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聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

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Page 1: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

初 / 中 / 中高級(Part 1)


Page 2: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

美國密西根大學語言學系碩士學位 僑居紐約、溫哥華、多倫多逾十年 現任新竹教育大學兼任英語講師 現任梭羅、戴爾等文教機構特約講師 歷任國際導遊、領隊 歷任台北市美加留學補習班托福英語講師 專長 : 全民英檢、語音學、商業英語 電話 :03-5969021 , 0982-245-860講義網址 :http://www.esnips.com/web/edwardwuEMAIL:[email protected]

巫明鑫 (Edward Wu) 老師 簡歷

學習外語時,語言中樞四大要素: 音調 ( 發音和語調 ) 字型 ( 單字結構 ) 句型 ( 文法和詞類 ) 意境 (who/where/when/why/what/how)

Page 3: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

英語互動多媒體 簡介 & 上課內容及方式 結合 POWERPOINT 和 WORD 的超強功能 , 整合聲音 , 圖

片 , 音樂 , 動畫與文字。上課模式隨機生動 , 不呆板或填鴨 ,活學活用

多元化的教材 , 家庭 , 學校 , 購物 , 飲食 , 機場 , 公共場所等經典用語全方位啟發聽 , 說 , 讀 , 寫能力

掌握和熟悉音標 , 發音 , 連音 , 聲調和語調 , 分析單字結構 ,英語語法 , 句型 , 閱讀和寫作技巧

根據英檢初 ,中級考試範圍編寫教材 ,上課中穿插全民英檢模擬試題 ,現學現考。上課風格創新獨特 ,突破學習英語瓶頸 閱讀有關生活、經濟、政治、人文、自然等短文,搭配英文歌教唱及文法分析

互動引導式的教學 ,讓學生自然溶入美語環境中 ;藉由臨場互動 ,刺激與活化大腦的語言中樞

營造虛擬的外語環境 , 培養說外語的興致和信心 , 經由聯想與推理的引導 , 激發內在無限本能

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Page 5: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Please listen carefully!1. It’s time to go to school.

2. My friends and I are in the coffee shop.

3. Mr. Davis is on his way home.

4. There’re some typhoons here in summer.

5. Mary is three inches taller than her sister.end


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Page 8: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Listen to the question about the bus schedule below, and then choose True or False.

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他記性不好 口譯練習


哎喲 !我又把字打錯了 !再喝一杯酒不會傷害你


Page 10: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

The clock has just struck ten. The earthquake struck the whole island.

Time Ways to Say the Time (報時方法)4:00








earthquake magnitude 7.5 on Richter Scale《英檢必備》


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Page 12: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: __________________________________?M: Of course, Judy. _______________________________

_____________. For example, we can take these plastic bottles to the convenience store nearby and get a refund.

W: What about the rest?M: ___________________________________________ __________.W: Good thinking. So, what are we waiting for? Q: What will Larry and Judy probably do next?

A. Go to the convenience store. B. Wait for the garbage truck.C. Remove the bottles from the bag. D. Go bicycling on Sat.



Page 13: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Listen to the speaker and choose True or False.

Page 14: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: Good afternoon, May I help you?

M: _______________________?

W: Yes, smoking or non-smoking?

M: Non-smoking. W: _______________. M: Thanks.

Q: What is the woman doing?

(A) She's eating at the restaurant.

(B) She's buying tables. (C) She's leading the

customers to the table.



Page 15: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

zero [‘zIro] , one [’wVn] , two [tu] , three [8ri] , four [for] , five [f1v] , six [sIks] seven ['sWvEn] eight [et] nine [n1n]

My seat number is (複試座位號碼 ) , and my test/ registration number is ( 初試准考證號碼 ) .

站起來站起來把它放下小心 =



電話壞了 !

(公用 ) 付費電話

別掛我的電話 !




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Page 17: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

朗讀句子練習1. I don’t drink coffee.2. How much does this book cost?3. Peter lives on the fifth floor of an apartment building.4. Thanks for carrying my mother’s baggage for her.5. The library closes at 5:30 on Saturday.6. Call 2373-6844 to order this wonderful machine!7. Could you bring me a glass of juice?8. That’s the smallest TV I’ve ever seen!9. Paul is two inches taller than his father.10. When will they start building the new station?11. Please give me a call as soon as possible at 2338-4496.


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The working week = the weekdays (平日)Monday['mVnd






Mon Tue Wed Thu FriThe weekend (週末)Saturday['sAt2de]星期六 Sat

Sunday['sVnde]星期天 Sun




要不要和我一起去划船 ?


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Page 21: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Christmas is in December.











Jan Feb Mar Apr May JunJuly[Gu'l1











Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

你的生日是何時 ? 在十二月十八日





Page 22: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

It tastes stale! 全文


Page 23: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


我喜歡爵士因為它很美。我喜歡爵士因為它很美。 (( 或者或者 ))我喜歡古典音樂因為它使我感我喜歡古典音樂因為它使我感到快樂。到快樂。


我們不應該在教室我們不應該在教室 ,, 車上車上 ,, 地鐵上地鐵上 ,, 或圖書管裡面吃東西。或圖書管裡面吃東西。

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音標Ben’s Lunch




Page 25: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) Six more games. (B) Three more games. (C) Four more games. (D) Five more games.




W: ? M: We need to fight the Giants and the Bulls on Saturday and

Sunday. . In the finals we only have two more games to go.

Page 26: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Do you exercise regularly? Why or why not?Do you exercise regularly? Why or why not?

是的 ,我有。我認為運動對我來說很重要 ,如此一來 ,我可以保持身材和感到健康 , 所以我儘量一個禮拜三次到離我家近的一個游泳池去游泳。


我沒有。我想要多運動 ,但是 ,我通常很忙碌。我和我的同學一個月會去健行一兩次。





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Page 28: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

黑板 音標

當我當我 1313 歲時我上國中歲時我上國中

我們經常在圖書館我們經常在圖書館 ,, 戲院戲院 ,, 博物館和音樂廳裡保持安靜。博物館和音樂廳裡保持安靜。

如果在我洗澡時有地震的話如果在我洗澡時有地震的話 ,, 我會抓一條毛巾我會抓一條毛巾 ,, 小心地從浴室出小心地從浴室出來來 ,, 站在走道或者找我的家人。站在走道或者找我的家人。

Page 29: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: I'm going to the bookstore. Do you want me to bring you anything?

W: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. If you could also get me some invitation cards for my party next week, it would be great.

(A) Time magazine. (B) A novel by Janet Jones. (C) Some birthday cards. (D) Fortune magazine.




Page 30: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Kim Lee, 19 years old, comes from Seoul, South Korea. Kim loves traveling and hopes to visit Great Britain in the future. He would like a pen pal who is interested in discussing the differences between life in Europe and life in Asia. He loves listening to pop music and playing football in his free time.




It‘s great to see you! How are Cindy and the kids? Have they started back to school yet? You’re right, we haven‘t seen each other for quite a while. That’s partly because I went down to Taichung( 台中 ) for a few months this spring; my mother had to have an operation. Another reason I haven‘t been arund much is that we’ve moved out to Nei-hu( 內湖 ). You‘ll have to come out and see us sometime. Well, I’d better be going. Take care of yourself!


Page 31: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: _____________________________________. W: ________________________________________________ _____________.Q: What is the woman's problem?(A) She forgot her passport. (B) She forgot her boarding pass. (C) She felt nervous. (D) She forgot to take her medicine.

M: ______________________________________. W: ____________________________________________.

(A) People laughed at him. (B) People made fun of him. (C) People played jokes on him. (D) People ignored him.




Page 32: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

I am writing to you to say how much I love your program. I never miss it. It’s the most wonderful program that has ever been put on TV. Nearly all of my classmates watch it, and as for the people who don’t like it, I can’t see what there is to complain about. Most of the actors are outstanding. I think you should make it a long-running series. 朗讀練習


我住在新竹四平路我住在新竹四平路 127127 巷巷 2525 號號 ,, 第五棟樓第五棟樓 ,, 公寓號碼公寓號碼 7A7A 。。

我最愛的飲料是室溫白開水我最愛的飲料是室溫白開水 ,, 因為它對我來說是清涼提神的因為它對我來說是清涼提神的 ,, 而而且不含糖份且不含糖份 ,, 所以不會傷害我的牙齒。所以不會傷害我的牙齒。

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What’s your favorite season? Why? What’s your favorite season? Why?

你能游幾圈 ?

我最愛的季節是夏天。我不喜歡冷的天氣 ,還有 ,我愛游泳和與我的朋友玩運動 , 所以夏天對我是最好的時候。




這兒雨季何時開始 ?


Page 35: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. 1/13/93B. 12/3/39C. 11/13/92

A. 10/3/82B. 3/10/28 C. 8/20/83

A. 3/21/96B. 5/12/69C. 7/31/59 end

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不須說出年份 ,但是如果問題是What’s your date of birth? 或 When were you born?則回答除月、日外 ,也應說出出生年。請練習下列的說法:

1月 2日2月 14日

5月 20日

8月 15日9月 28日1987 年 10月 31日2006 年 12月 25日


6月 12日4月 4日



Page 37: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: If you want to sell something to us. You shouldn't be talking to me. ________________________________________.

M: ___________________________________________? Q: Why does the man want to have Norman's extension number?

(A) Because the woman told him Norman is interested in his product.

(B) Because the woman told him Norman is the person who makes the final decisions.

(C) Because the woman told him Norman likes talking on the phone.

(D) Because the woman doesn't want to speak to Norman. 單句聽力



Page 38: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

我會繼續洗澡我會繼續洗澡 ,, 而且當我洗完後才走出來。而且當我洗完後才走出來。 (( 或或 ))我會我會大聲吼叫我的室友大聲吼叫我的室友 ,, 因為那意味著他不小心把燈關掉因為那意味著他不小心把燈關掉了。了。

在下午我感到精力比較充沛。在早晨我感到很累因為我在下午我感到精力比較充沛。在早晨我感到很累因為我通常在晚上睡得不夠通常在晚上睡得不夠 ,, 而在晚上而在晚上 ,, 在一整天的學習和晚在一整天的學習和晚上又要去補習班上課之後我覺得精疲力竭。上又要去補習班上課之後我覺得精疲力竭。

Page 39: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: Did you hear the horrible news? M: What news? W: ________________________________________________

____________. M: Oh, no. How did it happen? W: ________________________________________________

_____________________. Q: What happened to Jack?(A) He was late for work. (B) He was hit by a motorcycle on his way home. (C) He had an accident and is having an operation now. (D) He drove too fast and hit someone.





Page 40: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

“be wearing” 用在進行時態時是指在特定時段內所穿的衣服 ,若用現在簡單式回答則表示平時的穿衣習慣。請練習下列的說法:

我不穿迷你裙我慢跑時穿 T恤和短褲

請注意聽 問答練習我穿著一件毛線衣 ,一條裙子和運動鞋

我穿著一件皮夾克 ,藍色牛仔褲和棕色鞋子

你不喜歡穿甚麼衣服 ?

我將要去我同學 Ann 的家。我們將為了下禮拜的考試一起唸書。


Page 41: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) Nature called you? I didn't hear your phone ring. (B) Let's call a spade a spade. (C) Hold it. We will get to the restaurant in a minute. (D) You should not talk on your cell phone when you drive.

(A) I think our boss is going to blame us. (B) I don't think he is a failure. (C) A bad tool man always blames his tools. (D) It's all my fault. Please accept my apology.

(A) On the first day, we have three subjects. (B) Math is on the second day. (C) We have to review from lesson three to lesson five. (D) Math is my favorite subject.





Page 42: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


有些人認為玩線上遊戲會傷你的眼睛或者浪費你的時間有些人認為玩線上遊戲會傷你的眼睛或者浪費你的時間 ,, 尤其是尤其是當你可以唸書或者和家人共度時光。我覺得線上遊戲是還好如果當你可以唸書或者和家人共度時光。我覺得線上遊戲是還好如果你不要太常玩它。你不要太常玩它。

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Page 44: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

6. Do you like to play basketball? Why or why not?6. Do you like to play basketball? Why or why not?

7. What’s the weather like in your hometown?7. What’s the weather like in your hometown?

5. Who is the singer you like the best? Why?5. Who is the singer you like the best? Why? 請注意聽



瑪丹娜是我最喜愛的歌手因為她的聲音甜美 ,而且她看起來也很漂亮

是的 ,我喜歡 ,打籃球很有趣 ,而且可能使我長高

在夏天很熱 ,濕度又高 ,而在冬天溫暖又多雨

Page 45: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A: ______________________________________________ ________. B: I hadn't noticed. What changes were made? A: ________________________________________. B: ________________________________? A: I heard that he was called away at the last moment. B: I wonder where he was called away to?


When Mary woke up this morning, she looked at the clock. What a shock! It was 8:00, and she was late! She put on her clothes quickly and ran all the way to school. But when she got there, the gate was closed. Then she remembered. Today was Sunday!





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因為它們大部分是油炸的和多脂肪的。他們有許多卡路里但卻缺因為它們大部分是油炸的和多脂肪的。他們有許多卡路里但卻缺少營養。少營養。 (( 或或 ) ) 我還蠻喜歡到像麥當勞之類的快餐地方我還蠻喜歡到像麥當勞之類的快餐地方 ,, 它的服它的服務快速務快速 ,, 而它的地方也乾淨和方便。我覺得它的味道還不錯。而它的地方也乾淨和方便。我覺得它的味道還不錯。

我通常不容易累我通常不容易累 ,, 但是如果我真感到累的話無論我正在做但是如果我真感到累的話無論我正在做甚麼我都會休息幾分鐘。如果我去散步甚麼我都會休息幾分鐘。如果我去散步 ,, 喝些果汁或聽一喝些果汁或聽一下音樂下音樂 ,, 我會感到更清醒我會感到更清醒 ,, 然後我就能夠回到我剛剛做的然後我就能夠回到我剛剛做的東西。東西。

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是的是的 ,, 我確實很容易生氣。當我生氣時我確實很容易生氣。當我生氣時 ,, 我會撕紙張或唱一我會撕紙張或唱一些歌。那會使我覺得好一些。些歌。那會使我覺得好一些。 (( 或或 )) 不不 ,, 我不容易生氣我不容易生氣 ,, 但但是我想要冷靜下來的最好方法是深呼吸幾次是我想要冷靜下來的最好方法是深呼吸幾次 ,, 然後你會覺得然後你會覺得好一些好一些

這個月我開始學習溜直排輪。我在生日時得到新的直排輪。這個月我開始學習溜直排輪。我在生日時得到新的直排輪。一位老師一直在教我如何站在直排輪上以改善我的平衡感。一位老師一直在教我如何站在直排輪上以改善我的平衡感。我每個週末在公園練習我每個週末在公園練習 ,, 並且我希望在幾個禮拜之後變得很並且我希望在幾個禮拜之後變得很行行

Page 50: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A: I see you have new faces in your department. B: ____________________________________________. A: Tell me about their abilities. B: ______________________________________________

__________________. A: They excel at computing. That will improve performance.





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Do you like to take the train? Why or why not? Do you like to take the train? Why or why not?


不 ,我不喜歡搭火車。它經常擁擠 ,因此很難找到座位 ,並且它常晚到 , 所以對我並不方便好玩。


是的 ,我喜歡搭火車。我可以放輕鬆而且看窗戶外面 ,還有我不需要擔心交通堵塞或者危險的駕駛員 , 所以它最適合我。

到達時間 : 出發時間 :

我喜歡坐火車旅行而不是坐汽車 快又安全

Page 52: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Randall: Hello. Today I'm interviewing Joshua on his ________________________________. Now Joshua,

what time do you go to school?Joshua: Eight O'clock. Randall: Eight O'clock. And do you go by yourself, or on a scho

ol bus?Joshua: No, ___________________________.Randall: So you go with a group?Joshua: Uh-huh.Randall: Now what kinds of things do you take to school?Joshua: I take my taiso fuku, that is ___________, and I take _

______________________ [ Oh, okay. ] and ____________.

Randall: Okay and what is the first thing you do when you get to school?

Joshua: We do "kiritsu, rei."

A Day at School 聽力對話

Page 53: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Randall: You eat in your classroom! [ Yeah. ]. Oh wow. That is very interesting. Now what time do you come home from school?

Joshua: We come home sometimes at 3:00 and sometimes at 2:00.

Randall: Okay, well thank you very much Joshua.Joshua: You're welcome.

Randall: "Kiritsu" and "rei." Now what are those?Joshua: It means “_____________."Randall: Stand up and bow. And what do you study at schoo

l?Joshua: We study kokugo, that is writing and reading and stu

ff like that [ Okay ], and sansu, that's math. [ Okay. ]. And, let's see . . . , ______________.

Randall: Okay, and where do you eat lunch? Do you have a _________________ ?Joshua: No, we eat in our classroom.



Page 54: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

是的是的 ,, 我去看了一部叫全民公敵的電影。我想那是一部我去看了一部叫全民公敵的電影。我想那是一部好電影好電影 ,, 而且蠻有趣的。電影之後而且蠻有趣的。電影之後 ,, 我去一個夜市我去一個夜市 ,, 那那也是相當有趣。也是相當有趣。 (( 或或 ) ) 昨晚我和朋友們去迪斯可舞廳。昨晚我和朋友們去迪斯可舞廳。那裡的音樂很棒那裡的音樂很棒 ,, 而且那裡的人也很酷。我們都玩得很而且那裡的人也很酷。我們都玩得很盡興。盡興。

Page 55: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) You can go to www.amazon.com. They have plenty of books to be ordered via the Internet.

(B) You can get the ticket to the book fair from the Kingstone bookstore.

(C) I saw it at the Barns & Nobel. You can ask their front desk people.

(D) I know some tourist agencies do offer this service at their websites.

(A) We grew up in Tainan. (B) My best friend used to live in my neighborhood. (C) We just stayed at home and watched TV. (D) I went downstairs to fetch the newspaper.

Page 56: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

What do you like to do in your free time?What do you like to do in your free time?

在我空閒時 ,我喜歡和我的朋友玩線上電腦遊戲。我也喜歡聽流行音樂和在週末上街去櫥窗購物

在我空閒時 ,我經常上網並且透過 ICQ 和來自其他國家的人聊天。我有時也會去麥當勞和我的朋友見面聊天。


Do you usually shop on the Internet? Why or why not?Do you usually shop on the Internet? Why or why not?

不 ,我不再網上購物。我才 15歲 ,而且我沒有信用卡 , 所以對我而言是不可能在線上買任何東西 ,但是我會看我所喜歡物品的照片。

Page 57: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


黑板如果我看到我喜歡的東西價格便宜的話 ,我偶而也會在網上購物。我喜歡 eBay 和 Yahoo因為它們的東西比我在百貨公司看到的便宜。

Who in your family does the dishes most of the time? Why? Who in your family does the dishes most of the time? Why?

大部分時候我母親喜飯碗。我父親自己作生意 ,常常晚上 10點才回家 ,而我姊姊和我放學後必須唸書 , 所以家事都是由我媽做。

在我家 ,總是由我哥和我在晚餐後洗碗筷。在午餐後和週末時由我媽自己或和我爸一起洗碗筷。


Page 58: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Your neighbor, Peter, is going to the 7-11. Ask him to buy Your neighbor, Peter, is going to the 7-11. Ask him to buy some things for you.some things for you.



噢 ,彼得 ,如果你正要去 7-11, 能否幫我買一罐可樂 ,一包馬鈴薯片和一份報紙 ?你回來我就付錢給你 ,謝謝!

彼得 ,當你在 7-11 時介不介意幫我買一個蘋果奶茶和一支冰淇淋棒 ?對了 ,我也需要一張 300 元的手機預付卡。這裡是一張 500 元的鈔票。非常謝謝!


Page 59: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: You don't look so good today ! What's wrong? M: Well...__________________. W: I'm sorry to hear that. M: Thanks. Anyway, I have to start all over. W: Well, you're not alone. _________________.

Q: Why is the man unhappy? (A) He didn't do well in the final

exam. (B) He didn't know what to do. (C) He couldn't start all over.


Mary: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. Shelly: It's OK. Mary: ______________ ________. Shelly: Don't be silly. Mary: I'm serious. Shelly: All right. __________________. Mary: It's a deal!



Page 60: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

I'm sure you'll pull through after a few days.

I feel like I'm knocking at death's door at the moment.

Don't bluff me with some fake gossip.

I double dare you.

善意 /惡意的謊言我輕輕鬆鬆就通過了初試

打響知名度 /提升曝光率

  Useful Expressions

點點英英 語語 滴滴



Page 61: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

I usually get up in the morning about 6:30, but that's only because I have to go to work. . I try to go to bed at around

, I get up at half past six in the , I get up at half past six in the morning because I start work at eight o'clock. On the morning because I start work at eight o'clock. On the weekends , so I wake up at about 9 or weekends , so I wake up at about 9 or 10, sometimes 11, depending on how tired I am. Usually I go 10, sometimes 11, depending on how tired I am. Usually I go to bed quite late, which isn't very good but maybe about to bed quite late, which isn't very good but maybe about midnight, sometimes later. It depends. I find it difficult to go midnight, sometimes later. It depends. I find it difficult to go to sleep early. (by Marion) to sleep early. (by Marion)

When do you get up and go to bed? (by Marion, Jeff, Akane)When do you get up and go to bed? (by Marion, Jeff, Akane)

I go to bed late and I try to get up early. I like to get up early but getting up is a difficult thing to do, so I try to go to bed early. I try to go to bed early, 11 o'clock, 11:30, before midnight, and I try to get up early, 6:30, 7, before 7:30, . (by Jeff)

Page 62: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

One thing that I would like to buy if I had enough money, or if I had enough money to buy something, I would buy an island, . You know some people like to buy houses. I want to have an island. (by Simon, Canada)

10 p.m. so that I can get enough rest to get up in the morning for work . (by Akane)

What would you like to buy? (by Jeanie, Simon)What would you like to buy? (by Jeanie, Simon)

One thing I really wish I had enough money to buy is actually a One thing I really wish I had enough money to buy is actually a new home for my mother, because she has done so much for new home for my mother, because she has done so much for me in life and I feel like I'd like to be able to do something really me in life and I feel like I'd like to be able to do something really special for her. , I'd special for her. , I'd like to have enough money just to be able to travel the world. like to have enough money just to be able to travel the world. (by Jeanie, United States)(by Jeanie, United States)


Page 63: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

[Phone ringing . . .]Bill: Hey, this is Bill. I'm sorry I'm not in. Just leave a

message. [Beep]Hey Bill. This is Hank. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll

be a little late to the game tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra hours at work to finish a report. __________________ sometime between seven and eight though. ____________________________

_____________ for about an hour since she's been sick recently. And, uh, one more thing. ___________________________________________. See you then.

Answering Machine



Page 64: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

I prefer cats. .______________________________________. You give them attention, and they're happy. I used to have a cat and I was quite happy with it.

Are you good at saving money? (by Martin & Simon)Are you good at saving money? (by Martin & Simon)

_________________________________________, or I spend _________________________________________, or I spend it on something that I probably don't need. But it's too bad, it on something that I probably don't need. But it's too bad, because I really need to learn how to save money better, because I really need to learn how to save money better, . .



God no! I'm not good at saving money. I think I usually spend money faster than I can make it. I don't save. . ______________________________________________________________, things like that: food, restaurants. I can't save money. I spend money.

Do you prefer cats or dogs? (by Alan, Eucharia, Tress and Jim)Do you prefer cats or dogs? (by Alan, Eucharia, Tress and Jim)


(by Martin / United States)(by Martin / United States)

(by Simon, Canada)

(by Alan, Canada)

Page 65: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

I think I would prefer a dog over a cat and the reason being, . On the other hand, dogs have personality. Cats seem to be a bit smarter at times, more like humans but I think a dog is a lot more fun to be around, .

I think cats are better pet than dogs . _______________________________________________. , so um, also they don't require as much training as dogs so they're a much nicer pet, I think.

I prefer dogs to cats . I think cats are a little bit selfish, but I have to say I've never had either. .

(by Eucharia, Ireland)

(by Tress, United States)(Jim, Eng.)


Page 66: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Page 67: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Do you enjoy shopping? (by Jeanie and Alan)Do you enjoy shopping? (by Jeanie and Alan)

I really don't like shopping. . ___________________________________________________________because it always catches my attention, and then , so yes, shopping is definitely not a thing I like to do very often.



I really don't go shopping unless I have to as far as when I buy clothes or things that I need for the house. If I need them, I will go out and buy them, _____________________________________________________________________. . I enjoy that. Everyone has to food shop at least once a week, so I enjoy shopping for food more than I do shopping for other things.


(by Jeanie / United States)

(by Alan, Canada)

Page 68: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Louise: How often do you eat out, Shelly?

Shelly: Well, very often. I eat out almost five times a week.

Louise: Wow, _____________.

Shelly: Don't envy me. It's for business. In fact, _______

_____________________. Sometimes I just want a




Page 69: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

____________________________________________________________________, like on a beach, lying in the sun, just really relaxing, _________________________________________ like skiing, snowboarding, skydiving.

An ideal day I suppose would be to wake up really really late in the morning, maybe around 10 or 11am, and then have a late breakfast in bed and then maybe go out again for a late lunch with friends.

What would an ideal day off be for you?What would an ideal day off be for you?黑板


________________________________________. You know one question people ask sometimes is, “____________________________________?" I am definitely a beach person, so if I had the day off, I'd love to go to the beach and _______________________________________________________________. That's just my ideal day anytime.


(Akane, Canada)

(Mark, United States)

(Jeanie, United States)

Page 70: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)







bottom ['batEm]底部 ,villa ['vIlE] 郊外 /海濱等的別墅






Page 71: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Page 72: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Jim / Jerry / Jordan Listen




Page 73: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

我寧願聽中文光碟。西方音樂通常比較吵我寧願聽中文光碟。西方音樂通常比較吵 ,, 而且歌星唱得快到我而且歌星唱得快到我無法很了解字的意思。聽中文歌手比較使人放輕鬆。無法很了解字的意思。聽中文歌手比較使人放輕鬆。

我寧願看西方電影因為我覺得西方演員演得比東方演員好。我寧願看西方電影因為我覺得西方演員演得比東方演員好。(( 或或 ) ) 我比較喜歡看中國古裝功夫片我比較喜歡看中國古裝功夫片 ,, 像是“臥虎藏龍”。它們像是“臥虎藏龍”。它們很刺激很玄很刺激很玄

Page 74: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)



walk a dog on a leashHe leashed his anger and did not say a harsh word.


Page 75: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)



Page 76: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)



Page 77: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Susan: Last night I made 63 _________________________ for my boyfriend!

Trevor: Why did you make so many? I just went to the store and bought my girlfriend a box of chocolates; ______

___!Susan: Well, we've been dating for 63 days and I thought it

was a sweet idea.Trevor: _________________! Susan: I'm also making a handmade Valentine ___________ ______________.Trevor: You sure are handy. I've arranged a couple of __________________________________________.Susan: Wow, is that going to be expensive?Trevor: Not really. I have a few friends who play in the

orchestra. They've agreed to play _______________ ____, it would take a lot to hire professionals.

A Perfect Valentine's Day

Page 78: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Susan: __________________________________________ ______________.Trevor: Thanks. But I'm glad it only happens once a year. end


Page 79: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Page 80: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. It’s close to the subway station.B. There’s a bus stop near here.C. Usually at 5, except for Monday.D. It’s open every day.

A. I’ll move to the front seat.B. Maybe I should jog more often.C. I’m sorry. I’ll turn it in tomorrow.D. I’ll do it on my way home.

A. Her job is tough. B. I like her, too.C. She is ill today. D. Neither do I.


Page 81: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)



Page 82: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) I never work outside the office with Jean. (B) Sometimes I go to Jean's place to talk about things at

work. (C) I usually do some exercise there every Tuesday and

Thursday after work. (D) I started working at the gym last week.

(A) I know it's about to rain. That's why I take it with me. (B) It's going to rain. We really should not go out now. (C) I have to hurry back home to set my VCR. There is a

great movie tonight on HBO. (D) I don't have time to go to the gym. I am usually very tired

after work. 單句聽力

Page 83: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Page 84: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Page 85: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


A. We met last summer.B. We met at a Christmas party.C. My wife and I got married in May.

Listen & Choose

Page 86: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) Sorry, but we don't accept credit cards for payment. (B) All the credit should be yours because you are the one

who helped me with my schoolwork. (C) You need to finish courses of at least one hundred and

forty credits before you graduate. (D) When you graduate you should give credit to your

teachers for guiding you in the past two years.

(A) Great ! Let's start planning for it. (B) Oh, no ! Why can't we go there? (C) Excellent ! I know Mom is going to let us go. (D) See ? I told you Mom would like this idea. 單句


Page 87: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Listen & Choose

A. 12,414B. 14,214C. 12,441D. 14,020

A. 50,880B. 15,080C. 50,018D. 15,018

A. 70,190B. 70,090C. 17,019D. 17,900



Page 88: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Elaine / Erin / Irene Listen



Page 89: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


ck S



e S



w S


Listen & Choose the Right #



Page 90: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Q: Why is the girl late for school?(A) The bus was late. (B) The traffic was heavy. (C) She missed the bus.

M: What's wrong with you? You're late again! _______


W: Sorry for being late. M: Don't tell me you missed

the bus again! W: No, I was caught in traffic

this time.

M: I'm a little bit angry with my roommate, Kevin.

W: How come? M: He practices the violin

almost every day. W: Does he make a lot of

noise with his violin? M: Yes,

_________________. Q: Does Kevin play the violin well? (A) Yes, he doesn't. (B) No, he doesn't. (C) No, he does.



Page 91: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Roger: Hello.Ann: Hello Roger? This is Ann. Roger: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your

new apartment __________?Ann: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, I've

decided to look for a new place.Roger: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? I

thought you liked the apartment.Ann: Oh, I do, but it's a little far from campus, and ____

______________________. Do you think you could help? I thought you might know more about __________________ near the university.

Roger: Alright. So, what kind of place are you looking for?

Apartments for Rent聽力對話


Page 92: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Ann: Well, I'd like to share an apartment with one or two roommates within walking distance to school.

Roger: Okay, ___________________? I mean how much do you want to spend on rent?

Ann: Uh, somewhere under $200 a month, __________ ______________. Oh, and I'd prefer to rent a _________________.Roger: Hmm. And anything else?Ann: Yeah, I need a parking space.Roger: Well, ________________________________

around the corner that seems to have a few vacancies. I'll drop by there on my way to class today.

Ann: Hey, thanks a lot.Roger: No problem.



Page 93: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: _____________________________________________ _____?M: No, I missed it. Did you?W: Yeah. Last night’s program was about a new

transportation system called Maglev.M: Maglev? What’s that?W: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________.Q: Where did the woman learn about “Maglev”?

A. From a TV program. B. From a science magazine.C. From a lecture. D. From a friend in Germany.



Page 94: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) My English teacher's name is Brian. (B) I started to like English when I was 10. (C) The English class starts at 7 p.m. every Friday.


(A) He owned a bookstore. (B) His name is William. (C) A teacher.

(A) Yes, it's two blocks away from here. (B) Yes, you can go there by taxi. (C) Yes, it takes about ten minutes to get there.

(A) Two black teas, please. (B) No way! (C) You can say that again.



Page 95: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. Three people.B. That'll be all.C. No. We're not ready yet.



Page 96: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


Secretary: Hello, _________________. May I help you?Caller: Yes, this is Jack Kordell from Hunter's Office Sup

plies. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?Secretary: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.Caller: Okay, do you know when she'll be back?Secretary: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this after

noon maybe about 4:30. May I take a message?Caller: Yes. Ms. Strong _______________________ __

____________________________with a description of other software products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales service.

Secretary: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?

Business Communications


Page 97: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Caller: Yes, ___________________________________, and it won't be working until around 2:30. Hum . . . could you try sending that information around 3:30?

_________________________________________ before I call Ms. Strong, say, around 5:00.

Secretary: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax number, please?

Caller: Yes. _____________________________________. __________________________.Secretary: Okay. Jack Kordell. Is your name spelled C-o-r-d-

e-l? Caller: No. It's Kordell with a "K" and two "l's." K-o-r-d-e-l-l."Secretary: All right, Mr. Kordell. ______________________ _________________________________. All right.

I'll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon. Caller: Okay, bye. end

Page 98: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Karen, where did you go for your vacation?W: I went to Vancouver. ___________________________M: __________________________?W: The weather was beautiful. _________________M: Oh, ___________ ______________________ summer here in Taiwan.

A. Their weekly plans.B. Weather in summer.C. The woman's trip.

•可能出現的對話問答 :

Where did the woman go for her vacation?

How was the weather during the woman’s trip?

What did the man say about the summer in Taiwan?


Listen & Choose

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Page 100: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A: Yes, I liked it very much.

B: No, please leave me alone.

C: I have never met Harry Potter.

D: I don’t have any pots and pans.





pot luck partypot luck party

pan pipepan pipe pan-blue/green supporterspan-blue/green supporters


擠青春痘 擠青春痘

pots and panspots and pans



Page 101: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: Are you ready to order now?M: Yes, _______________________, and a salad.W: And what would you like to drink?M: I’ll have orange juice, and my friend would like coffee.

A: In a supermarket.B: In a restaurant.C: In a department store.

可能出現的其他題目對話問答 :

How many people ordered salmon?

What might be the woman’s job?

What drink did the man order for his friend?


Listen & Choose



Page 102: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. at a TV repair shop.B. at someone's house.C. at school.


Page 103: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Well, I think we have got all we need: _______________ ________________. Oh! I almost forgot about tomatoes

and eggs. W: Yes, and I don’t want to forget to buy some yogurt while

we’re here.

A: Eating sausages. B: Frying eggs.C: Shopping for food.

可能出現的題目對話問答 :

Where are the speakers?

What did the man almost forget to buy?

What is the woman going to buy?


捲心菜 / 高麗菜


空心菜Q: What are the speakers doing?




A. stewardess B. pilot C. passenger


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A. office B. bus station C. health club


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Page 106: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. at a movie theater.B. at a video rental store.C. at a concert hall.

A: Sounds great.B: I’d try my best.C: Here you go!

A. Coffee will be great.B. I’m glad you like them.C. She’s very sweet, too.

A. Next vacation.B. I enjoy it very much.C. About twice a month.


Where are they? Listen

A. at a post office.B. in a supermarket.C. on a farm.

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A. fax machine B. telephone C. copy machine

Where are they? Listen單句聽力

A. at a bowling alley.B. in a restaurant.C. at a bank.

Page 108: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. I’m just kidding.B. Wow! That’s delicious.C. Pretty good. And you?

A. Yeah! I can’t wait.B. Oops! I broke it.C. Mmm, I’ll think about it.

A.Just relax. I’ll do it for you.B.Really? What did he say?C.Looks like going to rain.


ListenA. fax machine B. telephone C. copy machine

Listen & Choose


Listen end

Page 109: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

"Hello Shoppers. We have a lost boy named Marshall who was found in the sporting goods section of our store, and he's looking for his mom. _________________________________________________________________________________________________. You can find him at the check-out counter at the main exit. Thank you."

A. spoiled B. clever C. easygoing

Listen & Choose

A. fire fighter B. police officer C. doctor

A. comical B. honest C. ungrateful

A. bigmouth B. depressing C. pushy

A. punctual B. bland C. skeptical

Store Announcement:

section (noun): areatan (adjective): a light brown


Page 110: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


A. talented B. brilliant C. inconsiderate


A. sloppy B. frank C. helpless Listen

A. childish B. nasty C. cultured


A. creative B. timid C. narrow-minded


A. forgetful B. ambitious C. disorganized Listen

A. church B. bank C. embassy


A. selfish B. interesting C. generous end

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Page 112: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)


M: ________________________________?W: Yes, it is. But it was quite cheap. I got it at the night

market last night.M: _________________________!

A. What they did last night.B. Prices at the night market.C. The woman’s new sweater.


M: I’m back from lunch. Any phone calls?W: Yes, Mr. Simons called. He wants you to call him back.M: Okay. _________________________?W: I’m almost finished. I’m typing the last one now.

A. A doctor and a patient.B. A boss and a secretary.C. A salesman and a customer. end

Page 113: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. My father is a man.B. He is smart, but humble.C. My parents are from Taichung.




Page 114: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: _________________________.W: __________________________________.M: _____________________________!W: Why don’t you go out by the back door?M: Because the driver might not open it!

A. On a city bus.B. In a department store.C. At a post office.


A. It will be raining.B. It will be cloudy.C. It will be sunny.

W: __________________________________?M: _____________________________________ ________, but the sun should come out on Sunday.W: Good, maybe I can go swimming then!


Page 115: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) Jane took my dictionary without asking. It's really rude of her.(B) It's six forty in the morning.(C) You can use mine. I won't mind.(D) I'm twenty years old.

A. Yes, it was very funny.

B. Yes, it was very frightening.

C. No, I laughed when I heard it.





Page 116: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Yeah, you have to be really careful in this area, ____________________________________. It's not so hard to get here. It's easy. Just take the freeway and be careful to follow the signs so that you can get off on the right exit. ________________________________________. I guess they made them like this because they didn't have ________________________. I don't like to drive at night because my eyesight isn't so good _______________________.


(A) Who should we call? (B) I can't find my cell phone. (C) O.K., you go ahead and make the call. (D) It's a good idea. Let's close it up.



Page 117: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Hi, I’m surprised to see you in the office today. I heard you had the flu.

W: Yes, I stayed home yesterday.M: __________________________________________?W: Maybe I do have a fever. _________________________ _________.

A. She’s sick. B. She’s surprised. C. She’s lonely.


W: Did you hear the news? I've been accepted by the University of California.

M: That's wonderful! Congratulations! When will you leave?W: In two weeks.M: _____________________________________________?W: _________________________________________.

A. In two weeks B. In three months C. In a few days

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Page 119: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: Honey, I'm back from grocery shopping. _________ ________________________________?M: Sure. __________________________. Let’s try some now.W: Okay. Did you go to pick up Johnny from school?M: Yes, ______________________________.

A. A husband and a wife.B. A boss and a secretary.C. A salesman and a customer.

可能出現的對話問答 :Where are the speakers?

What did the woman ask the man to do at the school?

Where is the kid right now?




Page 120: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. Joy is in Europe now.B. No, I wasn’t hurt. C. Yeah, I had a great time! D. I enjoyed talking to you.


(A) He is in the living room. (B) We went to a movie last night. (C) Your key is still in the keyhole. (D) It's broken. I threw it away.

(A) No, I don't like the grapes he sells. (B) O.K., let's open the window. It's really stuffy here. (C) Sorry, it's over my head. (D) The man is talking too much. I don't like him. end

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Page 122: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) I always shave in the morning so that I look clean and tidy the whole day.

(B) I bought it from the supermarket yesterday. It's a new brand on sale.

(C) You bet. It scares me to death to think of it again.

(D) My friends told me a beard doesn't fit my style. That's why I shaved.



Page 123: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: Oh, look! Here comes our bus 101!M: ________________________________________________W: Don’t worry. I still have some extra change. Hurry or we’ll miss the bus!

A. He doesn’t like to take the bus.B. The driver has lots of change.C. He has no change with him.

•可能出現的對話問答:What are the speakers doing?

Why did the woman tell the man not to worry?





Page 124: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

(A) How can you call such beautiful music noise? (B) I don't think concentrated juice is healthy. (C) I often go to concerts with Tina. (D) No! It will be too stuffy here.





Page 125: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Thanks a lot, Mary. I really enjoyed the party.W: What? Are you sure you want to go now?M: ______________________________________.

A. Leaving a party.B. Thanking Susan for a nice present.C. Going to visit a friend.

可能出現的題目對話試題 :Where are the speakers?

Why does the man want to leave early?




(A) Fish are both nutritious and delicious. (B) That's quite unusual for a high school student to cook. (C) Go ahead. We've got everything taken care of here. (D) I like fried fish, too. It tastes better than steamed fish.



Page 126: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

W: Hey, have you seen Dean today? M: He’s at home with the flu.W: Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.M: ________________________________________.

A. He is sick with flu.B. He flew a kite.C. He didn’t do it.

可能出現的對話問答 :Where is Dean today?

Where are the speakers?

How long will Dean stay at home?打點滴

A. Yes, I like cold drinks.B. Yes, you can join me.C. Yes, my eyes hurt a little.





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Page 128: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Wow! _____________________! Is it new?W: Yes, it is. I got it on sale yesterday at Sogo. It was 50% off.M: Half price?! ____________________.

A. It was expensive. B. It is too big for her. C. It was cheap.

可能出現的對話問答:How much did the overcoat cost?

Where did the woman buy the overcoat?

When did the woman buy the overcoat?




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Page 130: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Now you're talking!

The game ended in a tie.She was tied up with the housework all day.

A. He’s on the train.B. He has a day off.C. He’s trying on a tie.


Want to take a day off?



Page 131: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: So, how did you do on that English test?W: Great! I got an A+! I studied very hard for it. How about

you?M: Awful! _____________________________________.

Can you suggest any good ones?

A. The test was easy.B. He studied very hard.C. He needs to improve his English.

可能出現的對話問答What grade did the woman get?

Who are the speakers?

What does the man ask the woman to suggest?


Page 132: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: _____________________________________________ _____________!W: Thanks. Yes, I’m really looking forward to the sand and

the sun. The beaches are supposed to be great.M: _____________________________________________ _________________________________.W: Oh, I’ll get my work done. But I don’t plan to spend every

weekend in the library.

A. go to the beach often. B. Stay in the library on weekends. C. Write a lot of papers. D. Go swimming in her free time.



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W: Excuse me! I’m lost. Can you please tell me how to get to W: Excuse me! I’m lost. Can you please tell me how to get to the Sheraton Hotel?the Sheraton Hotel?

M: Certainly. Well, you’re walking in the right direction. Just, M: Certainly. Well, you’re walking in the right direction. Just, _________________________________ and then you’ll _________________________________ and then you’ll see it on your left.see it on your left.

W: Oh, that’s easy. Thanks a lot.W: Oh, that’s easy. Thanks a lot.

A: Continue straight ahead.A: Continue straight ahead.B: Turn left at next block.B: Turn left at next block.C: Walk in another direction.C: Walk in another direction.

What is the woman’s problem?What is the woman’s problem?

Where does the woman want to go?Where does the woman want to go?

What is the relationship of the What is the relationship of the speakers?speakers?


Page 134: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. I tried but no one was home.B. No, Terry hasn’t called yet.C. I took a message and left it on the table.D. Yes, he called at about 9:00.

A. But five-thirty is too early for me.B. I know. I wonder where he is.C. But you were there on time.D. Jack didn’t tell me what time to be here.

A. You should see those mountains in the fall.B. Yeah. It’s nice, but it’s not new.C. It’s not that far. We could walk there. D. Do you want to have a look.


Page 135: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

Vegetable juice does not raise insulin levels like fruit juice. The only exception to this would be carrot or beet juice which function similarly to fruit juice. Nevertheless, fruit juicing is certainly better for you and your children than drinking soda, which is a very bad idea.

A. So, you’re an international company.B. I’ll have Italian, please. C. Oh? I didn’t know Italy has so many islands.D. She’s wearing a blue dress.



Page 136: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

A. Yes, you may be excused.B. Yes, there’s one on Park Road.C. Yes, they are my neighbors.D. Yes, they are doing the laundry.

A. Yes, I'll give him a tour of the school.B. No, I want to be a history major.C.No, I went to college in the U.S.D.Yes, most of my friends went to




Page 137: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Can I see your license, please?W: ____________________M: No. _________________________W: ____________________________M: Then, you should put it on your head, not in the bag.W: But I just got my hair done. Please, don’t give me a

ticket, officer.M: Sorry.

A. a policeman B. a hair stylist C. a teacher D. a ticket agent.



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Buildings and Landmarks 問題


Page 139: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

1. What is the woman's most likely occupation?A. Hotel clerk B. Park ranger C. Museum guide D. Baseball


5. What time does the man leave? A. 1:00 B. 2:00 C. 3:00 D. 4:00

2. What is the weather like?A. It’s clear. B. It’s rainy. C. It’s windy. D. It’s overcast.

3. What does the man decide to visit?A. A gym B. A farm C. A stadium D. A museum

4. What is the "E1"?A. an elevated train B. an elevator C. an airplane D. a historic building



Page 140: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

M: Don’t forget our presentation is tomorrow morning.W: At 10, right?M: Yes. But we have to be there at least half an hour early

to ____________________ and set up the projector.W: ________________________. I seldom sleep past 7

a.m., unlike some people who sleep till noon.M: ________________?W: There’re only two of us here, right?

A. The man is mean to her.B. The man has problems getting up early.C. She hopes nobody can overhear them.D. She wishes more people could go.



Page 141: 聽力&口說&考題(初&中&中高級)(part 1)(學生版)

覆水難收Joyce is stomping and walking around her cubicle.


You’re quite a dresser.你真的是我的靠山健身器材我最後鼓起勇氣跟他說實話

What a good pointer!

  Useful Expressions

激激腦腦 力力 盪盪



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The End結 束

Thank you very much.謝 謝 大 家

巫明鑫 老師 ( 新竹教育大學 )電話 :03-5969021 , 0982-245-860網址 :http://www.esnips.com/web/edwardwuEMAIL:[email protected]

Never Give Up!!!