का-ऩाॉचवॊ वषम-हदी ऩामभ ऩाम ऩुतक - 1. बाषा भाधुयी 2. बाषा अमास काशन- ... कॉरेज फॊधक ्यी समभतऩयीा एवॊ अॊक वबाजन सन-2018-19 ऩयीा भाह अॊक Periodic Test 1st May 20 अॊक 1st Term September 80 अॊक Periodic Test 2nd November 20 अॊक 2nd Term (Final) March 80 अॊक अैर, भई ऩाठ के नाभ- (बाषा भाधुयी, बाषा अमास) 1. हदभाग रडाई 2. रौह ऩुष 3. ऩेड 4. के वर ऩढऩे हेतु 5. दो ऩहरवान 6. नदी महाॉ ऩय तनफध- 1. ऩेड के राब 2. सयदाय वरब बाई ऩटेर -1. आऩने अऩने वमारम वन भहोसव ऩेड रगाए , उस वषम फताते अऩने दादा को मरखिए। तुरेि अमास Periodicc Test ऩामभ- ऩाठ-1, 2 बाषा भाधुयी एवॊ बाषा अमास Periodicc Test ाऩ ऩहठत गमाॊश / ऩमाॊश- 5 अॊक ऩाठ के - 2X4 अॊक बाषा अमास से माकयण- 7 अॊक 20 अॊक सभम 1 घॊटा जुराई, अगत ऩाठ के नाभ- बाषा भाधुयी, बाषा अमास 8. टऩके का डय 9. अजॊता की सैय 11. बफयसा भुॊडा 12. भन बावन सावन

Periodic Test 1st May 1st Term September Periodic Test 2nd ...davabh.org/File/c731bdef-7227-4d83-915d-b1a0dc2b7304Syllabus 5th.pdfSECTION D (20 marks ) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 20 Marks

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  • कऺा-ऩाॉचव ॊ ववषम-हहन्दी ऩाठ्मक्रभ ऩाठ्म ऩुस्तकें - 1. बाषा भाधयुी 2. बाषा अभ्मास प्रकाशन- ड .ए.व . कॉरेज प्रफॊधकत्रय्ी समभतत ऩयीऺा एवॊ अॊक ववबाजन सन्न-2018-19 ऩयीऺा भाह अॊक Periodic Test 1st May 20 अॊक 1st Term September 80 अॊक Periodic Test 2nd November 20 अॊक 2nd Term (Final) March 80 अॊक अप्रैर, भई ऩाठों के नाभ- (बाषा भाधयुी, बाषा अभ्मास) 1. हदभाग रडाई 2. रौह ऩुरूष 3. ऩेड़़ 4. केवर ऩढऩ ेहेत ु5. दो ऩहरवान 6. नदी महाॉ ऩय तनफन्ध- 1. ऩेडों के राब 2. सयदाय वल्रब बाई ऩटेर ऩत्र-1. आऩन ेअऩन ेववद्मारम भें वन भहोत्सव भें ऩेड रगाए हैं, उस ववषम भें फतात ेहुए अऩने दादा ज को ऩत्र मरखिए। श्रतरेुि अभ्मास Periodicc Test ऩाठ्मक्रभ- ऩाठ-1, 2 बाषा भाधयुी एवॊ बाषा अभ्मास Periodicc Test प्रारूऩ ऩहठत गद्माॊश / ऩद्माॊश- 5 अॊक ऩाठों के प्रश्न- 2X4 अॊक बाषा अभ्मास से व्माकयण- 7 अॊक कुर 20 अॊक सभम 1 घॊटा जुराई, अगस्त ऩाठों के नाभ- बाषा भाधयुी, बाषा अभ्मास 8. टऩके का डय 9. अजॊता की सैय 11. बफयसा भुॊडा 12. भन बावन सावन

  • तनफन्ध-1. ककस स्थान की मात्रा का वणणन 2. भेयी भन ऩॊसद ऋत ुवषाण ऋत ुऩत्र-1. अऩेन ववद्मारम भें रगाए गए वैहदन चतेना मशववय के फाये भें फताते हुए मभत्र को ऩत्र मरखिए। 2. बफयसा भुॊडा के ववषम भें फतात ेहुए अऩन ेछोटे बाई को ऩत्र मरखिए। 3. दो हदन का अवकाश रेन ेके मरए अऩन प्रधानाचामाण को प्राथणना ऩत्र मरखिए। बाषा कौशर हेत ुगततववधध- अध्माऩक द्वाया कहान सुनाकय प्रश्न ऩूछना। मसतम्फय-1st Term ऩाठों के नाभ- (बाषा भाधयुी, बाषा अभ्मास) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12 तनफन्ध एवॊ ऩत्र- अप्रैर स ेअगस्त तक कयवाए गए सब ऩत्र एवॊ तनफन्ध 1st Term भें आएॉगे। सॊवाद रेिन ऩाठों के नाभ-बाषा भाधयुी, बाषा अभ्मास 13. वप्रम ऩौधा 14. फुद्ववभान याजा 15. अॊधेय नगयी 16. चाॉद का कुताण तनफन्ध-1. हहम्भत ही जजॊदग है 2. भेया सुॊदय बायत ऩत्र-1. सभम का भहत्व फतात ेहुए छोटे बाई को ऩत्र मरखिए। 2. भोहल्रे की टूटी सडक़ों औय बयी हुई नामरमों की ओय ध्मान हदराते हुए नगय तनगभ अधधकायी को ऩत्र मरखिए। नवम्फय Periodic Test का ऩाठ्मक्रभ-ऩाठ 14,15 बाषा अभ्मास, बाषा भाधयुी ऩाठ के नाभ-बाषा अभ्मास, बाषा भाधयुी 17. हाय की ज त 18. फेहिना का साहस 20. कोमशश कयन ेवारों की कब हाय नहीॊ होत तनफन्ध-1. भेया वप्रम देश बक्त 2. गणतॊत्र हदवस ऩत्र-1. अऩन ेदेश के ववषम भें फतात ेहुए अऩने ववदेश मभत्र को ऩत्र मरखिए। 2. अऩने दादा ज / नाना ज का हार-चार ऩूछत ेहुए उन्हें एक ऩत्र मरखिए। सॊवाद रेिन अभ्मास पयवयी Final Term ऩाठ्मक्रभ- ऩाठ-2,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,20 अक्तफूय से जनवयी तक कयवाए गए ऩत्र औय तनफॊध बाषा कौशर हेत ुगततववधध- श्रतुरेि Terminal Exam का प्रारूऩ एवॊ अॊक ववबाजन- िण्ड क- अऩहठत गद्माॊश / ऩद्माॊश- 10 अॊक िण्ड ि- व्माकयण (बाषा अभ्मास भें स)े 24 अॊक सॊवाद रेिन- 3 अॊक िण्ड ग- ऩहठत ऩद्माॊश एवॊ गद्माॊश 10 अॊक प्रश्न (ऩाठों भें स े20 से 25 शब्द उत्तय वारे) प्रश्न 6X2 अॊक अतत रघु (एक शब्द भें उत्तय वारे) 5 अॊक

  • रयक्त स्थान, ककसन ेकहा ककसस ेकहा 6 अॊक िण्ड घ- ऩत्र एवॊ तनफन्ध 5+5 अॊक कुर- 80 अॊक सभम- एक घॊटा Terminal ऩयीऺा- 80 अॊक Periodic ऩयीऺा- 10 अॊक गततववधध- 5 अॊक कऺा कामण / गहृकामण नोट फुक- 5 अॊक Science












    1 My Body

    1- Make a riddle about the functions

    of the sense organs.

    2- Compare the joints of your body with different joints that you see in

    various appliances in your house

    Human Breathing System

    Interior view of eye Taste buds of tongue

    Lateral line on a fish


    2 Plants

    Take some seeds of wheat and

    Moong Dal soak them in water

    overnight and put them in soil. Record your observation and

    compare the results

    Stages of germination of seed

    3 Forest

    1. Write 10 sentences about

    ‘Chipko Andolan’ on drawing sheet.

    2. To prepare a scrap book on

    different forests.

    Periodic test-I

    Exam in May 20 Marks

    Marking Scheme Q1. Fill in the blanks ½ * 3 =1 ½ Marks

    Q2. Match the columns ½ * 3 =1 ½ Marks

    Q3. Rewrite Sentences correctly 1*3 =3Marks Q.4 to Q.5 Very Short Q/Ans 2*2 = 4 Marks

    Q.6 Short Q/Ans 3*1 =3 Marks

    Q.7 Long Q/Ans 5*1 =5 Marks Q.8 Diagram 2*1 =2 Marks

    Total –20 Marks


    4 Animals – Our friends To solve the word puzzle on Page no.


    Food Chain

    Food Web

  • Au



    5 Food and Health Draw a flow chart about deficiency

    diseases, their causes & symptoms Healthy eating pyramid

    6 Spoiling & wastage of food and food preservation

    1- To grow bread moulds

    2- Note down the list of ingredients

    mentioned on a bottle of sauce, jam and juice which of these ingredients

    prevent spoilage of these food items





    REVISION & MID TERM EXAMS (will be of 80 marks)

    Syllabus will be April to September

    Marking Scheme

    Q.1 Fill in the blanks ½ * 10 = 5 Marks (6 back exercise + 4 internal)

    Q.2 Match the columns ½ * 10 = 5 Marks

    Q.3 Correct the sentences 1*5 = 5 Marks (all internal) Q.4 – Q.9 Very Short Q/Ans 2*6 = 12 Marks

    (Q.4 – Q.7 Back exercise + Q.8 & Q.9 Internal)

    Q.10 – Q.19 Short Q/Ans 3*10 = 30 Marks

    (Q.10 - Q.16 Back Exercise + Q.17 – Q.19 Internal) Q.20 – Q.23 Long Q/Ans 5*4 = 20 Marks (Back Exercise)

    Q.24 Diagram = 3 Marks

    Total –80 Marks



    7 Importance of water Make collage of amphibious

    animals and amphibious plants. Water wheel , step well , well

    8 Properties of water Activities mentioned on Page

    75,76,77,79,80 Water cycle



    9 Fuel Make a poster on ‘Energy saved

    today is the energy for tomorrow`

    Revision and Periodic Test - II

    (will be of 20 marks)




    10 Air

    1. Activities mentioned on page 99,101

    2. Make collage of different ways

    of reducing air pollution

    Composition of air

    Role of Nitrogen

    11 \Our Solar System Model of Solar System Changes of season Phases of Moon



    12 Observing the sky

    Try to locate venus in the night sky

    . Find out from newspaper reports when venus is likely visible.

    Ursa Major, Ursa Minor

  • Feb




    Final Term- will be of 80 marks from following chapters: Chapter 1 My Body

    Chapter 2 plants

    Chapter 5 Food and health Chapter 7 Importance of water

    Chapter 8 Properties of water

    Chapter 9 Fuel Chapter 10 Air

    Chapter 11 Our solar system

    Chapter 12 Observing the sky

    CLASS:- 5


    Subject: Social Science Book: We and Our World

    [April to May] Chapter 1 :- Importance of family

    Chapter 2 :- Human Migration

    Chapter 3 :- Variation in shelters

    June project: Make a globe with the help of waste material. Periodic Test I MM 20 Marks

    [July to September]

    Chapter 4:- Sensitivity towards other Chapter 5:- Community services

    Chapter 6:- Leisure time

    Chapter 7:- Changing trends in occupation

    Map Work: Oceans and Continents September test: Syllabus covered up to month of September.

    Term I Exam MM 80

    [October to November] Chapter 8:- Respecting Regional differences

    Chapter 9:- Exploring India

    Chapter 10:- Mapping India Chapter 11:- Transport in modern times

    Periodic Test II – MM 20


    Chapter 12:- Communication in modern times Chapter 13:- India’s Neighbours

    Map Work: States and their capitals

    Final exams :- Chapter :5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and map work(States and their capitals) January – February ( Revision and Term II Exam MM 80 )

    Class 5th SUBJECT NAME OF THE BOOK PUBLISHER ENGLISH a) My English Reader DAV CMC b) English Practice Book DAV CMC c) Grammar Assignment Schedule Of Work (April—May) Syllabus English Literature: 1. Monday Morning Blues 2. The Tale of a Tail 3. I Wish I Were… (Reading) English Practice Book Nouns Determiners

  • Apostrophe WRITING SKILL Message writing Application for leave as you has an appointment with a dentist. Subject Enrichment Activity ASL + Vocabulary 1st Periodic Test will be held in the month of May. Syllabus for 1st periodic test 1. Monday Morning Blues 2. The tale of a tail 3. Noun 4. Apostrophe 5. Comprehension passage (July to August) English Literature: The Boy Who Borrowed Limits of the Mind Heena’s Determination (reading) English Practice Book Adverbs Verbs Comparisons Present Perfect Tense Vocabulary Building : Dictation words WRITING SKILL Write a dairy entry describing your unbelievable experience of hearing the books talk, leave the house and reach their owner’s houses. Your class wishes to start a class library. As a monitor of the class, draft a notice to be put on class notice board giving the necessary information. Picture Composition Subject Enrichment Activity [ASL + Vocabulary + Poem Recitation]

    Half Yearly Exam will be conducted in the month of September. Syllabus from April will be carried forward in this Half Yearly Exam. MARKING SCHEME FOR HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION (80 MARKS) SECTION A (15marks) SECTION B (15marks) SECTION C (30marks) SECTION D (20 marks)

    INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (20 Marks) Subject Enrichment Activity (ASL and vocabulary] 5 marks Periodic test-10 marks NOTEBOOK SUBMISSION /PROJECT (5 marks)

    OCTOBER -NOVEMBER English Literature The Fearless Fighter Five Chums and the Hacker A letter from Robonaut (reading) English Practice Book Modals 1 Modals 11 Prepositions WRITING SKILL Paragraph on ‘Our Environment’

  • Letter to your friend telling him/her what do you think about the internet. SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY Speaking Activity I have got an e-m@il (poem recitation) Vocabulary Building :Dictation Words 2nd Periodic Test of 20 marks will be held in the month of November. Syllabus for 2ndnd periodic test 1. The Fearless Fighter 2. Five Chums and the Hacker 3. Preposition 4. Modals 5. Letter Writing NOVEMBER TO DECEMBER English Literature 1. It’s Getting Hotter!!! 2. The Green Act 3.Love For Trees (reading) English Practice Book Tenses Sentences Reflexive Pronouns. Adverbs( to be repeated) Verbs (to be repeated) Present Perfect Tense(to be repeated) WRITING SKILL. Picture Composition Story writing (with the help of given clues) Vocabulary Building : Make Sentences SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY Listening Activities (Audio CD from DAVCMC) MARKING DISTRIBUTION FOR FINAL EXAMINATION WRITTEN PAPER -80 MARKS SECTION A ( 15marks) SECTION B ( 15marks) SECTION C (30marks ) SECTION D (20 marks ) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 20 Marks ASL +VOCABULARY -5MARKS PERIODIC TESTS- 10 MARKS NOTE BOOK SUBMISSION/PROJECT- 5MARKS FINAL EXAMINATION WILL BE HELD IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. 30% Syllabus from April will be carried forward in this Final Examination. Class- 5th Subject- Mathematics Name of the Book– Primary Mathematics Schedule of work Periodic Test 1 (April-May ) Syllabus Chapters Unit-1 Numbers up to 99,99,99,999 Unit-2 Operations on large numbers Unit- 10 Average Unit- 17 Data handling Lab activities To prepare charts of Indian and international systems.

  • Any five word problems related to daily activities based upon unit-2. To find the average weight of 10 classmates To make the pictography of given figure or data. Periodic Test-1 (In May) Time allowed - 1 hour M.M=20 (July- September) Syllabus Unit-3 multiple and factors Unit-5 decimals Unit-6 addition and subtraction of decimal number Unit-7 multiplication and division of decimal number Unit-9 Rounding of numbers Unit-14 Bills Unit-16 Triangles Lab activities To find the multiples and factors by activity method. To prepare a chart of given decimal numbers in expanded form. To find the sum of decimal numbers by activity method. To prepare the product and quotient of decimal no. by activity method. To round the given no. with abacus. To prepare a activity using match sticks on type of triangle Half yearly Exam (in September) Time Allowed – 3 hours M.M=80 Syllabus for half yearly exam (Chapters covered from April-September) Periodic Test-2 Syllabus (October-December) Chapters 1. Unit-4 fractional number 2. Unit-8 simplification of numerical expressions 3. unit-11 profit and loss 4. Unit -12 Percentage 5. Unit-13 simple interest 6. Unit-15 Temperature Lab activities To find the profit and loss on the basis of daily examples. To find the percentage of 5 students in all subjects. To find the interest and amount of given principal. Note down the temperature for one week in the evening and convert in to Fahrenheit scale. Periodic Test-2 (in the month of November) Chapters Unit- 11 Profit and Loss Unit- 13 Simple Interest Time allowed - 1 hour M.M=20

  • In the month of March (Exam will be of 80 marks and from syllabus October to December and two repeated chapters: Unit-5 Decimals & Unit-7 Multiplication and Division of decimal number)

    ऩाठ्मक्रभ 2018- 19 कऺा- ऩाांचवी ववषम- नैतिक शिऺा प्रकािन -डीएवी कॉरेज प्रफांधक सशभति ,नई दिल्री ऩुस्िक -नैतिक शिऺा-5

    अपै्रर से शसिांफय

    अपै्रर :- ऩाठ 1-2

    1.माचना( हे प्रबो आनांि िािा..) 2. गामत्री भांत्र का भहत्व

    भई :- ऩाठ 3-4

    3.आमय सभाज के तनमभ(7-10) 4. भूरिांकय का गहृत्माग औय गुरु िक्षऺणा

    जुराई :- ऩाठ 5-6-7

    5. ऋवष भदहभा( धन्म है िुभको ए ऋवष...) 6. अच्छा फारक 7. भहात्भा सुकयाि की सहनिीरिा

    अगस्ि :- ऩाठ 8- 9 -10

    8. फडे घय के गामक 9. गुणगान (पे्रभी फनकय पे्रभ से ..) 10. अदहांसा

    शसिांफय :-ऩुनयावतृ्त्ि ऩाठ 1से 10

    अर्द्य-वावषयक ऩयीऺा ऩाठ 1 से 10 भूल्माांकन -प्रथभ कुर अांक 50

    अक्टूफय से दिसांफय

    अक्टूफय :- ऩाठ 11,12,13, 14

  • 11.स्वाध्माम 12. सत्सांग का प्रबाव 13.सेवा 14. ियणागति (हभने री है पकि..)

    नवांफय :-ऩाठ 15,16,17 15 .स्वाभी ववयजानांि सयस्विी 16 .ऩांडडि गुरुित्ि ववद्माथी 17 .ऩांजाफ केसयी रारा राजऩि याम

    दिसांफय:-18 .सयिाय बगि शसांह ऩाठ 19.िमानांि प्रित्स्ि (फिाएां िुम्हें हभ..)एवां ऩुनयावतृ्त्ि ऩाठ 11 से 19

    वावषयक ऩयीऺा ऩाठ 11 से 19 भूल्माांकन- द्वविीम कुर अांक 50 Computer Science Book: Hands On Class V SCHEDULE OF WORK Midterm (April to September) (50 Marks) Unit 1 Know Your Computer Unit 2 Organising Your Work Unit 3 More Operations in Writer (Open Office) Unit 4 Writing with styles and colors (Open Office Writer) Book Activities 25 Marks Lab Practical 25 Marks Post midterm (October to December) (50 Marks) Unit 5 Images in a document (Open Office Writer) Unit 6 Advanced Features in Open Office Writer Unit 7 Open Office Impress Unit 8 Safe use of computers Book Activities 25 Marks Lab Practical 25 Marks GENERAL KNOWLEDGE



    Mid Term Test (50 Marks) Syllabus

    Unit-1 Language and Literature

  • Unit-2 Environment Around Unit-3 World Around

    (Oct. –Dec.)

    Post Mid Term (50 Marks)

    Syllabus: Art & Culture

    Math and Magic

    Sports and Games

    Final Exam will be conducted in December Marks of Midterm and Post Midterm Tests will be aggregated in the Final Result.