Peculiar Increments of 6th Pay

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  • 8/7/2019 Peculiar Increments of 6th Pay


    Peculiar Increments of 6 th pay Commission

    Congratulations, that we have got 6 th pay, which is an increase in previous pay by20% -120%. In 6 th pay, annual increment is to be given on 1 st July every year. Whichmeans that an individual will get first increment after a minimum of 6 months & amaximum of one & half year. The faculties who have date of joining (DOJ) from Jan toJune will get first increment after more than 1 year; where as the faculties who have DOJfrom July to Dec will get increment after less than 1 year. The same principle is alsoapplied for the retirement, which means that faculty who born on any date in year yy willretire on 31 st Dec of year yy+65, which is unified date of retirement. That means aneffective increment of one year for those whose date of birth falls in January. Till nowthere is no peculiarity. But, what about increments during career advancement schemes.CAS will be given after full 4/5/6 years & not on 1 st July of those years, which will create

    peculiarity. Let us see how.Consider a case where an individual ABC has joined as assistant professor during Jan-June of year YY. ABC will be promoted to senior scale in year YY+5 (consideringM.E./M.Tech./M.Phil. as qualification). But, till that period ABC has got only 4 annualincrements (not 5) as compared to the individual who has joined in the months of July toDec (where he has got 5 increments). Now, about the increment for the year YY+5, asABC has not spent more than 6 months so he is not eligible to get full increment of year YY+5. Later on ABC will be promoted to selection grade in year YY+10, again he willnot get full increment (as 6 months had not completed since previous increment). Later on ABC will be promoted to the post of Associated Professor in the year YY+13, againthe same thing will happen. Later on ABC will be promoted to the post of Professor inthe year YY+16, same thing will be applied again. So, in those years, how the incrementhas to be calculated? As 6 months had not completed, so increment on only basic had to

    be given not on basic + AGP. As the individual had not completed at least 6 months on

    higher AGP. This is why; I termed it as peculiar increment.

    ABC has joined as Assistant Professor on Jan-June of year YY1st July YY No increment 21600 As 6 months had not completed1st July YY + 1 First increment 222501st July YY + 2 Second increment 229201st July YY + 3 third increment 236101st July YY + 4 fourth increment 24320ABC has promoted as Assistant Professor Senior scale on Jan-June of YY+5Jan-June YY+5 256001st July YY+5 Partial increment 26160 Increment = 3%

    of 18600 & not3% of 25600

    1st July YY+6 Second increment 269501st July YY+7 third increment 277601st July YY+8 fourth increment 286001st July YY+9 Fifth increment 29460ABC has promoted as Assistant Professor Selection grade on Jan-June of YY+10

  • 8/7/2019 Peculiar Increments of 6th Pay




    1st July YY+10 Partial increment 30990 Increment = 3%of 22320 & not3% of 30320


    July YY+11 Second increment 319201st July YY+12 Third increment 32880ABC has promoted as Associated Professor on Jan-June of YY+13Jan-JuneYY+13


    1st July YY+13 Partial increment 47530 Increment = 3%of 37400 & not3% of 46400

    1st July YY+14 Second increment 489601st July YY+15 Third increment 50430ABC has promoted as Professor on Jan-June of YY+16


    50800 Considering40800 as start

    basic1st July YY+16 Partial increment 52030 Increment = 3%

    of 40800 & not3% of 50800

    This table shows the effect on salary if a faculty joins during Jan-June. Clearly, there is adisadvantage as compared to faculties whose DOJ falls during July-Dec. The cases of such peculiar increments are still pending. For example SGSITS has forwarded suchcases to DTE, MP. Here, in this table I have not considered increments of any degree.

    One can get benefit of such cases, if he has not got such increments till now.