Invented by Gillian Taylor Developed alongside Scosh Health Innovaons Ltd Manufactured by Marsden Translang ideas and innovaons into viable products to improve paent care Medicaon must be administered quickly for condions like stroke and sepsis, and obtaining an accurate paent weight is crical for dosage. The PTS was designed to address the needs of paents admied to hospital who are either too sick to stand on scales or are immobile. Developed as an idea from a nurse working within NHS Lanarkshire, the PTS offers significant benefits: • Improves paent safety and saves me - staff can weigh a paent quickly and accurately, and administer the correct medicaon dosage with confidence • Simple to use - working in the same way as a tradional paent transfer method minimises training needs • Proven effecve - the scale is NAWI Class III Approved, Class I Medical Devices Direcve Approved, and has been tested in over 30 hospitals, with mul-disciplinary teams using the product and providing feedback • Portable - the scale can be taken to the paent by a single member of staff , minimising disrupon for the paent and saving staff me. Supporng innovaon across NHS Scotland An innovave soluon for weighing immobile paents Paent Transfer Scale (PTS) “When working in the Emergency Department a child came in with injuries to his legs. Pain control was difficult as an accurate weight was required to support treatment. Paents with sepsis faced a similar issue, with rapid weighing needed to ensure an accurate dosage of anbiocs. I had the idea of transforming a plasc transfer board into a set of scales which would transfer and weigh the paent simultaneously. I thought this would already be invented so did not take it further. However, later when working in pracce development for stroke, where the ‘door to needle’ for thrombolysis is crucial, it became clear that weighing paents was sll cumbersome and me consuming. I knew geng an accurate weight quickly could save lives, so with the support of SHIL I put my idea into acon. By moving and weighing the paent at the same me, the PTS improves paent outcomes, without increasing workload, offering significant benefit to both paent and staff.” Gillian Taylor, Inventor, Paent Transfer Scale Scosh Health Innovaons ltd @ScotHealthInno [email protected] www.shil.co.uk Marsden is the leading supplier of medical weighing equipment to NHS hospitals, and the distributor of the Paent Transfer Scale. All Marsden professional medical scales are Class III Approved. Marsden scales can be found in over 30 countries globally. Scosh Health Innovaons Ltd. (SHIL) work in partnership with NHS Scotland to idenfy, protect, develop and commercialise healthcare innovaons to improve paent care. For more informaon visit www.shil.co.uk/PTS

Pati ent Transfer Scale (PTS) - Scottish Health Innovations

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Invented by Gillian Taylor

Developed alongside Scotti sh Health Innovati ons Ltd

Manufactured byMarsden

Translati ng ideas and innovati ons into viable products to improve pati ent care

Medicati on must be administered quickly for conditi ons like stroke and sepsis, and obtaining an accurate pati ent weight is criti cal for dosage. The PTS was designed to address the needs of pati ents admitt ed to hospital who are either too sick to stand on scales or are immobile.

Developed as an idea from a nurse working within NHS Lanarkshire, the PTS off ers signifi cant benefi ts:

• Improves pati ent safety and saves ti me - staff can weigh a pati ent quickly and accurately, and administer the correct medicati on dosage with confi dence

• Simple to use - working in the same way as a traditi onal pati ent transfer method minimises training needs

• Proven eff ecti ve - the scale is NAWI Class III Approved, Class I Medical Devices Directi ve Approved, and has been tested in over 30 hospitals, with multi -disciplinary teams using the product and providing feedback

• Portable - the scale can be taken to the pati ent by a single member of staff , minimising disrupti on for the pati ent and saving staff ti me.

Medicati on must be administered quickly for conditi ons like stroke and sepsis, and obtaining an accurate pati ent weight is criti cal for dosage. The PTS was designed to address the needs of pati ents dosage. The PTS was designed to address the needs of pati ents admitt ed to hospital who are either too sick to stand on scales or

Medicati on must be administered quickly for conditi ons like stroke and sepsis, and obtaining an accurate pati ent weight is criti cal for dosage. The PTS was designed to address the needs of pati ents

Supporti ng innovati on across NHS Scotland

An innovati ve soluti on for weighing immobile pati ents

Pati ent Transfer Scale (PTS)

“When working in the Emergency Department a child came in with injuries to his legs. Pain control was diffi cult as an accurate weight was required to support treatment. Pati ents with sepsis faced a similar issue, with rapid weighing needed to ensure an accurate dosage of anti bioti cs.

I had the idea of transforming a plasti c transfer board into a set of scales which would transfer and weigh the pati ent simultaneously. I thought this would already be invented so did not take it further. However, later when working in practi ce development for stroke, where the ‘door to needle’ for thrombolysis is crucial, it became clear that weighing pati ents was sti ll cumbersome and ti me consuming. I knew getti ng an accurate weight quickly could save lives, so with the support of SHIL I put my idea into acti on.

By moving and weighing the pati ent at the same ti me, the PTS improves pati ent outcomes, without increasing workload, off ering signifi cant benefi t to both pati ent and staff .”

Gillian Taylor, Inventor, Pati ent Transfer Scale

Sco�sh Health Innova�ons ltd@ScotHealthInno [email protected]

Marsden is the leading supplier of medical weighing equipment to NHS hospitals, and the distributor of the Pati ent Transfer Scale. All Marsden professional medical scales are Class III Approved. Marsden scales can be found in over 30 countries globally.

Scotti sh Health Innovati ons Ltd. (SHIL) work in partnership with NHS Scotland to identi fy, protect, develop and commercialise healthcare innovati ons to improve pati ent care.

For more informati on visit www.shil.co.uk/PTS