Welcome to the PAVS Volunteer E-Bulletin. In this Winter 2018 edition, there are interesting volunteer stories, the latest volunteering opportunities, news and events. Volunteer Bulletin

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Welcome to the PAVS Volunteer E-Bulletin.

In this Winter 2018 edition, there are interesting volunteer stories, the latest volunteering opportunities, news and events.

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Kind regards from the PAVS Volunteering Team and enjoy the up-and-coming festive season.

Volunteer BulletinWinter Edition 2018

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Sophie Morris Achieves Volunteering Accolade

Massive congratulations to Sophie Morris for achieving her Millennium Volunteer (MV) Certificate for completing 50 hours of volunteering at the Paul Sartori Hospice Home’ office at Winch Lane, Haverfordwest. In March 2018, Sophie, was advised by Careers Wales to contact the Volunteer Centre at PAVS for support in finding a suitable volunteering placement to accompany her NVQ 2 Business Administration course at Pembrokeshire College. She made an appointment to see Jean Morris, Youth Volunteering Advisor at PAVS and after discussions, narrowed it down to a couple of suitable options, one of which was with Paul Sartori. Sophie successfully gained a volunteering placement in April 2018 as one of their Reception/Admin volunteers. Sophie said “I really enjoy volunteering at the Paul Sartori office every Tuesday and truly feel part of a great team”. Adding “I’ve gained so much confidence and learned several new skills which I can now add to my CV for when I start looking for a paid role after I finish my course. I’d definitely recommend volunteering to help with seeking employment”. The MV scheme is sadly finishing at the end of this month, however PAVS will be launching a new scheme in it's place in the new year so watch this space. For more information contact PAVS on 01437 769422. (Pictured left to right, Lisa Wells, Paul Sartori Volunteering

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Coordinator, Sophie Morris, Paul Sartori Volunteer and Jean Morris, PAVS Youth Volunteering Advisor)


Farewell to the MV Programme & hello to PAVS' new recognition scheme for young people

Over the last 19 years many young Pembrokeshire volunteers have become Millennium Volunteers (MV), a Welsh Government supported recognition programme for volunteers aged 14-25 which provides certificates on completion of 50, 100 and 200 hours of volunteering. The 200 hours certificate is signed by the Welsh Government First Minister Carwyn Jones. As mentioned in previous bulletins, this programme will cease from the end of 2018. It is expected that a new national volunteer recognition programme will be put in place at some point in the future, alongside the new “digital badge” scheme on the Volunteering Wales website www.volunteering-wales.net. Pending the creation of a new national volunteering recognition programme for young people, here at PAVS, we are extending our in-house programme, 25+V, to younger volunteers. The programme will mirror PAVS 25+V, more details to follow in the New Year. Please note we can continue to issue MV certificates as long as the MV hours have been completed before December 31st 2018.  Please ensure timesheets are sent in to PAVS ASAP once the hours are achieved. Thank you.If you need timesheets or would like to discuss any aspect of MV please contact [email protected] or ring 01437769422.


Congratulations to Wendy PhillipsWendy Phillips started volunteering at FRAME at the beginning of 2012 via the Coast project attending one day a week. She very quickly started building new skills in the shop. Wendy completed many training courses over the year and by 2013 had received training in jewellery making and

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achieved a qualification in customer service in addition to increasing her volunteering to 3 days a week. In 2014, Wendy achieved the accolade of Participant of the Year at the FRAME annual awards and by 2015 started paid work carrying out 16 hours a week supporting others in the shop. She was awarded an accolade again in 2016 at the FRAME awards, this time achieving recognition for Inspirational Effort. Soon after, she completed her Awarding Education in Training (AET) course at Pembrokeshire College which enabled her to deliver accredited training at FRAME. Unfortunately the funding ended for Wendy’s paid role in 2017 but she loved her role so much she decided to continue to volunteer 2 days a week. Wendy said “I can’t believe how far I’ve come since being at FRAME, I’ve gained so much confidence plus I’ve learned so many new skills and really feel part of a great team. I’ve made so many new friends along the way and there is never a dull moment.  Helping other people has given me so much satisfaction within my role and has really increased my self-worth – it has given me so much.”In addition to all of Wendy’s accolades achieved within FRAME, she has successfully achieved her 50 hour Certificate on the PAVS 25+V recognition scheme which accredits volunteers for their contribution to the community. Well done Wendy and good luck for the future from all at PAVS.


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Burns by Your Side Volunteers put Dog-Friendly Pembrokeshire on the Map

The Reading to Dogs scheme Burns by Your Side has gone from strength to strength since its inception in 2016. The scheme has been developed by the in-house charity of Kidwelly pet food maker, Burns Pet Nutrition and uses trained volunteers and companion dogs to help children to improve their literacy and communication skills. As well as humans, the variety of dog breeds and ages taking part in the programme is diverse and ranges from Snoop the Chihuahua to Hoola the Whippet. There is even a St Bernard on board. In the two short years since Burns by Your Side began, there are now 50 volunteer teams active in schools, libraries and colleges throughout West Wales. Specialised training has been developed to assist volunteer teams- the first of its kind in the UK and the feedback from the programme has been phenomenal. Now, in addition to empowering schoolchildren and promoting responsible dog ownership, Burns’ volunteer teams are helping to boost dog friendly holidays and increase the profile of the local economy. Recognising the growing popularity of UK staycations, Pembrokeshire Tourism approached Burns to develop the UK’s first ever Dog Friendly Tourism Awards. Founder and Veterinary Surgeon, John Burns has a strong connection to the area of Pembrokeshire. In fact, in the fledgling days of his career, John ran a Veterinary Practice in Narberth. Burns is currently celebrating it’s 25th year of business. The company is known and recognised, not only for being an ethical pet food manufacturer but also as a force for good in the local community and beyond. Joining forces with Pembrokeshire Tourism was a no-brainer, and who better to judge the awards than the Burns by Your Side volunteer teams who reside in the local area? The teams were tasked with ‘mystery shopping’ over 11 categories including Best Dog Friendly Beach, Hotel, Café, Pub, Caravan Park and Town. This opportunity gave volunteers – many of whom live in isolated villages – the chance to get together and promote Pembrokeshire’s most dog-friendly businesses while having fun and socialising too. Carol Lincoln heads up the work of The Burns Pet Nutrition Foundation and

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commented, “Our volunteer teams are invaluable. We rely and depend on their dedication and skills to drive our varied and valuable community projects such as Burns by Your Side.The teams have been major contributors to the Dog Friendly Pembrokeshire Tourism Awards. With their help, we have given the dog tourism economy a real boost and made leaps and bounds in promoting responsible dog ownership across the county of Pembrokeshire and beyond.”


Crime Fiction was the order of the day for Newport Community Library

A recent evening event, held in Newport Community Library, delved into the fascinating business of writing crime fiction. Volunteers helped to host the evening, which involved a discussion between two authors - Thorne Moore and Roz Atkins and offered interesting insights into the publishing process and how a crime novel develops from the seed of an idea to the fully formed book. Many thanks to the two authors, who inspired their audience with a very entertaining discussion, while raising money for the library. A total of £75.20 was raised, through book sales and donations.

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Host UK's Perfect New Year's Resolution

Here at HOST UK we can offer you the perfect New Year’s Resolution volunteering opportunity, which will give you all-year-round pleasure. HOST UK arranges for international students to enjoy a day or a weekend stay with British hosts in the UK. We

know that face-to-face encounters give enormous pleasure to both student guest and host. Such visits address student loneliness for those so far from home. By sharing meals, exchanging ideas and learning about each other’s countries and cultures, international friendships can flourish and grow. We need more volunteer hosts to offer hospitality. The commitment need not be onerous, one or two offers of hospitality a year would make a big difference-happily we often find that hosts enjoy the experience so much they are happy to offer more. Let’s show the international student community what a Warm British Welcome can mean. More information can be found at www.hostuk.org and to register your interest directly please go to http://visits.hostuk.org/Public/ApplyToBecomeAHostThis is what James Onyinge from Uganda, studying at the University of Reading had to say about his visit to Gwent. “I felt so free and close to my host indeed that I enjoyed great tasting cuisine and slept very relaxed, the kind of sleep I have not had in a long time since starting the course.  I enjoyed every programme that was scheduled during my visit. I will remain to cherish the experience of the morning village walk, some stretch of two miles with the lovely Toto (pet). What a beautiful scenery of green leafy

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neighbourhood and beautiful farms- giving me a fresh breath from the concrete neighbourhood of the university.”

Pembrokeshire People First (PPF) is an independent charity run by and for adults with learning disabilities and autism. They have around 200 members and provide a range of weekly services and activities including a drop-in, men's and women's groups and a gaming club. They also provide advocacy, training for independent living skills and an autism awareness and acceptance project called ASC Us - run by consultants who are adults on the autism spectrum. PPF currently have around 10 active volunteers who really help and add value to everything they do but they are looking for more to help them do more and therefore improve their service. They are currently looking for people to help run groups, drop-in and gaming club. PPF need people who respect adults with learning disabilities and autism and enjoy supporting people to develop. They provide induction, support and training and you will be appreciated and valued. Groups and drop-in run every Thursday in Johnston Institute. Gaming Club runs every other Friday at their office in Merlins Bridge."Pembrokeshire People First is a brilliant place and a good way to make new friends and have a laugh. It is a very safe place and I love it here" said one of their members.Have a look at their website www.pembrokeshirepeople1st.org.uk and if you are interested and would like to know more please contact Vanessa Davies on 01437 769135 or [email protected]

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Pembrokeshire Coast Needs You

With the All Wales Beach Clean nearly upon us, Keep Wales Tidy is on the look-out for more volunteers in Pembrokeshire to join their ambitious new clean-up campaign. The All Wales Beach Clean will take place, in partnership with McDonald’s, from the 14 to 30 of September, with clean up events planned for every public beach in Wales. Marine litter poses a growing threat to our aquatic and coastal environment. Up to 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enters the world’s oceans every year, equivalent to dumping one bin lorry of plastic per minute into the world’s oceans. Community groups, schools and businesses will be joining the two weeks of action. Of course, the issue of marine litter isn't just relevant to coastal communities - in fact, 80% is from land-based sources, so Keep Wales Tidy will also be targeting rivers and other waterways as part of their campaign. Lesley Jones, Chief Executive for Keep Wales Tidy says “We’re working with partners to show the rest of the world that Wales is rising to the challenge of tackling marine pollution.” Adding “we’ve had a fantastic response from Pembrokeshire so far, but there are still lots of beaches that need volunteers to care for them. We’re all responsible for the health of our oceans, so it’s crucial that we come together to make a real and lasting

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difference to our marine environment".The All Wales Beach Clean is being supported by McDonald’s, with volunteers from restaurants up and down the country planning on giving up their time to clean up their local beach.Franchisee Ron Mounsey, who owns and operates 15 restaurants in South Wales, says “I’m thrilled that McDonald’s is lending it’s support to this initiative, and look forward to seeing teams from McDonalds’s restaurants across Wales getting involved come September. As a business we’re committed to working to reduce litter and waste in our local communities, including the beaches we know and love. This year McDonald’s will also be phasing out the use of plastic straws in our restaurants, using paper straws instead. These paper straws will be sourced from two suppliers, one of which is based in Wales.”The campaign has also received funding via the Regional Tourism Engagement Fund (RTEF) supported through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Welsh Government. To get involved, visit the Keep Wales Tidy website www.keepwalestidy.cymru


Clynfyw Hosts a Successful Event

Over 250 people came to Clynfyw Care Farm’s Open Day on Friday 17th August. The day formed a celebration of the work of West Wales Action for

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Mental Health’s ‘Care Farm and Gardening Community of Practice’ many of who were here promoting their work. The potential for nature as a therapeutic tool for health and wellbeing is well documented, and the Open Day provided a good way to meet experts in this field. Patrick Holden, the Director of the Sustainable Food Trust, and Joyce Watson AM, spoke beautifully about the benefits of care farms and the role they can play in the future of social care, community development and land use. Clynfyw Care Farm welcomes over 100 vulnerable people each week, engaging in fun and meaningful projects from re-housing rescue chickens and fixing donated wheelchairs for South Africa, to their football, drama and swimming clubs. They have nearly 40 staff running the projects and supporting people in supported tenancy on the farm. Clynfyw formally launched their ‘Care Farming for Beginners’ book at the Open Day. Along with the drive to rethink land use in the UK, the growing care farm movement offers opportunities in social care which are not found in other forms of provision. For more information about Clynfyw visit their website at www.clynfyw.co.uk


This year, Tenovus Cancer Care is celebrating their 75thBirthday! They want to go back to their roots and honour the original ten business men who founded Tenovus Cancer Care back in 1943. All those years ago, they launched a simple raffle with the grand prize of a car, which raised significant funds to continue the charity’s work. So this year they want to do the same thing! They're holding a Big Birthday Raffle where a lucky winner will drive away in a brand new MG3 Car! For just £2 per ticket, you can help to support cancer patients and their loved ones. But it’s not just the MG3 Car that you can win; we also have some other amazing prizes!Second Prize:A holiday at Watermark’s luxury lakeside lodge!Third Prize:

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Five chances to win a £50 John Lewis voucher. Raffle tickets are available for just £2, which you can buy online, from any of their Tenovus Cancer Care stores, your local Friends of Tenovus Cancer Care Group or your local Sing with Us choir. If you'd like to help them fundraise, contact them to volunteer by clicking www.tenovus,org


PAVS Volunteering Pembrokeshire can match you with one of over 300 volunteering opportunities throughout Pembrokeshire. Here is a selection of a few.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks - Pathways ProjectDo you value, and enjoy, the outdoors and being in the countryside? Want to learn new skills, meet new people and work as a team to make a difference? The Pathways Project is looking for volunteers to discover, improve and enjoy Pembrokeshire by carrying out conservation projects, from planting trees to hedge laying, looking after foot paths, and building stiles and gates. They are hoping to make a positive difference to the landscapes and green spaces of Pembrokeshire and to the individuals involved. They can offer you training and help with transport. 

Paul Sartori E-CommVolunteers are required to assist with Paul Sartori's E-Commerce project at their site at Haven Road, Haverfordwest. Duties include research of quality items identifying price ranges, listing items online on their Ebay platform, creating eye-catching photographic images and descriptions, clean items for sale including jewellery, silverware and woodwork, monitor items for sale on a daily basis, assist with postage and packaging etc. Funds raised through this project are vital to deliver Pembrokeshire's only hospice care at home service for local people.

PACTO Bus BuddiesBus Buddies volunteers help people who need extra support to use Dial-a-

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Ride and Town Rider services, public transport and community car services across Pembrokeshire. PACTO Bus Buddy Volunteers help people get out of their homes to do their shopping, get to appointments, get to doctors/hospital appointments, get to social activities or share a cuppa in a café. Bus Buddy duties include supporting the passengers and driver.

HaverhubVolunteers required to get involved in the marketing and promotion of the exciting Haverhub community regeneration project. Marketing, Skills in IT, sales and web design would be ideal.

Sign and Share ClubProvide support to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deafened or deafblind through note-taking, working one to one with a lip reader, using British Sign Language or Sign Supported English (depending upon your experience and skills) To provide practical support during group activities such as art, craft, drama, bingo and days out to tourist sites.

Tenovus Cancer CareEnthusiastic and committed volunteers are required to sell raffle tickets to raise money and awareness about the work Tenovus Cancer Care do. The role entails attending a variety of events in different locations, representing Tenovus Cancer Care within your local community as part of our 75th Birthday celebrations. The raffle will raise money to deliver more cancer treatments on board our Mobile Support Units, so that more people can gain invaluable help through our support services and so we can carry out even more vital research into finding new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. If you wish to find out more about any of the opportunities above, call the Volunteering Team at PAVS on 01437 769422 or email [email protected]


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How to VolunteerThe PAVS Volunteering Pembrokeshire team offers a comprehensive advice and information service for people seeking to volunteer. To speak to a volunteering advisor or to make an appointment, call PAVS on 01437 769422 or email [email protected]. The PAVS Office is based on the High Street in Haverfordwest but we also offer an outreach service by appointment in Fishguard, Narberth, Milford Haven Pembroke Dock and Tenby.

Take a look at some of the volunteering opportunities on offer on the Volunteering Wales website at www.volunteering-wales.net

PAVS Volunteering Pembrokeshire36/38 High Street


SA61 [email protected]
