I F I 8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 11 1909 I No boys Imagination o ever pictured him finer wear- ing ¬ apparel than we have here in realityall of which- we will gladly show him and his parents Boys suits double breast- ed ¬ with straight pants 2 to 750 Double and single breasted with bloomer pants 5 to 1o I j Boys Overcoats Boys Shoes sizes 20 to 7 Boys Hats and Caps I Boys Underwear Shirts iGloves neckwear etc And the variety the same as you will find in our mens linens I I The John White Store I The Store With the Reputation 205207 S Palafox St I = AMUSEMENTSB- arnum 1 Bailey Circus The department of surgery and medicine is the principal feature in the care of Barnum anti Baileys zoo- logical ¬ collection George Conklin With his corps of assistant veterinary surgeons exercises the utmost vigil nnce in his daily examination of each cage Not long ago it was found ne ¬ cessary to remove some ingrowing claws that were setting Princess the beautiful African lioness almost fran- tic with pain This required the combined efforts- of the entire surgical staff to rope find hold Princess while the operation- was being performed A olece or scantling six by three inches was thrust into the cage to pin the animal- in a corner and then a noose was dropped over her head With one blow of her paw Princess smashed- the stout piece of wood to splinters Another scantling was thrust in only- to be likewise converted into kindling mood While this was going on ropes were slipped about Princesss neck and body She was drawn firmly against the ibars and as her feet stuck through them they were seized nnd held In this way the surgeon chiropodist was able to go about his Work and In a twinkling he had snipped off the Ingrowing claws Elephants deer and monkeys are docile under the hands of the veteri- nary ¬ surgeon Some time ago Duch ¬ ess a monster elephant was suffer ¬ ing from rheumatisman ailment cal- culated to make anything of flesh and < 1 DO YOU FEAR the effects of certain kinds of food Do they cause you untold suffering from Bloating Heartburn Nausea and Head ¬ ache Then you really need a short course of Hostellers Stomach Bitters- at once Your stomach and digestive or rnns are In bad shape and Nature needs Assistance or you are groins to be slok Get a bottle today It Is for Indigestion Dyspepsia Costiveness Biliousness Colds Grippe and Malaria Insist on Hoatettcra with private stamp over neck V BOWLING ALLEYSO- pen from 9 a m till midnight- For ladles and gentlemen WEST ROMANA STREET r SHOE- NEWS r THOSE NEW ONES that came in Saturday are beauties Both low and high cuts Made over three new lasts Gotten out especially for us by Wright Peters Shoe Company Snappy Well yes just as full of it as a frosty morning Youll be greatly surprised vhen you see the quality and have the price v t 1 r Watson Parker Reese Co Everything to Wear- S DO YOU GET UP I WiTH A LAME BACK n- tfJ11 7 Z I z d = = h S- t Jlt f c1Lmid- Ik1f1 i- It E II 1LJ IL L7dt- afla r V fl a 2r S Have You Rheumatism Kidney Liver- or Bladder Trouble To Prove That SwampRoot the Great Kidney Liver and Bladder Remedy will do for YOU all our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail Pain or dull ache In the back is evidence of kidney trouble It is na ¬ tures timely warning to show you that the track of health is not clear Danger Signals- If these danger signals are unheeded- more serious results follow Brights disease which is the worst form of kidney trouble may steal upon you The mild and immediate effect ol SwampRoot the great kidney liver and bladder remedy is soon realized- It stands the highest tor its remark ¬ able curative effeCt in the most dis ¬ tressing cases If you need a medi ¬ cine you should have the best Lame Back Lame back is only one of many symptoms of kidney trouble Other symptoms showing that you need SwampRoot are being obliged to pass water often during the day and to get up many times during the night Catarrh of the Bladder Inability to hold urine smarting in- passing uric acid headache dizziness- indigestion sleeple3sness nervous ¬ ness sometimes the heart acts badly most SAMPLE BOTTLE FREETo wonderful of Swamp may have sample bottle and a of valuable sent absolutely free by mail The contains of the thou sands of letters received men women who found to just the remedy needed The value and success of is so well that our readers are advised to send for sample bottle Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton N Y sure to say read this Generous offer in The Pensacola The of this offer is guaranteed blood irritaible The animal quietly submitted to all the dictates of Mr Conklin and was bound in hot band ages and swathed in a curious and cumbersome costume It even con- sented ¬ to have its temperature taken daily- It Is said the menagerie of the Bar num and Bailey greatest show on earth which exhibits in Pensacola- next Monday contains the rarest and most collections of wild ¬ ever assembled in one group The Man- A comic opera of delightful quality and unusual merit both in book lyrics and score is The Gingerbread Man which will be given here Saturday with the original No 1 company fresh from tour of larger cities where- it has en i = d unusual succe in this the third ar of its preset on The reason for this succt is obvi- ous ¬ The piece is one of certain merit first of all for its particularly beau thul music which by the way was composed by A Baldwin Sloane who has given us such tuneful composi- tions as The Mocking Bird Jack the Beau Stalk Sergeant Kitty Broadway to Tokio and Coming Through the Rye Mr Sloanes mu- sic ¬ I is not only tuneful but it is written- in a musicianly style and although It has a trick of catching the ear it has class which enables its composer to rank with the best that America pro ¬ duces Mr Sloane never writes and his themes are so varied that the of sameness so noticeable in many composers some even who have achieved greatness is not noticeable He has no particular style and mu ¬ familiar with his work are often surprised at the broadness of his field in musical literature This as a rule Insures a more successful- score and in The Man we find an almost perfect one SCIENCE SETTLES IT Dandruff is Caused by a Germ That Saps the Hairs Vitality- It is now a settled fact that dandruff is caused by a germ Falling hair and baldness are the result of dandruff- Dr E J Beardslsy of Champaign III got hold of new hair preparation Newbros Herpicidethe only one that kills the dandruff germ He says I used Herpicide for my dan ¬ and falling hair and I am well satisfied with the result Dr J T Fugate of Urbana II says I have used Herpicide for dandruff with ex ¬ cellent results I shall prescribe It in my practice Herpicide kills dandruff germ Physicians as well as the general public so Sold by leading druggists lOc in stamps- for sample to The Herpicidp Co De ¬ troit Mich One dollar bottles guaranteed W A DAlemberte druggist and apothe- cary ¬ 121 South Palafos streets rheumatism bloating lack of ambi ¬ tion may be loss of flesh sallow com- plexion ¬ Prevalency of Kidney Disease Most people do not realize the alarm- ing ¬ increase and remarkable prev alency of kidney disease While kid ¬ ney disorders are the common diseases that prevail they are almost the last recognized by patient and physicians who usually content them ¬ selves with doctoring the effects while the original disease constantly undermines the system A Trial Will Convince Anyone- In taking SwampRoot you afford natural help to Nature for Swamp Root is a gentle healing vegetable compounda physicians prescription- for a specific disease- If you are already convinced that SwampRoot is you need you can purchase the regular fiftycent- and onedollar size bottles at all the drug stores Dont make any mistake- but remember the name Dr Kilmers SwampRoot and the address Bing hamton N Y which you will find on every bottle prove the merits Root you a book information- both book many from and SwampRoot be they SwampRoot known a Address be you Journal genuineness costly ani- mals Gingerbread a the and alike fault sicians Gingerbread the druff the say Send what PYTHIANS TTENTIONI Hon H Clay Crawford grand chan- cellor ¬ Knights of Pythias of Florida will make an official visit to Rathbone Lodge No 30 Thursday night A spe ¬ cial invitation is issued to Pensacola- No 3 Damon No 13 Fidelity No 68 Milton No 2I and Century Lodge No SI to be present on that occasion Past Grand Chancellors T E Welles Henry Horsier and J Emmet Volfe will also be present- J M ROPER 1HOS TUTTLE C C K R S novlO2t A L WOOLEN SONHORSE SHOERS Owing to the blockade at the Pala ¬ fox intersection on Intendencia street AL Woolen Son horseshoers are doing business from Baylen street novll3t FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL ASSN Special to The Journal DeLand Fla Nov 10The local executive committee formed here some time ago fir the purpose of making extensive preparations for the big meeting of the State Educational association in DeLand Dec 2S31 has held a meeting and the chairmen or tue various subcommittees all re ¬ i ported progress It is evident the people of this city have well In hand every detail More than SlOOO will be spent for public decorations receptions enter- tainment etc The following well known persons head the various com ¬ mittees In the order named Prof A L L Suhrie publicity and correspondence- Prof Theodore D Gulp program Mayor S A Vood transportation- Mr V vV Gould president Busin I ness Mens league hotel accommoda- tions ¬ Postmaster W A Allen finance- Mr I M Davis chairman of city j council public decorations Mrs J L McCrory president W C T U reception President Lincoln Hulley entertain- ment ¬ Supt A O Botts local enrollments- The I Volusia county scnool board I and the DeLand city council have made liberal appropriations toward the general expenses President Hathaway of Jackson- ville ¬ and Dr Conradi 01 Tallahas- see ¬ chairman of the state executive committee will be able to announce I the educational program very soon It is tobe a xerjr strong one o ASSAilANT OF fOWl YNIESTRA- IS CONVICTED ROBERT MOORE NEGRO CON FESSES TO ASSAULT AND OF ¬ FERS TO PLEAD GUILTY ON PROMISE OF LIGHT SENTENCE YNIESTRA IS PENSACOLA BOY In Mobile yesterday the assailant- of Edward Yniestra was convicted of assault with intent to murder He will get a sentence of not less than 10 years in the coal mines The negro said he would plead guilty in case a light sentence was promised him but the state refused- to take such a iplea and put such evi ¬ dence before the jury that conviction followed a session of 15 minutes Yniestra was shot thy the negro In noting court proceedings The Regis- ter ¬ prints the following Robert Moore a negro known to the pollce as Steeple Knob was the star defendant In the city court yes- terday ¬ Moore faced a jury on the charge of assault to murder After being out less than fifteen minutes- the jury reported a verdict of guilty Moore will be sentenced to from ten to twenty years in prison Saturday- by Judge Semmes A short time ago Edward Yniestra clerk 559 Conti street was held up and shot by two negroes as he Was walking near the corner of Hamilton- and St Francis streets Yniestra was shot in the hand At the time of the affair the negroes escaped The po ¬ lice were notified of the attempted holdup and as a result of their inves ¬ tigations Moore was arrested The nogro confessed to the crime and ot fered to take ten years in prison on condition of a plea of guilty This the state refused to allow him to do On the witness stand yesterday Steeple Knob denied In toto his con- fessions ¬ and protested his Innocence but the evidence against him was evi- dently ¬ too strong for he was found guilty THE WEATHER- IN PENSACOLAF- urnished by local office U S weather bureau for The Pensacola Journal of Nov 11 1909 Maximum temperature yesterday 73 degrees at 415 pm Minimum temperature yesterday 63 degrees at 3 a m Mean temperature yesterday 68 de ¬ grees Normal temperature yesterday 61 degrees Departure from normal yesterday plus 7 degrees Average maximum temperature for this date 69 degrees Average minimum temperature for this date 54 degrees- Accumulated excess of daily mean temperature since first of the month 67 degrees Accumulated excess of daily mean temperature from January 1 to 1st of month 72 degrees Total rainfall from 7 a m to 7 p m yesterday 0 inches Total rainfall since first of the month 10 inches Normal rainfall for this month 374 inches Total excess of rainfall from Janu- ary ¬ 1st to first of the month 126 inches SOME HARD KNOCKS Woman Gets Rid of Coffee Heart The injurious action of Coffee on the heart of many persons is well known by physicians to be caused by caffeine This is the drug found by chemists In coffee and tea A woman suffered a long time with severe heart trouble and finally her doctor told her she must give up coffee as that was the principal cause of the trouble She writes My heart was so weak it could not do its work properly My husband would sometimes have to carry me from the table and It would seem that- I would never breathe again The doctor told me that coffee was causing the weakness of my heart He said I must stop it but it seemed- I could not give It up until I was down in bed with nervous prostraton For eleven weeks I lay there and suffered Finally Husband brought home some Postum and I quit coffee and started new and right Slowly i got well Now I do not have any head ¬ aches nor those spells with weak heart We know it is Postum that helped me The Dr said the other day 01 never thought you would re what you are I used to weight 92 pounds and now I weigh IBS Postum has done much for me and- I would not go back to coffee again- for any money for I believe it would kill me If I kept at it Postum must be well boiled according to directions- on pkg then it has a rich flavour and with cream is fine Read The Road to Wellvlle found- in pkgs Theres a Reason Ever read the above letter A one appears from time to time Theyl are genuine true and full cf human interest it- I One Continuous Line of PeopleF- rom Early Yesterday Morning Until Late Last NightG- RAYS EFFORTS CROWNED WITH GLITTERING SUCCESS AND UNBOUNDED ENTHUSIASM FOL LOWS THE REMARKABLE RESULTS REPORTED BY PENSACOLA PEOPLE Gray came to Pensacola an entire stranger and now he numbers friends- by the hundreds There must be a caus for this almost instantaneous popularity There is The cause can be given in a few words Keeping- his promises and proving what he says When he came here he prom ised that ere he had been here many days people from this city would be reporting good results and this they have certainly done Every day these columns contained the testimonials of local people who had used the wonder wul Quaker Extract and Oil of Balm and were cured Some of the cures OPERA OUSt ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY NOV 13th RICE VARLEYS- ERVE THE MERRIEST OF THE MUSICAL FANCIES THE- GINGERBREAD MAN Music by A Baldwin Sloane Book by Frederick Ranken 59 IN THE MATCHLESS COMPANY Show Girls and Bewitching Choristers Scenery Costumes and Electrical liifwcts of the Utmost Splendor A multitude of emphatic song hits whistled anti liuinmrd everywhere Did you ever hear John Doe JIazIe Beautiful Lend of tie Bon- Bon Moon Moon Moon Queen of My DtcaniF eri Tney will linger ir your mer iory A edley of mirth melody ad nagiiitcen e Pritet 2c to 150 Seat calc Thus div 3am AUCTION SALE OF FINE lOTSI- T WILL BE CONTINUED TODAY- AT 2 P M AND NORTH fclLL RESIDENCE LOTS WILL BE KNOCKED DOWN TO HIGHEST BIDDER The auction sale of North Hill lots by A A Richards Sons Co yester- day ¬ was interfered with slightly by the counter attractions at tile Fair grounds but it nevertheless made a good start and will be continued to- day in order to give everyone an op- portunity ¬ to attend The sale begins at 2 p m and every lot is sold to the highest bidder regardless of price Automobiles will be in waiting to take visitors from North Hill car line at DeSoto stree- tHONE IL H B MAYS WELLPLEASED CONGRESSMAN FROM THE THIRD DISTRICT SAYS FAIR REFLECTS CREDIT ON THE COUNTIES PAR- TICIPATING ¬ Your fair is good and I am agree- ably ¬ surprised over the quality and quantity oT the exhibits especially of farm products said Congressman D H Mays to a Journal representative yesterday o I have been to a great many fairs in Kentucky and other places but for the first attempt I think the TriCounty Fair exhibits are- a credit to the three counties partici- pating ¬ I would like very much to see this fair continued from year to year and- I hope that the people will see that this is done All the agricultural peo- ple ¬ of this section need is a little en- couragement ¬ to show what they can do and it is such exhibits and gather- ings ¬ as these that lend that encour ¬ agement Our forests are fast being depleted and it Is well that the agri- cultural ¬ resources of the section are being developed- Yes sir the TriCounty Fair is an unqualified success in my opinion Business Meeting- At YM C A Tonight- The regular monthly membership business meeting of the Y M C A is called for tonight at 8 oclock the following committees appointed at last months meeting to report Com- mittee ¬ on ritual committee on anni- versary ¬ and committee on badges Messrs Suarez Diaz and Bagley- are to be responsible for the enter- tainment ¬ of the evening which will be interesting according to indica ¬ tions A warm welcome awaits the new raemfoers all of whom are ex- pected ¬ to be rpresent to receive their real introduction into the associa tionr SEE THE GREAT LAURENCE AT THE ORPHEUMT- HIS WEEK Daily Matinee 4 pm Three 3 Night Shows I 730 830 and 930 3 i C < r p reported were simply marvelous and created much excitement It must be remembered that many others were cured who did not wish their names- to appear in public print These are facts and the testimonials published- are subject to the most thorough in ¬ vestigation Therefore sufferers from rheumatism catarrh constipation in- digestion ¬ kidney liver stomach or blood troubles should call on Gray and I let him explain how these Quaker remedies composed entirely of herbs cure and how easy they can bo ob- tained ¬ Gray is fair and liberal He does not promise Impossibilities but what he does promise he proves Call- on him at Hannah Bros Drug Store He can be seen there daily from 9 a m to 9 p m It costs nothing to talk- to him Tapeworms expelled by local t people can be seen at the drug store If you cannot call on Gray order the remedies toy mail and on receipt of price they will be sent by express- all charges paid Quaker Extract 100 3 for 250 Oil of Balm 25c Gray prepays express on orders of 300 or over Simply address Quaker Gray Hannah Bros No 17 S Pala ¬ fox St Come and see the tree Quaker show every night opposite the drug store Free to all 715 p m I The Office Boys Idea p it- I ci S L1Ut- h4 This one walks ten This one lets the Hoosier miles a day do her work Do you suppose the lady at the left would be with ¬ out a Hoosier Special Cabinet if she knew what it would- do < for her Perhaps YOU imagine it will not do the work for you it does for othersyour kitchen is too largeor too smallyou have a pantryor cupboard- or some SPECIAL con- venience ¬ Mr Husband She wants- Christmas it for All you need is to try a Hoosier Special 300000 Tell us women with 300000 DIF FERENT kinds of kitchens- use Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets three times a day It is about the biggest joy of their day Your Hoosier Special will pay for itself long BE- d ¬ FORE you pay us The time to buy a Hoosier is NOW B 105 South Palafox Phone 1553 OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY IN MENS AND BOYS WEAR JOE COLEMAN 212 S PALAFOX The Utmost Value in Ments and Young Mens Suits and OvercoatsO- ur clothing for this Fall represents the utmost In style tailoring- and material possible at popular prices With our long experience knowing the public wants we have selected the stock carefully to suit everybody In quality and price SUITS from 850 to 2000- A full line of negligee and Flannel Overshirts and a complete line of Woolen Underwear including the famous makes of JAEGERS SANITARY WOOLEN UNDERWEARf- or which rwe are Sole Agents Shoes of all grades and leathers Mens Ladles and Childrens CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER I M FOOTBALLA- T PALMETTO BEACH FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 f PENSACOLA CLASSICAL SCHOOL- vs BREWTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUT- EGame called on arrival of 245 p m car- F I

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-11 [p 8].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00349/0364.pdf · I F I 8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 11 1909

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-11 [p 8].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00349/0364.pdf · I F I 8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 11 1909




No boys Imaginationo ever pictured him finer wear-


apparel than we havehere in realityall of which-we will gladly show him andhis parents

Boys suits double breast-ed


with straight pants 2 to750Double and single breasted

with bloomer pants 5 to1o


j Boys OvercoatsBoys Shoes sizes 20 to

7Boys Hats and Caps


Boys Underwear ShirtsiGloves neckwear etc

And the variety the sameas you will find in our menslinens


I The John White StoreI The Store With the Reputation

205207 S Palafox StI




1Bailey Circus

The department of surgery andmedicine is the principal feature inthe care of Barnum anti Baileys zoo-logical


collection George ConklinWith his corps of assistant veterinarysurgeons exercises the utmost vigilnnce in his daily examination of eachcage Not long ago it was found ne ¬

cessary to remove some ingrowingclaws that were setting Princess thebeautiful African lioness almost fran-tic with pain

This required the combined efforts-of the entire surgical staff to ropefind hold Princess while the operation-was being performed A olece orscantling six by three inches wasthrust into the cage to pin the animal-in a corner and then a noose wasdropped over her head With oneblow of her paw Princess smashed-the stout piece of wood to splintersAnother scantling was thrust in only-to be likewise converted into kindlingmood

While this was going on ropeswere slipped about Princesss neckand body She was drawn firmlyagainst the ibars and as her feetstuck through them they were seizednnd held In this way the surgeonchiropodist was able to go about hisWork and In a twinkling he hadsnipped off the Ingrowing claws

Elephants deer and monkeys aredocile under the hands of the veteri-nary

¬surgeon Some time ago Duch ¬

ess a monster elephant was suffer¬

ing from rheumatisman ailment cal-culated to make anything of flesh and<

1 DO YOU FEARthe effects of certain kinds of food Dothey cause you untold suffering fromBloating Heartburn Nausea and Head ¬

ache Then you really need a shortcourse of

HostellersStomach Bitters-

at once Your stomach and digestive orrnns are In bad shape and Nature needsAssistance or you are groins to be slokGet a bottle today It Is for IndigestionDyspepsia Costiveness BiliousnessColds Grippe and Malaria Insist onHoatettcra with private stamp over neckV

BOWLING ALLEYSO-pen from 9 a m till midnight-

For ladles and gentlemenWEST ROMANA STREET




that came in Saturday arebeauties Both low and highcuts Made over three newlasts Gotten out especiallyfor us by Wright Peters ShoeCompany Snappy Wellyes just as full of it as afrosty morning

Youll be greatly surprisedvhen you see the quality andhave the price v t

1 r

Watson ParkerReese Co

Everything to Wear-





tfJ117 Z

Iz d= = h S-

t Jlt fc1Lmid-

Ik1f1 i-It E

II 1LJIL L7dt-afla r Vfl a 2r


Have You Rheumatism Kidney Liver-or Bladder Trouble

To Prove That SwampRoot the Great Kidney Liver andBladder Remedy will do for YOU all our ReadersMay Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail

Pain or dull ache In the back isevidence of kidney trouble It is na¬

tures timely warning to show you thatthe track of health is not clear

Danger Signals-If these danger signals are unheeded-

more serious results follow Brightsdisease which is the worst form ofkidney trouble may steal upon you

The mild and immediate effect olSwampRoot the great kidney liverand bladder remedy is soon realized-It stands the highest tor its remark ¬

able curative effeCt in the most dis ¬

tressing cases If you need a medi¬

cine you should have the bestLame Back

Lame back is only one of manysymptoms of kidney trouble Othersymptoms showing that you needSwampRoot are being obliged to passwater often during the day and toget up many times during the night

Catarrh of the BladderInability to hold urine smarting in-

passing uric acid headache dizziness-indigestion sleeple3sness nervous ¬

ness sometimes the heart acts badly


SAMPLE BOTTLE FREETo wonderful of Swampmay have sample bottle and a of valuable

sent absolutely free by mail The contains of the thousands of letters received men women who found to

just the remedy needed The value and success of isso well that our readers are advised to send for sample bottle

Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton N Y sure to say read thisGenerous offer in The Pensacola The of this offer isguaranteed

blood irritaible The animal quietlysubmitted to all the dictates of MrConklin and was bound in hot bandages and swathed in a curious andcumbersome costume It even con-sented


to have its temperature takendaily-

It Is said the menagerie of the Barnum and Bailey greatest show onearth which exhibits in Pensacola-next Monday contains the rarest andmost collections of wild ¬

ever assembled in one group

The Man-A comic opera of delightful quality

and unusual merit both in book lyricsand score is The Gingerbread Manwhich will be given here Saturdaywith the original No 1 company freshfrom tour of larger cities where-it has en i = d unusual succe in thisthe third ar of its preset on

The reason for this succt is obvi-ous


The piece is one of certain meritfirst of all for its particularly beau

thul music which by the way wascomposed by A Baldwin Sloane whohas given us such tuneful composi-tions as The Mocking Bird Jack

the Beau Stalk Sergeant KittyBroadway to Tokio and Coming

Through the Rye Mr Sloanes mu-

sic¬ I

is not only tuneful but it is written-in a musicianly style and although Ithas a trick of catching the ear it hasclass which enables its composer to

rank with the best that America pro ¬

duces Mr Sloane never writesand his themes are so varied that the

of sameness so noticeable inmany composers some even who haveachieved greatness is not noticeableHe has no particular style and mu ¬

familiar with his work areoften surprised at the broadness ofhis field in musical literature Thisas a rule Insures a more successful-score and in The Manwe find an almost perfect one


Dandruff is Caused by a Germ ThatSaps the Hairs Vitality-

It is now a settled fact that dandruffis caused by a germ Falling hair andbaldness are the result of dandruff-Dr E J Beardslsy of Champaign IIIgot hold of new hair preparationNewbros Herpicidethe only onethat kills the dandruff germ Hesays I used Herpicide for my dan ¬

and falling hair and I am wellsatisfied with the result Dr J TFugate of Urbana II says I haveused Herpicide for dandruff with ex¬

cellent results I shall prescribe It inmy practice Herpicide killsdandruff germ Physicians as well asthe general public so Sold byleading druggists lOc in stamps-for sample to The Herpicidp Co De ¬

troit MichOne dollar bottles guaranteed W

A DAlemberte druggist and apothe-cary


121 South Palafos streets

rheumatism bloating lack of ambi¬

tion may be loss of flesh sallow com-plexion


Prevalency of Kidney DiseaseMost people do not realize the alarm-


increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease While kid ¬

ney disorders are the commondiseases that prevail they are almostthe last recognized by patient andphysicians who usually content them ¬

selves with doctoring the effectswhile the original disease constantlyundermines the system

A Trial Will Convince Anyone-In taking SwampRoot you afford

natural help to Nature for SwampRoot is a gentle healing vegetablecompounda physicians prescription-for a specific disease-

If you are already convinced thatSwampRoot is you need youcan purchase the regular fiftycent-and onedollar size bottles at all thedrug stores Dont make any mistake-but remember the name Dr KilmersSwampRoot and the address Binghamton N Y which you will find onevery bottle

prove the meritsRoot you a book information-both book many

from and SwampRootbe they SwampRoot

known aAddress be you

Journal genuineness

costly ani-mals


a the












TTENTIONIHon H Clay Crawford grand chan-


Knights of Pythias of Floridawill make an official visit to RathboneLodge No 30 Thursday night A spe ¬

cial invitation is issued to Pensacola-No 3 Damon No 13 Fidelity No 68Milton No 2I and Century Lodge NoSI to be present on that occasion

Past Grand Chancellors T EWelles Henry Horsier and J EmmetVolfe will also be present-



SHOERSOwing to the blockade at the Pala ¬

fox intersection on Intendencia streetAL Woolen Son horseshoers aredoing business from Baylen streetnovll3t


DeLand Fla Nov 10The localexecutive committee formed heresome time ago fir the purpose ofmaking extensive preparations for thebig meeting of the State Educationalassociation in DeLand Dec 2S31 hasheld a meeting and the chairmen ortue various subcommittees all re¬

i ported progress It is evident thepeople of this city have well In handevery detailMore than SlOOO will be spent forpublic decorations receptions enter-

tainment etc The following wellknown persons head the various com ¬mittees In the order named

Prof A L L Suhrie publicity andcorrespondence-

Prof Theodore D Gulp programMayor S A Vood transportation-Mr V vV Gould president Busin

I ness Mens league hotel accommoda-tions


Postmaster W A Allen finance-Mr


M Davis chairman of cityj council public decorations

Mrs J L McCrory president W CT U reception

President Lincoln Hulley entertain-ment


Supt A O Botts local enrollments-TheI Volusia county scnool board

I and the DeLand city council havemade liberal appropriations towardthe general expenses

President Hathaway of Jackson-ville


and Dr Conradi 01 Tallahas-see


chairman of the state executivecommittee will be able to announce

I the educational program very soon Itis tobe a xerjr strong one










In Mobile yesterday the assailant-of Edward Yniestra was convicted ofassault with intent to murder Hewill get a sentence of not less than10 years in the coal mines

The negro said he would pleadguilty in case a light sentence waspromised him but the state refused-to take such a iplea and put such evi ¬

dence before the jury that convictionfollowed a session of 15 minutes

Yniestra was shot thy the negro Innoting court proceedings The Regis-


prints the followingRobert Moore a negro known to

the pollce as Steeple Knob was thestar defendant In the city court yes-terday


Moore faced a jury on thecharge of assault to murder Afterbeing out less than fifteen minutes-the jury reported a verdict of guiltyMoore will be sentenced to from tento twenty years in prison Saturday-by Judge Semmes

A short time ago Edward Yniestraclerk 559 Conti street was held upand shot by two negroes as he Waswalking near the corner of Hamilton-and St Francis streets Yniestra wasshot in the hand At the time of theaffair the negroes escaped The po ¬

lice were notified of the attemptedholdup and as a result of their inves ¬

tigations Moore was arrested Thenogro confessed to the crime and otfered to take ten years in prison oncondition of a plea of guilty Thisthe state refused to allow him to do

On the witness stand yesterdaySteeple Knob denied In toto his con-


and protested his Innocencebut the evidence against him was evi-dently


too strong for he was foundguilty


urnished by local office U Sweather bureau for The PensacolaJournal of Nov 11 1909

Maximum temperature yesterday 73degrees at 415 p m

Minimum temperature yesterday 63degrees at 3 a m

Mean temperature yesterday 68 de ¬

greesNormal temperature yesterday 61

degreesDeparture from normal yesterday

plus 7 degreesAverage maximum temperature for

this date 69 degreesAverage minimum temperature for

this date 54 degrees-Accumulated excess of daily mean

temperature since first of the month67 degrees

Accumulated excess of daily meantemperature from January 1 to 1st ofmonth 72 degrees

Total rainfall from 7 a m to 7 pm yesterday 0 inches

Total rainfall since first of themonth 10 inches

Normal rainfall for this month 374inches

Total excess of rainfall from Janu-ary


1st to first of the month 126inches


Woman Gets Rid of Coffee Heart

The injurious action of Coffee onthe heart of many persons is wellknown by physicians to be caused bycaffeine This is the drug found bychemists In coffee and tea

A woman suffered a long timewith severe heart trouble and finallyher doctor told her she must give upcoffee as that was the principal causeof the trouble She writes

My heart was so weak it could notdo its work properly My husbandwould sometimes have to carry mefrom the table and It would seem that-I would never breathe again

The doctor told me that coffee wascausing the weakness of my heartHe said I must stop it but it seemed-I could not give It up until I wasdown in bed with nervous prostraton

For eleven weeks I lay there andsuffered Finally Husband broughthome some Postum and I quit coffeeand started new and right Slowly igot well Now I do not have any head ¬

aches nor those spells with weakheart We know it is Postum thathelped me The Dr said the otherday 01 never thought you would rewhat you are I used to weight 92pounds and now I weigh IBS

Postum has done much for me and-I would not go back to coffee again-for any money for I believe it wouldkill me If I kept at it Postum mustbe well boiled according to directions-on pkg then it has a rich flavour andwith cream is fine

Read The Road to Wellvlle found-in pkgs Theres a Reason

Ever read the above letter Aone appears from time to time Theylare genuine true and full cf humaninterest it-


One Continuous Line of PeopleF-rom Early Yesterday Morning Until Late Last NightG-



Gray came to Pensacola an entirestranger and now he numbers friends-by the hundreds There must be acaus for this almost instantaneouspopularity There is The cause canbe given in a few words Keeping-his promises and proving what hesays When he came here he promised that ere he had been here manydays people from this city would bereporting good results and this theyhave certainly done Every day thesecolumns contained the testimonials oflocal people who had used the wonderwul Quaker Extract and Oil of Balmand were cured Some of the cures





GINGERBREAD MANMusic by A Baldwin Sloane Book by

Frederick Ranken59 IN THE MATCHLESS COMPANYShow Girls and Bewitching Choristers

Scenery Costumes and Electrical liifwctsof the Utmost Splendor A multitude ofemphatic song hits whistled anti liuinmrdeverywhere Did you ever hear JohnDoe JIazIe Beautiful Lend of tie Bon-Bon Moon Moon Moon Queen of MyDtcaniF eri Tney will linger ir yourmer iory A edley of mirth melody adnagiiitcen e

Pritet 2c to 150 Seat calc Thusdiv 3am








The auction sale of North Hill lotsby A A Richards Sons Co yester-day


was interfered with slightly bythe counter attractions at tile Fairgrounds but it nevertheless made agood start and will be continued to-

day in order to give everyone an op-


to attend The sale beginsat 2 p m and every lot is sold tothe highest bidder regardless of priceAutomobiles will be in waiting totake visitors from North Hill car lineat DeSoto stree-









Your fair is good and I am agree-ably


surprised over the quality andquantity oT the exhibits especially offarm products said Congressman DH Mays to a Journal representativeyesterday o I have been to a greatmany fairs in Kentucky and otherplaces but for the first attempt Ithink the TriCounty Fair exhibits are-a credit to the three counties partici-pating


I would like very much to see thisfair continued from year to year and-I hope that the people will see thatthis is done All the agricultural peo-ple


of this section need is a little en-couragement


to show what they cando and it is such exhibits and gather-ings


as these that lend that encour ¬

agement Our forests are fast beingdepleted and it Is well that the agri-cultural


resources of the section arebeing developed-

Yes sir the TriCounty Fair is anunqualified success in my opinion

Business Meeting-At Y M C A Tonight-

The regular monthly membershipbusiness meeting of the Y M C Ais called for tonight at 8 oclock thefollowing committees appointed atlast months meeting to report Com-mittee


on ritual committee on anni-versary


and committee on badgesMessrs Suarez Diaz and Bagley-

are to be responsible for the enter-tainment


of the evening which willbe interesting according to indica ¬

tions A warm welcome awaits thenew raemfoers all of whom are ex-


to be rpresent to receive theirreal introduction into the associationr



Daily Matinee 4 p m Three 3 Night Shows I730 830 and 9303 i C

<r p

reported were simply marvelous andcreated much excitement It must beremembered that many others werecured who did not wish their names-to appear in public print These arefacts and the testimonials published-are subject to the most thorough in ¬

vestigation Therefore sufferers fromrheumatism catarrh constipation in-digestion


kidney liver stomach orblood troubles should call on Gray and

I let him explain how these Quakerremedies composed entirely of herbscure and how easy they can bo ob-tained


Gray is fair and liberal Hedoes not promise Impossibilities but

what he does promise he proves Call-on him at Hannah Bros Drug StoreHe can be seen there daily from 9 am to 9 p m It costs nothing to talk-to him Tapeworms expelled by local tpeople can be seen at the drug store

If you cannot call on Gray orderthe remedies toy mail and on receiptof price they will be sent by express-all charges paid Quaker Extract

100 3 for 250 Oil of Balm 25cGray prepays express on orders of300 or over Simply address Quaker

Gray Hannah Bros No 17 S Pala ¬

fox St Come and see the treeQuaker show every night opposite thedrug store Free to all 715 p m


The Office Boys Ideap






This one walks ten This one lets the Hoosiermiles a day do her work

Do you suppose the lady at the left would be with¬

out a Hoosier Special Cabinet if she knew what it would-



for herPerhaps YOU imagine it will not do the work for

you it does for othersyour kitchen is too largeor too

smallyou have a pantryor cupboard-

or some SPECIAL con-



Mr Husband

She wants-

Christmasit for All you need is to try a

Hoosier Special 300000

Tell us women with 300000 DIFFERENT kinds of kitchens-

use Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets three times a day It is

about the biggest joy of their day

Your Hoosier Special will pay for itself long BE-d


FORE you pay us

The time to buy a Hoosier is NOW


105 South Palafox Phone 1553



The Utmost Value in Ments and YoungMens Suits and OvercoatsO-

ur clothing for this Fall represents the utmost In style tailoring-and material possible at popular prices With our long experienceknowing the public wants we have selected the stock carefully tosuit everybody In quality and price

SUITS from 850 to 2000-A full line of negligee and Flannel Overshirts and a complete line

of Woolen Underwear including the famous makes of


Shoes of all grades and leathers Mens Ladles and ChildrensCLOTHES MADE TO ORDER






EGame called on arrival of 245 p m car-