Percy L. Julian High School Student & Parent Handbook 10330 South Elizabeth St, Chicago Illinois, 60643 773-535-5170 office 773-535-5230 fax Please Note: The contents of this handbook are subject to change at any time during the school year. In such a case, changes will be provided in writing to students and families.

Percy L. Julian High School · 2016. 8. 3. · Percy L. Julian High School Student & Parent Handbook 10330 South Elizabeth St, Chicago Illinois, 60643 773-535-5170 office 773-535-5230

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  • Percy L. Julian High School

    Student & Parent Handbook

    10330 South Elizabeth St,

    Chicago Illinois, 60643

    773-535-5170 office 773-535-5230 fax

    Please Note: The contents of this handbook are subject to change at any time during the school year. In such a case, changes will be provided in writing to students and families.

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    Message from the Principal:

    Dear Julian Students/Parents:

    This is an exciting time! I want to welcome our new and returning families to the Percy L. Julian

    family. I hope you are excited and ready for a great year!

    This handbook is meant to be a resource to provide you with the essential information related to

    important school policies and CPS policies and procedures. I hope you find this as a helpful

    resource. This information is designed to guide and assist us in maintaining a positive and

    successful school climate. We encourage families to read and discuss the information at the start

    of the school year, in order to follow these important guidelines. We also hope that you refer

    back to it as necessary during the year.

    We look forward to building positive relationships with every child and we look forward to

    partnering with you to help our children achieve excellence. We intend to be intentional as we

    engage in a team effort with you to ensure all our students reach their maximum potential. We

    know all children want to be successful. Our teachers will provide the quality instruction that

    you deserve and your parents expect.

    We will focus on continuous improvement academically and developmentally as we succeed to

    great heights. By creating and ensuring a supportive and nurturing environment, I am ecstatic to

    be your principal and to provide you and your family with an unforgettable educational


    Who’s Who at Percy L. Julian High School Below is the Julian High School Success Team

    Role Name Location Principal Myron Hester Main Office

    Assistant Principal Michelle Brumfield Main Office

    Assistant Principal Thomas Trotter 201A

    Youth Interventionist Athletic Director Lawrence Spaulding 301A

    Youth Interventionist Dean of Attendance

    Wilma Bell 331A

    Counselor Krystal Kay Student Service Center 235

    Counselor Jennifer White Student Service Center 235

    Counselor Dr. Beaseley-Green Student Service Center 235

    Case Manager Lacanda Willis 260

    Social Worker Melisha Bell 260

    School Psychologist Kimberly Rushing 260

    Family & Community Connector Donna Gentry Student Service Center 235 Attendance Coordinator Celena Evans 122

    Business Manager Kimmieon Miller Main Office

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    Mission Statement

    The Mission of the Percy L. Julian High School is to mold and prepare the heart,

    mind and hand of Julian students to be ready for citizenship, college and career


    The vision of Percy L. Julian High School is all Julian students will graduate with

    wisdom and knowledge to be positive contributors to the global society.

    School Profile

    Percy L. Julian is a public high school located in the Washington Heights Community of Chicago.

    Julian serves several elementary schools considered feeder schools.

    School Colors: Orange & Brown Orange is a power color. It is one of the healing colors. It also

    stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with endurance. Brown: is a

    grounding force, “down to earth” and promote stability and clear thinking.

    School Name: Percy L. Julian

    School Mascot: Jaguar

    School Song: DEAR JULIAN

    Dear Julian, we are proud of you

    And we pledge our loyalty

    With heart and head, we’ll all join hands

    And true to thee we’ll be.

    We’ll hold our banner’s firm and true

    With all our goals achieved

    We’re proud to be a part of this

    Great dream of ours conceived.

    Our faithful colors, orange and brown,

    We’ll wear with pride and fame

    A noble name our heritage

    To all the world proclaim.

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    Student and Parent Expectations and Responsibilities

    According to Chicago Public Schools students are guaranteed certain individual rights and have

    corresponding individual responsibilities. Each student has the following responsibilities:

    ● Adhere to Julian high school’s rules and regulations

    ● Respect the human dignity and worth of every individual

    ● Refrain from slanderous remarks or obscenities in verbal and written expressions,

    including social media

    ● Student must be diligent and maintain the best possible level of academic achievement

    ● Be punctual and present in the regular school program

    ● Dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable standards of health, cleanliness,

    safety and the uniform dress code.

    ● Help maintain and improve the school environment; preserve school property and

    exercise the utmost care while using school facilities

    ● Refrain from gross disobedience, misconduct or behavior in or outside of school, that

    disrupts the educational process

    ● Respect the reasonable exercise of authority by the school administrators and teachers

    in maintaining discipline in the school and at school sponsored activities

    School Uniforms:

    Uniforms are mandatory at Julian. There is no opt-out provision.

    Julian Polo Shirt (orange, white and brown)

    Beige Khaki

    ● Only when authorized, students may be permitted to wear their athletic school jersey,

    or other Julian non uniform attire

    ● Shoes must be worn at all times. House shoes or slippers are not permitted

    Unacceptable Apparel:

    -Pants worn below waist where undergarments are shown will not be tolerated

    -No hats or other head coverings, including hoods, wave caps, sweatbands

    -Sunglasses, scarves, hairnets, headbands, and bandanas, are not permitted. The only exception is a turban or scarf worn for religious reasons

    -No pajamas


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    -Any article of clothing which displays obscene words, pictures, or designs; any article which conveys sexually suggestive, vulgar, demeaning or inflammatory remark, a pro-alcohol or drug message; or is symbolic of gangs or disruptive groups

    Students are expected to adhere to all dress code policies established by Julian high school.

    Items not specifically covered in the above policy may be prohibited at the discretion of the


    Medical Compliance

    CPS recognized the relationship between academic achievement and access to health

    promotion and prevention activities. Healthy students have better attendance and perform

    better in school. The following health requirements apply for the 2016-2017 school year

    includes: Physical exam (9th graders and any student new to CPS for the first time) and

    DTap/Tdap immunization. For full information, visit the cps website at www.cps.edu.


    Students are not allowed to have medications on them at any time unless required by a

    physician or nurse. Prescription medications must be stored in the nurse’s office or other

    location designated by the school administration. Only the school nurse or office administrator

    may administer medications.

    Emergency Form

    For students’ welfare, we ask that parents/guardians to fill out and return the Emergency

    Information form during parent orientation or as soon as possible. This form will inform the

    school of the adults who can legally pick up students early from school. Should any information

    change it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school attendance office. Failure to keep

    updated information may result in delay in contacting families in emergency situations.

    Attendance Policies and Procedures

    A safe orderly climate is an essential foundation for student achievement and holistic student

    growth. School policies and procedures exist to support the learning environment and to

    advance the development of every leaner. It is with these purposes in mind that the following

    policies to govern daily operations have been developed.


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    Hours of School Operation

    Classes begin at 8:00 am each day and ends at 3:15 pm each day. School doors will open at

    7:15 am. Students who arrive before 7:15 am must remain in the cafeteria. Students are

    expected to leave the building within ten minutes of their last class unless they are involved in

    after school activities. Students are never to be in the building without adult supervision.

    Parents, students, teachers, administrators, and community members have a shared

    responsibility to ensure that quality education is available to the students of Julian high School.

    The State of Illinois Compulsory Attendance Law states:

    Whoever has custody or control of any child between the age of 7 and 17 years (unless the child

    has already graduated from high school) shall cause such child to attend some public school in

    the district wherein the child resides the entire time is in session during the regular school

    term. The parent/guardian is obligated to ensure that the student is in school. (Illinois School

    Code, Section 26-1)

    Closed Campus

    Julian operates under a closed campus system. A closed campus means that students remain

    on school grounds from the time they arrive until time of departure. Students are not

    permitted to leave the building for lunch or any other reason. Parents, guardians, staff

    members, family members or alike are not allowed to bring students food during normal school

    hours. Students may not leave the building to purchase food for themselves or others. If a

    student leaves the building unauthorized he/she cannot re-enter. Students who are caught

    loitering outside are subject to disciplinary actions.

    School Arrival

    The school day begins at 8:00 am. The building will open to students at 7:15 daily. All students

    will enter via the main entrance and must pass through the security system to scan their ID

    cards before proceeding to class. When students arrive, they must be in full uniform: (see

    uniform policy). Students are considered tardy for school at 8:01 a.m.

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    Julian operates in strict compliance with the attendance policy set forth by the Chicago Public

    Schools and the Illinois State Attendance Laws. If a student is required to be in school but is not

    in attendance, the school will call home to confirm the student’s whereabouts. If a parent

    knows his/her child will not be attending school, contact the attendance office prior to 8:00 am.

    Excused Absences

    According the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) an excused absence is defined as an absence for

    which there is a valid excuse. Excused absences include:

    ● Student Illness

    ● Observance of religious holiday

    ● Death in immediate family

    ● Family emergency

    ● Circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for child’s


    ● Other situations beyond the control of the student

    ● Certain situations are approved at the principal's discretion

    Students will make up missed work and be given credit as determined by the classroom


    Unexcused Absences

    According to the Chicago Board of Education, “Unexcused Absence” is defined as: an absence

    for which there is no valid cause. Any absence due to a reason not listed in the excused

    absence section above is considered an unexcused absence. Family vacations during the school

    year are considered unexcused and are strongly discouraged. We also request that student

    appointments be made after school hours.

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    Reinstatement after an Absence

    Upon returning to school after an absence, a written notice from the student’s parent or

    guardian is required. The note must contain the following:

    ● The dates and reason for the absence

    ● Parent or guardian signature

    ● Current telephone number to reach the parent or guardian

    ● A doctor’s statement will also be accepted

    The student is required to submit the note to the attendance office within 5 days of the

    absence. No documentation will be accepted after the end of the grading period in which the

    absence occurred.

    Chronic Truancy

    According to the Illinois School Code, a chronic truancy is defined as a child subject to

    compulsory attendance who is absent without a valid cause for 10% or more of the mandated

    180 regular attendance days. A student will be considered truant if the school office receives

    no notification of the absence from the parent or guardian. The use of a fraudulent note or

    phone call will also result in a student being charged with truancy.

    Early Dismissals

    Students will not be permitted to leave the building without a parent/guardian. In the event

    that a student must leave school early, he/she must be picked up by a parent/guardian

    approved on the student’s emergency form. Only persons listed on the Emergency Contact

    Form may pick up a student for an early dismissal. No exceptions. That person must proceed

    to the attendance office and present identification, in order for the early dismissal to be


    Students are responsible for missed assignments due to an early dismissal. Early dismissals

    count as absences for students. Students receiving early dismissal must exit at main entrance.

    Students leaving the premises without permission must return with a parent or guardian.

    Students who are 18 years or older are not permitted to sign themselves out of school.

    Tardiness /Punctuality

    Students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready for class promptly at the start of

    class. Students must arrive at school in plenty of time to be in their class, prepared with books

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    and supplies and ready to go before the 8:00am bell rings. Students should also manage the

    passing period to gather class materials and take care of other business so they are in class

    before the bell rings to signal the end of the passing period and the start of a new class.

    Tardy to School:

    Students who arrive after 8:00 am are considered tardy to school. See below for information

    on consequences for being tardy to school.

    Consequences for Being Tardy to School Arrival Time Process and Consequences

    8:01-8:15 Tardy Pass issued; student proceeds to class

    8:15-8:50 Students wait in designated area to be determined until the end of the period

    Additional interventions may be established for students who are chronically tardy to school.

    Tardy to Class:

    Students have 4 minutes between classes to transition from one classroom to another and to

    take care of necessary personal business, i.e. using the washroom. A student who is not in their

    appropriate classroom when the tardy bell rings is considered tardy to class and must follow

    the school's hall sweep process.

    Hall Sweep Consequences # of Violations Consequences

    2 or more in one day In School Character Development (ISCD) the following day

    5 or more in one week

    After school Character Development or additional (ISCD)

    Additional interventions may be put in place for students who are chronically tardy to class.

    Failure to serve the assigned consequences will result in additional disciplinary action.

    After being issued a tardy pass from hall sweeps, a student has 1 minute to report directly their

    class. Failure to report to class in a timely manner will result in additional disciplinary action.

    Students are required to present their hall sweep pass to the teacher upon arrival in the


    Lunch Detention:

    High expectations involve holding students accountable for their choices. When students

    choose to arrive late to school they are required to make-up attendance time by serving after

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    school personal development (ASCD). ASCD will help students make connections between their

    choices and possible consequences and are an effort to empower students to make more

    productive choices related to attendance and punctuality thus decreasing the number of

    student tardies and absences.

    Students who arrive late for school (after 10:30 am) will be assigned ISCD on that same day and

    expected to serve ASCD afterwards. Lunch will be provided for students serving ISCD. Students

    who refuse to serve ISCD/ASCD will be subject to further disciplinary actions. Students who

    violates any ISCD guidelines will receive additional day(s) of ISCD.

    Hall Passes:

    Students have four minutes during their passing period to go to the restroom and obtain

    needed supplies. A student must have a valid hall pass to be out of the classroom during class

    time. No hall pass will be issued during the first or last 15 minutes of class.

    Cutting Class:

    Cutting class is defined as absent from class without a valid excuse. Students who attended

    school but missed a class period without a valid excuse is categorized as cutting class. In

    addition, leaving the building without permission prior to dismissal is a serious offense subject

    to further disciplinary action.

    1 cut= 1 After School Character Development (ASCD)

    Failure to serve ASCD will result in ISCD. Failure to serve ISCD will result in additional

    disciplinary action. Additional intervention may be put in place for students who chronically cut



    Students will have 10 minutes to exit the school building or report to their designated location

    if they are participating in approved after school activities. Both students and sponsors are

    responsible for ensuring that students know where they will report to participate in approved

    activities. If students fail to report to the area assigned to them by their sponsor, they have

    chosen not to attend the activity for that day and must leave the school building.

    Homebound Status:

    The home and hospital bound program should be provided to any child with a health or

    physical impairment which, in the opinion of a licensed medical examiner, will cause an absence

    from school for more than two consecutive weeks, and from whom school personnel determine

    that such a program can be educational beneficial. Any student in need of homebound services

    should contact the attendance office.

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    Field Trips

    Field trips are a big part of the school’s curriculum. Written permission is required in order for

    a student to go on a field trip. Prior to each trip a letter will be sent to with details of the trip.

    Students will not be allowed to go on a field trip if they are serving a suspension or if they have

    recent discipline or attendance issues.

    Fire Drills

    During a fire drill or emergency plan, students are expected to proceed in an orderly fashion to

    the nearest emergency exit. It is important that students become familiar with emergency

    exits. Students may not stop at their lockers (not even to get a coat) and must remain with

    their classroom teacher in the designated area upon exiting the building. Students are not

    allowed back into the building until instructed to do so.

    Parent Advisory Council and General Family Involvement

    Involvement of family members at Julian high School is healthy, welcomed and strongly

    encouraged. When students see the adults in their lives united in supporting them and working

    for their success, they are more likely to take school seriously and to do well. We invite family

    involvement at Julian in many forms.

    One way in which families may participate in the school is to serve on the Parent Advisory

    Council (PAC), which will meet monthly with the principal throughout the school year. One

    purpose of this council will be to maintain communication between school faculty and families,

    so that concerns on either side are addressed quickly and thoroughly. A second purpose of the

    council is to support educational and the extracurricular programs of our school through

    fundraising efforts.

    There are numerous other ways in which families may become involved in the life of the school.

    Volunteering with work around the school, helping chaperone field trips, attending assemblies

    that celebrate student achievement, and attend sporting and social events are just a few.

    Parent/Guardian Visits

    Parent/Guardian visits are welcomed. However, to maximize instructional time,

    parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to make appointments with teachers they would

    like to meet at least one day in advance (except in extreme emergencies). Teachers are not

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    permitted to meet with parents/guardians during classroom instructional time. In addition, to

    ensure that parents/guardians see the administrative or support staff they need to see; they

    are strongly advised to make an appointment in advance.

    Parents/Guardians must always sign in in advance of entering the building and get visitor’s

    pass, and then report to the main office. Parent conferences are available (please call the main

    office to arrange an appointment).

    Mandatory report card pick-up days for all students will be held during the first and the third

    quarter (see CPS calendar for the first and third quarter days/dates).

    School Property

    As a community, we share the responsibility of keeping our school in good working condition.

    In the event that a student’s actions results in damage to school property, he/she will be

    responsible for replacing or repairing the damaged goods.

    School Lockers

    Students will be issued a locker and a lock at the beginning of the school year. These are the

    property of the school. Students can store their school related materials overnight and during

    the day in their assigned lockers. Students must use locks provided by the school to keep

    belongings safely stored. If a student loses a lock, he/she must purchase a new one from the

    office. Locks purchased elsewhere will be cut off. All locks must be returned in at the end of

    the year. Students should not share lock combinations with other students. Julian is not

    responsible for any items stolen from lockers.

    School Textbooks

    Student textbooks remain the property of Julian and must be returned when requested. A fee

    will be assessed for all lost or damaged books and must be paid at the end of the school year.

    School Supplies

    A major part a student being prepared to learn is coming to school daily with proper school

    supplies. These supplies consist of books for all courses, notebook, working writing utensils and

    any additional supplies required by the teacher. Through this preparation, students learn to

    take responsibility for their own education, and build habits for success in college and the


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    Student Fees

    Student fees are used to defray the cost of locks, uniforms, school yearbook, science lab

    equipment, supplies, and other miscellaneous expenses. The annual fee I s$100.00.

    Student Records

    Parents/Guardians have the right to inspect all school records regarding their child. If a parent

    or guardian wants to inspect school records, they should call ahead and set an appointment for

    this inspection. Parents/Guardians can request changes to the record by submitting a request

    in writing to the Administration.


    The Chicago Transit Authority implemented the Ventra card system for all passengers including

    CPS students. Please see the Counselors for eligibility for Ventra Card Service.

    Weather Related School Closing

    If school must be canceled or opening delayed due to severe weather, information will be

    broadcast by radio and TV stations beginning at 6:00am. If all CPS schools are closed Julian is


    Behavioral Expectations and Student Misconduct

    Julian believes that appropriate behavior and discipline is critical for students to attain

    academic and personal success. Our goal at Julian is to help each student become a positive

    and responsible citizen. We expect all students will work toward this goal by respecting the

    rights of others, respecting personal and school property and by practicing acceptable behavior.

    Julian follows the CPS Student Code of Conduct (SCC) in establishing our code of conduct to

    ensure the safety of our students and promote a safe and orderly school culture that will

    advance Julian’s goal of providing a quality college and work prepared student. Our discipline

    policy will be communicated to parents, teachers and students through this written handbook.

    These requirements will be reviewed in parent and student orientations as well as in teacher


    The following rules and regulations are in effect in school, near school grounds, during school

    hours, at school sponsored activities, and while on the way to or from school or school

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    activities. Students can receive disciplinary action for incidents that occur away from school

    grounds. These discipline consequences apply for the entire school year.

    The following are defined as non-negotiable behaviors:

    ● Attend classes every day

    ● Arrive to school on time each day with all required materials

    ● Follow uniform policy each day. Refer to Uniform Policy Regulations.

    ● Cell phones are to be stored in lockers upon entering the building and are not permitted

    during class unless directed by the teacher for academic purposes.

    ● Cell phone use or social media to threaten or incite is not allowed.

    ● Refrain from marking up or dirtying any wall, desk or other part of the school building.

    ● Follow all classroom rules and school policies.

    ● Do homework nightly and do your own work on test, quizzes and homework

    ● Refrain from using profanity and offensive language at all times

    ● Fighting will not be tolerated. Refrain from unwanted physical contact and any negative

    verbal contact. Failure to adhere is grounds for disciplinary action.

    ● Show respect to adults who work at the school and to all visitors. Show respect to all

    students in the school.

    ● Accept responsibility for your behavior. Such action is looked upon favorably and is

    taken into consideration when the administration determines consequences.

    Parent Guide To MTSS

    A Parent’s Guide to Multi-tiered Systems of Support

    What is MTSS?

    A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is an educational framework that includes all students. It

    is a process that provides high-quality, research based instruction based on learner needs. Needs

    are identified by monitoring student’s progress. Adjustments to instruction and interventions are

    based on student’s performance. MTSS provides academic and behavioral supports through school

    developed interventions that are matched to students’ academic, social and behavioral needs.

    Restorative Justice

    The goals of student discipline include restoring the student and encouraging self-discipline.

    To that end, Restorative Practices will be used, at the Dean of Student’s discretion,

    whenever appropriate.

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    In-School Character Development (ISCD)

    In school Character Development (ISCD) is designed to help students develop the skills they

    need to be successful in the classroom, the school and the community. Our expectation is

    that all students will remain in their regular classroom every day, however there may be

    times when it is necessary for students to be removed from the traditional classroom

    setting. Rather than punish students for their behavior, ISCD will instead focus on

    developing students’ social coping skills and reconnecting students to the school

    community. Students in ISCD will engage in a variety learning activities that will offer them

    the opportunity to grow academically, behaviorally and socially.

    Students are expected to follow the policies and procedures of ISCD. Students who are

    assigned ISCD and fail to serve it will be subject to further disciplinary action. Students who

    do not follow the established ISCD guidelines will be given additional consequences.

    After School Character Development (ASCD)

    After School Character Development (ASCD) occurs Tuesday and Thursday every week

    unless otherwise noted. Students assigned ASCD may not participate in extracurricular

    activities during the time of the ASCD. Assigned ASCD will not be altered to participate in

    extracurricular activities except during tryouts. Not attending ASCD will result in further

    disciplinary action.

    Out of School Suspension (OSS)

    Suspension from school may be necessary based on the nature, intensity and/or frequency

    of a violation of the school code of conduct. A parent/guardian will be notified when and

    why a student has been issued an OSS, the duration of the OSS, and the requirement that a

    parent/guardian accompany the student when he/she returns after OSS.

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    Referrals for Expulsion

    In the most extreme cases, the school administration may refer a student for expulsion for

    violation of specific infractions in the SCC. This requires a formal due process hearing

    including written notification of charges. Expulsion is mandated for student possession of

    firearms or other destructive devices. This code also concurs with CPS’s zero tolerance

    policy regarding disruptive, inappropriate or violent behavior in the schools.

    Lunchroom/Cafeteria Etiquette

    Students must adhere to the following rules and regulations while in the lunchroom:

    ● Show and wear identification at all times

    ● Arrive to the lunchroom within a five minute grace period after the tardy bell.

    ● Line up when directed in an orderly manner

    ● Receive permission to leave lunchroom for any reason

    ● Remove your trash from tables

    ● Refrain from excessive movement throughout lunchroom

    ● No loud and/or disrespectful language and inappropriate behavior

    ● Students are not allowed to bring or sell candy, soda or any food items except when

    approved as a fundraiser.

    Cell Phone/Electronic Devices

    Students are not permitted to use cell phones or other electronics in the classroom at any time

    during the course of the day. All cell phones must be kept in the student’s locker or in a

    secured location. Inappropriate use of social networking sites is prohibited and is subject to

    disciplinary action. Cell phones must not be visible.

    The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.

    Students who are seen using the cell phone or electronic device when not authorized will have

    their cell phone/device confiscated. If a student refuses to surrender their cell

    phone/electronic device will be subject to further disciplinary action. If a cell phone is

    confiscated from a student, a parent/guardian will be responsible for retrieving the device from

    the school personnel after school.

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    Please be advised that any Julian faculty or staff member may enforce the cell phone policy.

    Multiple violations of the cell phone policy may result in additional disciplinary action.

    Internet Etiquette

    “Internet Etiquette,” refers to the set practices created over the years to make the internet

    experience pleasant for everyone. Like other forms of etiquette, it is primarily concerned with

    matters of courtesy in communication E-mail, blogging, Facebook, MySpace, Instagram, Twitter

    and other electronic communication and social networking web sites are becoming a normal

    part of students everyday communication. Students must complete CPS acceptable use of

    technology form.

    Gang Activity

    Gang activity will not be tolerated. Any person who exhibits any behavior that is indicative of possible gang affiliation will be suspended immediately pending expulsion and/or arrest. This behavior includes but in not limited to the following:

    ● Wearing, possessing selling or distributing, any materials that is indicative of gang affiliation ● Acting in a manner that is indicative of gang affiliation such as writing gangs signs on

    school property or anywhere in the building, throwing up gang signs, shaking up with others, etc.

    ● Fighting ● Committing any act that would further the interest of any membership affiliation with a

    gang ● Membership, requesting paid protection, intimidating, and threatening others ● Committing any other illegal act or violation of school district policy ● Inciting others to act with physical violence upon another person

    Illegal Drugs/Alcohol

    Use or possession of illegal drugs, narcotics, controlled substances, “look-alikes” of such substances or contraband, alcohol, or use of any other substance for the purpose of intoxication in or before school or a school related function will not be tolerated.

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    Academic Dishonesty

    Students must learn that in order to grow academically, they will be evaluated on their own work. We expect students to honor other people's work by giving credit in the form of reference and/or footnote for any borrowed words, ideas, or opinions, and by including quotation marks when copied exactly. When working on a team project, credit must be given only to each person who contributes.

    Students must understand that copying the words, ideas, or opinions of someone else without giving credit to that person in the form of footnotes or references is considered plagiarism. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and punishable offense. Students must always be responsible for their own work and not engage in any manner of cheating.

    These types of academic dishonesty will result in loss of credit and/or failure according to the discretion of the teacher. Students may also receive an automatic detention (first offense), or more severe penalty if their cheating continues.

    Chicago Public School (CPS) Grading Scale

    Our academic policies and procedures are in accordance with Chicago Public Schools and support our mission. We believe that all students can achieve at high levels.

    Grading Scale

    Assessment and evaluation are essential pieces of the learning process. At Julian we view assessments as opportunities for all school family members (students, parents/guardians, and staff) to learn how students are progressing toward mastery of the material. Evaluations are used to determine ultimate levels of expertise. Progress reports and report cards will include the following grading scale:

    Grade Percentage

    A 90-100

    B 80-89

    C 70-79

    D 60-60

    F 0-59

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    Behavior, Attendance, Grades (BAG) Reports

    Students will receive weekly BAG reports with information on their academic progress in classes, student misconduct information, and weekly, quarterly and yearly attendance rates.

    High School Graduation Requirements

    In order to graduate from a CPS school, a student must earn a total of 24 credits in the following areas:

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    Julian believes in the power of extra-curricular activities as a means to promote the social and personal development of students. This experience will provide a personalized learning environment with equitable participation opportunities for students to develop their leadership potential. Win or lose, the faculty, staff, and administrators will encourage students to provide a winning effort and demonstrate respect for all. Julian offers a wide variety of sport teams and clubs during three separate seasons.

    Subject # of Credits

    English 4

    Math 3

    Science 3

    Social Science 3

    World Language 2

    Fine Arts 2

    PE/JROTC 4

    Career Education 2

    Electives 3

    Pass Driver’s Education; Pass Public Law Exam; earn 40 hours or more of service learning hours

    Total Credits 26

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    NOTE: Each activity has its own unique start and end date, so please be sure to check with the sponsor or coach for more details

    At Julian, we recognize the importance of the extracurricular life of the school and support the concept of a diverse extra-curricular program to enable each student to achieve full potential. Therefore, administration supports the assignment of staff for the formation of student groups for any of the following purposes:

    1. Developing academic interests. 2. Developing athletic interests. 3. Providing for social interaction and the development of positive social

    relationships. 4. Developing understanding of these responsibilities and characteristics of good


    Students participating in such activities do so as representatives of Julian. Their conduct is expected to be exemplary. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege not an entitlement.

    Student participation in extracurricular activities can be a rewarding and valuable experience. It can facilitate the development of leadership and socialization skills, as well as learning the value of contribution to group efforts; participation in sports can also increase physical fitness.

    By establishing rules of eligibility, the intent of Julian is to encourage each student to work to the best of his/her ability, attend school regularly, have a positive attitude, and behave in an appropriate manner. As members of a team or organization, students represent Julian; therefore, certain responsibilities accompany participation in these activities. The following eligibility rules and consequences resulting from abuse of them should be read and understand by each individual involved, including parents/guardians and students.

    Extra-curricular activities include all activities that are non-credit bearing. This includes, but is not limited to: participation in clubs, dances, proms, luncheons, plays, dances, athletic events, etc.

    Please be advised before you participate in any athletic event/activity there are some requirements that must be fulfilled and turned in to the Athletic Director’s Office:

    1. Annual Athletic Physical Exam 2. Emergency Contact Information 3. Extracurricular Activity Permission Slip

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    Acknowledgement Compliance

    I have read and understand the importance of the 2015-201 Julian Student Handbook.

    I understand and agree to comply with these policies and all of the policies mandated by the Chicago Public Schools.

    I have reviewed and understand the importance of consistent daily attendance.

    I understand that I am financially responsible for lost or damaged school properties.

    I understand the purpose of this handbook is to communicate school policies. This book is considered school property and may not be used for any other purposes.

    Print Student Name________________________________________________

    Student Signature_________________________________________________

    Print Parent/Guardian Name_________________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________