| INVESTIGATION Pathway-Structured Predictive Model for Cancer Survival Prediction: A Two-Stage Approach Xinyan Zhang,* Yan Li,* Tomi Akinyemiju, Akinyemi I. Ojesina, Phillip Buckhaults, Nianjun Liu, § Bo Xu,** and Nengjun Yi* ,1 *Department of Biostatistics and Department of Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama 35294, Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences, The South Carolina College of Pharmacy, The University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, § Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, and **Department of Oncology, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama 35205 ABSTRACT Heterogeneity in terms of tumor characteristics, prognosis, and survival among cancer patients has been a persistent problem for many decades. Currently, prognosis and outcome predictions are made based on clinical factors and/or by incorporating molecular proling data. However, inaccurate prognosis and prediction may result by using only clinical or molecular information directly. One of the main shortcomings of past studies is the failure to incorporate prior biological information into the predictive model, given strong evidence of the pathway-based genetic nature of cancer, i.e., the potential for oncogenes to be grouped into pathways based on biological functions such as cell survival, proliferation, and metastatic dissemination. To address this problem, we propose a two-stage approach to incorporate pathway information into the prognostic modeling using large-scale gene expression data. In the rst stage, we t all predictors within each pathway using the penalized Cox model and Bayesian hierarchical Cox model. In the second stage, we combine the cross-validated prognostic scores of all pathways obtained in the rst stage as new predictors to build an integrated prognostic model for prediction. We apply the proposed method to analyze two independent breast and ovarian cancer datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), predicting overall survival using large-scale gene expression proling data. The results from both datasets show that the proposed approach not only improves survival prediction compared with the alternative analyses that ignore the pathway information, but also identies signicant biological pathways. KEYWORDS cancer prognosis; hierarchical Cox model; pathway; penalized Cox regression; The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) O VER the past three decades, remarkable improvement has been achieved in cancer treatment in the United States, with the annual death rate from cancer between 2002 and 2011 declining by 1.4% for women, 1.8% for men, and 2.3% for children aged 010 years (Edwards et al. 2014). However, the problem that has persisted in can- cer treatment is the heterogeneity of prognostic prediction across patients (Barillot 2013). This heterogeneity is, for the most part, genetically determined and rooted in the molecu- lar prole of patients. The Precision Medicine Initiative has been introduced by the White House to expand cancer geno- mics research as the goal to develop better prevention and treatment methods for cancers (Collins and Varmus 2015). Recent high-throughput technologies, which can easily and robustly generate large-scale molecular proling data, in- cluding genomic, epi-genomic, transcriptomic, and proteo- mic markers, offer extraordinary opportunities to integrate clinical and genomic data into prediction models, improving our understanding of interindividual differences that may be critical for the application of precision medicine strategies (Barillot 2013; Collins and Varmus 2015). The recent development of molecular signatures to predict recurrence of breast, colon, and prostate cancers is notable and clinically useful but may not be sufcient to achieve the goals of precision medicine (Mook et al. 2007; Pohl and Lenz 2008; Eng et al. 2013). Gene signatures across different stud- ies with very few overlapped genes can have similar predic- tion results, implying that some underlying mechanisms may exist (van de Vijver et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2005; Sotiriou and Piccart 2007). According to the analysis of 24 pancreatic tu- mors by Jones et al. (2008), altered genes varied greatly Copyright © 2017 by the Genetics Society of America doi: 10.1534/genetics.116.189191 Manuscript received March 14, 2016; accepted for publication October 31, 2016; published Early Online November 8, 2016. Supplemental material is available online at www.genetics.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1534/genetics.116.189191/-/DC1. 1 Corresponding author: Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1665 University Boulevard, Birmingham, AL 35294-0022. E-mail: [email protected] Genetics, Vol. 205, 89100 January 2017 89

Pathway-Structured Predictive Model for Cancer Survival … · 2016-12-29 · | INVESTIGATION Pathway-Structured Predictive Model for Cancer Survival Prediction: A Two-Stage Approach

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Page 1: Pathway-Structured Predictive Model for Cancer Survival … · 2016-12-29 · | INVESTIGATION Pathway-Structured Predictive Model for Cancer Survival Prediction: A Two-Stage Approach


Pathway-Structured Predictive Model for CancerSurvival Prediction: A Two-Stage Approach

Xinyan Zhang,* Yan Li,* Tomi Akinyemiju,† Akinyemi I. Ojesina,† Phillip Buckhaults,‡ Nianjun Liu,§

Bo Xu,** and Nengjun Yi*,1

*Department of Biostatistics and †Department of Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama 35294,‡Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences, The South Carolina College of Pharmacy, The University of South Carolina,

Columbia, South Carolina 29208, §Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Indiana University,Bloomington, Indiana 47405, and **Department of Oncology, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama 35205

ABSTRACT Heterogeneity in terms of tumor characteristics, prognosis, and survival among cancer patients has been a persistentproblem for many decades. Currently, prognosis and outcome predictions are made based on clinical factors and/or by incorporatingmolecular profiling data. However, inaccurate prognosis and prediction may result by using only clinical or molecular informationdirectly. One of the main shortcomings of past studies is the failure to incorporate prior biological information into the predictivemodel, given strong evidence of the pathway-based genetic nature of cancer, i.e., the potential for oncogenes to be grouped intopathways based on biological functions such as cell survival, proliferation, and metastatic dissemination. To address this problem, wepropose a two-stage approach to incorporate pathway information into the prognostic modeling using large-scale gene expressiondata. In the first stage, we fit all predictors within each pathway using the penalized Cox model and Bayesian hierarchical Cox model. Inthe second stage, we combine the cross-validated prognostic scores of all pathways obtained in the first stage as new predictors tobuild an integrated prognostic model for prediction. We apply the proposed method to analyze two independent breast and ovariancancer datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), predicting overall survival using large-scale gene expression profiling data. Theresults from both datasets show that the proposed approach not only improves survival prediction compared with the alternativeanalyses that ignore the pathway information, but also identifies significant biological pathways.

KEYWORDS cancer prognosis; hierarchical Cox model; pathway; penalized Cox regression; The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)

OVER the past three decades, remarkable improvementhas been achieved in cancer treatment in the United

States, with the annual death rate from cancer between2002 and 2011 declining by 1.4% for women, 1.8% formen, and 2.3% for children aged 0–10 years (Edwardset al. 2014). However, the problem that has persisted in can-cer treatment is the heterogeneity of prognostic predictionacross patients (Barillot 2013). This heterogeneity is, for themost part, genetically determined and rooted in the molecu-lar profile of patients. The Precision Medicine Initiative hasbeen introduced by the White House to expand cancer geno-mics research as the goal to develop better prevention and

treatment methods for cancers (Collins and Varmus 2015).Recent high-throughput technologies, which can easily androbustly generate large-scale molecular profiling data, in-cluding genomic, epi-genomic, transcriptomic, and proteo-mic markers, offer extraordinary opportunities to integrateclinical and genomic data into prediction models, improvingour understanding of interindividual differences that may becritical for the application of precision medicine strategies(Barillot 2013; Collins and Varmus 2015).

The recent development of molecular signatures to predictrecurrence of breast, colon, and prostate cancers is notableand clinically useful but may not be sufficient to achieve thegoals of precision medicine (Mook et al. 2007; Pohl and Lenz2008; Eng et al. 2013). Gene signatures across different stud-ies with very few overlapped genes can have similar predic-tion results, implying that some underlying mechanisms mayexist (van de Vijver et al. 2002;Wang et al. 2005; Sotiriou andPiccart 2007). According to the analysis of 24 pancreatic tu-mors by Jones et al. (2008), altered genes varied greatly

Copyright © 2017 by the Genetics Society of Americadoi: 10.1534/genetics.116.189191Manuscript received March 14, 2016; accepted for publication October 31, 2016;published Early Online November 8, 2016.Supplemental material is available online at www.genetics.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1534/genetics.116.189191/-/DC1.1Corresponding author: Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham,1665 University Boulevard, Birmingham, AL 35294-0022. E-mail: [email protected]

Genetics, Vol. 205, 89–100 January 2017 89

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across tumors but the pathways with the altered genes re-main largely the same. It implied that one potential reasonfor the discrepancies may be that many genes are associatedwith outcomes in complex diseases, yet with a small individ-ual contribution to marginal effect. Thus, for small samplesizes, many substantial but weak signals may be missed(Mootha et al. 2003). It has also been revealed that the geneticnature of cancer is pathway-based, that is, oncogenes can begrouped into pathways based onbiological functions such as cellsurvival, proliferation, and metastatic dissemination (Barillot2013;Huang et al. 2014). Therefore, by combiningweak signalsfrom a number of genes within each pathway could increasepower in prediction and prognosis methods.

Various studies have thus focused on developing path-way-based methods for cancer prognosis prediction (Jones2008; Jones et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2008; Reyal et al. 2008;Abraham et al. 2010; Teschendorff et al. 2010; Eng et al.2013; Huang et al. 2014). These methods can be dividedinto two major categories. The first category focused onemploying sophisticated statistical methods for variable se-lection with grouped predictors or pathways such as grouplasso with an “all-in-all-out” idea, meaning that when onepredictor in a group is chosen, then all variables in thatgroup are chosen (Park et al. 2007; Wei and Li 2007;Jones 2008). The second category, on the other hand, re-duces the data dimension by generating pathway risk scoresto be used in downstream data analysis. Abraham et al.(2010) adopted a gene set statistic to provide stability ofprognostic signatures instead of individual genes. Huanget al. (2014) converted the gene matrix to a pathway matrixthrough “principal curve,” similar to principal componentsanalysis. Both of these methods did not incorporate out-come when generating the pathways scores from the individ-ual genes. Eng et al. (2013) proposed a method to reduce the

computational complexity by incorporating a binary outcome tostand for decreased or increased risk score in each pathwaywhich inferred potentially loss of information.

In this article, we propose a two-stage procedure to in-corporate pathway information into the prognostic modelsusing large-scale gene expression data. In the first stage, wecalculate the leave-one-out cross-validated (LOOCV) prog-nostic score as risk score for each pathway by fitting allpredictors within each pathway using the penalized Coxmodel and Bayesian hierarchical Cox model. In the secondstage, we combine the risk scores of all pathways obtained inthe first stage as new predictors to build a super predictionmodel. We used the proposed method in both breast cancerand ovarian cancer projects from The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA) to predict overall survival using gene expressionprofiling.

Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosedmalignancy after skin cancer in women (Huang et al.2014). It is widely understood that breast cancer can be cat-egorized into four clinical subtypes, Luminal A, Luminal B,Triple Negative/Basal-like, and Her2, and the survival/me-tastasis outcomes differ significantly among these four sub-types (Carey et al. 2006; O’Brien et al. 2010; Haque et al.2012). However, it is increasingly being realized that usingonly the clinical subtypes cannot fully discriminate breastcancer patients, and that better prediction of prognosis isneeded. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death fromgynecologic malignancies in the western world. According tostatistics from the American Cancer Society, the 5-year sur-vival rate is 46.2% for ovarian cancer. However, the survivalrates are discrepant among different cancer stages. The ma-jority of patients are diagnosed with advanced stages, requir-ing a highly toxic 6–8 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy(Pignata et al. 2011). To this end, because of inaccurate

Figure 1 Flowchart of the two-stageprognostic model.

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prediction of response with clinical measures, �30% of pa-tients will be identified as chemo-resistant after undergoingmultiple cycles of therapy with little or no benefit. Thus theneed for better prediction of response and prognosis is un-der great pressure (Barakat et al. 2009). By applying ourmethod to these two gene expression datasets from TCGA,we not only improve survival prediction compared with thealternative gene-based model that ignores the pathway in-formation, but also identify significant biologically relevantpathways.

Materials and Methods

Data collection

We downloaded two datasets with clinical information,microarray mRNA gene expression for breast cancer andovarian cancer projects from TCGA using R package TCGA-Assembler (Zhu et al. 2014). Overall survival is the outcomeof interest for both datasets. We downloaded and analyzedthe processed level 3 [log2 lowess normalized (cy5/cy3)collapsed by gene symbol] gene expression data for bothdatasets. It represents up-regulation or down-regulation ofa gene compared to the reference population (Zhao et al.2014).

Data preprocessing and pathway analysis

For both datasets, samples with missing or zero overall sur-vival time were removed. As the ratios of missing geneexpression data were low, simple imputation with meanvalues across samples were adopted. To construct the path-ways,weused genomeannotation tools, KEGG(Kanehisa andGoto 2000), tomap genes to pathways.We first mapped genesymbols to Entrez ids with R/bioconductor package Annota-tionDbi, and then mapped all the probes to KEGG pathwaysusing the Bioinformatics tool DAVID (Huang et al. 2009a,b).

Cox proportional hazards models

Cox proportional hazardsmodel is the commonly usedmethodfor analyzing censored survival data (van Houwelingen andPutter 2012), for which the hazard function of survival timetakes the form:

hðtjXÞ ¼ h0ðtÞexpðXbÞ (1)

where h0ðtÞ is the baseline hazard function, X and b are thevectors of predictors and coefficients, respectively, and Xb is

the linear predictor or called the prognostic index. The coeffi-cients b are estimated by maximizing the partial log-likelihood:

plðbÞ ¼Xni¼1




1CCA (2)

where the censoring indicator di takes 1 if the observed sur-vival time ti for individual i is uncensored and 0 if it is cen-sored, and RðtiÞ is the risk set at time ti: For molecular data,the number of coefficients is much larger than the number ofindividuals, and/or covariates are usually highly correlated,for which Cox regression is not directly applicable.

Penalized Cox Model (ridge, lasso, and elastic-net Coxmodels): The elastic net is a widely used penalization ap-proach to deal with high-dimensional models, which adds theelastic-net penalty to the log-likelihood function and esti-mates the parameters b by maximizing the penalized log-likelihood (Zou and Hastie 2005; Hastie et al. 2009, 2015;Friedman et al. 2010; Simon et al. 2011). For the Cox modeldescribed above, we estimate the parameters b by maximiz-ing the penalized partial log-likelihood:

pplaðbÞ ¼ plðbÞ2 lnXJ

j¼1ajbjj þ ð12aÞ 1


� �(3)

where a (0#a# 1) is a predetermined elastic-net parame-ter, l (l$ 0) is a penalty parameter, and plðbÞ is the partiallog-likelihood of the Cox model. The penalty parameter l

controls the overall strength of penalty and the size of thecoefficients; for a small l;many coefficients can be large, andfor a large l; many coefficients will be shrunk toward zero.The elastic net includes the lasso (a ¼ 1) and ridge Cox re-gression (a ¼ 0) as special cases (Tibshirani 1997; Gui and Li2005; van Houwelingen et al. 2006; Simon et al. 2011; vanHouwelingen and Putter 2012).

The ridge, lasso, and elastic-netCoxmodels canbefitted bythe cyclic coordinate descent algorithm, which successivelyoptimizes the penalized log-likelihood over each parameterwithothersfixedandcycles repeatedlyuntil convergence.Thecyclic coordinate descent algorithm has been implemented inthe R package glmnet. Cross-validation is the most widelyused method to select an optimal value l (e.g., an optimalCox model) that gives minimum cross-validated error.

Table 1 Prediction performance comparison between different two-stage models for breast cancer data

Model Number of pathways CVPL C-index

Lasso–hierarchical Cox model 75 2340.058 (4.215) 0.725 (0.014)Ridge–hierarchical Cox model 88 2353.444 (2.373) 0.640 (0.021)Elastic-net–hierarchical Cox model (a = 0.5) 74 2340.893 (2.435) 0.711 (0.012)Hierarchical–hierarchical Cox model s = 1/(nl) 77 2337.170 (7.187) 0.760 (0.015)Hierarchical–hierarchical Cox model s = 1/(nl) + 0.03 77 2333.358 (1.971) 0.748 (0.013)Hierarchical–hierarchical Cox model s = 0.08 70 2347.459 (2.796) 0.692 (0.014)

The numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

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Bayesian hierarchical Cox model: Hierarchical modeling isanother efficient approach to handling high-dimensionaldata, where the regression coefficients are themselves mod-eled (Gelman and Hill 2007; Gelman et al. 2014). Hierarchi-cal models are more easily interpreted and handled in theBayesian framework, where the distribution of the coefficientis the prior distribution and statistical inference is based onthe posterior estimation. The commonly used prior is thedouble-exponential (or Laplace) prior distribution (Parkand Casella 2008; Yi and Xu 2008; Yi and Ma 2012):

bj � DEðbjj0; sÞ ¼12s

exp 2jbjjs

� �(4)

where the inverse scale s is shrinkage parameter and controlsthe amount of shrinkage; a smaller scale s induces strongershrinkage and thus forces the estimates of bj toward the priormean zero. For the hierarchical Cox model with the double-exponential prior, the log posterior distribution of the param-eters can be expressed as

log pðbjt; dÞ} plðbÞ2 1s



��� (5)

By maximizing the log posterior distribution, we estimate theparameters by finding the posterior modes of the parameters.We have developed an algorithm for fitting the hierarchicalCox model by incorporating an expectation-maximization(EM) procedure into the usual Newton–Raphson algorithmfor fitting classical Cox models. Our algorithm has beenimplemented in our R package BhGLM (http://www.ssg.uab.edu/bhglm/). The above hierarchical Cox model withs ¼ 1=ðnlÞ is equivalent to the lasso, if one estimates themode of the posterior distribution.

Optimizing the penalty parameter l and the inversescale s: The penalized Cox models heavily depend on thepenalty tuning parameter l. The tuning parameter is usuallychosen using the K-fold cross-validation procedure and esti-mated by maximizing the cross-validated partial likelihood(CVPL) (van Houwelingen et al. 2006; Simon et al. 2011):

CVðlÞ ¼XKk¼1


�2 plð2kÞ



where bbð2kÞ is the estimate of b from all the data except thek-th part of the data in K-fold cross-validation, plðbbð2kÞÞ is thepartial likelihood of all the data points, and plð2kÞðbbð2kÞÞ isthe partial likelihood excluding the k-th part of the data. Bysubtracting the log-partial likelihood evaluated on the non-left-out data from that evaluated on the full data, we canmakeefficient use of the death times of the left-out data in relation tothe death times of all the data. We choose the l value whichmaximizes CVðlÞ: Based on the relationship between thelasso and the hierarchical Cox model, the inverse scale s inthe hierarchical Cox model is chosen to be s ¼ 1=ðnlÞ:

Two-stage approach for pathway integration

Intuitively we can simultaneously analyze all the genes in asinglemodel. In some previous studies, penalized Coxmodelshave been used to analyze molecular data with this gene-based single model approach (Rappaport 2007; Bovelstadet al. 2009; Jacob 2009; Zhang et al. 2013; Yuan et al.2014; Zhao et al. 2014). However, due to the high dimensionof molecular data, fitting amodel including all genes can leadto instability of the predictive model and may result in de-creased prediction performance with the increased modelcomplexity.

To overcome these problems, we propose a two-stageprocedure to build a prediction model, inspired by the superlearner of van der Laan et al. (2007) and van Houwelingenand Putter (2011). Suppose that genes are assigned into Gpathways, Gg : g ¼ 1; . . . ;G; with the g-th pathway Gg con-taining Jg genes, and denote the vector of predictors in theg-th pathway by Xg. Overlapping is common in pathwaysanalysis, that is, a gene could belong to multiple functionalpathways. The two-stage procedure can easily deal withoverlapping.

In the first stage, we separately analyze each pathway byfitting all the predictors within each pathway using the hier-archical Cox model or penalized Cox regression. For the g-thpathway, we fit the model: hðtjXg

i Þ ¼ h0ðtÞexpðXgi b

gÞ and canobtain the estimate of prognostic score, hg

i ¼ Xgibbg; for each

individual. However, directly using the prognostic score inthe second stage can result in overfitting. To prevent over-fitting, we estimate cross-validated prognostic scores usingLOOCV. The LOOCV prognostic score for the i-th individualand the g-th pathway is calculated as follows; we first esti-mate the coefficients bg of the predictors Xg using all other(n – 1) individuals (i.e., excluding the i-th individual). Denotethe estimate by bbgð2iÞ

; then the LOOCV prognostic score is

hgðCV;iÞ ¼ Xg



The purpose of using LOOCV prognostic scores instead ofprognostic scores directly is to prevent overfitting in the superprediction model in the second stage. The LOOCV prognosticscore foreachpatient isderived independentlyof theobserveddata of the patient, and hence the scores hg

ðCV;iÞ along with the

Table 2 Prediction performance comparison between two gene-based models

Model Joint lasso Joint hierarchical Cox model

Breast cancer dataNumber of genes 3181 3181CVPL 2364.845 (0.949) 2363.554 (0.626)C-index 0.507 (0.023) 0.572 (0.023)

Ovarian cancer dataNumber of genes 4887 4887CVPL 2364.845 (0.949) 2363.554 (0.626)C-index 0.507 (0.023) 0.572 (0.023)

The numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

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observed data of the patients can essentially be treated as a“new dataset.” Therefore, this procedure can overcome over-fitting (Tibshirani and Efron 2002; Hastie et al. 2015).

In the second stage, we combine the LOOCV prognosticscores of pathways with cross-validated C-index .0.5obtained in the first stage as new predictors to build a superprediction model:


�¼ h0ðtÞexp





To prevent the super prediction model from being nonidenti-fiable and overfitting, we utilize the hierarchical Cox modelapproach, i.e., assuming that the pathway effects, ag, followthe double-exponential prior as described in (4). The hierar-chical Coxmodel with the EM algorithm can produce intervalestimates and P-values for the pathway effects, ag, and thusallow us to detect significant pathways. To evaluate the prog-nostic performance of the super prediction model, we carryout 10-fold cross-validation over 10 repeats. The two-stageprocedure to build the pathway-structured predictive modelis presented in Figure 1. The R source code for implementingthe two-stage approach is provided in Supplemental Mate-rial, File S1.

Evaluating the predictive performance

To assess the prognostic utility of the fittedmodel, we need toevaluate the quality of the fitted model and its predictivevalue. There are severalways tomeasure the performance of aCox model (Steyerberg 2009; van Houwelingen and Putter2012):

1. Concordance Index (C-index) (Harrell et al. 1996): thestandard way to measure the concordance between theobserved survival times and predicted survival times.The performance is better when the C-index is greater.

2. CVPL: a general measurement of model quality and pre-diction as mentioned above as CVðlÞ:

3. Prediction Error: the most popular measure of predictionerror is the Brier score,which is defined as (vanHouwelingenand Putter 2012): Brierðy; Sðt0jxÞÞ ¼ ðy2Sðt0jxÞÞ2; where

Sðt0jxÞ is the estimated survival probability of an individ-ual beyond t0 given the predictor x.

4. Prevalidated Kaplan–Meier Analysis: We compute thecross-validated prognostic score for each patient for thesuper prediction model in the second stage. We then di-vide the individuals into two groups of high and low risksbased on the median of the cross-validated prognosticscores. The samples with higher scores are in the high-riskgroup, while the samples with lower scores are in the low-risk group. We then get the Kaplan–Meier plot and log-rank test by comparing the two groups (Tibshirani andEfron 2002; Hastie et al. 2015). This provides a valid as-sessment of the predictive performance of the model(Tibshirani and Efron 2002; Hastie et al. 2015).

Comparison to gene-based model

To demonstrate the advantages of our approach, we com-pared our two-stage pathway-structured predictive model tothe previously used gene-based model. For the gene-basedmodel,weused thepenalizedCoxmodels and thehierarchicalCoxmodel to simultaneously fit all the genes that aremappedinto pathways as one single model. Tenfold cross-validationover 10 repeats was used to evaluate the predictive perfor-mance of the gene-based model. Then we compared thepredictionperformances of the pathway-structuredpredictivemodel and the gene-based model.

Simulation study

We carried out a simulation study to evaluate the false-positiverate of the proposed two-stage approach. We simulated10 groups (or called pathways) of 500 genes with 50 genesin each group. The sample size was set to be 500, and thecorrelation between genes within each group was 0.6. Toassess the false-positive rate under the null, the coefficientbj

for each gene was set to be 0. Following Simon et al. (2011),we generated “true” survival time Ti for each individualfrom the exponential distribution: Ti � expðPm

j¼1xijbjÞ; andthen generated censoring time Ci for each individual from the

Figure 2 Breast cancer data: Brier pre-diction error curves for two-stage hierar-chical–hierarchical Cox model (s ¼ 1=nland s2 ¼ 1=nlþ 0:03), two-stage lasso–hierarchical Cox model, two-stage ridge–hierarchical Cox model, best fittedpathway, and joint lasso.

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exponential distribution: Ci � expðriÞ; where ri were ran-domly sampled from a standard normal distribution. Theobserved censored survival time ti was set to be the minimumof the “true” survival and censoring times, ti ¼ minðTi;CiÞ; andthe censoring indicator di was set to be 1 if Ci . Tiand 0 otherwise.

The simulation was repeated 1000 times to evaluate theperformance of the two-stage approach in controlling thefalse-positive rate. Our simulation results showed thatthe false-positive rate of our two-stage approach was �0.01at the significance level of 0.05. This indicates that our two-stage approach well controls the false-positive rate.

Data availability

The authors state that all data necessary for confirming theconclusions presented in the article are represented fullywithin the article.


Data summary

For breast cancer data, 54 samples were removed for missingor zero overall survival time, and 17,815 features across533 samples were profiled for gene expression, which in-cluded a total of 1571 missing observations. For our analysis,only 505 samples were kept for whom survival time and geneexpression were both available. Among these 505 patients,only 65 were dead and thus the event rate was 12.9%. Forovarian cancerdata, thefinal sample sizewas538with17,814features of gene expression profiled, which included a total of746 missing observations. Among these 538 patients,278 were dead and thus the event rate was 51.7%.

Simple imputation with mean values across samples wasadopted to fill the missing gene expression values forboth cancer datasets. In pathway analysis, we mappedgene symbols to Entrez ids with R/Bioconductor packageAnnotationDbi.

For breast cancer, 3181 probes were mapped to 109 path-ways. For ovarian cancer, 4887 probes were mapped to193 pathways with at least five genes in each pathway.

Therefore, we used the expression data of 3181 and 4887genes to predict overall survival for breast and ovarian can-cers, respectively.

Building pathway-structured predictive model withtwo-stage approach

In the first stage, we calculated the LOOCV prognostic scorefor each pathway and each patient by fitting all the genes inthat pathway. The procedure was then repeated for all thepathways. For breast cancer data, the predictive model wasbuilt with ridge, lasso, and elastic-net Cox models and hier-archical Cox model. For ovarian cancer data, the predictivemodelwasbuiltwith the lassoCoxmodel andhierarchicalCoxmodel. For each pathway, the tuning parameters l in thepenalized Cox models were estimated by 10-fold cross-validation over 10 repeats. For the inverse scale s in the hier-archical Coxmodel, we set s=1/(nl) based on the relationshipbetween the lasso and hierarchical Cox model. For breast can-cer data, we tested three inverse scales: s = 1/(nl),1/(nl) + 0.03, 0.08. For ovarian cancer data, we only useds = 1/(nl) for the hierarchical Cox model.

In the second stage,weusedpathwayswith cross-validatedC-index .0.5 obtained in the first stage to build a superprognostic model. A super prognostic model was built withthe LOOCV prognostic scores obtained in the first stage asnew predictors with the hierarchical Cox model approach.Tenfold cross-validation over 10 repeats was carried out tovalidate the super prognostic models. To select the prior scalefor the hierarchical Cox model, we calculated the CVPL from10-fold cross-validation for different prior scales, s = 0.08,0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, and 0.22, and then thescale with the highest CVPL was chosen.

For breast cancer, Table 1 shows the number of pathwayswith C-index .0.5, CVPL, and C-index for all the two-stagemodels. It can be seen that the hierarchical Cox models withs = 1/(nl) or 1/(nl) + 0.03 generated a larger CVPL andC-index, and thus had better prediction performance thanthe other approaches. For ovarian cancer data, CVPLwere 21652.928 (3.753) and 21650.489 (2.599), andC-index were 0.718 (0.003) and 0.722 (0.004), for the

Figure 3 Ovarian cancer data: Brierprediction error curves for two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical Coxmodel (s ¼ 1=nl), two-stage lasso–hierarchical Cox model, best fittedpathway, and joint lasso.

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two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical Cox model with s =1/(nl) and two-stage lasso–hierarchical Cox model,respectively.

Pathway-structured predictive model superior togene-based model in prediction performance

To compare the two-stage approach with the single modelanalysis,we simultaneouslyfit all the genes thatweremappedinto pathways using the lasso and the hierarchical Coxmodel.The CVPL and C-index for the joint analyses are presented inTable 2. For breast cancer data, CVPL were 2364.845(0.949) and 2363.554 (0.626), and C-index were 0.507(0.023) and 0.572 (0.023), for the joint lasso and joint hier-archical Cox models, respectively. For ovarian cancer data,CVPL were21716.385 (1.565) and21714.236 (0.631), andC-index were 0.541 (0.011) and 0.573 (0.006), for the jointlasso and joint hierarchical Cox models, respectively. Ourresults of the joint analyses were similar to those of Zhaoet al. (2014) and Yuan et al. (2014). Therefore, the two-stageapproach providedmuch larger CVPL and lower C-index thanthe gene-based models, and thus significantly outperformedthe gene-based models for both datasets.

The predictive performances of all the models were alsoassessed by the prediction error. Figure 2 and Figure 3 presentthe Brier prediction error curves for breast and ovarian cancerdata, respectively. For breast cancer data, the pathway-structured predictive models consistently performed betterthan the joint lasso. Among all the pathway-structured predic-tive models, the two-stage ridge–hierarchical Cox model had

the highest prediction error. The two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical Cox models with s = 1/(nl) or 1/(nl) + 0.03and the two-stage lasso–hierarchical Cox model had lowerprediction error than the best fitted pathway. For ovariancancer data, all the pathway-structured predictive modelsconsistently performed better than the joint lasso and thebest-fitted pathway.

Risk group stratification

We also demonstrated that our pathway-structured predic-tive models were superior to the gene-based models byevaluating their ability in stratifying samples. For both breastcancer andovarian cancer datasets, theKaplan–Meier curveswere drawn for the low-risk and high-risk groups to com-pare among the joint lasso, joint hierarchical Cox model,two-stage lasso–hierarchical (L-H) model, and two-stagehierarchical–hierarchical (H-H) model. Log-rank tests werecarried out for each model. The Kaplan–Meier curves andP-values of log-rank tests are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5for breast and ovarian cancer datasets, respectively. For bothbreast and ovarian cancer datasets, our pathway-structuredpredictive models generated significantly larger differ-ences in Kaplan–Meier curves between the low-risk groupand high-risk group (P-value = 4.69e211, P-value =5.81e211, P-value , 0.001, P-value , 0.001, respectively).Both gene-based models did not show significant differencesof Kaplan–Meier curves between two groups (P-value =0.242, P-value = 0.231, P-value = 0.0504, P-value =0.0539, respectively).

Figure 4 Kaplan–Meier curves of breast cancer datafor low-risk and high-risk groups from joint lasso, jointhierarchical Cox model, two-stage lasso–hierarchical(L-H) model, and two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical(H-H) model (s ¼ 1=nl). P-values are calculated usinglog-rank test. Red dashed line is for all tumors, greensolid line is for low-risk group, and blue solid line is forhigh-risk group.

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Biological relevance of associated pathways

We evaluated the ability of the pathway-structured predictivemodels to identify prognostic cancer relevant pathways bycomparing them with previously published results. Figure 6and Figure 7 show the estimated effects and P-values of theidentified significant pathways for the two-stage lasso–hierarchical Cox model and the two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical Cox model with s= 1/(nl) for breast and ovariancancer datasets, respectively. For breast cancer, we comparedall the detected significant pathways with 15 core cancer path-ways discussed in Eng et al. (2013) and found that 5 out of15 were consistent for the two-stage hierarchical–hierarchicalCox model. Besides that, metabolic pathways such as Pyrimi-dine metabolism, Glycerolipid metabolism, and Metabolism ofxenobiotics by cytochrome P450 have been identified in boththe two-stage lasso–hierarchical Cox model and two-stagehierarchical–hierarchical Coxmodel. They have been reportedas important pathways in regulating breast cancer in previousliterature (Murray et al. 1993; Schramm et al. 2010; Merdadet al. 2015). Moreover, Ribosome and Proteasome are func-tional as protein builders and degraders, respectively, whichalso play an essential role in breast cancer. For ovarian cancer,several significant pathways are also consistent with those15 core cancer pathways discussed in Eng et al. (2013). Be-sides that, metabolic pathways such as Nicotinate and nicotin-amide metabolism and fatty acid metabolism have beenidentified in the two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical Coxmodel. They have been discussed as important pathways in

regulating ovarian cancer in previous literature (Tania et al.2010; Vermeersch et al. 2014).

Incorporating clinical factors with pathway informationto predict cancer survival

The most widely used method for integrating clinical factorsand gene expression data is to include all the predictors in asingle model. However, previous studies rarely found mean-ingful improvement in terms of prediction performance com-pared tomodelswithonly traditional clinical factorsora singletype of molecular data. There aremany drawbacks with theseprevious methods: (1) they create a huge model with toomany predictors which cannot be easily handled and thus canreduce thepredictionaccuracy; (2)models includingdifferenttypes of predictors can result in different coefficient estimatescompared with the models with only clinical or molecularpredictors; and (3) the predictive values of clinical and mo-lecular factors obtained from such models cannot be easilyinterpreted, and cannot easily be applied to other datasets.

To overcome the limitations stated above, we incorporatedclinical factors with pathway predictors in the second stage ofthe two-stage approach. Compared to the methods incorporat-ing clinical factors and molecular data directly, this approachreduces the instability of the model drastically. Besides, as wecould applydifferent prior scales for hierarchical Cox regressionto clinical factors and pathways, the contribution of clinicalfactors in prediction will be preserved in our predictive model.We applied this approach in both the TCGA breast and ovariancancer datasets to incorporate age of patients at diagnosis and

Figure 5 Kaplan–Meier curves of ovarian cancer datafor low-risk and high-risk groups from joint lasso, jointhierarchical Cox model, two-stage lasso–hierarchical(L-H) model, and two-stage hierarchical–hierarchical(H-H) model (s ¼ 1=nl). P-values are calculated usinglog-rank test. Red dashed line is for all tumors, greensolid line is for low-risk group, and blue solid line is forhigh-risk group.

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tumor stageswithpathwaymatrix information topredict cancersurvival. Our results showed that the prediction performancecan be improved after combining clinical factors with pathwayinformation. The results are presented in detail in File S2.


Pathway-structured two-stage predictive modeling

Theheterogeneityof prognosticprediction in cancershasbeenapersistent problem for decades (Barillot 2013). It is now re-alized that cancer is a disease of the genome and can be un-derstood by identifying the abnormal genes and proteins thatare associated with the risk of developing cancer. Some statis-tical methods have been used to analyze genomic data with agene-based approach to search for gene signature and to pre-dict prognosis (Rappaport 2007; Bovelstad et al. 2009; Jacob2009; Zhang et al. 2013; Yuan et al. 2014; Zhao et al. 2014).Due to the complicated genetic nature of cancer and potentiallyunderpowered statistical analysis of a gene-based approach, ithas been suggested that the complexity of cancer should behandled based on pathway-centric instead of gene-centric per-spectives (Jones 2008). Oncogenes and tumor suppressorgenes have been well studied and can be arranged into signal-

ing pathways according to their biological functions such as cellsurvival, proliferation, and metastatic dissemination. Otherstudies have investigated methods to analyze high-throughputcancer genomics data based on functional units, i.e., pathways(Goeman and Buhlmann 2007; Lee et al. 2008; Reyal et al.2008; Abraham et al. 2010; Teschendorff et al. 2010).

Our two-stage approach was developed to incorporate thefunctional structure of pathways to predict survival for cancerpatients. The proposed method has two outstanding featuresin reducing the large-scale molecular matrix to a predictablepathway-basedmatrix: (i) it incorporates the correlationwithsurvival information in calculating risk scores for each path-way; and (ii) we use LOOCV prognostic score as risk score,which not only prevents overfitting and can be easily carriedout, but also gives an unbiased view on the contribution of thedifferent information from pathways to the super predictionmodel. Meanwhile, pathway-structured predictive modelsperform consistently better than the gene-basedmodels usinglasso or hierarchical Cox models in terms of C-index, CVPL,and reduced prediction error in two cancer datasets. Ourpathway-structured predictive models also show remarkableperformance in discriminating the prognostic effects betweendifferent patients compared with gene-based methods basedon the Kaplan–Meier analysis results. It is noteworthy that

Figure 6 Significant pathways for breast cancerdata: estimated coefficients (points and short lines)and P-values (right side) of two-stage lasso–hierarchicalCox model and two-stage hierarchical–hierarchicalCox model (s ¼ 1=nl), and summaries of the identi-fied pathways. Pathways marked with an asterisk areconsistent with core cancer pathways.

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different penalized Cox models and hierarchical Cox modelswith double-exponential prior have been compared in gener-ating pathway-based matrix, which suggests that lasso andhierarchical Cox models are more stable in preserving thepathway information for super prediction models.

Our approach is capable of identifying important path-ways. Among those pathways identified for both breast andovarian cancers, we have identified in total 7 out of 15 corecancer pathways. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)pathways are important in controlling fundamental cellularprocesses, i.e., growth, proliferation, differentiation, migra-tion, and apoptosis (Dhillon et al. 2007). When abnormallyactivated, MAPK pathways can lead to the progression ofcancer (Ussar and Voss 2004;McCubrey et al. 2007). Anotherpathway, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), alsoplays an essential role in the regulation of cell proliferation,growth, differentiation, migration and survival. Similar toMAPK pathways, the dysregulation of mTOR signaling hap-pens in various human tumors, resulting in higher suscepti-bility to inhibitors of mTOR (Huang and Houghton 2003).TheHedgehog pathway regulates many fundamental process-es including stem cell maintenance, cell differentiation,

tissue polarity, and cell proliferation. It has been demon-strated that inappropriate activation of the Hedgehog path-way occurs in various cancers such as brain, gastrointestinal,lung, breast, and prostate cancer (Gupta et al. 2010). TheJAK-STAT pathway is also identified by our approach. Thispathway regulates various cellular processes such as stem cellmaintenance, apoptosis, and the inflammatory response andwas found to be frequently dysregulated in diverse types ofcancer (Thomas et al. 2015). Furthermore, the cell cycle path-way and cell adhesion molecules pathway have also been re-ported to play an essential role in cancer progression and thepotential to find cancer therapy (Okegawa et al. 2004).

However, thereare some issues thatneed tobeaddressed inthe futurebasedonour results.We implementedourapproachin microarray gene expression data from two separate TCGAbreast and ovarian cancer projects. There are data from otherplatforms, such as RNA-Seq data. Our model can be directlyadopted inRNA-Seqdatabyapplyingadditional constraints innormalization of the RNA-Seq data. The second issue is thepotential loss of gene information, as only 18–30% of genesare mapped into pathways in both datasets. One plausiblesolution is to calculate a risk score for the unmapped genes

Figure 7 Significant pathways for ovarian cancerdata: estimated coefficients (points and short lines)and P-values (right side) of two-stage lasso–hierarchicalCox model and two-stage hierarchical–hierarchicalCox model (s ¼ 1=nl), and summaries of the identi-fied pathways. Pathways marked with an asterisk areconsistent with core cancer pathways.

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as one additional group, yet requiring prefiltering with uni-variate analysis approach or variance-filter to reduce thenumber of unmapped genes to a certain feasible level. Mean-while, our method can easily incorporate clinical factors withthe pathway information, yielding great potential for appli-cation in clinical research. In the future, we hope to apply ourapproach to other levels of genomic data, e.g., DNA methyl-ation, miRNA, and copy number alterations, for more than30 types of cancer, by combining clinical biomarkers into ourpathway-structured predictive model to better predict cancersurvival in clinical research.

Key points

Current development of molecular signatures to predict forbreast, colon, and prostate cancers is notable but may notbe sufficient to achieve the goal of precision medicine. Ithas been revealed that the genetic nature of cancer ispathway based, that is, oncogenes can be grouped intopathways based on biological functions.

Current methods have shortcomings in incorporating path-way information into predictive modeling. We proposed atwo-stage procedure to incorporate pathway informationinto the predictive modeling using large-scale gene ex-pression data and applied the proposed method to ana-lyze two independent breast and ovarian cancer datasetsfrom TCGA project for predicting overall survival.

The results show that the proposed approach not only im-proves survival prediction compared with the alternativegene-based methods that ignore the pathway informa-tion, but also identifies significant biological pathways.

The approach can be extended to data from other platforms,such as RNA-Seq data or other molecular levels of dataincluding DNA methylation, miRNA, and copy numberalterations, for various types of cancer.


We thank two reviewers and the associate editor for theirconstructive suggestions and comments that have improvedthe manuscript. This work was supported in part by thefollowing research grants: National Institutes of Health (NIH)R01-GM069430, NIH U01-CA158428, NIH R03-DE024198,NIH R03-DE025646, R01-CA133093, R01-ES016354, theAlabama Innovation Fund, Avon Foundation grant 02-2014-030, and V Foundation Scholar Award V2015-009.

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Communicating editor: W. Valdar

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File S1. R code for the two-stage pathway approach. (.zip, 2 KB) Available for download as a .zip file at:


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File S2

Results for combining clinical factors with pathway matrix

CVPL and C-index of two-stage approach incorporatded age and tumor stage were shown

in Table A.1 for both breast and ovarian cancer data. CVPL for two-stage hierarchical-

hierarchical Cox model ( 1/s n ) and two-stage lasso-hierarchical Cox model are -344.320

(4.570) and -347.564 (5.248), respectively. C-index for two-stage hierarchical-hierarchical Cox

model ( 1/s n ) and two-stage lasso-hierarchical Cox model are 0.758 (0.010) and 0.733

(0.017). For ovarian cancer data, CVPL for two-stage hierarchical-hierarchical Cox model

( 1/s n ) and two-stage lasso-hierarchical Cox model are -1588.063 (4.104) and -1578.771

(3.508), respectively. C-index for two-stage hierarchical-hierarchical Cox model ( 1/s n ) and

two-stage lasso-hierarchical Cox model are 0.770 (0.006) and 0.780 (0.006). Comparing the

results with the C-index for two-stage approach with only pathway-based matrix prediction, for

breast cancer, the difference is trivial two-stage hierarchical-hierarchical Cox model ( 1/s n ).

However, C-index in two-stage lasso-hierarchical Cox model was improved from 0.725 to 0.733.

For ovarian cancer, the increase is even more obvious. C-index in two-stage hierarchical-

hierarchical Cox model ( 1/s n ) was improved from 0.718 to 0.770. C-index in two-stage

lasso-hierarchical Cox model was improved from 0.722 to 0.780.

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Table A.1. Prediction Performance Comparison between Different Two-stage Models Incorporating Clinical Factors for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Data.

Model CVPL C-index

Breast Cancer

Two-stage Lasso-hierarchical Cox Model

-347.564 (5.248) 0.733 (0.017)

Two-stage hierarchical-hierarchical Cox Model

( = 1/ ) -344.320 (4.570) 0.758 (0.010)

Ovarian Cancer

Two-stage Lasso-hierarchical Cox Model

-1578.771 (3.508) 0.780 (0.006)

Two-stage hierarchical-hierarchical Cox Model

( = 1/ ) -1588.063 (4.104) 0.770 (0.006)