Physical Exam NORMALS INTEGUMENT Lesions and rashes are not found. Areas of increased vascularity, ecchymosis, or bleeding are not seen. Skin is warm, slightly moist, smooth, and finely texture. Skin turgor is elastic. Hair distribution is characteristic for gender and age. Nails are smooth and slightly rounded or flat ( angle of nail base should be approximately 160 degrees). Nails have a pink cast in light-skinned individuals and a brown cast in dark- skinned individuals. Mucous membranes are moist and pink. HEAD Skull is normocephalic. Face is symmetric. No signs of alopecia or foreign bodies in the hair are observed on the scalp. Hair is shiny and resilient when traction is applied. It does not come out in clumps EYES Central vision is 20/20 in both eyes. Visual fields are unrestricted. Eyes appear symmetric with no ptosis, lid lag, or infections or tumors of the eyelids. Eyes move in conjugate fashion. The cover/ uncover test reveals no movement of the either eye. The anterior and posterior chambers, lens, and cornea are transparent. The sclera and conjunctiva are clear. The lacrimal system is unobstructed, with no enlargement, edema, redness, or exudate. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodate. Red reflex is symmetrically seen in the center of each cornea. Bilateral well- marginated disks are revealed on funduscopic examination. No signs of arterial narrowing, venous engorgement, atrioventricular nicking, hemorrhages, or exudate are seen. EARS The Weber’s test result is not referred or lateralized. The Rinne test result is positive (e.g air conduction is greater than bone conduction) Appearance of external ear is normal. Canals are clear without discharge. Tympanic membranes are pearly gray and intact, with visible landmarks. NOSE Nose is symmetrically placed on face. Nasal passages are patent with septum in midline. Mucous membranes are moist and dark pink without perforation or bleeding. Sinuses are nontender. MOUTH No lesions are resent on the lips, gums, tongue, or buccal mucosa. Tongue is pink, moist, well papillate and in midline when at rest and on protrusion. Salivary glands are unobstructed. Pharynx is not injected.

PE Normals

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Physical Exam NORMALS

INTEGUMENT▪ Lesions and rashes are not found. Areas of increased vascularity, ecchymosis, or

bleeding are not seen.▪ Skin is warm, slightly moist, smooth, and finely texture. Skin turgor is elastic.▪ Hair distribution is characteristic for gender and age.▪ Nails are smooth and slightly rounded or flat ( angle of nail base should be

approximately 160 degrees). Nails have a pink cast in light-skinned individuals and a brown cast in dark- skinned individuals.

▪ Mucous membranes are moist and pink.HEAD▪ Skull is normocephalic.▪ Face is symmetric.▪ No signs of alopecia or foreign bodies in the hair are observed on the scalp.▪ Hair is shiny and resilient when traction is applied. It does not come out in clumpsEYES▪ Central vision is 20/20 in both eyes. Visual fields are unrestricted.▪ Eyes appear symmetric with no ptosis, lid lag, or infections or tumors of the eyelids.▪ Eyes move in conjugate fashion.▪ The cover/ uncover test reveals no movement of the either eye.▪ The anterior and posterior chambers, lens, and cornea are transparent. The sclera

and conjunctiva are clear.▪ The lacrimal system is unobstructed, with no enlargement, edema, redness, or

exudate.▪ Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodate.▪ Red reflex is symmetrically seen in the center of each cornea.▪ Bilateral well- marginated disks are revealed on funduscopic examination.▪ No signs of arterial narrowing, venous engorgement, atrioventricular nicking,

hemorrhages, or exudate are seen.EARS▪ The Weber’s test result is not referred or lateralized.▪ The Rinne test result is positive (e.g air conduction is greater than bone conduction)▪ Appearance of external ear is normal.▪ Canals are clear without discharge.▪ Tympanic membranes are pearly gray and intact, with visible landmarks.NOSE▪ Nose is symmetrically placed on face.▪ Nasal passages are patent with septum in midline.▪ Mucous membranes are moist and dark pink without perforation or bleeding.▪ Sinuses are nontender.MOUTH▪ No lesions are resent on the lips, gums, tongue, or buccal mucosa.▪ Tongue is pink, moist, well papillate and in midline when at rest and on protrusion.▪ Salivary glands are unobstructed.▪ Pharynx is not injected.

▪ Tonsils are non obstructing.▪ Uvula is in the midline.▪ Palate elevates symmetrically on phonation.▪ Gag reflex is present bilaterally.▪ Teeth are present with no caries.▪ Gums are clear.NECK▪ Neck is symmetric without tenderness or limitation of movement.▪ Trachea is positioned in the midline.▪ Thyroid is not palpable.▪ Bruits are not auscultated.LYMPH NODES▪ Nodes are neither palpable nor tender.FEMALE BREAST▪ Nipples are symmetric with no signs of erosion, discharge, or recent inversion.▪ Breast are symmetric, although they may vary in size.▪ Breast tissue is soft, lobular, and homogenous.MALE BREAST▪ Nipples are symmetric with no erosion or discharge.▪ Masses, discharge, and tenderness are not noted.THORAX, LUNGS▪ Respiratory rate changes between 16-20 bpm.▪ The thorax is symmetric. Costal angle is less than 90 degrees. Transverse diameter is

1:2 to 5:7 (healthy adult is wider from side to side than from front to back). Expansion is 1.2” to 2” (3 to 5cm), symmetric, and free and easy; no bulges or extractions are detected in intercostal spaces.

▪ Diaphragm position and excursion is 1:2’ to 2.4” (3 to 6cm).▪ Fremitus can be felt throughout lung fields, diminishing near the periphery.▪ Percussion is resonant over symmetric areas of the lung to expected lung borders

(5th ICS anteriorly, 7th ICS laterally and T10 posteriorly; dullness is noted between the 3rd and 5th left intercostal spaces.

▪ Adventitious sounds , enhanced voiced sounds, or bronchial breath sounds are not present.

HEART▪ Regular apical pulse rate ranges between 60 to 100 bpm.▪ Thrills, heaves, or abnormal pulsations are not present.▪ Apical impulse is the 5th LICS, at or medial to the midclavicular line (palpated within

one ICS and no more than 0.4” to 0.8” (1-2 cm) wide, 2.8” to 3.5” (7 to 9cm) from the sternal border).

▪ Left cardiac border dullness is percussed 3.5” to 4.7” (9-12cm) from the sternal border.

▪ S1 and S2 are heard in expected locations with expected intensities (S2 split is common in the supine position on inspiration); no extra sounds or murmurs are present.