Past Lives Report for Edgar Cayce by Bernie Ashman This report compliments of: Goddess Flight Divination http://www.goddessflight.com

Past Lives Report Edgar Cayce - Goddess Flight · Past Lives Report for Edgar Cayce ... Call it your soul, higher ... throughout your lifetimes and was a key to self-mastery

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Page 1: Past Lives Report Edgar Cayce - Goddess Flight · Past Lives Report for Edgar Cayce ... Call it your soul, higher ... throughout your lifetimes and was a key to self-mastery

Past Lives Report for

Edgar Cayce by Bernie Ashman

This report compliments of:

Goddess Flight Divination http://www.goddessflight.com

Page 2: Past Lives Report Edgar Cayce - Goddess Flight · Past Lives Report for Edgar Cayce ... Call it your soul, higher ... throughout your lifetimes and was a key to self-mastery

The Astrological Charts

Edgar Cayce Mar 18, 1877 12:12:00 AM LMT +00:00 Beverly, KY 087W31'32" 36N45'24" Placidus

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Pisces 27°Pi47' 03rd 01 12°Sg31' Moon Taurus 04°Ta10' 05th 02 15°Cp32' Mercury Pisces 10°Pi40' 03rd 03 23°Aq01' Venus Pisces 14°Pi57' 03rd 04 28°Pi48' Mars Capricorn 10°Cp49' 01st 05 28°Ar10' Jupiter Capricorn 01°Cp59' 01st 06 21°Ta50' Saturn Pisces 12°Pi45' 03rd 07 12°Ge31' Uranus Leo 21°Le17' 08th 08 15°Ca32' Neptune Taurus 03°Ta38' 05th 09 23°Le01' Pluto Taurus 22°Ta55' 06th 10 28°Vi48' Node Pisces 09°Pi56' R 03rd 11 28°Li10' Midheaven Virgo 28°Vi48' 10th 12 21°Sc50' Ascendant Sagittarius 12°Sg31' 01st

Past Lives Chart Mar 18, 1877 12:12:00 AM LMT +00:00 Beverly, KY 087W31'32" 36N45'24" Placidus

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Pisces 27°Pi47' 10th 01 21°Sc50' Moon Taurus 04°Ta10' 08th 02 28°Li10' Mercury Pisces 10°Pi40' 10th 03 28°Vi48' Venus Pisces 14°Pi57' 10th 04 23°Le01' Mars Capricorn 10°Cp49' 12th 05 15°Ca32' Jupiter Capricorn 01°Cp59' 12th 06 12°Ge31' Saturn Pisces 12°Pi45' 10th 07 21°Ta50' Uranus Leo 21°Le17' 05th 08 28°Ar10' Neptune Taurus 03°Ta38' 08th 09 28°Pi48' Pluto Taurus 22°Ta55' 07th 10 23°Aq01' Node Pisces 09°Pi56' R 10th 11 15°Cp32' Midheaven Aquarius 23°Aq01' 10th 12 12°Sg31' Ascendant Scorpio 21°Sc50' 01st

Copyright 1985-2003 Matrix Software, Inc.

Page 3: Past Lives Report Edgar Cayce - Goddess Flight · Past Lives Report for Edgar Cayce ... Call it your soul, higher ... throughout your lifetimes and was a key to self-mastery


Welcome to your Past Life report. Whereas the birthchart is a symbolic road map describing your current life, the Past Lives chart is a blueprint of your previous incarnations. The pages that follow will help shed some light on themes related to your past life instincts. First, let's talk about reincarnation which is the belief that the current incarnation (as depicted by our birthchart) is linked to the lives that we have previously led. This collection of past influences points to particular experiences you might encounter again so that you can further your growth and fully develop your creative potential. These past impressions go far in shaping many of our current thoughts and choices. There are certain gifts a person seems to possess right out of the womb! It's as though destiny or fate leads one to realize these attributes. Of course, we still have to show ambition and make the effort in order to keep our dreams alive. This report may give confirmation to talents that you already know you have or open your eyes to ones that you have yet to discover.

Our past lives are alive and well in our consciousness. This may already be apparent to you. But on the other hand, these experiences can lie beyond the threshold of our conscious mind's awareness. What is doing the remembering, if our mind isn't? Call it your soul, higher consciousness or whatever explanation feels right to you.

Have you ever heard about karma, that great law of cause and effect? An old timeless saying sums up the whole process: "You reap what you sew." There are actions and thoughts that defined us in other lives, or have guided us to where we are in the present. They don't really exert any control over us. We have freedom of choice. That's a strong message to remember when reading this report.

Also, don't panic if you read something that says you were not a perfect person. Nobody is in the current one! Use the report as a learning tool. The idea is to keep developing and evolving. It's balancing the cosmic rhythm of past and present that presents each of us with a challenge. Do we respond positively or negatively? With hope or doubt? Many of our tendencies are linked to previous incarnations. Certain patterns have likely been by our side over many lifetimes. As we grow and expand our awareness, it becomes very possible to step beyond the trappings of past life baggage.

No doubt you will read various sections that seem to contradict each other. Each could be true about you. It's important to realize that many different dimensions of ourselves live within us. Each of us is composed of memories from so many past lives, combined with an assortment of ways we have learned to deal with reality in this life, that make us complex beings. See which descriptions ring true to you as you read through the following pages. You will notice some traits described have a repeating theme.

I hope you find this report an enjoyable ride into your past life instincts and thought patterns. They are somewhere in your consciousness. Perhaps some of what you read will strike a familiar chord. After all, these pages are all about your past life loves, creative pursuits, adventures,

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travels, highs and lows, over many lifetimes. Happy navigating!

The Past Life Chart Structure

Some technical explanations about the Past Life chart (if you detest technical discussions, then skip this paragraph and jump right into the report!). The Ascendant in this chart starts with the sign on the cusp of the 12th house, instead of the traditional method of using the sign on the 1st house cusp, which is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. Also, the Past Life birthchart houses are counted clockwise, rather than the conventional way of counterclockwise. In other words, since the 12th house becomes the Ascendant, the sign on the cusp of the 11th house now begins the 2nd house, etc., around the chart wheel. What is considered the Ascendant or 1st house in the traditional chart becomes the 12th in the Past Life chart. Your planets remain in the same sign placements, but now occupy different houses, in this new chart. The planets in signs are interpreted in your report from a past lives perspective.

Something interesting to consider in thinking of the houses in a clockwise direction, they are actually now moving in the same direction as the Nodes of the Moon. As you will read in the report the Moon's nodes are strong past life or karmic points in a chart. Their retrograde motion is clockwise meaning they share the same life biorhythms as the houses of the Past Life chart. By traveling backward, or clockwise, through the houses, you are being regressed back into a past life analysis. Enjoy your ride down memory filled lanes!

The Passport

In this section are the first, middle and last names of your Past Lives astrological identity, the Sun, Moon, and Past Lives Ascendant. Each of these three building blocks will be discussed as to how they actively shaped many of your former lives. But before you meet these three key players, you will start your tour through memory lane with the North Node of the Moon. The North Node contains a special message about what was your overall life purpose. It was a constant rhythm pulsating in your consciousness to keep you on target toward your true purposes. It was a celestial compass trying to guide you to walk your talk with greater clarity. So sit back, and enjoy reading your past lives primer.

Node in Pisces

You had a history of being dedicated to causes. One of your key impulses was tapping into your intuition. Your soul was normally intoxicated with the prospect of reincarnating, seeing another chance to witness life's magic. The archetypal theme for your life destiny was to be an inspirer. A crucial lesson was to not rely so heavily on your instincts that you forgot to use your intellect. Sound reality testing kept you from overly idealizing the wrong people or situations.

When you didn't doubt your feelings, your spontaneity was freer. You tended to find your

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way through faith and even adopting a very spiritual outlook. A trickster was thinking you weren't perfect enough to be a success. It caused great anxiety and self-consciousness. Finding a way to balance your great intuitive power with a scrutinizing mind was a key to happiness. You saw imperfection faster than most and had high standards for excellence. Losing yourself in what you loved doing was a high. The arts and healing arenas showcased your abilities in the past. When you met a soul mate or had transcendental insights, your consciousness leapt out of ordinary mortal time.

Node in 10th house

What types of activities did you participate in that furthered your soul growth? Reaching for the pinnacle of success was what lit up your life regularly. If you feared failure it delayed your chances to get ahead. Another important theme was building a home life that was a source of your strength. A common concern was "how do I determine those roles that will make me happy?" When you didn't become overly consumed with work you managed to stay out of karma's way. What sorts of experiences motivated you? Leadership positions pumped up your adrenaline. A chance to wield power did at times entice you. Management was a key expression. Your energy levels peaked when your ambition was awakened. If you sacrificed or ignored the people who loved you, you later paid the consequences. When balancing your private and public lives, it kept you on track as much as becoming a workaholic or isolationist was in many instances self-defeating. Somewhere always hiding in the caverns of your memory banks was raw persevering instinct mixed with a tinge of strong intuition, shaping your life with determination on one hand, and a window for mystery on the other. When using this wisely and patiently, life was colored with worthwhile milestones and dependable partners.

Sun: Creativity, Ego, Self-expression

Sun in Pisces:

The sign of Pisces the fish lighted the late-winter astrological skies at your birth into this life. Let's explore what significance this had in regard to your past lives. In traditional astrology the keyword phrase for Pisces is "I believe". You had a pattern linked to faith in yourself or a higher power. Your intuition was a great gift. When it was operating clearly, you could see what many others couldn't. However, when you were emotionally confused, or your belief system seriously in doubt, your intuitive ability often lay dormant.

Archetypes for Pisces include the poet, mystic, and dreamer. You were just as pragmatic in some lives as dreamy in others. Even when solid as a rock, sensitivity to life's mysterious forces was available to you, whether you used this gift or put it in storage.

The cosmic principle operating in many of your past lives was denial. Don't panic. This simply means you were given a ticket to conveniently not face unpleasant issues until later. The trick was not taking this so far that you adopted the path of escapism. You came into this life solarized through a sign promoting openness to romantic ideals. This was a theme that ran throughout your lifetimes and was a key to self-mastery. In past lives you likely were an artist, healer, actor, or poet. You at least found peace and inspiration from this arena. You found ego strength when sharing love with others. You usually sought out a soul mate. It was when you

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created reasonable expectations for yourself, and those you loved, that your life was lived with great vitality.

Sun in 10th house

You had solar power plus, pouring into your professional and leadership roles in past lives. Attracting responsibility was a strong pattern. Defining yourself clearly was an innate drive. Working with the public occurred often. Your creative vitality became energized when your ability was recognized. A steady and persistent effort took you far. You had a fine reputation for being committed to doing a good job. Pride in taking on difficult challenges was shown. Being a good manager of time came in handy.

If there was a challenge it was being a workaholic and becoming too controlling. You weren't the best at delegating. People loving you wished you made the same time for them you made for work. Also, you could become very demanding. When you learned how to more tactfully ask for what you needed, you got better results. Learning how to play was good for your health and relationships. The leader and entrepreneur shined brightly through you. People commonly referred to you as a take charge type. Getting too attached to success and failure was a trap. You suffered depressions when you had severe setbacks. The embarrassment of losing was too much to handle. You had to find the strength to move forward and see all was not necessarily lost. Adaptability and flexibility helped. Your self-expression was very focused. A pragmatic mind-set guided you to mostly bet on sure things. You found fulfillment through celebrating time-tested commitments.

Moon: Sense of Security, Roots, Feelings

Moon in Taurus:

You were lunarized at birth through the sign of Taurus. What does this say about your past life tendencies? An instinctual desire to find emotional stability typified many of your incarnations. The family ancestries in past lives were linked by a motivation to build reliable avenues that paved the way for a steady future. You believed in the power of money. This isn't saying you were necessarily ruled by your material desires. Only that you had a healthy respect for wealth. Business sense followed you from one life to another.

Your inner landscapes were colored by a love of serenity and beauty. Stress didn't fit into your plan. This was especially true of your home as you went out of your way to ensure its tranquility. Artistic and musical ability was shown regularly. Family members saw you as a stabilizing force.

Inertia was a challenge. More frequently when this manifested it was due to a loss of hope. A fear of losing what you owned is what got your adrenaline pumping. Sometimes you were accused of being possessive. When you fell in love with someone, it's true that you wanted it to be for keeps. When people showed they valued you, it made you feel on top of the world. Your subconscious called to you to pace yourself slowly, taking the time to enjoy the moment.

Moon in 8th house

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You had intuitive power when it came to understanding the deeper psychological processes of people. Trust didn't come easy. You instinctually knew to be cautious around those arousing your suspicion in order to ensure your sense of security. A probing psyche allowed you to guard against letting individuals get too close, until getting to know them. When you did depend on someone too much, and got hurt in the process, the scar didn't go away quickly. You tended to process the past diligently.

There were power struggles. It wasn't easy to trust others. If you did draw close to someone, the bond did grow quite deep. Your moods were about as intense as they came. People often wondered what was going on in your head, as many of your thoughts were kept private. There was a mental toughness that separated you from the fainthearted. The downside was self-undoing through compulsive desires and a tendency to be self-destructive. The upside was equally as strong, showing a talent to master incredible creative energies, and to overcome adversity. There were strong survival instincts. An inner feeling to seek passionate and intense relationships was a repeating pattern. You preferred lovers and friends who were generous with their money and property. It encouraged you to open your heart to them. Experiences that fostered your personal empowerment and offered privacy were your favorites.

Ascendant: Persona, Identity, Calling Card

Scorpio on Ascendant:

With the sign Scorpio as your past lives ascendant, emotional intensity regularly colored your incarnations. You often knew what you wanted and how to get it! Being careful of compulsive desires was wise to keep in mind. Being patient with yourself and absorbing carefully what life was trying to teach you became things to remember. When you chose not to run from problems, you were more at ease. It's when the past was perceived to be a haunting shadow that you were not content. You were naturally passionate. You reached great levels of self-mastery through facing issues. You wore a persona lined with a probing nature. Detective-like instincts were at your side. You weren't afraid to walk paths others may have feared to tread. An attraction to extremes got you into trouble. A desire to explore many of the things others were afraid to discuss was another trait. Being perceived as mysterious or secretive occurred. You were not a person that wasted time. Your relationships were intense. You and your partners demanded much from each other. You looked out at the world through probing eyes in many lives. Your negotiating ability was well developed. Rising to high levels of personal power occurred. Survival instincts took you far. You regularly experienced a rebirth through self-understanding and strong creative drives.

The Quest

Mercury: Communication, Perceptions and Logic Mercury in Pisces

You were Mercurialized at birth through the sign of Pisces pointing to highly imaginative mental impulses in past lives. Your communication style was dreamy and contemplative.

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The world never really measured up to your expectations. You did your best to find the niches that allowed your fantasy world to coexist with responsibilities. Escaping from everyday norms brought you to try varying lifestyles. The arts did satisfy a hunger to express a poetic and magical mind. The muses visited you frequently. The powers of your intuition went far. You did occasionally feel betrayed by your feelings and unconditional trust of others. Reality testing taught you a few lessons in knowing your limits.

Often it took two professions or multiple interests to keep you happy. Divine discontent swept you away in search of more inspiring people, places, or things. You were capable of seeing into the deepest recesses of someone's mind. It was guilt that at times grew bothersome. When you sought to escape from facing your problems, life could become a disorienting maze. When you found the faith to walk your talk, people couldn't help but admire you. Addictive habits weakened your spirit in a few lives. Your spiritual quest to find a sense of unity was a motivating force. Your mental outlook was brighter when you either served meaningful causes or you found paths that kept you inspired.

Mercury in 10th house

Your perceptions moved ambitiously, seeking roles that best expressed your capabilities. Seriousness guided you to think in sober ways. You realistically looked out at the world, ascertaining where to best put your energy. Your mind was focused and was prepared to meet challenges. You were sensitive about success. It drove you to be conscientious. It was vital that you didn't get so attached to climbing to the top that failing to do so caused depression. Rigid thinking was not your friend. Leadership roles did demonstrate your very capable intellect. You possessed insights that others envied when it came to creating strategies. You believed heavily in structure. Some spontaneity kept you sharper and not as predictable.

Communication was sound and right to the point. You had ideas that made others take notice with one major exception. Fear did have a way of freeze framing your thoughts, causing you to be tongue-tied. You didn't like embarrassing yourself with blurting out the wrong thing. This did result in occasionally staying too reserved. You did better when loosening up and not being so worried about insulating yourself from ridicule. Challenges and ambitions suited you that gave you greater control. You needed to be careful in handling power struggles.

Venus: Relationships, Values, Comfort.

Venus in Pisces

With the love goddess adorning you at birth through the sign of Pisces, you came from past lives where you searched for lovers sharing your ideals. Many people experienced you as symbolizing romanticism and dreaminess. Your social instincts were shaded with a hue of mystery and intuition.

The ideal soul mate was someone able to accept your values and with a similar desire to escape from everyday reality. You were attracted to lovers that inspired you to be creative and to hope for a better tomorrow. A love of the arts in all of its forms was a powerful past lives emphasis. Your idealism was great and sometimes caused you disappointment when others couldn't live up to your expectations. When you realized it was impossible for you or others to be

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perfect, life became easier to appreciate.

Running away from responsibility was a challenge as was falling in love with individuals not having your best interest in mind. You did better after realizing it was better to give your time and energy to worthwhile people and causes. A desire for seclusion did move you occasionally to retreat from the world. Your romantic fulfillment depended heavily on seeking a mate with each of you dancing with one foot grounded in the world, and the other ever so ready to move quickly toward the most awe inspiring new horizons.

Venus in 10th house

You were serious when interacting socially, usually with a plan in mind. Being spontaneous when meeting people took a little warm up time. You were a stabilizing force in relationships, getting others to better define what they wanted. Ambitious individuals attracted you as much as your own get down to business ways brought you into their sphere. You were hard working. A willingness to pay your dues to achieve your desired milestones was apparent.

Some accused you of being too rigid, whereas you described this as extreme focus. Your peers saw you as reliable and at times solid as a rock. You had to watch out for a tendency in trying to please everyone. Being decisive was a wiser path. Another tendency was to sacrifice your comfort for a compulsive work streak. Balancing your ambition and relaxation was a must. You appreciated the celebration of milestones. When individuals honored your wisdom you felt valued. Assisting those you loved to better determine their strengths meant a lot to you.

Mars: Assertion, Courage, Identity

Mars in Capricorn

What would a warrior planet in the earthy sign of Capricorn mean regarding past lives? You were scared to lack ambition, which found you making yourself take on new challenges. Fear of failure was a battle. However, you had a strong follow through when you were finally convinced that you had the right stuff to do the job. Your initiating impulse was to look first and make sure you wouldn't be rushing into a mistake. However, you could become a type "A" personality when you found the avenues that excited you. A competitive streak came alive when seeing a clear path to success. You were willing to fight adversaries to outdo them in the professional arena. You did display a reserved nature. When you let go once in a while to spontaneity, lovers and friends were delighted. Being rigid made you seem cold to others. Your warmth came across when relaxing into experiences.

Your identity was very tied to the roles you chose. Career and work were taken too seriously. You fought with authority figures when not respecting their judgment. As a leader you could be quite demanding. Anger presented you with a dilemma. It made you feel like you were losing control to show your displeasure openly and passionately. Yet you felt better when letting out your true feelings. Relationships took less out of you when you talked directly and with a listening ear. When you moved with openness to new options and with flexibility, you were a happier soul.

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Mars in 12th house

You took initiative when it came to seeking paths to fulfill your idealism. Your adrenaline got pumping when you went on adventurous escapes. There was endless imagination at your disposal. The trick was not becoming so disillusioned with reality that you got stuck. A competitive side came forward when people told you your dreams were impossible to fulfill. This made you try that much harder to prove them wrong. Fighting to defend those you loved was a repeating pattern. Rushing headfirst into romance happened more often than not. You didn't always care about the consequences of your actions. What made you become territorial? It was when you felt your ideals being threatened by those not understanding them.

Impatience with those you loved caused bad feelings. You could have high standards with unreasonable expectations. When you realized you were being too demanding relationships were more flowing. Assertiveness was testy. Guilt did at times keep you waterlogged, as did trying to be too perfect. You were an intense mixture of fire and water, which resulted in steam. You had to connect with your intuition to stay on target. Anger was another challenge. You could be stone quiet, making others try to figure out if you were mad. Then again, irrational outbursts would come when you couldn't hold back anymore. You were at the top of your game when acting from your highest beliefs.

Jupiter: Knowledge, Expansion, Philosophy, Travel

Jupiter in Capricorn

Having Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, in the sign of Capricorn indicates that you enthusiastically pursued your ambitions. This was especially true after you discovered the avenues that lit your inspiration. Discipline didn't always come early in life. You sometimes were afraid to question authority figures. Though it must be said when you found the steps toward your own destiny, you could speak your mind. You chose to expand your potential through challenging yourself to risk failing in endeavors that could lead to financial and professional gains. Learning was easier when you convinced yourself that education might be a ticket into greater opportunities. It was pragmatic knowledge that interested you the most. Why? Because it could be converted into a reality that helped you to define your future that much more clearly. You did at times become so cautious that you missed the boat on a path that would have increased your happiness. You were someone able to learn from experience, which meant you often didn't repeat the same mistake twice. When you kept a positive attitude life seemed more generous. You weren't easily convinced that luck was real. You believed that effort was the way to success. You found confidence through achieving small baby steps of accomplishments. Travel for pleasure was good for your spirit when you were willing to spend the time and money. When maintaining a broad perspective, you showed more flexibility, which enticed the world to bring you its treasures.

Jupiter in 12th house

A positive and enterprising outlook influenced you to believe your ideals would find outlets in which they could flourish. Idealism was strong. There were regrets about ignoring sound reality testing. Though your intuition did manage to guide you around an iceberg or two. When

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you faced life's ups and downs without overly indulging in denial, you found balance. Spontaneity made you feel that you truly had an inner voice worth listening to. You were devoted to a spiritual conviction. You were a bit dreamy and could be led astray when you were not in touch with logic. Travel was a high note. It provided you with just the escape you needed. Getting away from your home base of operations opened your consciousness to the realm of greater possibilities. Staying grounded wasn't real easy. Luck smiled more favorably upon you when you didn't let guilt be your constant companion. Good fortune came through effort, rather than waiting for others to act in your behalf.

The Journey

Saturn: Ambition, Seriousness, Focus, Responsibility Saturn in Pisces

Ambition came through you idealistically, says your past lives history, with Saturn in the highly imaginative sign of Pisces. Discipline was not of great interest to you. You found focus and concentration after getting on the roads that inspired you to make extra effort. The arts were always special. You enjoyed showing others how to escape from everyday reality. You didn't roll up your sleeves the way many of your contemporaries did when it came to planning. Your intuition called out to you to hear its plea to take the time to follow an inner calling. This doesn't mean you always heard this little voice. But there were occasions when you miraculously changed life directions, almost in a magical way. Your greatest fear was not living out your dreams. As a matter of fact this caused you great despair when you lost hope. Though you did manage to rise above divine discontent, especially when you found meaningful relationships.

A karmic shadow was exhibiting blind faith and a lack of reality testing. You often defined yourself through aesthetic and health-oriented professions, and as someone with a sincere desire to live out their highest values.

Saturn in 10th house

What was your main focus? It was developing clear-cut strategies concerning your most time-consuming roles. You consistently asked at crucial points during an incarnation: how can I best achieve my ambitions? Having a plan in your back pocket was your usual way of operating. You weren't real fond of surprises. Having control over your schedule was stabilizing. Becoming an authoritarian produced karmic woes. The antidote was greater flexibility in this area, that is, when you were determined not to repeat the same old lessons needing to be learned.

A shadow was being a workaholic and carving out most of your identity from career. Sacrificing your private life to climb a power ladder sometimes left you feeling cold and alone at night. Clear definition in decision-making was your forte. You felt like a fish out of water without it. It was a challenge for you to realize that becoming vulnerable didn't mean you were weak. It let those closest to you see that you needed them. A major redefining occurred in lifetimes associated with how you wanted to use your time. Sometimes you tired of the same old

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structures. A desire for experiences that replenished your vitality became a yearning. Wisdom came through seeing that working harder wasn't really smarter, and that occasionally revisiting your priorities wasn't a bad idea.

Uranus: Individuality, Goals, Uniqueness, Freedom

Uranus in Leo

You had a tendency to react dramatically about future goals, which indicates Uranus in the sign Leo. Your mind did switch to fast forward when imagining how to express yourself creatively. People couldn't help but notice your ideas, as they often were communicated in a lively manner. You didn't excel in seeing how to include others in major decisions, but did do better with practice.

Inventiveness was a trait that made you proud of yourself. If others didn't openly show their appreciation for your original ideas, you did grow quite upset. You inspired people to make the most of their talents. Even lovers benefited from your ability to see where they may have had hidden ability. Maintaining a sense of direction made you feel that the world was your oyster and that surely the love and rewards you sought would find you.

Uranus in 5th house

In what way were you unconventional? It was how you went about expressing yourself creatively. Spontaneous outbursts of energy attracted attention. A futuristic vision came alive when you felt motivated to reinvent yourself through showing the world your newfound talents. Your goals were a key ingredient in keeping you young and full of vitality. A sense of direction was paramount to your success. It gave you self-confidence to keep on trucking in spite of the obstacles. Your romances were fast and furious. You didn't really enjoy long-term commitments unless you had a long leash. Freedom to answer to nobody was your preference. You did try to modify this when you fell in love or needed to get along with authority figures, though it was a test. You rebelled against anyone trying to label your potential. Being able to walk your talk by listening to your own drumbeat was a must. Stimulation occurred in the midst of promoting ideas and actions that made you feel proud. In not being able to compromise or growing suddenly willful you met a real test. Unorthodox approaches made it hard for you to fit in. You weren't real flexible. Communication breakdowns did cause your relationships a few ups and downs. You were inventive ferociously. The trick was getting disciplined. When you did have the focus, you usually found success.

Neptune: Idealism, Romanticism, Intuition, Dreams, Escapism

Neptune in Taurus

You believed in ideals that had lasting value. Your faith in others was often a stabilizing influence for them. Your idealism was awakened through experiencing beauty in all of its many forms. In some lives you definitely inspired people through your creative passion for the arts. You didn't take romance lightly; meaning you took your time before rushing into relationships.

A major challenge was getting lost in material desires. The things that money could buy

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sometimes became too important. There was divine discontent in never really being satisfied with what you owned. You were happier when you kept your wish list simple. It was easier to get what you needed by not compulsively chasing after a dream. You wanted from the deepest part of your soul to find a soul mate. Someone to share the good and bad times, and who accepted your right to be you. You found transcendental growth through looking for experiences that elevated your vision to a high enough place so that you could accept life's highs and lows.

Neptune in 8th house

In what way were you extra intuitive? It was regarding power and business. Your mind told you to avoid danger. Though you didn't always listen. Challenging relationships particularly intrigued you, as did mysterious lovers. You became mesmerized when investigating subjects considered off limits by society. There was an interest in trying forbidden material. Your idealism caused you to go way over the edge when it came to love. There was heartache when it came to finding a suitable soul mate. There was an inner toughness in you that lay underneath your outer persona. You didn't fear the trouble that falling in love could bring. Though your partners could be weak willed, not having your strength. Commitments were not necessarily sought after, unless you were really sure about someone.

A test was not surrendering too much of your power to someone you idealized. You could give up your wealth and logic if you fell head over heels in love. Self-mastery came when you felt the inspiration of your beliefs. Your spirituality gave you the fortitude to resist giving into your adversaries, when you knew you were serving your highest values. You sometimes got clearer in knowing who was worthy of your trust. What was the biggest challenge? You had to beware of running away from emotional closeness and fearing to find out your own shortcomings. Faith transformed your denial into personal empowerment. You searched for a purpose that left you the option of rebirth.

Pluto: Personal Power, Self-mastery, Rebirth, Loss, Passion

Pluto in Taurus

Empowering yourself through acquiring wealth and possessions was a past lives tendency. Learning how to get by on less was a regular pattern in many incarnations. When you had a fair chance to put your business savvy to work, you persistently increased your buying power. You showed charisma through a calm reassured demeanor. A compulsive attachment to sensual desires or an extreme fear of poverty, were at times downfalls. You were determined to finish what you started. Outlasting the odds made you victorious, even when you were supposed to come out on the short end.

There was a shadow. What was it? An inner uncertainty that you were worthy of success and love. When you did gain confidence, happiness came sooner rather than later. Self-mastery was discovered through not becoming too overly attached to material desires. A wise detachment took you further. You found rebirth or a sense of renewal when holding onto your highest values.

Pluto in 7th house

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How did you go about seeking personal empowerment? It was definitely through relationships. You tried to get to know those with considerable influence. A renewed sense of purpose was discovered through finding meaningful partnerships and realizing if push came to shove, you could survive on your own. A powerful self-examination manifested after the loss of a long-term love. There was usually an attraction to passionate lovers. Your relationships were taken seriously. Trust didn't come easily. Someone had to prove they could be reliable. However, when you did settle into a romance, you bonded very deeply. A compulsive tendency to wonder if you would ever find a love you could trust got you to ask thought-provoking questions. A shadow frequently followed you into incarnations related to feeling lost unless you were in a romantic relationship. You found greater freedom in love when you managed to break out of this trap.


You have already been introduced to the ten planets. Certain planetary pairs in your chart have a special relationship to one another due to particular angular distances separating them, known as aspects. You could say the two planets in an aspect travel and interact together along the same circuit. The following aspects will be listed under five types. Two are known as the soft aspects: the sextile (60 degrees) and trine (120 degrees). These two aspects generally point to more gentle themes, and therefore will describe past life trends that went very well for you. They indicate a lower voltage of electricity and produced less friction in your mind and through your actions. The planets involved in a trine or sextile are more likely to talk about areas where you flowed without much effort.

The more hard or intense aspects are the conjunction (0 degrees), square (90 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). They required your best understanding in past lives. Planets that are part of an intense aspect you will notice often indicate lessons that must be learned, and follow us from one incarnation into another until we get them in balance. These higher voltage aspects don't mean the planets operated negatively, only that there was much more force behind them. "Soft" does not mean good and "intense" does not imply bad. It is often the more intense aspects that deepen our soul growth, that is, if we learn how to use their power wisely. If we don't it's like taking one step forward and three back.

It might be helpful to keep some keywords in mind for the aspects. The sextile represents Excitation and Eagerness. The planets in this aspect give clues as to how their energies worked in a stimulating way through you. The trine is a special Harmony. The two planets involved show you were confident of their interacting energies. The conjunction is where two planets are joined at the hip. There is a Fusion or powerful blending of these energies. The square can reveal where you encountered Friction. Pay special attention to these aspects in particular because they denote themes that are strong past patterns. Squares ask us to resolve their conflict by finding creative outlets. The opposition requires a Balancing act. It is similar to a seesaw. Gaining objective awareness about each planet is a key. Remember, it was usually the most intense aspects that stretched you the most in past lives.

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Moon trine Jupiter

You expected to have good luck. Faith was never that far out of your reach. Your troubles went away when you traveled or when distracted by new learning. There were occasions when you didn't have much drive or ambition. Sometimes you needed a challenge to come along to get you to hit full stride. You found luck through self-confidence.

Moon conjunct Neptune

Intuition played a big part in your past. You had an intense yearning to find the deepest meaning possible which led you on spiritual journeys. A search for ideals and symbols that were inspiring was a strong leaning. Romance either made you feel wonderful or filled you with divine discontent. Much depended on you're dependency needs. When finding a soul mate, life couldn't have been better. If you became too lost in finding the perfect love, you did lose your clarity. Whatever your life ambitions, you had high aspirations. Staying grounded went far in supporting your achievements. Guilt kept you from enjoying greater happiness. When you did manage to keep this in check, you discovered the power of your inner world, and it was a vast kingdom.

Sun square Jupiter

One of your favorite questions was "why bother worrying about what you can't control?" The sky was the limit in your mind. There were lives when faith didn't come so readily. Self-doubt was a challenge. Not listening to your negative thoughts was a must. Your unpredictability sometimes irritated others. Nobody knew when you might suddenly dart in a new direction. Believing the grass would be greener elsewhere made you a restless soul. You were driven to learn and experience as much as possible. You detested hypocrites. Living what you preached was a motto. If you grew too judgmental, people didn't like you as much. Staying open to options pointed the way to interesting opportunities. Gambling and risk-taking needed to be moderated or they got you into trouble. Though it's true, you were probably luckier than most predicted, by cheating the odds against you!

Sun trine Ascendant

Life seemed fair much of the time. You didn't necessarily run to meet stressful challenges directly. Some accused you of being laid back. You called this resting until the next big event came along. People were won over by your self-assuredness. You had a bit of good fortune in finding outlets for your enterprising ways. The attention paid to those you loved made them feel generous toward you. It's true it didn't hurt if they reciprocated.

Mercury conjunct Venus

Sharing ideas was a way to learn more about the world in which you lived. A natural curiosity about people was never far from your thoughts. You needed to watch out for growing too preoccupied with worry and becoming too critical. Getting distracted by business did dilute

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your remembering to have a good time. You enjoyed individuals with common sense and still knew how to celebrate. Visiting new environments was stimulating, and a way to spice up your life.

Mercury conjunct Saturn

Serious thinking became a dominant force usually before you knew it. You were capable of long-term focus that enabled you to accomplish very difficult tasks. If you managed not to try to overly control situations they were more enjoyable. Business perceptions were very strong and accurate. If you were terribly disappointed over a failure or rejection, depression often resulted. Getting through this dilemma took patience and it didn't hurt if there were helpful allies. You always needed to be careful in demanding success according to a rigid plan. Flexibility was the best policy. Being your own person required you to break free from the rules established by others.

Mercury conjunct Node

To accurately find your way in incarnations you had to maintain mental clarity. Your perceptions were exhilarating when upbeat, but depleting when attached to negative thoughts. Having a delicate nervous system was a norm for you. A fascination with ideas started early in life. There was a curiosity to walk in various directions just for the thrill. A love of books and all forms of communication were fairly consistent throughout a lifetime. When you lacked flexibility was when you had the most problems. Another theme that you had to keep an eye on was when intellectualizing everything you felt. You lived in your mind incessantly. Brainpower you had! You could be meticulous about the little things. This was fine as long as you didn't lose sight of the big picture. There was an intense work drive when you found the right niche. A nervous reaction to things getting out of order did get bothersome. You functioned better when letting go of needless worry. Keen insight was your calling card.

Venus conjunct Saturn

You took relationships quite seriously. Commitments either made you feel comforted or were scary. It depended much on how comfortable you felt with the person. Trust in some lifetimes wasn't easy. You did have trouble finding someone that wasn't so demanding. If you were too controlling a lover wasn't pulling very close. The challenge was letting go enough to let someone get to know the real you. There were lives where you had long term relationships that were quite successful. You were happier when in love with someone accepting you the way you were. You hated rejection. It was depressing. You had to learn not to seek approval at the expense of your happiness. Authority figures and power brokers made key allies. Flexible people made the best companions.

Venus conjunct Node

You searched for fulfillment through meeting the right people. It wasn't that you feared going it alone, it's that you thoroughly enjoyed the sharing. Your self-esteem had to stay high. This not

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only was connected to partnerships, but to finding meaningful occupations as well. You usually were a sensual person, in love with beauty in all of its forms. If there was a real test it was in being too easily talked out of your dreams. You then felt empty. The good news is that when you renewed your commitment to seek the fulfilling life you deserved, life was ready and willing to help you. Romance had a way of making you forget your troubles. Of course, it didn't hurt if you didn't forget to do a little reality testing now and then!

Jupiter trine Neptune

Your ideals are what you preached. It was living up to them that wasn't easy. You were fortunate in that life often embraced your dreams. You liked romantic escapes. Falling in love was a wonderful high. You did need to be careful in trusting others.

Saturn conjunct Node

You entered many lives with a strategy-oriented consciousness. There was a determination not to let anything distract you from the purposes you decided upon. A need for clear definition regarding all of your major commitments was important to accomplish. Though seeing that it was okay that you weren't always completely in control was okay too. Accepting life's wins and losses was a big class to enroll in, in order to graduate with high honors. People tried to remind you not to be so serious. When you lacked discipline or concentration for extended time periods, something didn't seem right. The picture was out of focus. You wanted to know that the people you opened up to could be trusted. Fighting city hall wasn't what drove you. Living up to your reputation, fulfilling your obligations and establishing career directions were lifelines. Coping with sadness and rising above its grasp made you stronger. You sought solitude when deeply processing the past.

Uranus square Pluto

Conflict regarding a fight for your freedom was a theme that repeated often. You detested people trying to manipulate you. Your intensity to move forward with little fear of the consequences was a pattern. You had desires for taking chances and experimenting wildly that didn't exactly make for a simple life. If things became too comfortable or easy, you didn't trust them. Your friends and lovers usually possessed some of the same intensity. It wasn't in your nature to compromise, unless forced into situations where you didn't have much choice. Though when it came to overcoming bad experiences, you had a way of blasting off into new directions. You didn't like to take the time to process the past because you were so busy living in the next moment!

Uranus oppose Midheaven

Balancing your private and public lives was a key to your sense of security. You didn't really like anyone upsetting your comfort zones though there was no end to you being a disruptive force in the lives of others. When someone tried to limit your freedom is when you went to war. Those depending on you for support admired your freethinking style but were a bit concerned if

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they could really count on you. There were those times when you were lost in your causes and work. You didn't like people to infringe upon your need for space unless invited to do so.

Uranus square Ascendant

Ideas traveled through you at the speed of light, sometimes causing you to ride one suddenly onto a new highway. Your fast changes of direction made some think you to be undependable. You enjoyed shocking others with actions and thought-provoking ideas. It wasn't in your nature to be a copycat. You were trend setting for sure. Causing friction with no real purpose behind the action wasn't productive. You were quite a catalyst for change. Erratic inconsistencies in behavior proved problematic in maintaining closeness or finishing what you started out to do. When you discovered your unique personal style it did find you with a clearer sense of direction.

Pluto square Midheaven

Life went better when you developed the insight to know which battles were worth fighting. Power struggles required your greatest wisdom to keep them from escalating. When you chose the path of self-illumination the magic of the universe smiled at you. When people became jealous of your success, it was best not to let this get under your skin. When making your talents known, becoming tough skinned was something you learned. A persevering spirit was what made you a success. Jealousy and manipulation were constant temptations. Reaching into their jars only sparingly was better than being consumed by these negative forces. You incarnated with great personal power. The trick was being able to direct this energy at growth-promoting targets.

Pluto oppose Ascendant

The way you felt about yourself was reflected in your relationships. If happy with your identity, partnerships tended to be stable. When either giving up power too easily or usurping it excessively, your life lacked balance. Finding inner strength kept you from too hungrily searching for it elsewhere. Honest reflection took you to greater clarity. Staying clear of manipulative types maintained your happiness. Dealing with loss was tough because you had a way of getting real attached to people, place and things. Learning to let go was the way to peace.

Just as the Ascendant in the Passport section that began this report was described as a sign serving a special purpose, each of the other eleven houses has a sign that helps define its meaning. What follows is a trip through each of the other past lives houses or environments to give you a view of additional characteristics. First are listed the keywords for each house.

2nd House: Comfort, values, money, ownership. Libra on 2nd house:

You had a tendency to weigh your options carefully. Making up your mind was testy. Indecision regarding major acquisitions sometimes plagued you. When you did develop a pattern

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of solid decision making life became easier. Over indulgence in food and drink sometimes got out of control. This was how you drowned your sorrows, especially after a love affair that went awry. Learning to deal directly with issues proved to be the wiser plan.

3rd House: Perceptions, learning, communication, insight. Virgo on 3rd house:

An analytical mind was readily at your disposal. The more dreamy side of life did not appeal to you as much as the reality dimension. Your perceptions were sharp when it came to seeing life as sober. Worrying about what you couldn't control was bothersome. Sometimes your brain got too overloaded with needless information. A left brain burnout did occur if you didn't stop worrying about the details. Your mind was great for remembering the little things. Keeping a positive outlook took you much further than focusing on too many doubts. Mental toughness did help you in dealing with life's ups and downs. A compulsive striving for perfection had to be kept under control. Compulsive thinking sometimes got in the way of your feelings and intuition. When you trusted your intuitive side, life was more adventurous.

4th House: Home, security, nurturing, roots. Leo on 4th house:

Power struggles with others did occur. It was a challenge to learn how to become a negotiator. Creating win-win situations was the real test. You remained close to those letting you express your true power. If you became obsessed with overpowering others, you made enemies. When you didn't compulsively crave attention you were happier. Finding a true sense of inner security brought harmony. There was a challenge in not letting your critics destroy your self-confidence.

5th House: Self-expression, creativity, confidence, romance, risk-taking. Cancer on 5th house:

Your creative energy was nurtured by where you lived. Your moods were greatly aroused by your passion to create. It was important that you tapped into your intuition when expressing yourself. You showed great sensitivity about family members and lovers being supportive of your life endeavors. It hurt your ego when those you loved didn't pay enough attention to what mattered the most to you. When you were less bossy, people were more cooperative. When you found the self-confidence to take a risk, life often rewarded you. Waiting too long for approval caused missed opportunities. There was a repeating pattern of a tug of war within you to satisfy yourself, coupled with a drive to make others happy. Balancing these two tendencies helped keep you happy and healthy.

6th House: Learning skills, work environment, perfection, diet, health. Gemini on 6th house:

You enjoyed learning in as many ways as possible, and had a deep desire to sharpen skills. Boredom you feared. You liked being as prepared as possible in order to anticipate change. Your

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delicate nervous system needed regular exercise to keep you mentally clear. A proneness to a lack of concentration was a test. You were happier when trying not to be too perfect. Accepting your flaws made for happier days. Worrying about what you couldn't change did at times get the best of you. Then again, a drive toward perfection brought out your best mental intensity. Finding the balance was the key. Heaven on earth was when you worked at careers or jobs that allowed you to operate from your highest levels of learning.

7th House: Relationships, marriage, partnerships, social awareness. Taurus on 7th house:

You were attracted to stabilizing partners. Ambitious partnerships were highlighted. Being with someone you could work clearly with was a must. Your relationships ran the spectrum from having been subjected to possessive partners, to selecting people that respected your individuality. Lovers with calmer dispositions were preferred. You created greater wealth when aligning yourself with the right people. A hidden key to relationship success was finding people with similar values. Learning how to compromise and negotiate was essential to relationship harmony.

8th House: Power, joint resources, rebirth, passion, self-mastery. Aries on 8th house:

Being in intense partnerships colored past incarnations. This doesn't mean they were good or bad. It is only saying your lovers were passionate and maybe a bit reckless. People regularly challenged your power as a general rule. You had a strong survival instinct. Getting past a crisis sometimes took your greatest courage. It was important that you found ways to create stability. You needed partners that respected your autonomy. Tension over finances occurred more than once. You needed to know you had the freedom to make your own choices. Brooding over the past never did much for your happiness. Patience with those you loved was wise. You were not one to readily allow others to easily take advantage of you.

9th House: travel, learning, philosophy, knowledge, optimism. Pisces on 9th house:

You exuded a restless imagination. Your quest for self-understanding was underscored. A wandering spirit didn't always make you Mr. or Ms. Reliable. An adventurous mind kept you dreaming about the liveliest places to be. Faith meant everything to you. Knowing your limits wasn't usually learned easily. A big challenge was a fear of conflict. When you faced issues, you found inner strength and problems were easier to fix. Searching for love was a passion. Being realistic about people was another test. Certain causes led you astray when you lost touch with reality. Your devotional side needed to be kept in balance. You liked sharing knowledge as a way to inspire others to fulfill their potential.

10th House: Professions, ambition, leadership, focus, commitments. Aquarius on 10th house::

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A "Give me Liberty or give me Death" philosophy was not far from your thoughts. The roles in life you chose had an individuality theme running through them. A burning desire to keep reinventing yourself through your career was a repeating pattern. You needed a lot of latitude in work environments. Doing your own thing was preferable. Your progressive mind liked being the catalyst for change. Though the reaction to your insights wasn't always positive. If you ideas were too far out in front of your society, you were met with resistance, maybe even exile. You didn't respect authority until it proved it could be trusted. Institutions seemed to move to slow for your liking. You only were inclined to work against change if it seemed to threaten your most cherished beliefs. Stubborn ideas that were traded in for flexible ones led to new opportunities.

11th house: Goals, individuality, freedom, inventive, progressive, unique. Capricorn on 11th house:

You approached the future with reality based thinking. Change wasn't a welcomed sight. Your feet were planted firmly in the present. You had a deep desire to preserve the past. Fighting city hall wasn't your first impulse. Though city hall couldn't get you to budge if you were determined to make a point. You trusted people with clear logic and possessing intelligence. You respected individuals with integrity. When you became too rigid in setting your goals, people did become angry. Greater flexibility made you more popular. Delayed gratification was connected to your patience. You could focus persistently on long range goals unless you became negative. Losing confidence did take some steam out of your momentum. Self-imposed restrictions on your freedom caused missed opportunities. When you acted with courage and managed to cast aside doubts, you were more successful. Your wisdom came from not repeating past mistakes. Time in your eyes was a valuable teacher.

12th house: Idealism, intuition, escape, faith, beliefs. Sagittarius on 12th house:

You had ideals that reached to the farthest horizons. Faith was what you relied on to get you through the tough tests. A dedication to causes was intense. You did sometimes give too much of yourself and regret it later. Reality testing helped you in ascertaining how to define your boundaries. When you went through periods of self-doubt, your way out of this maze was to travel. A search for a soul mate usually began early. You liked to share your life with a lively partner. Knowing your limitations took time. Testing fate just for the experience happened with regularity. Your ideals had to be grounded. A divine discontent did occasionally make it hard to focus on plans for long periods of time. With practice, you learned how to follow through on what people expected of you. A need for escape was a primal call from within you. Making peace with your intuitive imagination and life's demands was a lifelong process.

Planets in actuality never really move backward, but can appear to do so. This is referred to as retrograde motion, and as you will read has special past life meaning surrounding a particular planet's symbolism. The following are planets that were moving retrograde at your birth with a description as to how this played out for you in other incarnations.

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Uranus Retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern that you had unique goals, reserved just for you. When you didn't do this, life lacked meaning. When you solely served your own purposes this caused quite a ruffle in the feathers of those you loved and cared about. Finding the midstream worked the best regarding these two extremes of sacrifice and doing your own thing. Your ideas sent shock waves at times when individuals or collective bodies didn't like the message. You did sometimes tap into a collective trend before it became in vogue. It did make you nervous about how you might be judged. Many ideas were kept internalized until you were sure the coast was clear and safe enough to present the notions. Were you ever more outwardly disruptive? For sure! This usually occurred when you were so aroused by injustices or thinking restrictions imposed upon you. There was a need to perceive with fore thought, which fights were worth the struggle. Being different just to be different or starting conflicts with no purpose, were ways you took many steps in the wrong direction. Listening to cues from the universe on which directions promised accelerated growth was wise. Your vision of the future was as strong as the ability to remember what gave your imagination an electrifying sensation. Patience took effort!

Hopefully you have enjoyed your tour through this report. Remember that astrology's language is a great teacher. There are many other reports that you can explore.