Wells, Philip P. (Con'G' d.)

396 Wells, Pld,lip p. (Cont'd.)

Page 32: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 40.

. Box 41,

Box 42.

Box 43.

Box 44.

Box 45.

Box 46.

Box 47.

397 398 399 401 402 403

Johnson, Fred B. Merriam, Charles E. Bauer, Dr. John (American Public Utilities Bureau) Fasset!;, C. 1~.

Bettman, Alfred Benton, John E. (Nat'l. Ass'n. of nallroad &: Utilities

Commissioners) 404 Shaw, S. Adole 405 Bradford, Emest S.

406 407 408 409 410 410

411 412 414 415

416 417 418 419 420

421 422 423 424 425


427 428 429 431 432 41;3

434 435 436 437 438 438

.J40 442 444 445 416

Tree Nurseries (Plantings Woodruff, George


for MLC homes)

Hunt, Henry 'r. Calwell, Charles Cleveland (Ohio) Gannent Industry

ft ft

Bodine, Samuel T. Evans, Powell Atwat.er, Munson D.

n II

American Academy of Political and Social Sci"mce (Includos MLC's address on nGiant; Power and Coal n)

Ri ttman, Dr. W. F. (Carnegie Institute of Techno loe;v) lIe. tlumay, Col. H. K. Merrill, O. r.. Stewart, John L. (Public Service Com. of Phila.) Hodges, Fred G.

Mason, Arthur J. Corres. re Publ~~ti}_~~y,ulation by MLc Evans, He.rold Evans Institilte (Thomas H. Rve.ns Milsellm & Dental Institute) Russell, Charles J. (Phila. Electric Co.)

~ing, Judson (Natjonal Popular Government League)

!lILC - Persollal F'inanci"l MLC - Personal, Reo.l Property Scattergood, J. Henry Fernald, R. H • SHzer, Goorge S. (Governor of New Jersey) Sml.th, Gov. Alfred E.

Struck, F. T. (Ass't. Director, Vocational Ed., lIe.rrisburg) Finch, Han. R. G. Ritchie, Hon. Albert C. (Maryland) Gordon, Cadmus Z. Donshey, Hon. A. Victor (Ohio) Corres., re Wyer, Samuel S. Di vl slgn __ oL,Publications , Commonwealth of Penna •

--Devinat, Palll-'(Im-,-a-Anevn:) St,foH')/', ' - ,';-Nl.cholaon, Vincent D. ' Dro:me, Gharles Vanneman, C. R. (N.Y. State Public Service Connnission)

449 Chase, Re.ndall 452 Ferguson, Samuel (Hartford, Conn. Slectrlc Co.)

.? .

Page 33: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 48.

Box 49.

453 454 455 456 457 458 459

1GO 461 462 463 466 467 468

Mauro, Dr. France s co Norris, Hon. George VI.

Miller, Spencer (Workers Education Bureau)

Labor College of Philadelphia

Kingsbury, Dr. Susan M. (Bryn Mawr)

Focht, Louis F. Brown, Percy S. (International Management Institute)

Bursch, Mrs. E'. C. Lewl. s, Wil fred Drayer, C. E. Adami ecki, Prof. K. (Warsaw, Poland)

Roberts, John W. App, Frank Slattery, Harry

Numerical Files, Black Series [1930-35 - Except where noted]

Box 50.

Box 51.

Box 52.

Box 53.

1 Naumkeag Steam Co tton Co., Salem, Mass.

Labor Situation at • 1931.

2. American Society of Mechanical En~ineers [1925-1933]

3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19.

Alford, L. P. (The Ronald Press)

Roosevel t, Hon. Franklin D. [1931-35]

Ainey, William D. B. Nati anal Industrial Conference Board

Ashurst, ,John (Free Library of Philadelphia)

Seattle, Washington, Superintendant of Lighting of •

Barth, Carl G. Beer, G. Frank Beyer, Otto S. Crisp County, Georgia Buttonheim, Harold Bruere, Robert W. and lArs. !~artha

Ballard, F. W. Barter, Arthur E. Schul t., G. E. Commerce Departmont, U.S. Irish Power Problem (Fatrick McGilligan, Sec. of Commerce,

Dublin, IrelRnd)

20. Bullock, William E.

21. 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Wilson, N. C. (Electric rates charl';ed by utility company of

Ripley, William Z. Lilienthl1l, llavid E. Richberl';, Donald R. Ball, William H. Schofielf, Lemuel B. Brewer, Franklin W. Baker, Charles l'ih:iting Du.breuil, Henry (P,O, Geney!).)

Palmer, E. W. (MIlligan College)

Page 34: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 54.

Box 55.

Box 56.

31 32 33

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 45 46 47 50 51


53 54 56 57 61 62

New York Committee of One Thousand Bra!ldeis, Louis E. Cleveland, Ohio rate case (Corr~s. we Ern"lst Black with

Newton D. ~9.k"r, R. Husselman, et!;)) International Industrial. Itelatlons Ilssociation Chapman, Elwood B. (Pennsylvania Parks Asstn) C00ke, Persifor M. Connell, William H. Clark, Edward W. Dodge, Kern Cro7,ier, William Cooke, Hedley V. Cosmos Club Coonley, Howard Capl oy, Frank B. Commons, Prof. John R. American Association of Engineers de Freminvil1e, Charles

Dicke nllan , Judson C.

Drury, Ho race B. Day, Charles Dodds, 'f. W. (Natj or:.a1 1~l1!.'-i~~pa.l Hevi~'!.) Dav;s, Matthew ~ Eastman, Joseph B. (Interstate Gonll1lerce Commission) Eno, William Phelps (Eno Foundation)

Box 57. 65 ji'J. sher, Boyd 67 Fei s s, Hi chard A. 68 FreerrlO.n, Ward 69 Freeman, .J ohn R. 71 Frankfurte r, FeJ. ix

Box 58. 72 F'ilene, A. Lincoln 76 Fi tzpatri ok, Dean F;, A. (Marquette Unlv. ) 79 Fe1s, Samuel S. 83 Gantt, H. L. [1917-19] 85 Gibbs, Miss Lillian [1924-19"3] 86 Godfrey, Hollis 87 Hopkins, Ernest M. ( Dar tmouth College) 90 Hall, Mrs. Fanny Keppe1e 91 Hathaway, King 93 Heckman, J. C. 94 Hodges, Hcnr,v G. 95 Hunt, Edward Eyre 96 • Hassler, Harriet 97 Inslee, Charles L. 98 Innes, T. T. and Sons, Printers

, :'.

Page 35: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

':1 "

Box 59. 99 Inglis, tTames 100 Dunlap, ,John R. 103 Kinr;, Clyde L. 105 Keppel, F. P. (Carnrgie Corp.) 106 lI:oiner, C. W. 108 Kendall, Henry p. 109 Lewis, William Draper 110 Lauer, Conrad N. 112 Lowrie, Prof. S. Gale 114 Lewis, William D. 115 Ie Chatelier, Henri 117 Low, F. R. 120 Olds, Leland (N.Y. State Power Authority) 122 Mallery, Otto Todd 125 Merrick, Dwight V. {1921-1930 ] 126 Mi},ler, Fred J.

Box 60. 127 Morris, Harrison {1919-l9BO] 128 Mal thie, Milo R. 129 Guffey, Han. Joseph F. 131 Morse, George H. 133 Murray, W. S. [1919-1933] 135 Noyes, Henry T. 136 Norris, Han. George W.

Boxes 61 - 69. The Taylor Society (File 138)

Box 70. 139 Pike, Clayton W. 142 Pepper, Georr;e IVharton 143 Pennsylvania, Office of the Governor of • 144 Rice, Calvin W. (ASME)

Box 71. 145 Reed, Hudson W. 146 Rower, Leo S. (Pan Amerioan Union) 148 Reed, James 150 Stone, Nahmn Isaac 153 Scheel, H. V. R. 154 Stuart, Franc:ls Lee 159 Snyder, l.eroy R. 160 Thompson, Sanford E. 161 Taylor, A. Merritt

Box 72. 166 Van lUJeeck, Mary 167 Tuttle, Morton C. 168 Tarbell, Ida M. 169 Tead, Ordwav 170 Valle, PaUl" B. 172 Woolley, Robert W.

Box 73. 173 Williams, John H. 174 Willi ta, Joseph H. 175 Wil1itt, George F.

Page 36: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 74.

. Box 75.

Box 76.

176 177 180 182 183 184 187 190 191 193

194 196 199

200 203 204 20G 208 209

Boxes 77 and 78.

Box 79.

Box 80.

Box 81.

216 220 221 225 226 229 236 241 245 217 261. 263 261 267 268

269 270 271 274 275

277 280 283 284 286 289 290 294 295

Woods, Col. Arthur H. Warne, Dr. Frank J. Maris, 1I.1bert B. (VVhi te, Schnader, Maris /.: Clapp) Wolf , Robert B. Willcox, Orlando B. Dowd., M. S. Davis, Henry L. Taylor, Mrs. Fredorick 17. (and Mr. Taylor) WHlit1.llls, TIhi ting Johnson, iY. H. (Phiia.. Elec·tl'ic Co.)

Gennantown Dispensary and Hospital Wehle, Lonis B. Hayes, Ralph

Douglas, Dr. Pa.u1 H. (re Swarthmore Report on Unemnlo.vmeirt) The Research Ser:tlce (F. H. Newell) Todd, A. J. Jenkins, Charles Francis Archbald, Hue;h Brougham, H. Bruce

Thorne, Florence A (A. F. of L.)[1924-1935) (File 210)

Howe, Frederick C. Babcook, George D. Meeker, Royal Davies, Carleton E. Durfee, Charles H. L. Sonnenborn /.: Sons, Ino. (William H. Beck) Gray, Dr. John H. Leeds, Morris E. Perkins, Exococ~xx~kxR. Frank C. Gruenberg, F'red',ricY.: P ~enerson, Prof. W. H. Marx, GuJdo H. Roeslcr, Rudolf [1919-l9110) Lel.serson, Dr. Wi Uiam M. Underwood, Charles N.

Williams, H. H. Lavallee, L. [1919-1920) VanDusen, Lewis II. [1927) Martin, J()hn C. (Phila. Public Lede;er) [1919] Husse1man, R.

Momand, Ragland Merrill, J. L. Be.ldwin, T!~rnest E. War Finance Corp.: Trip of MLC to New Orleans for the • Brookwood, Inc. (A. J. Muste). [192OJ Rau, Otto M. ~hiladelphia Dpl'artmemt of Public Works Engineering News Record [1920-28] Twining, William S.

" }~;f\ ' " ,

. i':~i ;':.-. .',.

Page 37: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 82. 296 Philadelphia Electric Co. (re bills rendered) 302 Faught, Al bert Smith (Penna. Civil Service Heform Ass 'n.) 303 Meshlauk, V. 1. (USSR State aanning COlInnission) 303-A Schujalter and others, re engineering problems in USSR 304 Hoover, lIon. Herbert C. 305 Hollander, Jacob n. 307 Irion, Dr. Valentine 1:. 309 COOk9, EdwarJJl M. 310 Bureau of Municipal Researoh, Philadelphia, Pa. 312 Polakov, Viltlter N. 3ID3 Burnett, J. Henry 317 University Club of Philadelphia 318 lO.yce, Scudder 319 Blankenburg, Rudolph 320 Schulze, J. William

Box 82 .. A. 321 323

Lehigh University (alumni matters) The New Republic (Bruce Bliven)

Box 82-B. 324 326

Box 83. 329

Box 84.

Box 85.

332 335 337 338 339 341 343 345 346 349 351 353 355 357 358 359 361 363

365 367 369 370 376

377 379 380 381 385 387 388 389 390 391

Survey Associates Goodell, Francis

American Engineering Council The Engineers Club of Philadelphia Fisher, Irving Bottomley, William L. Applications, Letters of Bent to MLC Dennison, Henry L. Presidential Campaign of 1920 Lockwood, J. K. (Thornton - FUller Automobile Co.) Hotel s, Corre s. with Grady, tJa.mes T. Ge,,"antown Trust Company Poliakoff, R. Boyd, D. Knickerbocker Crowther, Samuel Davies, C. E. (Sedy, ASME) Andrews, John B. (Am. Ass'n. for Labor Eegislation) Boyle, James M. Barnum, C. L. American Institute of Architects

Greul, W. Herman Carlin, Joseph A. McClatchy, John H. Marion, Joseph F. Bonbright, Mr. and Mrs. Irving

Starkweather, William Fox, Samuel M. Kelley, F'lorence (National Consumers' League Cabot Philip Antiooh College Bottomley, William Lawrence National TClectric Light Association (NELA) Gaby, Fredefick A. (Hydro-Electric Power Com. Pennsyl vania School of llorticul ture for Women

.,~inohot. Gifford (1930 Gubernatorial C

'f~' l\' 'If Ontario) l1922J

Page 38: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 86.

Box 87.

Box 88.

Box 88-A.

Box 88-B.

Box 89.

Box 89-A.

Box 90.

Pinchot, Gif1'ord (rile 391, ContI d.)

392 395 398 399

, '

!imbll.ll>, Dexter S. {"Some Aspects of Business Recovory") Morgan, Arthur E. Merriam, Prof'. Charles E. American Public Utilities Bureau (John Bauer)

400 Oldenburg, Alexander 402 Bettman, Al1'red 403 Le1'i'ingwell, W. H. 405 Bradford, Ernest S. 408 Hunt, Henry T. 409 Callwell, Charlos S. 410 Cleveland Gannent Manufacturers I Associat;on; ILGWU

413 415 416 418 421 422 423 424

424 426


427 429 430 441 443 447

148 449 450 452

453 454 455 456 457 459 460 461

.463 464 465

[Mrs. Ruth S. IAoyer and ,la.cob H. Hollander, Impartial Chainnen 1'or the .J MLC's corres. as chaIrman of the Board of Referees for the Cleveland Gannent Market.

Davis, Arthur Powell Patterson, Ernest M. Rittman, Walter F. Second 'IIorJ d Power Con1'erence: BerlIn, 1930 Mason Al1'alfa Process Co. (MLC as president) Corres. re Public Utili ties Regulation by MLC [1933] Evans, Harold Evans Institute (Thomas W. Evans Museum &: Dental Institute)

Evans Institute (Cont'd.) King, Judson (Sec'y., National Popular Government League)

Xing, Juaaon

MLC - Personal, Financial SCll.ttergood, J. Henry Gadsby, G. M. (V{est Penn Power Co.) Stimson, Henry L. Smiddy, Timothy S. Public Service Commission 01' New York

Kie1'er, H. E. Hare t., Cahae, Insurance Faries, Edgar D. Ferguson, Samuel (Pres., Hart1'ord Electric Light Co.)

Mauro, Dr. Francesco Norris, Hon. George W. IS"" /."\ Miller, Spencer (Workers Educat,'.on Bureau) Mufson, Isreal Kingsbury, Susan M. (B"" Mawr) Brown, Fe roy S. llOOtI:llVXWKtWiKll.ll Bursch, Ann Dennis (Mrs. F'. C.) Lewis, Wil fred Adamiecki, Pro1' X • Oliphant, Hennan South River, N. J., Mayor of

Page 39: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Box 91.

Box 9l-A.

466 467 468 469 470 471 472

Roberts, ,I. W. App, Frank Slattery, Harry (U. S. Dept. of Interior) Gardner, Clarence Chantland, Col. William T. Wait, J. Russell Social. Science Research Council - Special Advisory Conun.

on Public Administration

Box 92.- 93.Committee on the Costs of Medicnl Care (file 473)

Box 94.

Box 95.

Box 95-A.

Box 96.

474 475 476

477 478 479 480 481

482 483 484 485 486 487 488

489 490. 491 492 493 494 495 496 500 502

l',;osher, Dr. William E. (Syracuse Univeristy) Couzens" I1on. James Woodruff, George W. (Public Service CO;"lI.ilssion of Fenna.)

King, William V. (Federal Fower Conunission) Owen, Miss Marguerite (TVA) Bradeen; Roy Goldwaite, George E. League of Nations Association's Conunittee on the 1.1,.0.

O'Sheel, Sherunas Leffingwell, W. II. Nat i onal MUlli ci pal League BerunJ. sh, Hi chard J. LaFollette, Hon. Phil5 p Spacek, Dr. Stan (Prague) Goldwaite, George E.

Raushenbush, Stephen (G01'ernor's Offioe, Harrisburg) Stern, J. David (Philadelphia Record) McVean, M. J. (Governor's Office, Rirrisburg) Perkins, llon. Frances Industrial Recovery Legislation Manly, Hon. Basil McNinch, F'rank R. (J'pe) Wells, Philip p. Ickos, lIon. Harold L. 1]1[0.1 sh, Frank P.

' .. '

Page 40: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Papers of Morris L. Cooke

General Alphabetical Files ( A _ Z ) (1925 - 19115 ]

(~ Boxes 97 to 116. General Alphabetical File (A - Z): (1925 - 1930]

Boxes 117 - 125. General Alphabetical fo'ile (A - Z): (1930-32 ]

<- Boxes 126 - 131. G€tneral Alphabetical File (A _ Z): [1932-33l

F Boxes 132 - 137 General Alphabetical FUe (A - Z): (1933-35 ]

Page 41: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Papers of Morris L. Cooke

Correspondence I 1936 - 1940

Box 138

Box 139.

Box 140.

Box 141.

, I' /, , I' ,'. ,/,..,1 "A" General A S/'1£ //'", ,'0".". Jl

Beulah Am~ App, Frank ApJOleby, Paul Archbol d, flu!;h "American"; various associations, societies, etc. !lvai.lable men Aviation ilEa 11 Gene ral Be - Bl Bennstt, Hu;.h II. (U.S. Soil Conservat:lon Servioe) Biddle, Francis Bloch, Ivan (Na tiona! Resources COlluuittee) uBo" General Bonbrlght, Irving W. Bonbri ght, J~11les C. Boyle, James M.

Brownell, Bake r Bruere, Robert W. Br - Bu Ca Carmo:!y, John M. Ch - Ci Chase, Charles A. Clippings

01 - Co Clark, Wallace Coil,E. J. (National Economic ruld Social Planning Association) Collecti ve Bargaining Associates Collier, Charles W. Co mi ttee on Research in Medical Economics (Davis, Michael M.) Coyle, David Cushman

"Crlt Genera.l !IDa _ Dell Genie'ral Davis, Henry L.: Estate of Delaware Division Canal

DicJcernlrul, Judson Di-Do-Dr General ])n - Dy Gen.,ral E General

C. lDoan, Gil bert

lR. L. Duffus]

Einstein, Albert (al,ticle by) F General FHs, Samnel S. F'orestry "Friends of the Land"

Eo; Drury, Horace E.]

"Friends of the Lan:!", re MLC's letter ebout

Page 42: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

,i:' ,

Papers of I,'orris L. Cooke

Box 142.

Box 143.

Box 144.

Box 145.

G General Gil son, Mary Golden, Clinton

Goodell, Francis !Ia - Hi Gene ral HaCl und, Carl Hathaway, King

Ho - Hy General

S. (Steel Workers Orr-ani zing S"8 also:Organizod Labor .I:

Honey Hollow Creek (!lucks County, Pa.) lIotols, Corres. wi th) I General

COlron. ) Produc I,i on

Internal;ional Industrial Relations Institute (May VanKleeck) J General K General ]Uefer, H. E. Klng, Judson L General Labor Loaders, ColleGe Proposal for (1943)

Ladnor, Grovor C. La81<:1., lIarold l'oae;ue for Industrial Democracy L0af,ue of llat'.ons Associ.ation Lehi f',h Uni ve rsity Leiserson, William M. Lerne!', Max Lever, E. J. Lewis, William Drapor Libby, V. B. Lill.cnthal, David E. Lord, Russell LowdennH k, W. C. Mc Gonsral (McKim, r,\cGlo.i:chy) Mac - Man General Mar - May General Me Geno ral Memos of MLG Memos on National lJefense [1940-12] Memos on Fower, COllunon Carriers, etc. (to MLC) [1936-37] Merrill, O. C. Mexi C9.n Oil Si tuati on lIi General (Iliiller, Spencer - Workers I E:ducation Bureau)

Missouri Valley Authority 1.10 Ganentl MU Gencral If Genere~ National Econon';.c ,I' Social Ple.nnin(l; AssocJ.ation

/7r .,;':;:, ,/ t7-<\!~e ~.!l~-' E.J. Coil, E.S. FGrson, D.C. Coyle, etc.) New Rel;ubhc !' fiNat5.onalli, various ~ociaties, associations, govtt bU!'Aans, e'tc.

, ':1;- . , ...

. ',~

Page 43: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

.\ ::

Papers of Morris L. Cooke

Box 145 (Cont'd.)

rox 146.

Box 147.

Box 148.

Box 149.

Noeds (longh8.ncl) o Gencral (Includes: Char] eton Ot;burn, lfn.rguerto G"ren,

l! .l~. Osborne, etc.) Po. Genr:ral Pe - Pi General

Person, H. S. Philadolphia, Feuna. Po Genen,.l FoB tioal Mo.terial [1936, 1840] Fr - Fu (loneral Puerto Hieo [193G] Ra - Re- Hi Gene ral

Ro. - Re Gen~ral Reed, JDJnes Deports, IHsel. Ross, (.1. D. Rural ElectrH'ication " " " Ro General:

Rn Genoral

" " " Inel uLling

Roos8vel t, Franklin D. Ruttenberg, Harold J. Sa - So General Saville, Thorndyke Se - Gh General Slattery, Barry

Administra I,ion: Fersonnel - Kelly II 11 _ . Memos

:: :Nat']. R~sn~lrees Connn. 'P,cl C~I\" Car."

Tate M. Robertson, fUR, Thomas Ross

and Mrs. Eleanor •

Society f.or tho Advancrml!Jnt of Munagement Sm - Sp Genere] Sr, General S te tamcii ts Steel Workers Organizing COlmnHtee (Clinton S. Golden)

Su - Sy General Survey Associates Ta - 1'8 Cen ral 1'arnov"lski, Ivan Taylor, Perry R. (Group Heulth Insurunce) Toad, Ordway (see ulso Or,;anized Labor &: Frodl1otion) Tennessee Valley Authority '\seeAHo: LiEent;ii.iiI~Mar·r;ueri te @.en Th - To Gene rul Thompson, Sanford E. Tr - Tu - Ty General

Page 44: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Papers of Morri s L. Cooke

Box 150.

Box 151.

U General V (1oner81 Va.Us, Faul D.

(' "J- .,,.., "'I':

/ i

VanKleeck, rfary (Interns.tional lndustriul.l lIola-cions Insti tute) Wa - We Gone nel Weatorn Tri.p [19391 V'ih - Wi Gene ral Wo General War] d Power Coni'eronce [1 ~13G 1 Youth Movemonts (Amori can and InternB.ti ollnl ) x.~Y*Z Gnlleral

Morri.s IJ. Cool·;s - Persollal.

Financial Personal Home Mi sCEJllaneous School. I!ouse Property Family Reeeipted Bills, etc. Unsignod or Insul'ficeintly Si gned Letters to Mr. '" Urs. Cool'e

Page 45: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Pape 1'8 of Mo rri s L. Cooke

General Correspondence [1951-53]

Box 152.

Box 153.

Box 154.

Box 155.

Dox 156.

Box 157.

AmerIcan Civil Liberties Union And'3rnon, Dewey (Fublic Affa:lrs Institute) A Genoral B General (Includinr; fiob't. Pruere, Baker Drownell, F'rands Diddle,

James C. Donbrighc, Scott Buchanan, etc,) Cooke, Morris L. (Personal)

Cool,s Family Coyle, David Cushman Clipp;ngs [1915-19fi3] C General (Incl uding Cosmos Club, Cooperl3.l;i v" Forum, ConlJ'li ttee

for tl:e Nation's !Teal th, Goerge B. Counts, etG.)

Dickerman, Judson Doan, Gil hert E. D General E General (Including ~~lec'bric Consumers InfoITHn.r.:l on GOTllTll.,

Herb';rt E:lIunerich - Public Adrniniscration Clearing House.' l' General (!'ri.enda of the Land, VI. G. Friedrich, etc.) Garrison Dam [1947] G General (Arthur E. r~reen, George C. G01'J\'I8.i te, etc.) H General (Earle t. Hobart, Hay-Adams l!ouse, Earl Hanson,

Harvard Uni versi.tyy· etc.)

Inl;ernati.onal. Institute for Ili vel' 'Valley Development [1947-49) I Genor9.1 J General. Jefferson Memorial Competition ~ General L GenereJ. Mallery, Ot.to Todd Morri s, Smnuel B. M General

Nati.onal Planning Association lIa'Honal - "farious associations, commi ttess, etc. N General Ogburn, Chc'rleton Olds, Leland o General Person, Harlow S. Philadelphia Water Supply Problems Public Affairs Institute

Puerto Ilico (See also: C. Bock, C. Senior, Torrent, W'ale) P General Quit'n, T. H. ResourC:6s for the Jo'uture, Mid-Century Conference all

(National Rural F:J.ectric Cooperative Ass'n., etc.) R General (Vial ter Reuther, Beardsley Ruml)

Page 46: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke Papers General Correspondence [1951-53)

Box 157 (Cant' d.)

Sal tel', Hobert n. Senior, Clarence Speech of 12/10/53 b"fore the National. Electrio Consumers Conf.

Box 158. Tenneesee 1a1ley Authority Truman, Han. !larry S. T Gem,ral (Perry Taylor, K.enneth Thombley, F'. Torrent)

U Geltearal '111e Village, Proposed UNESCO Conference on Problems of the __ (1)17)

V Gen"ral W General (Fred Wale, etc.) X-Y-Z General

Special I'1les

Boxes 159 - 167. Cooke, et aI, vs The rhilgdclphia Electric Co. [llovo'nher 1914- Jgnuary 1910) Testimony: Fgd. 1 - 8260.

Special F'i1e [1910-1924]

Box 168.

Box 169.

Box 170.

Box 171.

Box 172.

Box 173.

A Genr~ral American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - General A.S.M.E. - Engin<3ering Ethics

A.S.M.E.- Froposed Circular

n General Bl ankenbur g, Rudol ph (Mayo r of Phil adel phi a) CUppings OooJ<8, 1,'ol'I'is L. - Fersona1 C - F General Federated American Engi.neering Societies

Federated Amerine.n Enf;i.neering Societies

G - II General LeChatelier, ITenri K - 0 Gene ral Mailing Lis!;s Men's nnd Boy's Clothino; Industry -

" " " " "

Genr-:: ra1 Gorren. Worked l-la!;erial Operq!;ions

MtscellaneolJ.s Nev, Fepublic, Nation". r----"

Articles Byr MLC for the •

Boxes 174 - 175. Natione.l Electric Light Assocl.ation

, . :',:,~\~ ;t;; . .. '.

';'t:'~::: :>_.'"

Page 47: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke Papers: Special File [1910-1924]

Box 176.

Box 177.

Box 178.

Overall &: Cllothing Industry Surveys (Keppele Hall) [ 1920]

Philadelphia Department of Pl1b1:l c Works Fhi.lade1phia Ro.pid Transit Matters Philadelphia l'ransit Commission

Philadelphia Department of Public Works, MLC as Director of ___ '.

Boxes 179 - 180. Steel $trike Situation [1920) Drury Heport on, and reaetiolls to the Reports.

Box 181. Swain, George F., reports of and oorres. r8.

Boxes 182 - 183. UtUi ties Bureau, Inc. I MLC as Acting Director of the ___ '

Box 184.

Box 185.

Unemnloyment Scores: Management - F.ngineering World Vlar I: 1,lemos, notes, etc. World Power Conference [1923] P - Z General

Report of the Metropolitan l.mprov"ment Commission: Boston. [1911j Report of the Boo.rd of Railroe.d ComlTllltsionrHs &, the Bos'ton

Transit Commsoioll [1910;9 MLC - Personal Account Boole [lH19-1H23]

Page 48: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

L' , ,

Papers of Morris J,. Cooke

Giant Fowcr Survey Fapers: 1921-85

Box 186.

Box 187.

Box 188.

Box 189.

Box 190.

Archbold, Hugh Ajney, W. D. B. Brnere, Hobert ChElll';s, J. D. Cohen, ,Ioseph B. City Club of N. Y. CIRFP. Edmund J. Dickennan, Judson p.

Dickel1llo.n, Judson B. (Cnnt'd.) Fernald, I!oberl; II. Guby, Frederick T. Green, Frederick S. lIunt, E. E. Ingersoll, Raymond V. Lew'i s, Samuel S. Maltbie, Milo llt. Mwrrill, O. C.

Moses, Robert McIver, R. M. Marx, G1Jido H. Newell, Frederick H. Pillo11ot, Gifl'ord Feabody, George H. Pi ke, l!laj. Cl "yton 1'1. Ko:i.n'Jr, C. W. Holtell, Dr. Charles Hi t'bmnn, W. F'.

Hau, otto M. Ricker, 'II. W. Rice, Ca.lvin W. Hoesler, Fudol f StrunbouGh, H.H. Ste,rkweather, William G. Tracy, Robert (City Club of PhUa.) Woodruff, C:eorge W. Williams, Dr. Benjamin H. Well s, Phi pip p. Wilcox, Delos F.

Hequests for Pamphlets, etc. Bronte.no's Berni B, F.dward liV. BHlen, C. E. Ballard, Frederick W. Stuart, Maj. H. Y. KniEht, J, II. Connell, lion. William ll. Blossom, Fr~,l'cj s King, Clyde L. Smith, ,John !lays

, ".

Page 49: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

,,( . . ~"

Papers of Morris L. Cooke

Giant Fower Survey Fapers: 1924 - 25

Box 191.

Box 192.

Box 193.

Go eta chall, M. 11. McDowell, Frof'. tl. S. Snow, F. 118rbere Farmley, n. l~. Criswdl, Pal ph L. Fernald, Frof. R. I!. Giant rower Survey Board - Minutes of Meetings: 8/28/23-6/6/24 Gb"6S~. F:~..,..,,·.{)'k~-""'.

Taylor, Perry R. Wi.Jli tts, Frank F. Clark, F.. W. IlT Myr; ck, Herber!; JO:1Pson, Dean A. N. Bass, Gov. Robort (N.n.) Ashley, G. H. Eby, HenlJ' R.

Invoices: Fenna. Dept. of Fnoper!;y and Supplies Oliphant, A. C. MuniCipal ":lectric Plant Infonllation Sheet Meoker, Hoyal Thorne, Miss Horence Rural Electrifioation Dinner - Discussion Meeting 12/12123. Wibble, J. H. Blasitlr;ame, Frof'. H. U. Goodwin, Farold Hural Electrif'ication - ABandoned Count.v- Turnpikes

Morse" GettJUge H. Aylesworth, M. fl. (Nfi1LA) Jenkins, Ar'!;hur (1110 li'arm Journal) Young, Frof'. James 1'. The Survey (Survey Associ.ates) Gadsby, (l. M. Kester, Rcub'Jn p. (1'enn_s;tlvo.nia Fanner) Tbomas, J. M. 1'0nnet-(:, 1':. 1J.

Eastm9J"l, ,Joseph B. rerson, Ha.rlow S. TTfol1H1s, Norman Smith, Al fred E. Uacfarlnnd, G. R. (:ectle, Louis 15. Brandeis, i·ouis E. Cooke, Edward M. Ely, Reubp.n Kemper, E. C. (AlA) Hanscom, p. Letters of Ingui ry by ML C to Penna. County Agents

Page 50: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Papers of Morris L. Coolee

Giant Power Survey Papers: 1924 - 25.

Box 194.

Box 195.

Box 196.

Box 197.

Box 1911.

Tierney, I. F. Frankfurter, Felix Miller, Fred J. Letters of Inquiry Sent by G.P.S. Personnel Waukosha County, 'Ni.scol1sin D"lawaro County Farm Bureau (Atk:inson, D. Watson) McSparren, John A. Stewart, ,Tohn ),. Wehle, I'ouis B. Ii'j. Ghe r, I rvi ng 111eiss, ll!.,:~wls

Dodds, JTnrolcl W. Mason, Arthur J. Maury, Don 1':. Pp.rkins, Frances ( ~: I'

Rushmore, David B. Davis, Arthur Powell

Wise, John S. U.S. Navy Information Section (Lt. Dietrich) Morgan, Arthur E. Evans, Harol d. Crozier. lfcaj. Gen. Vlillirun 'l'alle, Paul H. Lo.nsburgh, H. II. Curti s, Phil Struck, Dr. F'. T. Scatl;ergood, 1':. F. "A Note on Hates for Rural r;:lectric Service" by MLC

Miscellaneous Carres.: A - Z

Giant POVier Report - Corres. re

Gie.nt Power /Imlnls ,~ 15aJlinG Lists

Boxes 199 - 201. Giant Fower Survey - Special Topics (See Box Labels)

Box 202. Specie.l Top i os: He Business f'ublic!?~t1 ons

MLC - E::pense Accounts G.P. Articles retained by MLC Giant Power end Coal Acknowledgements Ltr. to MaJ'ors a.nd Burgesses of Penna. Towns MUllicipal Questionnaires Ltrs. to Presidents of Electric Utili tics Compe.nies In+ernatiol>al Joint Com. (for development of the

St. Lawrence Hi vcr for pOlVer G.nd Navigatj on) Ltr. sent to telephone companies Load - Curve Meet·; ng Ques tionnai res sent to city-owned plants Rural Electricfication - Response to nLC's Itr. rc rural

usoge by coun-L-y extension assocj v:tions. G.P. Advisory Co 'mi ttee Din""r: December, 1924.

Page 51: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Papers 01' Morris L. Cooke

Giant Power Survey Papers: 1924 - 2[;.

Box 203 - 209. Subject File (See box labels)

Box 210 - 211. Misce'laneous Printed Items

':' ,

Page 52: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

. ,\ .

Fapers of Morris L. Cooke

Special F'ile l1925-1933]

Box 212.

Box 213.

Box 214.

Box 215.

Box 216.

Box 217.

Box 218 •

A General American Association of EnGi.neers - Practice Canes Archbald, JIugh

B '3 eneral Barela" Hotol Bridge" Aprroach (Delaware niver Bridge) Bridp;e l.egitllation C General "Can We Mov" It?" (Ar\;icle by Ift.LC) Lists (Charity, Christmas, etc.)

Chrisbnas Card, 1932 UIipl,jnp;s Clevoland Ilee,rinp; [19:31] Cleveland Clothing Industry Committee on the Costs of Medical Care - Bnrclay LUIlcheon Coal

Uoal Hepli e s Consluners Hesenrch Comp tODlete rs Cost-finding cost-find,ing, railroads Costs, memos re Court Cases - Auto accidents, etc. D Genera.l Delaware Canal Bill

Dennison, Benr,\, S. Diokorman, Judson C. Distribution Costs (Electricity) Distribution Costs, Buffalo, N. Y. Distribution; Line Maps

Stree t Systems Letters

Prize Contest Mcmora.nda. Conference ASMI': F'rnminp; Peti ti on Circni ts General

Dubreuil: "nobots or Men". Corres. re Electrici ty on the F'nrm E:lectrici ty I New Uses for Power

"Electrici ty in the Home" Study

Page 53: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

\ .

Cooke P,'pors: Special FUe [1925-1933]

Box 219.

!lox 220.

!lox 221.

Box 222.

Box 223.

Box 224.

Box 225.

Box 226.

Box 227.

Electric Equipment Hcrtters Hertting

Electrical Problems 1'lectric Ranges Electricity, Publications of G.F.. co. re uses of ., etc.

Exhi hi ts, Indian (Bucks County His·torhcal Socie by r-­Exchange Professol'ships

l'ederal Trade Invest.igation Clippings [1928]

Federal Tre.de Commission

F'id.elity Storar;e Co. (MLC - personal)

Fon, Letters * MLC Gas U/1}

Gas (ff2) Green, Willian,; Open Lettor to

G - H General Hoover and Power Hunt Fund (to send Edward Wyre Hunt to Geneva Economic Cong [192'7]

Hosl.ery Industry Strike [1930]

Industrial Load Curve Industrial Workers,Effects of Noise on

Industrial ¥laste, Conference on Elimina·tion of

Jndustrial Codes Industrial Pro grams

I General K General L General LoChatelier, Henri Lecture Hotos McKim, Margaret R (MLC's Secretary)

M General Mason Alfalfa Frocess Co.

Memorsnda - MLC Miscellaneous

Municipal Government, l·trs. 1'0 acbievements in U.S. __ _

Municl.pal Ple.nt and Power; District Lecislation

Muscle Shoals Talk, (at Princeton Univ.)

Ilantucket, Mass. rate case (MLC' 8 Study of Electric Rates at __ ,)

Na:tJ onal Industrial Recovery Act

Nauln:keag Trip (Group trl.p to study labor-mnnagomenl: relntions

at the Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co. Salem, Mo.ss.)

New Offices New Jersey Rural Power Jacket

New York Printers Arbitration

No Par Value Stock

Page 54: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

i.,' •

Cooke Papers: Special File [1926 - 1933 J

Box 228.

Box 229.

Box 230.

P General. PhUadelphl.n Electric Co. Conttac·t; (Corres, Statistics, FInchol;) Phol;oEraphs Pinchoi-, Gifford Planning Progrems Presser Company Protection of Wild HovlSr", Legislation re Public Utili ties ReportH

Hato (F.lectric) Material Rate Case [1925 J "Hates B.nd Rate Makiuf,", Memo of Judson C. lJickennan to I!1LC Rate Studies, Miscellaneous Hau, otto M. RequeGts for Prunphlets (0[' lJ1LG) Requests for Reports (incoming and outgoinr;)

Rural Electrification Report; (Drafts of Hural F.lectrification : II and III S General Sci encs and Organ; zed Labor

by MLC)

Box 231. StatiOl19ry Street Improvements I and II

Box 23l-A. St. Lawrence Project T General Telegrams

Box 231-8. Telegrruns, Bills for, etc.

Box 232.

Box 233.

Tri -State Map I and II Unemployment, Governor's Committee on Utili ties Arl;icl.e - Unused Material Utilities Bureau

Utilities: AppreCiation of' COllnllon stock of' 12 holdinf, compnnim which op8rate electrl.c utilities l.n New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

utilities: College Presidents Letter State I1egulnt:l.on of ArtIcles, materials for Inquiry by c011e(,e8 General Correa. re

Vacation Trips [1926-19~5]

Vacations [1927-29) Matters to be taken care of by Miss MeUm Valuable Papers (rH.sc1. Reports, etc.) Val uO.ble Power Papors Washington Confen"nce (ElectrIcal) [1929] Washington Correspondence (of 1~C)

Page 55: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

" '~:~. ", "

,1.1'_ .';'.

"" Cooke Papers Speoial File (1925-1933]

Boxes 234 - 235. What Price Eleotrioityl On the Cosb of FJleotricity to Domestic Consumern

Bex 236. Morris L. Cooke - Porsonal (Biogntphionl material, homes, eto)

Boxes 237 - 238. Morris L. Cooke - Personal (Financial mntters)

Box 239. Morris L. Cooke - Mailing lists, Charities list, etc.

Box 240.- 241. Morris L. Cooke - Personal (Batste of ]i)p,mn E. Davis) corros. re with Henry 1.. Da.vis ,I, family, etc.)

Box 242. Eleanor Bushnell Cooke and fnmily

Boxes 243 - 245. President I s Com"" ttee on the Costs of Medioal Care l1 ~)30]

NeVf York Stllte Power Authority Pllpers (1931-33]

Box 246.

Box 247.

Box 248.

Box 249.

Box 250.

Box 251.

Bonbright, James C. Clippings Cosgrove, Delos M. Dead Material Distribution: Ciroui t Study


Distribution Literature and COS"ts of Distribution in Yarlous St ate" and Communities.

Distribution reports (Conn'd.) (George 11, Morse) Engineerin g Reports Doyle, Daniel J. Electrio Plants Engineering Reports Expenoe Acoounts Freestone, Fred Gercke, George Legislation, Federal

Legislation Martin, Ralph W. Memos Minutes of Meetings of Power Authority Miscellaneous

Municipal Bills Muscle Shoals New York Offioe (MIlniy, Moore, etc) Oids, Leland Papers Anti Sooinl Policies of Certain Privately Owned Utili ties

': .-

Page 56: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

1 Cooke Papers

Box 252.

Box 253.

Box 254.

Box 255.

Box 256.

New York State Power Authority

Personnel Press Releases Public Service Commission Roosevel t, Hon. Franklin D. HORS, J. D. I Reports re St. Lawrence Project, etc. Telegrams

Rau, Otto M. I Reports of

Rate Studies: Bepliea from City Managers, etc.

Vtrat AnmlRl Hcport of the N. Y. State I'ov,er Authority Reports, Misel. from various connunit;jles, nationvride.

We,lsh, Frank P. (Chairman, N.Y. State Power Authority) Wilkes, H. R.

Boxes 257 - 259. Public Utility Conference on Rer;dation [April, 1932]

Boxes 260 - 261. Institute of Public ~nf;inElering Conference [Jan., 1933] (Including What Eleci;ricity Costs by MLC)

< Mississippi Valley Connni ttea Papers [1933-34]

Box 262.

Box 263.

Ar,ricdture Barrows, Harlan H. Bo\'!or, Donald L. Brown, Carey n. Burlew·, E. l:. Cha.pmun, Osca.r L. Congratulatl ons, Ltrs of C Gr~nerfl.l (Cra.ne, Cooper, Crocker, etc.) Dead W'Etnuscripi;s Decentral ization D General

F.dgarton, Geln E. Ero:::ion :Expense Accounts E General F'cdc ral Powe I' Survey Form Letters F General Gre,ves, Henry S. G General H General Id:es, Han. Harold L.

" ' .1- !

l;:: " (

Page 57: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37



Cooke Papers: Mississippi Valley Comm; ttoe Papers

Box 264.

Box 265.

Box 266.

Box 267.

.J _ ]( - L Gene rnl Momorandn - Confidential MemorHnde. M General Mississippi Valley Comm. Minutes: 5th - 1.2th Sessions

N r:eneral Faul, Charles 11. Ponorow, W. J. P General Reforestat; on Requests for Posi tiona R General So:ll Eroslon S General

Taylor, Perry S. Tem.cssee Valley AutllOri ty Tiling Inland Waterway Policy VI Gemlral

[Uocember, 1933 - April, 1934]

National Rural Electricification Scheme

Miscellaneous Papers: Emtbling Legislation Van lli ver Project Farm Power Equipment

'J Ilator Resources Secti.on - National Hes"urces Board 11"./ ,

Box 268. Inland Waterways, Navigat; on on (Heports, etc.)

Eoxes 26D - 270. Water Hesonrces (MVC Report, Ohio Basin Heport, etc.)

Boxes 271 - 273. Alphabetical File (A - Z)

' . .' ",ashington Special File - 1935

Box 274.


276. 110 r

Avail abJ e Men Dureal.l of Heolamation Eliot, Charles VI" 2nd Expense Accounts Memoranda Jilississippi Valley Heport (Clippings, conrrnents re, distribution of)

National Fowqr Policy Connn:i ttee Person, Harlow S. Personnel Santee - Cooper Project Taylor, Perry R. Tennessee Valley Authority 'laluable Fapers Wolfson, Joel D. (llat"l. Povrer Policy Comm.) Dce,d Manuscripts, Speeches, etc., by RlLC

Page 58: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

, Papers of Morris L. Cooke

: } i'y florld Power Conference: 1936

Box 277.

Box 278.

Box 'l-79.

A Gener«l Acknowledgements Ad!lms, B. P. Appleton, Charles W. Approvals Authors and Papers B General

. Bennett, H. H. Bi.ll s Blo.ck, J. H. Bonbright, James C. C General Carlisle, Floyd L. Carlisle's Protest Chase, S ~uart Cli.prine;s COITlmi ttces Correspondence with li'oreighners

D Gnneral Dams, 2nd Congress on Large Dams Derry, H. W. DickcrnJ!ln, Judson C. Dinner Durand, W. F. E Goneral Executi ve COTI'mi ttee F General Fernald, Robert H. Fielding, Mantle F'ieldner, A. C. Financial Statements ji'rankfurter, Uelix Fri ck Art Library G Genoral Gibson, 11. R. H General Hartley, Sir Harold Hi hben, Samuel G. IlUl, Dr. Poscoe R. Holland., Maurice

Holland, Maurice Hull, Hon. Cordell Hutchinson, Ely C. I General. Ic'<es, Hon. Harold L.

K GenGral L Genero.l Lighting Exhibits, Subcommi ttoe on

Lilienthal., David E.


Page 59: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

· ' Papers of Morris L. Cooke

World Power Conference: 1936

Box 279 (Cont'd.)

Box 28D.

Box 281..

Box 28».

Ludevfi G, c. K. Luncheon !.lcCl ell an, Dr. William E. McKim, Margaret M Genera.l M - S Geneml (Includes J.D. Ross, neorgo Soule,

I'!en-ill, O. C. ~~!i nn tes

E. F. Scattergood, Oscar S"bonorov, etc.)

Miscollaneous Memonmda Morga.n, Dr .. Art;hur E. lIorrow, L. W. (ori., ~lectrical Vlorld) Mosher, Wi 11 la.m E. MtuJlford, Lowis

..He i12ra!A£lE!li¥l!£111 .. e.+,'.~

New York Conmtt ttee Ferson, Harlow S. Press Raleases and LetterR Progmms, Inv1 tatlons, Announcements Publicity man Applications Whi t8 House: September 30, 1936

Roosevel t, Han. Franklin D. Roosevelt State, Secretary of; Han. Cordell. Hull, R. IVal ton Moore Stephens, C. E. (Westinghouse E:lectric Co,) T - Z _ GenAral Tcler;roms Tour Mans and Charts Unfinished - MLC Wolfson, Joel D.

Page 60: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke Papers: Special Files [1942 - 1953}

Box 283. J.!LC as Chief of the U.S. Technical Mission to Brazil [1942}

Box 284. Patent Survey Commission ~946-47) Patent Law Hatters [1946-1951)

Box es 285 - 289. Organized Labor and Production. Morris L. Cooke and Philip Eurray. Harpers: 1940.

Drafts, correspondence.

Boxes 290 - 293. The President's Water Resources Poli"y CO:;1!l1ission. [1950-52) Reports, drafts, data, proposed legislation, etc.

Boxes 294 - 295. Social Education for ~ngineers [1948-1951} Speeches and Writings [1914 - 1940 )

Boxe' 2911.

Box 29!Z.

Box 298.

Box 299.

Box 300.

Box 301.

Box 302.

Speeches and Writings [1914-19)

Our Cities 'Nwake by l&'C (1919) (P.eviews and corres.) Speeches and Writings [1923 - JLUle, 1927)

Speeches and Writings [July, 192'1) - 1929]

Lecture Notes [1924 - 28} Miscellaneous Writings. [1926 - 1930) Notes on Scientific Management [1918 - 1931}

Speeches and Articles [1930 II

Speeches and Articles [1931 - 34)

Speeches and Articles [April 20, 1934 - October 31, 1936)

Box 303. Speeches and Viri tings [November, 1936 - December, 1937 )

Box 304. Speeches a.nd Articles [1938 - June, 1940 and Undated}

Harris L. CookE!,Personal

Boxes 305 - 307. Financi.al matters. Bills received and. payed.

Boxes 308 - 312. Miscellaneous Printed Items and Clippings

Page 61: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Cooke Papers

Boxes 313 - 322 General Correspondence [1954 - 59J

Box 313 A - B 314 B (Cont'd.)- C 315 C (Cont'd.) - D 316 E - J 317 K - Mc 318 M-O 319 P-R 320 S 321 T 322 U - Z

Box 323. Reprints of MLC [1954-59J lVritings I

Box 324. Correspondence of MLC as REA Administrator [1936-37J

B9x 325. Personal Correspondence [1936-49J Invitations Correspondence with Edwin Layton [1955-58J

Box 326. Processed r.1aterials Newsclippings

Box 327. Newsclippings

Box 328. Correspondence ~Iith Charles D. vlrege [1957-59J

Box 329. Published Writings

Box 330-335 Index Card Files

Box 336-339 Bound ''"lolumes: ~~ers

Page 62: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37
Page 63: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


,. ,t.

Index to the Papers of Morris L. Cooke: 1914

Prepared at tho Franklin D. Roosevelt Libro,ry Hyde Park, N. Y. August, 1956

by J. V. Deyo

A note on the Index:


General correspondence is listed by box number according to the origins,l division of the papers - the years being indicated in parentheses.

Namas of persons are listed alphabetically, followed by a number in parentheses where u ULull8rical filing system has been used. Thc box nUJnhers where corresl,ondencemuy be found fiJllows. F'or example:

Husselman, Roy (2 cf5) : 24, 80, 272

Where a person I s noone does not appear as a seperate file in a particular box the correspondence may be found in the general file in the same box under the appropriate ini tial. Only in cases where there is a significant amount of correspondence has an index reference been made. In order to locate all of the correspondence with a given indi vidual it is -therefore wise -to search all general files that are apprppriate. In the case cl.ted above, see also:

H GenersJ files in boxes, 172,221,103, 120,128,133 142-143, 155.

Page 64: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Abbreviati ons

AT.~ American Institute of Architects ASHE GPS n,o M'/O IIYSPA P'dA wrc CCJt~C

American Society of Jilechunical Enbinoers Gillnt FO\'1er Survey [1821-21;] Interna 1:i onal Lllbor Or 1;llni zllti on J'.Hssissippi Valley CO!!lJ!-d.ttce [1~)33-31.] HOYT York State I'm'ler Authority [1931-33] Public Works Ar\ministrlltion World Power Conferenco [Wn.shi.lle;ton, D. C. - 193G] Commi-t-toe on the Costs of Medical Care

Page 65: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

. j'.

A General: [1910 - 1924] flox 168; [1925 - 1930] r~o" 97; [1925 - 1933] Box 212; [1930 - 1932] Box 117; [1932-33] Box 126; [1933-35] Box 132; [1936 - 1940] Box 138; [1951-53J Box 152.

Abra,"", Victor: 117 Acl:erson, J. L. (4): 1 Adam, VI. J. (334): 28 Adruniecki, Prof IC. (463): 49, 90, 97 Admns, B. P. (VlPC): 277 Agree, George (Nationol Conunitioee for ,In 1\£'f'ect:i.ve Congress): 1:'2

Ads and Applications (338): 29 A "l·t [1.IV"["" 2G2 'h A VI i t" 1 '"2 E;ncu ure 'v -.11 !'ens, . lr s ~n.n: ~),

Ainey, William V-D. (Fublic Service Com., Tiarrisburg, Fa.): 1, 51, 186 Alford, )'. F. (3): 51 Allen, Frederick Hobbes: 117 Amalgrunated Clothing Workers of America (2Gl): ?3 Alnerican Academy of Political and Social Science (41[;): 43 American Association of F.nGineers (50): 5, 54, 212 American Associati on for Labor Legislation (Andrews, John B.) (358): 83 l\morican Civil Ltberties Union: 152 Alnerican Eng:ineering Council (329). 83 Am.erican ."edcrat:lon of Labor (210): 21, 77 - 78, 221 American Forestry Associati on: 117 American Forests (Ovid Butler): 132 Alnerican Foundation, 1'he (Esther Lape): 117, 128, 134 American Institute of Architects (Vim. B. Ittner - 354): 30

(E. G. Kemper - 3(3): 32, 83 American Public Utilities Bureau (ilr. ,John Bauer)(399): 40, 87 American Railway Express Co. (198): 70 American Society of f:ngineers:

General [1910 - 1924]: IG8 - 169 Practice CO-sos [193li-1933]: 105 DavIs, Carleton E. (357): 31, 83

" " fI (225): 79 Mcet;)"g, St Louis [1920](322): 26 Fjxecutive Conml (2G8): 25 Genern1 [1925 - 1934 H 2): 50

Alneri can Standards Association (F. r:. AGnew): 11 7 "American" (Misc!. Societies, associ",:ioions, etc. [1925-30): 97

[1930-32]: 117 [1936-40]: 138

Am8s, B. E. (8): 1. Amidon, Beule.h (Survey Associo.tes) (324): 2G-A, 87-B, 97, 117, 138 Anderson, Dewey (FubH c Affai rs Institute): 152, 156 Anderson, GeorGe W. (1): 1 Anderson, Fanb (St. Louis Fost j)ispatch): 117 Andre.lS, John B. (358) (American Ass'n. for Labor Legislation). 31, 83 Antioch College(385): 85 Antoine, A. : 117, 132, 152 App, Frank (467): 49, 91, 97, 117, 138

'1\7; .':f.~.:' ! ' . !. '/': .,

" , ':g'~~ {.:. , ". \ I

Page 66: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

, ~ : .

Appleby, raul: 138 .~prleton, Charles Vi. (WPC): 277 Applics.tions, Let!;ers of - sent t;o Ml,C (338): 83 Archbald, Hugh (244): 22-A, 7G, lOG, 117, 138, 18G, 212 Al1nstrong, F. Wallis, Co. (273): 24 Ashcroft, A. G.: 117 Ashley,G.ll.: 191 Ashurst, Uohn (Free Library of Phila.)(7): 51, 97 At 0.1111, llemry C.: 11 7 Atwat.er, M1.mson D. (414): 43 Avails.bIe mon O'.\ississippi Valley Aut.hority: 138) , 274 Aviation: 130 Aydelotte, Dr. Frank: 97 Aylesworth, fil. H. (National Electric Light Ass 'no )(3G8): 34, 85, 1.74-175, J 93

B Gener".l: [1910 - 1924] Box 170; [1925 - 1933] Box 213; [1925 - 1930] Boxes 97 - 98; [1930-32] Boxes 11 7 - ll8 ~ [1932-33] Hox 126; [1933-35] Hox 132; [1930 - 1940] Boxes 138-

139; [1951-53] Box 152.

Babcock, George D. (220): 21, 79 Be.ker, Charles Whiting (28): 53 Baker, Franklin : 97 - 98, 117 Baker, Newton D. (33): 4 Daker, Hoy Stannar,l (280): 25 Baldenspergor, lI. L. (300): 26 Ba1d"rin, Ernest E. (283): 25, 81 BRll, William ll. (25): 3, 53 Ballard, Frederick flayne (15): 2, 52, 190 nancroft, Wilford (21): 3 BanninG, liondall (Public Utilities For\;nightl.y): 97 - 98, 117, 122, 126, 132 Barbnr, ,John 8. (28): 3 Barclay, the (Ho!;el): 106, 213 Tlarlws, F. B. (23): 3 Darrmn, C. L. (301): 31, 83 J)arro\'m, W. ". (20): 3 Barrows, Harlan H. [MVe]: 262 Barter, Arthur 1;;, (16): 2, 52 Barth, Carl G. (9): I, 52 Baruch, Bernard M. ~1l1l6J!"':): 118 Bass, Gov. Rober\; (N.ll.): 191 Bn.sneU, W. R. (360): 31 Bm1Clr, Dr. John (3~9) (lmwrican Public Utili ties Bureau): 40, 87 Bcrunish, Richard J. (485): 95-A Beck, William Tl. (229) (J .• Sonnenborn ,!: Co.): 79 Doazoll, Willimn Preston (CCMC): 117- 118 Boer, G. Frank (10): 1, 52 Dell, George I... (12): 1. Bemls, l~dward Wo (17): 3, 190 Benno tl:, E. H. : 193 Bennett, Hngh Tl. (U.S. Soil Conserval;i.o!1 Service) 138

(World POVler Conference): 227

Page 67: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Benton, John E. (Hat'l. AS3'n. of llui1road &: Utilities Commissionors-403): 40

Dorlo, Adolph A.: 120 Bernuys, Edward L.: 117 - 118, 126 Bettman, Al fred (402): 40, 87 Bey"r, Otto S. (ll): 1, 52 l3iddle, Francis: 138, 152 Dillen, C. 1\;: 190 Bj lliJcopf, Jacob (Fed. Jewish Charities of Phila.): 97 - 98, 117 - 118, l?-G ll1 ack, J. II.: 27'7 B1ake:r, Prof. RoyG. (30): 3 Planchard, J. CUrf (31): 4 Blankrmburg, Rudolph (319): 82, 170 Blankenhorn, Heber (201): 20, 132

" "( The ].lation)' 126 m,,-"ine;mne, Prof. R. IN.: 192 JJl au.vel t, Warren S. (212): 21, 11 7 Bli.von, Bruce (The New Re,wblic): 97 - 98, 26, 82-A, 271 Bloch, Ivan (Uational Resources C01"mi.ttee): 138 JJJ.ossom, l'rancis: 190 Bo<ii!10, Alex ll. (251l): 23 Boeline, Smnue1 T. (411): 43 Bole, Wi.11imn CurUs: 126 Bonhright, Irv1ng fl. (376): 33, 84, 138, 271 Bonbrlght, James C.: 97, 117 - 118, 132, 138, 152, 246, 271, 277 Boono, C. L. (34,,): 29 Bot~onLley, Wi llioon Lawrence (28'7): 34, 85

(337): 83 Borah, William E.: 117 - 118 BO\oer, Donald L. [I,WC]: 262 Bo.rrnan, ,John G. (22): 3 roycl, D. )(n:i.cknrbocker (353): 30, 83, 132 Doylo, James Ii. (359): 31, 83, 138 Bradeen, Roy (4'79): 95, 132 lImdforcl, Ernest S. (4·05): 40, 87 BnU1d, E. A. (243): 22 BrandeIs, Louis D. and Mrs. (32): 4, 54, 193 Breimier, Fred (31): 4 Brento.no I 3: 190 Brewer, Frs.nldin N.(2'7): 53 Bridge l,egislation: 212 Br1nley, Charles E. (24): 3 Broach, H. H. (Int'3rnntional Brotherhood of IClectrical Workers): 97, 118 Brooks, Lawrance G. (25G): 23 Prooks, Robert C. (208): 21 lJrookwood, Inc. (A. J. Muste)(286): 25, 81 Brollghrun, n. Bruce (209): 21, 76 Brown, Geoff'rey C.: 97 - gO Brol'm, Cn.rey H. [HVC]: 262 ErOl'm, Percy S. (4:'9) (Jntorna'b'1. Management InstJ.bx{;o): 413, 90 Browne, Charles (445): 4'7 Crm'mel1, Bn.ker: 139, 152 Hr\lCe, ,John M (Ie): 3 Bruere, Henry: 97, J.17 IJrllerc, Mar'Glul Bensley: 271 Bruere, Miss Mina: 132 Bruere, Hobert W. (14): 2, 52, 117, 139, 152, 18G, 271


Page 68: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Buchanan, J1I. V. (Fublic Utilit1es Co",niss10n, On·tarlo, Canada): 1~6 Buchane.n, Scott: 152 Bucks County,(Pa.) IHstorical Society (See: Indian Rxhlbits): 219 Pnllock, Willirun R.:(20): 3, 52,132 Unreau of Municipal [~csearch (Fhila. t (30): 26 Burco.u of l1eclarnation,'lU.S.: 2'74 Burks, Jesse D. (19): 3 Burlew, E. K. ['\\VCJ: 262 Burnott, J. Henry (313): 82 Burns ,~lilcDonno11 (Engineers): 117, 121 Bnl'sch, Mrs. F. C. (AnnA Denni.s) (460): 49, 90 Bushnell, lIarry D.: 97, 117 - 118, 132 Buttenhcim, Harold S. (13): 2, 52

C Goneral: [1910 - 1921] Dox 170; [1825 - 1933] Dox 213; [1925-1930] Dox 99; [1930-32J Box 118; [1932-22] Boxes 12G - 12'7; [1933-35] Box 132; [1936 - 1940] r'Oll:CS 139 - 140; [1951-53] Box 153.

Cabot, Fhilip (381): 34, 85 CalvlGll, Charles S. (409): 41, 8'7 Gannon, Clarence (i'li. C.): 118 C(trlin, Joseph A. (367): 33, 84 Cr.rlis1e, Floyd L.: 127, 227 G(trman, ,,:c1win S. (36·1): 33 C(tl1nody, Joln1M.: 126,139,371 Cm'ponter, Niles (CCI\',C): 243 Ch(tnning, J. Parke (293): 25 Challis, J. n.: 186 Chantland, Col. WUlialll T. (470): 91-A Ghnpman, Elwood B. (PennsylvanIa Parks Ass 'n.) Cf,nrrnan, Oscar L.: 262 Chase, Charles A. ~ 139 Chase, Handan (44~): 4'7 Chase, Stuart: 118, 126 - 127, 132, 271, 2'77 Cheesman, W. E. (366): 33 ChristIe, Prof. A. G. (236): 22 City Club of New York: 186 Cl(tpp, Edmund J.: 186 Clark, Ed,mrd W. (38): 4, 51, 191 Clark, J\vans (N.Y. 'rimes, 20th Century Fund): 99,118,126 - 127 C1(trk, John j,lorris: 12G - 127 Ulark, Lewis W. (194-11.): 20 Cl(trk, W(tllace: 99, 118, 140 Cleveland Gannent Industry (110): 41 - 4.2 Cleveland Garment MO.nufacturers Ass tn. (410): 87 Cleveland, F. A. (41): 5 Clevel!;ll1d Clothing Industry: 214 Cleveland hearing [1931]: 214 Glevelan<l (Ohio)'i((tte Case (33): 54 Gl:lppinr;s: [1910-1924] Box 170, [1925 - 1933] 'ox 214; [193G-1940] Box 139,

[1951 - 53J JJox 153, N.Y. 1'0'191' Authority [1931-33] Box 216.,1". Clothing, Ovemll ana Industry Survey [1920 1 (y,:eppele Hall): 176 Cool [192f,-1933J: 214-Coal Replies [1925-1933]: 215 Coburn, Je. G. (48): 5

Page 69: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

.. r·.··

Cohen, Joseph B. (49): 5, 186 con, E. J. (Nat'l. Eoonomic &: Social Planning Counoil): 140 Colleoti ve BargllinIng Assooiates: 140 Collier, Charles W.: 140 Columbus HamUe ~, Tool Co. (44): 5 ChIld Health and Proteotion, WhIte House Conference all: 118 Committee on Costs of Medioal Care (H3): 92 - 93, 117 (Bollzell), 126,

214, 213 - 245. Co'nmittee for the Nlltion's Ilealth ( 153 - If>4 Co "mittee of One Hundred (New York Cj L-Y) (213): 21 C">I'mittee on Re38aroh in MerJio!>l Economics (~Hcl1ttel M. Dllvis): 140 Gonnnons, Frof. John R. (47): 54 COT!lptometers: 215 Connell, William ll. (37): 4, 54, 190 Consumers' Resellrch: llB, 215, 126 - 127 Cooke, Edwllrd M. (30g): 26, 82, 193 Cooke, Ued1eyV. (42): 5,54 Coolee, Eleanor Bushnoll: 2'12 Cooke, Morris L.: As director, Philadelphia Oeppar!;ment of Puhlic

Works [1912-14]: 17'1 - 1713 As acting direotor, Utilities Bureau, Ino. (1910-1924]

Boxes 182 - 183. fis President of the Mason Alfalfa Prooess Co.: (421) :41, 88

~ As autbor: Speeches a.nd i"fritinGs: 285 - 304

Orl>ani.zed Labor and Prouuoti on [1940 J ----l wi th lliiiTIpMurmYT:285 - 289 Amerioan Acado'ny for the Advancement of Soienoe Hepor!; on \11ater Resouroes: 290

Report of President's IVa tcr Resouroes Pol ioy Comm. [1951]: Boxes 291 - 293.

Soci.al EduoatIon for Engineers [1918-49]: 294 - 295

).111)sc01 Shoals Talk, Prinoeton Univ. [0. 1930]: 226

"A Hote on Hates for 11ural Eleotrio Servioe": 195

"Can We Move It?": 213

"On the Cost of IT:leotri.oi ty to Domestio Gons ume rs II : 235

Public UtilItios Regulation: (422): 44, 88

What Prioe Eleotrioi ty ?: 234

Dead Ms., Speeohes, eto.[1935]: 276

Miso!. Printed letters, artio1es, eto: 7 Vols. (bound

Misol. Cli.ppings [1925 - 1930J: 312

Leoture Notes [1925 - 1933]: 224 Memorandat 225

',~:;i ,?~ ,

Page 70: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

';""" . ",',:

Cooke, Morris L. (Cont'd.)

Ads for personnel placet! by i',ILC, rOflponces to [1910-1924]: Box 29, file 338.

Letters of applicati.on scmt to WoC [1925-1933ll Hox 83, [ne 330.

Trip to Now Orleans for the War Finance Corp. [1920]: Box 81, file 281.

Wi\shington Correspondence [1939]: Box 233.

Personal Matters:

Aui;ol1lObHes (J. K. LocJGVood):(313) Box 83 FioEraphlcal material, homes, etc.: 236 Christmas Card - 1932: 214 Court cases - auto a"cidents, etc.: 215 Fi:1eU ty Stora['.B Co.: 220 fonn letters [1925-1933]: 220 Hotels, corres. with: (31.5): 29, 83 I otters re aclti.evements in U.S. MUlriclFHl Gov' t.: 226 Lists (charity, Chdstmas, etc.) [1925-1933]: 213 Mailing lists, chad'by lists, etc.: 239 Personal: [1810-1924J r:ox 170; [1936-1940 J !lox 151. Porsonal -fina.ncial (427): 10, 89, 152, 237 - 238 receip ted bi 11 s [193'1 - 1940]: 305 - 307 Emma. E:. lJa vI S ;':8 ta.tc: 240 - 241 Heal Property (428): 46 Seoretar,Y - lfliss Margaret R. McKim [1925-1933]: 224 Trn" nurseries, plantings for homes: (406): 41.

Cooke, Persi fore M. (36): 4, 54 Cooke frunH t [1951-53 J: 153 Cooke, Thomas Turner (35): 1 CO'Jlte, Mrs. William ll. (i:LC's mother): 99 Cooley, M. W. (386): 31 Coonloy, Howard (45): 5, 54 Cooperati ve ForUJI'< : 153 Copley, FrankB. (46): 5, 54 Cornick, R. L. (362): 31, 126 Cose;rove, Delos M.: 246 Cosmos Cl ub (13): 5, 51, 153 Costs and Cost Finding [1925 - 1933]. 215 Costigan, Sen. Edward P.: 118, 126 Counts, George S.: 153 Couzens, Han. J91Iles (175): 94, 99 COl.ley, W. H.: 126 Cnyle, David Cushman: 118, 126, l10, 153 Cra~en, R.Adm. Thomas T.: 99, 118, 126, 132 CrBwford, C. IT.: (39): 4 Crisp County, Ga. (12): 52

Page 71: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


Criswell, Ilalph L.: 191 Cro;vbher, Samuel (335): 30, 83 Crozier, Gen. William (40): 4, 54, 195 Curtis, PhU: 195

D Geneml: [1910-1924] Box 170; [1925-1933] J10x 215; [1925-1930] [lox 100; [lD30-32] Box 119; l1932-33] Box 127; [1933-35] Box 132; [1936-1940] [lox"s 140-141; [1951-53] Box 154.

Daniels, Josephus: 127, 132, 271 Davies, Carleton E. (337): 31, 83

(;,25): 79 Davis, Arthur POI'Tell (413): 88, 127, 194 Davls, Davis, Car1e·ton 8. (225): 21, 79 Davis Estate (emma E. Davis): 240-241, 140 ))avis, Henry L. Jr. (223), 21, 74 DavIs Henry P. (187): 19 ])avis, Matthew E. (57): 56 Davis, Michael I!. (888 also Julius Hosen Wald Fund, Conun. on Costs of

Medical Care, etc.): 100, 119, 127, 132, 139, 1;;3-154, 271. Dauis, William ll. (con·ss. of MLC with in re Patent Law): 284 Day, Charles (54): 7, 56 Day, ll. Kent (55): 7 Dead Ms., Speeches, etc. by MLC: [193,5n: 276 deF'rcminvi11e, Ch"rles (51): 5, 54 Dol and, Thorndi ke (58): 7 Delaware Canal !'in {1925-1933]: 110, 215 Delaware County Farm Hureau (D. '/Ia.tson Atkinson): (Gr'): 194 Dolaware Hiver Bridge lI'pproach: 213 Dennison, Henry S. (339): 29, 83, 216 Dorry, H. IV. (NPC): 278 Devinot, Pa1.l1 (ILO Geneva - 442): 47 Dickenson, Robert L. (191): 20 Dickerman, Judson Co (52): 6, 55, 141, 154, 186 - 18'7, 216, 271, 2'78 Dickorman, William C.: 100 Dickson, WilHam B. (239): 22 Doan, Gilbert E.: 141, 154 Dodd.s, Harold W. (Nat'l. Mlmicipal League - 56): 7, 56, 194 ]l0(1[;8, Kern (39): 54 Dou[;las, Paul H.(200}: 76, 100, 119, 127, 132 DouGhey, Han. A. Vic Gar (438): 47 Dowd, M. S. (184): 74 Doyle, Daniol J. (NISPA): 249 Drayer, C. E. (462): 49 Drury, lID/race B. (53): 7, 56, 111, 156 Dubreuil, Henri (ILO, Geneva)(29): 53, 100, 119, 127, 217 Duffus, H. L. (nl' Times): lJ.9, 132, 141, 271 Dunlap, John H. (10OY:-59 Durand, W. F.: 119, 127,278 Durfee, Charles H. (226): 22, 79


Page 72: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


E General: {1910-1924] flax 170; [1925-1930] Box 100; [1930-32] nox ll9; l1933-35] Box 132; [193G-1940] Box 141; [1951-53] Box 154.

Ear;an, John J. (SO): Box B Early, Steph8n T. (vri.th copy of press release re Mississippi Valley

COJlnn. report, llJ15/34): 271 Eastman, Joseph B.(Sl): 8, 56, 193, 271 Eby, lIenry R.: 191 I~rtgetqon, Glen E. (MVe): 283 Einstein, Albert ("rticle by): 141 Elliott, Earl (NBC): 132 E;}ectric, Electricity: 216 - 219 Electrici.ty, Distribution costs of: [1925-1933]: 216 - 217 El.ectric Hate Material s: 229 Eleventh t\nnuo.l Eisteddfod (260): 23 f<:Uot, C)mrles W. II: 274 f:J.mquJ.sl;, Charlos E. (62): 8 [lay, Heuhen: 193 ElIUTlOt, Boris (325): 27 Eng'ln~ers Cl.ub of PhUa. (332): 28 Engill8cring Hews Record [1925-28] (294): 81 EnD, William I'helps (62), 56 Enright, Bemard (59): 7 Evo.ns, Harold (423): 44, 88, 195 Evans Institute (424) : 44, 88-A Eve.ns, Powell (412): 43 F:xchanGe Professorships: 219 Expense Accounts - 1935: 274

F General: [1910-1924] Box 170; [1925-1932] Box 101; [1930-32] Box 119; [1932-33] Box 127; [1933-35] Box 133; [1936 - 1940] Box 141; [1951-53] Box 154.

f'alconer, Alexander (17): 9 Faries, gdgar D. (450): 8~)-A [<ann Journal, The (AJrthur JenJdns): 193 Farnham, INri. gIrl; T. (73): 9 Fassett, C. M. (401): 40 F'aur;ht, Albert Smith (Penn .... Civi.l Service Refonn t\ss'n. - 1920)(3g2): 82 Federal Povrer Commission ('ililliam V. ;(1nG)(477): 95 - 96

Sec al so file 495 McNinch Federal Trade Commission: 220 Federal Trade Investle;ation CJ.ippinr;s (1928): Box 220 F'edor,,:ted American EnGi.neering Societies (L. W. 1fIallace)(389): 27, 170-171 Feiss, George J. (78): 9 ['eiss, Paul L. (214): 21 l"ciss, Hichard A. (67): 8, 57 I''ols, Samuel S. (79): 9, 58, 111 Ferguson, SWllnel (452): 47, iJ9-A I'cm ... ld, Hobert H. (431): 46, 12'7, 187, 191, 278 Vi.oldinr;, Mantle (,IIPC): 278 Fieldner, A. C. (WPC): 278 Ellene, fl.. Lincoln (72): 8, 58 ]''i.nch, lIon. H. G. (435): 47 F'i.sher, Boyd (65): 8, 57

Page 73: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


Fish"r, Irving (335): 20, 83, 194 jiltzpal;rick, Boward A. (7G) :9, 50 F1.anders, Ralph E.: 119, 133 Flinn, Bernard W. (75): 9 Focht, Loul s [0'. (458): 48 Ji'ocdercr, Percival (70): 8 Forb0s;., Russell (Nati ona1 ~ilunicipa1 f(oview): 100 Foreign Policy Assod:iation: 119, 133 Forestry: 141 Fosdick, Haymond B.: 133 !"oster, William T. (GonStU1lers AdviSOry Board, Nl!A): 133 Fox, S:OlIlwsl M (379): 34, 85 F'ranch, Lester G. (A~J:'E) (5G): 8 F'rankfurter, Felix (71): 8, 57, 194" 278 Freeman, Job" R. (6~ l: 57 Freeman, Ward B. (58 : 8, 57 Fr0cs tone, F'red (llYSPA): 219 "F'rlends of the Land" (Russell Lord): 144, 154, 155 Furness, !,'airman Rogers (74): 9 F'uruseth, Andrew (International Seamon's Union of Amorica)(231): 22

G General: [1910-1924]l1ox 172; [1925-1933] Box 221; [1925-1930] f10x 102; [1930-32] Box 119; [19Z,2-33] Box 127; [1933-35] Box 133; [1936-1940] Box 142; [1951-53] Box 154.1

naby, I'redorich A. (Try<ln 810ctric Fower Go, Onl;ario)(389), 85, 187 Gadsby, G. M. (430) (Yiest Penn Power Co.): 89, 102, 193 Gantt, n. L. [1917-1919] (83): 58 Garrison Dam (N. Dakota -1947). 154 Gas !ll and -112 , 220 - 221 Goroke, George (NYSPA): 249 Gcrnvmtol'ffi (Pa.) Dispensary .\: Hospital (IN): 75 Germantown (Pa.) Trust Company (349), 83, 102 Gettle, Louis E.: 193 Gi.l:mt Povmr Survey P-oard Minutes [n/28/23 - 6/6/24]: 191 Giant Pmver Survey Annal s and TRailinG l.is os: 198 s(m-b by MI,G Giant Power Survey: Ltrs. of Tnquiry to Penna. County Ar-;ents/193

[,{:rn. of Tnqui ry sent by GPS personnel, 194 Miscellaneous correspondonce [A - Z]: 196 lk'ports - correspondence re: 197 Special Topics:-for list see box labels. 199 - 202 Subject File: see box labels: 203 - 209 Miscella'l')(Jlls printed materials: 210 - 211

Gibbs, Miss Lillian [1924-1933]: (85): 58 Gibson, H. R. (wrc): 278 Gifbs for tho Presidont of tho U.S., corres. reo 154 Gilbertson, II. S. (80), 9 Gilson, Mary: 142 GHchall, B. H. (82): 9 Glaubitz, n. J.: 127 Glenn, ,J01m M. (207): 21 Godfrey, Hollis (86): 9, 58 GoldwaHe, George E. (480): 95, 95-A(file 408), 102 Golden, Clinton S., 102, 142

See also, Steel Workers Organizing Comm.

Page 74: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Goodell, Francis (3(26): 27, 82-B, 142, 271 Goodrich, Garter: 102 :)oodwin, Harold: 1Q2 Gordon, Cadmus Z. (437): 47 Gottschall, J.:1. n.: 191 Grady, Jao1l0s T. (346): 29, 83 Grammos, n. A. (84): 9 Graves, iien!";! S. (,'!Ve): 263 Gray, John Il. (256): 23, 79 Green, Frederick S. : 187 Green, William, open 1tr. to: 221 Greene, Henr.f Copley (385): 34 Greenwood, Ernest (348) (ILO, v'iashinr::ton): 29 GreG[,;, Cecil D. (81): 9, 100 Greu1, '.:. llorman (365): ,33, 81 Gnnenbergh, Fre~erick P :(247): 79, 271 Grll£ming, Ernest: 119, 127, 133 Guffy, llon. Joseph F. (129): 60, 133 (Jtnmnere, Henry V. (Community Service of PILUa. - f'ime 282)f 25

II General: [1910-1921] Box 172; [1925-1933] Fox 221; [1925-1930 !lox 103; [1930-32] Box 120; (1932-33] Box 128; [1933-35] Box 133; [1936-1910] Boxes 142-143; [1951-53] Box 155.

IIar;e do rn , Joepph ll. (262): 23 JJaglund, Carl: 142 ]]all, Ehnny Keppel e (90): 9, 58 Ilall , Keppe1e (Overall t< Clothing Industry Survey - 1920): 176 Hrunilton, Walton H. : 128 Hauscom, p. : 193 lIare ,~, Chase, Insurance (1'19): 89-A Hart, Prof. fIlbert Gushncll (249): ~3 Hartley, SIr Harold (;I!'C): 278 Hartman, Edward T.: 120, 12[1 lIasslcr, llarriet:(9n): 58, 103 Jlathaway, '1. King (91): 10, 58

(417): 5El; 142 lIattDn, A. R. (92): 10 Imyes, Ralph (199): 20, 75 Ilazl.itt, Henry (the Nation): 120, 128 Heckman, J. C. (93):10-, 58 lIoilman, Ralph E. (186): 19 Harriot, F.douard (337)Box 29; file 330, Box 28 Ilibbcn, Samuel G. (WPC): 2'19 Jlill, Arthur D.: 103 IlJl1, Dr. Roscoe R. (wrc): 278 Hillman, Si dney (89): 9, 128 Hodrsos, Fred G. (420): 43 Hodges, Hehry G. (94): 10, 58 (Heading Investment 60.) Holland, Maurice: 278 - 279 Hollander, Jacob II. (305): 26, 82 Honey Hollow Creek (Ducks County, Pa.): 143 Hoover, PreSident Herbert (30'1): 82 Hoover (~erbert) and Power: 221 /";'~i;L;'f~ - t~'!fl'"' )'7Z ,i.;:<j,:"'~"'!

.. '.

Page 75: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

JIopldns, Pornest W. (87): Dox os 9, 58 Horton, Robert; E.: 133 !losiery Strike [1930]: 222 llot;sls, l"lLC's corres. with various (315): 20, 83, 143 Howard, Poar1 Dean (192): 19 !Iowe, Ji'red<3rick C. (216): 21, 79 Howe, H. E. (382): 34, 103 (Nat;ione.l llesearch Council) !lull, Cordell (I'IPC): 279, 282 Hunt, Edward Poyre (95): 10, 58, 187, 221 Holland, Uaurice (~H'C): 279 - 280 Hunt; Fund [1927J: 221 Hunt, lIenry T. (408): 41, 87 Hun tor, George (250): 23 Hurley, Edward H. (189): 19 lIusselman, Roy (275): 24, 8:1, 272 Hutchinson, Ely C. (lIPC): 279

I Gonoral: [1925-1933[ Box 224; [1925-1930J Box 101; [1930-32J 1'0" l20; [19~)2-33] Box] ;~8]; ~1933-35) Box 134; [1936-1940] Box 1403; [1951-53) Dox 155.

Ickos, Harold L. (500): 96, 128, 263, 279 Industri.al Codes: 223 Inc]u"tri.nl Intftonnatiun Service (W. L. Stoddard) (257): 23 Industrial Loae], Curve: 223 In(lustrial PrOGrruns: 223 Industrial Recovery Legislation (493): 96 Industrial Viaste; Conference all F:liminatj on of .: 223 Industrial Workers, Effects of Noise Oll: 223 Indinn llxhi bi ts (see Ducks County iii stori 00.1 Soci sty): 219 In!,;ols, Howard Po: 120 Ingersoll, P.o.ymolld V.: 187 Inc;lis, James (99): 59 Innes, W. T., PrintE,rs (90): 11, 58, 101, Inslco, Charles L. (97): 10, 58 lnstitute of Public Engineering Conference (I YSPA - 1/20/33): 260- 261 Interrlat'OllD.l Association of Cloth'ne; Designers (278): 24 International Brotherhood of Electrieal Workers (see Broa.ch, H. H.):

Boxes 97, lOB, 118, 128 Intem,,:tjona.l Industrial Relations Association: (34) See Miss M.L. li'ledderus):

Boxos 51, 143, Internntcbnnal Institute for j1jver Vall.ey Devel.opment: 155 Int;ernati onal Labor Organization: Soc fi.le 2!J Pox f.J (Dubrouil)

Sec Box 107 (M"'1:l1llGson) League of Nations Ass'n. Connn. on(481): gr;.

Intemat' onal 1~D.n"gelTlent Institute (reroy ". rrovm - 459): 48, no Irish Power Problem (Patrick Mce:;, ilicon, Secy of Commerce & Industry,

DUblin): File 19, Box 52. Irlon, Dr. Valentine K. (307): 82 Itl;ner, William B. (354): 30


Page 76: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

J General: [1925- 1930 [ Dox 104; [1930-32] fox 120; llD32-33] !lox 128; [1933-35] Dox 134; 193G-1940] Box 143; [1951-53] Pox 1!15.

,Jacohstein, !Jeysr (211): 21 Jofrorson Iilemorial Committee C01!!petition (St. l·ouis, Mo. - 1947): 155 Jonkins, Arthur (Tho Farm Journal): 193 Jenkins, Charles Francis (206): 21, 76 Johnson, Dean A. II.: 191 Johnson, Fred B. (3U7): 40 ,J obnson, lli. rm" W.: 120 Johnson, Hugh: 128 Johnson, W. IT.(l'he Philo .• E1eotric Co.H193): 74 J 0''''8 , Howell. (lnev8nth Annual Eisteddfod)(2GO): 23 Jones, S. p. (102): 11 Josepb, Ernest. A. (101): 11 Jougbin, WilHam: 155

K Genere.1: [1910-1921 j Box 172; [1925-1933] ];ox 221; [1925-1930 J "ox lfJ1; [1930-32J Box 120; [1932-33] Box 128; [1933-35J Box 131; [1936-1910] Box 143; [1951-53 J Box 155.

Kenol', Edwin H. (231): 22 !lelley, Florence (380):(National Coltsmners' League): 31, 85 J'olly, Mildred H.: 120, 128 ](els"y, Carl (235): 22 Kemper, E. C. (P.IAH363): 32, 193 Kendall, Henry P. (108): ll, 59 Kenerson, DaRn W. I!. (Brovm Univ.)(261): 23, 79 Konny, Loui s H. (104): 11 Koppal, Frederick F. (Carnegie Corp. )(105): 59, 104 Y.cster, Reuben B. (Penn~~~rr~e_!:): 193 Key, J. L. (107): 11 Kiafer, Hennan I,. (410), 80-A, 101, 120, 143, 272 KinliJall, Dexter S. (CoI1wll Univ.)(392): 37, 87 Iring, Clydo L. (103): ll, 59, 190 l~ing, Judson (National Popular Government League)(4?G): 15, 80-A, 88-13,

105, 143, 272 Kint;, Stanley (W.ll. Mc":lVlain Co.) (292): 25 Kine;, William V. (Fedoral ['ower Connnission)(477): 9[;, 128 Ki.ncsbury, Dr. Susan 1,1, (45'7): 48, 90 Klyce, Scudder (318): 26, 82 Knight,J.lI.: 190 Fnoeppe1, C. E. (393): 37 Koiner, C. Bellingt.on (lOG): 11, 59, 188 RrEUllcr, Harold: 128, 134

L General: [1910-1931] Box 172; [1925-1933J Box 221; [1925-1930] Boxes 105 ano 106; [1930-38] l!ox 121; [1932-33J Box 128; [I933-Sf,] Box 134~ [1936-1910] Box 143; [1951-53] Box 155.

I·abor College of Philadelphia (15G): 18 Lal10r J.,oa(]ers, College C1t'.ss Proposal for Ladner, Grover C. : 141, 155 Lap'ollette, l'hilip (4,86): 95-A LaFollette, Robert M.: 121, 128


Page 77: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

i· . "

LAI/VA (,l~1 £J __ c~ Lano, II. n. (the Kenc1o.11 Co.): 121, lOG

L"'no, Franklin K. (Ill), 12

l.anehoff, S. P., Jr.: 272

LaJ1sburgh, Richard H.: 121, 195

Lape, Esther 8verett (The American Foundation): 117, 128, 134

La.sld, Harold: 144 I.auer, Conrad N. (110): 59

Lavallee, \" [191 9-l 920] (270): 80

1,11\1, 1'. n. (rovrer Ma<[';azine) (1l7): 12

L"o.p;u0 fa!' Industrial Democro.cy: 121, 144

League of Nations Association], 121, 111 , GOllUnI toeo on the Internationi\. JJabor

Oqi'lnizo.U on (481): 95

leCho.l;elior, Henri (llS), 12, 59, 172, 224

Ledur" llol;es (of MLC) (1925-1933]: 224

Lends, Morri s E:. (241), 22, 79

Leffing well, WilliElJIl Henry: File 403, Box 87 Vile 483, Box 95-A; 105-106

1.ohi[';h Univcrsi ty- (321): 82-A, 144

Lehman, Herbert H.: 134 Leiserson, Prof. William N. (254), 23, 79, 144

1.orner, Max: 141 Lever, E. J.: 144, 155

I.owis, Samuel S.: 187

Lewis, Wilfred '(161): 40, 90, 105 - 106

I.ew1s, William D. (1l4), 59

Lewis William Draper (109): ll, 5fJ, 144

L8\'1is, William DodGe (114): 12

Libby, 'I. P.: 144 Lilienthal, David E. \23): 53, 121, 14~, 155, 279, 272

Lo"kwood, J. K. (Thornton - 1'\111or Automobile Co. )\343): 83.

1,or;an, Edw8.rd B. (Uvdget 3ec 'y - Pene'a. Governor's Of'fide): 128

I,ord, Fmnk B. (116): 12

Lord, Rus8ell (Friends of the Land): 144, 155

Low, F. R. (117): 59 1,ovJclormilk, W. C.: 144, 155

1,ow1'io, S. Gale (112): 12, 59

Lutlewig, C. 1[. (WPC): 279

Lyall, William L. (113): 12

Me Gene ra1: Box 144 MftcF'e.rlo.nd, Grenville S. (120): 12, 193

liiae1ver, R. E.: 188 l~a.cr!lye, Benton (Eogiona1 Planning Ass'n. of America): 134

Meilicer, Joseph L.: 121

i,\cPee, Jonos" Co. (301): 26

McCarthy, Charles (344): 29, 106

McClatChy, John H. (3G9): 84, 144

I,\cC1enan, Dr. Wil1i"m E. (I'IPC): 2'19

NcCord, Col. James B. (118): 12

McDonnell, R. E. (Sec: Durns anrll<~cDon"e11): 117, 121, 128 - 129, l:H

).!c DOVlel1, Prof. l,~. S.: 191

ncni1' ie:"n, Patrick (Sec,. of COIlU'1erce ~" Industry, Dublin, Ireland)\19): 52

McGohan, James (121): 12


Page 78: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

].<JcJo]ms·ton, IT. (119): 12 I.:cf;im, If.,ngarot R. ( Secreta!'y to I;u,C): 14A" 224, 279 J'flcLane, Jolm n.: 121 BcNinch, Frank n. (1"edora1 rov/or COlHmiss;on):(4951: 96, 121., 128-129, 272 J'!:cSharren, John A. : 194 McVean, M. J. (Governor's Office lfarrisburr;, Pa,)(4~il): 96

M General: [1910-1924J Box 172; [1925-1933] Box 221,; [1.925-1930] Box 10'7; [UI30-32] Box 121 - 122; [1932-33] Box 128 - 12,'; [1933-35] Box 134; [1936-1940] Eox 144 - 145; [1951-53] Box 155.

11lagnusson, 1.ejf'ur (11,0): 107 Mailing lists: [1910-1931] Box 172; [1925-1934] Box 239 Mallery, Otto Todd (122): 12, 58, 144, 155, 272 IitaHbie, Milo p. (128): 13, GO, 144, 187 Manly, Basil (494): 96, 107, 128 - 129, 144, 251, 272 M o.rburg, L. C. (1 29) : 13 karis, Albert B, (White, Sclmmler, Maris &0 Clapp)(lGO): 74 Marion, Joseph F', (370): 84 Marot, He1 en (1 23) : 1 2 Marshall, Leon C,: 134 l';'n.rtenis, John V. (227): 22 Mart;ill, Darwin D. (233): 22 Martin, John C. (FhHa, Fublic Ledger - 1919)(274): 80 HartIn, J. Willis (l'Io1fare Federa:tjon of Phi1o.delphia)(378): 33 Martin, lla1ph lV. (HYSFA): 250 lilarx, Guido II, (263) (NGW Schonl for 800111.1 l'osoarch): 23, 79, 188 [,(ason Alfo.lfa Froc""ss Go. (Hloe, Presidont)(4111): 44, 88, 224 Mason, Arthur J, (4.21): 44, 194 l'.'ialtry, Don E.: 194 Mo.uro, Dr, Francesco (453): 48, gO f.liay, Stacy: 144 l.loars, R. A.: 121 - 122, 128 - 12f), 134 j"oQker, lioyal (221): 21., 79, 192 I1cmoranda: 144, 225, 274. Mon's Gnd Boy's ClothinG Industry [c. 1920]: 172 - 173 110 rri am, Charles E.:(Sge): 10, 87 Herrick, J)wir;h'~ V. (125): 59 lftordll, J. L. (200): 81 1"lerril1, O. C. (418): 43, 141, 187, 280 lfieshlauk, V. I. (State P1s,nnin[,; Comm.l ssion of ·the Council of Peoples'

Commisso.rs, U.S.S.H.)(303): 82 Mexioan Oil Si tv.ati on: 144 Millor, Fred J. (126): 13, 59, 194 liIiller, Spencer (455)(liorlmrs' Education Buroau): 48, 90, 107, 134, 141·,

llO - 111 (soe Iiussell, Harry A.) liliscellaneous: [1910-1924] llox 173; [1925-1933] Box 225 Misc"Tl] o..neous Printed Itoms: Mississippi Valley CamIlli ttGe:

30G - 311 Boxes 262 - 2G7 lIlox 262: Ae;rhcu1ture

BarroVls, Harlan H. Bower, Donald L. BrO\'Jn, Carey H. Burlew, '8. K.


Page 79: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

HOllland, llngland (277): 81 Hoore, DR. Harry H. (CCLIC): 213 Hoore, John D. (NYSPA): 25l. Moore, J. lJampton (27~): 21· Moore Uni t.ed Ropublicen Gampltir;n Committee (J. 1I0lnpton Moore)( 230): 22 Morch, John V.: 145 Morgan, Dr. Art.hur E. (395): 37, 87, 195, 280 !\lords, Harrison [1919 - 1930](127): 60 MorrIs, Srunucl B.: 131, 145, 15fi 1',lorrow, L-W. W. (F.d., Electrical World): 131, 280 Morse, George II. (131): 14, GO, 193, 248 Morse, Mayland. H.: 128 - 129 ~ioses, Jacob M. (224): 21 Moses, Roberl: 107, 188 Mosher, Dr. William)1;. (471): 94, 107, 280 !o\udd., John P. (A.S.M.E. ,"xec. Conun. )(298): 25 Mllfson, Isreal (456): 90, 107 Mvmford., Levlis (WPC): 280 Municipal lIled;ric Plant Infonnation Sheet (c.r.s .): 192 Municipal Government, Itrs. re achievements in U.S.: 226 tAullicipa1 P10.nt and Powcq })j strl at Lor;islation: 226 Murray: Philip (Corrcs. with !·,I1.C as co'::author of

Organized I·abor and. Production: 194·0): 285 - 289 tqurray, W. S. [1819-1933](133): 60 Ihl8Olo Shoals Talk,(oy MLC Ilt rdncoton, UniIT.): 226 Bust", A. ,T. (Ilroo1,wood, Inc. ):(286): 25, 81 )'\yrj.ck, Herbert: 191

N Gonera1: [1910-1924] !lox 172; [1925-19S0] Bo;< 108; [1930-32] 1)0;< 122; [1932-33] Box 129; [1933-35] !lox 135; [1930-1940] !lox 145; [1951-53] Box 156.

Nantucket Hate Case [c. 1930): 124, 125, 226, 132 (see: lI11iott ';:arl) 11a tion, The: 108, 114 (Villard), 122, 126 (nlankonhorn), 129, 132, 135 Ua\;iollIl1 COl;nni ttee for an Effective Congress (George Agree): 152 National F:conomic and Socie.1 Planning AssociD.tion: 145

(See also: )1;. ,T. Coil, David C. Coyle, !Jarlow S. Person, etc.) National ELectric Light Association (rU,LA)(38S): 34, 85, 174 - 175, 193 National Industrial Conforence !loard (232): 22, 51, 97 Jjutiono.l Industrial Recovery Act (HIllA): 226 Ilational Municipal League (ne.rold. W. Dodds)(56): 7, 56

(484) : 95-A, 100 110tional Planning Association: 156 llal;;onal Popular Government l.eaGue (Judson King) (42G): 45, 8S-A, 88-B National Fovler Policy Committee: 275 National. llecovory Administration (LeGislabionH493): 96 1'1n:b5nnal - various associa.tions, orgnnizat)ons, etc.: 145 .. 156 llauJ!1keag Steam Cotton Co., Sa1om, Mass. - Labor Situe.tion at [1931],

Boxes 50, t12, 226 tlowell, Frederick H. (The Hr.searoh Service)(203): 20, 76

New Jersey Povrer Jacket: 227

New Orleans, La. Trip to [1920](284): 81

. ·:~t· ~ ... ,

Page 80: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Mississippi Valley Conuni ttee (Continued)

Missouri Valley AuthoriJl;y: 115 Mitchell, Thomas W. (121.): 13 lid. tten, 'fhomo.s B. (130): 13 Modley, Rudolph: 134, 272

Box 262. Chnpm[m, Oncar L. Concratnlatory Lo I;ters C Gonoral Dand ~.1ant1Gcripts

JJoccntrali za tion D r.nol'al

Box 2G3. Edr;nrl;on, Glen TI:.


Erosion Expanse Accounts E Gencral I"cdnr!1.l Povicr Survey

P' Genoral Graves, Henry S. G Uencral H General I eke s, Harold L.

264. J+K·'L General i',llemol'nnrla - Oon1'i clentia.1. Memoranda ]<.I Gnncral Minu [;es [Dec.' 33-Apr. '34)

Box 205. N General Paul, Charles H. Ponorov!, W. J. Person, Harlow S. Porson P GenE! ral !iefarcs I;ati on Eoqu""ts for Positions H I;onoral 80:i.1 Ero8i on S Genoral

Box 266. Taylor, Perry R. Tonnessee Valley Authori ty Tiling Inl.and Waterway 1'01 icy YI Ueneral Nat'l Rural Eleetrif'ieati.on

Box 267. Micel. 'fopies Dan Hi vcr Development E:ne.bleinE Legislation Fal'" Equ; pmen t I"ascellaneous

Page 81: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

NeVI York City, ComIni ttee of Elna Tlundred lIn\'[ York Conunittee of One Thousand($l): New York Printers Arbitration: 227

(213) : 54


NevI York: Publi.c Service Comm 1.ssiOll of (447): 89 Hew York State Power Authority: l1931-33T'-

Anlltlfll Jleporb ( 1932]: 255 lJonbd r;ht, James C. : 246 Clippings: ?16 Cos grove, Delos hi.: 216 Di stri bution: CircuH Study (CentrD.1 Hudson

Gas and F:loctric Co.l: 246 Distribution: Cost-finding: 216 lJistril;ui;ion: !logional Studies: 24'7 Doyle, Daniel J.: 249 Enr;in('crillg Hoports: 248, 24·9 free r, tone, ["red: 219 Gorcke, Georgo: 249 Institute of' Fublic Engineori.ne; Conl'erocncc

[1/20/33]: 260, 261 Legi slatl.on, F'cderal: 219 NeVI Y rok Offi ce (Dnsil l,'tanly, John O. Moore)

lJox 2131 Hart-in, H!ll.ph W.: 250 Memos: 250 Miscellaneous: 250 Norse, George II.: 24B Muscle Shoals: 251 l,hmi cj pal DUI s: 251 Olds, Leland: 219, 251 Po.pers, Manuscripts, etc.: 251 l'crsonne1: 252 Prees Hclp8.scs: 252 Pri. vately Owned. UtHj ties, Anti-sooial.

Futlic ServIce Commission: ]late S tneli es: 254

Folicies of': 252

]lo.u, Otto M. - reports: 2~3


Rcgulati0n of Utilities, Pu.blic Utilit y Conference on [Apr. '32 [; Boxes 2£;7 - 2(i9

!leporte on Power - various localities, nationwide: 255

Roosevdl t, Governor Franklin D. 1I0ss, J. D. - r"ports: 252 Statcmtmb of Pol j cy: 257 TdeGrams: 252 Ha) s11, F'rank P., Chai. rman: 256. Wilkes, R. R.: 256

NeVI York Times, "!iuD..ker Article" - Taking the Sense of' the MeetinG - by hlLC (19S1]: 156

New Republic (323): 26, B2-A, 145, 173, 112 (See: George Soule, Bruce Blivenj

, "

Page 82: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

lIew Saranaa Tnn (228): 22 New Saranac lnn (228): 22. nichelson, Vincent D. (441): 47 Noonan, Jallles P. (Pres., International Brotherhood of 1';lectric,,1

Workers): 108 No Par Val ue Stocks: 227 Norris, George W.: File 13G, flox"" 11, GO

[o'Ue 154, Boxes 48, 90, 10(l Not;ss (of MLC),(Lgb.): 145, 156 ].loyes, Henry T.:(135): 11, GO

o General: [1910-1924.] Box 172; [1925-1930] Box 108; [1930-32] Box 122; [193l'l-3B] flox U9; 01933-35] flox 135; [1936-1940] Box 145; [1951-l!i3] flox 156.

O'Connell, John P.: 108, 122 Or:;burn, Charlton (219): 21, 14·5, 156 Okeson, Walter H.: (321) : 2G Oldenburg, Alexander (400): 87 OLds, Leland (NYSPA): 59, 135, 156, 249, 251, 273 Oliphant, A. C.: 192 Oli phant, lIerman (164): 90 Ontario Hydro_ Ti:1ectric Powor Commission (389): 35 "On the Cost of Electri.c Power to Domestic Consumers" by WoC: 235 Orton, Malcolm r. (liew Yor1, Publi.c Service COHunissi"n): (44'7): 89 Osborne, 1I. Eont.: 108, 122, 115 O'Sheel, Sheanw.s (482): 95-A, lOR, 122, 135 Otterson, J. E. (137): 14 Overall and ClothinG Industry Survey (lleppe1e nan) [1920]: 176 O'18n, Margl'erite (TVA)\478): 95, 145

P General: [1910-1924] Box 184; [1925-1933] Box 228; [1925-1930J Pox 10(1-109; [1930-32] Box 122; [1932-33] Box 129; [1933-35] Box 13[,; [1936-1940] Box 145 - 116; [1951-53] Box 157.

Palmer, E. iN. (30): 53 Palmer, n. Hoot: 122, 129 Pal.mqui st, Dr. E-A. E. (383): 34 Fan American Union (116)(1.eo S. HOVlor): 71 Panter, 1'. A.: 122, 129 Panunzio, G. M. (217): 21 Parmley, H. 1,1.: 191 Patterson, Ernest!J!. (415): 88 raul, Charles W. (EVe): 265 Peabody, Gcorge 1I.: 1n8 Pennsylvania, General [1936-1940]: 116

Civil Service Reform LeaGue (Faught, A1bort S.) [1920] (file 302 Box 82.)

IJeparhncnt of I'ropcrty '" Surr.lies. Invoices. (GPS): 192 .Division of Publications (110): 47 Office of the Governor (143): 70 Parks Association (Chapmnn, Elwood 1:.): School of l'orticulture for Ilomen [1922] (390): 85

Penrose, Boise (248): 23 Penn. State Board for Eec;istration of r:nGineers: 103, 177

Pepper, nov. Wharton (14~): 14, 70

Page 83: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37


Perkins, Frances (192): 90, 122, 194 Porkins, Fran 1, C. (215): 78 I'erson, ~larlOl'l S.: 146, 15G, 193, 265, 275, 281 Personnel [1935]: 275 Philadelphia, Pa.: General [1936-1910]: 14·6

Award [1936-1910 J: 146 Bureau of Yunicipa1 lIescflrch (310): 82 Civ.il Service Commission (306): 26 Co',munity Servi.ce of (Hcnry 'V. C:umll'ere)(28%): 25 V"partmon t of rnbU c Works (2~0): 81, 177 - 178 Electric Company: (bills rondered)(290): B2

: Coolw, ct al. vs. [1911-15]: 159 - 167 : Contract: 22C-

Tine;inoorn Club of: 28, 83 (filo 332) Evenil1e; Bulletin (soo: I·'rod Shedd): 112 Free Library of (John AshurstH7): 51 Labor College of (4G6): 18 PubHc Lcde;or (253): 23, 80, 126 (see H.O. Bel.Leville) l?up"id 'f'rnnsit Go. t,1atters: 177 Hecord (J. David Sl;ern)(4,90): 98, 111 - 113 Ses'1l1i:'Cenl;cnnial l':xpositinn Assen. (3'/5) I 33 Transit Commission: 177 Ul'i versi tv Club of .! 31 7) : 82 Water Supply Frobloiii!l[1951-53]: 156

f'hillips, John S. (218): 21 PhotoGraphs: 228 Pioz, Cl1o.rl08: 122 Pikn, Clay-ton W. (139): 11, 70, IS8 Pinchot, lion. Gifforr[ (391): 35, 30, 85, 86, 228, 188 I'l1nnning ProGrams: 228 Plumb, Glenn E. (140): 14 Plumb Plan I.oague (215): 21 Foln.kov, Wv.Her N. (312): 82 I'ol.i.a\::of'f, n. (351): 29, 83 Politico.1 l.'lo.torial [193G-ID10]: 146 Ponorow, W. J. (MVC): 265 ForteI', (,Gorr;e S. (272): 21 Porter, IIenriette (202): 20 Porter, H. J. F. (~4~): 22 !'o'Tler, Second World Power Conference [Berlin, 1930 1 (418): 88 Presidential Campai[,n of 1920 (311): 83 Fresident's lndustrial Conference [1929] (298): 25 Prosser Comp~ny: 22U Preston, ,Jsmes 11. (143): 14 prj es\;man, Albert (352): 30 Frouty, Charles A. (141): 11 Public Affai.rs lnsti tute (Dewey Anderson): 15;~, 156 Public !'randse LeaGue (Wallace \'Ialkar, Na.ntucket Hate Case, etc.):

Boxes 121, 12[i, 131 Pu1)l1.c Ownership Lear;ue of Amari cn (Carl D. Thompson): 113, 124-f'ubl.l.c lltilities Fortnir;htly (Kendall Dannine;, ed.): 97, 98, 117, 122, 1~:6 Public Utili.tics 'noports: 2GB - 229 l'ublic UtUities HC[;lJlo::ti.on by MLC (Corros. re.)('l~G): 14, 88 Puerto Hico [1936]: 146, 157


Page 84: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Q Genoral: [191O-18G~] Dox 1<1'1; [192!;-1930] BoY.: 110; [1932-3;5] Pox 130; [1933-3.5] Box 135.

Qui Glay, Fra.ncis p. 135 Quinn, T. H.: 157

H General: [1010-1921] Box 181; [192J.- 1930] Cox no - H1; [1930-32] 130x 123; [1932-33] Box 130; [1933-35] 'lox 135; [1936-1910] Box 117; [1951- 53] Box 157.

I(ll.ndolph, Isham (119): 15 Hatclifr, S. K.: 147 Rn.to - }'al;08 (',lectric): 229 na\l, Otto 1,1. (289): 2[', [ll, 189, 220, 253 r{nushcnl)1)sch~ TT. Steph8n (189) C::overnorts Of'fJce, HnrrisburG, fa. :90, 110-11"1 lober, LouIs 1;:. (205): 20 Hocor(l, Gcorr,e )" (308) : 26 Heod, !Iudson W. (179-1l): 18, '71 Hoed, ,james:(14S): 15, 71, 147, 273 Hoevf,C:s" Franc'is B., Jr.: 123 He illy, I'hil1 ip J. (3G6): 30 HEdtell, Chnrlcs: 123, 188 nnports, HiscelJancol)s: 14'7 Hcquests for Pruaph1ets: Giant Power Sllrv8y - Box 190; 229 Jioquests for Reports: 229 Jl8scaroh Service, The (le. ll. T:Iewoll)(203): 20, 76 110sou1'o"s for the ·Future, Mid Century Conference on ___ ' [19G1]: 157 nnuther, Wal tor: 157 Ilhim1andor, Philip J.J1. (lGS): 19 Rice, CalvIn W. (111) (ASW,): 15, 70, 189 Ri.chb'Hg, Donalri H. (24): 53, no, III Hickor, V[. W.: 189 Bike, F. Il. (320): 27 mp1cy, William Z.(22): 53, 110, 123 la.tehie, llon. Albert C. (1,,<1.)(436): 47 11; toh1 "', lilaj. J. J'\. (259): 23 llittmo.n, Dr. W. F. (Carn"g:ie Institute of Tochno10gy)(41G): 43, 88,188 110borts, JohnW. (166): 49, 91 Robinson, A. '1'. (M.LT.)(350): 29 Hohinson, Henry II. (2'7G): 21 llobertsoll, Taoe H.: 147 HocJ:je, Josephi.ne: 118, Ill, 13') Hochost"r (N. Y.) Chamber of COnlnlC1'Ce (F:1iott "'root)(311): 26 Hoesler, RUllolf (1,lunIc11 - 1~19-l920H264): 79, 189 [1011111,1 fOreso Co. (L. P. Alford)(3): 51 llooseve1t, lIon. Franklin 1).(1): [1»31-35] Box 51, rHa 4; l'O}(8S 111,

117, 252~ 202; Boa also Box 126, n Gen. T.,t1'. of IIl,C to Henr:' O. lIellc'!illc (Ni)) "j-.1y Vot!"} is for t;'ra~ld in. D. Rooncvel t -...:."

Page 85: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Horom, C. Rufus (Conml. on Cost,s of j',!louical (;1).1'8): 123 Ilosonwald (Julius) Fund (Ilichaol M. Un'vis): 100, 1l.9, 127 iloss, J. D.: 110 - Ill, 11'7, 2[;2, 273, 280 Itoss, Thomas: 147 HOI'le, Leo S. (fimcrlcnn flGadomy 0[' roLit:lcn) and SodaJ. Sciences)(HG): Iii

(Pa.n flm"rican 1In10n)(14fi): 71 Hoy, Mar!;in TI. (147): 15 Ruml, Beardsley: 157 [lura1 Klectrifica'!;l<'11 Admilris[;ration 14.'7

Pepo r\:;, drafts of lily MI"C: ~~)O

RllrR.1 ~loctrifi.cation: (:innt Power - Alm.nuol1od COHnty U?nrnpilclJs: 192 Dinner - 1)18cu88ion Meeting [12/12/23]: 192

nlH~hmore, Devj rl B.: 104 Hussoll, Chll.r1es J. (r'hila. 1';1,'ctric (;0.)(1;:5): 44 RU3sell, Harry fl. (Work"rs' l':dueation Bureau): 110 - 111 Hu Uenberg, Hareld J.: 117

S Genoral: [1910-1924] Dox 1l14; [192[;-1933] Pox 230; [1920-l930) noxen Boxes Ill, 112, 11.3; [l930-52) [lox 123; [1032-33] 8(n 130; [1933-31;] Box 13G; [1936-1940) !lox es 14'7, 118, 119; [1951-53] Box 15(J.

S I;. LaYlrenee Pro.jee t: 231-fl SuIter, nobot''!:; M. (noi.l UonscI".rat;on f}ervice): 157 Sml!;oe - Cooper Project [193,,]: 275 Sanville, F'lorenee (157): 1.6 SuvLlle, Tho,-ndil{e: 123, 130, 136, 11'7, 2'73 f.iGJl.literEood, E. F'.: ISO, 19G, 2flO Scattergood, J. Henry (429): 41;, OD Scharff, Maurice: 123 Scheol, 11. V. H.(153): 71 SchnGider, Dr. ll. (195): 20 Scllo field, Lemuel B. (26): 53 Sehujalter and othlrJrs - re engi.neering m,,!;tors in the U.s.s.R.E303-fl): 82 Schultz, G. E. (17): 52 Schulze, J. William (320): 82 Schwenning, G. '1'.: 123 Seionca and Organized Labor: 230 SencHor, Wi.nthrop (156): 16 ' SoutUe, Vlash.; SupIJrtondo.nt of Lighting [J.9:;J.-35 ]Eo): 51 Second World Power Conference [Berlin - 1930] (118): 88 Senior, Clarence: 157 (s"e also Puerto mea) Shedd, Freel (Ph:ila. ;;;vcning Bulletin): 1.12, 113 Shelton, Henry VI. (151): 15 Shfl.w, S. fldele (401): 40 Shor!;, WUlilllll II. (5S4): 31 8;17.01', Geor"e S. (Governor of N.J.)(432): 46 S1o.c,tory, Harry (4GS): 49, 91, 147, 2'73 Slichter, Prof. Sumner TI.: 123 811\i ddy, Timothy S. (143): OD Smith, (iov. fllfred l~. (433): 46, 193 Smi, th, John Hays: 180 Smith, J. i;'oster (Naumkear; 13tGam Cotton Co.): 112 Smith, J. Hussell: 14a


Page 86: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

SnolV, F. HerberG: 191 Snyde r, ],eroy H. (159): 71 Soc1ety for the Advancomen t of Manar;8m811 t: 1111 Social Science Hesearch Council; Spool al ~rlvisory Co".,,:1:to08 on

Public Adm; nistto.Glon (4'72): 91-A Sonnoborn, Henry,\: Co. (152): 15 Sonnenborn, L. nnd SaM, Inc. (Wi.lliam n. neck)(229): 79 So,,18, C'lOrr;e (New Hep',blic)( 323): 20, 112, 2flO South Hiver, N. -J:~ Mayor 0-1' (4G5): 90 Spacek, Dr. Stan (Prac;u..,)(187): 95-~, 112, 1.13, 123 Spen:1:;h, Uoynold ~. (333): 213 r-:poech of 12/10/53 before th~ l1ut.·;o!lrtl 1~lectric COnRllJ"llerS Conforence: 157 :jpl:).l'm, Dr. Ifhtlter Nt. W.: 123., 130 SttunbOl'r:h, II. II.: 189 Stt\rkweathor, i/j.llio.1ll G. (377): 33, 85, 189 Stal;cmonl;s [193G-1940]: 148 S tat-:i.onGry: 231 Stool Strike Si.tuation [1920], Drury flf'port: 179, lGO Stnd l'Ior],ors Organizing Connn;t'be (Clinton S. Gold"n): 148 [)t;ephDns~ c. E. (Vfest;inchonnr~ 1~10ctric Co.): 282 SI;orn, Alffed VI. (B. Kuppenhoimer '" Co)(285): 25 Sl;8rn, J. David (PhHadGlphia Eecord) (190): 96, 111, 112, 113, 123 SI;oVlart, John L. (Public Sorvice Commission of Penna.) (419): 43, 194 Stimson, Honry L. (141): 89 Stoddard, W. L. (Ind\lstrial Information Service): (?,57): 23 Stollo, Ualnnn Isaac (150): 71 StonorO'T, Oscar: 136, 273, 2'10 Stoughton, Bradloy (Lohi Gil Uni v.) (391): 37 StOWG, Lyman Doecher (155): 16 Street "' Vinney, Inc. (238): 22 S\orect Improvemen los (f"hi1ade1 phia): 231 Struck, F. T. (Assistant Director, Vocational Education, lfarrisburr;)(431):

Boxes 47, 195 S on"rt, Franci s Lee (154): 16, 71 Stuart, Maj. H. Y.: 190 SIlG"r Hill Cottage, NolV 'lrunps>tlre (316): 26 8nrvey A3soci.at'3s (the Survoy):(321): 26-A, 82-B, 97, 117, 149, 193 Swain, George F.: 181 Swccny, Harry P. (158): 16

'r General: [1910-1921] Box 184; [192f>, 1933] Box 231-A; [1921-1930] Box 113; ~1930-32] Box 124; [1932-33) Box 130; [1936-1940] Box 149; [1951-53] Box 158.

Tarbell, Ida M. (lGS): 17, 72 Tnrnowski, Ivan: 149 1'al;or, Samuel YI. (164): 16 1'''ylor, A. I!'erritt (161): '71 Taylor, F',."dericlc IV. and l'iLrs. (180): 19, 74 To:y10r, Perry R.: 121, 130, 136, 149, 158, 191, 266, 273, 275 Toslor, Robert Gray: 121 Taylor Soci.cty, the: 61 - 69 Toad, Ordway (lGQ): 17, 72, 119 Technical Rroduc·tion Conferenco of the Cl0 thinG Industry [1920]( 315): 26 TeleGrams [1921)-1933]: 231-A, 231-B

Page 87: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

Thelen, Max (162): 16 Theiss, Lowls: 194 Thnmas, J. M.: 193 Thomas, lH ss M. Cary (371) (Hryn l!.avlr) : 33 Thomas, Honnan: 193 Thombloy, Kenneth: 158 Thompson, Carl D. (168): 16, 113, 12~·, 130 Tho1npson, UusGon: 273 Tholnpson, Sanford E.(lGO): 71, 113, 119 Thorne, J110renre C. (A. W. of L. - 1924-1935)(nle 210): 77, 78, 1n Tiern<,y, 1. F.: 191 Todd, A. J. (204): 76 Tolty, Iliax (237): 22 Torrent, Fe rnando: 158 TmVllo, lle1117 H. (163): 16 Tt'aoy, HoberG (City Cluh of fllila.): 189 'I'd-State r'~ap [c. H30]: 231-8 Trunmn, lion. !larry S.: 158 Tryon, I"roderick G. (The Brookin[';s Institution): 136 Tu[;wel1, iiexford Guy: 136 Tupper, ,James W. (165): 16 'ruGUe, Morton C. (16'7): 72, 17 1'winin[';, Wi11irun S. (295): 81

U General: [1910-1021] Box 184; [1921-M30] Box 1H; [1930-32] Dox 124; 1932-33] Box 130; [1933-35] Box 136; l193G-1910] Box ISO,

[1951-53] ]]ox 158. Uono, YoiGo: 124, 130, 13G Ulmann, All[';usb L.: 136 Un<!Qrwood, Charles H. (268): 21, 79 Unemployment, Govornor's COlll.lJli.1~t~e on [r:":. lD30]: 231-13 "1Jnemrloymnnt Scores" .% "Unemp] o,lonont Witl,in Employment" [1019-1921]

(Pape r8 by ],ij,C and cOJmnent thereon) (210): 22 Unemployment Scores: 181 Union Photo Co. (331): 28 Unit ConstrilCtion Co. (Willflrd floydHl97): 20 U. S. S. H., Encineeritlg problems i.n. (Schujfllter ." oUwrs)(:303-A): 82

State Planning Council of the Peoples' Cornrn:i.ssars (V. J. Meshlallk) (303): 82

U. S. Department of Commerco U.S. Navy InfonnaGiol1 SeC!;ion(l.t. Dietrichj{:JPS): U.~~. 'l'echnico.l Mission to Brazil, rl"l.C us Chief or Un:ivorsHy Club of Pjiladelphia (317): 26,82 Utili.ties Article, unused materia.l: 231-B

195 [1912 ]: 283

Utilities Bureau, Inc., 1111.(; aG actinG director of [1.010-1931): IfJ2, 183, 2i>1-E Utilities: Appreciation of Common Stocks of 12 Holding Companies Which

operate electric utilities in New York, N8\v Jersey and Fellllsyl vanirt. File 138, Dox 232.

Utilities: I\lLU's leG!;or to COJ.l.O[';0 Presidoll!;S [0. 1930]: 232 State HeguJ.aGio!1 of Genoral Correspondol1cere ____ ,_. Inquiry by colloGos re • Material for artIcles aboLlt---'

" " " "

232 232 232 232

Page 88: Papers: Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-37

,) .

V General: [1910-1924] !lox 18~,; [1930-32] Box 124; [1932-33] Dox 131; [1933-35] Box 136; [1936-1940] Box 150; (1951-53] Box l513.

VacB.tion Trips [1926-1935]: 232 Vacations (1927-29 J. Matters to be taken care of by Miss i0cKim: 233 Valle, Mrs. I.Bocline: 114, 131 Valle, Paul B.:(170): 72, 150, 195 Valuable Papers, reports, etc.: 233, 275 VanJ)eventer, John II. (310): 29 VanDnsen, Lec-ris I!. t192'7] (2'71): 80 VanKleeck, Mary (lGG): 16, 72

(Int<HnatiOllal In<lustr:ial. Hole-tions Institute: 54, 113, 150 Vannemnn, C. R. ("Icv[ York State Public Service UOTImil.ssion)(446): 1·7 ViJ 1 o.e;o , The (Proposed UNESCO Conference on Problems of • [19·47 J: 158 Villard, Oswald Garrison (The !lacion): 114 --von llann, Hugo (327): 27, ll4, 131,'Y3G

'IV C1enera1:' (1910-1924] Hox 184; [1921-1930J noxe8 IH, 115, llG; (1930-19::12] Bo",os 124, 125; [1932-33] Box 131; (1933-35] Box 136; (1936-1940] Box 15); [1951-53] Box 158.

Wnr;n Determination Board [c. 1920] (373): 33 Wap;ner, Robert F.: 124 W8.H, J. Ru.ssell (171): 91-A WnHe, Henry lc\ (N/A): 136 Vial e, Pre cl: 158 Walker, Wallace H. (Fublie Francis" I·eRgu.e) (See: Nantucket RaGe Ca8e-1931):

Boxes 124, 125, 131, 136 Wallin, V. A. (178): 18 Walsh, Capt. D. J., Jr. (216): 23 Wo.lsh, Frallk P. (Chai.nnan, H.Y. State Power AuthorirGy)(502): 96, 13", 256 Walsh, llon. Thomas J.: 114, 115 clar Finance Corp. [c. 1920J (281): 24, 81 War.ne, Dr. Frank J. (177): 74 Vlashine;t.on Con~el'ence (":lec tri Co.l) [1 9 29]: 233 Waslri.ngt;on Correspondence of J.:lLC (1925-1933]: 2:33 Viator Hesources Section; National Fesources Board: 268 - 273 [c. 1931]

A General - G. General: Box 271 n (iennrnl - N Gon0!'ul : Box 272 o General 0 Z General : flox 273 Articlos, ]let'orGs, etc.: 26,), 270 p.rllore, Haberl; and Martha Bonsley: 271 BonbriGht, Irvi.n!; W. : 271 Bonhrie;ht, Jainos U.: 271 DB V0n, Bruce: 271 Carmody, ,john M.: 271 Chase, Stuart: 271 Do.!lie1s, Josephus: 2'71 Dav.l s, Mi chaBl 1.1.: 271 Dickerman, Judson C.: 271 Duffus, R. L.: 271 East;man, Jos'3ph B.: 271

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Vlater Hesources Section; lhoj onal Hese'urees Hoard Early, StepJvm T. (vlitll copy of pros" rol8usG

r8 MVG report;: 11/15/34-): 271 Goodell, Franci s: 271 Gruenberg, Frederick P.: 2'71 .TIusselman, H.: 272 Riefer, U. E.: 272 J(i ne; , JU'ison: 272 Lanr;hoff, S. P., Jr.: 272 ],1 '_ion [;110.1 , David E.: 2'72 MclJinoh, F'rank H. 1ft.: 272 Mallery, OU;o Todd: 272 !.\o_nl.,-,y, Basil: 272 I-Iocll"y, Hudolf: 272 JJo_vigo.tioll on Inland \'io.terv/ays: 268 aIds, Leland: 2'73 Hood, ,Jnmes: 273 Hoss, ,To D.: 273 So. v ill 0, Thorn<1i ke: 273 Slat-bry, IIarry: 273 S t;onoro"'l}, Oscar: 273 Taylor, Perry H.: 273 l'hOlnpson, Huston: 273 Wycr, Samuel S. 2'73 Younlj, Owen D.: 273

Wai;son, Bruce U. (1'79): 18 Wats on, Frank D. (2GB): 24 Waukesha County, Wis. (GPS): 194 Wobb, Kentlall '" Bruce (299): 25 Webster, George S. (265): 24 Wehle, Louis B. (196): 20, 75, 194 Wei 11, Samuel (291): 25 Wclfare F'ed8rat-ion of I'hiladCJlphia (J. Willis Marttn)(378): 33 Wells, Philip P. (396): 37, 38, 39

(496): 9G, 189 West, Haswell B. (374): 33 West Penn Fower Co. (G. 1'1. Ga,lsby) (4301: 89 Western Trip [1939]: 150 "What Price F:1cctricity" by Ml,C: 234 WhitDker, C. II. (AIA)(3GI3), 33 Whitaker, S. Edgar (185): 19 Whi te, Luther C. (2513): 23 mdte, Thomas Haeburn (180): 1B WibbIe, J. H. 192 Wilcox, Dolos F.: 17, 109 Weld flowers, Legislation for Protection of ___ • (Penna.): 228 Wjl1cox, Orlando B. (183): 19, 74 Wilkes, H. H. (NYSrA): 2GG IYH1ctt, Geor(\o F'. (175): 17, 73 Williams, A. H. (336): 28 Wi lli runs , Dr. Benjalllin ll.: 189 Williruns, H. II.(2G9): 80 WIlliams, John Tl. (173): 17, 73 Williams, Whiting (191): 19, 74

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''''Hlits, ,Joseph H. (17-1): 73 \'iilli tta, Frank P.: 191 '[lBson, H. C. (UtUil;y rates chargod by the company of .(21): 53 Winslow, a-E. A.: 15G, 243 -\"[jsc, John S.: 195 Wisler, Willis (372): 53 WaH!, Hobert B. (182): ID, 74 Wolfson, Joel D.: 275, 282 ~Ioodruff, George W. (407): 41

(47G): 9~, 189 Woodruff, Clayton Ror.;ors (181): 18 Woods, Col. Arthur II. (176): 73 Woolley, Rober-I; W. (172): 17, 72, 13G '"/arl,ers Education Bureau (oponcer tHl1er)(455): 48, 90 World flower Conference [1923]: Box 184 ~lor1d Power Conference [Borlin - 1930] (418): Hox fl8 World Power Conference [WashinGton, 193G}: Box 150 , 277 - 282

A General: 277 Appleton, Charles W.: 277 Bonnott, Tl. U.: 277 Ili 11 s: 277 B General: 277 Black, J. II.: 277 Ilonhright, Jam"s C.: 277 C General: 277 Carlislo, Floyd 1,.: 277 Chase, Stuart: 277 Clinpings: 27'7 COlmn; ttee": 277 Corrospo!l(lence with ForeiGners: 277 D Gen~ral: 278 llerry,ll.W.: 278 Diclccrnan, JUllaon C.: 278 Durand, W. I'.: 278 E General: 278 !'~xecut.t Ve Connn i ttee: 278 ~ Gopo ral: 2"78 V'ornn.l d, Hobert F'.: 278 Fiel ding, l':[Ultle: 278 li'iclrlner, L C.: 278 Financial St8.l;ements: 278 I"rankful't;cr, F'elix: 278 Frick Art Library: 278 G Goneral: 278 Gi bson, lJ. R.: 278 I! General: 278 Eo.rtl cy, Si r lI8.rolc\: 278 l1i 11, IJII. 110sooo H.: 278 lJollan'\, l'lauri ce: 278, 279 Hull, lIon. Cordell: 279, 282 Hutchinson, Ely C.: 279 I Gcner8.l: 279 Ickos, Ilon. Harold L.: 279

K General: 279

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'World Power Conferenoe (WashinGI;on: 1936] L GotH,,,,,"l: 2'79 Lie;htlllr; P.xhibits: 279 [,ilicnthal, David r;.: 279 Ludewig, C. K.: 279 Lunchoon: 279 1'.1 Gene raIl 279 McG'lollan, Dr. William E.: 279 McKim, Margaret (MLC's Secrotary)' 279 Me rri.II, O. C., 280 Minutes: 21)0 1Ii scellanoaus r,qernos, 21J0 Mor!,;an, DR.. Arthur E., 280 !'.lor row, L. W. (ed. meccrical Vlorld), 280 l:losher, William E., 280 j-,hnni'ord, Lowi s, 280 new York Conmli t coo, 281 Forson, l1ul'lor-r S.: 281 l'reG3 Pelo8.£Ios and J.etl.:orf:l: 281 Proc;ra1J1s, In-;,d tuti ons, Am.1.ouncmflcnts: 281 ['"blicity-mnll applico.t:;.ons: 281 VIM ce House l8/30/:SG]: 281 Hoosevel t, Hon. Frtlnl{lin D.: 282 Scate, !Jopa,,-tmcnt of; Cordell Hull: 282 Stephens, C. E. ('Piestinc;house Electric Co.), 282 T - Z (;en" raJ. , 282 Td e grrune , 282 Tour Maps and Charts: 282 Unfi,l\ishod - ),,]1,0: 2n2 Wolfson, Joel D.: 282

World War I, Memos: 184 ," . Wyer, Samuel S.; Correspondence re (439), 47, 2'73

X-Y-Z G"meral: [1910-1924] Rox 184; [1921-1930] Hox 116; (1930-32] Box 125; [1932-33] Box 131; (1933-36] flox 137; [1951-53] Box 158.

Young, Prof. James T.: 193 Young, Owen D., 131, 137, 273 Younger, John (317), 29 Y ou:th M ovcmen'cs , 150 Zuntzingcr, C. C.: 137 Ziegler, J. W. (222): 21, 131

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