Personal Numerology Blueprint for LINDA STEELE Created by Linda Roisum www.LindaRoisum.com © 2013. Personal Numerology Blueprint by Linda Roisum. All Rights Reserved

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Personal Numerology Blueprint for


Created by Linda Roisum


© 2013. Personal Numerology Blueprint by Linda Roisum. All Rights Reserved

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Personal Numerology Birth Numbers for Linda Steele

Life Purpose Number7.6.1964 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! = 33/6

Day of Birth Number6 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! = 6

Destiny NumberLINDA RENEE MURPHY! ! = 89/17/8 39541 95 55 5 4 3 978 722/4 29/11 38/11

Soul Number915553 7 !! ! ! ! ! ! = 35/8

Inner Dream/Personality Number3 54 9 5 4 978 ! ! ! ! ! = 54/9

Essence Number!! ! ! ! = 13/4

33/6 6 4 Life Purpose, Day, Essence Vibrations8 8 9 Destiny, Soul, Inner Dream/Personality Vibrations

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Dear Linda,My first impression when looking at your blueprint is that you have two 8s in your Personal Numbers. The Double 8 means, you must occasionally allow others to help you instead of insisting on doing it alone all the time. You have an opportunity to be a great success, but there is also a chance for failure, because there is no gray area for you. It is very important for you think and feel positively. You are a born leader and must head your own business or be your own boss. This is the vibration of power and abundance.

Within your full name you have two 4s and two 7s. This is an Intensification - which means, if a number is repeated many times and more than average, its quality is a marked trait of character and talent. You are also missing letter number 2 and 6 in your name and have only one letter resonating to number 1.The 4 Intensification means you are very practical. You have an ability to appraise, estimate and to understand the worth of material and concrete plans. Your concentration is really good – you can understand details and manifest your ideas easily. There is a work ethic associated with the 4 vibration.

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With three 4s you can build and establish services, which are supportive and lasting in nature.

Many 7s, meaning 2 or more sevens, gives your name a 7 Intensification. You have the gift of discernment and the desire for proof, indicating a scientific mind and one who likes mathematics or works well with figures, charts and laboratory research. Many 7s make allows you to do specialized work, no matter what your vocation is. You don!t like large gatherings and mixing with people – you are selective and can be difficult to get to know and to understand. A 7 Intensity also gives you odd and unusual ideas. You may, at times, be

close about money. You are a thinker, but solve your challenges with your high intuition. You dislike showing your feelings.

Missing the 2 vibration signifies learning to be more diplomatic and tactful, staying in the background when necessary, learning to be part of a team, and learning to be sensitive to other people!s needs and feelings. You could find yourself in situations where patience and attention, as well as working closely with others, is required.

Missing the number 6 may indicate a hard time committing to marriage and to other relationships.

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Domestic challenges are usually taken lightly. Learning to show your true emotions is important. You may feel isolated and lonely, and don!t understand why. If you open up more in your relationships, instead of being guarded, you will show true feelings, instead of emotional reactions without compassion or affection.

Since you have the 33/6 as your Life Purpose Vibration, the absence of a 6 letter is greatly diminished.

With only one letter resonating to the 1 vibration you are charming and lovely, and more interested in others than in yourself. You will be asked to be independent and make your own decisions. You will have to assert yourself when around strong-willed people. Don!t worry about what others may think of you. Be self-confident and promote yourself. Trust your ability to make good judgments. You may have a stronger connection to God than others. Have the courage to act on your convictions.

Now I will look at each of your individual Six Personal Vibrations: Three are derived from your Birthday - your Life Purpose Number, your Essence Number, your Day of Birth Number. Three are derived from your name at birth - your Destiny Number, your Soul

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Number, and your Inner Dream/Personality Number. , Also included is your Wisdom Number, which becomes active later in life.

Your Life Purpose Number, vibrates at 33/6. The Life Purpose Number shows your main intention or lesson for this lifetime.33 is the third master number (after 11 and 22). This is the master number of spiritual giving. It is the “As Above” since it benefits the spiritual needs of others. It represents the drive to bring more light and levity to the world — integrating laughter and humor with service and responsibility.33 is considered the number of compassion, expression and sensitivity. As with any master number, it can be lived purely in its higher octave, 33, or, if the individual isn!t quite able to meet the higher demands, can be lived as a 6 vibration.33 requires that you spread your Light. You are responsible for some special task, and you accept this mission wholeheartedly.With courage and tireless energy, you inspire others to follow your leadership. You show bravery under challenging circumstances and

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hold to your principles regardless of consequences. You can feel disheartened by the problems you see in the world, and can suppress your sadness by “doing the right thing” due to your high standards. Once you realize your visions, hopes and high ideals are here to inspire you, not become a yardstick by which you measure the world, your life will glow as bright as you!ll allow it to.Although your underlying life purpose is the same as other 6s, as a 33 you have a distinctly different energy due to the powerful influence of the double 3s. These two 3s will urge you to manifest your inner expression so that your outer expression can bloom. Inner expression occurs when you communicate with your inner spirit, your connection to the divine, and get in touch with your inner feelings. This opens the channels to great wisdom and intuition, and enables you to enjoy an empathetic bond with others.Where the first 3 is about getting in touch with your feelings, the second 3 involves finding the courage to express your feelings to others. You see, 33 is the master number of spiritual giving. It

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is the “As Above” for it benefits the spiritual energy in others. The root number 6 is the vibration of family, home, love, service and responsibility.Another secret aspect of the master 33 vibration is the experience of the Qi force or life force making its way upward through the 33 segments of the spine, opening the charkas as it rises. This rising Qi causes a tingling sensation in the body from the movement of the petals of each lotus-like wheel (the charkas). As you can see, 33 is a very powerful healing and awakening vibration.People with a 33 Life Purpose are highly sensitive to the needs of others. The desire of 33/6s for precision, along with your expressive and intuitive abilities, allows you to shine in many different occupations, such as teaching, training, organizational work, design and architecture, and illustration. Many 33/6s make excellent, prolific writers – you excel at anything having to do with communication, feelings and expression. You tend to offer that extra touch and to work conscientiously toward high standards.

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This makes you naturally prone to success, because you do very good work. You have a deep emotional sensitivity (even though you may not always show it, and a mind that focuses and directs a profound intuitive intelligence. To have great success, you need to stay practical and realistic, not let idealism squash your enthusiasm – in a nutshell, stay positive.The double 3 indicates you will use your voice to communicate. The represents self-expression, so your voice could be as a writer, artist, musician, actor, speaker or media personality. The doubling of the 3 means you will want to use your "voice! in order to counsel and help others.Most 33/6s do well with clear-cut fitness exercises. You will naturally look for the most perfect form of exercise, even one that fills emotional and social needs. You may also enjoy skill training, such as martial arts, where you can refine and hone skills to “perfection.”When emotions are held back, so are relationships. Realize your partner or spouse wants to love you not someone wearing a perfect mask. Your motto could be “Here!s who I am,

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warts and all – take it or leave it.” Your ability to form nurturing, giving relationships, sexual and otherwise, is great with the 33/6 vibration.You may have a tendency to be inclined towards needless worry and meddling in others! affairs. Guard yourself against judging and criticizing others. This includes comparing yourself to others as a competitive measure to see how you!re doing. Pointing out flaws in others will keep you from concentrating on your destiny. You also need to watch aimlessness, feeling burdened or being too concerned with pleasing other. You have laser eyesight – use it to spot the beauty and good qualities in everyone and everything.The keywords for number 33/6 are joyful service and creative responsibility. You are someone who joyfully brings forward the highest vibration of love, which some may call “Christ Consciousness.” When you speak from a loving heart you accentuate what the 3 vibration represents – joy, light, and creativity. You are like a grown up child, here to teach in a playful and loving way that life on earth is fun. That it!s

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necessary to touch things with lightness, stay tuned into Now, and trust the Divine Spirit or God.You also understand that the shortest distance between two people is a smile. You will help people be more responsible for their actions on a personal as well as on a global level.You may have a habit of not focusing. Your double 3s represent a laser-like creativity the intensity of which can be confusing.Your purpose is to cultivate a beautiful vision of opportunity for your life. Once you have this vision, use your expressive energy and creative ability in the most constructive, positive and enthusiastic ways possible. Recognize and accept ALL that happens – it is the fuel for growth, learning and success.Surrounded by a bright energy field reflecting purity and clarity, you are a sensitive person with an attractive energy and enthusiasm to help others see the positive side of every issue. You always have a kind word or good thing to say about others.

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Your laser eyesight can spot the beauty in anyone or anything – you see the higher beings we are all becoming. With your high standards and sense of fairness, you constructively work for justice, right, and truth.You are honest, self-disciplined, discriminating and law-abiding. You are also extremely versatile, imaginative and resourceful. You appreciate art and beauty. You prefer the country where you can get away from city noise. With your courage and tireless energy, you inspire others to follow your leadership. You are a teacher of teachers.

Well-Known 33/6s:Fred AstaireMikhail Baryshnikov Dale CarnegieAgatha ChristieAlbert Einstein Stephen KingSteven Spielberg Meryl StreepH. G. WellsElisabeth Kübler-Ross D.H. LawrenceJohn McEnroeLinda Ronstadt Beverly Sills Christopher Reeve Humphrey Bogart

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Ira GershwinCaroline Kennedy

Your Destiny Number vibration is 89/17/8. The Destiny Number shows what you must do in this lifetime - what you came here to manifest.8 is called the Executive and the Judge. Many successful business people, musicians, athletes and politicians have abundance and fame with the influence of the 8.When your full names resonates to an 8, you have inborn skills for managing and organizing. By honing these skills you will become an authority in your field. If you don!t develop these skills you will remain frustrated.With the 8 vibration you can make your ideas practical. This gives you excellent abilities as an executive and entrepreneur. Personal effort will bring you much success.Looking at the figure of the 8, you see that it is the only number you can draw repeatedly without lifting your pen. Thus, 8 represents eternity, continual energy and stamina. This is why many

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athletes will have this number in their blueprint. 8 also refers to money, because money is spiritual energy.The 8 was originally known as a representative of two worlds – the material and the spiritual. Both of these realms are necessary for complete fulfillment and abundance.As an 8 you have a feeling for what is successful and how to manage your finances. Thus, when you place 8 on its side, it is a picture of the balances #. This means it has good judgment and a lot of common sense. 8s also make good healers, because they see the whole picture. As an 8 healer, you are not interested in specializing, but treating the whole person.You are a staunch individualist - the researcher, scientist, the natural detective who investigates the unseen mysteries of life. You desire truth and seek solutions to enigmas. You are highly intuitive. You like delving into the secret depths of inner consciousness in pursuit of hidden knowledge. This instills a quiet strength and even an air of mystery in you. Others see you as a deep individual, as indeed you are.

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Your intelligence and introspection necessitate periods of solitude in which to meditate. Seeds germinate in darkness before they turn to the light of day. Your ideas need the same germination period in which to unfold. After questions, research, meditation and experimentation, your ideas manifest.The 9 in 89 means you are broadminded, caring, compassionate and generous. The 8 relates to abundance and power, as well as justice. If a law is broken, the sender will be notified. This is the law of the circle – all we send out must return to us.The root number 8 gives you ambition, dependability, efficiency and fine executive and leadership abilities. You are a good judge of character and handle money wisely. You like nice things and have musical and athletic ability. Your organizational skills, physical stamina, practicality and goal-setting abilities make you highly successful.You have a fine mind and are happy pursuing tasks, which require deep concentration. You deal with the material world wisely and enjoy seeing

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the tangible results of your mental concepts and ideas. You have faith in a good future and courage while faced with challenges, in fact, you are determined to overcome all obstacles. Compassion for others and a desire for peace among all people is a result of your deep understanding of the essence of life. This love imbues you with good health.You can be stubborn at times, which might cause moments of pessimism.Your executive and leadership abilities can lead to a distinctive career. You may travel often to achieve your goals. You are drawn to quality and because of this should find ways to generate a good income. As an 8, you will work to have nice things.The 8 represents the law “As Above, So Below.” 8 is a great business number because it can take an idea (above) and manifest it on the material level (below). The 8 is enclosed, self- contained power and is good with money. The knowledge of both spirit and matter gives the 8 inspiration, leadership ability, and even genius.

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You have the power and potential to achieve great things. Whatever your enterprise, you strive to be the best. You enjoy challenges.You are a realist and a visionary planner. Money and authority are available to you if you are willing to discipline yourself — generally an inborn talent — and persevere in the face of all obstacles in your path.You understand the larger picture, see the broader challenges, and know how to marshal your collective resources to address the problems. You delegate responsibility well; it is best for you to leave many of the details to others.You may have to experience ups and downs before you reach the level of success you desire. Life will probably test you many times with obstacles that initially seem insurmountable. But in reality, these are merely opportunities for you to learn how to use power and authority in the face of challenges, and to find out just how much power lies within you.It is crucial for your success that you balance the material and the spiritual. You have chosen a path that requires balance between giving and taking,

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action and reaction. Despite the obstacles on your path, you are a true survivor.When focused exclusively on your desire for results and success, you can become stubborn; you can be driven by excessive ambition, causing you to be exacting and to loose perspective.You have been entrusted with special gifts, the use of which has an immediate and often physical effect upon you and those around you. Use these gifts for the good of mankind and accept your own good fortune with gratitude. This is a very rewarding stage in your evolution. Yours is a life-time of harvest!Your Soul Number is 35/8. The Soul Number is your essence. The You that is known only to you. If you embrace the philosophy of previous lifetimes, this number represents what you bring with you. This part of you may not be easily recognized by others unless they know you very well. The Soul Number is your inner secret. This vibration becomes an underlying force, which influences the actions of your present life.This is a most fortunate number. Many blessings are associated with it, including inheritance and

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physical and spiritual vitality. The 3 is attractiveness, popularity, and expressiveness. The 5 shows varied interests, freedom, and versatility. 5 also vibrates to unexpected happenings and change. The 8 is success through application. Strength. A good sense of rhythm.It is called the inheritance 8 number because its bearer often inherits money, power or position, and sometimes all three. You have an individualistic, forceful mind, a tremendous vitality and a sense of what the public needs and how to supply it. Therefore you make a good executive, business person, teacher or researcher.You enjoy strenuous activity in both work and play. You have a great deal of personal charm. Because of your many interests, you could succeed in a number of professions.You are friendly, helpful and considerate. Emotional balance is very important for you. You need the stability to control your dynamic energy and achieve success.

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One good outlet for your tremendous vitality is travel. It also satisfies your need for freedom and action.You may meet opposition during your life. However, you are prepared for it. Your inner strength, power and healthy body give you tools to defend your position. Through dedication and consistent force, you are eventually victorious.You can occasionally be doubtful, unreasonable and carry unbending judgments. Also watch for lack of discipline and self- indulgence.With your vision and foresight however, you have the opportunity to be a leader who is able to supply nourishment for both mind and body.Your desire is to be very successful and be able to show your material comfort. Even if you have not already achieved financial success, you want to look as if you have, and you are always well groomed. You want to attain money through your own efforts, even if that means marrying into wealth. Even then, you want your partner to have confidence and an ambitious nature.

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You can be warm and loving, yet your desire for success does not leave much time for romance.Since 8 is a mental number, you want to achieve wealth through organization, planning and directing – definitely not through physical labor. You don!t like to take orders and should be the

corporate leader or head of your own business. You enjoy making plans and want others to follow through with them.

You work hard for what you desire and want money as a cushion for your later years. Opposition to your plans does not deter you.With your excellent judgment and poise, as well as your enthusiasm you can be a tremendous vehicle for good. On the road toward success there are some challenging times – mostly because you tend to be hard on yourself. But your courage will always get you through. Your rewards will be greatest when your goals are beneficial for others, rather than support a desire for personal power.Your Inner Dream/Personality Number is 54/9. The Inner Dream Number/Personality Vibration

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represents how others may see you and what the innermost dream for your life is.You have a perceptive mind and a natural tendency to seek answers. You also may be restless. Your subtle approach to challenges may hide your ability to arrive at swift conclusions.You have great fortitude when you face challenges with a courage seldom found in any other number vibrations. Working with groups and organizations is very satisfying, because you teach them through your own experiences.You are witty, intelligent and eloquent. These gifts give you the respect of your peers. You are always vigilant and seem prepared for any possibilities. You can adjust mentally to the demands of the environment. Just be aware that you might have the tendency to overwork.Let go of old family matters. You can sometimes have resentments concerning your original family or feel too responsible for them.You have a great potential for helping the world out of its mental misperceptions and emotional confusions. People are attracted to your generous

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nature. You inspire others and find yourself attracted to a career that requires you to take risks in order to help others.On the intuitive plane you bring down unusual ideas from on High or Super-consciousness. This cosmic inspiration can influence many people. You are very impressionable and have high ideals.You will look young for a long time because you take good care of your body and understand the value of good posture. You like being comfortable in what you wear, and at the same time, you like feeling well-dressed. Your personality is Magnetic.Your Day of Birth is 6. The day you were born has much to do with your potential gifts and talents. It is a less significant influence than your Life Purpose Number but important nonetheless.You are responsible, helpful, and conscientious.You can facilitate changes in inharmonious situations.You are sympathetic, kind, generous, and understanding.You are open and honest with others.You are devoted spouse and parent, and have

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much interest in home, family.You are creative, artistic.You have a good mind.You have much emotion and sensitivity.You are loving, friendly, and appreciative of others.You give and receive much affection.You are better at continuing than starting.You will pick up responsibilities if others falter.Now let!s look at your Day of Birth Number, 6, in the Ancient Chaldean System:As a 6 you seem to attract others to you magnetically. Friends and colleagues love you genuinely. When you care for someone you are truly devoted to that person. 6 represents compassion, sensitivity and money, yet your love is more affectionate and idealistic rather than sensual. You are romantic and sentimental – even if you may sometimes hide or deny this fact!You love art and have a great affinity for music. You also love nice furniture and paintings, need harmony in your environment and generally prefer a beautiful, luxurious home.Home is very important to your well-being.

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It!s at home where you like to entertain your friends and to share your happiness with others. You can!t stand conflicts, arguments, any kind of unpleasantness or discord and jealousy. Ironically, you can at times feel jealous yourself if you feel you!re losing someone you love to another person.As a 6 you easily make friends. You like being counselor to everyone and naturally settle disputes between others, whether in business or personal life. This represents the peaceful, harmonious nature inherent in you, however, you do have a stubborn side as well. When it surfaces, all your sweetness disappears rapidly.Money is attracted to you and comes to you without effort. Sometimes through your own talents and other times through help from wealthy friends or relatives. Guard against a tendency to be a spendthrift. You do like to be extravagant – and the flip side of this is extreme stinginess. You may not have much of a neutral outlook at your finances. And your extravagance and stinginess probably take turns, depending on your financial situation.

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Beauty in your surroundings is a must. You also enjoy beauty in others. You are attracted to the beauty in nature, and love spending time in the country. Waterfalls, majestic forests, tropical islands, lakes and streams all have a calming effect on your emotions.Luxury appeals to you, and ugliness turns you off. You don!t like noise, and loud, vulgar people – you prefer the tasteful and refined approach to living. Your manners are usually impeccable and polite. When you do feel strongly about an issue you won!t hesitate to let others know. You enjoy discussing current events. If the discussion turns to debate, you usually win, because of your great logical mind – and your wonderful smile.Your Essence Vibration is 4. While your Life Purpose Number is the true sign of who you are as a person, your Essence Vibration embodies how you feel and the way in which you express yourself. It is often the first vibration that leaves an impression on others.You are a builder, establishing order, system and guidelines in everything you survey. You love to organize. You are known for your discipline, your

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stamina and your “stick-to-it-ness.” Usually you can muster up whatever it takes to get a job done efficiently and well. You are meticulous and very detail oriented. This may be frustrating to some.You have a strong connection to Mother Earth, which may manifest in gardening, farming and environmental activism, as well as repairing and constructing things. You are great at keeping lists. As an expert in your skill you can teach others how to do it. You like showing others all (4) sides to a situation.Every individual name also carries a vibration. Names are powerful because their energy is activated when written, thought about or verbalized. Let!s look at your individual names in the Pythagorean system:

LINDA RENEE MURPHY22/4 29/11 38/1122/4 is the number LINDA resonates to. 22 is the “Master Architect.” The 22 knows how to manifest an inspirational idea on the material plane. It can manifest because of the root number 4. The energy of this vibration is very high. In childhood

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you might have been hyperactive and wanted to keep your hands busy. Many constructive ideas come to you, and you have the innate ability to make your ideas reality.29/11 is the number for RENEE. This is a master number signifying that the strengths you have established in the past must now be put to commercial use. You are a novice in the business world, yet you have all the tools necessary to operate a successful enterprise. The word wisdom vibrates to 29/11 as does the word light. This endows you with the vision and foresight necessary to look beyond the ordinary world and see the uses for your many talents. You are then able to achieve success in the business world, and other business people are willing to help you achieve your goals. The ancient temples had a pillar on either side of the entrance looking very much like the figure 11. They represent double creativity, Yin Yang, active/passive forces.MURPHY resonates to 38/11. The ancient temples had a pillar on either side of the entrance looking very much like the figure 11. They represent double creativity, YinYang, active/

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passive forces. 11 is an “As Above” number because you are highly intuitive and have inspiring thoughts. You can mingle freely with the world and yet not be part of it. All master numbers are filled with greater energy than single numbers because they include the vibration of the root number.

Congratulations!Linda Roisum

Linda Roisum, Inc. Email: [email protected] lindaroisum.com