TUESDAY 4 November 2014 | 0021 910 6500 | Fax: 021 910 6501/06 | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.peoplespost.co.za TELLING IT AS IT IS LANSDOWNE AlistAir izobel rAmAine bArreiro-lloyd and Present blAckbyrd tAke note bAnd loukmAAn AdAms and Present 41 Induland Cres. Lansdowne Ind. Supplier of a wide range of disposable packaging Tel: 021 691 8811 E-mail: [email protected] Free delivery Conditions apply Since 1998 • All types of Paper, Plastic bags • Cake, Pizza, Party boxes • Serviettes, Garage, Toilet rolls • Cling, Bubble, Lunch wrap • Cutlery, Straws, Heatsealers • Cups, Tubs, Lids • Fomo Trays, Plates • Foil Trays, Rolls • Platters, Domes • Detergents, etc KENWYN Building battle ahead SAMANTHA LEE @Samantha_Lee121 K enwyn homeowners living near a proposed five-storey private development site are appealing to the City of Cape Town to reconsider the approved build- ing plans. The development has been in the works for the past eight years and will comprise between 12 and 28 units, the developer says. But while the project was given the go ahead almost a decade ago, residents are now calling on ward councillor Anthea Green to stop the process. The trenches have already been dug on the 1200m2 erf facing Race- course Road. And residents are not happy. Resident Faizal Abrahams feels cheated that he “has no say” in the development. Those living close to the site have “serious concerns”, he in- sists. “This area is already overpopu- lated,” Abrahams says. “The addi- tional households will apply fur- ther pressure on our current serv- ices and affect our property values if it goes ahead.” Another homeowner, who asked not to be named, says she objected to the proposed development eight years ago. “Property values, sanitation and basic services will all suffer. I don’t know how the plans were ap- proved, because there were a number of residents who objected at the time,” she recalls. But Kenwyn Ratepayers’ and Civic Association chairperson Hanif Loonat says they agreed to the development. “We were asked to give our opin- ion on the development and we didn’t see any problems arising from the building as all initial con- cerns were addressed,” Loonat says. This as the original plan stated that the development would be sev- en storeys high. The developer then amended the proposal to five storeys. But Abrahams insists the devel- opment will bring nothing but problems. Traffic congestion will become worse, low-income tenants will flock to the area and noise will be- come unbearable, he argues. “These flats also won’t have enough parking space for all the tenants and the narrow roads will become overcrowded,” Abrahams says. But property owner and develop- er Mohammed Khamis says resi- dents should not be concerned. “The City of Cape Town requires me to have 36 parking bays and I have 37. Also, a five-storey develop- ment was approved, but we could reduce it along the way,” he says. Intent on not seeing the block be- ing built, Abrahams and other resi- dents have started a petition de- manding that the approval be re- looked. He says he only found out about the plans when labourers started digging the trenches. “I don’t think this is the right way for us to find out about it,” says Abrahams, who moved into Kenwyn three years ago. But Khamis counters it is not his responsibility to inform new homeowners of developments. “When anyone moves into a new area it is their responsibility to in- spect the area and find out what is planned for open spaces near their homes,” Khamis says. No completion date for the devel- opment has been set as the process has stalled “because of crime”, Khamis says. “We are not in a position to of- fload bricks and materials to the site as it may be stolen. I foresee that the building will take around nine months to complete following the site establishment,” he says. Loonat assures residents that the building would not have gone ahead if the ratepayers’ associa- tion felt it would have a negative impact on the area. And Khamis agrees. “We started the process eight years ago and all relevant parties were consulted. We had close to 400 objections but after consulting the community, ward councillor and ratepayers’ association the plans and zoning were approved,” he says. Green is said to be looking into the matter. She committed to responding to the complaints, but failed to do so at our time of print. GRRREAT READS: Readers and animal lovers will unite again this year when the Cape of Good Hope SPCA has their bag-a-bargain book sale. The event is a hugely popular fundraising event among Cape Town’s book fundis. The sale starts on Saturday 8 November at the Timour Hall Villa in Plumstead, from 08:00 to 14:00. The best part? “For only R60 you can cram a linen bag full of as many books as you can!” says Wanika Davids Rusthoi of the organisation. For more information, call Natasha Johannes on 021 700 4155 or email [email protected].

Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

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Page 1: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

TUESDAY 4 November 2014 | 0021 910 6500 | Fax: 021 910 6501/06 | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.peoplespost.co.zaTELLING IT AS IT IS


AlistAir izobel rAmAinebArreiro-lloyd



6 DeCember, 19:30, GranDWestCONTACT: 082 895 5093

tAke note bAnd loukmAAn AdAmsemo AdAmsemo AdAms loukmAAn AdAmsloukmAAn AdAmsandPresent

41 Induland Cres.

Lansdowne Ind.

Supplier of a wide rangeof disposable packaging

Tel: 021 691 8811

E-mail: [email protected] deliveryConditions apply

Since 1998

• All types of Paper, Plastic bags• Cake, Pizza, Party boxes• Serviettes, Garage, Toilet rolls• Cling, Bubble, Lunch wrap• Cutlery, Straws, Heatsealers

• Cups, Tubs, Lids• Fomo Trays, Plates• Foil Trays, Rolls• Platters, Domes• Detergents, etc


Building battle aheadSAMANTHA LEE


Kenwyn homeowners livingnear a proposed five-storeyprivate development site are

appealing to the City of Cape Townto reconsider the approved build-ing plans.The development has been in the

works for the past eight years andwill comprise between 12 and 28units, the developer says.But while the project was given

the go ahead almost a decade ago,residents are now calling on wardcouncillor Anthea Green to stopthe process.The trenches have already been

dug on the 1200m2 erf facing Race-course Road.And residents are not happy.Resident Faizal Abrahams feels

cheated that he “has no say” in thedevelopment.Those living close to the site

have “serious concerns”, he in-sists.“This area is already overpopu-

lated,” Abrahams says. “The addi-tional households will apply fur-ther pressure on our current serv-ices and affect our property valuesif it goes ahead.”Another homeowner, who asked

not to be named, says she objectedto the proposed development eightyears ago.“Property values, sanitation and

basic serviceswill all suffer. I don’tknow how the plans were ap-proved, because there were anumber of residents who objectedat the time,” she recalls.But Kenwyn Ratepayers’ and

Civic Association chairperson

Hanif Loonat says they agreed tothe development.“We were asked to give our opin-

ion on the development and wedidn’t see any problems arisingfrom the building as all initial con-cerns were addressed,” Loonatsays.This as the original plan stated

that the developmentwould be sev-en storeys high.The developer then amended the

proposal to five storeys.But Abrahams insists the devel-

opment will bring nothing butproblems.Traffic congestion will become

worse, low-income tenants willflock to the area and noise will be-come unbearable, he argues.“These flats also won’t have

enough parking space for all thetenants and the narrow roads willbecome overcrowded,” Abrahamssays.But property owner and develop-

er Mohammed Khamis says resi-dents should not be concerned.“The City of Cape Town requires

me to have 36 parking bays and Ihave 37.Also, a five-storey develop-ment was approved, but we couldreduce it along the way,” he says.Intent on not seeing the block be-

ing built,Abrahamsandother resi-dents have started a petition de-manding that the approval be re-looked.He says he only found out about

the plans when labourers starteddigging the trenches.“I don’t think this is the right

way for us to find out about it,”says Abrahams, who moved intoKenwyn three years ago.But Khamis counters it is not his

responsibility to inform newhomeowners of developments.“When anyone moves into a new

area it is their responsibility to in-spect the area and find out what isplanned for open spaces near theirhomes,” Khamis says.No completion date for the devel-

opment has been set as the processhas stalled “because of crime”,Khamis says.“We are not in a position to of-

fload bricks and materials to thesite as it may be stolen. I foreseethat the building will take aroundnine months to complete followingthe site establishment,” he says.Loonat assures residents that

the building would not have goneahead if the ratepayers’ associa-tion felt it would have a negativeimpact on the area.And Khamis agrees.“We started the process eight

years ago and all relevant partieswere consulted.We had close to 400objections but after consulting thecommunity, ward councillor andratepayers’ association the plansand zoning were approved,” hesays.Green is said to be looking into

the matter.She committed to responding to

the complaints, but failed to do soat our time of print.

GRRREAT READS: Readers and animal lovers will unite again this year when the Cape of Good Hope SPCA has theirbag­a­bargain book sale. The event is a hugely popular fundraising event among Cape Town’s book fundis. Thesale starts on Saturday 8 November at the Timour Hall Villa in Plumstead, from 08:00 to 14:00. The best part?“For only R60 you can cram a linen bag full of as many books as you can!” says Wanika Davids Rusthoi of theorganisation. For more information, call Natasha Johannes on 021 700 4155 or email awareness@spca­ct.co.za.

Page 2: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 20142 NEWS

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Firearm control under fireNICOLE MCCAIN


Gun licensing has come under the spot-light amid calls for the tightening offirearm legislation.

This after the ANC called for a review ofthe Firearms Control Act. The political par-ty claims the proliferation of illegal guns isfuelling violent crimes. The call comes afterthe recent death of Bafana Bafana captainSenzo Meyiwa and the shooting of ANCMPJackson Mthembu.Gun Free SA spokesperson Claire Taylor

says since the Firearms Control Act of 2000waspromulgated, thenumberof people shotand killed in South Africa has halved, from34 people a day to 18.“But 18 people a day is 18 too many. As

such, Gun Free South Africa welcomes theANC’s call to review existing gun controlmeasures with a view to limiting access toguns that end up in the wrong hands,” shesays.Crime and mortuary data shows that

handguns are used in the majority of guncrimes in this country, indicating that theemphasis needs to be on significantly limit-ing or restricting access to handguns byraising the barrier for handgun ownership,Taylor says.“Strictly limiting who owns what gun for

which purpose would help reduce the leak-age of licensed guns into the illegal pool,”she says.South African Gun Owners’ Association

spokesperson Advocate John Welch be-lieves the call of the ANC is based on senti-ment and not on fact.“Accordingly we reject all calls to further

restrict the lawful possession of firearms.While we mourn every death and injury ofall victims of crime, we believe that peoplewho commit crimes must be hunted down(legally) and brought to book in accordancewith the criminal justice system,” he says.However, the organisation disagrees that

anymeasures aimed at the reduction of fire-arms in the hands of the law abiding willcontribute significantly to a reduction in vi-olent crime.“Criminals source their firearms from le-

gal owners, the police andmilitary and theymake them their own. Not only should thepolice focus their attention on the reductionof unlicensed firearms, civil society should

take responsibility to become obedient tothe law,” he says.The Firearms Control Act provides limit-

ed circumstances under which people maypossess firearms, such as self-defence, hunt-ing, sport shooting and as collectors. Allthese people undergo very strict proceduresto become competent and to obtain licences,Welch explains. “The law currently pro-vides that no personmay possessmore thanone handgun or shotgun for self-defence. Inanyevent, all indications show that thebareminimum of crimes is committed by lawfulfirearm owners,” he says.“Despite the carnage on our roads no-one

calls for the banning of vehicles; despite themany drownings no-one calls for the ban-ning of swimming pools or the sea. Crimi-nals will always obtain guns to committheir atrocitieswith, while the disarming ofthe law abiding will merely cause them tobecome easier targets.”

Licensed guns are diverted into the illegalpool of weapons through smuggling fromneighbouring countries, loss and theft fromlicensed gun owners or fraud, corruptionand poor implementation of the firearms li-censing system, Taylor maintains.“This final contributor highlights that a

law is only as good as its implementation.GunFree SouthAfrica urges the impendingreview of the Firearms Control Act includea commitment to cleaning up the problemsat the Central Firearms Registry to ensurethat no short-cuts are taken,” she says.Strengthening of gun control legislation

in South Africa must include a coordinatedcampaign to mop up the pool of illegal gunsin the country, Taylor adds.“This would include declaring a national

amnesty, encouraging the public to reportillegal guns, search and seizure operationsand public destructions of all weaponsseized or handed in.”


Sign up for compulsory Dial­a­Ride assessmentDisabled people have until the end of No-vember to be assessed for the use of theCity of Cape Town’s Dial-a-Ride service.This will be paid for by the City and no

individual will be included on the data-base if he or she has not undergone theassessment.It will determine whether individuals

are eligible for the service.“TheCity tries, as far as it can andwith-

in its means, to assist those who cannotmakeuse of regular public transport serv-ices. We are always striving to improveour service delivery, in particular tothose who do not have access to work op-portunities,” says Mayoral Committeemember for Transport Brett Herron.“However, we must fully comprehend

the demand for the service and knowwhere our residents with disabilities livebefore we can make any adjustments toimprove the current operating model.”He further urges people with disabili-

ties to book for an assessment before thedeadline of Sunday 30 November.Appointments can be made by calling

0800 600 895 during office hours.The appointments will be scheduled be-

tween 10:30 and 21:00 fromMonday to Sun-day and the City will provide transportfrom the applicant’s home to TygerbergHospital and back.Those being assessed will need a certi-

fied copyof their identity document, proofof address, proof of income and a medicalreport.

Applicants will also be asked to com-plete a travel survey questionnaire,which will assist the transport depart-ment in determining the demand for theservice and understanding the travelneeds and patterns of those with disabili-ties.“Since May last year, the team of con-

tracted occupational therapists at Tyger-bergHospital has only assessed half of theresidents who are currently on the data-base,” Herron says.“They are supposed to do 16 assess-

ments per day, but are currently only con-ducting five. This indicates that a signifi-cant number of people who may be eligi-ble to use the service have not beenassessed.”

People First Foundation invites non-prof-it and community-based organisations toits annual Donor ForumandMini Confer-ence. The event will be held from Satur-day 18 to Monday 20 November at theGrassrootsEducareCentre inKlipfonteinRoad in Athlone.Now in its third year, this is an annual

event where community-based organisa-tions can meet with potential donors toexplore opportunities and challenges indonor funding as well as build capacity

through various workshops.Guest speaker Lorenzo Davids, CEO of

the Community Chest of South Africa,will speak on the importance of changingprevailing mindsets around certain do-nor and NPO practices.Deborah van Stade, a director at the De-

partment of Social Development, willspeak on the importance of building gov-ernment and NPO partnerships in ad-dressing poverty.Workshops on offer including fundrais-

ing in difficult times; NPO legal and taxcompliance to suit donor requirements;how to promote individual giving; tips ongetting your board involved in fundrais-ing; effective networking, marketing, me-dia and branding for NPOs; and develop-ing clearmonitoring and evaluation toolsto enhance programme effectiveness andto meet donor requirements.V To register email [email protected] orSMS 078 812 4603 for a detailed programme andapplication form.

Get your organisation ahead in funding game

Page 3: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 2014 NEWS 3



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SAMANTHA LEE@Samantha_Lee121

Rubble, piping, concrete slabs andeven dead animals have created ahealth hazard, disgusted Hanover

Park residents seethe.This after containers that housed the

Community Residential Units refurbish-ment site office were recently removed.

Since then, contractors have used theopen field between Lonedown Road andColumbine Place for offloading builders’rubble from a second project taking placein the area.

The plot now resembles a dumpingground, tenants living near the site insist.And with the school holidays around thecorner, parents are concerned for theirchildren’s health and safety as the areahas already become a playground.

A resident, who wants to be known onlyas Zuraida, says the mess left behind issickening.

“My children have sinusitis and everyday the dust aggravates it. It is exams nowand I can’t keep them out of school. Thedust and dirt are dangerous,” she says.

The pile has been growing over the pasttwo weeks and has seen heavy machinerybeing used to move the rubble around.

Another resident says there are betteruses for the open plot.

“Why can’t they create a beautiful parklike the one on Surran Road? Our childrencan’t go and play there because of gangturf so instead they play on the piles of rub-ble. What if those pipes roll over them?This is really dangerous and they should

be storing it somewhere else,” she says.The rubble is being collected from all

over Hanover Park by council trucks,Zuraida claims, and the rubble is as a re-sult of a road and pavements upgradeproject. “If they can take it to a designatedarea the first time they will save us all alot of trouble,” Zuraida says.

The City of Cape Town has committedto “looking into the matter”.

Subcouncil manager Edgar Carolissensays council was unaware of the state of

the plot.“We have not received any formal com-

plaints. If they have complained to the Citythey need to forward us their referencenumbers and we will follow up,” he says.

Carolissen says it is difficult to pinpointthe source of the dumping without an in-vestigation.

Phone the subcouncil on (021) 444 0503or the City’s call centre on 0860 103 089.V Starting with the word “Post”, SMS your viewsto 32516. SMSes cost R1.

PILED UP: Dumping at this site on Lonedown Road has led to the property becoming ahealth hazard, residents insist. PHOTO: SAMANTHA LEE

Amid the ongoing gang violence, Manen-berg flat upgrades have come to a grindinghalt.

City of Cape Town staff and contractorshave worked under volatile circumstancesgiven the gang violence experienced in thearea. But despite challenges, the upgrades inManenberg have been progressing.

Mayoral Committee member for HumanSettlements Siyabulela Mamkeli says coun-cil is committed to ensuring that the livingconditions of tenants are improved and thatthe project timeline stays on track.

“We are calling on the police to increasetheir efforts in the areas most affected bygang violence, which is unfortunately ham-pering service delivery to poorer communi-ties. Recently, the level of violence has beenaffecting the progress with upgrades to theunits in Manenberg,” Mamkeli says.

“Thus far 1 242 out of the 1 584 rental unitsearmarked for internal upgrades have beencompleted. But we condemn the shockinglevel of ongoing gang violence, which is de-nying our residents the efficient service de-livery that they deserve. The gang violenceis hijacking and delaying residents’ oppor-tunities for a better quality of life, which weare trying to provide through this upgradeprogramme,” he says.

The City’s overall project completion dateof June 2015 is still achievable, he says.

“We urge our communities to work withus so that our refurbishment programmecan be completed on time. We ask residentsto report any anti-social or criminal behav-iour, such as gangsterism, to the police forinvestigation,” Mamkeli says.

The upgrades has already seen the refur-bishment of more than 6 500 council rentalunits of the 7 775 initially identified in 2008as part of this programme.

Gang violencehalts upgradesPlot sickens

Page 4: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 20144 NEWS


Joint partnership improves livesNICOLE MCCAIN


Confidence Qosi struggled to tiehis shoes every morning, needinghis wife’s assistance for two years.His constant pain made work-

ing as a waiter a daily chal-lenge.However, thanks to a new part-

nership between the Groote Schu-ur Hospital and broad based eco-nomic empowerment companyUn-ipalm, 58-year-old Qosi received ahip transplant.

Reducing numbersThe partnership is aimed at re-

ducing the waiting list for hip andknee transplant surgery.There are around 1200 patients

currently on the provincial wait-ing list.Groote Schuur spokesperson

Alaric Jacobs says due to pressurecaused by trauma surgery operat-ing time, elective surgeries such aship and knee replacements are of-ten delayed.In April, Unipalm approached

thehospital to offer to assist in alle-viating the long waiting period forhip and knee surgery, includingthe implantation of hip and kneeprosthetics.The company funds part of the

cost of the resources required to

perform the hip and knee replace-ment surgical procedure, such asthe cost of the joint.Director Ragavan Moonsamy

says the company has a strong fo-cus on poverty alleviation, run-

ning a number of social corporateinvestment projects.“Much like the palm tree, we

want to ensure our fruit falls to theground. When looking for povertyalleviation projects, we were

drawn to healthcare after hearingof the number of patients waitingfor joint replacement surgery. AndGroote Schuur has been home toall of us at some point,” he says.

Counting costsKnee and hip replacement sur-

gery can cost between R50 000 andR60 000 in the public sector, Jacobssays.Around80knee replacement sur-

geries are performed every year,with 180 hips replaced.Some patients wait years for a

transplant.Shireen Edwards is one of the

lucky patients to benefit from thepartnership. “I couldn’t walk andwas constantly on pain medica-tion. I couldn’t do any houseworkand had to sit on a chair to cook,”she says.The 66-year-old is thoroughly en-

joying her new-found mobility.“I’m able to go for walks in the

park and shopping at malls. Theseare things I couldn’t dobefore,” shesays.Mariam Bassdien is now able to

play with her grandchildren afterreceiving a knee transplant.“I don’t know how long I would

have had towait if not for this part-nership,” the 78-year-old says.“I am now able to do all the

housework – even the windows!Before the surgery, I couldn’t walkto the shop or play with my grand-children,” she says.The partnership will see up to 40

transplants completed in the com-ing weeks.

ROAD TO RECOVERY: Provincial health minister Theuns Botha and Dr Agata Krajewski, medical superintendent atGroote Schuur Hospital, speak to patient Vernon Scott about his surgery. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


You are being watched.From their offices – but mostly due

to their high-tech camera system – theSanral teamhave an almost uninterrupted,clear view of Cape Town’s freeways.Randall Cable, engineering operations

manager, explainedhow240 state-of-the-artcameras along 155 km of freeway were cap-turing every single movement people weremaking.He said Sanral’s key concern was the ex-

pected increase in pedestrian fatalities asthe festive season approaches.The current numbers are especially mis-

leading, Cable explains, since the statisticsshow only the confirmed number of deathson the roads, andnot those pedestrianswhodied later in hospitals.Cable and his team have a mini version

of themuch larger electronic hubwhere po-lice, Metro Police, law enforcement andSanral operatives and engineers are sta-tioned to monitor cameras around the city.The freeway management system pedes-

trian behaviour research revealed shock-ing results.One key deterrent seemed to be the very

expensive hi-tech fencing used in the mid-dle of certain freeways. This cost SanralR100 000 per 100m, Cable said.

The thermal video technologyhas also al-lowed them to virtually eradicate the plac-ing of bricks along the N2 to cause acci-dents, as the technology allows them to seehuman figures approaching the freeway.“This means the response time for police

to act on any wrong-doing has been drasti-cally shortened,” he says.Cable expected pedestrian fatalities to

reach record numbers over the festive sea-son.Currently research showed a marked in-

crease in pedestrian collisions “especiallyon Fridays – during peak hours in themorning between 06:00 and 08:00, and againin the afternoons,” Cable said.“This is a bit understandable, because

people cross at the ‘desire line’ – therewhere they desire to cross,which is nearesttheir end destination.”He said an unsettling trendwas the reali-

sation that collisions happened at the samerate on Saturdays and Sundays – “whenthere was significantly less traffic on theroads, and virtually no peak traffic”.Cable attributed this mostly to “drunken

behaviour”. “What is baffling though, is thenumber of random people being hit alongstretches unknown to be hotspots,” Cablesaid. “What were they doing there? Whywere they hit? There are no residential sur-rounding areas,” he said about this mys-tery.

Big Brother keeps watch

EYE ON THE ROAD: Randall Cable and Xavier Inglis at Sanral’s office. PHOTO: MICHELLE LINNERT

Page 5: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 2014 NEWS 5

Outrage as elections are postponedSAMANTHA LEE@Samantha_Lee121

Lansdowne residents were infuriated af-ter a scheduledCommunity PolicingFo-rum election was postponed.

This after only three members had re-reg-istered, ofwhichonly onewas in attendance.Residents then scrutinised the constitu-

tion and its “loopholes”.Current chairpersonTethaSithole tried to

maintainorder as theangered residents crit-icised the decision to postpone.“This ismymeeting.Wedonot have a quo-

rum and so the meeting cannot continue. It

will be unfair and unconstitutional to con-tinue,” Sithole said.A heated debate ensued.Resident MahierMoos suspects a conspir-

acy. “You had your chance on the CPF andnow you are keeping the younger people outby stopping this election. I personally tookforms to institutions to join and it is not myfault that there are not enough members,”he seethed.The motion was put forward to allow the

meeting to go forward if residents in attend-ance all agreed to allow it.

The loopholes and flaws in the constitu-tion continued to be addressed as angry resi-dents threatened to take the administrationto task for not allowing the vote to continue.Hanif Loonat disagreed.“We cannot go ahead without the neces-

sary protocol being observed. There isn’t aquorum and so no vote can take place. Weneed to follow procedure,” he said.Sithole urged residents to calm down.“This is not the platform to address the

flaws in the constitution. We will need tohave a separate meeting with the executive

members and the public to discuss that. Inthe meantime, as per the constitution themeeting will be postponed for 14 days,” hesaid.The new date was set for 12 November.Lansdowne police spokesperson Sergeant

Nkululeko Mnyaka says police will not putany time restriction on the registrationprocess. “All those member organisationswill now be given the opportunity to re-reg-ister for voting rights,” he says.To be part of the Lansdowne CPF you need

to live in or own a business within theLansdowne policing precinct. For more in-formation and application forms phone Mn-yaka on 082 499 3870 or visit the station.

Three illegal firearms were among itemsseized in a raid at Rosen Place in Ronde-bosch East.The items were confiscated from the prop-

erty in Garnet Road when local policeteamed upwithMetro Police for a joint oper-ation on Friday. This after the authoritieswere alerted to suspicious behaviour at anapartment in the complex.Lansdowne police spokesperson Sergeant

Nkululeko Mnyaka confirms a 37-year-oldsuspect was arrested for being in possessionof three unlicensed firearms, ammunition,suspected stolen goods, drugs and cash.“Officers confiscated three illegal fire-

arms, 140 rounds of ammunition, two largepackets of tik, six cellphones, three digitalcameras, memory sticks, bank cards,R15 590 in cash as well as various otheritems,” he says.“Police depend on the community to pin-

point the exact address and people they sus-pect might be in possession of illegal fire-arms. That is the only way we will be ableto confiscate these weapons. In this in-stance, the firearmswere found at a complexwhich means that neighbours should havebeen aware of what was happening at thatapartment.”Most robberies in the precinct involve

firearms, Mnyaka points out.Mayoral Committee member for Safety

and Security JP Smith says the ongoing fire-arm confiscations are bittersweet.“On theonehandweare removingdanger-

ous weapons from our streets but on the oth-er hand it is also cause for concern, becausefirearm confiscations are becoming moreand more common. To me, this is an indica-tion that not nearly enough is being done tostop the flow of illegal guns onto our streetsand into the wrong hands,” he says.


Flat raided atRosen Place

SAMANTHA LEE@Samantha_Lee121

The six armedmenwho robbed theSilvertree Store in Lansdowne onFridaywere allegedly travelling ina stolen car.But the group fled in another ve-

hicle after stealing a shopper’sToyota Tazz.This is according to theWetands

Neighbourhood Watch.At 17:55 the suspects entered the

busy shop and waited in line for“assistance” before they pulled outfirearms.Some shoppers then fled the

store while others were ordered tolie down on the floor.The incidentwas caught onCCTV footage.Wetlands Neighbourhood Watch member

Ashraf Kenny says one assailant jumpedover the counterwhile the other five securedthe shop. “The owners are very shaken upby the incident,” he says.Customers and a shop assistant were also

kicked and beaten by the robbers.After stealing shoppers’ cellphones, mon-

ey from the till and a customer’s car keys,the suspects escaped.“Residents onvarious socialmediagroups

were tracking the stolen car. Unfortunatelywe can’t confirm the registration numbersbut we know they escaped in two vehicles,”Kenny says.It is understood the suspects fled via Sand-

ownRoad inOtterywhere they got into a sto-len Toyota Avanza, which was then left onBaden Powell Drive.The customer’s car has since been recov-

ered.No arrests have yet been made.Anyone with information is urged to

phone Lansdowne police on (021) 700 900.

Robbers flee in shopper’s car

Page 6: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 20146 NEWS

The City of Cape Town invites comment from communities on the annual review (2015/16 review)and the proposed amendments to the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for 2012 to 2017.

In terms of section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, thepublic and interested parties or groups are given the opportunity to submit comments to themunicipality from 4 November 2014 to 3 December 2014.

Comments may be submitted by:

• Fax: 086 514 9938• E-mail: [email protected]• Written submission: 15th Floor, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town 8001

(for the attention of the Director: IDP Office)• SMS: ‘idp’ followed by your comments to 31766• Website: www.capetown.gov.za/en/IDP• Facebook: www.facebook.com/CityofCT

The City’s Public Participation Unit will assist people who cannot read or write, people livingwith disabilities and people from disadvantaged groups who are unable to submit writtencomments to have their comments recorded and submitted to the City. Contact thefollowing persons:

For general public participation:Ruché Daniels, tel. 021 400 1766 or e-mail [email protected]

For disadvantaged groups:Anele Viti, tel. 021 400 1652 or e-mail [email protected]

The proposed amendments to the IDP will be available for viewing at www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay, at subcouncil offices and at municipal libraries.

Direct enquiries to Jeàn Yslie at 021 400 9806 or e-mail [email protected].




and present


Talented brothers in finalLOUISA STEYL


It seems third time’s the charmfor Manenberg brothers Chris-topher and Wayne Fredericks.The urban dance duo has made

it to the finals of this year’s SA’sGot Talent competition, perform-ing under the name The YoungWeezy Boyz.

Christopher (22) andWayne (18)had entered twice before, butdidn’t impress the judges untilthey auditioned for the show’s2014 season.

Giving up on their dream sim-ply wasn’t an option for the broth-ers. “We are dancers and that’swhat we want to do,” Christopherexplains.

He says their dance skills keepgetting better, which is why hethinks theywere third time lucky.

Theboys’ father, Christian, saysthey have been dancing from avery young age.

They were inspired by theirbrother Anthony, who was also adancer and gymnast.

Anthony was a break dancerand performed “popping, locking– the works”, and although hemoved away from dancing him-self, he trained his brothers andkept encouraging them to followtheir dreams.

“They developed a passion forit,” he says.

All three brothers got their tal-ent from theirmother, Sylvia,whowas apparently quite the “moverand shaker” in her day.

Sylvia says she’s overwhelmedby her sons’ success.

She points out that it’s not everyday that two young boys fromManenberg get this kind of expo-sure for their talent.

The Fredericks family havebeen behind their sons all theway,but so have the community.Wayne says nobody could haveimagined they would make it tothe final, but he knows their com-munity and friends are very proudof them. “They are behind us150%,” he says.

It’s no wonder that the twowant

to give something back. Winningthe competition will help themachieve their dream of openingtheir own dance school.

“Wewant to teach them [the stu-dents] that they can also achievetheir dreams,” Wayne explains.

The duo is currently in Johan-nesburg working on their per-formance for the finale,whichwillbe screened at 18:05 on Sunday 9November on e.tv.V Visit www.peoplespost.co.za to see thebrothers’ audition video. Visitwww.etv.co.za/shows/reality/sas-got-tal-ent for competition details.

GOT THE MOVES: Christopher and Wayne Fredericks are on their way tothe finals of this year’s SA’s Got Talent competition.

Paint town pink at Gay DayCape Town’s pink village will belighting up with the sounds ofelectronic duo The Kiffness onSaturday 8 November.

The act – along with PJ Pow-ers, Zoe Zana, ShenFm and CheyRouge – will perform at the GayDay Summer Street Party.

The party kicks off at 14:00 andbranches out across Liddle, Co-bern and Napier streets in DeWaterkant.

Partygoers will be treated to avariety of food and arts and craftstalls.

A swimwear fashion show isalso included in the line-up.

Roxy Le Roux and PrincessPop will also make an appear-ance in Summer’s-a-Drag.

Tickets are available at Am-sterdam Action Bar, BackroomBar, Beaulah Bar, Beefcakes andCrew Bar, or from Computicket.

General access tickets cost R60each.

VIP tickets cost R350 and enti-tle you to free drinks all day.

For more information visitwww.gayday.co.za.V WIN! Two readers can win double tick-ets to the event. To enter, visitwww.peoplespost.co.za on #Winning-Wednesday.

WWII hits Cape Town stageAfter sold out performances atthe Grahamstown Arts Festivaland The Market Theatre, TheLast Moustache will be at theBaxter Golden Arrow studio the-atre for a limited season fromWednesday 5 to Sunday 23 No-vember.

Acclaimed actor Tim Plew-man transports the audienceback to 1945 with flair and ease.

Down in thebunkerunderBer-lin youwillmeet the last remain-ing Hitler-double, HienerSchmidt, a hapless (once fa-mous… sort of) actor forced atgunpoint to become the NaziFührer.

In an epic production, written,directed and produced by Re-ich’s Minister Dr. Joseph Goeb-bels (Number 2 in charge of theNazi Party), Schmidt finally fac-es his demons and reclaims hisidentity.

Performances are at the Bax-ter Golden Arrow Studio theatrefrom Tuesdays to Fridays at20:15 and on Saturdays at 15:00and 20:15.

Tickets cost R120 via Com-puticket or 08619158000.V WIN! Five readers can win double tick-ets to the show on Friday 7 November.To enter, visit www.peoplespost.co.zaon #WinningWednesday.

Win at www.peoplespost.co.za!

Page 7: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 2014 NEWS 7


A wounded societyNICOLE MCCAIN


Mahatma Gandhi, MartinLuther King, the Dalai Lama andNelson Mandela have all advo-cated for a violence free society.NowaCapeTownbased organ-

isation is taking up this mantle,providing services to victims ofviolence and educating commu-nities.The Trauma Centre in Zonne-

bloem provides violence preven-tion and community trauma psy-chosocial services to those affect-ed by violence, explains directorValdi Van Reenen-Le Roux.“Violence prevention pro-

grammes focus on changing peo-ple’s mindsets about and advo-cating for policy reform that willbring about safer communities.We believe that a non violent so-ciety can only come about wheneach person practises non vio-lent ideals and values,” she says.

Violent societyAccording to Health24.com,

trauma in South Africa is com-mon owing to high rates of vio-lent crimes, including physicaland sexual assault, hijackingand domestic violence.Eight out of 100 individuals

will develop Post TraumaticStreet Disorder (PTSD) at sometime in their lives.This ismore prevalent inwom-

en, who are more than twice aslikely as men to have the disor-der.Treating PTSD is vital to pre-

venting its debilitating effects,South African Depression andAnxiety Group spokespersonCassey Chamber says.“If left untreated PTSD can

lead to depression and anxiety orpanic disorders,” she says.In the first half of this year, the

Trauma Centre provided over4000 peoplewith trauma counsel-ling services, Van Reenen-LeRoux says.This number is expected to ex-

ceed 6000 by the year end.

Treating traumaWhile some are able to recover

from a trauma as a consequenceof violence without psychologi-cal services, there are many oth-ers that need support to preventtraumatic responses from affect-ing their lives negatively, VanReenen-Le Roux explains.“Psychological services sup-

port people to process their trau-matic responses in an appropri-ate way, particularly when theyfeel isolated and vulnerable.These services help people tocome to terms with the traumaand its impact on their lives sothat theyare able to functionade-quately at work, school, withtheir family and in community.Unresolved trauma can have adevastating effect on people andtheir families’ lives,” she says.Any person, family or group

that has experienced trauma asa consequence of violence can ac-cess the centre’s services, VanReenen-Le Roux says.A number of types of violence

are addressed, such as suicide,domestic violence, sexual offenc-es, armed robberies, physical as-sault, hijacking, traumatic be-reavement, gang violence, tor-ture and xenophobia.“We also provide trauma de-

briefing services for businessesthat have experienced an armedrobbery, hijacking or othercrime related incident. Frontlineworkers such as educators, po-lice officers, social workers andcommunity leaders can accessself care programmes to combatvarious trauma as a conse-quence of exposure to violenceon a daily basis,” she says.“People can call, walk in or be

referred for counselling servic-es.”

Healing processBetty* was in a violent rela-

tionship for seven years, wherephysical abuse was a daily expe-rience for her and four of herchildren.The children were so badly

abused that they had to be re-moved by a social worker, Bettysays. “He used to beat me badly.One day I came home from workand my children were being tak-en away. I felt like the earthcould open up and swallow me.I had such a hole inmy heart andfell into depression,” she says.Leaving her partner and the

city she was living in was the on-ly way she could get her childrenback, Betty explains.“I had to choose between my

job or my children,” she says.Since moving, Betty has ac-

cessed weekly counselling.“Thishas reallyhelped. It’s not

easy and the trauma doesn’t justgo away,” she says.Depressive episodes still often

sneak up on her.“Something triggers it and

everything just comes floodingback,” she says.“But in counselling, you can

speak about your true feelings.Whenyou’re donewitha session,you feel so much better. I’m be-ginning to heal.”

Breaking the cycleBreaking the cycle of violence

is also an important part of theirwork, Van Reenen-Le Roux says.More than 7000 people re-

ceived trauma-psycho educationlast year.“Ourbiggest challenge iswhen

violence has become normalisedand an accepted solution to alllife’s challenges. It is difficult tochange mindsets that are deeplyentrenched in supporting vio-lentmeans. Swearingmay not beviewed as a violent act eventhough it is abusive and hurtfuland bullying affects so manyschools, with some parents in-structing their children to takerevenge by fighting back whenthey are bullied,” she says.The centre runs 15 school-

based traumacounselling servic-es – in Elsies River, Manenberg,Belhar and Athlone – and com-munity trauma counselling clin-ics in Manenberg, Belhar, theWest Coast, Khayelitsha andWoodstock.However, funding their work

remains a challenge, VanReenen-Le Roux says.“Most funders prefer to fund

projectswhere there are tangibleoutcomes. With trauma counsel-ling, it is difficult to measure theimpact of our work. Profession-al, registered staff who are com-petent and experienced to dealwith the effects of violence on anindividual, family or communi-ty’s psychological well-being arecostly but worth the investment.Violence is one of the prominentcauses of death and is a publichealth challenge globally yet vic-tim redress is often not a priori-ty,” she says.V The Trauma Centre has been selectedas the charity beneficiary of the People’sPost/TygerBurger Hot Summer Grooveconcert which takes place at GrandWeston Saturday 6 December. Tickets to theevent – which features performances by,among others, Alistair Izobell, Emo andLoukmaan Adams and Ramaine Barreiro– are priced from R130 and R5 of eachticket sale will go to the organisation.Tickets are available at Computicket.

Something fancy heads ‘WestGARY VAN DYK


When the beat at the Hot SummerGroove gets going at the Grand-West Arena on Saturday 6 Decem-ber, not many will realise thatsome of the stars featured have ahistory that binds them sincechildhood.Alistair Izobell, Ramaine Barrei-

ro, Loukmaan and EmoAdams areno strangers to the stage in SouthAfrica. Their stories all have theirroots inMitchell’s Plain some timein the 1980s with a drama groupcalled Kinders vannie Ses (Chil-dren of District Six).Barreiro remembers those times

with fondness, especially themem-ory of the four of them forming NuFancy. “Wow! What an excitingtime for four laaities from the‘Plain,” she says, looking at a photoof the four of them at the time.“I think Iwas about 12 – basically

a hundred years ago! We were allpart of a local drama group calledKinders vannie Ses [they are stillrunning today]. From what I re-member, theRockets called us in torecord and before we knew it wewere touring with them.”Emo was only 12, Alistair was 14

and Loukmaan 15. “We were trav-elling all over South Africa, Na-mibia, little halls in every dorpieand we used to rock Club Fame inElsies River. I think those timesconvinced us that it was what wewanted todo for the rest of our lives– and we’ve never looked back.”Ramaine also reflects that being

part of this group gave them a goodfoundation in the entertainment

industry. “We were taught the oldschool way. Work hard and you’llget what’s coming to you. Lookingatwherewe all are is proof of that.”Ramaine was living out of town

for a few years but relocated backhomeabout a year ago, startingherown management and productioncompany. She takes another lookat the photowith those young facessmilingather, and remembers thatnone of it would have been possiblewithout some fantastic support.“Weall hadparentswho support-

ed what we do, we always had peo-ple around us who had alreadybeen doing this for years to learnfrom and we had each other,” shesays fondly.Getting back to 2014, she says she

is very excited to be part of theshow in December. While it mightnot be a reunion of the childhoodgroup, Ramaine is adamant thatthe audience can expect to seesome of the best entertainment theWestern Cape has to offer.Along with these four, People’s

Post and sister publication Tyger-Burger have secured a killer line-up for the first-ever Hot SummerGroove. Joining them will be thepopular all-female trio Blackbyrdand the backing band Take Note.An added bonus is that we will

be giving away a car at the show.Your ticket serves as your entry.Up for grabs is a FAW V2 1.3

worth R100 000.Since it’s the season of giving,

we’ll also be donating R5 of eachticket to the TraumaCentre in Zon-nebloem. Tickets for the Hot Sum-mer Groove cost fromR130 and areavailable from Computicket.

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Nu Fancy, comprising Alistair Izobell (left), Loukmaan Ad­ams (back centre), Ramaine Barreiro (front) and Emo Adams. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Page 8: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 20148 NEWS



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Your SMSes. I’ve been attending the day hospital foreight yearsnowand Ihaveneverbeen treat-ed badly. The doctors and nurses are verysweet – even patients, too. The complain-ants are thepeople causing trouble.Thedayhospital does not attend to only one person;there are many people they have to attendto every day. M Nicholson

. Why must they move the day hospital?It is central. Theywant tomove the dayhos-pital and we will still be in the line of fire.There will always be a gang fight. Peoplewill have to go out of their areas to anotherplace, just to be robbed by unknown gang-sters. They would rather not go to hospital.Whynot upgradewhatwe have?Nowyou’llunnecessarily spend money and pay morestaff to make life easier.

. Something’s definitelywrongwith thispicture. Week after week you read aboutcomplaints of the hospital. What’s beingdone about it? Let us do unto others whatwe would like others to do unto us. We arenot going to be young forever. Besides, itcould have been one of your family mem-bers. I’m sure everyone would want to betreated with respect and dignity, especiallywhen they are in pain. To do good reallycosts nothing. In fact, we are the ones whowould benefit the most.

. Not all nurses and doctors are cold-hearted, but most are. They took an oath toserve people, not treat them like dogs. Ithink they only do it to have a job. Govern-ment may be pathetic with equipping hos-pitals, but the least they can do is show re-spect to patients.

. There must be a night shift, preparingpatients’ chronic medication at Dr Abdu-rahman Community Health Centre.

. I am a patient at Dr Abdurahman DayHospital. I am concerned that we have tocollect ourmedication at the Hanover Parkfacility. Whoever suggested that has noconcern for patients who are very sick and

old. Some may not even have taxi fare andwill have to walk. And as it already hap-pens, people wait so long for their medica-tion and have to go back again the next day.I’m sure that will happen at Hanover Park,because the staffwon’t be able to cope. Theyalready made other facilities available todispense medications in our area – the Sil-vertown Clinic is one. They canmakemoreavailable or get mobile vans. Will the per-sons in charge please be more compassion-ate? Anon

. When I went to collect my medicationnobody at the dispensary knew what I wastalking about when I asked where I have tocollect my medication from next month. Iwould like to know where People’s Post gotthe information from? Why don’t they putup notices so people knowwhat’s going on?People’s Post was informed by patients of

the Dr Abdurahman Community HealthCentre that theyhadnot received their chron-ic medication and claimed they were told tocollect it from another facility. When Peo-ple’s Post enquired about the allegations tothe provincial health department they con-firmed that people will be receiving chronicmedication at other facilities as an interimmeasure. – News Ed.

. There are no renovations taking placeat Dr Abdurahman Day Hospital. People’sPostwrote about renovations and strikes atthe hospital, but nothing happened. Checkyour sources.The provincial health department con-

firmed renovations are to take place. – NewsEd.

. The article is about the day hospital,but a photo of the clinic is shown. What’sup with that? I don’t agree that outsidersmust come to our hospital for medication.I go in there at 06:00 and get out after 15:00.It’s bad enough as is already.

. I thought bynow the stenchwouldhavebeen sorted. But it just hit me again and Ihave another splitting headache. It’s reallybad. F Calvert, GreenhavenV Share your thoughts. Starting with the word “Post”SMS your comments to 32516. SMS cost R1.

The road accident rate over pay day week-ends continues to rise.

In October – recognised as TransportMonth – alone, 83 people were killed on theroad.

This climbing total has caused great con-cern to road safety authorities.

“Since the launch of our first Pay DayBlues campaign last month, we have con-tinued to see very high levels of road deathsand injuries sustained over these week-ends,” says provincial minister of Trans-port and Public Works Donald Grant.

Pay Day Blues refers to Code Blue, whichindicates a fatality in emergency servicescommunication.

The worst weekend death toll with 26 fa-talities was from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 Au-gust. “This depressing record was brokenalmost immediately. September’smain payday weekend, from Friday 26 to Sunday 28September, saw 31 Pay Day Blues in theWestern Cape. A total of 16 of those fatali-ties were vehicle occupants whose bodies

were recovered outside the vehicle, a suresign of not being buckled up,” Grant says.

Weekend figures for October are 12 fromFriday 3 to Sunday 5 October; seven for Fri-day 10 to Sunday 12 October; 13 for Friday17 to Sunday 19October; and 17 deathswererecorded from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 Octo-ber.

This past weekendwas the pay dayweek-end for the majority of salaried workers inthe province. In lieu of this, the departmentin conjunction with provincial traffic serv-ices issued a warning to motorists to notdrink and drive and opt to use public trans-port. Furthermore, Grant encourages driv-ers and passengers to buckle up. By doingthis, you can also avoid a R1 000 fine.

“Pay day means more money availablefor people to travel, shop and visit lovedones. But it alsomeansmoremoney availa-ble for the purchase of alcohol,”Grant says.“Greater mobility and greater access to al-cohol are reflected in spikes in the deathrate over pay day weekends.”

Negligent drivers on collision course

In an effort to increase job creation, the Cityof Cape Town is calling on all jobseekers toregister on the council database.

Based at all local subcouncil offices, regis-tered residents will be considered for all Ex-panded Public Works Programme (EPWP)projects, says Suzette Little, Mayoral Com-mittee member for Social Development andEarly Childhood Development.

“It is from this database that we providework opportunities to those seeking work inthe city. We know there is no opportunitylike a job opportunity and this administra-tion is committed to alleviating the plight ofthe most vulnerable residents,” Little says.

Employment through the EPWP is tempo-rary, with contract appointments varying inlength.

Since 2011, the City has created more than100 000 work opportunities through the EP-WP. Projects are now linked to 950 sitesaround the city, providing economic relieffor workers and helping to improve servicedelivery.

“Workers are randomly chosen from thedatabase and are notified by telephone whenthey are selected for possible job opportuni-ties,” she says.

To register, residents must visit their localsubcouncil office in person. Those residentswho are already registered must make surethey update their details regularly to im-prove their chances of employment.

Jobseekers who do not update their detailsin a 12-month period will have their registra-tion removed from the database.

Working to reduce unemployment

Page 9: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014


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Page 10: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014










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Page 11: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

PEOPLE'S POST | LANSDOWNETuesday, 4 November 2014 SPORT 11

Touchline topicsTuesday 4 November

V Cycling: A developing cycling club will openin Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain. All are welcome.For more information contact Shahied on079 734 8087 or [email protected].

Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 November

V Soccer: NPO Oasis will host informal streetsoccer tournaments in Ottery (between theMarble Flats) on Wednesdays at 10:30 and inBlackbird Avenue in Parkwood on Thursdays at10:30. The organisation will also supportparticipants with CV writing, referrals torehabilitation services and more. All welcome.For more information [email protected] or visit www.oasis­place.co.za.

Thursday 6 November

V Soccer: Mitchell’s Plain Football District willhold a meeting for all soccer clubs interested inplaying regulated football in Mitchell’s PlainPortlands Sports Complex at 19:30. Theorganisation will play under the auspices ofSafa Cape Town. For more information phone082 868 8961.

Friday 7 November

V Soccer: Norway Parks AFC will hold its 80thanniversary dinner dance at Kensington CivicCentre from 18:30 until late. A three­coursemeal will be served and the Ikey Gamba Bandwill be in attendance. The cost is R180; takeyour own XYZ. Phone Wasfie on 079 387 2435or Saan on 074 915 5864.

Saturday 8 November

V Soccer: All Stars Football Academy will holdtrials for its under­15 and under­17 teams atMalta Park in Observatory at 10:00. Playersmust take their own training kit and boots. For

more information phone Dalla Abass on060 603 1164.

Saturday 8, 15 and 22 November

V Netball: Lentegeur Netball Association willhold trials for the 2015 season for its under­11,under­13 and under­15 teams. Trials will be heldin Morgan’s Village on Saturday 8 November; inBeacon Valley on Saturday 15 November; and inTafelsig on Saturday 22 November. All welcome.To receive the relevant times, SMS or send aWhatsApp message with your name and agedivision to 060 829 6410. For more informationphone Shanaaz Dreyer on 073 823 5016.

Sunday 23 to Sunday 30 November

V Soccer: Merrydale United FC will hold trialsfor its girls and boys under­11 to under­21teams. All welcome. To receive the relevanttimes, SMS or send a WhatsApp message withyour name and age division to 060 829 6410.For more information phone Shanaaz Dreyer on

073 823 5016.

Saturday 6 December

V Soccer: Standards United FC will host a dayouting to Milnerton Waterpark. The bus willleave various pick­up points from 06:00. Thecost is R100 for adults and R80 for childrenaged four to 12. For more information or tobook your place phone Stemmet on083 395 6115, Hiema on 072 908 2367 or Justinon 073 663 3490.

Friday 12 December

V Rugby: Retreat RFC is searching for avolunteer to coach its first team next season.Candidates must have a Western ProvinceRugby Football Union (WPRFU) level 2coaching qualification; have knowledge ofWPRFU rules; own transport; and submit a CVwith supporting documents to retre­[email protected] before or on Friday 12December.

HANDS UP: MogamatRodriquez of SherwoodManenberg CricketClub prepares to deliv­er a ball during a matchagainst Elsies RiverCricket Club at OhioSport Complex in Prim­rose Park on Saturday.PHOTO: RASHIED ISAACS

DODGINGTAG: Ome­ga SoftballClub’s Ce­lesteHenkerman(right) failsto tag Ot­tery Soft­ball Club’sAsma Bren­ner during aFirst Divi­sion matchat TurfhallSportsComplex onSaturday.Omegawere con­vincing26­3 win­ners.PHOTO:RASHIEDISAACS

SWINGING: Tanta Sport Softball Club’s Catherine van der Boom hits out as Glenthorn Athleticscatcher Carla Mulder keeps a close eye on the ball during a Super League match at TurfhallSports Complex on Saturday. A’s were convincing 12­0 victors. PHOTO: RASHIED ISAACS

HOWZAT? SherwoodManenberg CricketClub’s Abubaker Math­ews and Daniel Tho­mas (wicketkeeper)appeal for an LBW de­cision against ElsiesRiver Cricket Club’sClaude April during aWP club cricket matchat Ohio Sports Com­plex in Primrose Parkon Saturday. PHOTO:RASHIED ISAACS

TOP HONOURS: RygateLocal Football Associa­tion held its annualprizegiving, in conjunctionwith its 90th anniversarycelebration, at RylandsCivic Centre on Saturdayevening. Silver Spurs FCtook top honours as Ab­dul Tajoodien (left) wasnamed Sportsman andAdministrator of the Year.Spurs striker Nizaam Mill­er (right), whose twogoals in the Coca­ColaCup final led to his teameventually lifting the tro­phy, was awarded thePlayer of the Year acco­lade. PHOTO: RASHIED ISAACS

Page 12: Peoples post lansdowne 4 nov 2014

TUESDAY 4 November 2014 | People's Post | Page 12 | 0021 910 6500 | ppost.mobi












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Footy returns after breakTASMIN CUPIDO


Teams in the top two tiers of South African footballwill return to action this week following a post-ponement of all matches in memory of slain goal-

keeper Senzo Meyiwa.In the Premier Soccer League (PSL), Ajax Cape

Town will travel to Pretoria to face the University ofPretoria at Tuks Stadium tomorrow (Wednesday 5 No-vember).

The Urban Warriors, who are still in second placeon the log, will be determined to improve on their pre-vious outing – a 4-1 defeat at the hands of Orlando Pi-rates in the Telkom Knockout Cup.

Their last two encounters against Tuks in the PSLwere somewhat of a humdrumaffair,with bothmatch-es ending in goalless stalemates in October last yearand March.

Roger de Sa’s troops have managed to pick up 17points fromtheirninematches, andwill look to collectmaximum points in the capital city to stay in touchwith log leaders Kaizer Chiefs and remain ahead ofthe other teams in the top five.

Meanwhile, FC Cape Town will be the only team inaction in the National First Division (NFD) tomorrow,as they travel to Richard’s Bay to take on Thanda Roy-al Zulu at the Umhlathuze Sports Complex.

Friday evening sees yet another Cape derby, whensecond-placed Milano United tackle Cape Town AllStars at Philippi Stadium. On Saturday 8 November,Santos FC will take on Witbank Spurs at the PumaRugby Stadium.

Vasco da Gama FC will travel up north to take onJomo Cosmos at Vaal University of Technology onSunday 9 November and, in a return fixture, FC CapeTown will host Thanda Royal Zulu at NNK rugby Sta-dium in Parow.V View both the NFD and PSL logs, as well as the fixtures andstarting times, at www.psl.co.za.

CRYING FOUL: Crystal Palace FC’s Mogamat Moses is fouled by Shamiel Philander of Milano United during an ABC Motsepe Leaguematch in Grassy Park on Sunday. The other Milano player is Kyle Segers. The resulting goal from the free­kick led to Palace equalisingthe scores to 2­2, which was the final score. PHOTO: RASHIED ISAACS