Performance Management Policy Institute of Health and Nursing Australia Legal entity: Health Careers International Pty Ltd ABN: 59 106 800 944 ACN: 106 800 944 CRICOS Code: 03386G RTO ID: 21985 www.ihna.edu.au

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Performance Management Policy In st i t ut e o f He a l th a nd

Nu r s i n g Au st ra l i a

Le gal ent i ty : He al th C ar ee rs Inte rnat i on al Pt y Ltd ABN: 59 10 6 8 00 944 ACN: 10 6 8 00 944 CRI CO S C ode: 03 38 6G RTO ID : 219 85

www. ihna.edu .au

Page 2: Performance Management Policy - ihna.edu.au

Legal entity: Health Careers International Pty Ltd | ABN: 59 106 800 944 | ACN: 106 800 944 | RTO ID: 21985 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03386G

V e r s i o n 2 M a r c h 2 0 2 1 P a g e 2 o f 4

Performance Management Policy

Enhanc in g L ives throu gh Tra in in g

1. Purpose

1.1 This policy aims to affirm the Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA)’s commitment to excellence by creating a positive and stimulating environment in which staff can operate effectively, achieve success and satisfaction in their work, and contribute to the achievement of IHNA’s strategic and operational priorities.

1.2 The purpose of the policy is to provide an appropriate framework within which to manage the performance of IHNA staff.

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to all staff employed by IHNA.

3. Responsibility

3.1 The Human Resources Manager has the overall responsibility for this policy. Other responsibilities are mentioned in the policy.

4. Performance Management Framework

4.1 Performance comprises two components: a) a staff member’s capacity to fulfil the requirements of the position, and b) a staff member’s conduct while undertaking the requirements of the position

4.2 To operate effectively in any position, a staff member must: a) have the required knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, and qualifications, and b) be prepared to behave in an appropriate manner, to follow instructions, not intentionally

harm the business of IHNA, use skill and care while working and behave in accordance with the Business Code of Conduct and Ethics.

4.3 The performance management framework comprises several key elements including probation, performance planning and review, staff development, recognising and rewarding exceptional performance, dealing with unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, and serious misconduct, and managing ill-health.

4.4 The performance management framework aims to: a) optimise the performance of individual staff and IHNA; b) align the work of individual staff with the strategic priorities of IHNA and the work area,

and, c) manage underperformance and unsatisfactory performance, misconduct and serious

misconduct, and ill-health fairly and effectively 4.5 IHNA is committed to supporting managers in the effective management of their staff and to

foster a positive environment that is conducive to elevated levels of performance and engagement.

Page 3: Performance Management Policy - ihna.edu.au

Legal entity: Health Careers International Pty Ltd | ABN: 59 106 800 944 | ACN: 106 800 944 | RTO ID: 21985 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03386G

V e r s i o n 2 M a r c h 2 0 2 1 P a g e 3 o f 4

Performance Management Policy

Enhanc in g L ives throu gh Tra in in g

5. Probation

5.1 All new employees are appointed with the intention of the placement being permanent unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer (fixed term employment).

5.2 All new employees will serve a six-month probationary period to ensure both IHNA and the employee are happy with a permanent commitment to the role. Managers should engage in continuous performance monitoring for the new employees during their probationary period.

5.3 Managers will conduct two reviews for a new employee during their probationary period. The first review will be conducted by the end of third month and the second review will be conducted at the starting of the sixth month of service with IHNA.

5.4 Human Resources will provide an employment confirmation if the employee has successfully completed the probationary period or will proceed with termination if the third month/sixth month review is unsatisfactory.

5.6 The objective of the probationary performance review is to ensure both IHNA and the employee are satisfied the role is as agreed and a re-commitment to the permanent nature of the position can be made.

6. Position Descriptions

6.1 All IHNA staff will have position descriptions, these will only be produced in an agreed format and amendments need to be approved by the Management. The objective of all position descriptions is to provide an accurate picture of the responsibilities required within specific job roles, Key Results Area (KRA), Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Key Actions Required (KAR), Capability framework, the authority levels attached to that role and a clear explanation as to how the output of the role is to be measured.

6.2 The policy on position descriptions will be successfully applied when all position descriptions are used as the basis for performance appraisals and when amendments are completed within 14 days of a performance appraisal discussion. Any changes to position descriptions deemed necessary by managers will be discussed and finalized with HR. The amended/ new version of the position description will be communicated as soon as possible to the employee, and this will be implemented by both parties signing a copy.

7. Performance Development Plan (PDP)

7.1 Professional Development Plan (PDP) is a comprehensive plan that guides the performance of the individual staff to collectively achieve organizational goals. The objective of this plan is to recognize the performance within a specific job role over a specific period, and identify the resources required to enhance performance.

Page 4: Performance Management Policy - ihna.edu.au

Legal entity: Health Careers International Pty Ltd | ABN: 59 106 800 944 | ACN: 106 800 944 | RTO ID: 21985 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03386G

V e r s i o n 2 M a r c h 2 0 2 1 P a g e 4 o f 4

Performance Management Policy

Enhanc in g L ives throu gh Tra in in g

7.2 The PDP will enable both manager and employee to keep track of the contributions made towards meeting the Key Results Area (KRAs) and set the KPIs and KARs for the following months. The overall performance of the employee is considered to ensure that each employee meet the values of IHNA to the best of their ability. Managers and employees engage in the review process discussion every six months in a financial year.

8. Associated Information

Related Internal Documents • Performance Management Procedure • Business Code of Conduct and Ethics

Related Legislation, Standards, and Codes

• Fair work Act, modern award • National Employment Standards • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 • Standards for RTOs 2015, Clause 1.16 • The Privacy Act 1988 • Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards 2017

Date Approved 10/03/2021 Date Endorsed 12/03/2021 Date of Effect 13/03/2021 Date of Review 31/07/2024 Approval Authority Executive Management Committee Document Custodian Human Resources Manager Committee Responsible Executive Management Committee PinPoint DocID HR-PMSP-15

9. Change History

Version Control Version 2.0 Change Summary


Brief description of the change, incl version number, changes, who considered, approved, etc.

10/03/2021 Separated Policy document from Procedure, revised and updated with pertinent sections