1 Pastoral Writings By Alton B. Don Billingsley January-February 2021 Adam’s Wrong Decision! Genesis Chapter 3— In his writings, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong wrote— "Though Adam was given a choice by God whether to obey Him or the Serpent (Deuteronomy 30:15-20), God knew Adam would make the wrong choice and obey the Serpent—Satan the Devil.” One might ask, “How did God know?” The answer will be forthcoming. And Adam did partake of it as the following quotes make known from the writings of Mr. Armstrong: THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, “IF and WHEN Man Sinned, pages 66-68, IF and WHEN Man Sinned “… The very fact that Satan was there to tempt the first humans – that he is, even now, “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) – is sufficient evidence of this basic principle of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. More than this, once the earth became inhabited by those in rebellion against the government of God – once that government ceased to function – it became necessary for someone to qualify as successor to Lucifer (now Satan) – and in order to qualify to restore the government and WAY of God, the successor must actually reject and/or turn from Satan’s WAY! More, those who are to reign WITH Christ, must also qualify by turning from or rejecting Satan’s way, overcoming that way, and living under the WAY OF God’s Law.

Pastoral Writings” Now she had wept on him the seven days while their feast lasted. And it happened on the seventh day that he told her for she pressed him much (Judges 14:16-17)

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    Pastoral Writings


    Alton B. Don Billingsley

    January-February 2021

    Adam’s Wrong Decision!

    Genesis Chapter 3—

    In his writings, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong wrote— "Though Adam was given a choice by

    God whether to obey Him or the Serpent

    (Deuteronomy 30:15-20), God knew Adam

    would make the wrong choice and obey the

    Serpent—Satan the Devil.”

    One might ask, “How did God know?”

    The answer will be forthcoming.

    And Adam did partake of it as the following

    quotes make known from the writings of Mr. Armstrong:

    THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, “IF and WHEN

    Man Sinned, pages 66-68,

    IF and WHEN Man Sinned

    “… The very fact that Satan was there to tempt the first humans – that

    he is, even now, “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4) and “the

    prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) – is sufficient evidence

    of this basic principle of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD.

    More than this, once the earth became inhabited by those in rebellion

    against the government of God – once that government ceased to

    function – it became necessary for someone to qualify as successor to

    Lucifer (now Satan) – and in order to qualify to restore the

    government and WAY of God, the successor must actually reject

    and/or turn from Satan’s WAY!

    More, those who are to reign WITH Christ, must also qualify by turning from or rejecting

    Satan’s way, overcoming that way, and living under the WAY OF God’s Law.

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    Knowing this, God knew the inevitability that Satan would tempt the first created MAN

    to disbelieve God and commit sin. If the super archangel and all his angels had been led

    into rebellion, how much more certain that man, made lower than the angels, would also


    [GOD had this in mind long before and had made preparation in His Master Plan for

    that inevitability, as made known in the continued writings here by Mr. Armstrong.]

    Can you visualize God and with Him the Word (also God—of the God Family) planning

    this supreme feat of their creative power? The Word volunteered to give up temporarily

    the supreme POWER and GLORY He had possessed always (John 17:5), to divest Himself

    of all that, to be begotten by God, born in human flesh for the purpose of death (Hebrews

    2:9).” End of Quotes

    The Almighty GOD and Jesus Christ Know All Things

    GOD is GOD! Jesus Christ is God (John 1:1-2)! Nothing escapes Their attention. Not only

    is there a Master Plan, but also a perfect Time-Table in which all things must fit from the

    beginning of mankind to the completion of Their Plan.

    And that plan began many billions or trillions of years ago.

    MYSTERY OF THE AGES, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits,

    pages 60-61,

    “First the Great GOD through the Word first designed and

    created these SPIRIT BEINGS created the angels, each

    individually created—millions or perhaps billions of them!

    Angels are actual personal spirit beings, each having a mind

    of greater capacity and ability than human minds, capable of

    attitudes, purposes, and intentions … they are composed

    wholly of spirit. They were given self-containing life—life

    inherit—immortality. They have no blood circulating in

    veins, and do not need the breath of air to sustain life, but

    have self-containing inherit life.

    First of all, God had created angels. After that, and for angels

    and for humans who were to be created later, God formed

    and brought into existence the earth and the entire universe.

    … It is therefore indicated that at that time—after the creation of the angels—the entire

    universe was brought into existence at the same time as the creation of the earth." End

    of Quotes

    GOD’S Master Plan

    From the ancient past, in human terms perhaps billions or trillions of years ago, when

    GOD first began forming His Master Plan to add God-members to HIM and the WORD

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    (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6), it can be realized, as the following Scripture makes known, He

    had the end in mind as made known in numerous Scriptures.

    GOD also knew the pitfalls to come within the time frame allotted for mankind. At the

    same time, He had all the safeguards in place, when He began His creation of man (Daniel


    Isaiah 45:9-10

    vs.9-10 “Remember the former things of old, for I am GOD, and there is none

    like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things

    that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My


    No one has been able to thwart God’s ongoing plan of salvation for mankind or in any

    other way that would adversely affect His rule in the kingdoms of men (Daniel 4:17, 25,

    35; 5:21).

    Isaiah 42:9

    v.9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare;

    before they spring forth, I tell you of them.”

    To whom does God tell these things? Another prophet of God reveals the answer:

    Amos 3:7-8

    v.7 “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing (first forewarns) unless He reveals His

    secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared (threatening in this end-

    time, Revelation, chapters 13, and 19; Jeremiah 51:46)! Who will not fear? The Lord

    GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?”

    Jesus Christ the caring God that He is spoke of the need for forewarning the house of

    Joseph, in this end-time, before this fierce lion, representative of the coming Beast and

    the Roman Empire, brings calamity with total disaster on Britain and America.

    Since 1934 that midnight warning cry has been going forth as a last-ditch warning via the

    gospel and the Ezekiel warning messages. And it continues yet today by God’s use of the

    Recorded Works of His late Apostle, and promised Elijah of the End-Time, Mr. Herbert

    W. Armstrong. www.cog-ff.com

    Further, Christ’s promise is to guide His true and faithful servants into all truth. He would

    tell them of the future, not verbally, but by opening their understanding of the end-time

    prophecies that had been closed and sealed to man since the time of Daniel (Daniel 12:4-



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    John 16:13

    v.13 “However, when It, the Spirit of truth, has come, It will guide you into

    all truth; for It will not speak on Its own authority, but whatever It hears It

    will speak; and It will tell you things to come.”

    The wise has begun understanding what has been written in those prophecies by Jesus

    Christ via of His Spirit of Truth (Daniel 12:10; John 14:16-17).

    The Powerful Influence of a Wife

    How did God know of the inevitability Adam would sin by partaking of the forbidden


    Within His plan, and considering the beginning of it with man, God knew the serpent

    would deceive Eve and she in turn would lead Adam into eating of the forbidden fruit.

    How would she do it?

    The answer should be obvious. Due to the creative powers within Eve, that could work for

    good or bad, and her use of them, God knew Adam would yield to the coaxing and pleading

    of his beautiful and lovely bride, Eve, to eat the fruit from the tree of good and evil; and

    he did.

    Those creative powers would be inherent within all of Eve’s daughters—and be a part of

    their nature as well throughout mankind’s history.

    When considering a woman’s loving nature with her feminine endowments, a wife can

    charm her husband into almost anything she may desire. And it is exceedingly difficult to

    say no, when the need sometimes is to say, no!

    This is undoubtedly what took place at the time when Eve gave the forbidden fruit to

    Adam and he did eat of it.

    Putting together the following examples to illustrate what Eve must have said to Adam

    worked for her for he was enticed by her to eat of the same forbidden fruit.

    To illustrate by examples: one should remember what happened to King Solomon. He

    loved 300 foreign pagan wives, and 700 concubines. In his old age his wives turned his

    heart after other gods; and his heart was no longer loyal to God (I Kings 11:1-8; 23 20-


    They were able to take him away from the true God and His precious truth and way of life

    by their sweetness and love lavished on him while continuing to pressure him to join them

    in their worship services. And he fell for it.

    By giving way to these women, Solomon rejected God who had made him so wise that

    kings, queens, and other great people of the kingdoms of this world traveled to Israel to

    seek answers to their many questions (I Kings 4:29-31; 10:23-24). They went away

    satisfied with his answers while marveling at his wisdom (I Kings 10:1-10).

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    To entice Solomon, those beautiful pagan wives used their persuasive powers saying

    basically the same things to him as did the two wives of Samson.

    Samson’s first and second wives wore him down to where he told them of his secrets

    (Judges 14:5-18)—including giving Delilah the secret to his great power (Judges 16:4-21).

    This brought about his being enslaved by the Philistines, and later his death.

    Samson’s first wife wept on him, and said, “You only hate me! You do not love me!

    You have posed a riddle to the sons of my people, but you have not explained

    to me.” Now she had wept on him the seven days while their feast lasted. And

    it happened on the seventh day that he told her for she pressed him much

    (Judges 14:16-17).

    Delilah accused Samson of lying to her. Then she asked, “How can you say, ‘I love

    you,’ when your heart is not with me.” You have mocked me these three times

    and have not told me where your great strength lies.”

    And it came to pass, when she PRESSED him daily with her words, so that his

    soul was vexed to death, that he told her all in his heart … (Judges 16:10, 13, 15-


    Both Solomon and Samson were worn down by the pressure exerted over them by the

    women they loved to reject God and His use of them.

    The World Today

    Look what has happened to society today! Since the end of World War II, 1945, wives now

    dominate in society.

    They have moved up into the seats of power leaving their spineless insipid husbands to

    become babysitters while occupying themselves in smaller matters without interference

    with their wives’ prestigious and powerful roles in ruling over mankind in the highest

    offices and lower offices that are in evidence throughout society today.

    Women rule over men with no backbone to stand up to them; further said, it appears they

    have no desire to intervene and content with it:

    Isaiah 3:12 JPS Translation

    v.12 “My people’s rulers are babes (in wisdom and godly understanding, literally

    and symbolically: men who are like women in nature, the Democratic leadership, etc.),

    it is governed by women (such as Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and throughout

    society in major and lower offices of government, Governors, Judges, Mayors, Sheriffs,

    Police Chiefs, etc.). O My people! Your leaders are misleaders; they have

    confused the course of your paths (primarily through political correctness).”

    The following prophecy covers this day in time, 2020-2021, with the misleaders reigning

    over America that have led to the problems now being witnessed with worsening times to

    soon come when a woman president will occupy the White House.

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    Though many record-breaking disasters have taken place there is no recognition of God

    nor repentance.

    Isaiah 9:13-16

    vs.13-15 “For the people do not turn to Him who strikes them, nor do they

    seek the LORD of hosts. Therefore, the LORD will cut off head and tail from

    Israel, palm branch and bulrush in one day. The elder and honorable, he is

    the heads; the prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.

    v.16 “For the leaders of the people cause them to err (cf. Isaiah 3:12; Presidents,

    Prime Ministers, Congress, House of Commons, the Judiciary, Obama the worst of all

    up to this time, the last president, a woman, who will be almost equally as bad, a type

    of Queen Athaliah of Judah, II Kings 11:1), and those who are led by them are


    v.17 “Therefore, the Lord will have no joy in their young men, nor have mercy

    on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is a hypocrite and evil doer and

    every mouth speaks folly (irreverence for the real God). For all this His anger is

    not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.

    v.18 “For wickedness burns as the fire; it shall devour briers and thorns, and

    kindle in the thickets of the forest; they shall mount up like rising smoke

    (consider the western states, California, and Oregon in particular, 2020).

    v.19 “Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts the land is burned up, and, and

    the people shall be as fuel for the fire; no man shall spare his brother.”

    The Innate Powers of Women

    While considering the innate powers of women was undoubtedly why Mr. Armstrong

    wrote the Lord GOD knew beforehand Adam would sin due to his wife pressuring and

    persuading him in a very loving and coaxing manner to eat of it—and he finally did.

    Jesus Christ used the Apostle Paul to give an overview of how women should conduct

    themselves in all circumstances by what took place with Adam and Eve:

    I Timothy 2:11-15

    “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a

    woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence (I

    Corinthians 14:34). For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

    v.14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived (by

    persuasion, I Corinthians 11:3) fell into transgression. Nevertheless, she will be

    saved through the childbearing (Original Greek. “Through the bearing of the Child

    Jesus,” Experimental Commentary; Genesis 3:15) if they continue in faith, love,

    and holiness, with self-control (Williams Trans: “Blended with good sense).”

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    Though Mr. Armstrong may not have known the particulars, God did.

    Due to Solomon and Samson’s and lack of will power to remain firm with what they both

    knew to be right, so it was with Adam. He was not deceived and knew he should obey God!

    However, all three gave way due to the loving pressure put on each of them to make the

    wrong decisions.

    The wrong decision made by Adam led to this evil world from that beginning to where

    mankind now finds themselves in which mankind is suffering from the use of human

    reason in all areas of life, rather than the revealed knowledge from God as made known

    in Holy Scripture. And it has grown from bad to far worse in this end-time.

    There seems to be no question, but that Eve reminded Adam time after time that he

    should not have yielded to her but remained obedient to God. Too late!

    The True Church of God

    Carrying this over into the Church of God, the Apostle Paul wrote how the relationship

    works between husbands and wives:

    I Corinthians 7:32-33

    v.32 “But I want you to be without concern. He who is unmarried is

    concerned for the things that belong to the Lord—how he may please the


    v.33 “But he who is married cares about the things of the world—how he may

    please his wife.

    v.34 “There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried

    woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body

    and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world—

    how she may please her husband.

    And that is the way it should be with needed qualifications for each of them.

    v.35 “And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a noose on you,

    but for what is proper, and that you (each one) may serve the Lord without


    Not being swerved aside from that which is needed at the time by being distracted by his

    lovely wife, or the wife being distracted by her husband, from serving and obeying the


    Proverbs 31:10-31, makes known how a godly woman can make decisions that are good

    for the family and home apart from her husband while remembering God’s teachings of

    the marriage relationship.

    An example to illustrate how this should work between husbands and wives: Mr.

    Armstrong would go up into what was called the penthouse (a small room upstairs from

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    the Library, and the Radio Studio at Ambassador College), and shut himself off from

    contact with anyone except his wife when the need was to concentrate on his writings.

    Knowing this, Mrs. Armstrong would never interrupt him except in an emergency. She

    was a wise Christian Woman whose heart was also fully in God’s work. And she supported

    her husband knowing God’s use of him.

    Mr. Armstrong had an office set up for her for counseling with the young women

    attending Ambassador College.

    (I Peter 3;1-7; Ephesians 5:23-33 brings it all together in harmony with God’s teachings.)

    The Coming to Earth of the Messiah

    Jesus Christ said He had come down to this earth to fulfill His Father’s will for Him by

    carrying out His plan to add to Their Family by beginning the teaching of the gospel to

    the Jewish people, and from there to the world (Mark 1:1-3, 14-15; Matthew 24:14):

    Hebrews 1:1-2

    vs.1-2 “GOD (the Father), who at various times and in different ways spoke in

    times past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us

    by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He

    made the worlds (Three worlds: The world that then was (II Peter 3-6)—this present

    evil world (Galatians 1:4)—and the world to come (II Peter 3:13).”

    Jesus Christ was not only the Spokesman for GOD the Father, but a very willing

    instrument to implement that Plan by offering Himself at the end of His physical life as a

    sacrifice to make possible the expansion of the Family of God.

    The LORD God Foreknew Israel

    When GOD and the WORD, many billions or trillions of years ago, had laid out Their

    Master Plan for the salvation of Israel, the decision was made to use them as the center-

    piece for the salvation of the Gentile nations (cf. Exodus 19:3-6).

    To that end, it was gravely important Israel would come to know the consequences of SIN!

    Sin that would bring about their death and all of mankind unless SIN was recognized, and

    repentance would take place for those sins (Romans 6:23).

    Until that time would come within God’s Time-Table, when sin would be atoned for by

    the BLOOD of the Messiah, it was necessary there would be a reminder of SIN. It would

    begin with the daily sacrificial offerings to be offered by the priests for the people of Israel.

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    Sacrificial Offerings

    Sacrificial offerings were to be offered with the death of an animal as a substitution in

    place of the person who had sinned by placing his hand upon the animal that was to be

    slaughtered in his stead; the animal’s death instead of his own death (Leviticus 4.).

    Therefore, they were to be reminders of SIN by those who offered them.

    And the time would come during GOD’S Master Plan—by His sacrifice—within His Time-

    Table—Jesus Christ would pay the supreme penalty for SIN by offering Himself at which

    time sacrificial offerings would no longer be needed as revealed within the 70-weeks


    Daniel 9:26-27

    v.26And after the 62 weeks Messiah would be cut off (arrested and crucified)

    but not for Himself; and the people (armies) of the prince (Titus, Roman

    General) who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary (Jerusalem and

    its temple, 70 A. D). The end of it shall be with a flood (massive armies), and till

    the end of the war desolations are determined.

    v.27 Then he (Titus, Roman General) shall confirm a covenant (treaty) with

    many for one week (70th week): But in the middle of the week, He shall bring

    an end to sacrifice and offering (The Messiah by His death; also, duality with the

    near future 2026) …

    God’s true people ceased to offer sacrifices after the Messiah had been crucified in the

    middle of the week. No longer would there be a need for those sacrifices for they had been

    designed to picture the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.

    Until then there would be the ongoing need for the sacrificial offerings that would point

    to what Christ would do for mankind.

    Hebrews 10:3-9

    vs.3-4 “But in those sacrifices there is a REMINDER of sins every year. For it

    is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins (Hebrews

    9:11-12, 22, 26-28).

    v.5 “Therefore, when He came into the world (the Messiah--Immanuel), He said:

    “Sacrifices and offering You (The Almighty GOD) did not desire, but a body You

    have prepared for Me.

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    vs.6-7 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for SIN You had no pleasure. Then I

    said, ‘Behold, I have come—in the volume of the book it is written of Me—to

    do Your will, O GOD.’”

    To further prove this was thought out and planned long before is made known in the

    following Scripture:

    Revelation 13:8

    v.8 All who dwell on earth will worship him, whose names have not been

    written in the Book of Life of the Lamb SLAIN (God made provision from the very

    beginning to provide atonement for man’s sins) from the foundation (Heb. Casting

    down or overthrow—meaning this took place when Adam and Eve sinned) of the


    Having this in mind, connections are also to be made with Genesis 3, Revelation 3:8, and

    with Ecclesiastes 3:11.

    The Serpent and Eve

    (The following are conjectural thoughts. However, they are based on the Scriptures that

    speak of that time. It should be realized God only gives an overview of this and other

    times as well in the Scriptures.)

    Satan the Devil in the guise of a serpent lurked in the Tree of Good and Evil to attract Eve

    and have a conversation with her apart from her husband. He knew he could deceive her

    because of her naïveté and inherit trust into eating from the forbidden fruit and sin.

    That time soon came. Satan the Devil having taken on the form of a Serpent was shining

    with light. This attracted her. While looking directly at her, he called out to her by name.

    This fascinated and intrigued her as to why she was being asked to come close and talk

    with it! She walked up close to the tree to see the Serpent and hear what it had to say.

    Genesis 3:1-15

    v.1 Now the serpent (Heb. Nachash = shining

    one—an angel of light, a glorious angel, II

    Corinthians 11:14, appearing in the form of a

    shining serpent thereby attracting Eve by its

    shining; very probably in the form of a king

    cobra snake, the right name) was more

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    cunning (craftiness, subtle, cf. II Corinthians 11:3) than any beast of the field

    (beast=living creatures; field - the world, Matthew 13:38) which the LORD God had

    made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, “You shall not eat of

    every tree of the garden’?”

    Eve was fascinated by this Serpent who was speaking to her from the tree. Considering

    the following information about the serpent, it probably stood a foot or more taller than

    Eve, who was probably about five feet six or eight inches in height. Therefore, it

    dominated her.

    The following reveals information about this deadly king cobra snake. It can grow up to a

    length of 19.2 feet. It can raise its head and body up to one-third of its length, meaning six

    feet—while spreading its head and looking with its beady eyes directly into the eyes of a

    six-foot man or woman or looking down on a smaller person.

    While looking back in ancient history, and considering the following curse brought on the

    serpent it would appear it was a carryover in type from that ancient world having legs to

    walk; a lesser type of the Tyrannosaurus rex, rex,

    meaning king.

    It would appear this is one of the reasons why Satan

    the Devil chose this particular snake to become part

    of his evil nature and its use by him. Though much

    smaller in size, it would still a replica of the other

    ancient huge serpent. It is said the king cobra snake

    is the king of the jungle.

    Scripture speaks of this King Cobra Serpent—

    Deuteronomy 32:33

    v.33 Their wine (rebellious Israel, verse 9) is the poison of serpents, and the

    cruel venom of cobras (one drop of their venom would kill 150 men, Internet).

    Job 20:14, 16

    vs.14, 15 Yet his food (speaking of the wicked, verse 5) in his stomach turns sour;

    it becomes cobra venom. He will suck the poison of cobras …”

    Eve was intrigued having heard its leading question while wondering why the serpent was

    asking this of her. Not understanding the deception, she would be led into and trapped by

    it, she sought to explain what God had really said about their eating of the fruit of the trees

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    (remember this was the beginning of the civil calendar—the fall season when the fruit

    trees would have been bearing ripe fruit).

    vs.2-3 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees

    of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden,

    God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’”

    Though the LORD God may have said this later as emphasis, but it was originally said to

    Adam before He created Eve (Genesis 2:16-17). However, she told the serpent what God

    had said about not eating of its fruit.

    vs.4-5 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die (Two

    possible thoughts: 1. Short term death 2. Apparently being knowledgeable of God’s plan

    for mankind, conceivably meaning could die forever, Ezekiel 28:14), for God knows

    that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,

    knowing good from evil.”

    v.6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was

    pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of the

    fruit and ate (it should be realized between her eating of the forbidden fruit and Adam

    eating of it there was a short space of time). She also gave it to her husband with

    her, and he ate.

    There is more here than meets the eye, as the saying goes, as to why Adam ate the fruit

    that Eve offered to him. This will be elaborated on shortly in more detail.

    v.7 Then the eyes of both Adam and Eve were opened, and they knew that they

    were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves


    vs.9-10 Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are

    you?” So, he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because

    I was naked; and I hid myself.”

    vs.11-12 And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten

    from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the

    man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree

    (reading between the lines, she persuaded Adam to eat of the fruit), and I ate.”

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    Adam knew better than to eat the fruit. He probably told her he could not do it for God

    had commanded them not to have anything to do with that tree of good and evil (I

    Timothy 2:11-15).

    However, Eve overpowered his reluctance not to eat the fruit with her loving arms around

    him while looking up at him with gentle persuasive coaxing and charming sweetness. She

    wore down his resistance. After some little time of listening to her pleading, he became

    like putty by her entreaties and ate the fruit.

    Knowing what Eve had done, the LORD God firmly corrected her:

    v.13 And the LORD said to the woman, “What is this you have done (not only

    eating of the fruit but persuading her husband to also eat of it. Scripture makes known

    he could have refused and thereby reversed the penalty of death from his wife, Eve, from

    having eaten from it, cf. Numbers 30:6-8)?” The woman said, “The serpent

    deceived me, and I ate.”

    Speaking of the serpent that had been used by Satan the Devil, the LORD God put a curse

    on the serpent and all serpents.

    v.14 So the LORD God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you

    are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast (creature) of the

    field (world); on your belly shall you go (crawl—no longer have legs to walk as they

    had in the ancient world of the dinosaurs), and you shall eat dust all the days of

    your life (6,000 years, Jude 6, 13).

    Because Satan had used the form of a serpent to deceive Eve (Revelation 12:9, “the great

    dragon, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan.”), the curse came upon all


    Satan the Serpent of Old

    Why did Satan the Devil choose to take on the form of a serpent? The answer seems to be

    because it would typify his very deadly nature. It would serve with his avowed purpose of

    seeking to disrupt God’s plan of mankind by his destruction of Israel while seeking to

    destroy God’s true Church as well.

    Consider the ancient world and the most vicious, predator, carnivorous and violent killer

    of the dinosaur family, Tyrannosaurus rex, meaning king in Latin. Its teeth were

    designed to bite and grip its victim.

  • 14

    In fact, Satan the Devil, that serpent of old, had taken on the vicious and deadly

    characteristics of this most vicious violent Tyrannosaurus rex, rex meaning king in

    Latin, and then using it in the form of a deadly cobra king snake in this age.

    Wikipedia: The King Cobra Snake: During its bite … “it retains its grip for up to eight

    minutes [while chewing]. When it detects the scent of prey, it flicks its tongue to gauge

    the prey's location, with the twin forks of the tongue acting in stereo. It senses earth-

    borne vibration and detects moving prey almost 100 m (330 ft) away.”

    Though the average size of a king cobra snake is about 13 feet, it can also grow up to a

    length of 18.5 feet and can stand up vertically a third of its length. Imagine, this snake can

    stand and stare face to face with a six-foot man!

    It appears to have all the tools that Satan the Devil wanted to internalize within himself

    though on a lessor level than Tyrannosaurus rex, rex, meaning king, by using the king


    It is also a meat eater eating other snakes of all kinds, even eating other king cobra snakes.

    It will kill and eat a python unless it is too large to eat.

    Satan is also called a dragon (Revelation 12:9). What is a dragon—and why is he called a


    INTERNET: “The ancient Greek word usually translated as "dragon" (δράκων drákōn,

    genitive δράκοντοϛ drákontos) could also mean "snake", but it usually refers to a kind of

    giant serpent that either possesses supernatural characteristics or is otherwise

    controlled by some supernatural power.” –meaning Satan the Devil.

    Wikipedia Free Dictionary—

    A dragon is a large, serpentine legendary creature that appears in the folklore of many cultures around the world. ...

    A dragon can look like a snake with wings, or like reptiles.

    A dragon usually flies

    A dragon usually has special power

    It would appear the serpent and a dragon are the same. But why is Satan called both a

    serpent and a dragon if they are one and the same? A serpent bites, a dragon slays, but it

    also flies.


  • 15

    The former Lucifer, now Satan the devil, does have wings. It would appear he chooses the

    name of a dragon, though he is also the serpent (some serpents flew in that ancient

    world), to fly whenever he chooses to suit his desire.

    Consider the following Scriptures:

    Revelation 12:13-16

    v.13 Now when the DRAGON saw he had been cast to the earth he persecuted

    the woman who had brought forth the male child.

    v.14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might FLY

    into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for three and one -

    half years from the face of the SERPENT.

    v.15 So the SERPENT spewed water out of his mouth like a flood that he might

    cause her to be carried away with the flood.

    v.16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and

    swallowed up the flood which the DRAGON had spewed out of its mouth.

    v.17 And the DRAGON was enraged with the woman, and he went to make

    war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and

    have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    While considering the interchange of the names of SERPENT AND DRAGON, there

    seems to be no question but that that they are one and the same. But still WHY?

    A Future Prophecy

    The LORD God then speaks short and long range of the future concerning this encounter

    between the Serpent and the Woman:

    Genesis 3:15

    v.15 “And I will put ENMITY between you and the woman (Israel at first then

    the Church of God, Revelation 12:13), and between your seed and her SEED (The

    Messiah, I Timothy 2:11-15, through the child-bearing of the Messiah); He (SEED,

    Galatians 16-19) shall bruise your head (upon His coming back to earth—Day of

    Atonement), and you shall bruise His heal (crucifixion).”

  • 16

    The Brazen Serpent

    In the context of this writing, it is necessary to consider the brazen serpent, a type of

    that serpent of old, Satan the Devil, and the lessons Israel was to learn from it.

    Their introduction to it came about when the complaining of the people of Israel against

    God and against Moses brought God’s anger and chastening upon His people. To correct

    them, and to make known a needed lesson they were to learn from God, He sent fiery

    serpents among them; many were bitten and died from their poisonous bites:

    Numbers 21:6-9

    vs.6-7 So the LORD sent fiery (burning, because of the effect of the bite was a

    burning-sensation) serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and

    many of the people died. Therefore, the people came to Moses, and said, “We

    have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against you, pray to

    the LORD that He take away the serpents from us.” So, Moses prayed for the


    v.8 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent (a type of the serpent

    of old, Satan the Devil, whose evil nature caused Israel to SIN—yet it is within all human

    beings—and leads all mankind to sin when they entertain his works of the flesh,

    Galatians 5:19-21), and set it on a pole (a type of crucifying the sinful nature; while

    depicting the need for Jesus Christ who paid the supreme penalty for mankind on the

    stake when He was crucified, John 3:16-17), and it shall be that everyone who is

    bitten, when he LOOKS AT IT, shall live.”

    While looking at the brazen serpent was to see the reality of the serpent, Satan the devil,

    who was the cause of all their problems by swaying their minds (I John 5:19) or activating

    his nature within humankind (Galatians 5:19-21).

    v.9 So Moses made a bronze serpent (Heb. Nachash, a shining thing of brass), and

    put it on a pole; and so, it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked

    (did not bow down or worship it, devil worship, which they did later and it had to be

    destroyed and was by King Hezekiah, II kings 18:1-4) at the bronze serpent, he


    The brazen serpent pictured the power of those fiery snakes in type of the evil nature of

    Satan the Devil within all human beings (sin not only brings hurt to the person, but it

  • 17

    also brings hurt to others who are affected by that sin, sin travels). It continually must

    be crucified throughout human life. And this can only be done with the help and power of

    Jesus Christ.

    Putting the brazen serpent up on a pole, where all the people could see it, Moses was

    saying, “All these serpents are also being crucified in proxy, representative of Satan the

    Devil, who is the cause of all our troubles.”

    The serpent, Satan the Devil, who is also causing all of mankind’s problems today along

    with the members of God’s true Church, problems of various kinds which comes in many

    forms and in different ways, as well as his activating his evil nature within each one

    (Ephesians 6:16).

    The brazen serpent: atonement, and redemption is pictured here.

    The Seraphim

    It is needful to also focus on a related area akin to the nachash—the Seraphim. They were

    fiery angels as recorded by the Prophet Isaiah:

    Isaiah 6:1-3

    v.1-3 … I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up and the train of

    His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one has six wings

    with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet (a Hebrew term

    primarily associated with the sex organs, 7:20), and with two he flew. And one

    cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD (JHVH) of hosts; the

    whole earth is filled with His glory.”

    Mini-Study GN June-July 8, 1986 “The seraphim, which is said to be above the throne,

    seem to bear a general resemblance to humans, but are described as having six wings.

    Seraphim are associated with burning ones. Name used of the serpents (Numbers 21:6),

    coupled with word nachash intensified to indicate brilliancy and fascination. The same

    word used for that old serpent of old, Satan the Devil.” End of Quote

    Though people in general are very fearful of snakes, but when going to a Zoo where there

    is a display of poisoned snakes, they are so fascinated and intrigued by them they make a

    point to see them; sometimes before visiting other areas in the Zoo.

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    Considering this, without realizing it, this could be a subconscious connection with Eve

    and the serpent in the garden in Eden?

    Companion Bible: Isaiah 6:6, the Seraphim so called in Isaiah 6:2, because they were

    burning ones; hence the name for these serpents. In the same way nachash, shining ones

    in appearance. End of Quote

    Eternity in the Minds of Mankind

    Is there a connection between Genesis 3:4 and the following Scripture?

    Genesis 3:4

    v.4 And the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.”

    Since Lucifer had been at the Throne of the Almighty GOD before the creation of the

    universe. It is logical to believe he knew of the Master Plan of God from having heard it

    discussed between GOD and the WORD.

    When the serpent said to Eve, she would not surely die, though said with the intention of

    deceiving her, established a sub-conscious belief in her mind, and her descendants, they

    would live forever.

    On the surface, this appears to be the observation of Solomon, with his great wisdom,

    after having observed people and their beliefs:

    Ecclesiastes 3:11 NJPS TRANS

    v.11 “He brings everything to pass precisely at its time; He also puts eternity

    in their minds (from time past to future—the ages—the world in relation to time), but

    without man ever guessing, from first to last, all the things that God brings

    to pass.”

    What Solomon wrote appears to connect with what Satan said to Eve they would surely

    not die by having eternity in their minds. This has led Christianity and Judaism, and in

    one way or another with all religions, to believe in the immortality of their souls.

    Therefore, they would live forever as in evidence with people’s beliefs.

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    This explains why—when a person dies, it is said—"he or she passes!” Passing from

    human life to enter heaven—except for the incorrigibles. Those are to go into an ever-

    burning hell and there to be tortured for

    all eternity by continually being roasted in

    its fiery flames.

    Yet Scripture makes known:

    Hebrews 9:27

    v.27 “And as it is appointed for men to DIE once, but after this the judgment.”

    Without God’s precious spirit of truth, no one would ever grasp the depth of God’s Master

    Plan of salvation for mankind that began perhaps billions or trillions of years ago designed

    so that mankind does have the potential for eternal life within God’s Time-Table.

    That time will soon come after Jesus Christ has returned to this earth. And with His bride

    at His side, the true teachings will begin being taught and will cover the earth (Habakkuk

    2:14; Isaiah 11:10).

    Lucifer The Cherub Angel

    By connecting the Scriptures concerning Lucifer’s creation and then his becoming the

    Adversary should be enlightening to look back on them.

    By reading between the lines of what Scripture has to say about his beginning, his

    creation, and rebellion, against his Creator God, more of the depth of what had taken

    place should begin coming to light.

    Ezekiel 28:12-17

    v.12 “Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre (Satan is a king

    and has a throne on earth, Isaiah 14:13), and say to him. This says the Lord GOD:

    ‘You are the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty (dazzling

    and brilliant beauty, verse 17).

    v.13 “You were in Eden, the garden of GOD; every precious stone was your

    covering; the sardius, topaz, and diamond. Beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire,

    turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and

    pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created (music).

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    Considering that Lucifer was in the garden of Eden would have to mean the earthly Eden

    was a type, or pattern, of the heavenly Eden, where Lucifer was at this time in heaven

    (Romans 1:20; Hebrews 8:5, 23-24). A historical duality. It was Satan the Devil, in the

    form of a serpent, who was in the Garden in Eden on earth.

    v.14 You were the anointed cherub who covers (whose wings covered GOD’S

    Throne); I established you; you were on the holy mountain of GOD; you

    walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones.

    MYSTERY OF THE AGES, Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits, page 84.

    “This takes us back to the 25th chapter of Exodus, where God gave Moses the pattern for

    the ark of the covenant. The description begins with verse 10, and verses 18-20 show, in

    the material pattern, the two cherubs that were stationed at each end of the very throne

    of God in heaven—the throne of the government of God over the entire universe. The

    wings of the two cherubs covered the throne of God.”

    v.15 “You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till

    iniquity was found in you.

    MYSTERY OF THE AGES, Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits, pages 84, 93.

    Page 84, “He was the supreme pinnacle, the masterpiece, of God’s creation, as an

    individually created being, the greatest one in the Almighty power of God to create … great

    genius and skill in music was created in him.

    Page 93, “When Lucifer allowed thoughts of vanity, jealousy, envy, lust and greed, then

    resentment and rebellion, to enter and occupy his mind, SOMETHING HAPPENED TO

    HIS MIND! His mind became perverted, distorted, twisted, his thinking became

    warped!” [And this happened some few billions of years before the re-creation, Genesis


    v.16 “By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence, and

    you sinned; therefore I cast you as

    a propane thing out of the

    mountain of God (Revelation 12:9,

    cast out of heaven); and I destroyed

    you (annulled—limited his great

    powers that can only be used as God

    permits in the kingdoms of men), O

    covering cherub (Lucifer’s wings had

  • 21

    covered the throne of God), from the midst of the fiery stones (diamonds, rubies,

    emeralds, verse 13).

    v.17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty (more beautiful than any

    other with the exception of GOD and the WORD); you corrupted your wisdom for

    the sake of your splendor (exalted pride); I cast you to the ground (Luke 10:18

    Jesus saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven; Revelation 12:9), I laid you before

    kings (the Bride of Christ as kings in the beginning of the millennium to see him and his

    demons, prior to his imprisonment, Revelation 20:1-3) that they might gaze at you.”

    The following is a further description of Lucifer at the time of his rebellion against the

    Most High GOD, and became the Adversary:

    Isaiah 14:12-14

    v.12 “How you are fallen from heaven (Luke 10:18), O Lucifer, son of the

    morning! How you are cut down to the ground (lost his battle against GOD and

    thrown down to earth), you who weakened the nations (Lucifer, as king, had

    organized the angels under him into nations on earth with a high-ranking angel over

    each nation—one-third of those angels on earth joined him in that great battle,

    Revelation 12:4)!

    v.13 “For you have said in your heart (his planning): ‘I will ascend into heaven,

    I will exalt my throne (king of earth) above the stars (angels loyal to GOD) of

    GOD; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of

    the north (the location of God’s throne from where He rules in heaven and on earth in

    the kingdoms of men, Daniel 4:17, 25):

    v.14 “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most

    High,’ yet you shall be brought down to sheol, to the lowest depths of the pit

    (Revelation 20:1-3).

    v.15 “Those who see you will gaze at you, and consider you, saying, ‘Is this the

    man (duality: the one) who made the earth tremble (damage brought to this earth

    by his great battle of trying to dethrone the Almighty GOD), who shook kingdoms.

    Considering the likeness of Angels and Man: When GOD had the Word, to create man,

    He created man in His own image and in His likeness—meaning basically the same size

    as man.

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    Think about the chief angels: Lucifer, the seal of perfection, the anointed cherub (Ezekiel

    28:12, 14); Michael, a chief prince (Daniel 10:13), and an archangel, (Jude 9); Gabriel the

    man (Daniel 9:25); they were also of the same likeness as mankind. The difference, they

    are spirit with awesome power, as God created them.

    v.16 ‘Who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities (via of his

    use of kings waging wars against other kings of the earth) who would not open the

    house of his prisoners (Jeremiah 50:33, Satan the Devil using the Assyrians to refuse

    to liberate the captives of Israel in this end-time)?’”

    The Great Dragon and Ancient Serpent

    Now conjecture is needed, but it is also based on the creatures and happenings of that

    ancient world, and how they tie in with Satan the devil taking on the name of a serpent:

    Satan the Devil, the Great Dragon, and that ancient SERPENT of old (one and the same,

    Revelation 12:8), walked on land (Job 1:7; 2:2), he was also a flying serpent (Lucifer had

    wings, Ezekiel 28:14).

    Considering the Scriptures pertaining to Satan the Devil, it is apparent that he can take

    any form at any time he feels will suit his destructive purposes for human beings, a

    serpent, a dragon (although the same), and the appearance of an angel of light (II

    Corinthians 11:14; Ephesians 6:12), etc.

    Lucifer was the greatest of the created Cherub angels (Ezekiel 28:12) He had wings. This

    we know from Scripture for unknown years his wings covered God’s throne (Ezekiel


    Michael undoubtedly had wings (Daniel 10:12-13, 20-21; 12:1). However, it is

    questionable whether Gabriel has wings for he is called “the man” (Daniel 9:21). He was

    created to look like a man for he would be God’s messenger to mankind (Daniel 8:15).

    Gabriel was the messenger sent by God to mankind on special occasions, to the virgin

    Mary, Zacharias, Daniel, etc. He also flew at times (Daniel 9:21). Does this mean he had

    wings? Scripture does not say.

    When considering the Elect people of God will also be able to fly after being resurrected

    but there is no Scripture saying we will have wings (Mathew 24:30-31). Jesus Christ

    ascended to heaven and returned the same day. He did not have wings. Perhaps He was

    carried by the angels of God each time in a special chariot (cf. Acts 1:9).

    From these and other Scriptures reveal Lucifer had wings. However, based on his wings

    overshadowing the throne of God indicates he was created with only two wings and had

    the face of a man. However, he could appear in the form of a serpent, and dragon

    (Revelation 12:9).

  • 23

    Tyrannosaurus rex Dinosaur

    Scripture speak of Satan the devil as being THAT GREAT DRAGON AND THAT

    SERPENT OF OLD (Revelation 12:8, 12-13)! First, consider, why he probably had the

    name of – THAT GREAT DRAGON

    Based on his being called by the name of the Great Dragon and Serpent of Old, appears to

    be associated with the ferocious tyrant Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur. It was one of the

    fiercest of dinosaurs. A carnivore meat eater with more than 60 razor sharp teeth, mighty

    and biggest killer Tyrannosaurus probably terrorized most other dinosaurs. Along with

    other dinosaurs, he had teeth that would replace themselves.

    Is this where Satan obtained the name of that Serpent of Old? It certainly would appear

    so while he observed that ancient world for a few billion years.

    This Present World Belongs to Satan the Devil

    While testing Jesus Christ, Satan said the kingdoms of this world belong to him.

    Luke 4:5-7

    vs.5-7 Then the devil, taking him on a high mountain, showed Him all the

    kingdoms of this world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All

    this I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I

    give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me all will

    be Yours.”

    Jesus Christ did not refute what Satan said for it was true. The planet earth was given to

    Lucifer and the angels with him at the time of the creation of the earth and they were

    joyously happy because of it (Job 38:7).

    Lucifer having learned the government of GOD while overshadowing His Throne

    deployed the angels with him throughout the earth into nations with high-ranking angels

    over each of them.

    And under them they had lesser angels in authority to govern regional areas—very

    probably the same as the outline of government established by Moses to govern Israel for,

    he was taught government while in the presence of God:

    Exodus 18:25-26

    v.25 And Moses chose able men out of all Israel and made them heads over

    the people: rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and

    rulers of ten.

    v.26 So they judged the people at all times; the hard cases they brought to

    Moses, but they judged every small case themselves.

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    The peaceful rule of Lucifer and his government went well until he chose to try and

    overpower GOD.

    The Futile Struggle by Lucifer to Dethrone GOD

    Lucifer, the shining morning star found his light had gone out after becoming the

    Adversary of God. He was now called Satan the Devil and the angels who had fought this

    terrible battle with him found themselves cast out of heaven and back on this cursed earth,

    due to the destruction they brought to this earth (Genesis 1:2). One-third of the angels

    who had been with him now called demons.

    Scripture makes known Satan the Devil still has his demons organized and posted in key

    nations of this earth. And they rule through those leaders by swaying and influencing

    them to do Satan’s bidding (I John 5:19).

    This is something that is overlooked by basically everyone. They see to some degree Satan

    and his influence, and sometimes possession of leaders, such as Adolph Hitler during

    World War II, to fulfill his will, but that is all they seem to understand about them.

    At the same time Satan’s high-ranking demons are also active in trying to disrupt the

    ongoing plans and understanding of the end-time prophesies of Jesus Christ given to

    Daniel, having been sealed until this very end-time.

    The Serpent is Active—Now!

    Satan, also the serpent and dragon, does not want the true Church of God to know and

    preach those heretofore sealed prophecies. He wants to keep Israel and mankind in his

    deceptive power and darkness concerning the near future and what it portends for them

    as nations, the House of Joseph in particular.

    That is why Satan is hindering the out-going work of publishing our magazine, the

    Philadelphia Remnant Magazine, by striking the man who does the layout and graphics

    in it with severe illness! Even so, he is struggling to regain his strength so he can begin

    work with it once again.

    With God’s good blessings and his protection from Satan, it is believed there will be a new

    publication soon—according to God’s will. In it will be articles Satan will not want anyone

    to read. And for those who do read them, he will try to take away from their minds what

    they read with his power of deception and darkness (Colossians 1:13).

    The prophecies in Daniel, heretofore, were closed and sealed until the time of the end, are

    now being opened to understanding as the following prophecy makes known (John


    At the same time, Satan’s high-ranking demons are yet posted in major nations to try and

    circumvent any understanding of these prophecies being passed on to the understanding

    to those Christ has chosen to understand them.

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    The following gives insight to that ancient time and it has moved into this time today:

    Daniel 10:1, 4-5, 7, 10-14

    v.1 In the 3rd year of Cyrus king of Persia (Iran today, 538 B. C.) a message was

    revealed to Daniel … the message was true, but he appointed time was long.

    And he understood the message and understood the vision.

    v.7 And, I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did

    NOT see the vision (cf. Acts 9:3-7; 22:9); but a great terror fell upon them, so

    that they fled to hide themselves.

    vs.1o-11 Suddenly, a hand touched me, which made me tremble on my knees

    and on the palms of my hands. And he said to me, “O Daniel, man greatly

    beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I

    have now been sent to you.” …

    v.12 Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you

    set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your

    words were heard, and I have come because of your words.

    v.13 “But the PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF PERSIA (a high ranking fallen

    angel-demon, Ephesians 6:12) withstood me 21 days, and behold, Michael, one

    of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the

    kings of Persia.

    Though Gabriel was a powerful angel, he needed help to withstand these powerful

    demonic forces, cherubs, who were restraining him from reaching Daniel with these end-

    time prophecies.

    v.14 “Now, I have come to make you understand what will happen in the

    latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.”

    This vision is to be understood in the closing days of the House of Joseph. And Jesus

    Christ will reveal it to this little flock (John 16:13; Daniel 12:10).

    Gabriel then had to fight against other high-ranking demons both in Iran and Greece to

    be able to return to his post.

    Daniel 10:20-21

    v.20 Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? And now I must



    to be fought as well to complete his mission).

    A demonic prince is posted in every major nation to fulfill the orders of their master, Satan

    the Devil.

  • 26

    v.21 “But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth. (No one

    upholds me against these (powerful demons), except Michael your prince (who

    is also an archangel, Jude 9; mighty in power Daniel 12:1).”

    Daniel 11:1

    v.1 (“Also in the first year of Darius the Mede, I, even, I, stood up to confirm

    and strengthen him).

    Companion Bible, “This verse is parenthetical, to tell us what the angelic speaker had

    done two years previously, 426 B.C.”

    Further Demonic Involvement

    Throughout the holy Bible, from the time of Adam’s wrong decision, Scripture records,

    Satan the king of demons, uses those in his domain on this earth to do his bidding while

    continuing to try and destroy Israel and the true Church of God (Matthew 16:18; Luke

    14:12; Ephesians 6:11-12).

    Prophecy makes known very soon Satan will bring back to life the Assyrian-German

    nation as part of the Holy Roman Empire (Revelation 9:1-11). He will then accomplish

    his objective of destroying the House of Joseph and the other tribes of Israel as nations

    (Jeremiah 30:4-7; Ezekiel 5:12; 6:1-6, 11-12;12:19-20), as the battle-axe nation of the Ten

    Nations headed by the Beast (Jeremiah 51:20).

    Satan the Devil, as the serpent, and dragon, will then seek to destroy the true Church of

    God but will not be successful though he will bring military forces against them

    (Revelation 12:13-16).

    Tragically, he will be successful in bringing martyrdom on the Laodicean Church Era

    (Revelation 3:14-22; 6:9-11; 12:17).

    Three and one/half years later, will be the battle of Armageddon. This will also be the time

    of the return of Jesus Christ back to this earth.

    Satan and his demons will then be locked up in the bottomless pit for a thousand years

    (Revelation 20:1-3). Mankind will then be freed from his deception and efforts to destroy


    The earth will then begin to be filled with the knowledge and teachings of the truth and

    righteous ways of God (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14). Jesus Christ, aided by His Bride,

    will bring this about during this soon coming time, year 2030.

    Thy Kingdom Come.

    The quotes and pictures above are intended for educational purposes only. Entire contents

    copyrighted. The Church of God. All Rights Reserved. The copyright subsisting in material quoted in this

    publication and trademarks appearing in this publication belong to the respective owners thereof and no

    claim of ownership therein is made by The Church of God Faithful Flock.

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