Don’t Forget About our Website (1) www.grovechurch.org Pastor’s Message “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:46-47 My husband serves as the statistician for the Eastern PA annual conference. At the May conference meeting he presented an overview of the conference's statistics for 2014. We all know the denomination's membership and attendance are declining, but his job is to find some good news, something positive to report. This year, Grove Church was part of that good news. In the midst of the decline, a number of churches in the conference have shown an increase in attendance over the prior two year period. And among churches with 100 or more in attendance, Grove Church tied for the highest increase in worship attendance in the conference - a 20% increase from 2012 to 2014. What makes a church grow like that? I believe that people are attracted to churches by a combination of factors - ministry that makes a difference in the world, a community that embraces and nurtures people, children's and youth ministries that effectively shape new disciples, and worship that connects people to God. In the Book of Acts, we see the church growing exponentially as men and women discover the power of God at work in their lives. Here at Grove, we offer that same opportunity. From children to adults, from youth to seniors, Grove provides people with ways to ~ Page 2 Upcoming Events ~ Page 3 Many Ministries to Celebrate ~ Page 5 Youth Choir Tour/Confirmation ~ Page 8 Scholarships Offered ~ Page 9 Miracle in May Results ~ Page 11 Church Calendar ...and much more In This Issue... experience God in their lives and to feel a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. The question we all need to ask ourselves is, are we sharing the excitement of Grove with others or do we keep the good news of our church to ourselves? Do we tell people about the joy of Stop Hunger Now, an intergenerational mission event making a difference in the world? Do we invite friends to join us at special events like the Youth Choir Concert, VBS or August's Ice Cream Social? Do we tell people how much we love our church and value the community we experience there? Let's not keep Grove a secret. Share the good news with friends and neighbors. Watch for new residents moving in over the summer and give them an invitation to join you some Sunday. Let's surpass that two year growth record in the next two year period. If we are faithful in our ministry and share good news, then God will add to our number as God did in the early church of Acts. ~Pastor Bron

Pastor’s Message€¦ · 2/6/2014  · your leisure. If you think prayer shawls are too time-c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e making baby baptismal shawls and small

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Page 1: Pastor’s Message€¦ · 2/6/2014  · your leisure. If you think prayer shawls are too time-c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e making baby baptismal shawls and small

June 2015

Don’t Forget About our Website (1) www.grovechurch.org

The Grove Newsletter

Pastor’s Message

“Every day they continued

to meet together in the

temple courts. They broke

bread in their homes and

ate together with glad and

sincere hearts, praising

God and enjoying the favor

of all the people. And the

Lord added to their number daily those who were

being saved.” Acts 2:46-47

My husband serves as the statistician for the

Eastern PA annual conference. At the May

conference meeting he presented an overview of the

conference's statistics for 2014. We all know the

denomination's membership and attendance are

declining, but his job is to find some good news,

something positive to report. This year, Grove

Church was part of that good news.

In the midst of the decline, a number of

churches in the conference have shown an increase in

attendance over the prior two year period. And

among churches with 100 or more in attendance,

Grove Church tied for the highest increase in worship

attendance in the conference - a 20% increase from

2012 to 2014.

What makes a church grow like that? I believe

that people are attracted to churches by a combination

of factors - ministry that makes a difference in the

world, a community that embraces and nurtures

people, children's and youth ministries that

effectively shape new disciples, and worship that

connects people to God. In the Book of Acts, we see

the church growing exponentially as men and women

discover the power of God at work in their lives.

Here at Grove, we offer that same

opportunity. From children to adults, from youth to

seniors, Grove provides people with ways to

~ Page 2 — Upcoming Events

~ Page 3 — Many Ministries to Celebrate

~ Page 5 — Youth Choir Tour/Confirmation

~ Page 8 — Scholarships Offered

~ Page 9 — Miracle in May Results

~ Page 11 — Church Calendar

...and much more

In This Issue...

experience God in their lives and to feel a sense of

belonging to something greater than themselves.

The question we all need to ask ourselves is,

are we sharing the excitement of Grove with others

or do we keep the good news of our church to

ourselves? Do we tell people about the joy of Stop

Hunger Now, an intergenerational mission event

making a difference in the world? Do we invite

friends to join us at special events like the Youth

Choir Concert, VBS or August's Ice Cream Social?

Do we tell people how much we love our church and

value the community we experience there?

Let's not keep Grove a secret. Share the good

news with friends and neighbors. Watch for new

residents moving in over the summer and give them

an invitation to join you some Sunday. Let's surpass

that two year growth record in the next two year

period. If we are faithful in our ministry and share

good news, then God will add to our number as God

did in the early church of Acts.

~Pastor Bron

United Methodist Men

Page 2: Pastor’s Message€¦ · 2/6/2014  · your leisure. If you think prayer shawls are too time-c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e making baby baptismal shawls and small

June 2015

Don’t Forget About our Website (2) www.grovechurch.org

The Grove Newsletter

Don’t Forget About our Website (2) www.grovechurch.org

Grove United Methodist Church’s

Upcoming Events

On Friday night, June 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Grove Church will welcome an up and coming Jazz Trio

from Philadelphia for our third installment of Arts at the Grove. The Marcus Grant Trio has performed

throughout the Philadelphia Region over the past two years, thrilling audiences with their performances. The

trio features West Chester native, Marcus Grant on Drums, Alex Cross on Piano, and Drew Gaunce on Bass.

The trio will play a set of music from all eras of Jazz. This not-to-be-missed concert is as always free, thanks

to the generous support of the Members of Grove Church! About the Trio: Marcus Grant (West Chester, PA)

Drums, graduated from Temple University's Boyer College of Music and Dance with a Bachelors Degree in

Music performance. In the fall of 2015 he will be attending the University of Miami's Frost School of Music,

pursuing his Masters degree in Jazz performance.

Alex Cross (Wallingford, CT) Piano, graduated from Temple University's Boyer College of Music and

Dance with a Bachelors Degree in Music performance. This coming fall, he will be attending Drexel

University working towards his Master's in Arts Administration.

Drew Gaunce (Philadelphia, PA) Bass, will be continuing his studies at Temple University next fall,

pursuing his Bachelors Degree in Music performance.

The concert will begin at 7:00 PM. A free will offering will be accepted at the door.

For more information, please contact: Mike Shoremount, Director of Traditional Music, Grove

Church. [email protected].

Arts at the Grove

What better way to start the summer than with

a picnic! The United Methodist Women will have a

“bugless” picnic on Monday, June 15 in Fellowship

Hall at 6:30. Bring a salad to share; rolls and dessert

will be provided. Please sign up for the picnic at the

sign-up table by the elevator. All women are invited!

Remember to bring the items you signed up to

provide for the UMCOR health kits. If you have

forgotten or want to know what to donate, contact

Linda—[email protected] (Come out for

an evening of good food and fellowship. We also will

be working on plans for the fall.

On your summer travels, remember this


When you're on the go this summer, you just

might save a life. How? First, get a handful of

Human Trafficking Hotline stickers from any UMW

member who has them or look in the UMW mailbox

in the coatroom. Then, whenever you're traveling

and use rest stop facilities, take your stickers in and

paste them on the back of stall doors. Victims who

are being trafficked find that the bathroom is one of

the few places where their abusers will leave them

alone. And it might be the perfect place to find the

help they need. It's just that easy...do it!

Ladies’ Picnic Traveler Alert

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The Grove Newsletter

Many Ministries at Grove to Celebrate

We are blessed at Grove to have such an active, committed congregation. So much is done that could go

unnoticed, so this is a Name-Dropping column for the Program Team to celebrate the many individuals in our

congregation who are in active ministry. We know we will never manage to acknowledge everyone, but this is

a start. If you have ideas for entries in the column in future months, email [email protected].

The wonderful people who week after week make sure we have coffee and treats during coffee hour: Ruth

Ann Hebble, Faith Sipe, Mary Ann Stewart, Sue Clark, Judy Grinwis, Jill Baldwin, Linda Seybold, Syd

Raihall, Peggy Berry, Teddy Campbell, Judy Bertram, Helene May, Barbara Seiple, Donna Pyne, Jerry Pyne,

Andrea Giunta-Hampton, Diane Boggess, Carol Jewitt, George Rengert, Kristy Deischer-Eddy, Bob Sakers,

and Susan Parno (who coordinates everything!)

The people who developed the websites we’ve had over the years at Grove - giving us a powerful web

presence: Ivan Lichty (original web site creator), Eric Weaver, and Derrick Wood.

The team who developed the new website: Laura Luther (the powerhouse behind the whole project), Linda

Schneider (the one who kept it all going and led the way), Kathy Johnson, Jeff Popyack, Phil Mayer, Steve

Vincent and Kathy Parker. And our proofreaders - Pastor Bron and Kathy Hoffmaster.

Many thanks to Mary Ann Stewart and the Care Basket Team for delivering 27 care baskets in 2014 and 9 so

far this year. These baskets go to members and friends who have suffered a loss or have some other special


The Middle School Sunday School class has been taught this year by Phil Brown, Sharon McKiernan, Cindy

George, Elaine Vincent, Kathy Parker, Steve Estberg, Elmer Duckinfield, Joyce Ryan and Keri McMullin.

The Bright Lights Luncheon was such a beautiful occasion. Thanks to the efforts of Marlene Crites, Linda

Seybold and Syd Raihall. The men in the kitchen served a wonderful meal, and the men who came out to

serve were very attentive!

Jon Baker hung the Grove Church banner on the outside of our building.

The spring flowers and new plantings are thanks to the efforts of Linda Schneider, Roberta Clune and Diane


Grove Work Day included help from the Boy Scouts!

Lori Plunkett, a Trustee, has been busy getting bids on asphalt work in the parking lot.

Ron Knorr and Jim Barcio worked on cleaning out the old office.

Jill Baldwin coordinates our Dinner Doers meal teams, and two meals were delivered recently by Brenda

Lewis, Carol Sitler and their teams.

The men from the Tabernacle Choir who sang on Mother’s Day, and the quartet at the 8:00 service which was

Mike Shoremount, Dave Koch, Dan Wiant and Scott Byerly.

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Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Group at Grove will

continue meeting through the summer. All church

members and friends are invited.

We were happy to welcome a new member in

May who had not crocheted in many years.

With some guidance she regained her confidence and

skills. If you always wanted to learn to knit or

crochet, this is your opportunity.

Come to our meeting on June 3, the first

Wednesday of the month from 1-2:30 pm in the Z

Lounge and we will teach you the basics.

If your schedule does not allow you to

attend and you enjoy knitting or crocheting, let us

know, and we will get the patterns to you to work at

your leisure.

If you think prayer shawls are too time-

c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e

making baby baptismal shawls and small prayer

squares that work up very quickly.

You may have other talents to offer the

group. Come to a meeting to chit chat and see if

there is a place where you can help. You may want to

make an inventory of shawls through photographs,

make tags that go on the finished shawls and squares,

write articles for the newsletters, website or

Facebook, and deliver prayer shawls to those who

need them or other non-knitting help. Past donations

have included yarn and gift cards from one of the

local craft stores. A little bit given will warm

your heart. If you have questions you can contact us

at [email protected]. Hope to hear from


Kudos to Derrick Wood

From the bottom of my heart, I wish to express my

sincere thanks for the fantastic reception held for me

on Sunday, April 26. The cake was gorgeous, the

gifts were very thoughtful, and the geraniums are

already blooming. Most of all the warmth and

caring given by all of you was overwhelming. It

was a bittersweet departure. I won’t miss the work

or driving in the snow to get here, but I will

absolutely feel an absence in my heart when I won’t

get to see and talk to you every day. I will make it a

point to come to some of the many events

throughout the year but will now have time to

become very involved in my church. Again, I want

you to know how grateful I am for the past seven

years and wish everyone at Grove many blessings

Congratulations to Bill and Linda

Seybold for their 30 years of service

with the Salvation Army.

He was recently named teacher of the year in the

mid-Atlantic region by the American Chemical

Society. He was also one of three teachers featured

in an article on excellence in chemistry education in

the Journal of Chemical Engineering, and the only

high school teacher among the three. Derrick

teaches AP Chemistry at Conestoga High School in

the Tredyffrin Easttown School District.

Thank You to a Loving


Page 5: Pastor’s Message€¦ · 2/6/2014  · your leisure. If you think prayer shawls are too time-c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e making baby baptismal shawls and small

June 2015

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The Grove Newsletter

Bright Lights

The United Methodist Women of Grove thank all who made the Bright Lights luncheon a successful

event last month. Seventy women of all ages and four young girls enjoyed the storytelling of Deborah Pieri

which followed a light lunch prepared and served by men of the church.

Marlene Crites served as overall chairperson of the event with help from Judi Bertam, Teddy

Campbell, Sue Clark, Ruth Ann Hebble, Helene May, Sandy Murray, Syd Raihall, Linda Seybold and Faith

Sipe. Laura Luther designed the posters and program cover. Kathy Parker provided for publicity. We

especially appreciate the “Bright Lights” in the kitchen, directed by Ron Knorr, who prepared the meal. They

were Carl Bangert, Barry Lewis, Bill Seybold, Tom Tollefson and Tom Wagner. The “Shining Stars” serving

the food for us were Ken Goslin, Dave Koch, Phil Mayer, Joe Ross, Steve Ross and Bob Sakers.

How blessed we were to have Pastor Lin George and Pastor Bron Yocum offer the blessing and the

benediction. A BIG Thank You to all the Bight Lights of Grove UMC!!!

Hello family and friends of the Youth Choir! The

choir is gearing up for their annual summer tour

where they share the word of God through mu-

sic. Our theme for 2015 is “He Lives in You” and we

are heading south. We are very excited to present our

home kickoff concert on Friday, June 19 at

7:30pm. Please come out and enjoy an evening of

music. The youth have been working very hard to

prepare their songs and dances of both traditional and

contemporary music. Thank you all for your support

on this night and throughout the year. We hope to

see you all there.

~ Sincerely, Mike Hardie and the Youth Choir

Youth Choir Tour

Join us at the 9:30 worship service on Sunday, June

7th as we welcome a new class of confirmands into

the fellowship of Grove Church. Confirmation

Sunday is always a joyful time.

These young people have spent a full year meeting

with Keri McMullin as well as guest speakers

including Pastor Yocum and Patti Klotz. The youth

also worked with adult mentors to further develop

their understanding of discipleship. Now they come

before the congregation to profess their faith and

enter the Body of Christ as professing members.

Come help us welcome them into the expanding

circle of Grove Church.


Thank You to Truffle Makers

A thank you note was sent to all of you, here is what it said: "Dear Truffle Makers, Thank you for

providing such a delightful box of truffles. A student of mine gave them to me as a gift last week. They

tasted fantastic, and I was glad to see that they were fundraising for a delightful cause. May God bless you

and your efforts!"

My thanks to each of you for your time spent dipping, decorating, packaging and selling. It is always

amazing to me to see so many varied hands come together to produce ~ 1400 truffles all of which were boxed

and sold!

~ Linda Schneider

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Church & Society

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you?

If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them „Go in peace; keep warm and

eat your fill,“ and yet do not supply their bodily needs, what good is that? So faith by itself, if it has no works,

is dead.“ ...James 2: 14 – 17

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Last week, the board of directors of the United Methodist Committee on Relief approved more than $7 million

in grants for ongoing disaster response and longer-term development needs during its semiannual meeting.

Of the total, $3.5 million is earmarked for a disaster risk reduction initiative in the Philippines, where Super

Typhoon Haiyan caused calamitous damage in 2013. UMCOR will fund the construction of up to 10

community storm shelters in the areas most impacted by the typhoon and provide training in disaster planning

and preparedness.

In Haiti, a grant of more than $1.3 million will support the reconstruction of New College Bird, one of the top

schools in the nation, which was severely damaged in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. UMCOR also will continue

to support partner Beyond Borders, as it works with Haitian organizations to address domestic servitude or

child slavery.

In the U.S., long-term recovery support will go to Washington state and Detroit, Michigan, where devastating

fires and floods, respectively, occurred in 2014.

Funds will also go to enable churches within the California- Pacific Annual Conference to welcome and

emvrace unaccompanied migrant children arriving in Southern California and who have fled violence in their

Central American homelands.

And a grant will help UMCOR partner Church World Service resettle refugees in the United States.

Circle of Giving

In June, we suggest that you consider donating condiments: mustard, catsup, relish, etc. You may place

your contributions in the beautiful wooden box inside the church entrance on Sunday or anytime that you

happen to be at the church. All contributions are delivered to the West Chester Food Cupboard each week

where they help to meet the increasing need. Your non-perishable contributions are supplemented by meats,

milk, eggs and vegetables. Many thanks to all persons who are faithful providers!

Paper for People

On Sunday, June 7, we will be accepting your donations of a variety of paper products. Suggested

donations include paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, diapers, napkins, paper cups and plates, etc. Collection

tubs are to be found inside the church entrance on that Sunday. Your contributions will be delivered to the

Home of the Sparrow, an organization that provides assistance to single-parent families that are quartered in

transitional housing provided by the Home of the Sparrow. This assistance takes the form, not only of basic

necessities, but, also, case management and placements.

The Environment

Earthjustice is a nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the magnificant places, natural

(Continued on page 7)

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resouces and wildlife of this earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment.

Last December, New York became the first state with proven oil and gas reseerves to reject fracking. After

years of coalition building, statewide organizing and tough lawering by Earthjustice and others, the Cumo

administration agreed not to authorize shale gas fracking, citing mounting health concerns and limited

economic benefit. Now that New York has taken the lead, other states, such as California, are being pressed to

consider similar measures.

Through Church and Society, we at Grove support the work of Earthjustice and take the position that the work

of this organization is instrumental in preserving God’s creation. We are most interested in supporting work on

behalf of the environment in our immediate area. Our Adopt-A-Highway event is such an activity. We invite

you to particpate in this event and to suggest other activities that will benefit the environment.

Website: www.earthjustice.org Blog: earthjustice.org/blog

Psalm 24:1 " The earth is the Lord ' s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. " (NKJV)

Everything that we have belongs to God, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and yes, even the earth we are

blessed to walk upon. Imagine if the earth were not cared for. Imagine vegetation drying up because we did not

honor the Earth we are blessed with. Imagine if we were not faithful stewards of God's creation.

Imagine the generations that would be lost if we chose not to honor God's creation and protect the earth. I chal-

lenge you to find ways to honor God by honoring the earth he created. Reflection: How am I being a faithful

steward of the earth?

Chester County Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence

This group has been meeting regularly for the avowed purpose of seeking ways to prevent guns from falling

into the hands of persons who have a criminal background or have shown signs of mental disorder. Tom

Buglio, a member of the Unitarian Church and a local business man, chairs this diverse group; there are sev-

eral faiths represented. Currently, the group is seeking to dialog with elected representatives at the local, state

and national levels seeking to gain their support for legislation that requires background checks for all gun

sales. Such legislation would NOT disarm gun owners and is not retroactive. NOTE: The state of Washington

and, most recently, Oregon, have passed legislation requiring background checks. A recent survey indicated

that on the average 80 gun-related deaths occur in the U.S. each day. Indeed, if we are to be stewards of God’s

creation, it behooves us to protect what God has created: humanity.

Gun violence is a moral issue.

If you want more information about CCCPGV, contact Bill Seybold (610-696-3699).

Article for the June newsletter in the Church and Society section

Grove Workdays for Good Works

Here’s a Good Works story for which all of us can help provide a happy ending. Read on and learn how you

can be part of it.

On Christmas Eve 2014, Good Works homeowner Gene Sabbi lost his home in a devastating fire. The fire

started near his woodstove and according to eye witnesses, the old timber home was engulfed in flames within

45 minutes. Seventy-five year old Gene lost everything he had in the blaze, including his one-year old puppy,

Elsa, and he received 2nd degree burns to his hands and arms. On Christmas Day, the charred remains of his

(Continued from page 6)

(Continued on page 8)

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United Methodist Men — Scholarships Offered

The Grove United Methodist Men will be offering scholarships again this year to Grove students enrolled in

higher education colleges and universities again this year. Applications may be obtained online at the Grove

website or in the church office. The applications are to be placed in the United Methodist Men mailbox in the

cloakroom by the deadline June 14, 2015.

home were a stark reminder of the terror he experienced the day before.

Good Works was in the process of the repairing Gene’s home last fall, and news of the fire came as a shock to

everyone involved. Now they’re going to help him rebuild. Good Works has completed clean-up of the site

and is initiating construction of a new home for Gene on the property. Engineering analysis, architectural

plans, and building permits have been approved. The new, two bedroom, single story house will sit on the

original foundation and provide Gene a safe, secure and energy efficient home.

Good Works is donating all the skilled labor but needs help to pay for materials. For the first time in its 27 year

history, Good Works is employing “crowdfunding” as a means to raise funds for this special project. Please

go to www.goodworksinc.org/gene to read more and make a donation. Then, please pass this information on to

your network of friends via Email, Facebook or Twitter. Please encourage them to consider donating as well as

sharing the information with their network of friends. No gift is too small, and even little gifts add up quickly

when many people decide to help.

Grove’s next Workday for Good Works is Saturday, June 13. All senior high youth and adults are welcome

and no special skills are required. Please mark your calendars for all of our 2015 workdays on the 2nd Saturday

of each month, i.e., June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 10, November 14, and December 12.

For more information, contact Betty Traver at [email protected]

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Miracle in May Truly Miraculous!!

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the Miracle in May. Since the newsletter is written in the middle

of the previous month, we don't have final figures, but at mid month we had nearly $20,000 in contributions

and commitments. God has truly accomplished a mighty act through the members of Grove. We can now

move forward into the summer on a firm financial foundation to support our ministries and mission.

Summer Story Hour

Bring your little ones to Grove Church on Thursday mornings in June and July at

10:00 for a fun story read by Judy Wadsworth, a member of Grove Church. After

the story, children will enjoy making a simple craft with Grove’s Director of

Christian Education, Patti Klotz.

Begins Thursday, June 18 at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall

What can you do for GROVE VBS 2015?


Register your child(ren)!


Donate Supplies


Summer is around the corner, and so is VBS at Grove, Monday, July 6 through Friday, July 10. This year’s

theme is “SonSpark Labs.” We need many volunteers in the capacity of grade school shepherds, pre-school

teachers and assistants as well as station leaders. If you would like to have an incredible week with our

church’s and community’s children spreading the love of God, please consider joining the team. Volunteers

must be at least 6th grade. All inquiries can be sent to Scott Byerly at [email protected]. Registration

information will be available by mid-May, so watch for updates in the weekly bulletin.

Vacation Bible School

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Grove Finance News

Regular Operations – Our financial results year to date through April are as follows:

Full year results 2015 2014

ACTUAL RECEIPTS $202,327 $211,440

ACTUAL EXPENSES $222,091 $216,811

OPERATING SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) $(19,764) $ (5,371)

While giving is less than last year through April, with the generous and faithful giving received to date in May,

the Miracle in May giving will likely put us on firm footing as we enter into the Summer months (when most

churches, including Grove, experiences lightened attendance/giving due to travel). Expenses are also higher

due to unplanned maintenance expenses. We will report next month what the final totals are for the additional

giving in connection with Miracle in May. Summer is a time of extensive planning for the upcoming seasons

and the financial foundation that you have contributed to, provides greater assurance that the funds will be

available. Thank you for your support in allowing the ministries of Grove to continue to flourish in the sum-

mer months.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock - Have you ever considered funding your offering or making a second mile dona-

tion to Grove Church with a gift of appreciated shares of stock? When you donate stock worth more than what

you originally paid for it (“appreciated stock”) to Grove Church, you can receive an immediate tax deduction

for the full amount of the fair market value of your stock that has been held for over one year, and bypass

capital gains tax liability on your appreciated stock. Simply transfer shares of your appreciated securities

directly to the Grove Church securities account to take advantage of this tax-saving benefit. By doing so, you

can give a larger contribution than planned by saving the expense of paying capital gains taxes. As a result,

your offering to support the ministries of Grove Church can go even further. Plus, to ensure your donation

fully goes towards Grove’s mission, we have a no-fee account to process stock gifts. In addition to gifts of

common stock, we are also able to receive gifts of mutual fund shares (those that are “five letter” symbol funds

ending in “X” – common to most mutual funds. For more information, please contact the Church office.

Thank you for your faithful support,

~ Bob Rubin for the Finance Committee

Page 11: Pastor’s Message€¦ · 2/6/2014  · your leisure. If you think prayer shawls are too time-c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e making baby baptismal shawls and small

June 2015

Don’t Forget About our Website (11) www.grovechurch.org

The Grove Newsletter

Help Us Keep




In an effort to keep church

records current, please be

kind enough to notify the

church office about

changes to your address,

phone number, email

address, births,

graduations, etc. You can

do this by calling the

office at

(610) 696-2663 or send an

email to

[email protected].

Monday, June 1 6:30 Tour Rehearsal


7:00 OA

7:00 Preschool Board Meeting

7:00 Troop 55 Committee Meeting

Tuesday June 2 1:15 Library Committee

6:30 Webelos I

6:30 Wolf Den

7:00 Pieces of One Rehearsal

7:00 Steering Team

7:30 AA

Wednesday, June 3 1:00 Prayer Shawl

5:30 Girl Scout Troop 4053

6:30 Tour Rehearsal

6:30 Web Team Meeting

7:00 GriefShare

Thursday, June 4

1:00 Blood Drive

6:30 Senior High Girls Group

6:30 Junior Choir

7:00 Troop 55 Bear Den

7:00 Troop 55 Tiger Den

7:30 Board of Trustees

Friday, June 5

Saturday, June 6

Sunday, June 7

8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 Worship

Confirmation Sunday

4:30 Youth Choir Rehearsal

6:00 Jesus in the Gospels

Monday, June 8


6:30 Tour Rehearsal

7:00 OA

Tuesday, June 9 7:00 Pieces of One Rehearsal

7:00 Pack 55 Committee Meeting

7:30 AA

7:30 Finance Committee

Wednesday, June 10

6:30 Tour Rehearsal

6:30 Web Team Meeting

7:00 GriefShare

Thursday, June 11

6:00 Community Dinner

6:30 Chilli Tasting Event

Friday, June 12

9:30 Rebekah Circle

7:00 Arts at the Grove Event

Saturday, June 13

Good Works Work Day

Sunday, June 14 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 Worship

12:15 Nurture Ministries

12:30 Tour Rehearsal

6:00 Jesus in the Gospels

Monday, June 15 6:30 Tour Rehearsal

6:30 UMW

7:00 OA

Tuesday, June 16

7:00 Pieces of One Rehearsal

7:15 Staff/Parish Relations

7:30 AA

Wednesday, June 17 Chester County Historic Volunteer Dinner

9:00 Kitchen Prep for Dinner

5:30 Girl Scout Troop 4053

6:30 Dress Rehearsal for Youth Choir Tour

6:30 Web Team Meeting

Thursday, June 18

10:00 Summer Story Hour

6:30 Senior High Girls Group

Friday, June 19 8:30 Chester County Youth & Families

7:00 Youth Choir Tour Kick-Off Concert

Saturday, June 20

Sunday, June 21 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 Worship

6:00 Jesus in the Gospels

Monday, June 22 Youth Choir Tour

6:30 Brownie Troop 4108

7:00 OA

Tuesday, June 23 Youth Choir Tour

7:00 Pieces of One Rehearsal

7:30 AA

Wednesday, June 24 Youth Choir Tour

6:30 Web Team Meeting

7:00 Troop 55 PLC

Thursday, June 25

10:00 Summer Story Hour

7:00 OA

Friday, June 26 Youth Choir Tour

Saturday, June 27 Youth Choir Tour

9:00 P.A.C.K.

Sunday, June 28 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 Worship

4:30 Youth Choir Rehearsal

6:00 Jesus in the Gospels

Monday, June 29

3:30 Office Staff Meeting

7:00 OA

Tuesday, June 30 7:00 Pieces of One Rehearsal

7:30 AA

Name Badges - We are

putting together an order

and if you would like to

order one, the cost is

$10. Please contact

Brenda Lewis 484-459-

9260 or

[email protected].

Page 12: Pastor’s Message€¦ · 2/6/2014  · your leisure. If you think prayer shawls are too time-c o n s u m i n g , s o m e m e m b e r s a r e making baby baptismal shawls and small

June 2015

Don’t Forget About our Website (12) www.grovechurch.org

The Grove Newsletter

Grove UMC Newsletter

490 W. Boot Road

West Chester, PA 19380-1112

Address Service Requested

June 2015 Newsletter Grove United Methodist Church

490 West Boot Road West Chester, PA 19380

Church Office: (610) 696-2663 Church Fax: (610) 450-6775

The Rev. Dr. Bron Yocum, Senior Pastor Lin George, Assistant Pastor

Patti Klotz, Director of Christian Education Keri McMullin, Director of Youth Ministries

Michael Shoremount, Director Traditional Music Robert W. Johns, Organist

Mike Hardie, Director, Youth Choir Melissa Bechtel, Director, Preschool

Ken Johnson & Keri McMullin, Directors of Contemporary Worship Carol Moore, Assistant Office Manager

Sunday Service: 8, 9:30, 11am * www.grovechurch.org * West Chester, PA * Office: (610) 696-2663

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