Performance Measurement: What Do Consumers & Purchasers Need? Stephanie Glier, MPH ECRI Institute’s 24 th Annual Conference Session 2: Rate the Rater—The Purpose and Effectiveness of Quality Monitoring and Measurement-setting Organizations and their Influence on Standardization, Workflow, and Innovation

Performance Measurement: What Do Consumers ......What Do Consumers & Purchasers Need? Stephanie Glier, MPH ECRI Institute’s 24th Annual Conference Session 2: Rate the Rater—The

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  • Performance Measurement:What Do Consumers & Purchasers Need?

    Stephanie Glier, MPH

    ECRI Institute’s 24th Annual Conference

    Session 2: Rate the Rater—The Purpose and Effectiveness of Quality Monitoring and Measurement-setting Organizations and their Influence on Standardization, Workflow, and Innovation

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    Primary goal of health care: Value for patients

    “Value is created in caring for a patient’s health status and medical condition (acute or chronic) over the full cycle of care (or over time).”

    – Michael Porter, adapted from NEJM 2010

    What do consumers and purchasers want?

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    • To know we can get the care we need, when we need it, to improve or maintain health or well-being

    • Information that enables practice improvement

    • Information that supports decisions about providers, facilities, plans, treatments

    What do consumers and purchasers want?

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    • Measures are removed from true outcomes and patient value

    • Difficult to measure some things that matter

    • Emphasis on meeting clinical guidelines

    • Stakeholder tension about precision, accountability

    • Performance information is not timely

    • Measures are not driving improvements in care delivery

    • Measures are not useful for supporting decisions

    Where does measurement fall short today?

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    • Survival

    • Degree of health, recovery, well-being attained or maintained

    Health status achieved or retained

    • Time to recovery, time to return to normal activities

    • Negative impacts of care (diagnostic errors, complications, adverse effects)

    Process of recovery or care

    • Recurrence or move away from recovery

    • Care-induced consequences or illness

    Sustainability of health status

    Measuring what matters to patients

    Porter, NEJM 2010

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    • Health and well-being

    • Patient experience

    • Cost

    • Choice and access

    • Population outcomes including impact on disparities in health and care

    Measuring what matters to patients

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    • Patient-generated information and PROMs

    • Standardized measure sets for conditions that represent substantial disease burden

    • Consumer input and feedback at clinical encounter, organization, and policy levels

    • Revisit the current measurement enterprise

    Where do we go from here?

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    Stephanie GlierSenior Manager, Consumer-Purchaser Alliance

    [email protected]




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