7/17/2019 Part 1 of Te's Forms Book http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/part-1-of-tes-forms-book 1/25 PLEADINGS, PETITIONS, MOTIONS AND OTHER JUDICIAL AND LEGAL FORMS (Revised 2007) 1 THEODORE O. TE 2 Intended for Exclusive Use of the University of the Philippines College of Law Bar Examination Candidates for 200! the Law Interns of U"P" #$ce of Legal %id &UP'#L%(! and the students in the author)s classes" %ny other use! without permission of the author! is prohi*ited and all legal rights are reserved" 1  These forms were first published in 1! for use in the "# $%w &%r Ops for th%t 'e%r. 2  ssist%nt #rofessor %nd Diretor* "niversit' of the #hilippines Offie of $e+%l id, $l.&.* ".#. (10), -r%teful %nowled+ement is +iven to /eli %rie . -uerrero* $l.&. ".#. (200!* epeted) for inv%lu%ble %ssist%ne in re3 form%ttin+* proofre%din+ %nd upd%tin+ of le+%l referenes.

Part 1 of Te's Forms Book

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Part 1 of Te's Forms Book

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Intended for Exclusive Use of the University of the Philippines College of Law BarExamination Candidates for 200! the Law Interns of U"P" #$ce of Legal %id &UP'#L%(! and

the students in the author)s classes"

%ny other use! without permission of the author! is prohi*ited and all legal rights arereserved"

1 These forms were first published in 1! for use in the "# $%w &%r Ops for th%t 'e%r.2 ssist%nt #rofessor %nd Diretor* "niversit' of the #hilippines Offie of $e+%l id, $l.&.* ".#. (10), -r%teful

%nowled+ement is +iven to /eli %rie . -uerrero* $l.&. ".#. (200!* epeted) for inv%lu%ble %ssist%ne in re3form%ttin+* proofre%din+ %nd upd%tin+ of le+%l referenes.

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 +a*le of Contents ii#n ,riting! Legally vI" C#--#. /#-1

%" Caption and +itle B" Prayer C" 3urat 4" 5eri6cation 2E" Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping 2/" Com*ined 5eri6cation and Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping 27" Com*ined 5eri6cation! Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping! and

1tatement of -aterial 4ates 89" e:uest for and .otice of 9earing 8I" Proof of Personal 1ervice 8

 3" Proof of service *y registered mail &with Explanation for failure toserve personally( ;

<" Place! date! signature! address! oll num*er! IBP receipt num*er!P+ num*er ;

L" %c=nowledgement >-" .otice of %ppeal >

II" PLE%4I.71 %.4 #+9E LE7%L 4#CU-E.+1 I. CI5IL P#CE4UE%" Complaint &and other initiatory pleadings(

" Complaint for e?ectment with damages @2" Complaint for sum of money 8" Complaint for eplevin A;" Complaint to set period of years for lease

B" %nswer with a$rmative defenses and counterclaims" %nswer with compulsory counterclaim 02" %nswer with counterclaim and cross'claim 2

C" Pre'trial Brief 84" -otions

" -otion to 4ismiss &with e:uest for and .otice of 9earing( >2" -otion for leave of court to 6le pleading &with explanation for

service *y registered mail( @8" -otion for 3udgment on the Pleadings ;" Ex parte motion to set for trial A>" -otion for postponement @" -otion for extension of time 20

" -otion to declare defendant in default 2A" -otion to lift order in default 22

E" 1pecial Civil %ctions1. Certiorari (with Injunction and/or TRO) !rohi"ition and


a" Certiorari 28*" Prohi*ition 2;


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c" -andamus 2>2" uo warranto! Interpleader! uieting of +itle! and 4eclaratory

elief a" Complaint in Interpleader 2@*" %ction to uiet &or emove Cloud on( +itle 2c" %ction for 4eclaratory elief 2Ad" uo ,arranto 2

III" PLE%4I.71 %.4 #+9E LE7%L /#-1 I. CI-I.%L P#CE4UE%" Complaint'%$davit and Counter'%$davit

" Complaint'%$davit 802" Counter'%$davit 8

B" Information and Complaint" Information &with Certi6cate of Preliminary Investigation or

In:uest(a" Bigamy 88*" +heft 8;

c" %ttempted ape 8>d" /rustrated -urder 8@

C" -otions" -otion to uash Information 82" -otion to uash 1earch ,arrant 8A8" -otion to 1uppress Evidence 8;" -otion for Bail ;0

4" %pplication for Bail ;

I5" PLE%4I.71 %.4 #+9E LE7%L 4#CU-E.+1 C#--#. +# CI5IL %.4CI-I.%L P#CE4UE%" #Der of Evidence and #ppositionComment to #Der

" /ormal #Der of Evidence ;22" Comment#pposition to #Der ;8

B" 4emurrer to the Evidence" Criminal cases ;;2" Civil cases ;>

C" .otice of Lis Pendens ;@4" %ppearance as Counsel ;E" ,ithdrawal as Counsel

" ,ithdrawal with conformity of client ;A2" ,ithdrawal without conformity of client ;A

/" 1u*stitution of Counsel ;

7" .otice of %ppeal ;

5" PLE%4I.71 %.4 LE7%L 4#CU-E.+1 #. 4#-E1+IC C%1E1 %.41PECI%L P#CEE4I.71%" Petition for 9a*eas Corpus >0B" Petition for %doption >C" Petition for 4eclaration of .ullity of -arriage with %pplication for >2


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Provisional #rders4" Petition for Pro*ate of 9olographic ,ill >;

5I" 4EE41! C#.+%C+1 %.4 #+9E C#P#%+E LE7%L 4#CU-E.+1%" 1pecial Power of %ttorney >>B" 7eneral Power of %ttorney >>C" Contract of Lease >@4" 9olographic ,ill >E" .otarial ,ill >/" %ttestation Clause for a .otarial ,ill >A7" %c=nowledgement of a .otarial ,ill >A9" 4onation Inter 5ivos >I" %c=nowledgment of .ominee 1tatus with %ssignment of 1hares @0

 3" 1ecretary)s Certi6cate @<" Board esolutions

" %uthority to %ct @2" Increase in num*er of directors and necessary amendment to the

%rticles of Incorporation @L" 4eed of %ssignment @2-" 4eed of 1ale of egistered Land &unilateral( @8." 4eed of 1ale of Unregistered Land &unilateral( @;#" 4eed of 1ale with Pacto de etro &*ilateral( @>P" 4eed of epurchase of land sold under Pacto de etro @@" 4eed of 1ale with -ortgage @" 4acion en Pago &4eed of %ssignment of eal Estate in payment of

de*t( @A1" Chattel -ortgage @

5II" %PPE%L1 %.4 #+9E E1#+1 +# %PPELL%+E C#U+1 I. CI-I.%L%.4 CI5IL P#CE4UE%" #rdinary %ppeals

" in civil cases 0a" from -+C &in original ?urisdiction( to +C &in appellate

 ?urisdiction( 0*" from +C &in original ?urisdiction( to C% 0

2" in criminal casesa" from -+C &as trial court( to +C &in appellate ?urisdiction( 0*" from +C &as trial court( to C% 0c" from +C &as trial court( to 1C 0

B" Petitions for eview

1. from +C &as appellate court( or from :uasi'?udicial agencies toC%

2" from +C &on pure :uestions of law( or C% &in appellate ?urisdiction( to 1C


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“Therefore, its name was called Babel, becausethere the Lord confused the language of all theearth.”  – Genesis, 11:9, ESV

4f brevit' is the soul of wit* wh%t now is to beome of l%w'ers (%nd l%w students) whowould nonh%l%ntl' write % 1003p%+e doument %nd d%re %ll it % 5&rief6

The tr%dition%l notion of le+%l writin+ is th%t it is % ompetition to put to+ether %s m%n'four to five3s'll%ble words in % one3p%r%+r%ph sentene. The l%n+u%+e of the l%w m'stifies %nd

with this omes the power of the l%w'er. The more obsure %nd obtuse the l%n+u%+e* the +re%ter 

the need for % l%w'er.

Histor' h%s +iven us m%n' l%n+u%+e h%ndi%ps %nd obst%les to l%rit' %nd preision.

Throu+hout four 'e%rs of l%w shool* the l%w student* who eventu%ll' beomes % l%w'er* istr%ined to thin in %rh%i words %nd phr%ses8le+%lese8whih %ppe%r to h%ve le+%l si+nifi%ne

 but is %tu%ll' too impreise to help %n'one underst%nd wh%t is +oin+ on. nd to %dd to the b%belish situ%tion* there %re hundreds of words in % de%d l%n+u%+e8$%tin8th%t h%ve little

relev%ne to the ontempor%r' world.

There is % se% h%n+e* however* +oin+ on in le+%l writin+. ore %nd more* ple%ders %re

%sed to be le%r %nd onise* preise not ped%nti. 9h' w%ste five words when three will do:

&ut h%n+e* %s %lw%'s* is diffiult %nd p%inful. ;et* it is %n essenti%l response to tod%'<s evolvin+

le+%l profession. 4ndeed* when the most ommon me%ns now of ommuni%tin+ is tet* with its

own subulture %nd lin+o* there must be % re3e%min%tion of the %rh%i m%nner b' whih le+%lwritin+ presents itself.

9h%t this short introdution to the %omp%n'in+ h%ndboo of  Pleadings, Petitions, Motions and Other Legal and Judicial Forms sees to do is to put forth the need to write le%rl'%nd onisel'* preisel' but not ped%nti%ll'.

9hen % =ud+e<s %ttention sp%n is short %nd his b%lo+ of re%din+ is lon+* the need towrite onisel'* le%rl'* preisel' but not ped%nti%ll' beomes %bsolutel' le%r.

9ritin+ onisel' %nd not ped%nti%ll'* however* does not me%n th%t the le+%l writer ou+ht to ut orners when it omes to subst%ne %s well %s form, the onl' thin+ th%t th%t

+u%r%ntees is % b%leful st%re %nd % rude dismiss%l from the =ud+e. >ot onl' must the writer now

the %r+uments %nd the b%ses for his %r+uments* but she must %lso re%lie th%t these %r+uments

need to be presented in % m%nner th%t is tehni%ll' suffiient.

: ' f%vorite* %nd m%n' of m' students will %ttest to this* is the %bsolutel' %rh%i “Comes Now, the Plaintiff, by theundersigned counsel, unto this Honorable Court, resectfully states that! %s p%rt of ever' ple%din+. 9h' w%ste 1?

words* when @ will do* thusA “Plaintiff, by counsel, resectfully states that!" The l%tter loses none of the le+%l

+r%vit%s but loses ever' bit of the %rh%i pretense th%t m'stifies the l%w %nd perpetu%tes the notion th%t l%'wers

now wh%t the' %re doin+ e%h %nd ever' time.


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4t is hoped th%t the forms presented here* with helistsB of le+%l reCuirements %nd short

%nnot%tions* will provide the impetus for dem'stif'in+ le+%l writin+ %nd le+%l dr%ftin+. These

forms ome from %tu%l forms used in the %uthor<s pr%tie* some from worth' opponents %ndstill some from tr%dition%l form boos* with upd%tes to fit the urrent st%te of the Rules.

9hile this h%ndboo w%s produed* prim%ril'* with the b%r e%minees %nd the l%w internor l%w student in mind* it is hoped th%t it mi+ht prove helpful %s well when eptember ends? %nd

life* %s % l%w'er* be+ins in e%rnest.

#heodore O" #e

 $oom %&', Malcolm Hall 

(ni)ersity of the Philiines *ugust +&& 

B nowled+ment is +iven to Atty. Alex M. Enri!e", ($l.&.* "#* 10) for the ori+in%l templ%te of the helists*

whih h%ve been upd%ted to suit urrent pr%tie.? -ide -reen D%'* 59%e e "p 9hen eptember Ends6* whih h%s beome %n unoffii%l %nthem for b%r e%minees

in the #hilippines.


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I. CO##ON FOR#SA. Ca&tio and Tit'

epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+

Branch ! -anila


'versus' Civil Case.o"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 



x ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' x

B. !raer


,9EE/#E it is respectfully prayed! after notice and hearing! that the defendant *eordered to pay the plaintiD the amount of #ne -illion Pesos &Php"!000!000( for actual andcompensatory damages! /ifty +housand Pesos &Php">0!000( for moral damages! /ifty

 +housand Pesos &Php">0!000( for exemplary damages! and /ifty +housand Pesos&Php">0!000( for attorney)s fees"

#ther ?ust and e:uita*le reliefs are also prayed for"

C. ura

1UB1CIBE4 %.4 1,#. +# *efore me in the City of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF on this day of  FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! a$ant exhi*iting *efore me his community tax certi6cate no" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF issued on FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF at FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"

&1gd"( ." #" +%I#.otary Pu*lic


4oc" .o"Page .o"Boo= .o"1eries of 200"

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*. +eri,catio


epu*lic of the Philippines (City of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ( s"s"

C"<" 9il6ger! after having *een duly sworn in accordance with law! deposes andstates thatH

" 9e is the plaintiD in the pleadingdocument entitled &pleadingdocument *eingveri6ed(

2" 9e has caused its preparation8" 9e has read it and the allegations therein are true and correct of his own

=nowledge or *ased on authentic records"

&1gd"( C"<" 9IL/I7E

!L-S 3urat

NOTE Pleadings re:uired to *e veri6ed" %ll pleadings under the ules of 1ummary Procedure2" Complaints for

a" /orci*le entry*" Unlawful detainerc" eplevin

8" Complaints with application for in?unction or attachment;" %nswer to complaint or counterclaim *ased on actiona*le documents>" Petitions for

a" Certiorari*" Prohi*itionc" -andamusd" 9a*eas Corpuse" Change of .ame

E. Certi,cation aain%t Foru$ Sho&&in

CE+I/IC%+I#. %7%I.1+ /#U- 19#PPI.7

epu*lic of the Philippines (City of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ( s"s"

C"<" 9il6ger! after having *een duly sworn in accordance with law deposes and statesthatH

" 9e is the plaintiD in the case entitled &title of the case(2" 9e certi6es that he has not commenced any action or 6led any claim involving

the same issues *efore any other court! tri*unal or :uasi'?udicial agency8" +o the *est of his =nowledge! there is no such pending action or claim;" If he should learn that a similar action or claim has *een 6led or is pending he

shall report such fact within 6ve &>( days from the discovery to this 9onora*leCourt"

&1gd"( C"<" 9IL/I7E

!L-S 3urat

F. Co$"ined +eri,cation and Certi,cation aain%t Foru$ Sho&&in

5EI/IC%+I#. J CE+I/IC%+I#. %7%I.1+ /#U- 19#PPI.7

I! C"<" 9il6ger! of legal age! do here*y state thatH I am the Chief Executive #$ce of %lis 4i'yan Company and in such capacity! caused this Complaint to *e prepared I have readits contents and a$rm that they are true and correct to the *est of my own personal=nowledge I here*y certify that there is no other case commenced or pending *efore anycourt involving the same parties and the same issue and that! should I learn of such a case!I shall notify the court within 6ve &>( days from my notice"

I. ,I+.E11 ,9EE#/! I have signed this instrument on FFFFFFFFFFFFF"

&1gd"( C"<" 9IL/I7E!L-S 3urat


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0. Co$"ined +eri,cation Certi,cation aain%t Foru$ Sho&&in andState$ent o #ateria' *ate%

5EI/IC%+I#. J CE+I/IC%+I#. %7%I.1+ /#U- 19#PPI.7

I! C"<" 9il6ger! of legal age! do here*y state thatH I am the Chief Executive #$ce of 

%lis 4i'yan Company and in such capacity! caused this Complaint to *e prepared I havereceived a copy of the [Order/Resolution/Decision] of the Court on 13 April 200! I have readits contents and a$rm that they are true and correct to the *est of my own personal=nowledge I here*y certify that there is no other case commenced or pending *efore anycourt involving the same parties and the same issue and that! should I learn of such a case!I shall notify the court within 6ve &>( days from my notice"

I. ,I+.E11 ,9EE#/! I have signed this instrument on FFFFFFFFFFFFF"

&1gd"( C"<" 9IL/I7E!L-S 3urat

2. Re3ue%t or and Notice o hearin

EUE1+ /# J .#+ICE #/ 9E%I.7

 +9E B%.C9 CLE< #/ C#U+-etropolitan +rial CourtueKon City! Branch 8

Please su*mit the foregoing -otion to the Court for its consideration and approvalimmediately upon receipt hereof and =indly include the same in the court)s calendar forhearing on /riday! 8 %pril 200 at AH80 in the morning"

%++ICU1 /I.C9 -oc=ingBird 1treet

 +imog %venue! ueKon City

Please ta=e notice that counsel has re:uested to *e heard on /riday! 8 %pril 200 atAH80 in the morning"

&1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant

2 +he /irmLaguna 1treet! ueKon City

I. !roo o &er%ona' %er4ice

Copy furnished through personal serviceH

%tty" -itch -c4eereCounsel for the 4efendant2 +he /irmLaguna 1treet! ueKon City


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 . !roo o %er4ice " rei%tered $ai' (with E5&'anation or ai'ure to %er4e&er%ona'')

Copy furnished through registered mailH%tty" -itch -c4eereCounsel for the 4efendant

2 +he /irmLaguna 1treet! ueKon Cityegistry eceipt .o" FFFFFFFF Post #$ce FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 4ate FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 


 +he foregoing &designation of pleading! motion! etc"( and its attachment were servedon %tty" -itch -c4eere *y registered mail instead of personal service as counsel forpetitioner only has one messenger and personal service would have resulted in the motionnot *eing 6led on time to the detriment of petitioner"

&1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9

epu*lic of the Philippines (City of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ( s"s"


I! 9%PE LEE! a messenger of %tty" %tticus /inch! with o$ce address at FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! after *eing duly sworn! deposes and statesH

 +hat on FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! I served a copy of the following pleadingspapers *yregistered mail in accordance with 1ection 0! ule 8 of the ules of CourtH


in Case .o" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF entitled FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF *y depositing a copy in the posto$ce in a sealed envelope! plainly addressed to &name of party or hisher attorney( at

 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF with postage fully paid! as evidenced *y egistry eceipt .o" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF attached and with instructions to the post master to return the mail tosender after ten &0( days if undelivered"

 +# +9E +U+9 #/ +9E /#E7#I.7! I have signed this %$davit on 8 %pril 200! inthe City of -anila! Philippines"

&1gd"( 9%PE LEE


!L-S 3urat

6. !'ace date %inature addre%% Ro'' nu$"er IB! recei&t nu$"er !TRnu$"er

City of -anila! 8 %pril 200"

%tty" -itch -c4eereCounsel for the 4efendant2 +he /irm! Laguna 1treet!

ueKon City! -etro -anilaoll .o"IBP # .o"! date and place of issueP+ # .o"! date and place of issue


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L. Ac7now'ed$en

epu*lic of the Philippines (City of -anila ( s"s"

BE/#E -E! this 8th day of %pril! 200 in the City of -anila! Philippines! personally

appeared %++ICU1 /I.C9! with M5alid Identi6cation 4ocumentN &4river)s License .o" .2>'0'00( issued *y the Mo$cial agencyN &Land +ransportation #$ce( on 0 3anuary 200!=nown to me to *e the same person who executed the foregoing instrument! and whoac=nowledged to me that the same is his free act and deed"

I. ,I+.E11 ,9EE#/! I have set my hand and a$xed my .otarial seal on the day!year and place written"

&1gd"( ." #" +%I#.otary Pu*lic


4oc" .o"Page .o"Boo= .o"1eries of 200

NOTE If the instrument consists of 2 or more pages! include the following after the st


 +his instrument! consisting of FFF pages! including the page on which thisac=nowledgment is written! has *een signed on the left margin of each and every pagethereof *y FFFFFFFFFFF and his witnesses &if any(! and sealed with my .otarial sea"

NOTE If the instrument conveys 2 or more parcels of land! include the following after the st


 +his instrument relates to the sale &or mortgage( of FFF parcels of land! and consistsof FFF pages including the page on which this ac=nowledgment is written! each and everypage of which! on the left margin! having *een signed *y FFFFFFFFFFFFFF and his witnesses &if any(! and sealed with my .otarial seal"

#. Notice o A&&ea'

.#+ICE #/ %PPE%L

4efendant! %BC! *y counsel! respectfully appeals to this 9onora*le Court the4ecision of the lower court dated 8 %pril 200! a copy of which he received on 2@ %pril200"

ueKon City! 2 -ay 200"

&1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant

2 +he /irmLaguna 1treet! ueKon City


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. Co$&'ain (and other initiator &'eadin%)1. Co$&'aint or eject$ent with da$ae

819 egional +rial Court.ational Capital 3udicial egion

-E+#P#LI+%. +I%L C#U+ueKon City! Branch 88

%LI1 4I'G%. C#-P%.G!PlaintiD!

Civil Case .o" 2222' versus ' /orH E?ectment

 G#<# .7%!4efendant"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' x


PL%I.+I//! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

8:9 " PlaintiD is a foreign corporation organiKed and existing under the laws of /rance with *usiness address at #cean 4rive! +una Compound! ueKon City 4efendantis a /ilipino! of legal age! single and currently resident of 2 #cean 4rive! +una Compound!ueKon City! where he may *e served with summons and other pertinent processes"

8;9 2" PlaintiD owns that property located at 2 #cean 4rive! +una Compound!ueKon City which it leased to defendant under the terms and conditions stated in theContract of Lease dated 3anuary 200>! which contract expires on 8 4ecem*er 200@" %copy of the contract is attached as %..E %"

8" Upon expiration of the contract! plaintiD informed defendant of its intention not torenew the lease as it would use the property for its *usiness expansion plaintiD then as=eddefendant to vacate the premises" % copy of plaintiD)s letter to defendant is attached as%..E B"

8<9 ;" 4espite demand duly made and received! defendant has refused to vacate thepremises and continues to occupy the property without plaintiD)s consent" Resort to the"aran#ay conciliation syste$ proved useless as defendant refused to appear %efore the&upon# 'a#apa$ayapa( A Certi)cation to *ile Action is attached as A++,- C"

>" 4efendant)s act of dispossession has caused plaintiD to suDer material in?ury*ecause plaintiD)s *usiness expansion plans could not *e implemented despite the arrival of machineries speci6cally leased for this purpose at the rental rate of U1O>00 per month"4efendant)s continued occupation of the premises has also forced plaintiD to sue and toincur legal expenses amounting to /ifty +housand Pesos &P>0!000"00("

8=9 ,9EE/#E! plaintiD respectfully prays for ?udgment in its favor *y orderingdefendant to vacate the property and peacefully turn over possession to plaintiD and fordefendant to pay plaintiD the amount of U1O8!>00 representing rentals on the machineriesfor seven &( months and /ifty +housand Pesos &P>0!000"00( for %ttorney)s fees"

#ther ?ust and e:uita*le reliefs are also prayed for"

8>9 ueKon City 8 %pril 200

8?9 &1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.CCounsel for PlaintiD 



1. 8@9 5eri6cation and Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping2" 3urat


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:. Co$&'aint or %u$ o $on

819 epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+Branch 0! -a=ati City

E1+% P%4#%!PlaintiD!Civil Case .o" 000AA2

' versus ' /orH 1um of -oney

-%.77% 7%.+1#!4efendant"

x '''''''''''''''''''''''''' x


PL%I.+I//! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

8:9 " PlaintiD is a /ilipino! of legal age! and resident of @>0 /or*es Par=! -a=atiCity defendant is also a /ilipino! of legal age and resident of @>2! /or*es Par=! -a=ati City!where he may *e served with summons and other processes"

8;9 2" 1ometime in 3anuary 200> and over a period of six &@( months! defendant*orrowed certain amounts from plaintiD" 4efendant promised to pay these amounts on aninstallment *asis monthly" +hese amounts now total .ine 9undred +housand Pesos&P00!000"00("

8<9 8" 4espite repeated demands! *oth oral and written! defendant failed or hasrefused to pay any amount to plaintiD as no installment payment has even *een made" %copy each of plaintiD)s two &2( demand letters is attached as %..E % and B"

;" esort to the Barangay Conciliation process proved fruitless as defendant failed toappear! despite notice on him to appear" +hus! a Certi6cation to /ile %ction! a copy of whichis attached as %..E C! was issued *y the Barangay Chairman"

>" 4efendant)s o*ligation is due and demanda*le and plaintiD is entitled to thepayment of the entire amount of .ine 9undred +housand Pesos &P00!000"00( plus legalinterest"

@" By reason of defendant)s unreasona*le failure or refusal to pay his due anddemanda*le o*ligation! plaintiD was forced to engage the services of counsel to vindicatehis rights there*y committing himself to pay legal expenses amounting to /ifty +housandPesos &P>0!000"00("

8=9 ,9EE/#E! plaintiD respectfully prays for ?udgment in his favor through a

4ecision directing defendant to pay him .I.E 9U.4E4 +9#U1%.4 PE1#1 &P00!000"00(!with legal interest! as %C+U%L 4%-%7E1 and /I/+G +9#U1%.4 PE1#1 &P>0!000"00( as%ttorney)s /ees"

#ther ?ust and e:uita*le reliefs are also prayed for"

8>9 ueKon City for -a=ati 8 %pril 200"

8?9 &1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9Counsel for PlaintiD 


!L-S 8@9 5eri6cation and Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping

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;. Co$&'aint or Re&'e4

819 epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+Branch 0! -a=ati City

9U+1 E.+'%'C%!represented *y %<I. .%G%.!

PlaintiD!Civil Case .o" 0000AA

' versus '

 G#<# .7%!4efendant"

x''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' x


PlaintiD! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

8:9 " PlaintiD is the general manager of 9urts ent'%'Car with o$ces at -a=ati Citydefendant is a +ongan! temporarily residing at Bayview 9otel! oxas Boulevard! -anila"

8;9 2" 9urts ent'%'Car is the registered owner of a 9onda C5 with license platenum*er L5'@>! which defendant! on 8 -arch 200>! rented from plaintiD for a period of one&( wee="

8<9 8" #n > -arch 200>! plaintiD demanded from defendant the return of the car*ut defendant failed and refused to do so"

;" +he car has not *een ta=en for a tax assessment or a 6ne pursuant to law nor hasit *een seiKed on execution or attachment" Its present value is approximately .ine 9undred

 +housand Pesos &P00!000"00("

>" PlaintiD is ready! willing and a*le to give *ond in defendant)s name in dou*le thevalue of the property for the return of the property to defendant should that *e ad?udged orfor the payment of such sum that defendant may recover from plaintiD in this action"

8=9 ,9EE/#E! plaintiD respectfully prays that the writ of replevin issue directingthe 1heriD or any other authoriKed o$cer to ta=e possession of the car and dispose of it inaccordance with the ules of Court and! after hearing! ?udgment *e rendered declaringplaintiD to *e lawfully entitled to the possession of the car and sentencing defendant to payits value"

8>9 ueKon City for -a=ati City 8 %pril 200"

8?9 &1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for the PlaintiD 


!L-S 8@9 5eri6cation and Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping


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<. Co$&'aint to %et &eriod o ear% or 'ea%

819 epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+Branch @! Pasig City

.%.7 UUP%!PlaintiD!Civil Case .o" 00

' versus '

.%7P% P%UP%!4efendant"

x '''''''''''''''''''''' x


PL%I.+I//! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

8:9 " PlaintiD and 4efendant are *oth /ilipino citiKens and of legal age plaintiD resides at '%! CruK 1treet! Pasig City while defendant resides at 2 /risco 1treet! Pasig City!where he may *e served with summons"

8;9 2" #n 3anuary 2008! defendant leased to plaintiD the premises at '% CruK1treet! Pasig City for a monthly rental of #ne +housand Pesos &P!000"00( to *e paid withinthe 6rst 6ve &>( days of each month"

8" +here is no 6xed period for the lease agreement except that rentals are to *e paid*y the month"

8<9 ;" PlaintiD has *een paying the rentals as they fall due each month! without fail"9owever! on ; %pril 200@! defendant gave notice to plaintiD that he is terminating the leaseagreement *y the end of %ugust 200@"

>" Considering that the period of lease has not *een 6xed! this 9onora*le Court may6x a longer period of time as the lessee has *een occupying the place for a period of three&8( years" % period of two &2( years is reasona*le considering that the lessee has no place totransfer to immediately and that he has introduced su*stantial improvements to thepremises amounting to /ifty +housand Pesos &P>0!000"00("

8=9 ,9EE/#E! it is respectfully prayed that this 9onora*le Court 6x a period of years for the lease *etween plaintiD and defendant"

8>9 ueKon City for Pasig City 8 %pril 200"

8?9 &1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9

Counsel for PlaintiD M%ddressN

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B. An%wer with ar$ati4e deen%e and counterc'ai1. An%wer with co$&u'%or counterc'ai$

819 egional +rial Court.ational Capital 3udicial egion-E+#P#LI+%. +I%L C#U+

Branch 88! ueKon City

%LI1 4I'G%. C#-P%.G!PlaintiD!

Civil Case .o" 2222' versus ' /or H E?ectment

 G#<# .7%!4efendant"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' x

%.1,E&,ith C#U.+ECL%I-(

4E/E.4%.+! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH


8:9 " 9e admits the contents of paragraph only insofar as his personalcircumstances *ut speci6cally denies the contents insofar as plaintiD)s personalcircumstances for the reason stated in the %$rmative 4efenses *elow"

2" 9e admits the contents of paragraph 2 only where it states that a Contract of Lease was entered into *ut speci6cally denies that the Contract reects the true intent of the parties as explained in the %$rmative 4efenses *elow"

8" 9e admits the contents of paragraph 8 only as to the fact that demand to vacatewas made *ut speci6cally denies its contents as to the truth of the reasons for the letter forlac= of =nowledge su$cient to form a reasona*le *elief as to its truth or falseness""

;" 9e speci6cally denies the contents of paragraphs ; to @ for the reasons stated inthe %$rmative 4efenses *elow"

%$rmative 4efenses

8<9 >" 4efendant reiterates! repleads and incorporates *y reference all the foregoinginsofar as they are material and additionally su*mit that the Complaint should *e dismissed*ecauseH

>"" PlaintiD has no capacity to sue as it is a foreign corporation doing

*usiness in the Philippines without a license"

>"2" +he Complaint fails to state a cause of action as the Contract of Lease &%..E %( was! *efore its expiration! superceded *y a 4eed of %*solute1ale where*y plaintiD sold to defendant the parcel of land in :uestion! a copyof which is attached as %..E "


8=9 @" 4efendant reiterates! repleads and incorporates *y reference all the foregoinginsofar as they are material and additionally su*mit that he is entitled to relief arising fromthe 6ling of this malicious and *aseless suit! as followsH

@"" -oral 4amages amounting to #ne -illion Pesos&P9P!000!00000( *ecause his name and reputation were *esmirched *y thismalicious and *aseless suit"

@"2" %ttorney)s /ees amounting to #ne 9undred +housand Pesos&P00!000"00( *ecause he was compelled to secure services of counsel tovindicate his legal rights"

8>9 ,9EE/#E! 4efendant respectfully prays that ?udgment *e rendered in hisfavor *y dismissing the Complaint and granting defendant)s counterclaim *y awardingdefendantH &a( #ne -illion Pesos as -oral 4amages! and &*( /ifty +housand as %ttorney)s/ees"

#ther ?ust and e:uita*le reliefs are prayed for"0

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8?9 ueKon City 8 %pril 200"

8@9 &1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant


8 1D9 5EI/IC%+I#. J CE+I/IC%+I#. %7%I.1+ /#U- 19#PPI.

I! G#<# .7%! of legal age! do here*y state thatH I am the defendant in the case 6led*y %lis 4i'yan Company for e?ectment in response! I have caused the preparation of this%nswer with Counterclaim I have read its contents and a$rm that they are true and correctto the *est of my own personal =nowledge I specifcally deny the genuineness and due execution as well as the binding eect o the actionable documents pleaded by plaintii   I here*y certify that there is no other case commenced or pending *efore anycourt involving the same parties and the same issue and that! should I learn of such a case!I shall notify the court within 6ve &>( days from my notice"

I. ,I+.E11 ,9EE#/! I have signed this instrument on 8 %pril 200"

&1gd"( G#<# .7%

!L-S" 3urat &I/ any document is denied(2" 8119 Proof of 1ervice &personal service or service *y registered mail(

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:. An%wer with counterc'ai$ and cro%%c'ai

See /orm .o" B'! supra! *ut add''

8=9 Crossclaim

" 4efendant reiterates! repleads and incorporates *y reference all the foregoinginsofar as they are material and additionally su*mit that he is entitled to indemnity andorcontri*ution from co'defendant -%.77% 7%.+1# in the event that he is made lia*le toplaintiD *ecause co'defendant -%.77% 7%.+1# acted as the duly authoriKed agent ofplaintiD in the sale of the property and! acting as such! received consideration! in the form of the purchase price! from defendant"

8>9 ,9EE/#E! 4efendant respectfully prays that ?udgment *e rendered in hisfavor *y

" dismissing the Complaint! and2" granting defendant)s counterclaim *y awarding defendant

a" #ne -illion Pesos &Php"!000!000( as -oral 4amages! and*" /ifty +housand Pesos &Php">0!000( as %ttorney)s /ees"

8" In the event that defendant is $ade lia%le to plainti. on the Co$plaint he further  prays that codefendant A+A A+'O %e $ade lia%le to inde$nify defendant in the sa$e a$ount under the Crossclai$"


8@9 &1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant


!L-S" 8 1D9 5eri6cation and Certi6cation against /orum 1hopping2" 3urat &I/ document is denied(8" 8119 Proof of 1ervice &personal service or service *y registered mail(


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C. !retria' Brie

epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+Branch 0! ueKon City

L%<I1% L%G%,!PlaintiD!Civil Case .o" '882

' versus '

L%<I1% 9I%P!4efendant"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' x


4E/E.4%.+! *y counsel! respectfully su*mits her Pre'+rial Brief! as followsH

I" ,ILLI.7.E11 +# E.+E I.+# %. %-IC%BLE 1E++LE-E.+%.4 P#11IBLE +E-1 #/ %.G 1UC9 1E++LE-E.+

"" 1u*?ect to a concrete proposal that is fair and reasona*le and a reciprocalmanifestation of openness from plaintiD! defendant is open to the possi*ility of amica*lysettling this dispute"

81 :9 "2" Pursuant to Ru'e 1@ o the 1? Ru'e% o Ci4i' !rocedure!defendant respectfully su*mits that the desired terms of any amica*le settlement wouldinvolve! 6rst! a clari6cation of the actual extent of any o*ligation due and owing to plaintiD inasmuch as there is nothing to indicate defendant)s o*ligations to plaintiD and! second! aschedule of payments"

II" BIE/ 1+%+E-E.+ #/ CL%I-1 %.4 4E/E.1E1

2"" PlaintiD see=s principally to recover the amount of +wenty +wo -illion Eight9undred Eighteen +housand .ine 9undred /orty Eight Pesos and +hirty Centavos&P9P22!AA!;A"80( with interest at twelve percent &2Q( arising allegedly from unpaidorders delivered to defendant variously in A"

2"2" 4efendant resists plaintiD)s claims *ased on a failure to state a cause of action*ecause of H

2"2"" PlaintiD)s lac= of personality to sue and! therefore! not *eing thereal party in interest under Ru'e ; %ection : o the 1? Ru'e% o Ci4i'


2"2"2" Extinguishment of the alleged claim made *y the entityegency /urniture"

2"8" 4efendant also interposed a compulsory counterclaim for +wo -illion Pesos&P9P2!000!000"00( for moral damages and +wo -illion Pesos &P9P2!000!000"00( forexemplary damages and #ne 9undred +housand Pesos &P9P00!000"00( as attorney)s fees"

III" /%C+1 %.4 #+9E -%++E1 %4-I++E4 BG +9E P%+IE1

8;9 8"" 4efendant admits only those facts stated in her %nswer! i"e"! her personalcircumstances! receipt of the demand letter dated 3anuary >! and her reply to the

demand letter"

8"2" 1u*?ect to a concrete proposal for stipulation of additional facts from plaintiD during pre'trial or even thereafter! defendant admits no other facts stated in the Complaint"

I5" I11UE1 +# BE +IE4

8<9 ;"" 4efendant su*mits that the following issues put forward *y plaintiD aresu*?ect to proofH

;""" PlaintiD)s personality to see= legal relief;""2" PlaintiD)s entitlement to the amount claimed


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;"2" 4efendant su*mits that the following issues she put forward are su*?ect toproofH

;"2"" PlaintiD)s *ad faith in 6ling this suit;"2"2" 4efendant)s entitlement to the claims made in her Compulsory

Counterclaim as a result of plaintiD)s *ad faith

5" E5I4E.CE

8>9 >"" 4efendant intends to present the following witnessesH

>""" 4efendant herself! who will testify on the true circumstancesleading to the 6ling of this suit against her

>""2" %n employee of +opless Enterprises with personal =nowledge asto the true circumstances *ehind the alleged o*ligations due and owing infavor of plaintiD"

8=9 >"2" 4efendant reserves the right to present any and all documentary evidencewhich shall *ecome relevant to re*ut plaintiD)s claims in the course of trial as well as anyother witnesses whose testimony will *ecome relevant to *elie plaintiD)s witnesses! if necessary"

5I" E1#+ +# 4I1C#5EG

8?9 @"" Considering the relatively simple issues presented! defendant does notintend to avail of discovery at this time"

@"2" 1u*?ect! however! to a concrete and reasona*le re:uest for discovery fromplaintiD! defendant reserves the right to resort to discovery *efore trial"


ueKon City 8 %pril 200"

&1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant


Copy furnishedH

%tty" -% B#L%Counsel for PlaintiD 


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*. #otion1. #otion to di%$i%% (with re3ue%t or and notice o hearin

epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion-E+#P#LI+%. +I%L C#U+

Branch 8! ueKon City

L%<I %11E+ C#-P%.G!PlaintiD!

Civil Case .o" 8888' versus ' /orH 1um of -oney

4%-I U+%.7 C#P#%+I#.!4efendant"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' x

-#+I#. +# 4I1-I11

4E/E.4%.+! *y counsel! respectfully moves to dismiss the Complaint on the groundthat the Complaint fails to state a cause of action as 819 +9E #BLI7%+I#. 1#U79+ +# BEE./#CE4 BG PL%I.+I// I1 .#+ GE+ 4UE %.4 4E-%.4%BLE! as shown *y the followingH

8:9 " %llegedly! plaintiD has failed to reach the :uotas agreed upon under the-ar=eting %greement dated 3anuary 200@ defendant now see=s to collect the sum of +,#9U.4E4 +9#U1%.4 PE1#1 &P200!000"00(! representing the *alance of the proceeds dueplaintiD under the said -ar=eting %greement"

2" +he contract is for one &( year and defendant is given that same period to reachthe :uota speci6ed therein the period of one &( year has not expired" Conse:uently!plaintiD)s claim is premature as there is yet no *reach of the -ar=eting %greement until theperiod expires and the :uota is not attained" /or this reason! plaintiD)s Complaint states nocause of action and must *e dismissed"

8;9 ,9EE/#E! defendant respectfully prays that the Complaint *e 4I1-I11E4 forfailure to state a cause of action"

#ther ?ust and e:uita*le reliefs are also prayed for"

ueKon City 8 %pril 200"

&1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant


8<9 EUE1+ /# J .#+ICE #/ 9E%I.

 +9E B%.C9 CLE< #/ C#U+-etropolitan +rial CourtBranch 8! ueKon City

Please su*mit the foregoing -otion to the Court for its consideration and approvalimmediately upon receipt hereof and =indly include the same in the court)s calendar forhearing on /riday! 2 %pril 200 at AH80 in the morning"

%++ICU1 /I.C9 -oc=ingBird 1treet

 +imog %venue! ueKon City

Please ta=e notice that counsel has re:uested to *e heard on /riday! 2 %pril 200 atAH80 in the morning"

&1gd"( -I+C9 -C4EEECounsel for 4efendant

2 +he /irmLaguna 1treet! ueKon City

!L-S 8=9 Proof of 1ervic


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:. #otion or 'ea4e o court to ,'e &'eadin (with e5&'anation or%er4ice " rei%tered $ai'

epu*lic of the Philippines1UPE-E C#U


L%<I U+%.7!Petitioner!7"" .o" FFFFFFFF 

' versus '

4%-I LUP%!espondent"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''' x

-#+I#. /# LE%5E#/ C#U+ +# /ILE EPLG ,I+9

-#+I#. +# %4-I+ %++%C9E4 EPLG

PE+I+I#.E! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

819 " Petitioner received a copy of respondent)s Comment to his petition on 8 3anuary 200@" +he Comment contains several allegations of fact and misinterpretations of the record that may mislead the court and need to *e corrected" /or this reason! petitionerintends to 6le a eply"

8:9 2" Under existing rules! a eply can no longer *e 6led as a matter of course"Conse:uently! petitioner see=s leave of this Court to 6le the said eply! a copy of which!pursuant to the ules on Civil Procedure! is attached to this motion"

8;9 ,9EE/#E! petitioner respectfully prays that he *e granted leave of court to6le a eply and for the Court to admit the attached eply"

ueKon City for -anila > 3anuary 200"

&1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9Counsel for the Petitioner


!L-S" 8<9 e:uest for and .otice of 9earing

2" 8=9 Explanation for service *y registered mai


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;. #otion or jud$ent on the &'eadin

epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+Branch 8! ueKon City

L%<I1% L%G%,!PlaintiD!

Civil Case .o" '882' versus ' /orH 1um of -oney

L%<I1% 9I%P!4efendant"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''' x

-#+I#. /# 3U47-E.+ #. +9E PLE%4I.71

PlaintiiD! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

" #n @ 3uly 200>! plaintiD sued defendant for a sum of money in the amount of .ine9undred +housand Pesos &P00!000"00("

81 :9 2" In his %nswer! defendant admitted the o*ligation and merely stated thathe was as=ing to *e given an extension of time to pay his o*ligation *ut that plaintiD instead6led this Complaint" +he %nswer admits the material allegations of the Complaint and hasnot tendered any issue conse:uently! a ?udgment on the pleadings may *e rendered"

8;9 ,9EE/#E! plaintiD respectfully prays a ?udgment on the pleadings *e renderedin his favor"

ueKon City 8 %pril 200"

&1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9Counsel for the PlaintiD 


!L-S" 8<9 e:uest for and .otice of 9earing2" 8=9 Proof of 1ervice

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<. E5 &arte $otion to %et or &retri

epu*lic of the Philippines.ational Capital 3udicial egion

E7I#.%L +I%L C#U+Branch 8! ueKon City

L%<I1% L%G%,!PlaintiD!

Civil Case .o" '882' versus '

L%<I1% 9I%P!4efendant"

x ''''''''''''''''''''''''' x

E P%+E -#+I#. +# 1E+ C%1E /# PE'+I%L

PL%I.+I//! *y counsel! respectfully states thatH

819 " #n 3une 200@! defendant su*mitted her %nswer to the Complaint! there*ycausing the issues to *e ?oined"

8:9 2" +his case is! thus! ripe for pre'trial" Complying with ule A! 1ection of the ules on Civil Procedure! plaintiD respectfully as=s that this case *e set for pre'trial"

8;9 ,9EE/#E! plaintiD respectfully prays that this case *e set for pre'trial on adate convenient to this 9onora*le Court"

ueKon City 8 %pril 200"

&1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9Counsel for the PlaintiD 


8<9 EUE1+ %.4 .#+IC

 +9E B%.C9 CLE< #/ C#U+egional +rial CourtBranch 8! ueKon City

Please su*mit the foregoing to the Court for its approval immediately upon receipthereof"

Copy furnishedH

-I+C9 -C4EEE! E1"2 +he /irmLaguna 1treet! ueKon City

Please ta=e notice that counsel has re:uested for the approval of the foregoingmotion immediately upon receipt"

&1gd"( %++ICU1 /I.C9Counsel for the PlaintiD 

!L-S 8=9 Proof of 1ervice


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