Demi Sivils (: Period 3 Perry <3


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Page 1: Perry

Demi Sivils (: Period 3

Perry <3

Page 2: Perry

About Me

I love music, my headphones are always in my ears, it’s the only thing that helps me think, when I do homework I listen to music, I absolutely loathe silence. The loud mouth of my family is a title that I’ve earned When I was little my brother used to tell me that I never shut up and that he’d staple my mouth close if I didn’t be quiet. Insecurity is basically what I am, I always feel I do or say something wrong and I’m not sure about myself and how I look, all the things my friends tell me I shouldn’t worry about but I do anyway. My mom is my life, she has multiple sclerosis , so she cant really do the things she used to like even walk. Helping her whenever I can is a task I do daily, she’s my inspiration to become a nurse or whatever I want to be because she encourages my good decisions and forgives the bad ones that I know I shouldn’t make. I get mad really easily but I don’t show it unless I’m about to explode out of anger. My best friend Nicole moved to Naples not to long ago but I still keep in touch. with her. I HATE being called babe it urgges me.!!!!!! I I hate my dimple.. I only have one on my right cheek and people make fun of me so I wish it would go away. I love my ipad<3 my cell phone is just.. Stupid. I stay out of drama, there is no point of it. I’m very random and have off moments sometimes that leave me feeling stupid, but I laugh at myself anyway(: .Live life like you didn’t have tomorrow is my motto<3

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An Artist That Inspires Me

Hayao Miyazaki and Kat Alexander are the artists that inspires me. Hayao makes anime films. I think anime drawings are pretty and different. I try and try to draw because it looks easy but it never turns out the way I want to. Kat, can draw like I’ve never seen before. I keep looking at her drawings and I am just blown away, she's going to make it as an artist and she inspires me the most to keep trying to do the stuff I want to do and love to do(:

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Hand Contour- Analogous Colors

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Paper Mache- Claus Oldenburg

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Clay Façade- Famous world monuments, Eiffel Tower

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Expressive Mask Project

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The End .!! <3 Love love love, Don’t Hate(: