Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti Nicola Fazio, MD, PhD

PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

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Page 1: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014


PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti

Nicola  Fazio,  MD,  PhD  

Page 2: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

GEP NEN: characterization of disease �

� Neuroendocrinology�(DOI:10.1159/000367850)� ©�2014�S.�Karger�AG,�Basel 27��

Figure 1. Venn diagram of modalities involved in identification of a NET.








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4 6:


5 AM

Bodei et al., Neuroendocrinology Sep 2014

Page 3: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Characterization of the disease


68Ga –DOTA PET-CT Octreoscan®



Radiological evolution Triphasic CT

Ki-67 / MI MIB-­‐1  

Tumor grade


Page 4: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

68Ga 18F-FDG


PET in GEP NENs: available tracers in clinical practice

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014


G1 (Ki-67 ≤ 2% and/or MI < 2)

G2 (Ki-67 3-20% and/or MI 2-20)

WHO 2010 Classification

G3 G3 (Ki-67 > 20% and/or MI > 20)



68Ga FDG

PET in GEP NENs: which tracer in which tumor?

Page 6: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Liver mets from tail PNET: discrepancy between FDG and Ga68 PET-CT

! !




Page 7: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Bodei et al., Neuroendocrinology Sep 2014

FDG-PET in GEP NET: when?

“La PET FDG può essere considerata per i NET G2 con Ki67 > 15-20% per i quali octreoscan e PET Gallio potrebbero essere inattendibili”

“La PET FDG è generalmente raccomandata per i NET G3”

Page 8: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014



SRS SRS Pancreatic; Ki67 < 2% Ileal; Ki67 < 2%

Ki-67 is not enough

Page 9: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Liver metastases: functional characterization related to the

supposed therapy and treatment goal


Page 10: PET-TC nei GEP NET: indicazioni e limiti · Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014 Characterization of the disease SSTR Octreoscan® 68Ga –DOTA PET-CT FDG PET-TC FDG Radiological evolution Triphasic

Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Fax +41 61 306 12 34E-Mail [email protected]

Clinical Images

Dig Surg 2008;25:330 DOI: 10.1159/000158907

Miliary Hepatic Metastases from Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

Nicola Fazio Giovanni Di Meglio Katia Lorizzo Filippo de Brand

European Institute of Oncology, Milan , Italy

A 57-year-old man with a bronchial carcinoid, meta-static from 1999, underwent cholecystectomy in 2004, due to lithiasis, probably caused by long-lasting therapy with somatostatin analogs.

Liver metastases had been known since 2002 on the basis of a previous computed tomography (CT) and so-matostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS). Intraoperatively a miliariform hepatic dissemination was evident ( fig. 1 ), and was much more extended than previously seen on CT and SRS.

The liver is often involved in the metastatic spread of neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). The morphological heterogeneity of these neoplasms takes into account the varying accuracy of instrumental examinations. Mag-netic resonance imaging was superior to CT and SRS in the detection of hepatic metastases from NECs. However, none of these examinations was able to detect the mili-ariform dissemination in the liver, and therefore the tu-mor burden was underestimated. This could be of crucial importance for clinicians when deciding on the thera-peutic strategy, i.e. the indication for resection.

Published online: October 1, 2008

Nicola Fazio European Institute of Oncology Via Ripamonti 435 IT–20141 Milan (Italy) Tel. +39 025 7489 599, Fax +39 025 7489 457, E-Mail [email protected]

© 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel0253–4886/08/0255–0330$24.50/0

Accessible online at:www.karger.com/dsu

Fig. 1. Miliary hepatic metastases from a neuroendocrine carci-noma.

68Ga PET: risk of false negative due to the size of lesions

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Extra-hepatic staging: bone


Liver and bone mets from PNET


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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014


Prognosis yes yes no

Staging yes yes yes

Prediction of response


Yes (positive)

Yes (negative) no

PET in GEP NENs: function

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

Da un mese iporessia, astenia G1, dispepsia G1

52 aa, maschio Nessuna comorbilità

Sport a livello agonistico


TC tor-add: neoformazione corpo-coda pancreas + met. fegato

AST/ALT 2 volte UNL GGT/ALP 5-6 volte

Bil norm

P.S. 1 Calo ponderale 5%,


Tumore neuroendocrino Ki-67 18%

PNET metastatico non funzionante: caso clinico

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014


Supporto 3-4 sett. ! profilo umorale epatico e clinica stabili


PNET metastatico non funzionante: caso clinico

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

PET-Gallio PET-FDG Tumore

primitivo ++ ++

Metastasi epatiche ++ -

Osso multifocale ++ +

PNET metastatico non funzionante: caso clinico

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

•  SSA

•  Everolimus +/- SSA

•  Chemioterapia

•  PRRT (trial)

•  Chir. Primitivo +/- mets.

•  TAE

•  Sunitinib (trial fase 4)

TC PET-Gallio


T (Pancreas) + + +

Fegato + + -

Osso - + +

PNET metastatico non funzionante: caso clinico

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

PNET metastatico non funzionante: come valutare la risposta

•  Sintomi, P.S., profilo umorale epatico

•  Marcatori circolanti

•  TC

•  PET-Gallio


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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

PNET metastatico non funzionante: come valutare la risposta

1° linea: TMZ/CAP + SSA

•  TC a due mesi

•  Sintomi, P.S., profilo umorale epatico


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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

PNET metastatico non funzionante: come valutare la risposta

Dopo 2 mesi di TMZ/CAP + SSA passa a PRRT + SSA + CAP

•  Scintigrafia al momento della PRRT

•  Sintomi, P.S., profilo umorale epatico


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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014

10 Novembre 2014 • Bologna STARHOTELS EXCELSIOR

V.le Pietramellara, 51


Affrontare malattie rare come i tumori neuroendocrini significa, per il paziente e i suoi familiari, avere molte domande e cercare delle risposte. Grazie  all’impegno  di  Medici  Specialisti  e  dell’Associazione  Pazienti  nasce questo importante momento  d’incontro  “ConNET”  per  favorire  un  dialogo  sempre aperto tra il paziente stesso e le figure professionali che lo circondano.

In collaborazione con

Iniziativa realizzata da

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Roma, 7-9 novembre 2014