Performance Based Logistics “What’s Worked, What Hasn’t, What’s Next” October 25, 2006

Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

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Page 1: Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

Performance Based Logistics“What’s Worked, What Hasn’t, What’s Next”

October 25, 2006

Page 2: Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

Panel Members

• Randy Fowler,

• Jerry Cothran,

• Jeff Heron,

• Bob Dickie,

Page 3: Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

Panel Areas of Inquiry

• Genesis and evolution of PBL• Partnering as an integral concept• Range of PBL options• Proven successes• Training and education• Issues with financial enablers• Business case analysis confusion• Contracting for PBL• Increased warfighter/operational connection• Auditors’ observations• PBL way ahead• Audience dialogue

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Where did PBL start and how has it developed?

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30 PilotPrograms

DoD 5000


Oversight viaDAB/DAES

DAB New programImplementation (120 Pgms)




Oversight viaR-TOC Forum

ReengineerProduct Support

• F/A-18 E/F• EFV (AAAV)• F-22• F-35 (JSF)• FCS• CVN-21• V-22

DAES Process (84 Pgms)• Health of Logistics

A joint, disciplined program to successfully implement & sustain PBL!


IND/Gov’t Forums• PEO/SYSCOM• PM Roundtable• AIA Product Support• NDIA Sys Engr & LOG




Performance-Based LogisticsRoadmap (1998 – 2005)

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Customer Support MilitaryCustomer Support Military


Information contained herein is privileged or confidential information of Parker Hannifin Customer Support, Inc. and exempt from public disclosure under subsection (b)(4) 5 USC 552, subsection (b). Do not disclose outside recipient organization of the U.S. Government.







Supply ChainManagement

Total SystemPerformance

ResponsibilityClear Accountability

in Design

Performance Based Logistics



Prime VendorVirtual Prime


Third PartyLogistics

Life CycleProgram



Life CycleLogistics

Life CycleCosting

Flexible Sustainment

Reliability BasedLogistics

Trigger BasedAsset Management

F3I Changes

Sustained Maintenance PlanningReliability Centered


Price perFlight Hour

TeamingProcess Improvement

Business ReengineeringTechnology Insertion

DVD (Repairables)Direct Vendor Delivery

Past PerformanceMetrics / Incentives

Award Term Contracts

Metrics / Incentives forProduct Improvement

Long Term Contracts

F3I Responsibility

Logistics Management Information

Total AssetVisibility


Page 7: Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

When did partnering come on the scene, and what’s the relationship

between PBL and depot maintenance partnering?

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Role of Partnering

Contractor Support

Organic SupportCLSORGANIC

More Organic More Commercial






GOAL: Leverage Innovative Concepts of the Private and Public Sectors to Support the Warfighter at the Best Value for the Department of Defense and the Taxpayer

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PBL Offers MultiplePBL Offers MultipleOpportunities for PartneringOpportunities for Partnering

Industry Prime Vendor(Product Support Integrator)




DoD Depot(Subcontractor)

Organic Depot as Subcontractor

to Industry PSI

Contractor utilizingDepot facilities

Contractor/Depotpersonnel sharing


Page 10: Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

Government Relationships Are Closer With Industry

Contractors Understand Benefits of PBL RelationshipsShared PBL Objective Requires Trust and Development of Mutually Beneficial Arrangement… “Partner Vice Adversary”RelationshipIndustry Has Better Understanding of PBL Process…OSD, NAVICP, NAVAIR and AIA, etc, PBL Training, Meetings and Working GroupsPositive Relationship Affects All Business…Traditional USN and FMS Support Improves As Well

PBL- What We Have Learned

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How did PBL evolve into being applicable to a wide range of

options (e.g., platforms, subsystems, and components?)

Page 12: Performance Based LogisticsPerformance Weapon System Performance Logistics Performance Distribution Performance Logistics Logistics Chain Services Supply Chain Services Whole System

PBL Implementation ScopePBL Implementation ScopeRange of OpportunitiesRange of Opportunities

Single Multiple AllSystem Level

Single elementfor an entire system

Multipleelementsfor entire system

All elements for entire system


Single element for a singlesub-system

Multipleelementsfor sub-system

All elementsfor sub-system

Component Level

Single element for a single component

Multipleelementsfor a single component

All elementsfor a single component

Logistics Support Elements

There is no There is no ““one size fits allone size fits all”” PBL strategyPBL strategy

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Few Long Term, Firm Fixed Priced Contracts at System Level- With Most System Level PBLs, Financial Risk Remains With the USG

F/A-18 FIRST, Covering 73% of the Super Hornet, is the “First”, Long Term, FFP System Level PBL Contract (Awarded 23 Dec 05)

Industry Risk Aversion To FFP for Total System Support

Addition of Components to FIRST Is Based on a BCA and Value Provided by the Airframe OEM

Some Major Sub-System and GFE are Under Separate PBL Contracts

Cost Effectiveness is the Determining Factor, and Must Be Validated by the BCA

Considerations Include Value-Added and Pass Through Costs

Some Aircraft Manufactures, While Proficient in Manufacturing and Systems Integration, Have Little Experience in Sustainment and PBL, and Have Performed Poorly in Pre-MSD Interim Contract Support

Current Issue- System vs. Sub-System Level PBLs

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PBL Maturity ModelThe DoD classifies PBLs in 4 stages of Maturity.



t Sco






s Sc


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Delivery Speed





Weapon System




Logistics Logistics Chain ServicesChain Services

SupplySupplyChain ServicesChain Services

Whole SystemWhole SystemAvailabilityAvailability

Mission SuccessMission Success

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Source: Adaptation of the PRTM Maturity Model framework/benchmarking study presented at Fall 2005 AIA conference

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What are some outstanding examples of PBL successes?

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And Optimizes Cost…

• Proven Operational Readiness improvements from PBL • Clear signs that PBL has positive impacts on cost as well

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Why They Work:We Buy a Comprehensive Performance Package… Not Individual Parts, Repairs, ECPs, etc.This Approach Changes the Provider Incentive Paradigm

Fixed Price “Pay for Performance” Contract Now Motivates Provider to Reduce Failures / ConsumptionLong Term (5-15 years) Commitment Enables Provider to Balance Risk Vs. Investment

Improves Parts Support … Material Availability Increases + Logistics Response Time (LRT) Decreases Resulting in Improved ReadinessOptimizes Depot Efficiency … Build Specs, Repair Turn Around Time (RTAT), Awaiting Parts (AWP), & Work in Process (WIP) DecreaseInvests in Reliability … Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) ImprovesProactive in DMSMS Management … Must Resolve DMSMS and Obsolescence Issues to Achieve Outcome Based Performance Metrics

PBL- What We Have Learned

Provider Actions