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The Tarot is a set of 78 cards. Of these, 22 constitute the Major Mysteries or themes around which most of our lives can be consid-ered to orbit: birth, death, fortune, and love to mention but a few. The remaining 56 cards represent situations and events in life. It is a set of pegs from which to hang our interpre-tations of life and establish meaning.

The beauty — and genius — of the Tarot is that as a set of simple pictures it holds universal appeal. It provides a very simple, yet profound way of looking at ourselves and understanding where we might be in our lives. The practice of reading Tarot can lead to greater understanding and self-realization.

The imagery of The Hobbit, indeed the world of J.R.R. Tolkien in general, is very profound, yet also very gentle and beautiful. Tolkien takes us into a world of magic and mystery, of little people and mighty giants, and other imaginary beings. In The Hobbit, he draws us into the world of a Hobbit, a small gentle, home-loving creature who sud denly finds himself catapulted into a heroic quest that takes him away from all that he has ever known.



In a sense, the journey of Bilbo Baggins is perhaps rather like our own journeys, with a tendency to cling to what is known, a disdain of change, and an unwilling hero who grad-ually finds within himself qualities he never knew he had. As the story unfolds, he makes decisions, and deals with the consequences of them. He attempts to make things work out for the best, makes certain concessions to reality, and strives for what is right. Each of the characters of this story, from the Elves right across to the Dragon Smaug, has been subjected to intense scrutiny and analysis. It is possible to read as much, or as little, into these powerful images as one wishes — but the story was originally written by Tolkien for his little children at bedtime!

In bringing together the Tarot and The Hobbit, a kind of marriage has been achieved between these two very distinct mythical realms, and like all unions, this one also has its own contradictions and unities, its own ‘personae’. This will become apparent as these cards are used for readings, or as an aid to meditation. Reader response and feedback is encouraged through the author’s and artist’s respective websites. Please enjoy!




O • THE FOOLBilbo sets out on his journey from Bag-End,

giving his home a rearward glance as his feet take him along the open road. He thinks about the arrival of Gandalf and the Dwarves, wondering how he became embroiled in such an adventure. Naturally, he has his reser-vations and doubts. But deep down he knows that the time has come for him to spread his wings and experience more of what the world can offer.

Divinatory meaning: A new chapter of life is opening up. Being open to adventures in life, a personal journey, spontaneous. Life is full of sudden happenings. In a spread, this card says that the part of your self that needs adven-tures has come to life. Time to take a leap of faith and see where it takes you! There is a need to exercise some degree of caution here, though. Just leaping off any cliff is a risky thing to do, either love-wise or business-wise! The emphasis of this card is to try and balance spontaneity with a degree of sense and future thinking.

Reversed, this card can show a reluctance to make a commitment, or going off in a crazy direction — a fool’s errand. Or it can



show someone else possessing these qualities, which will bring disruption into our lives.

I • THE MAGICIANGandalf gazes into a crystal sphere — a

Palantir, perhaps a metaphor for the intuition and visionary states. Gandalf is sitting on a rock (earth), beside a lake (water), holding his staff in his arms (fire), at his feet a lunar sickle (air). He is deep in thought, perhaps gaining an insight into the future. His right forefinger points lazily towards the sphere, creating a vor-tex there, and thus influencing events far away, in the real world of action. Energy follows thought! Behind him a glorious full moon arises, representing completion.

We notice that he is standing in a stone circle, formed by ancient dolmen-like erec-tions. Has this druid returned to a stone circle of his ancestors, perhaps to most effectively cast the spell he has in mind?

Divinatory meaning: Put your message across to a wider audience. Concentrate on an objective to achieve your potential. This card is saying that it’s time to use your initiative, to communicate and use your powers of persuasion. Life is definitely going to be what you make of it. Knowledge, information and



data all are vital, but these are things that need to be constantly renewed. If this card shows someone else, they will be a boon to you in your future plans.

Reversed, it can show deceit, tricksters, phony salesmanship, gimmicks, scams and fraud, either on a personal scale, or collectively.

II • THE HIGH PRIESTESSTwo pillars uphold a royal archway, a circle

of light upon one, and one for darkness adorn-ing the other. Underneath the archway a lunar crescent signals that for everything there is a season. On the left page it reads “The lost key to the Book of Dain” and on the right page “Lord of the Misty Mountain.”

Dain the First was the last King of the Dwarves in the Grey Mountains before the Dragon Smaug attacked. Dain the Second (Ironfoot) was proclaimed King of Durin’s folk (the Dwarves) upon Thorin’s death in the Battle of the Five Armies.

The lost key thus refers to the power of destiny, and of history itself to bring all things back to full circle. The history of events between the two Dains is more fully covered in The Silmarillio, but suffice it to say, it tells us of the many wars against the Dragons,



and other demonic creatures. It was under-neath the Misty Mountain that the Dwarven kingdom of Moria existed.

Divinatory meaning: Be guided by your intuition, secrets, deep feelings kept hidden. If this card is showing you, it says right now to get in touch with your deeper feelings, which you may have kept hidden from your-self for years! If it shows another, this person may well help you to do just this.

Reversed, it says there are deep feelings within your heart for someone who you are scared of contacting.

III • THE EMPRESSBilbo and Gandalf are united in the deep-

est bonds of spiritual love with their fellow Companions on this great Quest. Gandalf points with the forefinger of his right hand, showing us the direction the Companions are to take. Or has he just spotted someone or something coming over the horizon? We are, here in this place, reminded of the tremen-dous power of spiritual and earthly love, which has motivated life itself, and expressed itself in innumerable forms.

Divinatory meaning: Harmony, creativity, sensual pleasure, and abundance. In a spread



it shows that now is the time to encourage greater harmony and love in your life. This card has a connection with the arts, fertility, prosperity, and gain. If it shows another, this person will be important in assisting you towards these goals. It can also show the role of mothering, either literally, or symbolically.

Reversed, it shows greed, sensuality, and possessiveness.

IV • THE EMPERORThe Elf King sits on the bough of a tree,

preparing an arrow in his hands. The many shades of green in which he is adorned show his deep affinity with nature, and his ability to blend with this force and adapt. His dagger is sheathed on his hip-belt, close to hand and ready for use. He has the energy of relaxed readiness. Two white swans in the fore-ground represent purity. The harp symbolizes independence and freedom. The entire scene is imbued with a strange, purple radiance of the astral plane. A dormant volcano in the background holds the hidden powers of earth.

Divinatory meaning: The struggle for independence, order from chaos, leadership, and patriarchal values. This card is about taking control of a situation, and abiding by


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