Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior Finding Aid

Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

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Page 1: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

Parish Records of York, St.Mary, Bishophill, Senior

Finding Aid

Page 2: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners


PARISH RECORDS (on deposit)



Now deanery of the City of York

Y/M Bp. S.


1-13 Registers

14 Voluntary subscription book

15-23 Various minutes and acoounts books

24 Loose minutes, St Clements

25 Citations, faculties, licences, mortgages and conveyances

26 Terriers

27 Tithes

28 Statistical returns of parochial work and other documents relating to work in the parish

29 Marriage licences

30 Income of benefice and other Rector's correspondence and papers

31 Correspondence and papers re St Clement's Parish Hall

32 London Gazettes

33 Schools Managers' Records, Cherry Street Schools

34 Churchwardens' correspondence and papers

35 Churchwardens' vouchers (general)

36 Churchwardens' vouchers (charity bread)

37 Churchwardens' vouchers (charity coal)

38 Poor law and charities' deeds, papers and accounts (see also 36, 37 above, and 39 below)

39 Barstow Trust records

40 Miscellaneous items

41 Cameron Walker Trust Records

42-44 Charities

45 Gas bill 1935

46 Sunday School

47 Account

48-51 Terriers

52 Bundle of letters re parish boundaries

53-54 Tithe, land tax

55 Faculty re bells

Page 3: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

r-c.c.;c:-.(a..s• 0,41,

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit)



Y/M Bp. S. 1-13 Registers

1 1598-1726

2 1727-1782 (marriages to 1753)

3 Baptisms and burials 1782-1812

4 Baptisms 1813-1840

5 Baptisms 1841-1871

6 Baptisms 1871-1885 and 1892-1897

7 Baptisms 1885-1892 [not deposited but referred to in no. 6 as 'Book marked r]

8 Burials 1813-1845

9 Burials 1845-1854

10 Marriages. 1754-1810

11 Marriages 1810-1812

12 Marriages 1813-1837

13 Marriages 1837-1868 fl)r"41" "

C.)0. : 14 .,:. 1864 Voluntary subscription book to defray the

expense of carrying on divine service in the parish church

15-23 Various minutes and accounts books

15 minutes of vestry meetings for election of churchwardens 1812-1921 with, at back minutes of vestry meetings of parishioners and feoffees 1841-1885

16 churchwardens accounts 1837-1886 [see also 25,34,34,104-106]

17 church rate assessment book for the parish church 110,171-172 of Clementhorpe 1808-1837 (including Dringhouses 1836-7)

18 church rate assessment book for the parish church of St Mary Bishophill Senior 1829-49

19 church rate assessment book for the parish church of St Mary Bishophill Senior 1849-1861

20 charities account book 1829-68 with, at back memoranda of receipts and agreements concerning affiliations 1831

21 charities account book 1872-1880 [see also 21, 36-38, 42-441 102-103]

22 overseers of the poor account book 1759-1771 [see also 116-117]

23 overseers of the poor account book 1791-1807 =fir, ;21,j3.

24 Loose minutes (2 papers) of St Clement's Church annual vestry and parochial church meeting 6 Apr. 1926

Now deanery of the City of York


Page 4: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 25 Citations, faculties, licences, mortgages and conveyances [see also: 35 1 Copy, citation for re-pewing and other alterations 16,3,,

in parish church of St Mary Bishophill the Elder, 104-106J 27 May 1859

2 Faculty as above 10 June 1859

3 Licence for divine service in Bishophill and Clementhorpe Church of England School room, Cherry Street 20 Jan. 1873

4 Certified copy, instrument substituting new church of St Clement for the church of St Mary Bishophill Senior

18 May 1876

5 Copy, citation for new vestry or parish room to parish church of St Clement 29 Jan. 1880

6 Faculty as above 12 Feb. 1880

7 Faculty for reredos at east end of St Clement's 13 Mar. 1884

8 Mortgage under Gilbert Acts for making sanitary improvements to parsonage house etc. of rectory of St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement

27 Mar. 1911

9 Mortgage under Gilbert Acts for improvements to parsonage house of rectory of St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement 13 Nov. 1918

10 Counterpart of the above

11 Faculty for stained glass in second window from the east in the south aisle of St Clement's

23 Mar. 1920

12 Faculty for war memorial tablet in St Clement's 9 Feb. 1921

13 Copy conveyance to Ecclesiastical Commissioners of land for building church of St Chad

4 Oct. 1922

14 Faculty for erection of carved oak panelling and brick and stone memorial paving in St Clement's 6 Feb. 1924

15 Faculty for oak panelling, new choir stalls, pulpit steps, rails, etc. in St Clement's

22 Sep. 1925

16 Copy conveyance to Ecclesiastical Commissioners of additional land for church of St Chad

31 Aug. 1926

17 Citation for 2 memorial brass plates in St Chad's 5 Apr. 1928

18 Faculty as above 24 Apr. 1928


Page 5: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR. PARISH RECORDS ( on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 19 Citation for new altar table and memorial

tablet in St Clement's 24 Apr. 1941

20 Faculty as above 13 May 1941

26 Terriers [see also 27,30,48-51,53-54,107-109]

1 29 July 1853

2 22 May 1857

3 6 May 1884 (draft)

4 6 May 1884

5 July 1885 (draft)

6 July 1885

7 July 1885

27 Tithes [see also 26,30,48-51,53-54,107-109]

1 Copy, certified by Tithe Commissioners, of Middlethorpe tithe apportionment plan 1838

2 Apportionment and plan of township of St Mary Bishophill the Elder without the Postern in the parish of St Mary Bishophill the Elder

20 Mar. 1849

3 Altered apportionment, Middlethorpe 29 Sep. 1928

4-6 Certificates of redemption of rent charge

4 upon lands in the township of St Mary Bishophill the Elder within the walls

of the City of York 2 Nov. 1882

5 upon lands in the township of St Mary Bishophill'the Elder without the Postern

1 Apr. 1922

6 upon land in the township of Middlethorpe' 14 Nov. 1928

7-10 Tithe rent charge account books

7 township of St Mary Bishophill the Elder 1865-1880

8 township of Middlethorpe 1855-1911

9 township of Middlethorpe 1911-1919

10 township of Middlethorpe 1920-1926

28 Statistical returns of parochial work and other documents relating to work in the parish

1 1891

2 1892

3 1904

4 1905

5 1908

6 1909

7 1910 Continued

Page 6: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners


PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 28 Statistical returns...(continued)

8 1911

9 1912

10 1913

11 1914

12 1915

13 1917

14 1918

15 1919

16 1920

17 1921

18 1922

19 1923

20 1924

21 1925

22 1926

23 1927

24 1928

25 1929

26 1930

27 1931

28 1932

29 1933

30 St Mary Bisbophill Senior with St Clement communicant roll begun Advent 1929, re—written May 1934

31 St Oswald's Church Institute. Book of names and addresses of proposed members

12 Oct. 1903 — Nov.1914

29 Marriage Licences

1 Faculty Office special licence: Thomas George Mylchreest esq. of Eltofts, pa. Thorner and Clara Johnson of All Hallows, Leeds, in the church of St Clements 20 Apr. 1900

2 York licence: Kenneth Butler, Selby and Margaret Dorothy Fry, St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement 9 Aug. 1941

3 York licence: Harryb,hclienzie Luccock, Heworth, and Vera Dobson, pa. St Clement 4 Sep. 1945

4 York licence: Brian Hoult Fowke, Exmouth and Jean Madeleine Fitzherbert Reynolds, pa:.. St Clement 7 May 1946


Page 7: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S 29 Marriage Licences (continued)

5 York licence: Henry Messeena Foyl, Giggleswick and Louise Edmee Holub, pa. St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement 10 May 1946'".

6 York licence: Jacques Jean Marcel Monteil, pa. St Clement and Mavis Booth, pa. St Clement

8 Aug. 1946

7 York licence: Frederick David Kemp, pa. St Clement and Ivy Blackburn, pa. St Clement

16 Sep. 1946

8 York licence: Noel William Ward, pa. Heworth and Gladys Nellie Gambles, pa. St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement 16 Nov. 1946

9 York licence: Jacques Gaillard, pa. St Clement and Doris Wilkinson, pa. St Clement

26 Nov. 1946

10 York licence: Bernard Firth, Bridlington and Irene Madge Van Hove, pa. St Clement

1 Jan. 1947

11 York licence: Owen. Cordukes, Clifton, York and Kathleen Lilian Whittaker, pa. St Clement

22 Jan. 1947

12 York licence: Arthur Milton Stribling, Heaton, Newcastle on Tyne and Kathleen Mary Auton, pa. St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement

1 Feb. 1947

13 York licence: William Armbrister Lancaster, pa. St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement and Sarah Winifred Anderson, of same parish

18 Mar. 1947

14 York licence: Laurence Leavitt, pa. Holy Trinity Micklegate and Georgina Flower, pa. St Mary Bishophill Senior with St Clement •

19 Sep. 1947

15 York licence: Donald Tavener Dobbs, pa. St Clement and. Vera Schofield, pa. Clifton, York

14 Feb. 1948

30 Income of benefice and other Rector's correspondence and papers (all letters to the Rector except where otherwise specified) [see also 26,27,48-51,53-54,107-109,111-115.

1 Aggreement of Robert Falkingham to take farm at Aughton 29 Oct. 1854

2 Memo. re above tenancy 6 Oct. 1855

3 Printed Ecclesiastical Commissioners' Regulations respecting grants out of the Common Fund

May 1861


Page 8: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice.... (continued)

4 Printed Ecclesiastical Commissioners' Regulations respecting grants payable to incumbents of benefices 1861

5 Letter from Secretary of Ecclesiastical Commissioners explaining circumstances of sale of tithe rent charge in 1853 2 Nov. 1861

6 Letter from Secretary of Ecclesiastical Commissioners re grant of 0120 p.a. 23 Jan. 1865

7 Ecclesiastical Commissioners' printed Rules and instructions respecting parsonage houses 1861

S Letter from Ecclesiastical Commissioners' re grant of £120 p.a. 7 Apr. 1865

9 Specification of materials and works for proposed rectory July 1867

10 Plan of proposed rectory of Bishophill the Elder. Herbert Fippard, architect, York. Sep. 1867

11 Letter from Ecclesiastical Commissioners re grant of £1400 for parsonage house 18 Feb. 1868

12 Letter; Francis Adams, Office of Woods etc. - pension of C3. 11. 4. payable to vicar of Clementhorpe transferred and charged upon Consolidated Fund. Future payments from Secretary of the Treasury

7 Aug. 1868

13 Letter from Treasury explaining as above 18 Aug. 1868

14 Particulars of contracts Ere building of rectory] 5 July 1869

15 Affidavit of Rev. G. M. Argles in Chancery Div., Caroline Dresser plaintiff, H. Cooper Gleadows, Emily Dresser and Edward Lambert defendants -'I am still the Rector of the Church of Bishophill the Elder in the City of York' 1873

16 Letter from Charity Commission - distribution of bread under John Cobb's Charity 25 June 1873

17 Report re parish of St Mary Bishophill Senior Penny Savings Bank 5 Dec. 1874

18 Letter: Edward Lambert, 8 John Street, Bedford Row, re mode of receiving funds from legacy bequeathed to the rector of Bishophill the Elder, the subject of the case, Dresser v. Gleadow

1 Feb. 1875

19 Specification of and estimate for an organ, from Rotunda Organ Works, Rochester Place, Camden Town. 20 Oct. 1875

20 Letter: Messrs Lambert and Petch re Dresser v. Gleadow 6 Dec. 1875


Page 9: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice....(continued)

21 Letter: T.S. Noble, Lendal, York - substitution of new church of St Clements for old churelr:of* St Mary 17 Mar. 1876

22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876

23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876

24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners' application form for substitution of new church for old, completed and signed 5 Apr. 1876

25 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 10 Apr. 1876

26 Letter: C.W. Thisleton - Dean and Canon in Residence cannot recommend the Chapter to consent to scheme upon the terms proposed

17 Apr. 1876

27 Letter: T.S. Noble - substitution of new church for old 25 Apr. 1876

28 Rough pencil plan indicating part of City Walls and River Ouse n.d.

29 Treasury printed Instructions for receiving perpetual pensions and other fixed payments formerly charged on the land revenue of the Crown and now chargeable on the Consolidated mind 9 Oct. 1876

30 Letter: Treasury, authorising payment of £21. 8. O. land revenue allowance 26 Oct. 1876

31 Printed Report of Directors of Yorkshire Penny Bank 1877

32 Letter: Yorkshire Penny Bank, Leeds, enclosing instructions etc. for forming a branch

26 July 1878

33 Blank hand bill to announce opening of Yorkshire Penny Bank branch

34-36 Yorkshire Penny Bank printed suggestions for formation and management of branches (3 copies) n.d.

37 Letter: T.S. Noble - no marriages may now be solemnized in the now disfranchised church of St Mary's 9 Oct. 1878

38 Letter: T.S. Noble - suggests licencing old church of St Mary's for marriages

14 Oct. 1878

39 Letter: William Lawton, Minster Gates, York - advising transferring trust fund of Mrs. A.E. Cooper's charity to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds 27 Sep. 1879

40 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - unable to make grant towards maintenance of assistant curate 23 Nev. 1880


Page 10: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH. RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice....(continued)

,41 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - unable to meet benefaction in aid of maintenance of an assistantscurate and have no power to sanction the sale of the old rectory house 17 Dec. 1881

42 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - only able to consider application for grant in augmentation of living or for improvement of the parsonage house in accordance with general augmentation rules 6 Feb. 1882

43 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - income of cure was raised to 0300 in 1864 and case cannot now be re-opened 21 Feb. 1882

44 Printed Ecclesiastical Commissioners' regulations respecting certain grants out of the common fund

Feb. 1882

45 Letter: Treasury - future payment of annual allowance of C3. 11. 4. to vicar of Clementhorpe heretofore charged on the Consolidated Fund to be undertaken by Ecclesiastical Commissioners

18 Aug. 1882

46 Income tax voucher in respect of income from tithe redemptions 5 Oct. 1882

47 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - re investment of purchase money from sale of former parsonage house and garden belonging to benefice of St Mary Bishophill Senior 20 May 1884

48 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - same subject as above 3 July 1884

49 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners -statement of stock held in trust for benefice

7 July 1884

50 Letter: scarcely decipherable initials - re terrier 21 Apr. 1885

51 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners -transmitting warrant for £6. 16. 9.

4 July 1885 • 52 Letter: Queen Anne's Bounty - enclosing

53 (below) 21 Nov. 1889

53 Queen Anne's Bounty printed instructions as to sales of Bounty lands n.d.

54 Letter: H. Hope Shakespear, 8 John Street, Bedford Row - method of obtaining income from Cooper's Charity.',. Headed Dresser v. Gleadow

27 Nov. 1889

55 Ecclesiastical Commissioners' printed Regulations respecting certain grants out of the Common Fund

Mar. 1900


Page 11: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice (continued)

56 Printed Instructions in reference to sales exchanges or lease under the provision of,,the Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts n.d.

57 Printed form for particulars to be furniShed on applying for consent of Ecclesiastical Commissioners to sale or exchange n.d.

58 Memorandum of particulars of the benefice supplied to Ecclesiastical Commissioners 1901

59 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - application for augmentation of income of benefice will be considered in April or May 2 Nov. 1901

60 Letter: Census Office - 8846 is an approximately accurate return of the population of the parish

5 Dec. 1901

61 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - will make a grant of C26 p.a. in augmentation of the income of the cure. Compelled to postpone Consideration of request for assistance towards stipend of assistant curate 3 May 1902

62 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - re above mentioned stipend of C26 13 June 1902

63 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - case for grant towards stipend of assistant curate will be considered in April or May 3 Feb. 1903

64 Ecclesiastical Commissioners - acknowledgement of letter of 11 March 13 Mar. 1903

65 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - unable to accede to request for grant on grounds of Local Claims 9 May 1903

66 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - application for grant will be considered April or May

20 May 1903

67 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - re exchange of stock held on behalf of the living

26 Nov. 1903

68 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - will make grant of £30 p.a. tuwards stipend of assistant curate 2 May 1904

69 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - re above stipend 13 June 1904

70 Printed circular and agreed form of certificates of marriages between British subjects and French citizens 28 June 1904

71 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - proposed to make an additional grant of C30 p.a. for assistant curate 1 May 1907

72 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - confirmation of above grant 16 May 1907


Page 12: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice ...(continued)

73 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners will consider case for increase in grant for assistant curate 5 Mar. 1908-

74 Ecclesiastical Commissioners - acknowledgement of communication of 4 March 7 Mar. 1908

75 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - will grant a further £25 p.a. 3 June 1908

76 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners confirming above 19 June 1908

77 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners confirming grant of stipend of £60 p.a. for assistant curate 24 June 1909

78 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - re apportionment of income of St Helen, Stonegate between that parish and St Mary Bishophill Senior 10 June 1910

79 Letter: Bounty Office - arrangements for transfer of capital from St Helen Stonegate to St Mary Bishophill Senior 18 Aug. 1910

80 Printed Queen Anne's Bounty Instructions for surveyors' papers and plans etc. for loans under Gilbert's Acts including specimen form filled in and dated 2 Jan. 1911

81 Letter: Bounty Office - application [for loan] will go before Governors 1st February

18 Jan. 1911

82 Specification and agreement to undertake re-draining of St Clement's Rectory

18 Jan. 1911

83 Account of E. Hetherington for re-draining St Clement's Rectory 15 Mar. 1911

84 Account, as above, receipted 15 June 1911

85 Incumbent's consent to change annual date of mortgage payments from 27 March to 5 Jan

30 Mar. 1911

86 Receipt for £50 on account of drainage work done by E. Hetherington 1 Apr. 1911

87 Receipted account of W.T. Whincup, A.S.I. in connection with re-draining of St Clement's Rectory 9 June 1911

88 Letter: Bounty Office - application of balance of mortgage loan 28 June 1911


Page 13: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice ....(continued)

89 Account re above drainage work 19116, , *

90 Receipted account for work done at AughtOn Glebe Farm by M. Westerman 29 Nov. 1912

91 Receipted bill of J. Ward in respect of account rendered 5 Feb. 1913

92 Bounty Office printed circular on Ecclesiastical Dilapidations 15 May 1913

93 Letter: York Diocesan Trust - enclosing following 3 items 25 May 1914

94 Printed copy of York Diocesan Trust Deed 1896

95 Printed Memorandum as to objects of York Diocesan Trust n.d.

96 Blank form of application to York Diocesan Trust to accept trust of real estate.

97 Letter: Board of Agriculture and Fisheries - re investment of £600 in the name of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in the matter of the Rectory of St Mary Bishophill with St Clement 15 June 1918

98 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - confirmation of above 6 July 1918

99 Printed Bounty Office notice to incumbents re insurance in accordance with Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act n.d.

100 Printed Bounty Office circular re Gilbert's Acts loans n.d.

101 Letter: Bounty Office - re application for loan 23 Oct. 1918

102 Letter: Bounty Office - further to above 25 Oct. 1918

103 Letter: Bounty Office - further to above 28 Oct. 1918

104 Letter: Bounty Office - agree to loan sum not exceeding £90 for 10 years for improvements to parsonage 29 Oct. 1918

105 Letter: Bounty Office - further to above 30 Oct. 1918

106 Letter: Bounty Office - further to above 1 Nov. 1918

107 Letter: Bounty Office - enclosing mortgage deed, etc. 26 Nov. 1918

108 Letter: Bounty Office - further to above 7 Dec. 1918

109 Queen Anne's Bounty - particulars of loan form (improvements to parsonage)

22 July 1919


Page 14: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 30 Income of benefice....(continued)

110 queen Anne's Bounty -- particulars of loan form (sanitary improvements to parsonage) „.7

22 July 1919

111 Letter: Supreme Court Pay Office - returning letters of institution and giving particulars of mode of payment and uses of Cooper's Charity (Dresser v. Gleadow) 6 Aug. 1919

112 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners - announcing conversion of £600 £5 National War Bonds held in favour of the benefice to £4 Funding Stock

18 Sep. 1919

113 Letter and plan: York City Engineer - proposals to instal Police Control (telephone) Boxes on land adjoining the vicarage

31 Oct. 1928

114 Blue-print of Police Control Boxes and Bicycle Sheds Sep. 1928

115 Letter: York City Engineer - acknowledging letter of 2 Nev. 3 Nev. 1928

116 Letter from Archbishop Temple to -Hyde annexing letter from H. Annie Scruton enquiring about Miss L. Brackenbury dated 8 Jan. 1938 on the assumption that the request concerns either Hyde's parish or St Clement's which is currently vacant 10 Jan. 1938

also annexed:

Reply from Scruton to vicar of St Clement's 13 Jan 1938

117 Letter from L.P. Sawyer, Rector's Warden to Archdeacon Townley on the history of the parish and deploring the neglect of the fabric of the old church of St Mary and including a copy of the 1857 terrier 28 Feb. 1950

31 Correspondence and papers re St Clement's Parish Hall

1 Letter: R. Newbold Kay offering site 16 July 1913

2 Letter: G.A. Pegg - sites for sale 5 Aug. 1913

3 Letter: R.F. Meysey Thompson - land not for sale 30 Jan. 1914

4 Letter: Russell & Mackay, solicitors - covenant on building anything but private houses on land proposed to be bought 17 Feb. 1914

5 Plan of site E? for parish hall] stamped E.C.E. 4 Apr. 1914

6 Duplicate of particulars furnished on applying for consent of Ecclesiastical Commissioners for sale of glebe as site for church hall

20 May 1914


Page 15: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH- RECORDS (on deposit) (Continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 31 Correspondence and papers re St Clement's Parish Hall (continued)

7 Printed Ecclesiastical Commissioners' Insiructions in reference to sales, etc., under the Ecclesiastical Leasing Act n.d.

8 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners prepared to consider proposal for sale of glebe land site for church hall 20 June 1914

9 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners — requesting draft conveyance for perusal 29 June 1914

10 Letter: Ecclesiastical Commissioners — re—opening question of conveying site for church hall from the glebe 26 Jan. 1920

11 Letter: Percy F. S...., 4 South Mount Terrace — still 51 years to run of lease of Nunthorpe allotments and playing field 11 Dee. 1929

12 Letter: L. Pilkington for Mrs Meysey Thompson -. unable to see Mr Lambert... is a great age ... and past all troubles with business or letters

7 Dec. n.y.

13 Letter: Gray & Dodsworth — have written to Sir A. Meysey Thompson to ascertain whether he will be prepared to sell plot 22 Jan. 1930

14 Printed appeal for funds for new parish hall 24 May 1933

15 Bill of quantities and conditions of tender for proposed parish hall Mar. 1933

16 Letter: Brierley & Rutherford, architects, Lendal, enclosing and recommending 17 (below)

17 July 1933

17 Outline specification of electric lighting for hall July 1933

18 Specification and particulars to be observed for installation of electric lighting in hall

July 1933

32 London Gazettes

1 23 May 1902 (Grant of £26)

2 27 May 1904 (Grant of 100)

3 10 May 1907 (Grant of £30)

1 12 June 1908 (Grant of £25)

5 18 June 1909 (Grant of £60)

6 3 June 1910 (Apportionment of income of St Helen, Stonegate)

7 23 Mar. 1928


Page 16: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners


PARISH RECORDS (on deposit)(Continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 33 Schools' Managers' Records, Cherry Street Schools

1 General correspondence and papers 1871-c-148i approximately 70 pieces and small files, mainly correspondence and circulars to the rector from Education Department, Board of Education, and the City of York Education Committee, including copies of returns and of Uonveyances of 29 Nov. 1871 and 28 Aug. 1876

2 Managers' minute book 1894-1903

3 Agreements for employment as teachers and pupil teachers (61) 1873-1923

4 Correspondence and papers concerning staff (15) 1872-1935

[see also: 33, 56-57, PR Y/CLEM.


5 Printed Acts, circulars, memoranda, Board of Education orders and reports (10) 1870-1919

6 Duplicate returns and 'Return and Claim' forms (25) 1899-1925

7 Education Department and Board of Education forms 17A (Annual Report of Inspector), and other forms (38) 1837-1904

8 Valuation papers (3) 1915

9-11 3 plans unsigned, undated

9 St Clement's Schools, York, Site Plan

10 St Clement's Schools, York, Boys' School

11 St Clement's Schools, York, Girls' and Infants' School

34 Churchwardens.' correspondence and papers [see also 16,25,35]

1 Historical particulars of the benefice of St Mary Bishophill the Elder addressed to Thomas Mills, New Wharf. Post-marked 11 October 18[4]3

2 Letter: J.B. Graham to Thos. Mills, Skeldergate -acknowledging expression of sympathy at his parent's death - you cannot.... do wrong in requesting Mr Webb to perform the duties

8 Jan. [1844]

3 Letter: Lord Rivers requests to be informed upon what grounds the churchwardens have supposed the presentation to St Mary Bishophill Senior to be in his gift 10 Jan. 1844

4 Letter: Wm. Cotton to Mills - arrangements for cloth to furnish pulpit 12 Jan. 1844

Letter: Francis Webb to Mills - requires letter of approval from the churchwardens before he can' officiate as curate 13 Jan. 1844

6 Letter: Lord Rivers requests to be informed when the living became vacant 14 Jan. 1844


Page 17: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M/Bp. S. 34 Churchwardens' correspondence and papers ...(continued)

7 Copy, churchwardens' replies to 3 and 6 (above) -Rev. John. Graham died 6 Jan. 16 Jan. 1844.,

8 Notice from churchwardens of St. Mary to churchwardens of Clementhorpe of amount of church rate required

18 May 1848

9 Note of visitation fees 22 June 1849

10 Opinion of G.H. Seymour on the mode of assessing church rates and in particular the contribution of Middlethorpe 2 May 1851

11 Letter: Council Office, Whitehall - enclosing order for discontinuing burials in the church and churchyard of St Mary Bishophill the Elder

18 Dec. 1854

12 Returns of church rates for year ending Easter 1869 for St Mary Bishophill Senior with endorsement explaining that there is in fact no church rate and the church is maintained by voluntary subscriptions and collections 8 June 1869

13 Booklet containing list of persons residing in the parish but not in the Rate Book n.d. E19th c.3

14 St Clement's church: approximate summary of builders' accounts n.d.

15 Measurement of extras and omissions in carpenters' and joiners' work done by William Rookledge in erecting St Clement's church Aug. 1874

16 Printed churchwardens' statements of accounts 1877-1878 St Clement's and St Mary's Bishophill Senior

17-21 Correspondence and papers concerning bells for St Clement's church

17 Letter: John Taylor & Co., Loughborough to Miss C.M.S. Judges - reporting on inspection of existing bell and suggestions for a new one 6 Oct. 1927

18 Letter: John Taylor & Co., to W.F. Lackenby -suggesting change in inscription on bell

4 Jan. 1928 19 Letter: John Taylor & Co., to W.F. Lackenby -

bell despatched today 24 Feb. 1928

20 Copy letter: John Taylor & Co., to William Birch & Sons Ltd. - contract does not cover the erection of the bell 24 Feb. 1928

21 Advice note for bell and fittings 24 Feb. 1928


Page 18: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 35 Churchwardens' vouchers (general), 1796-1880 [see also 16,25, 494 items principally relating to the church furnishing 547

and fabric including new vestry c.1828-9, gas;44tallation 1854, new organ 1870, salaries of parish cleiteS and sextonesses etc., and vouchers for payment for 2 plans of lands in the parish with surveys, 1824 and 1832 by Tukes and Ayer. In 6 folders:

1 1796-1829 30 items

2 1832-1839 28 items

3 1840-1849 181 items

4 1850-1859 141 items

5 1860-1869 56 items

6 1870-1880 58 items

36 Churchwardens' vouchers: charity bread [see also 21, 42-44]

1838-1871 68 items

37 Churchwardens' vouchers: charity coal (including distribution lists)

1828-1872 90 items and

37a and b Two books of counterfoils of coal supplied, 1883-1886

38 Poor law and Charities deeds, papers and accounts (see also 36 and 37 above)

1 Receipted account of Edward Wolley to inhabitants of St Mary Bishophill the Elder - touching removal of William Metcalfe and family to St Mary at Hill, London. 26 April 1791

2 Receipted account of Blanchard and Richardsons to churchwardens and overseers - poor law business 2 Oct. 1827

3 Receipted account of Blanchard and Richardsons - appeal against County Rate 16 Jan.1828

4 Poor rate voucher Apr. 1829

5 Receipted account of Blanchard and Richardson appeal against removal of Thomas Longthorne and family from parish of St Nicholas

7 May 1830

6-18 Poor rate vouchers 11 Jul. 1838-27 Oct. 1841

19 City of York Charity Trustees, printed abstract of treasurer's account 31 Dec. 1840-31 Dec:: 1841

Allowed 13 Jan. 1842

20 Letter: G.N. Seymour - mode of appointing new parish feoffees 3 May 1842

21 Letter: G.N. Seymour to N. Cooper - deed for appointment of new feoffees ready 23 May 1842


Page 19: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 38 Poor law and Charities deed, papers and accounts (continued)

22 Deed of appointment of new feoffees: Rev. John Graham (sole surviving feoffee) to J.H. qat14, H. Cooper, Thomas Price etc. - messuage anctgarden on E. side of'Skeldergate, parcel of ground adjoining occupied by T. Mills as a wharf and timber or coal yard and 10s. rent charge out of an adjoining messuage - in trust for the parishioners, one moiety for repairs to the parish church of St Mary Bishophill the Elder and the other for the poor of the parish 2 June 1842

23 Paper entitled relief of the poor 1842 containing pencilled donations or assessments

24-26 3 papers with lists of names and addresses probably in connection with poor relief n.d.

27 Extract from the will of Stephen Beckwith esq. M.D. Will dated 31 Aug. 1843 - legacy of £200 to minister and churchwardens, when invested, the interest to be used to buy coal for poor practising C. of E. parishioners on 21st and 22nd December annually n.d.

28 Receipted account re probate of will of William Cooper esq. 11 Nov. 1843

29 Receipted account by J.B. and W. Atkinson, architects, York, to Feoffees re sale of house and street widening scheme • 11 Nov. 1843

30 Receipted account of G.R. and J. Seymour to Feoffees -for arranging deed of appointment of new feoffees

11 Nov. 1843

31 Notice from churchwardens and overseers of St Sampson to churchwardens and overseers of St Mary Bishophill the Elder of intention to appeal against order for removal of Sarah Parkinson

14 Feb. 1844

32 Red Opted account: Richard Dalton to parish Feoffees - building work 14 June 1844

33 Letter: J. & H. Richardson and Gold, York, to B. Hagner "Our charge for Bishophill Senior is

14. 6. Mr. Leetham...has the release. You must deduct also their contribution to the monument." 31 Aug. 1844

34 Letter: ?J.H. Sutton] to Leetham, Skeldergate - Mr Fellows...says they are to pay the expences of the release out of the legacy. I suppose therefore we must do the same. 1 Sep. [1844]

35 Receipted account of Blanchard and Richardson various poor law business 27 Jan. 1845


Page 20: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 38 Poor law and Charities deeds, papers and accounts (continued)

36 Estimate for doing mason work of a wateryalito be built at Mr Mills Landing, Skeldergate

12 Mar. 1846

37 Memorandum of proposals for paying for building a stone jetty and water wall on Parish ground occupied by Mills and Aspinall 16 Mar. 1846

38 Resolution of meeting of feoffees to allow £12. 10s. in the rents of the tenants Mills and Aspinall 16 Mar. 1846

39 Receipt by William Aspinall for £4 on account of stone jetty 9 Dec. 1846

40 Copy of 38 (above), with further particulars 9 Dec. 1846

41 Receipt by William Aspinall for balance due for stone jetty 1 Apr. 1847

42-43 2 memoranda of payments 1846-7

44 List of names and addresses with small sums against each n.d.

45-46 2 further memoranda containing names and numbers

47 Receipted account: J. Simpson to parish Feoffees - building work 16 May 1848

48 Poll for the election of an assistant overseer for the parish of St Mary Bishophill the Elder

5 July 1849

49-50 7 sheets containing lists of names and numbers arranged by street. One endorsed Applicants for coals. 28 Dec.,1852

56 Receipted account: William Aspinall to Church-wardens - building work at Packett Landing

29 Apr. 1854

57 Receipt: C.H. Simpson to Eyre £1. 17:51 on a/c of parish charities 27 May 1858

58 Receipted account: Joseph Wilkinson to trustees of Sugden's Charity - legal expenses 19 Nov. 1858.

59 Note of payment of part of above account 19 Nov. 1858

60 Receipted account: J. Simpson to parish Feoffees - building work 3 Sep. 1860

61 Request from Charity Commission to trustees of parish charities to furnish accounts

5 Mar. 1912

62 Copy of return to Charity Commission of accounts of parish charities 9 Mar. 1912

63 Charity Commission's acknowledgement of receipt of above 10 Apr. 1912

64 Copy of District Valuer's queries and churchwardens' reply concerning land in Skeldergate 8-10 Oct.1914


Page 21: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners


PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 38 Poor law and Charities deeds, papers and accounts (continued),

A 65 District Valuer's acknowledgement of above-

reply 12 Oct. 1914

66 Provisional valuations by District Valuer of properties in Skeldergate 21 Oct. 1914

67 As above

68 Charity Commission acknowledgement of receipt of letter from J. Whittaker date 12 Dec. 1914

14 Dec. 1914

69 Charity Commission letter to J. Whittaker requesting charity accounts for years 1911-14

18 Dec. 1914

70 Statement of accounts of parish charities 21 Dec. 1914

71 Charity Commission acknowledgement of receipt of accounts for 3 years ending 31 Mar. 1914

30 Dec. 1914

72 Statement of accounts of parish charities 20 Apr. 1915

73 Charity Commission acknowledgement of receipt of above 22 Apr. 1915

74 District Valuer's provisional valuation on St Clement's church 13 Aug; 1915

75 Statement of accounts of parish charities 15 Apr. 1916

76 Statement of accounts of parish charities 28 Apr. 1916

77 Statement of accounts of parish charities for year ending 31 March 1917 n.d.

78 Statement of accounts of parish charities for year ending 31 March 1918 n.d.

79 Statement of accounts of parish charities for year ending 31 March 1919 n.d.

80 Statement of accounts of parish charities for year ending 31 March 1920 n.d.

81 Statement by A.E. Rutter concerning sale of charity land in Skeldergate 1931

82 Typed list and description of St Mary Bishophill Senior charities 9 Sep. 1944

83 Printed Charity Commission Memorandum as to the transfer of funds affected by charitable trusts to the Official Trustees of Charitable Minds n.d.


Page 22: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Dp.S. 38 Poor law and Charities deed, papers and accounts (continued)

84 printed notice from Paymaster-General's Office_ to parties claiming exemption from IncolfteTx


39 Barstow Trust Records

1 minutes and accounts book containing copy of 1857 scheme and minutes of meetings of trustees Jan. 1858 to Jan. 1922 and (at back) accounts


2 trustees' account book 1852-1878

3 bank book 1911-1928

4 bank book 1928-1931

5 3 loose accounts 1860,1860,1892

6 vouchers 1856-1930

7 vouchers 1964

8 vouchers 1965

9 vouchers 1966

10 vouchers 1967

11 correspondence, deeds and papers 1856-1860

12 correspondence and papers 1867-1963

13 four original files in folder entitled Barstows Scheme 1919-1967

14 two original files in folder entitled Compulsory Purchase 1964-1966

15 seven original files in folder entitled Barstows Misc. 1921-1966

16 minute book 1923-1974

17 trustees' account book 1922-1974

18 bank statements 1959-1974

19 summaries of accounts 1932-1937 1960-1963 1965-1973

20 receipts and vouchers 1968-1974

21 correspondence and papers 1958-1973

22 notes on the history of the Barstow Trust and of the Barstow family

23 annual reports of the Charities Official Investment Fund 1971-1973

[note: the Trust held its last meeting on 28 August 1974, and is now completely merged with the Cameron-Walker Trust to form the Walker-Barstow Trust]


Page 23: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp.S. 40 Miscellaneous items

1 coloured drawing of Samuel Brown's registered octagonal lightning conductor, Devonshire Street, Sheffield. R. King, litho. n.d..d

2-3 printed arrangements for Thank-offering Day at St Clement's church 19 September 1926

4 typed (? carbon copy) of names etc., on St Clement's War Memorial n.d. [1939-45 war]

41 Cameron Walker Trust Records

1 draft of constitution, and original constitution and rules of the Cameron Walker homes (4 copies)

1 March 1912

2 applications for places in Cameron Walker homes 1963-1975, with a few newspaper advertisements for same; receipts Aug. 1974 - May 1976

3 minutes of meetings of trustees 5 March 1912- February 1971 and February 1966 - October 1975 (loose)

4 general correspondence with the Charities Commission, York City Council and Department of Health and Social Security, concerning rating, finance, variation of the scheme of the Trust, etc. October 1962 - June 1974

5 plans submitted for improvements to Trust homes October 1960 (.Stansfield and Burton, York); October 1962, May 1963, September 1963 (Brierley, Leckenby and Keighley, York); 1965 (Brearley, York)

correspondence concerning building improvements May 1962 - February 1973

42-44 Charities

42 draft and two official Charity CoMmission lists of charities for the parish - 'Tesh and others' Nov. 1932

43 letter from the Charities Commission concerning the above schemes 18 Dec. 1933

44 note of expenditure on charities 28 July 1936

45 Gas bill for parish church (June Quarter) 1935

46 Sunday School - letter from G.W. Coombes to Rev. Jackson with a list of members 'to receive pictures' 8 Aug. 1935

47 Account for unspecified entertainment c. 20th c.

48-51 Terriers

48 18 May 1764

49 18 May 1764

50 2 Aug. 1770 51 21 July 1786 continued

Deposited by the Rev. R.L. Carberry, St Clement's Rectory, York November 1970 August 1974

no. 41 deposited by the Rev. R.L. Carberry, St Clement's Rectory, York October 1976

Page 24: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners


PARISH-RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp.S. 52 Bundle of letters concerning the change of parish boundaries 25 May - 16 June 1885

53- 54 Tithe, land tax

53 certificate of exemption from land ti'iwith schedule of exempted lands in the parish of St Mary Bishophill Senior and St Saviour

9 Jan. - 1 Sep. 1807 54 two land tax exemption certificates for land in

Aughton 3 Jan. - 1 Sep. 1807

55 Faculty (copy) for the removal of bells from St Mary Bishophill Senior 17 Mar. 1953

56-101 Schools [see also 33]

56- 57 school records

admission registers from an unidentified school (apparently obtained from this parish), giving pupils' names, dates of admission, age/date of birth, residence, parents' occupations (only names in 57) and last school attended

56 1865-1874

57 1882-1887

58- 61 infant school

58 Bishophill and Clementhorpe infant school log book 1873-1894

59 Cherry St. infant school log book 1894-1923

60 St. Clement's school log book 1923-1960

61 subscriptions for new classroom, infants' school 1885

62- 73 boys' school

62 Bishophill and Clementhorpe National school: boys' school log book 1872-1894

63 St Clement's (or Cherry St.) boys' school log book 1894-1918

64 St Clement's school log book, containing also lists of staff with addresses and lengths of service 1920s (starts as boys' school, but continues with boys and girls) 1918-1938

65 Cherry St. boys' school admission register 1881-1890

66 Cherry St. boys' school admission register 1890-1900


Nos. 42- 55 deposited by Rev. J.R. Armfelt, 2A Sycamore Terrace, York Mar., 1983

Nos. 56- 57 deposited by Dr J. Addy, Collegeof Ripon and York St Johli,York Aug. 1983

Page 25: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp.S. 56-101 Schools (continued) 62- 73 boys' school (continued)

67 Cherry St. boys' school admission register % 1900-1907

68 St Clement's Boys' school agMiession register 1907-1916

69 St Clement's boys' school admission register 1916-1934

[for mixed school admission register, see 80]

70 boys' school inspectors' report 1923 [see also 92]

71 boys' school religious instruction reports 1898, 1910-1912, 1917-1918

72 average attendance, Cherry St.boys' school Sep. 1904

73 letter about removal of boy from Manor School, York to Cherry St. School, with comments on the boy's character and ability 1927

74- 84 girls' school

74 girls school log book 1872-1891

75 St Clement's girls' school log book 1891-1907

76 St Clement's girls' school log book 1907-1929

[see also 64 for later boys' and girls' school log books]

77 Bishophill and Clementhorpe school admissions' register, girls' school (damaged, perhaps some years missing) 1872-1900

78 Bishophill and Clementhorpe school, girls' admission register 1903-1912

79 St Clement's school, girls' department admission register 1912-1924

80 St Clement's (girls) mixed school admission register 1924-1939

81 girls' school punishment book 1900-1929

82 bills for building new classroom, Cherry St. girls' school 1885

83 dimensions of girls' school classrooms 1921

84 girls' school religious instruction report 1898 [see also 92]

continued .0.

Page 26: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp. S. 56-101 Schools (continued)

85-101 general school records

85 Charity Commissioners' scheme for schools Nov. 1871

86 list of tenders for building schools1871

87 bills and receipts for additions and alterations to Cherry St. schools 1888-1889

88 draft letter from Canon Argles [?] relating to debt for purchase of school n.d.

89 annual and new subscriptions to Cherry St. school n.d. and 1889

90 school fire insurance policy 1878

91 notice of re-opening of schools 1893

92 boys, girls' and infants' school inspectors' reports 1888 and 1909

93 notice of grant for increased payment of school staff 1898

94 printed pamphlets relating to schools 1908-1930

95 letters about war memorial tablets in schools, enclosing designs 1920

96 St Clement's school, programmes of enter-tainment 1911 and 1914

97 school administrative instructions c.1920

98 war savings account memo. ? c.1920

99 certificate of honour presented to St Clement's Junior School savings group for Salute the Soldier national savings campaign 1944

100 poster of city bye-law relating to un-authorised entry into school premises 1913

101 samples of prize book plates from ? York Picture Post Card Emporium n.d. early 20th c.

102-103 Charities

[see also 21, 36-38, 42-44]

102 charity accounts, including Cobb's bread charity, coal charity, Ramsden's and Dodsworth's charity, giving names of recipients; contains also list of poor people living in the parish, taken 20 Dec. 1790


103 list of persons receiving money and bread at St Mary's Church on St Thomas's day 1844

104-106 Church fabric [see also 16, 25, 34, 35]

104 correspondence relating to removal of church bells 1953

105 blueprint of bell n.d.

106 specification for new organ Nov. 1869


Page 27: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp.S. 107-109 Benefice income [see also 26, 27, 30, 48-51, 53-54]

107 glebe terrier 1817

108 tithe map of lands within the City of York 1844

109 Rectory Farm, Aughton„ rent accounts 1854-1918

110 Churchwardens' records, bills and receipts 1842-1869 [see also 16-19]

also 171-172 111-115 Incumbents [see also 30]

111 marriage licence 1837

112 three plans of proposed rectory 1867

113 letter to Canon Argles from J.W. North, enclosing age breakdown of York population from censuses of 1871 and 1881 with estimate for 1886 May 1887

114 photograph of Canon G.M. Argles early 20th c.

115 licence for assistant stipendiary curate 30 July 1923

116-117 Overseers' records [see also 22-23]

116 bill for settlement appeal 1795-1796

117 legal opinion on removal of pauper 1851

118 Parish magazines: Aug. 1934 - Sep. 1935, Nov. 1935 - Jan. 1937

119 Parish press cuttings 1920s - 1930s

120 Printed parish accounts n.d. [c.1920]

121 Mark sheets for music competition n.d.

122 Commemoratio Omnium Animarum, in memory of William Temple and others (named) n.d.

123-126 New church of St Clement [see also records of St Clement's church]

123 two letters from Ecclesiastical Commissioners enclosing order for substitution of St Clement's Church for that of St Mary (enclosure missing) June 1876

124 list of subscriptions for building St Clement's church 1874

125 St Clement's fund-raising programmes:

the model market 8-10 Nov. 1922 (Argles' Memorial Church, South Bank)

Ideal Home bazaar 2-4 Nov. 1932

3000 guineas bazaar 26 Apr. - 2 May 1933

500 guineas week 23-28 Nov. 1936

126 St Clement's free-will offering fund circular n.d. [c.1936J

Nos. 58-126 collected from Mrs Knowles, Caretaker of Church Hall, St Mary Bishophill Senior, York May 1987

Page 28: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners


PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp.S. 127-170 Walker Barstow Homes [see also 39]

127-141 Cameron Walker Almshouses

127 photocopy: for the administration and management of the land almshouses under the will of Charles Cameron Walker filed 1 Mar. 1912, amended 17 Oct. 1968 [see 41/1]

128 secretary's reports June 1956 - Nov. 1965

129 annual reports 1971-1973

130 minutes of a Waiting Committee to consider merging the funds of Barstow Hospital with Cameron Walker Almshouses 9 May 1972

131 minutes of Trustees' meetings Feb. 1971 - Feb. 1974

132 warden's post: correspondence and papers relating to the appointment of warden(s)


133 secretary's correspondence 1973-1974

134-141 finance

134 statement of accounts for years ending 31 Dec. 1965 - 1974

135 appointment of bankers 13 July 1966

136 insurance cover for Homes with the Yorkshire Insurance Company Ltd. 25 July 1966

137 National Association of Almshouses common investment fund record card for 4,288 shares 3 July 1962

138 general rates valuation lists 15 Dec. 1966 (for each home)

139 list of record of payments by the warden 1 Dec. 1965 - 3 Sep. 1976

140 proposals for raising £8,000, the estimated cost of building three additional flats in own grounds at Bishopthorpe Road 1973

141 clerk's returns of expenditure June 1973 - Sep. 1973; Feb. 1974 - Apr. 1974

142-170 Walker Barstow Homes

142 1st annual report and chairman's review 1974

143 2nd annual report and chairman's review 1975

144 letter relating to an introductory lunch 16 Mar. 1974

145 minutes of trustees' meetings Apr. 1974 - Sep. 1976

146 secretary's correspondence 1975-1985


Page 29: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)




127-170 Walker Barstow Homes (continued)

147-158 Finance

147 general rates, valuation lists:

4 Feb. 1975/6 Walker Barstow Homes

12 Feb. 1975/6 The Cottage

148 City. of York half yearly loan repayment 1 Feb. 197!

149 four copies of a record of 1,600 shares with the N.A.A. Common Investment Fund 3 Sep. 1975 and Sep. 1976

150 statement of accounts for years ending 1974-1978

151 clerk's returns of expenditure 21 June 1975 - 7 Jan. 1984

152 clerk's imprest account for year ending 31 Dec.197

153 property revenue account for year ending 31 Dec. 1980

154 clerk's petty cash 1 Jan. - 13 July 1981

clerk's postages July - Dec. 1981

Clerk's petty cash July - Dec. 1982

155 secretary's letter requesting 'float' replenishment 23 June 1982

156 payment for gardening services 18 May - 25 June 1983

157 four current account paying in books 1979-1984

158 two deposit account books 1975-1983 (1 unused)

159 Applications for residential vacancies (rejections) 1978-1985

160 Applications and appointments to vacancies 26 Oct. 1975 - 9 Sep. 1985

161 TV licences Oct. 1969 - Oct. 1984

162-166 Site plans

162 plan for houses and central heating system at Aldreth Grove 12 Mar. 1974

163 detailed plans for the housing corporation 27 Feb. 1984

164 specification, schedule and application for planning approval end building regulations

1 Mar. 1983

165 detailed plans for building regulations 9 May

. ay 1983

166 specification, schedule and tender information with plans for Aldreth Grove, Bishopthorpe Road

24 Aug. 1983

continued .....

Page 30: Parish Records of York, St. Mary, Bishophill, Senior · 22 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 1 Apr. 1876 23 Letter: T.S. Noble - as above 3 Apr. 1876 24 Ecclesiastical Commissioners

PR PARISH RECORDS (on deposit) (continued)



Y/M Bp.S. 127-170 Walker Barstow Homes (continued)

167-169 Tenders

167 ten copies of tendering contracters' information and their statements of accounts Oct. 1983

168 letter to all proposed tendering contracters re omission from tender invitation 24 Nov. 1983

169 six copies of the completed tender forms Dec. 1983

170 The Almshouses Gazette

a quarterly magazine Dec. 1965 - July 1978 (1C copies missing in the sequence)

171-172 Churchwardens' account books [see also 16-19, 110] 171 1612-1686

the arrangement of this book is rather haphazard until about 1660, when the accounts for each year follow each other in proper sequence. At the end of the accounts begins a series of annual notes of audits and the elections of new churchwardens and feoffees 1689-1812. There is also a note 'to audit and make an agreement for things past and also to set down such orders as is to be performed by the parishioners hereafter' dated 24 Aug. 1612

172 1687-1838

contains also resolutions of vestry meetings 1715, 1744, 1752-1754, 1756, 1765, 1768, 1770-1772, 1774, 1777, 1781, 1783-1784, 1788-1789, 1795-1838; terriers for 1716, 1743, 1764, 1766-1767; note of ministers' and clerks' fees 1693; notes of collections on briefs for Sankey (Lancs.) 1693 and Montreal (Canada) 1766; note of exemption from service as churchwarden in return for painting king's arms, the ten commandments, the creed and the Lord's prayer 1700

Nos. 127-170 deposited by L.P. Day, 25 Malvern Avenue, Acomb, York

June 1988

Nos. 171-172 deposited by Dr N. Bennett (from the late Canon Rutter), Lincoln Cathedral Library, Lincoln July 1991