C HEMICAL PROCESSING PCM Moineau solves dosing problems Rhone-Poulenc is an expert on silica in every shape and size: for instance, additives for tooth- paste or rubber used in the manufacturing of tyres or as a support for the activated mate- rial used for the production of fertilizers. The operations lead- ing up to a silica structure that is appropriate to its application calls for particularly minute reagent dosing. The process must not be altered under any condition whatever the quanti- ties produced. The flow-rate must vary between 10 l/h and 150 l/h, while preserving the same precision. Conventional dosing pumps cause problems of fouling and lead to very high maintenance costs. By using PCM Moineau progressive cavity pumps (type 0.4 1 10), accurate dosing is guaranteed and leads to a con- siderable reduction in operating costs. Arjo Wiggins consulted PCM pumps for a relatively complex problem. To manufacture high grade paper, the process invari- ably involves the dosing of colouring agents mixed into the paper pulp. This operation has the drawback of prema- turely fouling the ball valves of the dosing pumps. This makes for very high maintenance costs and frequent interruptions in production. By using a PCM Moineau pump (type 0.03 ID 10), flow- rates of up to 30 l/h are possible at a pressure of 10 bar; no colouring defect was identified and no servicing is needed. Operating costs have been re- duced considerably. Contact: PCM Pompes, 17 rue Ernest Laval, BP35, 92173 Vanves Cedex, France. Tel: +33 1 41 08 15 15; Fax: + 33 1 41 08 15 00; WWW: www.pcmpompes.com [] Marks signs five year CPX deal A H Marks, a specialised organic chemical manufacturer based in Northern England, has signed a five year contract for CPX che- mical process pumps with the sales and manufacturing opera- tion of Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps at Newark. Out of a total of 700 pumps at the V~yke site, the contract covers 300 mainly stainless steel units and includes the supply of replacements for these pumps and any new pumps of this type required for the site. The contract was awarded by A H Marks based on the results of an exhaustive 2-year research programme car- ried out by the company which compared the performance of CPX pumps with competitive models. The research showed that CPX pumps offer increased per- formance levels and provide a dramatic reduction in mainte- nance and energy costs over existing chemical process pumps. Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps was already a major supplier to A H Marks, with around 150 of the company's Worthington Simp- son pumps at the VOyke site, including a number of E-Line epoxy resin based pumps. The V~cke facility is on a 75 hectare (185 acre) site of which 14 hectares (35 acres) have so far been developed. The current site comprises fifteen manufac- turing units, employing 440 people, producing more than 50,000 tonnes per annum of organic (aromatic and alipha- tic) chemicals. The company has a policy of expansion and has an impressive record of capital investment in plant and services - more than £20 million in the last five years, of which approximately 20% has been directly attributable to environ- mental protection. Effluent treatment facilities include neu- tralisation, peroxide oxidation, solvent recovery and extraction. A further six hectares, for which outline planning permis- sion has been obtained, have been designated for further ex- pansion. Future investments are planned at the level of £5 million per annum. Established over 100 years ago, A H Marks is the largest privately-owned chemical com- pany in the UK with an annual turnover of around $85 million (£55 million) and sales to over 30 countries worldwide. The WORLD PUMPS OCTOBER 1997

PCM Moineau solves dosing problems

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PCM Moineau solves dos ing p r o b l e m s

Rhone-Poulenc is an exper t on silica in every shape and size: for instance, addit ives for tooth- pas te or rubbe r used in the manufac tu r ing of tyres or as a suppor t for the activated mate- rial used for the p roduc t ion of fertilizers. The opera t ions lead- ing up to a silica s t ruc ture tha t is appropr ia te to its appl ica t ion calls for p a r t i c u l a r l y m i n u t e r e a g e n t dosing. The p rocess mus t not be al tered unde r any condi t ion whatever the quant i - t ies p roduced . The f low-rate mus t vary between 10 l /h and 150 l/h, while preserving the same precision.

Convent ional dosing p u m p s cause problems of fouling and lead to very high ma in t e na nc e costs. By using PCM Moineau progressive cavity p u m p s (type 0.4 1 10), accurate dosing is guaran teed and leads to a con- siderable reduct ion in opera t ing costs.

Arjo Wiggins consul ted PCM p u m p s for a relatively complex problem. To manufac tu re high grade paper, the process invari- ab ly involves the dos ing of co lour ing agen ts m ixe d in to

the paper pulp. This opera t ion has the drawback of prema- turely fouling the ball valves of the dosing pumps. This makes for very high ma in t enance costs and frequent in te r rup t ions in product ion.

By us ing a PCM Moineau p u m p (type 0.03 ID 10), flow- rates of up to 30 l /h are possible

at a pressure of 10 bar; no colouring defect was identif ied a nd no servic ing is needed. Operat ing costs have been re- duced considerably.

Contact: PCM Pompes, 17 rue Ernest Laval, BP35, 92173 Vanves Cedex, France. Tel: +33 1 41 08 15 15; Fax: + 33 1 41 08 15 00; WWW: www.pcmpompes.com

[ ] Marks s igns five year CPX deal

A H Marks, a specialised organic chemical manufac tu re r based in Nor thern England, has signed a five year contract for CPX che- mical process p u m p s with the sales and manufac tu r ing opera- t ion of Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps at Newark.

Out of a total of 700 p u m p s at the V~yke site, the cont rac t covers 300 m a i n l y s t a i n l e s s steel un i t s and inc ludes the s u p p l y of r e p l a c e m e n t s for t h e s e p u m p s a n d a n y ne w p u m p s of this type required for t he s i te . The c o n t r a c t was awarded by A H Marks based on the resul ts of an exhaust ive 2-year research p rogramme car- ried out by the company which compared the performance of CPX p u m p s with competi t ive models.

The research showed t h a t

CPX p u m p s offer increased per- formance levels and provide a dramat ic reduct ion in mainte- nance and energy costs over e x i s t i n g c h e m i c a l p r o c e s s pumps.

Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps was already a major suppl ier to A H Marks, with a round 150 of the company 's Wor th ington Simp- son p u m p s at the VOyke site, inc luding a n u m b e r of E-Line epoxy resin based pumps.

The V~cke facility is on a 75 hectare (185 acre) site of which 14 hectares (35 acres) have so far been developed. The cur ren t site comprises fifteen manufac- t u r i n g un i t s , emp loy ing 440 people, p roduc ing more t h a n 50,000 tonnes per a n n u m of organic (aromat ic and al ipha- tic) chemicals . The c ompa ny has a policy of expans ion and

has an impress ive record of capi tal inves tment in p l an t and services - more t h a n £20 mill ion in the last five years, of which app rox ima te ly 20% has been directly a t t r ibu tab le to environ- m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n . E f f l u e n t t r ea tmen t facilities include neu- t ral isat ion, peroxide oxidation, solvent recovery and extraction.

A fur ther six hectares, for which out l ine p l ann ing permis- sion has been obtained, have been designated for fur ther ex- pansion. Future inves tments are p l a n n e d a t t he level of £5 mil l ion per annum.

Establ ished over 100 years ago, A H Marks is the largest privately-owned chemical com- pany in the UK with an annua l tu rnover of a round $85 mill ion (£55 mil l ion) and sales to over 30 coun t r i e s worldwide. The