Immigration Control in Recent Years ◆ Part II ◆

Part II - 法務省 · 2020. 9. 29. · Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan. 35 The statistics for the number of foreign nationals entering Japan

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Page 1: Part II - 法務省 · 2020. 9. 29. · Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan. 35 The statistics for the number of foreign nationals entering Japan

Immigration Control in Recent Years

◆ Part II ◆

Page 2: Part II - 法務省 · 2020. 9. 29. · Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan. 35 The statistics for the number of foreign nationals entering Japan


Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan

❶ Foreign Nationals Entering Japan

(1) The Number of Foreign Nationals Entering JapanThe number of foreign nationals entering Japan was only about 18,000 in 1950 when the statistics

relating to immigration control first began to be recorded. As a result of the enforcement of the “Peace Treaty with Japan” (Treaty No. 5 of 1952) on April 28, 1952, Japan recovered complete sovereignty and acquired the authority to decide whether or not to grant permission for entry based on the Immigration Control Order. Following which the number of foreign nationals entering Japan began to experience an almost consistent upward trend partly as a result of cheaper and more convenient flights achieved through improvements in international transportation such as through the use of larger jumbo jets, ex-ceeding 1 million in 1978, 2 million in 1984, 3 million in 1990, 4 million in 1996, 5 million in 2000, and 9 million in 2007.

The number of foreign nationals entering Japan in 2012 was 9,172,146, an increase of 2,036,739 (28.5%) from 7,135,407 in 2011.

Of the 9,172,146 foreign nationals entering Japan in 2012, the number of foreign nationals “newly entering” was 7,549,998, an increase of 2,101,979 (38.6%) from 5,448,019 in 2011, while the number of foreign nationals “re-entering” was 1,622,148, a decrease of 65,240 (3.9%) from 1,687,388 in 2011.

Moreover, the rates of increase in the number of foreign nationals entering Japan and the number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan hit a record high. These substantial increases may have been caused by an increase in the supply of airplane seats triggered by new flight services on low-cost carriers (LCCs) coupled with lower air fares, which encouraged a rebound in the number of tourists that had previously seen a decline owing to the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake. (Chart 7)

Section 1 ◆ Changes in the Number of Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan

Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan

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The statistics for the number of foreign nationals entering Japan in 2012 by nationality/region show that the largest number of foreign nationals came from the Republic of Korea (R.O. Korea). The number of R.O. Korean nationals who entered Japan was 2,315,238, accounting for 25.2% of the total number of foreign nationals coming to Japan. R.O. Korea was followed by China (1,626,265 (17.7%)), Taiwan (1,503,183 (16.4%)), the U.S. (747,809 (8.2%)), and China (Hong Kong) (462,920 (5.0%)) (*). More than half of the foreign nationals entering Japan came from Japan’s three neighboring countries (regions): R.O. Korea, China and Taiwan. Their total, standing at 59.4%, accounted for more than half of the total number of foreign nationals who entered Japan in 2012. The top five countries (regions) accounted for 72.6% of the total. Among them, R.O. Korea surpassed the U.S. in 1988 to become the top country and has maintained its position since then. Moreover, overseas travel was de-regulated, and in March 2006, visa exemption with no time limit was introduced for R.O. Korea nationals whose purpose for visiting Japan was “Temporary Visitor”. This is one of various measures that were taken to increase the exchange of persons between the two countries, and is considered to have contributed to the increase in R.O. Ko-rean visitors. The number of visitors from China has been increasing year after year owing to the fact that sightseeing trips to Japan have become relatively easy due to the easing of regulations on visa issuance, and China has been in second place for four consecutive years. (Chart 8)

(2) The Number of Foreign Nationals Entering Japan by Nationality/Region

Chart 7: Changes in the number of foreign nationals entering Japan

(*) There are no separate categories for arrivals for 1955 and 1960.












1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

55,638 146,881
















53,311 127,051




















Upper:Entry with re-entry permission

Lower:New arrivals



9,152,186 9,146,108






(*) There are no separate categories for arrivals for 1955 and 1960.

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According to a comparison of the number of foreign nationals entering Japan in 2011 and 2012 by nationality/region of the top five countries/regions, the number of visitors from R.O. Korea increased by 395,362 (20.6%), followed by China, which increased by 293,565 (22.0%), Taiwan, which increased by 464,249 (44.7%), the U.S., which increased by 148,303 (24.7%), and China (Hong Kong), which in-creased by 113,182 (32.4%).

(*)  In immigration-related statistics, mainland China and Taiwan are described as “China” and “Taiwan” respectively. With respect to Hong Kong, persons of Chinese nationality having a SAR (Special Administrative Region) passport (including persons of Chinese nationality with a certificate of identity within the period of validity issued by the former Hong Kong Government) are described as “China (Hong Kong)”, and persons with the right of residence in Hong Kong and who have a BNO (British National Overseas) passport (British passport issued only to residents in Hong Kong) (including persons who have a British (Hong Kong) passport issued by the former Hong Kong Government and entered within its period of validity (prior to June 30, 1997), are described as “U.K. (Hong Kong)”. Further, BNO passports are restricted in respect of renewal, and are in gradual transition to SAR passports.

On the other hand, in statistics relating to foreign residents, the category “China” in the number of alien registrations before 2011 included Taiwan, but in the figures for 2012, “China” in the number of foreign residents (the total number of mid to long-term residents as well as spe-cial permanent residents) includes “Taiwan” except for those foreign nationals who have been issued with a residence card or a special perma-nent resident certificate with “Taiwan” listed in the “nationality/region box. In addition, BNO passport holders are included in the “U.K.”.

Further, for the purpose of statistics on the number of alien registrations, persons of R.O. Korea and Korea are calculated jointly as “Korea”.

Chart 8 Changes in the number of foreign nationals entering Japan by major nationality/region













1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



R.O. Korea




China (Hong Kong)

Chart 8: Changes in the number of foreign nationals entering Japan by major nationality/region

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(3) The Number of Foreign Nationals Entering Japan by Gender and Age

(4) The Number of Foreign Nationals Entering Japan by Purpose of Entry (Status of Residence)

Slightly more foreign men came to Japan than women. The numbers of foreign men and women en-tering Japan in 2012 were 4,732,045 and 4,440,101, respectively. The percentages of men and women were 51.6% and 48.4%, respectively.

According to statistics by age in 2012, foreign nationals in their thirties represented the largest age group, accounting for 24.6% of the total number of foreign nationals who entered Japan in 2012. The ratio of men was higher in the thirties and over age groups, while the ratio of women was higher in the twenties and under age groups. (Chart 9)

The number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan in 2012 was 7,549,998. Looking at this figure by purpose of entry (status of residence), the most common status of residence was “Temporary Visitor” standing at 7,246,072 and accounting for 96.0% of the total number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan, followed by “Technical Intern Training (1)-(b)” at 62,039 (0.8%), “Student” at 57,579 (0.8%), and “Entertainer” at 34,969 (0.5%). (Table 2)

Chart 9: Number of foreign nationals entering Japan by gender and age (2012)






1,008,894 1,051,986












Under 20 20s 30s 40s 50s Over 60





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The number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan may be considered a “flow” showing the flow of foreign nationals to Japan. In contrast, the number of foreign residents in Japan as mentioned below rep-resents a “stock”, which shows the number of foreign nationals staying in Japan at a certain point in time.

Table 2 Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan by status of residence(People)

YearStatus of Residence

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 7,711,828 6,119,394 7,919,726 5,448,009 7,549,998Diplomat 12,029 10,183 11,167 9,678 10,977Official 24,358 22,229 27,000 19,563 26,991Professor 2,456 2,639 2,639 2,420 2,595Artist 222 226 256 221 281Religious Activities 828 771 713 737 737Journalist 226 170 136 59 51Investor/Business Man-ager 919 857 896 838 820

Legal/Accounting Ser-vices 2 4 3 4 4

Medical Services 1 6 2 7 9Researcher 563 592 528 423 438Instructor 2,930 2,499 2,339 2,540 2,312Engineer 9,212 3,363 2,852 4,178 5,216Specialist in Humanities/International Services 5,690 4,167 4,113 4,658 4,993

Intra-company Transferee 7,307 5,245 5,826 5,348 6,126Entertainer 34,994 31,170 28,612 26,112 34,969Skilled Labor 6,799 5,384 3,588 4,178 4,910Technical Intern Training 1-(a) 2,282 5,178 5,876

Technical Intern Training 1-(b) 23,720 60,847 62,039

Technical Intern Training 2-(a) - - 4

Technical Intern Training 2-(b) - 227 49

Cultural Activities 3,378 3,557 3,159 2,729 3,104Temporary Visitor 7,367,277 5,822,719 7,632,536 5,180,961 7,246,072College Student 58,116 66,149 63,478 49,936 57,579Trainee 101,879 80,480 51,725 16,079 17,957Dependent 22,167 20,540 19,486 18,165 20,653Designated Activities 8,413 9,863 11,972 12,954 12,659Spouse or Child of Japa-nese National 19,975 14,951 11,452 10,766 10,855

Spouse or Child of Per-manent Resident 1,964 1,684 1,068 1,392 1,877

Long-Term Resident 20,123 9,946 8,178 7,811 9,845Temporary Refuge - - - 10

(*1) The statuses of residence “Technical Intern Training 1-(a),” “Technical Intern Training 1-(b),” “Technical Intern Training 2-(a)” and “Technical Intern Training 2-(b)” were newly established on July 1, 2010.

(*2) Newly-arrived foreign nationals with the status of “Technical Intern Training (2)” for their alien registration are generally not permitted to land in Japan since they do not satisfy the requirements for foreign nationals who land in Japan, provided for in Article 7(1) of the Immigra-tion Control Act. However, those with said status who left Japan during the training period without gaining permission for re-entry due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are allowed to re-enter Japan, as a special measure introduced in April 2011, according to the special permission for landing provided for in Article 12 of the Immigration Control Act, for the purpose of sustaining their training activities.

(*3) From 2007 to June 30, 2010, the figure for “ College Student” shows the total of “College Student” and “Pre-college Student,” because the item “Pre-college Student” was integrated into “College Student” on July 1, 2012.

(*4) Temporary refugee was excluded, because a decision was made to include it in the number of cases of special landing permission from 2012 onwards.

Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan

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A. “Temporary Visitors”Looking more closely at the number of foreign nationals who newly entered Japan with the status

of residence of “Temporary Visitor” in 2012, the number of foreign nationals for sightseeing purposes was 5,221,032, accounting for 69.2% of the total number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan, followed by foreign nationals visiting for business-related purposes standing at 1,344,227 (17.8%). Since the trend of tourists who are temporary visitors is likely to be affected by miscellaneous factors occurring in Japan, such as the holding of special events, fluctuations in the exchange rate and the implementation of various measures to attract tourists, it is consequently assumed that changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan, of which temporary visitors make up the majority, reflect the social situation in Japan and domestic and overseas trends at that time.

Foreign nationals staying in Japan with the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor” cannot, in principle, change their status to another status of residence as they are not permitted to engage in em-ployment activities, and moreover, were allowed to enter through relatively simple procedures (Articles 19 and 20 of the Immigration Control Act).

According to the statistics on newly entering foreign nationals for the purpose of sightseeing by nationality/region, R.O. Korea occupied the largest number at 1,427,902, accounting for 27.3% of the total number of foreign nationals entering Japan for the purpose of sightseeing. R.O. Korea was followed by Taiwan (1,288,035, accounting for 24.7% of the total), China (644,213, accounting for 12.3%) and China (Hong Kong) (423,481, accounting for 8.1%). As R.O. Korean nationals, Taiwan-ese nationals, and Chinese (People’s Republic of China) nationals account for over 60% of the overall number of sightseeing visitors to Japan, it is expected that measures to attract tourists from these countries and regions will be implemented actively in the future as well. (Chart10, 11)

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Chart 10 Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering with the status of residence of "Temporary Visitor" by purpose of entry














































2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



7,367,277 7,246,072









Chart 10: Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering with the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor” by purpose of entry

Chart 11: Number of foreign nationals newly entering for the purpose of sightseeing by nationality/region (2012)

R.O. Korea 1,427,902





China(Hong Kong)423,481


United States283,080




Chart 11 Number of foreign nationals newly entering for the purpose of

sightseeing by nationality/region (2012)

R.O. Korea



China(Hong Kong)

United States


Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan

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B. Foreign Nationals Entering Japan for the Purpose of Employment in Professional or Technical FieldsThe number of newly entering foreign nationals with a status of residence for employment in pro-

fessional or technical fields (excluding the status of residence of “Diplomat”, “Official” and “Techni-cal Intern Training” in Appended Tables I(1) and I(2) of the Immigration Control Act) in 2012 was 63,461, an increase of 11,738 (22.7%) from 2011. (Chart 12)

The number of newly entering foreign nationals with a status of residence for employment in pro-fessional or technical fields in Japan accounted for 0.8% of the total number of newly entering foreign nationals in 2012.

The characteristic categories of foreign nationals entering Japan for the purpose of employment are as follows.

Chart 12: Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering by status of residence for employment in professional or technical fields

  g g y g ystatus of

residence for employment in professional or technical fields

(* Excluding the status of residence of "Diplomat", "Official", "Technical InternTraining" and "Designated Activities" from Table II-1, I-2 and I-5 in the AppendedTable to the "Immigration Control Act")


31,170 28,612










2,339 2,540









2,852 4,178




3,588 4,178




5,173 4,709












2008 2009 2010 2011 2012






Skilled labor





Specialist in Humanities/In

ternational Services




(*) Excluding the status of residence of “Diplomat”, “Official”, “Technical Intern Training” and “Designated Activities” from Table II-1, I-2 and I-5 in the Appended Table to the “Immigration Control Act”

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a. “Engineer”, “Specialist in Humanities/International Services”, “Intra-company Transferee” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 2-1, 3-1, 4-1)

b. “Skilled Labor” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 6-1)

The total number of foreign nationals newly entering Japan with a status of residence corre-sponding to foreign employees working for an organization in Japan was 16,335 in 2012, consisting of three types of statuses of residence: 5,216 with the status of residence of “Engineer”, 4,993 with the status of residence of “Specialist in Humanities/International Services”, and 6,126 with the sta-tus of residence of “Intra-company Transferee”. The number of foreign employees with the status of residence of “Engineer” had increased by 1,038 (24.8%), those with the status of residence of “Spe-cialist in Humanities/International Services” had increased by 335 (7.2%), and those with the status of residence of “Intra-company Transferee” had increased by 778 (14.5%) from 2011, respectively. The total number of foreign workers with these statuses of residence had increased by 2,151 (15.2%).

According to the statistics on the status of residence of “Engineer” by nationality/region, the largest number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Engineer” came from China (1,734, or 33.2%), followed by India (847, or 16.2%), Viet Nam (802, or 15.4%), and R.O. Korea (403, or 7.7%). The number of newly entering foreign nationals from those four coun-tries accounted for 72.6% of the total number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Engineer”. In addition to the decreasing trend in 2008 after the “Lehman Shock”, the aftereffects of the global economic recession in 2009 led to a significant decrease in the number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Engineer”. However, it increased again in 2011, and the number in 2012 had increased by 1,038 (24.8%) compared with 2011.

The statistics for foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Specialist in Humanities/Inter-national Services”, by nationality/region show that the largest number came from the U.S. (1,016, or 20.3%), followed by China (902, or 18.1%), R.O. Korea (603, or 12.1%) and the U.K. (304, or 6.1%). These top four countries accounted for 56.6% of the total number of newly entering foreign nation-als with this status of residence.

With regard to newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Intra-company Transferee”, statistics by nationality/region show that the largest number came from China (1,967, or 32.1%), followed by the Philippines (669, or 10.9%), India (505, or 8.2%) and R.O. Korea (491, or 8.0%), and these top four countries accounted for 59.3% of the total number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Intra-company Transferee”.

The number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Skilled Labor” as specialists with skills unique to a particular foreign country had been on the decline since 2001, but the figure started increasing in 2004. The number of such foreign nationals started decreasing again in 2009, but increased again in 2011. The number of such foreign nationals had increased to 4,910 in 2012, an increase of 732 (17.5%) from 2011.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of newly entering foreign na-tionals with the status of residence of “Skilled Labor” came from China (2,920, or 59.5%), followed by Nepal (809, or 16.5%), India (432, or 8.8%) and Thailand (162, or 3.3%) in 2012. This was due in part to the fact that most of the foreign nationals with this status of residence were chefs of foreign cuisine, and these top four countries accounted for 88.0% of the total number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Skilled Labor”.

Part II Chapter 1. Foreign Nationals Entering and Departing from Japan

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c. “Entertainer” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 5-1)Although the number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Enter-

tainer” had been steadily increasing since 2001, it decreased after 2005. However, in 2012, the num-ber increased again. In 2012, it increased to 34,969, an increase of 8,857 (33.9%) from 2011, rep-resenting the largest ratio of total foreign nationals with a status of residence for employment in a professional or technical field. It was the first time that the number had increased from the previous year following the implementation of stricter landing and residence examinations through a review of the entry permission criteria (ministerial ordinance) for the status of residence of “Entertainer” in 2006.

According to the statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of foreign nationals newly entering with the status of residence of “Entertainer” came from R.O. Korea (6,528, 18.7%), fol-lowed by the U.S. (6,514, 18.6%), the U.K. (2,916, 8.3%), the Philippines (1,984, 5.7%), and Russia (1,982, 5.7%) in 2012. For R.O. Korea, the number of foreign nationals newly entering had in-creased by 3,349 (105.3%) from 2011.

C. “Student” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 9-1)The number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Student” had in-

creased by 7,643 (15.3%) from a year earlier to 57,579 in 2012, consisting mostly of those from Asia (83.4%).

According to statistics by nationality/region, those from China accounted for 46.1% of the to-tal, standing at 26,554, followed by R.O. Korea (5,855, or 10.2%). The number of Chinese students had increased by 2,696 (11.3%), while that of R.O. Korean students had decreased by 894 (13.2%). (Chart13)

(*) Because the status of residence “Pre-college Student” was consolidated into “Student” on July 1, 2010, the figures in the “Student” section from 2008 to 2010 represent the sum of “College Student” and “Pre-college Student.”

Chart 13: Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering with the status of residence of “Student” by major nationality/region

(Note) Because the status of residence "Pre-college Student" was consolidatedinto "Student" on July 1, 2010, the figures in the "Student" section from 2008 to2010 represent the sum of "College Student" and "Pre-college Student."

Chart 13 Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering with the sta residence of "Student" by major nationality/region






11,68710,003 10,045


956 1,300 1,661 1,864


3,150 3,252 3,260


3,378 3,341 3,3422,661











2008 2009 2010 2011 2012




Viet Nam

R.O. Korea



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D. “Trainee” and “Technical Intern Trainee (1)” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 7-1, 10-1)

The number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Trainee” had in-creased by 1,878 (11.7%) from a year earlier to 17,957 in 2012. The number continued to decline due to the introduction of a new technical intern training program that started on July 1, 2010 based on the Act to Amend the Immigration Control Act and Other Related Acts enacted in July 2009, which resulted in the status of residence of “Trainee” only being issued to those engaged in either casework training not related to practical training, or official training; however, it increased again in 2012.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the number from Asia, particularly from neighboring countries dispatching a large number of trainees reached 11,942 in 2012 and accounted for 66.5% of the total. This upward trend is expected to continue. In addition to Asia, Africa sent 3,073 trainees (17.1% of the total) to Japan, while Latin American countries sent 954 trainees (5.3%) to Japan.

According to statistics by nationality/region, those from China accounted for 10.7%, standing at 1,923, followed by Thailand (1,404, or 7.8%), Indonesia (1,384, or 7.7%), and Viet Nam (1,127, 6.3%). (Chart 14)

Those engaged in the acquisition of skills through employment are issued the status of residence of “Technical Intern Training (1)” (activities designated in (i) in the right-hand column of the “Technical Intern Training” section in Appended Table I(2) of the Immigration Control Act).

In 2012, the number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Technical Intern Training (1)” was 67,915, an increase of 1,890 (2.9%) from 2011.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Trainee” came from China at 49,172 in 2012, accounting for 72.4% of the total. China was followed by Viet Nam (7,449, 11.0%), the Philippines (4,264, or 6.3%), and In-donesia (3,818, or 5.6%). Those from China had decreased by 139 (0.3%) from 2011, while those from Viet Nam, the Philippines and Indonesia had increased by 817 (12.3%), 509 (13.6%) and 282 (8.0%), respectively.

(*) The numbers reflect those with the status of residence of “Trainee” until 2009, and those with the statuses of residence of “Trainee” and “Technical Intern Training (1)” in and after 2010.

Chart 14: Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering with the status of resi-dence of “Trainee” and “Technical Intern Training (1)” by major nationality/region

(Note)The number of new arrivals reflect those with the status of residence of "Trainee" until2009, and those with the statuses of residence of "Trainee" and "Technical Intern Training(1)" in and after 2010.

Chart 14 Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering with the status of residence of "Trainee" and "Technical Intern Training (1)"by major nationality/region





3,980 4,424


3,7042,698 3,027 2,979 3,398


4,4234,530 4,997








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012




51,419 51,095










Viet Nam

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E. Foreign Nationals Entering Japan with a Status of Residence for Resident Activities Based on Personal Status or Position (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 13-1, 14-1)

When foreign nationals enter Japan for resident activities based on their personal status or position, one of three types of statuses of residence; namely, “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”, “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident”, or “Long-Term Resident” will be granted. (Note that no foreign na-tionals newly entering Japan can obtain the status of residence of “Permanent Resident” because this status is granted only to foreign nationals who have lived in Japan for a certain period of time (Article 7, Paragraph (1) (ii) of the Immigration Control Act.))

In 2012, the number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of a Japanese National” amounted to 10,855, an increase of 89 (0.8%) from 2011, and those with the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of a Permanent Resident” amounted to 1,877, an in-crease of 485 (34.8%) from 2011.

The number of foreign nationals newly entering under “Long-Term Resident” had increased by 2,034 (26.0%) in 2011 to 9,845 in 2012.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of a Japanese National” came from China at 3,854, accounting for 35.5% of the total. China was followed by the Philippines (2,508, or 23.1%) and Brazil (1,067, or 9.8%). According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of newly entering foreign nationals with the status of residence of “Long-Term Resident” came from Brazil at 3,237, accounting for 32.9% of the total. Brazil was followed by the Philippines (2,736, or 27.8%) and China (2,268, or 23.0%). (Chart 15)

Chart 15: Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering by status of residence for activities based on personal status or position

Chart 15 Changes in the number of foreign nationals newly entering by status of residence for activities based on personal status or position


9,9468,178 7,811




















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





Spouse or Child of

Permanent Resident

Spouse or Child of Japanese National

Long-Term Resident



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The number of persons who received special landing permission in 2012 was 2,204,644, an increase of 288,939 (15.1%) from 2011.

Among those, the number of persons who received landing permission for crew members in 2012 reached 2,064,409 which accounted for 93.6% of the total number of cases of special landing permission and represented the largest percentage, followed by the number of persons who received permission for landing at a port of call at 136,916 (6.2%). (Table 3)

The following is the number of cases of special landing permission by category.

❷ Special Landing Permission

(1) Permission for Landing at a Port of Call

(2) Permission for Landing in Transit

(3) Landing Permission for Crew Members

(4) Permission for Emergency Landing

The number of foreign nationals who received permission for landing at a port of call in 2012 was 136,916, a substantial increase by 121,858 (809.3%) from 2011. This increase was predominantly due to the deployment of a new examination system in June 2012 utilizing permission for landing at a port of call targeting large-size cruise ships. (See Part III, Chapter 3, Section 1, subsection 3.)

The number of foreign nationals who received permission for landing in transit in 2012 was 2,862, an increase of 566 (24.7%) from 2011.

The number of foreign nationals who received landing permission for crew members in 2012 was 2,064,409, an increase of 166,695 (8.8%) from 2011.

The number of foreign nationals who received permission for emergency landing in 2012 was 370, an increase of 19 (5.4%) from 2011.

(5) Landing Permission Due to DistressThe number of foreign nationals who received landing permission due to distress in 2012 was 82, a de-

crease of 204 (71.3%) from 2011.

Table 3 Changes in the number of cases of special landing permission(Cases)

YearDivision 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 2,079,981 1,888,704 1,972,090 1,915,705 2,204,644Permission for Landing at a Port of Call 31,908 34,658 24,355 15,058 136,916

Permission for Landing in Transit 451 394 458 2,296 2,862

Landing Permission for Crew Members 2,047,221 1,853,267 1,946,807 1,897,714 2,064,409

Permission for Emergency Landing 314 368 381 351 370

Landing Permission Due to Distress 87 17 89 286 82

Landing Permission for Temporary Refuge (-) (-) (-) 10 5

(*) Temporary refugee landing has been included in the number of cases of special landing permission since 2012.

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The number of foreign nationals simply leaving Japan without having acquired a re-entry permit was 7,403,884 in 2012, an increase of 1,988,890 (36.7%) from 2011.

Among them, the number of persons leaving Japan with a period of stay of less than 15 days was 6,820,277, which accounted for 92.1% of the total or almost all. Further, the number of persons leaving Japan with a period of stay of less than 3 months was 7,254,523, which accounted for 98.0% of the total. (Table 4)

❸ Foreign Nationals Leaving Japan

(6) Landing Permission for Temporary RefugeThe number of foreign nationals who received landing permission for temporary refuge in 2012 was 5,

a decrease of 5 (50.0%) from 2011.

Table 4 Changes in the number of foreign nationals simply leaving Japan by period of stay(People)

YearPeriod of Stay 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 7,592,261 6,046,150 7,865,081 5,414,994 7,403,884

Within 15 days 6,958,485 5,423,103 7,229,477 4,892,797 6,820,277 More than 15 days to 1 month 252,854 237,515 266,227 185,550 244,373

More than 1 month to 3 months 207,055 179,882 187,725 157,804 189,873

More than 3 months to 6 months 34,243 30,638 29,777 25,972 31,638

More than 6 months to 1 year 49,009 48,709 43,085 38,686 32,259

More than 1 year to 3 years 68,933 85,253 80,770 84,909 57,275

More than 3 years 18,618 35,945 24,976 26,308 26,879

Unknown 3,064 5,105 3,044 2,968 1,310

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Article: At the front line of immigration control administra-tion (voice of an immigration inspector in charge of immigration examinations)(Masako Kadowaki, Third Inspection Department, Haneda Airport Dis-trict Immigration Office, Tokyo Regional Immigra-tion Bureau)

During the year 2012, as many as 7.9 million passengers used Haneda Airport, and an expanded in-ternational terminal is scheduled to be temporarily in service by March 2014. As a result, the number of users is expected to increase even further.

What is required of immigration inspectors is to conduct a dual type of inspection - “smooth yet strict inspections”. The basic premise of the entry examinations is the implementation of quick inspec-tions. On the other hand, certain border measures at the airport may require a stricter inspection. It is important to identify which kind of inspection is required within a limited time frame.

For about two years after the establishment of the new Haneda Airport District Immigration Of-fice, I engaged in document examinations while conducting immigration examinations. The manner in which the passport was bound, methods to identify forged documents, and various measures adopted by foreign countries to prevent forgery were all bits of interesting knowledge that I gained through the scientific investigation operations that proved very useful in my work as an immigration inspector. In order to make my capacity for judgment, which is necessary for the immigration examinations, more accurate, I undertake my tasks every day utilizing the knowledge that I have gained.

Haneda Airport is in operation 24 hours a day. I sometimes have a physically hard time handling de-layed, late night and early morning flights, but I manage to get through it through the encouragement and support of my colleagues who work at the same place as me.

Unlike the residence examinations of foreign nationals residing in Japan, it is necessary to conduct immigration examinations at the inspection booths of the airport in a short time. Even in such a short time, I will continue to stick to the basics and try to conduct better inspections for all persons so that I can better contribute to equitable control over the entry into and departure from Japan of foreign na-tionals.

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The number of new cases of hearings for landing (the number of cases which were assigned to a spe-cial inquiry officer on account of a foreign national not having been granted landing permission by an immigration inspector) in 2012 was 8,087, a decrease of 2,867 (26.2%) from 2011.

The most common cases were those in which the foreign national was required to undergo a hearing for landing on suspicion of having submitted a false landing application, such as claiming to be a tour-ist or a similar status while their real purpose of entry was unlawful work or other illegal activities (not meeting the conditions provided for in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Immigration Control Act). Such cases numbered 5,473, a decline of 3,160 (36.6%) from 2011 and accounted for 67.7% of the total number of new cases in 2012. This was followed by cases which were assigned on account of the foreign national being suspected of not possessing a valid passport or visa, such as those trying to enter Japan using a forged or altered passport (not meeting the conditions provided for in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Immigration Control Act). Such cases numbered 1,583, an increase of 57 (3.7%) from 2011 and accounted for 19.6% of the total number of new cases in 2012. Furthermore, cases which were assigned to special inquiry officers on suspicion of falling under one of the grounds for denial of land-ing (not meeting the conditions provided for in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Immigration Control Act) numbered 1,028, an increase of 240 (30.5%) from 2011, accounting for 12.7% of the total number of new cases in 2012. In 2011, two persons were handed over to special inquiry officers for refus-ing to provide biometric information, which became mandatory for foreign passengers to provide on and after November 20, 2007 (falling under Article 7, paragraph (4) of the Immigration Control Act), and one person was handed over in 2012. (Table 5)

❶ Receipt and Processing of Hearings for Landing, and Filing of Ob-jections

Hearing for landing

Section 2 ◆ Judgment for Landing

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With regard to the processing of the hearings for landing in 2012(*), the number of cases where land-ing was permitted as it was found during the hearing that the foreign national conformed to the condi-tions for landing permission was 2,179, a decline of 539 (19.8%) from 2011.

In addition, cases in which foreign nationals were ordered to leave Japan because they were found not to meet the conditions for landing at the hearing for landing by a special inquiry officer and who later submitted to the findings numbered 1,606, a decline of 549 (25.5%) from 2011. Cases in which foreign nationals filed an objection with the Minister of Justice because they were not satisfied with the finding by the special inquiry officer that they did not meet the conditions for landing numbered 3,901, a decline of 1,832 (32.0%) from 2011. (Table 6)

(*)  In some cases, the total number of new cases of hearings for landing by grounds for landing (Table 5), is not the same as that of the changes in the processing of the hearings for landing (Table 6). This is because a case may be assigned by the immigration inspector to the special inqui-ry officer at the end of the year, or the hearing may be prolonged, and it may be the following year after the case is assigned by the immigration inspector to the special inquiry officer that the hearing for landing is actually processed.

Table 5 Changes in the number of new cases of hearings for landing by grounds for landing(Cases)

YearConditions for landing

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 12,660 9,930 7,365 10,954 8,087 Using counterfeit passports or visas (Not conforming to Article 7-(1)-(i)) 1,365 1,300 1,116 1,526 1,583

False landing application(Not conforming to Article 7-(1)-(ii)) 9,722 7,470 5,105 8,633 5,473

Not eligible for the period of stay relating to the application(Not conforming to Article 7-(1)-(iii))

7 0 6 5 2

Falling under the grounds for denial of landing (Not conforming to Article 7-(1)-(iv))

1,563 1,160 1,137 788 1,028

Not providing personal identification information(Not conforming to Article 7-(4))

3 0 1 2 1

Table 6 Changes in the processing of the hearings for landing(Cases)

YearDivision 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 12,661 9,938 7,304 10,993 8,109

Landing permission 4,405 3,664 2,903 2,718 2,179

Deportation order 5,537 3,731 2,662 2,155 1,606

Filing of objection 1,967 2,014 1,319 5,733 3,901 Withdrawal of the landing application 368 249 231 209 318

Others 384 280 189 178 105

(*) “Others” includes cases where the jurisdiction has changed or the application was withdrawn owing to the departure etc.

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❷ Foreign Nationals Falling Under Any of the Grounds for Denial of Landing

In principle, foreign nationals denied permission for landing are those who (1) are ordered to leave Japan after a hearing for landing or (2) are ordered to leave Japan after the results of filing an objection with the Minister of Justice.

The number of foreign nationals denied permission for landing in 2012 was 2,487, a decline of 505 (16.9%) from 2011.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of foreign nationals denied permission for landing came consistently from R.O. Korea standing at 846 (34.0% of the total), followed by China standing at 290 (11.7%) and Turkey standing at 284 (11.4%). Those top three countries accounted for 57.1% of the total. (Chart 16)

Chart 16: Changes in the number of foreign nationals who were denied landing by major nationality/region

Chart 16 Changes in the number of foreign nationals who were denied landing by major nationality/region

7,188 4,780 3,489 2,992

















121 112201



325 214144

126127 142

87 600







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Year)

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❸ Special Permission for Landing

❶ Advance Consultation for Visa Issuance

❷ Certificate of Eligibility

Cases in which the Minister of Justice granted special permission for landing to foreign nationals in 2012 numbered 3,440, a decline of 1,976 (36.5%) from 2011. (Table7)

The number of cases of advance consultation for visa issuance was 4,910 in 2012, showing an increase of 507 (11.5%) from 2011.

In 2012, the number of cases of applications for certificates of eligibility was 266,273, an increase of 28,003 (11.8%) from 2011.

The advance consultation for issuance of visas together with the examination of certificates of eligibili-ty are jointly called pre-entry examinations. In recent years, the number of processed cases of applications for the issuance of a certificate of eligibility has steadily accounted for most of the total number of pro-cessed cases of pre-entry examinations. (Table 8)

Section 3 ◆ Pre-entry Examination

Table 7 Changes in the number of objections filed, and decisions by the Minister of Justice(Cases)

YearDivision 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Filing of Objection (*) 1,973 2,022 1,326 5,754 3,910



s With reason 10 5 18 18 22 Without reason (Or-der to leave Japan) 492 361 291 303 333

Special Permission for Landing 1,421 1,629 975 5,416 3,440

Withdrawal 42 20 21 8 63

Outstanding 8 7 21 9 52 (*) “Filing of objections” includes the number of outstanding cases of the previous year.

Table 8 Changes in the number of cases of pre-entry examinations(Cases)

YearDivision 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Advance consultation for issuance of a visa 6,661 6,505 4,882 4,403 4,910

Application for certificate of eligibility 329,032 273,989 248,523 238,270 266,273

(*) Please note that the figures (number of cases) shown in “Advance consultation for issuance of a visa” in the 2011 and 2012 versions were in-correct and should be changed to read as follows:

(Correct) 2010: 4,882, 2011: 4,403(Incorrect) 2010: 4,615, 2011: 6,325

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Chapter 2. Foreign Nationals Residing in Japan

❶ The Number of Foreign Residents in Japan

While the number of foreign nationals entering Japan shows the “flow” of foreign nationals, the num-ber of foreign nationals residing in Japan comprises the statistics on “stock” to show how many foreign nationals reside in Japan at a certain point in time.

At the end of 2012, the number of mid to long-term residents in Japan was 1,652,292, and the num-ber of special permanent residents was 381,364. Adding these two numbers together, the total number of foreign residents was 2,033,656 (*1), a decrease of 13,693 (0.7%) from the number of alien registrations (excluding temporary visitors) (*2) at the end of 2011. Although the number of alien registrations (ex-cluding temporary visitors) decreased for three consecutive years from the end of 2009, the amount of the decline in the number of foreign residents at the end of 2012 had substantially subsided from 2011 and the previous years, although it is impracticable to make a simple comparison.

At the end of 2012, the number of foreign residents as a percentage of the total population of Japan (127,515,000) was 1.59%, which was 0.01 point lower than 1.60% which was the number of alien reg-istrations (excluding temporary visitors) as a percentage of the total population of Japan at the end of 2011. (Chart 17)

(*1) Although statistics were previously prepared on the number of foreign nationals who had filed an alien registration under the Alien Regis-tration Act, the Alien Registration Act was abolished as a result of the implementation of the new residency management system after amend-ments were made to the Immigration Control Act and other related acts in July 2012. Given this, the statistics of 2012 focus on the actual conditions of foreign nationals residing in Japan targeting “mid to long-term residents” and “special permanent residents” (hereinafter referred to collectively as “foreign residents”) subject to the new residency management system.

It is impracticable to simply compare the number of foreign residents and the number of alien registrations because of the differences in the scope of foreign nationals to whom the different systems apply.

(*2) For reference purposes, Chart 17 shows the number of foreign nationals with alien registrations who reside in Japan with statuses of resi-dence that would make them eligible for the status of mid to long-term resident as well as the number of special permanent residents (hereinafter referred to as the “number of alien registrations (excluding temporary visitors)”) from 1990 to 2011.

Section 1 ◆ The Number of Foreign Residents in Japan

Chart 17: Changes in the total number of alien registrations and foreign residents, and changes in foreign residents as a percentage of the total population of Japan


- 1 -

















0.71 0.69 0.67 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.70





1.621.68 1.67

1.63 1.60 1.59

















1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



Percentage of the total populationNumber of alien registrationsNumber of alien registrations (excluding temporary visitors) Number of foreign residents

(*1) These numbers are based on the statistics as at the end of December each year.(*2) The numbers until 1985 represent the number of alien registrations, the numbers between 1990 and 2011 represent the sum of

the number of alien registrations who stayed in Japan with the status of residence eligible for mid to long-term residents and the number of special permanent residents (number of alien registrations (excluding temporary visitors)), and the number for 2012 represents the number of foreign residents adding together mid to long-term residents and special permanent residents.

(*3) The “percentage of the total population of Japan” is calculated based on the population as of October 1 every year taken from the “Population Estimates” and the “Population Census” of the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communica-tions.

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❷ The Number of Foreign Residents by Nationality/Region

According to the statistics of the number of foreign residents by nationality/region at the end of 2012, China marked the largest number at 652,555, accounting for 32.1% of the total. China was followed by Korea (530,046, or 26.1%), the Philippines (202,974, or 10.0%), Brazil (190,581, or 9.4%), and Viet Nam (52,364, or 2.6%).

Looking at yearly changes in the number of foreign residents (number of alien registrations (exclud-ing temporary visitors) before 2011), the number of foreign residents from China continued to decrease, showing a decline of 16,089 (2.4%) compared with the end of 2011. The number of foreign residents from Korea in 2012 continued to decrease, showing a decline of 12,136 (2.2%) compared with the end of 2011. The number of foreign residents from the Philippines had previously seen an increasing trend but this changed at the end of 2012, marking a decline of 320 (0.2%) from 2011. The number of foreign residents from Brazil, which decreased year on year after the peak at the end of 2007, had decreased by 18,684 (8.9%) at the end of 2012, compared with the end of 2011. Viet Nam continued to be on the in-crease, except in 2009, and had increased by 7,920 (17.8%) at the end of 2012, compared with the end of 2011. (Chart 18) (*)

❸ The Number of Foreign Residents by Purpose (Status of Residence)

(1) “Permanent Resident” and “Special Permanent Resident” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 12)

According to the statistics for the number of foreign residents by status of residence, those with the status of “Permanent Resident” (excluding special permanent residents) comprised the largest group as of the end of 2012. The number of permanent residents was 624,501, an increase of 26,061 (4.4%) from the end of 2011, accounting for 30.7% of the total. (Table 9)

Chart 18: Changes in the number of foreign residents by major nationality/region

(*1) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of foreign nationals with alien registrations who stayed in Japan with a status of residence eligible for mid to long-term residents and the number of special permanent residents, and the number for 2012 represents the number of foreign nationals adding together mid to long-term residents and special permanent residents.

(*2) ”China” until 2011 includes Taiwan, and “China” for 2012 excludes those who were issued with residence cards and special permanent resident certificates and had already been included in “Taiwan” in the nationality/region section. (Hereinafter the same applies to the tables relating to the number of mid to long-term residents)

(Note 1)

  (Note 2)

Chart 18 Changes in the number of foreign residents by major nationality/region

The numbers until 2011 represent the number of foreign nationals with alien registrations who stayed in Japan with astatus of residence eligible for mid to long-term residents and the number of special permanent residents, and thenumber for 2012 represents the number of foreign nationals adding together mid to long-term residents and specialpermanent residents."China" until 2011 includes Taiwan, and "China" for 2012 excludes those who were issued with residence cards andspecial permanent resident certificates and had already been included in "Taiwan" in the nationality/region section.(Hereinafter the same applies to the tables relating to the number of mid to long-term residents)








644,265670,683 678,391


646,330 681,738657,180


586,400 586,782







46,948 67,641



182,910 193,426 197,971

200,208 203,294






298,382 308,703 313,771 309,448





8,880 16,602 27,990 31,527 36,131 40,524 40,493 41,354 44,444









1984 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



Viet Nam




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Table 9 Changes in the number of foreign residents by status of residence(People)

YearStatus of Residence 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total ( ① ) 2,144,682 2,125,571 2,087,261 2,047,349 2,033,656


us o

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ce e


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Professor 8,333 8,295 8,050 7,859 7,787Artist 461 490 480 461 438Religious Activities 4,601 4,448 4,232 4,106 4,051Journalist 281 271 248 227 223Investor/Business Manager 8,895 9,840 10,908 11,778 12,609

Legal/Accounting Services 154 161 178 169 159

Medical Services 199 220 265 322 412Researcher 2,285 2,372 2,266 2,103 1,970Instructor 10,070 10,129 10,012 10,106 10,121Engineer 52,273 50,493 46,592 42,634 42,273Specialist in Human-ities/International Services

67,291 69,395 68,467 67,854 69,721

Intra-company Trans-feree 17,798 16,786 16,140 14,636 14,867

Entertainer 13,031 10,966 9,247 6,265 1,646Skilled Labor 25,863 29,030 30,142 31,751 33,863Technical Intern Training 1-(a) 2,707 3,991 4,121

Technical Intern Training 1-(b) 47,716 57,187 59,160

Technical Intern Training 2-(a) 1,848 2,726 2,869

Technical Intern Training 2-(b) 47,737 78,090 85,327

Cultural Activities 2,795 2,780 2,637 2,209 2,320College Student 138,514 145,909 201,511 188,605 180,919Pre-college Student 41,313 46,759Trainee 86,826 65,209 9,343 3,388 1,804Dependent 107,641 115,081 118,865 119,359 120,693Designated Activities 121,863 130,636 72,374 22,751 20,159Permanent Resident 492,056 533,472 565,089 598,440 624,501Spouse or Child of Japanese National 245,497 221,923 196,248 181,617 162,332

Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident 17,839 19,570 20,251 21,647 22,946

Long-Term Resident 258,498 221,771 194,602 177,983 165,001Special Permanent Resident 420,305 409,565 399,106 389,085 381,364

Status of residence not eligible to become a mid to long-term resident(②)

72,744 60,550 46,890 31,159

Temporary Visitor 40,407 33,378 29,093 23,978Without Acquiring Status of Residence 13,510 12,376 9,874 3,506

Temporary Refuge 30 30 30 29Others 18,797 14,766 7,893 3,646

The number of registered foreign nationals(①+②) 2,217,426 2,186,121 2,134,151 2,078,508

(*) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the number of foreign residents add-ing together the mid to and long-term residents and special permanent residents

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(2) Foreign Nationals Residing in Japan for the Purpose of Employ-ment in Professional or Technical Fields (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 1-2 through 6-2)

The number of mid to long-term residents with a status of residence for the purpose of employment in professional or technical fields (excluding the status of residence of “Diplomat”, “Official” and “Techni-cal Intern Training” in Appended Tables I (1) and I (2) of the Immigration Control Act) had decreased by 131 (0.1%) from the end of 2011 to 200,140 as of the end of 2012, accounting for 9.8% of the total. Looking at the changes in this number from the end of 2008 to the end of 2012, the number of foreign residents (registered persons before 2011) had seen an increasing trend from the end of 2008, but actual-ly decreased from the end of 2010. (Chart 19)

Looking at changes in the number of permanent residents between the end of 2008 and the end of 2012, a steady increase was seen, and the number had increased by 132,445 (26.9%) at the end of 2012 from 492,056 as of the end of 2008.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of permanent residents came from China totaling 191,946 at the end of 2012, followed by Brazil, the Philippines, Korea, and Peru.

On the other hand, the number of special permanent residents which used to account for the largest percentage until 2006 has been decreasing year by year, and therefore its percentage to the total number of foreign residents has also been decreasing accordingly. Looking at the changes over a longer period, the percentage of foreign nationals equivalent to the status of “Special Permanent Resident” accounted for approximately 90% just after World War II until 1955. However, the decline in the number of “Spe-cial Permanent Residents” itself and the increase in the number of foreign nationals newly visiting Japan for various purposes (so-called “newcomers”) are both driving the ratio of “Special Permanent Residents” down, which clearly shows the changes in the situation of foreign residents in Japan.

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Chart 19: Changes in the number of mid to long-term residents by status of residence for employment in professional or technical fields

(*1) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the number of mid to long-term residents.

(*2) Excludes “Diplomat,” “Official,” “Technical Intern Training” and “Designated Activities” of Appended Tables I-1, 2 and 5.

(Note 1) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for2012 represents the number of mid to long-term residents.(Note 2) Excludes "Diplomat," "Official," "Technical Intern Training" and "DesignatedActivities" of Appended Tables I-1, 2 and 5.

Chart 19 Changes in the number of mid to long-term residents by status of residence for employment in professionalor technical fields

67,291 69,395 68,467 67,854 69,721

52,273 50,49346,592

42,634 42,273







































2008 2009 2010 2011 2012








Skilled Labor

Investor/Business Manager





Specialist in Humanities/International



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The statuses of residence of “Engineer”, “Specialist in Humanities/International Services” and “In-tra-company Transferee” which basically correspond to foreign employees working in companies, were 42,273, 69,721 and 14,867, respectively, as of the end of 2012, a decrease of 361 (0.8%), an increase of 1,867 (2.8%), and an increase of 231 (1.6%), respectively, compared with the number of alien registra-tions as of the end of 2011.

At the end of 2012, the number of mid to long-term residents with such statuses of residence as “En-gineer”, “Specialist in Humanities/International Services” and “Intra-company Transferee” as a percent-age of the total number of mid to long-term residents for the purpose of employment in professional or technical fields was 21.1%, 34.8%, and 7.4%, respectively.

(3) “Student” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 9-2)The number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Student” at the end of 2012

had decreased by 7,686 (4.1%) from the number of alien registrations at the end of 2011 to 180,919, ac-counting for 8.9% of the total. Due, in part, to the integration of the status of residence of “Pre-College Student” into “Student” in July 2010, the number of alien registrations increased significantly at the end of 2010 by 55,602 (38.1%) to 201,511(*), exceeding 200,000 for the first time, but turned to a decline at the end of 2011 and continued to decline as of the end of 2012. According to statistics by nationality/re-gion, the number of Chinese students was 113,980, accounting for 63.0% of the total, followed by Korea (18,643, or 10.3%).

(*) The number had increased by 8,843 (4.6%) compared to the total number of 192,668 combining the statuses of residence of “College Stu-dent” and “Pre-college Student” at the end of 2009.

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(4) “Technical Intern Training (1) and (2)”(Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 7-2, 8-2)

The number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Technical Intern Training (1)” at the end of 2012 was 63,281, an increase of 2,103 (3.4%) compared with the number of alien registra-tions at the end of 2011. According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of those from China was 45,713, accounting for 72.2% of the total, followed by Viet Nam (7,379, or 11.7%), the Philippines (3,846, or 6.1%), and Indonesia (3,644, or 5.8%).

The number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Technical Intern Training (2)” as of the end of 2012 was 88,196, an increase of 7,380 (9.1%) compared with the number of alien registrations at the end of 2011. According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of those from China was 65,682, accounting for 74.5% of the total, followed by Viet Nam (9,336, or 10.6%), Indonesia (5,454, or 6.2%), and the Philippines (4,996, or 5.7%).

(*) “Technical Intern Training (1)” represents the sum of “Technical Intern Training (1)-(a)” and “Technical Intern Training (1)-(b)” and “Technical Intern Training (2)” represents the sum of “Technical Intern Training (2)-(a)” and “Technical Intern Training (2)-(b)”.

(5) “Trainee” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 10-2)

(6) “Designated Activities” (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 11-2)

The number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Trainee” at the end of 2012 substantially decreased to 1,804, a decline of 1,584 (46.8%) compared with the number of alien registra-tions at the end of 2011. According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of those from China was the largest, standing at 444 (24.6%), followed by Thailand (290, or 16.1%), and Viet Nam (233, or 12.9%).

The number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Designated Activities” at the end of 2012 was 20,159, a decline of 2,592 (11.4%) compared with the number of alien registrations at the end of 2011.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of those from Korea was 5,027, accounting for 24.9% of the total, followed by China (3,143, or 15.6%), the Philippines (1,863, or 9.2%), and Taiwan (1,615, or 8.0%).

(7) Foreign Nationals Residing in Japan with a Status of Residence for Resident Activities Based on Personal Status or Position (Data Section 2, Statistics (1) 13-2, 14-2)

The number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” at the end of 2012 was 162,332, accounting for 8.0% of the total number of foreign residents. Looking at the change from the end of 2008 to the end of 2012, the number has been on the decrease, and the number at the end of 2012 had decreased by 19,285 (10.6%) compared with the number of alien registrations at the end of 2011.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of those from China was 43,771, accounting for 27.0% of the total, followed by the Philippines (33,122, or 20.4%), and Brazil (19,519, or 12.0%). Looking at the changes by nationality/region from the end of 2008 to the end of 2012, China took first place, surpassing Brazil at the end of 2009, while Brazil saw a year-on-year decline so that the number of those from Brazil at the end of 2012 had dropped to about one-third when compared the end of 2008.

At the end of 2012, the number of mid to long-term residents with the status of residence of “Long-Term Resident” was 165,001, accounting for 8.1% of the total number of foreign residents. Looking at

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❹ Total Number of Foreign ResidentsThe total number of foreign residents refers to the total number of foreign nationals residing in Japan

with a status of residence or the position of special permanent resident under the Immigration Control Act, and is calculated by adding the number of foreign nationals residing in Japan with a status of resi-dence under the Immigration Control Act, who fall under any of (i) through (iv) below to the number of foreign residents (sum of the number of mid to long-term residents and the number of special perma-nent residents).(i)  Persons granted permission to stay for 3 months or less,(ii)  Persons granted the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor”,(iii) Persons granted the status of residence of “Diplomat” or “Official”,(iv) Persons recognized by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as equivalent to the foreign na-

tionals mentioned above (specifically, the staff of the Japanese office of the Association of East Asian Relations (Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, etc.) and the Permanent General Mission of Palestine in Japan who have the status of residence of “Designated Activities”, and their families).

The total number of foreign residents at the end of 2012 was 2,249,720, which was 216,064 more than the number of foreign residents at the end of 2012. Looking at the numbers by status, the number of “Permanent Residents” was 624,501, accounting for 27.8% of the total, followed by “Special Permanent Residents” (381,364, or 17.0%), “Temporary Visitors” (197,128, or 8.8%), and “Student” (180,929, or 8.0%). (Chart 20, 21, Table 10)

the changes from the end of 2008 to the end of 2012, the status of residence of “Long-Term Resident” has been decreasing as is the case with the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”. At the end of 2012, the number had decreased by 12,982 (7.3%) compared with the number at the end of 2011.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of those from Brazil was 53,044 (32.1%), followed by the Philippines (40,707, or 24.7%), and China (27,148, or 16.5%). Looking at the changes from the end of 2008 to the end of 2012, the number of those from the Philippines has consistently been increasing.

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(*1) The numbers are based on the statistics as at the end of December each year.(*2) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the total number of foreign resi-

dents who stayed in Japan with a status of residence or the position of a special permanent resident.(*3) The “percentage of the total population of Japan” is calculated based on the population as of October 1 every year taken from the “Population

Estimates” and the “Population Census” of the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

(*1) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the total number of foreign resi-dents who stayed in Japan with a status of residence or the position of a special permanent resident.

(*2) ”China” until 2011 includes Taiwan, and “China” for 2012 excludes those who were issued with residence cards and special permanent resi-dent certificates and had already been included in “Taiwan” in the nationality/region section. (Hereinafter the same applies to the tables relating to the number of mid to long-term residents)

Chart 20: Changes in the total number of foreign residents, and changes in the total number of foreign resi-dents as a percentage of the total population of Japan

Chart 21: Changes in the total number of foreign residents by major nationality/region

Chart 20 Changes in the total number of foreign residents, and changes in the total number of foreign residents as a percentage of the total population of Japan

(*1) The numbers are based on the statistics as at the end of December each year.


(*3) The "percentage of the total population of Japan" is calculated based on the population as of October 1 every year taken from the "PopulationEstimates" and the "Population Census" of the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the total number of foreign residentswho stayed in Japan with a status of residence or the position of a special permanent resident.


















0.71 0.69 0.67 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.70





1.69 1.74 1.71 1.67 1.631.76


















1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(%) (People)


Total number of foreign nationals ( Registered foreign nationals)

Percentage of the total population

(Note 1)

(Note 2)

The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the totalnumber of foreign residents who stayed in Japan with a status of residence or the position of a special permanent

id"China" until 2011 includes Taiwan, and "China" for 2012 excludes those who were issued with residence cardsand special permanent resident certificates and had already been included in "Taiwan" in the nationality/regionsection. (Hereinafter the same applies to the tables relating to the number of mid to long-term residents)

Chart 21 Changes in the total number of foreign residents by major nationality/region





519,561 560,741


655,377680,518 687,156

674,879 683,412687,135





593,489 589,239








202,592 210,617 211,716

210,181 209,376






302,080312,979 316,967 312,582




27,882 38,364 43,198 44,856 46,244 47,970 47,836 48,844 49,390 51,321 51,85170,887









1984 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012








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Table 10 Changes in the total number of foreign residents by status of residence(People)


Status of Residence

Number of registered foreign nationals Number of for-eign residents

Total number of foreign residents

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 Total 2,217,426 2,186,121 2,134,151 2,078,508 2,033,656 2,249,720Diplomat 8,137Official 8,468Professor 8,333 8,295 8,050 7,859 7,787 7,849Artist 461 490 480 461 438 440Religious Activities 4,601 4,448 4,232 4,106 4,051 4,051Journalist 281 271 248 227 223 223Investor/Business Manager 8,895 9,840 10,908 11,778 12,609 12,609Legal/Accounting Services 154 161 178 169 159 159Medical Services 199 220 265 322 412 412Researcher 2,285 2,372 2,266 2,103 1,970 1,980Instructor 10,070 10,129 10,012 10,106 10,121 10,121Engineer 52,273 50,493 46,592 42,634 42,273 42,287Specialist in Humanities/International Services 67,291 69,395 68,467 67,854 69,721 69,728

Intra-company Transferee 17,798 16,786 16,140 14,636 14,867 14,909Entertainer 13,031 10,966 9,247 6,265 1,646 3,030Skilled Labor 25,863 29,030 30,142 31,751 33,863 33,865Technical Intern Training 1-(a) 2,707 3,991 4,121 4,121

Technical Intern Training 1-(b) 47,716 57,187 59,160 59,160

Technical Intern Training 2-(a) 1,848 2,726 2,869 2,869

Technical Intern Training 2-(b) 47,737 78,090 85,327 85,332

Cultural Activities 2,795 2,780 2,637 2,209 2,320 2,369Temporary Visitor 40,407 33,378 29,093 23,978 197,128College Student 138,514 145,909 201,511 188,605 180,919 180,929Pre-college Student 41,313 46,759Trainee 86,826 65,209 9,343 3,388 1,804 1,909Dependent 107,641 115,081 118,865 119,359 120,693 120,707Designated Activities 121,863 130,636 72,374 22,751 20,159 20,784Permanent Resident 492,056 533,472 565,089 598,440 624,501 624,501Spouse or Child of Japanese National 245,497 221,923 196,248 181,617 162,332 162,332

Spouse or Child of Perma-nent Resident 17,839 19,570 20,251 21,647 22,946 22,946

Long-Term Resident 258,498 221,771 194,602 177,983 165,001 165,001Special Permanent Resident 420,305 409,565 399,106 389,085 381,364 381,364Without Acquiring Status of Residence 13,510 12,376 9,874 3,506

Temporary Refuge 30 30 30 29Others 18,797 14,766 7,893 3,646

(*) The numbers until 2011 represent the number of alien registrations, and the number for 2012 represents the number of foreign residents adding together the mid to and long-term residents and special permanent residents, and the total number of foreign residents staying in Japan with a status of residence or the position of a special permanent resident.

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Although the total number of cases of permission for statuses of residence has had a tendency to increase in re-cent years, it peaked out in 2009, and 2012 saw a decline of 359,712 (26.5%) compared to 999,184 in 2011. As described in subsection 5 below, such a substantial decrease was due to a decline in permission for re-entry in 2012 by 393,919 (59.3%) from 2011 as a result of the introduction of the “system for special re-entry permission”. (Table 11)

Residence examination

❶ Permission for Change in the Status of Residence

In 2012, the number of foreign nationals who obtained permission for a change in the status of resi-dence was 124,192, a decline of 8,642 (6.5%) from 2011.

(1) Change of Status of Residence from the Status of Residence of “Student” to a Status for Employment Purposes

Foreign nationals studying at Japanese universities or vocational/technical schools have the status of residence of “Student”. Many of them wish to stay in Japan to work for a company or some other organi-zation in Japan even after finishing their studies at school.

The number of foreign nationals who obtained permission for a change to a status of residence for em-ployment was 10,969, an increase of 2,383 (27.8%) from 2011. While the number had consistently been on the increase since 2003, it turned downward after hitting a peak in 2008. However, the number for 2012 has substantially increased to a level close to the peak in 2008. (Table 12)

Section 2 ◆ Examination of Statuses of Residence

Table 11 Changes in the numbers of permission examined in status of residence examinations(Cases)

YearDivision 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 1,361,844 1,403,250 1,375,705 1,358,896 999,184 Permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence prev iously granted

133,513 147,528 163,654 136,450 146,920

Permission for change of status of residence 149,214 149,046 188,178 132,834 124,192

Permission for extension of period of stay 434,307 444,330 389,439 377,645 407,570

Permission for permanent residence 57,806 53,960 48,003 41,327 42,029

Permission for special per-manent residence 114 139 105 102 147

Permission for acquisition of status of residence 8,957 8,303 7,531 6,528 8,235

Re-entry permission 577,933 599,944 578,795 664,010 270,091 (*1) ”Permission for permanent residence” is the permission provided for in Article 22 of the Immigration Control Act.(*2) ”Permission for acquisition of status of residence” includes the permission for permanent residence provided for in Article 22-2 of the Immi-

gration Control Act.(*3) ”Permission for special permanent residence” is the permission for special permanent residence provided for in Article 5 of the Special Act

on the Immigration Control of Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality on the Basis of the Treaty of Peace with Japan.

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According to statistics by nationality/region, the number of foreign nationals who obtained such per-mission from China was 7,032, accounting for 64.1%, followed by R.O. Korea (1,417, or 12.9%) and Taiwan (352, or 3.2%).

According to statistics by status of residence, foreign nationals who obtained permission to change their status to that of “Specialist in Humanities/International Services” made up the largest percentage, totaling 7,565 (69.0%), an increase of 1,559 (26.0%) from 2011. The number of foreign nationals who obtained permission to change their status to that of “Engineer” was 2,227 (20.3%), and these two sta-tuses of residence accounted for 89.3% of the total. (Table 12, 13)

Table 12 Changes in the number of cases of permission for change of the status of residence from student, etc. to a status for employment by status of residence


Status of Residence2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 11,040 9,584 7,831 8,586 10,969 Specialist in Humanities/International Services 7,863 6,677 5,422 6,006 7,565

Engineer 2,414 2,154 1,390 1,670 2,227 Professor 430 444 512 419 588 Investor/Business Manag-er 128 128 275 291 356

Researcher 111 97 93 78 119 Instructor 29 31 46 46 41 Medical Services 16 24 54 34 29 Religious Activities 19 3 12 12 9 Skilled Labor 3 4 11 11 4 Artist 2 8 5 5 3 Entertainer 5 2 3 1 2 Others 20 12 8 13 26

Table 13 Changes in the number of cases of permission for change of the status of residence from student, etc. to a status for employment by nationality/region


Nationality/region2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 11,040 9,584 7,831 8,586 10,969

China 7,651 6,333 4,874 5,344 7,032

R.O.Korea 1,360 1,368 1,205 1,209 1,417

Taiwan 303 285 279 302 352

Viet Nam 189 161 167 242 302

Nepal 161 173 141 149 224

Thailand 97 101 119 109 170

Bangladesh 164 125 107 139 162

United States of America 65 67 87 107 130

Myanmar 83 94 63 89 106

Sri Lanka 160 141 120 114 91

Others 807 736 669 782 983 (*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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(2) Permission to Change Status of Residence in Order to Participate in “Technical Intern Training (2)”

The technical intern training program was a system established in 1993 to enable foreign nationals to acquire skills through on-the-job training while in employment, thereby contributing to effective tech-nology transfer and human resources development as part of Japan’s international contributions. Since July 1, 2010, new training and technical intern training programs have commenced, and it has been nec-essary for foreign nationals, who wish to acquire further proficiency in the skills obtained with the status of residence of “Technical Intern Training (1)” and to engage in work requiring the skills already ob-tained in the program to get permission to change their status of residence to “Technical Intern Training (2)”.

“Technical Intern Training (2)” covers skills that are publicly evaluated in Japan and also meets de-mand in the countries sending the trainees. These skills were categorized into 68 types of work in total as of April 1, 2012. Fifty-three types, including form panel setting and machining, are evaluated based on the National Skills Test under the Occupation Skills Development Promotion Act for Basic Grade 1 and Basic Grade 2. The remaining 15 types, including welding and operation of spinning machines, are publicly evaluated, although not by national examinations, according to a system established by the Japan International Training Cooperation Organization.

Foreign trainees who were permitted to change their status of residence to “Technical Intern Training (2)” in 2012 had increased by 3,739 (8.3%) from 2011 to 48,752. In total, more than 520,000 trainees took part in the program after finishing their training from establishment of the technical intern training program in 1993 up to the end of 2012(*).

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of trainees who obtained permission to change their status of residence to “Technical Intern Training (2)” in 2012 came from China (36,448, or 74.8%), followed by Viet Nam (5,520, 11.3%), Indonesia (2,689, 5.5%), the Philippines (2,550, or 5.2%), and Thailand (913, 1.9%). The highest number of trainees by occupation was women/children’s apparel production, followed by welding, and plastic molding. (Table 14, 15)

(*) The number in 2010 is the total number of foreign nationals who changed their status of residence to “Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training)” under the old system added to the total number of foreign nationals who changed their status of residence to “Technical Intern Training (2)” under the current system.

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Table 15 Changes in the number of trainees who changed to “Technical Intern Training (2)” (including the status of residence of“Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training) ”) by occupation


Occupation 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 62,520 62,207 49,166 45,013 48,752 Women/Children's appar-el production 12,707 11,428 10,252 7,840 8,095

Mold construction 1,012 877 604 392 532

Men's apparel production 637 631 681 448 470

Welding 5,457 5,569 4,040 3,568 4,053 Steel reinforcement con-struction 889 987 709 470 812

Machining 3,539 3,203 1,490 2,136 2,526

Metal press work 3,150 2,769 1,625 1,719 1,928

Plumbing 163 215 146 106 75

Painting 1,644 1,766 1,128 1,320 1,379

Furniture production 364 435 259 281 316

Casting 1,062 977 752 863 912

Steeplejack 1,125 993 819 614 866

Plastic molding 4,270 4,454 2,987 3,661 3,255

Carpenter 356 402 376 338 399 Construction machinery production 172 179 171 134 139

Others 25,973 27,322 23,127 21,123 22,995

(*1) The training and technical intern training programs refer to those reviewed in accordance with the revised Immigration Control Act amend-ed on July 15, 2009 and enforced on July 1, 2010. The "Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training)" under the former system corre-sponds to "Technical Intern Training (2)" under the current system.

(*2) The numbers corresponding to the years from 2008 to 2009 were those of the foreign nationals who changed their status of residence to "Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training)". The number corresponding to 2010 was the total number of foreign nationals who changed their status of residence to "Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training)" under the former system and who changed their status of residence to "Technical Intern Training (2)" under the current system.

Table 14 Changes in the number of trainees who changed to “Technical Intern Training (2)” (including the status of residence of “Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training) ”) by nationality/region


Nationality/region2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 62,520 62,207 49,166 45,013 48,752

China 49,566 49,032 39,616 35,209 36,448

Viet Nam 4,885 4,972 3,349 3,658 5,520

Indonesia 3,393 3,467 2,272 2,496 2,689

Philippines 3,000 3,127 2,806 2,464 2,550

Thailand 1,079 1,082 691 794 913

Others 597 527 432 392 632 (*1) ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.(*2) The training and technical intern training programs refer to those reviewed in accordance with the revised Immigration Control Act amend-

ed on July 15, 2009 and enforced on July 1, 2010. The “Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training)” under the former system corresponds to “Technical Intern Training (2)” under the current system.

(*3) The numbers corresponding to the years from 2008 to 2009 were those of foreign nationals who changed their status of residence to “Desig-nated Activities (Technical Intern Training)”. The number corresponding to 2010 was the total number of foreign nationals who changed their status of residence to “Designated Activities (Technical Intern Training)” under the former system and who switched their status of residence to “Technical Intern Training (2)” under the current system.

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❷ Permission for Extension of the Period of Stay

The number of foreign nationals who obtained permission for extension of their period of stay during 2012 was 407,570, an increase of 29,925 (7.9%) from 2011.

❸ Permission for Permanent Residence

The number of foreign nationals who were granted permission for permanent residence marked the highest number at 60,509 in 2007. Although the number declined after that, the number for 2012 was 42,029, an increase of 702 (1.7%) from 2011. (Table 16)

❹ Permission for Acquisition of a Status of Residence

❻ Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than Those Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted

❺ Re-entry Permission

The number of foreign nationals who obtained permission for acquisition of a status of residence in 2012 was 8,235, an increase of 1,707 (26.1%) from 2011.

The number of foreign nationals who obtained permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted was 146,920, an increase of 10,470 (7.7%) from 2011.

The number of foreign nationals who were granted re-entry permission in 2012 was 270,091, marking a substantial decrease of 393,919 (59.3%) from 2011.

This is because foreign nationals holding a valid passport or a valid residence card are no longer re-quired, in principle, under the “system for special re-entry permission”, to obtain re-entry permission, as long as they re-enter Japan in order to continue their activities in Japan within one year of departing from Japan.

The number of foreign nationals who departed from Japan with re-entry permission in 2012 was 1,691,563, of which the number of foreign nationals departing from Japan under the system for special re-entry permission was 390,170.

Table 16 Changes in the number of cases of permission for permanent residence by nationality/region(Cases)


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 57,806 53,820 47,898 41,327 42,029

China 16,140 16,957 16,714 16,436 17,471

Philippines 8,982 9,248 9,157 7,210 7,373

Brazil 16,824 11,430 7,549 5,172 4,867

Korea 3,914 4,060 3,760 3,221 2,902

Peru 2,783 2,389 1,756 1,335 1,116

Others 9,163 9,736 8,962 7,953 8,300 (*1) “China” until 2011 includes Taiwan, Hong Kong and others.

(*2) “China” for 2012 includes Hong Kong and others.

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❶ Number of Issuances of Residence Cards

❷ Number of Issuances of Special Permanent Resident Certificates

The number of issuances of residence cards was 642,454 in 2012. Taking a look by category, 362,256 residence cards were issued for permission in connection with landing or the status of residence, account-ing for 56.4% of the total, followed by 222,957 (accounting for 34.7%) in connection with applications for issuance of a renewal, 29,216 (accounting for 4.5%) in connection with applications for issuances in advance, and 10,679 (accounting for 1.7%) in connection with applications for new issuance.

By category of regional immigration bureaus, the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau issued 374,184 residence cards, accounting for 58.2% of the total, followed by Nagoya (121,166, or 18.9%), Osaka (78,482, or 12.2%), and Fukuoka (23,015, or 3.6%). Table 17)

The number of issuances of special permanent resident certificates was 12,234 in 2012. Taking a look by category, 5,668 special permanent resident certificates were issued in connection with applications for issuance of a renewal, accounting for 46.3%, followed by 2,868 (accounting for 23.4%) in connection with applications for issuances in advance, 1,439 (accounting for 11.8%) in connection with applications for re-issuance, and 684 (accounting for 5.6%) in connection with notification of changes in descriptions other than the address. (Table 18)

Section 3 ◆ Number of Issuances of Residence Cards and Special Permanent Resident Certificates

(*) The number of residence cards for which applications for issuance in advance were submitted are included in Tokyo,as all applications received by each regional immigration bureau were processed by the Tokyo Immigration Bureau.

Table 17 Number of issuances of residence cards (2012)

Regional immi-gration bureaus Total


status-relat-ed permis-


Notification of change in descriptions other than


Extension of validity


Application for re-issu-


Application for issuance for renewal

Application for new issuance

Application for issuance in advance

Total 642,454 362,256 6,279 1,865 9,202 222,957 10,679 29,216

Sapporo 5,385 3,906 16 10 93 1,203 157 -

Sendai 12,545 6,437 117 29 99 5,479 384 -

Tokyo 374,184 212,784 4,733 1,031 5,538 115,720 5,162 29,216

Nagoya 121,166 63,230 989 487 1,636 53,209 1,615 -

Osaka 78,482 44,320 150 191 1,058 30,967 1,796 -

Hiroshima 20,204 11,675 110 67 262 7,494 596 -

Takamatsu 7,473 5,232 54 22 103 1,734 328 -

Fukuoka 23,015 14,672 110 28 413 7,151 641 -

Table 18 Number of issuances of special permanent resident certificates (2012)

Permission for special permanent residence

(Article 4)

Permission for special permanent residence

(Article 5)

Notifi-cation of change in de-

scriptions other than


Extension of validity


Applica-tion for


Applica-tion for

issuance for renewal


for new issuance

Applica-tion for

issuance in advance


Number of issuance" 487 72 684 660 1,439 5,668 356 2,868 12,234

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The task of an immigration inspector in charge of the examination of statuses of residence is to ex-amine applications for permission for extension of the period of stay and applications for permission to change the status of residence. We strive to secure appropriate control over the residence of foreign nationals.

The Business and Employment Inspection Department of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, where I work, examines the applications for statuses of residence for the purpose of working in Japan. There are 17 statuses of residence intended for the purpose of working in Japan such as “Engineer”, “Specialist in Humanities/International Services”, and “Intra-company Transferee” out of the 30 sta-tuses of residence in total. One of the characteristics of the Work Examination Division is to handle a wide variety of statuses of residence.

As many college students studying at a Japanese university or college wish to continue to stay in Japan to work at a company or organization in Japan, the number of applications for permission to change to a status of residence for employment increases in March and April, which is the busiest sea-son in the year. We decide whether the applicant falls under a status of residence for employment in Japan by examining the working conditions and treatment provided by the employer at the place where the applicant intends to work, the applicant’s academic grades and other factors.

Therefore, the examination of statuses of residence forms an important administrative action affect-ing the foundation of the lives of foreign nationals staying in Japan, and I feel responsible for conduct-ing a careful and appropriate examination for each individual application based on relevant laws and ordinances, and public notices.

Each individual application differs from case to case. It is necessary to constantly acquire a wide range of knowledge and to make well-balanced judgments by appropriately figuring out the details of each application. I believe that it is rewarding work.

In addition, the examination of each individual application is a part of Japan’s policy of accepting foreign nationals. Keeping this in my mind, I carry out my daily tasks.

Article: At the front line of immigration control administra-tion (voice of an immigration inspector in charge of residence examinations)(Mina Yoriki, Business and Employment Inspection Department, Tokyo Region-al Immigration Bureau)

Part IIChapter 2. Foreign Nationals Residing in Japan

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Chapter 3. Implementation of the Technical Intern Training Programs

The aim of the technical intern and training programs is to transfer technology, skills and knowledge generated in Japan to developing countries and other countries, and to contribute to the “development of human resources” who will take the lead in those countries. However, recently, an increasing number of or-ganizations accepting trainees and interns have misunderstood the objective of the programs, treating the trainees and interns improperly and paying them unfairly low wages. In addition, there has been criticism that some accepting organizations do not provide adequate guidance and supervision to their affiliate or-ganizations, and that there are brokers who obtain unfair profits from performing intermediary services for trainees.

In order to deal with the current situation, a new system of technical intern training programs was launched in July 2010. As a result, in principle, it is mandatory for the intern training activities for the ac-quisition of skills to be performed based on an employment contract, and therefore these interns are pro-tected in accordance with the relevant Labor Standards Act and other labor-related laws and regulations, including the Minimum Wage Act. In cases of acceptance under the supervision of an organization, the accepting organizations previously supervised technical internships only in the first year. Following the re-vision, organizations organizing technical intern training for a second year or longer are required to contin-ue conducting the training on their own responsibility and supervision.

The new programs require accepting organizations to attend lectures on information necessary for legal protection of the technical interns, given by an expert. In order to reinforce the instruction, supervision and support system of the supervising organizations, the requirements of the supervising organizations are also stipulated as follows: (i) staff of the supervising organizations shall visit the facility where the programs are being conducted at least once a month to check on the state of the technical intern training programs and to give directions; (ii) board members of the supervising organizations shall conduct an audit at least once every three months, and shall report the results of the audit to the competent regional immigration bureau; (iii) supervising organizations shall appoint counseling staff who will give advice to the technical interns.

Under the provisions including the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, the Immigration Bureau may render a finding of “misconduct” with regard to organizations that have acted inappropriately in imple-menting their training and technical intern training programs. The Immigration Bureau suspends such organizations from accepting trainees and technical interns for one, three or five years depending on the type of misconduct as stipulated in the ministerial ordinance. The number of organizations to which the Ministry of Justice sent notifications that they were found to have engaged in “misconduct” during the year 2012 was 197.

According to the type of receiving arrangement, there were 197 organizations (100.0%) accepting train-ees under the association-supervised scheme (no organizations accepted trainees under the company-ar-ranged scheme). Taking a look by type of receiving organization, there were nine supervising organizations (4.6%) and 188 program conducting organizations (95.4%). (Table 19)

Section 1 ◆ Outline of the System

Section 2 ◆ Responses to Cases of Inappropriate Acceptance

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“Abuse of human rights”, “violation of labor-related laws/regulations”, and “name lending” were the three major forms of “misconduct”, in total accounting for 87.5% of the total. (Table 20)

With respect to the technical intern training, as described above, there are still a considerable number of organizations committing inappropriate conduct even after the introduction of the new system. Therefore, we will endeavor to continue checking the situation, closely coordinate with the relevant institutions, and actively conduct research into the facts, requesting organizations which are committing inappropriate con-duct to take corrective measures as necessary.

Table 19 Changes in the number of organizations subject to a finding of misconduct by type of receiving arrangement


Type of receiving arrangement

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Company-arranged scheme 7 2 3 2 0

Association-su-pervised scheme

Supervising organization(Primary receiving organiza-tion)

29 34 17 14 9

Program implementing orga-nization(Secondary receiving organiza-tion)

416 324 143 168 188

Total 452 360 163 184 197

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Table 20 Number of cases of misconduct by category (2012)(Cases)


scheme(0 Organizations)

Association-supervised scheme

Total(197 Orga-nizations)

Supervising organiza-tion

(9 Organizations)

Program implementing organization

(188 Organizations)



Min-isterial Ordi-nances

Sub total


Min-isterial Ordi-nances

Sub total


Min-isterial Ordi-nances

Sub total

Dual contract Dual contract 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discrepancy compared with the Trainee and Technical Intern Train-ing Plan

Discrepancy compared with Trainee and Techni-cal Intern Training Plan

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 8 9 10

Name lending Name lending 0 0 0 1 1 2 9 7 16 18 Document forgery/prepa-ration and use of fraudu-lent documents

Document forgery/prepa-ration and use of fraudu-lent documents

0 0 0 1 3 4 1 2 3 7

Work in excess of statu-tory working hours

Work in excess of statu-tory working hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 3

Malicious acts related to human rights infringe-ment




0 0


0 19


109 109 Confiscation of passport/residence card 0 0 0

Nonpayment 0 0 90 Human rights infringe-ment 0 0 0

Failure to report serious cases, etc.

Program implementing organization's failure to report misconduct/failure to report the impossi-bility of continuing the program



0 0


3 0


0 3 Supervising organiza-tion's failure to report misconduct, etc./failure to conduct audit or to establish a consultation system or other system

0 3 0

Frequency of trainees going missing 0 0 0

Employment of illegal foreign workers

Employment of illegal foreign workers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5

Violation of labor-related regulations

Violation of labor-related regulations 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 25 83 83

Recurrence of similar inappropriate acts Repeated misconduct 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Confiscation of deposit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Engaging in work activ-ities during course study period

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Arrangement with profit purpose 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Failure to submit a daily report 0 0 0 0 2 2 2

Failure to submit a report regarding leaving trainees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 2 8 10 90 140 230 240

(Note 1) If one accepting organization is notified of findings of misconduct in more than one category, it is counted in each category, and there-fore, the total number of accepting organizations is not identical to the total number of recognized cases in each category.

(Note 2) For 2011, the Immigration Bureau published statistics on cases of “misconduct” which had occurred before and after the introduction of the current system (in July 2010). Therefore, the number of cases of misconduct in and before June 2012 is counted in accordance with the categories specified in the Guidelines Concerning the Entry and Residence Management of Technical Intern Trainees (revised in 2007), while the number of cases of misconduct in and after July 2012 is counted in accordance with the Ministerial Ordinance for the Landing Criteria.

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On November 1, 2012, the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice and other orders were amended to re-inforce protection for the technical interns and to secure appropriate management of the technical intern training programs. More specifically, those amendments included: (i) clarification of the starting point from when a facility implementing a technical intern training program, which has committed misconduct that interfered with the appropriate implementation of the technical intern training, will no longer be allowed to accept new technical interns; (ii) withholding of permission for acceptance if the supervising organization has been involved in submitting any false applications over the past five years; and (iii) the requirement to submit a prompt report on any misconduct committed by the facility implementing the technical intern training program or the supervising organization to the competent regional immigration bureau.

Section 3 ◆ Amendment of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice and Other Orders Relating to “Technical Intern Training”

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Chapter 4. Japanese Nationals Departing from and Re-turning to Japan

❶ The Total Number of Japanese Nationals Departing from Japan

❷ The Number of Japanese Nationals Departing from Japan by Gen-der and Age

The total number of Japanese nationals departing from Japan in 2012 marked a record high at 18,490,657, an increase of 1,496,457 (8.8%) from 2011. (Chart 22)

According to statistics by gender, the number of Japanese nationals departing from Japan in 2012 was composed of 10,069,557 males and 8,421,100 females; males accounted for 54.5% of the total and fe-males accounted for 45.5 %. There have been no significant changes in the percentages of either males or females since 2001, and the percentage of males continues to exceed that of females.

According to statistics by age, the number of Japanese nationals departing from Japan in 2012 was composed of 3,662,497 Japanese nationals in their 40s, which accounted for 19.8% of the total, followed by 3,609,166 in their 60s or older (19.5%), 3,595,736 in their 30s (19.4%), 3,086,936 in their 50s (16.7%), and 3,030,992 in their 20s (16.4%).

The percentages of males and females by age shows that the percentage of females younger than 20 and in their 20s exceeded that of males, and in particular, in respect of those in their 20s, females ac-counted for 63.3%, a particularly high percentage. Figures for those older than their 20s show that the percentage of males departing from Japan exceeded that of females. (Chart 23)

Section 1 ◆ The Number of Japanese Nationals Departing from Japan

Chart 22: Changes in the number of Japanese nationals departing from JapanChart 22 Changes in the number of Japanese nationals departing from Japan












1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

42,900119,420 265,683














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❸ The Number of Japanese Nationals Departing from Japan by Air-port and Seaport

According to the statistics of Japanese nationals departing from Japan in 2012 by airport and seaport of departure, the number of persons using airports to depart from Japan was 18,280,166, accounting for 98.9% of the total. When compared with the percentage of foreign nationals entering Japan (foreign na-tionals using airports accounted for 93.4%), the percentage of airport users is much higher.

Of the Japanese nationals using airports to depart from Japan in 2012, the number of users of Narita Airport was 8,319,613, which accounted for 45.5 % of the total number of persons using airports to de-part from Japan, and those using Kansai Airport was 3,622,975, which accounted for 19.8%. This means that 65.3% of the total number of persons departing from airports use these two airports. Other than Narita and Kansai airports, the number of users of Haneda Airport was 2,837,845 (15.5%), while the number of users of Chubu Airport was 1,668,995 (9.1%).

On the other hand, of the Japanese nationals using seaports to depart from Japan in 2012, the number of Japanese nationals using Hakata Port, where scheduled passenger ships operate between Japan and R.O. Korea, was 141,591, which accounted for 67.3% of the total number of persons departing from seaports, and the number using Shimonoseki Port was 18,914, which accounted for 9.0 % of the total. This means that 76.3% of the total number of Japanese nationals departing from seaports used these two seaports. Yokohama Port, 15,101 (7.2%) and Osaka Port, 7,481 (3.6%) followed these two major seaports.

Chart 23: Number of Japanese nationals departing from Japan by gender and age (2012)Chart 23 Number of Japanese nationals departing from Japan by gender and age (2012)









1,264,581 1,183,557









Under 20 20s 30s 40s 50s Over 60




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The total number of returning Japanese nationals in 2012 was 18,408,185. By period of stay in for-eign countries after departure, the number of persons returning within one month after departure was 16,898,410, which accounted for 91.8% of the total. Of those, the number of persons returning within ten days was 15,364,844, which accounted for 90.9% of those who returned within one month after departure.

This is because most Japanese tourists going abroad who depart for a purpose requiring only a short period such as sightseeing and business return promptly. This trend has continued in recent years and no major change has been observed. (Table 21)

Airport landing examination

Section 2 ◆ The Number of Japanese Nationals Returning to Japan

Table 21 Changes in the number of Japanese nationals returning to Japan by period of stay(People)

YearPeriod of Stay

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 15,905,433 15,432,549 16,611,884 16,921,103 18,408,185

Within 5 days 9,344,449 9,341,903 9,904,585 10,039,111 10,916,364More than 5 days to 10 days 3,935,729 3,613,776 4,002,339 4,055,123 4,448,480

More than 10 days to 20 days 1,007,021 897,894 998,258 1,054,248 1,129,239

More than 20 days to 1 month 342,367 298,834 347,066 388,970 404,327

More than 1 month to 3 months 560,726 529,070 542,196 588,327 639,672

More than 3 months to 6 months 319,749 324,165 314,762 323,218 357,644

More than 6 months to 1 year 270,411 290,320 258,013 256,264 270,945

More than 1 year to 3 years 111,398 124,015 124,335 119,588 137,043

More than 3 years 8,354 7,479 8,567 8,281 11,045

Unknown 5,229 5,093 111,763 87,973 93,426

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Based on the computer statistics of the Immigration Bureau, the estimated number of foreign nationals who overstayed (those who illegally stay in Japan beyond their authorized period of stay) was 62,009 as of January 1, 2013. This number has been steadily decreasing, a decline of 5,056 (7.5%) from 67,065 on January 1, 2012, in other words, a decline of 236,637 (79.2%) from a record high of 298,646 on May 1, 1993.

This decline may be attributed to the effects of comprehen-sive countermeasures, including the implementation of stricter immigration examinations at the port of entry, and efforts for close cooperation with other related agencies to detect violators of the Immigration Control Act as well as proactive public rela-tion activities to prevent illegal employment.

Investigation into a violation

Chapter 5. Deportation Procedures for Foreign Nation-als

❶ The Number of Foreign Nationals Overstaying Their Authorized Pe-riod of Stay by Nationality/Region

As of May 1, 1993, when the highest number of foreign nationals overstaying their authorized period of stay was recorded, the nationality/region of the largest number of foreign nationals was Thailand, fol-lowed by R.O. Korea, the Philippines, China and Malaysia. As of January 1, 2013, the nationality/region of the largest number of foreign nationals overstaying their authorized period of stay was R.O. Korea (15,607, accounting for 25.2% of the total), followed by China (7,730, accounting for 12.5%), the Philip-pines (5,722, accounting for 9.2%), Taiwan (4,047, accounting for 6.5%), Thailand (3,558, accounting for 5.7%), Malaysia (2,192, accounting for 3.5%), and Singapore (1,304, accounting for 2.1%).

Taking a look at the changes after May 1, 1993, although new entries increased significantly owing to visa-exemption measures being implemented with regard to R.O. Korea for those foreign nationals intending to engage in activities that may be performed under the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor”, the number of those found overstaying from R.O. Korea has been consistently decreasing since January 1, 1999. The number of those from Thailand has been steadily decreasing since May 1, 1993. The number of those from Malaysia and Peru has also seen a decline due to a measure to promote the acqui-sition of visas, which was taken on June 1, 1993 and on July 15, 1995 respectively. The number of those from China continued to decrease from 1994 until 2002. Subsequently, it started to increase in 2003 and further increased in 2004, but it has also shown a decreasing trend since 2005. The number of foreign na-tionals overstaying their authorized period of stay from the Philippines has been decreasing since 1999, but fluctuated between increasing and decreasing from 2003 to 2006, decreasing after 2007. (Table 22, Chart 24)

Section 1 ◆ Foreign Nationals Overstaying Their Authorized Period of Stay

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Table 22 Changes in the estimated number of foreign nationals staying beyond the authorized period of stay by major nationality/region



May 11993

May 11994

May 11995

May 11996

January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


Total 298,646 293,800 286,704 284,500 282,986 276,810 271,048 251,697 232,121 224,067 220,552

R.O. Korea 39,455 43,369 47,544 51,580 52,387 52,123 62,577 60,693 56,023 55,164 49,874

China 33,312 39,738 39,511 39,140 38,296 37,590 34,800 32,896 30,975 27,582 29,676

Philippines 35,392 37,544 39,763 41,997 42,547 42,608 40,420 36,379 31,666 29,649 30,100

Taiwan 7,457 7,871 7,974 8,502 9,409 9,430 9,437 9,243 8,849 8,990 9,126

Thailand 55,383 49,992 44,794 41,280 39,513 37,046 30,065 23,503 19,500 16,925 15,693

Malaysia 30,840 20,313 14,511 11,525 10,390 10,141 9,989 9,701 9,651 10,097 9,442

Singapore 1,914 2,342 2,600 2,850 2,946 3,027 3,084 3,178 3,302 3,494 3,556

Peru 9,038 12,918 15,301 13,836 12,942 11,606 10,320 9,158 8,502 7,744 7,322

Viet Nam 852 869 453 448 231 731 880 1,092 1,550 2,021 2,697

Sri Lanka 3,763 3,395 2,980 2,783 2,751 3,071 3,734 3,907 3,489 3,730 3,909

Others 81,240 75,449 71,273 70,559 71,574 69,437 65,742 61,947 58,614 58,671 59,157



January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


January 1


Total 219,418 207,299 193,745 170,839 149,785 113,072 91,778 78,488 67,065 62,009

R.O. Korea 46,425 43,151 40,203 36,321 31,758 24,198 21,660 19,271 16,927 15,607

China 33,522 32,683 31,074 27,698 25,057 18,385 12,933 10,337 7,807 7,730

Philippines 31,428 30,619 30,777 28,491 24,741 17,287 12,842 9,329 6,908 5,722

Taiwan 7,611 6,760 6,696 6,347 6,031 4,950 4,889 4,774 4,571 4,047

Thailand 14,334 12,787 10,352 8,460 7,314 6,023 4,836 4,264 3,714 3,558

Malaysia 8,476 7,431 6,822 6,397 4,804 2,986 2,661 2,442 2,237 2,192

Singapore 3,216 3,075 3,587 2,241 2,207 2,128 2,107 1,789 1,586 1,304

Peru 7,230 6,624 5,997 5,283 4,481 3,396 2,402 1,794 1,377 1,143

Viet Nam 3,582 3,916 4,071 3,959 3,362 2,527 1,531 1,221 1,014 1,110

Sri Lanka 4,242 4,209 4,590 4,042 3,615 2,796 1,952 1,498 1,256 1,084

Others 59,352 56,044 49,576 41,600 36,415 28,396 23,965 21,769 19,668 18,512(*) “China” does not include Hong Kong or others.

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❷ The Number of Foreign Nationals Overstaying Their Authorized Pe-riod of Stay by Status of Residence

Statistics for the estimated number of foreign nationals overstaying their authorized period of stay as of January 1, 2013 by status of residence immediately before their status of residence had expired showed the following: the largest number of foreign nationals overstaying their authorized period of stay had the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor” (43,943) accounting for 70.9% of the total. This was followed by “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” (4,291 accounting for 6.9%), “Student” (2,847 accounting for 4.6%), “Entertainer” (2,432 accounting for 3.9%) and “Long-Term Resident” (2,088 accounting for 3.4%). Compared with the same period for the previous year, the number of those who were granted the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor” had decreased by 2,902 (6.2%), the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” had decreased by 769 (15.2%), the status of residence of “Student” had decreased by 340 (10.7%), the status of residence of “Entertainer” had decreased by 524 (17.7%), and the status of residence of “Long-Term Resident” had decreased by 539 (20.5%), respectively. The number of foreign nationals overstaying their authorized period of stay with the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor” has been on the decline since May 1, 1993, while those with the status of residence of “Entertainer” started to rise on January 1, 2002 and continued increasing, but has been decreasing ever since January 1, 2005. On the other hand, the number of foreign residents with the status of residence of “Student” in-creased from January 1, 2001, but has since been decreasing since January 1, 2006. (Table 23)

Chart 24: Changes in the estimated number of foreign nationals staying beyond the autho-rized period of stay by major nationality/region


7,730 5,722 4,047 3,558 2,192








13・1 15・1 17・1 19・1 21・1 23・1 25・1


(Year ・ Month)

R.O. Korea

Philippines China



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Section 2 ◆ Cases of Violation of the Immigration Control Act Neces-sitating the Implementation of Deportation Procedures

Table 23 Changes in the estimated number of foreign nationals staying beyond the authorized period of stay by major status of residence


Status of ResidenceJanuary 1

2008January 1

2009January 1

2010January 1

2011January 1

2012January 1

2013Total 149,785 113,072 91,778 78,488 67,065 62,009Temporary Visitor 102,069 76,651 63,169 54,220 46,845 43,943Spouse or Child of Japanese National 10,502 7,576 6,456 5,843 5,060 4,291

Student 10,978 8,276 5,842 4,322 3,187 2,847Entertainer 6,624 5,015 4,120 3,425 2,956 2,432Long-Term Resident 5,499 4,044 3,505 3,199 2,627 2,088Others 14,113 11,510 8,686 7,479 6,390 6,408

(*) The number of foreign nationals overstaying with the status of residence, “Student” includes the number of foreign nationals whose status of residence was “Pre-college Student” under the previous Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, which was revised on July 1, 2010, at the time when they came to be considered to be overstaying.

❶ Outline

In 2012, the number of foreign nationals against whom deportation procedures were enforced on ac-count of violation of the Immigration Control Act was 15,178, a decline of 5,481 from 2011. Of these, 2,587 were handed over to immigration inspectors as those subject to the departure order system.

According to the statistics of the number of foreign nationals by grounds for deportation, the largest number of foreign nationals were deported for overstaying (11,439 accounting for 75.4%), followed by illegal entry (1,875 accounting for 12.4%), followed by activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted (617 accounting for 4.1%). Foreign nationals overstaying their au-thorized period of stay continued to account for a predominant percentage. (Table 24)

Looking at the statistics for the number of cases of violation of the Immigration Control Act by na-tionality/region, the largest number of such foreign nationals was from China for ten consecutive years (4,545 accounting for 29.9%), followed by the Philippines (2,972 accounting for 19.6%), and R.O. Korea (2,028 accounting for 13.4%). These top three countries made up 62.9% of the total. (Table 25)

Of the foreign nationals in violation of the Immigration Control Act against whom the deportation procedures were enforced in 2012, the number of those who illegally worked in Japan was 8,979, ac-counting for 59.2% of the total.

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❷ The Number of Cases of Violation of the Immigration Control Act by Grounds for Deportation

(1) Illegal EntryOf the foreign nationals against whom the deportation procedures were enforced for being in vio-

lation of the Immigration Control Act in 2012, the number of illegal entrants (*) was 1,875 (12.4%), a decline of 987 (34.5%) from 2011. Looking at past records, the number increased after 2003 but started to decrease after 2006. Since the number of illegal entrants as a percentage of the total number of foreign nationals in violation of the Immigration Control Act is decreasing, it is considered that the countermea-sures to prevent illegal entry have been quite effective.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of illegal entrants was from China (532 accounting for 28.4% of the total), followed by the Philippines (520 accounting for 27.7%) and R.O. Ko-rea (178 accounting for 9.5%), and there has been no change in the order of the top two countries since 2002.

According to statistics by means of transportation utilized for illegal entry, the number of illegal en-trants using aircraft was 1,437 (76.6%), a decline of 668 (31.7%) from 2011, and therefore, illegal entry using aircraft as a percentage of the total is still high. Meanwhile, the number of foreign nationals against whom deportation procedures were enforced for illegal entry by a vessel was 438 (23.4%), a decline of 319 (42.1%) from 2011. (Table 26, 27, 28).

Table 24 Changes in the number of cases of violation of the Immigration Control Act by grounds for depor-tation


Grounds for Deportation 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 39,382 32,661 24,213 20,659 15,178 Illegal entry 6,136 5,373 3,867 2,862 1,875 Illegal landing 253 186 134 164 187 Activity other than those permitted 1,153 810 751 542 617 Overstay 31,045 25,503 18,578 15,925 11,439 Criminal offenses etc. 795 789 883 1,166 1,060

Illegal work 32,471 26,545 18,490 13,913 8,979

Table 25 Changes in the number of cases of violation of the Immigration Control Act by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 39,382 32,661 24,213 20,659 15,178China 10,963 9,522 7,294 6,350 4,545Philippines 7,847 6,370 5,058 4,346 2,972R.O.Korea 4,993 3,934 3,215 2,625 2,028Brazil 537 536 581 825 814Thailand 2,020 1,832 1,475 1,108 786Viet Nam 1,708 1,373 887 717 592Peru 1,064 1,216 742 597 402Indonesia 2,284 1,632 735 449 327Sri Lanka 1,432 1,171 624 449 303United States of America 168 124 176 258 218Others 6,366 4,951 3,426 2,935 2,191

(*)  ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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Table 26 Changes in the number of cases of illegal entry by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 6,136 5,373 3,867 2,862 1,875China 2,020 1,648 1,212 949 532Philippines 1,376 1,237 1,065 799 520R.O.Korea 478 427 327 270 178Iran 248 174 133 112 124Thailand 503 416 303 198 105Peru 261 377 189 119 91Indonesia 260 269 132 83 55Sri Lanka 165 130 82 57 36Nigeria 50 50 37 37 32Bangladesh 263 160 79 35 26Others 512 485 308 203 176

(*) ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

(*) An illegal entrant means a person who enters Japan in violation of the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Immigration Control Act. The provisions in the paragraph stipulate that any foreign national who falls under any of the following items shall not enter Japan: a person who does not possess a valid passport (except for a crew member possessing a valid crew member’s pocket-ledger) (item (i)); and a person who intends to land in Japan without receiving a seal of verification for landing or undergoing the recording of the prescribed data pursuant to the provision of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Immigration Control Act, or without obtaining authorized permission for landing from an immigra-tion inspector (Item 2). Any foreign national who violates the provisions is considered an illegal entrant.

Table 27 Changes in the number of cases of illegal entry using aircraft by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 4,462 3,880 2,849 2,105 1,437

Philippines 1,301 1,153 1,006 760 500

China 942 698 533 443 263

Iran 202 141 113 96 113

Thailand 471 387 284 192 100

Peru 261 377 188 119 90

Others 1,285 1,124 725 495 371(*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

Table 28 Changes in the number of cases of illegal entry by vessel by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 1,674 1,493 1,018 757 438

China 1,078 950 679 506 269

R.O.Korea 254 262 186 166 100

Philippines 75 84 59 39 20

Iran 46 33 20 16 11

China (Hong Kong) 0 0 0 0 11

Others 221 164 74 30 27 (*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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(2) Illegal Landing

(3) Overstay

Of the foreign nationals against whom deportation procedures were enforced owing to violation of the Immigration Control Act in 2012, the number of those who illegally landed in Japan without receiving a seal of verification for landing or undergoing the recording of the prescribed data pursuant to the pro-visions of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Immigration Control Act, or without obtaining authorized per-mission for landing from an immigration inspector was 187 (1.2%), a slight increase of 23 (14.0%) from 2011. (Table 29)

Of the foreign nationals against whom deportation procedures were enforced for being in violation of the Immigration Control Act in 2012, the number of those who had stayed beyond the authorized peri-od of stay was 11,439 (75.4%), a decrease by 4,486 (28.2%) from 2011, which was still overwhelmingly high.

According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of foreign nationals overstaying their authorized period of stay was from China (3,415 accounting for 29.9% of the total), followed by the Philippines (2,295 accounting for 20.1%), R.O. Korea (1,476 accounting for 12.9%), Brazil (671 ac-counting for 5.9%) and Thailand (615 accounting for 5.4%). (Table 30)

Table 29 Changes in the number of cases of illegal landing by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 253 186 134 164 187Turkey 39 17 27 72 98China 58 50 25 20 14Viet Nam 3 5 1 2 10Pakistan 3 6 2 5 9Philippines 14 14 9 4 6Sri Lanka 27 4 8 0 6Nigeria 2 1 1 0 6United States of America 2 1 0 6 5R.O.Korea 17 10 11 12 4Thailand 9 18 7 4 4Others 79 60 43 39 25

(*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

Table 30 Changes in the number of cases of foreign nationals staying beyond the authorized period of stay by nationality/region


Nationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 31,045 25,503 18,578 15,925 11,439China 8,326 7,342 5,494 4,848 3,415Philippines 6,188 4,960 3,797 3,280 2,295R.O.Korea 4,147 3,104 2,582 2,082 1,476Brazil 346 375 434 649 671Thailand 1,444 1,347 1,130 860 615Viet Nam 1,570 1,268 783 635 482Peru 779 812 529 446 284Indonesia 1,978 1,350 590 350 260Sri Lanka 1,216 1,026 515 375 235United States of America 143 99 157 224 200Others 4,908 3,820 2,567 2,176 1,506

(*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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(4) Activity Other Than Those Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted

If a foreign national residing in Japan exclusively engages in work or engages in an activity other than those permitted for the status of residence previously granted without obtaining the required permission, deportation procedures will be enforced on grounds of engaging in an activity other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted. The number of foreign nationals against whom deporta-tion procedures were enforced in 2012 was 617 (4.1%), an increase of 75 (13.8%) from 2011.

Accordingly to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number was from China (228 accounting for 37.0% of the total), followed by R.O. Korea (212 accounting for 34.4%) and Nepal (48 accounting for 7.8%), and these top three countries accounted for 79.1% of the total. (Table 31)

Table 31 Changes in the number of cases of activities other than those permitted under the status of resi-dence previously granted by nationality/region


Nationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 1,153 810 751 542 617China 369 266 291 192 228R.O.Korea 275 306 207 125 212Nepal 35 10 45 60 48Viet Nam 56 15 36 12 34Philippines 189 85 57 71 20Sri Lanka 16 9 15 10 20Bangladesh 26 18 23 11 11Thailand 14 14 6 5 9Indonesia 29 11 4 14 7India 23 8 19 13 6Others 121 68 48 29 22

(*) ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

Article: Reaction to activists claiming sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands

In recent years, the activities of protesters from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong claiming sover-eignty of the Senkaku Islands (activities to claim the Diaoyu Islands) have intensified, and there are incidents in which these protesters have entered the sea area of the Senkaku Islands in their vessels and intruded into the territorial waters of Japan.

The Immigration Bureau has handled the activists claiming sovereignty in close contact with the related government bodies, mainly the Cabinet Secretariat (officers in charge of security and crisis management). For example, the Immigration Bureau took immigration control officers on the patrol vessels of the Japan Coast Guard, which were conducting activities to conduct surveillance of the sea area around the Senkaku Islands, to participate in those activities along with the Japan Coast Guard and the police.

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(2) The Number of Illegal Foreign Workers by Nationality/RegionIllegal workers came from 78 countries/regions, mainly from neighboring Asian countries, indicat-

ing that there is still a trend being seen toward increasing diversity in the nationalities of illegal foreign workers.

According to statistics by nationality/region, illegal workers from China made up the largest number at 3,082 accounting for 34.3%, followed by the Philippines (1,589 accounting for 17.7%), R.O. Korea (1,356 accounting for 15.1%), Thailand (567 accounting for 6.3%), and Viet Nam (380 accounting for 4.2%). These top five countries represented 77.7% of the total. As a trend in recent years, Chinese illegal workers accounted for a high percentage. (Table 32)

❸ Illegal Foreign Workers

(1) SummaryOf the foreign nationals against whom deportation procedures were enforced for being in violation of

the Immigration Control Act in 2012, the number of those who were considered to have been illegally working was 8,979, accounting for 59.2%. This indicates that most illegal foreign residents who are hid-ing out somewhere in Japan are working illegally.

It has been pointed out that illegal foreign workers, working for substandard wages, take away employ-ment opportunities from Japanese workers in the present severe employment climate, and have a serious negative impact on a fair labor market. Moreover, there have been human rights violations against illegal foreign workers. For example, brokers arrange for illegal workers to come to Japan and gain a huge unfair profit by exploiting the wages that should be earned by the foreign workers. Some foreign workers in these conditions are also unable to receive sufficient compensation in the event of an industrial accident.

The amended Immigration Control Act enforced on July 1, 2010 stipulates any act of a foreign nation-al aiding another foreign national to engage in illegal work, such as through employment of the foreign national, to be one of the grounds for deportation (Article 24, item (iii)-4 of the Immigration Control Act). Thus, the Immigration Bureau promotes regulations on foreign nationals who encourage illegal work.

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(*)“China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

Table 32 Changes in the number of cases of illegal work by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 32,471 26,545 18,490 13,913 8,979Male 19,270 16,522 10,943 7,954 5,346Female 13,201 10,023 7,547 5,959 3,633

China 9,583 8,205 6,039 4,876 3,082Male 5,950 5,343 3,887 2,968 1,981Female 3,633 2,862 2,152 1,908 1,101

Philippines 6,083 4,845 3,573 2,632 1,589Male 2,559 2,250 1,491 1,052 629Female 3,524 2,595 2,082 1,580 960

R.O.Korea 4,077 3,241 2,590 1,918 1,356Male 1,555 1,306 985 670 525Female 2,522 1,935 1,605 1,248 831

Thailand 1,694 1,512 1,171 843 567Male 903 822 645 456 318Female 791 690 526 387 249

Viet Nam 1,473 1,152 722 521 380Male 887 741 483 323 271Female 586 411 239 198 109

Indonesia 2,162 1,557 675 397 267Male 1,568 1,230 518 333 218Female 594 327 157 64 49

Sri Lanka 1,278 1,042 554 365 246Male 1,150 946 507 335 230Female 128 96 47 30 16

Peru 786 932 487 324 198Male 532 652 311 218 145Female 254 280 176 106 53

Brazil 198 198 165 183 182Male 152 158 125 149 141Female 46 40 40 34 41

Nepal 535 456 277 179 117Male 364 340 215 122 85Female 171 116 62 57 32

Others 4,602 3,405 2,237 1,675 995Male 3,650 2,734 1,776 1,328 803Female 952 671 461 347 192

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(3) The Number of Illegal Foreign Workers by Gender

(4) The Number of Illegal Foreign Workers by Type of Work

Illegal foreign workers against whom deportation procedures were taken consisted of 5,346 male il-legal workers (accounting for 59.5%) and 3,633 female illegal workers (accounting for 40.5%). The per-centage of male illegal workers had slightly increased (2.3%) from 2011.

According to statistics by type of work, the largest number of illegal foreign workers were factory workers (1,623 accounting for 18.1% of the total), followed by attendants such as bar hostesses (1,365 accounting for 15.2%), and construction workers (1,154 accounting for 12.9%).

According to statistics by gender, the occupation of the largest group of male illegal workers was con-struction workers, followed by factory workers and other labor workers. On the other hand, the occupa-tion of the largest group of female illegal workers was attendants such as bar hostesses, followed by facto-ry workers and waitresses. (Table 33)

Detection of illegal workers

Table 33 Changes in the number of cases of illegal work by type of work(People)

YearJob Categories 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 32,471 26,545 18,490 13,913 8,979 Male 19,270 16,522 10,943 7,954 5,346 Female 13,201 10,023 7,547 5,959 3,633

Factory worker 11,366 8,220 4,168 2,809 1,623 Male 7,670 5,687 2,846 1,869 1,124 Female 3,696 2,533 1,322 940 499

Attendants such as bar hostess 4,452 3,323 2,679 2,011 1,365

Male 429 331 240 120 114 Female 4,023 2,992 2,439 1,891 1,251

Construction worker 3,831 3,938 2,383 1,772 1,154 Male 3,792 3,890 2,358 1,750 1,146 Female 39 48 25 22 8

Other labor worker 3,092 2,461 1,715 1,527 907 Male 2,342 1,899 1,347 1,173 700 Female 750 562 368 354 207

Waitress and bartender 2,149 1,487 1,265 1,109 611 Male 807 596 464 417 256 Female 1,342 891 801 692 355

Agricultural worker 1,081 1,227 887 783 592 Male 826 937 670 554 432 Female 255 290 217 229 160

Others 6,098 5,804 5,114 3,902 2,727 Male 3,632 3,586 3,198 2,071 1,574 Female 2,466 2,218 1,916 1,831 1,153

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(5) The Number of Illegal Foreign Workers by Place of WorkIt has been identified that illegal workers are working in 46 prefectures throughout Japan. According

to statistics by place of work by prefecture, the largest number is found in Tokyo (1,740 accounting for 19.4% of the total), followed by Aichi prefecture (1,188 accounting for 13.2%), Chiba prefecture (1,088 accounting for 12.1%), Kanagawa prefecture (967 accounting for 10.8%), and Ibaraki prefecture (891 ac-counting for 9.9%).

According to statistics by region, the number of illegal workers in Tokyo and the six prefectures (Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Ibaraki, Gunma, and Tochigi) in the Kanto district was 5,742 (accounting for 63.9%), making up most of the total, and the number of illegal workers in the nine prefectures in the Chubu district (Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Shizuoka, Gifu and Aichi) was also at a high level of 1,876 (accounting for 20.9%). Illegal workers in the Kanto and Chubu districts, standing at 84.8% (7,618), accounted for a substantial percentage of the total number of illegal workers. (Table 34)

Table 34 Changes in the number of cases of illegal foreign workers by area(People)

YearPrefecture 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 32,471 26,545 18,490 13,913 8,979

Tokyo 5,862 4,618 3,462 2,763 1,740

Aichi 4,801 3,924 2,188 1,637 1,188

Chiba 2,824 2,784 2,316 1,919 1,088

Kanagawa 4,497 3,522 2,594 1,663 967

Ibaraki 2,465 2,448 1,805 1,286 891

Saitama 2,784 2,215 1,528 1,112 616

Osaka 1,439 1,060 894 623 517

Gunma 1,980 1,375 717 447 249

Shizuoka 1,092 800 439 371 215

Tochigi 1,097 776 401 278 191

Others 3,630 3,023 2,146 1,814 1,317

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The main role of the First Investigation Department where I work is to track down those foreign nationals who are in violation of the Immigration Control Act. The places of violation include various establishments, such as adult entertainment businesses, factories, and restaurants. Some of you may have seen how we crack down on offenders on television or via other media. However, such scenes are just one part of our activities, and we need to conduct thorough investigations before being able to find the offenders.

Recently, we see few simple cases of illegal entry or overstaying, but on the other hand, we are see-ing more violations where the form is becoming much more sophisticated such as activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted, and fake marriages. For this reason, the number of complicated cases that require us to continue our investigation into the offender even after he or she has been caught has been increasing, and it is becoming more difficult to handle each case. Although statistics appear to show that the number of offenders has decreased, this is because imposter foreign residents who pretend to be legitimate residents have increased and so it has become more difficult to find them.

In addition, in order to be able to properly handle the employment of illegal residents, a recent amendment to the Immigration Control Act added the act of assisting illegal work to the grounds for deportation. We have been reinforcing detection of these cases, but as a result, some illegal residents who cannot openly be employed are working underground, some of whom would try their hand at any criminal act.

I believe that we play a part in the security efforts of Japan by detecting such offenders. I feel my work is worthwhile, although hard.

In order to reduce the number of offenders, it is essential to build cooperation with the police and other government bodies and to obtain the understanding and cooperation of the general public.

Article: At the front line of immigration control adminis-tration (voice of an immigration control officer in charge of the detection of offenders)(Yoshimune Agehari, First Investigation Department, Osaka Re-gional Immigration Bureau)

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Decision on violation

❹ Outline of Decisions on Violations

(1) Receipt and the Processing of Cases of ViolationAny foreign national who is suspected of com-

ing under any of the grounds for deportation shall be handed over to an immigration inspector to undergo the procedures for examination of vi-olations after an investigation by an immigration control officer. These procedures consist of three steps: examination of the violation by an immi-gration inspector, a hearing by a special inquiry officer, and a decision of the Minister of Justice.

The number of cases which underwent an ex-amination of the violation in 2012 was 16,103, which has been declining continuously since 2006. (Table 35)

Table 35 Changes in the number of cases of receipt and findings of violation examinations by immigration inspectors, hearings by special inquiry officers and decisions of the Minister of Justice


Division 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



n ex



n by




n in



Receipt 43,073(3,274)








Found not to fall un-der one of the reasons for deportation

4 2 10 5 4

Issuance of written deportation order 22,179 16,312 11,386 7,628 5,640

Request for hearing 10,639 7,071 8,164 8,577 6,949Issuance of written departure order 8,477 9,041 5,186 4,501 2,594

Not completed, others 1,774 1,821 985 873 916



by sp


l inq




Receipt 11,247(562)








Error in the findings 2 - 1 3 -Issuance of written deportation order 166 104 112 120 101

Filing of an objection 10,515 6,876 7,949 8,389 6,952Issuance of written departure order - - - - -

Not completed, others 564 627 715 774 702



of t

he M



of Ju


Receipt 11,280(682) 7,456(561) 8,756(712) 9,017(526) 7,485(459)




Objection with rea-son 3 1 - 7 2

Objection without reason 10,593 6,630 8,107 8,440 6,887

Issuance of written departure order - - - - -

Not completed, others 684 825 649 570 596(*) The numbers indicated in ( ) are carry-over cases from the previous year and are included in each of the upper numbers.

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The number of requests for a hearing after examination of the violation in 2012 was 6,949 accounting for 43.2% of the total number of cases which underwent an examination of the violation, a decline of 1,628 (accounting for 19.0%) from 2011 (but the percentage had risen by 3.5% from 2011). (Chart 25)

The number of objections filed by foreign nationals who were not satisfied with the decision made by the special inquiry officer at the hearing was 6,952 in 2012, a decline of 1,437 (accounting for 17.1%) from 2011. (Table 35)

(2) Issuance of a Written Deportation OrderThe number of written deportation orders issued in 2012 was 7,329. According to statistics by grounds

for the deportation, the cases of overstaying amounted to 4,270, accounting for 58.3% of the total, while the percentage of cases of illegal entry was 19.5%, both of which showed almost the same percentage as 2011. (Table 36)

Table 36 Changes in the number of issuance of written deportation orders by grounds for deportation(Cases)

YearGrounds for Deportation 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 24,442 18,436 13,277 9,348 7,329

Overstay 16,966 12,130 8,665 5,588 4,270

Illegal entry 5,125 4,473 2,956 2,014 1,430

Illegal landing 241 173 113 138 134

Activity other than those permitted 1,137 813 735 510 622

Criminal offenses etc. 805 641 477 771 576

Others 168 206 331 327 297

Chart 25 Changes in the number and percentages of requests for a hearing


7,071 8,164


















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(%) (Cases)


Requests for a hearingPercentage of requests for a hearing(%)=

Receipt of violation examinations×100

Requests for a hearing Percentage of requests for a hearing

Chart 25: Changes in the number and percentages of requests for a hearing

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(3) Provisional ReleaseIn 2012, the number of foreign nationals detained under a written detention order who were accorded

provisional release was 2,128, a decline of 3 (0.1%) from 2011. The number of foreign nationals detained under a written deportation order who were accorded provisional release was 1,137, an increase of 75 (7.1%) from 2011. (Table 37)

According to statistics by nationality/region in 2012, the largest number of foreign nationals who were issued with written deportation orders came from China (2,544 accounting for 34.7% of the total), fol-lowed by the Philippines (1,171 accounting for 16.0%), and Korea (978 accounting for 13.3%). (Chart 26)

Table 37 Changes in the number of cases of permission for provisional release(Cases)

YearType of Order 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

By written detention order 1,918 2,265 2,095 2,131 2,128

By written deportation order 819 837 1,012 1,062 1,137

Chart 26: Changes in the number of issuance of written deportation orders by nationality/RegionChart 26 Changes in the number of issuance of written deportation orders by nationality/region

















722 518381


675570 374


1,039 688

441243 1980








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



ChinaPhilippinesKoreaThailandViet NamSri Lanka

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(4) Special Permission to Stay in JapanThe number of foreign nationals who received special permission to stay in Japan from the Minister of

Justice in 2012 was 5,336, a decline of 1,543 (22.4%) from 2011.Most of the foreign nationals who received special permission to stay in Japan had established close

relationships with Japanese nationals such as through marriage. Also in many cases they had settled down in Japan in many respects.

Of the foreign nationals with special permission to stay in Japan despite coming under the grounds for deportation, the grounds for the largest number in 2012 was overstaying (4,304 accounting for 80.7%), followed by illegal entry and illegal landing, jointly accounting for 9.2%. Overstaying, illegal entry and illegal landing accounted for 89.9% of the total. (Table 38)

According to statistics by nationality/region in 2012, the largest number of foreign nationals who were granted special permission to stay in Japan came from China (809 accounting for 15.2%), followed by Korea (693 accounting for 13.0%). (Table 39)

❺ Outline of Deportation of Foreign Nationals

The number of deported foreign nationals decreased by 2,262 (25.9%) from 2011 to 6,459 in 2012.According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number of deported foreign nationals was

from China (2,389 accounting for 37.0% of the total), followed by the Philippines (972 accounting for 15.0%), R.O. Korea (964 accounting for 14.9%), Viet Nam (340 accounting for 5.3%), and Thailand (317 accounting for 4.9%). (Table 40)

Table 38 Changes in the number of cases of special permission to stay in Japan by grounds for deportation(Cases)

YearGrounds for Deportation 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 8,522 4,643 6,359 6,879 5,336

Overstay 6,521 3,508 4,939 5,569 4,304

Illegal entry/Illegal landing 1,640 897 1,044 827 491

Criminal offenses etc. 361 238 376 483 541

Table 39 Changes in the number of cases of special permission to stay in Japan by nationality/region(Cases)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 8,522 4,643 6,359 6,879 5,336

China 1,669 857 1,098 1,146 809

Korea 1,416 663 815 898 693

Others 5,437 3,123 4,446 4,835 3,834 (*) ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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Accordingly to statistics by means of deportation, 95.5% of foreign nationals who had been issued with a deporta-tion order were deported at their own expense, while the number of foreign nationals who needed to be individually deported at national expense because of the deportees’ fi-nancial problems or other reasons was 191 (3.0%) in 2012.

The number of foreign nationals who were deported at their own expense normally remains at around 95% of the total number of deportees. (Table 41)


Table 40 Changes in the number of deportees by nationality/region(People)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 23,931 18,241 13,224 8,721 6,459China 6,805 5,475 4,266 2,997 2,389Philippines 4,385 3,194 2,439 1,552 972R.O.Korea 2,873 2,423 1,715 1,171 964Viet Nam 1,023 709 569 370 340Thailand 1,260 1,113 726 479 317Indonesia 1,596 885 502 248 164Brazil 268 307 226 204 143Sri Lanka 1,046 684 419 196 141Peru 495 674 384 222 137Iran 358 231 174 140 126Others 3,822 2,546 1,804 1,142 766

(*) ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

Table 41 Changes in the number of deportees by means of deportation(People)

YearMeasure of Deportation 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 23,931 18,241 13,224 8,721 6,459

Voluntary departure 23,093 17,569 12,812 8,379 6,170Deportation in accordance with Article 59 407 200 106 86 78

Individual deportation at the expense of the government 383 438 291 231 191

Group deportation at the expense of the government 0 0 0 0 0

Others 0 0 0 0 0

Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons 48 34 15 25 20

(*1) Group deportation at the expense of the government includes cases where both the Japanese government and the deportee’s homeland gov-ernment paid for the expenses.

(*2) “Others” are cases of deportation at the expense of the government of each of the deportees.

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(1) Deportation at the Expense of the Foreign National (Voluntary De-parture)

(2) Deportation at the Expense of the Government of Japan

The number of foreign nationals who were deported at their own expense had decreased by 2,209 (26.4%) from 2011 to 6,170 (95.5%) in 2012. (Table 41)

The Immigration Bureau deports deportees as soon as the requirements necessary for deportation, such as the passport, air ticket or travel expenses, have been fulfilled. However, with regard to those who do not fulfill the requirements for deportation, the Immigration Bureau not only enforces the deporta-tion procedures but also instructs deportees to make contact with relevant people in Japan or their home countries in order to ask for financial assistance for deportation. In cases where deportees do not possess a passport, the Immigration Bureau asks foreign diplomatic establishments in Japan for the early issuance of a passport for the deportee.

As illegal foreign residents tend to stay for a longer period than they used to and tend to have more diversified lifestyles and backgrounds, an increasing number of foreign nationals who have been issued with a deportation order suffer from illness, refuse deportation for various reasons, or remain in deten-tion for a long period of time because they cannot afford travel expenses. Of these foreign nationals, the number of those deported at the expense of the government in consideration of individual circumstances stood at 191 (3.0%) in 2012 and had decreased by 40 (17.3%) from 2011.

(*) ”China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

Table 42 Changes in the number of deportees through voluntary departure by nationality/region(People)


Nationality/region2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 23,093 17,569 12,812 8,379 6,170

China 6,686 5,390 4,232 2,972 2,364

R.O.Korea 2,836 2,402 1,704 1,158 947

Philippines 4,242 3,096 2,368 1,494 926

Viet Nam 1,008 695 564 363 331

Thailand 1,214 1,084 717 473 312

Indonesia 1,549 878 496 244 164

Sri Lanka 986 667 404 186 135

Iran 279 177 142 123 114

Peru 460 617 328 198 113

Nepal 408 274 210 107 100

Others 3,425 2,289 1,647 1,061 664

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(3) Deportation at the Expense of and on the Responsibility of CarriersAny carrier who operates a vessel or aircraft that has transported any foreign national who is issued

with a deportation order must promptly send such foreign national out of Japan at its own expense and on its own responsibility under certain conditions (deportation under Article 59 of the Immigration Control Act)(*). The number of foreign nationals deported in this way in 2012 was 78 (1.2%), a decline of 8 (9.3%) from 2011. (Table 41)

(*) Carriers are, similar to captains of ships, in a position to govern their crew and passengers, and have prescribed responsibilities and duties imposed on them under the Immigration Control Act. Among these duties, they are obligated to send foreign nationals falling under certain conditions to an area outside Japan promptly on their own responsibility and at their own expense (Article 59 of the Act).

For example, persons who are denied landing and issued with a deportation order but fail to leave, or who have landed with special landing permission but stay longer than the authorized period of stay, fall under the abovementioned category.

❻ Departure Orders

(1) Investigation into ViolationsThe number of foreign nationals who were handed over from immigration control officers to immigra-

tion inspectors through the departure order procedures was 2,587 in 2012, accounting for 17.0% of the total number of foreign nationals violating the Immigration Control Act.

A. The Number of Foreign Nationals Ordered to Depart by Nationality/RegionAccording to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number was from China (1,244 account-

ing for 48.1% of the total), followed by R.O. Korea (343 accounting for 13.3%), the Philippines (338 accounting for 13.1%), Thailand (109 accounting for 4.2%), and Viet Nam (93 accounting for 3.6%), and these top five countries account for 82.2% of the total. (Table 43)

Table 43 Number of foreign nationals handed over under a departure order by nationality/region (2012)(People)


Nationality/regionTotal 24-(ii)-3 24-(iv)-(b) 24-(vi) 24-(vi)-2 24-(vii)

Total 2,587 5 2,489 45 1 47

China 1,244 4 1,221 16 0 3

R.O.Korea 343 0 341 0 0 2

Philippines 338 1 306 11 0 20

Thailand 109 0 103 3 0 3

Viet Nam 93 0 90 1 0 2

Indonesia 90 0 83 6 1 0

Sri Lanka 53 0 52 0 0 1

Mongolia 50 0 48 1 0 1

Peru 39 0 34 0 0 5

Taiwan 29 0 28 0 0 1

Others 199 0 183 7 0 9 (*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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(2) Examination

A. Receipt and Processing of Cases

B. The Number of Foreign Nationals Ordered to Depart by Applied Article

The number of cases of departure orders received in 2012 was 2,594, accounting for 16.1% of the total number of violations received. This represented a decline of 1,907 (42.4%) from 2011.

As those subject to a departure order and wishing to depart from Japan voluntarily appear at a re-gional immigration bureau, they are promptly processed after being handed over by immigration con-trol officers.

According to statistics by applied articles, the number of suspects violating Article 24, item (iv) (b) of the Immigration Control Act was the largest at 2,489, accounting for 96.2% of the total. This was followed by 47 (1.8%) suspects violating Article 24, item (vii) of the Immigration Control Act, and 45 (1.7%) suspects violating Article 24, item (vi) of the Immigration Control Act. (Table 43)

(3) Confirmation of DepartureForeign nationals who are deemed to be subject to a departure order are required, as with foreign na-

tionals departing within the period of stay, to submit an embarkation/disembarkation (ED) card to the immigration inspector in order to receive a seal of departure, and to submit the written departure order that was issued to them.

B. Issuance of a Written Departure OrderThe number of foreign nationals who were recognized as subject to a departure order and to whom

a written departure order was issued was 2,594 in 2012.According to statistics by nationality/region, the largest number was from China (1,252 accounting

for 48.3% of the total), followed by Korea (348 accounting for 13.4%), the Philippines (336 account-ing for 13.0%), Thailand (109 accounting for 4.2%), and Viet Nam (92 accounting for 3.5%), and the top five countries accounted for 82.4% of the total. (Table 44)

Table 44 Changes in the number of issuances of written departure orders by nationality/region(Cases)

YearNationality/region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 8,477 9,041 5,186 4,501 2,594China 3,136 3,200 2,220 2,252 1,252Korea 1,142 885 728 582 348Philippines 1,141 1,329 754 456 336Thailand 222 288 229 139 109Viet Nam 472 603 189 189 92Indonesia 590 707 183 146 90Sri Lanka 238 327 151 136 53Mongolia 153 126 82 113 50Peru 212 367 93 61 37Brazil 75 103 48 42 22Others 1,096 1,106 509 385 205

(*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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Chapter 6. Recognition of Refugee StatusDue to the recognition that it is important for Japan to fulfill its obligations in the international com-

munity by accepting refugees, Japan became a signatory to the Refugee Convention and the Protocol (hereinafter, “the Refugee Convention” and “the Protocol” are referred to together as “the Refugee Conven-tion etc.”) and as a result, also established a system for recognition of refugee status.

Thereafter, from the perspective of ensuring proper and prompt protection of refugees through fairer procedures, the refugee recognition system has undergone some revisions. The Act to Amend the Immi-gration Control Act and Other Related Acts was enforced on May 16, 2005, which included the establish-ment of a system to permit provisional stay and the refugee examination counselors system. The amended Act has been in force since May 16, 2005.

The Immigration Bureau has further improved and strengthened its organizational structure and investi-gation system, and has endeavored to ensure prompt and proper implementation of the new refugee recog-nition system, in order to handle applications for refugee status quickly and appropriately.

❶ Application for Refugee Status

In 2012, the total number of those who applied for recognition of refugee status had increased by 678 (36.3%) from 2011 to 2,545, continuing to mark a record high. (Table 45)

The number of nationalities/regions of applicants was 50, and the major nationalities/regions from which applicants came were, in descending order, Turkey (423 persons, or 16.6%), Myanmar (368 per-sons, or 14.5%), Nepal (320 persons, or 12.6%), Pakistan (298 persons, or 11.7%), Sri Lanka (255 per-sons, or 10.0%), Bangladesh (169 persons, or 6.6%), India (125 persons, or 4.9%), Nigeria (118 persons, or 4.6%), Ghana (104 persons, or 4.1%), and Cameroon (58 persons, or 2.3%).

Applicants consisted of 1,777 legal residents (69.8%) and 768 illegal foreign residents (30.2%) at the time of submitting their applications. Of those foreign nationals without a legal status, the number of those who applied after a detention order or deportation order was issued was 586, accounting for 76.3% of the total.

22.5% of the total applicants, standing at 573 persons, had applied for recognition of refugee status in the past. Those persons consisted of 279 legal residents, 90.7% of whom held the status of residence of “Designated Activities” granted by reason that their applications were undergoing examination, and 294 illegal foreign residents, 82.7% of whom had already been issued with a deportation order.

Section 1 ◆ Applications and Processing for Recognition of Refugee Status

Table 45 Changes in the number of applications for refugee recognition(People)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Applications 1,599 1,388 1,202 1,867 2,545

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❷ Processing of Applications for Refugee Status

❸ Implementation of the System for Permission for Provisional Stay

The total number of those whose application for recognition of refugee status was processed in 2012 was 2,198, an increase of 79 (3.7%) from 2011. The number of applicants who were recognized as ref-ugees was 5, while the number of applicants who were not recognized was 2,083. The number of appli-cants who withdrew their applications and others was 110.

Further, the immigration administration is allowed to make exceptional arrangements within its au-thority for applicants who have special extenuating circumstances, even if they have not been recognized as refugees who fall under the definition of refugees specified in the Refugee Convention etc.. For ex-ample, if an applicant, who is denied recognition of refugee status, is unable to return to his or her home country due to situational problems in his or her country or has some other special reason necessitating that he or she stay in Japan, special arrangements may be made flexibly on a case-by-case basis, taking the situation of the foreign national into consideration within the Japanese immigration control frame-work. In 2012, 112 applicants were allowed to stay in Japan. (Table 46)

In 2012, the number of those who were granted permission for provisional stay was 74, an increase of 3 (4.2%) from 2011.

The number of those who underwent an examination as to whether or not they should be granted permission for provisional stay was 701. The major reasons for decisions not granting permission were as follows (*):○ Applicants had applied for recognition of refugee status after the deadline of six months from the

date of landing in Japan (in the case of those for whom the grounds for being a refugee had arisen during their stay in Japan, the date such fact became known to them): 410 persons.

○ Applicants had received a deportation order in the past: 320 persons.

(*) If one applicant fell under several grounds for denial of permission, all grounds were included.

Table 46 Changes in the number of foreign nationals protected as refugees etc.  (People) Refugee Status 1978 ~ 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Recognized as a refugee 451 57 30 39 21 18

Refugees for resettlement 11,319 27 18 0

Others 522 360 501 363 248 112

Total 12,292 417 531 429 287 130

(*1) The number of persons recognized as refugees includes those who were denied recognition as a refugee in the primary examination, but were recognized as a result of the filing of an objection.

(*2) The number of the “Refugees for resettlement” consists of ( 1) so-called “boat people” who fled from Indo-China countries during the 1970s through to the 1980s and their family/relatives (their legal protection was based on the approval of the Cabinet on April 28, 1978, and June 17, 1980), and (2) accepted Myanmar refugees who had been protected temporarily in Thailand as a pilot case of resettlement to a third country which started in 2010. Therefore, the numbers for the “refugees for resettlement” for before 2006 show the people who fall under category (1) while the numbers for “refugees for resettlement” after 2010 indicate the people who fall under category (2).

(*3) The number of “Others” includes those who were denied recognition as a refugee in the primary examination but were later found to have enough grounds for being granted special permission to stay in Japan by the Minister of Justice, in accordance with Article 61-2-2(2) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act etc.)

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❶ Filing of an Objection

❷ Processing of the Objection

The total number of objections filed by applicants who were denied refugee status (hereinafter referred to as “Denial of Recognition of Refugee Status”) in 2012 was 1,738, an increase of 19 (1.1%) from 2011. (Table 47)

Of the objections filed by applicants who failed to obtain refugee status, 996 of them were handled in 2012, an increase of 116 (13.2%) from 2011. According to statistics, 13 objections were found to be with reasonable grounds (14 in the previous year), 790 objections were found to be without any reasonable grounds (635 in the previous year), and 193 objections were withdrawn by the foreign nationals who had filed the objections (231 in the previous year). (Table 47)

The Refugee Examination Counselors System was started in May 2005 in order to ensure the equity and neutrality of the objection filing procedures. This procedure made it mandatory for the Minister of Justice to hear the opinions of refugee examination counselors when making a decision on objections filed against denial of refugee status.

The Act provides that refugee examination counselors shall be appointed from among persons of repu-table character who are capable of making fair judgments on the objection filed for the denial of refugee status and who have an exceptional academic background in law or current international affairs. They are appointed by the Minister of Justice based on recommendations from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Refugee Assistance Headquarters, etc.

The Act provides that the Minister of Justice must hear the opinions of refugee examination counselors on all the cases in which an objection has been filed. Prior to this process, an oral statement of opinions by the petitioner, etc. is given in which the petitioner or other person states his or her opinion and a hearing is held where the refugee inquirer or refugee examination counselors may ask questions to the petitioner.

In 2012, the number of oral statements of opinion and hearings was 712.

Section 2 ◆ Filing of an Objection

Section 3 ◆ Purpose of the Refugee Examination Counselors System and its Implementation

Table 47 Changes in the number of objections filed, and decisions of the Minister of Justice     (People)


1982~2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total

Not recognized as a refugee 2,773 389 446 791 1,703 1,336 2,002 2,083 11,523

Filing of objection 1,862 340 362 429 1,156 859 1,719 1,738 8,465




With rea-son 32 12 4 17 8 13 14 13 113

Without reason 1,425 127 183 300 230 325 635 790 4,015

Withdrawn 295 33 34 34 70 113 231 193 1,003

(*) Since the procedure for the “filing of an objection” was newly established through the amendment of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, which entered into force on May 16, 2005, the “application for objection” made prior to the implementation of the amended Act was deemed to be replaced by “filing of an objection” after the implementation.

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With respect to landing permission for temporary refuge, 194 applications were submitted and 15 appli-cations were granted such permission over the past five years (from 2008 to 2012).

After the oral statement of opinions and the hearing, refugee examination counselors exchange opinions with the other refugee examination counselors, then draw up a written opinion and submit it to the Minis-ter of Justice.

Cases in which written opinions were presented by refugee examination counselors numbered 718 in 2012.

There has been no case in which the Minister of Justice rendered a disposition which did not conform to the opinions of the refugee examination counselors (should there be a difference in opinion, then the opin-ions of the majority of the counselors will prevail) up until the end of 2012 after the start of the system.

Section 4 ◆ Landing Permission for Temporary Refuge

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I work as a refugee inquirer at the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau. I strongly feel in my day-to-day operations that refugee inquirers need the following qualifications.

First, a refugee inquirer must be a “good legal professional”. Refugee inquirers conduct investigations into fact to judge whether the applicant falls within the definition of refugee as defined in the Refugee Convention etc., and it is not possible for us to conduct well-focused investigations unless we are fa-miliar with Japanese laws and ordinances, the Refugee Convention and other statutes and are able to fully understand the contents of those laws and the Convention.

Next, I believe that refugee inquirers need to be a “good researcher”. In Japan, those who come from numerous, differing countries/regions have submitted applications for recognition of refugee status. We cannot accurately grasp the circumstances of the applicant unless we are acquainted with their culture, history and other factors, in addition to the security situation back in their home country. To this end, refugee inquirers gather and analyze information on the countries of origin of the applicants through books and newspapers, the Internet and other various means.

I also believe that a refugee inquirer must also be a “good listener”. In most cases, the applicants have not brought evidence and supporting materials from their home countries, and the statements of the applicants are very important. Some applicants who speak of severe experiences such as the experience of torture back in their home countries may not remember their experiences well, may be confused, or may repeatedly assert the same things. A refugee inquirer must genuinely give their full attention to such claims which is akin to searching through a muddy stream, and must diligently and exhaustively pick up each and every kernel of truth that the applicant is attempting to express.

The Immigration Bureau provides a wide variety of training sessions to train such refugee inquirers. Fortunately, I had the chance to participate in two-week UNHCR internship programs at its head-quarters in Geneva and elsewhere, and a two-month program at its office in Malaysia, and was able to experience the frontline of the international refugee status recognition procedures. The duties of refugee inquirers are specialized and difficult, and we need to study every day. However, I would like to strive to do my utmost bearing in mind that I bear a grave responsibility that may directly impact the lives of others.

Article: At the front line of immigration control administra-tion (voice of a refugee inquirer)(Tomohiro Tatsu-mi, Refugees Examination Department, Tokyo Re-gional Immigration Bureau)

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Chapter 7. Promotion of Measures against Trafficking in Persons and Proper Protection of For-eign Victims of Domestic Violence

❶ Protection of Victims of Trafficking in Persons

Trafficking in persons is a grave violation of human rights and a prompt and accurate response is called for from a humanitarian perspective. This is because human trafficking causes serious mental and physical pain to its victims, particularly to women and children, and the damage it causes is difficult to repair. The authorities concerned address this issue through the “Action Plan of Measures to Combat Trafficking in Persons” approved in December 2004 and the “2009 Action Plan of Measures to Combat Trafficking in Persons” approved in December 2009.

The number of foreign nationals for whom the Immigration Bureau implemented procedures for pro-tection as victims of trafficking in persons (including support to return to their home countries) was 9 persons in 2012 (21 persons in the previous year). According to statistics by nationality/region, the Phil-ippines had 4 victims (13 in the previous year), followed by Thailand with 4 victims (8 in the previous year) and Taiwan with 1 (none in the previous year).

Of the 9 victims, 8 were legal residents (6 in the previous year), and 1 was a person who had violated the Immigration Control Act (15 in the previous year). Special permission to stay in Japan was granted to the victim who had violated the Immigration Control Act. (Table 48)

The number of victims has declined significantly since 2005, when the Immigration Bureau started the survey and protected 115 victims, and the number has been hovering around 20 to 30 in recent years. In 2012, the number further declined. It is considered that the reason for such decline is due to the fact that the Government as a whole is taking overall and comprehensive countermeasures against trafficking in persons based on the “Action Plan of Measures to Combat Trafficking in Persons” and that countermea-sures for preventing trafficking in persons, including a review of the entry permission criteria (ministerial ordinance) relating to the status of residence of “Entertainer”, and the implementation of stricter entry examinations, have achieved a certain effect. (Table 49)

Section 1 ◆ Promotion of Measures against Trafficking in Persons

Table 48 Number of victims of trafficking in persons (2012)(People)



Recognized as a victim of trafficking in persons

Total Legal resident

Violators of the Immigration Control Act(Special Permis-

sion to Stay in Japan)Philippines 4 0 4

Thailand 3 1(1) 4

Taiwan 1 0 1

Total 8 1(1) 9

(*) The status of residence of the eight legitimate residents consisted of five foreign nationals with the status of residence of "Spouse or Child of Japanese National", and three foreign nationals with the status of residence of "Temporary Visitor".

The manner of violation of the one person with special permission to stay in Japan consisted of one person who had stayed beyond the authorized period of stay.

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❷ Foreign Nationals Deported for Committing Trafficking in Persons

The number of foreign nationals who were deported for committing trafficking in persons in 2012 was 4 (3 in the previous year), and the country of origin for all of them by nationality/region was Thailand.

In 2011, 2 foreign nationals from Taiwan and 1 foreign national from Thailand were deported.

(*) Through the amendment of the Immigration Control Act in 2005, a “person who committed trafficking in persons, or has incited or aided another to commit trafficking in persons” was made subject to deportation (Article 24, item (iv), (c) of the Immigration Control Act).

❶ Outline

Domestic violence, which includes an act that may constitute a crime, is a serious infringement against human rights. Similar to cases of trafficking in persons, an immediate and accurate response is required from a humanitarian point of view.

The Immigration Bureau considers domestic violence to be a serious infringement of human rights and responds properly to foreign nationals who are victims of domestic violence, ensuring their physical protection through coordination with the agencies concerned and if an application for extension of the period of stay is delayed due to an enforcement of separation or it is not possible to prepare documents that need to be submitted, or a victim applies for a change to the status of residence due to domestic violence, the Immigration Bureau, in principle, grants permission, or if the foreign national has stayed beyond the authorized period of stay on account of domestic violence, grants special permission for resi-dence.

Based on the act for partial amendment of the “Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims” that was enforced in January 2008 and the “Basic Policy Concerning Measures for the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims” that was formulated in line with the enforcement of the abovementioned act, if any victim of domestic violence is identified, appropriate measures will, under the measures and guidelines established in July 2008, be taken commensurate with the victim’s psychological and physical conditions, with full consideration being given to the fact that the victim was placed in psychologically and physically severe conditions, and efforts will be made for further protection of the victim through cooperation with the Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Cen-ters, women’s counseling center, the police and other related organizations. Cases of domestic violence identified by the regional and district immigration bureau must promptly be reported to the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice.

Section 2 ◆ Proper Protection of Foreign Domestic Violence Victims

Table 49 Changes in the number of victims of trafficking in persons(People)

YearBreakdown 2005 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 115 20 29 21 9

Legal resident 68 9 23 6 8Violators of the Immigra-tion Control Act (Special permission to stay in Japan)

47(47) 11(11) 6(6) 15(15) 1(1)

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❷ Number of Recognized Foreign Domestic Violence Victims

The Immigration Bureau places emphasis on the protection of victims and treats the victims properly from a humanitarian perspective by ensuring coordination with the agencies concerned, and gives careful consideration to the wishes and situation of the victims in the procedures for examination of the status of residence or the deportation procedures while considering their individual circumstances. The number of foreign domestic violence victims who were recognized in the process of an application for extension of the period of stay or the deportation procedures during 2012 was 78.

The Immigration Bureau took the individual situations of the victims into account and permitted in most of the cases extension of the period of stay or a change to the status of residence. (Table 50)

Table 50 Number of recognized foreign domestic violence victims (2012)(People)


Residence Proce-dures

Deportation Pro-cedures Consultations Others Total

Philippines 30 4 4 1 39

China 8 1 5 0 14

R.O.Korea 7 0 1 0 8

Thailand 2 0 2 0 4

Brazil 1 0 3 0 4

Nepal 2 0 0 0 2

Peru 0 0 2 0 2

United States of America 1 0 0 0 1

Colombia 1 0 0 0 1

Taiwan 0 0 1 0 1

Poland 0 0 1 0 1

Romania 1 0 0 0 1

Total 53 5 19 1 78(*) “China” does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong or others.

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