EVALUATION OF GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN TWO TECTONIC DEPRESSIONS IN CENTRAL MEXICO Pérez Marnez, I 1 ; Cardona Benavides A. 1 ; Villanueva Estrada R. E. 2 ; Rodríguez Díaz A. A. 2 ; Rocha Miller R. G. 2 Bernard Romero R. A. 2 ; Rodríguez Salazar M. T. de J. 3 ; Casllo López M. 1 and Guadalupe Rojas J. 2 Facultad de Ingeniería, UASLP, Zona Universitaria; SLP, México 1 ([email protected]). Instuto de Geosica, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria ; CdMX, México 2 . Facultad de Química , UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria; CdMx, México 3 INTRODUCTION: Mexico has geothermal resources of high, medium and low temperature. There are around 2000 thermal manifestations (fig. 1), the majority are of low a medium temperature. So that different research have been carried out in any areas of the country (Molina and Banwell, 1970, Torres et al., 1993, Quijano-León Gutiérrez- Negrín, 2003; Martínez et al., 2005; Santoyo-Gutiérrez and Torres Alvarado, 2010). However this information is focused to the high temperature geothermal fields where exist detailed studies about the hydrochemical, geological and geophysical characteristics of them. On the other hand, there exist few literature about the low or medium temperature thermal manifestations, as well as much less information concerning to integral studies of these geothermal systems. So that it´s necessary to carry out multidisciplinary projects focused to provide information to characterize these systems and tool development . OBJECTIVE: EVALUATE OF THE GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS PRESENTS IN THE NORTHEAST AREA OF CHAPALA´S GRABEN (CG), JALISCO STATE AND THE SOUTHERN AREA OF VILLA DE REYES´S GRABEN, GUANAJUATO STATE; ACCORDING TO HYDROGEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE THERMAL FLUIDS AS WELL AS COMPARE THEIR GEOLOGICAL CONTEXT . GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS: The study areas are located in the central-north and central-western part of Mexico (fig. 2). The Chapala graben is located in the western part of the physiographic province of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). This is a tectonically active zone and is part of a regional system of grabens and half grabens with an approximate EW orientation. The graben limits to the north by normal faults that form a zone of blocks with a displacement of more than 1000 m representing a greater topographic depression bordered by a volcanic plateau (fig. 2). The zone of study is located in the part of what Rosas Elguera and Urrutia Ficugauchi (1998) denominate as the Paleolake in the Chapala basin in which a sequence of Miocene basalts and lacustrine sediments is found (fig. 3). The Villa de Reyes graben is located between the NE boundary of the state of Guanajuato and the state of San Luis Potosí (SLP. This is part of a series of tectonic structures present in the physiographic province of the Central Mesa that corresponds to the stage of maximum extension of the area (22-28 Ma). The graben is a tectonic depression of Oligocenic age, limited in its northern portion to two volcanic fields: the Volcanic field of SLP and the volcanic field of the Santa Maria River, and in its southern portion with the volcanic field Sierra de Guanajuato (fig.2); the graben is formed by packages of dacites to rhyolites of 32 at 28 My. The bottom of the basin is formed by exogenous domes of the Latita Portezuelos of 30.6 My with a basement of late Cretaceous marine sediments, this is filled by volcanic and clastic deposits from the early Oligocene to recent age (fig. 3). According to the literature (CNA, 2005) there is a stratified aquifer where it´s present thermalism in deep, which is found in a riodacite rock (Lopez-Loera, Tristán González, 2013). METHODOLOGY: For the characterization of geothermal systems, different sampling campaigns were carried out in the dry and rainy season. Where samples of both thermal and cold groundwater were collected from wells and springs (fig. 4); this included the collection of rock samples for the recognition of possible geohydrological units. In situ measurements of physicochemical and chemical parameters (temperature, pH, Eh, CE, STD, HCO 3 - , SiO 2 , sulfides) also were carried out. Later in the laboratory were carried out analyzes of chemical of thermal waters and stable isotopes ( 2 H and 18 O). RESULTS: CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion the thermal system of the area to the NE of Chapala graben is probably a medium to high-temperature geothermal system of extensional domain type due to its geological characteristics in a tectonically active zone with young volcanism (Quaternary-Pliocene); that could be suggested a geothermal potential of interest. Its exploitation can be for direct uses and for indirect use through binary cycle power plants. The thermal system of the southern part of the Valle de Reyes graben is located in a tectonically passive zone with a volcanism older than the previous zone , this is a low temperature system probably due to a regional flow regime with ion exchange processes; however one could think of a possible radioactive thermal origin due to the uranium content . Its thermal and hydrochemical characteristics and its geothermal potential suggests an exploitation for direct uses such as balneology, vegetable drying (since in the area this activity is carried out ), heating of greenhouses, etc. Given the above, it would be important to carry out more detailed studies of both zones to determine the specific geothermal potential in the Chapala graben and to determine the origin of the thermalism in the Villa de Reyes graben. Figure 3 The geologic map of the study areas and the sample zone Gulf of Mexico USA References: CONAGUA. Comisión Nacional del Agua (2005). Actualización de mediciones piezométricas en los acuíferos denominados El Barril (municipio de Villa de Ramos y Santo Domingo) Jaral de Berrios-Villa de Reyes (municipios de Villa de Reyes y Villa de Zaragoza) pertenecientes al estado de San Luis Potosí. CONAGUA, SEMARNAT. Noviembre 2005, 94 p. López-Loera H., Tristán-González M. (2013) Geología y magnetometría aérea del Graben de Villa de Reyes, San Luis Potosí, Mesa Central de México: implicaciones tectónicas y geohidrológicas. Bolen de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Vol. 65 Núm., 1, 137-156 p. Marnez E., Torres R, and Iglesias E. (2005.) A GIS-based informaon system for moderate to low temperature Mexican geothermal resources. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 8 p. Molina B. and Banwell C. J. (1970). Chemical studies in Mexican geothermal fields. Geothermics Special Issue. U. N. Symposium on the Development and Ulizaon of Geothermal Resources, Pisa. Vol 2 Part 2. Quijano-León J. L., and Guérrez-Negrín L. C. A. (2003). An unfinished journey: 30 years of geothermal-electric generaon in Mexico. Geothermal Resources Council Bullen, pp. 198-203. Rosas Elguera J. and Urrua Fucugauchi J. (1998). Tectonic control of the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of the Chapala Graben, Western Mexico. Internaonal Geology Review Vol. 40, 350-362 p. Santoyo-Guérrez E. y Torres-Alvarado I. S. (2010). Escenario futuro de explotación de la energía geotérmica: Hacia un desarrollo sustentable. Revista digital universitaria. Vol. 11 Num. 10. Torres R., Venegas S., Herrera F., González P. (1993). Geotérmica en México. Ed. Vicente Torres-Rodríguez. UNAM p. 32 Figure 1 Map of thermal manifestaon in Mexico. Figure 2 The localizaon map of the study areas and the tectonic sengs Figure 4 Sampling pictures in the study areas. Geothermometers In the CG some of the higher temperature manifestations are in partial equilibrium with the rock according to the Giggenbach diagram (Na + -K + -Mg 2+ ). The probable reservoir temperatures range from 140 ° to 160 ° C for the thermal springs and from 80° to 120° C for thermal wells, considering it as a possible medium to high temperature system (fig. 6A). Since in the VRG most of the manifestations are not in equilibrium with the rock and ion exchange processes are carried out, the geothermometers cannot be used to determine the temperature in depth. However, chalcedony geothermometer has been used for groundwater with reservoir temperatures below 150° C. The geothermometer results show a reservoir temperature between 80° and 90° C, this suggests a low temperature geothermal system (fig. 6B). 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Na 1000 Mg^0.5 10 K 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Granite Diorite Basalt Ultramafic Limestone Sandstone Shale Seawater T Well T Spring T Spa C Well C Spring Immature Waters Partial Equilibration 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 JA-12 JA-13 JA-16 JA-17 TEMPERATURE Thermal Springs Chalcedony conductive Quartz conductive Quartz adiabatic Na-K-Ca Na-K-Ca Mg corr Na/K Fournier 1979 Na/K Truesdell 1976 Na/K Giggenbach 1988 Na/K Tonani 1980 Na/K Nieva & Nieva 1987 Na/K Arnorsson 1983 K/Mg Giggenbach 1986 -10 40 90 140 190 240 290 340 390 TEMPERATURE Geothermometers Chalcedony conductive Amorphous Silica Alpha Cristobalite Beta Cristobalite Quartz conductive Quartz adiabatic Na-K-Ca Na-K-Ca Mg corr Na/K Fournier 1979 Na/K Truesdell 1976 Na/K Giggenbach 1988 Na/K Tonani 1980 Na/K Nieva & Nieva 1987 Na/K Arnorsson 1983 K/Mg Giggenbach 1986 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Na 1000 Mg^0.5 10 K 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Granite Diorite Basalt Ultramafic Limestone Sandstone Shale Seawater SW CW TW Immature Waters Partial Equilibration Stable Isotopes The stable isotopic values behavior of the δ 18 O and δD of the groundwater in CG area show a tendency of evaporation process with respect to Mexican Groundwater Line (MGWL). However some thermal springs and wells present an enrichment in δ 18 O, suggesting a source of thermal origin while the others probably are a mixture of thermal water and groundwater (fig. 7A). The δ 18 O & δD diagram (fig. 7B) show that the groundwater in the VRG area exhibits behavior similar to the MGWL, this suggests a groundwater origin and possibly existence of two end members: 1)from local to intermediate regime and 2) regional regime . -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 Delta Deuterium - per mil Delta Oxygen 18 - per mil T Well T Spring T Spa C Well C Spring GMWL MGWL -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 Delta Deuterium - per mil Delta Oxygen 18 - per mil SW CW TW GMWL MGWL Chemical characteristic of water The groundwater temperature in wells and springs of the CG ranged from 18° to 75° C. This allow them to be grouped in thermal waters (TW≥36° C) and cold waters (CW<36° C). The first group were a Na + -K + -SO 4 2- waters associated with higher temperatures and Na + -K + -HCO 3 - waters associated with lower temperatures; it´s possible from the mixture of cold and hot groundwater. The second group are Na + -K + to Ca 2+ -Mg 2+ -HCO 3 - waters which present a possible mixture of groundwater with recent infiltration waters (fig. 5A). In the VRG the groundwater temperature in the wells ranged from 20° to 43° C. The thermal waters type (TW≥30° C) was predominantly Na + -K + -HCO 3 - , characteristic of groundwater with a major residence time where ion exchange processes that have been carried out. The cold waters types (CW< 30° C) were from Na + -K + -HCO 3 - to Ca 2+ -Mg 2+ -HCO 3 - , this represented a mixture of thermal and cold water (fig. 5B); however the concentration of ions didn´t present a direct correlation with the increase in temperature. A characteristic of the zone is that the water shows anomalous concentrations of certain chemical elements like F and U due probably to the boxing rock. VRG VRG CG CG Thermalism and geologic context The higher temperature hydrothermal manifestations in the CG present an NW-SE alignment, which may be associated with depth faults related to the grabens extensional boundary. The temperature of the manifestations decreasing towards SW of the study area and water flow direction (fig. 8A). The highest temperatures in the VRG are in the limits of the basin aligned with faults that limit the graben while in the central part the well water temperature is smaller; this most likely is because the thermal aquifer in this area its deeper (fig. 8b). Figure 5 Piper diagram. A) Type of water in CG (thermal well- T well, thermal spring- T Spring, thermal spa- T Spa, cold Well- C Well, cold spring- C spring) B) Type of water in VRG (surficial water-SW, cold waters-CW, thermal waters-TW) Ca 2+ -Mg 2+ - HCO 3 - Water 20% 40% 60% 80% Mg Na+K Ca 20% 40% 60% 80% SO 4 2- Cl HCO 3 - SW CW TW Na + -K + -HCO 3 - Water Na + -K + -SO 4 2- to HCO 3 Water Na + -K + -HCO 3 - Waters 20% 40% 60% 80% Mg Na+K Ca 20% 40% 60% 80% SO 4 Cl HCO 3 T Well T. Spring T. Spa C Well C Spring A) B) Figure 6 Giggenbach diagram (leſt) and geothermometer diagram (right): A) CG zone, B) VRG zone. A) B) Figure 8 Isothermal map of the: A) wells and springs in the CG area, and B) Wells and springs in the VRG area. A) B) A) B) Figure 8 δ 18 O & δD diagram of the groundwater in A) CG area and B) VRG area.

Pérez Martínez, I; ardona enavides A. B) Facultad de … · EVALUATION OF GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN TWO TECTONIC DEPRESSIONS IN CENTRAL MEXICO Pérez Martínez, I1; ardona enavides

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Page 1: Pérez Martínez, I; ardona enavides A. B) Facultad de … · EVALUATION OF GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN TWO TECTONIC DEPRESSIONS IN CENTRAL MEXICO Pérez Martínez, I1; ardona enavides

EVALUATION OF GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN TWO TECTONIC DEPRESSIONS IN CENTRAL MEXICO Pérez Martínez, I1; Cardona Benavides A.1; Villanueva Estrada R. E.2; Rodríguez Díaz A. A.2; Rocha Miller R. G.2

Bernard Romero R. A.2; Rodríguez Salazar M. T. de J.3; Castillo López M.1 and Guadalupe Rojas J.2

Facultad de Ingeniería, UASLP, Zona Universitaria; SLP, México1 ([email protected]). Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria ; CdMX, México2. Facultad de Química , UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria; CdMx, México3

INTRODUCTION: Mexico has geothermal resources of high, medium and low temperature. There are around 2000 thermal

manifestations (fig. 1), the majority are of low a medium

temperature. So that different research have been carried out in

any areas of the country (Molina and Banwell, 1970, Torres et

al., 1993, Quijano-León Gutiérrez- Negrín, 2003; Martínez et al.,

2005; Santoyo-Gutiérrez and Torres Alvarado, 2010). However

this information is focused to the high temperature geothermal

fields where exist detailed studies about the hydrochemical,

geological and geophysical characteristics of them. On the other

hand, there exist few literature about the low or medium

temperature thermal manifestations, as well as much less

information concerning to integral studies of these geothermal

systems. So that it´s necessary to carry out multidisciplinary

projects focused to provide information to characterize these systems and tool development .






GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS: The study areas are located in the central-north and central-western part of Mexico (fig. 2). The Chapala graben is located in the western part of the physiographic province of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic

Belt (TMVB). This is a tectonically active zone and is part of a regional system of grabens and half grabens with an approximate EW orientation. The graben limits to the north by normal faults that form a

zone of blocks with a displacement of more than 1000 m representing a greater topographic depression bordered by a volcanic plateau (fig. 2). The zone of study is located in the part of what Rosas

Elguera and Urrutia Ficugauchi (1998) denominate as the Paleolake in the Chapala basin in which a sequence of Miocene basalts and lacustrine sediments is found (fig. 3).

The Villa de Reyes graben is located between the NE boundary of the state of Guanajuato and the state of San Luis Potosí (SLP. This is part of a series of tectonic structures present in the physiographic

province of the Central Mesa that corresponds to the stage of maximum extension of the area (22-28 Ma). The graben is a tectonic depression of Oligocenic age, limited in its northern portion to two

volcanic fields: the Volcanic field of SLP and the volcanic field of the Santa Maria River, and in its southern portion with the volcanic field Sierra de Guanajuato (fig.2); the graben is formed by packages of

dacites to rhyolites of 32 at 28 My. The bottom of the basin is formed by exogenous domes of the Latita Portezuelos of 30.6 My with a basement of late Cretaceous marine sediments, this is filled by

volcanic and clastic deposits from the early Oligocene to recent age (fig. 3). According to the literature (CNA, 2005) there is a stratified aquifer where it´s present thermalism in deep, which is found in a

riodacite rock (Lopez-Loera, Tristán González, 2013).

METHODOLOGY: For the characterization of geothermal systems, different sampling campaigns were carried

out in the dry and rainy season. Where samples of both thermal and cold groundwater were

collected from wells and springs (fig. 4); this included the collection of rock samples for the

recognition of possible geohydrological units. In situ measurements of physicochemical and

chemical parameters (temperature, pH, Eh, CE, STD, HCO3-, SiO2, sulfides) also were carried

out. Later in the laboratory were carried out analyzes of chemical of thermal waters and

stable isotopes (2H and 18O).


CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion the thermal system of the area to the NE of Chapala graben is probably a medium to high-temperature geothermal system of extensional domain type due to its geological characteristics in a tectonically active zone with young volcanism (Quaternary-Pliocene); that could be suggested a geothermal potential of interest. Its exploitation can be for direct uses and for indirect use through binary cycle power

plants. The thermal system of the southern part of the Valle de Reyes graben is located in a tectonically passive zone with a volcanism older than the previous zone , this is a low temperature system probably due to a regional flow regime with ion exchange processes; however one could think of a possible radioactive thermal origin due to the uranium content . Its thermal and hydrochemical characteristics and its

geothermal potential suggests an exploitation for direct uses such as balneology, vegetable drying (since in the area this activity is carried out ), heating of greenhouses, etc. Given the above, it would be important to carry out more detailed studies of both zones to determine the specific geothermal potential in the Chapala graben and to determine the origin of the thermalism in the Villa de Reyes graben.

Figure 3 The geologic map of the study areas and the sample zone

Gulf of Mexico


References: CONAGUA. Comisión Nacional del Agua (2005). Actualización de mediciones piezométricas en los acuíferos denominados El Barril (municipio de Villa de Ramos y Santo Domingo) Jaral de Berrios-Villa de Reyes (municipios de Villa de Reyes y

Villa de Zaragoza) pertenecientes al estado de San Luis Potosí. CONAGUA, SEMARNAT. Noviembre 2005, 94 p. López-Loera H., Tristán-González M. (2013) Geología y magnetometría aérea del Graben de Villa de Reyes, San Luis Potosí, Mesa Central de México: implicaciones tectónicas y geohidrológicas. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Vol.

65 Núm., 1, 137-156 p. Martínez E., Torres R, and Iglesias E. (2005.) A GIS-based information system for moderate to low temperature Mexican geothermal resources. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 8 p.

Molina B. and Banwell C. J. (1970). Chemical studies in Mexican geothermal fields. Geothermics Special Issue. U. N. Symposium on the Development and Utilization of Geothermal Resources, Pisa. Vol 2 Part 2. Quijano-León J. L., and Gutiérrez-Negrín L. C. A. (2003). An unfinished journey: 30 years of geothermal-electric generation in Mexico. Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, pp. 198-203. Rosas Elguera J. and Urrutia Fucugauchi J. (1998). Tectonic control of the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of the Chapala Graben, Western Mexico. International Geology Review Vol. 40, 350-362 p. Santoyo-Gutiérrez E. y Torres-Alvarado I. S. (2010). Escenario futuro de explotación de la energía geotérmica: Hacia un desarrollo sustentable. Revista digital universitaria. Vol. 11 Num. 10. Torres R., Venegas S., Herrera F., González P. (1993). Geotérmica en México. Ed. Vicente Torres-Rodríguez. UNAM p. 32

Figure 1 Map of thermal manifestation in


Figure 2 The localization map of the study areas and the tectonic


Figure 4 Sampling pictures in the study areas.


In the CG some of the higher temperature manifestations are in partial equilibrium with the rock

according to the Giggenbach diagram (Na+-K+-Mg2+). The probable reservoir temperatures range

from 140 ° to 160 ° C for the thermal springs and from 80° to 120° C for thermal wells,

considering it as a possible medium to high temperature system (fig. 6A). Since in the VRG most

of the manifestations are not in equilibrium with the rock and ion exchange processes are carried

out, the geothermometers cannot be used to determine the temperature in depth. However,

chalcedony geothermometer has been used for groundwater with reservoir temperatures below

150° C. The geothermometer results show a reservoir temperature between 80° and 90° C, this

suggests a low temperature geothermal system (fig. 6B).












Mg^0.510 K








GraniteDiorite Basalt





T Well

T Spring

T Spa

C Well

C Spring

Immature Waters

Partial Equilibration








JA-12 JA-13 JA-16 JA-17





Thermal Springs

Chalcedony conductive

Quartz conductive

Quartz adiabatic


Na-K-Ca Mg corr

Na/K Fournier 1979

Na/K Truesdell 1976

Na/K Giggenbach 1988

Na/K Tonani 1980

Na/K Nieva & Nieva 1987

Na/K Arnorsson 1983

K/Mg Giggenbach 1986















Chalcedony conductive

Amorphous Silica

Alpha Cristobalite

Beta Cristobalite

Quartz conductive

Quartz adiabatic


Na-K-Ca Mg corr

Na/K Fournier 1979

Na/K Truesdell 1976

Na/K Giggenbach 1988

Na/K Tonani 1980

Na/K Nieva & Nieva 1987

Na/K Arnorsson 1983

K/Mg Giggenbach 1986












Mg^0.510 K








GraniteDiorite Basalt








Immature Waters

Partial Equilibration

Stable Isotopes

The stable isotopic values behavior of the

δ18O and δD of the groundwater in CG

area show a tendency of evaporation

process with respect to Mexican

Groundwater Line (MGWL). However

some thermal springs and wells present

an enrichment in δ18O, suggesting a

source of thermal origin while the others

probably are a mixture of thermal water

and groundwater (fig. 7A).

The δ18O & δD diagram (fig. 7B) show

that the groundwater in the VRG area

exhibits behavior similar to the MGWL,

this suggests a groundwater origin and

possibly existence of two end members:

1)from local to intermediate regime and

2) regional regime .






-14 -12 -10 -8 -6


a D







Delta Oxygen 18 - per mil

T Well

T Spring

T Spa

C Well

C Spring









-14 -12 -10 -8 -6






m -


r m


Delta Oxygen 18 - per mil






Chemical characteristic of water

The groundwater temperature in wells and springs of the

CG ranged from 18° to 75° C. This allow them to be

grouped in thermal waters (TW≥36° C) and cold waters

(CW<36° C). The first group were a Na+-K+-SO42- waters

associated with higher temperatures and Na+-K+-HCO3-

waters associated with lower temperatures; it´s possible

from the mixture of cold and hot groundwater. The second

group are Na+-K+ to Ca2+-Mg2+ -HCO3- waters which present a

possible mixture of groundwater with recent infiltration

waters (fig. 5A). In the VRG the groundwater temperature

in the wells ranged from 20° to 43° C. The thermal waters

type (TW≥30° C) was predominantly Na+-K+-HCO3-,

characteristic of groundwater with a major residence time

where ion exchange processes that have been carried out.

The cold waters types (CW< 30° C) were from Na+-K+-HCO3-

to Ca2+-Mg2+ -HCO3- , this represented a mixture of thermal

and cold water (fig. 5B); however the concentration of ions

didn´t present a direct correlation with the increase in

temperature. A characteristic of the zone is that the water

shows anomalous concentrations of certain chemical

elements like F and U due probably to the boxing rock.





Thermalism and geologic context

The higher temperature hydrothermal manifestations in the CG present an NW-SE alignment,

which may be associated with depth faults related to the graben’s extensional boundary. The

temperature of the manifestations decreasing towards SW of the study area and water flow

direction (fig. 8A). The highest temperatures in the VRG are in the limits of the basin aligned

with faults that limit the graben while in the central part the well water temperature is

smaller; this most likely is because the thermal aquifer in this area it’s deeper (fig. 8b).

Figure 5 Piper diagram. A) Type of water in CG (thermal well- T well, thermal spring- T Spring, thermal spa- T Spa,

cold Well- C Well, cold spring- C spring) B) Type of water in

VRG (surficial water-SW, cold waters-CW, thermal waters-TW)

Ca2+-Mg2+- HCO3- Water

















Na+-K+-HCO3- Water

Na+-K+-SO42- to HCO3 Water

Na+-K+-HCO3- Waters













T Well

T. Spring

T. Spa

C Well

C Spring



Figure 6

Giggenbach diagram

(left) and


diagram (right):

A) CG zone,

B) VRG zone.



Figure 8 Isothermal map of the: A) wells and springs in the CG area, and B) Wells and springs in the VRG area.

A) B)



Figure 8 δ18O & δD diagram of the groundwater in A) CG area and

B) VRG area.