PRELIMINARY PROGRAM LISTING 24 JAN 2018 (subject to change without notice) Track & Type Presenters Title Summary KEYNOTES Fariba Bogzaran Dream Incubation and Creative Consciousness Lee Irwin Dreams of Knowledge: Big Dreams, Revelations, and the Supernormal Robert Stickgold Sleep, Memory and Dreams: Tying It All Together Katja Valli Avatars in the Virtual Reality of Dreams MORNING DREAM GROUPS Pool Event Bhaskar Banerji Dream Watsu - Water, Waves & Dreams This morning dream group explores gaining insights into a dream while immersed in the element of water using movements derived from the Watsu bodywork tradition. First Time Attendees Bernard Welt, Kelly Bulkeley Methods and Practices in Dream Journaling: A Workshop for First- Time IASD Conference Attendees This morning workshop is for first-time IASD attendees. Attendees will learn a variety of methods for starting a dream journal, exploring the dreams that accumulate over time, and discovering surprising potentials for creativity and insight. Attendees will be able to share their experiences and discuss common themes and questions. Dream Group Kathleen Kenneally Laughter Yoga and Yoga Nidra Practices A rousing 20 minutes of Laughter Yoga offers a way to stretch, breathe, chant, clap, make eye contact and move our bodies for boosted immunity, improved cardiac health and better pain modulation. Yoga Nidra relaxation practices support developing a deep sleep state where the mind remains fully awake and alert. Dream Group Katherine R. Bell Experiential Dreamwork: Mining Dream Feelings for Waking Life Gold In this morning dream group, we will pay special attention to the dreamer's feelings and will explore how discrepancies point to blindspots relating to waking life situations. We will address dreams from 2-3 people each morning, perhaps acting out the moment to deepen the dreamer's feeling. Dream Group Mark Blagrove Ullman Dream Appreciation morning dream group This experiential dream group will follow closely the stages of Montague Ullman’s group dream appreciation method. Dream Group Sven Doehner "Voice Alchemy" in working with Dream Images Develop and hone perceptual skills to see through dream images. Through the Imagination, Somatic Awareness and the Voice, we will relate spontaneously and creatively to our dreams. Our voice will be the dynamic medium for giving outer form to the inner (soul) sounds stirred up by the dream.

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM LISTING 24 JAN 2018 …iasdconferences.org/2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Program...Laughter Yoga and Yoga Nidra Practices A rousing 20 minutes of Laughter Yoga

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PRELIMINARY PROGRAM LISTING 24 JAN 2018 (subject to change without notice)

Track & Type Presenters Title Summary


Fariba Bogzaran

Dream Incubation and Creative Consciousness

Lee Irwin Dreams of Knowledge: Big Dreams, Revelations, and the Supernormal

Robert Stickgold

Sleep, Memory and Dreams: Tying It All Together

Katja Valli Avatars in the Virtual Reality of Dreams


Pool Event Bhaskar Banerji Dream Watsu - Water, Waves & Dreams

This morning dream group explores gaining insights into a dream while immersed in the element of water using movements derived from the Watsu bodywork tradition.

First Time Attendees

Bernard Welt, Kelly Bulkeley

Methods and Practices in Dream Journaling: A Workshop for First-Time IASD Conference Attendees

This morning workshop is for first-time IASD attendees. Attendees will learn a variety of methods for starting a dream journal, exploring the dreams that accumulate over time, and discovering surprising potentials for creativity and insight. Attendees will be able to share their experiences and discuss common themes and questions.

Dream Group Kathleen Kenneally

Laughter Yoga and Yoga Nidra Practices

A rousing 20 minutes of Laughter Yoga offers a way to stretch, breathe, chant, clap, make eye contact and move our bodies for boosted immunity, improved cardiac health and better pain modulation. Yoga Nidra relaxation practices support developing a deep sleep state where the mind remains fully awake and alert.

Dream Group Katherine R. Bell

Experiential Dreamwork: Mining Dream Feelings for Waking Life Gold

In this morning dream group, we will pay special attention to the dreamer's feelings and will explore how discrepancies point to blindspots relating to waking life situations. We will address dreams from 2-3 people each morning, perhaps acting out the moment to deepen the dreamer's feeling.

Dream Group Mark Blagrove Ullman Dream Appreciation morning dream group

This experiential dream group will follow closely the stages of Montague Ullman’s group dream appreciation method.

Dream Group Sven Doehner "Voice Alchemy" in working with Dream Images

Develop and hone perceptual skills to see through dream images. Through the Imagination, Somatic Awareness and the Voice, we will relate spontaneously and creatively to our dreams. Our voice will be the dynamic medium for giving outer form to the inner (soul) sounds stirred up by the dream.

Dream Group Patrick Walsh Dream Helper Circle In four sessions, a group of dreamers agree to dream for guidance for the undisclosed challenge of a volunteer asking for assistance. The commonalities in the dreams provide the clues to develop hypotheses about the issue. Dreamers find their own personal connection to the person's dilemma reflected in their dream.

Dream Group David Cielak and Virginia Bennett

Dream Group: The Inner Self, Dreams, and the Seth Material

This Dream Group focuses on specific ways of accessing the Inner Self through dreams, utilizing Seth Material* methods to enhance dreamers’ understanding of their dreams and gain greater access to “lived experiences” not manifested in physical reality, but which can enhance well being in both waking and sleeping existence.

Dream Group Ann Bengtsson Dreams, transformation symbols, chakras and meditation

The morning dream group will learn about the relationship between specific transformation symbols and the development of the chakras. Certain animal symbols, geometrical figures, earth elements and sound will be explained and through specific night meditations the participants may have dreams to share related to the theme.

Dream Group Helen Landerman

Morning Dream Group Morning Dream Group with Helen Landerman


First-Time Attendees Welcoming Event

Benjamin Whitehurst

Connection Games: Make Friends & Relax with Fellow Dreamers

Join us for dream-themed icebreakers and connection games. Are you new and looking to make friends with other dreamers? Or an IASD regular looking to relax and make new connections? Connection Games is a gentle, fun space designed to help you relax and connect with your fellow dreamers.

Circle Dance Craig Webb Universal Dream Dance Circle

A warm welcome to all! Interactive community song/dance circle that blends various traditions and celebrates life through movement and music. A fun opportunity to enjoy friendly faces and charge physical and dream bodies with lots of lucid energy. Easy-going, supportive atmosphere (no skills required, so ignore your inner critic!)

Comedic Katie Mason Dream Truths: The power of storytelling, poetry and humor to honor our dream voice.

Katie uses dreams to access her journey of self-discovery. She combines story telling, slam poetry and comedy, paired with the backdrop of illustrative dream images. Her creative risks produce a unique cross-genre, dream performance. She inspires others to be their fullest self by dreaming big AND acting big.

Art Exhibition Dream Exhibition Artists

Meet the Artist Event Here is a unique opportunity to meet with one on one for all who are interested in talking to any particular artist about their work, their process and how it relates back to the dream and dreaming process. A chance to learn more about your favourite art at the show.


Science & Psychology

Robert J Hoss Science and Psychology of Dreaming: the Fundamentals

A visually engaging tutorial for anyone interested in the fundamentals of dreaming including: when and how we dream; the neuroscience; the dream experience/content including nightmares, lucid, spiritual, and extraordinary; psychological theories of the function and meaning and the relationship to dreamwork, including the basics of Freud, Jung, Perls and Ullman.

David Kahn Science Data on Importance of REM and Dreaming Sleep

This educational presentation will highlight the prevalence and importance of REM dreaming as well as REM’s benefits and the consequences of REM deprivation. The presentation discusses how REM dreaming has, and is being studied scientifically, and gives an appreciation for the science behind dreaming.

Lucidity Robert Waggoner

Foundation Course: The Science of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming holds vast potential for the personal and scientific exploration of dreaming. In this foundational presentation, various aspects of the scientific research of lucid dreaming will be highlighted, along with the possible future potential of lucid dreaming for emotional, psychological and physical healing.

History Curtiss Hoffman (ch), Susannah Benson, Stanley Krippner

An Introduction to the History of Dreams

We will explore the historical traditions around dream experience, dream telling and dream interpretation. We will engage participants with rich and diverse cultural heritages that display a broad range of insights and viewpoints and reveal shifting reflections and value orientations.


Special Events Ronald Keith Salmon

Dreaming of Nature To create a sensate experience that conveys how our dreamtime animals can help us to live in greater harmony with the Natural World, this presentation will interweave concepts of biological science, depth psychology, spirituality, and indigenous wisdom with nature soundscapes, song, poetry, and photographic images.

Workshop Rose Gordy The Insights of Waking Dreams

After I share The Waking Dream of My Birth at 29 and its effects on my life since then, I’ll ask the participants to share their major waking dreams. Similar to a night dream workshop, finally I’ll ask them to share how they have or will honor these dreams.

Workshop Laura Prickett Interview Your Dreams for Insight and Inspiration: a Self-Directed Approach to Consult Inner Wisdom

This workshop will guide the attendee through a process of identifying associations with and developing a relationship with aspects of a dream. From this new position of relationship, the attendee will be guided in seeking input from the dream regarding a topic that the attendee has identified as personally meaningful.

Workshop Jean Campbell DreamWork/BodyWork Workshop

DreamWork/BodyWork is a process-oriented therapeutic model for healing trauma. This workshop will provide tools for understanding trauma and accessing the source of potential resolution. Participants will gain insight into how the body holds information, how that information can be accessed, and how dreams contain the information necessary to allow healing.

Workshop Doris Snyder Numbers in Dreams Numbers have important, deeper and sacred meaning in our waking lives and dreams. In this workshop we will explore the "hidden" language of numbers and learn how to tap into their meaning in our dreams. We have an intimate connection with numbers; we just have to tap into it.

Workshop Gregory Scott Sparrow

Understanding and Working with Dream Metaphors from the Standpoint of Co-Creative Dream Theory

I will review co-creative dreamwork as embodied by the FiveStar Method before extending the model to an understanding of dream metaphors. By viewing dream content as initially indeterminate and rendered specific in the form of metaphors during the dream encounter, one can discern the developmental tasks associated with these domains.

Workshop Johanna Vedral Collage Dream Writing. Experiental Creative Workshop

In this workshop the participants will dream awake and write down their personal dream narratives, emerging from supplied photocollages. Afterwards, we focus in a dream sharing circle on the emotions in the dreams narratives each participant created.

Workshop Deborah Waitley

The Symbolic Profile: Exploring and Enhancing Your Dream Life

The “Symbolic Profile,” is a Jungian analysis and amplification tool that provides a bridge between dreaming and waking life. Six universal symbols reveal a “story” for each participant (dreamer), bringing new or enhanced awareness. Dreamers create a "map" for understanding and working with their dreams in deeper, more meaningful ways.

Workshop Kirsten Backstrom

Shared Dreams and World Change

How do we respond creatively and compassionately to the world’s problems and pain? Dreams can help us sustain our integrity and effectiveness as we work toward positive change. In this workshop, our dreams will guide us in finding common ground, reconsidering fear, frustration and despair, and opening up new possibilities.

Workshop Walter Berry Dreams and Awe: An Opportunity to Become Awe-Full

Plunge yourself headfirst into the sense of awe that dreams bring. We will draw sketches of a dream and dive deep into that place of awe and bring a dream to life and experience the awe first-hand. Depth, enthusiasm and humor prevail here. This will be an awe-filled experience.

Workshop Layne Dalfen Solution Oriented Dream Decoding: Therapeutic Dreaming

If we know how to tap into the resource of our dreams, anyone can gain insight and clarity about relationships, work, family and life. This workshop gives participants tools to decode and understand why we have certain dreams on a particular night and how that knowledge can enrich our lives.

Workshop Sven Doehner A "Sound Imagination": Linking Vocal Sounds to Images in Dream-work.

A "Sound Imagination" involves linking a sensitivity to sound (including vocal expression) to working with dream images. Fundamental ideas and particularly illustrative case material will be woven into the workshop experience, which will balance theory with practice, offering participants fresh tools with which to work creatively –soundly– with dream images.

Workshop Heloisa Garman

Dreams: Theater of our Inner World (demo workshop)

Dreams can be seen as a stage where our various parts interact with each other, representing our inner world. Workshop participants will be able to learn how to interact with dream images, obtaining insight into their feelings, fears, perspective about other dream images and their pattern of interaction.

Workshop Tzivia Gover The Mindful Way to a Good Night's Sleep and Dreams

Participants will learn a nurturing and holistic approach to sleep, dreams, and waking based on mindfulness meditation and yogic philosophy. Dreams will be presented as an integral part of the sleep cycle, and dreamwork techniques will be offered as a method for daily self-reflection for personal growth and evolution.

Workshop Diane Greig and Walter Berry

The Dream in Labyrinth's Light

Engage your dream with archetypes of Light and Labyrinth beginning with a room filled with colored light that shifts with the feel of the dream, then a Eleusinian Mysteries ritualized exercise in a 7-circuit labyrinth, this will be memorable as you delve into the subtle layer of life.

Workshop Angela Grillo & Susan Ackerman Joseph

Dreamcrafting: Dreaming into Creativity with A Crow’s Calling

Dreamcrafting: Dreaming into Creativity offers the opportunity to delve into a creative process using unconscious material as a reservoir of inspiration and understanding. Participants will be introduced to Dreamcrafting and A Wanderer’s Way concepts and techniques. Participants will have an opportunity to practice on material they bring to the workshop.

Workshop Mary Kay Kasper

Dreaming Back to The Earth

This workshop explores the concepts and practices inherent in working with dreams as a path to both personal and earth based healing and wholeness in tandem. How utilizing diverse earth based practices within the context of dreamwork one can create a powerful and personal healing modality that encourages ecological remembering.

Workshop Athena Kolinski Dream Mythology: Journey through the Tarot and into your Dreams

Reveal your dream mythology through the imagery of the Tarot. What stories are playing out in your dreams? Learn a hands-on dreamwork technique with the Major Arcana. We will explore the movement through the cards, how they interface, the figures and how they speak to you about your dreams.

Workshop Justina Lasley Leading Groups by Honoring the Dream

Participants will explore step-by-step processes of organizing and leading dream groups. You will develop a template for your group -- focusing on responsibilities, creating the group, agendas, guidelines, problem solving, and mentoring personal transformation. Participants, while focusing on individual goals, will learn innovative techniques by working in a dream group.

Workshop Roger Matinez & Athena Lou

Secrets of Interactive Dream Group Dynamics

Interactive Dream Group Work utilizes all members of a group to bring a diversity of experiences to better understand and work with dreams. In this “hands on” session, participants will experience varied experiences in which the use of Role Playing will effectively engage kinesthetic modes of internal and external processing.

Workshop Linda Yael Schiller

Dreams Alive! This experiential class will help you get to the heart and soul of your dream by utilizing the embodied dream play techniques of active imagination, dream theater, and psychodrama. Bring your dreams to life by re-scripting and re-storying the dreams in Iive action theater to find meanings and new outcomes.

Workshop Shanee Stepakoff

The Soundtrack of the Soul: Using Songs to Interpret Your Dreams

Participants will learn five ways of using songs to interpret their dreams. (1) The dream was stimulated by a song heard the preceding day. (2) While writing the dream, a song comes to mind. (3) A song is featured within the dream. (4) Free association. (5) Archetypal images in songs.

Workshop Benjamin Whitehurst

Dream Circling: Dreamwork as Interpersonal Meditation

Based on mindfulness and authentic relating practices, Dream CirclingSM moves beyond traditional interpretive dreamwork into conscious relating and meditative insight. If you are looking to invigorate your dream group, this experiential workshop offers powerful tools to build connection and open access to transpersonal states of awareness during dreamwork.

Symposium Erin Amundsen, Kathleen Kenneally, Kim Phetteplace, G. Scott Sparrow

Cocreative Dreamwork We will introduce cocreative dream theory, and discuss ways to implement it in a variety of dreamwork settings, including general psychotherapy, trauma resolution, expressive arts, and nontraditional healing.

Symposium Theresa Coimbra

How to Identify and Apply Figures of Speech in Dreams

In my work as a psychologist, as a Jungian analyst for over 30 years, often patients will bring dreams that contain direct references to figures of speech, including oxymoron, hyperbole, and personification, etc. Pointing out these uses brings clarity to the dreamer´s diffuse images, enabling insights beyond the Cartesian.

Johanne Hamel A 5-steps method to work creatively with nightmares

"A 5-steps method to work creatively with nightmares" is a powerpoint presentation introducing a simple and efficient 5-steps art therapy and creativity method to tap into the wisdom of nightmares. We will examine 6 different types of nightmares with which this method can be used, for adults and children.

Katherine R. Bell Guided by Dreams How do dreams offer guidance? I will begin with some basic neurophysiology explaining why dreams are difficult to access and understand and also why they are so helpful. The bulk of this talk will be an illuminated exploration of my personal experience of being guided by dream feelings

Marja Moors Love in Dreams; can dreams help to find the right one ?

In the Aeslepian dreamtempels, people incubated dreams mainly to find answers for their healthproblems and questions about relations. Can dreams really tell us whether our lover is good for our soul ? Can they shed light on our doubts about staying or leaving when the goïng gets tough ?

Symposium Jeff Armano Examining Projective Dreamwork in the Context of Varying Methods

This presentation will outline, compare, and contrast the theoretical and methodological components of Ullman and Taylor approaches to projective group dreamwork.

Joshua Eichler-Summers

A New Interpretation of Dreams: The presentation of a neurologically informed theory with examples

This presentation contains a new and complete theory of dream interpretation. The presentation addresses the context for dreams, presents the simple and consistent method of interpretation, provides clinical examples of the theory in use and connects this theory to the underlying neurology of dreaming.

Emily "Hexe" Batchelder (pending)

Lunar Thinking: A Non-Linear Approach to Dreamwork

With no light of her own, the Moon is the dreamer’s dark lantern. She illuminates our dream lives in a cyclical pattern that can be harnessed in beneficial ways. This workshop will celebrate the Moon and introduce the concept of “Lunar Thinking” as a unique dreamwork practice.

Renona Peoples (pending)

Dreamball How to journal your dreams and place them on a vision board.


Film Event Alan Siegel The Power of Dreams: Discovery Channel Special

Excerpts from the Discovery Channel Special featuring many IASD experts. Re-enactment of dream scenes with special effects and extended interviews of Milton Kramer, Ernest Hartmann, Robert Bosnak, Rosalind Cartwright, William Dement, Allan Hobson and others. Research, theory and clinical applications and remarkable personal dreams from Rosalind Cartwright and William Dement.

Workshop Alan Siegel Understanding and Working with Posttraumatic Nightmares: Clinical, Ethical, Cultural Guidelines

Fires, hurricanes, terrorism, war, and sexual assault cause posttraumatic nightmares and other psychological symptoms. Nightmares can be an effective vehicle to work with trauma survivors. Clinical, cultural, ethical guidelines, and challenges for working with nightmares, including common themes, recovered memories, cultural issues, and applicable IASD Ethics for psychotherapists and dreamworkers.

Workshop Kristen LaMarca Lucid Dream Therapy: Skills Development Workshop for Professionals

Lucid dreaming is an innovative therapeutic tool with the potential to assist in many complex challenges encountered in psychotherapy. This introduction to the art and science of lucid dreaming is tailored to mental health professionals interested in integrating lucid dream skills training into existing evidence-based practices.

Workshop George Leute Bringing The Dream To Life

This workshop will provide a presentation of Gestalt Therapy's orienting principles and of its approaches to working with dreams. There will be an experiential demonstration of specific techniques for embodying dream images, dialoguing between them, and constructing a dream theater. Therapeutic considerations will also be discussed.

Workshop Alan Siegel Understanding Children's Dreams and Nightmares: Therapeutic, Creative, and Cultural Dimensions

This workshop will cover the common themes in children's dreams and nightmares and how they evolve during childhood and strategies for exploring dreams in psychotherapy, the arts, and education. Includes rescripting nightmares, dreams during traumas and life transitions, family dream sharing, cultural issues. Relevant for mental health/health practioners, educators, parents.

Symposium J. F. Pagel Treating the Nightmare of PTSD

While many forms of suppressive medication, insight, cognitive and behavioral therapies, including dream-based approaches have proven useful in the short-term, PTSD is often a life-long disorder inducing decreased waking function and increased suicide risk. Potentially, longer-term benefit can be obtained by treatment of co-morbid sleep apnea, or creative/artistic nightmare incorporation.

Holzinger Brigitte

Lucid Dreaming as a psychotherapeutic technique

Lucid dreaming is often met with understandable enthusiasme. But when it is used as a means for self development, lucid dreamers are left alone without any guidance. This presentation will start to describe first steps into this amazing field of inner exploration.

Symposium Leslie Ellis Is there a universal approach to dreamwork? Common factors and divergences in the major approaches

Is there a standard way to work with dreams? There is much common ground in the 14 approaches to dreams identified in a recent book introducing these methods. This paper will present the main common factors and identify key aspects of divergence in the most popular approaches to dreamwork.

Susan E. Schwartz

Marc Chagall, Twentieth Century artist and “The Dream”

Marc Chagall, through color and theme awakens us to the world of symbols and how dream images can enhance our lives. Because Chagall’s themes are so archetypal, they can easily apply to both the collective and personal using the Jungian psychological model for interpretation.

Misa Tsuruta Dream qualities and psychotherapeutic processes.

The presenter will discuss three clients who shared their dreams rather spontaneously. In the hindsight, even if therapy is not so focused on dreams, dreams can have certain effects on therapeutic processes. Dreams shared in different stages of therapy seem to have different qualities, too.

Mary C. Walsh No Safe Place: Post-election Nightmares in Traumatized Clients

Three case studies present post-election nightmares of clients with personal and multi-generational trauma, and describe interventions used to decrease distress and increase resilience. Challenges for both therapists and clients are discussed.


Special Event Rubin Naiman Losing and Finding Our Dreams: Managing Epidemic REM Sleep Loss

REM sleep loss is a largely unrecognized public health issue that requires both clinical and cultural attention. This presentation summarizes the author’s review research on dream loss and discusses steps that both health professionals and consumers can take to promote healthy REM sleep/dreaming.

Workshop Clare R Johnson Mindful Dreaming: Transformative Dreamwork Techniques

Come and explore a rich variety of transformative, creative techniques for working mindfully with dreams for wholeness, healing, and insight. These include the presenter’s Lucid Imaging Nightmare Solution and her Lucid Writing method. We’ll bring soul-nourishing dreams into the body and we’ll play with the power of light in dreamwork.

Workshop Jeanne Van Bronkhorst

Guidance, Comfort, and Healing: How Dreams Can Help at the End of Life

Dreams can bring powerful opportunities for peace at the end of life. Drawing on dreams in healthcare research and the presenter’s experience as a hospice social worker, this workshop will facilitate group discussions to explore how dreams can help the dying and their families.

Workshop Jeanell Ruth Innerarity

Body Dreams and Nightmares: Working with Dreams to Integrate Chronic Pain or Illness with Life Myth

Chronic body symptoms point to key elements of a person's "life myth". Both the symptoms and the myth appear in nighttime dreams. Unfolding these dreams can help give meaning and purpose to otherwise insufferable pain or illness. Come to learn theory and to practice with your own dreams and symptoms.

Panel Larry Burk (Ch), Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos, Louis Hagood, Dana Walden

Dreams that Can Save Your Life: Diagnosis and Healing

Dreams can provide early warning signs of cancer and other diseases. Breast cancer warning dreams were studied in a scientific survey and dreams of other types of cancer and other illnesses are being collected from around the world. Diagnostic dreams often lead to subsequent healing dreams and a favorable prognosis.

Symposium Ann Bengtsson Heart operation, dream symbols and transformation

From personal experience I suggest that a heart valve insufficiency can be detected through dreams and that the dreams change character after an operation. Besides psychological and spiritual transformation can happen as a result of the operation A short medical overview will help illustrate the symbolic relationship to the dreams.

Gary Braun The Architect of the Future: Dreaming is a required element of a viable future

The world is on the brink of biosphere collapse. I propose that most major scientific developments have occurred as a result of dreaming breakthrough solutions. Now is the time to identify the breakthrough solutions that are being dreamed to create a viable future for humanity and the biosphere itself.

Sharon Pastore & Tzivia Gover

Forgotten Dreams: Dreamwork for Caregivers of People with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

We will offer case studies of the presenters’ experiences as both dreamwork professionals and as caretakers to family members with Alzheimer’s Disease/dementia, demonstrate how dreamwork can guide decisions in the care and communication with loved ones, as well as coping/healing. Existing research on dreams and bereavement will be incorporated.


Special Event Matthew H. Erdelyi

Jokes as a Serious Model of Dreams

What is refractory in dreams is often obvious in jokes. Building on Freud (1905), I use jokes as a clarifying model of dreams, touching on: the “joke-work”; interpretation (“getting”) of jokes; relegation of taboo materials to latent contents; the centrality of context which, when underplayed, yields undercounts of taboo contents.

Presentation Mark Blagrove A new theory of dream function: Telling dreams enhances empathy towards the dreamer

We propose that dreaming has been selected for during evolution so that the fictional emotional simulation can be told to others after waking. The benefits of the simulation to the dreamer occur not during sleep but due to enhanced interpersonal bonding and, in particular, enhanced empathy towards the dreamer.

Panel Nori Muster, Shanee Stepakoff, Kelly Bulkeley (chair)

Dreams About God Across Historical and Cultural Contexts

Powerful images of God and other religious themes appear in the long-term dream journals of two contemporary Americans and a 16th century Spaniard. Their dreams of God are explored using several resources, including digital tools for data analysis, cognitive science, Jungian psychology, qualitative interpretation, and metaphorical theology.

Panel Justina Lasley (Chair) and 4 to 6 others

Research 201 for Dreamworkers: Research to Support Your Work

Dreamworkers are often prevented from working in organizations because they don't have research to support positive effects of dreamwork. Research is often in complicated jargon that neither the dreamworker nor organization understand. Dream researchers will share simple facts to help open doors in communities, i.e. hospice, counseling, PTSD, and churches.

Symposium Richard Bonk, Ryan Hurd, G. Scott Sparrow

State of the Art Lucid Dream Induction Methods

We will present three state-of-the-art lucid dream induction projects: an IASD-funded research study exploring meditation and dream reliving with galantamine; a research project on inducing lucidity in floatation tanks; and the use of online learning management systems for lucid dream training.

Symposium Jayne Gackenbach (Chair), Breanna McDonnall, Erika Estrada, Kendall Ziek

Dreaming and Video Game Play: Recent Studies and a 15-year Retrospective

Three recent studies exploring the relationship of gaming to dreaming will be covered. These range from broad correlational work of individual differences to an experimental manipulation examining the nightmare protection effect. The last presentation wil

Symposium Katja Valli, Joseph De Koninck, Robert Stickgold Michael Schredl (Chair)

Myth versus Fact To Be Provided

Symposium J. F. Pagel Dreamless sleep Is there such a thing as dreamless sleep? There is considerable evidence that dreaming is continuous during sleep. Proposals accounting for the 1/3 of awakenings in which no dreaming is reported include unstable memory traces, distance from waking, salience, personality, genetics, impaired memory systems, differing definitions, and actual non-dreaming.

Willem Fermont About forgetting dreams

Dreams are easily forgotten. Quantitative data about forgetting dreams are scarse. A 600+ dream report set of the present author is presented. There exists a significant relative shortening of dream reports with increasing time interval between awaking and reporting. Quantitative modeling shows that dreams are generally forgotten after two days.

Symposium Michael Schredl & Anja S. Göritz

Let’s talk about dreams: An online survey

The survey studied dream sharing (listening to dreams, telling a dream) in the natural setting in a general population sample. Dream sharing was common, related to personality traits like extraversion and openness to experience. Mostly the dreams were shared with family members and an important motive was relief.

Susanne Döll-Hentschker

Nightmares and their relation to self and social relationships

Nightmares are a common experience that differs individually very much. In the literature as reasons are discussed personality factors, distress, traumatic experiences, medical drugs. The present study examines the frequency of nightmares their relations to clinical symptoms, critical life events, social relations and other possible reasons or correlations.

Michelle Carr Dreaming Body, Sleeping Body: Exploring the embodied mind during sleep.

The presentation will review the role of REM sleep in developing the body schema, including evidence that twitches, eye movements, and sensory stimuli are incorporated into dreaming. A series of lucid dream and hypnagogic image reports will demonstrate how movements in our dreaming and sleeping bodies can influence each other.

Symposium Michelle Carr Testing a morning nap for lucid dream induction in nightmare and control participants.

Our research is testing the effectiveness of a morning nap for inducing lucid dreams in both frequent nightmare sufferers and control participants. The study incorporates pre-sleep training in several lucid dream techniques and also utilizes a lucid dream mask to send audio/visual cues to a participant during REM sleep.

Karen Konkoly & Michelle Carr

How do cues played during sleep affect dream content?

In this presentation, I will discuss results from two studies examining how cues played during sleep may affect dream content and lucidity.

Michael Schredl and Janina Rieger

Measuring lucid dreaming skills (LUSK): A new questionnaire

Based on previous published questionnaires measuring lucidity in a single dream, we developed a 10-item scale (LUSK) to measure lucid dreaming skills (e.g., ability to manipulating dream content) based on all lucid dreams the person can remember. The findings clearly indicate high inter-individual variability in lucid dreaming skills.

Remington Mallett

What is optimal circadian window for laboratory lucid dream dreams?

A preliminary goal of lucid dreaming research is efficient laboratory induction methods, and it is unclear as to what time of day is optimal for this aim. This presentation includes a review of past work, and data from our research that attempts mask-assisted lucidity induction at various times of day.

Theory Symposium

Nigel Hamilton (chair) & Robert Waggoner

The personal and therapeutic significance of moving & interacting within the space of a lucid dream

The therapeutic potential of dream space for personal and spiritual transformation is explored. In particular, by consciously interacting with the dream space in a lucid dream, i.e. by following a perceived sense of direction in their dream, a positive ch

Nigel Hamilton The significance of directional movements in Lucid dreaming

Robert Waggoner

Lucid Dreams and the Significance of Space

Theory Symposium

Marzena Adamiak

Checking Reality. Through the Methodic Doubt of Descartes to Lucid Dreaming as a Philosophical Tool

This paper presentation concerns philosophical value of research on lucid dreaming. Especially on the practice so-called “reality check” comparing it with the Cartesian “methodic doubt”. I consider here both of these methods as an attempt to overcome the “natural attitude” in taking reality. My approach is theoretical, especially phenomenological.

Richard Russo Ordinary, Extraordinary, and Hybrid Dreams

Extraordinary dreams can be distinguished from ordinary dreams by their content and by specific phenomenological qualities. Current theories of dreaming provide a convincing explanatory model of ordinary dreaming, but not of extraordinary dreams. Hybrid dreams, which combine aspects of both types of dreaming, further complicate the picture.


Film Event Eric J. Juarez From dream to screen (Big Dreams part #2)

In this presentation, I describe the process of adapting a dream to the silver screen along with a screening of the short student film. The dream upon which the film is based was itself a meditation on adaptation and was featured in the IASD publication, Dreams that Change Our Lives.

Poetry Event Richard Russo Dream Poetry Reading Circle

Dreams are an ongoing source for contemporary poetry. The presenter will begin by reading several dream-related poems by well-known poets. An open reading circle will follow, with participants each having a chance, if they so choose, to read a dream poem (their own or the work of other poets).

Workshop Joan Gelfand Dreams to Art Following the presentation of a short film created from three dreams, the facilitators will work with recall techniques, meditation and writing prompts to assist workshop participants to craft a creative work from dream imagery. All creative works (poem, story, script idea, visual representation or musical score) are included.

Workshop Jason Kravitz and Leslie Horacek

Big Dreams, Big Photos, finding the Resonance

If you enjoy imagery and would like to delve deeper into the connections, personal mythos, and rich language of your symbols between a photograph and a dream, join us for this engaging creative workshop where we will explore these intersections using a fun digital collaging tool called Aminus3 Photo Resonance™.

Workshop Jeannette Lambert, Reg Schwager (guitarist)

Creating music with our dreams

I will discuss my creative process and how I use my dreams as a starting point for composing songs. This short introduction will be followed by a jazz jam session created out of the participants' dreams.

Workshop Susan Armington

Tiny Objects of the Dream - creating and working with "seed objects"

This workshop offers a hands-on, mixed media approach to working with dreams. While the creative process is quite simple and quick, it results in evocative and unique “seed objects” which act both as living links back to the dream and as 3-D visual anchors for further exploration.

Workshop Victoria Rabinowe

Tracing The Journey; Invoking The Muse; Illuminating The Dream Journal

Initiate a dialogue between the image-making function of the mind and its capacity for expression through guided DreamWriting and collage. Associations will present themselves in the way they come to us in dreams, language will find its place. Engage in a receptivity that invites a visit from the muse.

Panel Deirdre Barrett, Jason Kravitz, Julie Nauman-Mikulski & 2 Artists TBD

Dream Artist Panel Dream Artists will share their creative process and how it relates to dreams. An intimate opportunity to see works by Artists who in some way relate their creative expression back to the Dream, Dreamer and/or Dreaming. Each artist will take you visually through a journey and tell their personal story.

Symposium Remington Mallett, Jayne Gackenbach, Kelly Bulkeley, Bernard Welt (Chair)

Dreaming, Media, and Consciousness

Parallels between dreams and the virtual worlds we encounter in contemporary media become more significant and complex as transmitted narratives and images loom larger in our lives. This panel introduces some key issues in the contemporary relation of dreaming and media, from the perspectives of different disciplines.

Symposium JoAnn Damron-Rodriguez, Dorothy Nissen, Johanna Verdal, Rita Hildebrandt, (Moderator)

Dream Art: Creating Wholeness

Three artists will present their work contemplating its relationship to reaching wholeness over the life course. They will reflect on dream's contribution to a dynamic integrity in their work and lives. The moderator will dialogue with artists and audience to elicit how the dreams add dimension to life's fullness.

Symposium Jane Austin The Cambrian Explosion - Using Dreaming as a tool to expand the Creative Process

I will ‘mud map’* how drawing an image from a dream helped me to unstick my stuck creative landscape, leading to my very own personal & creative 'Cambrian explosion'. I will share my use of image, text & narrative to find my story, tell my story, have my story received.

Sheila Benjamin Dream Weaver: Creating a tapestry from the images in our dreams

The hope for our future is in the minds of our youth. It makes sense for us to take the time to find out what they think and how the stimulation from their environment impacts their future, the future of the planet, and its consciousness.

J. F. Pagel Dream Inspired Petroglyphs

Petroglyph images from Mesa Pietra in Northern New Mexico will be presented and the logical argument made as to criteria that can be used to describe dream-based art. This work strongly suggests that some petroglyphs were inspired by the ubiquitous and artistically powerful state that we call dreaming.


Special event Carmen Sorrenti (pending)

A journey through the Pholarchos Tarot and its dream healers

This spring my Pholarchos tarot gets published afer years of painting and writing. It is inspired by the ancient practice of dreaming in caves. I would like the IASD conference to be the first place the deck is presented in a slide show performance with readings from the texts.

Workshop Loren Goodman & Kimberly R. Mascaro

Dreaming at Conception

Around the time conception takes place, unique dreams may be recalled. Goodman and Mascaro will present dreams that have taken place around the time of conception across cultures with an emphasis on Korean taemong, followed by attendance composition of their own original taemong.

Symposium Merrill M. Hawkins, Jr.

Baptist Dreaming and Conflict: The Big Dreams of George W. Truett and J. Frank Norris

George W. Truett and J. Frank Norris served as high profile Texas Baptist pastors during the early to mid 20th century. Leaders in two opposing wings of denominational life, the two men also had documented but under-explored big dreams. This presentation explores those dreams.

Giorgia Morgese The new categorization on the origin and development of the scientific study of dreams

The aim of this work is to bring out the historiographical categorization and periodization of the studies on dreams between the late 19th and early 20th century and to highlight the process of development of the scientific approach in dream studies.

Symposium Svitlana Kobets To God through Folly: Simeon the Holy Fool as Prophet and Visionary

In Eastern Orthodox ascetic tradition holy fools position themselves as sinners, yet are seen as visionaries and prophets. In this paper I discuss the visionary narratives found in the seventh-century vita of St. Simeon the Fool of Emesa, which redefined the paradigm of holy foolishness from ascetic to visionary.

Gordon Gilmore The Little Prince in the Depths of the Sea: Refiguring Introverted Ego Development

Through an archetypal revaluation, the imagery of Antoine de St. Exupery’s The Little Prince will be re-visioned with the archetype of alchemy serving as model for introverted ego-development, in contrast to von Franz’s interpretation of this story through the lens of the hero myth as model of ego-development.


Workshop Geoff Nelson Bringing Dream Work into Institutions

Dreams offer great opportunities for personal growth and group cohesion. But institutions may not always be welcoming towards dreams. We will explore experiences with institutions, academic, religious, research, etc. and discuss the experiences of participants with institutions.

Workshop Justina Lasley, Tzivia Gover

The Professional Dreamer The Professional Dreamer: Effectively Bringing Dreams to Your Business

We will offer professionals tools for using dreams for the benefit of clients and customers, and for enhancing their businesses. Using didactic learning and experiential techniques, we will provide information and exercises for therapists, counselors, coaches, health professionals and artists who want to incorporate dreams and dreamwork into their business.


Film Event & Discussion

Clare Johnson Painting Doors: The Art of Lucid Dreaming

Talented media students in Germany have put together a highly professional short documentary, “Painting Doors: The Art of Lucid Dreaming”. Three experts are interviewed and beautiful special effects bring the lucid dreams they share to vivid life. This is the US premiere of this 15 minute film.

Workshop Jennifer E. Closshey

Lucid Dreaming in Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra, sleeping yoga, is an ancient Veda practice dating back some 5000 years. Yoga nidra is used by various cultures to induce lucid dreams for clearing and purification purposes, and preparation for the passage of death. Attendees will be offered the opportunity to experience Yoga nidra during the session.

Workshop Gardner Eeden Lucidity and the Biconscious Mind

We can achieve lucidity in the world and the dream. True lucidity should recognize being in two conscious realms. We exist simultaneously in the world and the dream; how can we use this to our advantage in both states, and how is this part of our conscious evolution?

Workshop Dr Nigel Hamilton

Applying The Waking Dream Process To Dreams & Lucid Dreaming

The significance and therapeutic use of the Waking Dream Process will be discussed. A demonstration of the Waking Dream Technique using an audience participant’s dream will follow along with questions from the audience. Guidelines for clinicians in using this technique will also be discussed.

Workshop Marcia Emery Intuition: A Golden Key to Unlock Your Dream

Participants will learn how to use intuition to comb through the entire dream to provide instant understanding. Participants will discover how they are wired for intuitive receptivity and learn how to interpret individual symbols and go on to decode the entire dream using Marcia Emery's DreamShift Process.

Panel Linda Mastrangelo (Ch), Laura Atkinson, Glory Nelson, Sherry Puricelli

The Power of Place What if we could directly communicate with with the land? And what if the land talked back? What wisdom would be revealed? In this panel, the power of place and its dynamic affect on dreams, creativity and other altered states of consciousness will be explored through the presenters' personal experiences.

Panel Virginia G. Bennett, Jean Campbell, Linda H. Mastrangelo, Cynthia Pearson(chair)

Long Term Journal Keeping: The Lasting Influence of Jane Roberts/Seth

Because the journal is a uniquely sensitive instrument that may enlighten the whole field of dream study, dreamers often report journal findings at IASD conferences. This year, we will discuss the importance of Jane Roberts and her trance personality, Seth, in our understanding of the depth and expanse of dreaming.

Symposium Clare Johnson (Chair), Robert Waggoner

Lucid Dreaming for Physical and Emotional Healing

Can we heal physical ailments while lucidly aware? And can lucid dreaming help us to release emotional blocks and transcend deep-rooted fears? This symposium examines the potential of lucid dreaming and other lucid states of consciousness for physical and emotional healing.

Symposium Robert Hoss, Deirdre Barrett, Tina Tau

Big Dreams that Change Our Lives pt.1

Robert J Hoss Big Dreams that Change Our Lives

Have you ever experienced a dream so impactful that it changed your life? Jung attributed these to natural driving forces for wholeness within. But in studying such dreams for Dreams that Change Our Lives, IASD observed a multiplicity of forces in play that might expand the understanding of the nature of our being.

Deirdre Barrett Life Path Dreams Big dreams can address any aspect of the dreamer's life—personal relationships or internal emotional issues, but this talk will address mainly the ones about a dreamer's profession. Recurring childhood dreams turn into a lifetime career or major professional paths. These unusual dreams may illuminate processes common to all dreaming.

Tina Tau Writing With the Snow Lion's Blood

This presentation explores a big dream (which I had during the 2017 IASD conference) and the book it has inspired, called “Writing With the Snow Lion’s Blood.” It is a book exploring fifty dreams that have guided my life.

Symposium Carol Warner, Laurel Clark

Dreaming Big (pt. 3) for Others

Carol D. Warner A Miraculous Dream Healing from Terminal Advanced Ovarian Cancer

This miraculous dream healing has been told in Dreams that Change our Lives. Warner tells the story of a girl, raped and tortured for many years under threat of her mother's murder, who was denied justice by the courts, and who contracted terminal ovarian cancer.

Laurel Clark Dreaming for Others Can we dream for other people? This presentation was inspired by a Psiberdreaming conference dream which featured Laurel as a “dream figure” in someone else’s dream. These two people don’t know each other in waking reality, yet the dream had amazing significance for Laurel for a major health concern.

Symposium Barbara O’Guinn Condron

The New Bardo: Clear Light Legacy of Dad’s Dementia

As her dad loses control of his brain-body functions to Lewy Body Dementia, Barbara finds 40 years of dreamwork essential to walking between the worlds. What she experiences merges the Reisberg Scale of assessment of dementia with traditional bardos, demonstrating the difference a lifetime of attending dreaming makes during transition.

Dan Gilhooley Dreaming the Future Unbeknownst to me, an old friend who I haven't seen in 35 years is in hospice and on the verge of death. I dream the contents of a phone call from my friend’s caregiver which I’ll receive the next day. How do I interpret the meaning of this prospective dream?

Stanley Krippner Dreams from the Afterlife?

This presentation will describe ten dreams sent to me by an events planner for the US Army.The dreams focused on deceased combat soldiers who were known by an assistant Chaplain with whom she worked. Specific names and details were included in each dream allowing for identification of the soldiers.

Symposium Helena Daly Hypnopompic Encounters: Deaths Shadow and Beauty Between the Realms

My presentation will discuss the hypnopompic (dream-waking) state of consciousness and associated hypnopompic phenomena. This semi-waking state will be differentiated from the hypnagogic state and explored as a liminal state of being through which guidance, healing, knowledge, encounters, visions and higher states of awareness are received and experienced.

Nicole Brownson

Dreams, Consciousness, and the Nature of Reality

The possibility that reality is co-created in dreams as well as in waking reality is presented. Our personal dreams belong to a larger field of consciousness which is shared. Shared and telepathic dreams are an example of this field unbound by space/time.Dreams and lucidity are tools to explore this field.

Nicole Gruel Awakening Through Sleep: 4 accounts of sleep-induced awakening and lucid living experiences

This presentation shares the stories of 4 ordinary people who had extraordinary sleep-induced experiences. According to the experiencers, they were not dreaming. From sleep, each awoke in another place/dimension/realm—an experience that left them forever changed and lucid in life.

Craig Webb Lucid Living: Championing Dreams for a Deeply Fulfilling Life

Everyone wants a deeply fulfilling life. The challenge is that we have lessons to learn along the way, plus what is fulfilling is open for interpretation. The presentation will explore destiny, fate and quantum physics, showing ways how dreams can become a valuable inner GPS along our richest soul path.


Workshop Curtiss Hoffman On a Horse with No Name: Desert Dreaming

The Desert frequently appears in world myth, where it serves as a place of purification in the Hero’s journey. It also appears in our dreaming. We'll explore the rich symbolism of the Desert, and we'll work on Desert Dreams in groups, to see how the Desert functions within our dreaming.

Workshop Lauren Z. Schneider

Tarotpy, Dreams and "Soul-Making"

This experiential workshop demonstrates Tarotpy, along with dream work, as an alchemical tool to reveal and strengthen the "authentic self", transform relationship dynamics and align with invisible intelligences at work in the personal and collective psyche. This is the work of "soul-making". Decks will be provided.

Workshop Howard Avruhm Addison

Kabbalah, Dreaming and the Five Dimensions of Soul

Lurianic Kabbalah teaches that our psyches encompass five dimensions of Soul, from the Visceral to the Unitive. Through a five-step practice, culminating in an innovative form of mantra meditation derived from personally moving dream images, we will attempt to reveal the faces of Holy inherent within our own dreams.

Workshop Gregg Levoy The Relationship Between Our Dreams and Our Callings

Dreams and callings have much in common. Both emanate from the unconscious, point to true north and away from the familiar, have consequences if ignored, and request a response. Participants explore how dreamwork can help discern callings, and how clarification of callings can draw dreams to help navigate those calls.

Symposium Karen Mosby How Interpreting My Dreams Has Changed My View of Holy Works

Decoding the meaning of the Book of Revelation can be done in a way similar to understanding one’s own dreams. Using an archetypal language of pictures, one can go beyond the fear invoking images of world destruction to find a universal spiritual message that applies to all of us.

Richard F Paseman

Dreams and Visions from the Mystery of Death

Insights from Jungian psychology will illuminate the dreamlike visions associated with transition to the afterlife. Three paradigms will be presented: (1) Tibetan Book of the Dead; (2) Aerial Toll-Houses of Eastern Orthodox Christianity; (3) Near Death Experiences. Archetypal symbols preparing the soul for its journey of transformation will be described.

David Low Dream Stages: Established Esoteric Traditions Vs. Secular Spiritualties In Lucid Dreaming

Compares distinct stages in esoteric traditions to lesser-defined stages of lucid dreamers of more secular spiritual orientation. Observations are made concerning similarities and differences in spiritual stages, and the methods and experiences associated with them. Finally, ontological and epistemological perspectives are offered concerning dream spirituality in both cases.


Workshop Naomi Panina Kimmelman & Jacob Kaminker

The Liminal Plane Between Sleep and Awake: Hypnagogia and Creativity

Join us on a journey into the liminal space between sleep and awake. This workshop will focus on the topic of hypnagogia, a transitional and threshold state of consciousness and its relationship to creativity, possibility and spiritual practice. This presentation will include lecture and experiential components.

Workshop Bonnie Mitsch Photographic Guidance-Incubating Waking Life Images

This workshop invites participants to ask for guidance, walk around the hotel and photograph the image that “speaks” to them using a cell phone. We will then work with the image as if it were from a dream and write an affirmation. Participants will receive a copy of their photograph.