More Amazing Every Day More Amazing Every Day Pevensey & Westham Church of England Primary School Pupil’s Welcome Book

Pevensey & Westham Church of England Primary School · Pevensey & Westham Church of England Primary School ... learning knights, ... The Emerald City Mr Snow Reception

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More Amazing Every Day More Amazing Every Day

Pevensey & Westham

Church of England

Primary School

Pupil’s Welcome Book

Pevensey & Westham Church of England School

At Pevensey & Westham School we have student journalists and they have created this welcome book for you. Welcome to our school, we are called PaWS for short.


All the teachers at PaWS are really kind, and if you have a problem with your friends then they are always there to help.

The teachers at PaWS love to help out at different lessons which makes them really enjoyable.

Mr Thomas Headteacher

Mrs Campbell Deputy Head

Miss Beal Senco

Mrs Chapman Music Teacher

Mrs Corke Teacher of RE Outdoor Learning

Mrs Ferguson Outdoor Learning Teacher

Mrs Kerr Year 6 Chocolate Factory

Miss Skillen Year 6 Kenzuke’s Kingdom

Mr Cronin Year 5 Hogwarts

Mr Daines Year 5 Narnia

Mr Macdonald Year 4 The Black Pearl

Miss Greenough Year 4 Middle Earth

Houses & Class Dojo

We have 4 houses Normans (Red) Romans (Blue) Saxons (Green) Vikings (Yellow). You can get house points for working hard, they go on the Dojo. The teacher puts photos on the Dojo and then your parents can see what you are doing at school.

Pupil Leadership

Here at PaWS we give roles to students, there are lots of roles, we have:

Journalists, peer mediators, play leaders, reading mentors, charity leaders, learning knights, sports leaders and there are even more! We hope you get involved.


At PaWS we have a Breakfast Club and After School Club, and many more clubs like karate and football with Mr Carter and Mr Macdonald and there’s basketball with Mr Peters and dodge-ball, some clubs are at lunchtime and some are after school.

Star Lunch

To earn a ticket you need to be helpful at lunchtime and maybe help someone in the playground. Every Wednesday our teach-er picks a golden ticket out of a golden box, if your name is called out your get to sit with Mr Thomas at lunch.

Miss Nawrat Year 3 Neverland

Mrs Laker & Mrs Delaney Year 3 100 Acre Wood

Miss Nanuck Year 2 Wonderland

Mr Carter Year 2 Fantasia

Mrs Blackmore Year 1 Paddington

Mrs Maloy Year 1 The Emerald City

Mr Snow Reception Pixies

Mrs Holmes Reception Elves

Mrs Davis Reception Teacher

Mr Peters PE Teacher

Mr Cooper PaWS Xtra HLTA

Mrs Ellis SENCo TA

Miss Standley TA

Mrs Hill Cover Teacher

Mrs Fallon TA

Mr Parris TA

Miss Westcott TA

Mrs Wyman TA

Miss R Brett TA

Miss K Brett TA

Mrs Wooley TA

Ms Bacon TA

Mrs Penrose TA

Mrs Davenport TA

Mrs Blakeman TA

Miss Emmeney TA

Miss Vincent TA

Mrs Glenister TA

Miss Stace TA

To see the rest of the staff who work at our school have a look

on our website, www.pevenseyschool.org.uk

PE and Sport

PaWS is very competitive when it comes to sport. In PE this term we are doing striking and fielding. We have been doing hockey and gymnastics as well. Mr Peters, our PE teacher will always make sure that everyone knows what they are doing.


We have been to Drusillas to see the lovely animals like mon-keys, meerkats and lots more animals. We have also been to see the Smugglers Cave to learn about jewels and figures from the 1700s. We go on many more trips.

Learning Knights

At Pevensey and Westham we have four Learning Knights and they are all about helping us build learning powers. They are called Rita Resourceful for using resources around the classroom,

Ralph Reflective for reading back your work and making my improvements,

Rhianna Relationships for showing relationships to people around you,

and last but not least Rodney Resilience for showing resilience and not giving up on your learning.

Oasis and Eden Room

The Oasis and Eden Room is where people who are upset, or need help can go and get help. They help with your problems, and give support, nurture and wellbeing. They help people who need support pastorally, and help them with their behaviour.


In PaWS we have different class names they are all places in books. In our school we have 7 years

Year 1: Emerald City and Paddington

Year 2: Wonderland and Fantasia

Year 3: 100 Acre Wood and Neverland

Year 4: The Black Pearl and Middle Earth

Year 5: Hogwarts and Narnia

Year 6: Chocolate Factory and Kenzuke’s Kingdom

If you have just finished nursery or playgroup you will be in Reception, The Enchanted Forest, and will be in Elves or Pixies.


At school you will have 5 or 6 lessons depending on how long the lessons are e.g:

Literacy (writing/English)

Numeracy (maths)






PE (Physical Education)

Cooking (Cookies, cake, cupcake and muffins)

Outdoor learning, forest school


Every term you will have a topic., where you will learn will about a specific thing e.g. The Battle of Hastings, Titanic, Egypt, riv-ers, food, the body, dinosaurs, mini beasts, the ice kingdom, pirates, electronics, and so on. There are lots of topics, my favourite was towers, knights and turrets.


Sometimes, if you are lucky you will make something as part of a project linked with your topic i.e. our topic was Egypt and we got to make a Pharaoh’s Mask.

Fabulous Finishes

At the end of your topic you might do some kind of performance to your parents or another year group or class.