PARISH STAFF/PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Pastor/Párroco — Fr. Michael Gentry In Residence / En Residencia — Fr. Dean Mathewson Deacon/Diácono — Dcn Tom Phillips Parish Secretary / Secretaria Parroquial Marge McKee .............................................. 614-252-0976 Music Director / Directora de música Liz Carle ...................................................... 614-337-1442 Parish Council Chair / Presidente del Consejo Parroquial Alice Porter ................................................. 614-596-2963 St.Vincent de Paul/San Vincente de Paúl Tom Hores ................................................... 614-252-0976 PARISH OFFICE OFICINA PARROQUIAL Office: 2692 East Fifth Avenue Church: 767 N. Cassady Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Phone: (614) 252-0976 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm Friday: Closed www.saintthomasapostle.org MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Monday /lunes .................................................8:30AM Tuesday/martes ................................................8:30AM Wednesday /miércoles .....................................8:30AM Thursday /jueves .............................................8:30AM Friday / viernes ................................................8:30AM First Saturday of month/ Primer sábado del mes .........................................8:30AM Saturday /sábado .............................................. 5:00 PM First Sunday of month (Spanish)/ Primer domingo del mes (en español) ................ 5:00 PM Sunday/domingo ........................ 9:00AM & 11:30 AM (11:30 Mass is bilingual/11:30 Misa es bilingüe) ADORATION / ADORACIÓN Tuesday /martes ............................................... 9:00AM Wednesday /miércoles ..................................... 7:00 PM HOLY DAYS / DIAS DE OBLIGACIÓN Please consult the bulletin website. Par favor consulte el boletín o la página web. RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Saturday/sábados ............................................. 4:00 PM Until all are heard or by appointment 614-252-0976/hasta que todos sean escuchados opor cita 614-252-0976.

PARISH OFFICE OFICINA PARROQUIALsaintthomasapostle.org/2.0/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Thomas-the... · Praye ain/Cad or ación Sant om tien a aci licit raciones o nferm parroqui oma

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Page 1: PARISH OFFICE OFICINA PARROQUIALsaintthomasapostle.org/2.0/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Thomas-the... · Praye ain/Cad or ación Sant om tien a aci licit raciones o nferm parroqui oma

PARISH STAFF/PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Pastor/Párroco — Fr. Michael Gentry In Residence / En Residencia — Fr. Dean Mathewson Deacon/Diácono — Dcn Tom Phillips

Parish Secretary / Secretaria ParroquialMarge McKee .............................................. 614-252-0976

Music Director / Directora de música Liz Carle ...................................................... 614-337-1442

Parish Council Chair / Presidente del Consejo Parroquial Alice Porter ................................................. 614-596-2963

St.Vincent de Paul/San Vincente de Paúl Tom Hores ................................................... 614-252-0976


Office: 2692 East Fifth Avenue Church: 767 N. Cassady Avenue

Columbus, OH 43219 Phone: (614) 252-0976

Office Hours:Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm

Friday: Closed www.saintthomasapostle.org

MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Monday /lunes .................................................8:30AM Tuesday/martes ................................................8:30AM Wednesday /miércoles .....................................8:30AM Thursday /jueves .............................................8:30AM Friday / viernes ................................................8:30AM First Saturday of month/Primer sábado del mes .........................................8:30AM Saturday /sábado .............................................. 5:00 PM First Sunday of month (Spanish)/Primer domingo del mes (en español) ................ 5:00 PM Sunday/domingo ........................9:00AM & 11:30 AM

(11:30 Mass is bilingual/11:30 Misa es bilingüe)

ADORATION / ADORACIÓNTuesday /martes ............................................... 9:00AM Wednesday /miércoles .....................................7:00 PM

HOLY DAYS / DIAS DE OBLIGACIÓNPlease consult the bulletin website. Par favor consulte el boletín o la página web.

RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Saturday/sábados .............................................4:00 PM Until all are heard or by appointment 614-252-0976/hasta que todos sean escuchados opor cita 614-252-0976.

Page 2: PARISH OFFICE OFICINA PARROQUIALsaintthomasapostle.org/2.0/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Thomas-the... · Praye ain/Cad or ación Sant om tien a aci licit raciones o nferm parroqui oma


The Most Holy Trinity Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad

June 16, 2019

Mass Intentions For the Week Intenciones Para Las Misas Saturday/sábado 5:00pm Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Sunday/domingo 9:00am Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Gene & Joan Brauner by Lisa Musielewicz Sunday/domingo 11:30am Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas Church Monday/lunes 8:30am 2 Cor 6:1-10/Mt 5:38-42 Herbert & Mary Spearman by Anna Spearman Tuesday/martes 8:30am 2 Cor 8:1-9/Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday/miércoles 8:30am 2 Cor 9:6-11/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Mary G. Stevens by Her Family Thursday/jueves 8:30am 2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 Friday/ viernes 8:30am 2 Cor 11:4, 21-30/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday, June 22 Mass will be celebrated for Christina Lang, Sunday, June 23rd, the 11:30am Mass will be celebrated for the Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas.

This Week At St. Thomas Esta Semana en Santo Tomás

Monday/lunes. June 17 8:15am Rosary

Tuesday/martes, June 18 8:15am Rosary

9:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday/miércoles, June 19 8:15am Rosary

10:00am English Bible Study 7:00pm Adoration & Reconciliation

Thursday/jueves, June 20 8:15am Rosary

7:00pm Worship Committee 7:00pm Exercise

Friday/viernes, June 21 Saturday/sábado, June 22 9:00am St. Vincent de Paul

10:00am English Bible Study Sunday/domingo, June 23

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the

Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God,

cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for June 22nd & June 23rd/Horario de Ministerios – 22 de Junio & 23 de Junio Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 9:00am Sun. 11:30am Reader 1 Tom Hores Jeff Jacobson Arturo Martinez Reader 2 Pat Lucas Mike Warner Angelica de Leon Communion 1 Jean DeLimond Roslyn Diggs Marjorie McFadden Communion 2 Jean Hartwell Cathy Mann Maria De Los Angeles Ovalle Communion 3 Marcia Gastaldo Julie Warner Marcia Gastaldo Server 1 Joannie Neal Mary Polemeni-McGovern Amy Martinez Server 2 Tannia Garduno-Hernandez Note: Communion 1 ministers the Eucharistic Bread; Communion 2 & 3 minister the cup If you are not able to make your assigned ministry, please find an alternate or call the Parish Office.

The Most Holy Trinity Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad

June 16, 2019

Mass Intentions For the Week Intenciones Para Las Misas Saturday/sábado 5:00pm Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Sunday/domingo 9:00am Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Gene & Joan Brauner by Lisa Musielewicz Sunday/domingo 11:30am Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas Church Monday/lunes 8:30am 2 Cor 6:1-10/Mt 5:38-42 Herbert & Mary Spearman by Anna Spearman Tuesday/martes 8:30am 2 Cor 8:1-9/Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday/miércoles 8:30am 2 Cor 9:6-11/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Mary G. Stevens by Her Family Thursday/jueves 8:30am 2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 Friday/ viernes 8:30am 2 Cor 11:4, 21-30/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday, June 22 Mass will be celebrated for Christina Lang, Sunday, June 23rd, the 11:30am Mass will be celebrated for the Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas.

This Week At St. Thomas Esta Semana en Santo Tomás

Monday/lunes. June 17 8:15am Rosary

Tuesday/martes, June 18 8:15am Rosary

9:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday/miércoles, June 19 8:15am Rosary

10:00am English Bible Study 7:00pm Adoration & Reconciliation

Thursday/jueves, June 20 8:15am Rosary

7:00pm Worship Committee 7:00pm Exercise

Friday/viernes, June 21 Saturday/sábado, June 22 9:00am St. Vincent de Paul

10:00am English Bible Study Sunday/domingo, June 23

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the

Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God,

cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for June 22nd & June 23rd/Horario de Ministerios – 22 de Junio & 23 de Junio Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 9:00am Sun. 11:30am Reader 1 Tom Hores Jeff Jacobson Arturo Martinez Reader 2 Pat Lucas Mike Warner Angelica de Leon Communion 1 Jean DeLimond Roslyn Diggs Marjorie McFadden Communion 2 Jean Hartwell Cathy Mann Maria De Los Angeles Ovalle Communion 3 Marcia Gastaldo Julie Warner Marcia Gastaldo Server 1 Joannie Neal Mary Polemeni-McGovern Amy Martinez Server 2 Tannia Garduno-Hernandez Note: Communion 1 ministers the Eucharistic Bread; Communion 2 & 3 minister the cup If you are not able to make your assigned ministry, please find an alternate or call the Parish Office.

The Most Holy Trinity Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad

June 16, 2019

Mass Intentions For the Week Intenciones Para Las Misas Saturday/sábado 5:00pm Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Sunday/domingo 9:00am Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Gene & Joan Brauner by Lisa Musielewicz Sunday/domingo 11:30am Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas Church Monday/lunes 8:30am 2 Cor 6:1-10/Mt 5:38-42 Herbert & Mary Spearman by Anna Spearman Tuesday/martes 8:30am 2 Cor 8:1-9/Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday/miércoles 8:30am 2 Cor 9:6-11/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Mary G. Stevens by Her Family Thursday/jueves 8:30am 2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 Friday/ viernes 8:30am 2 Cor 11:4, 21-30/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday, June 22 Mass will be celebrated for Christina Lang, Sunday, June 23rd, the 11:30am Mass will be celebrated for the Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas.

This Week At St. Thomas Esta Semana en Santo Tomás

Monday/lunes. June 17 8:15am Rosary

Tuesday/martes, June 18 8:15am Rosary

9:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday/miércoles, June 19 8:15am Rosary

10:00am English Bible Study 7:00pm Adoration & Reconciliation

Thursday/jueves, June 20 8:15am Rosary

7:00pm Worship Committee 7:00pm Exercise

Friday/viernes, June 21 Saturday/sábado, June 22 9:00am St. Vincent de Paul

10:00am English Bible Study Sunday/domingo, June 23

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the

Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God,

cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for June 22nd & June 23rd/Horario de Ministerios – 22 de Junio & 23 de Junio Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 9:00am Sun. 11:30am Reader 1 Tom Hores Jeff Jacobson Arturo Martinez Reader 2 Pat Lucas Mike Warner Angelica de Leon Communion 1 Jean DeLimond Roslyn Diggs Marjorie McFadden Communion 2 Jean Hartwell Cathy Mann Maria De Los Angeles Ovalle Communion 3 Marcia Gastaldo Julie Warner Marcia Gastaldo Server 1 Joannie Neal Mary Polemeni-McGovern Amy Martinez Server 2 Tannia Garduno-Hernandez Note: Communion 1 ministers the Eucharistic Bread; Communion 2 & 3 minister the cup If you are not able to make your assigned ministry, please find an alternate or call the Parish Office.

Page 3: PARISH OFFICE OFICINA PARROQUIALsaintthomasapostle.org/2.0/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Thomas-the... · Praye ain/Cad or ación Sant om tien a aci licit raciones o nferm parroqui oma


Sick in our Parish/Enfermos en nuestra parroquia Por favor, recuerden a los enfermos y los inválidos in sus oraciones. Please remember the sick and homebound in your prayers, Dora Barra, Al Blair, Dick Clark, Joe Gibboney, Louise Layne, Sr. Noreen Malone, Len Myers, Renee Nesbitt, Dolores Page, Bill Pritchett, Carl Skobrak, Margaret Skobrak, Pat Skobrak, Donna Kay Smith, Anna Villareal. Prayer Chain/Cadena de oración Santo Tomás tiene una cadena de oracion para solicitar oraciones por los enfermos en parroquia. St. Thomas has an active prayer chain. If you have a prayer request, such as illness or surgery, please call Louise Layne (614-258-6406). St. Vincent de Paul reports that for the month of May, they served 44 households for a total of 137 people. Total collections were $1230.76 and total disbursements were $659. We are so blessed to have such giving people who recognize the need in our neighbors. Thank you. We have MANY weekdays and weekends available for Memorial Masses. If you have anyone you wish to have a Mass said for, please fill out an envelope that can be found in the back of the church and drop it in the collection basket. We have been blessed with enough teachers for all of our PSR classes. However if you are interested, we still need helpers and/or subs. Please call the parish office if you are available. Starting this Monday and each Monday after the 8:30am Mass our ladies (and men who would like to help) will get together to work on the parish gardens. If you are able and would like to help out bring your gardening gloves. They are also in need of mulch. So if you have any extra that you don’t need and would like to donate it, it would be appreciated. Thank you.

The 42nd Annual Diocesan Senior Citizens Celebration. Join our new bishop on this day of prayer, food, and fellowship with other seniors from the 23 county Catholic Diocese of Columbus on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 from 10:30am to 1:30pm at St. Mary Church, 61 S. Paint St., Chillicothe. Mass and luncheon to follow. Bishop Robert J. Brennan, Celebrant. Registration for the celebration is $15. Please register by June 13. Send check payable to the Office for Social Concerns, Catholic Diocese of Columbus, 197 E. Gay St. Columbus 43215 – 614-241-2540.

The Holy Family Alumni Association will hold its annual homecoming June 30. An 11am alumni mass will be held at Holy Family Church, West Broad at Skidmore, followed by refreshments in the church undercroft. The festivities will include an opportunity to tour Alumni Room displays and a raffle. The church and the undercroft are now accessible by an elevator on the east entrance of the church. For more details, contact Genny (Welker) Temple, 614-539-4815.

Couples celebrating their 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th (and every year thereafter) anniversary are invited to the annual Jubilee of Anniversaries Mass and celebration in honor of their marriage! The Jubilee will take place on Sunday, June 23rd at St. Brigid Catholic Church in Dublin. Bishop Robert Brennan will celebrate Mass at 2:30 p.m. and a light reception will follow. Couples may register by contacting the Marriage and Family Office at (614)-241-2560 or by visiting columbuscatholic.org/marriage-enrichment. Please RSVP by Wednesday, June 12th. Late registrations will be accepted, but the names will not be featured in the event program or The Catholic Times. Congratulations to these couples on their faithful love!

The pain and sorrow of the abortion experience need not endure a lifetime. Call Bethesda Healing Ministry for support and assistance from those who have been there and understand. Please call Bethesda Healing Ministry to speak to someone who can help. Bethesda Healing Ministry confidential lines: 614-309-2651 or 614-309-0157 or visit our website at bethesdahealing.org.

Sick in our Parish/Enfermos en nuestra parroquia Por favor, recuerden a los enfermos y los inválidos in sus oraciones. Please remember the sick and homebound in your prayers, Dora Barra, Al Blair, Dick Clark, Joe Gibboney, Louise Layne, Sr. Noreen Malone, Len Myers, Renee Nesbitt, Dolores Page, Bill Pritchett, Carl Skobrak, Margaret Skobrak, Pat Skobrak, Donna Kay Smith, Anna Villareal. Prayer Chain/Cadena de oración Santo Tomás tiene una cadena de oracion para solicitar oraciones por los enfermos en parroquia. St. Thomas has an active prayer chain. If you have a prayer request, such as illness or surgery, please call Louise Layne (614-258-6406). St. Vincent de Paul reports that for the month of May, they served 44 households for a total of 137 people. Total collections were $1230.76 and total disbursements were $659. We are so blessed to have such giving people who recognize the need in our neighbors. Thank you. We have MANY weekdays and weekends available for Memorial Masses. If you have anyone you wish to have a Mass said for, please fill out an envelope that can be found in the back of the church and drop it in the collection basket. We have been blessed with enough teachers for all of our PSR classes. However if you are interested, we still need helpers and/or subs. Please call the parish office if you are available. Starting this Monday and each Monday after the 8:30am Mass our ladies (and men who would like to help) will get together to work on the parish gardens. If you are able and would like to help out bring your gardening gloves. They are also in need of mulch. So if you have any extra that you don’t need and would like to donate it, it would be appreciated. Thank you.

The 42nd Annual Diocesan Senior Citizens Celebration. Join our new bishop on this day of prayer, food, and fellowship with other seniors from the 23 county Catholic Diocese of Columbus on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 from 10:30am to 1:30pm at St. Mary Church, 61 S. Paint St., Chillicothe. Mass and luncheon to follow. Bishop Robert J. Brennan, Celebrant. Registration for the celebration is $15. Please register by June 13. Send check payable to the Office for Social Concerns, Catholic Diocese of Columbus, 197 E. Gay St. Columbus 43215 – 614-241-2540.

The Holy Family Alumni Association will hold its annual homecoming June 30. An 11am alumni mass will be held at Holy Family Church, West Broad at Skidmore, followed by refreshments in the church undercroft. The festivities will include an opportunity to tour Alumni Room displays and a raffle. The church and the undercroft are now accessible by an elevator on the east entrance of the church. For more details, contact Genny (Welker) Temple, 614-539-4815.

Couples celebrating their 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th (and every year thereafter) anniversary are invited to the annual Jubilee of Anniversaries Mass and celebration in honor of their marriage! The Jubilee will take place on Sunday, June 23rd at St. Brigid Catholic Church in Dublin. Bishop Robert Brennan will celebrate Mass at 2:30 p.m. and a light reception will follow. Couples may register by contacting the Marriage and Family Office at (614)-241-2560 or by visiting columbuscatholic.org/marriage-enrichment. Please RSVP by Wednesday, June 12th. Late registrations will be accepted, but the names will not be featured in the event program or The Catholic Times. Congratulations to these couples on their faithful love!

The pain and sorrow of the abortion experience need not endure a lifetime. Call Bethesda Healing Ministry for support and assistance from those who have been there and understand. Please call Bethesda Healing Ministry to speak to someone who can help. Bethesda Healing Ministry confidential lines: 614-309-2651 or 614-309-0157 or visit our website at bethesdahealing.org.

Page 4: PARISH OFFICE OFICINA PARROQUIALsaintthomasapostle.org/2.0/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Thomas-the... · Praye ain/Cad or ación Sant om tien a aci licit raciones o nferm parroqui oma


Please patronize our advertisers!

“Walking with the Saints”. A day of reflection with Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry, J.C.L., D.D. Saturday, August 3rd, 2019 from 8am – 4:15pm/5pm Vigil Mass at the Church of the Resurrection , 6300 E. Dublin Granville Rd., New Albany, Oh. Expand your knowledge and increase your devotion for SIX American causes for canonization: Venerable Pierre Toussaint Venerable Henriette DeLille Fr. Augustus Tolton and Mother Mary Lange Sr. Thea Bowman and Julia Greeley! For more information or to register for the FREE event visit columbuscatholic.org/cem or call 614-221-7990 “…we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” 1 Jn 3:2 St. Francis DeSales Summer Camps. St. Francis DeSales High School is excited to offer over 30 camps this summer, including nine academic camps. These camps are a great way to meet new friends while improving your skills, whether it is in the classroom or on the athletic field. Visit www.sfdstallions.org/summercamps for more information. Will you prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer for Kairos Prison Ministry? Volunteers from a variety of Christian traditions joyfully share the love of Jesus with those impacted by incarceration. Through team formation, volunteers become one body of Christ to go into the prison for a three-day weekend followed up by an ongoing ministry. Consider answering the call of Matthew 25:36, “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” For more information, look up www.mykairos.org

LEAF – Listening, Encouraging and Assisting Families of the Incarcerated – is a resource and referral ministry that offers a community of compassion, caring, and support to families and loved ones of the incarcerated, irrespective of faith affiliation. Meetings are the 2nd Sunday of each month. Locations: St. John Neumann Church in Sunbury at 4pm in the Faith & Family Center (classroom 9). Corpus Christi Church in Columbus at 2pm. For details, visit www.svdpcolumbus.org/leaf_ministry or call 614--241-2540.

All natural. Good for the body. Great for the soul! Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods are effective for postponing or achieving pregnancy and are completely natural – no pills, patches or devices! Learn more by attending an NFP Class Series at St. Catharine Parish, starting on July 10, 7pm; the course continues July 31, August 21, and September 11. For more information and to register, go to www.columbuscatholic.org/natural-family-planning or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at 614-241-2560.

Please patronize our advertisers! To place an ad or memorial, please call 614-252-0976. Alumni of St. Thomas the Apostle School To join or make a contribution, please phone 252-4546 LISSKA BAR & GRILL Play All The Lottery Games Here 2665 East Fifth Avenue · 253-9337 A&C CLEANING SERVICES (614) 598-2326 (614) 316-2956 Free Estimates LEMUS LAWN CARE Mowing & General Lawn Care Free Estimates Felix Lemus, Owner 614-441-5750 Small Tree Removal-Mulching-Edging

“Walking with the Saints”. A day of reflection with Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry, J.C.L., D.D. Saturday, August 3rd, 2019 from 8am – 4:15pm/5pm Vigil Mass at the Church of the Resurrection , 6300 E. Dublin Granville Rd., New Albany, Oh. Expand your knowledge and increase your devotion for SIX American causes for canonization: Venerable Pierre Toussaint Venerable Henriette DeLille Fr. Augustus Tolton and Mother Mary Lange Sr. Thea Bowman and Julia Greeley! For more information or to register for the FREE event visit columbuscatholic.org/cem or call 614-221-7990 “…we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” 1 Jn 3:2 St. Francis DeSales Summer Camps. St. Francis DeSales High School is excited to offer over 30 camps this summer, including nine academic camps. These camps are a great way to meet new friends while improving your skills, whether it is in the classroom or on the athletic field. Visit www.sfdstallions.org/summercamps for more information. Will you prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer for Kairos Prison Ministry? Volunteers from a variety of Christian traditions joyfully share the love of Jesus with those impacted by incarceration. Through team formation, volunteers become one body of Christ to go into the prison for a three-day weekend followed up by an ongoing ministry. Consider answering the call of Matthew 25:36, “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” For more information, look up www.mykairos.org

LEAF – Listening, Encouraging and Assisting Families of the Incarcerated – is a resource and referral ministry that offers a community of compassion, caring, and support to families and loved ones of the incarcerated, irrespective of faith affiliation. Meetings are the 2nd Sunday of each month. Locations: St. John Neumann Church in Sunbury at 4pm in the Faith & Family Center (classroom 9). Corpus Christi Church in Columbus at 2pm. For details, visit www.svdpcolumbus.org/leaf_ministry or call 614--241-2540.

All natural. Good for the body. Great for the soul! Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods are effective for postponing or achieving pregnancy and are completely natural – no pills, patches or devices! Learn more by attending an NFP Class Series at St. Catharine Parish, starting on July 10, 7pm; the course continues July 31, August 21, and September 11. For more information and to register, go to www.columbuscatholic.org/natural-family-planning or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at 614-241-2560.

Please patronize our advertisers! To place an ad or memorial, please call 614-252-0976. Alumni of St. Thomas the Apostle School To join or make a contribution, please phone 252-4546 LISSKA BAR & GRILL Play All The Lottery Games Here 2665 East Fifth Avenue · 253-9337 A&C CLEANING SERVICES (614) 598-2326 (614) 316-2956 Free Estimates LEMUS LAWN CARE Mowing & General Lawn Care Free Estimates Felix Lemus, Owner 614-441-5750 Small Tree Removal-Mulching-Edging