LEXNET EUROPEAN INFORMATION SIA June 2020 LEXNET SIA Skolas iela 4-11 LV-1010 Riga, Latvia Skype: gjortler Mobile: +371-2616-2303 VAT: LV 40003655379 Skype DK: +45-3695-7750 Skype US: +1-202-657-6561 Skype UK: +44-20-7193-1033 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lexnet.dk Member: www.eurolex.com ANNEXES FOR CURRICULUM VITAE PETER GJØRTLER Diplomas MA Law diploma from University of Copenhagen o Danish original and English translation o Confirmation from the Danish Ministry of Education BA Economics diploma from University of Copenhagen o Danish and English original Bar Society admission from the Danish Ministry of Justice o High Court admission from the Danish High Court Statements from Employers 1. Legal consultants COK Crown Agents DSPA International EIPA European Institute Denmark IRZ Lexnet European Information LGDK International PAI Planet Progeco SIGMA TAIEX WYG International 2. Judicial institutions and public authorities Court of Justice of the European Union Danish Bar and Law Society Danish High Court of Appeal Danish Ministry of Justice Latvian Ministry of Environment 1

Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from

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Page 1: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from



June 2020

LEXNET SIA Skolas iela 4-11 LV-1010 Riga, Latvia

Skype: gjortler Mobile: +371-2616-2303 VAT: LV 40003655379

Skype DK: +45-3695-7750 Skype US: +1-202-657-6561 Skype UK: +44-20-7193-1033

E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lexnet.dk Member: www.eurolex.com



MA Law diploma from University of Copenhagen o Danish original and English translation o Confirmation from the Danish Ministry of Education 

BA Economics diploma from University of Copenhagen o Danish and English original 

Bar Society admission from the Danish Ministry of Justice o High Court admission from the Danish High Court 

 Statements from Employers 

1.  Legal consultants   

COK  Crown Agents  DSPA International  EIPA  European Institute Denmark  IRZ  Lexnet European Information  LGDK International  PAI  Planet  Progeco  SIGMA  TAIEX  WYG International 

 2.  Judicial institutions and public authorities 

Court of Justice of the European Union  Danish Bar and Law Society  Danish High Court of Appeal  Danish Ministry of Justice  Latvian Ministry of Environment 



Page 2: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from


Skolas iela 4-11 LV-1010 Riga Latvia

Skype: gjortler Mobile: +371-2616-2303 VAT: LV 40003655379

Skype DK: +45-3695-7750 Skype US: +1-202-657-6561 Skype UK: +44-20-7193-1033

E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lexnet.dk Member: www.eurolex.com

3.  Law firms 

Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen  Grayston & Company  Kammeradvokaten ‐ Poul Schmidt  Kyed & Jybæk 

 4.  Universities 

Riga Graduate School of Law  University of Copenhagen  University of Lund  University of Roskilde  University of Stockholm 


Page 3: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from


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Civil register number 190856‐0457 Name: Gjørtler, Peter Examination period: January 1985  Has in the above‐mentioned examination period passed the  Master of Law examination  With the results stated on the opposite page and is thus awarded the title of  CANDIDATUS JURIS (Master of Law)  The final university examination in law was introduced by decree at the University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from the law and justice, never counsel anyone on unnecessary litigation and neither through counsel or other means promote any unjust case or intention.   Copenhagen, 15th March 1985  [Signature] H. Gammeltoft‐Hansen, Chairman of the Faculty Council  [Signature] Kirsten Lilbæk, Faculty Secretary 


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Civil register number 190856‐0457 Name: Gjørtler, Peter Examination period: January 1985  Master of Law examination               Grade  Weighting   Result Part 1. End of year exam 1  Personal capacity, family and succession law,  written            10   Introduction to property law, written    9             Average    1.5    14.3 Political economy, written      exemption  1.0  Part 1. End of year exam 2 Public administrative law and administrative law, written        10  1.5    15 Public administrative law and             administrative law, oral        10  1.0    10 International law, oral        10  1.0    10  Part 2.          Criminal law, written        9 Litigation, written          8           Average    1.5    12.8 Criminal law, oral          9  1.0    9.0 Litigation, oral          10  1.0    10.0 Property law 1, written        9 Property law 2, written        7           Average    1.5    12.0 Property law, achievement test      7  1.5    10.5 Presentation of a specific legal case, written  8  1.5    12.0 Jurisprudence, oral          11  1.0    11.0  Optional courses Private international law        11  1.0    11.0 Voluntary arbitration        9  1.0    9.0 Legal comparison: comparative contract law  11  1.0    11.0  Sum of grades: 157.6 Average grade: 9.3 


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UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES  Nørregade 10 Postbox 2177 1017 Copenhagen K Tel.: +45 01 11 08 28  EXAMINATIONS SAT FOR MASTER’S DEGREE IN LAW  CIVIL REGISTER NUMBER 190856‐0457 NAME: GJØRTLER, PETER  Has besides the subjects stated on the examination certificate sat examinations in the following subjects:  Date:      Subject:      Weighting:    Grade:  January 1985   Data law      1.0      11 January 1985   Creditor arrangements  1.0      11    Date: 19th March 1985 [Stamp] [Signature]  


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Extract from the Danish Ministry of Education’s executive order no. 148 of 5th April 1971 as amended by Danish Ministry of Education’s executive order no. 503 of 25th November 1971 concerning marking at institutions of higher education.  §1. For the purposes of a test or examination at the institutions of higher education, if nothing other is stipulated in the regulations of the respective examinations, the assessment “passed” and “not passed” shall be used and expressed by one of the following grades:  Level          Grades            13 Excellent        11           10           9 Good          8           7           6           5 Mediocre        3               0  §6, paragraph 2: in those cases where an examination result is expressed by means of an average quotient, a score of at least 6.0 is required in order to pass.  


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A d v o k a t b e s k i k k e l s e f o r c a n d . j u r . p e t e r G j z r t l e r .


Typewritten Text
English translation: According to Section 119 of the Procedural Code, LL.M Peter Gjørtler is hereby authorised as an attorney. The attorney is subject to rules applicable at any time to the practice of law. Signed on 29 November 1989 at the Ministry of Justice by the minister and countersigned by an official of the ministry.
Typewritten Text
Page 19: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from

PR,,€SIDENTEN FoR OSTRE LANDSRETBredgade 59, 1260 Ksbenhavn K.Tlf.: 33 14 02 00 Fax.: 33 14 58 22

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Typewritten Text
English translation: You are hereby notified that you have passed the examination provided for in Section 133 of the Procedural Code, and accordingly that you are entitled to plead before the High Court of Appeal and to plead in all cases before the Maritime and Merchant Court in Copenhagen. Signed by the president of the court and countersigned by the registrar.
Page 20: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from

S coKC e N r e R r o n O r r e r r l r cK o M P E T E N c E U D v t K L t N G

27 October2OL4

To whom it mav concern

Certificate for work done by Peter Gjdrtler as contract manager

Peter Gj@rtler has worked for COK from June 2011to January 2OL4 as contract manager on the EUproject EPSO/EAS/PO/2OLO(LL6, Management Training and associated services for staff of the EUInstitutions, Agencies and other bodies. Peter Gjortler has served as the COK representative in theprogram responsible EU Consortium BlCKl.

As contract manager for the Senior Management section of the program, Peter Gjortler wasresponsible for the administration, development and implementation of the training services forSenior Management in the EU Commission. In addition, he served as legal advisor to the project inrelation to trainer/staff contractual matters as well as issues concerning contractual mattersregarding COKs participation in the European Consortium BICK .

His work was of very high quality and combined with a high level of commitment. lt has been apleasure for COK to cooperate with Peter GjOrtler, and we look forward to opportunities for futurework, for which we may also highly recommend him.

Kind regards,


t http://www. bickconsorti u m.eu


Page 21: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from


Peter Gjortler

From: Lars Alrø Olesen <[email protected]>Sent: 02 October 2015 12:25To: Peter GjortlerCc: Ib OustrupSubject: Re: Declaration

To whom it might concern Peter Gjørtler Confirmation of work for COK 2011-2014 / Program: EU leadership Program EPSO/EAS/PO/2010/116 As Program Leader I hereby confirm that Peter Gjørtler has been assigned as Contract Manager for COK and the BICK Consortium as contract holder. The amount of work including preparatory work and direct technical assistance to the client of the program, exceeds 330 mandays for the period 2011 to 2014. Best regards

Lars Alrø Olesen Program Manager COK

Fra: Peter Gjortler <[email protected]> Dato: fredag den 2. oktober 2015 kl. 11.11 Til: Lars Alrø Olesen <[email protected]> Emne: FW: Declaration Dear Lars, Ib Oustrup has kindly issued the enclosed confirmation of my work for COK 2011-2014. I am currently part of a project application where the EU requires that the workdays must be indicated in such declarations. As you may see from the enclosed CV, I have calculated the total as 330 workdays, which includes preparatory work. I would kindly ask you as project manager to confirm by reply email that the declaration covers 330 workdays. Kind regards, Peter

Peter Gjørtler - Director Mob: +371-2616-2303, Skype: gjortler Eml: [email protected], Web: www.lexnet.dk


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9 October 2014

To Whom it May Concern

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Mr Peter Gjortler

Please find the following details regarding Mr Peter Gjortler.

Dates of Employment: 9 June 2014 to 30 September 2014

Job Title: Company Contractor – Harmonisation of Public Procurement System in

Ukraine with EU Standards

Reason for Leaving: End of Contract Whilst it is Crown Agents’ policy to provide only this information, this does not reflect nor imply any negative opinion on Peter’s performance or conduct.

Whilst we are pleased to provide this information, we are unable to accept any responsibility or

liability in connection with this reference.

Yours sincerely

Lorraine Tolson HR Officer


Page 23: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from


Peter Gjortler

From: Setters, Noel <[email protected]>Sent: 29 September 2015 17:40To: Peter GjortlerSubject: Declaration - Ukraine Project CA REF: 29375Attachments: Peter Gjortler-Oct15.pdf; Crown-2014-10.pdf

Dear Peter  I am pleased to confirm that you completed 25 working days under contract for the project during the period designated in the Crown Agents document of 9 October 2014 on review and advice relating to the public procurement complaint system.  I hope this confirmation is sufficient for your requirements.  Best regards  Noel  

A Project funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Crown Agents Ltd

Noel Setters

Project Director


St Nicholas Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1EL United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8643 3311 M: +44 (0) 7802 831070 [email protected]


Visit our website at www.crownagents.com  Join us on Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Reg office: St Nicholas House | St Nicholas Road, Sutton | Surrey, SM1 1EL | United Kingdom

T:   +44 (0)20 8643 3311 | F:   +44 (0)20 8643 8232 | e: [email protected]

Crown Agents Ltd Registered in England and Wales No. 3259922 VAT Reg No. GB 340 6798 41


This e‐mail may contain confidential, and/or privileged information intended for use of the addressee only. If you are not the addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee, you may not copy or deliver this to anyone else. If you have received this e‐mail by mistake, please notify us immediately. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent.


Page 24: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from

PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 10th October 2017 To whom it may concern Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Mr Peter Gjortler

Please find the following details regarding Mr Peter Gjortler. Dates of Employment: 4th September 2017 to 15th September 2017 Job Title: Company Contractor – Harmonisation of Public Procurement System in Ukraine with EU Standards Reason for Leaving: End of Contract Whilst it is Crown Agents’ policy to provide only this information, this does not reflect nor imply any negative opinion on Peter’s performance or conduct. Whilst we are pleased to provide this information, we are unable to accept any responsibility or liability in connection with this reference.

Yours sincerely

Hayley Nelson for and on behalf of Crown Agents Limited


Page 25: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from

Private and Confidential 11th October 2017 Peter Gjortler SKOLAS IELA 4-11, RIGA, 1010, LATVIJA, talr. 29245252

Certificate of Professional Experience

To whom it may concern

I, the undersigned, Hayley Nelson, International Resourcing Administrator of Crown Agents (with registered office located Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0SU) confirm that Peter Gjortler worked for Crown Agents, and the professional experience indicated in his CV is true and correct. Peter Gjortler participated in the following assignments:

Date(format) Location Company Position Description

September 2017 (15 wd)

Ukraine Crown Agents Expert Harmonisation of Public Procurement System in Ukraine with EU Standards Report on the eProcurement system in Ukraine and drafting of terms of reference for a further evaluation of the system.

I’m pleased to recommend him for any suitable position.

Yours sincerely

Hayley Nelson

for and on behalf of

Crown Agents Limited


Page 26: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from

Danish School of Public Administration Lindevangs Allé 6 - 12 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Tlf.: +45 38 14 52 00 Fax: +45 31 86 56 14 e-mail [email protected]

DFH-International 6 June 2003 Direct pho: +45 38 14 53 14 Direct fax: +45 38 14 53 46 email: [email protected] www.dspa.dk

To whom it may concern On behalf of the Danish School of Public Administration (Danmarks Forvaltningshøjskole), I hereby confirm that Peter Gjørtler is has been employed as consultant and has undertaken advisory work and lecturing on EU law during the period 1995 to 2001 for DSPA International, including work as team leader on projects implemented by DSPA International during this period. Kind regards, Pia Sletberg Skov


Page 27: Peter Gjortler Jun06-app Gjortler... · 2020-05-28 · University of Copenhagen on 10th February 1736. According to §8 of this decree law graduates must never knowingly deviate from


Peter Gjortler

From: Lisa Brønnum <[email protected]>Sent: 30 September 2015 10:26To: Peter GjortlerCc: Sami Stephan BoutaibaSubject: SV: Declaration

Dear Peter, I hereby confirm, that the declaration issued by Pia Sletberg Skov on behalf of the former Director of Danish School of Public Administration, Ms Inge Mærkedahl, did cover a full-time position, with projects corresponding to 570 workdays, including 30 workdays on the PHARE project in Lithuania (1995), 50 workdays on the SIDA project in Estonia (1997-1999), 350 workdays on the PHARE project in Romania (1996-1999), and 50 workdays on the PHARE project in Poland (2000). Best wishes, Lisa Med venlig hilsen Lisa Brønnum   Chefkonsulent Det Sundhedsfaglige og Teknologiske Fakultet Det Samfundsfaglige og Pædagogiske Fakultet Professionshøjskolen Metropol   [email protected] Direkte 72 48 93 48 Tagensvej 18 Tlf. 72 48 75 00 2200 København N. phmetropol.dk  

Fra: Peter Gjortler [[email protected]] Sendt: 29. september 2015 16:21 Til: Lisa Brønnum Cc: Sami Stephan Boutaiba Emne: FW: Declaration

Dear Lisa,   The previous director of DSPA (Danish School of Public Administration), Pia Sletberg Skov, has issued the enclosed declaration concerning my work for DSPA International 1995‐2001. I am currently part of a project application where the EU requires that the workdays must be indicated in such declarations. I understand that DSPA is now merged into Metropolitan University College, which is why I address you in relation to a confirmation of the workdays.   As you may see from the enclosed CV, I have indicated that I worked full‐time for the DSPA as a consultant from 1999‐2000, and I have furthermore specified several projects with a calculated total of 570 workdays, which includes preparatory work. I would kindly ask you whether you might confirm by reply email that the declaration issued by the former director covers a full‐time position, and that the specified projects comprise 570 workdays.   Kind regards, Peter   


Peter Gjørtler ‐ Director Mob: +371‐2616‐2303, Skype: gjortler Eml: [email protected], Web: www.lexnet.dk 



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Peter Gjortler

From: Peter Goldschmidt <[email protected]>Sent: 21 June 2018 15:53To: Peter GjortlerSubject: RE: Additional certificate

Dear Peter Gjørtler,  I hereby acknowledge receipt of your below request.  On 1 October 1995, I was recruited by Danmarks Forvaltningshøjskole (the Danish School of Public Administration – hereinafter referred to as “DSPA”) as an EU Counsellor and attached to the school’s international department, DSPA International.  On 1 January 1997, I was promoted to Senior Consultant and during the period 1 February – 31 July 1997, I was appointed Activing Director for DSPA International.  At the end of September 1997, I left the DSPA to take up a position at my current employer, the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA).  In view of the above, and in direct response to your below question, I can therefore confirm the certificate issued by Pia Sletbjerg Skov on 6 June 2003 concerning your work for the Danish School of Public Administration – DSPA International. The institution no longer exists (cf. immediately below), but as former Acting Director of DSPA International, I may confirm that you worked 350 man‐days from September 1996 to November 1999 on the PHARE Programme of Assistance for the Approximation of Legislation for the Office of the Prime Minister in Romania, and that your tasks comprised reform of public administration, including advice on legal policy and implementation, development of training plan and implementation of seminars, with project activities that included review of administrative structures and procedures in relation to all sectors of the EU white book setting out policy goals for facilitating accession, as well as support for legislative drafting and training related to the requirements of EU administrative law.  In this context, allow me to clarify the situation of the DSPA:  The DSPA became part of the Professionshøjskolen Metropol (i.e. the Professional College Metropol – hereinafter referred to as ”Metropol”) in 2008.  In 2010, the DSPA as an legal entity was dissolved and part of its activities were taken over by Metropol.  Today these activities constitute part of Metropol’s Institut for Ledelse og Forvaltning (Institute for Leadership and Public Administration). I hope with this to have clarified and certified your working relationship with the DSPA (now Professionshøjskolen Metropol).  Should you or the EU Delegation have any further questions to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Sincerely yours,  Peter Goldschmidt Director 

 European Centre for Judges and Lawyers EIPA Luxembourg  Tel.: +352 426 230 200 @:  [email protected] 


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03 /07 2008 THU L7 :07 FAX @ o o t t o o z

European Institute - DenmarkDet Danske, Europa Iwtitut ttS

03 July 2008

Letter of confirmation

This is to confirm that Peter Gjortler has performed the following tasks on projectsfinanced by the EU under Cards and Pharq and under projects financed by the DanishMinistry of Foreign Affairs

Team LeaderPeter Gjartler has managed teams of up to 20 experts on projects held by theEuropean Institute Denmark as part of consortia or on their own. A team leader, hehas held responsibility for the planning and deployment of project resources, both inrelation to budgets and to human resources. During the project, he has undertakencurrent relations with both the beneficiaries and the contracting authorities. He hasalso had responsibility for designing implementation strategies and carrying out theinterim and final reporting of the projects, in cooperation with the home office.

The projects include:

June 2003 toApril2004

Lithuania TeamLeader

Programme of Assistance tothe Reglonal Gourtsand the Public Prosecutor, FEU ProgrammeManagement of project and experts, budget controland reporting, development of training plan, andimplementation of seminars on EU procedural andsubstantive law

June 2003 toApril2004

LaMa TeamLeader

Programme of Asslstanee to the Supreme Court,Constitutlonal Court, Regional Gourts and theSaeima, FEU ProgrammesManagement of project and experts, budget controland reporting, development of training plan andimplementation of seminars on EU procedural andsubstantive law

May to June2003

Turkey TeamLeader

Programme of Assistance for the Training ofJudges, FEU ProgrammeManagement of project and experts, budget controland reporting, development of training plan andimplementation of seminars on EU procedural andsubstantive law

April 2003 toJanuary2AO5

Croatia TeamLeader

Prograrnme of Assistance to the GroatianGompetltion Authority, Cards ProgrammeManagement of project and experts, budget controland reporting, advice on legal policy, andimolementation of institutional review.

August 2001to January2003



Programme of Assistance for the lmplementationof the Internal Market, FEU ProgrammeManagement of project and experts, budget controland reporting, development of training plan andimplementation of seminars, advice on legal policyand implementation

t'olqnusgaqe oDK-1062 Kabenhavn K.Denmark

rnone: +ztc cJ JJ v1 uuFax: +45 33 33 91 20E-Mail: [email protected]

cvR nr. 196tut4g

Website: www,euroinst.dk


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0 3 / 0 7 2 0 0 8 T H U 1 7 : 0 8 F A X @ o o z r o o z

Training expertPeter Gjortler has participated as a training expert in many of the projectsimplemented by the European Institute Denmark. As training expert, he has heldresponsibility for designing the overall training plan, as well setting up trainingprogrammes for the individual seminars and participating as a co-trainer on a verybroad range of EU topics. This has also involved the creation and supervision oftraining materials and hand-outs so as to ensure interactive training with participantactivation.

The projects include all of the above mentioned, and in addition also:



October toNovember2002

Poland Expert Programme of Assistance for the Training ofJudges, FEU ProgrammePlanning of seminarcontent and implementation ofseminars on EU procedural and substantive law

August 2002to April 2003

Russia Expert Programme of Assistance for the Legal ReforrnProcess, FEU ProgrammeAdvice on legal policy and instltutionat reform anddevelopment of conferences and workings groupson constitutional law protection for judges and civilsocietv


Romania Expert Programme of Assistance for RegionalDevelopment, FEU ProgrammePlanning of seminar content and implernentation ofseminars on EU procedural and substantive law

August toNovember2001

Estonia Expert Programme of Assistance for Media Relations,FEU Progr:ammePlanning of serninar content and implementation ofseminars on EU media law

Boldhusgade 6DK-1062 Copenhagen K.Denmark


+45 33 33 91 00+45 [email protected]

CVR nr. 19670740www.euroinst.dk


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Peter Gjortler

From: Karen Vestergaard-Poulsen <[email protected]> on behalf of Karen Vestergaard-Poulsen <[email protected]>

Sent: 30 September 2015 13:46To: Peter GjortlerSubject: SV: Declarations

I hereby declare that Peter Gjørtler worked as a full-time Director European Institute Denmark 2001-2005. The specified projects comprise in total 599 workdays, including 120 workdays on the FEU project in the Czech Republic (2001-2003). 100 workdays on the FEU project in Lithuania (2003-2004), 50 workdays on the FEU project in Latvia (2003-2004), and 220 workdays on the CARDS project in Croatia (2003-2005). Yours sincerely Karen Vestergaard-Poulsen Managing Director European Institute Denmark Kongens Nytorv 21 1050 Copenhagen K Denmark




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Peter Gjortler

From: Thalhammer Teresa <[email protected]>Sent: 01 October 2015 22:47To: Peter GjortlerSubject: AW: Declaration

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow upFlag Status: Flagged

Dear Peter, Herewith I would like to precise that you implemented a total of 500 working days as key expert in Kyiv, Ukraine for the project “Harmonisation of Competition and Public Procurement standards in Ukraine” between 2009 and 2012. The attached certificate of your assignment, issued on 1 July 2013, did not take into account the whole project duration and therefore is wrong as far as the number of working days is concerned. Kind regards Teresa Thalhammer Leiterin des Projektbereichs Südkaukasus Head of Section Southern Caucasus

Ubierstraße 92 D - 53173 Bonn Telefon +49 - 228 - 95 55 - 114 Telefax +49 - 228 - 95 55 - 2114 Mobil +49 - 151 - 52659 - 114 [email protected] www.irz.de ******************************* Sicherheitscheck: Diese Mail und die Dateianlagen wurden vom Absender mit Symantec Endpoint Protection auf Computerviren geprüft. Von: Peter Gjortler [mailto:[email protected]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. September 2015 13:31 An: Thalhammer Teresa Betreff: Declaration Dear Teresa, You have kindly issued the enclosed confirmation of my work for IRZ 2009-2013. I am currently part of a project application where the EU requires that the workdays must be indicated in such declarations. As you may see from the enclosed CV, I have calculated the total as 500 workdays, which includes preparatory work. I would kindly ask you to confirm by reply email that the declaration covers 500 workdays. Kind regards, Peter

Peter Gjørtler - Director Mob: +371-2616-2303, Skype: gjortler Eml: [email protected], Web: www.lexnet.dk


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 14 January 2020


D:\Dropbox\From 02 Administ\001 CV\01 Peter\Special\00 Annexes\employers\employ2020\Certificate-Lexnet2020.docx 

LEXNET SIA Skolas iela 4-11 LV-1010 Riga, Latvia

Skype: gjortler Mobile: +371-2616-2303 VAT: LV 40003655379

Skype DK: +45-3695-7750 Skype US: +1-202-657-6561 Skype UK: +44-20-7193-1033

E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lexnet.dk Member: www.eurolex.com


Certificate of Professional Experience

To whom it may concern

I, the undersigned, Ligita Gjortlere, Chair of the Board of Lexnet (with registered office

located Skolas iela 4-11, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia) confirm that Peter Gjortler worked for

Lexnet, and the professional experience indicated in his CV is true and correct.

Peter Gjortler has participated in the following assignments:

Date (format)

Location Company Position Description

September 1991 to November 2018 (part-time, 20 wd/year)

Latvia and


Lexnet Director Legal development projects, legal training and legal advice for public and private clients

Focus on free movement, competition, state aid, environment, public procurement, intellectual property, public and private international law, as well as human rights and judicial training

August to September 2018 (10 wd)



Lexnet Expert Programme supporting the Establishment of Unified Court Practice in the Macedonian Legal System, CLRA Programme for the British Embassy in Skopje

Review, report and recommendations on the best European practice in measuring performance of public prosecutors

February to March 2016 (10 wd)



Lexnet Expert Programme for Training of Human Rights Trainers, MYLA project for USAID

Training for the legal profession on the application of human rights in the European Union, with focus on the practical application in national law

September to October 2015 (10 wd)



Lexnet Expert Programme supporting the Establishment of Unified Court Practice in the Macedonian Legal System, CLRA Programme for the British Embassy in Skopje

Review, report and recommendations on court practice, with focus on judicial consistency and transparency, as well as the application of case law


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Skolas iela 4-11 LV-1010 Riga Latvia

Skype: gjortler Mobile: +371-2616-2303 VAT: LV 40003655379

Skype DK: +45-3695-7750 Skype US: +1-202-657-6561 Skype UK: +44-20-7193-1033

E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lexnet.dk Member: www.eurolex.com



May 2010 to January 2011 (20 wd)

Kosovo Lexnet Expert Programme of Support for Public Procurement Reform, EuropeAid project

Advice on legislation and guidelines, and planning and implementation of training on EU remedies in public procurement, with focus on effective supervision and anti-corruption, as well as cross border procurement

August to October 2006 (20 wd)

Croatia Lexnet Team Leader

Programme for Building Capacity for Negotiating within an Enlarged EU, FEU programme, FEU project of the Danish government

Seminars for Balkan and Turkish officials in EU negotiation procedures, with focus on reform of national systems and achievement of policy goals

May to June 2006 (12 wd)

Cyprus Lexnet Expert Programme for Information on the EU and the acquis in the northern part of Cyprus, British Council project

Planning of seminar content and implementation of seminars on EU company law, with focus on practical implications for cross border trade

December 2004 November 2005 (22 wd)

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro,


Lexnet Expert Programme of Assistance for the Training of Judges and the European Integration Office, Council of Europe project

Seminar on European and international procedural law, with focus on home and justice affairs and practical implications for cross border trade

April to May 2004 (12 wd)

Turkey Lexnet Expert Programme of Continuous Professional Training, FEU project of the Danish government

Planning of seminar content and implementation of seminar on EU internal market law for officials from central and regional authorities

April to November 2001 (30 wd)

Latvia Lexnet Expert Masters Programme in EU-Law for Latvian Officials, FEU project of the Danish government

Seminars on EU procedural and substantive law, including constitutional foundations and practical implications for national legal systems

I’m pleased to recommend him for any suitable position.

Signed in Riga on 14 January 2020

Ligita Gjortlere

Chairperson, Lexnet


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To whom it may concern

This is to confirm the certificate issued 19 September 2008 by

Peter Warming, whereby Peter Gjørtler has worked for the

International Consultancy Division of Local Government

Denmark on projects in Latvia and Bulgaria. The details of the projects are as follows:

Title: Technical Assistance to the Public Procurement Monitoring Bureau

Tasks: Reform of procurement system as Resident Advisor and

Team Leader, including advice on administrative and legislative

policy, and implementation of institutional review. Programme

activities included revision of legislation and consultations on

legislative policy and administrative structures, as well as

development of development of electronic publication system

for tenders, including use of electronic catalogues and

framework contracts, as part of the administrative development

and enforcement of an e-procurement system.

Period: 11/2004 - 07/2006

Man-days: 340

Funding instrument: Twinning

Title: Technical Assistance to the Public Procurement Agency

Tasks: Advice on legal policy and implementation of institutional

review. Project activities included review of institutional

structures and procedures, as well as advice on compliance with

the requirements of EU administrative law, review of complaint

procedures and proposal of amendments for the Bulgarian

implementation legislation concerning the application of

procurement procedures.

Den 20. juni 2018


[email protected]

Dir 3370

Weidekampsgade 10

Postboks 3370

2300 København S

Tlf 3370 3370

Fax 3370 3371




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Period: 12/2004 — 03/2005

Man-days: 40

Funding instrument: Twinning

Best regards

KL / Bør Krogh Samuelsen


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Certificate of Professional Experience

To whom it may concern

I, the undersigned, Vyacheslav Gromlyuk, Director of Public Administration International (PAI), with a

registered office at 56 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HP, United Kingdom, confirm that Peter Gjortler

was engaged by PAI as a consultant for the following assignment:

Date (format)

Location Company Position Description

May to June 2019 (10 wd)

North Macedonia

PAI Expert • Programme for Assistance to the Academy for Judges and Prosecutors, OSCE project

• Seminar on legal writing and legal reasoning skills, based best practice in national courts, the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union

I do not hesitate to recommend him for any suitable position.

Signed in London on 14 January 2020

Vyacheslav Gromlyuk



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Athens, 20/6/2018

To whom it may concern:

This is to certify that Mr. Peter Gjørtler is Team Leader of the Technical Assistance

project “Technical Support for the modernisation of Public Procurement in Lebanon”

(ENPI/2013/327-622), during the period June 2016 until the end of the project,

which is foreseen for autumn 2018. The total involvement of Mr. Gjørtler is 150

person days.

Mr. Gjørtler was and still is successfully involved in the review of Lebanese

administrative law on public procurement to increase applicability and

approximation to EU norms and in the training and introduction of E-procurement.

In more detail, project activities he was involved in included drafting of decree on

public procurement and monitoring authority, drafting of guidelines and standard

documents, development of an e-procurement system, implementation of an

awareness raising strategy, and training of contracting entities and economic


Christos Giannakopoulos

President and Managing Director


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Athens, 27/9/2017

To whom it may concern:

This is to certify that Mr. Peter Gjørtler has participated in the implementation of the

Technical Assistance project “Improving Administrative Capacities in the Area of

Public Procurement in Kosovo” (Service Contract: EuropeAid/132388/C/SER/XK) as

Senior Short Term legal expert, during the period March 2017 until June 2017, for 40

person days.

His task was the lead of a team of 4 Senior Short Term legal experts and the active

participation in the elaboration of an analytical proposal for a new Public

Procurement Law for Kosovo, containing both general and specific proposals for

amendments of the existing law, to achieve increased efficiency and legal certainty

in the field of Public Procurement.

Christos Giannakopoulos

President and Managing Director


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PROGECO S.r.l. –Corso Porta Reno 115 – 44100 Ferrara Cap. Soc. . € 66.300 int.vers. - P.I. 01449170388 – R.I. FE/01449170388

Sede legale ed operativa Corso Porta Reno 115 – 44100 Ferrara (FE) Tel +39.0532.79.09.80 Fax +39.0532.79.02.31 E-mail [email protected]


Ferrara, 14 October 2008


We hereby certify that Mr Peter GJORTLER worked as International Senior Key Expert in Judicial

Training within the EC funded project EuropeAid/121507/D/SER/MK “Technical Assistance to the

Training Institute for the Judiciary (Phase II)” in Macedonia, from February 2007 to October 2008.

Mr Gjortler efficiently performed his tasks and we highly recommend him for similar assignments.


Michele Deserti Managing Director Progeco S.r.l.



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Peter Gjortler

From: Maria Afonso <[email protected]>Sent: 21 June 2018 16:15To: Peter GjortlerSubject: Additional certificate

  To whom it may concern,   This is to confirm the certificate issued by Michele Deserti on 14 October 2008 on behalf of Progeco concerning the project Technical Assistance to the Training Institute for the Judiciary – Phase II (IPA), which took place in Macedonia from 2007 to 2009. The company Progeco no longer exists, but as team leader on the project, I may confirm that Peter Gjortler worked 200 man‐days and that his tasks included advice on administrative law and procedure, as well as development and implementation of training programmes for candidate judges and continuous training for judges. Project activities included advice on administrative structures and procedures for the training institution, as well as assistance with development of curricula for the training of administrative law topics.   Sincerely yours, Maria Afonso  --

Amoreiras - Torre 3, 612 1070-274 Lisboa Portugal Ph +351 211 978 625 Ph2 +351 214 818 904 Gs +351 937 102 524 Fax +351 214 818 905 skype name: maria-afonso [email protected] www.mafonso.eu


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Brasseis, 8 October 2014


The European Commission, Directorate General Enlargement, Institution Building Unit (D2) is dealing with the TAIEX Instrument.

The main task of the unit is the provision of short-term technical assistance to help countries with their approximation to and implementation of the EU Acquis and to inform them about best practices. Beneficiaries are the candidate and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey as well as the countries under the European Neighbourhood Policy. Even after their accession in 2004 we have worked for the countries of the fifth enlargement round until 2008.

The assistance is delivered upon the beneficiaries' demand in the form of seminars and workshops, study visits and expert missions. For the expertise given we are mainly relying on officials and rarely academics from the Member States.

Mr Peter Gjortler has been an expert for the TAIEX instrument since 2003 and we continued to rely on his expertise until 2012. He has extensively worked in all countries of the fifth enlargement round and after 2008 he contributed to seminars the TAIEX instrument organised in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Belarus and Israel.

The expertise of Mr Gjortler in EU Law is outstanding. We have asked for his availability for numerous workshops dealing with various issues of the classic EU law including the procedures before the European Court of Justice. However Mr Gjortler is also competent on topics regarding the political criteria of Copenhagen such as for example freedom of expression, access to justice and other more specific topics outside the scope of classic EU Law.

His lectures were highly appreciated by our beneficiary countries. I was always glad when he accepted to be our speaker, knowing that the participants to the seminars in the various countries would benefit from his extraordinary experience.

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office·. CHAR 03/173 Telephone: +32 2 295 08 03 Fax: +32-2-296 68 40 E-mail: Christiane.Kirschbaum @ec.europą.eu


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Peter Gjortler

From: [email protected]: 29 September 2015 15:32To: Peter GjortlerSubject: RE: Declaration

Dear Mr; Gjortler, I confirm. Regards C.KIRSCHBAUM ------------------------------------------------------ Christiane KIRSCHBAUM

Principal Administrator Head of Section Justice and Home Affairs European Commission Directorate-General Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) C.3 Institution Building Unit (TAIEX) LOI 15 4/003 B-1049 Brussels Tel.:+32 2 29 50803 Fax:+32 2 29 67694

From: Peter Gjortler [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 1:03 PM To: KIRSCHBAUM Christiane (NEAR) Subject: Declaration Dear Christiane, You have kindly issued the enclosed confirmation of my work for TAIEX 2003-2012. I am currently part of a project application where the EU requires that the workdays must be indicated in such declarations. As you may see from the enclosed CV, I have calculated the total as 229 workdays, which includes preparatory work and also the year of 2015. I would kindly ask you to confirm by reply email that the declaration covers 229 workdays and also covers 2015. Kind regards, Peter

Peter Gjørtler - DirectorMob: +371-2616-2303, Skype: gjortler Eml: [email protected], Web: www.lexnet.dk


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Contact details: Rue de la Loi 15, B-1000 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 15, B-1000 Brussel - Belgium - Office: L-15 04/090. Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07. Fax: +32-2-296 76 94. Email: [email protected]

Brussels, 06 October 2017


This is to confirm that Mr Peter Gjortler participated as an expert/speaker in the following TAIEX activities:

ATCC HOME 65115 - MTA in the Field of Legal Professions (14 July - 13 October 2017)

ATCC IND/EXP 64305 - Expert Mission on Legal Professions (Nicosia, 11 - 12 April 2017)

ATCC IND/EXP 63820 - Expert Mission on Legal Professions (Nicosia, 21 – 22 February 2017)

ATCC HOME 63817 - MTA in the Field of Legal Professions (12 January - 13 April 2017)

ATCC IND/EXP 63478 - Expert Mission on Legal Professions (Nicosia, 07 - 08 November 2016)

ATCC HOME 62857 - MTA in the Field of Legal Professions (07 - 29 July 2016)

ATCC IND/EXP 62109 - MTA Expert Mission on Legal Professions (Nicosia, 09 - 10 May 2016)

ATCC HOME 62041 - MTA in the Field of Legal Professions (04 April - 03 July 2016)

ATCC IND/EXP 61448 - MTA Expert Mission on Legal Professions (Nicosia, 22 - 23 February 2016)

ATCC HOME 61244 - MTA in the field of legal professions (14 December 2015 - 13 March 2016)

ATCC IND/EXP 60721 - MTA Expert Mission on legal professions (Nicosia, 22 - 23 October 2015)

ATCC HOME 60350 - MTA in the field of legal professions (20 August - 19 November 2015)

Ref. Ares(2017)4886976 - 06/10/2017


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ATCC IND/EXP 59989 - Expert mission on legal professions (Nicosia, 23 – 24 June 2015)

ATCC HOME 60000 - MTA in the field of legal professions (17 June - 19 August 2015)

ATCC IND/EXP 59095 - Expert Mission on legal professions (Nicosia, 23 - 25 March 2015)

The present document is delivered at the request of Mr Peter Gjortler.


Scott BOWEN Team Leader ETT

Electronically signed on 06/10/2017 11:36 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 4.2 (Validity of electronic documents) of Commission Decision 2004/563


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To whom it may concern

Re Peter Gj0rtler • Strengthening the administrative and managerial capacity for an efficient implementation of the legislation on public procurement.

Peter Gjl2lrtler worked for WYG International on the above project as Key Expert 3, Public Procurement Expert, from December 2006 to October 2007.

Peter's work on the project was of a very high quality and his commitment was exemplorary.

For the final 5 months of the project Peter acted as an unofficial Team Leader, with the agreement of the beneficiary. The fact that he agreed to take on the extra workload that this entailed, in addition to his Key Expert responsibilities, says a great deal about Peter's professionalism and attitude.

We w~Jld highly recommend him for future work. ' i

A \'\?xj \'-Lie' A j I! A.~I ~ \

v . '--\_t'Y f \.; I

Godfrey Claff <,\"1--" +-----::.-- \ Project Director

Cl C8 talys! fur Cil;i[HJ('

WYG International Limited, Newstead Court, Little Oak Drive, Sherwood Business Park, Annesl ey, Nottinghamshi re NG1 5 ODR

" Tel : +44 (0)1623 684500 ' Fax: +44 (0)1623 684545 E-mail: [email protected] Website : www.wyginternationa l.com

Reg istered in England Number 3195485. Registered Office: Arndale Court, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2UJ.

A White Young Green Company (www.wyg.com). Offices throughout the UK and overseas. 53

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3rd October 2008 DCF/EW/9930 To Whom It May Concern This is to certify that Peter Gjortler has been working as Team Leader on the

“Strengthening the institutional and administrative capacity of the Ministry of Justice and

Public Ministry, as central institutions, Romania” project from May 2008 to date. The

project is due to complete at the end of November 2008.

If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact us. Yours faithfully

David Charles Ford Director


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WYG International Limited, Geneva Building, Lake View Drive, Sherwood Business Park, Annesley, Nottingham NG15 0ED

T: +44 (0)1623 684 500 F: +44 (0)1623 684 545 E: [email protected] W: www.wyg.com

WYG International Ltd Registered in England Number: 3195485 Registered office: Arndale Court, Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2UJ

Our ref: Peter Gjortler 30 September 2015 To whom it may concern I hereby confirm that Peter Gjortler was contracted by WYG International Limited as an Associate Consultant on the following EU PHARE funded projects: ‘Strengthening the institutional and administrative capacity of the Ministry of Justice and Public

Ministry, as central institutions’, Romania, as project Team Leader, working a total of 100 days from May 2008 to November 2008.

‘Strengthening the administrative and managerial capacity, for an efficient implementation of the legislation on public procurement’ as Key Expert 3: Public Procurement Expert, working a total of 205 days between December 2006 and November 2007. For the final five months of the project, Peter acted as an unofficial Team Leader, with the agreement of the beneficiary.

Yours faithfully Keith J Cook Managing Director


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Peter Gjortler

From: Andreas Christensen <[email protected]>Sent: 21 June 2018 22:45To: Peter GjortlerCc: Jette Nim LarsenSubject: VS: Certificate concerning the Ministry of JusticeAttachments: Justice.pdf

Dear Peter As a former colleague of yours, having worked as Head of Section in the Ministry of Justice, I can hereby confirm that the description of tasks in your CV is correct, including assignments as public prosecutor, assistant judge and legal advisor during the years 1985-1991. I can also confirm that the ministry does not issue certificates specifying tasks. Kind regards Andreas Christensen Attorney

T +45 3334 4226 |M +45 5234 4226 |vCard |


Horten Advokatpartnerselskab | Philip Heymans Allé 7 | DK-2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen T +45 3334 4000 | F +45 3334 4001 | CVR 33775229 | horten.dk

Read how Horten processes personal data here

Please note that information contained in this e-mail and any attachments is intended for the use of the addressee only and is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. If received in error, please delete it from your system and notify us by phone. Any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this communication without our prior permission is strictly prohibited.

Fra: Peter Gjortler [mailto:[email protected]] Sendt: 20. juni 2018 18:25 Til: Andreas Christensen <[email protected]> Emne: Certificate concerning the Ministry of Justice Dear Andreas, I am currently being evaluated for an EU project and I have received a request for additional certification of my CV concerning the Ministry of Justice. I have explained that as a principle, the ministry only confirms employment and not tasks. However, I have been asked whether in such case, a former colleague might confirm the description of tasks, and also to confirm that the ministry does not issue certificates specifying tasks. If you would find this possible, I would very much appreciate this. Kind regards, Peter

Peter Gjørtler - Director Mob: +371-2616-2303, Skype: gjortler Eml: [email protected], Web: www.lexnet.eu


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Peter Gjortler

From: Zaneta MikosaSent: 29 September 2015 13:57To: Peter GjortlerSubject: Atb.: Declaration

Dear Peter, I am glad to confirm that the declaration covers 40 workdays including preperatory and experties work for the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional development work within the time of Presidency of the EU Council. Kind regards, Žaneta Mikosa No: Peter Gjortler Nosūtīts: otrdiena, 2015. gada 29. septembrī 13:32 Kam: Žaneta Mikosa ([email protected]) Kopija: Zaneta Mikosa Tēma: Declaration

Dear Zaneta, You have kindly issued the enclosed confirmation of my work for the Ministry of Environment in 2015. I am currently part of a project application where the EU requires that the workdays must be indicated in such declarations. As you may see from the enclosed CV, I have calculated the total as 40 workdays, which includes preparatory work. I would kindly ask you to confirm by reply email that the declaration covers 40 workdays. Kind regards, Peter

Peter Gjørtler - Director Mob: +371-2616-2303, Skype: gjortler Eml: [email protected], Web: www.lexnet.dk


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RIGAGRADUATEscHooloFrAw 29 September 2015

To whom it may concern

This is to confirm that Peter GjOrtler is employed as Director of lnternational Development Department

and senior lecturer at Riga Graduate Schoo[ of Law, where he has worked since 1999. The position is a

half-time position.

Karina Kulberga,


Kind regards,

Strelnieku iela4k-2, Riga LV-1010Telephone: +371 67039230Fax +371 67039240

Reg. No. [email protected]


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