Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter

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  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    According to European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines, conservative

    management is appropriate for low-risk upper tract urothelial carcinomas.[!EAU

    indications of low risk are as follows"

    Unifocal tumor

    #umor si$e % cm

    &ow-grade tumor (cytology or 'iopsies)

    o evidence of an infiltrative lesion on # urography

    Understanding of close follow-up

    #reatment recommendations (all grade ) for these low-risk tumors are as follows[!"

    &aser should 'e used in endoscopic treatments

    *le+i'le ureteroscopy is prefera'le to rigid ureteroscopy
  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    A percutaneous approach can 'e used in small low-grade caliceal tumors unsuita'le for

    ureteroscopic treatment

    Ureteroureterostomy is indicated for noninvasive low-grade tumors of the pro+imal ureteror midureter that cannot 'e removed completely via endoscopy

    omplete distal ureterectomy and neocystostomy is indicated for noninvasive, low-grade

    tumors in the distal ureter that cannot 'e removed completely via endoscopy, and for

    high-grade, locally invasive tumors

    ephroureterectomy with e+cision of the 'ladder cuff is considered the standard therapy

    in patients with high-volume renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma (#), regionally

    e+tensive disease, and high-grade or high-stage lesions.

    egmental ureterectomy coupled with ureteral reimplantation is indicated in patients withureteral tumors located in the distal ureter, generally of lower grade and stage.

    Unfortunately, 'ecause of the multifocal nature of #, the ipsilateral recurrence rate is

    / or greater after segmental ureterectomy.

    0enal-sparing surgery, including segmental ureterectomy and endoscopic therapy,maintains a vital role in the management of upper tract urothelial tumors. #ypically,

    patients with small, low-grade superficial lesions are the 'est candidates for this

    approach. ome investigators use this approach more fre1uently in patients with a solitary

    kidney, 'ilateral disease, compromised renal function, synchronous tumors, or greater'aseline operative risk.

    Open radical nephroureterectomy

    ephroureterectomy is the standard for large, high-grade tumors of the renal pelvis and

    pro+imal ureter that are organ-confined or locally advanced. ephroureterectomy is also

    recommended for multifocal, recurrent, low-grade tumors, which are found to 'e less

    amena'le to ureteroscopic management.

    lassically, this procedure involves removal of the kidney, ureter, and 'ladder cuff via athoracoa'dominal or flank approach, with a separate lower-1uadrant 2i'son incision.

    &aparoscopic approaches to the radical nephroureterectomy are now commonplace and

    offer some postoperative 'enefits.

  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    3n 'oth open and laparoscopic surgeries, care is taken to e+cise the entire distal ureter and

    'ladder cuff to prevent local recurrence.

    E+cision of the cuff has a survival 'enefit.[45!

    #here are multiple effective approaches,[4!as follows"

    6pen e+cision and repair of cystotomy

    Endoscopic 7pluck7 techni1ue

    #ransurethral resection of the intramural ureter

    3ntussusception techni1ue

    &ymphadenectomy, which generally re1uires little additional operative time, is performed

    for staging purposes and potentially offers a therapeutic 'enefit.

    Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy

    #he indications and oncologic surgical principles for laparoscopic nephroureterectomy

    are similar to those of the open approach.

    8ure laparoscopic transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approaches, as well as hand-assistedlaparoscopic approaches, have 'een descri'ed. #he optimal techni1ue depends largely on

    surgeon e+perience.

    9anagement of the 'ladder cuff remains varia'le. ome investigators prefer hand-

    assisted laparoscopic en 'loc e+cision of the distal ureter with closure of the cystotomydefect.

    Open versus laparoscopic nephroureterectomy

    6perative time is compara'le to that of the standard open procedure.
  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    &aparoscopic nephroureterectomy offers the 'enefits of minimally invasive surgery,

    including less 'lood loss, shorter hospitali$ation, and improved cosmetic result.[4:!

    0ecent studies have shown compara'le oncologic outcomes 'etween open and

    laparoscopic nephroureterectomy.[4:, 4;!

    imone et al conducted a randomi$ed control trial that demonstrated significantly lower'lood loss (!

    Ureteroscopic treatment

    Ureteroscopy offers a renal-preserving alternative to traditional nephroureterectomy andis used in patients with compromised renal function, 'ilateral upper tract disease, or other

    medical contraindications to nephroureterectomy. Ureteroscopic a'lation is now the

    preferred choice for low-grade upper tract #. @owever, management of upper tracttumors with this approach is associated with the need for multiple additional procedures

    versus more definitive surgical management.

    Ureteroscopy allows 'iopsy and treatment of tumors along the entire upper urinary tract.

    old-cup 'iopsy forceps or a flat-wire 'asket is used for tissue diagnosis and to

    determine tumor grade to plan for future intervention.

    #he use of d"BA2 and @o"BA2 lasers, as well as small *-4* electrosurgical devices,

    ena'le ureteroscopic resection, coagulation, and a'lation of upper tract tumors underdirect vision.


  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    ureteroscopic management and ;>/ for percutaneous approach. #he disease-specific

    survival rate was >/ for ureteroscopy and =>/ for percutaneous resection.

    Also in .;/ and the disease-

    specific survival rate was ==.>/ at years.

    Another study e+amined >< patients with upper tract # managed endoscopically whohad a history of 'ladder cancer. #hey found that the recurrence-free survival rate at

    years was only >/ in this group. #he authors of this study recommended a low

    threshold for more aggressive surgical intervention 'ased up stage and grade migration.[5!

    2rasso et al pu'lished their -year e+perience of ureteroscopic and e+tirpative therapyand concluded that uteroscopic management was an accepta'le option for managing low-

    grade disease.[5!

    #he following are technical considerations for ureteroscopic treatment of upper tract


    6'tain ade1uate tissue during initial 'iopsy for accurate diagnosis and grade

    9inimi$e the risk of stricture with the use of laser rather than the more deeply penetrating

    electrosurgical devices when a'lating ureteral tumors

    Crain the 'ladder with a small catheter or use a ureteral access sheath to improve flowand visi'ility, which can 'e limited 'y 'leeding

    *acilitate resection 'y slowing the patientDs respiratory rate, which decreases movement

    and sta'ili$es the operative field during resection and a'lation
  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    Percutaneous treatment

    8ercutaneous therapy allows the use of larger scopes with improved maneuvera'ility and

    visi'ility to a'late larger tumors in the renal pelvis and upper ureter. 8ercutaneous access

    may 'e used to administer topical therapeutic agents such as 2 or mitomycin. #hisapproach is an accepta'le alternative to nephroureterectomy in patients with lowFgrade

    disease. @owever, as with all organ-preserving strategies, vigilant follow-up surveillanceis re1uired.

    8ercutaneous techni1ues allow a renal-sparing approach and are well suited for large-volume disease of the renal pelvis and pro+imal ureter.

    8ercutaneous access to the diseased renal unit is esta'lished, followed 'y tract dilation.

    #his allows the passage of nephroscopes, laser fi'ers, 'iopsy forceps, and electrosurgical

    resection devices to completely resect and a'late tumors under direct vision.

    8ercutaneous access also allows for a deeper resection and more accurate staging thanureteroscopy for tumors of the renal pelvis and kidney.

    #umor seeding of the nephrostomy tract, although rare, has 'een reported and is

    associated with high-grade lesions.

    Radical nephroureterectomy versus conservative, endoscopic management

    o randomi$ed studies have 'een performed, and no studies have had good long-term

    follow-up. election 'ias confounds nonstandardi$ed studies. #umors treated with

    endoscopic management are generally smaller, of low grade, and of low stage.

    #he -year disease-specific survival rate in patients with low-grade disease is statisticallysimilar for conservative treatment and immediate nephroureterectomy, at =:.-

  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    9enurut pedoman Asosiasi Urologi Eropa (EAU), manaGemen konservatif sesuai untuk

    U#U yang 'erisiko rendah [! adapun indikasi EAU untuk U#U risiko rendah adalahse'agai 'erikut.

    #umor Unifokal

    Ukuran tumor % cm

    #umor grade rendah (sitologi atau 'iopsi)

    #idak ada 'ukti lesi infiltratif pada # urografi

    0ekomendasi pengo'atan (semua kelas ) untuk U#U risiko rendah terse'ut adalah

    se'agai 'erikut [!"

    &aser harus digunakan dalam perawatan endoskopik

    Ureteroscopy fleksi'el le'ih 'aik daripada ureteroscopy kaku

    9anaGemen perkutan dapat digunakan pada caliceal tumor yang 'erisiko kecil namun

    tidak cocok untuk pengo'atan Ureteroscopic Ureteroureterostomy diindikasikan untuk low grade tumor noninvasif dari ureter

    proksimal atau midureter yang tidak dapat dihilangkan sepenuhnya melalui

    endoskopi Ureterectomy distal lengkap dan neocystostomy diindikasikan untuk noninvasif,

    tumor kelas rendah di ureter distal yang tidak dapat dihapus sepenuhnya melalui

    endoskopi, dan untuk 'ermutu tinggi, tumor invasif lokal

    ephroureterectomy dengan eksisi manset kandung kemih dianggap terapi standar

    pada pasien dengan high-volumepelvis ginGal karsinoma sel transisional (#), penyakitregional yang luas, dan tumor dengan stage atau tahap lesi yang tinggi.

    Ureterectomy segmental ditam'ah dengan ureter reimplantation diindikasikan pada

    pasien dengan tumor ureter yang terletak di ureter distal, umumnya dari kelas yang le'ih

    rendah. ayangnya, karena sifat multifokal dari #, tingkat kekam'uhan ipsilateral

    adalah / atau le'ih 'esar setelah ureterectomy segmental.6perasiRenal-Sparing, termasuk segmental ureterectomy dan terapi endoskopik,

    mempertahankan peran penting dalam pengelolaan U#U. iasanya, pasien dengan lesisuperfisial kecil dan low grademerupakan yang ter'aik untuk pendekatan ini. e'erapa

    peneliti menggunakan pendekatan ini le'ih sering pada pasien dengan ginGal soliter,

    penyakit 'ilateral, compromised renal function, tumor sinkron, atau risiko operasi dasaryang le'ih 'esar.

  • 7/25/2019 Penatalaksanaan CA Ureter


    6pen 0adical ephroureterectomy

    ephroureterectomy adalah pendekatan standar untuk tumor yang 'esar, tumor

    pelvis ginGal yang high-grade dan tumor pada ureter proksimal yang ter'atas pada organ

    lokal. ephroureterectomy Guga dianGurkan untuk tumor multifokal, 'erulang, tumorderaGat rendah, yang didapati kurang sesuai untuk manaGemen Ureteroscopic.iasanya,

    prosedur ini meli'atkan pengangkatan ginGal, ureter, dan manset kandung kemih melalui

    pendekatan thoracoa'dominal atauflank, dengan sayatan pemisahan kuadran rendah2i'son. 8endekatan laparoskopi ke nephroureterectomy radikal sekarang 'iasadilakukan

    dan mem'erikan 'e'erapa manfaat pasca operasi.

    Calam kedua operasi 'aik yang ter'uka dan laparoskopi, dilakukan pengangkatan

    untuk seluruh distal ureter dan kandung kemih manset untuk mencegah kekam'uhanlokal. Eksisi manset ini sendiri memiliki manfaat untuk kelangsungan hidup. [45! Ada

    'e'erapa pendekatan yang efektif, [4! se'agai 'erikut"

    #er'uka eksisi ter'uka dan per'aikan cystotomy

    #eknikPluck Endoskopi

    0eseksi transurethral dari ureter intramural

    #eknik intususepsi

    ephroureterectomy laparoskopi

    3ndikasi dan prinsip-prinsip 'edah onkologi untuk nephroureterectomy laparoskopi

    mirip dengan pendekatan open nephroureterectomy. Haktu operasi se'anding dengan

    prosedur standar open nephroureterectomy. ephroureterectomy laparoskopimenawarkan manfaat operasi minimal invasif, termasuk rendahnya resiko kehilangan

    darah, waktu untuk rawat inap le'ih pendek, dan peningkatan hasil kosmetik. [4:!

    tudi ter'aru menunGukkan hasil onkologi se'anding antara open nephroureterectomy danlaparoskopi. [4:, 4;!

    Ureterectomy distal

    alah satu pendekatan 'ermutu tinggi untuk tumor 'esar pada ureter distal yangpaling sering dikelola dengan ureterectomy distal dengan ureterovesical reimplant.

    eldres et al menunGukkan dengan pendekatan ini tingkat kelangsungan hidup kanker

    tertentu tahun setara 'ila di'andingkan dengan nephroureterectomy, terlepas daristagingnya.