Per for Mans

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  • 8/6/2019 Per for Mans



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    performnsa G -

    umj.1. izvoenje, izvedba prezentacija dramskog ili glazbenog djela [dobra performansa]


    oblik akcijske umjetnosti koji se javlja 1970-ih; za razliku od happeninga izvodi gagotovo u pravilu jedna osoba; koncept snano proet umjetnikovom osobnou iponekad ekshibicionizmom; preklapa se s body artom, neokonceptualnomumjetnou i multimedijalnim projektima [izvesti performansu]; performans


    Performans (eng. predstava, predstavljanje, izvedba) je jedna forma akcione umetnostinastala ezdesetih godina 20. veka, kao posljedica povezivanjabodi arta,hepeninga,odreenih shvatanjapozoritai ritualaprimitivnih civilizacija.

    Performans se u umetnosti najee odnosi na dogaaj u kojem jedna grupa ljudi(performer ili performeri) izvode, tj. ponaaju se na odreeni nain za drugu grupu ljudi publiku. Ponekad je granica izmeu performera i publike vrlo mutna, pa se moe reida je i publika sa svojim reakcijama sastavni dio performansa.

    Performans se postavlja protiv predstave o umetnosti koja je prodajni, trajni objekat ipodvlai prolaznost umetnikog dela i kritikuje razdvojenost umetnikog dela odumetnika. U sreditu panje nisu uloge kao u pozoritu ili slike i objekti kao u likovnojumetnosti ve akcije, pokreti i procesi. Performans umetnici ne daju nita drugo osimsebe samog.



    1 Izraz performans 2 Istorija i koreni 3 Pioniri performansa
  • 8/6/2019 Per for Mans


    4 Vidi jo 5 Literatura

    6 Spoljanje veze

    [uredi] Izraz performans

    Pantomima i slikarstvo

    Pojam performansa nije egzaktno odreen i definisan, tu se moe raditi o umetnosti tela,bodi artu, fluksusu i mnogi umetnici kao na primer beki umetnici akcije ili novi dadaistiopisuju svoje aktivnosti kao ive umetnosti, akcione umetnosti ili interpretacije.

    [uredi] Istorija i koreni

    Performans ima elemente pozorita, plesa, pantomime, muzike ili cirkusa. Tako dolazedo izraaja osnovni elementi u igri; vreme, prostor, telo umetnika, dramaturgija.Performans je esto opisivan pomou fotografije, filma ili videa.

    Razvija se zajedno sa hepeningomi prethodila mu je avangardna umetnost20. veka kaofuturizam, dadaizam a i ritual je izvor performansa.

    [uredi] Pioniri performansa

    Vani umetnici performansa prve generacije su;

    Marina Abramovi, Alen Kaprov ("Allan Kaprow") koji je uveo pojam hepeninga, Iv Klajn ("Yves Klein"), Pijero Manoni ("Piero Manzoni"), Vito Akonsi ("Vito Acconci"), Timm Ulrihs ("Timm Ulrichs"), Herman Ni("Hermann Nitsch"),
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    Jozef Bojs ("Joseph Beuys"). koji su poev od 1968. godine stvarali estopolitiku manifestaciju kao performans

    Nova generacija performans umetnika:

    Franko B ("Franko B"), Ron Eti ("Ron Athey"), Kira O Rajli ("Kira O'Reilly"), Gabrijel Savi Ra, Duniper Perlis ("Juniper Perlis"), Oliver Frost ("Oliver Frost"), Orit Aeri ("Oreet Ashery"), Stal Stensli ("Stahl Stenslie"), Damali Ajo ("damali ayo"), Edna Floreta ("Edna Floretta")

    Koja je tona hrvatska rije za "performans"? esto se uje po medijima; ta i ta grupaizvela je dobar performans. Isto tako, govori se o "performansama raunala". Je lihrvatski "karakteristike"? --Flopy 11:04, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)

    Performans/a je "izvedba". Aperformanca raunala svojstva su i karakteristikenjegove. :) --Abyssus 11:18, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)Hvala lijepa! --Flopy 11:34, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)

    Molim, ali oito nema smisla kad, eto, ah, postoje sposobniji od mene za ovo.Stoga tambuku preputam Jezina pitanja. Jo jedno u nizu podruja u kojem jeoito doktorirao. --Abyssus 12:02, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)performans/performanse je obino neka vokalno-instrumentalna izvedba,predstava,predstavljanje, izvoenje i sl.

    Kao metrika jakosti nekog sklopovlja ili kvalitativnu procjenu optimalnosti nekogprograma, obino se rabi u mn.performanse (raunala, algoritma..) i jako rijetko u jd.(performanca). --Ivan tambuk11:41, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)

    Eh, Ivane, hvala na trudu, ali Abyssus to ipak laikije objasni od tebe;) --Flopy

    12:04, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)Jo u se ja nadovezati- u modernoj umjetnosti uobiajeno se koristi 'performance' tj.'umjetnost performansa' za odreenu vrstu umj. izvedbe. (mislim na likovnu umjetnost).Klarissae 12:14, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)

    E, sad sve znam:-)))--Flopy 12:26, 18. lipanj 2007. (CEST)
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    The verb 'parfourmen' meaning to do, to carry out or to render, first appears in English inabout 1300. It's seen again some seventy years later as 'performen', borrowed from theOld French 'parfornir'. The French meaning was much the same as the English, to do, orto carry out. The noun performance crops up in the early 1500's meaning ,simply, a thingperformed.

    It's not until 1709 that we encounter the word performance in the sense of a publicexhibition or entertainment. It appears in an article by Steele in the Tatler.

    As it is currently used, the word performance, as least to me, calls to mind aperforming seal, or a 7 year old tap dancer. I agree with you that the word service wouldbe more appropriate in the evaluation of a worker, particularly, as you point out, onewhose efforts are voluntary.

    The best to you always. Carol P.


    The term "Performance Art" got its start in the 1960s in the United States. It wasoriginally used to describe any live artistic event that included poets, musicians, filmmakers, etc. - in addition to visual artists. If you weren't around during the 1960s, youmissed a vast array of "Happenings," "Events" and Fluxus "concerts," to name just a fewof the descriptive words that were used.

    It's worth noting that, even though we're referencing the 1960s here, there were earlierprecedents for Performance Art. The live performances of the Dadaists, in particular,meshed poetry and the visual arts. The German Bauhaus, founded in 1919, included atheater workshop to explore relationships between space, sound and light. The BlackMountain College (founded [in the United States] by Bauhaus instructors exiled by theNazi Party), continued incorporating theatrical studies with the visual arts - a good 20years before the 1960s Happenings happened. You may also have heard of "Beatniks" -stereotypically: cigarette-smoking, sunglasses and black-beret-wearing, poetry-spoutingcoffeehouse frequenters of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Though the term hadn't yetbeen coined, all of these were forerunners of Performance Art.

    By 1970, Performance Art was a global term, and its definition a bit more specific."Performance Art" meant that it was live, and it was art, not theater. Performance Art alsomeant that it was art that could not be bought, sold or traded as a commodity. Actually,the latter sentence is of major importance. Performance artists saw (and see) themovement as a means of taking their art directly to a public forum, thus completelyeliminating the need for galleries, agents, brokers, tax accountants and any other aspect ofcapitalism. It's a sort of social commentary on the purity of art, you see.

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    In addition to visual artists, poets, musicians and film makers, Performance Art in the1970s now encompassed dance (song and dance, yes, but don't forget it's not"theater").Sometimes all of the above will be included in a performance "piece" (you just neverknow). Since Performance Art is live, no two performances are ever exactly the same.

    The 1970s also saw the heyday of "Body Art" (an offshoot of Performance Art), whichbegan in the 1960s. In Body Art, the artist's own flesh (or the flesh of others) is thecanvas. Body Art can range from covering volunteers with blue paint and then havingthem writhe on a canvas, to self-mutilation in front of an audience. (Body Art is oftendisturbing, as you may well imagine.)

    Additionally, the 1970s saw the rise of the autobiography being incorporated into aperformance piece. This kind of story-telling is much more entertaining to most peoplethan, say, seeing someone shot with a gun. (This actually happened, in a Body Art piece,in Venice, California, in 1971.) The autobiographical pieces are also a great platform forpresenting one's views on social causes or issues.

    Since the beginning of the 1980s, Performance Art has increasingly incorporatedtechnological media into pieces - mainly because we have acquired exponential amountsof new technology. Recently, in fact, an 80's pop musician made the news forPerformance Art pieces which use a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation as the crux ofthe performance. Where Performance Art goes from here is only a matter of combiningtechnology and imagination. In other words, there are no foreseeable boundaries forPerformance Art.

    What are the characteristics of Performance Art?

    Performance Art is live. Performance Art has no rules or guidelines. It is art because the artist says it isart. It is experimental.

    Performance Art is not for sale. It may, however, sell admission tickets and filmrights.

    Performance Art may be comprised of painting or sculpture (or both), dialogue,poetry, music, dance, opera, film footage, turned on television sets, laser lights,live animals and fire. Or all of the above. There are as many variables as there are

    artists. Performance Art is a legitimate artistic movement. It has longevity (someperformance artists, in fact, have rather large bodies of work) and is a degreedcourse of study in many post-secondary institutions.

    Dada, Futurism, the Bauhaus and the Black Mountain College all inspired andhelped pave the way for Performance Art.
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    Performance Art is closely related to Conceptual Art. Both Fluxus and Body Artare types of Performance Art.

    Performance Art may be entertaining, amusing, shocking or horrifying. Nomatter which adjective applies, it is meant to be memorable.

    Source: Rosalee Goldberg: 'Performance Art: Developments from the 1960s', The Grove Dictionary of Art Online, (Oxford University Press, Accessed


    umberto:Sta znaci performansa? Detaljan opis potreban.

    Partymaker:"Pojam performansa nije egzaktno odreen i definisan, tu se moe raditi o umetnosti tela,bodi artu, fluksusu i mnogi umetnici kao na primer beki umetnici akcije ili novi dadaistiopisuju svoje aktivnosti kao ive umetnosti, akcione umetnosti ili interpretacije."


    Performans (eng. predstava, predstavljanje, izvedba) je jedna forma akcione umetnostinastala ezdesetih godina 20. veka, kao posljedica povezivanja bodi arta, hepeninga,odreenih shvatanja pozorita i rituala primitivnih civilizacija.

    Performans se u umetnosti najee odnosi na dogaaj u kojem jedna grupa ljudi(performer ili performeri) izvode, tj. ponaaju se na odreeni nain za drugu grupu ljudi publiku. Ponekad je granica izmeu performera i publike vrlo mutna, pa se moe reida je i publika sa svojim reakcijama sastavni dio performansa.

    Performans se postavlja protiv predstave o umetnosti koja je prodajni, trajni objekat ipodvlai prolaznost umetnikog dela i kritikuje razdvojenost umetnikog dela odumetnika. U sreditu panje nisu uloge kao u pozoritu ili slike i objekti kao u likovnojumetnosti ve akcije, pokreti i procesi. Performans umetnici ne daju nita drugo osimsebe samog.

    Ovo je sa wikipedije,nije mi uspelo da postavim direktan link pa sam prekopirao...nadamse da ce pomoci.

    VladKrvoglad:Performans/performansa.Ima jedna zanimljiva definicija performansa: "Performans je izrazavanje umetnika u
  • 8/6/2019 Per for Mans


    prvom licu" - gde bi klasicno umetnicko delo (slika, skulptura, grafika, crtez, ali i pisanodelo (knjige, note itd) bilo shvaceno kao "izrazavanje umetnika u trecem licu".

    Zanimljivo je sta iz takvog shvatanja proizilazi:

    Pisac dramskog dela, muzickog komada te reditelj i scenarista se izrazavaju u trecem licu- pisuci, komponujuci, uoblicavajuci svoj komad.Kada neko izvodi njihov rad na sceni - onda se izrazavaju/su izrazeni u drugomlicu!?! :)))A izvodjaci komada se izrazavaju u prvom licu kao glumci ili interpretatori, a u trecem -ako ih sagledas kao izvodjace komada/u odnosu na radnju predstave!

    lavandablue:u kompjuterskom zargonu, rec PERFORMANSA znaci - osobine, mogucnosti,karakteristike.

    lavandablue:pogledati i sta znaci u latinskom, jer je to izvedena rec iz latinskog jezika.;wap2;wap2;wap2