Persuasive Copywriting Secrets How to Write Profitable Ads and Sales Letters

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Persuasive Copywriting Secrets How to Write Profitable Ads and

Sales Letters

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Copywriting has always been portrayed as a daunting task to be

undertaken by the “experts”. However, I strongly believe that anyone can master

the art of being a great copywriter as long as they have the passion and drive.

I am confident that after reading this report, you’ll have a clearer

understanding about copywriting and will be able to master the techniques of

writing powerful copy that not only captivates the reader, but motivates them to

take action.

With the above said, are you ready to dive into writing your first copy? Not

so fast, let’s first go over the basics.

Hiring copywriters to write copy for your business has been the norm for

many years, but let’s analyze the job of the copywriter. Their job is usually to

write the words or copy for an advertisement. This can be in the form of a

television commercial, print ad in a magazine or newspaper, or advertisements

displayed on the internet.

Before a copywriter can write a single word, they must know the goal you

are trying to achieve. Are you selling a product or a service that requires the user

to purchase immediately, or is the advertisement for branding purposes only?

What’s the reason why I’m mentioning this? It is because no one knows

more about your goal than you. That’s exactly my point with regards to you being

able to write your own compelling copy.

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Usually the copywriter expects you to at least provide a sample of the

product or give an outline of your goals, expectations, along with your desired

results. You have to provide as much information as possible so they can take

that information and transform it into an appealing advertisement.

By you providing this information, you’ve actually taken the first step to

being a copywriter. That’s the research aspect. A good copywriter will always

need to do the needed research on your product or service, or receive a

guideline from you. If you can provide the copywriter with this guideline, then

you’ve already been through step number one for writing your own great copy.

When I first thought about the prospect of writing my own advertisements

and doing my own copywriting, all kinds of thoughts were going through my

head. Thoughts such as “What am I thinking; do I really believe I can write

compelling advertisements like the pros?”

Negative thoughts such as the one above might cause your downfall as a

copywriter. Your thoughts should always be positive. You visualize your goal,

and believe it will materialize. If you don’t believe in your copy then no one else

will. That’s the first lesson you need to learn with regards to writing effective

advertisements for your business. It’s not a matter of just learning the secrets

and techniques or magic formulas, but actually believing you can do it, and then

setting about the task of putting it into action.

Before you begin the task of copywriting, let’s review some general steps:

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1) Set a timeline and actually stick to it. It’s extremely important that you set

a time frame for completion and do your best to stay within that time

frame. Procrastination will only lead to more stress, and you’ll be placing

more pressure on yourself to write your advertisement within a shorter

period of time. With a reasonable time frame, you give yourself the ability

to thoroughly visualize and complete the process.

2) Set your goals with regards to the goal of the copywriting piece. Only you

will truly understand your business, therefore you should ensure that your

copy matches that goal.

3) Put together a list of your ideas in a format that can then be expanded


4) Research advertisements that captured your interest in the past, whether

it be print, online, or television. Write down in point format the aspects of

the ad that captivated you, and then write notes on how you can

incorporate those aspects into your ad copy.

Once you’ve done the above, you can then proceed to the next step,

which is actually starting the writing process. In the next few pages, I’ll be taking

you through step by step the process of writing. Always keep in mind that a

positive outlook will reap true rewards.

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That question is most often asked concerning copywriting. What’s the

secret of the copywriting professionals? How are they able to masterfully

complete copy after copy with the greatest of ease?

Let’s be honest, many of the pros do this based on repetition. It’s no

different than a sport; you have to practice to get better. It’s the only way you’ll

improve. Another key aspect is the ability to take criticism and receive a review of

how you’ve performed.

A professional basketball player has to go through rigorous practice to

perfect his craft. He then takes what he has perfected in practice on to the

basketball court. During the course of the game, his performance is reviewed

through statistics and overall assessment by the coach.

I know you’re saying what does this have to do with copywriting? Well, let

me explain. With copywriting, the only way you’ll perfect your craft and get better

is through actually writing an ad copy, and then actually receiving feedback from

those who have seen or read the advertisement. Easier said than done? Not


If you’ve written your copy, and then actually listed it in a magazine,

newspaper, or it’s materialized into a television or radio commercial, then you’ll

be able to get an idea of how successful it’s been.

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You can compile the statistics, how many sales were made from the ad,

how many calls or emails were received, or how many people actually visited the

website that was listed in the ad. These physical stats can be compiled and then

compared against your second attempt. That’s right, I said second attempt. With

copywriting, you’ll realize you’ll not only need one ad copy, but several copies to

test to see which one is most effective.

That’s how it’s similar to any other task that requires practice. You only get

better through actually performing the exercise over and over again until it’s fully

perfected. I should warn you though, before releasing any copy to be placed in a

newspaper, magazine, television or radio commercial, it should be reviewed by

other non-biased individuals.

It’s critical for your business to have people who can subjectively review

your copy and provide constructive criticism, as this will only improve your overall

performance. What you think is the perfect ad, may be horrible to someone else.

Your goal is to come as close as possible to receiving a “general” consensus

from all those who reviewed the copy - that it’s written in a compelling way.

That’s if the ad is “general” based, as we all know some businesses rely solely

on “niche.” If that’s the case, then you’ll need to have that ad reviewed by

someone within the niche demographic.

So what are the true secrets again to great copywriting?

1) Practice makes perfect.

2) Understand your target demographic.

3) Present the benefits in an appealing way.

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4) Call to action.

Those are four key points that I believe are the true “secrets” to great

copywriting. I know they may not seem groundbreaking or earth shattering, but

it’s amazing how many people overlook the simple aspects of those four points.

Practice Makes Perfect

As I’ve mentioned, I truly believe in practice. If you’re writing an ad copy

for a magazine, what do you think will be the first thing the person reads? It will

be the headline of course. If it’s an email message, then it’ll be the subject. If it’s

a radio commercial, it will be the first few words that are said.

So how does one write an effective headline? I can guarantee you that

most of the time, the first headline you write will not be the best. Therefore, what

do you have to do? Practice of course; and to do this, you must write as many

headlines as possible then be able to narrow down those headlines until you’ve

settled on two or three.

This is what makes a great copywriter. He or she understands the

importance of practicing and will do what it takes to write as many headlines as

possible to captivate the user. Many times you’ll find that you have good points in

parts of each headline, and you’re then able to combine those headlines into a

compelling statement that instantly grabs the reader or listener. That is the true

secret to option #1, which was “Practice Makes Perfect”. Without practice, you’re

fooling yourself into thinking you’ve written a masterpiece.

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Understand Your Target Demographic

One of the best ways to be able to write ad copy that will grab the user’s

attention is to understand their needs.

For you to have a successful ad campaign, you need to fully understand

and become the customer. To do this, it is recommended to actually put yourself

in the shoes of the target demographic, or if possible survey people within the


If it’s not possible to survey your targeted group, then consider

researching online what your target group is looking for. A simple search online

based on your target demographic can produce web forums that you can browse

to see the common concerns and views. You’ll then be able to encompass those

views into your copywriting, ensuring their needs are met. There is nothing better

than reading an ad copy that is catered specifically to your needs. That’s what

truly “sells” an ad, the belief that what is being advertised has met all your needs.

This should always be your goal. The more you know about your customer

demographic, the better ad copy you can write. This is often overlooked as most

people believe they “know” what the customer wants, but do you truly know?

That’s where most ad copy fails as it does not live up to expectations of the

potential customer.

Take the time to know what your customer wants. Make it an essential

part of your business to have surveys conducted with past customers to see their

likes or dislikes. If your ad campaign is to market your new line of “Perfume” then

you can ask your customers questions such as these:

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1) What do you like most about the fragrance?

2) When you think of our fragrance what words comes to mind?

3) Have people commented on the scent of your perfume?

Those three simple questions can aid you in writing better copy. How? It’s


The first question provides you with a key selling point for the perfume,

and what you should target with your ad. If you know what your users like about

the product, it will enable you to write your copy around those aspects.

The second question allows you to incorporate various words that clients

have used to describe your perfume. For example in your ad copy you could

state, our perfume has been described by our customers as “a breath of fresh

air”, “sensual”, “sexy”, “feminine”, “engaging”, “magnetic”.

A good example of this is when movies being released theatrically use

excerpts from the movie critic reviewers. They take specific aspects of the review

from the movie critic and use it within their advertisement for their movie. This

has been going on for years, and it really should be an integral part of your


The third question allows you to make statements regarding what your

customers have said about other people’s comments regarding the perfume. This

is vital, since it’s not only feedback from your customers, but also feedback from

people your customers have been around. This is crucial, as it rings home the

point even further regarding your product.

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Usually when you can incorporate feedback from customers into your

copy, then it provides a strong selling point, especially if the words used were

very compelling. This technique can be incorporated into almost any form of ad

copy, so use it to its fullest potential.

Without feedback, you are operating on your own assumptions, and you

never want to do that. When I’ve written copy based on what “I” thought and not

what my customers were saying, it usually failed miserably. It was only when I

incorporated their feedback into my writing style that I was able to see

conversions and an overall better response to my ad copy.

Present the Benefits in an Appealing Way

Every compelling copy needs to appeal to the reader or listener in such a

way that it benefits them. If they cannot see immediately how your product or

service will benefit them, then you’ll lose their interest.

We love to list features, but benefits that are the true selling point of great

copywriting. Everyone is not sold on “features”. Perhaps if you are marketing to

those who are in love with “gadgets” then marketing or writing based on features

would be a plus; but in general, benefits always should outweigh the features.

Features focus on logic; benefits focus on emotions. When people buy, their

emotions play a much larger role than their logic.

When someone can clearly see how something benefits them, they are

more inclined to make a purchase. Let’s say you were writing an ad copy for your

new line of “mattress” that was able to recline into various positions, adjust from

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softness to hardness, or provide vibration massages to suit the needs of the

individual. Do you believe the person would be sold more on the fact that it offers

vibrating massage which is a feature, or do you believe that they will prefer to

know that the bed can relieve their back pain and provide a soothing relaxing

massage through the use of the vibrating option?

You see, by focusing on the benefit which is “back pain relief” you are

letting the customer know that you are meeting their needs. If you list the feature

without the benefit, then you are relying on them to recognize the benefit.

You, as the copywriter, need to make it totally clear what the benefit is; so

keep that in mind when writing your copy. Benefits sell your copy, not the


Take this challenge. Review the advertisements that have caught your

attention, and then think about what captivated you about the ad. In most cases,

you’ll find that a listed benefit is what hooked you.

A few weeks ago, I was watching late night television when it switched into

an infomercial. The first thing the commercial talked about was “How would you

like to make $10,000 per month in extra income working part time?” That’s an

immediate benefit, as who wouldn’t want to make that kind of money working

only part time? They started the commercial immediately listing the benefit,

instead of stating what had to be done, which in this case would act more as a


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The benefit caught my interest, and is what led to me to watch the

commercial in its entirety. A solid benefit acting as your opening statement or

headline can be the hook you need to write compelling copy.

Call to Action

In your copy, you’ll need to have to have the ability to make the reader or

listener get off the couch and take action.

Do you know that providing instruction or giving a command to a person

can actually push them in the direction to make a purchase?

Subconsciously if you can grab the user’s attention enough to the point

where they have listened and read your entire copy, and you have a great call to

action, you can give them the nudge to order.

So what exactly is a call to action? It’s simply where you invite the user to

do something. It can be something as simple as “call now”, or “email us right now

for details” or “order right now while supplies last”. Simple command phrases

such as those are calls to action. You need to ensure that in everything you write,

you always finish with a confident call to action. Do not leave the decision to the

reader; let them know through your copy that the next step is to call, email, and

order now.

Never leave it to chance; if you do, they’ll probably forget about it, and

you’ve just lost a potential customer. After giving them all the benefits and

customer feedback etc, it’s time for the kill, so have that commanding call to

action to close out your copy.

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So far, I’ve outlined and given you an overview of the copywriting process.

In this chapter, I want to go over some specific techniques that can be integrated

into your ad copy. These techniques have been time tested and proven to give

your copy the edge it needs to be successful.

Learn to Intimidate

In our day-to-day activities, intimidation maybe frowned upon; but in the

world of copywriting, you need to learn the art of intimidation. It’s a technique that

is widely used to get someone to do exactly what you desire them to do.

A bully in school would threaten to beat you up, if you don’t give him your

lunch money or do his homework. Due to this intimidation, you felt you had no

choice but to do as he says because you didn’t want to face the consequences

that could materialize if you didn’t bow to his whims.

I know that may sound cruel, but it’s true. Intimidation is a true selling point

for copywriting. If you are selling something of great value that is rare, simply

stating, “limited quantities are available” is intimidating. How? Simply due to the

fact that only a select few people will have them, so you are either forced to buy it

now before it sells out or face the consequence of not having it all. It’s your


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This is a great selling point for anyone who is looking for immediate orders

for their product or service. The sales will come rolling in, especially if you

combine the intimidation factor with solid benefits and a great call to action.

Another aspect of intimidation is the “limited time only deals.” You have to

order by a set time to be able to receive the offer. I’ve watched late night

infomercials where they have the “countdown clock” that forces people to order

within the next 30 minutes.

I’ve also seen websites integrate a date stamp that states if you do not

order by midnight (insert today’s date), that the offer will expire. However, you

must honor your word and really end the deal if you say so. If you like to continue

the offer even after the date you specified but still want to create a sense of

urgency, you can use a date javascript and write “Good for today, (insert date


These are all “limited time” tactics that are used to get the reader to order

or respond immediately.

Qualification Needed

This technique is based on prestige. When you state only a select few will

qualify for the product/service, then it’s become almost like a competition to be

one of those few. It increases the desire, the value, and the overall satisfaction,

as you want to be approved.

You’ll find many financial offers using this method. This technique should

only be used if you truly have an offer that requires qualification, so only used as

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Others are Doing It

Remember back in high school when everyone would ditch class for

“Senior Ditch Day”. Even though it was not a day endorsed by the school, most

seniors would ditch school that day based on the bandwagon effect.

Everyone’s doing it, so why shouldn’t I do it? This technique can be

utilized in your copywriting, but based on the theory that many others have

purchased, and will continue to purchase, because it’s pretty much a no-brainer.

“No-brainer” is an often-used phrase that gives the feeling that it’s not

even a question on whether you should order, because it’s a buying decision so

easy to make you don’t even have to think twice about it. Using such phrases

instills in the mind of the reader that everyone else has ordered it, so he’ll join the

party too.


Providing the option for the user to receive a discount or bargain price can

be a selling point. You’ll find that many people love bargains, and won’t want to

pass up an offer they believe is great.

It’s going to be up to you to let them know that the discount is for a limited

time only, as that’s part two to a discount offer being great. It must be a true

discount, along with being time limited.

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Remember to never under-price your item, only offer discounts if you are

still able to maintain a solid profit margin.

High Price

The reverse technique also works well with copywriting, especially if

marketing to a demographic within a higher income bracket. If something seems

too “cheap,” they won’t go for it, because they believe it’s beneath them.

Therefore, if your target market is the “high rollers,” then it’s important for

you to have your product or service priced to suit their tastes. Low prices in this

demographic may lead to them believing the quality will be poor.

The best thing to do is test your prices often to see which converts the


Special Customers

Everyone likes to feel special, so using words such as “Special Customer”

is a good selling point. By simply integrating the phrase “this offer is exclusive to

our special customers only,” you will give the reader a feeling of self-worth.

Who doesn’t want to feel special? We all do, so integrating this technique

into your copy can lead to fantastic results, especially if the copy is to be sent to

repeat customers. I’ve taken my car into Honda dealership on a few occasions;

and since I’m a repeat customer, I receive advertisements from time to time

touting “special deals” since I’m a “Special Customer”. They integrate the

“Special Customer” technique with the “Discount” technique where as a “Special

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Customer,” I will receive a “Discount” on my next oil change.

Return on Investment

If your ad copy’s aim is to teach the user in making money, then

mentioning the R.O.I is very important. Any examples you can provide would be

a plus, along with showing clearly how they stand to make more money or at

least benefit from their investment.

Any statistics you can show would be great; testimonials from other

customers can be a plus when discussing the return on investment. It can be an

effective selling point since money talks.

Being “Hip” or “Modern”

This tactic is great for those who like to be updated on the latest trends.

For example, the Apple Iphone sold millions of phones in its initial release based

on this factor alone. Of course, people bought the phone based on its benefits

and features; but many people bought it because they want to be among those

who own an Apple Iphone.

What does this really mean and how can you incorporate it into your

copywriting? For this copywriting technique to be effective, you need to tap into

the person’s emotion and desire to be “hip and cool,” and stroke their ego just a

bit. You can say phrases such as “Be one of the first few to own…” or “Don’t get

left behind” or “Get it while it’s hot”.

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Certain people hate to be “left out” or purchase an item when it’s

considered stale. They like to know they are one of the first people to have it, and

you can key in on this when writing your copy. “Get the special release version

before everyone else does, and be the envy of your friends.”

Going back to the Iphone’s debut, it sold like “hot cakes” based on this

concept. It was considered “hip and cool” and everyone wanted one while it was

hot. The same thing happened when Sony released Playstation 3, and Microsoft

released the XBOX 360. People don’t mind seeing the prices drop a few months

later; they want it now while it’s “hip” and “fresh”.


Great copy always should have a guarantee. It puts your customer’s mind

at ease, and clearly outlines the safety net that they have in case anything goes


Your guarantee can range from a money-back guarantee to a warranty

guarantee. Do not overlook the power of your guarantee. It needs to be strong,

clear and precise. It will be the main aspect for those who like to be assured that

they have a security blanket.

Many people buy based on the guarantee alone. For example, a good

money-back guarantee has been the selling point for many products. People

think “If I don’t like it, I can send it back and be refunded”. Even though this puts

you at risk, if you truly have a quality product, then you only stand to lose if you

don’t offer a strong guarantee.

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It’s the difference between closing the sale, and the customer moving on

to a competitor who has a guarantee. Over the years, guarantees have become

so extreme that companies not only offer your money back but also allow you to

keep the product. Some even offer a double or triple your money back

guarantee! A guarantee that extreme can backfire, but it’s also been successful

in some campaigns.

Others offer a gift with the product. You return the product, get your

money back, but get to keep the free bonus as your gift for giving the product a

shot. Guarantees such as those are in abundant use today in all types of offers.

Free Trials

The try before you fully buy method. This technique allows the user to try

the product for a certain number of days before fully committing to the product.

You have to exercise caution with this guarantee. Usually the company

offering the product free for 14-30 days still collects credit card information. The

credit card is only charged if the person does not return the product or requests

to stop subscription within the free trial period.

Integrating such a technique into your copywriting can be beneficial; but

again, you need to ensure you have your terms and conditions clearly stated to

avoid any confusion. Many people have worded their offers as “Free” and then

when the charges appear on the credit card, they dispute it; so be sure that it’s

clearly labeled as “Free Trial” if you decide to use this technique.

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If you’ve found a key selling point for your product, then why not make

note of it as often as you can in the report. What this does is keep it fresh in the

mind of the user.

This works extremely well if it’s a benefit. You can cleverly word a benefit

in many different formats; but overall, it still means the same thing. For example

you can say “Relieve back pain forever” and then later say “Eliminate back pain

permanently”. Those two phrases mean the same thing, but are said slightly

different; nonetheless, they both provide the same benefit and creates the same


With repetition, you are ensuring that the person is constantly reminded of

the benefit of your product, which is going to be the selling point. It is a great way

to keep the benefit staunched in the mind of the reader.


This is a great technique. Some of the best copywriters use personal

experiences and situations to paint a story that is easy to follow and is

captivating. Everyone likes to read stories that capture their imagination and that

are vivid.

It brings a personal touch to your copy if you can provide a real life story.

You’ll find the story telling technique used a lot in moneymaking opportunities.

Usually it starts with a “rags to riches story” of how they went from having nothing

to being wealthy, taking you through their hardships to their point of success.

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Many times the stories within sales letters are also fictional. So if its fiction,

how can you go about creating a good fictional story that rings home the point of

the product or service? One of the best ways to do this is to actually read fictional

novels or watch movies, then study their plot. You’ll be surprised the tips you’ll

find from reading good novels and movies that flow really well.

A good storyteller must be able to capture the reader, and keep their

attention from beginning to end; so why not learn from the best? John Grisham

has had many of his books turned into movies, and there’s a reason for that. His

novels were so captivating and vivid that it was easy to visualize it as a movie.

Take a trip to your local bookstore and review some novels, you’ll find many

good tips that you can follow.

Obviously you won’t be turning your copywriting pieces into movies, but

the same concept applies of maintaining the reader’s attention from beginning to

end, and being as vivid as possible with your writing style.

I personally love to read stories, but only when the copy is actually

believable. I’ve read a copy before that was so obviously fictional, that it was

laughable, and not in a good way. Be careful when using this technique, since

you need to walk the fine line of being creative, imaginative, but also believable.

The last thing you want your readers to think is that your story is not real.

When deciding to write a story you must ensure it is detail-oriented.

People want specifics; they want to know exactly what was done, how it was

done, and the end result. They do not want an overview or a summary, as it’s no

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longer a story then. You must captivate the user from the beginning to the end,

ensuring that their interest is kept throughout the entire process.

Do not start your story by giving away the ending. Start the story from the

perspective or position that the reader may be in currently, and then show the

progression that was made until the final result. This progression brings realism

to your story. Never jump from beginning to end; ensure the process is gradual

and realistic.

For example, take the infomercial for “Proactiv Solution.” This is an acne

skin care product. What they did is showed before, during, and after photos.

These photos tell a story of the progression the user had while using their

product. The initial photo showed the person with their face riddled with acne;

then they showed a picture a few days later with some progress, as less acne

was present; then they showed the final after photo which showed the acne

being totally gone.

It’s this type of progression that works best with a story. It must have a

beginning, middle and an end.


Integrating humor into your copywriting sets a mood that may be

necessary to take the edge off and put the reader at ease. Everyone loves a

good laugh, but humor can be risky if your attempt fails.

Only utilize this technique if you’ve truly received great feedback from your

initial testing. When receiving feedback from people who’ve read your copy,

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never point out if they liked the humor. Instead, see if they can provide any

feedback regarding any aspect of it that was funny. This will be a good indication

if your humor was well done.

Never use tasteless jokes, as what you may consider funny, others may

deem as offensive. Always remember to test before finalizing your humor-based



A new approach with copywriting has been to come off a bit “cocky”. It’s a

risky approach if you’re not going to go full speed ahead with it, but it has been

shown to be successful for a few people who have chosen this route.

With cocky copywriting, you are portraying yourself as being arrogant, and

above those who are reading your ad. This can be either appealing or offensive

to others, but a few cases of this being successful have been with online

marketing. For example, a character by the name of “Rich Jerk” has been very

successful being rude, offensive, and cocky with his writing style.


Another great technique is to come off as an expert. When you write in a

way that people believe you are an expert within a field, they tend to believe

more of what you are saying.

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To write as an expert within a field is to offer a bit of advice or provide

some free information within your ad copy that gives the user a taste of what is to

come. This is extremely effective if offering a technical product.

There is nothing wrong with sharing a paragraph or two about your

product. In fact, if you are mailing a brochure or direct mail sales letter to a

potential customer, it is wise to offer the first page or two, “free” as a teaser offer.

It gives you credibility, they will appreciate the kind gesture, and you show within

those few introductory pages that your offer is legitimate.


This technique is not used as often, but it’s a good idea to implement

some encouragement with your copywriting. This technique will not always be

needed; but if your offer permits, then it can be very useful.

For example, weight loss products often use the encouragement

technique in their ad copy. You must inspire and encourage the reader into

believing that they can achieve their goal of losing weight.

When you use the encouragement technique, you are also acting as a

“friend”, as friends are supposed to be there to encourage and motivate.

I’ve used the encouragement technique to win over many customers, and

they’ve thanked me profusely for showing genuine care about their success. With

so many cold-hearted people being in the world, it is always a refreshing touch to

have people show and provide encouragement.

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As you can see, there are many techniques you can incorporate into your

copywriting, so it’s up to you to test which one is right for your product. I would

always recommend ensuring that you utilize guarantees, storytelling, and limited

availability techniques when possible. I’ve found those three techniques to be

very effective.

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In this chapter, I’ll be going over the major aspects of putting together a

well-written and precise copywriting piece. These are the major components.


This is the most crucial part of your writing, and usually is the first aspect

written. I mentioned previously that you should write a series of headlines. If

you’re writing a sales letter or presentation, then it’s very important that the

headline immediately grabs your attention. A dull or boring headline will result in

your ad or sales letter being ignored.

There are several components to writing an attention-grabbing headline.

· It should create curiosity

· Preferably lists the most important or attractive benefit

· Easy to read

· Solves a pressing problem

If you can write a headline that combines those aspects, more than likely

you’ll have a headline that will grab the attention of the reader. Let’s further

review each aspect of those five listed points.

Creates Curiosity

Think about it for a minute. You are watching your local news on television

and they tease by saying “Coming up on the 5:00 pm news, the new trend in

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weight loss; this you surely won’t want to miss.” Have you ever noticed the news

stations teasing reports by leaving you in the dark regarding the report?

For the next 30 minutes, you’re stuck watching the news until that report

finally is discussed and your satisfaction is then met. That’s a form of curiosity.

You want to know what it is, and you’ll continue watching until that curiosity is


Your goal as a copywriter is to create that curiosity. You want to have the

person continue to read your copy, to not only satisfy their curiosity, but actually

exceed their expectation. You always want to over-deliver, rather than under-

deliver; therefore, whatever you wrote as your curiosity factor, make sure you

deliver even more when it’s time to unveil it.

Greatest Benefit

I’ve talked about benefits earlier so you know the importance of having

them within your headline. Everyone wants to know how a product or service can

meet their needs, how it benefits them.

If you can input your best benefit within your headline, you are able to

capture attention, and the more likely they’ll read your entire copy based on you

meeting their need.

Easy To Read

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Perhaps you’ve studied the dictionary and know quite a bit of so-called

“big words”. Don’t believe you are going to impress your readers by using such


Always write in an easy-to-understand manner. You do not want to

confuse the reader, and have them whipping out a dictionary just to get a clearer

understanding of what you’ve written.

That simply means no unnecessary hard-to-understand or uncommon

words in your headline. The person will skip over your headline if they do not

understand it, so keep that in mind when writing it.

If the person cannot understand what you’ve written, how do you expect

them to be interested in your offer? They won’t be, so always write in a format

that anyone can understand. Simple but effective words are best.

Solves a Problem

This is similar to the option of listing a benefit; but instead, you clearly list

what the problem is and indicate how you can help them solve it.

Do not just list one problem, but actually go into detail of how this one

problem could start a chain effect of other problems. This way, the reader has a

full understanding of the importance of your product or service.

Now that I’ve outlined aspects you should consider when writing your

headline, the next step is to actually go ahead and write it. Remember, you know

your product, so you are the best person to know what problem it solves, so that

instantly can be part of your headline.

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Another quick tip is to never be longwinded. Keep your headline short,

precise and to the point.

Body of Your Sales Message

This is the meat and potatoes of your offer. You need to move on from

your headline and actually start to deliver on what you promised in the headline.

You may find that you’ll need to re-write your body a few times to get it just

right, but be sure to always keep each version of your body content. That way

you can get the opinion of others, and compare the feedback.

The first few words of your body need to be very intense. If it falls flat,

you’ll lose the reader’s attention and potentially a sale.

Earlier I mentioned that repetition is a good technique to use, and I

recommend you use it within the body of your message. If the copy is long

enough to permit its use, then use the technique to get your point across, with

each time slightly using a variation of the phrase with the underlying meaning

remaining the same.


Let’s say you are writing a full page ad for a magazine. You’ll have room

within your copy to utilize benefits. What I like to do is have a special section for

benefits in my copy that is in point format or a checklist. This way the person can

go through the entire list of benefits available with the offer, and clearly see how

awesome of a deal they are getting.

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This will satisfy the minority who may look at the benefits to see if it has a

particular aspect they are looking for. This can all vary based on what you are



Your copy is incomplete without a guarantee, unless you’re offering

something that is an absolute no-brainer. I mentioned this previously in the

earlier chapter, and you’ll need to utilize the guarantee to give the reader that

sense of security. If you are expecting the person to order directly after reading

your ad copy, then you definitely need to input your money back guarantee. Do

not forget it, or ignore its importance. It may seem risky to offer money back, but

it’s a requirement for great copywriting.

Call to Action

I believe no offer is complete without nudging the user into calling or

ordering right away. You want that customer to make a decision right away. No

time to “think about it” or “ponder”. The objective is to always close your copy in

such a way that it leads directly to ordering. No “if”, No “maybe”, No “I’ll think

about it”. You want immediate action, and to do this you need a powerful call to


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I want to discuss in this chapter the aspect of hypnotic copywriting. To

hypnotize someone, you are getting into their minds, making commands and

having that person do what you say. You are the one in control. Your copywriting

should be no different.

When you write, it should be in such a way that you command the readers’

attention, control their thoughts by guiding them along a path that you want them

to go. Have them imagine how things can be if they bought your product or


I remember reading a moneymaking opportunity magazine a few years

ago where their ad copy took me on a journey of how things can be if I purchase

their moneymaking program. They had me visualizing no longer living paycheck

to paycheck, being able to purchase all the luxury items that I previously couldn’t

afford, and how my life can change forever by simply picking up the phone and

calling them.

Throughout the entire copy, the offer focused on the life changing aspects.

The goal of that copywriter was to get me in the frame of mind that by simply

following his lead, everything I ever wanted could be mine.

Did I order the product? I actually did due to a number of factors. His copy

was truly hypnotic; it captured me, it guided me, and it took me on a journey and

provided everything I wanted to hear. That’s your goal with hypnotic copywriting -

to push the reader in the direction you want them to go.

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You are in the driver seat, and you’re taking them on a journey that will

satisfy their every desire. This can all be accomplished through your ad copy.

When you’re in control, then you can direct the person to whatever direction you

wish. Take this for example.

This simple phrase “By the time you finish reading this report, you would

have seen how important it is to get started right away with writing your own

copy.” Right there I’m simply instilling into your mind that you will have all the

needed tools by the end of this report to get up, head on over to the computer or

pull out a notepad, and start writing your copy. I’m inputting the confidence, and

placing the notion that you will see its importance, and that you will get started


Another phrase can be “The more you read this report, the more you will

agree with me that writing your own ad copy is the best way to maximize your

profits.” Now putting this into action for your product or service can be simple.

For example, you are selling “Secrets to Improving Your Vertical Jump.”

In your copywriting piece, you can say something along these lines “You’ll agree

that the best way to improve your vertical jump is to integrate the techniques I

give you in the Secrets to Improving Your Vertical Jump program”. Another

phrase can be “Right now you are visualizing how awesome it will be when you

increase your vertical jump by 2-4 inches using the Secrets to Improving Your

Vertical jump program.” With these statements, I’m implanting into the person’s

brain that to improve their vertical jump, they need my program. With each

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statement, I mention what they need to achieve their goal, and I say it in a way

that they agree.

With writing your copy, you want the person to be in agreement with you.

To do this you need to start a simple pattern of them agreeing with your

statements. This can be done simply by asking questions that you know are


For example, “Would you like to increase your vertical jump by 2-4

inches?” You know the answer to this question is “yes,” as it’s why they are

reviewing your copy in the first place. Directly after that question is asked, you

can follow up with “Using the Secrets to Improving Your Vertical Jump program

that becomes a reality.”

You’ve done two things in that example. One you’ve asked a question that

you know will elicit a “YES” response, they are in agreement. Secondly, you’ve

followed up that question with a solution. It doesn’t say it “might” or it’s “possible;”

the statement is written in a format that it is already reality.

Do you see the power of asking questions that will strike an emotion and

then following it up with a solution? Statements such as these allow the reader to

be in a frame of mind that you do have exactly what they need. They will believe

that what you say is the truth, as they’ve agreed to it, based on what you’ve


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An often-overlooked aspect of copywriting is based on acting as the

person’s friend. Some of the best-selling products refer to the reader as “Dear

Friend”. There is a reason for this. Yes, I do know that the copywriter and the

person reading have never met, but the word “Friend” is being thrown in there


It’s been said that utilizing the words “Friend” at the beginning makes the

copy seem less like an “advertisement” and more like an actual person talking to

you, and helping you along the way to achieving your desired goal.

When you write, it’s important that at all times you focus on the magic

word. That magic word is “YOU”. People love to know you are speaking directly

to them in the ad copy. They don’t care about the thousands or millions of other

people who have read or are reading the copy the same time that they are

reading it. All they care about is that the focus is on them; therefore using the

word “YOU” is critical.

Try to not “lump” everyone into the same bracket. Limit the use of the

word “WE” unless it’s being stated to show that you and the reader have

something in common, therefore the “WE” is meant as you and the reader. In

such cases, that’s fine.

In general though, always focus on the reader; and to do that, it is very

important that you utilize the “YOU” technique. Why is it so important? Simply

because it seems like you are speaking to them. In my writing of this report, I’ve

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also been focusing on “YOU”. I’ve written this report for “YOU” therefore I’m not

talking about “THEM” or “US” or “PEOPLE” I’m talking directly to “YOU”. It’s

personable, it’s friendly, and it leads to a more favorable response.

What do you think is the most effective style of writing copy? Usually it’s

copy that allows the reader to believe they are in an actual conversation. You can

do this by asking rhetorical questions. Obviously, the reader can’t answer you

directly, but they surely will do it in their mind. That way it seems like you are

actually having a conversation.

Another tip for keeping things friendly and personable is to utilize

contractions. For example, instead of saying, “You are,” change that to “You’re”.

Instead of saying, “You will,” it can be “You’ll”. Why is this important? It creates a

style of conversation. Think about it for a second. When you talk, do you

constantly say “You are” or do you say, “You’re”. Personally, I say “You’re”. If

you’re having a conversation with someone, would you say “You will regret this”

or would you say the abbreviated version “You’ll regret this”. In most cases, you’ll

say the latter.

I mentioned earlier a money-making report that I read and eventually

ordered. In this report the person discussed how much money you can make.

One point to make note of, is that he didn’t frequently use the word “Money”. He

interchanged that word with “cash” and “dinero” and other words that can be

substituted for the word “Money”.

Take careful note of this, as it is part of transforming your copy into

something personable and friendly rather than cold, impersonal, and dead.

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Which one of these phrases seems more conversational?

“I was very angry”

“I was pissed off”

Yes, I know some people do not like the word “pissed off” but it is

frequently used in conversations more so than “angry”. How about changing

“pissed off” to “I was about to explode” that’s actually even better, since it implies

you are angry but also shows the level of anger you were experiencing at that


Think about these subtle changes in your copywriting when addressing

your reader. It can make a major difference in the overall feel the person has

when reading your copy. That can lead to the difference between closing the sale

and being bypassed.

Want to know another secret for being personable? Act as if you know

what they are looking for. Take the reader by the hand and truly guide them like a

friend would. Sometimes leaving out the hype from copy puts the reader’s mind

at ease, especially if they see that you are presenting your copy as if you can


Friends relate to each other; therefore, if you can relate to your readers,

then the more likely they’ll trust you and will continue reading. Try implementing

caring phrases such as “I really want to help you succeed” or “I truly believe you


You’ll be amazed that using such wording in your copy can make the

world of difference. Earlier I mentioned using the technique of storytelling. If you

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are selling a product that has helped you, then why not tell your personal story. A

great example of this is again weight loss products. Companies such as

NutriSystem and Jenni Craig always use people who have tried their product and

succeeded as their spokesperson.

Why? It’s believable and tells a true story. It’s more personable to read a

real success story of how a product benefited someone, rather than just reading

about the ingredients and all the hype. A great story outweighs any other selling

point if done effectively.

Review all the infomercials on late night television. You’ll see each person

telling a story. There was one infomercial that was prominent on late night

television. The “guru” promoted self-help books on making money, and he told

the story of how he went from working as a bus boy, to a multi-millionaire simply

by writing tiny classified ads in the newspaper.

Okay, I do know it had to take more than just writing tiny ads to go from a

bus boy to a multi-millionaire, but his story is what people love to hear. The

average person making it big is a story that always attracts attention and brings

inspiration. It gives the belief that anyone can do it.

Sharing your story and being personable is what can truly sell a product.

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A powerful technique to copywriting is by utilizing rhetorical questions.

These questions are a bit self-explanatory with regards to the answers. Asking

questions such as these puts the user into agreement with you.

That’s the common ground that you need to achieve with those that read

your copy. You need to put them in a position where they are agreeing with your

statements. The more you can have the user agreeing to what you state, the

more likely you’ll have them as your customer.

Have you ever wanted to improve your way of life and command a higher

salary? Let’s say your copy is about a seminar or book you’ve written about how

to go about commanding a higher salary in your current job. If the person is

reading your copy, then by all means they’ve thought about it, so that question is

entirely rhetorical. You already know that the person has thought about this, but

you want to again implant into the reader’s mind that you understand and can

relate to their need.

Not only do you relate to their need, but you can also help them solve it.

Rhetorical questions are indeed very powerful, but that’s not the only powerful

tool that you can use to put a person in agreement with you.

Another fantastic technique is to state the obvious. Using phrases such as

“You already know this” and “Without a doubt you…” are good ways to put the

person into agreement with what you are saying. You’re establishing that you

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know and they know what is important, as it shows you’re on the same wave


When you and your reader are in agreement, you’ve just increased the

odds of conversion along with feeding the readers’ mind with positive thoughts

about what you are offering.

How about stating, “What would you do with the raise in salary you’ll

receive after following the techniques I’ll outline in the Secrets to Higher salaries


That statement is powerful as it does the following:

1. You are giving the person the opportunity to answer the question

and think of what they would do with the extra money they’ll now be

receiving due to the raise.

2. The person, by thinking of the answer, has subconsciously agreed

that by ordering your product they will indeed receive the raise.

This is important since you have just conveyed in that one question alone

that the product works, and that to achieve the desired results they will have to

order your product. Their mind is now programmed into believing that your

product is what they need to indeed receive that raise.

Do not under-estimate the use of such phrases as it programs the mind

into believing your product is the solution, therefore the next step is to order the


Your goal with the copywriting is to feed the person’s brain with positive

thoughts regarding your product without using much hype.

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When you’re thinking like a customer, you’ll be able to come up with

questions that you know they’ll want answered. You can incorporate these

questions into your copy by writing statements that discredit the objection.

If you are a car dealership and your parts are a bit more expensive than

the local auto shops, then make note that you only used genuine certified parts.

This justifies your higher pricing and shows you set a standard of high quality.

If your labor costs are higher, make note that your staff is certified

mechanical engineers and were trained specifically for the model of the vehicle

being serviced. Its adding statements such as the ones mentioned that would

bring credibility, but also indirectly answer some questions regarding the

difference in price from your competitor.

That’s a simple way of overcoming objections or questions without

addressing the question directly. Another great way of overcoming objections

dealing with the pricing of your product is not to compare yourself to your

competitors. For example, if you were selling a CD that discusses “overcoming

anxiety,” then you can compare the price of your CD with the price of attending

counseling sessions or attending your seminar live.

Obviously counseling sessions and seminars are higher priced than being

able to listen to it on CD; therefore, when you compare the two prices, the price

of the CD seems more reasonable, and you’ve justified your pricing.

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If again you are faced with an objection, you should consider incorporating

all the benefits and features of the product and have an option of listing them.

The more benefits and features you list, the more valuable your product will be


When you are writing your copy, remember you are trying to solve a

problem. If you focus on how you can solve that problem, along with mentioning

other issues that can arise from the problem you are solving, the potential buyer

is more inclined to ignore the price just to be able to resolve the issue.

There’s nothing worse that exposing one problem, and then finding other

issues arise due to this initial problem. The more problems your product can

solve, the more valuable it becomes, and the lesser that price becomes a factor.

Keep in mind that people want solutions, and will pay if you can indeed deliver as


I once read an ad copy that focused its entire copy on “if you will join the

winner’s bracket or the losing bracket.” Their goal was to strike an emotion with

the reader that if they don’t follow what they’ve said in their copy, that the

chances of them being on the losing end skyrockets. This works well for any

business. If you’re selling Life Insurance and your copy is to get the reader to

sign up for the insurance for the security of their family, you can paint two


Scenario 1 is ensuring your family is totally secured if there was ever a

death that the life insurance policy will have them fully covered and financially


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Scenario 2 is if you do not take out the coverage and your family is left to

suffer with little to survive upon since you were the breadwinner of the family.

That’s what is meant by the winners bracket and losing bracket. The

example is a bit morbid, but it brings across the point of showing the user why it’s

important they take advantage of your offer.

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The use of illustrations is another often overlooked technique with

copywriting. Illustration can be in the form of charts, graphs, or graphics.

Integrating an appealing graphic with your copy can enhance the overall feel and

appearance of your copy.

Let’s take a look at magazines that have advertisements embedded. As

good as your headline may be, an eye catching graphic integrated with it will get

more eyes being glued to your page.

Remember that your goal is to first get people to actually view your ad, so

you have to do whatever it takes to attract them, and one excellent way is by

using graphics or illustrations.

Illustrations are also great for showing statistics. If your copy entails

showing users why it’s important that they act now, showing some graphical data

could be a great selling point. For example, if you are selling auto insurance you

can show statistics on how much money users have saved by switching to your

auto insurance company.

People like to see “proof”, “stats”, and actual “figures”. Utilizing this

technique will build more credibility and trust, and you’ll come off as more serious

with your offer. Good ad copy is not just about hype, but also facts; so

illustrations can indeed help.

I’ve also found that using photos help, especially if the photo is of an

actual person or the item that is being sold. This visual stimulation is important,

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as it feels like they are now talking to a real person, and can actually see the


You can transform a good copywriting piece into a great one, by simply

adding a few graphics, photos, and statistics. If it’s possible, always try to

integrate some graphical elements into your copywriting.

If you’re not good with graphics, consider having it done professionally or

by your graphics department if you have one. The more professional appeal your

copy has, the better chance you’ll have in converting readers to customers.

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Every copy should include testimonials. Testimonials build credibility, and

show that other people are using your product or service and have achieved

exactly what you promised. Without testimonials, your offer is being based on

what “YOU” alone have written, and why should they trust you? Testimonials are

great instruments of social proof.

It’s very important that you start collecting as much feedback as possible

from your past clients and surveying them to be able to use their statements in

your copy. An offer without testimonials can read very flat, especially if the reader

is expecting to read what others have said.

For a testimonial to be truly believable, it’s best to use the name of the

person; and to do this, you need their permission. A full name instead of an

abbreviation will look far more credible than just listed initials. I’ve seen

testimonials that simply state “A.S” or “J.B” and to me that means absolutely


I generally prefer to see a full name, and even a location such as “Jim

Jones, Atlanta, Georgia”. I do not expect to see a telephone number and exact

address as that leads to privacy rights, but at least a full name and city/state

helps in validating the testimonial.

With the ever-increasing investigations into companies, it’s also important

that every testimonial you list is actually backed with proof. This is in case you

are ever investigated. Keep all your testimonials on file, whether they are

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testimonials sent in through the mail or email. If you are quoting something that

was said on the phone, then that’s harder to track unless you have the recording.

There is not much more to be said other since it is self-explanatory. If you

do not have any testimonials on file, then do not fake any. It’s better to not have

any testimonial than to fabricate one.

Specifics: Being Precise

Being specific is very important. When you request your testimonials from

your customers, ask them to be as specific as possible concerning the benefits

that they have received. You do not want someone who said, “You really did a

good job!” “Good” doesn't tell us anything in particular. They must be very

specific on how the product has helped them.

When writing your copy, provide exact figures. If you are offering a

moneymaking report, people will tend to believe you if you input the exact figure

you’ve made instead of providing a flat number. For example, if you’ve earn

$2,342.46 per month utilizing the techniques outlined in the product you’re

offering, then by all means input that exact number instead of rounding it down to

$2,300. If you input exact figures, it seems more believable than rounded figures.

If you have a statistic to offer, instead of stating 65% of people are shown to do…

you can instead say 65.7%. Always use the exact figure; it’s very important in

building credibility.

Use of Sub-Headings

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This can be overlooked but the format of your copy is also very important.

It’s always wise to have your copy divided into sub-headings for easier reading,

with the most important words or benefits being the title of the testimonial. Not

only will this make it easier to read, but it will also allow you to highlight important

points that you want to stress upon.


You need to put testimonials at certain strategic points within the body of

your copy when you are making a certain point in your copy that goes along with

something from a testimonial.

You need to use a testimonial that has something in it that directly

overcomes a particular buyer's objection or skepticism. For example, if you think

that customers might be doubtful if your product can produce results within 10

days as you have stated, include a testimonial of a customer that has

experienced such results within 10 days or less.

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Once you’ve written your copy, then it needs to go through a thorough

editing process. This includes checking for spelling and grammar errors, along

with ensuring the copy is easily read and flows nicely.

You’ll find that each time you proofread your copy that you may find

mistakes that you didn’t see the first time, which is why it’s important to proofread

multiple times.

This may seem time-consuming but it’s a necessity to ensure you have

copy that is free of errors. You do not want the focus of your copy to be on

spelling or grammar errors, but solely on the product or service you are trying to


What would be your impression if you were reading a copy that had

spelling errors? You’ll probably not be impressed, and will lose a bit of respect for

the writer. Lost of respect can also result in the loss of a potential customer.

I recommend that you not only proofread your work, but actually have

others proofread as well. What your eyes miss, someone else may spot, so

always have someone available who can proofread your work.

Upon reviewing my copy, I’ve often found that I could also expand on

certain points more and I find myself editing and tweaking. This is an important

process of copywriting, as this is where you can take a good copy, and make it

even better. I highly recommend writing your copy, proof-reading it, then allowing

a day or two to pass by before reading it again.

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After a couple days, open the copy and read it again, you’ll be surprised

that you may find new issues or have new ideas to implement. That’s why it’s

important to take your time and let the creativity flow naturally with the

copywriting process. If you try to do too much in one day, it can become

overwhelming, and you won’t produce your best work.

I mention this since I’ve fell victim to my own ego on a few occasions. It’s

one thing to be confident, and another to be over-confident believing you can

write perfect copy within a few hours. It’s just not feasible. The best copy is

written, and then re-written over a period of a few days. In each day that you

tackle it, you’ll find ways to improve it.

Do not try to be a perfectionist. By doing so, you can ruin your ad copy. At

some point you have to be satisfied with what you’ve written, therefore know

when to stop editing. Do not rely solely on your own judgment but again, get

feedback from others.

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With all the above noted tips and strategies outlined, you should now be in

a position where you can truly understand the secrets and power of persuasive

copywriting. The final step is for you to put together all that you’ve learnt, and

start testing the waters.

Just a minute though. Do you remember what needs to be done before

you even write a single word? If not, I’ll give you a quick refresher course. You

need to have a solid outline regarding the product or service you are offering,

along with knowing your target market. Without these elements, you cannot

expect to see good results.

It is very important that you are able to relate to your target market, and

list the points that you need to focus on when you write the copy. Without this

research, you are writing “blind” and that usually results in a poor converting ad


If possible, gather statistics and key selling points on your product. Have

all this information readily available to be integrated into your copy. By doing the

research beforehand, you’re giving yourself a smoother writing process, with

potentially fewer bumps in the journey to completion.

No preparation means you’ll have to stop and research from time to time;

this can interfere with your overall flow. Therefore, conduct your research first;

have your stats, testimonials, surveys, etc. readily available.

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Once you have everything prepared, how do you test the waters?

Practice, Practice, Practice! Remember I’m a firm believer that the only way you

get better is to practice. I would start by writing paragraphs based on some of the

points I’ve outlined. For example, you can try writing a paragraph that is written in

the “hip or modern” technique, then you can try writing a paragraph based on the

friendly technique. I would continue to write a paragraph utilizing each technique

and editing until I’ve fully mastered each technique.

Test each technique fully to see which style is best for you, as you may

find that you are able to get your point across better within a specific style. The

only way to know which style suits you best is what again? Practice, that’s right!

Once you’ve mastered a particular technique, put the technique fully into

practice by writing a full length copy on a product or service. Remember to start

with the headline and then proceed to the body of the message. As important as

the headline is, you need to also follow it up with a strong opening paragraph.

Allow your headline to set the tone for the rest of the copy. If the headline

is bad then you’ll be lucky if even the first paragraph is read. Therefore, master

your headline first, and then proceed to the other aspects. Again, always write

several headlines as you want to be able to test which one is most effective and


The opening paragraph after your headline needs to further grip the user.

It’s a good idea to throw in the curiosity factor in your opening paragraph; this

can lead to the user reading the rest of the copy to satisfy that curiosity. Always

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remember your goal is to have the reader read your entire ad copy from

beginning to end.

Keep the reader interested; throw in statistics, curiosity points, and humor;

be friendly and personable; include illustrations. Blend them together seamlessly

to have a copy that is explosive and to the point.

Let’s say you decide to use some hypnotic copywriting in your copy. The

focus is on using specific language and phrases that will allow you to fully control

the user. Do you remember what such phrases are? If not take a trip back to the

hypnotic writing section and review that chapter again. I believe your copy should

always have subtle commands within them that utilize the art of hypnotic

copywriting. I’ve found the more you guide the user, the more chance of them

doing exactly what you want them to do.

If you’ve written your copy and it’s a “direct mail” piece to be sent through

regular postage mail, then keep in mind that you may not receive an immediate

response or a flood of sales. I’m mentioning this due to the fact that you may

believe your copy has fallen prematurely if you do not allow enough time to pass

before deeming it a failure. Regular postage mail can be slow, and your letter

mail end up in a stack of mail to be sorted later.

Therefore, if you’re testing the waters, perhaps you should try an online

campaign first to gauge the response; usually, online campaigns receive a faster

response. This way, you can test your campaign before mailing your direct mail

pieces. Obviously, this only pertains if you have an online presence.

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I’ve personally tested my copywriting skills by first using classified ads on

online classified sites. With these classified websites, my focus was testing my

headlines to see which ones were most effective. These classified ad sites were

free, so it cost nothing to run these tests, and I was able to get a better idea of

which ad received better response.

I’ve thrown that tip in there if you are web savvy since testing the waters

on the web can be extremely cost effective and can provide insight on your ad


You’ve got all the tools and knowledge now to proceed with your

copywriting venture. Take these tools and techniques and allow them to

materialize in the form of a masterfully written copywriting piece.

I truly wish you the best with your copywriting. You can be a successful

copywriter. Believe in yourself, follow the guidelines, and most important of all,

practice. I’ll be seeing you at the top J