TheOilDrum.com Gail Tverberg June 2007 1 Peak Oil Overview - June 2007 The message that “peak oil” may be a problem is now reaching respected publications like Business Week. But how can a person learn more? Information about peak oil is often fragmented, and the quality of the sources is questionable. The purpose of this article is to document some of what is known about peak oil, so that readers have a better framework for understanding our current situation. Many links are provided, so that readers can dig deeper if they like. 1. What is peak oil? “Peak oil” is the term used to describe the situation when the amount of oil that can be extracted from the earth in a given year begins to decline, because geological limitations are reached. Extracting oil becomes more and more difficult, so that costs escalate and the amount of oil produced begins to decline. The term peak oil is generally relates to worldwide production, but a similar phenomenon exists for individual countries and other smaller areas. 2. Why would oil production begin to decline? Can’t we extract oil as fast as we want to, until it finally runs out, many years from now? What happens isn’t quite as simple as “running out”. Instead of running out, oil gets progressively more difficult to extract. When a well is first drilled, the oil is often under pressure, so comes out quickly with virtually no effort. Later, pressure drops, and it becomes necessary to inject one of several gasses to repressurize the wells. Finally, when even this ceases to keep production up, the remaining oil is pumped out at a slow rate. Another reason for production tapering off is that oil companies tend to develop the fields which are expected to have the highest return first, and save the smaller fields and fields with more challenging production profiles (such as deep sea oil, very viscous oil, and oil combined with

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TheOilDrum.com Gail Tverberg June 2007 1

Peak Oil Overview - June 2007

The message that “peak oil” may be a problem is now reaching

respected publications like Business Week. But how can a person

learn more? Information about peak oil is often fragmented, and the

quality of the sources is questionable. The purpose of this article is to

document some of what is known about peak oil, so that readers have

a better framework for understanding our current situation. Many links

are provided, so that readers can dig deeper if they like.

1. What is peak oil?

“Peak oil” is the term used to describe the situation when the amount

of oil that can be extracted from the earth in a given year begins to

decline, because geological limitations are reached. Extracting oil

becomes more and more difficult, so that costs escalate and the

amount of oil produced begins to decline. The term peak oil is

generally relates to worldwide production, but a similar phenomenon

exists for individual countries and other smaller areas.

2. Why would oil production begin to decline? Can’t we extract

oil as fast as we want to, until it finally runs out, many years

from now?

What happens isn’t quite as simple as “running out”. Instead of

running out, oil gets progressively more difficult to extract. When a

well is first drilled, the oil is often under pressure, so comes out

quickly with virtually no effort. Later, pressure drops, and it becomes

necessary to inject one of several gasses to repressurize the wells.

Finally, when even this ceases to keep production up, the remaining oil

is pumped out at a slow rate.

Another reason for production tapering off is that oil companies tend to

develop the fields which are expected to have the highest return first,

and save the smaller fields and fields with more challenging production

profiles (such as deep sea oil, very viscous oil, and oil combined with

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toxic chemicals) until later.

3. Do we have any historical reason to expect that oil

production will begin to decline at some point?

When we look at oil production in any given area, the production tends

to rise until approximately 50% of the oil that will eventually be

extracted is gone, and then begins to decline. For example, Figure 1

shows oil production of the United States.

A similar pattern holds for North Sea oil production (Figure 2).

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We have now reached the point where oil production is declining,

apparently for geological reasons, in the majority of oil-producing

countries. It logical to expect that world oil production will eventually

begin to decline.

4. What does world oil production look like?

Figure 3 shows recent world oil production (blue line), plus a rough

estimate of future demand for oil (red line), assuming world oil desired

usage continues to grow at 2% per year.

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On this graph, a person can see that world oil production was rising

fairly steadily, but recently has “stalled out”. Based on data of the

United States Energy Information Agency (EIA), oil production for

2005 was a little higher than that for 2006. Partial 2007 data suggests

that 2007 production may be a little lower than that for 2006.

Because of this “stalled out” condition, there is a growing gap between

what the world would like for petroleum production, and what is

actually being produced. At this point, the countries that are suffering

a shortfall because the current price is too expensive are mostly third

world countries from Africa and Asia. The International Energy Agency

(IEA) has expressed concern that oil production is not high enough,

and believes that Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

(OPEC) should produce more.

5. Can OPEC raise its production of petroleum?

Many people suspect that the answer to this question may be no.

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Some publications report that Saudi Arabia is having production

difficulties, as are several other OPEC countries (Kuwait, Iran, Nigeria

and Venezuela). Saudi Arabia does not admit to any production

problems. EIA data indicates declining oil production for Saudi Arabia,

even before OPEC production cuts were announced in the fall of 2006.

It is likely that we will learn the truth about OPEC’s ability to raise

production this winter. OPEC has its next planned meeting in

September. Unless something very unusual happens, there will be a

need for significantly higher oil production. OPEC’s actions at that time

will tell what the real situation is.

6. Doesn’t OPEC report very large oil reserves? It seems like

those high reserves would assure us that OPEC can increase its

production at will.

No, the high reserves aren’t all that helpful. First, there are serious

doubts about the accuracy of OPEC’s oil reserves. The reserves are not

audited numbers. Countries may be motivated to exaggerate them, so

as to increase their OPEC production allocations. Analyses such as this

one suggest that the reserves are likely overstated.

Second, even if OPEC reserves are accurate, the reserves tell us

nothing about the flow rate. If the reserves include much very viscous

oil, it may take years and large amounts of other resources to produce

a relatively small flow of oil.

One important piece of detective work regarding Saudi oil reserves

was done a couple of years ago. Matt Simmons analyzed published

scientific papers relating to Saudi oil wells, and determined that Saudi

wells were reaching a serious state of depletion. He documented his

findings in the book Twighlight in the Desert. This bookis now

available in paperback, and has been translated into German and


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7. What is the pattern of world oil production in the next few

years expected to look like?

We can’t know for certain, but Figure 4 shows three possible oil

production scenarios as dotted lines.

If OPEC production is now falling, it is likely that we are at “peak oil”

now, because production for the rest of the world is flat. If we are at

peak oil, we might expect future oil production to follow a pattern

similar to Scenario 3 (the lowest dotted line, with production falling

immediately) or possibly Scenario 2 (the middle dotted line, with

production falling after a plateau). Several respected energy industry

insiders, including Matt Simmons, energy investment banker and

author of Twighlight in the Desert, and Samsam Bahktiari, retired

iranian oil executive, believe that we are at peak oil now.

Scenario 1 (the top dotted line) shows a scenario in which peak oil is

still a few years off. Some scientists believe that this is a more likely

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scenario. The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas

Newsletter forecasts peak oil in 2011, four years from now. The PhD

thesis of Fredrik Robelius showed that peak oil is expected to occur

between 2008 and 2018. Chris Skrebowski, author of the

Megaprojects analysis forecasts a worldwide peak in 2011/2012.

8. Does everyone forecast peak oil within approximately the

next 10 years?

No. The US Energy Information Administration’s model is based on an

approach that does not consider geological constraints. Instead, it is

based more on expected demand. In Figures 3 and 4, expected

demand is the red top line. Forecasts on this basis tend to be higher

than those considering geological constraints. Forecasts of the IEA

appear to use similar logic, since IEA also assumes that OPEC can

meet supply shortfalls.

Another organization that is known for its rosy production forecasts

is Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA). CERA’s production

forecasts are widely quoted in the news media, but it is not clear that

they are particularly accurate. Some concerns:

• CERA’s clients are companies in the energy field. One would expect

that these companies would like to hear “good news” about future

growth prospects. Thus, CERA is likely to be under more pressure to

produce favorable forecasts than are independent scientists.

• CERA’s forecasts do not appear to be reproducible by independent

scientists. Chris Skrebowski and Fredrik Robelius (see Question 7)

both use field-by-field analyses that are in many ways similar to

CERA’s approach, but come to very different conclusions.

• Where it is possible to test actual production against forecasts,

CERA’s forecasts seem high. Euan Mears notes that in March 2006

CERA presented a model for UK 2006 oil production capacity showing

around 2,350,000 barrels per day — around 700,000 barrels per day

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higher than the actual production figure.

9. When was peak oil first predicted?

M. King Hubbert, in 1956, first predicted that US oil production for the

48 states would peak in 1970. This prediction turned out to be correct,

to everyone’s surprise. He also predicted a world-wide peak around


10. Will alternative energy sources be able to make up for the

shortfall in petroleum production?

At this point, it seems unlikely that they will make up the shortfall.

On Exhibit 4, the gap that needs to be filled is the gap between future

demand (the top line) and actual future production (something in the

vicinity of the dotted lines). Clearly, the sooner production begins to

drop and the steeper the decline in oil production, the bigger the gap

that needs to be filled. Even if production stays level, there can be a

gap because demand continues to increase.

At this point, there does not seem to be any “silver bullet” for

replacing the lost oil production. Oil is unique in its abundance, its high

energy density, and its portability. There do appear to be a number of

possible silver bee-bees, however. These include:

• ethanol from corn,

• ethanol from sugar (generally imported),

• biodiesel,

• cellulosic ethanol from biomass, and

• coal-to-liquid.

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None of these appears to be very scalable, especially in a short time

frame. In addition, there are other drawbacks — cost, environmental

damage, and for coal-to-liquid, climate change issues. Indirect

approaches to circumventing the shortage, like using battery operated

cars, may be part of the picture as well. If these are used, they will

probably need to be phased in slowly, as existing cars are retired. It is

likely that conservation will need to be part of the mix.

11. What is “Energy Returned on Energy Invested” or “EROEI”?

This is a concept that a person runs into frequently, if one reads any of

the more advanced articles about peak oil on the internet. Analysis

based on EROEI helps to explain why many scientists are discouraged

about the newer energy prospects - both alternatives like ethanol and

“unconventional” oil like oil sands.

EROEI is a measure of how much energy an investor gets out,

compared to how much energy the investor puts in. Some of the

energy invested is not in fuel directly, but in things that are made

using fuel, like oil rigs and refining equipment.

In the early days of oil, much of the oil extracted came from highly

pressurized wells, so little effort was required to get the oil out. At that

time, the typical EROEI was about 100. As those wells became

depleted, more and more effort was required to get the oil out. A

typical EROEI for oil is now about 15, considering additional costs like

repressurization of wells and drilling in underwater locations.

One problem that we are running into with “unconventional oil” and

alternatives is that it takes a huge amount of effort (in terms of energy

expended) to get the energy out. EROEI is in the low single digits for

oil sands, and is barely above 1 for ethanol from corn. Oil in very deep

sea locations is also expected to have a low energy return (assuming it

can be extracted at all), because of all the very fancy equipment


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If we had a huge amount of other energy from a readily available

source that we could use for producing oil and oil alternatives, such as

natural gas or coal, a low EROEI would not necessarily be a big issue.

But it is now becoming clear that natural gas is in nearly as short

supply as oil, at least in North America. And coal has a lot of issues as

well — it is implicated in climate change, is mixed with toxic pollutants,

is not as easy to transport, and is not in as unlimited supply as most


When we have energy sources with a low EROEI, we are using a lot of

fuel to get oil or oil alternative. The energy we have left to do

everything else we do — build roads, build shopping malls, produce

food — is less. I once heard an estimate that it takes an average

EROEI of 6 to have enough energy left over to fuel today’s society. If

new energy sources all have EROEIs of 3 or less, we are likely to

• Need a large share of workers to work in energy-related occupations

• Have less energy left over for other uses

• Experience a significant fall in our standard of living

12. What are the indirect impacts of peak oil likely to be?

We don’t know for certain. Some issues that have been raised include:

• Will the food supply be adequate, if farmers are not able to get fuel

for their equipment and transportation is disrupted?

• Will it be possible to supply all of the products that are currently

made with petroleum, including asphalt, many chemicals, fabrics, and

building supplies?

• If there is a shortage of oil, will the new alternative energy sources

really be sustainable? For example, will it be possible to service

windmills adequately, if there is a severe shortage of oil? Will it

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possible to produce enough corn for ethanol?

• Will people be able to repay their debt, if standards of living fall? Will

lenders be willing to provide more long-term loans, if it appears likely

that future transportation will be disrupted?

• Will there be problems with the monetary system, if there are major

debt defaults?

• Will the many economic concepts that we hear so frequently

continue to apply, such as “globalization”, “companies should grow”,

“fungible oil supply”, and “increased price will lead to greater supply or


• Will countries fight about the remaining oil supply?

13. If the peak oil story is really this important, why haven’t we

been reading about it in the newspapers for years? Are you

claiming there has been some sort of conspiracy?

No conspiracy. Just of a lot of things that seem to work together:

• Oil = Power. A country with lots of oil (and other fossil fuels) has

great power. It can manufacture what it wants, outfit big armies, and

generally be at the top of the pecking order. For this reason,

government officials may be tempted to exaggerate strengths and

gloss over weaknesses on the energy front. This is true for almost

every country with oil — US, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, and


• Embarrassment about the drop in US oil production. Prior to 1970,

the US was the world leader in oil production. It was the undisputed

world leader in manufacturing, and the economy was growing rapidly.

In 1970, oil production started to drop. This was a shock, because very

few believed the prediction Hubbert had made in 1956. The drop in oil

production meant a changing world role - to more of a service

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economy, and relatively less power. This whole discussion was left out

of textbooks. If it had been included, people would have reallized that

a decline in world oil production would be coming some day, just like

the decline in US production.

• Faith in OPEC oil reserves. The Saudi oil company Aramco was taken

over by Saudi Arabia in 1980. Shortly thereafter, the amount of oil

reserves was doubled, without finding any more oil. Other OPEC

countries soon followed suit, since higher reserves meant higher oil

production targets under OPEC rules. Current OPEC reserves appear to

be seriously overstated, but they are repeated endlessly as fact, in

news media and textbooks.

• Faith in technology. The fact that oil production would eventually

decline has been known for about 50 years. But many people who

were aware of this problem assumed that technology would somehow

overcome the problem. If peak oil is viewed as an easily solvable

problem, there is no reason to tell the public about it.

• Faith in economic theory. Economic theory says that if there is a

shortage, higher prices will encourage greater production or

substitution. Therefore, there should be no reason to worry.

14. Even with all of these things going on, it seems like the

peak oil story would be better publicized than it has been.

What else has kept the story off the front page?

There are number of other things:

• The people who have discovered the peak oil story are by and large

technical people — people working in academia, people working for oil

companies, and scientists who are close enough to the situation to


Wait a minute. We see a huge change coming. Oil is near the

point where worldwide production will drop and we aren’t

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finding any major technological solutions. All we are finding is

some little things that together don’t look like they will cover

more than a small percentage of the problem. The economy

cannot continue to grow the way it has grown. In fact, it looks

like a major cutback is in store.

• Peak oil people are not well funded. Their organizations are volunteer

organizations. Some of their work is done on internet blogs. It is hard

for them to match well-funded organizations like CERA.

• Peak oil does not mix well with standard economic theory. Economic

theory is repeated so often that everyone nearly everyone takes it as

science or fact. It is only when people step back and realize that

economic theory is just a theory, and that it does not necessarily apply

in a resource constrained world, that they can understand the peak oil


• Newspapers have a happy story to tell — one of growth,

entertainment, selling lots of SUVs. It is hard for a news organization

to publish the peak oil story when it is so much at odds with the main

message of the paper.

15. So who are the people who know the peak oil story?

In Washington D. C., Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R - MD) is the

leader on the issue of peak oil.

There are many others who are peak oil aware. The Association for the

Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) now has organizations in 11

countries. There are also quite a number of local peak oil


There are quite a few people involved with internet cites that publish

peak oil information and discuss the peak oil story. A few of note:

• TheOilDrum.com - “Discussions about energy and our future”

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Features well-researched articles written by its staff. 40% of its

readers have postgraduate degrees.

• EnergyBulletin.net - Publishes peak oil and related articles that

others submit. Has good indexing features. No discussion.

• Globalpublicmedia.com - Publishes speeches and other audio media

related to “a postcarbon world”.

• Speeches by Matt Simmons Slides for the speeches by the author

of “Twilight in the Desert” can be found at this site.

• aspo-usa.com - The web site of the US version of the Association for

the Study of Peak Oil and Gas. Offers a weekly and daily newsletter.

There are also many others web sites dealing with peak oil. Many of

these can be found by searching for the words “Peak Oil”.

16. Are governmental leaders aware of peak oil?

Many of them seem to be.

We know that the leaders of OPEC are aware of peak oil because

OPEC’s magazine talks about the issue. A speech by one of their

members on peak oil is printed on page 58 of the November 2006

OPEC Bulletin.

We strongly suspect that Russian and Venezuelan leaders are peak oil

aware, because of their aggressive recent actions. They know that

because of peak oil, they have more power, and are acting


Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) reports that based on his

meetings in China, Chinese leaders are very peak oil aware. He reports

that they have a five point plan for dealing with peak oil and are

buying up all of the oil assets they can.

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George W. Bush and Dick Cheney do not talk about peak oil, but there

are many governmental reports relating to peak oil. Some of these


• Uncertainty About Future Supply Makes it Important to Develop

a Strategy for a Peak and Decline in Oil Production. US

Government Accountability Office, February 2007.

• Energy Trends and Implications for U. S. Army Installations E.

T. Westervelt and D. F. Fournier, September 2005.

• Peaking of World Oil Production, Impacts, Mitigation, and Risk

Management R. L. Hirsch, R. Bezdek, and R. Wending, February

2005. For US Department of Energy.

A number of people have noted that both Iraq and Iran report

significant oil reserves. The question has been raised whether the US

involvement in these countries is more than coincidence, given peak

oil concerns.