February 23, 2020 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Leader and DRE: Deacon Randy Smith 330-323-5904 Sacramental Ministers: Fr. Zachary Coulter Fr. Patrick Manning Weekend Mass Celebrations: Saturday Vigil, 4 pm St. Mary Worship Site Sunday at 9 am St. Mary Worship Site Sunday at 10:30 am St. Benedict Worship Site Facility Manager: Shawn Roush Sacristan: Brenda Jones Secretary: Christine Freese Office: 330-453-2110 9am - 3pm Monday - Friday Website: StMary-StBenedict.com Email: [email protected] Facebook: St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict Site: 2207 Third St. SE., Canton, OH 44707 St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish MISSION STATEMENT: We are people of God, celebraƟng our faith as a parish. With diverse roots and unique talents, we strive to live our bapƟsmal commitment to love and serve God and neighbor. As we gather in prayer and worship to praise our Lord, we share a communion of faith, grace and service. We endeavor to live as ChrisƟans by reaching out to our brothers and sisters, proclaiming the Word, demonstraƟng compassion, and by sharing our faith through evangelizaƟon in order to make our parish a community of love and service. SomeƟmes the idea of repentance seems old-fashioned, naïve, even foolish. And then, we read in LeviƟcus the admoniƟon, “Take no revenge and cherish no grudge” (LeviƟcus 19:18). We’ve heard that message before, of course, but in our humanness we think this reading is far from the “pracƟcal realiƟes of life.” Saint Paul warns us about being pracƟcal, though. Whoever considers oneself wise had beƩer “become a fool,” because “the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God” (1 Corinthians 3:18, 19). This “foolishness” is compounded in the Gospel: “Offer no resistance to one who is evil” (MaƩhew 5:39). In fact, offer the other cheek when you’ve been slapped. Hand over your coat as well as your shirt. Be like God, who sends sunshine and rain on the bad as well as the good. “So be perfect,” says Jesus, “just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (5:48). the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God” (1 Corinthians 3:18, 19).

Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

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Page 1: Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

February 23, 2020 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Leader and DRE:

Deacon Randy Smith 330-323-5904

Sacramental Ministers:

Fr. Zachary Coulter Fr. Patrick Manning

Weekend Mass Celebrations: Saturday Vigil, 4 pm

St. Mary Worship Site

Sunday at 9 am St. Mary Worship Site

Sunday at 10:30 am

St. Benedict Worship Site

Facility Manager:

Shawn Roush


Brenda Jones

Secretary: Christine Freese


330-453-2110 9am - 3pm

Monday - Friday



Email: [email protected]


St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church

Office/ St. Mary Site:

1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707

St. Benedict Site:

2207 Third St. SE., Canton, OH 44707

St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish

MISSION STATEMENT: We are people of God, celebra ng our faith as a parish.

With diverse roots and unique talents, we strive to live our bap smal commitment to love and serve God and neighbor. As we gather in prayer and worship to praise our Lord, we share a communion of faith, grace and service. We endeavor to live as Chris ans by reaching out to our brothers and sisters, proclaiming the Word, demonstra ng compassion, and by sharing our faith through evangeliza on in

order to make our parish a community of love and service.

Some mes the idea of repentance seems old-fashioned, naïve, even foolish. And then, we read in Levi cus the admoni on, “Take no revenge and cherish no grudge” (Levi cus 19:18). We’ve heard that message before, of course, but in our humanness we think this reading is far from the “prac cal reali es of life.” Saint Paul warns us about being prac cal, though. Whoever considers oneself wise had be er “become a fool,” because “the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God” (1 Corinthians 3:18, 19). This “foolishness” is compounded in the Gospel: “Offer no resistance to one who is evil” (Ma hew 5:39). In fact, offer the other cheek when you’ve been slapped. Hand over your coat as well as your shirt. Be like God, who sends sunshine and rain on the bad as well as the good. “So be perfect,” says Jesus, “just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (5:48).

“the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God” (1 Corinthians 3:18, 19).

Page 2: Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

SATURDAY February 29th—4pm L. LeeAnn Smith

E.M. Sco Himes Brenda Jones Kim Ferguson

A.S. Cheryl Lofland Ame Kiko

SUNDAY March 1st—9am L. Rick Wadsworth Linda Miller

E.M. Agnes Evanko Chris ne Freese Renee Weaver

A.S. Italina, Phoebe & Joe Saba no

SUNDAY March 1st—10:30am L. Brenda Jones

E.M. Cathy Stock Brenda Jones Melanie Oberster A.S. Joey & Bill Pa erson

February 23


NO CCD Today

February 24

February 25

Mardi Gras with the K. of C. 6-8pm @ St. Mary

February 26

ASH WEDNESDAY 9am @ St. Mary

6pm @ St. Benedict

Start of Rice Bowl Program

February 27

Grace Group 6:30pm @ A.C

February 28 Daily Mass 8:30am

Lenten Meal &

Stations of the Cross @ St. Benedict

Meal starts at 5:30pm Stations start at 7pm

February 29 4pm Mass @ St. Mary

March 1

K of C Breakfast @ 10am St M

CCD @ 10am A.C.

March 2

March 3

Faith Matters 7:30pm @ Panera’s, Massillon

March 4 Daily Mass 8:30am

March 5

Grace Group 6:30pm @ A.C


March 6 Daily Mass 8:30am

Lenten Meal &

Stations of the Cross @ St. Benedict

Meal starts at 5:30pm Stations start at 7pm

March 7 4pm Mass @ St. Mary

March 8

Daylight Savings Begins

CCD @ 10am A.C.

March 9

March 10

ARS 2pm @ A.C.

K of C Meeting @ 7pm

March 11 Daily Mass 8:30am

Leave the Light On Reconciliation

@ Various Local Parishes

March 12

Grace Group 6:30pm @ A.C.

March 13 Daily Mass 8:30am

Lenten Meal &

Stations of the Cross @ St. Benedict

Meal starts at 5:30pm Stations start at 7pm

March 14 4pm Mass @ St. Mary


ASH WEDNESDAY Prayer, fas ng, and almsgiving: these disciplines, prescribed by Jesus himself in the Ser-mon on the Mount, along with strict instruc ons not to flaunt them in public to win recogni on and praise (Ma hew 6:1-18), have been embraced by all the saints at the beginning of every Lent for almost two thousand years. But men on Lent, and many react with a grimace or slight shudder—even now, years a er official obliga ons have been reduced to a minimum! No wonder the Eastern Rite’s “Lenten Announce-

ment” sounds surprising: “Let us receive with joy, O faithful people, the divinely inspired announcement of Lent! The Lenten Spring shines forth! Begin the fast with joy! Let us fast from passions as well as food, taking pleasure in the good works of the Spirit, and accomplishing them in love!” Saint John Chrysostom, whose feast is September 13, elab-orates: “Do you fast? Give proof by your works. If you see a poor person, take pity. An enemy, be reconciled. A friend gaining honor, don’t be jealous.” A posi ve approach! May the saints help us keep such a Lent!

February 23, 2020—Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

page 2

UPCOMING EVENTS: Deacon’s Installation & Dinner with Bishop Murry—February 23rd

Mardi Gras with the Knights—February 25th Ash Wednesday—February 26th

Stations of the Cross & Lenten Meals—Fridays starting February 28th Funeral Myths & Realities—March 11th

We extend the hand of friendship. We're honored to share this day with you as we worship God. We hope that the celebration of the Holy Eucharist will touch your heart and that you leave this place today in peace. We also hope you'll come again; in short—that St. Mary/St. Benedict parish is a place where you feel you belong.

One final message: Know that your life has significance, and there's purpose in what you do. You are special in the sight of the Lord, and special to us, too! May God continue to bless you and yours.

Page 3: Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

page 3 February 23, 2020—Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


February 25th 6-8 pm St. Mary’s Social Hall

All are invited to join in the festivities!

Beef tacos, rice, beans AND a chance to win the “King’s Cupcake” prize!

Monetary Support always appreciated.

Proceeds will support the New Parish Youth Group

K. of C. Council #4733 Holy Martyrs & The Columbian Squires


SUPER CASH BONANZA $5 Tickets. Contact your favorite K. of C. Holy Martyr. All Cash Prizes. Statewide drawing held in May. The more sold, the more cash goes to: the State Squires Pro-gram; Diocesan Voca on Programs; Dioce-san Seminarians; Our Veterans; Diocesan Religious Educa on; Catholic High School Educa on; State Priests and Bishops. _______________

COME & ENJOY! The K. of C., Holy Martyrs’ delicious pancake (and more!) breakfasts every other Sunday during Lent. Proceeds from these meals goes to support our Diocesan Seminarians. _________________________________________________

IN MEMORY OF Parishioners are invited to consider pur-chasing a set of vestments in memory of a deceased family member. Acknowledgment of the gi and the person to be honored will be displayed (unless parishioner wishes oth-erwise) at our church sites. Come by the sacristy if you would like to take a look at the beau ful vestments beforehand. _________________________________________________

For Lent we will be building “Mount Calvary.”

Bring a painted rock with you to Mass and place it at the Cross. Write a pe on or

prayer inten on on each rock you bring in. A er Easter, we will place the rocks in the

surrounding garden areas of the parish.

Holy Fathers Prayer Intention for the Month of February:

Listen to the Migrant’s Cries: We pray that the cries of the migrant brothers and sisters, victims of criminal traffick-ing may be heard and considered. ________________________________________________

“Our faith ma ers” and so we talk about “ma ers of faith.” Anyone between the ages of 18 and 35 are welcome to join the dis-

cussion. The group is for Catholic and Non-Catholic alike. Led by Deacon Randy Smith every other Tuesday from 7:30pm ll 9pm. Next mee ng is March 3rd. We will meet at Panera on Lincoln Way. We meet and talk in a relaxed, non confronta onal ques-

on/answer environment. Please contact Deacon Randy 330-323-5904 with ques-

ons. Thanks! _________________________________________________


February is set aside for our annual mem-bership drive. Annual dues are only $5.00 per person. There is special Altar Rosary Society envelope included in the packets.

When you send in the yearly dues, you become a “spiritual member” and repre-sents your support of your beloved parish. Your name will also be included in our monthly Masses, offered for all living and deceased members.

Our purpose is “to promote the general welfare of the Catholic Church, specifical-ly, the general care of the altars & sanc-tuaries of St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish.” _________________________________________________

CMF Conference 2020 “Making Your Vision Clear”

Diocesan Men’s Conference Saturday, March 21, 2020

9 a.m.—closing with Mass at 4 p.m. Presided by Bishop George Murry, S.J.

St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Go to www.CMFDOY.org and register!

Last year hundreds of men joined together for this one day event of prayer,

inspira on and fellowship. Keynote speaker Dr. Ray Guarendi

Promise to be inspiring, encouraging and challenging. Speaking at this special

event will also be our very own Deacon Randy Smith.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Faith Matters

Our parish has been asked to join together with parishes throughout the Diocese of Youngstown in offering our support to the 2020 Annual Bishop’s Appeal. Our goal this year is to reach 100% par cipa on. There are three ways in which your par cipa on is need: 1. PRAY for the success of the Bishop’s Appeal; 2. DONATE to the Appeal 3. VOLUNTEER— me and talent to any of the ministries of the Church. Please Remember: To keep the records accurate, you need to complete a response card or pew envelope as ALL responses count towards our parish par cipa on goal. Thank you in advance for your reflec on and generous response to the Annual Appeal. 2020 GOAL: 100% Participation 2020 NEED: $4.0 Million

Page 4: Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

page 4 February 23, 2020—Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

March 14th, 9am-Noon

Walsh Univ. Barre e Center Op onal 8 am Mass in

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel Reserva ons can not be accepted a er March 7th

Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth Chapter, a women’s ministry modeled a er the Visit-a on, invites you to a presenta on break-fast. Cost is $22 mail-in, $23 online. go to magnificatestark.weebly.com to print a reserva on form or see flyers at the back of the church. Erin Clark will be the guest speaker. Join us for this special me of fellowship and sharing. RESERVATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER MARCH 7th Open sea ng. Doors open at 8:30 am with Breakfast at 9 am. For informa on call Joan Spieth at 330-933-8778 _________________________________________________

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT Seminar by Magnificat of Stark County

Begins with 1 hour session Ash Wednesday, a er 7pm Mass.

Followed by 5 sessions from 7-9pm Wednesdays March 4th-April 1st.

St. Paul Catholic Church, North Canton Please contact Rosemary by Feb. 12th.

Rosemary Pfiffner: 330.499.9371 Open to both men and women. $10 dona on to cover materials.

Babysi ng available—space limited. “Your experience of the Life in the Spirit

Series will change you.” _________________________________________________

COME & SEE WEEKEND St. Mary Seminary – Cleveland

April 3-5, 2020 Come and See weekends allow young men the opportunity to experience what seminary life is like. During these week-ends par cipants have the opportunity to a end classes with seminarians, experi-ence the prayer life, par cipate in com-munity recrea on, and learn how to find their voca on. The weekend is open to men 17 to 44 years of age. Register at clepriesthood.org - go to the Discernment and Discovery tab. If you know of a man who may be interested, please encourage him to register for a weekend. _________________________________________________

Take no revenge and cherish no grudge; love your neighbor

as yourself (Levi cus 19:1-2, 17-18).

LENTEN CONCERT The Hamilton Forum presents

PJ Chavez & Friends Sunday, March 22nd, 2pm Christ the Servant Parish 833 39th St. NW, Canton

No Charge! Free Will Dona ons Appreciated.


Come and join us for the 2020 Annual Lenten Friday Fish Fry:

CHRIST THE SERVANT From 4 to 7 p.m., at 833 39th St. NW, Canton. Cost: $8 (one-piece dinner), $10 (two-piece dinner) $11 (three-piece dinner). All dinners in-clude bread, bu er, cole slaw or ap-plesauce and choice of French fry, pie-rogis, mac and cheese or green beans. Kids meals are $5. Sundae bar is $1 with dinner purchase and seniors are free for sundae bar. HOLY FAMILY PARISH - ST. CLEMENT CHURCH From 4 to 6:30 p.m.; at 216 E. Wooster St., Navarre. Cost: Dinners are $6.75 and $8.25, five piece fish-only is $9.50, fish sandwich is $4. All dinners in-clude fries, coleslaw and a roll. ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH In the school cafeteria 2427 W. Tuscarawas St., (school parking lot, door #1) from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 1, 2, or 3 pc fried fish dinners; shrimp dinner; 1 pc baked fish dinner; Pierogi dinner; fish sandwich; mac & cheese; fries or baked potato; slice of pizza; soup of the day; PB&J or grilled cheese sandwiches. $1—$12 pricing. So drinks and desserts available. Dine-In and Carry-Out available. Call 330-454-2144 for carry out. ________________________________________________


RETREAT DAY The next diocesan-sponsored one-day marriage prepara on retreat day for en-gaged couples will be held Saturday, March 7, at St. Peter Parish Hall (in the school building), Canton. Reserva ons are required. For more informa on con-tact [email protected] or 330-744-8451, ext.272. A complete list of 2020 dates for Engaged Couple Re-treats may be found at www.doy.org by clicking on the Office of Pro-Life, Mar-riage and Family Life tab under “Ministries.”

People who live solely for themselves are eventually corrupted by their own company.

Page 5: Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

We wish to sincerely thank you for the

“first fruits offered unto God.” You support divine worship, & apostolic works of charity.

Plus, sustain our clergy and religious.

February 16, 2020 $4,421.00 101 envelopes

Same time Last Year: $5,085.00 109 envelopes

Saturday, February 22nd—4 pm +Stan & Terri Cush Offered by the Family

Sunday, February 23rd—9 am

+Norma Ford Offered by Barbara Larke

Sunday, February 23rd—10:30 am +Jim Reagan

Offered by Jean Reagan

~ NEXT WEEK~ Ash Wednesday, Feb., 26th—8:30 am

+Eugene B Conrad & Family Offered by Roxann Conrad

Ash Wednesday, Feb., 26th—6 pm +Donald Schneider

Offered by the Schneider Family

Friday, February 28th—8:30 am +Bob Bowe

Offered by Mary Jean Bowe

Saturday, February 29th—4 pm +Denise Himes

Offered by the Himes Family

Sunday, March 1st—9 am +Antonio Putian

Offered by the Taylor Family

Sunday, March 1st—10:30 am +Catherine Hudy

Offered by Don & Sally Karlem

page 5 February 23, 2020—Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Page 6: Parish Leader and DRE: St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish · 2020-02-23 · St Mary/St Benedict Catholic Church Office/ St. Mary Site: 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, OH 44707 St. Benedict

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