Perfect Poetry

Perfect Poetry · Perfect Poetry. Within the schools of Waterton Academy Trust there are many fine writers. However, it takes a special kind of writer to be able to compose poetry

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Perfect Poetry

Within the schools of Waterton Academy Trust there are many fine writers. However, it takes a special kind of writer to be able to compose poetry that appeals to the masses. After launching the WAT’s poetry competition in Autumn 2016, it was clear that we were harbouring hidden poets of the future!

All schools held their own poetry competitions and the children were required to compose a poem with an Autumn theme. Winners, chosen by the children themselves, from classes faced winners from other classes and 3 overall winners were chosen from each Key stage. Depending on the size of the school, some had up to 6 winners and there were 25 winners overall.

Our winners came together to spend the day at Howell Wood in South Kirkby. Half the day was spent working with a published author, Andy Tooze, and the other half was spent in the woods carrying out fun activities with the staff from Oak-Forest Schools.

Andy was ‘blown away’ with the quality of the writing and also the children’s confidence, enthusiasm, energy and passion as they read their poems out aloud. Each child was given one of his books: The Big Poetry Book.

Following on from this, the Children’s Parliament from the Waterton Academy Trust decided to run a further competition that gave our artists a chance to shine. The poems were distributed out to schools and the children asked to illustrate one. Again, overall winners were chosen from each school and those entries were put together for the final decision made by the children voted in to Parliament.

As you read through the following collection of poems, try to imagine the children reciting their works and discover what talented poets and artists are emerging from within our schools.

Congratulations to all the children that took part in both the poetry and art competitions.

Mrs J Simpkins, School Improvement Officer - English


1. Autumn, by Hayden C, Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School Illustration by Roksana Normanton Junior Academy

2. Autumn, by Jay P Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School Illustration by Oliver P Year 2 Lee Brigg Infant School

3. Autumn Leaves, by Ella M Normanton Junior Academy Illustration by Grace Normanton Junior Academy

4. In Search of Autumn, by Bethan L Normanton Junior Academy Illustration by Harrison G Walton Primary Academy

5. Hedgehogs, by Jenson W Crofton Infants School Illustration Walton Primary

6. Autumn, by George H Crofton Infants School Illustration by Olle B Walton Primary Academy

7. Autumn, by Maddy W Normanton Junior Academy Illustration by Reece P Normanton junior Academy

8. Autumn, by Ruby M Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School Illustration by Kyle L Normanton Junior Academy

9. Autumn, by Macey B Crofton Infants School Illustration by Callum J Normanton Junior Academy

10. Autumn Days, by Lottie W South Kirkby Academy

11. Illustration by Abigail S Normanton Junior Academy

12. Autumn Poem, by Corey T South Kirkby Academy Illustration by Josh Sharlston Community School

13. Autumn, by Zara Y Normanton Common Primary Academy Illustration by Dawid B Normanton Junior Academy

14. Autumn is here, by Charlie M Walton Primary Academy Illustration by Georgia M Walton primary Academy

15. Memories of Autumn, by George B Normanton Common

16. Illustration by Emma S-H Normanton Junior Academy

17. On the way to school, by Ben B Walton Primary Academy Illustration by Lacey H and Layla V Normanton Common

18. Autumn Leaves, by Savannah K Walton Primary Academy Illustration by Josh W South Kirkby Academy

19. Fox in the Autumn, by Anna D Walton Primary Academy Illustration by Ben H Normanton Junior Academy

20. Poem by Joshua N Walton Primary Academy Illustration by Holly G Normanton Common

21. The Haunted House of Hell, by Alex M Walton Primary Academy

22. Illustration by Ella M Normanton Common Primary Academy

23. Autumn, by Archie H Sharlston Community School Illustration by Iona H Sharlston Communtiy School

24. Autumn Haiku, by Mackenzie B Sharlston Community School Illustration, Normanton Common Primary Academy

25. Autumn Days, by Rebecca T South Kirkby Academy Illustration by Ella Sharlston Community School

26. Autumn Poem, by Noah O Normanton Common Illustration by Lewis O South Kirkby Academy

27. Autumn, by Billy B Sharlston Community School Illustration by Harley W Normanton Common

28. Autumn, by Megan R Sharlston Community School Illustration by Megan R South Kirkby Academy

Illustration by Roksana Year 4 Normanton Junior Academy


Cold wind swerves.

Squelchy leaves fall.

Spiky hedgehogs crawl.

Hayden C Year 1 Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery


Sparkling spider’s web hanging.

Colourful leaves falling.

Long grass dancing.

Jay P Year 2 Lee Brigg

Illustration by Oliver P Year 2 Lee Brigg

Autumn Leaves

A delicate leaf

Falls on the ground

But then

A draught of wind

Comes and whoosh,

It goes.

A golden leaf

Tumbles down like a

Tiny dancer in the air.

But they are dying

In the breezy sky

And turning gold.

This is autumn.

Ella M Year 3 Normanton Junior Illustration by Grace Year 6 Normanton Junior

In Search of Autumn

I went for a walk in search of autumn,

Here is what I found.

A bejewelled web, victim of the dew,

A raft of sunlight, floating through.

Fluffy squirrels, sorting nuts in a beech,

Majestic butterflies flying high as you can reach.

Birds fighting over food,

“Hoo, hoo,” the pigeon cooed

This is the autumn everyone likes to see,

But nobody likes it more than me!

Bethan L Year 4 Normanton Junior

Illustration by Harrison G Walton Primary

Bethan Lewis Year 4 Normanton Junior


Hedgehogs are cute.

Hedgehogs are brown.

Hedgehogs are spiky.

Hedgehogs are small.

Hedgehogs are going to sleep.

Jenson W Year 2 Crofton Infants

Illustration Walton Primary


Autumn is the brown, red, orange and yellow leaves.

Up above us the birds are in another sky.

Turning away from winter and the hot sun.

Under our feet leaves have fallen down.

Make hot chocolate to warm you up.

Now that autumn is here.

George H Year 2 Crofton Infants

Illustration by Olly B Year 3 Walton Primary


Autumn starts,

When the leaves turn brown,

And fall to the ground,

When the mornings get chilly,

And the nights get dark,

When the days are crisp,

And the new school year begins.

Autumn is at its peak,

When conkers fall,

And Halloween’s here,

When the floor is covered with leaves,

And the squirrels have collected nuts,

When there is a red sunset,

And a red sunrise.

Autumn is finished,

When the leaves start to get frosty,

And the heater is switched on,

When squirrels go into hiding,

And other animals too,

When snow starts to fall,

And buries all the leaves!

Autumn is the best season of the year!

Maddy W Year 5 Normanton Junior Illustration by Reece P Year 4 Normanton Junior


Brave bees dashing through the dark woods,

Sparkling rain bouncing off the tall roofs,

Colourful flowers shaking down to the muddy ground,

Crackling fireworks zooming in to the dark sky,

Tall trees spinning in the wind.

Ruby M Year 2 Lee Brigg

Illustration by Kyle L Year 4 Normanton Junior


Falling leaves

Covering the ground

Crunching as I walk

I love autumn.

Macey B Year 1 Crofton Infants’

Illustration Callum J Year 6

Normanton Junior

Autumn Days

Preparing, preparing autumn days,

Feasting, enjoying Yorkshire craves.

Whacking, spying, conkers fall,

Autumn’s precious, enjoy it all!

Nature, nature, creeping round,

Finding food all over the ground.

Pouncing, jumping, rabbits eat,

Grass and nuts and lots of feasts!

Celebrate, celebrate, Halloween’s come,

Everyone shouts with lots of fun.

Looping, crying, soars up high,

Fireworks darting through the sky.

Weather’s chilly, cold and wet,

Snow and fluster, two seasons met.

Swaying leaves and corn so gold,

Shining brightly in the fold.

Lottie W Year 4 South Kirkby Academy

Illustration by Abigail S Year 6 Normanton Junior

Autumn Poem

Conkers falling from the trees

Bringing home pockets full

Hardened conkers ready for battle

To see who is the best

Orange leaves falling like fire

Yellow leaves bright like the sun

Red leaves falling like bright blood

Crackly, crunchy underfoot.

Cory T Year 5 South Kirkby Academy

Illustration by Josh Year 6 Sharlston Community School


Sly foxes darting through the autumn leaves like flames,

Berries as red as precious rubies hanging from small


Delicate leaves pirouetting to the ground like dancing


Crunchy brown leaves crackling like fireworks under my


Sneaky foxes searching in the pitch black night for prey to


Zara Y Year 4 Normanton Common Primary Academy

Illustration by Dawid B Year 5 Normanton Junior

Autumn is here

Look at the spikey conker husks.

Autumn is coming.

Look at the hedgehog.

Autumn is coming.

Look at the shiny conker.

Autumn is coming.

Look at the orange pumpkin.

Autumn is here.

Charlie M Year 1 Walton Primary

Illustration by Georgia M Year 2 Walton


Memories of Autumn

The leaves are falling as soft as snow,

Which are shining with a gentle glow,

Hats, scarves, crunchy leaves,

The wind is blowing with a gentle breeze.

A sea of red and yellow flowing down the street,

The soft, crisp crunch beneath our feet,

The fire is blazing,

It’s so amazing,

Pumpkins, foxes, squirrels, gloves,

It’s a time everybody loves,

Stews, tea, cake and coffee,

Maybe even a little toffee.

Bye-bye flowers! Bye-bye sun!

We’re going outside to have some fun!

George B Year 5 Normanton Common Primary Academy

Illustration by Emma S – H Year 4 Normanton Junior

On the way to school

On the way to school I saw brown, crunchy leaves lying on the floor.

I saw a beautiful, blue car quickly travelling on the big, black road.

On the way to school I saw lovely, green grass stuck to the mud.

On the way to school I saw some houses by the side of the big, black road.

On the way to school I saw a shed as brown as a squirrel. I saw ivy as green

as grass.

I wonder what I will see tomorrow.

Ben B Year 2 Walton Primary

Illustration by Lacey H and Layla V Normanton Common

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves swaying in the blue,

Autumn leaves coming to you.

When autumn leaves fall below,

Oh so many colours like orange, brown, red and yellow.

I like how the leaves sway as the wind blows,

My favourite colours of a rainbow.

The forest animals start to hide

And stay safe side by side.

Every day it gets colder and colder,

Every day it gets shorter and shorter.

Savannah K Year 3 Walton Primary Academy

Illustration by Josh W South Kirkby Academy

Fox in the Autumn

One cold, gloomy October’s night, I woke up with a start,

At the theme that I could hear, the sounds of nature’s art.

The wind was blowing just above the hard, rigid concrete,

But best of all I could hear the simple sound of a fox’s padding feet.

The fox on his very own looked as realistic as the pictures in my book,

And his mother was chasing him like a daring policeman chases the

fastest crook.

His fur was soft and silky, his tail was tipped with white,

He looked quite majestic and his blue eyes were the keenest of sight.

So if you ever see these creatures, please don’t shoo them away,

Take a picture of the casual foxes with your camera, to see them again

another cold or warm day.

Anna D Year 3 Walton Primary

Illustration Ben H Year 5 Normanton Junior

The dark, murky sea had a frightening vessel that was illuminated by the

shimmering, silver moon.

The swerving path was like a meandering river splashing round the cliff


As the eerie galleon sailed across the seven seas, numerous rocks trickled

down the steep cliff.

Noisily, a pitch-black crow squawked and went round making a piercing


A path led to a graveyard. OOOH!

In the dead of night, a terrifying, misty graveyard stared ominously at the

silent church.

DRIP! Went a transparent rain drop on a cobblestone statue.

There were malevolent shadows lurking in the spine-tingling alleyway.

The statue was holding onto his wound because it was dripping with blood.

Silky spider webs were in every place of the vast dark dungeon.

Joshua N Year 5 Walton Primary

Illustration by Holly G Year 6 Normanton Common Primary


The Haunted House of Hell

A figure on a chocolate brown horse charges through bullet like rain

He gets off and speedily walks through autumn red leaves

Outside the door he knocks thrice

Bang, Bang, Bang!

All whispers are cut short as quickly as lightning

There’s no reply, so he waits outside the house

But all that is to be heard are Ghosts cackling

Inside skeletons play, all night, all day

Thump, Thump, Thump!

Still as the night sky, all he hears is the witch’s laugh

The traveller turns on his heel and dashes away

Although he is gone, the ghosts don’t stop

They await the next stopper

At the haunted house of hell!

Alex M Year 6 Walton Primary Academy

Illustration by Ella M Year 6 Normanton Common


Acorns hide in the soft, mossy, green grass.

Untidy leaves make a carpet of colour.

Trees sway, kicking conkers flying.

Up in the sapphire sky, winds send burnt, crimson leaves


Maroon red apples plummet smoothly to the ground.

Narrow stretching, mossy branches snap and come soaring


Archie H Year 4 Sharlston Community School

Illustration by Iona H Year 6 Sharlston Community School

Autumn Haiku

Leaves begin their dance

Graceful as they hit the ground

Journey at its end

Shiny conkers fall

As people are walking past

Rolling to freedom

Polished acorns drop

From their tall gnarling prisons

Escape on their mind

Raindrops fall from high

A darkness consumes the sky

As rain covers land.

Mackenzie B Year 6 Sharlston Community School Illustration Normanton Common

Autumn Days

Autumn is here!

Strong breezes blow, as conkers fall.

Their shells also lay on the jewelled grass.

All different coloured leaves, gold, brown and red,

Are crunching on the ground.

Fireworks beam in the sky, as Bonfire night comes by.

Juicy apples and carved pumpkins too,

Also Halloween is coming too.

Now Harvest has come by, autumn’s party has started!

When blades of grass are turning brown,

Autumn leaves come falling down,

Foggy mornings, cold, damp and grey.

Nature’s blanket is clouding the day.

Shorter days, frosty and wet.

Winter’s round the corner, but not quite yet.

Rebecca T Year 6 South Kirkby Academy

Illustration by Ella Year 6 Sharlston Community School

Autumn Poem

Autumn time is crunching leaves,

Autumn time is howling wind,

Autumn time is conkers falling down,

Autumn time is harvest,

Autumn time is animals hibernating.

Noah O Year 2 Normanton Common

Illustration by Lewis O South Kirkby Academy


I see red leaves.

I can hear red squirrels.

I can smell yummy hot dogs.

I can taste hot burger.

I can touch hard sweets.

Billy B Year 1 Sharlston Community School

Illustrated by Harley W Year 6 Normanton Common


Crunchy fallen leaves like a colourful carpet.

Rain as pretty as crystals.

Wellies jumping in puddles.

Conkers like a hedgehog’s back.

Sticky toffee apples like glue.

Acorns wearing a hat.

Darker days.

Exciting Bonfire night.

Squirrels collecting conkers.

Pumpkins as round as a pregnant lady.

Megan R Year 2 Sharlston Community School

Illustration by Charlie South Kirkby Academy

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