CLAui/^ . For Lieut-Governor. J. TAYLOR ELLY80N. For Attorney General. WILLIAM A. ANDERSON. For Supt. of Public Instruction. JOS. D. EGULESTON, JR. For Secretary of Commonwealth. DAVID Q. EGGLESTON. For State Treasurer. ASHER W. HARMAN. For Commissioner of Agriculture. GEORGE Vf. KOINER. For State Senator. BENJ. T. GUNTER. For House of Delegates. JOHN R. REW JOHN T. WILKINS, III. The Republican candidate for Gov¬ ernor, Hon. L. L. Lewis, attended by Hon. Campbell Slemp, of Big Stone Gap, and Hon. D. Lawrence droner, of Norfolk, put in an appearance at Accomac C. H. on Thursday, as ad¬ vertised, ana addressed a small gathering of the voters of the county, of about one hundred, half or more of which number were Democrats. In reporting the meeting there is not much that can be said of it. The speeches were given an atteutive hearing but were received without en¬ thusiasm even on the part of the Re¬ publicans and no accessions, it is safe to say, were made to the ranks of the g. o. p. on the dav.and that is about all that can be said of it. Indeed there was nothing in the speeches to convince any Democrat that it was his duty to desert hisparty. The effort of Mr. Slemp, who was the the first to present his views, was nothing moi© than a rehash of the beauties of Re¬ publicanism and the glory that had fallen to the country under Republi¬ can rule, which the Democrats pres¬ ent had heard scores of times before without being convinced, lt was the same old speech which he had made, doubtless,hundreds of times before and with the same disregard for good morals, perhaps,as he did on that day in his appeal to the Democrats to for¬ get the pledges made at the primary and vote the Republican ticket. Judge Lewis, who followed him, can hardly be said to have made a speech.his en¬ tire remarks almost being confined to a contradiction of the charges recent¬ ly made against him, that in his early career he favored the "intermarriage of the races.". To the last speaker, Mr. Groner, was left the part to play, which the Republicans consider their highest trump-card and he did it with all the- arts of a demagogue. The suc¬ cess of the Republican party in this campaign, he said, meant free school books for aU the children,but no man, not even Republican tax-payers pres¬ ent could be deceived by him. Free school books, everybody knows, means more taxes which will have to be paid by the white people or the closing of the schools,as it would take about half of the present school fund te pay for the books. In fact there is no necessity for free school books, as Mr. Groner and well informed Repub¬ licans know, as there is a law, which provides that books shall be furnished free to all who are not able to pay for them. President Roosevelt reached Rich¬ mond Wednesday on a tour of the South and found the gates of the city wide open to receive him, with a wel¬ come too hearty and sincere on the part of all its officials and citizens not to be appreciated by him. The Pres¬ ident showed that he was pleased with the greeting he received in the several speeches made by him in the Capitol square, at the banquet at the Masonic temple and at the Lee Monu¬ ment, where he spoke to a large num¬ ber of Confederate veterans All of his speeches, in fact, were full of praise for the South and its people. He paid a high tribute to the valor of the Confederate soldiers during the Civil War and the progress the South had made in every branch of industry in the 40 years of peace. "Only a heroic people," he said, "could have battled successfully against the con¬ ditions with which the people of the South found themselves face to face after the war." The historic great¬ ness of Virginia too was commented upon by him and given the first place not only in the South but among all the States. "On the honor roll of those American worthies whose great¬ ness is not only for the age but for all time.not only for the nation but for all the world.on this honor roll," he said, "Virginia's name stands above all others." No utterance, however, made by him was received with more satisfaction than, "that the standards of higher races are not for those of less advancement," which was con¬ strued as an expression of his belief that there should be no such thing as that of equality of the races. The hearty welcome which he received in Virginia will, doubtless, be accorded him in the whole South. As the chief magistrate of the nation he is entitled to be thus honored and it is hoped that his whole tour maybe an un-( qualified success. 1 n, to- 7th. r28. . M. 23rd. .26th. .¦noon, ut, Oc- *Q. ober 21. ,Oct.28. ier 27tli. Oct. 30. Harborton, Saturday night, Oct. 21st. Locustville, Tuesday night, Oct. 24th. Tangier, Friday night, October 27. Keilor, Saturday afternoon, Oct.28th. J. Harry Rew, Esq. Poulson, Saturday night, October 21. Tangier, Friday night, October 27. Modestown, Saturday afternoon, Oc¬ tober L'sth. G. G. Joynes, Esq. Belle Haven, Saturday afternoon, Oc¬ tober 21st. Tangier, Friday night, Oetober 27th. Chesconnessex, (North Side), Mon¬ day night, October 30. Prominent off-shore Democrats will address the voters at Chincoteague, Greenbackville, Temperanceville, Bloxom, Parksley, Pungoteague, Wachapreague, Painter, Onancock and Accomac C. H. on dates to be an¬ nounced in next issue. Appointments for November will be published later. John S. Parsons, ti. Walter Mapp, Secretary. Chairman Dem. Co. Com. Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Postoffiea at Accomac, Va., October 16th, 1905. Mrs. Matilda Bundick, Miss Alma B. Stewart, Mrs. Dr. Geo. Smith,Miss Bertie Stratton. Herbert Asquith, Mr. John R, Coard, Mr. George Garrison, Mr. Jacob Guyer, Jas. T. Loyd, Peter Parker, Mr. Tom Stant, Mr. Len Waller. Bettie S. White, P. M. The Wooldridge Orchilla Co., Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen:.I bought two tons of Orchilla guano from you which I used at the rate of 500 pounds per acre for corn on very poor land. I have a crop of com where the Orchilla was used equal to truck patch corn. I am now talking to your agent for a car load of Orchilla. Yours respectfully E. V. Gunter, Franktown, Va. September 30, 1905. If you are in need of ladies, misses and childrens coats or furs go to B. S. Ashby & Co. Call on me for groceries, rubber boots, oil skins, and every kind of water tackling at my store at the Oyster House. W. H. Lang. We have the largest line of ladies long and short coats and skirts ever offered in this town at prices way down. S. Vf. Ames & Co., Pungoteague, Va. Ask for Bunk Trower, with New York Clothing House, 102 & 104 Bal¬ timore St., Balto. Md., the largest retail clothing house in Baltimore. Tailor made suits to order. In Memoriam. In loving remembrance of Sudie Hy slope, the daughter of Orban Vf. and Hester A. Downing who died Wednesday, October 4, 1905, aged 17 years. The Lord hath given her rest, From her sorrow and suffering, The Saviour hath wiped away her tears, And bidden her come home. Good-bye then dear sister, A sad good-bye. 'Tis hard to see the cold grave closed, Over the form of her we love, But 'tis through death's cold embrace, We enter world above. Sister Annie. Another faithful one has left our band, To join her loved ones on the hap¬ py shore, Wp know her exit is a blissful change, Add yet we grieve that here we'll see her face no more. An exemplary life for young and old she led, As one and all who knew her will agree, So gentle loving and so kind, Filled with these graces, faith, hope and charity. And when in youth beside that cot she sat, And soothed with gentle touch the child who lingered there, No murmur or impatient word escaped her lips, Content to watch and all histroubles share. True missionary zeal she amply bore, Nor ever felt too much her means she gave, Happy the thought if in this way, In distant lands some darkened soul to save. I think already in that heavenly land, Where falls no shadows,where there will be no night, Many from China and Japan have clasped her with a loving hand, And said you helped me to the light. Loved ones you will sadly miss her in your home, Where many years she gave her counsel and her love, But best of all the battle is fought the victory won, And now she reigns with him above. Now friends by this let us fresh cour¬ age take, And follow Him, our faithful friend and guide, Cheered onward by the inspiring thought, We are on the winning side. Bv a member of the missionary So'cy. " M. S. B. Resolutions of Respect. The* following resolutions were adopted at a meeting oi the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society October 2nd. Belle Haven, Va: "Whereas Almighty God in His wise Providence has seen flt to take home to himself Mrs. Sara A. Bagwell, mother of our loved and honored president, therefore Resolved, 1. That our society has lost a loved and faithful member, whose pure life and peaceful death are a blessing and an example to us all. 2. That we extend our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to our president, Mrs. Bettie A. Rne, and to all the be¬ reaved family and relatives. 3. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this society, a copy be sent to the bereaved family aud a copy bo sent to the Baltimore and Richmond Christian Advocate and Peninsula Enterprise for publication. Mrs. J. H. Moss, Mrs. J. O. Mapp, Miss Mattie Brickhouse, Miss Mamie Doughty. Insomnia and Indigestion Cured. cLast year I had a very severe at- ta k of indigestion. I could not sleep at night anet suffered most excrucia¬ ting pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way for about three months when I used Chamber¬ lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and received immediate relief,"says John Dixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For sale by B. S. Ashby & Co., Accomac, and all county agencies, Business Notices. For Sale.At right pricea, 60 bush¬ els of fine yellow Danver onion sets. best strains. W. L. Elzey, Exmore, Va. For Sale.Good trucking farm of 225 acres with good dwelling of eight rooms in 10 minutes drive of Poco¬ moke city. Plenty of fruit and plenty of resources. For"particulars audrosn. Box 256, Pocomoke City, Md. Girls, if you want red lips, laughing eyes, sweet breath and good looks use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The greatest beautifier known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Wm. P. Bell & Co., Accomac. Hall's Pharmacy, Parksley. For Sale or Rent.The Stran farm situated in one mile of Parksley. It contains 300 acres, is in high state of cultivation and has an abundance of esources thereon. Can be subdivided nto three good farms. J. H. Hopkins, agent for Mrs. Wm. P. Custis. For Rent, 1906-Levin Fox Farm. Apply to T. S. Hopkins, pkn ley, Tasley, Va. Sick headache is caused by a dis¬ ordered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by B. S. Ashby & Co., Accomac, and all county agencies. Indigestion, constipation.dyspepsia, kidney and liver disorders, ana all stomach troubles positively cured by using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Wm. P. Bell & Co., Accomac. Hall's Pharmacy, Parksley. For Sale.One deadrise bateau, 20 feet long, 6 feet wide, good sailer,and everything including sails in first-clasb condition. Apply to Cecil A. Loffland, Evans Wharf, Va. Piano Tuned-Will have a first-class tuner at Onancock, from Sept. 25th, to October 30th. Send me your order. S. C. McGrath. COAL.$6.50 per ton of 2,240pounds. T. S. Hopkins & Co. Notice.First-class boarding house and livery- in 200 yards of New Church station. All trains met and passen¬ gers conveyed to all parts of Penin¬ sula at reasonable prices. Meals at all hours. Telephone to me at New Church village. Write to me at Mas¬ sey, Va, John W. Davis, Proprietor. For Sale.A farm containing about 300 acres within } of mile of New Church station.three settle¬ ments in good repair. good trucking land with plenty of resources.some timber. For particulars apply to Jno. S. Parsons, atty. Accomac, Va. For Sale.Twenty hives of Italian bees in best patented hives. The honey season being over these bees will be sold at the very low price of $2.50 each. Jos. 8. Bunting, Bloomtown, va. Notice.The grist mill at Acco¬ mac C. H., recently purchased by me of Geo. W. Garrett, is now open for the accommodation of the public. M'll days will be every Tuesday and Friday. A. J. Lilliston. For Sale.The "Taylor farm" at Gargatha lately belonging to Mr- Eugene Wm. Barnes, with the excep¬ tion of about 2J acres at the North¬ east end thereof, which I will sell in lots, the corner one of which is a valuable site for a store. The land is high, with not a ditch on it or need of one, is unsurpassed for sweet potatoes and has a considerable quantity of land already improved for trucks and has a comfortable dwelling with nec- cessary outbuildings, good enclosures, is convenient to postoffice, churches and schools, is about 2\ miles from Bloxom station and half mile from Woodberry and there is a good and direct route from it to the public land¬ ing nearly opposite on the seaside and a short distance therefrom. Prices reasonable and terms accommodating. L. Floyd Nock, Accomack C. H., Va. For Sale.A farm containing about 137 acres, situated about 3 miles from New Church Station, and about 1 mile from Horntown, nice large new dwell¬ ing, good trucking land plenty of re¬ sources, some good pine and oak tim¬ ber. For particulars apply to Jno. S. Parsons, Attorney, Accomac, Va. If you want to Save money. See our line of Douglas Shoes, Suits and overcoats for men and boys, Trunks and suit cases, Furniture, matting and Linolium. Heater Stoves $1.50 up. 12 new guns, hammer and hammer- ties, bought from a manufacturer. Well guarantee to save you money on them. Yours truly, BLOXOM k SON, Mappsville, Va. ^oXuatoVe "ReaV Estate. AT Public Auction. The undersigned will sell at public auction at Pastoria, on Saturday, No¬ vember 18th, 2:30 p. m., their interest in the land assigned to them,of which Thomas T. Budd died, seized and pos¬ sessed, situated on the road from Ac¬ comac C. H. to Pastoria, about 1} miles from court house and 21 miles of Parksley, containing 44 2-7 acres, more or less. The tract ls equally divided into cleared and wood land. The cleared land is high, in good state of cultiva¬ tion and well adapted to trucks, the woodland contains much valuable timber. The land will be sold for one-third cash, balance on instalments of 6 and 12 months,with privilege to purchaser to pay all cash on day of sale. 'mm.. W. Fletcher Budd, fe HI Laban J. Budd, Mrs. Elizabeth Holland, Mrs. Mary Core, Heirs. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. I have just returned from the Northern cition with a full line now open at Belinda, Va., of Millinery And Notions. My stock is large, was selected with with great care and in variety which will enable me to suit all my custo¬ mers. It will be my effort, by fair prices and prompt and courteous attention to receive tho liberal patronage of the public. MRS. MARY FINLEY MEARS. R. P. Custis, Thos. C. Kellam, President. Secretary. The Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co., ONANCOCK, VA. Insures Horses, Mules, &c., At very low rate. For information apply to the Secretary. The Hallwood National Back, HALLWOOD, VA*,, CAPITAL, $25,000. Patronage Solicited. S. W. MATTHEWS. President. J. Vf. lUiOr.iHTO.V. Vice-President. J.T.LEWIS, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Hall. J. M. Bloxom, J. W. Broughton E.H.Conquest, Martin Hall Jos. W. Taylor. Dr. Frank Kleulier.J. Vf. Taylor.S. W.Matthews. Established 1875. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Why should you pay $10.00 to $16.00 more for a sewing machine? I guar¬ antee to save yon from $10.00 to fl5.00 on any high grade sewing machine made. W'hy should you pay $6/5.00 for a sewing machine, when I guaran¬ tee to sell you the same machine for less money? I sell all makes: The Wheeler & Wilson, No. 9 Ballbearing, The White, Ballbearing, New Home, Standard, Singer, Household and all other makes that I can afford to guarantee. New Machines from $17.60 up. Alwaj carrying big stockton hand and can AU orders at once. Bargains in Pianos and Organs can be found at my place, The Worlds Best Works. Henry F. Miller Piano,Behr & Bros., Ludwig & Copen and The Weaver & Farrand Organs. Pianos now from $175.00 up. New Organs from $60.00 up sold to suit your convenience. Call or write for catalogue. JOHN T. ROBINSON, North St., Onancock, Va. UNDERTAKING. J Haying purchased a new Funeral Car, equal in quality to any on the Peninsula, and a full supply of caskets of all sizes and quality we are pre¬ pared to fill all orders as chet.p as any one. Thanking the public for past favors, vrb will endeavor to merit their con¬ tinuance in the future. L. J. Hyslup & Son., near Keller, Va. Phone in House. The difference in flour lies some¬ what in the wheat and a great deal in the milling. The difference in price lies some¬ what in the quality, and a great deal in the selling. Our flour is better than com¬ mon flour.because it's milled from uncommonly fine wheat, by an uncommonly perfect process. t .s ciieapcr because we ell lt direct i* thc consumer at whole- sa.er.ler. The jobber and retailer have no place in our system. We give you their profits. A single barrel, or as much as you went, at wholesale rates. Write us for prices. Eagle *lills, POCOMOKE CITY, MD. For The Land's Sake. For The Crop's Sake. For Your Own Sake. Use Orchilla Guano. The Great Soil Enricher, and crop producer. An Unadulterated Natural j Bird Onano, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Unquestionably the best and cheapest fertilizer on the market, for general use on tho farm, Analysis J quality and general Good condition considered. Imported Exclusively by THE WOOLDRIDGE ORCHILLA CO., No. 7 Commercial Market, Baltimore, Md. WM. E. THOMAS, General Agent, Nassawadox, Va. Agents:.A. S. Matthews, Temperanceville, Va.; J. G. Littleton, Nel- sonia, Va.; Pate & Mason, Parksley, Va.; Wm. S. Nelson, Onancock, Va.; S. R. Belote, Onley, Va.; Coulbourn & Stockley, Keller, Va.; John L. Warren, Pungoteague, Va.; J. S. Bull, Davis Wharf, Va.; Wescott & Drummond, Painter, Va.; D. C. Kellam, Shadyside, Va.; R. B. Trower, Eastville, Va.; Wm. P. Wise, Dalbys, Va. Fertilizers, Seeds, Hay, Mill Feed, GENERAL MERCHANDISE &C For sale by the undersigned at lowsst margin of profit*) SHINGLES, all sizes and grades -best No. 1 heart a specialty. SALT.Always on hand. FERTILIZERS. To snit all crops and of best grades. TERRA COTTA PIPING.all sites.also Plastering Hair, Lime, Bricks. FARMING IMPLKMKNTS-Plows, Harrows, Lc. MILL FEEDS.All kinds and always at bottom prices, also Hay, Corn, Lc. GENERAL MERCHANDISE.Including a line of farmers' supplies of many kinds. Tour patronage solicited.and prices right in all lines. J. W. Barnes, Bloxom, Va. Call on us If you want at Lowest Prices, General Merchandise, Furniture, Cook Stoves, Heaters, fc We have now a larger and better assorted stock in these and other lines than we have ever carried be¬ fore. We have in stock also car of wire fence, assorted heights. Rogers & Boggs, Melfa, Va. To The Public. We are in a position to fur¬ nish you with almost every¬ thing in the HARDWARE LINE that the trade demands, such as STOVES AND REPAIRS, PUMPS, and Pipe, Mechanics tools, Farming Implements,and many other things too numerous to mention. Pump driving, Tin roofing and Repairing, Specialties. All orders promptly filled and at fair prices. Yours For Business Doremus & Savage. Belle Haven, Va. Q. S. Waples with WM. WATERALL * CO., 4th & Race Ms., Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturers ot. Combination and Uni¬ versal Mixed Paints, White Lead, Roof Paints, Etc. For Sal© By- J. W. Rogers ft Bros., Finney, Boggs L Co., Powell St Waples, Martin Mason Go. Rogers Bros. Rogers L Boggs, Melfa, Va. Marsh L Bros., Chesconnessex, Va. ti. F. Byrd, Messongo, Va. Baltimore Office:. 514 American Building. If so, write to the LAUREL - It UH LAUREL, DEL., .Davis Bro. Proprietors,. For prices on Head and Foot Stones, Monument, Iron Railing and all cemetery work in gen¬ eral, and save money. Davis & Bro., LAUREL, DEL. Agenti-W. H.Pruitt,Temperance ville; E. J. Windich, Onancock Gio. W. Abdbll, Bede Haven; Bird ft DRUMMOND, Orangeville; Lloyd Smith. Pungoteague. Str0ng' Reliable and Prompt ARE THESE: VIRGINIA FIRE & MARINE of Richmond, Va. PETERSBURG HAVINGS AND Insurance Company. ^TTNA INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford. Conn PHEN1X INSURANCE COMPANY of Brooklyn. ST. PAUL INSURANCE COMPANY of St. Paul. Minn. MUTUAL LIFE INBURANC Company of N. Y. PRUDENTIAL FIRE INSURANCE Company. NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS. Losses Settled with Promptness and Liberality. Lowest Current Rates. We respectfully solicit your patron¬ age. Kelly & Nottingham, Onancock, Va. A DOLLAB MADE IB A DOLLAR 8AVJCD Look save money, Parksley Marble Works, Manufacturers of MARBLE and GRANITE MONU¬ MENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS, &C. Also, dealer in IRON FENCE CHEAPER THAN W000 Wroughti»on 40 cents per ft. Galvanized Iron 75cts per lt. and up hDWARD H. HOWARD, Manager PARKSLEY, VA. Stoves! Stoves! Heaters as low as $1.25 lined. A No. 7 cook stove for $6.00 6 No. stove pipe No. 27 iron 12 cents per joint. Elbows, 6 No. 8 cents each. Tin in sheets or in rolls, all grades, pumps of all kinds, pipes and fittings. All at rock bottom prices at J. T. Walkley, Belle Haven, Va. Hot A. Cold Water. Steam Aeat. Kath Rooms. Parker House, A. PARKER, Prop'r. C. E. Townsend's Pocomoke City Livery Attached. Maryland. All Kinds of High Grade Whiskies & Wines Sold by the gallon, quart and pint. Send PostoiHce Money Order or Check with order and your address and Package will be shipped by First Train. "MARTIN k HAM CO. Call attention to their large stock o Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Builders' Hardware, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Bricks, and Build¬ ing Material generally, Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. We are prepared to cut house bills to order; also manufacture barrel staves and heads of good quality. Our grist mill will mu every Saturday, Notwithstanding reports to the con¬ trary. We shall at all times be pleased to show our goods and invite you to call and inspect our stock before making your purchases aud we will save you money. MARTIN k MASON CO., Harborton, Va. Renovated and Opened, My HOTEL at BLOOMTOWN VA., is now occupied by Mrs. George W. Ward, and family All need have no fear in giving them a share of their patronage, as Mrs. Ward has few equals as a hotel hostess. Heat¬ ed bedrooms furnished if desired with¬ out extra expense. A first-class LIVERY is still being run by me in connection with hotel. Will meet passengers at Wisharts and other points with team upon no¬ tice by writing or phoning direct to hotel. Harry T. White, BLOOMTOWN, VA. The Parksley M'f'g. Co., Inc., PARKSLEY, VA. We have one of the best lines of Building Material and Hardware that could be secured and are prepared to furnish estimates on Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mantles, Newels, Stair Rails, Mouldings, Brackets, Shingles, Bricks, Lime Cement, Laths, in fact all kinds of Building Material and Hardware. Specials, mill supplies, such as Pumps, Pipe, Pipe fittings, Valves, Ac, also Paints, Varnishes, oils and Painters supplies, Steel Ranges, Heaters, Cook and oil stoves. We also carry a fine line of feeds, such as Middlings, Bran, Corn and Hay at Wholesale and Retail Prices. We are Manufacturers of Barrels and Barrel Mater.al and all kinds of Lumber. The Prices on the above will be right. Call and see us before Buy¬ ing. A, T. MATTHEWS, Pres., G. C. MATTHEWS, Sec, H. F. PARKS, Vice-Pres. H. A. PARKS, Treas. Fall And Winter Goods. We offer to our customers this season a larger and better line of Fall and Winter Goods than ever before and an especially fine line of Dress Goods and Finn© Shoes for ladies and gentlemen. Our stock of Furniture, Mattings, Oil Cloths,&c,too is large and in variety sufficient to meet the wants of everyone. We also have for sale all kinds of building material, Sherman-Williams Paints, Terra Cotta Piping, all sizes, Coal, 2,240 pounds to the ton, Hay, Flour, &c. Everything needed almost on farm or in household can be secured from ns at lowest margin of profit. Call and give us the opportunity to save you money. John W. Rogers & Bros., ONLY. VA. CHASE BROS, MACKLEY CARLISLE PIANO, Pianos. Pianos. Pianos. DEFY COMPETITION. 5,000 have been sold in Virginia within the past 36 years Call and see them or write for Catalogue. Pianos sold at factory prices and on easy terms Satisfaction guaranteed. s. c. rio Brick Block.Main Street, 9 MTgrs. Agent, ONANCOCK, VA. 3S£|illii?epg and potion Having secured the services of 8 f"n=t-clas<- MILLINER we areprepared to serve our patrons in the most a rtistic manner. Don't fail to see our LACES and EMBROIDERY. ML A. McGrath & Co., MAIN ST., Next Door to Postoffice. Onancock, Va. iSBBvOi HM.....Bt...-Ml 9 Without a Telephone Yoe Are Deaf amid Dmmlb To the wants of your patrons. Continuous service. Low rates. The Diamond State Telephone Company, iQBBBBQQQQQBBBQQQtH ONANCOCK, VA. W. S. ASHBY, .WITH. LIKES, BERWANOER & CO , clothiers, TAILORS. 8, 10 and 12 E. Baltimore St, furnishers. Batlmore, Md. Likes, Berwanger & Co. are the Foremost Clothiers of Baltimore Removal Sale of Pianos. Our new building at 102 N. Charles St. will not be completed October 1st., according to contract, and as the property which we now occupy has been leased to another firm, we are compelled to vacate before October 10th. We will therefore be without location for two or three weeks and in order to avoid double moving, storage and ex¬ tra insurance expenses, we have concluded to offer our entire stock of sixty upright pianos at reduced prices. These pianos are made by some of the worlds most renowned makers. Special attention will be given to mail orders. Write for catalogue, and in order to save cor¬ respondence,the time is short,please state what priced piano you are interested in. You can save fr. .n $35.00 to $75.00 by buying now. Second-hand organs from $10.00 upwards. Every Instrument Guaranteed J. P. CAULFIELD A CO., 222 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. After October 10th, address all correspondence to 102 N. Charles St. Is Reserved For &

Peninsula Enterprise.(Accomac, VA) 1905-10-21. · 2017-12-17 · Hon. Campbell Slemp, of Big Stone Gap, andHon. D. Lawrence droner, ofNorfolk, putin an appearance at AccomacC. H

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Page 1: Peninsula Enterprise.(Accomac, VA) 1905-10-21. · 2017-12-17 · Hon. Campbell Slemp, of Big Stone Gap, andHon. D. Lawrence droner, ofNorfolk, putin an appearance at AccomacC. H

CLAui/^ .

For Lieut-Governor.J. TAYLOR ELLY80N.

For Attorney General.WILLIAM A. ANDERSON.

For Supt. of Public Instruction.JOS. D. EGULESTON, JR.

For Secretary of Commonwealth.DAVID Q. EGGLESTON.

For State Treasurer.ASHER W. HARMAN.

For Commissioner of Agriculture.GEORGE Vf. KOINER.

For State Senator.BENJ. T. GUNTER.

For House of Delegates.JOHN R. REW


The Republican candidate for Gov¬ernor, Hon. L. L. Lewis, attended byHon. Campbell Slemp, of Big StoneGap, and Hon. D. Lawrence droner,of Norfolk, put in an appearance atAccomac C. H. on Thursday, as ad¬vertised, ana addressed a smallgathering of the voters of the county,of about one hundred, half or more ofwhich number were Democrats.In reporting the meeting there is

not much that can be said of it. Thespeeches were given an atteutivehearing but were received without en¬

thusiasm even on the part of the Re¬publicans and no accessions, it is safeto say, were made to the ranks of theg. o. p. on the dav.and that is aboutall that can be said of it. Indeedthere was nothing in the speeches to

convince any Democrat that it was

his duty to desert hisparty. The effortof Mr. Slemp, who was the the first to

present his views, was nothing moi©than a rehash of the beauties of Re¬publicanism and the glory that hadfallen to the country under Republi¬can rule, which the Democrats pres¬ent had heard scores of times beforewithout being convinced, lt was thesame old speech which he had made,doubtless,hundreds of times before andwith the same disregard for goodmorals, perhaps,as he did on that dayin his appeal to the Democrats to for¬

get the pledges made at the primaryand vote the Republican ticket. JudgeLewis, who followed him, can hardlybe said to have made a speech.his en¬

tire remarks almost being confined toa contradiction of the charges recent¬

ly made against him, that in his earlycareer he favored the "intermarriageof the races.". To the last speaker,Mr. Groner, was left the part to play,which the Republicans consider theirhighest trump-card and he did it withall the- arts of a demagogue. The suc¬

cess of the Republican party in thiscampaign, he said, meant free schoolbooks for aU the children,but no man,not even Republican tax-payers pres¬ent could be deceived by him. Freeschool books, everybody knows,means more taxes which will have tobe paid by the white people or theclosing of the schools,as it would takeabout half of the present school fundte pay for the books. In fact there isno necessity for free school books, as

Mr. Groner and well informed Repub¬licans know, as there is a law, whichprovides that books shall be furnishedfree to all who are not able to pay forthem.

President Roosevelt reached Rich¬mond Wednesday on a tour of theSouth and found the gates of the citywide open to receive him, with a wel¬come too hearty and sincere on the

part of all its officials and citizens notto be appreciated by him. The Pres¬ident showed that he was pleasedwith the greeting he received in theseveral speeches made by him in the

Capitol square, at the banquet at theMasonic temple and at the Lee Monu¬ment, where he spoke to a large num¬

ber of Confederate veterans All ofhis speeches, in fact, were full of

praise for the South and its people.He paid a high tribute to the valor ofthe Confederate soldiers during theCivil War and the progress the Southhad made in every branch of industryin the 40 years of peace. "Only a

heroic people," he said, "could havebattled successfully against the con¬

ditions with which the people of theSouth found themselves face to face

after the war." The historic great¬ness of Virginia too was commentedupon by him and given the first placenot only in the South but among allthe States. "On the honor roll of

those American worthies whose great¬ness is not only for the age but for alltime.not only for the nation but forall the world.on this honor roll," he

said, "Virginia's name stands above

all others." No utterance, however,made by him was received with more

satisfaction than, "that the standardsof higher races are not for those of

less advancement," which was con¬

strued as an expression of his beliefthat there should be no such thing as

that of equality of the races. The

hearty welcome which he received in

Virginia will, doubtless, be accordedhim in the whole South. As the chief

magistrate of the nation he is entitledto be thus honored and it is hopedthat his whole tour maybe an un-(qualified success.

1 n,




ut, Oc-

*Q.ober 21.,Oct.28.ier 27tli.Oct. 30.

Harborton, Saturday night, Oct. 21st.Locustville, Tuesday night, Oct. 24th.Tangier, Friday night, October 27.Keilor, Saturday afternoon, Oct.28th.

J. Harry Rew, Esq.Poulson, Saturday night, October 21.Tangier, Friday night, October 27.Modestown, Saturday afternoon, Oc¬

tober L'sth.G. G. Joynes, Esq.

Belle Haven, Saturday afternoon, Oc¬tober 21st.

Tangier, Friday night, Oetober 27th.Chesconnessex, (North Side), Mon¬

day night, October 30.Prominent off-shore Democrats will

address the voters at Chincoteague,Greenbackville, Temperanceville,Bloxom, Parksley, Pungoteague,Wachapreague, Painter, Onancockand Accomac C. H. on dates to be an¬

nounced in next issue.Appointments for November will be

published later.John S. Parsons, ti. Walter Mapp,

Secretary. Chairman Dem.Co. Com.

Unclaimed Letters.

List of letters remaining unclaimedin the Postoffiea at Accomac, Va.,October 16th, 1905.Mrs. Matilda Bundick, Miss Alma

B. Stewart, Mrs. Dr. Geo. Smith,MissBertie Stratton.Herbert Asquith, Mr. John R,

Coard, Mr. George Garrison, Mr.Jacob Guyer, Jas. T. Loyd, PeterParker, Mr. Tom Stant, Mr. LenWaller.

Bettie S. White, P. M.

The Wooldridge Orchilla Co.,Baltimore, Md.

Gentlemen:.I bought two tons ofOrchilla guano from you which I usedat the rate of 500 pounds per acre forcorn on very poor land.

I have a crop of com where theOrchilla was used equal to truckpatch corn. I am now talking to youragent for a car load of Orchilla.

Yours respectfullyE. V. Gunter,Franktown, Va.

September 30, 1905.

If you are in need of ladies, missesand childrens coats or furs go to

B. S. Ashby & Co.

Call on me for groceries, rubberboots, oil skins, and every kind ofwater tackling at my store at theOyster House. W. H. Lang.

We have the largest line of ladieslong and short coats and skirts ever

offered in this town at prices waydown.

S. Vf. Ames & Co.,Pungoteague, Va.

Ask for Bunk Trower, with NewYork Clothing House, 102 & 104 Bal¬timore St., Balto. Md., the largestretail clothing house in Baltimore.Tailor made suits to order.

In Memoriam.

In loving remembrance of SudieHyslope, the daughter of Orban Vf.and Hester A. Downing who diedWednesday, October 4, 1905, aged 17years.The Lord hath given her rest,From her sorrow and suffering,The Saviour hath wiped away her

tears,And bidden her come home.Good-bye then dear sister,A sad good-bye.'Tis hard to see the cold grave closed,Over the form of her we love,

But 'tis through death's cold embrace,We enter world above.

Sister Annie.

Another faithful one has left ourband,

To join her loved ones on the hap¬py shore,

Wp know her exit is a blissful change,Add yet we grieve that here we'll

see her face no more.

An exemplary life for young and oldshe led,

As one and all who knew her willagree,

So gentle loving and so kind,Filled with these graces, faith, hope

and charity.And when in youth beside that cot

she sat,And soothed with gentle touch the

child who lingered there,No murmur orimpatient word escaped

her lips,Content to watch and all histroubles

share.True missionary zeal she amply bore,Nor ever felt too much her means

she gave,Happy the thought if in this way,In distant lands some darkened soul

to save.

I think already in that heavenly land,Where falls no shadows,where there

will be no night,Many from China and Japan haveclasped her with a loving hand,And said you helped me to the light.

Loved ones you will sadly miss her inyour home,

Where many years she gave hercounsel and her love,

But best of all the battle is fought thevictory won,

And now she reigns with him above.

Now friends by this let us fresh cour¬

age take,And follow Him, our faithful friend

and guide,Cheered onward by the inspiring

thought,We are on the winning side.

Bv a member of the missionary So'cy."M. S. B.

Resolutions of Respect.The* following resolutions were

adopted at a meeting oi the Woman'sForeign Missionary Society October2nd. Belle Haven, Va:

"Whereas Almighty God in His wiseProvidence has seen flt to take hometo himself Mrs. Sara A. Bagwell,mother of our loved and honoredpresident, therefore Resolved,

1. That our society has lost a lovedand faithful member, whose pure lifeand peaceful death are a blessing andan example to us all.

2. That we extend our sincere andheartfelt sympathy to our president,Mrs. Bettie A. Rne, and to all the be¬reaved family and relatives.

3. That a copy of these resolutions bespread on the minutes of this society,a copy be sent to the bereaved familyaud a copy bo sent to the Baltimoreand Richmond Christian Advocate andPeninsula Enterprise for publication.

Mrs. J. H. Moss,Mrs. J. O. Mapp,Miss Mattie Brickhouse,Miss Mamie Doughty.

Insomnia and Indigestion Cured.

cLast year I had a very severe at-ta k of indigestion. I could not sleepat night anet suffered most excrucia¬ting pains for three hours after eachmeal. I was troubled this way for aboutthree months when I used Chamber¬lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, andreceived immediate relief,"says JohnDixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada.For sale by

B. S. Ashby & Co.,Accomac, and all county agencies,

Business Notices.

For Sale.At right pricea, 60 bush¬els of fine yellow Danver onion sets.best strains.

W. L. Elzey,Exmore, Va.

For Sale.Good trucking farm of225 acres with good dwelling of eightrooms in 10 minutes drive of Poco¬moke city. Plenty of fruit and plentyof resources. For"particulars audrosn.

Box 256,Pocomoke City, Md.

Girls, if you want red lips, laughingeyes, sweet breath and good looksuse Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.The greatest beautifier known. 35cents, Tea or Tablets.

Wm. P. Bell & Co., Accomac.Hall's Pharmacy, Parksley.

For Sale or Rent.The Stran farmsituated in one mile of Parksley. Itcontains 300 acres, is in high state ofcultivation and has an abundance ofesources thereon. Can be subdividednto three good farms.

J. H. Hopkins, agent forMrs. Wm. P. Custis.

For Rent, 1906-Levin Fox Farm.Apply to

T. S. Hopkins,pknley,Tasley, Va.

Sick headache is caused by a dis¬ordered condition of the stomach andis quickly cured by Chamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. Forsale by

B. S. Ashby & Co.,Accomac, and all county agencies.

Indigestion, constipation.dyspepsia,kidney and liver disorders, ana allstomach troubles positively cured byusing Hollister's Rocky MountainTea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.

Wm. P. Bell & Co., Accomac.Hall's Pharmacy, Parksley.

For Sale.One deadrise bateau, 20feet long, 6 feet wide, good sailer,andeverything including sails in first-clasbcondition. Apply to

Cecil A. Loffland,Evans Wharf, Va.

Piano Tuned-Will have a first-classtuner at Onancock, from Sept. 25th,to October 30th. Send me your order.

S. C. McGrath.

COAL.$6.50 per ton of 2,240pounds.T. S. Hopkins & Co.

Notice.First-class boarding houseand livery- in 200 yards of New Churchstation. All trains met and passen¬gers conveyed to all parts of Penin¬sula at reasonable prices. Meals atall hours. Telephone to me at NewChurch village. Write to me at Mas¬sey, Va,

John W. Davis,Proprietor.

For Sale.A farm containingabout 300 acres within } of mile ofNew Church station.three settle¬ments in good repair. good truckingland with plenty of resources.sometimber. For particulars apply to

Jno. S. Parsons, atty.Accomac, Va.

For Sale.Twenty hives of Italianbees in best patented hives. Thehoney season being over these beeswill be sold at the very low price of$2.50 each.

Jos. 8. Bunting,Bloomtown, va.

Notice.The grist mill at Acco¬mac C. H., recently purchased by meof Geo. W. Garrett, is now open forthe accommodation of the public.M'll days will be every Tuesday andFriday.

A. J. Lilliston.

For Sale.The "Taylor farm" atGargatha lately belonging to Mr-Eugene Wm. Barnes, with the excep¬tion of about 2J acres at the North¬east end thereof, which I will sell inlots, the corner one of which is avaluable site for a store. The land ishigh, with not a ditch on it or need ofone, is unsurpassed for sweet potatoesand has a considerable quantity ofland already improved for trucks andhas a comfortable dwelling with nec-

cessary outbuildings, good enclosures,is convenient to postoffice, churchesand schools, is about 2\ miles fromBloxom station and half mile fromWoodberry and there is a good anddirect route from it to the public land¬ing nearly opposite on the seasideand a short distance therefrom. Pricesreasonable and terms accommodating.

L. Floyd Nock,Accomack C. H., Va.

For Sale.A farm containing about137 acres, situated about 3 miles fromNew Church Station, and about 1 milefrom Horntown, nice large new dwell¬ing, good trucking land plenty of re¬

sources, some good pine and oak tim¬ber. For particulars apply to

Jno. S. Parsons, Attorney,Accomac, Va.

If you want toSave money.

See our line of Douglas Shoes, Suitsand overcoats for men and boys,Trunks and suit cases, Furniture,matting and Linolium.

Heater Stoves $1.50 up.12 new guns, hammer and hammer-

ties, bought from a manufacturer.Well guarantee to save you money on

them.Yours truly,

BLOXOM k SON,Mappsville, Va.

^oXuatoVe "ReaV Estate.AT

Public Auction.The undersigned will sell at public

auction at Pastoria, on Saturday, No¬vember 18th, 2:30 p. m., their interestin the land assigned to them,of whichThomas T. Budd died, seized and pos¬sessed, situated on the road from Ac¬comac C. H. to Pastoria, about 1}miles from court house and 21 milesof Parksley, containing 44 2-7 acres,more or less.The tract ls equally divided into

cleared and wood land. The clearedland is high, in good state of cultiva¬tion and well adapted to trucks, thewoodland contains much valuabletimber.The land will be sold for one-third

cash, balance on instalments of 6 and12 months,with privilege to purchaserto pay all cash on day of sale.'mm.. W. Fletcher Budd,fe HI Laban J. Budd,

Mrs. Elizabeth Holland,Mrs. Mary Core,


MILLINERY AND NOTIONS.I have just returned from the

Northern cition with a full line now

open at Belinda, Va., of

Millinery And Notions.My stock is large, was selected with

with great care and in variety whichwill enable me to suit all my custo¬mers.

It will be my effort, by fair pricesand prompt and courteous attentionto receive tho liberal patronage ofthe public.


R. P. Custis, Thos. C. Kellam,President. Secretary.

The Mutual Live StockInsurance Co.,ONANCOCK, VA.

Insures Horses, Mules, &c.,At very low rate.

For information apply to theSecretary.

The Hallwood National Back,HALLWOOD, VA*,,

CAPITAL, $25,000.Patronage Solicited.

S. W. MATTHEWS. President.J. Vf. lUiOr.iHTO.V. Vice-President.J.T.LEWIS, Cashier.

DIRECTORS:Jas. A. Hall. J. M. Bloxom, J. W. BroughtonE.H.Conquest, Martin Hall Jos. W. Taylor.Dr. Frank Kleulier.J. Vf. Taylor.S. W.Matthews.

Established 1875.

Pianos, Organs and SewingMachines.

Why should you pay $10.00 to $16.00more for a sewing machine? I guar¬antee to save yon from $10.00 to fl5.00on any high grade sewing machinemade. W'hy should you pay $6/5.00for a sewing machine, when Iguaran¬tee to sell you the same machine forless money? I sell all makes: TheWheeler & Wilson, No. 9 Ballbearing,The White, Ballbearing, New Home,Standard, Singer, Household and allother makes that I can afford toguarantee. New Machines from $17.60up. Alwaj carrying big stockton handand can AU orders at once. Bargainsin Pianos and Organs can be found atmy place,

The Worlds Best Works.Henry F. Miller Piano,Behr & Bros.,

Ludwig & Copen and The Weaver &Farrand Organs. Pianos now from$175.00 up. New Organs from $60.00up sold to suit your convenience. Callor write for catalogue.

JOHN T. ROBINSON,North St., Onancock, Va.


Haying purchased a new FuneralCar, equal in quality to any on thePeninsula, and a full supply of casketsof all sizes and quality we are pre¬pared to fill all orders as chet.p as anyone.Thanking the public for past favors,

vrb will endeavor to merit their con¬tinuance in the future.

L. J. Hyslup & Son.,near Keller, Va.

Phone in House.

The difference in flour lies some¬what in the wheat and a greatdeal in the milling.The difference in price lies some¬

what in the quality, and a greatdeal in the selling.Our flour is better than com¬

mon flour.because it's milled fromuncommonly fine wheat, by anuncommonly perfect process.

t .s ciieapcr because we ell ltdirect i* thc consumer at whole-sa.er.ler.The jobber and retailer have no

place in our system. We giveyou their profits.A single barrel, or as much as

you went, at wholesale rates.Write us for prices.

Eagle *lills,POCOMOKE CITY, MD.

For The Land's Sake.For The Crop's Sake.

For Your Own Sake.

Use Orchilla Guano.The Great Soil Enricher, and crop producer. An Unadulterated Natural j

Bird Onano, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Unquestionably the bestand cheapest fertilizer on the market, for general use on tho farm, Analysis Jquality and general Good condition considered. Imported Exclusively by

THE WOOLDRIDGE ORCHILLA CO.,No. 7 Commercial Market,

Baltimore, Md.WM. E. THOMAS, General Agent,

Nassawadox, Va.

Agents:.A. S. Matthews, Temperanceville, Va.; J. G. Littleton, Nel-sonia, Va.; Pate & Mason, Parksley, Va.; Wm. S. Nelson, Onancock, Va.; S.R. Belote, Onley, Va.; Coulbourn & Stockley, Keller, Va.; John L. Warren,Pungoteague, Va.; J. S. Bull, Davis Wharf, Va.; Wescott & Drummond,Painter, Va.; D. C. Kellam, Shadyside, Va.; R. B. Trower, Eastville, Va.;Wm. P. Wise, Dalbys, Va.

Fertilizers, Seeds, Hay, Mill Feed,GENERAL MERCHANDISE &C

For sale by the undersigned at lowsst margin of profit*)SHINGLES, all sizes and grades -best No. 1 heart a specialty.SALT.Always on hand.FERTILIZERS.To snit all crops and of best grades.TERRA COTTA PIPING.all sites.also Plastering Hair, Lime, Bricks.


MILL FEEDS.All kinds and always at bottom prices, also Hay, Corn, Lc.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.Including a line of farmers' supplies ofmany kinds.

Tour patronage solicited.and prices right in all lines.

J. W. Barnes, Bloxom, Va.

Call on usIf you want at Lowest Prices,

General Merchandise, Furniture, Cook Stoves, Heaters, fcWe have now a larger and betterassorted stock in these and otherlines than we have evercarried be¬fore.

We have in stock also car of wire fence, assorted heights.

Rogers & Boggs, Melfa, Va.

To The Public.We are in a position to fur¬

nish you with almost every¬thing in the

HARDWARE LINEthat the trade demands, such as

STOVES AND REPAIRS,PUMPS, and Pipe, Mechanicstools, Farming Implements,andmany other things too numerousto mention.Pump driving, Tin roofing

and Repairing, Specialties.All orders promptly filled

and at fair prices.Yours For Business

Doremus & Savage.Belle Haven, Va.

Q. S. Wapleswith

WM. WATERALL * CO.,4th & Race Ms.,Philadelphia, Pa.

Manufacturers ot.Combination and Uni¬versal Mixed Paints,

White Lead,Roof Paints, Etc.

For Sal© By-J. W. Rogers ft Bros.,Finney, Boggs L Co.,Powell St Waples,

Martin Mason Go.Rogers Bros.Rogers L Boggs, Melfa, Va.

Marsh L Bros., Chesconnessex, Va.ti. F. Byrd, Messongo, Va.

Baltimore Office:.514 American Building.

If so, write to the



.Davis Bro. Proprietors,.For prices on Head and Foot

Stones, Monument, Iron Railingand all cemetery work in gen¬eral, and save money.

Davis & Bro.,LAUREL, DEL.

Agenti-W. H.Pruitt,Temperanceville; E. J. Windich, OnancockGio. W. Abdbll, Bede Haven;Bird ft DRUMMOND, Orangeville;Lloyd Smith. Pungoteague.

Str0ng' Reliable and PromptARE THESE:









Losses Settled with Promptness andLiberality.Lowest Current Rates.We respectfully solicit your patron¬


Kelly & Nottingham,Onancock, Va.


Look save money,Parksley Marble Works,

Manufacturers ofMARBLE and GRANITE MONU¬


Also, dealer in


Wroughti»on 40 cents per ft.Galvanized Iron 75cts per lt. and up


Stoves! Stoves!Heaters as low as $1.25 lined.A No. 7 cook stove for $6.006 No. stove pipe No. 27 iron 12 cents

per joint.Elbows, 6 No. 8 cents each.Tin in sheets or in rolls, all grades,

pumps of all kinds, pipes and fittings.All at rock bottom prices at

J. T. Walkley,Belle Haven, Va.

Hot A. Cold Water.Steam Aeat. Kath Rooms.

Parker House,A. PARKER, Prop'r.

C. E. Townsend's Pocomoke CityLivery Attached. Maryland.

All Kinds of

High Grade Whiskies & WinesSold by the gallon, quart and pint.

Send PostoiHce Money Order orCheck with order and your addressand Package will be shipped by FirstTrain.

"MARTIN k HAM CO.Call attention to their large stock o

Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,Builders' Hardware, Shingles,Laths, Lime, Bricks, and Build¬ing Material generally, Paints,Oils and Painters' Supplies.We are prepared to cut house bills to

order; also manufacture barrel stavesand heads of good quality. Our gristmill will mu every Saturday,Notwithstanding reports to the con¬trary.We shall at all times be pleased to

show our goods and invite you to calland inspect our stock before makingyour purchases aud we will save youmoney.

MARTIN k MASON CO.,Harborton, Va.

Renovated and Opened,My HOTEL at BLOOMTOWN VA.,

is now occupied by Mrs. GeorgeW. Ward, and family All needhave no fear in giving them a shareof their patronage, as Mrs. Ward hasfew equals as a hotel hostess. Heat¬ed bedrooms furnished if desired with¬out extra expense.A first-class LIVERY is still being

run by me in connection with hotel.Will meet passengers at Wisharts

and other points with team upon no¬

tice by writing or phoning direct tohotel.

Harry T. White,BLOOMTOWN, VA.

The Parksley M'f'g. Co., Inc.,


We have one of the best lines of Building Material and Hardware thatcould be secured and are prepared to furnish estimates on Doors, Sash,Blinds, Mantles, Newels, Stair Rails, Mouldings, Brackets, Shingles, Bricks,Lime Cement, Laths, in fact all kinds of Building Material and Hardware.

Specials, mill supplies, such as Pumps, Pipe, Pipe fittings, Valves, Ac,also Paints, Varnishes, oils and Painters supplies, Steel Ranges, Heaters,Cook and oil stoves.

We also carry a fine line of feeds, such as Middlings, Bran, Corn andHay at Wholesale and Retail Prices.

We are Manufacturers of Barrels and Barrel Mater.al and all kinds ofLumber. The Prices on the above will be right. Call and see us before Buy¬ing.

A, T. MATTHEWS, Pres., G. C. MATTHEWS, Sec,H. F. PARKS, Vice-Pres. H. A. PARKS, Treas.

Fall And Winter Goods.We offer to our customers this season a larger and better

line ofFall and Winter Goods

than ever before and an especially fine line of

Dress Goods and Finn© Shoesfor ladies and gentlemen.Our stock of Furniture, Mattings, Oil Cloths,&c,too is large and in variety

sufficient to meet the wants of everyone.We also have for sale all kinds of building material, Sherman-Williams

Paints, Terra Cotta Piping, all sizes, Coal, 2,240 pounds to the ton, Hay,Flour, &c.Everything needed almost on farm or in household can be secured from ns

at lowest margin of profit.Call and give us the opportunity to save you money.

John W. Rogers & Bros.,ONLY. VA.




5,000 have been sold in Virginia within the past 36 yearsCall and see them or write for Catalogue.Pianos sold at factory prices and on easy termsSatisfaction guaranteed.

s. c. rioBrick Block.Main Street,

9 MTgrs. Agent,ONANCOCK, VA.

3S£|illii?epg and potionHaving secured the services of 8 f"n=t-clas<-MILLINER we areprepared to serve our

patrons in the most a rtistic manner. Don'tfail to see ourLACES and EMBROIDERY.

ML A. McGrath & Co.,MAIN ST.,

Next Door to Postoffice. Onancock, Va.iSBBvOi HM.....Bt...-Ml9

Without a Telephone

Yoe Are

Deafamid DmmlbTo the wants of your patrons.Continuous service. Low rates.

The Diamond State Telephone Company,




8, 10 and 12 E. Baltimore St, furnishers.

Batlmore, Md.

Likes, Berwanger & Co. are the Foremost Clothiers of Baltimore

Removal Sale of Pianos.Our new building at 102 N. Charles St. will not be completed

October 1st., according to contract, and as the property which we nowoccupy has been leased to another firm, we are compelled to vacatebefore October 10th. We will therefore be without location for two

or three weeks and in order to avoid double moving, storage and ex¬

tra insurance expenses, we have concluded to offer our entire stockof sixty upright pianos at reduced prices. These pianos are made bysome of the worlds most renowned makers. Special attention will begiven to mail orders. Write for catalogue, and in order to save cor¬

respondence,the time is short,please state what priced piano you are

interested in. You can save fr. .n $35.00 to $75.00 by buying now.

Second-hand organs from $10.00 upwards.Every Instrument Guaranteed

J. P. CAULFIELD A CO.,222 N. Howard St.,

Baltimore, Md.After October 10th, address all correspondence to 102 N.

Charles St.

Is Reserved For
